Performance Analysis Framework Codeigniter and Cakephp in Website Creation

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 94 No.20, May 2014

Performance Analysis Framework Codeigniter and

CakePHP in Website Creation

Albert Kurnia Himawan


Information System Department

Gunadarma University

Information System Department

Gunadarma University

Information System Department

Gunadarma University

IThe era of rapidly evolving technologies currently provide a
positive influence on the development of web technology .
One such technology is the development of the framework.
Framework is a framework that allows developers to build an
application . There are two types of frameworks , one of
which is a web application framework. In this framework
there is one type of framework that is widely used by web
developers , which is a PHP framework that until now has
been growing more than fifteen types to follow the progress of
existing technology . With the development of web
technology , in addition to facilitate can also cause problems
both for the beginners in the world of PHP programming or
PHP programmers to choose a framework which is more
convenient and effective to use. Therefore , in this study will
be a comparison between the two types , namely PHP
framework CakePHP framework CodeIgniter framework that
is implemented with the creation of websites to display data
from a database , so that the two kinds of PHP frameworks
can be known benefits and drawbacks to the analysis based on
six factors namely in terms of performance , architecture ,
features - features that are available , the application of Ajax ,
ORM implementation , and capacity of each library - each

General Terms
Web programming

comparative analysis, cakephp, codeIgniter, framework.

Developments in the field of IT projects currently progressing
very rapidly.. This is evidenced by one of the online
marketplace site, [1], that the IT projects
which have been published in 2012 on the site has reached
about four million more. From the number of IT projects
shows that the IT project has developed very rapidly . The
execution of an IT project will be managed into a project that
provides a system solution that is aligned with the objectives
that have been established and sufficient to provide the
maximum benefit for the company, if the project has a good
management. IT project management itself control the three
main components, namely time, cost, and functionality . Of
the three it can be concluded that how to save time and cost to
produce satisfactory results. Therefore, the framework is used
to save time in the IT project expands.
Framework is a framework to assist in developing an IT
project to deal with issues such as connecting to a database
programming and call variables and files . In 2013 , the
number of frameworks already consists of more than fifteen

types [2]. Among the most frequently used by developers is

CodeIgniter and Cake PHP. Seen from companies - big
companies like Mozilla add-on as well as the compass that
uses both the framework . But to find out which one is better
to use in terms of performance, the architecture, the
application of the framework to ajax features - supporting
features are given respectively - each framework then it
should do a comparison. Comparative analysis was conducted
on a website that displays employee database table using
CakePHP framework as well as websites that display movie
data using CodeIgniter framework.

Problem Formulation
How the results of the comparison between the two
frameworks are CakePHP with CodeIgniter views from the 6
factors in terms of performance, architecture, features features that are given, the application of Ajax, ORM
implementation, and capacity of each library each framework?

In this paper a comparison will be made only to the two PHP
frameworks are Cake PHP and CodeIgniter.

This research aims to:
Obtain the differences and advantages of CodeIgniter
and CakePHP
Helping novice in the world of PHP programming or
PHP programmers who want to have a practical overview
of the comparison between CodeIgniter and Cake PHP

According to the English dictionary - Indonesia [3] which was
developed by John M. Echols and Hassan Sadily framework
means the framework . Framework called for the work to be
performed must follow and not run away from the frame .
Framework is a set of libraries that are organized in an
architectural design to deliver the speed , accuracy ,
convenience and consistency in the development of such
applications , the framework contains the following elements :
File library (library )
Methodology . [ LIB10 ].
If this framework is associated with the word PHP , it can be
interpreted as a patterned framework that enables easy web
development using PHP language.
Pattern - a common pattern needed to build a web application
has been provided by the PHP framework and packed into a

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 94 No.20, May 2014
pattern - a specific pattern called the class . Therefore, by
using the PHP framework , just need to add the code - the
code logic that will be processed according to the rules of the
framework being used.
Some of the advantages of the use of the framework are as
follows [ 4 ] :
The structure of the application neat and orderly fashion ,
usually using MVC structure that performs the separation
between business logic with presentation.
Save time and money , because they build the application
does not start from scratch but only to use a variety of features
that exist .
Possible applications will be more secure and reusable ,
because the framework is built on the experience of building
applications .

CodeIgniter is a web application framework that is open
source used to build dynamic PHP applications . The main
purpose is to assist the development of CodeIgniter
developers to work on apps faster than writing all the code
from scratch . CodeIgniter introduced on February 28, 2006 [
7 ].
1) It has the characteristics of flexible and lightweight for ease
in learning, modifying, and integrating Library and Helper.
2) Using the MVC pattern so that the structure of the
generated code is more structured and have clear standards.
3) produced very friendly URLs. In Code Igniter minimized
The workings of CodeIgniter is as shown in Figure 1.

