CalPERS Report
CalPERS Report
CalPERS Report
Presented by:
Will Fox, FSA, MAAA
John Pickering, FSA, MAAA
At the request of the Pacific Business Group on Health (PBGH) Milliman, Inc. (Milliman) has
prepared this report to compare inpatient hospital costs using publicly available data. We
understand that PBGH will use this information to better understand the relative cost differences
among hospitals in California and will make this report available to CalPERS, other PBGH
members, and the public. We include in this report patient severity adjusted comparisons of
commercial buyer costs (i.e., what commercial insurers pay for hospital services) and
comparisons of hospital operating costs (i.e., what hospitals reported as their operating costs).
This report includes a detailed description of the methodology employed, examples and final
tables. Before using the results reported, the user should carefully review the methodology and
assumptions. The user should also review the Considerations in Using the Buyer Cost Index in
Section F.
Cost Efficiency was defined in the PBGH-sponsored Hospital Value Initiative (HVI) as the
contractually allowed amount divided by an APR-DRG/SOI (All Patient Refined Diagnosis
Related Group/Severity of Illness) based Allowed Benchmark. The Allowed Benchmarks are
the weighted average severity-adjusted commercial contractually allowed amount estimates for
all hospitals in our analysis. We call this result the Buyer Cost Index.
The Buyer Cost Index values present an estimate of the relative commercial reimbursement
levels (e.g. 1.03 is approximately 5% higher than 0.98). The Buyer Cost Index values reflect a
blend of negotiated commercial reimbursement levels and length of stay (LOS) efficiency since
the LOS is generally strongly correlated with commercial reimbursement. For example, under a
per diem contract, a higher LOS will yield a higher payment and a lower LOS will yield a lower
The initial hospital specific Buyer Cost Index is not adjusted for geographic cost differences.
However, we used Medicare inpatient geographic adjustment factors to estimate area adjusted
results. Attachment C shows the area adjusted index along with the unadjusted index. For many
purposes, it may be most appropriate to compare hospitals within a geographic area.
Page A-1
3. Estimate the commercial allowed amount for each discharge using the billed charges in
the discharge data and the hospital specific allowed/billed ratio for CY 2005.
4. Group the discharge data to APR-DRG/SOI.
5. Create Allowed Benchmark values by APR-DRG/SOI.
6. For a given hospital, sum the allowed and Allowed Benchmark values across all
discharges, and divide the total allowed by the total Allowed Benchmark to derive the
Buyer Cost Index.
7. Using the Medicare inpatient geographic adjustment factors show the area adjusted Buyer
Cost Index.
A similar process was followed to estimate a Hospital Cost Index, which measures the operating
cost for the hospital to deliver their services, rather than the commercial reimbursement amount.
This report relies on data and other information from OSHPD. We have not audited or verified
this data and other information. If the underlying data or information is inaccurate or
incomplete, the results of our review may likewise be inaccurate or incomplete. We have
attempted to identify and exclude incorrect data.
This report attempts only to measure the relative costs of services among different hospitals. It
does not evaluate the quality of care delivered. We understand that it is PBGH’s intention to
consider this or other relative cost information in the context of the hospital’s clinical and patient
experience performance. That analysis is beyond the scope of this project.
We understand that this report may be shared with other organizations outside PBGH. This work
is not intended to benefit any third party and is subject to the terms of our Consulting Services
Agreement with PBGH. The entire report should be made available to anyone using the results
of the analysis. Milliman makes no representations or warranties regarding the contents of this
report to third parties. Likewise, third parties are instructed that they are to place no reliance
upon this report prepared for PBGH by Milliman that would result in the creation of any duty or
liability under any theory of law by Milliman or its employees to third parties. Other parties
receiving this report must rely upon their own experts in drawing conclusions about relative
hospital costs in California. The estimates included in this report cannot and do not consider
every variation from the key assumptions and the effect of variations on the results.
Page A-2
The California OSHPD requires each hospital to submit financial results on a quarterly basis.
Milliman downloaded these files for the four quarters in CY 2005, and summarized the data
for each hospital.
As examples of the calculation, we detail the calculation for Torrance Memorial Medical
Center and Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center.
Table B-1
Example of Calculation of Other Third Parties - Managed Care (Commercial) Allowed/Billed Ratio
Based on CY 2005 OSHPD Financial Data
Notice that the Allowed/Billed Ratio is necessarily based on the combination of inpatient and
outpatient services because contractual adjustments and capitation are not reported separately
for inpatient and outpatient. We applied this all-services commercial allowed/billed ratio to
inpatient only services. This may impact our inpatient only results, but does produce findings
that are reasonable in terms of overall hospital cost.
Page B-1
We used OSHPD’s category “Other Third Parties – Managed Care” for our commercial
Allowed/Billed ratios. The OSHPD definition of the Managed Care category in OSHPD
financials is:
“Managed care patients are patients enrolled in a managed care plan to receive health care
from providers on a pre-negotiated or per diem basis, usually involving utilization review
(includes Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Health Maintenance Organizations with
Point-of-Service option (POS) Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO), Exclusive Provider
Organizations (EPO), Exclusive Provider Organizations with Point-of-Service option, etc.).”
The OSHPD data is self reported and some hospitals report Other Third Party data only in the
“Traditional” sub-category. “Traditional” is defined as:
“The Other Third Parties – Traditional category includes all other forms of health coverage
excluding managed care plans. Examples include Short-Doyle, CHAMPUS, IRCA/SLIAG,
California Children's Services, indemnity plans, fee-for-service plans, and Workers’
We used only the Other Third Parties – Managed Care (TPMC) data for our commercial
Buyer Cost Index analysis. Since this is self-reported data we are aware there is the potential
for inaccurate entries. We have outlined our reasonableness review and exclusions at the end
of this section.
Cost/Charge Ratio
The Cost/Charge Ratio represents total hospital operating costs divided by total gross billed
charges. We applied the OSHPD suggested formula:
Other Operating Revenue is subtracted from Total Operating Expenses to get to a patient
service cost basis.
The following table again uses Torrance Memorial Medical Center and Pomona Valley
Hospital Medical Center to provide examples of the calculation.
Table B-2
Example of Calculation of Cost / Charge Ratio
Based on CY 2005 OSHPD Financial Data
Page B-2
The Cost/Charge Ratio is based on an all patient average, rather than Other Third Parties –
Managed Care patients, because the operating expenses and other operating revenue are not
available at the payer category level. Actual cost/charge ratios for hospitals vary by
department and will vary by type of service and payer. A possible future refinement to this
report could use a more detailed cost estimate.
Hospitals may differ in their reporting of the OSHPD financial data elements, although most
are consistent. The formula to calculate the allowed/billed ratio is based on typical reporting
practices and is consistent with OSHPD instructions. The tests outlined above help us to
identify and remove incorrect data.
Page B-3
The OSHPD collects discharge level data from every hospital. Milliman purchased the
CY 2005 database and then identified commercial, non-skilled nursing facility, acute
discharges for hospitals where we had quarterly financial data. See Table C-1 for a summary
of the original records and the exclusions.
Table C-1
Scope of Analysis
CY 2005 OSHPD Discharge Data
Discharges Billed
Total Inpatient Discharges 3,604,621 $131,579,176,790
Inpatient Commercial, non-Kaiser, non-Shriners 1,122,359 $36,255,978,736
Ungroupable Discharges (1) 4,387 $222,371,618
Excluded Hospitals (2) 104,033 $2,747,121,727
Included in Analysis 1,013,939 $33,286,485,391
% of Inpatient Commercial Included 90.3% 91.8%
(1) Could not assign an APR DRG and SOI to these discharges.
(2) Credible Data not available for these providers. (see Section B)
Since the OSHPD Discharge Data only includes billed charges, the estimates for commercial
allowed and cost use the TPMC Allowed/Billed Ratio and Cost/Charge Ratio developed for
each hospital from the OSHPD Financial Data. This calculation is shown below using sample
Torrance Memorial Medical Center and Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center discharges.
Table C-2
Illustrative Calculation of Estimated TPMC Allowed and Estimated Costs
CY 2005 OSHPD Discharge Data
Allowed / Cost /
Billed Estimated Charge Estimated
Discharge OSHPD ID Hospital Billed Ratio Allowed Ratio Cost
0948381 106190422 Torrance Memorial $10,999 30.7% $3,372 23.6% $2,597
0948382 106190422 Torrance Memorial $16,534 30.7% $5,069 23.6% $3,904
0948383 106190422 Torrance Memorial $1,206 30.7% $370 23.6% $285
1269399 106190630 Pomona Valley $16,467 31.3% $5,159 20.8% $3,429
1269404 106190630 Pomona Valley $59,854 31.3% $18,751 20.8% $12,465
1269407 106190630 Pomona Valley $42,608 31.3% $13,348 20.8% $8,873
Page C-1
We applied the same Allowed/Billed Ratio to every discharge for a particular hospital. In
reality, the Allowed/Billed Ratio for a particular discharge will depend on the service specific
contract terms between the payer and the hospital. In general, the contract may provide for
payment for a particular discharge based on:
Under any of the above, contracts often include a stoploss provision where discharges with
billed charges in excess of a stated amount are paid on a different basis.
The use of a single allowed to billed ratio for all discharges at a particular hospital may cause
the allowed charges for particular discharges to be overstated or understated. However,
because all comparisons between hospitals are severity adjusted, and include all discharges,
both overstated and understated, we have no reason to believe that this approximation biases
the comparisons.
In some cases, the provider ID in the OSHPD Discharge Data is more detailed than the
provider IDs in the OSHPD Financials Data. For the following hospitals, we mapped the
more detailed ID in the OSHPD Discharge Data to the “master ID” shown below from the
OSHPD Financial Data:
Table C-3
Mapping of Detail OSHPD IDs to Master OSHPD IDs
CY 2005 OSHPD Discharge Data
Detail Master
OSHPD ID Hospital OSHPD ID Hospital
Page C-2
APR-DRG/SOI based allowed benchmark amounts were created to reflect the relative
resources required to treat patients within each APR/SOI. Milliman performed the following
1. All OSHPD discharge records were grouped using 3M’s APR-DRG and Severity of
Illness Grouper (v24.0).
2. Discharges were summarized by APR/SOI and an average allowed per discharge and
average cost per discharge were calculated.
3. The cost per discharge amounts were increased pro-rata to balance with the actual
statewide allowed amounts. This results in Allowed Benchmarks by APR-DRG/SOI
that reflect allowed amounts in total while retaining the cost-based relativities by
Attachment B shows the data summarized by APR-DRG/SOI. We show the raw discharge
data, the estimated commercial allowed, the estimated cost per discharge, and the cost based
Allowed Benchmarks. Note that the averages by APR-DRG/SOI are not actual average
allowed or cost values. They are estimates using billed charges and the ratios developed in
Section B. While not indicative of the actual costs for services, we do believe that they
provide a reasonable measure of the relative patient severity differences.
There are several reasons that the cost-adjusted benchmarks were used, rather than the actual
allowed per discharge amounts:
• Cost-based relative charges are consistent with the way Medicare has moved in their
DRG relative weight updates.
• Allowed charges at each hospital reflect the hospital’s negotiating results in addition
to underlying patient severity. Cost-based benchmarks more closely approximate the
true resource differences among patients by APR-DRG/SOI.
A possible future enhancement to the Buyer Cost Index calculation would be to modify the
Allowed Benchmarks so that they more closely reflect true patient resource consumption
differences. The following are concerns that could be addressed by refining the Allowed
• The cost-based Allowed Benchmarks used in this report reflect a blend from a large
number of very different hospitals with different cost structures. This results in
benchmarks that will be higher for services that are done more frequently by higher
cost hospitals.
• The estimated costs that we have available using OSHPD data are not actual costs for
each discharge – they are estimated using actual billed charges and a hospital specific
cost/charge ratio.
• For many APR-DRGs the cost-based Allowed Benchmarks do not increase by severity
as should happen.
Page D-1
For each discharge, we assigned an Allowed Benchmark amount based on the APR-DRG/SOI
using the values in Attachment B. The table below illustrates the calculation of the Buyer
Cost Index for six discharges:
Table E-1
Illustrative Calculation of Estimated TPMC Allowed and Buyer Cost Index
CY 2005 OSHPD Discharge Data
Allowed / Buyer
Billed Estimated APR Benchmark Cost
Discharge OSHPD ID Hospital Billed Ratio Allowed DRG SOI Allowed Index
0948381 106190422 Torrance Memorial $10,999 30.7% $3,372 560 1 $3,824 0.882
0948382 106190422 Torrance Memorial $16,534 30.7% $5,069 134 2 $12,677 0.400
0948383 106190422 Torrance Memorial $1,206 30.7% $370 640 1 $1,075 0.344
1269399 106190630 Pomona Valley $16,467 31.3% $5,159 139 2 $8,138 0.634
1269404 106190630 Pomona Valley $59,854 31.3% $18,751 44 4 $37,740 0.497
1269407 106190630 Pomona Valley $42,608 31.3% $13,348 340 3 $12,541 1.064
For each hospital, we summarized all discharges and divided the total estimated allowed
amounts by the total Allowed Benchmark amounts to derive the Buyer Cost Index. Please
note that for the purposes of this report, only the hospital total Buyer Cost Index is a
reasonable data point. Individual discharge indices are based on estimated allowed amounts,
not the actual allowed amounts; therefore, subset Buyer Cost Index values (by APR or MDC,
etc.) are not valid for comparison purposes. However, the hospital total Buyer Cost Index is a
valid comparison, since the total estimate of allowed charges is reasonable and the total
estimate of benchmark allowed amounts is reasonable.
Attachment C shows the derivation of the Buyer Cost Index for each hospital. Notice that the
statewide average Buyer Cost Index is 1.00.
Given that hospital costs can vary significantly based on local labor and capital costs, we
generally recommend comparisons by geographic area. We have used Medicare’s inpatient
geographic adjustment factors to estimate a wage and capital adjustment for each hospital in
California. Attachment C shows the Medicare based geographic adjustment factor and the
area adjusted Buyer Cost Index. See Section H for a description of the geographic adjustment
We have added an identifier for major teaching hospitals based on the residents to beds ratio
and the percent Medicare inpatient add on for indirect medical education. At the request of
PBGH the last column on Attachment C shows the percentage of inpatient billed charges that
are for Indigent and Medi-Cal patients.
