Tafsir Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith

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The Significance ofAn .. N awawy's Forty Haditb

A~ 1l'.I,t-'L n P4!J'd'-'-' b '" 'II

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: C]arlfymg The Sign! fie mte· or. An-Nawawfs, 'Forty Haditn :: Mnhammad Tatay

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Date O.f·lsS-IifUlce: :20H4

: Dar An-Nashr Liljami ~ at - Egypt

:Depo:sit No : E57'm 4-.1 2003

,~ °7' '7·· - '=li. '1' e: - ·115· ... · - 3·

Ii ';t _ .JI" 0 ' _ ~ ~ e-


Copyright 2lt041 by Dar An -N a skI.' LUjami"at 4.11 ·R·~""'''"'''' ·R· ... ~ ... ~

f. __ .__ _1:EfI01. !.ol!. .' .eSlc1ll.'v·eo.

No part. of this book may be used or reproduced In any manner whatsoever wi.tlh.oll.lt written permission, No pan of tbj~~ book 'maJ,y be stored in a retrieval s.ystem. or t<t'1Uls.mhJ~ed. in any 'fro·m or by .any .means indudin,g electronic, e.~ectros~f.L!~ic~ magnetic tape, meebanical, phoIOCo:pyirig,~ tecordmg, or otherwise withoatthe prior permission lID wT'ltmg of 'dle PUlJi11] sher, '

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Dar Am .. N;ashr .LUjiamDf'a,t. "" EIYP,t

:r.o. :000; (1!~U M, [i','u.rl!iJ) Clilloo U :;'1:111 F'4:frrI!.··J'e~IiaA:: 'O(!a2~~l' ~~~1~

Table of Contents

T AB:LIi OIF C:O:NTE NTS'ililil'iI!Ilil'llli+.ii "i'''.+I!''f.!iI+'I+.~t-~!'''!~-I!~>f!~'''!~-!'!+!''!+!I+!''!!''!!''!'t!!~!!'I''!o''I'.-!'!''!'!'!"O!!!!~!~!'!""!!lII! !'!o!'!'!!'!"!!~!'!'!"!'!,!; •• _!"!J.,,!_!,,!:!,,,! ".'''II! V

NOTES OIN 'TRANSJLI TEIR_A 1'1 0 Nriliirilii ... iiil, ... liiUi.,liii ... i,t:iI,t:iI.tii"'.,..I;t;I..,HiI"'!I+.EFI+II .. I-EiI-E ,t;.,t; .... ""'I!,..Ii't;!I+..+.il-I!!I·F.!I~I!,t;I!'I'E"'!!!l-1! 'XIV

11"~ AHAiiSl'C A1P1iA~,.",----.,-,.,--- ... " .• -"", ••• ", •••• , , •• ", ••• , ", •• ,' " •••••• "., , ..... ,'" ,,.,. ..... ,.,, ••••• ,.,, •••• , .... XIV

VOWELS &. [)IJi';.CRllillCAL MARKS ••• , .. , .. , •• ,','"", ,' •• ",' """ ,.,'" "_, __ , ... ,.,_,. ,. , _, •.• ., ".,. ., •.• _., ". __ . ". X\I


R IOGRAPHY OF IMAM, A!N-NA'W.AWY ~.~.~ .. " "." .. ""." .. ; .. "" ...•. ' .. , " ·.".'".,i~."' .. , XVIII

B,~K: IIN'ro~~TION: H!5 LIN.1iACl ... B!R'THlPtA.(E, THE BE"CI NlNliMO OF 1'-1 IS PRO'.fl'ES~~ONAL ILIH~ AND HI5

INi[ftJIlST IN iKNQVJlJE:DG ~" ,. , ... ". ,,' •• ,',' a , ... , .,' ",n " ... u ".,',.,' •• , '" .".,."." .". " •••• "., ""', ". ".,',." .. ,', •• ".""'.".,, XV'II[

I"IIS OtLiCENiCE MfMOR IZA liION) AN D ASCEl1IOISM: .,., ""." , ""." ,. " , •• , " ,,,.,,,,., xvm

H!5 S,T ANCE WOH TH E: RULERS, ON CCM~Ntal~G THE luOm: , •• " ~. ",'," .~ •• " ,"'," "",.,. ".,.,."' lliX

H!s D~l1H:: ,. _, •• , •• _"., ~ ,. ,. ","""""""".,, , ",." '" .. , ", " .. , .. " •.••••.• " •.•. ~.''' •.• "."''''"." "' •• ". " .•. , XIX

TRA N SLA:TOI 'S 'N OlE .~ , .. ""."'." " .. , .. , .. '.~ "" .. , .. " , .. , "."" _~."."~ .. ,.~ ,, XXIU,

Ai!J1jI1!1I: l[/!e Narr'a!(IiJt~ ••• ~T'"'-'-, __ .!"."; .~., •.•••• ,. " ,.~, ••• ,. ,., " , •••••••••• ,".,., ••••• " .. , ." ,.. 1

ChDCilI:tiM of ~1te hI'ad\itl~~, ". ",.;.; ~ .• , .. " ~" " ,",-, •. ,..-~,- .•..•. ,',', ..• " .•..• ,.'.,' •. ;'.; ,;"" " . .!

