Experience of Living in Cities

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The Experience of Living in Cities

Author(s): Stanley Milgram

Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 167, No. 3924 (Mar. 13, 1970), pp. 1461-1468
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1728966
Accessed: 11/06/2009 08:26
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distinct. Decrements in a scuba diver's

performance which result from these
distortions, however, may be considerably lessened by adaptation to the underwater environment. Our involvement
stems from a need to improve the visual
performance of divers. But in the course
of this work we have become increasingly aware of another great opportunity that the underwater world provides: It is a unique laboratory for the
investigation of countless perceptual
problems which bear on the most
fundamental theories of perception.
References and Notes
1. New York Times 1969, 1 (12 Jan. 1969).
2. W. E. K. Middleton, Vision through the
Atmosphere (Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto,
1952), p. 12.
3. S. Q. Duntley, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 53, 246
4. H. R. Blackwell, ibid. 36, 624 (1946).
5. L. E. Kinsler, Amer. J. Phys. 13, 255 (1945).
6. The maximum amount of magnification is
1.33. The exact amount obtained depends on
the distance of the eye from the interface;
with a typical face mask, the magnification
is approximately 27 percent.
7. P. R. Kent and S. Weissman, Nav. Submarine

Med. Center Rep. No. 476 (May 1966); P. R.

Kent, Amer. J. Optom. 43, 553 (1966).
8. C. H. Graham, in Handbook of Experimental
Psychology, S. S. Stevens, Ed. (Wiley, New
York, 1952), p. 885.
9. S. M. Luria and J. A. S. Kinney, Amer. J.
Psychol. 81, 359 (1968).
10. H. Ross, in Underwater Association Report
1966-67, J. N. Lythgoe and J. D. Woods,
Eds. (T. G. Williams Industrial and Research
Promotions Ltd., London, 1967), p. 61.
11. A. Lit, Optom. Weekly 59, 42 (14 Nov. 1968).
12. L. L. Avant, Psychol. Bull. 64, 246 (1965).
13. T. C. D. Whiteside, Roy. Air Force Inst.
Aviat. Med. Flying Personnel Res. Comm.
Rep. No. 910 (Nov. 1954).
14. T. Eames, Amer. J. Ophthalmol. 43, 279
(1957); J. Educ. Res. 19, 469 (1936).
15. S. M. Luria, Science 164, 452 (1969).
16. J. Goldstein, A. Clahane, S. Sanfilippo, Amer.
J. Ophthalmol. 62, 702 (1966).
17. C. Phinizy, Skin Diver 18, No. 5, 41 (1969).
18. J. A. S. Kinney and S. M. Luria, paper presented at a meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, April 1969.
19. --D. O. Weitzman, Percept. Mot. Skills
28, 331 (1969).
20. S. M. Luria, J. A. S. Kinney, S. Weissman,
Amer. J. Psychol. 80, 282 (1967).
21. H. E. Ross, Quart. J. Exp. Psychol. 17, 329
22. G. Fry, C. Bridgman, V. Ellerbrock, Amer.
J. Optom. 26, 9 (1949); H. E. Ross, Brit. J.
Psychol. 58, 301 (1967).
23. S. M. Luria and J. A. S. Kinney, Percept.
Mot. Skills 26, 1019 (1968).
24. J. E. Tyler, Limnol. Oceanogr. 60, 102 (1959).
25. J. A. S. Kinney, S. M. Luria, D. 0. Weitzman, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 57, 802 (1967).

The Experience of Living in Cities

Adaptations to urban overload create characteristic
qualities of city life that can be measured.
Stanley Milgram

"When I first came to New York it seemed like a nightmare. As soon as I

got off the train at Grand Central I was caught up in pushing, shoving crowds
on 42nd Street. Sometimes people bumped into me without apology; what really
frightened me was to see two people literally engaged in combat for possession
of a cab. Why were they so rushed? Even drunks on the street were bypassed
without a glance. People didn't seem to care about each other at all."
This statement represents a common
reaction to a great city, but it does not
tell the whole story. Obviously cities
have great appeal because of their variety, eventfulness, possibility of choice,
and the stimulation of an intense
atmosphere that many individuals find
a desirable background to their lives.
Where face-to-face contacts are important, the city offers unparalleled possibilities. It has been calculated by the
13 MARCH 1970

Regional Plan Association (1) that in

Nassau County, a suburb of New York
City, an individual can meet 11,000
others within a 10-minute radius of his
office by foot or car. In Newark, a
moderate-sized city, he can meet more
than 20,000 persons within this radius.
But in midtown Manhattan he can meet
fully 220,000. So there is an order-ofmagnitude increment in the communication possibilities offered by a great city.

26. -, ibid. 59, 640 (1969).

27. W. Epstein, Varieties of Perceptual Learning
(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967); J. F. Wohlwill, Annu. Rev. Psychol. 17, 201 (1966).
28. G. Stratton, Psychol. Rev. 4, 341 (1897);
ibid., p. 463.
29. See, for example, S. J. Freedman, The Neuropsychology of Spatially Oriented Behavior
(Dorsey, Homewood, Ill., 1968).
30. I. Kohler, Acta Psychol. 11, 176 (1955);
Psychol. Issues 3, No. 4 (1964).
31. J. A. S. Kinney, S. M. Luria, D. 0. Weitzman, Nav. Submarine Med. Center Rep. No.
541 (July 1968).
32. I. Rock, The Nature of Perceptual Adaptation
(Basic Books, New York, 1966); C. S. Harris,
Psychol. Rev. 72, 419 (1965); J. G. Taylor,
The Behavioral Basis of Perception (Yale
Univ. Press, New Haven, 1962); K. U. Smith
and W. K. Smith, Perception and Motion
(Saunders, Philadelphia, 1962).
33. R. Held and S. J. Freedman, Science 142,
455 (1963); R. Held, Sci. Amer. 213, 84
(Nov. 1965).
34. I. P. Howard and W. B. Templeton, Human
Spatial Orientation (Wiley, New York, 1966),
chap. 15.
35. S. Weinstein, E. A. Sersen, L. Fisher, M.
Weisinger, Percept. Mot. Skills 18, 641
36. This work was carried out as part of the
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, Research Work Unit M4306.032050D. The opinions or assertions contained
herein are the private ones of the authors and
are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Navy Department or
the Naval Service at large.

