Local Level People's
Local Level People's
Local Level People's
Local level politics is where the people can become directly involved. The
success of democracy depends on citizens experiencing that their engagement
can make difference and improve their stored and of life. Today, democracy
enjoys an almost unchallenged global position which is hardly matched by any
other world view. More people than ever before are governed by elected
reprehensive. Nevertheless democracy and efforts to build democracy still face
challenges. The perception that democracy has failed to improve people's life
is prominent in this regard. In some parts of world this perception seems to
lead to declining support for democracy. Democrat constitutions such as
legislatures, executive branches and political parties are scan as in effective in
representing and full filling the atizenry's demand for economic and social
progress. Evers in countries or regions where democracy was believed to have
deep roots, popular discontent with lack of economic and social development
had led to the emergence of populist and extremist politics.
It has been said that too much emphasis today is placed on representative than
direct democracy and that adversial modes of discision making have
suspreseded more co-operative approaches. Indeed election compaigns and
vocal differences between political plate frarms can creatie a distance
between citizens and public officials. There phenomena can also give rise to
tension among different social groups. AS a consequence aranage citizen may
become aplthetie and withdraw from political life.