Ul5SQNS DEDUCED-.- ••• -. _. _. _. _. _ •• ' _, ••• "., •• ,.~,.~., _,' _.,_._~,'. "" _, ~,~ _~ •• _ ,~"",_."., ., , •• ,._ •• ". ~ "",,' ".,. :2

C:re.E\d'ilI,r L~salis:." '" .. "", ' .. ., '" ,; e-e .. ,-'," ,- .. ''",,,., ••• ' - , ~., .. '"' .-- ••••••• ", ;'.'" "" , .'; ,2

/MriS!'Je ,lesscu':5'~ '., ..... ,' .. ;' .•. ; ,. ,. _. __ ,.,_; __ , ; .. ,;";,.,~. _. _, •. ~ ~ __ ., ",._ .. _., .. ,,,, . .;..,, ,. ,,_, ._ ,;, •.•• , ".', .• ,;,; 4

Soci.;!! W$Drl~~ .~ ••••• _.,."' •• ,. ,,' •• , •• ' •• u __ •• '" "' •• , •• "." .,' .,' .,' .', ,' •••• ","", .,'"' .m, •• , ••••• ,. ,"", , ".,' .". " •••• "' a , •• ,6

PotiHc,d Le5,HHI5.; ••• ,,,.,,. ",,,.," •• ", ••• ," " ••• , .,' .,' ." """"",,, .,,'.,,"' ••• "., " n,,,.,,,,,,,,,. .7

fro.nomic LessDns; •• ",,, .•. ". "., ". ". ". " ,." " ".,., ,.,.,. " , ,". ,.". " ri ••••• , ."." .,', J J

ludjc~al .1_e:~j(Hi!j: '",,,.,'" ••• ,.,,.,.,. '" '" '"" '" " ."."." .. " ,,, ".,",". ". '" ,., ,". '" ~."' .. "" ".,' .,,,.,, ! J

:\;-:r~lf.li!l ~esmn.s'; ,.,. , .. ,,, , ". "., , ". ".,,' " .. ". ". ". '" .. ,," ". ,,, ".,. " ,", .. , .•... m, •••• ", ••• " .",." ", "" • .12

LESSONiS, ~Ol!:: D/i/'W ..... i'1 ("i"~E. C;"IL~ TO ISlAM~ " ".,.,." ..... " ..... ,',."."'"" ,',.,,., •.•.• , ••• "", .. , " •• , •• ,."." •• _,."_,,,~ 12

r.1 ADnl-~ IN PRACTICE. , .. "., "., .,,,., •• ,,, , .• , .,' .,' '" ,.,n,,,.,., •.•• , •• " .. "" •• ".,,, , , .". ,. , , ,,' ,,' , •• ,""'" ,,' ,,' •. , _ 1..4-

IU A· -D· I T'IL!I! 'nJliO-· ~ -

III . '" _" :.i .",.: ," . ~~ ~+Ii+.i+i+.I!+.!i.~!iflil+.!I+.+I!~E!lEE+l!iI-~+I!;.Ii!I.Ii!loIi!il,IiIi+.ifli!lliiU~Ii~1i~1i"Ii~i!lli!p.illlii"ilr.ii'IiIN.~i~i'''lir.i!iliililiiilililil,iI'''i'' •• i •• li .. ili'iI.'~.I .. ~ ... iI 'IJ 51

C)(c;J~iD~l Q-i Ule !'Jad,i,~l~~ ,.'-"',', _. ,'". -- _ .•.. , _. -'" .,-"."', ', •.•.• , ;' .• e ",.., ". ",',"'," ". ".,.,., .,,'. 15

LESSONS DiEDUOBD. ". ". ". "."' .", .... ,' ., """. ".,., ."., ....... "., ., , •• ,', , " , ". '" " ".,,", •• , __ ,_. ~,_,. _,' _,.,_ ,,_ ,,_, ,,' _,' .,',_ 1,6

CIIC.e'd.,l1 ~~roi!1s";;., .,' , •• , , •••• n .. _" ." " •• ,,',. " ••• ,.~ •••••••• ,' ." •••• ,. _" •• ~,' ., •• _. _ •••• ,_.,. _. _. ,_", e e- _._., •• ,. "., ." ,'," .16

Bellii!'L4IJiri'I',/ Les.~oll1\j;:'. " ,., ."'." .',." •• '" "' ." '."., ",.,.,.,.,.,. "., '.,. " •• "." ., •• ~ U .,' .,' .,,,. ".,',.,., .,' 16

SOC'j\~~ l.es~or1,S.~ .,' •• ',.'.;' .• , ,- .. ., '".,';.," ". ,."., '" ,.,,'. ".,. ,. ,. " ... ,'. ". " •••. "',, "'.',,. " .• " •.••••.•. ,' ." .•• "., .,,,.,' 1,7

Pci~aC1ili le:;;!"OrlS; " .. '"., .. ,.".".". ".,. ".,. '" "."'." ••• ,, "'"' .. ,""'",.,. ".,. ,,, ,,, ...... '.,' .,,, ,',.,,, ••• " ••••• , •••• ,' a , "." , 18

ErnllilaID,;'c Lessons; ~.,,, .. , ", ,.,.,., "",."",. .. ",' "" .. , ,,",.,.,., ,,' "., "" .. "."., ","" "., ,., .• ' '"', ,. ! 3

PSlfC-oofo,gtcEti Lesson.:!';'. ", ,.,.,.,. '" ",.,. u ...... ,",_,",.,.,., .,' _ ,,_ ,. , ••••• ,_ •• _.,_. ,., ". " ;","'", ",'",,,,, '"''" , 19

1(jI[~,11(-'Cltua;1 L(!!.\!SM!l~ , ••• , , ".,.,.,. ,",',',"_.,_. , __ .. ,,;;'.' _. _, , '_'",',"'_' ","" ,.".,. ,"',""""" .,,'. ". ".,,'.,,'.,. 1'9

fdUC.ill!W~)'i:l1 Le~Qtis~ , - ". ".,' _ .. ,_ .. , "- "-. -" -",',',",", ." .',." ..... '.,.,.,.,."'"'"'"' .. ' •• '. " •••••• " •• ".,., ••• , •• ,.,',.,' .,_ ••• _. '","'.. 19'

l~NS.If.OR [}t; (Wi\~-I {if HE 'C_Alll TO ~S.ll;!\;.,.;l} •••• U,,.,,,.,, .".,., _,' .". ""," '" '"._ "", ;,< .... _" '" '" .'; ""',., ."'."'.,.,,. ". 20

