ETSC455-555 Summer 2016 Online
ETSC455-555 Summer 2016 Online
ETSC455-555 Summer 2016 Online
Telephone: 509-963-2427
Office: Hogue 300B
Office Hours: By appointment, email to
set a time.
Credits: 4
Permission by instructor.
Catalog Description:
Project-based synthesis used in engineering project management. Topics include bidding, contract
management, scheduling, cost estimating and control, logistics, conflict management, team building,
negotiating, and risk assessment
Instructor reserves the option of making adjustments to this syllabus and course
requirements and will notify students of such changes should they become necessary.
Learner Outcomes (Course Objectives):
Assessment Strategy
Course Requirements:
1. Each student is responsible for completing the assigned case study review and section/chapter
readings prior to each class meeting. Although there are many readings, most are not extremely lengthy
yet each requires considerable attention to assure the student is prepared and familiar with the
readings and chapter activities for the class.
2. Due to the nature of the activities for this online course, it is required that students check Canvas on a
consistent basis during the quarter to keep up with questions and suggestions that may be posted during
the discussion of the course. Through checking in the student will also be kept up to date on
changes that may occur in the course. Although there is no Lecture, students will be required to post
on the discussion page each week for a selected topic on project management related to the readings in
the course.
3. All assignments will be due on the posted due date. There will be no exceptions taken. It is important to
keep up with pace of the course to maintain an understanding of the course material.
Instructional Methodology:
This course is a self-directed, work at your own pace online class. There will be work due each week.
Each chapter is intended to be read in full, there will be powerpoint slides for each chapter to help direct
the readings in the course. Upon completion of each chapter there will be a multiple-choice timed quiz
available. In addition to reading and lecture slides there will be a series of assignments to demonstrate
the students knowledge of the concepts throughout the course which could include a video
presentations, written assignments, discussions and a final project.
Student Behavior:
Students will be held accountable for their behavior during class pursuant to the Central Washington
University student conduct code (Chapter 106-120 WAC - Student Conduct Code). Students not following
these policies will be reported immediately without reservation.
In addition to the conduct code, if a student has a question, dispute or grievance on how something as
been graded on homework, exams or assignments it is the students responsibility to contact the
instructor, Dr. Plugge, individually to discuss the problem. Specifically, for tests and quizzes, it is required
that if there is a discrepancy in how something was graded, the student shall contact the instructor with
an explanation of the discrepancy immediately upon the discovery of the discrepancy.
Mode of Delivery:
This is an online self-directed class. Students will submit discussions on key topics through the duration
of the course. Since this is an online course students will refrain from derogatory comments or postings
that could be harmful to other students, instructor and others associated with the course. In other words,
please be considerate of others during the course.
Due to the short duration of the course, homework assignments have been developed around the key
topics of the course. See the course schedule for homework subjects.
ADA Statement: If you have a disability and require accommodations for this course, please speak with
me or email me privately as soon as possible so that your needs may be appropriately met. If you have
not already done so, you will need to register with Disability Services (DS). DS is located in Hogue Hall
Rm 126. Call (509) 963-2214 or email for more information. Additional information about
Disability Services can be found at this website
Method of Evaluation (based on points):
Final Project
Chapter Quizzes/Tests/Final Exam
Grade Scale (%)
AB+ 89-87
C+ 79-77
D+ 69-67
Explanation of Grades:
Grade of A = All requirements were exceptionally completed. Creativity and clear idea presentation were
evidenced. Instructional content and use of technology were integrated to enhance instructional
Grade of B = One or more of the listed requirements is missing or not adequately completed. The
assignment was completed in at above average standards.
Grade of C = Average level of accomplishment. Assignment was completed at a minimal level.
Grade of D = The assignment was turned in, but was below quality standards.
Homework assignments will be given on a regular basis and will pertain to text reading and lecture slides.
General requirements that pertain to homework are:
All work must be your own.
All homework will be submitted online as a PDF document unless otherwise noted.
