Agustin Vs Edu (1979)
Agustin Vs Edu (1979)
Agustin Vs Edu (1979)
G.R. No. L-49112 February 2, 1979
LEOVILLO C. AGUSTIN, petitioner,
HON. ROMEO F. EDU, in his capacity as Land Transportation Commissioner; HON. JUAN PONCE ENRILE, in his capacity as
Minister of National Defense; HON. ALFREDO L. JUINIO, in his capacity as Minister Of Public Works, Transportation and
Communications; and HON: BALTAZAR AQUINO, in his capacity as Minister of Public Highways, respondents.
Leovillo C. Agustin Law Office for petitioner.
Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, Assistant Solicitor General Ruben E. Agpalo and Solicitor Amado D. Aquino for respondents.
The validity of a letter of Instruction 1 providing for an early seaming device for motor vehicles is assailed in this prohibition proceeding
as being violative of the constitutional guarantee of due process and, insofar as the rules and regulations for its implementation are
concerned, for transgressing the fundamental principle of non- delegation of legislative power. The Letter of Instruction is stigmatized by
petitioner who is possessed of the requisite standing, as being arbitrary and oppressive. A temporary restraining order as issued and
respondents Romeo F. Edu, Land Transportation Commissioner Juan Ponce Enrile, Minister of National Defense; Alfredo L. Juinio,
Minister of Public Works, Transportation and Communications; and Baltazar Aquino, Minister of Public Highways; were to answer. That
they did in a pleading submitted by Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza. 2 Impressed with a highly persuasive quality, it makes devoid
clear that the imputation of a constitutional infirmity is devoid of justification The Letter of Instruction on is a valid police power measure.
Nor could the implementing rules and regulations issued by respondent Edu be considered as amounting to an exercise of legislative
power. Accordingly, the petition must be dismissed.
The facts are undisputed. The assailed Letter of Instruction No. 229 of President Marcos, issued on December 2, 1974, reads in full:
"[Whereas], statistics show that one of the major causes of fatal or serious accidents in land transportation is the presence of disabled,
stalled or parked motor vehicles along streets or highways without any appropriate early warning device to signal approaching motorists
of their presence; [Whereas], the hazards posed by such obstructions to traffic have been recognized by international bodies concerned
with traffic safety, the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals and the United Nations Organization (U.N.); [Whereas], the
said Vienna Convention which was ratified by the Philippine Government under P.D. No. 207, recommended the enactment of local
legislation for the installation of road safety signs and devices; [Now, therefore, I, Ferdinand E. Marcos], President of the Philippines, in
the interest of safety on all streets and highways, including expressways or limited access roads, do hereby direct: 1. That all owners,
users or drivers of motor vehicles shall have at all times in their motor vehicles at least one (1) pair of early warning device consisting of
triangular, collapsible reflectorized plates in red and yellow colors at least 15 cms. at the base and 40 cms. at the sides. 2. Whenever
any motor vehicle is stalled or disabled or is parked for thirty (30) minutes or more on any street or highway, including expressways or
limited access roads, the owner, user or driver thereof shall cause the warning device mentioned herein to be installed at least four
meters away to the front and rear of the motor vehicle staged, disabled or parked. 3. The Land Transportation Commissioner shall
cause Reflectorized Triangular Early Warning Devices, as herein described, to be prepared and issued to registered owners of motor
vehicles, except motorcycles and trailers, charging for each piece not more than 15 % of the acquisition cost. He shall also promulgate
such rules and regulations as are appropriate to effectively implement this order. 4. All hereby concerned shall closely coordinate and
take such measures as are necessary or appropriate to carry into effect then instruction. 3 Thereafter, on November 15, 1976, it was
amended by Letter of Instruction No. 479 in this wise. "Paragraph 3 of Letter of Instruction No. 229 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 3. The Land transportation Commissioner shall require every motor vehicle owner to procure from any and present at the
registration of his vehicle, one pair of a reflectorized early warning device, as d bed of any brand or make chosen by mid motor vehicle .