1""I;I\O!1"I1 IN P,RACTICiE, ."" ..... ,." .".,. " •. ".,',',' .,,,.,, .. , ..... " •••• ".',.,' ~,~'" ,..,~.,._. __ "' _".' .... ,.; .,'. '"" .',. , " "",.,,,., ••• ,,. 21

About. ,[he Namtor;".". " "' , ",,",,","',',' " •• "',. ". ,. ,. ,. , ••. ,,;; ; __ , •• "" _., •• ",""" '"'.',' ,. , .',.,.;. ".,' 2]

L£SS'ONS DEDUCED ... ',.','."., ;, •••• , ;'. '".- """"," """ "'" ", •• ". " ... ""'""' .... '" '" .",. " •• " .". " ..... , .. "." .,',.,',., •• '._ .. ",., .,' _"'",' 2.3

Creed'al~ Iesson..~,~ ".,. ". " " " """.,,,.,,, .. , , .. ,. , ....•.... ,' .,' ", ~. ,. """ "'''''~''," " •• """'.~""' '" •• '" •. ", .. 23'

Jurjme te5BW!s: ••••• , .". ". ".,. '" " , ••• ,' """, ". '",''''' ", •• _ ,.,. ,,' _,';_ ";"' .';.; ,"',.,','"" '''''.''", ,,,",.,,.,, •• 25

EdtJiea~i{)"ilal' LeS:SOii,li~ " " ". ". ", "'.,." ''',. "." n .,' .,' .,,,., •• , ••• ".,.,., ••• , •• ,,.,. ,,; ,,;'.'"',.,., •••••• """i' 25


PQHnicld l5SOJ'lS;' • ". ". " ••• """' ".,,,. ". ,,., •••••••• ,".,,' " ' •••••••• , ..... ".,,,., ,' n.,,,,,,,, .,,,., ••• " ••• ,' '. ' •••• "" •• _, " •• ' e. e'.' 25

LESSON fOR DA r:WAi--i trH[~ CALL 'f0 l::ilL_MIIll " •••• ".,.,., ." ,' .,' ,,, ••• , , ,. , ,." ••• " _;". 27

H,\DJT1'111N! IPiti\C1l0~ '" " "' '" ,,, " ,,, .. , ,.,.,., ,, .. , ", •• ""' .. ," ,0""""+""'1"""'_' _,., .. " " ;. ,28

Ab.ol:il~' ~1~i!!' N.oltrf'.lrrori" .,' .,' ,,'"' ..... ,', •••• "', .. ",,. ... ,' .,,' ", .. "', .... ,' ,. ,. ".,. ". ".~,~.+""" ,_' ..••.• e e e , .' •• " .' •• " .',', .. ' " ,.,. 29

l~5S0NS ID,E[IJiUl(EO". ", ••• ' •• "., ". "." ••• ". '"'"''''',"''' ". " ....... " .. ,' .. ' .. ".,.,.,.,., " ..... " .. ".,." ... " , •• "' , ". ,,' "". _, _,.,_ ,' ",,.. 29

C~da!~ i!_'S'£.SOD5!;,,, .",., .. s .. "',.,," , ..... +., ... ,' "." ","~.,'''''., •• I" ". ", •• ~ """"."'.' "' ',., "'.".,,.,. ". '" ". 2!l

BIl!h~viQi'al {~:ns" ", -" _.,-,-,,' -,' -, -, ,,; .•.•. ;, •.•. , .. ".", ." ." "'"," , .. ' ', , .. "' ". " ",., 30

hni~~j{;. l~iiJI'I\§:~ ,.,', •••• " •• "' .. ,.,u _, ." •• " .. ,", '.,' "'," •• ,"', ••• ' e e ,," .,'., .'.,' ,"'," '.'", ,;'" ","" " "' "" .. , "" ,J j

SOCIia'J iL~SSGir.!s.:- .,.,. " " " ' , "., "',""" , ". ,,',. "., ." ,' ''''+_''"'''' ,. , •• , .','.'"., •. ", .3$

P:5Y'LlI~Ii;I/O'sit:a1 Le&:tQr):;~ •• " ". " " ". ".,'" u ' ,"','"'' '." ". ".,.,.,., ,.,".'".,'" .,""" •••• , ,."", ,,' .,',.' ••••• -e .. ""., •• 36

C~.l~"Willf Les~lfJ,' " •.• " •.• "' e- ". e-e e, ". ". " '"""' .. ".', " •• ' ". ".,.,.,', " .. ",' ."., ., .. ,., , _.,." ". ,,' '.',_, _' , ,16

P~;I'!'ni~l~ ,~!1l'5'$O~l~',~ '" ", .. '" '" ".,' ". "',." '" " •••• ". "'"' ,., .,',',' ." "' ." .. ,,' "",',,,"," _ ",., ,,"."'., '" ,,' J 1

Medi'Glil !~ni5"> ,. ,', .... ., ". '" .. '" '" " ... '"' " , ". '" .. ,., ,,' 0,' o. '""" O. ",','0,', _, "'_'"' " _.' ... ,. ,. ,.' ;'7

lESSONS [FOR-IDA '\\tAIi (TI!-IE CJi,U. TO tSb!i,_~ , ". " ,',', ••• , ••• , .,,_+.,' ,,' e= ;;"" '" '" ,. 31

HAO!TH! IN Pl~ClI'r,Cili. ." ."" ." .. '."'.". "." .', '" .. ,," .. " " , ,m '" ,"" .,' .,',. "i,o,_ ' ",','" ", •• '.' " '" '"'' :3 7

Mou~ !fie' Nan'a[(}t~ ;".,. ", .. "',. ,. ". "., , '" " ,,,.,,.,., .,' .,' , " , _.,_~, •.•.• , .. " .',., ,~""' ".," .18