Page E-1
The Buyer Cost Index values for each hospital reflect the average commercial negotiated
payments on a patient severity adjusted basis. However, the Buyer Cost Index values are not
adjusted for a number of variables that affect hospitals’ commercial buyer costs. We have
identified several considerations when using the Buyer Cost Index:
• Payer Mix – Hospitals with more than average charity care, Medi-Cal, and Medicare
patients tend to cost shift to commercial payers, leading to a higher Buyer Cost Index
score. The Buyer Cost Index is not adjusted by payer mix. We show the percent
Indigent and Medi-Cal on Attachment C at the request of PBGH. A future
enhancement of this report could involve the development of a Payer Mix Index that
estimates the relative margins for each payer type and estimates the payer mix for each
hospital relative to the statewide average.
• Payer Variation – The Buyer Cost Index estimates are based on an average of all
commercial carriers. Each payer has a different contract with each hospital, and the
relative costs for a given payer may differ from these estimates, which are based on
the average.
• Service Variation – The Buyer Cost Index estimates are based on an average of all
commercial carriers for all services. Each payer has a different contract with each
hospital and the relative costs for a given service and payer may be very different from
these estimates, which are based on the average. For example, appendectomy cost
differences among hospitals may be very different from the total cost index values. If
detailed data was made available from the Payers or the Hospitals, then more detailed
comparisons could be made. This is one of the goals of the HVI.
• Patient Cost Sharing – The Buyer Cost Index estimates are based on insurance payer
negotiated allowed amounts and may not be relevant to patients, since benefit design
has a significant impact on patients’ out-of-pocket costs. If patient cost sharing is a
percentage coinsurance, then the index values are relevant. However, if there is an
out-of-pocket maximum or the cost sharing is a fixed dollar amount (per day or per
admission), then the patient relative costs will be very different from the index values.
• Geographic Cost Variation – The cost of labor and capital improvements varies within
California. The initial Buyer Cost Index does not adjust for this. We have used the
Medicare defined geographic area factors to produce an area adjusted Buyer Cost
• Changes over Time – The index values in this report are for CY 2005, since that is the
latest discharge dataset available at the time of this work. CY 2007 relative costs will
differ due to changes in negotiated contracts between 2005 and 2007.
• Self-Reported Data – The hospitals self-report their data to OSHPD and mistakes are
possible. As we describe in Section B, the instructions are straightforward and we
have reviewed the data for reasonableness; however, we have not audited the OSHPD
Page F-1
• Patient Severity Adjustment Based on Estimates using APR-DRG/SOI Averages – See
Section D for a discussion of the assumptions in developing the Benchmark Allowed
amounts. We believe that APR-DRG/SOI is the most refined patient grouping tool on
the market as was recently supported by the RAND March 2007 report to CMS
comparing Severity Adjusted DRG systems. However, an even more refined DRG
grouper could improve the results.
Page F-2
Using the Cost/Charge ratios from the OSHPD financials, we estimated hospitals’ operating
costs for each discharge. Dividing estimated costs by the Allowed Benchmark amounts
results in a Hospital Cost Index. Attachment D presents the Hospital Cost Index.
The unadjusted statewide average Hospital Cost Index was 0.704, meaning that on average,
hospital costs were 70.4% of commercial allowed reimbursement. In order to more easily
interpret the cost relativities among hospitals in isolation, we show in Attachment D a
normalized Hospital Cost Index, in which the statewide average cost is normalized to 1.00.
Page G-1
The Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) geographically adjusts the
payment to each hospital for labor and capital costs. Due to a lag in the data CMS uses to
derive the Medicare factors, we used the factors effective 10/1/2006 to adjust the 2005
estimates in this report. Attachment E shows the Medicare factors as of 10/1/2006. Based on
the IPPS payment methodology we estimate that the Medicare payment for each hospital
reflects a blend of 64% based on the Wage Index, 8% based on the Capital Geographic
Adjustment Factor (GAF) and 28% unadjusted (1.00). We have assigned each county in
California to one of 15 areas using the Medicare county map and then consolidating counties
with limited numbers of hospitals. Attachment F shows the reference table used to assign
Counties to Cost Index Area. Each hospital is area adjusted using the actual Medicare factors
in Attachments C and D, but we use the consolidated categories for a review of results by
area. Based on our work with the HVI we separated Los Angeles County into four areas.
The table below shows area averages, the normalized Medicare factors, and area adjusted
averages. We normalized the Medicare area factors to 1.00 using hospital specific estimated
Table H-1
Cost Index Area Summary
Page H-1
At the request of PBGH, Milliman has created four additional tables to highlight the low and
high performers for high volume facilities. We limited the additional tables to those facilities
with more than $10 million in commercial paid revenue and removed known specialty
hospitals. The tables are as follows:
• Attachment G-1 – Buyer Cost Index (BCI), Hospital Cost Index (HCI) and Ratio -
Sort Descending by BCI
• Attachment G-2 – Buyer Cost Index (BCI), Hospital Cost Index (HCI) and Ratio -
Sort Descending by HCI
• Attachment G-3 – Buyer Cost Index (BCI), Hospital Cost Index (HCI) and Ratio -
Sort Descending by Ratio
• Attachment G-4 – Buyer Cost Index (BCI), Hospital Cost Index (HCI) and Ratio -
Sort by Region and Name
Page I-1
Milliman is not an advocate for any stakeholders in the California health insurance industry.
We are an independent consulting firm that was engaged by PBGH to develop a best estimate
of patient severity adjusted commercial hospital costs. Using the assumptions presented in
this report, we have objectively calculated hospital cost indices.
The Buyer Cost Index estimates reflect an average commercial payer and may not be
appropriate for individual health insurers. The Buyer Cost Index estimates reflect an average
across all service types and may not be appropriate for evaluating the relative cost of specific
services. These estimates are based on CY 2005 data and may not reflect current relative
costs. See Section F for other considerations.
This report relies on data and other information from OSHPD. We have not audited or
verified this data and other information. If the underlying data or information is inaccurate or
incomplete, the results of our review may likewise be inaccurate or incomplete. We have
attempted to identify and exclude incorrect data.
Milliman makes no representations or warranties regarding the contents of this report to third
parties. Likewise, third parties are instructed that they are to place no reliance upon this
report prepared for PBGH by Milliman that would result in the creation of any duty or
liability under any theory of law by Milliman or its employees to third parties. Other parties
receiving this report must rely upon their own experts in drawing conclusions about relative
hospital costs in California. The estimates included in this report cannot and do not consider
every variation from the key assumptions and the effect of variations on the results.
Page J-1
Attachment A
Allowed / Billed and Cost / Charge Ratios
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 1 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 2 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 3 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 4 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 5 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 6 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 7 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 8 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 9 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 10 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 11 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 12 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 13 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 14 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 15 of 16
Attachment B
Experience by APR-DRG/SOI and Benchmark Allowed Amounts
*Estimates are based on hospital specific ratios from Attachment A and do not reflect actual allowed or costs by APR-DRG/SOI
Milliman Page 16 of 16
Attachment C
Buyer Cost Index
Buyer Normalized Adjusted Percent
Estimated Benchmark Cost Medicare Buyer Cost Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Cost Index Area TPMC Allowed TPMC Allowed Index Area Factor Index Medi-Cal
Total $12,107,677,080 $12,107,677,080 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.245
106010735 ALAMEDA HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $9,964,747 $11,810,493 0.844 1.182 0.714 0.230
106010739 ALTA BATES SUMMIT MED CTR-ALTA BATES Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $126,260,219 $112,762,709 1.120 1.182 0.947 0.347
106481015 CALIFORNIA SPECIALTY HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $8,048,437 $7,678,678 1.048 1.134 0.924 0.403
106010776 CHILDRENS HOSP & RESEARCH CTR OAKLAND Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $45,776,915 $55,494,012 0.825 1.182 0.698 0.435
106070924 CONTRA COSTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $6,215,829 $7,091,903 0.876 1.182 0.741 0.691
106070904 DRS MEDICAL CENTER - SAN PABLO-PINOLE Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $22,922,452 $28,972,446 0.791 1.182 0.669 0.294
106010805 EDEN MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $76,352,919 $50,144,542 1.523 1.182 1.288 0.130
106014034 FREMONT HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $8,738,359 $11,988,513 0.729 1.182 0.616 0.275
106070988 JOHN MUIR MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $226,839,394 $145,583,976 1.558 1.182 1.318 0.045
106013687 MERRITT PERALTA INSTITUTE CDRH Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $1,502,123 $2,951,956 0.509 1.182 0.430 0.000
106071018 MT DIABLO MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $69,757,427 $61,139,414 1.141 1.182 0.965 0.089
106074039 MT DIABLO MEDICAL PAVILION Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $8,943,646 $8,333,142 1.073 1.182 0.908 0.168
106481357 NORTH BAY MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $36,873,071 $16,235,010 2.271 1.134 2.002 0.361
106074017 SAN RAMON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $46,479,723 $46,115,671 1.008 1.182 0.852 0.022
106010967 ST. ROSE HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $10,485,030 $11,821,102 0.887 1.182 0.750 0.351
106010937 SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $125,371,075 $116,796,975 1.073 1.182 0.908 0.169
106070934 SUTTER DELTA MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $28,896,506 $25,583,039 1.130 1.182 0.955 0.183
106010782 THUNDER ROAD CHEMICAL DEPENDCY RCVRY HSP Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $1,141,165 $516,830 2.208 1.182 1.867 0.499
106484001 VACA VALLEY HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $17,770,978 $7,540,476 2.357 1.134 2.078 0.163
106010983 VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $55,434,880 $43,926,126 1.262 1.182 1.067 0.074
106010987 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL - FREMONT Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano $105,402,480 $61,389,562 1.717 1.182 1.452 0.192
106150722 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central $76,959,901 $83,881,227 0.917 0.923 0.994 0.124
106160787 CENTRAL VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL Central $5,383,099 $7,954,338 0.677 0.923 0.733 0.476
106204019 CHILDRENS HOSP CENTRAL CALIF Central $56,436,381 $64,044,202 0.881 0.923 0.955 0.712
106100005 CLOVIS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central $36,165,187 $58,045,497 0.623 0.923 0.675 0.113
106100697 COALINGA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central $908,850 $2,059,101 0.441 0.923 0.478 0.488
106100717 COMMUNITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central $59,330,652 $71,183,734 0.833 0.923 0.903 0.466
106390846 DAMERON HOSPITAL Central $41,591,435 $61,310,776 0.678 0.939 0.722 0.120
106150706 DELANO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central $5,509,132 $7,206,711 0.764 0.923 0.828 0.480
106392287 DOCTORS HOSPITAL OF MANTECA Central $16,891,036 $14,653,586 1.153 0.939 1.228 0.126
106500852 DOCTORS MEDICAL CENTER Central $117,238,431 $78,412,191 1.495 0.954 1.567 0.384
106500867 EMANUEL MEDICAL CENTER Central $34,057,997 $38,712,332 0.880 0.954 0.922 0.166
106150775 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - BAKERSFIELD Central $774,270 $1,390,157 0.557 0.923 0.603 0.423
106160725 HANFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central $11,295,355 $11,364,659 0.994 0.923 1.077 0.208
106154022 HEALTHSOUTH BAKERSFIELD REG REHAB HOSP Central $2,544,420 $3,427,484 0.742 0.923 0.804 0.060
106540734 KAWEAH DELTA DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central $65,861,085 $84,236,355 0.782 0.923 0.847 0.244
106150736 KERN MEDICAL CENTER Central $15,664,462 $15,774,165 0.993 0.923 1.076 0.733
106100745 KINGSBURG MEDICAL HOSPITAL Central $397,657 $835,453 0.476 0.923 0.516 0.390
106390923 LODI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central $27,169,776 $20,671,347 1.314 0.939 1.400 0.277
106201281 MADERA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central $7,934,050 $7,442,660 1.066 0.923 1.155 0.306
106260011 MAMMOTH HOSPITAL Central $8,556,161 $4,194,635 2.040 0.923 2.210 0.126
106050932 MARK TWAIN ST. JOSEPHS HOSPITAL Central $3,901,879 $4,592,579 0.850 0.923 0.921 0.151
106500939 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MODESTO Central $90,355,711 $92,053,801 0.982 0.954 1.028 0.140
106150761 MERCY HOSPITAL - BAKERSFIELD Central $76,006,044 $99,540,760 0.764 0.923 0.827 0.088
106240942 MERCY MERCED MED CTR-COMMUNITY CAMPUS Central $25,432,632 $24,371,231 1.044 0.935 1.116 0.295
106141273 NORTHERN INYO HOSPITAL Central $6,335,570 $3,506,861 1.807 0.923 1.957 0.200
106500967 OAK VALLEY DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central $2,197,334 $4,150,100 0.529 0.954 0.555 0.284
106104023 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY REHAB HOSPITAL Central $2,438,002 $2,421,923 1.007 0.923 1.091 0.036
106100793 SELMA DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central $2,669,837 $3,280,275 0.814 0.923 0.882 0.470
106100797 SIERRA KINGS DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central $1,339,522 $2,664,397 0.503 0.923 0.545 0.532