The Land Transportation Commissioner shall also promulgate such rule and regulations as are appropriate to effectively implement this
order.'" 4 There was issued accordingly, by respondent Edu, the implementing rules and regulations on December 10, 1976. 5 They were
not enforced as President Marcos on January 25, 1977, ordered a six-month period of suspension insofar as the installation of early
warning device as a pre-registration requirement for motor vehicle was concerned. 6 Then on June 30, 1978, another Letter of
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Instruction 7 the lifting of such suspension and directed the immediate implementation of Letter of Instruction No. 229 as amended. 8 It
was not until August 29, 1978 that respondent Edu issued Memorandum Circular No. 32, worded thus: "In pursuance of Letter of
Instruction No. 716, dated June 30, 1978, the implementation of Letter of Instruction No. 229, as amended by Letter of Instructions No.
479, requiring the use of Early Warning Devices (EWD) on motor vehicle, the following rules and regulations are hereby issued: 1. LTC
Administrative Order No. 1, dated December 10, 1976; shall now be implemented provided that the device may come from whatever
source and that it shall have substantially complied with the EWD specifications contained in Section 2 of said administrative order; 2.
In order to insure that every motor vehicle , except motorcycles, is equipped with the device, a pair of serially numbered stickers, to be
issued free of charge by this Commission, shall be attached to each EWD. The EWD. serial number shall be indicated on the
registration certificate and official receipt of payment of current registration fees of the motor vehicle concerned. All Orders, Circulars,
and Memoranda in conflict herewith are hereby superseded, This Order shall take effect immediately. 9 It was for immediate
implementation by respondent Alfredo L. Juinio, as Minister of Public Works, transportation, and Communications. 10
Petitioner, after setting forth that he "is the owner of a Volkswagen Beetle Car, Model 13035, already properly equipped when it came
out from the assembly lines with blinking lights fore and aft, which could very well serve as an early warning device in case of the
emergencies mentioned in Letter of Instructions No. 229, as amended, as well as the implementing rules and regulations in
Administrative Order No. 1 issued by the land transportation Commission," 11 alleged that said Letter of Instruction No. 229, as
amended, "clearly violates the provisions and delegation of police power, [sic] * * *: " For him they are "oppressive, unreasonable,
arbitrary, confiscatory, nay unconstitutional and contrary to the precepts of our compassionate New Society." 12 He contended that they
are "infected with arbitrariness because it is harsh, cruel and unconscionable to the motoring public;" 13 are "one-sided, onerous and
patently illegal and immoral because [they] will make manufacturers and dealers instant millionaires at the expense of car owners who
are compelled to buy a set of the so-called early warning device at the rate of P 56.00 to P72.00 per set." 14 are unlawful and
unconstitutional and contrary to the precepts of a compassionate New Society [as being] compulsory and confiscatory on the part of the
motorists who could very well provide a practical alternative road safety device, or a better substitute to the specified set of
EWD's." 15 He therefore prayed for a judgment both the assailed Letters of Instructions and Memorandum Circular void and
unconstitutional and for a restraining order in the meanwhile.
A resolution to this effect was handed down by this Court on October 19, 1978: "L-49112 (Leovillo C. Agustin v. Hon. Romeo F. Edu,
etc., et al.) Considering the allegations contained, the issues raised and the arguments adduced in the petition for prohibition with
writ of p prohibitory and/or mandatory injunction, the Court Resolved to (require) the respondents to file an answer thereto within ton
(10) days from notice and not to move to dismiss the petition. The Court further Resolved to [issue] a [temporary restraining order]
effective as of this date and continuing until otherwise ordered by this Court. 16
Two motions for extension were filed by the Office of the Solicitor General and granted. Then on November 15, 1978, he Answer for
respondents was submitted. After admitting the factual allegations and stating that they lacked knowledge or information sufficient to
form a belief as to petitioner owning a Volkswagen Beetle car," they "specifically deny the allegations and stating they lacked knowledge
or information sufficient to form a belief as to petitioner owning a Volkswagen Beetle Car, 17 they specifically deny the allegations in
paragraphs X and XI (including its subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, 4) of Petition to the effect that Letter of Instruction No. 229 as amended by
Letters of Instructions Nos. 479 and 716 as well as Land transportation Commission Administrative Order No. 1 and its Memorandum
Circular No. 32 violates the constitutional provisions on due process of law, equal protection of law and undue delegation of police
power, and that the same are likewise oppressive, arbitrary, confiscatory, one-sided, onerous, immoral unreasonable and illegal the
truth being that said allegations are without legal and factual basis and for the reasons alleged in the Special and Affirmative Defenses
of this Answer." 18 Unlike petitioner who contented himself with a rhetorical recital of his litany of grievances and merely invoked the
sacramental phrases of constitutional litigation, the Answer, in demonstrating that the assailed Letter of Instruction was a valid exercise
of the police power and implementing rules and regulations of respondent Edu not susceptible to the charge that there was unlawful
delegation of legislative power, there was in the portion captioned Special and Affirmative Defenses, a citation of what respondents
believed to be the authoritative decisions of this Tribunal calling for application. They are Calalang v. Williams, 19 Morfe v.