Capable of handling a lot of things with ease, such as

templating, database, validation, cache management, and
However there are some drawbacks when using the
framework are:
The programmer will probably find the limitations when
designing an application using the framework

Possible development will add to the cost if the framework

is used less documented and less supported.

Framework Cake PHP

CakePHP is a PHP -based framework that can be used to
make large-scale applications. This framework is able to
simplify the creation of applications CRUD ( Create, Read,
Update, Delete) with character development RAD (Rapid
Application Development ).
This framework has several characteristics , such as [5] :

Using the Model View Controller architecture , with

support for object -oriented programming

Compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5

Ability CRUD is supported by the interaction of queries

against databases and use tables and associations easily

Support the use of Ajax , Javascript , HTML Forms , and so

on , by using view Helpers
Making a fast and flexible templates

Has the handling of Security, Session, and Request


The structure of the work described in accordance with the

CakePHP MVC architecture in general where the request of
the user described as a task of the controller , which has a lot
of method to the request . The controller will take the data in
the database through the model . Each model describes each
table who is with other relations between tables , and data
validation mechanisms that exist in the table . While the View
is used to display the data processed by the Controller to the
appropriate users layouts that exist in the template page [ 6 ]
Application of Ajax in CakePHP Helpers done with the help
of Ajax and Javascript. CakePHP also requires additional
libraries from prototype and which contains
functionality - Ajax core functions and effects for dynamic
web . Ajax Helpers contains methods that implement the use
of the library.

Figure 1. Structural Work CodeEigniter

Structure of CodeIgniter work starts from a browser which

will interact via the controller . Then the controller will
receive and reply to all requests from the browser . For data ,
the controller will ask for the model and for the UI / template
controller will ask to view . When a browser requests a web
page then the router will find the controller which should
handle the request . later the controller will use to access the
data and the model view to display the data.
MVC is used to separate the data access and business logic
from the data presentation and user interaction . Separation
was done so that any changes in the presentation logic or
business logic does not give effect to each other are complex .
MVC separation solution is expected to improve the
flexibility and reusability of the application .
The MVC architecture separates applications into three parts ,
namely Model , View and Controller as shown in Figure 2 .

Figure 2. Architectural Model View Controller (MVC)

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 94 No.20, May 2014
a) Model: A representation of a database, including the design
table to the relationships that exist between tables. The main
function of the model is to handle the data,, retrieve data from
the database, insert data into the database, data manipulation
through data validation.
b ) View: View to render the given data model and will
transmit motion/activity from the u consistency of data
display to the changes that occur. By grouping all the display
and presentation code in one place, will make it easy to
change the look without affecting the business logic and data .
c ) Controller : The controller defines the behavior that occurs
in the application, and then mapping them into action from the
user to the model. The controller will be very closely related
to the View, because each user interaction to be performed
will be shown by the View to a response by the Controller. In
the controller there will be those methods that will respond to
the behavior of the application .

A. Architecture CakePHP
Below is a look at the website using CakePHP framework to
display employee data.

Figure 5. Scripts In Movie.php

The next step to create a file tambah.php add new button to
add the latest movie data. The following script contained in

Figure 3. Pageviews Website Using CakePHP Framework

The script below shows that the var $ name = 'Employee' will
take a library of AppModel

Figure 6. Scripts plus php

Figure 4. Scripts Models on AppModel.php

B. Architecture CodeIgniter
Making the main page on the website of the film with
CodeIgniter framework is to create a view first. Then save it
as movie.php. Enter into folders movie.php ujianweb / CI /
application / views / movie. Here is a script that is contained
in movie.php:

Performance Aspect
At this writing, to conduct performance testing of the
performance of the local web server (localhost) that has been
made is to use Apache Benchmark Software. The first request
testing (Stress Testing Request) to the web using CodeIgniter
framework by 1 users to localhost for 10 seconds.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 94 No.20, May 2014

Figure 8. Testing Results Request To The Web Using

CodeIgniter Framework
In figure 8 performed Connection Keep Alive representing 1
user (-KC1) for 10 seconds (-t10). In 10 seconds can handle
303 requests (request) with an average rate of requests
(Request per second) is 30.23 seconds and the rate of transfer
(Transfer Rate) 63.37 Mb / s.
Furthermore, the way the same test was also done on the web
using CakePHP framework

Figure 10. Results connected by 1 User Testing Against

Web Using CodeIgniter Framework.
In figure 10 can be explained that the test for 3 seconds can
handle 100 requests (Request) which represents one user at an
average rate of requests (Request per second) is 33.22 seconds
and the rate of transfer (Transfer Rate) 69.65 Kb / 's.
The same was done on the web using Cake PHP framework.

