This document outlines two 3-day per week exercise splits. The first split focuses on different muscle groups each day, with vertical and horizontal pushing and pulling movements on different days along with leg, glute, shoulder and arm exercises. The second split is a total body routine done 3 days a week, with exercises like chops, pushups, lat pulldowns, lunges, rows, ab work and step ups repeated 2-3 times each session.
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This document outlines two 3-day per week exercise splits. The first split focuses on different muscle groups each day, with vertical and horizontal pushing and pulling movements on different days along with leg, glute, shoulder and arm exercises. The second split is a total body routine done 3 days a week, with exercises like chops, pushups, lat pulldowns, lunges, rows, ab work and step ups repeated 2-3 times each session.
This document outlines two 3-day per week exercise splits. The first split focuses on different muscle groups each day, with vertical and horizontal pushing and pulling movements on different days along with leg, glute, shoulder and arm exercises. The second split is a total body routine done 3 days a week, with exercises like chops, pushups, lat pulldowns, lunges, rows, ab work and step ups repeated 2-3 times each session.
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This document outlines two 3-day per week exercise splits. The first split focuses on different muscle groups each day, with vertical and horizontal pushing and pulling movements on different days along with leg, glute, shoulder and arm exercises. The second split is a total body routine done 3 days a week, with exercises like chops, pushups, lat pulldowns, lunges, rows, ab work and step ups repeated 2-3 times each session.
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EX 3 day split
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Warm up Cardio Warm up Cardio Warm up Vertical Pull Vertical Push Vertical Pull Horizontal Pull Horizontal Push Horizontal Pull Leg Shoulder Leg Glute Tricep Exten Glute Arm Flexion Vertical Push Arm Flexion Vertical Pull Horizontal Push Vertical Pull Horizontal Pull Shoulder Horizontal Pull Leg Tricep Exten Leg Glute Glute Arm Flexion Arm Flexion
following week Wed will be done 2 x and Monday's session will only be 1x
Ex 3 day total body
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Warm up Cardio Warm up Cardio Warm up Chops Chops Chops Push ups Push ups Push ups Lat Pull Downs Lat Pull Downs Lat Pull Downs Lunges Lunges Lunges T band rows T band rows T band rows ab exercise ab exercise ab exercise step ups step ups step ups repeat 2 - 3 times repeat 2 - 3 times repeat 2 - 3 times