That is one of the bases of its appeal

and, indeed, of its functional necessity.
The city provides options that no other
social arrangement permits. But there
is a negative side also, as we shall see.
Granted that cities are indispensable
in complex society, we may still ask
what contribution psychology can make
to understanding the experience of living in them. What theories are relevant?
How can we extend our knowledge of
the psychological aspects of life in cities
through empirical inquiry? If empirical
inquiry is possible, along what lines
should it proceed? In short, where do
we start in constructing urban theory
and in laying out lines of research?
Observation is the indispensable starting point. Any observer in the streets
of midtown Manhattan will see (i)
large numbers of people, (ii) a high
population density, and (iii) heterogeneity of population. These three factors
need to be at the root of any sociopsychological theory of city life, for they
condition all aspects of our experience
in the metropolis. Louis Wirth (2), if
not the first to point to these factors, is
nonetheless the sociologist who relied
most heavily on them in his analysis of
the city. Yet, for a psychologist, there
The author is professor of psychology at the
Graduate Center of The City University of New
York, New York 10036. This article is based on
an address given on 2 September 1969 at the 77th
annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, in Washington, D.C.

is something
Wirth's theoretical variables. Numbers,
density, and heterogeneity are demographic facts but they are not yet psychological facts. They are external to
the individual. Psychology needs an idea
that links the individual's experience to
the demographic circumstances of urban
One link is provided by the concept
of overload. This term, drawn from systems analysis, refers to a system's inability to process inputs from the environment because there are too many
inputs for the system to cope with, or
because successive inputs come so fast
that input A cannot be processed when
input B is presented. When overload is
present, adaptations occur. The system
must set priorities and make choices. A
may be processed first while B is kept
in abeyance, or one input may be sacrificed altogether. City life, as we experience it, constitutes a continuous set of
encounters with overload, and of resultant adaptations. Overload characteristically deforms daily life on several
levels, impinging on role performance,
the evolution of social norms, cognitive
functioning, and the use of facilities.
The concept has been implicit in
several theories of urban experience. In
1903 George Simmel (3) pointed out
that, since urban dwellers come into
contact with vast numbers of people
each day, they conserve psychic energy
by becoming acquainted with a far
smaller proportion of people than their
rural counterparts do, and by maintaining more superficial relationships even
with these acquaintances. Wirth (2)
points specifically to "the superficiality,
the anonymity, and the transitory character of urban social relations."
One adaptive response to overload,
therefore, is the allocation of less time
to each input. A second adaptive mechanism is disregard of low-priority inputs.
Principles of selectivity are formulated
such that investment of time and energy
are reserved for carefully defined inputs
(the urbanite disregards the drunk sick
on the street as he purposefully navigates through the crowd). Third, boundaries are redrawn in certain social transactions so that the overloaded system
can shift the burden to the other party
in the exchange; thus, harried New
York bus drivers once made change for
customers, but now this responsibility
has been shifted to the client, who must
have the exact fare ready. Fourth, reception is blocked off prior to entrance into
a system; city dwellers increasingly use
unlisted telephone numbers to prevent

individuals from calling them, and a

small but growing number resort to
keeping the telephone off the hook to
prevent incoming calls. More subtly, a
city dweller blocks inputs by assuming
an unfriendly countenance, which discourages others from initiating contact.
Additionally, social screening devices
are interposed between the individual
and environmental inputs (in a town
of 5000 anyone can drop in to chat
with the mayor, but in the metropolis
organizational screening devices deflectinputs to other destinations). Fifth, the
intensity of inputs is diminished by filtering devices, so that only weak and relatively superficial forms of involvement
with others are allowed. Sixth, specialized institutions are created to absorb
inputs that would otherwise swamp the
individual (welfare departments handle
the financial needs of a million individuals in New York City, who would
otherwise create an army of mendicants
continuously importuning the pedestrian). The interposition of institutions
between the individual and the social
world, a characteristic of all modern
society, and most notably of the large
metropolis, has its negative side. It
deprives the individual of a sense of
direct contact and spontaneous integration in the life around him. It simultaneously protects and estranges the individual from his social environment.
Many of these adaptive mechanisms
apply not only to individuals but to institutional systems as well, as Meier (4)
has so brilliantly shown in connection
with the library and the stock exchange.
In sum, the observed behavior of the
urbanite in a wide range of situations
appears to be determined largely by a
variety of adaptations to overload. I now
deal with several specific consequences
of responses to overload, which make
for differences in the tone of city and

Social Responsibility
The principal point of interest for a
social psychology of the city is that
moral and social involvement with individuals is necessarily restricted. This
is a direct and necessary function of
excess of input over capacity to process.
Such restriction of involvement runs a
broad spectrum from refusal to become
involved in the needs of another person,
even when the person desperately needs
assistance, through refusal to do favors,
to the simple withdrawal of courtesies
(such as offering a lady a seat, or saying

