Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles For Medical Imaging Applications
Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles For Medical Imaging Applications
Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles For Medical Imaging Applications
1. Introduction
The development of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with
advanced features has been a major focus of research in nanomedicine.1,2 The unique magnetic properties of MNPs enable
their detectability by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).3,4 MRI
can provide both morphological and anatomical information
with high spatial resolution and virtually no limit on penetration
depth,5,6 and its detectability can be significantly expanded by
using molecular imaging contrast agents such as MNPs.7 The
large surface-to-volume ratio of MNPs provides abundant
chemically active sites for biomolecule conjugation,8 allowing
delicate design and engineering of these MNPs for intended
functions such as long-circulating in the bloodstream,2,9 targetDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195, USA. E-mail:
This paper is part of a J. Mater. Chem. theme issue on inorganic
nanoparticles for biological sensing, imaging, and therapeutics. Guest
editor: Jinwoo Cheon.
specificity to lesion tissue,911 optical detectability,12 and therapeutic delivery.10,1315 Combining the merits of these advanced
medical imaging modalities with the breakthrough of molecular
and cell biology, molecular imaging can visualize, characterize
and quantify biological processes at a cellular and molecular
level in a non-invasive manner,16 enabling timely and accurate
diagnosis and individualized treatment of devastating diseases,
such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.17,18 The operation of
MRI is based on the mechanism of nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) and the relaxation of hydrogen proton spins in an
applied magnetic field.5 Two independent processes, longitudinal
relaxation (T1recovery) and transverse relaxation (T2decay),
can be acquired to generate an MR image. The contrast in MR
images, which refers to the signal differences between adjacent
regions, arises from variations in relaxation time among protons
associated with the local environment in the tissue. The clinical
application of MRI is often hampered by the low contrast
between lesions and surrounding healthy tissue in acquired
images. MRI contrast agents, with high magnetic moments,
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Fig. 1 Graphic illustration of the structure of a multifunctional/multimodality MNP and different types of magnetic cores. (A) The structure
of a multifunctional/multimodality MNP, with a magnetic core, a polymeric coating, and targeting ligands extended from the surface of MNP
with the aid of polymeric spacers. Therapeutic payloads (drugs and
genes) and imaging reporters (fluorophores and radionuclides) can be
either embedded in the coating, or conjugated on the surface. (B)
Schematic representation of different types of magnetic cores: Spherical
nanocrystal, core-shell nanocrystal, heterodimer nanocrystal non-crystalline nanoparticle.
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family, and have spinel structures, where the oxygen atoms form
fcc lattices and iron atoms occupy tetrahedral (Td) and octahedral (Oh) interstitial sites.40 Particularly, magnetite has an inverse
spinel structure, where the Fe2+ ions occupy Td sites and the Fe3+
ions occupy both Oh and Td sites. The spins of those ions in the
Td sites and Oh sites align antiparallel under an external magnetic
field, yielding a large total net magnetization and a ferrimagnetic
spin structure.11 Owing to their large surface-to-volume ratio,
SPIONs exhibit superparamagnetism at room temperature. The
major advantage regarding clinical applications is that iron
oxides are biocompatible and biodegradable, and have a good
chemical stability against solvent leaching. There are a number of
clinically approved SPIONs that serve as T2 contrast agents for
various MRI applications.41,42
Other types of ferrites, in which Fe2+ ions are fully or partially
replaced by other transitional metals (e.g. Mn, Co, Ni and Zn),
were also studied.11,4345 Lee et al. reported characterization and
in vivo evaluation of a series of ferrite nanocrystals (MFe2O4,
M Mn, Fe, Co, Ni).11 Among those ferrite nanocrystals,
manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4) nanocrystals demonstrated the
largest magnetization and T2 contrast enhancement. Recently,
arcena et al. reported the successful synthesis of zinc ferrite
nanocrystals with a mixed spinel structure.45 Those zinc ferrite
nanocrystals demonstrated better T2 contrast enhancement than
comparable magnetite nanocrystals.
In addition to the ferrites family, other transitional metal
compounds have also been evaluated as potential MRI contrast
agents. Nanocrystals of those compounds display various
magnetic properties, such as paramagnetism and antiferromagnetism, and some of them could serve as T1 contrast agents. Rare
earth elements, represented by gadolinium, have generated great
research interest because they have very high magnetic moments
and interesting optical properties for integration of other imaging
modalities.46 Synthesis of size- and shape-controlled rare earth
oxide nanocrystals has also been demonstrated.4749 Recently,
contrast agents based on rare earth fluoride50 and phosphate36
have also been synthesized. Despite the fact that some of those
nanocrystals show promising T1 contrast enhancement, few in
vivo applications have been reported. Bridot et al. reported the
synthesis and in vivo applications of a multimodal contrast agents
based on gadolinium(III) oxide (Gd2O3) nanocrystals.35 The
nanocrystals were synthesized by a nonaqueous co-precipitation
method, and coated with a polysiloxane shell. In addition to rare
earth elements, manganese-based compounds have also been
investigated. Na et al. synthesized manganese(II) oxide (MnO)
nanocrystals of different sizes,29 for tumor detection and cell
tracking.29,51 Future clinical applications of those MNPs require
rigorous surface engineering and careful toxicity evaluation.