Figure 9. Testing Results Request To The Web Using

CakePHP Framework
However, on the web using CakePHP framework (figure 9),
in 14.528 seconds can only handle one request (request) with
an average rate of requests (Request per second) is 0.07
seconds and the rate of transfer (Transfer Rate) 0, 25 Kb / s.
Further testing using one user who made 100 connections (KC1-N100) to the web using CodeIgniter framework.
Final testing is done in the same way, but by changing the
total user time and time be-kc50-T120 (2 minutes).

Figure 11. Results connected by 1 User Testing Against

Web Using CakePHP Framework
Can be seen in figure 11 that the web using CakePHP
framework has a longer processing time than the web using
CodeIgniter framework, ie for 14 seconds. Do as many as 100
but the request failed (Failed Request) by 99 request. This
means that within 14 seconds, CakePHP framework can only
handle one request at an average rate of requests (Request per
second) is 7.11 seconds and the rate of transfer (Transfer
Rate) 26.29 Mb / s.
Final testing is done in the same way, but by changing the
total user time and time be-kc50-T120 (2 minutes).

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 94 No.20, May 2014

Figure 15. Features - features of CodeIgniter and

CakePHP Framework

Figure 12. Testing Results Request by 50 Users Against

Web Using CodeIgniter Framework
From Figure 12 can be explained that the test time for 120
seconds to handle 13 966 requests (request) that represent 50
users with an average rate of requests (Request per second)
was 116.38 seconds and the rate of transfer (Transfer Rate)
243.96Kb/s. Furthermore, do the same thing to the web using
the CakePHP framework.

Figure 13. Testing Results Request by 50 Users Against Web

Using CakePHP Framework
As shown in Figure 13, the web using CakePHP framework is
only able to handle a total of 357 requests (request) within
120 seconds. However, in this test does not show the status of
the Apache benchmark such as the testing that has been done


a) MVC: Indicates whether the framework is equipped with
b) Multiple DB's: Indicates whether the framework supports
multiple databases without the need to change anything.
c) ORM: Indicates whether the framework supports an objectroadmapper, which is usually an implementation of
d) DB Objects: Indicates whether the framework includes
other database objects, such as TableGateWay.
e) Templates: Indicates whether the framework has a built-in
template engine.
f) Caching: Indicates whether the object caching framework
covers or other means for caching way.
g) Validation: Indicates whether the framework has a built-in
validation or filter components.
h) Ajax: Indicates whether the framework is equipped with
built-in support for Ajax.
E. ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
CodeIgniter does not support ORM (Object Relational
Mapping) so that CodeIgniter does not support the
implementation of the active record. While CakePHP ORM
support of this work so that developers do not need to be
mapped or her into a class mapping table, and the fields of the
table becomes the property of the respective class. So when
writing a program, no need to spend time writing queries, but
simply call the class method as well as the usual coding. This
feature is a huge time saver in creating web applications.
F. Size Library Framework
The size of the library on the second framework is only
limited framework of 2MB

In terms of features, Cake PHP provide more features than
CodeIgniter. However, after a comparative analysis of both
the framework in the creation of websites, I prefer to use
CodeIgniter because lighter and easier to learn, modify, and
integrate Library and Helper. However, it all comes back to
the user any PHP framework,, what kind suitable for use in
the development of each of them based on the results of the
analysis that has been done.

Our thanks to Gunadarma University who sponsored this

[1] (, Accessed on November 19,th, 2013).


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 94 No.20, May 2014
[2] (,
November 2013)




[3] S. Safarudin, Eksplorasi Yii Framework Sebagai

Pendukung Pembuatan Software Berbasis Web (Studi
Kasus Aplikasi Forum), 2012.

[6] F.Martin, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard

Object Modeling, Third Edition, USA, . Addison
[7] D. Ibnu, Ebook Framework Codeigniter: Sebuah
Panduan dan Best Practice, 2011.

[4] M. Michael, Choosing an Ajax Framework,[online],

[8] G. Rajendra, Performance Testing for Ajax-based

Applications[online], (, 2007.

[5] P. Candra Adi, Ebook PHP vs CodeIgniter vs Yii

Framework,[online], (

[9] (,diakses tanggal 23 November 2013).



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