"sorry" when a pedestrian collision occurs). In any transaction more and

more details need to be dropped as the
total number of units to be processed
increases and assaults an instrument of
limited processing capacity.
The ultimate adaptation to an overloaded social environment is to totally
disregard the needs, interests, and demands of those whom one does not
define as relevant to the satisfaction of
personal needs, and to develop highly
efficient perceptual means of determining whether an individual falls into the
category of friend or stranger. The
disparity in the treatment of friends
and strangers ought to be greater in
cities than in towns; the time allotment
and willingness to become involved with
those who have no personal claim on
one's time is likely to be less in cities
than in towns.
Bystander intervention in crises. The
most striking deficiencies in social responsibility in cities occur in crisis situations, such as the Genovese murder in
Queens. In 1964, Catherine Genovese,
coming home from a night job in the
early hours of an April morning, was
stabbed repeatedly, over an extended
period of time. Thirty-eight residents of
a respectable New York City neighborhood admit to having witnessed at least
a part of the attack, but none went to
her aid or called the police until after
she was dead. Milgram and Hollander,
writing in The Nation (5), analyzed the
event in these terms:
Urban friendships and associations are
not primarily formed on' the basis of
physical proximity. A person with numerous close friends in different parts of the
city may not know the occupant of an
adjacent apartment. This does not mean
that a city dweller has fewer friends than
does a villager, or knows fewer persons
who will come to his aid; however, it
does mean that his allies are not constantly at hand. Miss Genovese required
immediate aid from those physically present. There is no evidence that the city
had deprived Miss Genovese of human
associations, but the friends who might
have rushed to her side were miles from
the scene of her tragedy.
Further, it is known that her cries for
help were not directed to a specific person;
they were general. But only individuals
can act, and as the cries were not specifically directed, no particular person felt
a special responsibility. The crime and the
failure of community response seem absurd to us. At the time, it may well have
seemed equally absurd to the Kew Gardens
residents that not one of the neighbors
would have called the police. A collective
paralysis may have developed from the
belief of each of the witnesses that someone else must surely have taken that
obvious step.

Latane and Darley (6) have reported

laboratory approaches to the study of
bystander intervention and have established experimentally the following
principle: the larger the number of bystanders, the less the likelihood that any
one of them will intervene in an emergency. Gaertner and Bickman (7) of
The City University of New York have
extended the bystander studies to an
examination of help across ethnic lines.
Blacks and whites, with clearly identifiable accents, called strangers (through
what the caller represented as an error
in telephone dialing), gave them a plausible story of being stranded on an outlying highway without more dimes, and
asked the stranger to call a garage. The
experimenters found that the white
callers had a significantly better chance
of obtaining assistance than the black
callers. This suggests that ethnic allegiance may well be another means of
coping with overload: the city dweller
can reduce excessive demands and
screen out urban heterogeneity by responding along ethnic lines; overload is
made more manageable by limiting the
"span of sympathy."
In any quantitative characterization
of the social texture of city life, a
necessary first step is the application of
such experimental methods as these to
field situations in large cities and small
towns. Theorists argue that the indifference shown in the Genovese case would
not be found in a small town, but in the
absence of solid experimental evidence
the question remains an open one.
More than just callousness prevents
bystanders from participating in altercations between people. A rule of urban
life is respect for other people's emotional and social privacy, perhaps because physical privacy is so hard to
achieve. And in situations for which the
standards are heterogeneous, it is much
harder to know whether taking an active
role is unwarranted meddling or an appropriate response to a critical situation.
If a husband and wife are quarreling in
public, at what point should a bystander
step in? On the one hand, the heterogeneity of the city produces substantially
greater tolerance about behavior, dress,
and codes of ethics than is generally
found in the small town, but this diversity also encourages people to withhold
aid for fear of antagonizing the participants or crossing an inappropriate and


Moreover, the frequency of demands

present in the city gives rise to norms of
noninvolvement. There are practical
limitations to the Samaritan impulse in
a major city. If a citizen attended to
13 MARCH 1970

Table 1. Percentage of entries achieved by

investigators for city and town dwellings (see
Entries achieved (%)
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4


Small townt





* Numberof requestsfor entry, 100. t Numberof

requestsfor entry,60.

every needy person, if he were sensitive

to and acted on every altruistic impulse
that was evoked in the city, he could
scarely keep his own affairs in order.
Willingness to trust and assist strangers. We now move away from crisis
situations to less urgent examples of
social responsibility. For it is not only
in situations of dramatic need but in
the ordinary, everyday willingness to
lend a hand that the city dweller is said
to be deficient relative to his small-town
cousin. The comparative method must
be used in any empirical examination
of this question. A commonplace social
situation is staged in an urban setting
situation to
and in a small town-a
which a subject can respond by either
extending help or withholding it. The
responses in town and city are compared.
One factor in the purported unwillingness of urbanites to be helpful to
strangers may well be their heightened
sense of physical (and emotional) vulfeeling that is supported
by urban crime statistics. A key test for
distinguishing between city and town
behavior, therefore, is determining how
city dwellers compare with town dwellers
in offering aid that increases their personal vulnerability and requires some
trust of strangers. Altman, Levine, Nadien, and Villena (8) of The City University of New York devised a study to
compare the behaviors of city and town
dwellers in this respect. The criterion
used in this study was the willingness of
householders to allow strangers to enter
their home to use the telephone. The
student investigators individually rang
doorbells, explained that they had misplaced the address of a friend nearby,
and asked to use the phone. The investigators (two males and two females)
made 100 requests for entry into homes
in the city and 60 requests in the small
towns. The results for middle-income
housing developments in Manhattan
were compared with data for several
small towns (Stony Point, Spring Valley,
Ramapo, Nyack, New City, and West