Metal nanocrystals, including metal alloy nanocrystals, are
promising candidates for high performance contrast agents.
Since the net magnetization of metals is generally much higher
than those of metal oxides, the clinical dosages of metal-based
MNPs required for sufficient contrast enhancement would be
much lower than those of metal oxides-based MNPs. However,
the chemical instability exhibited by most metal nanocrystals is
the major hurdle limiting their application in medical imaging.
Metal nanocrystals are readily oxidized upon exposure to oxygen
or moisture, and transformed to metal oxides or hydroxides with
inferior magnetic properties,52 compromising their contrast
6260 | J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 62586266
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Fig. 3 (af) PET/MR images of SLNs in a rat at 1 h post injection of 124ISA-MnMEIO into the right forepaw (I nanoprobe injection site).
Coronal (a) MR and (b) PET images in which a brachial LN (white circle)
is detected. (c) The position of the brachial LN is well matched in a PET/
MR fusion image. Four small pipette tips containing Na124I solution are
used as a fiducial marker (white arrowheads) for the concordant alignment in PET/MR images. In the transverse images, axillary (red circle)
and brachial LNs (white circle) are detected in the (d) MR and (e) PET
images, and images of each node are nicely overlapped in the corresponding PET/MR fusion image (f). (g) The explanted brachial LN also
shows consistent results with in vivo images by PET and MR. Only the
LN from the right-hand side of the rat containing 124I-SA-MnMEIO
shows strong PET and dark MR images. The schematics of the rat in the
(h) coronal and (i) transverse directions show the locations of the LNs.
Reproduced with permission from John Wiley & Sons Ltd.126
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attaching 124I, a radionuclide, to the coatings of MnFe2O4based MNPs.126 Colocalized PET/MRI fusion images can be
generated as a result of the highly complementary nature of
those two modalities (Fig. 3). Other examples of dual-modality
MNP systems include optical reflection/MRI104 and X-ray/
The application of MNP systems can be further expanded
beyond medical imaging by incorporating multifunctionality. By
exploiting the large surface-to-volume ratio of MNP, a large
quantity of functional molecules can be immobilized into or
around the coatings of MNPs. A common example is that MNPs
can serve as vehicles for delivering therapeutic payloads, such as
conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, therapeutic peptides,
proteins and genes.10,13,15,96 For example, by conjugating chlorotoxin (CTX), a peptide that binds specifically to brain cancer
cells, and methotrexate (MTX), a chemotherapeutic drug to
PEG-coated SPIONs, Sun et al. developed an imaging/drug
delivery multifunctional system that demonstrated promising
results in vivo (Fig. 4).10 Engineering considerations of such
MNP-based nanocarriers include: adequate protection of therapeutic payloads during circulation, target-specific biodistribution, sufficient cellular internalization, controlled
payload-releasing profile, and organelle-specific delivery.128
Successful MNP-based nanocarriers can provide imaging tools
for real-time monitoring of the delivery of the therapeutic
Finally, MNP systems must minimize toxicity to assure that
they do not harm prospective patients. Attention should be
paid on the toxicity of each individual components and MNPs
as a whole system, as well as the toxicity of the byproducts
during the degradation process.129,130 The biodistribution of
MNPs is another critical aspect on the safety of MNPs applications since unfavorable biodistribution may lead to strong
side effects.130 Although there is no universal set of criteria,
standardizing preclinical characterization of nanoparticles can
help better elucidate their structureactivity relationships
The work was supported in part by grants (R01CA119408,
R01EB006043, and R01CA134213) from the U.S. National
Institute of Health.
Fig. 4 Axial cross sections displaying 9L tumors of mice before injection
of nanoparticle conjugates and 1 and 3 days post-injection. T2 map
overlays of the tumor region show decreased T2 for both NP-MTX and
NP-MTX-CTX nanoprobe conjugates 1 day after administration.
However, the reduction is more significant and uniform in tumor of
mouse receiving NP-MTX-CTX. A total of 3 days post-injection,
the tumor T2 values of the mouse receiving NP-MTX-CTX remained
at the decreased level, while those of mouse receiving NP-MTX returned
to the post-injection level suggesting clearance of NP-MTX from tumor
tissue. Reproduced with permission from Future Medicine Ltd.10
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