Mutuc, 20 and Edu v. Ericta. 21 Reference was likewise made to the 1968 Vienna Conventions of the United Nations on road traffic, road
signs, and signals, of which the Philippines was a signatory and which was duly ratified. 22 Solicitor General Mendoza took pains to
refute in detail, in language calm and dispassionate, the vigorous, at times intemperate, accusation of petitioner that the assailed Letter
of Instruction and the implementing rules and regulations cannot survive the test of rigorous scrutiny. To repeat, its highly-persuasive
quality cannot be denied.
This Court thus considered the petition submitted for decision, the issues being clearly joined. As noted at the outset, it is far from
meritorious and must be dismissed.
1. The Letter of Instruction in question was issued in the exercise of the police power. That is conceded by petitioner and is the main
reliance of respondents. It is the submission of the former, however, that while embraced in such a category, it has offended against the
due process and equal protection safeguards of the Constitution, although the latter point was mentioned only in passing. The broad
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and expansive scope of the police power which was originally Identified by Chief Justice Taney of the American Supreme Court in an
1847 decision as "nothing more or less than the powers of government inherent in every sovereignty" 23 was stressed in the
aforementioned case of Edu v. Ericta thus: "Justice Laurel, in the first leading decision after the Constitution came into force,Calalang v.
Williams, Identified police power with state authority to enact legislation that may interfere with personal liberty or property in order to
promote the general welfare. Persons and property could thus 'be subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens in order to we the
general comfort, health and prosperity of the state.' Shortly after independence in 1948, Primicias v. Fugoso reiterated the doctrine,
such a competence being referred to as 'the power to prescribe regulations to promote the health, morals, peace, education, good
order or safety, and general welfare of the people. The concept was set forth in negative terms by Justice Malcolm in a preCommonwealth decision as 'that inherent and plenary power in the State which enables it to prohibit all things hurtful to the comfort,
safety and welfare of society. In that sense it could be hardly distinguishable as noted by this Court in Morfe v. Mutuc with the totality of
legislative power. It is in the above sense the greatest and most powerful at. tribute of government. It is, to quote Justice Malcolm anew,
'the most essential, insistent, and at least table powers, I extending as Justice Holmes aptly pointed out 'to all the great public needs.'
Its scope, ever-expanding to meet the exigencies of the times, even to anticipate the future where it could be done, provides enough
room for an efficient and flexible response to conditions and circumstances thus assuring the greatest benefits. In the language of
Justice Cardozo: 'Needs that were narrow or parochial in the past may be interwoven in the present with the well-being of the nation.
What is critical or urgent changes with the time.' The police power is thus a dynamic agency, suitably vague and far from precisely
defined, rooted in the conception that men in organizing the state and imposing upon its government limitations to safeguard
constitutional rights did not intend thereby to enable an individual citizen or a group of citizens to obstruct unreasonably the enactment
of such salutary measures calculated to communal peace, safety, good order, and welfare." 24
2. It was thus a heavy burden to be shouldered by petitioner, compounded by the fact that the particular police power measure
challenged was clearly intended to promote public safety. It would be a rare occurrence indeed for this Court to invalidate a legislative
or executive act of that character. None has been called to our attention, an indication of its being non-existent. The latest decision in
point, Edu v. Ericta, sustained the validity of the Reflector Law, 25 an enactment conceived with the same end in view. Calalang v.