Clarkstown) in Rockland County, outside of New York City. As Table 1

shows, in all cases there was a sharp increase in the proportion of entries
achieved by an experimenter when he
moved from the city to a small town. In
the most extreme case the experimenter
was five times as likely to gain admission
to homes in a small town as to homes in
Manhattan. Although the female experimenters had notably greater success
both in cities and in towns than the
male experimenters had, each of the four
students did at least twice as well in
towns as in cities. This suggests that the
city-town distinction overrides even the
predictably greater fear of male strangers than of female ones.
The lower level of helpfulness by city
dwellers seems due in part to recognition of the dangers of living in Manhattan, rather than to mere indifference
or coldness. It is significant that 75 percent of all the city respondents received
and answered messages by shouting
through closed doors and by peering out
through peepholes; in the towns, by
contrast, about 75 percent of the respondents opened the door.
Supporting the experimenters' quantitative results was their general observation that the town dwellers were noticeably more friendly and less suspicious
than the city dwellers. In seeking to explain the reasons for the greater sense
of psychological vulnerability city dwellers feel, above and beyond the differences in crime statistics, Villena (8)
points out that, if a crime is committed
in a village, a resident of a neighboring
village may not perceive the crime as
personally relevant, though the geographic distance may be small, whereas
a criminal act committed anywhere in
the city, though miles from the citydweller's home is still verbally located
within the city; thus, Villena says, "the
inhabitant of the city possesses a larger
vulnerable space."
Civilities. Even at the most superficial
exercise of
level of involvement-the
everyday civilities-urbanites are reputedly deficient. People bump into each
other and often do not apologize. They
knock over another person's packages
and, as often as not, proceed on their
way with a grumpy exclamation instead
of an offer of assistance. Such behavior,
which many visitors to great cities find
distasteful, is less common, we are
told, in smaller communities, where
traditional courtesies are more likely to
be observed.
In some instances it is not simply
that, in the city, traditional courtesies
are violated; rather, the cities develop

new norms of noninvolvement. These

are so well defined and so deeply a part
of city life that they constitute the
norms people are reluctant to violate.
Men are actually embarrassed to give
up a seat on the subway to an old
woman; they mumble "I was getting
off anyway," instead of making the
gesturein a straightforwardand gracious
way. These norms develop because
everyone realizes that, in situations of
high population density, people cannot
implicate themselves in each others' affairs, for to do so would create conditions of continual distraction which
would frustrate purposeful action.
In discussing the effects of overload
I do not imply that at every instant the
city dweller is bombarded with an unmanageable number of inputs, and that
his responses are determined by the
excess of input at any given instant.
Rather, adaptation occurs in the form
of gradual evolution of norms of behavior. Norms are evolved in response
to frequent discrete experiencesof overload; they persist and become generalized modes of responding.
Overload on cognitive capacities: ano-

nymity. That we respond differently

toward those whom we know and those
who are strangersto us is a truism. An
eager patron aggressively cuts in front
of someone in a long movie line to save
time only to confront a friend; he then
behaves sheepishly. A man is involved
in an automobile accident caused by
another driver, emerges from his car
shouting in rage, then moderates his
behavior on discovering a friend driving
the other car. The city dweller, when
walking through the midtown streets,
is in a state of continual anonymity visa-vis the other pedestrians.
Anonymity is part of a continuous
spectrum ranging from total anonymity
to full acquaintance, and it may well be
that measurementof the precise degrees
of anonymity in cities and towns would
help to explain important distinctions
between the quality of life in each.
Conditions of full acquaintance, for example, offer security and familiarity,but
they may also be stifling, because the
individual is caught in a web of established relationships. Conditions of complete anonymity, by contrast, provide
freedom from routinized social ties, but
they may also create feelings of alienation and detachment.
Empirically one could investigate the
proportion of activities in which the
city dweller or the town dweller is
known by others at given times in his
daily life, and the proportion of activi1464

ties in the course of which he interacts

with individuals who know him. At his
job, for instance, the city dweller may
be known to as many people as his rural
counterpart. However, when he is not
fulfilling his occupational role-say,
when merely traveling about the citythe urbanite is doubtless more anonymous than his rural counterpart.
Limited empiricalwork on anonymity
has begun. Zimbardo (9) has tested
whether the social anonymity and impersonality of the big city encourage
greater vandalism than do small towns.
Zimbardo arranged for one automobile
to be left for 64 hours near the Bronx
campus of New York University and
for a counterpartto be left for the same
number of hours near Stanford University in Palo Alto. The license plates on
the two cars were removed and the
hoods were opened, to provide "releaser
cues" for potential vandals. The New
York car was stripped of all movable
parts within the first 24 hours, and by
the end of 3 days was only a hunk of
metal rubble. Unexpectedly, however,
most of the destructionoccurred during
daylight hours, usually under the scrutiny of observers, and the leaders in the
vandalism were well-dressed, white
adults. The Palo Alto car was left untouched.
Zimbardo attributesthe difference in
the treatment accorded the two cars to
the "acquiredfeelings of social anonymity provided by life in a city like New
York," and he supports his conclusions
with several other anecdotes illustrating
casual, wanton vandalism in the city. In
any comparative study of the effects of
anonymity in city and town, however,
there must be satisfactory control for
other confounding factors: the large
number of drug addicts in a city like
New York; the higher proportion of
slum-dwellers in the city; and so on.
Another direction for empirical study
is investigation of the beneficial effects
of anonymity. The impersonalityof city
life breeds its own tolerance for the private lives of the inhabitants. Individuality and even eccentricity, we may assume, can flourish more readily in the
metropolis than in the small town.
Stigmatized persons may find it easier
to lead comfortable lives in the city,
free of the constant scrutiny of neighbors. To what degree can this assumed
difference between city and town be
shown empirically? Judith Waters (10),
at The City University of New York,
hypothesized that avowed homosexuals
would be more likely to be accepted as
tenants in a large city than in small

towns, and she dispatched letters from

homosexuals and from normal individuals to real estate agents in cities and
towns across the country. The results
of her study were inconclusive. But the
general idea of examining the protective
benefits of city life to the stigmatized
ought to be pursued.
Role behavior in cities and towns.

Another product of urban overload is

the adjustmentin roles made by urbanites in daily interactions. As Wirth has
said (2): "Urbanites meet one another
in highly segmental roles. ...

