EX. Come early that you may get a front row seat.
Here early is used to showtime; therefore it is an adverb.
EX. Dad sent you some of our early corn.
Here early describes corn; therefore it is an adjective.
Sometimes it is difficult to decide, even by the use, if you should use an
adjective or adverb. This is true when the word follows such a verb as taste,
smell, look, seem, sound, feel.
Adjectives ending in ly
After look, sound, taste, smell, feel, and similar verbs, an adjective is often
used to describe the subject.
Right: These flowers look beauliful. [Not "look beautifully".]
Right: My wife's perfume smells exquisite. [Not "smells exquisitely".]
Right: How good the chimes sound on the porch! [Not "sound well" .]
Right: I feel well. ["Well" is an adjective in this use.]
Right: It feels good to get back to my job.
Right: We stand firm in our conviction.
As a general rule, use the adjective whenever some form of the verb to beor to
seem may be substituted; if you cannot substitute a word, then use the
In "We stand firm in our conviction," you can substitute the verb "are" for
"stand" with little change in the meaning.
But in "We stand firmly by our decision," you cannot substitute the verb "are"
for "stand" without changing the meaning of the sentence.
A similar example is: "He looks angry" with "He looks angrily at me."
EX. The giant elm tree casted its shadows over the stream.
A definitive adjective points out or tells how much or how many (i.e.these,
two, the, a, that, many).
EX. This book contains one hundred pages.
This points out the particular book in mind. One hundred tells how
Limiting Adjectives
Proper Adjectives
Either or neither properly refers to one of two. Any one refers to one of
First and last
When you use adjectives that express number, use the
words first andlast before the adjective.
EX. the first two sentences
EX. the last ten pages
Misc. Rules
NOTE When two or more adjectives modify the same noun, the article is
used before the first adjective only.
EX. A black and white dog. (One dog.)
NOTE When two or more adjectives modify different nouns, one of which is
expressed and the rest understood, the article is used before each adjective:
EX.The black and the white care are mine. (Cat is understood after black.)
EX.The white and the red house belong to Mr. Henry.
EX.The Republican and the Democratic party seem to agree on the new law.
EX. Lisa bought a silk and a cotton towl. (Two towls.)
EX. Lori bought a silk and a cotton towl. (One towl.)
EX. Brian drew a map of the Northern and the Southern streets.
Inflections of Adjectives
Positive, Comparative, and Superlative
(Don't let the word "inflection" throw you off; it simply means a change in the
form of a word (usually by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its
grammatical function.)
Adjectives undergo a certain change of form to express comparison. In some
languages, adjectives have different forms to specify number, gender, and
case. English adjectives have no such inflections, but most of them do
have three forms to indicate the three degrees:Positive, Comparative,
and Superlative.
For instance, if you spoke about two baseball bats of unequal lengths, you
might say, "This bat is shorter than that bat;" or, "That bat is longer than this
bat." But if you had three different baseball bats, each of unequal lengths, you
might say, "This bat is the shortest;" or, "That bat is thelongest."
You can compare adjectives in three quick steps.
Step 1: You can say, "This bat is short," meaning that, compared to baseball
bats in general, this bat is short.
Step 2: You can say about two unequally long baseball bats, "This bat is
shorter than that."
Step 3: You can say about three or more unequally long baseball bats, "This
bat is the shortest."
These three steps are called the degrees of comparison. Each degree has a
name. Short is the positive degree of the adjective; shorter is
thecomparative degree; shortest is the superlative degree.
When to use the positive degree:
When the adjective names some quality possessed by the noun, and does not
denote the degree, the adjective is in the positive degree:
nearest, next
bad, ill
good, well
You will discover that you cannot logically compare some adjectives,
likesquare, round, perfect, straight, complete, white, and black. If a thing is
round, another thing cannot be rounder. If something is perfect, something
else cannot be "most perfect." In actual practice we do compare these words.
When we say, "This line is straighter than that; and the last one
is straightest of all, we mean that the second line almost approaches absolute
straightness, and the third line nearly approaches it.
When you compare an object within its class, use the superlative degree. Do
not use such words as other, before, etc.. "Texas is the largest state,"is
correct. To say, "Texas is the largest of all other states" is incorrect. Texas
is not one of the other states.
When you compare an object with the rest of its class, use the comparative
degree. Use such words as other, before etc. "Texas is larger than any other
state in the U.S.," is correct. To say, " Texas is larger than any state in the
U.S.," is incorrect because you would imply that Texas is larger than itself,
or that Texas is not part of the U.S.
A few of these words you do not compare in actual speaking. We do not
say most vertical, more equal, more infinite, more daily, and so on.