Tenaga Nasional: Board: Sector: Gics
Tenaga Nasional: Board: Sector: Gics
Tenaga Nasional: Board: Sector: Gics
Recommendation: BUY
Stock Code: 5347 Bloomberg: TNB MK Price: MYR8.61 12-Month Target Price: MYR9.50 Date: July 15, 2010
GICS: Utilities/Electric Utilities
Summary: Tenaga Nasional (Tenaga) is the electricity 6.00
utility company in Malaysia and is mainly involved in the 5.00
generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.
Tenaga manages the electricity grids in both Peninsular Vol ume Vol ('000)
• Tenaga's 3QFY10 (Aug) net core profit of MYR533.9 mln (excluding • We maintain our Buy recommendation on Tenaga but lower our 12-
the forex gain of MYR573.2 mln arising from the stronger MYR against month target price to MYR9.50 (from MYR10.00) following our
the USD and the JPY) was slightly below our expectations. This was earnings downgrade.
mainly due to higher-than-expected generating costs arising from
higher coal and IPP payments, despite a 13.7% YoY rise in electricity • Our target price continues to be DCF-derived, using a WACC of 7.0%
demand offset by lower-than-expected depreciation charges and a and terminal value of 3% (both unchanged). Our target price includes a
lower effective tax rate. This takes YTD net core profit to MYR2.13 bln projected FY10 net DPS of 21.0 sen.
(+29.3% YoY), 66.4% of our previous FY10 forecast of MYR3.21 bln.
• The stock is trading at undemanding PERs of 13.9x and 12.9x for
• The outlook for electricity demand remains positive, although it is FY10 and FY11 respectively, as compared with its forward PER range
expected to normalize to about 5% in FY11 from an estimated 10% in of 10.3x-30.4x in the past five years, but at a slight premium to its peer
FY10 (FY09: a contraction of 2.6%), as a result of moderation in group average of 12.2x-11.8x for 2010-2011. The outlook remains
economic activities and the higher base. Coal cost, however, has positive on the back of healthy demand growth, while coal prices are
inched up to USD92/ton in 3QFY10 from USD82/ton in 2QFY10. The expected to rise at a more moderate pace going forward.
rise in coal prices is expected to be moderate and the impact may be
cushioned by a strengthening MYR against the USD. • Tenaga’s financials have also improved, with a net gearing of 0.48x at
end-3QFY10 from 0.63x at end-FY09. Potential re-rating catalysts
• While we maintain our average coal price per ton assumptions at include a base tariff hike which may happen in the medium term, in our
USD90 and USD100 for FY10-FY11 respectively, we have raised our opinion, given the need to cover rising IPP payments. Foreign
operating costs assumptions to reflect the rising generation mix from shareholding levels in the company have continued to rise gradually to
coal-fired plants and higher IPP payments. We also lower our FY11 10.7%, from a low of 8.5% in January 2010. Therefore, we believe
demand growth forecast to 5% YoY (from 8% YoY). Overall, our there is still ample upside, and hence keep our Buy recommendation.
FY10-FY11 net profit forecasts are cut by 2.0% and 16.6%
respectively. Our earnings assumptions include 9MFY10 forex gains • Risks to our recommendation and target price include: (i) an
but do not factor in any potential tariff increase. unexpected spike in coal price, (ii) a weakening MYR against major
currencies, and (iii) slower-than-expected growth in electricity demand.
Quarterly Performance
FY Aug. / MYR mln 3Q10 3Q09 % Change
Reported Revenue 7,723.3 7,001.8 10.3
Reported Operating Profit 958.3 943.5 1.6
Depreciation & Amortization -892.7 -890.6 0.2
Net Interest Income / (Expense) -104.4 -134.0 -22.1
Reported Pre-tax Profit 1,286.8 1,240.3 3.7
Reported Net Profit 1,107.1 1,023.1 8.2
Reported Operating Margin (%) 12.4 13.5 -
Reported Pre-tax Margin (%) 16.7 17.7 -
Reported Net Margin (%) 14.3 14.6 -
Source: Company data
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