LES$O~! ID~OiJIOIDI:li." .' •• ' ••• '" '" •• " •• '" "., ." ."'." ", .. ,"'," '" " ,., ",. ". ", "',"+.,' 0, _. _. _'.' ',.,' 38

Juris[ic t,e.tsOil:t" " ." , •• "," ,. , ". ".', ,,' " " ,. ",." "',""".,_" ",",". _'"' _ •• ', ,' Jtt

f!L~ilrJIali'Ifol~,t~i' le!l.S[Hl!:/."" ••• , .. • ",_,.,", .• ' __ , _" _""'". ""'", ,'." """., '" e •• ". ".,",,,' '" , ••• ,".,"'," '".,"' ",' _ )'9

$acj,!lil tesSOJl$; n ", ... , ", .... " ...... , n ",,,",, .,',." ... , •• ,,' ", '_,.' ... ' ,,' ,,' ""'", ."'. ".,. " ... '.' ,' " .',. " ....... ,. " •••• ". !J.'f)

L~SSONSI FQ~ DA ~W!\H {lIIH ~ C'A~L ro ISlAlJl} , ", '" , _,., .,' ,,' _, .. ,_ ',." .',. _.' ••• ''" ,; .;'.', •• ,"','" , .. , "',.,., iH)

1=1 i\Oilt-i INIIPJ;:Ji!.(iiCI!.,.,.,. " ". , .• ,. ".,., '"., '" "" .. ".,' "",,",.", _, .,' ,,',' _,' _, _, _' .. , ', .. '" .;'.'".'". ,,,,, "" ,. ,,"" 40

.Aoo~~~ i[ll!2' NiI!rrilitof:' , " ••• ,.,. "., .," " ,. ". ,,' ,,' "'!.' __ •.• ' t e e- e e e '" .. eu- " ".,', ,.,.,.,.,., 4.1

lES$ONS, 1D;[D!lJC1l0 ", •• '" " •• " """, .,'"'.,.,', ' ', .. '", ,., •. ,., ....... ". ". ',0 .. '.'" ,+,,',_ .. _, .,' _;., ."",',' ",'," ",. ".,.,' -4 .~

Cn!'ed.!l!i tes5'Or~; "",., ".,"',., , " ...... , .. , " .. ,," 0""","'., .... , •• ,., _".,"' •••• ' ••• '."." ,,".", .. ".,""',., 41

a:eh·av,i.o.ra"l.esror)~~ ,. " '" ".,.,.,', "., •. , '", , 0' 0",,,,., .. "" .,' •• "., •• ,",' •••• _'., •• " " 4J

#~tlstic l.es:S'(l.n.s~ .. _, _., ,,' """"',.!.'.,.,. ""' ,' .. "'"' "., ".,.,.,.,., '" .,"",'" •. " ,' 0,'.", """.,.,.".", 42'

l.eg,!l\f PfincipJrls. 1.,5.!lDf1:!); ,',.,. ".,"".' ,"""" _.", __ , _" _, .. "" •• " ." .', .. " """,',"' ,,, "., .,' .,' .,' ." ",., 4'3

SQC'iiil~ l:e5.jiOf.l'S~ ..... ',.,.,. ". ,",,""""" '" .. " ,' ." .. "., " ,,' 0,',. _,'" , •••• ' ... ', .. "". "."' '" ." '" .',.,.,., .. " '" 44

Ps:ycilo((iI,fpc:i1 Li!'5so.n$:'"." •• """,., .', ', ,' .,' .,' ." ". " •• ," _. ",.,_' "_" .,' ." "".'., ,.,, ". 44

PoJ!ir~'CiJl1 Le~~oi!ls: .,.,',. ".,".,"., "., .,' .,' '" .. ,"" .,' 0,' .. 0, ", •• ,.,.._ ; , , .;'",'", ,"',',"'''' "" "", ".,.,., ",' 45'

Mrok;;]J ,i!J~l')flS: ,,' ,,' -,' -, ", •••• , •• '.,',-,' -, .',.' -", •• ', •••• ' •• '.' , .' ••.• ". " '" " '" "." .''" ,' .,,,. ".,' ,,' "., •• , .. ,," _, .,' .,' .,' 45

L1!OONS r{JlR [)j!!"~WA Ii (TI~IE !t:.A_lL liO ISlLAiod) ,.,_ _. -"e-;'-' ". ". " •• '.,. """"' ""',',, "., '"'.' .. , , ''',.,.,. "., •• ". ',0 ',0 " •• ,. 46-

H AI()II1IH, IN ~~"CTla " _ ,,' ,,' ,,' -, -- --,.,-'" -,. -. -- ,,-,- " .•.• ,',., ." .', ,,,. "." ,' ." .. " .• " .. " •. , 46

HA IJIIT'1ii1 SIEVENI ,,' •• ,",",'.,'.,., •.•. ~;.,.;, •• , •• , •• , •.•. ~ .•.. , .. ,,, , ' "' .. , "".~.".,",'.,"''',.~.+.,'.,'','',I, •• ,'., •••• ,. 48

Abo!J!~ d,e l\fil'fl"<1ttDr; ,., " •••• ,',.,',.,' _,. _, _, ._'"'_." ". ,'., ." _, ,"'." ".,.,. " ". ". ". " ,' .,' .,' 48

leSSONS O;~iI)U(!iJ)""".,. " ". ". ".,.,. " ". " ".,"",',." , .. , .,! _,' _,' _. _'. ._' __ '"," ,' •• , '" ". ,',',',"'" ." ."'. " ,.,.,.,. 48

·Cn:.-edail ,Li!!'S5mtS~ ,.'. ", ", ". " , , ,. ,,""" 0, _. ","",_,.,_ .,', ••••••• ' , " ". ". ".,.,. 49