They are

less dependent upon particular persons,

and their dependence upon others is
confinedto a highly fractionalizedaspect
of the other's round of activity." This
tendency is particularly noticeable in
transactions between customers and individuals offering professional or sales
services. The owner of a country store
has time to become well acquaintedwith
his dozen-or-so daily customers, but the
girl at the checkout counter of a busy
A & P, serving hundreds of customers
a day, barely has time to toss the green
stamps into one customer's shopping
bag before the next customer confronts her with his pile of groceries.
Meier, in his stimulating analysis of
the city (4), discusses several adaptations
a system may make when confronted by
inputs that exceed its capacity to process them. Meier argues that, according
to the principle of competition for
scarce resources, the scope and time of
the transaction shrink as customer
volume and daily turnover rise. This,
in fact, is what is meant by the
"brusque" quality of city life. New
standards have developed in cities concerning what levels of services are appropriate in business transactions (see
Fig. 1).
McKenna and Morgenthau (11), in a
seminar at The City University of New
York, devised a study (i) to compare
the willingness of city dwellers and
small-town dwellers to do favors for
strangers that entailed expenditure of a
small amount of time and slight inconvenience but no personal vulnerability,
and (ii) to determine whether the more
compartmentalized, transitory relationships of the city would make urban
salesgirls less likely than small-town
salesgirls to carry out, for strangers,
tasks not related to their customary
To test for differences between city
dwellers and small-town dwellers, a
simple experimentwas devised in which
persons from both settings were asked
(by telephone) to perform increasingly

onerous favors for anonymous strangers.

Within the cities (Chicago, New
York, and Philadelphia), half the calls
were to housewives and the other half
to salesgirls in women's apparel shops;
the division was the same for the 37
small towns of the study, which were in
the same states as the cities. Each experimenter represented herself as a longdistance caller who had, through error,
been connected with the respondent by
the operator. The experimenter began
by asking for simple information about
the weather for purposes of travel. Next
the experimenter excused herself on
some pretext (asking the respondent to
"please hold on"), put the phone down
for almost a full minute, and then
picked it up again and asked the respondent to provide the phone number
of a hotel or motel in her vicinity at
which the experimenter might stay
during a forthcoming visit. Scores were
assigned the subjects on the basis of
how helpful they had been. McKenna
summarizes her results in this manner:
People in the city, whether they are engaged in a specific job or not, are less helpful and informative than people in small
towns; . . . People at home, regardless of

where they live, are less helpful and informative than people working in shops.
However, the absolute level of cooperativeness for urban subjects was found
to be quite high, and does not accord
with the stereotype of the urbanite as
aloof, self-centered, and unwilling to
help strangers. The quantitative differences obtained by McKenna and
Morgenthau are less great than one
might have expected. This again points
up the need for extensive empirical research in rural-urban differences, research that goes far beyond that provided
in the few illustrative pilot studies presented here. At this point we have very
limited objective evidence on differences
in the quality of social encounters in
city and small town.
But the research needs to be guided
by unifying theoretical concepts. As I
have tried to demonstrate, the concept
of overload helps to explain a wide
variety of contrasts between city behavior and town behavior: (i) the differences in role enactment (the tendency
of urban dwellers to deal with one another in highly segmented, functional
terms, and of urban sales personnel to
devote limited time and attention to
their customers); (ii) the evolution of
urban norms quite different from traditional town values (such as the acceptance of noninvolvement, impersonality,
13 MARCH 1970

New norm/






n te e


NOld norm


time expended pe transaction

Fig. 1. Changes in the demand for time

for a given task when the overall transaction frequency increases in a social system. [Reprinted with permission from
R. L. Meier, A Communications Theory
of Urban Growth, 1962. Copyrighted by

M.I.T. Press, 19621

and aloofness in urban life); (iii) the

adaptation of the urban dweller's cognitive processes (his inability to identify
most of the people he sees daily, his
screening of sensory stimuli, his development of blase attitudes toward deviant
or bizarre behavior, and his selectivity
in responding to human demands); and
(iv) the competition for scarce facilities
in the city (the subway rush; the fight for
taxis; traffic jams; standing in line to
await services). I suggest that contrasts
between city and rural behavior probably reflect the responses of similar
people to very different situations, rather
than intrinsic differences in the personalities of rural and city dwellers. The
city is a situation to which individuals
respond adaptively.

Further Aspects of Urban Experience

Some features of urban experience do
not fit neatly into the system of analysis
presented thus far. They are no less
important for that reason. The issues
raised next are difficult to treat in
quantitative fashion. Yet I prefer discussing them in a loose way to excluding
them because appropriate language and
data have not yet been developed. My
aim is to suggest how phenomena such
as "urban atmosphere" can be pinned
down through techniques of measurement.
The "atmosphere" of great cities. The
contrast in the behavior of city and
town dwellers has been a natural starting
point for urban social scientists. But
even among great cities there are marked
differences in "atmosphere." The tone,
pacing, and texture of social encounters
are different in London and New York,

and many persons willingly make financial sacrifices for the privilege of living
within a specific urban atmosphere which
they find pleasing or stimulating. A
second perspective in the study of cities,
therefore, is to define exactly what is
meant by the atmosphere of a city and
to pinpoint the factors that give rise to
it. It may seem that urban atmosphere
is too evanescent a quality to be reduced
to a set of measurable variables, but I
do not believe the matter can be judged
before substantial effort has been made
in this direction. It is obvious that any
such approach must be comparative. It
makes no sense at all to say that New
York is "vibrant" and "frenetic" unless
one has some specific city in mind as a
basis of comparison.
In an undergraduate tutorial that I
conducted at Harvard University some
years ago, New York, London, and
as reference
Paris were selected
points for attempts to measure urban
atmosphere. We began with a simple
question: Does any consensus exist
about the qualities that typify given
cities? To answer this question one could
undertake a content analysis of travelbook, literary, and journalistic accounts
of cities. A second approach, which we
adopted, is to ask people to characterize (with descriptive terms and accounts
of typical experiences) cities they have
lived in or visited. In advertisements
placed in the New York Times and the
Harvard Crimson we asked people to
give us accounts of specific incidents in
London, Paris, or New York that best
illuminated the character of that particular city. Questionnaires were then
developed, and administered to persons
who were familiar with at least two of
the three cities.
Some distinctive patterns emerged
(12). The distinguishing themes concerning New York, for example, dealt
with its diversity, its great size, its pace
and level of activity, its cultural and
entertainment opportunities, and the
heterogeneity and segmentation ("ghettoization") of its population. New York
elicited more descriptions in terms of
physical qualities, pace, and emotional
impact than Paris or London did, a fact
which suggests that these are particularly
important aspects of New York's ambiance.
A contrasting profile emerges for
London; in this case respondents placed
far greater emphasis on their interactions with the inhabitants than on physical surroundings. There was near unanimity on certain themes: those dealing

with the tolerance and courtesy of those familiar to a long-time resident.