Williams found nothing objectionable in a statute, the purpose of which was: "To promote safe transit upon, and. avoid obstruction on
roads and streets designated as national roads * * *. 26 As a matter of fact, the first law sought to be nullified after the effectivity of the
1935 Constitution, the National Defense Act, 27 with petitioner failing in his quest, was likewise prompted by the imperative demands of
public safety.
3. The futility of petitioner's effort to nullify both the Letter of Instruction and the implementing rules and regulations becomes even more
apparent considering his failure to lay the necessary factual foundation to rebut the presumption of validity. So it was held in ErmitaMalate Hotel and Motel Operators Association, Inc. v. City Mayor of Manila. 28 The rationale was clearly set forth in an excerpt from a
decision of Justice Branders of the American Supreme Court, quoted in the opinion: "The statute here questioned deals with a subject
clearly within the scope of the police power. We are asked to declare it void on the ground that the specific method of regulation
prescribed is unreasonable and hence deprives the plaintiff of due process of law. As underlying questions of fact may condition the
constitutionality of legislation of this character, the presumption of constitutionality must prevail in the absence of some factual
foundation of record in overthrowing the statute. 29
4. Nor did the Solicitor General as he very well could, rely solely on such rebutted presumption of validity. As was pointed out in his
Answer "The President certainly had in his possession the necessary statistical information and data at the time he issued said letter of
instructions, and such factual foundation cannot be defeated by petitioner's naked assertion that early warning devices 'are not too vital
to the prevention of nighttime vehicular accidents' because allegedly only 390 or 1.5 per cent of the supposed 26,000 motor vehicle
accidents that in 1976 involved rear-end collisions (p. 12 of petition). Petitioner's statistics is not backed up by demonstrable data on
record. As aptly stated by this Honorable Court: Further: "It admits of no doubt therefore that there being a presumption of validity, the
necessity for evidence to rebut it is unavoidable, unless the statute or ordinance is void on its face, which is not the case here"' * * *. But
even as g the verity of petitioner's statistics, is that not reason enough to require the installation of early warning devices to prevent
another 390 rear-end collisions that could mean the death of 390 or more Filipinos and the deaths that could likewise result from headon or frontal collisions with stalled vehicles?" 30 It is quite manifest then that the issuance of such Letter of Instruction is encased in the
armor of prior, careful study by the Executive Department. To set it aside for alleged repugnancy to the due process clause is to give
sanction to conjectural claims that exceeded even the broadest permissible limits of a pleader's well known penchant for exaggeration.