If there is a portion of the homework that is to be written (such as calculations etc.) on a
separate sheet of paper the student will submit the homework through a scanned PDF
Written Assignments:
Unless otherwise specified, perform all your work in pencil on green engineering paper. Include in
the upper right hand corner of the first sheet your name, in the center shall be the course
number and title (Ex. ETSC 455/555 Engineering Project Management), on the left side of the
page will include the date. Each following page must include your initials and page number.
All pages will have a clean cut edge on all four sides (no exceptions will be taken). Scan and
submit the assignment in a PDF document using Canvas submission forum.
Please write neatly!! All work must be neatly lettered. Unprofessional, sloppy, or late work will
not be accepted. If you are unsure of what I expect feel free to ask, I will be more than happy to
answer your questions.
For problems involving calculations, each problem will be clearly stated with the Given, Find, and
Solution. All answers will be clearly identified by double underlining or boxing out the answer.
A final project will also be a graded portion of the course. Special instructions will be provided for the
final project. Be sure to completely read the instructions before submitting the final project.
Software tutorials will be provided and used as part of the lecture portion of the course. If there is
something not provided feel free to search the internet for other solutions.
In addition to scheduling software, students will also be introduced to the project management software
Procore There will also be a tutorial provided to assist in the students
understanding of the software. Assignment and deadlines will be provided within Canvas.
Additional Reading: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). This will
be provided in Canvas. Some additional assignments may come of this text.
Technology: Computer and stable internet access. All students MUST have access to scan written
homework into a PDF document. Do NOT use cell phones, ipads, etc. to scan home work. This
greatly decreases the quality to view the homework making it difficult to grade. Find a stationary
scanner to PDF assignments. When required, Microsoft Office products can also be used and
purchased at the Wildcat Bookstore or online. When using Microsoft products convert all homework
assignments to PDF files, like this document, prior to submission unless told otherwise. If there are
calculations in involved with a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet will be required to be submitted with the
Computer Generated Homework: All homework to be generated on word document should be
submitted in a word document unless noted otherwise. Homework created in excel, must be submitted as
a PDF as if it were to be printed and the excel document must accompany the PDFd version of the
document. All Microsoft Project assignments must be printed in a PDF format and submitted with the MS
Project electronic file.
Asking questions is the way we learn; a question not asked is a piece of knowledge yet to be understood
(Anonymous). If you should need help at any point in this course, feel free to contact the instructor at the
end of class or via email to set an appointment. The instructor maintains an open door policy, if he is
available please step in and we will work to find a solution to the problem or issue.
Office Hours:
By email or appointment.
Writing Help:
Each student will be required to do some writing as a requirement for this course. Should you need help
outside of class in writing the student may contact the writing center. The website for the writing center is: . Follow this link to access the location
and times the writing center is open.
ETSC 455/555 Course Schedule
The following schedule is subject to change, students are responsible for obtaining schedule updates and
will be notified through an announcement in Canvas. (Further updates to the schedule are coming).
Scope Management
Risk Management
Cost Estimation and Budgeting
Review Case study 8.2
Project Scheduling: Networks, Duration
Estimation and Critical Path
Purchase 30 Day Microsoft Project 13
See MSPE submission requirements.
Project Scheduling: Lagging, Crashing and
Activity Networks
Subject Covered
Resource Management
DQ 1-6 (1)
MSPE 9.1, 9.3
Legend: Discussion Questions (DQ), Internet Exercises (IE), MS Project Exercises (MSPE), Case
Study (CS). All discussion questions DQs in parenthesis () shall be submitted to canvas for
review and graded by the instructor. To Be Determined (TBD)- (dates will become available at a
later time, check Canvas for updates)
NOTE: Absolutely no incompletes will be granted for the course unless at least 90% of the
coursework is complete and support services has been informed that a medical or family
emergency occurs. All assignments will be due at the end of the last day of the course.
Since you have completely read and understand the syllabus, please complete the form
below and turn into the instructor on prior the last day of the first week of the class. All
students must submit this form signed and scanned into a 1 page PDF document and
submit as an assignment in Canvas. Failing to submit this form in the proper format will
result in a deduction in the students final score. Submit by Friday, 6/24/2016 at
Student Name (Printed):
Student Signature:
Instructor Signature