The document contains serial numbers and product keys for Windows 2000 in various languages and editions, including Professional, Server, and upgrade versions. Several serials are provided for programs like PC-Cillin and exam simulators. Keys are given for builds, betas and final releases of Windows 2000. Contact information and download links are also listed for some products.
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The document contains serial numbers and product keys for Windows 2000 in various languages and editions, including Professional, Server, and upgrade versions. Several serials are provided for programs like PC-Cillin and exam simulators. Keys are given for builds, betas and final releases of Windows 2000. Contact information and download links are also listed for some products.
The document contains serial numbers and product keys for Windows 2000 in various languages and editions, including Professional, Server, and upgrade versions. Several serials are provided for programs like PC-Cillin and exam simulators. Keys are given for builds, betas and final releases of Windows 2000. Contact information and download links are also listed for some products.
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The document contains serial numbers and product keys for Windows 2000 in various languages and editions, including Professional, Server, and upgrade versions. Several serials are provided for programs like PC-Cillin and exam simulators. Keys are given for builds, betas and final releases of Windows 2000. Contact information and download links are also listed for some products.
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Serial results for *win2k*
HP WebEnforcer 2.0 WINNT: 5970507620 WIN2K: 5970507621
VN Publishing Win2k Pro Exam Simulator Exam 4.0 Name: Judgement s/n: 124 9-2710-9124-1379-9124 pc-cillin Pc-Cillin 2000 Win9x Serial: PCEW-0011-4881-2059-1555 WinNT/Win2K Ser ial: PCEW-0018-9337-4391-8383 pc-cillin Muldar Pc-Cillin 2000 Win9x Serial: PCEW-0011-4881-2059-1555 WinNT/Win 2K Serial: PCEW-0018-9337-4391-8383 pccillin TREND MICRO PC-CILLIN 2000 V7.6 FOR WIN9X, WIN2KNT s/n: APGE-9999-6886 -8880-5322 , PC-Cillin 98 v6.0 download the upgrade ---> /products/pccillin/pcc6u.exe and use this serial (PCEU-0013-3654-4192-8343) to i nstall the full version pccillin c00ljim TREND MICRO PC-CILLIN 2000 V7.6 FOR WIN9X, WIN2KNT s/n: APGE-99 99-6886-8880-5322 , PC-Cillin 98 v6.0 download the upgrade ---> ftp://ftp.antivi and use this serial (PCEU-0013-3654-4192-834 3) to install the full version win2000 * MS WINDOWS 2000 FINAL : Server and Advanced Server: H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7- R84VM Professional: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG *OR* VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7 MB or ?? msserials or ?? win2k2195 win2000 * MS WINDOWS 2000 FINAL : Server and Advanced Server: H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG- D69F7-R84VM Professional: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG *OR* VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-Q B3DB-9Y7MB or ?? msserials or ?? win2k2195 win2k MS WINDOWS 2000 FINAL : Server and Advanced Server: H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69 F7-R84VM Professional: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG *OR* VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3D B-9Y7MB or ?? win2kkey or ?? win2kpro or ?? win2k2195 win2k * MS WINDOWS 2000 FINAL Server and Advanced Server: H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F 7-R84VM Professional: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG *OR* VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB -9Y7MB win2k2195 Windows 2000 build 2195 Server: [serial: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRV MG ] Pro: [serial: VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB ] win2kfrech vxkc4-2b3yf-w9mfk-qb3db-9y7mb win2kfrech symband vxkc4-2b3yf-w9mfk-qb3db-9y7mb win2kfrench FGWDX-XRVRH-3MG7J-HWQ9W-Q9T2Y win2kfrench symband FGWDX-XRVRH-3MG7J-HWQ9W-Q9T2Y win2kger Windows 2000 Pro German Serial: HB9CF-JTKJF-722HV-VPBRF-9VKVM win2kger Muldar Windows 2000 Pro German Serial: HB9CF-JTKJF-722HV-VPBRF-9VKVM win2kkey win2kkey == key for old BETAs and CoreUTIL final RIP release: Pro VXKC 4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB , Server & Advanced Server H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84 VM (Pro and Srv key do NOT mix!) || NTBETA/1st TSUISO/CoreUTIL ISO FINAL version key: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG (all editions) || PWA OEM ISO (PRO): RM233-2 PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB || Yes, these keys are valid! Yes, 