5. The rather wild and fantastic nature of the charge of oppressiveness of this Letter of Instruction was exposed in the Answer of the
Solicitor General thus: "Such early warning device requirement is not an expensive redundancy, nor oppressive, for car owners whose
cars are already equipped with 1) blinking lights in the fore and aft of said motor vehicles,' 2) "battery-powered blinking lights inside
motor vehicles," 3) "built-in reflectorized tapes on front and rear bumpers of motor vehicles," or 4) "well-lighted two (2) petroleum lamps
(the Kinke) * * * because: Being universal among the signatory countries to the said 1968 Vienna Conventions, and visible even under
adverse conditions at a distance of at least 400 meters, any motorist from this country or from any part of the world, who sees a
reflectorized rectangular early seaming device installed on the roads, highways or expressways, will conclude, without thinking, that
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somewhere along the travelled portion of that road, highway, or expressway, there is a motor vehicle which is stationary, stalled or
disabled which obstructs or endangers passing traffic. On the other hand, a motorist who sees any of the aforementioned other built in
warning devices or the petroleum lamps will not immediately get adequate advance warning because he will still think what that blinking
light is all about. Is it an emergency vehicle? Is it a law enforcement car? Is it an ambulance? Such confusion or uncertainty in the mind
of the motorist will thus increase, rather than decrease, the danger of collision. 31
6. Nor did the other extravagant assertions of constitutional deficiency go unrefuted in the Answer of the Solicitor General "There is
nothing in the questioned Letter of Instruction No. 229, as amended, or in Administrative Order No. 1, which requires or compels motor
vehicle owners to purchase the early warning device prescribed thereby. All that is required is for motor vehicle owners concerned like
petitioner, to equip their motor vehicles with a pair of this early warning device in question, procuring or obtaining the same from
whatever source. In fact, with a little of industry and practical ingenuity, motor vehicle owners can even personally make or produce this
early warning device so long as the same substantially conforms with the specifications laid down in said letter of instruction and
administrative order. Accordingly the early warning device requirement can neither be oppressive, onerous, immoral, nor confiscatory,
much less does it make manufacturers and dealers of said devices 'instant millionaires at the expense of car owners' as petitioner so
sweepingly concludes * * *. Petitioner's fear that with the early warning device requirement 'a more subtle racket may be committed by
those called upon to enforce it * * * is an unfounded speculation. Besides, that unscrupulous officials may try to enforce said
requirement in an unreasonable manner or to an unreasonable degree, does not render the same illegal or immoral where, as in the
instant case, the challenged Letter of Instruction No. 229 and implementing order disclose none of the constitutional defects alleged
against it. 32
7 It does appear clearly that petitioner's objection to this Letter of Instruction is not premised on lack of power, the justification for a
finding of unconstitutionality, but on the pessimistic, not to say negative, view he entertains as to its wisdom. That approach, it put it at
its mildest, is distinguished, if that is the appropriate word, by its unorthodoxy. It bears repeating "that this Court, in the language of
Justice Laurel, 'does not pass upon questions of wisdom justice or expediency of legislation.' As expressed by Justice Tuason: 'It is not
the province of the courts to supervise legislation and keep it within the bounds of propriety and common sense. That is primarily and
exclusively a legislative concern.' There can be no possible objection then to the observation of Justice Montemayor. 'As long as laws
do not violate any Constitutional provision, the Courts merely interpret and apply them regardless of whether or not they are wise or
salutary. For they, according to Justice Labrador, 'are not supposed to override legitimate policy and * * * never inquire into the wisdom
of the law.' It is thus settled, to paraphrase Chief Justice Concepcion in Gonzales v. Commission on Elections, that only congressional
power or competence, not the wisdom of the action taken, may be the basis for declaring a statute invalid. This is as it ought to be. The
principle of separation of powers has in the main wisely allocated the respective authority of each department and confined its
jurisdiction to such a sphere. There would then be intrusion not allowable under the Constitution if on a matter left to the discretion of a
coordinate branch, the judiciary would substitute its own. If there be adherence to the rule of law, as there ought to be, the last offender
should be courts of justice, to which rightly litigants submit their controversy precisely to maintain unimpaired the supremacy of legal
norms and prescriptions. The attack on the validity of the challenged provision likewise insofar as there may be objections, even if valid
and cogent on is wisdom cannot be sustained. 33
8. The alleged infringement of the fundamental principle of non-delegation of legislative power is equally without any support wellsettled legal doctrines. Had petitioner taken the trouble to acquaint himself with authoritative pronouncements from this Tribunal, he
would not have the temerity to make such an assertion. An exempt from the aforecited decision of Edu v. Ericta sheds light on the
matter: "To avoid the taint of unlawful delegation, there must be a standard, which implies at the very least that the legislature itself
determines matters of principle and lays down fundamental policy. Otherwise, the charge of complete abdication may be hard to repel A
standard thus defines legislative policy, marks its maps out its boundaries and specifies the public agency to apply it. It indicates the
circumstances under which the legislative command is to be effected. It is the criterion by which legislative purpose may be carried out.