106540798 SIERRA VIEW DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central $15,211,949 $14,560,955 1.045 0.923 1.132 0.386
106100899 ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER Central $70,686,261 $101,272,930 0.698 0.923 0.756 0.123
106392232 ST. JOSEPHS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTER Central $3,612,274 $5,098,241 0.709 0.939 0.755 0.000
106391042 ST. JOSEPHS MEDICAL CENTER OF STOCKTON Central $64,258,704 $65,978,479 0.974 0.939 1.037 0.225
106540816 TULARE DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central $5,641,097 $9,833,693 0.574 0.923 0.622 0.368
106551061 TUOLUMNE GENERAL HOSPITAL Central $1,609,598 $2,796,395 0.576 0.923 0.624 0.409
106400466 ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast $1,925,847 $7,654,169 0.252 0.923 0.273 0.080
106560203 AURORA VISTA DEL MAR HOSPITAL Central Coast $5,725,277 $7,856,713 0.729 0.923 0.790 0.269
106560473 COMMUNITY MEM HOSP-SAN BUENAVENTURA Central Coast $26,928,433 $85,576,141 0.315 0.923 0.341 0.085
106400480 FRENCH HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast $5,208,501 $17,664,891 0.295 0.923 0.319 0.075
106420491 LOMPOC HEALTHCARE DISTRICT Central Coast $2,591,462 $6,032,133 0.430 0.923 0.465 0.325
106560492 LOS ROBLES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast $80,732,304 $80,084,253 1.008 0.923 1.092 0.040
106420493 MARIAN MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast $29,020,578 $31,475,524 0.922 0.923 0.999 0.228
106560501 OJAI VALLEY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast $2,761,462 $5,704,628 0.484 0.923 0.524 0.194
106560838 PACIFIC SHORES Central Coast $10,920,196 $3,798,107 2.875 0.923 3.115 0.000
106424047 REHABILITATION INST AT SANTA BARBARA Central Coast $3,032,315 $3,095,053 0.980 0.923 1.062 0.066
106400524 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast $45,942,891 $40,028,178 1.148 0.923 1.244 0.187
106560525 SIMI VALLEY HOSP & HLTH SVCS-SYCAMORE Central Coast $23,090,490 $27,727,480 0.833 0.923 0.902 0.119
106560508 ST. JOHNS PLEASANT VALLEY HOSPITAL Central Coast $14,203,536 $13,164,191 1.079 0.923 1.169 0.064
106560529 ST. JOHNS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast $48,496,058 $51,288,280 0.946 0.923 1.025 0.124
106564121 THOUSAND OAKS SURGICAL HOSPITAL Central Coast $1,935,703 $3,909,540 0.495 0.923 0.536 0.000
106400548 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast $20,726,716 $16,871,778 1.228 0.923 1.331 0.127
106560481 VENTURA COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast $5,915,317 $13,291,770 0.445 0.923 0.482 0.571
106190017 ALHAMBRA HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $3,937,982 $4,735,364 0.832 0.951 0.874 0.329
106190081 BEVERLY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $10,329,374 $22,604,486 0.457 0.951 0.480 0.304
106190020 BHC ALHAMBRA HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $7,160,654 $12,728,370 0.563 0.951 0.591 0.331
106190125 CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $12,456,566 $15,111,843 0.824 0.951 0.866 0.691
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Attachment C
Buyer Cost Index
Buyer Normalized Adjusted Percent
Estimated Benchmark Cost Medicare Buyer Cost Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Cost Index Area TPMC Allowed TPMC Allowed Index Area Factor Index Medi-Cal
106190555 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $588,838,520 $345,762,284 1.703 0.951 1.790 0.112
106190170 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles-NE $75,854,043 $97,855,099 0.775 0.951 0.815 0.658
106190392 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - LA Los Angeles-NE $57,409,869 $94,183,196 0.610 0.951 0.641 0.182
106190382 HOLLYWOOD PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CTR Los Angeles-NE $7,470,316 $11,602,942 0.644 0.951 0.677 0.553
106190400 HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $123,493,409 $142,442,441 0.867 0.951 0.911 0.152
106191228 LAC/USC MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T $23,737,694 $15,314,485 1.550 0.951 1.629 0.871
106190462 LAS ENCINAS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $9,694,070 $9,800,289 0.989 0.951 1.040 0.043
106190198 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $1,033,857 $6,406,393 0.161 0.951 0.170 0.611
106190547 MONTEREY PARK HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $3,247,411 $4,843,992 0.670 0.951 0.705 0.463
106190534 OLYMPIA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $11,608,161 $15,804,742 0.734 0.951 0.772 0.100
106190581 ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $2,130,827 $2,815,073 0.757 0.951 0.796 0.358
106190307 PACIFIC ALLIANCE MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $812,324 $2,585,666 0.314 0.951 0.330 0.464
106190468 PROMISE HOSPITAL OF EAST LOS ANGELES Los Angeles-NE $1,525,829 $1,858,423 0.821 0.951 0.863 0.201
106190200 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $20,403,940 $28,014,714 0.728 0.951 0.765 0.159
106190762 ST. VINCENT MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $66,676,904 $59,564,589 1.119 0.951 1.176 0.168
106190784 TEMPLE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $6,820,335 $3,403,461 2.004 0.951 2.106 0.337
106190796 UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T $261,901,388 $325,364,625 0.805 0.951 0.846 0.184
106190930 UCLA NEUROPSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $10,067,243 $9,255,332 1.088 0.951 1.143 0.062
106191216 USC KENNETH NORRIS JR. CANCER HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $24,748,517 $29,539,764 0.838 0.951 0.881 0.010
106194219 USC UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE $117,635,744 $99,057,308 1.188 0.951 1.248 0.163
106190878 WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE $17,621,048 $25,124,335 0.701 0.951 0.737 0.492
106190280 ENCINO TARZANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $8,113,816 $10,097,098 0.804 0.951 0.845 0.231
106190517 ENCINO TARZANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $54,571,526 $58,554,663 0.932 0.951 0.980 0.179
106190323 GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $56,841,628 $65,031,826 0.874 0.951 0.919 0.290
106190522 GLENDALE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CTR Los Angeles-NW $23,839,264 $32,252,076 0.739 0.951 0.777 0.302
106191231 LAC/OLIVE VIEW -UCLA MED CTR Los Angeles-NW T $1,667,992 $1,521,599 1.096 0.951 1.152 0.902
106190455 LANCASTER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW $24,414,477 $49,838,382 0.490 0.951 0.515 0.064
106190568 NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $79,678,574 $82,001,664 0.972 0.951 1.021 0.226
106190385 PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $42,657,661 $83,030,751 0.514 0.951 0.540 0.261
106190758 PROVIDENCE SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $76,432,629 $96,862,032 0.789 0.951 0.829 0.146
106190708 SHERMAN OAKS HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER Los Angeles-NW $9,270,725 $14,634,241 0.633 0.951 0.666 0.099
106190812 VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW $35,181,473 $40,559,132 0.867 0.951 0.912 0.487
106190818 VERDUGO HILLS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW $12,037,080 $29,500,669 0.408 0.951 0.429 0.077
106190859 WEST HILLS HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW $42,010,878 $42,368,857 0.992 0.951 1.042 0.053
106190163 AURORA CHARTER OAK Los Angeles-SE $4,951,858 $8,972,373 0.552 0.951 0.580 0.318
106190066 BELLFLOWER MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE $780,583 $4,753,073 0.164 0.951 0.173 0.465
106190137 CASA COLINA HOSPITAL FOR REHABILITATIVE Los Angeles-SE $6,049,131 $5,682,888 1.064 0.951 1.119 0.014
106190636 CITRUS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER - QV CAMPUS Los Angeles-SE $51,481,413 $73,720,076 0.698 0.951 0.734 0.338
106190176 CITY OF HOPE NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE $125,415,842 $111,104,416 1.129 0.951 1.186 0.183
106190184 COLLEGE HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE $12,722,279 $20,348,264 0.625 0.951 0.657 0.186
106190328 EAST VALLEY HOSPITAL MED CTR Los Angeles-SE $1,356,118 $3,414,074 0.397 0.951 0.417 0.371
106190298 FOOTHILL PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE $11,250,961 $18,934,062 0.594 0.951 0.625 0.114
106190352 GREATER EL MONTE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE $2,179,682 $4,149,600 0.525 0.951 0.552 0.584
106190630 POMONA VALLEY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE $66,285,148 $72,795,153 0.911 0.951 0.957 0.408
106190631 PRESBYTERIAN INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE $78,688,515 $81,023,795 0.971 0.951 1.021 0.168
106190673 SAN DIMAS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE $11,158,014 $18,308,667 0.609 0.951 0.641 0.322
106190754 ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE $6,700,269 $29,856,691 0.224 0.951 0.236 0.493
106190159 TRI-CITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE $8,337,239 $3,360,316 2.481 0.951 2.608 0.183
106190883 WHITTIER HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE $4,101,039 $24,807,985 0.165 0.951 0.174 0.331
106190110 BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW $13,998,614 $22,967,370 0.610 0.951 0.641 0.200
106190230 CENTINELA FREEMAN M.C-MEMORIAL Los Angeles-SW $21,076,305 $36,408,281 0.579 0.951 0.608 0.373
106190148 CENTINELA FREEMAN MED CTR-CENTINELA Los Angeles-SW $52,964,237 $58,623,011 0.903 0.951 0.950 0.259
106190500 CENTINELA FREEMAN MED CTR-MARINA Los Angeles-SW $9,625,679 $14,206,677 0.678 0.951 0.712 0.103
106190197 COMMUNITY & MISSION HOSP-HTG PARK Los Angeles-SW $1,468,488 $2,321,441 0.633 0.951 0.665 0.704
106190232 DEL AMO HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW $7,735,112 $8,924,798 0.867 0.951 0.911 0.137
106196168 E & L MILLER CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW $92,103,925 $83,334,977 1.105 0.951 1.162 0.316
106190240 LAKEWOOD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - SOUTH Los Angeles-SW $20,997,715 $31,743,983 0.661 0.951 0.695 0.164
106190680 LITTLE CO OF MARY-SAN PEDRO HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW $15,983,330 $16,440,182 0.972 0.951 1.022 0.400
106190470 LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW $55,670,418 $67,939,045 0.819 0.951 0.861 0.113
106190525 LONG BEACH MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW $74,341,379 $93,988,206 0.791 0.951 0.831 0.162
106190687 SANTA MONICA - UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW $36,808,330 $60,696,393 0.606 0.951 0.637 0.100
106190756 ST. JOHNS HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CENTER Los Angeles-SW $73,272,028 $89,563,063 0.818 0.951 0.860 0.009
106190053 ST. MARY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW $16,748,115 $20,539,118 0.815 0.951 0.857 0.414
106190422 TORRANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW $129,096,338 $181,159,857 0.713 0.951 0.749 0.075
106060870 COLUSA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North $1,070,099 $1,124,494 0.952 0.923 1.031 0.275
106040962 ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER - ESPLANADE CAMPUS North $53,424,983 $55,745,958 0.958 0.923 1.038 0.189
106040937 OROVILLE HOSPITAL North $9,963,876 $12,153,691 0.820 0.923 0.888 0.303
106454013 PATIENTS HOSPITAL OF REDDING North $1,334,265 $2,394,523 0.557 0.997 0.559 0.003
106121051 REDWOOD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL North $3,930,404 $3,271,234 1.202 0.923 1.302 0.224
106580996 RIDEOUT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL North $44,717,005 $36,328,326 1.231 0.923 1.334 0.232
106450940 SHASTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North $15,121,631 $23,426,684 0.645 0.997 0.648 0.174
106121080 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - EUREKA North $27,670,274 $23,837,268 1.161 0.923 1.258 0.194
106171395 SUTTER LAKESIDE HOSPITAL North $10,705,770 $6,547,471 1.635 0.923 1.772 0.185
106291053 TAHOE FOREST HOSPITAL North $15,604,457 $10,876,962 1.435 0.923 1.554 0.154
106231396 UKIAH VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER North $9,263,094 $10,119,095 0.915 0.923 0.992 0.311
106301098 ANAHEIM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange $51,468,357 $82,782,514 0.622 0.932 0.667 0.136
106301140 CHAPMAN MEDICAL CENTER Orange $8,261,872 $11,265,258 0.733 0.932 0.787 0.360
106304113 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AT MISSION Orange $19,515,199 $19,180,520 1.017 0.932 1.092 0.219
106300032 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange $93,290,166 $82,378,393 1.132 0.932 1.216 0.538
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Attachment C
Buyer Cost Index
Buyer Normalized Adjusted Percent
Estimated Benchmark Cost Medicare Buyer Cost Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Cost Index Area TPMC Allowed TPMC Allowed Index Area Factor Index Medi-Cal
106301258 COASTAL COMMUNITIES HOSPITAL Orange $6,058,864 $5,328,967 1.137 0.932 1.220 0.623
106301155 COLLEGE HOSPITAL COSTA MESA Orange $4,685,996 $7,679,188 0.610 0.932 0.655 0.668
106301175 FOUNTAIN VALLEY RGNL HOSP & MC-EUCLID Orange $60,246,803 $75,110,171 0.802 0.932 0.861 0.281
106301283 GARDEN GROVE HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Orange $12,076,696 $15,623,707 0.773 0.932 0.830 0.462
106301205 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Orange $190,240,073 $181,718,516 1.047 0.932 1.124 0.044
106301209 HUNTINGTON BEACH HOSPITAL Orange $1,504,603 $14,743,895 0.102 0.932 0.110 0.311
106304045 IRVINE MEDICAL CENTER Orange $38,019,952 $58,283,052 0.652 0.932 0.700 0.040
106301234 LA PALMA INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Orange $7,239,522 $21,227,791 0.341 0.932 0.366 0.161
106301248 LOS ALAMITOS MEDICAL CENTER Orange $22,917,768 $29,008,302 0.790 0.932 0.848 0.077
106301262 MISSION HOSPITAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange $111,159,294 $93,932,380 1.183 0.932 1.270 0.102
106300225 ORANGE COAST MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange $50,394,739 $76,785,678 0.656 0.932 0.704 0.045
106301297 PLACENTIA-LINDA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Orange $15,792,158 $21,330,396 0.740 0.932 0.795 0.156
106301317 SADDLEBACK MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange $73,844,564 $86,462,943 0.854 0.932 0.917 0.028
106301337 SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CENTER Orange $18,443,717 $20,779,392 0.888 0.932 0.953 0.131
106301340 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - ORANGE Orange $137,965,439 $169,132,295 0.816 0.932 0.876 0.079
106301342 ST. JUDE MEDICAL CENTER Orange $118,925,499 $84,578,517 1.406 0.932 1.509 0.071
106301357 TUSTIN HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange $512,472 $1,291,100 0.397 0.932 0.426 0.746
106304079 TUSTIN REHABILITATION HOSPITAL Orange $2,358,970 $3,002,531 0.786 0.932 0.843 0.037
