Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Tumors of the colon and rectum are relatively common; the colorectal area (the colon and rectum
combined) is now the third most common site of new cancer cases and deaths in the United States.
Colorectal cancer is a disease of Western cultures; there were an estimated 48,300 new cases and
56,000 deaths from the disease in 2002 (American Cancer Society, 2002). The incidence increases with
age (the incidence is highest for people older than 85 years of age) and is higher for people with a family
history of colon cancer and those with IBD or polyps. The exact cause of colon and rectal cancer is still
unknown, but risk factors have been identified.
Cancer of the colon and rectum is predominantly (95%) adenocarcinoma (ie, arising from the
epithelial lining of the intestine). It may start as a benign polyp but may become malignant, invade and
destroy normal tissues, and extend into surrounding structures. Cancer cells may break away from the
primary tumor and spread to other parts of the body (most often to the liver).
Surgery is the primary treatment for most colon and rectal cancers. It may be curative or
palliative. Advances in surgical techniques can enable the patient with cancer to have sphincter-saving
devices that restore continuity of the GI tract. The type of surgery recommended depends on the location
and size of the tumor.
A colostomy is the surgical creation of an opening (ie, stoma) into the colon. It can be created as
a temporary or permanent fecal diversion. It allows the drainage or evacuation of colon contents to the
outside of the body. The consistency of the drainage is related to the placement of the colostomy, which
is dictated by the location of the tumor and the extent of invasion into surrounding tissues.
Gerontologic Considerations
The elderly are at increased risk for complications after surgery and may have difficulty managing
colostomy care. They may have decreased vision, impaired hearing, and difficulty with fine motor
coordination. It may be helpful for the patient to handle ostomy equipment and simulate cleaning the
peristomal skin and irrigating the stoma before surgery. Skin care is a major concern in the elderly
ostomate because of the skin changes that occur with aging—the epithelial and subcutaneous fatty layers
become thin, and the skin is irritated easily. To prevent skin breakdown, special attention is paid to skin
cleansing and the proper fit of an appliance. Arteriosclerosis causes decreased blood flow to the wound
and stoma site. As a result, transport of nutrients is delayed, and healing time may be prolonged. Some
patients have delayed elimination after irrigation because of decreased peristalsis and mucus production.
Most patients require 6 months before they feel comfortable with their ostomy care.
Priorities for nursing care include preparing the patient physically for surgery, providing
information about postoperative care, including stoma/colostomy care, and supporting the patient and
family emotionally.
Physical preparation for surgery involves building the patient’s stamina in the days preceding
surgery and cleansing and sterilizing the bowel the day before surgery. If the patient’s condition permits,
the nurse recommends a diet high in calories, protein, and carbohydrates and low in residue for several
days before surgery to provide adequate nutrition and minimize cramping by decreasing excessive
peristalsis. A full-liquid diet may be prescribed 24 to 48 hours before surgery to decrease bulk. If the
patient is hospitalized in the days preceding surgery, PN may be required to replace depleted nutrients,
vitamins, and minerals. In some instances, PN may be given at home before surgery.
Antibiotics such as sulfonamides, neomycin, and cephalexin are administered the day before
surgery to reduce intestinal bacteria. The bowel is cleansed with laxatives, enemas, or colonic irrigations
the evening before and the morning of surgery. For the patient who is very ill and hospitalized, the nurse
measures and records intake and output, including vomitus, to provide an accurate record of fluid
balance. The patient’s intake of oral food and fluids may be restricted to prevent vomiting. The nurse
administers antiemetics as prescribed. Full or clear liquids may be tolerated, or the patient may be
allowed nothing by mouth.
A nasogastric tube may be inserted to drain accumulated fluids and prevent abdominal distention.
The nurse monitors the abdomen for increasing distention, loss of bowel sounds, and pain or rigidity,
which may indicate obstruction or perforation. It also is important to monitor intravenous fluids and
electrolytes. Monitoring serum electrolyte levels can detect the hypokalemia and hyponatremia that occur
with GI fluid loss.
The nurse observes for signs of hypovolemia (eg, tachycardia, hypotension, decreased pulse
volume), assesses hydration status, and reports decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, and
concentrated urine. The nurse assesses the patient’s knowledge about the diagnosis, prognosis, surgical
procedure, and expected level of functioning after surgery.
It is important to include information about the physical preparation for surgery, the expected
appearance and care of the wound, the technique of ostomy care, dietary restrictions, pain control, and
medication management in the teaching plan. If the patient will be admitted the day of surgery, the
physician’s office may arrange for the patient to be seen by an enterostomal therapist in the days
preceding surgery. The therapist helps determine the optimal site for the stoma and provides teaching
about care. If the patient is hospitalized before the day of surgery, the staff enterostomal therapist is
involved in the preoperative teaching. All procedures are explained in language the patient understands.
The patient undergoing a colostomy may find the anticipated changes in body image and lifestyle
profoundly disturbing. Because the stoma is located on the abdomen, the patient may think that everyone
will be aware of the ostomy. The nurse helps reduce this fear by presenting facts about the surgical
procedure and the creation and management of the ostomy.
