CDM: Teaching Discrete Mathematics To Computer Science Majors
CDM: Teaching Discrete Mathematics To Computer Science Majors
CDM: Teaching Discrete Mathematics To Computer Science Majors
ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing, Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2005. Article 4.
2 • K. Sutner
that could not be gained by just observing the data. This empirical and experiential
approach to mathematics can help greatly in coming to a solid understanding of the
relevant concepts. Moreover, it is fun to make small discoveries of one’s own and then
try to formalize and establish them in a rigorous way.
One example from the trenches: some years ago students were asked in a homework
assignment to determine the number of binary sequences of length n that contain no two
consecutive 0’s. The students knew how to tackle simple recurrence equations, and in
particular were familiar with Fibonacci numbers. However, no further hints were given as
to how the problem might be solved. Most students used a program to compute the
number of such 00-free sequences for a few small values of n by brute force, then
correctly conjectured the answer (the Fibonacci number F ) and gave a proof by
induction. Brute force here means that one first generates all binary sequences of length n
and then eliminates the ones containing 00, a very simple task in our standard
computational environment. Indeed, in Mathematica, augmented by a macro package for
the course, the whole program can be written as a “one-liner”:
While this solution is perfectly acceptable, and indeed what the instructor intended, a
few students worked a bit harder initially and wrote a recursive program that directly
generates only 00-free sequences. The crucial insight here is that sequences of length n
can be obtained by appending suffixes 1 and 10 to shorter sequences of lengths n - 1 and
n - 2, respectively. The induction proof is then essentially replaced by a correctness
argument for the generating program: one has to make sure that all 00-free sequences are
so generated and that there are no duplicates. The connection between proofs and
programs – where the latter notion is perfectly palatable to the students, while the former
often is not – is one of the major themes of the course.
For a number of years, D. Scott, E. Clarke, P. Miller, and I taught a variety of
ModMath courses at an introductory level [Miller and Sutner 1997] Alas, the students’
response was decidedly mixed: while the stronger students embraced the new technology
and used it to great effect, a large number of weaker ones felt intimidated and
overwhelmed by the machinery. For them, the extra burden of having to learn how to
cope with a specific computing environment never seemed to be quite compensated for
by the benefits that all of us envisioned. Ultimately, the project went into hibernation and
the curriculum returned to its traditional patterns. Predictably, the computer science
majors resumed their standard gripes about too much abstraction and a general lack of
connection between the mathematics and their core interests.
Motivated by the enormous progress in symbolic computing software, and in
particular the emergence of document-centric computing environments, we decided in
2002 that another attempt should be made to redesign the discrete mathematics
component of the computer science curriculum. We created a new course, titled CDM,
for computational discrete mathematics. Unlike its ModMath predecessors, CDM is not
required, but is offered as a choice towards the fulfillment of the mathematics
requirement. The students are typically in their second year and have taken two
prerequisite courses in discrete mathematics. The course is presently capped at 20
students, most of whom are computer science majors, though some mathematics majors
also enrolled (and acquitted themselves very well). CDM will be in its fourth incarnation
in Fall 2005.
In a drastic change from previous policies, the use of computing equipment is also no
longer tightly controlled. By the time they take CDM, the computer science majors at
Carnegie Mellon tend to be extremely opinionated about the relative merits and demerits
of various systems, programs, and languages. There appears to be little benefit in forcing
them into one particular environment when they are already comfortable and experienced
in another. Specifically, from the perspective of the instructor, while Mathematica
[Wolfram 2002] is used as the main workhorse in the course and some of the
supplementary material is posted in the form of Mathematica notebooks, there is no
requirement for its use. In the past, students have successfully employed C, C++, Java,
Perl, and Maple to tackle the computational aspects of various assignments. As a matter
of fact, not only is there no requirement for the use a specific software system, there is
not even a requirement for the use of computation at all. The students are free to handle
the given assignments any way they like – as long as the results are elegant and correct.
In principle, a purely theoretical approach might succeed, though it would often be too
time-consuming and tedious for serious consideration. The students are quick to realize
this, and choose their weapons accordingly. Note that this freedom for students places a
burden on the course staff, in particular in office hours and in the assessment of student
work, but in our experience the results are well worth the effort.
One last comment about the role of programs in CDM. It was pointed out by B.
Thurston in his thoughtful article [Thurston 1994] that writing correct programs is a
difficult task, more difficult in some ways than pure mathematics:
We largely agree with this assertion, though we believe that it actually works in our
favor in this course. Unlike Thurston’s work in low-dimensional topology, the
computations required in CDM are mostly rather basic. Much of the burden of writing
correct programs is alleviated by the ready availability of functioning, well-tested code
for these fundamental operations. Hence, the challenge Thurston refers to can actually be
exploited in a constructive way: dealing with programs and the results of their
computations produces better insight into the underlying mathematical principles. Rather
than removing precision and careful reasoning it emphasizes them. It leads to a concrete,
experiential and integrated understanding of the concepts and their applications, rather
than the more abstract, mechanistic, and isolated approach fostered by the traditional
definition-theorem-proof method.
