Working Together
Thanks to everyone who helps or who has helped with the following:
Rhubarb pie-making Silent Auction donations
Special Music Parish Nurse Ministry
Sidewalk Sonday School Love Feast
Email Prayer Chain Coordinator Zions website
Youth Mission Trip Rhubarb pie sale at the Farmers Market
Gordon and Ardell Graner, our missionaries from the Tiu Rancho Project in Cochabamba Bolivia, will be
here this Sunday, June 20. Ardell will present the Sunday morning service at 10:00 a.m. Russ has agreed
to give the pulpit to her on that day. She will share with us her past projects and accomplishments for the
Rancho Project. I am sure she will have a very interesting message. It sounds like she will also be sharing
some pictures of her project as well. Please be sure to attend the worship service on June 20th to show our
Christian love and support to the Graner family and this project. For more information on Ardell Graner &
family, please visit
From the Mission Team
Remember to bring in your Health Kits and/or Health Kit items. They will be collected during the months of
June and July. Also, please remember to set aside any items for our Second Time Around Sale at the
church on August 14th (9 AM 3 PM).
Parish Nurse
For health questions and/or concerns, our Parish Nurse, Bette Olson, can be reached on her cell phone
(218-791-5151) or at the church office. Bette will be out from June 22nd July 6th.
The purpose of Zions prayer chain is to offer and receive prayer support during times of need. To sign up
for email alerts, contact Connie Sherwood at or or the church
office at
The Grand Forks Senior Center's Meals on Wheels program needs delivery volunteers for July, August,
and September. Volunteer a few times or make it a regular part of your schedule. Delivery volunteers are
needed for weekdays from 10:30 a.m. - Noon. Contact Heidi Nordin, Meals on Wheels coordinator, at 772-
7245 or Thank you for helping to end Senior hunger.
6:20 p.m. Evening Focus: Marriage - A Kiss at the Door to Socks on the Floor. A bible study about
marriage in good times and in bad that helps us learn about Gods desire that our relationship with the
person we married is the best it can be. Outdoor service, weather permitting. Study text: James 1:1-18.
7:00 p.m. Going Forth