106301279 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE MED CTR Orange T $93,473,398 $84,170,507 1.111 0.932 1.192 0.466
106301379 WEST ANAHEIM MEDICAL CENTER Orange $11,852,610 $32,846,143 0.361 0.932 0.387 0.129
106301188 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER-ANAHEIM Orange $5,463,175 $9,019,020 0.606 0.932 0.650 0.501
106301566 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER-SANTA ANA Orange $34,434,711 $50,629,863 0.680 0.932 0.730 0.341
106361105 BARSTOW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $4,148,474 $5,920,612 0.701 0.923 0.759 0.236
106364050 CANYON RIDGE HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $3,190,159 $6,039,975 0.528 0.923 0.572 0.287
106361144 CHINO VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $24,109,118 $16,849,869 1.431 0.923 1.550 0.333
106361458 COLORADO RIVER MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $3,277,201 $5,562,194 0.589 0.923 0.638 0.165
106361323 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF SAN BERNARDINO Riverside-San Bernardino $5,390,697 $9,221,743 0.585 0.923 0.633 0.608
106331152 CORONA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $29,020,606 $46,288,455 0.627 0.923 0.679 0.201
106331164 DESERT REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $82,417,751 $72,266,728 1.140 0.923 1.236 0.268
106364144 DESERT VALLEY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $33,000,367 $37,831,094 0.872 0.923 0.945 0.150
106361166 DOCTORS HSP MED CTR OF MONTCLAIR Riverside-San Bernardino $16,386,214 $21,816,236 0.751 0.923 0.814 0.285
106331168 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $57,955,210 $62,886,990 0.922 0.923 0.999 0.032
106331194 HEMET VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $11,277,249 $20,088,912 0.561 0.923 0.608 0.157
106362041 HI-DESERT MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $3,894,776 $10,413,314 0.374 0.923 0.405 0.383
106331216 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $11,388,963 $15,154,250 0.752 0.923 0.814 0.381
106364014 LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY BEHAVIORAL MEDICIN Riverside-San Bernardino $9,474,925 $15,186,029 0.624 0.923 0.676 0.170
106361246 LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino T $201,156,461 $195,428,025 1.029 0.923 1.115 0.437
106334018 MENIFEE VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $3,318,767 $6,735,360 0.493 0.923 0.534 0.063
106334048 MORENO VALLEY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $6,193,362 $11,674,505 0.531 0.923 0.575 0.325
106361266 MOUNTAINS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $1,692,972 $1,582,151 1.070 0.923 1.159 0.440
106331288 PALO VERDE HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $4,078,276 $3,424,700 1.191 0.923 1.290 0.259
106331293 PARKVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $22,873,430 $24,734,302 0.925 0.923 1.002 0.278
106361308 REDLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $51,388,172 $60,816,992 0.845 0.923 0.916 0.120
106331226 RIVERSIDE CENTER FOR BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE Riverside-San Bernardino $532,485 $740,098 0.719 0.923 0.780 0.000
106331312 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $85,594,396 $93,257,107 0.918 0.923 0.994 0.185
106334487 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $30,739,672 $40,672,190 0.756 0.923 0.819 0.658
106361318 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $58,131,857 $89,185,511 0.652 0.923 0.706 0.095
106334068 SOUTHWEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM-MURRIETA Riverside-San Bernardino $84,215,605 $126,475,795 0.666 0.923 0.721 0.110
106361339 ST. BERNARDINE MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino $54,265,914 $82,360,958 0.659 0.923 0.714 0.220
106361370 VICTOR VALLEY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino $7,793,144 $20,782,702 0.375 0.923 0.406 0.344
106090793 BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sacramento $29,853,135 $18,468,826 1.616 1.028 1.572 0.229
106340947 MERCY GENERAL HOSPITAL Sacramento $104,462,857 $125,258,941 0.834 1.028 0.811 0.128
106344029 MERCY HOSPITAL - FOLSOM Sacramento $21,882,123 $23,311,762 0.939 1.028 0.913 0.088
106340950 MERCY SAN JUAN HOSPITAL Sacramento $102,128,945 $83,822,585 1.218 1.028 1.185 0.272
106340951 METHODIST HOSPITAL OF SACRAMENTO Sacramento $25,579,634 $24,135,799 1.060 1.028 1.031 0.354
106342392 SIERRA VISTA HOSPITAL Sacramento $6,768,612 $8,304,177 0.815 1.028 0.793 0.177
106310791 SUTTER AUBURN FAITH HOSPITAL Sacramento $19,208,154 $14,831,172 1.295 1.028 1.260 0.126
106344017 SUTTER CENTER FOR PSYCHIATRY Sacramento $9,552,971 $9,911,150 0.964 1.028 0.938 0.126
106574010 SUTTER DAVIS HOSPITAL Sacramento $12,244,677 $12,219,154 1.002 1.028 0.975 0.265
106341051 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER-SACRAMENTO Sacramento $250,777,020 $154,609,830 1.622 1.028 1.578 0.257
106311000 SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Sacramento $104,496,215 $76,391,045 1.368 1.028 1.331 0.176
106341006 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MED CTR Sacramento T $269,671,997 $164,233,095 1.642 1.028 1.597 0.395
106571086 WOODLAND MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sacramento $6,863,595 $13,379,888 0.513 1.028 0.499 0.193
106370652 ALVARADO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER San Diego $27,949,785 $26,002,775 1.075 0.923 1.165 0.171
106370749 ALVARADO PARKWAY INSTITUTE BHS San Diego $1,021,168 $2,234,747 0.457 0.923 0.495 0.010
106374024 AURORA SAN DIEGO San Diego $7,343,510 $9,531,660 0.770 0.923 0.835 0.077
106370673 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-SAN DIEGO San Diego $87,593,264 $120,326,460 0.728 0.923 0.789 0.515
106130699 EL CENTRO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER San Diego $9,458,349 $13,889,159 0.681 0.923 0.738 0.265
106370705 FALLBROOK HOSPITAL DISTRICT San Diego $5,074,163 $8,380,780 0.605 0.923 0.656 0.125
106370714 GROSSMONT HOSPITAL San Diego $94,570,662 $82,624,038 1.145 0.923 1.240 0.206
106370755 PALOMAR MEDICAL CENTER San Diego $76,013,406 $79,725,688 0.953 0.923 1.033 0.230
106370759 PARADISE VALLEY HOSPITAL San Diego $9,391,369 $14,283,266 0.658 0.923 0.712 0.410
106130760 PIONEERS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Diego $9,424,888 $11,324,047 0.832 0.923 0.902 0.392
106370977 POMERADO HOSPITAL San Diego $27,135,242 $30,850,337 0.880 0.923 0.953 0.136
106374084 SAN DIEGO HOSPICE ACUTE CARE CENTER San Diego $538,137 $1,580,490 0.340 0.923 0.369 0.230
106371256 SCRIPPS GREEN HOSPITAL San Diego $77,046,265 $85,093,804 0.905 0.923 0.981 0.011
106371394 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - ENCINITAS San Diego $37,702,167 $33,881,539 1.113 0.923 1.206 0.089
106370771 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-LA JOLLA San Diego $134,259,213 $145,181,054 0.925 0.923 1.002 0.053
106370744 SCRIPPS MERCY HOSPITAL San Diego $95,598,679 $107,565,528 0.889 0.923 0.963 0.229
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Attachment C
Buyer Cost Index
Buyer Normalized Adjusted Percent
Estimated Benchmark Cost Medicare Buyer Cost Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Cost Index Area TPMC Allowed TPMC Allowed Index Area Factor Index Medi-Cal
106370875 SHARP CHULA VISTA MEDICAL CENTER San Diego $42,824,391 $37,971,008 1.128 0.923 1.222 0.241
106370689 SHARP CORONADO HOSPITAL & HEALTHCARE CTR San Diego $6,820,019 $8,471,110 0.805 0.923 0.872 0.396
106370695 SHARP MARY BIRCH HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN San Diego $71,682,507 $74,716,699 0.959 0.923 1.040 0.334
106370694 SHARP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Diego $140,886,614 $128,015,089 1.101 0.923 1.192 0.135
106374049 SHARP VISTA PACIFICA San Diego $950,838 $974,177 0.976 0.923 1.058 0.000
106370780 TRI-CITY MEDICAL CENTER San Diego $46,251,013 $65,449,074 0.707 0.923 0.766 0.108
106370782 UNIVERSITY OF CALIF - SAN DIEGO MED CTR San Diego T $110,627,992 $133,475,874 0.829 0.923 0.898 0.394
106380929 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $397,030,604 $246,082,464 1.613 1.171 1.378 0.121
106382715 CHINESE HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $3,338,131 $1,993,073 1.675 1.171 1.430 0.106
106210993 KENTFIELD REHABILITATION CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $5,235,561 $2,661,887 1.967 1.171 1.680 0.042
106380868 LANGLEY PORTER PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $3,378,728 $3,582,329 0.943 1.171 0.806 0.062
106211006 MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $73,742,112 $49,622,105 1.486 1.171 1.269 0.145
106214034 NOVATO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - CURRENT LOC San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $9,532,529 $7,049,841 1.352 1.171 1.155 0.092
106410852 PENINSULA MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $55,114,966 $70,015,563 0.787 1.171 0.672 0.047
106410891 SEQUOIA HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $66,145,095 $52,878,968 1.251 1.171 1.068 0.027
106410817 SETON MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $56,553,469 $33,978,932 1.664 1.171 1.422 0.218
106380960 ST. FRANCIS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $8,299,202 $25,605,263 0.324 1.171 0.277 0.185
106380964 ST. LUKES HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $15,570,506 $10,570,698 1.473 1.171 1.258 0.422
106380965 ST. MARYS MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin $40,418,762 $30,782,357 1.313 1.171 1.121 0.070
106381154 UCSF MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin T $263,988,982 $308,670,077 0.855 1.171 0.730 0.241
106490964 HEALDSBURG DISTRICT HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $975,950 $1,329,168 0.734 1.107 0.664 0.228
106491338 PALM DRIVE HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $7,944,340 $4,597,847 1.728 1.107 1.562 0.081
106491001 PETALUMA VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $9,267,090 $7,905,594 1.172 1.107 1.059 0.177
106281047 QUEEN OF THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $30,323,139 $25,575,479 1.186 1.025 1.157 0.121
106491064 SANTA ROSA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $87,397,398 $69,596,825 1.256 1.107 1.135 0.182
106491076 SONOMA VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $4,522,899 $4,471,512 1.011 1.107 0.914 0.122
106281078 ST. HELENA HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa $14,522,858 $16,344,389 0.889 1.025 0.867 0.130
106490919 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER OF SANTA ROSA Sonoma-Napa $36,021,423 $30,220,628 1.192 1.107 1.077 0.265
106430743 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF LOS GATOS South Bay $30,418,507 $30,592,982 0.994 1.165 0.853 0.021
106430763 EL CAMINO HOSPITAL South Bay $112,323,274 $101,373,236 1.108 1.165 0.951 0.073
106270777 GEORGE L. MEE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay $6,699,881 $3,043,234 2.202 1.101 2.000 0.445
106430779 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - SAN JOSE South Bay $169,996,084 $169,516,144 1.003 1.165 0.861 0.050
106350784 HAZEL HAWKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay $8,793,874 $8,062,759 1.091 1.165 0.936 0.302
106434040 LUCILE S PACKARD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL South Bay $284,414,050 $159,572,682 1.782 1.165 1.530 0.370
106430837 O CONNOR HOSPITAL South Bay $62,595,346 $55,396,727 1.130 1.165 0.970 0.127
106430705 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE South Bay $48,001,430 $38,811,052 1.237 1.165 1.061 0.179
106270875 SALINAS VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay $105,009,732 $63,810,437 1.646 1.101 1.495 0.112
106430883 SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER South Bay $66,389,908 $41,606,300 1.596 1.165 1.369 0.691
106434138 ST. LOUISE REGIONAL HOSPITAL South Bay $16,843,003 $12,999,929 1.296 1.165 1.112 0.155
106430905 STANFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL South Bay T $337,723,338 $242,698,051 1.392 1.165 1.194 0.108
106444013 WATSONVILLE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL South Bay $18,250,570 $14,576,497 1.252 1.150 1.089 0.286
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Attachment D
Hospital Cost Index
Weight Applied
64% 8%
Code Urban Area (Constituent Counties) Wage Index GAF Avg*
12540 ²Bakersfield, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Kern County, CA
17020 ²Chico, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Butte County, CA
20940 ²El Centro, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Imperial County, CA
23420 ²Fresno, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Fresno County, CA
25260 ²Hanford-Corcoran, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Kings County, CA
31084 ¹Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA 1.169 1.113 1.117
Los Angeles County, CA
31460 ²Madera, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Madera County, CA
32900 Merced, CA 1.141 1.095 1.098
Merced County, CA
33700 Modesto, CA 1.174 1.116 1.120
Stanislaus County, CA
34900 Napa, CA 1.293 1.193 1.203
Napa County, CA
36084 ¹Oakland-Fremont-Hayward, CA 1.562 1.357 1.388
Alameda County, CA
Contra Costa County, CA
37100 ²Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Ventura County, CA
39820 Redding, CA 1.245 1.162 1.170
Shasta County, CA
40140 ¹,²Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Riverside County, CA
San Bernardino County, CA
40900 ¹Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA 1.299 1.196 1.207
El Dorado County, CA
Placer County, CA
Sacramento County, CA
Yolo County, CA
41500 Salinas, CA 1.422 1.273 1.292
Monterey County, CA
41740 ¹,²San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
San Diego County, CA
41884 ¹San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA 1.542 1.345 1.374
Marin County, CA
San Francisco County, CA
San Mateo County, CA
41940 ¹San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA 1.532 1.340 1.368
San Benito County, CA
Santa Clara County, CA
Weight Applied
64% 8%
Code Urban Area (Constituent Counties) Wage Index GAF Avg*
42020 ²San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
San Luis Obispo County, CA
42044 ¹Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine, CA 1.135 1.091 1.094
Orange County, CA
42060 ²Santa Barbara-Santa Maria, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Santa Barbara County, CA
42100 Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA 1.506 1.323 1.350
Santa Cruz County, CA
42220 Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA 1.432 1.279 1.299
Sonoma County, CA
44700 Stockton, CA 1.147 1.099 1.102
San Joaquin County, CA
46700 Vallejo-Fairfield, CA 1.479 1.308 1.331
Solano County, CA
47300 ²Visalia-Porterville, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Tulare County, CA
49700 ²Yuba City, CA 1.120 1.081 1.083
Sutter County, CA
Yuba County, CA
*Average is calculated as 64% of the Wage Index value plus 8% of the GAF value plus 28% of
Large urban area.