London's inhabitants. One respondent Second, a prerequisite for adapting to
continuing life in a given city seems to
be the filteringout of many observations
When I was 12, my grandfathertook me
to the British Museum . . . one day by about the city that the newcomer or
tube and recited the Aeneid in Latin for tourist finds particularly arresting; this
my benefit .... He is rather deaf, speaks selective process' seems to be part of
the hell out the long-term resident's mechanism for
very loudly and it embarrassed
of me, until I realized that nobody was
with overload. In the interest of
paying any attention.Londonersare ex- coping
economy, the resident simply
learns to tune out many aspects of
In contrast,respondentswho described daily life. One method for studying
New Yorkers as aloof, cold, and rude the specific impact of adaptation on
referred to such incidents as the fol- perception of the city is to ask several
pairs of newcomers and old-timers (one
and one old-timer to a pair)
I saw a boy of 19 passing out anti-war
certain city blocks and
leaflets to passersby.When he stoppedat
a corner,a man dressedin a businesssuit then report separately what each has
walked by him at a brisk pace, hit the observed.
boy's arm, and scatteredthe leaflets all
Additionally, many persons have
over the street. The man kept walkingat
that when travelersreturnto New
the samepace downthe block.
York from an extended sojourn abroad
We need to obtain many more such they often feel themselves confronted
descriptions of incidents, using careful with "brutalugliness"(13) and a distincmethods of sampling. By the application tive, frenetic atmosphere whose contriof factor-analytic techniques, relevant buting details are, for a few hours or
dimensions for each city can be dis- days, remarkablysharp and clear. This
period of fresh perceptionshould receive
The responses for Paris were about special attention in the study of city
equally divided between responses con- atmosphere. For, in a few days, details
cerning its inhabitantsand those regard- which are initially arrestingbecome less
ing its physical and sensory attributes. easy to specify. They are assimilated
Caf6s and parks were often mentioned into an increasinglyfamiliar background
as contributing to the sense that Paris atmosphere which, though important in
is a city of amenities, but many respond- setting the tone of things, is difficult to
ents complained that Parisians were in- analyze. There is no better point at
which to begin the study of city atmohospitable, nasty, and cold.
We cannot be certain, of course, to sphere than at the moment when a travwhat degree these statements reflect ac- eler returns from abroad.
tual characteristicsof the cities in ques3) The popular myths and expectation and to what degree they simply tions each visitor brings to the city will
tap the respondents'knowledgeof widely also affect the way in which he perceives
held preconceptions. Indeed, one may it (see 14). Sometimes a person's prepoint to three factors, apart from the conceptions about a city are relatively
actual atmospheres of the cities, that accurate distillations of its character,
determine the subjects' responses.
but preconceptions may also reinforce
1) A person's impression of a given myths by filtering the visitor's percepcity depends on his implicit standardof tions to conform with his expectations.
comparison. A New Yorker who visits Preconceptions affect not only a perParis may well describe that city as son's perceptions of a city but what he
"leisurely,"whereas a compatriot from reports about it.
The influence of a person's urban
Richmond, Virginia, may consider Paris
too "hectic." Obtaining reciprocal judg- base line on his perceptions of a given
ment, in which New Yorkers judge city, the differencesbetweenthe observaLondoners, and Londoners judge New tions of the long-time inhibitant and
Yorkers, seems a useful way to take into those of the newcomer, and the filtering
account not only the city being judged effect of personal expectations and
but also the home city that serves as the stereotypesraise serious questions about
visitor's base line.
the validity of travelers' reports. More2) Perceptions of a city are also af- over, no social psychologist wants to
fected by whether the observer is a rely exclusively on verbal accounts if he
tourist, a newcomer, or a longer-term is attemptingto obtain an accurate and
resident. First, a tourist will be exposed objective descriptionof the cities' social
to features of the city different from texture, pace, and general atmosphere.

What he needs to do is to devise means

of embedding objective experimental
measures in the daily flux of city life,
measures that can accurately index the
qualities of a given urban atmosphere.
Experimental Comparisonsof Behavior
Roy Feldman (15) incorporatedthese
principles in a comparative study of behavior toward compatriots and foreigners in Paris, Athens, and Boston. Feldman wanted to see (i) whether absolute
levels and patterns of helpfulness varied
significantly from city to city, and (ii)
whether inhabitantsin each city tended
to treat compatriots differently from
foreigners. He examined five concrete
behavioral episodes, each carried out
by a team of native experimenters and
a team of American experimenters in
the three cities. The episodes involved
(i) asking natives of the city for street
directions; (ii) asking natives to mail
a letter for the experimenter;(iii) asking
natives if they had just dropped a dollar
bill (or the Greek or French equivalent)
when the money actually belonged to
the experimenter himself; (iv) deliberately overpaying for goods in a store
to see if the cashier would correct the
mistake and return the excess money;
and (v) determining whether taxicab
drivers overcharged strangers and
whether they took the most direct route
Feldman's results suggest some interesting contrasts in the profiles of the
three cities. In Paris, for instance,certain
stereotypeswere borne out. Parisiancab
drivers overcharged foreigners significantly more often than they overcharged
compatriots. But other aspects of the
Parisians' behavior were not in accord
with American preconceptions: in mailing a letter for a stranger, Parisians
treated foreigners significantly better
than Athenians or Bostonians did, and,
when asked to mail letters that were
already stamped, Parisians actually
treated foreigners better than they
treated compatriots. Similarly, Parisians
were significantly more honest than
Athenians or Bostonians in resisting the
temptation to claim money that was not
theirs, and Parisians were the only citizens who were more honest with foreigners than with compatriots in this
Feldman's studies not only begin to
quantify some of the variables that give
a city its distinctive texture but they
also provide a methodological model for

other comparative research. His most

important contribution is his successful
application of objective, experimental
measuresto everyday situations, a mode
of study which provides conclusions
about urban life that are more pertinent
than those achieved through laboratory