Sociai!' l:!l!'SSOl1'.!;; • ". " " ".'" .'+-' •• - •••. ,- .-, .. "" '., •• '" '" ".,.,., .. '.,.,. " , •• ,.,,, •• , , ,. _" .. _ •• 49

M(ua'l ~S~Qrl!i: ••••••• ,. ."., ,"""" .,' ." .. ,,' ",.., __ ,_,," !.," ." ." ", , " , .• ,', ••• , •. , _" •• _ 49

Ctr~[J..!'[a·I,~"'"S-oi!15";' " ", _. __ _ .,_,. _. e, '"-" -', , ••• , "'"" ." '" , ".,., 0 ", ,. ". __ .,., 49

P\:;JJil~c8tl ~1!II8;' ,",., .," ""' _,' 0" .," ". -' •• - •• - '"- "-'"" .... ,'"" •• '" ".,., .',.,., '" "., , .,' .,' .,' _ "',,,.,_,,_. _, _'., _,., :it)

LE$~ON$ irOR DA'WAt-!' {l~- ~ CAllI!. "vo ISLAM) •• "., •. ,,", _ _. _, "_"_ •• e' ' .. ". , .. ,., • " ',.,.,.,. ", .. .5 ]

H i\DIITIH' IN IP\RAC'!1C~" .,' -!, .,' ,,- .. ~.,.,. "', ...... '" ". """," " .... , '",,,.,, •.•.• , ". ".~.,'." ',0 ,,' .,' _. _. _._'.".".'. ";'." .', .. ,','""." ". 52.

HAD ITtI IEliG Hf '", .•. ' .. ', ' .. ',.' ' " ' ,.u., •• , •••• "'.~.~.~.~ •• ",".".,.' •• ;.~.~,~,~ •. ,.,.~ .. '.~ •.•• ,." "' •• ,., •• , ,54.

I!OOIII' !he Nan'aror':. " a.n ,." ". ".,. " ••• ,. ,. ,. " •• '.',._" ;,. ,,',' .,' , ••• ""',.,." •••• '., ,,,.,,. ". ,. ". ". '" """,",,-,,"-" "., •• ;,. "',. ,,", .," 54

WSON$ DEOILlCED"." ." .' •• "' ••• ',.. " ... ,",,,,,,",""'"'' ..... '"' "" •• _;; ;;, ... - •• ',.",.",. ,,' ", •• , ",.,,, •••• , ""','"",,,",""" ,,, .... ,., "," 54

Creediil3 ,~eS..:lOl.l:!il;,., "," ".,.',.', "',' '",,. •• ,,' .... ,' ,,' .,'"' .... ,., .,,' ,"'" , •• "",,.,,., ,-,. •• , •• '"'' ,. ,,' .,'" ,,' ".,. ". " ••• ". '" ,.,,' 54

IUrjS"lic (,es~O'.Fi'~:' ." '." ." ,.".'"',>< ".'._" .,' , ••• ,,' ".,' .,' ". "', "."' .. '.,,' •• ' ••• ,,.', ....... ,.,,, .. ,, •• ,,". "',""" ".,,,.,,,.,,' •• e u ,:;,5

ludicJ!l!1 ~e:l'~O'lS,; , •• '" " ... ,,, .. , '." .... '._ "., .,'.' , ... ".,',.,'"' "" '" '" •• '" "".',.',." .. ".," ". "., ... '. "" .... ,' """ •• " •••• "., ... '. ~$lJ

liE!:l!2iONS< IiOii: O\i';/WI\H tn-irE C-AILL TO I~S("'o5;;M) ,; ". ".'''~,.,' _. _""""",,, ". ".,',." ••• "' ••• " ... '" ". ". ,,,., ",'"'''' -. -. ' .. --- 51

H i\IDITI~ IN 1PiR.A,C!'!ce ,." .".,.,."" .,"'"."." " ••••• '",'"' " '",,'+ ,., ,""" '" ,,' '" " •• "., .,,'."'. "."' ","""" .' ' •• ' ". "", .. ,. :5 8

AOO,i;r~ !lIe N¥ilfi".!ii!:or;' "" •• "',.'.,, '" ''''''',"'",'''' •• ''' •• ,'''_ , •• ,,' ."., 0. ...... " ..... ". ", ,'.', • .., .. ,.,. ,.',. .,' .,',.,'" •• "' •••• '" '"" ,60

Occ'.;!~I~O~iI1i of ,tl~t!!' ,H'.!I\Gi'i'tf!!:'""", ,,' .",_. _.,_." .. , •.• ,' .,' ".,., ." •••• ".,., .',. ", ••• '"" •• '.'""" , ... , ,,' ,,',',.,' ,," ".,.,., a , ••• u- .. "., ... 6fl

l5'50N\5. DlIiJUCIilD ,..,,",.,,,,. ".". ".,,,.,, .... ,.,, ".'"." .""" •••••• ' •• ","""" """ ••. ".,. ,.,' ,. ,. ",. ""',.,,. ". , .. ,.,." ".',." '6iOi

J.i;P;i'.f~[ic lle5\[{!H'i~; "'", __ " ••• " ••• , .. ".,., .', "." , e-e ", .. ;; ;;,-. __ ., ""'. '., ", •••• ,." .. ,. •• ,' .,,,.,,,., '" (if)

50cli.liill.es50J'JlS: ". '" ,_"" ". _ ,', •.• " •• ,. .. ".,.,." •• '" ".,.,' ".', '" '" ,., ...... ,' - ., __ "," '" """", .• , .,.,," •• ,',.,' ." ,., 61

hfJ.I1[.ofrCll'~ tessol.l;5~ ••• ,.' •• '_ ". ". "'; _.,."., .".,.,."., ",""',. '",. """""," , •• >-"., .'.'.' •• - •• ,' .,' .,',. ,,' ;,' ,,"'"'., .. ".,,,.,,,.,,, ,,. 6!