In this section we will give a few characteristic examples that highlight the CDM
approach to discrete mathematics. Most of the material is of considerable sophistication
and would be difficult to transmit in a more traditional setting. A more complete listing of
topics can be found at the website, complete with lecture slides and accompanying
material [Sutner 2004]. While some of the material at the site can be expected to undergo
changes and adjustments, the core of the course is now stable. At any rate, it will give a
good indication of the philosophy of the course.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
solution is essentially unique in this case. Determining the number of solutions for
other grids leads to rather interesting problems related to divisibility properties of
Fibonacci polynomials over the two-element field [Sutner 1988].
2.2 Pólya and Redfield
Students in CDM all have encountered basic group theory in previous courses, but seem
never to have found the topic particularly relevant. A concept that they are better
acquainted with, and more appreciative of, is the representation of equivalence relations
in a way suitable for computation. For example, they are all familiar with the use of the
union/find algorithm to construct mazes. We connect the two ideas and use symmetry
groups to limit the size of search spaces in some games such as checkers or nine men’s
morris, apparently an excellent motivation for computer science majors. Group actions
are introduced as yet another way to represent certain types of equivalence relations,
albeit in a somewhat abstract fashion. It comes as a pleasant surprise to most students that
the abstraction has an immediate computational pay-off: otherwise difficult questions
about the number of equivalence classes can be reduced to questions about polynomials.
The brute force approach, where all possible configurations are generated first and the
equivalent ones identified later, becomes demonstrably useless for all but the smallest
examples – though it does help greatly to build up some intuition for the basic ideas in
Pólya-Redfield counting.
The students are given access to software that performs the necessary cycle-decom-
position of elements of a permutation group and generates the cycle index polynomials.
For example, the invocation
P4 = CycleIndexPolynomial[DihedralGroupSG[4]];
SubstitutePolynomial[ P4, 6, 2, Full -> True ];
will duly produce the polynomial,
( ( ) ( )
(c1 + c2 )4 + 2(c1 + c2 )2 c12 + c2 2 + 3 c12 + c2 2 + 2(c14 + c2 4 ) .
In class, only two-dimensional examples such as the dihedral group above are
discussed. For the assignments, the students are required to deal with symmetries in
three-space. In particular, they have to discover the structure of the octahedral group and
find a nice set of generators and relations. The actual calculations are easy to carry out –
if one has the ability to manipulate polynomials of several hundred terms. Somewhat
unexpectedly, a number of students elected to use systems other than our standard
environment for polynomial arithmetic. In fact, some even implemented the requisite
symbolic algorithms on their own, exploiting work from other courses.
There is some anecdotal evidence for the strength of this approach: after last year’s
notes were posted on the web, a researcher in the Netherlands working on a sophisticated
checkers problem sent email to inquire about a number of problems in the actual
implementation of search-space-reducing techniques. Some of the questions will be
handed-off to the students in the next incarnation of the course.
2.3 Logic and Provers
Finding convincing motivation for the use of a formal languages such as predicate logic
and formal systems that describe and regulate proofs is always a major challenge in any
discrete mathematics course. While most students would concede that Fermat’s original
description of his infamous theorem, as follows:
There do not exist four numbers, the last being larger than two, such that
the sum of the first two, both raised to the power of the fourth, are equal to
the third, also raised to the power of the fourth.
1998; Clarke et al. 2003]. For example, the system can establish the Bernstein
approximation theorem with only minimal help from the user. More importantly,
Analytica has extensive tracing facilities that make it possible for students to observe its
attempts at proving a theorem. For example, the following command will produce a proof
of the fact that a function g is surjective whenever g g is also.
We hasten to point out that the purpose of using Analytica is to demonstrate the
importance of formal systems. It is not intended as a mathematics tutor of any kind, and
would certainly fail miserably in this capacity. It does, however, provide many examples
of computational problems in propositional and predicate logic that would otherwise
appear hopelessly artificial and pointless. Skolemization of formulas in predicate logic is
one case in point here. In the example above, the given input formula
∀x∃y ( x = g ( g ( y ))) ⇒ ∀x∃y ( x = g ( y )) is first converted by the system into a
sequent using the negative Skolemized form: v1 = g ( g ( f v1 )) ⊃ c1 = g (v2 ) . The latter
is then established by finding suitable values for the variables v and v while the Skolem
1 2
function c and f remain uninterpreted, a process rather similar to natural reasoning.
