Business Organization Reviewer
Business Organization Reviewer
Business Organization Reviewer
entities. The fact that a corporation which of capital actually subscribed and 25% of it is already
The meeting of stockholders shall 5,000.00). 25% of the capital stock must be
always be at the principal office of the corporation subscribed and 25% of the subscribed capital must
and held annually. be fully paid (treasurer’s affidavit).
If the corporation was organized to commit A corporation duly organized in accordance with law
fraud, to avoid any liability, hence the corporation is a de jure corporation
and the stockholders are one and the same person.
De Facto Corporation
The general rule is that the death of the
stockholders is not the death of the corporation The following are instances of a De facto Corporation
except when the corporation is considered as one,
therefore the death of the stockholder is also the 1. a corporation with defect
death of the corporation. 2. the SEC issued a certificate of incorporation
even if the incorporators are insufficient
Factors that may justify piercing the corporate veil 3. the corporation is not authorized
1. stock ownership by one or common 4. the treasurer’s affidavit is not correct
ownership of both corporations
2. identity of directors and officers Note: Only the government can question the de facto
3. manner of keeping corporate books and government for which the Office of the Solicitor General
records will issue a quo warranto proceeding
4. methods of conducting business
De jure vs. de facto
Go Kong Wei Doctrine
De jure De facto
A director cannot be elected in two (2) One which actually exists
corporations, where the business of the two (2) One created in strict or
for all practical purposes
corporations is similar. substantial conformity
as a corporation but which
with the statutory
has no legal right to
requirements for
genosssenshaft theory - a theory holding that corporate existence as
corporation's existence does not depend on the against the State
Right to exist cannot be Right to exist can be
consent of the state. it remains a legal entity successfully attacked even successfully attacked in a
despite lack of consent and concession there in a direct proceeding by direct proceeding by the
from. the state state
One, which has been issued a certificate of A corporation can exercise not only powers
registration, but is considered a corporation by expressly conferred upon it by its charter but also
estoppel precluding either the person behind, or those that may be reasonably necessary or proper to
third parties dealing with it to deny its corporate promote the interest or welfare of the corporation.
existence. It is also known as ostensible corporation
If the act is one which is lawful in itself, and not
Solutio indebiti- unjust enrichment otherwise prohibited, is done for the purpose of
Negotiorium gestio-unauthorized management serving corporate ends, and is reasonably tributary
to the promotion of those ends, is a substantial, and
Voting trust agreement not in a remote and fanciful sense, it may fairly be
considered within the charter powers. The test is
a voting trust is a trust created by agreement whether the act is in direct and immediate
between a group of stockholders and the trustee or furtherance of the corporation’s business, fairly
by a group of identical agreements between incident to the express powers and necessary to their
individual stockholders and a common trustee, exercise. If so, the corporation has the power to do it;
whereby it is provided that for a term of five years, or if otherwise, not.
for a period contingent upon a certain event, or until
the agreement is terminated, control over the stock Ultra-vires – Acts outside the powers of
owned by such stockholders, either for certain the corporation
purposes or for all purposes, is lodged in the trustee, Kinds
either with or without a reservation to the owners, or
persons designated by them, of the power 6to direct 1. void per se (illegal act)- void abinitio
how such control shall be used. 2. voidable- valid until annulled\ four (4) years
The law simply provides that a voting trust
agreement in writing whereby one or more 3 stages of voidable ultra vires acts
stockholders of a corporation consent to transfer his
or her shares to a trustee in order to vest in the latter 1. executory on both sides
voting for other rights pertaining to said shares for a 2. executory on one side/executed on other
period not exceeding five (5) years upon the side
fulfillment of statutory conditions specified in the 3. already executed by both parties
agreement. The five year period may be extended in
cases where the voting trust is executed pursuant to Kinds of Ultra Vires Acts
a loan agreement whereby the period is made
contingent upon full payment of the loan 1. executory on both sides – this could be set
Voting rights in a corporation 2. Executor on one side and executed on the
other side – if the corporation has already
It is a fundamental rule that a stockholder received the benefits, it must honor the
acquires voting rights only when the shares of stock contract
to be voted are registered in his name in the 3. Executed on both sides – if both parties have
corporate books. An unrecorded transferee cannot already benefited, both should honor a
enjoy the status of a stockholder, he cannot vote nor contract
be voted for, and he will not be entitled to dividends
Nationality of a
Intra-vires – Lawful act of the Corporation(Grandfather’s Rule)
The citizenship of a private corporation registered in
1. par value share- the amount is written in the A subscription contract is executed
certificate of stock when a person buys a stock/share for which it
stipulates the terms of payment.
2. no par value share- the amount of share is not
included, but should not be less than Php 5.00 A call resolution is a resolution
demanding the payment of the balance of the
3. treasury share- reacquired by the corporation subscription contract.
from a stockholder by donation, when the
shares are delinquent, when the corporation To validate the buying of a share of
buys the share to make it even stock, the owner/seller must surrender the
certificate of stock to the buyer. The buyer must go
4. redeemable share- there is a stipulation in the to the stock and transfer clerk of the corporation to
contract cancel the certificate of stock in the name of the
-When there is one contract, the latter provision seller and the stock and transfer clerk must issue
prevails another stock certificate in the name of the buyer.
3. articles of incorporation
1. to receive dividends
Review at your own risk
cash dividend- mandatory if there is an A foreign company must register to the
excess of 100% on net surplus SEC in order to validly do business in the
2. stock dividends- not taxable Philippines.
A call resolution to pay subscription
must be enacted by the Board of Directors A religious sole/religious corporation
cannot sell their property without the approval from
The declaration of dividends can be the RTC, except, when approved by their parish
revoked by the Board of Directors if it is not yet church, to protect the rights of the members of the
announce to the stockholders. church
refusal, the stockholder sells his shares first to co- g. Manufacture, repair, stockpiling
Foreign Corporation – power to sue and be sued Executive Committee is delegated by the
Board of Directors of their powers and duties (e.g.
a. Suit by a foreign corporation – the foreign repeal/adoption of bylaws, removal of directors,
corporation transacting business in the declaration of cash dividends
Philippines without a license to do business shall
not be permitted to maintain or intervene in any Kinds of Franchise
court or administrative agency.
b. Suit against a Foreign Corporation – Any foreign 1. Primary franchise- the law authorizing the
corporation transacting business in the formation of a corporation(the corporation
Philippines whether or not with a license, may code
be sued against/before Philippine Courts or 2. Secondary franchise- the moment a
administrative tribunals on any valid cause of corporation is organized, it enjoys some
action recognized under Philippine Laws powers. These powers are called secondary
(Doctrine of Quasi- Estoppel by acceptance of franchise
A merger is the absorption of a
Kinds of Suit corporation of another corporation. It is allowed
provided that the debts of the corporation are
1. Class Suit –there are many stockholders absorbed by the absorbing corporation.
who have the same problem, but a few of
them can file the suit in their behalf A consolidation is the joining together of
2. Individual Suit – a stockholder whose right two or more corporations. It is allowed provided that
have been violated the debts of the corporations are not extinguished.
Stages of dissolution