Hospitals geographically located in the area are assigned the statewide rural wage index for FY
Medicare Medicare
County Medicare Area Area Factor Area Factor Cost Index Area
Alameda ¹Oakland-Fremont-Hayward, CA 1.388 1.182 Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano
Alpine Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Amador Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Butte ²Chico, CA 1.083 0.923 North
Calaveras Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Colusa Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Contra Costa ¹Oakland-Fremont-Hayward, CA 1.388 1.182 Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano
Del Norte Rural 1.083 0.923 North
El Dorado ¹Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA 1.207 1.028 Sacramento
Fresno ²Fresno, CA 1.083 0.923 Central
Glenn Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Humboldt Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Imperial ²El Centro, CA 1.083 0.923 San Diego
Inyo Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Kern ²Bakersfield, CA 1.083 0.923 Central
Kings ²Hanford-Corcoran, CA 1.083 0.923 Central
Lake Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Lassen Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Los Angeles ¹Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA 1.117 0.951 Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale*
Madera ²Madera, CA 1.083 0.923 Central
Marin ¹San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA 1.374 1.171 San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin
Mariposa Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Mendocino Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Merced Merced, CA 1.098 0.935 Central
Modoc Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Mono Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Monterey Salinas, CA 1.292 1.101 South Bay
Napa Napa, CA 1.203 1.025 Sonoma-Napa
Nevada Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Orange ¹Santa Ana-Anaheim-Irvine, CA 1.094 0.932 Orange
Placer ¹Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA 1.207 1.028 Sacramento
Plumas Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Riverside ¹,²Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 1.083 0.923 Riverside-San Bernardino
Sacramento ¹Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA 1.207 1.028 Sacramento
San Benito ¹San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA 1.368 1.165 South Bay
San Bernardino ¹,²Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 1.083 0.923 Riverside-San Bernardino
San Diego ¹,²San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA 1.083 0.923 San Diego
San Francisco ¹San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA 1.374 1.171 San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin
San Joaquin Stockton, CA 1.102 0.939 Central
San Luis Obispo ²San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA 1.083 0.923 Central Coast
San Mateo ¹San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA 1.374 1.171 San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin
Santa Barbara ²Santa Barbara-Santa Maria, CA 1.083 0.923 Central Coast
Santa Clara ¹San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA 1.368 1.165 South Bay
Santa Cruz Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA 1.350 1.150 South Bay
Shasta Redding, CA 1.170 0.997 North
Sierra Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Siskiyou Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Solano Vallejo-Fairfield, CA 1.331 1.134 Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano
Sonoma Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA 1.299 1.107 Sonoma-Napa
Stanislaus Modesto, CA 1.120 0.954 Central
Sutter ²Yuba City, CA 1.083 0.923 North
Tehama Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Trinity Rural 1.083 0.923 North
Tulare ²Visalia-Porterville, CA 1.083 0.923 Central
Tuolumne Rural 1.083 0.923 Central
Ventura ²Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA 1.083 0.923 Central Coast
Yolo ¹Sacramento--Arden-Arcade--Roseville, CA 1.207 1.028 Sacramento
Yuba ²Yuba City, CA 1.083 0.923 North
Adjusted Adjusted Percent
Buyer Cost Hospital Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Medi-Cal
106484001 VACA VALLEY HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.078 1.210 1.718 0.163
106481357 NORTH BAY MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.002 1.119 1.789 0.361
106190555 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.790 1.430 1.251 0.112
106171395 SUTTER LAKESIDE HOSPITAL North 1.772 1.282 1.382 0.185
106191228 LAC/USC MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 1.629 1.631 0.999 0.871
106341006 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MED CTR Sacramento T 1.597 1.384 1.154 0.395
106341051 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER-SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.578 1.057 1.492 0.257
106090793 BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.572 1.205 1.305 0.229
106500852 DOCTORS MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.567 0.997 1.572 0.384
106291053 TAHOE FOREST HOSPITAL North 1.554 1.707 0.911 0.154
106361144 CHINO VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.550 0.738 2.102 0.333
106434040 LUCILE S PACKARD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL South Bay 1.530 1.493 1.024 0.370
106301342 ST. JUDE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.509 1.118 1.350 0.071
106270875 SALINAS VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.495 1.248 1.198 0.112
106010987 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL - FREMONT Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.452 1.102 1.317 0.192
106410817 SETON MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.422 1.016 1.400 0.218
106390923 LODI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 1.400 0.927 1.511 0.277
106380929 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.378 1.199 1.149 0.121
106430883 SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER South Bay 1.369 1.637 0.836 0.691
106580996 RIDEOUT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL North 1.334 0.873 1.527 0.232
106400548 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.331 1.011 1.317 0.127
106311000 SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Sacramento 1.331 0.951 1.400 0.176
106070988 JOHN MUIR MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.318 1.184 1.113 0.045
106010805 EDEN MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.288 0.924 1.394 0.130
106301262 MISSION HOSPITAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.270 1.074 1.183 0.102
106211006 MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.269 1.167 1.087 0.145
106310791 SUTTER AUBURN FAITH HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.260 0.929 1.357 0.126
106380964 ST. LUKES HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.258 1.056 1.192 0.422
106121080 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - EUREKA North 1.258 1.030 1.221 0.194
106194219 USC UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.248 1.217 1.026 0.163
106400524 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.244 1.084 1.147 0.187
106370714 GROSSMONT HOSPITAL San Diego 1.240 0.997 1.243 0.206
106331164 DESERT REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.236 0.952 1.299 0.268
106392287 DOCTORS HOSPITAL OF MANTECA Central 1.228 0.925 1.327 0.126
106370875 SHARP CHULA VISTA MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.222 0.891 1.372 0.241
106300032 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange 1.216 1.453 0.836 0.538
106371394 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - ENCINITAS San Diego 1.206 1.097 1.099 0.089
106430905 STANFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL South Bay T 1.194 1.228 0.972 0.108
106370694 SHARP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Diego 1.192 1.066 1.119 0.135
106301279 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE MED CTR Orange T 1.192 1.337 0.891 0.466
106190176 CITY OF HOPE NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 1.186 1.388 0.855 0.183
106340950 MERCY SAN JUAN HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.185 0.835 1.419 0.272
106190762 ST. VINCENT MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.176 0.903 1.302 0.168
106560508 ST. JOHNS PLEASANT VALLEY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.169 1.011 1.157 0.064
106370652 ALVARADO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.165 0.978 1.191 0.171
106196168 E & L MILLER CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.162 1.322 0.879 0.316
106281047 QUEEN OF THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.157 1.077 1.074 0.121
106190930 UCLA NEUROPSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.143 2.397 0.477 0.062
106491064 SANTA ROSA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.135 1.054 1.076 0.182
106540798 SIERRA VIEW DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 1.132 0.692 1.637 0.386
106301205 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Orange 1.124 1.086 1.035 0.044
106380965 ST. MARYS MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.121 1.104 1.016 0.070
106240942 MERCY MERCED MED CTR-COMMUNITY CAMPUS Central 1.116 0.895 1.247 0.295
106361246 LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino T 1.115 1.054 1.058 0.437
106434138 ST. LOUISE REGIONAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.112 0.987 1.126 0.155
106560492 LOS ROBLES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.092 0.857 1.275 0.040
106304113 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AT MISSION Orange 1.092 1.296 0.843 0.219
106444013 WATSONVILLE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL South Bay 1.089 1.020 1.068 0.286
106490919 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER OF SANTA ROSA Sonoma-Napa 1.077 1.085 0.992 0.265
106160725 HANFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 1.077 1.040 1.036 0.208
106150736 KERN MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.076 1.235 0.871 0.733
106410891 SEQUOIA HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.068 0.914 1.168 0.027
106010983 VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.067 1.106 0.965 0.074
106430705 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE South Bay 1.061 1.004 1.057 0.179
106190859 WEST HILLS HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.042 1.031 1.011 0.053
106370695 SHARP MARY BIRCH HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN San Diego 1.040 0.933 1.114 0.334
106040962 ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER - ESPLANADE CAMPUS North 1.038 0.958 1.083 0.189
106391042 ST. JOSEPHS MEDICAL CENTER OF STOCKTON Central 1.037 0.822 1.262 0.225
106370755 PALOMAR MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.033 0.992 1.041 0.230
106340951 METHODIST HOSPITAL OF SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.031 0.917 1.124 0.354
106500939 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MODESTO Central 1.028 1.034 0.995 0.140
106560529 ST. JOHNS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.025 1.027 0.998 0.124
106190680 LITTLE CO OF MARY-SAN PEDRO HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.022 0.947 1.078 0.400
Adjusted Adjusted Percent
Buyer Cost Hospital Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Medi-Cal
106190568 NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.021 0.991 1.030 0.226
106190631 PRESBYTERIAN INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 1.021 0.824 1.238 0.168
106370771 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-LA JOLLA San Diego 1.002 0.990 1.012 0.053
106331293 PARKVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 1.002 1.002 1.000 0.278
106420493 MARIAN MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 0.999 0.902 1.108 0.228
106331168 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.999 0.954 1.047 0.032
106331312 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.994 0.763 1.304 0.185
106150722 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 0.994 0.764 1.301 0.124
106371256 SCRIPPS GREEN HOSPITAL San Diego 0.981 0.876 1.120 0.011
106190517 ENCINO TARZANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.980 0.978 1.001 0.179
106574010 SUTTER DAVIS HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.975 0.838 1.163 0.265
106430837 O CONNOR HOSPITAL South Bay 0.970 0.913 1.062 0.127
106071018 MT DIABLO MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.965 0.986 0.978 0.089
106370744 SCRIPPS MERCY HOSPITAL San Diego 0.963 0.871 1.105 0.229
106190630 POMONA VALLEY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 0.957 0.904 1.059 0.408
106070934 SUTTER DELTA MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.955 0.963 0.992 0.183
106204019 CHILDRENS HOSP CENTRAL CALIF Central 0.955 1.052 0.907 0.712
106370977 POMERADO HOSPITAL San Diego 0.953 1.089 0.875 0.136
106301337 SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.953 1.130 0.843 0.131
106430763 EL CAMINO HOSPITAL South Bay 0.951 0.893 1.064 0.073
106190148 CENTINELA FREEMAN MED CTR-CENTINELA Los Angeles-SW 0.950 0.759 1.251 0.259
106010739 ALTA BATES SUMMIT MED CTR-ALTA BATES Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.947 1.305 0.725 0.347
106364144 DESERT VALLEY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.945 0.858 1.102 0.150
106500867 EMANUEL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.922 0.821 1.123 0.166
106190323 GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.919 0.920 0.998 0.290
106301317 SADDLEBACK MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.917 0.987 0.929 0.028
106361308 REDLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.916 0.876 1.045 0.120
106344029 MERCY HOSPITAL - FOLSOM Sacramento 0.913 0.745 1.225 0.088
106190812 VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.912 0.859 1.061 0.487
106190400 HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.911 0.927 0.983 0.152
106010937 SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.908 0.827 1.098 0.169
106100717 COMMUNITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.903 0.952 0.948 0.466
106560525 SIMI VALLEY HOSP & HLTH SVCS-SYCAMORE Central Coast 0.902 0.877 1.029 0.119
106370782 UNIVERSITY OF CALIF - SAN DIEGO MED CTR San Diego T 0.898 1.027 0.875 0.394
106191216 USC KENNETH NORRIS JR. CANCER HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.881 1.084 0.813 0.010
106301340 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - ORANGE Orange 0.876 1.007 0.870 0.079
106281078 ST. HELENA HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 0.867 0.966 0.897 0.130
106190125 CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.866 0.973 0.890 0.691
106190470 LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 0.861 0.893 0.965 0.113
106301175 FOUNTAIN VALLEY RGNL HOSP & MC-EUCLID Orange 0.861 0.919 0.937 0.281
106430779 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - SAN JOSE South Bay 0.861 0.978 0.880 0.050
106190756 ST. JOHNS HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.860 1.009 0.852 0.009
106190053 ST. MARY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.857 0.936 0.915 0.414
106430743 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF LOS GATOS South Bay 0.853 1.079 0.791 0.021
106074017 SAN RAMON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.852 0.989 0.862 0.022
106301248 LOS ALAMITOS MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.848 0.798 1.062 0.077
106540734 KAWEAH DELTA DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 0.847 0.842 1.006 0.244
106190796 UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 0.846 1.012 0.836 0.184
106190525 LONG BEACH MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.831 0.819 1.015 0.162
106301283 GARDEN GROVE HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.830 0.816 1.017 0.462
106190758 PROVIDENCE SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.829 0.891 0.930 0.146
106150761 MERCY HOSPITAL - BAKERSFIELD Central 0.827 0.892 0.928 0.088
106334487 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.819 0.994 0.823 0.658
106190170 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles-NE 0.815 1.524 0.535 0.658
106331216 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.862 0.945 0.381
106361166 DOCTORS HSP MED CTR OF MONTCLAIR Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.702 1.159 0.285
106340947 MERCY GENERAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.811 0.832 0.975 0.128
106301297 PLACENTIA-LINDA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Orange 0.795 0.822 0.967 0.156
106370673 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-SAN DIEGO San Diego 0.789 1.007 0.783 0.515
106190522 GLENDALE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CTR Los Angeles-NW 0.777 0.861 0.902 0.302
106190534 OLYMPIA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.772 0.852 0.906 0.100
106370780 TRI-CITY MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 0.766 0.870 0.880 0.108
106190200 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.765 0.930 0.823 0.159
106100899 ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.756 0.823 0.919 0.123
106010967 ST. ROSE HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.750 0.780 0.962 0.351
106190422 TORRANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.749 0.819 0.914 0.075