The nurse also monitors the patient for complications such as leakage from the site of the
anastomosis, prolapse of the stoma, perforation, stoma retraction, fecal impaction, skin irritation, and
pulmonary complications associated with abdominal surgery. The nurse assesses the abdomen for
returning peristalsis and assesses the initial stool characteristics.
It is important to help patients with a colostomy out of bed on the first postoperative day and
encourage them to begin participating in managing the colostomy.
It is important to determine whether the elimination of specific foods is causing any nutritional
deficiency. Nonirritating foods are substituted for those that are restricted so that deficiencies are
corrected. The nurse advises the patient to experiment with an irritating food several times before
restricting it, because an initial sensitivity may decrease with time.
The nurse can help the patient identify any foods or fluids that may be causing diarrhea, such as
fruits, high-fiber foods, soda, coffee, tea, or carbonated beverages. Paregoric, bismuth subgallate,
bismuth subcarbonate, or diphenoxylate with atropine (Lomotil) help control the diarrhea. For
constipation, prune or apple juice or a mild laxative is effective. The nurse suggests fluid intake of at least
2 L of fluid per day.
The presence of such irritation makes adhering the ostomy appliance difficult, and adhering the
ostomy appliance to irritated skin can worsen the skin condition. The effluent discharge and the degree to
which it is irritating vary with the type of ostomy. With a transverse colostomy, the stool is soft and mushy
and irritating to the skin. With a descending or sigmoid colostomy, the stool is fairly solid and less irritating
to the skin. Other skin problems include yeast infections and allergic dermatitis.
If the patient wants to bathe or shower before putting on the clean appliance, micropore tape
applied to the sides of the pouch will keep it secure during bathing. To remove the appliance, the patient
assumes a comfortable sitting or standing position and gently pushes the skin down from the faceplate
while pulling the pouch up and away from the stoma. Gentle pressure prevents the skin from being
traumatized and any liquid fecal contents from spilling out.
The nurse advises the patient to protect the peristomal skin by then washing the area gently with
a moist, soft cloth and a mild soap. Soap acts as a mild abrasive agent to remove enzyme residue from
fecal spillage. The patient should remove any excess skin barrier. While the skin is being cleansed, a
gauze dressing can cover the stoma, or a vaginal tampon can be inserted gently to absorb excess
drainage. After cleansing, the patient pats the skin completely dry with a gauze pad, taking care not to rub
the area. The patient can lightly dust nystatin (Mycostatin) powder on the peristomal skin if irritation or
yeast growth is present.
Smoothly applying the drainage appliance for a secure fit requires practice and a well-fitting
appliance. Patients can choose from a wide variety of appliances, depending on their individual needs.
The stoma is measured to determine the correct size for the pouch; the pouch opening should be
about 0.3 cm larger than the stoma. After the skin is cleansed according to the previously described
procedure, the patient applies the peristomal skin barrier (ie, wafer, paste, or powder). Mild skin irritation
may require dusting the skin with karaya or Stomahesive powder before attaching the pouch. The patient
removes the backing from the adherent surface of the appliance, and places the bag down over the
stoma for 30 seconds.
The patient empties or changes the drainage appliance when it is one-third to one-fourth full so
that the weight of its contents does not cause the appliance to separate from the adhesive disk and spill
the contents. Most appliances are disposable and odor resistant; commercially prepared deodorizers are
For some patients, colostomy appliances are not always necessary. As soon as the patient has
learned a routine for evacuation, bags may be dispensed with, and a closed ostomy appliance or a simple
dressing of disposable tissue (often covered with plastic wrap) is used, held in place by an elastic belt.
Except for gas and a slight amount of mucus, nothing escapes from the colostomy opening between
irrigations. Colostomy plugs that expand on insertion to prevent passage of flatus and feces are available.
The nurse reviews treatments (eg, irrigations, wound cleansing) and dressing changes and
encourages the family to participate. Because the hospital stay is short, the patient may not be able to
become proficient in stoma care techniques before discharge. The home care nurse goes to the home to
provide further care and teaching and to assess how well the patient and family are adjusting to the
colostomy. The home environment is assessed for adequacy of resources that allow the patient to
accomplish self-care.
A family member may assume responsibility for purchasing the equipment and supplies needed
at home. Patients need very specific directions about when to call the physician. They need to know
which complications require prompt attention (ie, bleeding, abdominal distention and rigidity, diarrhea,
fever, wound drainage, and disruption of suture line). If radiation therapy is planned, the possible side
effects (ie, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and exhaustion) are reviewed.
Continuing Care
Ongoing care of the patient with cancer and a colostomy often extends well beyond the initial
hospital stay. Home care nurses manage ostomy follow-up care, manage the assessment and care of the
debilitated patient, and coordinate adjuvant therapy. The home care visits also provide the nurse with
opportunities to assess the patient’s physical and emotional status and the patient’s and family’s ability to
carry out recommended management strategies.
Visits from an enterostomal therapy nurse are available to the patient and family as they learn to
care for the ostomy and work through their feelings about it, the diagnosis of cancer, and the future. Some
patients are interested in and can benefit from involvement in an ostomy support group.