100000% sure! || win2kkey Muldar win2kkey == key for old BETAs and CoreUTIL final RIP release: Pr o VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB , Server & Advanced Server H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69 F7-R84VM (Pro and Srv key do NOT mix!) || NTBETA/1st TSUISO/CoreUTIL ISO FINAL v ersion key: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG (all editions) || PWA OEM ISO (PRO): R M233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB || Yes, these keys are valid! Yes, 100000% sure! || win2kno * windows 2000 pro norwegian: DjFjd-D946V9-xwyqh-m7kkg-82vw7 win2kpl Windows 2000 PRO Polish Release ----> G2M4G-C9JXJ-D8PBC-HWV3C-WV6RW --- -> THANKS TO KERSTIN2K win2kpl Muldar Windows 2000 PRO Polish Release ----> G2M4G-C9JXJ-D8PBC-HWV3C-WV6 RW ----> THANKS TO KERSTIN2K win2kpro Windows 2000 PRO ----> s/n = RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG {;} VXKC4-2 B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB {;} TQ4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWT {;} WFX8X-J8FHX-RY234-R BPPB-QZWBM {;} cdkey = 975-4769754 - cdset = 236-075-240 win2kpro Windows 2000 Professional new sn RM233 2PRQQ FR4RH JP89H 46QYB, also t ry these : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG {;} VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB {;} T Q4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWT {;} WFX8X-J8FHX-RY234-RBPPB-QZWBM {;} cdkey = 975-4 769754 - cdset = 236-075-240 win2kpro Windows 2000 Professional sn RM233 2PRQQ FR4RH JP89H 46QYB, also try t hese : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG {;} VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB {;} TQ4CV -XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWT {;} WFX8X-J8FHX-RY234-RBPPB-QZWBM {;} cdkey = 975-47697 54 - cdset = 236-075-240 win2kpro c00ljim Windows 2000 Professional sn RM233 2PRQQ FR4RH JP89H 46QYB, als o try these : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG {;} VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB {; } TQ4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWT {;} WFX8X-J8FHX-RY234-RBPPB-QZWBM {;} cdkey = 97 5-4769754 - cdset = 236-075-240 win2krc3 Windows 2000 RC3 s/n: VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB or s/n: H6TWQ-TQQM 8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM win2kup Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Upgrade key: F6PGG-4YYDJ-3FF3T-R328P-3BXTG win2kup Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Upgrade key: F6PGG-4YYDJ-3FF3T-R328P-3BXTG win2kup sir_dawg Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Upgrade key: F6PGG-4YYDJ-3FF3T-R328P -3BXTG windows :See ?? win95 ?? win98 ?? win98up ?? win98se ?? win2k ?? win2kpro ?? wi ndrivers pccillin c00ljim TREND MICRO PC-CILLIN 2000 V7.6 FOR WIN9X, WIN2KNT s/n: APGE-9999 -6886-8880-5322 , PC-Cillin 98 v6.0 download the upgrade ---> ftp://ftp.antiviru and use this serial (PCEU-0013-3654-4192-8343) to install the full version pc-cillin Muldar Pc-Cillin 2000 Win9x Serial: PCEW-0011-4881-2059-1555 WinNT/Win 2K Serial: PCEW-0018-9337-4391-8383 win2kfrech symband vxkc4-2b3yf-w9mfk-qb3db-9y7mb win2kfrench symband FGWDX-XRVRH-3MG7J-HWQ9W-Q9T2Y win2kger Muldar Windows 2000 Pro German Serial: HB9CF-JTKJF-722HV-VPBRF-9VKVM win2kkey Muldar win2kkey == key for old BETAs and CoreUTIL final RIP release: Pr o VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB , Server & Advanced Server H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69 F7-R84VM (Pro and Srv key do NOT mix!) || NTBETA/1st TSUISO/CoreUTIL ISO FINAL v ersion key: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG (all editions) || PWA OEM ISO (PRO): R M233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB || Yes, these keys are valid! Yes, 100000% sure! || win2k * MS WINDOWS 2000 FINAL Server and Advanced Server: H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7- R84VM Professional: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG *OR* VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9 Y7MB win2kno * windows 2000 pro norwegian: DjFjd-D946V9-xwyqh-m7kkg-82vw7 win2kpl Muldar Windows 2000 PRO Polish Release ----> G2M4G-C9JXJ-D8PBC-HWV3C-WV6 RW ----> THANKS TO KERSTIN2K win2kpro c00ljim Windows 2000 Professional sn RM233 2PRQQ FR4RH JP89H 46QYB, also try these : RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG {;} VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB {;} TQ4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWT {;} WFX8X-J8FHX-RY234-RBPPB-QZWBM {;} cdkey = 975- 4769754 - cdset = 236-075-240 win2kup sir_dawg Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro Upgrade key: F6PGG-4YYDJ-3FF3T-R328P-3 BXTG Found a total of (42) matches