106190878 WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.737 0.909 0.811 0.492
106190636 CITRUS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER - QV CAMPUS Los Angeles-SE 0.734 0.758 0.969 0.338
106381154 UCSF MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin T 0.730 0.971 0.753 0.241
106301566 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER-SANTA ANA Orange 0.730 0.861 0.848 0.341
106390846 DAMERON HOSPITAL Central 0.722 0.862 0.838 0.120
106334068 SOUTHWEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM-MURRIETA Riverside-San Bernardino 0.721 0.652 1.106 0.110
106361339 ST. BERNARDINE MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.714 0.777 0.919 0.220
Adjusted Adjusted Percent
Buyer Cost Hospital Indigent and
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Medi-Cal
106361318 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.706 0.848 0.833 0.095
106300225 ORANGE COAST MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.704 0.970 0.726 0.045
106304045 IRVINE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.700 0.864 0.811 0.040
106010776 CHILDRENS HOSP & RESEARCH CTR OAKLAND Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.698 1.102 0.633 0.435
106190240 LAKEWOOD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - SOUTH Los Angeles-SW 0.695 0.693 1.003 0.164
106331152 CORONA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.679 0.665 1.021 0.201
106100005 CLOVIS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 0.675 0.727 0.928 0.113
106410852 PENINSULA MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 0.672 1.022 0.658 0.047
106070904 DRS MEDICAL CENTER - SAN PABLO-PINOLE Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.669 0.812 0.824 0.294
106301098 ANAHEIM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.667 0.815 0.819 0.136
106190184 COLLEGE HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.657 0.844 0.778 0.186
106450940 SHASTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North 0.648 0.900 0.720 0.174
106190392 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - LA Los Angeles-NE 0.641 0.841 0.762 0.182
106190110 BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.641 0.981 0.653 0.200
106190673 SAN DIMAS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.641 0.681 0.940 0.322
106190687 SANTA MONICA - UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.637 0.933 0.683 0.100
106190298 FOOTHILL PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.625 0.659 0.947 0.114
106190230 CENTINELA FREEMAN M.C-MEMORIAL Los Angeles-SW 0.608 0.882 0.690 0.373
106331194 HEMET VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.608 0.664 0.916 0.157
106190385 PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.540 0.694 0.779 0.261
106190455 LANCASTER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.515 0.680 0.758 0.064
106190081 BEVERLY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.480 0.681 0.705 0.304
106190818 VERDUGO HILLS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.429 0.783 0.547 0.077
106301379 WEST ANAHEIM MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.387 0.597 0.649 0.129
106560473 COMMUNITY MEM HOSP-SAN BUENAVENTURA Central Coast 0.341 0.780 0.437 0.085
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106190930 UCLA NEUROPSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.143 2.397 0.477 0.062
106291053 TAHOE FOREST HOSPITAL North 1.554 1.707 0.911 0.154
106430883 SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER South Bay 1.369 1.637 0.836 0.691
106191228 LAC/USC MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 1.629 1.631 0.999 0.871
106190170 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles-NE 0.815 1.524 0.535 0.658
106434040 LUCILE S PACKARD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL South Bay 1.530 1.493 1.024 0.370
106300032 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange 1.216 1.453 0.836 0.538
106190555 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.790 1.430 1.251 0.112
106190176 CITY OF HOPE NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 1.186 1.388 0.855 0.183
106341006 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MED CTR Sacramento T 1.597 1.384 1.154 0.395
106301279 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE MED CTR Orange T 1.192 1.337 0.891 0.466
106196168 E & L MILLER CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.162 1.322 0.879 0.316
106010739 ALTA BATES SUMMIT MED CTR-ALTA BATES Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.947 1.305 0.725 0.347
106304113 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AT MISSION Orange 1.092 1.296 0.843 0.219
106171395 SUTTER LAKESIDE HOSPITAL North 1.772 1.282 1.382 0.185
106270875 SALINAS VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.495 1.248 1.198 0.112
106150736 KERN MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.076 1.235 0.871 0.733
106430905 STANFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL South Bay T 1.194 1.228 0.972 0.108
106194219 USC UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.248 1.217 1.026 0.163
106484001 VACA VALLEY HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.078 1.210 1.718 0.163
106090793 BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.572 1.205 1.305 0.229
106380929 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.378 1.199 1.149 0.121
106070988 JOHN MUIR MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.318 1.184 1.113 0.045
106211006 MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.269 1.167 1.087 0.145
106301337 SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.953 1.130 0.843 0.131
106481357 NORTH BAY MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.002 1.119 1.789 0.361
106301342 ST. JUDE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.509 1.118 1.350 0.071
106010983 VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.067 1.106 0.965 0.074
106380965 ST. MARYS MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.121 1.104 1.016 0.070
106010987 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL - FREMONT Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.452 1.102 1.317 0.192
106010776 CHILDRENS HOSP & RESEARCH CTR OAKLAND Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.698 1.102 0.633 0.435
106371394 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - ENCINITAS San Diego 1.206 1.097 1.099 0.089
106370977 POMERADO HOSPITAL San Diego 0.953 1.089 0.875 0.136
106301205 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Orange 1.124 1.086 1.035 0.044
106490919 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER OF SANTA ROSA Sonoma-Napa 1.077 1.085 0.992 0.265
106400524 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.244 1.084 1.147 0.187
106191216 USC KENNETH NORRIS JR. CANCER HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.881 1.084 0.813 0.010
106430743 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF LOS GATOS South Bay 0.853 1.079 0.791 0.021
106281047 QUEEN OF THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.157 1.077 1.074 0.121
106301262 MISSION HOSPITAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.270 1.074 1.183 0.102
106370694 SHARP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Diego 1.192 1.066 1.119 0.135
106341051 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER-SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.578 1.057 1.492 0.257
106380964 ST. LUKES HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.258 1.056 1.192 0.422
106491064 SANTA ROSA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.135 1.054 1.076 0.182
106361246 LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino T 1.115 1.054 1.058 0.437
106204019 CHILDRENS HOSP CENTRAL CALIF Central 0.955 1.052 0.907 0.712
106160725 HANFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 1.077 1.040 1.036 0.208
106500939 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MODESTO Central 1.028 1.034 0.995 0.140
106190859 WEST HILLS HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.042 1.031 1.011 0.053
106121080 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - EUREKA North 1.258 1.030 1.221 0.194
106370782 UNIVERSITY OF CALIF - SAN DIEGO MED CTR San Diego T 0.898 1.027 0.875 0.394
106560529 ST. JOHNS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.025 1.027 0.998 0.124
106410852 PENINSULA MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 0.672 1.022 0.658 0.047
106444013 WATSONVILLE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL South Bay 1.089 1.020 1.068 0.286
106410817 SETON MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.422 1.016 1.400 0.218
106190796 UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 0.846 1.012 0.836 0.184
106400548 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.331 1.011 1.317 0.127
106560508 ST. JOHNS PLEASANT VALLEY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.169 1.011 1.157 0.064
106190756 ST. JOHNS HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.860 1.009 0.852 0.009
106370673 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-SAN DIEGO San Diego 0.789 1.007 0.783 0.515
106301340 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - ORANGE Orange 0.876 1.007 0.870 0.079
106430705 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE South Bay 1.061 1.004 1.057 0.179
106331293 PARKVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 1.002 1.002 1.000 0.278
106370714 GROSSMONT HOSPITAL San Diego 1.240 0.997 1.243 0.206
106500852 DOCTORS MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.567 0.997 1.572 0.384
106334487 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.819 0.994 0.823 0.658
106370755 PALOMAR MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.033 0.992 1.041 0.230
106190568 NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.021 0.991 1.030 0.226
106370771 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-LA JOLLA San Diego 1.002 0.990 1.012 0.053
106074017 SAN RAMON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.852 0.989 0.862 0.022
106434138 ST. LOUISE REGIONAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.112 0.987 1.126 0.155
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106301317 SADDLEBACK MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.917 0.987 0.929 0.028
106071018 MT DIABLO MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.965 0.986 0.978 0.089
106190110 BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.641 0.981 0.653 0.200
106190517 ENCINO TARZANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.980 0.978 1.001 0.179
106370652 ALVARADO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.165 0.978 1.191 0.171
106430779 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - SAN JOSE South Bay 0.861 0.978 0.880 0.050
106190125 CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.866 0.973 0.890 0.691
106381154 UCSF MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin T 0.730 0.971 0.753 0.241
106300225 ORANGE COAST MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.704 0.970 0.726 0.045
106281078 ST. HELENA HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 0.867 0.966 0.897 0.130
106070934 SUTTER DELTA MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.955 0.963 0.992 0.183
106040962 ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER - ESPLANADE CAMPUS North 1.038 0.958 1.083 0.189
106331168 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.999 0.954 1.047 0.032
106100717 COMMUNITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.903 0.952 0.948 0.466
106331164 DESERT REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.236 0.952 1.299 0.268
106311000 SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Sacramento 1.331 0.951 1.400 0.176
106190680 LITTLE CO OF MARY-SAN PEDRO HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.022 0.947 1.078 0.400
106190053 ST. MARY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.857 0.936 0.915 0.414
106190687 SANTA MONICA - UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.637 0.933 0.683 0.100
106370695 SHARP MARY BIRCH HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN San Diego 1.040 0.933 1.114 0.334
106190200 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.765 0.930 0.823 0.159
106310791 SUTTER AUBURN FAITH HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.260 0.929 1.357 0.126
106190400 HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.911 0.927 0.983 0.152
106390923 LODI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 1.400 0.927 1.511 0.277
106392287 DOCTORS HOSPITAL OF MANTECA Central 1.228 0.925 1.327 0.126
106010805 EDEN MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.288 0.924 1.394 0.130
106190323 GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.919 0.920 0.998 0.290
106301175 FOUNTAIN VALLEY RGNL HOSP & MC-EUCLID Orange 0.861 0.919 0.937 0.281
106340951 METHODIST HOSPITAL OF SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.031 0.917 1.124 0.354
106410891 SEQUOIA HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.068 0.914 1.168 0.027
106430837 O CONNOR HOSPITAL South Bay 0.970 0.913 1.062 0.127
106190878 WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.737 0.909 0.811 0.492
106190630 POMONA VALLEY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 0.957 0.904 1.059 0.408
106190762 ST. VINCENT MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.176 0.903 1.302 0.168
106420493 MARIAN MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 0.999 0.902 1.108 0.228
106450940 SHASTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North 0.648 0.900 0.720 0.174
106240942 MERCY MERCED MED CTR-COMMUNITY CAMPUS Central 1.116 0.895 1.247 0.295
106430763 EL CAMINO HOSPITAL South Bay 0.951 0.893 1.064 0.073
106190470 LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 0.861 0.893 0.965 0.113
106150761 MERCY HOSPITAL - BAKERSFIELD Central 0.827 0.892 0.928 0.088
106190758 PROVIDENCE SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.829 0.891 0.930 0.146
106370875 SHARP CHULA VISTA MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.222 0.891 1.372 0.241
106190230 CENTINELA FREEMAN M.C-MEMORIAL Los Angeles-SW 0.608 0.882 0.690 0.373
106560525 SIMI VALLEY HOSP & HLTH SVCS-SYCAMORE Central Coast 0.902 0.877 1.029 0.119
106361308 REDLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.916 0.876 1.045 0.120
106371256 SCRIPPS GREEN HOSPITAL San Diego 0.981 0.876 1.120 0.011
106580996 RIDEOUT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL North 1.334 0.873 1.527 0.232
106370744 SCRIPPS MERCY HOSPITAL San Diego 0.963 0.871 1.105 0.229
106370780 TRI-CITY MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 0.766 0.870 0.880 0.108
106304045 IRVINE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.700 0.864 0.811 0.040
106390846 DAMERON HOSPITAL Central 0.722 0.862 0.838 0.120
106331216 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.862 0.945 0.381
106190522 GLENDALE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CTR Los Angeles-NW 0.777 0.861 0.902 0.302
106301566 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER-SANTA ANA Orange 0.730 0.861 0.848 0.341
106190812 VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.912 0.859 1.061 0.487
106364144 DESERT VALLEY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.945 0.858 1.102 0.150
106560492 LOS ROBLES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.092 0.857 1.275 0.040
106190534 OLYMPIA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.772 0.852 0.906 0.100
106361318 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.706 0.848 0.833 0.095
106190184 COLLEGE HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.657 0.844 0.778 0.186
106540734 KAWEAH DELTA DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 0.847 0.842 1.006 0.244
106190392 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - LA Los Angeles-NE 0.641 0.841 0.762 0.182
106574010 SUTTER DAVIS HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.975 0.838 1.163 0.265
106340950 MERCY SAN JUAN HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.185 0.835 1.419 0.272
106340947 MERCY GENERAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.811 0.832 0.975 0.128
106010937 SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.908 0.827 1.098 0.169
106190631 PRESBYTERIAN INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 1.021 0.824 1.238 0.168
106100899 ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.756 0.823 0.919 0.123
106301297 PLACENTIA-LINDA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Orange 0.795 0.822 0.967 0.156
106391042 ST. JOSEPHS MEDICAL CENTER OF STOCKTON Central 1.037 0.822 1.262 0.225
106500867 EMANUEL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.922 0.821 1.123 0.166
106190422 TORRANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.749 0.819 0.914 0.075
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106190525 LONG BEACH MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.831 0.819 1.015 0.162
106301283 GARDEN GROVE HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.830 0.816 1.017 0.462
106301098 ANAHEIM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.667 0.815 0.819 0.136
106070904 DRS MEDICAL CENTER - SAN PABLO-PINOLE Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.669 0.812 0.824 0.294
106301248 LOS ALAMITOS MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.848 0.798 1.062 0.077
106190818 VERDUGO HILLS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.429 0.783 0.547 0.077