Thereafter, the executive or administrative office designated may in pursuance of the above guidelines promulgate supplemental rules
and regulations. The standard may be either express or implied. If the former, the non-delegation objection is easily met. The standard
though does not have to be spelled out specifically. It could be implied from the policy and purpose of the act considered as a whole. In
the Reflector Law clearly, the legislative objective is public safety. What is sought to be attained as in Calalang v. Williams is "safe
transit upon the roads.' This is to adhere to the recognition given expression by Justice Laurel in a decision announced not too long
after the Constitution came into force and effect that the principle of non-delegation "has been made to adapt itself to the complexities
of modern governments, giving rise to the adoption, within certain limits, of the principle of "subordinate legislation" not only in the
United States and England but in practically all modern governments.' He continued: 'Accordingly, with the growing complexity of
modern life, the multiplication of the subjects of governmental regulation, and the increased difficulty of administering the laws, there is
a constantly growing tendency toward the delegation of greater powers by the legislature and toward the approval of the practice by the
courts.' Consistency with the conceptual approach requires the reminder that what is delegated is authority non-legislative in character,
the completeness of the statute when it leaves the hands of Congress being assumed." 34
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9. The conclusion reached by this Court that this petition must be dismissed is reinforced by this consideration. The petition itself
quoted these two whereas clauses of the assailed Letter of Instruction: "[Whereas], the hazards posed by such obstructions to traffic
have been recognized by international bodies concerned with traffic safety, the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals
and the United Nations Organization (U.N.); [Whereas], the said Vionna Convention, which was ratified by the Philippine Government
under P.D. No. 207, recommended the enactment of local legislation for the installation of road safety signs and devices; * * * " 35 It
cannot be disputed then that this Declaration of Principle found in the Constitution possesses relevance: "The Philippines * * * adopts
the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land * * *." 36 The 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs
and Signals is impressed with such a character. It is not for this country to repudiate a commitment to which it had pledged its word.
The concept of Pacta sunt servanda stands in the way of such an attitude, which is, moreover, at war with the principle of international
10. That is about all that needs be said. The rather court reference to equal protection did not even elicit any attempt on the Part of
Petitioner to substantiate in a manner clear, positive, and categorical why such a casual observation should be taken seriously. In no
case is there a more appropriate occasion for insistence on what was referred to as "the general rule" in Santiago v. Far Eastern
Broadcasting Co., 37 namely, "that the constitutionality of a law wig not be considered unless the point is specially pleaded, insisted
upon, and adequately argued." 38 "Equal protection" is not a talismanic formula at the mere invocation of which a party to a lawsuit can
rightfully expect that success will crown his efforts. The law is anything but that.
WHEREFORE, this petition is dismissed. The restraining order is lifted. This decision is immediately executory. No costs.
Castro, C.J., Barredo, Antonio, Santos, Fernandez, Guerrero, Abad Santos, De Castro and Melencio-Herrera, concur.
Makasiar, J, reserves the right to file a separate opinion.
Aquino J., took no part.
Concepcion J., is on leave.
Castro, C.J., certifies that Justice Concepcion concurs in their decision.
Separate Opinions
2. The public necessity for the challenged order has yet to be shown. No valid refutation has been made of petitioner's assertion that
the "E.W.D.'s are not too vital to the prevention of nighttime vehicular accidents. Statistics shows that of the 26,000 motor vehicle
accidents that occurred in 1976, only 390 or 1.5 per cent involved rear-end collisions," as to require the purchase and installation of the
questioned E.W.D. for almost 900,000 vehicles throughout the country;
3. The big financial burden to be imposed on all motorists is staggering, and petitioner's assertion that "as of 1975, there were at least
865,037 motor vehicles all over the country requiring E.W.D.'S and at the minimum price of 1156.00 per set, this would mean a
consumer outlay of P 48,451,872.00, or close to P 50 million for the questioned E.W.D.'S "stands unchallenged;
4. No real effort has been made to show that there can be practical and less burdensome alternative road safety devices for stalled
vehicles than the prescribed E.W.D., such as the common petroleum lamps "kinke" which can be placed just as effectively in front of
stalled vehicles on the highways; and
5. There is no imperative need for imposing such a bet requirement on all vehicles. The respondents have not shown that they have
availed of the powers and prerogatives vested in their offices such as ridding the country of dilapidated trucks and vehicles which are
the main cause of the deplorable -highway accidents due to stoned vehicles, establishing an honest and foolproof system of
examination and licensing of motor vehicle drivers so as to ban the reckless and irresponsible and a sustained education campaign to
instill safe driving habits and attitudes that can be carried out for much less than the P 50 million burden that would be imposed by the
challenged order.