f~Hofia'J j"il!'S~cHJ;5:~ , ".;;._ ;,_ .. ,. ""., "., ••• " .... '" '" '"" .... ,. '" """'OT"-'- .,..~"." .,' .".,', •• "' •• "'., .... , .. ,"'"' '" ,,, ,, 63

M,roirnJ L~fit:' ;; _;'_ .. ,',',.,.,"' .,,,.,, .".,., '" '" ". " _ e e ,"'''~'''''; ", -.' •• "' -- •• ". , .. , ,,,.,,,.,,. , .. "' .... "' "" ••• ,.,"' '" ". "", ,",,, 66

lE:S:;;ONS ItOR OAWAN i(11l!1E CAU TO IsWJl) " , ".', ".,' ,'." T.' ',·.'.-.,·_,--,-.,- •• "., ".,." •• ,66

hlAID~1I'H IN PIllJ\CilClE .. "" .. '''~'''.'' .'"" ... ",'.,."., ...... ,,"' .", ,,. ".".,.,,"' .. '" ". '" ". , .. , ' .. "'. '" '" e ..,.' •• '.'.,,, -".-,. -. - ". "", -," ,6,"/

HADITIlI IE'NI i~li~i~iI!Ii!l+.!I'~!I,~~~~,I!!I!!!~I!!!I,.,!'.1I1 ...... ' ... , •••• , •• , ... II: ... ioi·ioi·ili,.,i;i·i:i·i,.·;;i·;:;,.·E;t-!5EH!,.·EfI·!,!"·I!,Ii!!·1i;!'liil~~i!!-!!'!'!!'I'!I!;!"!'!!'!!!!'!!!!'!"!!'!,.,!,!,!,,,!,!I.,!, •• I!,,.,!'.IIJ 68

About ![J~e N'.;Tfril'DtU,: .'. " ••• ,_;; _, ...... ,. ",,"", '''' .".,."., "., ."." "' '" ,. ",'," ,"',""'" ,-,. ,.'" - ".;; .. '.~.- ,,- ,,',' -., ...... ,,'~. 68

1L£S:ID'<i;S. l[)!l{iI,JC~D i " ,,' ,,,., .. "' ••• ,.,, .. ".,,'",., ." ." '" ". ".,., '" " -. , .. -. '";; '" __ .,' .,."",, .. ,,' ",., .,' "". "." ",., ",., ". ".",",' 69

'C'rlfli!dal' l..c$:tOrlS: , "., •. '_,',." .... ,,' _, ''', .. ",".,,"" ".,,''" .... ,' .... " ",,","' ,. '" " •• ,',., - ,- -- "", ,,' ••••• '_., ... , ;Sf)

B'oe~',a:""~Of~'} ~~SO[;l~~ , "',., ,,' .".,. ". ". ". " ,,"' '"' ... ', •••• "_ ,.',.',.,'.,',- "',- ,~' - .... ,'" -" .,' " .• ,' .,' ., .• , .... ".,' ",""," 69

}tJOsi'J"(; leos,;;DllS.~ ,., a n " •• ,., ,,' .,' ."., '" ',,'," "',. " ,.,. .. ~""'- ",.-,;;; ... ,. , ,,',.,',;,. ',;" .~.''"., •• ,. .,' -- ",,"", "'"." ",," 70

5ro~'1 ,~~an~: .,., "., ,,,.,, '" ",.;".-"" , " , ',. ,,' ' •.... ,." ,' .,' .,' .,' .,,,. " ",'0.'",",,",''' ".," •• '"' ••• " """ .," 71

Pr:J..rf.tirnr ~1;:'.t$ijIfjS;, '" ." ", ".,' _". ,," ",., "' "",," "." ,",,""""'" ".,.,',. '" .. '" """"'," ".' ....... ". "","" ." ", .. ".,., .13

t.i;,"Ot.!Oln1'iC le.:;WJU:.,;, .• ". "';",., ".,.,." .. '" '" "., ", , , •• , ., ,.,~+- •• ,'" ",,' -. _ .• ', .. p- .-,', •• '-, •• - ",. 74'

Me,rilr;a-,~ ,iLrgo.!lSD1.1.1'; • ".,., .,,,."' '" '" '" ". "',., ", ....... '",_, •• _._ ,,_" , __ •••• " ••• ".",,. •• ,,' "".;". "" ••••••• _ .. ,. "'" ••• ,,,}4'

I!£5s.oMS FOlil: DA ~\;'!"'i\1f'I ~IH~ (,,,,,1.1 ftO IIS.tAM} .. ,,"' ". "', .... ;; >, •• ,. __ "" .,." " __ "'''';'''' ",0 •••• ' .. ,,' ""n """, 76

IHlAfI\!TH IN ~CTIC~_.,.", ,. '" ,' ." .. " "',.,',." '" ". "."." " ',. " ',., ." ." "' •• ~.~.,.,." .. "" ~. 17

[HAD ~lH E lEVE:N "!'!'!'!'.'!'.""!_!""!"!""! ."!' ••• II'!'''!'!' ••• , •• ·, •• , ...... !iI •• ';,~-II." .. io!i,i,; ..... i!i:iii-!;i,;,ii .. iI,i;l.i!liii,j·liiiloiijoii ,Io;U;iI,Ii!loIi ... Ii.tiI,t;iI"'!I..,;I+';;;;·!I,Ii'l,.,+.!+I'I."!Io-Il">I!"· 7:8

Ah!iJU~ f'llc NarlTi:i!!!DJ; ... , •• , ."." ... "" .... " ••• - .. , ,,, .. '" .. ' .. ,,' ,.' •• ~_,. ,.,,"'_'.',. ",_, _ ,,_ ;;,'. ,_ ,. ,", __ , •• ,._._". _.' _; __ " .71)'