106010967 ST. ROSE HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.750 0.780 0.962 0.351
106560473 COMMUNITY MEM HOSP-SAN BUENAVENTURA Central Coast 0.341 0.780 0.437 0.085
106361339 ST. BERNARDINE MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.714 0.777 0.919 0.220
106150722 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 0.994 0.764 1.301 0.124
106331312 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.994 0.763 1.304 0.185
106190148 CENTINELA FREEMAN MED CTR-CENTINELA Los Angeles-SW 0.950 0.759 1.251 0.259
106190636 CITRUS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER - QV CAMPUS Los Angeles-SE 0.734 0.758 0.969 0.338
106344029 MERCY HOSPITAL - FOLSOM Sacramento 0.913 0.745 1.225 0.088
106361144 CHINO VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.550 0.738 2.102 0.333
106100005 CLOVIS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 0.675 0.727 0.928 0.113
106361166 DOCTORS HSP MED CTR OF MONTCLAIR Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.702 1.159 0.285
106190385 PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.540 0.694 0.779 0.261
106190240 LAKEWOOD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - SOUTH Los Angeles-SW 0.695 0.693 1.003 0.164
106540798 SIERRA VIEW DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 1.132 0.692 1.637 0.386
106190673 SAN DIMAS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.641 0.681 0.940 0.322
106190081 BEVERLY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.480 0.681 0.705 0.304
106190455 LANCASTER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.515 0.680 0.758 0.064
106331152 CORONA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.679 0.665 1.021 0.201
106331194 HEMET VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.608 0.664 0.916 0.157
106190298 FOOTHILL PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.625 0.659 0.947 0.114
106334068 SOUTHWEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM-MURRIETA Riverside-San Bernardino 0.721 0.652 1.106 0.110
106301379 WEST ANAHEIM MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.387 0.597 0.649 0.129
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106361144 CHINO VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.550 0.738 2.102 0.333
106481357 NORTH BAY MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.002 1.119 1.789 0.361
106484001 VACA VALLEY HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.078 1.210 1.718 0.163
106540798 SIERRA VIEW DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 1.132 0.692 1.637 0.386
106500852 DOCTORS MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.567 0.997 1.572 0.384
106580996 RIDEOUT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL North 1.334 0.873 1.527 0.232
106390923 LODI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 1.400 0.927 1.511 0.277
106341051 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER-SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.578 1.057 1.492 0.257
106340950 MERCY SAN JUAN HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.185 0.835 1.419 0.272
106410817 SETON MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.422 1.016 1.400 0.218
106311000 SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Sacramento 1.331 0.951 1.400 0.176
106010805 EDEN MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.288 0.924 1.394 0.130
106171395 SUTTER LAKESIDE HOSPITAL North 1.772 1.282 1.382 0.185
106370875 SHARP CHULA VISTA MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.222 0.891 1.372 0.241
106310791 SUTTER AUBURN FAITH HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.260 0.929 1.357 0.126
106301342 ST. JUDE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.509 1.118 1.350 0.071
106392287 DOCTORS HOSPITAL OF MANTECA Central 1.228 0.925 1.327 0.126
106010987 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL - FREMONT Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.452 1.102 1.317 0.192
106400548 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.331 1.011 1.317 0.127
106090793 BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.572 1.205 1.305 0.229
106331312 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.994 0.763 1.304 0.185
106190762 ST. VINCENT MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.176 0.903 1.302 0.168
106150722 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 0.994 0.764 1.301 0.124
106331164 DESERT REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.236 0.952 1.299 0.268
106560492 LOS ROBLES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.092 0.857 1.275 0.040
106391042 ST. JOSEPHS MEDICAL CENTER OF STOCKTON Central 1.037 0.822 1.262 0.225
106190148 CENTINELA FREEMAN MED CTR-CENTINELA Los Angeles-SW 0.950 0.759 1.251 0.259
106190555 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.790 1.430 1.251 0.112
106240942 MERCY MERCED MED CTR-COMMUNITY CAMPUS Central 1.116 0.895 1.247 0.295
106370714 GROSSMONT HOSPITAL San Diego 1.240 0.997 1.243 0.206
106190631 PRESBYTERIAN INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 1.021 0.824 1.238 0.168
106344029 MERCY HOSPITAL - FOLSOM Sacramento 0.913 0.745 1.225 0.088
106121080 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - EUREKA North 1.258 1.030 1.221 0.194
106270875 SALINAS VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.495 1.248 1.198 0.112
106380964 ST. LUKES HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.258 1.056 1.192 0.422
106370652 ALVARADO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.165 0.978 1.191 0.171
106301262 MISSION HOSPITAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.270 1.074 1.183 0.102
106410891 SEQUOIA HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.068 0.914 1.168 0.027
106574010 SUTTER DAVIS HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.975 0.838 1.163 0.265
106361166 DOCTORS HSP MED CTR OF MONTCLAIR Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.702 1.159 0.285
106560508 ST. JOHNS PLEASANT VALLEY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.169 1.011 1.157 0.064
106341006 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MED CTR Sacramento T 1.597 1.384 1.154 0.395
106380929 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.378 1.199 1.149 0.121
106400524 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.244 1.084 1.147 0.187
106434138 ST. LOUISE REGIONAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.112 0.987 1.126 0.155
106340951 METHODIST HOSPITAL OF SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.031 0.917 1.124 0.354
106500867 EMANUEL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.922 0.821 1.123 0.166
106371256 SCRIPPS GREEN HOSPITAL San Diego 0.981 0.876 1.120 0.011
106370694 SHARP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Diego 1.192 1.066 1.119 0.135
106370695 SHARP MARY BIRCH HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN San Diego 1.040 0.933 1.114 0.334
106070988 JOHN MUIR MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.318 1.184 1.113 0.045
106420493 MARIAN MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 0.999 0.902 1.108 0.228
106334068 SOUTHWEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM-MURRIETA Riverside-San Bernardino 0.721 0.652 1.106 0.110
106370744 SCRIPPS MERCY HOSPITAL San Diego 0.963 0.871 1.105 0.229
106364144 DESERT VALLEY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.945 0.858 1.102 0.150
106371394 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - ENCINITAS San Diego 1.206 1.097 1.099 0.089
106010937 SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.908 0.827 1.098 0.169
106211006 MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.269 1.167 1.087 0.145
106040962 ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER - ESPLANADE CAMPUS North 1.038 0.958 1.083 0.189
106190680 LITTLE CO OF MARY-SAN PEDRO HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.022 0.947 1.078 0.400
106491064 SANTA ROSA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.135 1.054 1.076 0.182
106281047 QUEEN OF THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.157 1.077 1.074 0.121
106444013 WATSONVILLE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL South Bay 1.089 1.020 1.068 0.286
106430763 EL CAMINO HOSPITAL South Bay 0.951 0.893 1.064 0.073
106301248 LOS ALAMITOS MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.848 0.798 1.062 0.077
106430837 O CONNOR HOSPITAL South Bay 0.970 0.913 1.062 0.127
106190812 VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.912 0.859 1.061 0.487
106190630 POMONA VALLEY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 0.957 0.904 1.059 0.408
106361246 LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino T 1.115 1.054 1.058 0.437
106430705 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE South Bay 1.061 1.004 1.057 0.179
106331168 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.999 0.954 1.047 0.032
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106361308 REDLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.916 0.876 1.045 0.120
106370755 PALOMAR MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.033 0.992 1.041 0.230
106160725 HANFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 1.077 1.040 1.036 0.208
106301205 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Orange 1.124 1.086 1.035 0.044
106190568 NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.021 0.991 1.030 0.226
106560525 SIMI VALLEY HOSP & HLTH SVCS-SYCAMORE Central Coast 0.902 0.877 1.029 0.119
106194219 USC UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.248 1.217 1.026 0.163
106434040 LUCILE S PACKARD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL South Bay 1.530 1.493 1.024 0.370
106331152 CORONA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.679 0.665 1.021 0.201
106301283 GARDEN GROVE HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.830 0.816 1.017 0.462
106380965 ST. MARYS MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.121 1.104 1.016 0.070
106190525 LONG BEACH MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.831 0.819 1.015 0.162
106370771 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-LA JOLLA San Diego 1.002 0.990 1.012 0.053
106190859 WEST HILLS HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.042 1.031 1.011 0.053
106540734 KAWEAH DELTA DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 0.847 0.842 1.006 0.244
106190240 LAKEWOOD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - SOUTH Los Angeles-SW 0.695 0.693 1.003 0.164
106190517 ENCINO TARZANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.980 0.978 1.001 0.179
106331293 PARKVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 1.002 1.002 1.000 0.278
106191228 LAC/USC MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 1.629 1.631 0.999 0.871
106190323 GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.919 0.920 0.998 0.290
106560529 ST. JOHNS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.025 1.027 0.998 0.124
106500939 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MODESTO Central 1.028 1.034 0.995 0.140
106490919 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER OF SANTA ROSA Sonoma-Napa 1.077 1.085 0.992 0.265
106070934 SUTTER DELTA MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.955 0.963 0.992 0.183
106190400 HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.911 0.927 0.983 0.152
106071018 MT DIABLO MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.965 0.986 0.978 0.089
106340947 MERCY GENERAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.811 0.832 0.975 0.128
106430905 STANFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL South Bay T 1.194 1.228 0.972 0.108
106190636 CITRUS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER - QV CAMPUS Los Angeles-SE 0.734 0.758 0.969 0.338
106301297 PLACENTIA-LINDA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Orange 0.795 0.822 0.967 0.156
106010983 VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.067 1.106 0.965 0.074
106190470 LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 0.861 0.893 0.965 0.113
106010967 ST. ROSE HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.750 0.780 0.962 0.351
106100717 COMMUNITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.903 0.952 0.948 0.466
106190298 FOOTHILL PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.625 0.659 0.947 0.114
106331216 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.862 0.945 0.381
106190673 SAN DIMAS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.641 0.681 0.940 0.322
106301175 FOUNTAIN VALLEY RGNL HOSP & MC-EUCLID Orange 0.861 0.919 0.937 0.281
106190758 PROVIDENCE SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.829 0.891 0.930 0.146
106301317 SADDLEBACK MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.917 0.987 0.929 0.028
106100005 CLOVIS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 0.675 0.727 0.928 0.113
106150761 MERCY HOSPITAL - BAKERSFIELD Central 0.827 0.892 0.928 0.088
106100899 ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.756 0.823 0.919 0.123
106361339 ST. BERNARDINE MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.714 0.777 0.919 0.220
106331194 HEMET VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.608 0.664 0.916 0.157
106190053 ST. MARY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.857 0.936 0.915 0.414
106190422 TORRANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.749 0.819 0.914 0.075
106291053 TAHOE FOREST HOSPITAL North 1.554 1.707 0.911 0.154
106204019 CHILDRENS HOSP CENTRAL CALIF Central 0.955 1.052 0.907 0.712
106190534 OLYMPIA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.772 0.852 0.906 0.100
106190522 GLENDALE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CTR Los Angeles-NW 0.777 0.861 0.902 0.302
106281078 ST. HELENA HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 0.867 0.966 0.897 0.130
106301279 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE MED CTR Orange T 1.192 1.337 0.891 0.466
106190125 CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.866 0.973 0.890 0.691
106370780 TRI-CITY MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 0.766 0.870 0.880 0.108
106430779 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - SAN JOSE South Bay 0.861 0.978 0.880 0.050
106196168 E & L MILLER CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.162 1.322 0.879 0.316
106370977 POMERADO HOSPITAL San Diego 0.953 1.089 0.875 0.136
106370782 UNIVERSITY OF CALIF - SAN DIEGO MED CTR San Diego T 0.898 1.027 0.875 0.394
106150736 KERN MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.076 1.235 0.871 0.733
106301340 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - ORANGE Orange 0.876 1.007 0.870 0.079
106074017 SAN RAMON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.852 0.989 0.862 0.022
106190176 CITY OF HOPE NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 1.186 1.388 0.855 0.183
106190756 ST. JOHNS HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.860 1.009 0.852 0.009
106301566 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER-SANTA ANA Orange 0.730 0.861 0.848 0.341
106301337 SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.953 1.130 0.843 0.131
106304113 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AT MISSION Orange 1.092 1.296 0.843 0.219
106390846 DAMERON HOSPITAL Central 0.722 0.862 0.838 0.120
106430883 SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER South Bay 1.369 1.637 0.836 0.691
106300032 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange 1.216 1.453 0.836 0.538
106190796 UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 0.846 1.012 0.836 0.184
106361318 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.706 0.848 0.833 0.095
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106070904 DRS MEDICAL CENTER - SAN PABLO-PINOLE Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.669 0.812 0.824 0.294
106334487 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.819 0.994 0.823 0.658
106190200 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.765 0.930 0.823 0.159
106301098 ANAHEIM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.667 0.815 0.819 0.136
106191216 USC KENNETH NORRIS JR. CANCER HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.881 1.084 0.813 0.010
106190878 WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.737 0.909 0.811 0.492
106304045 IRVINE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.700 0.864 0.811 0.040
106430743 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF LOS GATOS South Bay 0.853 1.079 0.791 0.021
106370673 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-SAN DIEGO San Diego 0.789 1.007 0.783 0.515
106190385 PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.540 0.694 0.779 0.261
106190184 COLLEGE HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.657 0.844 0.778 0.186
106190392 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - LA Los Angeles-NE 0.641 0.841 0.762 0.182
106190455 LANCASTER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.515 0.680 0.758 0.064
106381154 UCSF MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin T 0.730 0.971 0.753 0.241
106300225 ORANGE COAST MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.704 0.970 0.726 0.045
106010739 ALTA BATES SUMMIT MED CTR-ALTA BATES Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.947 1.305 0.725 0.347
106450940 SHASTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North 0.648 0.900 0.720 0.174