Visual Components

Hall has remarked (17) that the

physical layout of the city also affects
its atmosphere. A gridiron pattern of
streets gives the visitor a feeling of rationality, orderliness, and predictability
but is sometimes monotonous. Winding
lanes or streets branchingoff at strange
angles, with many forks (as in Paris or
Greenwich Village), create feelings of
Tempo and Pace
surprise and esthetic pleasure, while
Another important component of a forcing greater decision-makingin plotcity's atmosphere is its tempo or pace, ting one's course. Some would argue
an attributefrequently remarkedon but that the visual component is all-imporless often studied. Does a city have a tant-that the "look" of Paris or New
frenetic, hectic quality, or is it easygoing York can almost be equated with its
and leisurely? In any empirical treat- atmosphere.To investigate this hypothment of this question, it is best to start esis, we might conduct studies in
in a very simple way. Walking speeds which only blind, or at least blindfolded,
of pedestrians in different cities and in respondents were used. We would no
cities and towns should be measured doubt discover that each city has a disand compared. William Berkowitz (16) tinctive texture even when the visual
of Lafayette College has undertakenan component is eliminated.
extensive series of studies of walking
speeds in Philadelphia, New York, and
Boston, as well as in small and moder- Sources of Ambiance
ate-sized towns. Berkowitz writes that
"there does appear to be a significant
Thus far we have tried to pinpoint
linear relation between walking speed and measure some of the factors that
and size of municipality, but the abso- contributeto the distinctive atmosphere
lute size of the difference varies by less of a great city. But we may also ask,
than ten percent."
Why do differencesin urban atmosphere
Perhaps the feeling of rapid tempo is exist? How did they come about, and
due not so much to absolute pedestrian are they in any way related to the
speeds as to the constant need to dodge factors of density, large numbers, and
others in a large city to avoid collisions heterogeneity discussed above?
with other pedestrians. (One basis for
First, there is the obvious factor that,
computing the adjustments needed to even among great cities, populationsand
avoid collisions is to hypothesize a set densities differ. The metropolitan areas
of mechanical manikins sent walking of New York, London, and Paris, for
along a city street and to calculate the example, contain 15 million, 12 million,
number of collisions when no adjust- and 8 million persons, respectively.
ments are made. Clearly, the higher the London has average densities of 43 perdensity of manikins the greater the sons per acre, while Paris is more
number of collisions per unit of time, congested, with average densities of 114
or, conversely, the greaterthe frequency persons per acre (18). Whatevercharacof adjustmentsneeded in higher popula- teristics are specifically attributable to
tion densities to avoid collisions.)
density are more likely to be pronounced
Patterns of automobile traffic contri- in Paris than in London.
bute to a city's tempo. Driving an autoA second factor affecting the atmomobile provides a direct means of trans- sphere of cities is the source from which
lating feelings about tempo into the populations are drawn (19). It is a
measurable acceleration, and a city's characteristicof great cities that they do
pace should be particularly evident in not reproduce their own populations,
vehicularvelocities, patternsof accelera- but that their numbers are constantly
tion, and latency of response to traffic maintainedand augmentedby the influx
signals. The inexorable tempo of New of residents from other parts of the
York is expressed, further, in the man- country. This can have a determining
ner in which pedestrians stand at busy effect on the city's atmosphere. For exintersections, impatiently awaiting a ample, Oslo is a city in which almost
change in traffic light, making tentative all of the residents are only one or two
excursions into the intersection, and generations removed from a purely
frequently surging into the street even rural existence, and this contributes to
before the green light appears.
its almost agriculturalnorms.
13 MARCH 1970

A third source of atmosphere is the

general national culture. Paris combines
adaptationsto the demographyof cities
and certain values specific to French
culture. New York is an admixture of
American values and values that arise
as a result of extraordinarilyhigh density and large population.
Finally, one could speculate that the
atmosphere of a great city is traceable
to the specific historicalconditionsunder
which adaptations to urban overload
occurred. For example, a city which
acquired its mass and density during
a period of commercial expansion will
respond to new demographicconditions
by adaptationsdesigned to serve purely
commercial needs. Thus, Chicago,
which grew and became a great city
under a purely commercial stimulus,
adapted in a manner that emphasizes
business needs. European capitals, on
the other hand, incorporate many of
the adaptationswhich were appropriate
to the period of their increasing numbers and density. Because aristocratic
values were prevalent at the time of
the growth of these cities, the mechanisms developed for coping with overload were based on considerationsother
than pure efficiency.Thus, the manners,
norms, and facilities of Paris and Vienna
continue to reflect esthetic values and
the idealization of leisure.
Cognitive Maps of Cities

