Tata Motors launched the Tata Nano in 2009 as the cheapest car in the world, aiming to make car ownership possible for lower-income groups in India. However, the Nano faced several challenges including quality issues, lack of dealer network, and low-cost rivals. While it achieved Tata's social objective, the Nano struggled commercially due to its positioning as an ultra-low-cost car and not being seen as aspirational.
Tata Motors launched the Tata Nano in 2009 as the cheapest car in the world, aiming to make car ownership possible for lower-income groups in India. However, the Nano faced several challenges including quality issues, lack of dealer network, and low-cost rivals. While it achieved Tata's social objective, the Nano struggled commercially due to its positioning as an ultra-low-cost car and not being seen as aspirational.
Tata Motors launched the Tata Nano in 2009 as the cheapest car in the world, aiming to make car ownership possible for lower-income groups in India. However, the Nano faced several challenges including quality issues, lack of dealer network, and low-cost rivals. While it achieved Tata's social objective, the Nano struggled commercially due to its positioning as an ultra-low-cost car and not being seen as aspirational.
Tata Motors launched the Tata Nano in 2009 as the cheapest car in the world, aiming to make car ownership possible for lower-income groups in India. However, the Nano faced several challenges including quality issues, lack of dealer network, and low-cost rivals. While it achieved Tata's social objective, the Nano struggled commercially due to its positioning as an ultra-low-cost car and not being seen as aspirational.