106190081 BEVERLY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.480 0.681 0.705 0.304
106190230 CENTINELA FREEMAN M.C-MEMORIAL Los Angeles-SW 0.608 0.882 0.690 0.373
106190687 SANTA MONICA - UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.637 0.933 0.683 0.100
106410852 PENINSULA MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 0.672 1.022 0.658 0.047
106190110 BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.641 0.981 0.653 0.200
106301379 WEST ANAHEIM MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.387 0.597 0.649 0.129
106010776 CHILDRENS HOSP & RESEARCH CTR OAKLAND Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.698 1.102 0.633 0.435
106190818 VERDUGO HILLS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.429 0.783 0.547 0.077
106190170 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles-NE 0.815 1.524 0.535 0.658
106190930 UCLA NEUROPSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.143 2.397 0.477 0.062
106560473 COMMUNITY MEM HOSP-SAN BUENAVENTURA Central Coast 0.341 0.780 0.437 0.085
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106010739 ALTA BATES SUMMIT MED CTR-ALTA BATES Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.947 1.305 0.725 0.347
106010776 CHILDRENS HOSP & RESEARCH CTR OAKLAND Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.698 1.102 0.633 0.435
106070904 DRS MEDICAL CENTER - SAN PABLO-PINOLE Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.669 0.812 0.824 0.294
106010805 EDEN MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.288 0.924 1.394 0.130
106070988 JOHN MUIR MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.318 1.184 1.113 0.045
106071018 MT DIABLO MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.965 0.986 0.978 0.089
106481357 NORTH BAY MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.002 1.119 1.789 0.361
106074017 SAN RAMON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.852 0.989 0.862 0.022
106010967 ST. ROSE HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.750 0.780 0.962 0.351
106010937 SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.908 0.827 1.098 0.169
106070934 SUTTER DELTA MEDICAL CENTER Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 0.955 0.963 0.992 0.183
106484001 VACA VALLEY HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 2.078 1.210 1.718 0.163
106010983 VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.067 1.106 0.965 0.074
106010987 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL - FREMONT Alameda-Contra Costa-Solano 1.452 1.102 1.317 0.192
106150722 BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 0.994 0.764 1.301 0.124
106204019 CHILDRENS HOSP CENTRAL CALIF Central 0.955 1.052 0.907 0.712
106100005 CLOVIS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 0.675 0.727 0.928 0.113
106100717 COMMUNITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.903 0.952 0.948 0.466
106390846 DAMERON HOSPITAL Central 0.722 0.862 0.838 0.120
106392287 DOCTORS HOSPITAL OF MANTECA Central 1.228 0.925 1.327 0.126
106500852 DOCTORS MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.567 0.997 1.572 0.384
106500867 EMANUEL MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.922 0.821 1.123 0.166
106160725 HANFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central 1.077 1.040 1.036 0.208
106540734 KAWEAH DELTA DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 0.847 0.842 1.006 0.244
106150736 KERN MEDICAL CENTER Central 1.076 1.235 0.871 0.733
106390923 LODI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Central 1.400 0.927 1.511 0.277
106500939 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MODESTO Central 1.028 1.034 0.995 0.140
106150761 MERCY HOSPITAL - BAKERSFIELD Central 0.827 0.892 0.928 0.088
106240942 MERCY MERCED MED CTR-COMMUNITY CAMPUS Central 1.116 0.895 1.247 0.295
106540798 SIERRA VIEW DISTRICT HOSPITAL Central 1.132 0.692 1.637 0.386
106100899 ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER Central 0.756 0.823 0.919 0.123
106391042 ST. JOSEPHS MEDICAL CENTER OF STOCKTON Central 1.037 0.822 1.262 0.225
106560473 COMMUNITY MEM HOSP-SAN BUENAVENTURA Central Coast 0.341 0.780 0.437 0.085
106560492 LOS ROBLES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.092 0.857 1.275 0.040
106420493 MARIAN MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 0.999 0.902 1.108 0.228
106400524 SIERRA VISTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.244 1.084 1.147 0.187
106560525 SIMI VALLEY HOSP & HLTH SVCS-SYCAMORE Central Coast 0.902 0.877 1.029 0.119
106560508 ST. JOHNS PLEASANT VALLEY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.169 1.011 1.157 0.064
106560529 ST. JOHNS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Central Coast 1.025 1.027 0.998 0.124
106400548 TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Central Coast 1.331 1.011 1.317 0.127
106190081 BEVERLY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.480 0.681 0.705 0.304
106190125 CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.866 0.973 0.890 0.691
106190555 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.790 1.430 1.251 0.112
106190170 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles-NE 0.815 1.524 0.535 0.658
106190392 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - LA Los Angeles-NE 0.641 0.841 0.762 0.182
106190400 HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.911 0.927 0.983 0.152
106191228 LAC/USC MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 1.629 1.631 0.999 0.871
106190534 OLYMPIA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.772 0.852 0.906 0.100
106190200 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.765 0.930 0.823 0.159
106190762 ST. VINCENT MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 1.176 0.903 1.302 0.168
106190796 UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE T 0.846 1.012 0.836 0.184
106190930 UCLA NEUROPSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.143 2.397 0.477 0.062
106191216 USC KENNETH NORRIS JR. CANCER HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 0.881 1.084 0.813 0.010
106194219 USC UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NE 1.248 1.217 1.026 0.163
106190878 WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NE 0.737 0.909 0.811 0.492
106190517 ENCINO TARZANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.980 0.978 1.001 0.179
106190323 GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.919 0.920 0.998 0.290
106190522 GLENDALE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CTR Los Angeles-NW 0.777 0.861 0.902 0.302
106190455 LANCASTER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.515 0.680 0.758 0.064
106190568 NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.021 0.991 1.030 0.226
106190385 PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.540 0.694 0.779 0.261
106190758 PROVIDENCE SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 0.829 0.891 0.930 0.146
106190812 VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.912 0.859 1.061 0.487
106190818 VERDUGO HILLS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-NW 0.429 0.783 0.547 0.077
106190859 WEST HILLS HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-NW 1.042 1.031 1.011 0.053
106190636 CITRUS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER - QV CAMPUS Los Angeles-SE 0.734 0.758 0.969 0.338
106190176 CITY OF HOPE NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 1.186 1.388 0.855 0.183
106190184 COLLEGE HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.657 0.844 0.778 0.186
106190298 FOOTHILL PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.625 0.659 0.947 0.114
106190630 POMONA VALLEY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SE 0.957 0.904 1.059 0.408
106190631 PRESBYTERIAN INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 1.021 0.824 1.238 0.168
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106190673 SAN DIMAS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SE 0.641 0.681 0.940 0.322
106190110 BROTMAN MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.641 0.981 0.653 0.200
106190230 CENTINELA FREEMAN M.C-MEMORIAL Los Angeles-SW 0.608 0.882 0.690 0.373
106190148 CENTINELA FREEMAN MED CTR-CENTINELA Los Angeles-SW 0.950 0.759 1.251 0.259
106196168 E & L MILLER CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.162 1.322 0.879 0.316
106190240 LAKEWOOD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - SOUTH Los Angeles-SW 0.695 0.693 1.003 0.164
106190680 LITTLE CO OF MARY-SAN PEDRO HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 1.022 0.947 1.078 0.400
106190470 LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Los Angeles-SW 0.861 0.893 0.965 0.113
106190525 LONG BEACH MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.831 0.819 1.015 0.162
106190687 SANTA MONICA - UCLA MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.637 0.933 0.683 0.100
106190756 ST. JOHNS HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.860 1.009 0.852 0.009
106190053 ST. MARY MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.857 0.936 0.915 0.414
106190422 TORRANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Los Angeles-SW 0.749 0.819 0.914 0.075
106040962 ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER - ESPLANADE CAMPUS North 1.038 0.958 1.083 0.189
106580996 RIDEOUT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL North 1.334 0.873 1.527 0.232
106450940 SHASTA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North 0.648 0.900 0.720 0.174
106121080 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - EUREKA North 1.258 1.030 1.221 0.194
106171395 SUTTER LAKESIDE HOSPITAL North 1.772 1.282 1.382 0.185
106291053 TAHOE FOREST HOSPITAL North 1.554 1.707 0.911 0.154
106301098 ANAHEIM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.667 0.815 0.819 0.136
106304113 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL AT MISSION Orange 1.092 1.296 0.843 0.219
106300032 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange 1.216 1.453 0.836 0.538
106301175 FOUNTAIN VALLEY RGNL HOSP & MC-EUCLID Orange 0.861 0.919 0.937 0.281
106301283 GARDEN GROVE HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.830 0.816 1.017 0.462
106301205 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Orange 1.124 1.086 1.035 0.044
106304045 IRVINE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.700 0.864 0.811 0.040
106301248 LOS ALAMITOS MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.848 0.798 1.062 0.077
106301262 MISSION HOSPITAL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.270 1.074 1.183 0.102
106300225 ORANGE COAST MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.704 0.970 0.726 0.045
106301297 PLACENTIA-LINDA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Orange 0.795 0.822 0.967 0.156
106301317 SADDLEBACK MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.917 0.987 0.929 0.028
106301337 SOUTH COAST MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.953 1.130 0.843 0.131
106301340 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL - ORANGE Orange 0.876 1.007 0.870 0.079
106301342 ST. JUDE MEDICAL CENTER Orange 1.509 1.118 1.350 0.071
106301279 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE MED CTR Orange T 1.192 1.337 0.891 0.466
106301379 WEST ANAHEIM MEDICAL CENTER Orange 0.387 0.597 0.649 0.129
106301566 WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER-SANTA ANA Orange 0.730 0.861 0.848 0.341
106361144 CHINO VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.550 0.738 2.102 0.333
106331152 CORONA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.679 0.665 1.021 0.201
106331164 DESERT REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 1.236 0.952 1.299 0.268
106364144 DESERT VALLEY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.945 0.858 1.102 0.150
106361166 DOCTORS HSP MED CTR OF MONTCLAIR Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.702 1.159 0.285
106331168 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.999 0.954 1.047 0.032
106331194 HEMET VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.608 0.664 0.916 0.157
106331216 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.814 0.862 0.945 0.381
106361246 LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino T 1.115 1.054 1.058 0.437
106331293 PARKVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 1.002 1.002 1.000 0.278
106361308 REDLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.916 0.876 1.045 0.120
106331312 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.994 0.763 1.304 0.185
106334487 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.819 0.994 0.823 0.658
106361318 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Riverside-San Bernardino 0.706 0.848 0.833 0.095
106334068 SOUTHWEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM-MURRIETA Riverside-San Bernardino 0.721 0.652 1.106 0.110
106361339 ST. BERNARDINE MEDICAL CENTER Riverside-San Bernardino 0.714 0.777 0.919 0.220
106090793 BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.572 1.205 1.305 0.229
106340947 MERCY GENERAL HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.811 0.832 0.975 0.128
106344029 MERCY HOSPITAL - FOLSOM Sacramento 0.913 0.745 1.225 0.088
106340950 MERCY SAN JUAN HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.185 0.835 1.419 0.272
106340951 METHODIST HOSPITAL OF SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.031 0.917 1.124 0.354
106310791 SUTTER AUBURN FAITH HOSPITAL Sacramento 1.260 0.929 1.357 0.126
106574010 SUTTER DAVIS HOSPITAL Sacramento 0.975 0.838 1.163 0.265
106341051 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER-SACRAMENTO Sacramento 1.578 1.057 1.492 0.257
106311000 SUTTER ROSEVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Sacramento 1.331 0.951 1.400 0.176
106341006 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MED CTR Sacramento T 1.597 1.384 1.154 0.395
106370652 ALVARADO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.165 0.978 1.191 0.171
106370673 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-SAN DIEGO San Diego 0.789 1.007 0.783 0.515
106370714 GROSSMONT HOSPITAL San Diego 1.240 0.997 1.243 0.206
106370755 PALOMAR MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.033 0.992 1.041 0.230
106370977 POMERADO HOSPITAL San Diego 0.953 1.089 0.875 0.136
106371256 SCRIPPS GREEN HOSPITAL San Diego 0.981 0.876 1.120 0.011
106371394 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - ENCINITAS San Diego 1.206 1.097 1.099 0.089
106370771 SCRIPPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-LA JOLLA San Diego 1.002 0.990 1.012 0.053
106370744 SCRIPPS MERCY HOSPITAL San Diego 0.963 0.871 1.105 0.229
Adjusted Adjusted Indigent
Buyer Cost Hospital and Medi-
OSHPD ID Hospital Region Index Cost Index Ratio Cal
106370875 SHARP CHULA VISTA MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 1.222 0.891 1.372 0.241
106370695 SHARP MARY BIRCH HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN San Diego 1.040 0.933 1.114 0.334
106370694 SHARP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL San Diego 1.192 1.066 1.119 0.135
106370780 TRI-CITY MEDICAL CENTER San Diego 0.766 0.870 0.880 0.108
106370782 UNIVERSITY OF CALIF - SAN DIEGO MED CTR San Diego T 0.898 1.027 0.875 0.394
106380929 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.378 1.199 1.149 0.121
106211006 MARIN GENERAL HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.269 1.167 1.087 0.145
106410852 PENINSULA MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 0.672 1.022 0.658 0.047
106410891 SEQUOIA HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.068 0.914 1.168 0.027
106410817 SETON MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.422 1.016 1.400 0.218
106380964 ST. LUKES HOSPITAL San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.258 1.056 1.192 0.422
106380965 ST. MARYS MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin 1.121 1.104 1.016 0.070
106381154 UCSF MEDICAL CENTER San Francisco-San Mateo-Marin T 0.730 0.971 0.753 0.241
106281047 QUEEN OF THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.157 1.077 1.074 0.121
106491064 SANTA ROSA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 1.135 1.054 1.076 0.182
106281078 ST. HELENA HOSPITAL Sonoma-Napa 0.867 0.966 0.897 0.130
106490919 SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER OF SANTA ROSA Sonoma-Napa 1.077 1.085 0.992 0.265
106430743 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL OF LOS GATOS South Bay 0.853 1.079 0.791 0.021
106430763 EL CAMINO HOSPITAL South Bay 0.951 0.893 1.064 0.073
106430779 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL - SAN JOSE South Bay 0.861 0.978 0.880 0.050
106434040 LUCILE S PACKARD CHILDRENS HOSPITAL South Bay 1.530 1.493 1.024 0.370
106430837 O CONNOR HOSPITAL South Bay 0.970 0.913 1.062 0.127
106430705 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OF SAN JOSE South Bay 1.061 1.004 1.057 0.179
106270875 SALINAS VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.495 1.248 1.198 0.112
106430883 SANTA CLARA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER South Bay 1.369 1.637 0.836 0.691
106434138 ST. LOUISE REGIONAL HOSPITAL South Bay 1.112 0.987 1.126 0.155
106430905 STANFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL South Bay T 1.194 1.228 0.972 0.108
106444013 WATSONVILLE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL South Bay 1.089 1.020 1.068 0.286