Home-Made HBsAg
Home-Made HBsAg
Home-Made HBsAg
S. Saengamnatdej, Ph.D.
August 19, 2010
Our pure positive antigen for testing hepatitis B viral infection was running out
and I need certain amount of it in a next couple of days. We knew that we had some
peripheral blood donated from a carrier in the University Hospital kept in a -20 °C
We therefore tried making the antigen from the blood. The protocol that we used
was very easy and the antigenic property of the antigen was tested.
A. Preparation of HBsAg
1. Thaw the frozen blood completely at room temperature.
2. Heat it in boiling water for 5 minutes.
3. Remove it from the water bath and leave it to cool down a bit.
4. Spin in a centrifuge at 3000xg for 5 minutes.
5. Decant the clear solution into new eppendorfs
C. Result
There were two bands on the test strip; one was the control (the
upper one) and the other was the test band (see the picture on the
right) of the current antigen.