I do feel that a greater "degree of receptivity and sympathy" could be extended to the petitioner for his civic mindedness in having filed
the present petition g as capricious and unreasonable the "all pervading police power" of the State instead of throwing the case out of
court and leaving the wrong impression that the exercise of police power insofar as it may affect the life, liberty and property of any
person is no longer subject to judicial inquiry.
# Separate Opinions
TEEHANKEE, J., dissenting:
I dissent from the majority's peremptory dismissal of the petition and lifting of the restraining order issued on October 19, 1978 against
the blanket enforcement of the requirement that all motor vehicles be equipped with the so-called early warning device, without even
hearing the parties in oral argument as generally required by the Court in original cases of far-reaching consequence such as the case
at bar.
Lack of time presents my filing an extended dissent. I only wish to state that the petition advances grave and serious grounds of
assailing "the rules and regulations issued by the Land Transportation Commission under Administrative Order No. 1 and Memorandum
Circular No. 32 [which] do not reflect the real intent, noble objectives and spirit of Letter of Instructions No. 229, as amended by Letter
of Instructions Nos. 479 and 716, because it is oppressive, unreasonable, arbitrary, confiscatory, nay unconstitutional and contrary to
the precepts of our compassionate New Society," because of the following considerations, inter alia:
1. It is oppressive, arbitrary and discriminatory to require owners of motor vehicles with built-in and more effective and efficient E.W.D.'S
such as "a) blinking lights in the fore and aft of said motor vehicles, 1)) battery-powered blinking lights inside motor vehicles, c) built-in
reflectorized tapes on front and rear bumpers of motor vehicles....... to purchase the E.W.D. specified in the challenged administrative
order, whose effectivity and utility have yet to be demonstrated.
2. The public necessity for the challenged order has yet to be shown. No valid refutation has been made of petitioner's assertion that
the "E.W.D.'s are not too vital to the prevention of nighttime vehicular accidents. Statistics shows that of the 26,000 motor vehicle
accidents that occurred in 1976, only 390 or 1.5 per cent involved rear-end collisions," as to require the purchase and installation of the
questioned E.W.D. for almost 900,000 vehicles throughout the country;
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3. The big financial burden to be imposed on all motorists is staggering, and petitioner's assertion that "as of 1975, there were at least
865,037 motor vehicles all over the country requiring E.W.D.'S and at the minimum price of 1156.00 per set, this would mean a
consumer outlay of P 48,451,872.00, or close to P 50 million for the questioned E.W.D.'S "stands unchallenged;
4. No real effort has been made to show that there can be practical and less burdensome alternative road safety devices for stalled
vehicles than the prescribed E.W.D., such as the common petroleum lamps "kinke" which can be placed just as effectively in front of
stalled vehicles on the highways; and
5. There is no imperative need for imposing such a bet requirement on all vehicles. The respondents have not shown that they have
availed of the powers and prerogatives vested in their offices such as ridding the country of dilapidated trucks and vehicles which are
the main cause of the deplorable -highway accidents due to stoned vehicles, establishing an honest and foolproof system of
examination and licensing of motor vehicle drivers so as to ban the reckless and irresponsible and a sustained education campaign to
instill safe driving habits and attitudes that can be carried out for much less than the P 50 million burden that would be imposed by the
challenged order.
I do feel that a greater "degree of receptivity and sympathy" could be extended to the petitioner for his civic mindedness in having filed
the present petition g as capricious and unreasonable the "all pervading police power" of the State instead of throwing the case out of
court and leaving the wrong impression that the exercise of police power insofar as it may affect the life, liberty and property of any
person is no longer subject to judicial inquiry.
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