Nessus Lab V12nov07
Nessus Lab V12nov07
Nessus Lab V12nov07
In this lab exercise you will complete the following task:
Use Nessus to locate live hosts on local network and scan them for vulnerabilities.
Visual Objective
Tenable Nessus Vulnerability Scanner is a comprehensive network vulnerability scanner, which
allows for detection of potential or confirmed security holes. Security holes or vulnerabilities for
most of the time can be thought of as weak spots in the programming code, which could be
exploited by an attacker to perform malicious act. In addition to that, in network environment,
misconfigured programs sometimes are being referred as vulnerabilities or potential risks. To
locate vulnerabilities, Nessus use special plug-ins, which are actually scripts written in Nessus
Attack Scripting Language (NASL). Each plug-in is created to test for a specific vulnerability.
Plug-ins come in two categories dangerous and non-dangerous. Dangerous ones would attempt
to crash the system, while non-dangerous would merely perform scan.
After completing scan, Nessus displays IP addresses of all hosts that were found and scanned.
Further below, detailed information about every host is displayed. For most part, report provides
information about open ports of scanned hosts, including port number, service being ran by the
port, and potential security risk or exploit, along with a recommended action on how to counter
or fix the problem.
Along with some general information gathering about the host, Nessus performs trace-route to
every scanned host and attempts to identify operating system of a host.
Step 3: In the next window you can specify target IP address, IP addresses within certain range,
or whole subnet. In our case, we do not know IP addresses of hosts in our LAN, so we are going
need to include the whole network. is network ID and the /24 is same as, which is subnet mask of our network. Subnetmask provides for IP range in which
Nessus will perform the scan. In current situation this mask directs scan of all hosts inclusively
from to Thus, to scan local network for possible hosts, type and click next.
Step 4: In next window you can choose between plug-ins use. Our simulated LAN does not have
anything important, so choose Enable all but dangerous plugins with default settings
(Recommended) or Enable all plugins with default settings (Even dangerous plugins are
enabled) and click next.
Next window allows you too choose between scanning from your PC or remote server. Such
option is considered to be one of the important features of Nessus, because servers that do actual
scanning can be placed in strategic parts of the network, allowing scanning from different point
of views, while clients would handle configuration and reports.
In our case, your PC would initiate the scan, so proceed with choosing localhost and click next.
Step 5:
After scan is completed, inspect results. If you done everything right you should see that there is
number of vulnerabilities in the discovered hosts. Note, that one of the hosts has much more
vulnerabilities than others.
Now, use Nessus report to answer following questions (if you want, you can safe Nessus report
and answer questions on your own later):
a. Provide IP addresses of hosts that are running under VMware simulation and point to the
place in Nessus report where you got this information from.
b. Nessus have identified the large number of vulnerabilities with critical risk factor.
1. Name port number through which nessus was able to identify majority of them.
2. In one of the hosts Nessus have identified critical vulnerability associated with Spooler
service. In what way an attacker can use this vulnerability to perform malicous acts?
3. In one of the hosts Nessus have identified critical vulnerability associated with DHCP
client. What is type of vulnerability is it, and what does it allow attacker to do?
c. Through what service and port number Nessus was able to identify computer/workgroup
names for hosts?
In addition to answers on questions above, you need to list IP and MAC addresses of discovered
hosts, their operating systems (if Nessus was able to identify them), and 3 vulnerabilities with
possible course of counter actions for each host. If there is host with no vulnerabilities or
potential risks, indicate that.
Grading Rubric
Please note that the report would weight only 36% of the grade for this LAB, and your group are
only required to give a simple report, such as a serious of step by step snapshots (or screen shots)
showing how your group conducts this lab exercise. 64% of your grade would come from the lab
quiz, which you will be given individually at the end of the lab in room 202. The quiz questions
may deal with not only practical but theoretical aspects of the lab as well. The quiz is intended to
check how much attention you have paid to the practical part of the lab and whether you
understand the idea behind the lab.
The report must include a cover page. Among other things, the name of each group member
must be put on the cover page.
The contribution of each group member must be summarized in the report. That is, the report
should report who did what in a clear way.
The report must include a series of screen shots showing how the group conducts the lab step
by step. Two or more screen shots may need to be associated with one step of the lab. For
Nessus results part of this lab, you need only screenshot of the page where summary of
scanned hosts IP addresses, warnings, notes, and holes are listed.