When we speak of "behavioralcomparisons"among cities, we must specify

which parts of the city are most relevant
for sampling purposes. In a sampling of
"New Yorkers,"should we include residents of Bay Ridge or Flatbush as well
as inhabitants of Manhattan? And, if
so, how should we weight our sample
distribution?One approach to defining
relevant boundaries in sampling is to
determine which areas form the psychological or cognitive core of the city.
We weight our samples most heavily in
the areas considered by most people to
represent the "essence" of the city.
The psychologist is less interested in
the geographic layout of a city or in
its political boundaries than in the cognitive representation of the city. Hans
Blumenfeld (20) points out that the
perceptual structure of a modern city
can be expressed by the "silhouette"of
the group of skyscrapers at its center
and that of smaller groups of office
buildings at its "subcenters" but that
urban areas can no longer, because of
their vast extent, be experiencedas fully

articulated sets of streets, squares, and

In The Image of the City (21), Kevin
Lynch created a cognitive map of Boston by interviewing Bostonians. Perhaps
his most significant finding was that,
while certain landmarks, such as Paul
Revere's house and the Boston Common, as well as the paths linking them,
are known to almost all Bostonians, vast
areas of the city are simply unknown to
its inhabitants.
Using Lynch's technique, Donald
Hooper (22) created a psychological
map of New York from the answers to
the study questionnaire on Paris, London, and New York. Hooper's results
were similar to those of Lynch: New
York appears to have a dense core of
well-known landmarks in midtown
Manhattan, surrounded by the vast
unknown reaches of Queens, Brooklyn,
and the Bronx. Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and the Fifth Avenue
department stores alone comprise half
the places specifically cited by respondents as the haunts in which they spent
most of their time. However, outside the


midtown area, only scattered landmarks

were recognized. Another interesting
pattern is evident: even the best-known
symbols of New York are relatively
self-contained, and the pathways joining
them appear to be insignificant on the
The psychological map can be used
for more than just sampling techniques.
Lynch (21) argues, for instance, that a
good city is highly "imageable," having
many known symbols joined by widely
known pathways, whereas dull cities are
gray and nondescript. We might test the
relative "imagibility" of several cities
by determining the proportion of residents who recognize sampled geographic
points and their accompanying pathways.
If we wanted to be even more precise
we could construct a cognitive map that
would not only show the symbols of
the city but would measure the precise
degree of cognitive significance of any
given point in the city relative to any
other. By applying a pattern of points
to a map of New York City, for example, and taking photographs from
each point, we could determine what
proportion of a sample of the city's inhabitants could identify the locale
specified by each point (see Fig. 2).
We might even take the subjects blindfolded to a point represented on the
map, then remove the blindfold and ask
them to identify their location from the
view around them.
One might also use psychological
maps to gain insight into the differing
perceptions of a given city that are held
by members of its cultural subgroups,
and into the manner in which their
perceptions may change. In the earlier
stages of life, whites and Negroes alike
probably have only a limited view of the
city, centering on the immediate neighborhood in which they are raised. In
adolescence, however, the field of knowledge of the white teen-ager probably
undergoes rapid enlargement; he learns
of opportunities in midtown and outlying sections and comes to see himself
as functioning in a larger urban field.
But the process of ghettoization, to
which the black teen-ager is subjected,
may well hamper the expansion of his
sense of the city. These are speculative
notions, but they are readily subject to
precise test.

. a psychologicalmap of
Fig 2 To. create
to identify the location of each point. To
each point a numerical index is assigned
indicating the proportion of persons able
to identify its location.

I have tried to indicate some organizing theory that starts with the basic

facts of city life: large numbers, density,

and heterogeneity. These are external
to the individual. He experiences these
factors as overloads at the level of roles,
norms, cognitive functions, and facilities.
These overloads lead to adaptive mechanisms which create the distinctive tone
and behaviors of city life. These notions,
of course, need to be examined by objective comparative studies of cities and
A second perspective concerns the
differing atmospheres of great cities,
such as Paris, London, and New York.
Each has a distinctive flavor, offering
a differentiable quality of experience.
More precise knowledge of urban atmosphere seems attainable through application of the tools of experimental
References and Notes
1. New York Times (15 June 1969).
2. L. Wirth, Amer. J. Soc. 44, 1 (1938). Wirth's
ideas have come under heavy criticism by contemporary city planners, who point out that the
city is broken down into neighborhoods, which
fulfill many of the functions of small towns. See,
for example, H. J. Gans, People and Plans:
Essays on Urban Problems and Solutions (Basic
Books, New York, 1968); J. Jacobs, The Death
and Life of Great American Cities (Random
House, New York, 1961); G. D. Suttles, The
Social Order of the Slum (Univ. of Chicago
Press, Chicago, 1968).
3. G. Simmel, The Sociology of Georg Simmel,
K. H. Wolff, Ed. (Macmillan, New York, 1950)
[English translation of G. Simmel, Die Grossstadte und das Geistesleben Die Grossstadt
(Jansch, Dresden, 1903)].
4. R. L. Meier, A Communications Theory of Urban Growth (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass.,
5. S. Milgram and P. Hollander, Nation 25, 602
6. B. Latan6 and J. Darley, Amer. Sci. 57, 244
7. S. Gaertner and L. Bickman (Graduate Center,
The City University of New York), unpublished
8. D. Altman, M. Levine, M. Nadien, J. Villena
(Graduate Center, The City University of New
York), unpublished research.
9. P. G. Zimbardo, paper presented at the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (1969).
10. J. Waters (Graduate Center, The City University of New York), unpublished research.
11. W. McKenna and S. Morgenthau (Graduate
Center, The City University of New York),
unpublished research.
12. N. Abuza (Harvard University), "The ParisLondon-New York Questionnaires," unpublished.
13. P. Abelson, Science 165, 853 (1969).
14. A. L. Strauss,

Ed., The Anterican

City: A
ChiUrban Imagery

cago, 1968).
15. R. E. Feldman, J. Personality Soc. Psychol. 10,
202 (1968).
16. W. Berkowitz, personal communication.
17. E. T. Hall, The Hidden Dimension (Doubleday,
New York, 1966).
18. P. Hall, The World Cities (McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1966).
19. R. E. Park, E. W. Burgess, R. D. McKenzie,
The City (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago,

pp. 1-45.

20. H. Blumenfeld, in The Quality of Urban Life

(Sage, Beverly Hills, Calif., 1969).
21. K. Lynch, The Image of the City (M.I.T. and
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1960).
22. D. Hooper (Harvard University), unpublished.
23. Barbara Bengen worked closely with me in
preparing the present version of this article. I
thank Dr. Gary Winkel, editor of Environment
and Behavior, for useful suggestions and advice.

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