1 v1
Analytica also has a mechanism to “un-skolemize” a formula, which adds greatly to the
human-readability of the generated proof. Another example is a simplification strategy in
Analytica that attempts to reduce the logical complexity of a sequent by eliminating
“superfluous” parts. It is a very healthy exercise to discuss implementations of this
method and to rigorously establish its soundness.
2.4 Finite State Machines
Students in CDM have usually had some cursory exposure to finite state machines, mostly
from the programmer’s more pragmatic point of view or perhaps from some simple
string-matching applications. While applications of state machines provide ample
motivation, they do tend to obscure the mathematics a bit. To exhibit the mathematical
Fig 3.
structure, we start with a simple problem: Construct a deterministic finite state automaton
that recognizes numbers written in base B that are divisible by m. One attractive feature
of these machines is that they can be represented by labeled diagrams that are easily
understandable to humans. The example below shows the automaton in diagrammatic
form for m=5 when the input is given in binary. In algebraic form, the transition function
is given by (p,a) = 2p+a mod 5 where the state set consists of the modular numbers
modulo 5.
The diagram is just one instance of a natural automaton that uses the modular
numbers as a state set and essentially computes the value of the input modulo m by using
a Horner scheme to evaluate the corresponding polynomial. However, in many cases the
resulting machine fails to be minimal: there is a smaller DFA (deterministic finite
automaton) that decides divisibility by m using fewer than m states. This effect can be
observed easily in our environment by constructing the natural Horner automata and
minimizing them for some values of m and B. Here is a table for m 12 (row index) and
B 16 (column index) that demonstrates this effect. In our environment, the table can be
generated easily with two lines of code.
This table may look rather forbidding at first, but a lot of information can be extracted
from it. The ability to interpret data is one of the essential skills needed to profit from use
of a computational environment. For example, for prime m it appears that the minimal
machine always has size m unless B is a multiple of m, in which case the size drops to 2.
To establish this and other observations, it is best to construct the minimal automaton by
preserving the natural state set as a partition of the modular numbers. Incidentally, this
provides another opportunity to discuss implementations of equivalence relations; in this
case an implementation built on the notion of a kernel relation. At any rate, careful
inspection of these partitions, together with some thought about the structure of the
Horner automaton, leads to a connection to solutions sets for a class of modular equations
and, ultimately, to a complete characterization of the minimal automaton for divisibility.
Needless to say, our standard computational environment can handle the requisite
modular arithmetic as easily as it deals with the finite state machines. Thus, we can solve
the modular equations, use the solutions to construct a finite state machine, and then
verify that the machine is indeed minimal. The seamless integration of computation in
different areas of mathematics is of great importance to our approach.
Looking for generalizations we can ask about different number representations. For
example, we may consider reverse base B where the least significant digit comes first, or
Fibonacci representation. We know characterizations for some of these number systems,
but mostly there are lots of interesting open problems.
The primary purpose of mathematics-related courses in a computer science curriculum is
to provide a foundation for material that will be presented later in the curriculum –
material that relies heavily on this foundation and cannot be properly understood without
it. Needless to say, the consumer courses may be separated from the preparatory
mathematics courses by several semesters. As a consequence, it is very important that the
students retain access to the material, at least during their stay at the university – although
one naively hopes that they will actually make use of it beyond the acquisition of a
degree. These concerns are addressed in an NSF-funded project with the suggestive title
“Course Capsules: Persistent, Personalized Courseware (CCaps)”; [Kohlhase et al. 2002].
The goal of the CCaps project is to develop mechanisms that make it possible to package
the whole content of a course, including student contributions, into an electronic
repository that will be available indefinitely over the web for student use. This is in
contrast to course management systems such as the popular Blackboard system that focus
on delivery, but largely ignore archiving and long-term access. Persistent, intelligent
access is a particularly pressing issue for a course like CDM which exists exclusively in
computer-held form (there is no textbook) and whose content is to be applied later on in a
number of other courses.
The target document format in CCaps is OMDoc, a specialized XML application that
allows us to represent mathematical knowledge structures and extends the well-known
OpenMath standard in several ways [Kohlhase 2002]. We have developed a number of
software tools that help in the mark-up process, notably a PowerPoint to OMDoc
converter, a Mathematica to OMDoc converter, and a powerful emacs mode to handle the
final editing without endangering the mental health of the editor. Alas, it has turned out
that the effort to perform the actual mark-up is rather significant, our tools
notwithstanding, so progress has been slower than originally hoped for.