L'E.SSOt;l$ DEOUC!H"",;",.,,, .. ,.,. _ •• ,;; .";; ;,' .. ,'",'_" "',n',"'"""' ". '" , ". ". " " .",." • " .. " " "'." 78

5o.diil'1 l~ij!!!1$~' • ,. " ..... """", _" , .. , ... , .,.,' _,',. """ ,,',' '. __ "",", '" ".,' .". ". ".,',.,."'." .,' .,' ., .. ,"' .. "","",,, •• "."., ", ,' .,' 78

PcrJ.ri;C'oli~ ,t.~Ot:l:!>~ ,.,., __ ,',_ ,,_. _ ,,_, _ .. ,_ ',",0' __ ,. __ """ ",""" ,",""" """ .,'" .,"" ."., ... ",'",'", ., .. ,,, ,'" """",, ".,," 0. .:, .. "'.,, .79

lESSONS lriOIit [)A /'W,AHI (Ti-lIE ,CALL TO [ISlAM) '" '",., .,'"' ".,.,.,." ... ".".""." ••• " •••• ~.""" , ...... ".,.n ••• " .... "." 7'9'

I-IAIDII1H ~N IPRAC1I1IQE ... " ... ,","; .. ",.,,, •••• ".,' ".,' ." ...... ,.,.,'" '" '" """~,"""' ". , ... "."' ..... " " "",., ~,." ". , .. , .. ,., .,," 80

HADITH 'VW Et VE'.,.~.,.~.,"""",,,,,,,,,,,".,,.~,, •. ,, ••... , •. ,, .•. ,,; ••• , •. '"., •.•. ;, ••. ~ i •• i .. i~~i .. i.i .;,.~i.i.i .. i .. i ... " .... ,i~~i...- •• ,.i .. i. 81,

AbOolrtt Iln~' NZirralDf; ",. "."' """",",,,' "., .. , ." ... ,' '" "." ••• ,'"' .. "., • ,,, .... "' "'."' "' ,,.,,.,,. '" "" '" '" ."'. ".,. "., " ", 8.1

Il.ESSONS DiEDUCED" ." .. ",. '" " •• " •• ".,""'.,.,.,."."." ". ".,." .,,' "." .,,''" .. '" ,.,., "'. " , " ", ".',.' •• '.; ,.~ ,8 [

Soda'} ,1~~1~ ". , ,'" ,,' ' ••..•.•• "., , ., " .. "' .,' "', .. , .. ,"' .•. , ." ,' .,', .• ,,. ., .. " .. ,,,. " "' .. "' •. ,., ."." ,8.1

h.forilllif'$tiliJn.s; ."'"' ,.,., .,' ",""',.", " "'''",'" , ••• "",',,,',,,,,,, '" '" .... "., .', '" ". '" ,.' ••• '" .. ". ,,,',,,',.',,', ". "."'" ."'.,' 82

PsydJorolliial .r.e.t.!l[)l~:'i: """, , ..... "_'._._._ ,_, __ ~ • _~ _~ • • _. __ .. ."" __ .. _,,. __ ,. •• , ,._ ", .. ,","" _, _ .•.• ,' __ ,,', l1'2

fomfl1t:!1mJ~ Lif'S,SCll1iS;' , .,"." ,." " , ". ,."."."." ••• ',. ".,,'. ". , ,"',"" ,,, ". ". ". '" '" '" •• , 82

LE:S$oINS FOR [:lA/WAH tTi-llE CALli. 'TO Is~i ".,' .,'"' .. "., .,' ." , , ",.,' " " .. "' "" •.• " ••••. " 82-

HAIlITIf1 fHlllTEIEN .".· .. '""'""' .. ·."'";· .. ~ ' ~.i' i.i.'i •• ;·.;· ' "i.· •• ·i •• i' •• ' •• · ~ •• i.i.i' •• ""'i.·i.'i"i i ·"· .. ,.~ 84

AbUiIlil~: t'"e N.arf3loQl~~" .',. " ... '" .. , ,,'. "., ", .. '" .. , •. '"" ,.,;" ,_ •• ,.,. "", ..... ;;;;" ._'. ,'.;;;;" ", _",_. ", .. _~ .. ,_ ;,' ._,," 8'4

l.JE5i.sDN'i; D!:[)l)(lE.!) , .. "".-" "., •• ",'"," ",·"."T., •••.••.•••• ,n ,. , ••.••••••••••••••••.•••••••• , •••. s-s "i ,., , •.•. " 8:5

Creedal Le5$al1~~ ..• ~ •............ , .. , .. , ..... , , ...... se r e s ,-, ,.," i,' ,. i ••• " ,,, .. ,"'" "."' ". " •• ,.,., "' ••• , ,., ".",.,. i ••.• , ••.••. , •. 85

Social bp!;8tJJl'S; ,- "","" ,.~",.,;; •• " i·.i· , ••• , .. , .. , •. ,' •.• ".'."'''.''.~_''. __ ,_._ .. " "i •• "'.,, ~ •• ,. li:5

Psyclla~gJ\c.iI1 i550~~S', - ><"' •. '. --"-,,.,;,'_ '"" ,'., •••• ' •• , ••• ' ••• ' " """.,,, •.••••• ,.,' ,,"'~o, •• ,._,._,' __ • ,""";" " ••••• " •••• ' 86

raJMi·(,lIJ 1_.12'39Dn~c ., ••.• ,.,'" '. ' ,,'"- ,." ,- '·"i· •••• , •• "' .• ,'.'.' ,,, •••• '"" •• ' .. " ••••••• " .,,,. ", •••••• , ,_" "._ i'-" .'. "., •• ' l]:6

