Describe Structure Under Cover Gluteus Maximus
Describe Structure Under Cover Gluteus Maximus
Describe Structure Under Cover Gluteus Maximus
1. Muscles
2. Vessels
3. Nerves
4. Bones
5. Joints
6. Ligaments
7. Bursae
- Muscles - ( key ½,1,2,3,4)
A) Key muscle is piriformis
B) ½ muscle is reflected head of rectus
C) The muscle which is single is quadratus
D) The muscle which are in group two
a) Superior gemelli & inferior gemelli
b) Obturator externus & internus
E) The muscle which are in group three
1. Gluteus minimus
2. Gluteus medius
F) The muscle which are in group four
a) Semimembranous
b) Semitendineus
c) Ischial fibres of adductor Magnus
d) Biceps femoris
- Vessels -
Can be remembered by pneumonics
S-superior gluteal artery
I-inferior gluteal artery
A-ascending branch of medial & lateral
circumflex femoral artery
T- tronchanteric anastomosis
I-internal pudendal vessels
C-cruciate anastomosis
A-ascending branch of first perforating
1. sciatic nerve (L4 5 S1 2 3 )
2. nerve to quadratus femoris ( L4 5 S 1 )
3. nerve to obturator internus ( L5 S 1 2 )
4. superior gluteal nerve ( L 4 5 S 1 )
5. inferior gluteal nerve ( L5 S 1 2 )
6. pudendal nerve ( S 2 3 4 )
7. posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (S2 3 )
- bones -
A) part of hip bone
a) ilium
b) ischium
B) sacrum & coccyx
C) upper end of femur
- joints -
1. hip
2. sacroiliac
- ligaments –
1. sacrotuberous
2. sacrospinous
3. ischiofemoral
- bursae -
1. tronchanteric bursa = at greater
2. bursa over Ischial tuberosity
3. bursa between gluteus maximus & vastus