Ultimately, the students will be able to turn to their CDM capsule to gain intelligent
access to the material. The semantic mark-up will provide the ability to index and search
on content rather than just performing the customary string-matching. For example, all
uses of the notion of “equivalence relation” will be easily identified and collated. It will
be possible to extract all theorems and lemmata about equivalence relations or,
alternatively, find a use for them in concrete algorithms. Moreover, the student will have
access to examples and exercises that will allow her to regain mastery of the relevant
concepts. The interactive nature of mathematics documents on the web is rather
significant here: the definition of an unknown or forgotten term is only a few mouse-
clicks away, hopefully complete with illuminating examples and further pointers.
Assessment, at least at the superficial level of multiple-choice problems and simple
computational exercises, can also be fully automated.
Another problem is created by the CDM computational approach itself: at least during
the students’ tenure at Carnegie, they should be able to rerun the sample computations in
the standard, Mathematica-based environment. This seemingly innocent requirement
actually causes substantial problems, as anyone who has ever tried to compile and run,
say, a program downloaded from some web site will recognize. The problem of ever-
changing compilers and libraries is somewhat ameliorated by using a high-level
environment such as Mathematica, where changes to the language between versions are
relatively minor (though the same cannot be said for the underlying mathematical
algorithms). However, macro packages although written in a stable environment such as
Mathematica are notoriously unreliable software artifacts, even when they come from
reputable repositories such as Wolfram’s Information Center. In our case, the core
package contains several hundred functions dealing with combinatorics, graph theory,
finite state machines, syntactic semigroups, and cellular automata. The package has
grown by accretion over the years and is now rather solid; see Sutner [2002] for a recent
application and Sutner [1994] for a predecessor version of the system.
In light of the persistence problem, we have developed a special packaging
mechanism that will make it possible to preserve the old functionality, should changes be
made in the future. The packaging system also provides for automatic testing of the code.
More important for teaching applications is the extensive help browser that comes with
the system: context-dependent help is available for each command, and there are
numerous sample computations that demonstrate the use of the machinery, from simple
one-liners to complicated applications more typical of research applications. Ultimately,
we hope that web-based mathematics services will alleviate this problem, but at present
local solutions are essential.
As mentioned already, CDM currently has an enrollment cap of 20 students, and the
course has been taught only three times thus far. One important goal of these first few
rounds was to find a compelling selection of material. For example, regarding the central
notion of computability, we felt obliged to provide some historical background and an
introduction into the classical theory of computability. On the other hand, for the actual
computations, some understanding of the more recent theory of computational
complexity is necessary. Striking a balance between these competing interests without
introducing inappropriate levels of technical difficulty turned out to be quite challenging.
A typical student comment from last Fall seems to indicate that the proper balance has
been found: “This class covers a lot of ground, but it isn’t impossible to understand, and
it is extremely interesting.” Another central concern was to find a mode of presentation
that engages the students to the point where they are prepared to invest considerable time
and effort in mastering the material. Again quoting a student from last Fall: “[The
instructor] could make studying the mathematics of a rock interesting.”
Another positive indicator is the quality of the work submitted by the students.
Overall, it is remarkably high – although we have to bear in mind that the students are
self-selecting, and presumably somewhat better motivated than their peers. For example,
the best solution to the characterization of reachable pebble configuration from the
problem in Section 2 is due to a student in the course. Another student found a novel way
to establish the fact that over the two-element field every function is polynomial. A few
of the students have gone on to take more advanced courses such as constructive logic,
and seem to be well-prepared, though this evidence is currently anecdotal.
To obtain a slightly less informal understanding of student response to the course, we
used a standard faculty course evaluation instrument developed at the Eberly Center for
Teaching Excellence [2004]. In a nutshell, the course ratings for CDM for the first three
years were 4.52, 4.89, and 4.7, and the instructor ratings 4.61, 5.00, and 4.95, on a scale
from 1 to 5. The ratings are significantly higher than those for comparable courses in our
Overall, we feel that the first phase of our project has been completed successfully
and that we can now turn to the crucial second step of turning the material into a course
capsule as described in the previous section. To this end, it will be necessary to rethink
and make explicit the learning objectives for each of the course topics. A more elaborate
system of completed and partially completed exercises has to be developed, along with
better and scalable machinery for assessment. At this point, most of the course material
still exists in a strictly presentation-oriented format, and needs be converted into a
semantically rich format. Since full semantic mark-up has proven to be an extremely
labor-intensive task, efforts are currently under way to secure funding for a joint project
with the Open Learning Initiative at CMU [Open Learning Initiative 2003]. The OLI
project offers in particular a lot of experience in providing reliable, persistent web
services as well as assessment and cognitive task analysis.
The most recent version of course notes and a number of notebooks are available at
Sutner [2004]. The Mathematica package used in CDM is also available at the site, and
alternatively at the WRI website, see item 4603 in
the MathSource section. The code contains extensive online help and a number of
sample notebooks. Additional material such as assignments, tests, a printed manual, and
various supplementary notebooks will be made available to interested parties.
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