EilJtlWiO~1f.IiG Le.i.!ioir.!:i; "'.,., ••.• , '. "., "", .,., ,' , ,.,",., ,"" """"","'''' ."" .• " ",',"," ,." •• , , .• _ 86

llE:l1S'ONS FOR DAWAIHI {TIT-! [ CAu 110 ~~1.AA'!l " ' , ". ". " .. " .. ""," _ .•. ,~ .. , .. ,--.,., ,i", •• ' •• ' •• '.'.'"." 8:7

IHAIDITHI 1M PR;'ii;:JilICE" ,-,.,. "i " ••••• ,'","", """",'" , •. '"' ".,,"" ., •. , '" ". " •. , ., •. ,' ',"0,"" ,",,_,",,_. __ .. ,.' •.• '.' •• , ... " 8 8

!hilA DII fH F'O ILIIIR,TE IE N ".' ••. , " .. ""." .. ,,, ,,.,,.,," •. !!', ••••. , •. ,,., •. ,'·"''''''''','','~,.,'~'',i',i''i.i •. , •.•. ;, .• ,.'".'".'".'".'""'''' ' ,8:'

AJ)r,1!~t. [/If,! r'\i'a~foli1[O';" .' ,,"'"' ' •.• , "', .•••• "',.,.,. 0,' 0'" ". ,. , ••• ,_ , .• ,_ .. '" .,' ",'", , •• ' •• ' '.'" 89

t125S0N5. DEDUQI:-O, ". ;'. '" -" .. i" .'.'.'. ". " " .' .. , ". , ••••• " " " " .. "' •.••.•.••.•.••.•• '.' •• ,,_ " _ •. '" ,.,.,<;"i , ' 8.9-

Uoc"¢hlJ l.{'-'5S(1Ii!iL~'; "."' e , •• , •• u uu .. " ... ". " •••• '"., •• ,. "".,".',0' ,- "",";" """" -. -,; --"" ", .. ,.,; "" .' ••.• "' .' •• " ,,',"'", .,,, •• ,, .,., .. ,",,,""" 89

Jurff,[~'C: ,(~~ns: ,,"".'" ".,. ,,'" .,., ..• 0, •.••.•.••• " ". ',0,' " •••• ,-,,' •. ,- ,- ••• '·.,."i " .'; .' ' •• ' ••••••• , , •• , •••• _ •• ,., '~'''.'''''_, 90

lif'&."tli!' Le5wn.~; ' •.• , , .....•.• " , .. ,. " """,.", ""',0,',"; ,,' ,. ;'. ',"" "i ;""',,"""'" i "' ""',,, .' •• " " .. ".0.,. 91

Sl!l'i::~ajl Lil:'ssO'IJts: .• "." •. "., .• , , .•.•.• , "' .•.•.•.• , , ,.,;._ .. ,.0, "' ,' •• "' •• "'.'''" ••••••••••• " ''''",,'''' .,., '" .• ,. 0,'," ". fJ J

!~()r.til 1.'t.-";5$f.)!!15"..!' •• , •. , .. ''''"'''''i .' •• '. " •• " , •• " .. "" "., ••••• ,,,., ". "', ,,;.,' " __ '''"'." ••• ' ",,'",", 92

ILE5!!;ONS F,OR I)A j\/ii'.AiH (TiilE G-\U. 10 I'~!..AMJI .. "" ."" •• "' "" ' " .• , .•• , •• , .••• " ••••••• _ ,,_ ,_~_._ •• "'"'" 92

IHlA.DlfiH ~N IPRACl1IClE' '. -, -" ",' ••• ",,."'.,-,., '""' , ' •. '"' '" " , •••• _,. _,. ",',_ ". '.,., •• ,,, " 9'1

iH,AID 11TH If. fTIEE,NI .... "."" ... """" ••. "" "'.""~''' .. ,.'''''' "'"~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''i'i'i''' '", .. , .. , .. , ..... , ••. , .. ""'~."'"' ..• "."."" ~'4i,

lJ~SSOI\!$ D'~ DuelED •••• ""."' •.•.• "." ".,, " ,., .• " ." ••. ,,.., ••. "., '. ,,' _. _, __ • __ , .. "i ",., ." ","" .' •• ' •• ' ". ~4,

'Cfieeda~ iteSSOJ1S; , .• ,.,., .•• 0 "", ., •• , ",',0_ ;._ ; .• ,;._" __ ;, __ ,_"'_, _'" ,."" , __ , "."." .,,' '.,,,., , ,,'" 94

Juri5tk' le5.5t1'Ji'S; ,. ,,, """"" '",""', ,. " ,"" "', _,., 0;.; __ •• _" e-! e-a e a .,'"' ,.' •• ' •• '." •• ' , •••• ,. IJtI

Sodal ~e.rSCJ\l"5~ ".' " •.• ,,"" ". " " "., ",. 0,'", "", " ••••• , •••• 0' 0' , •• _ ..... , .,'''"" •••••• ,'.,." ."'.,,' •• ,, ' " •• " 9.5

I'\QlU\iJc~'ll LG'S5C1m~ .' '. ,',"'''" " " "" , ,"" 0,' ., ••• ;.,., _,' ;,' ,._." _ ,,_ ., ', •• ,. •• ' .. '." •• ' •••••• ' " f)S

,1;OOfJ.(!!mic Le.~5tlt!;Si: " •. ' •. ', " ' ' •. '." , .. " .,. ". "' ..•. 0, " ,'" _, ._ "_ ,,_, __ '"'.,"' f) 7

IH.li.IDITH [N PRACTICE., •.• ,. ,,' ,.-" -, •• -"",,,. ,- .-".-"., , •• '" .. '"'''" i"" .' "' .' •••••••••• '. ". " ,",,.,._,,, ,_ .. _.,. _, _ 97

HiA DII'fH S,II XTEEN H ..... "",",,,.",,", ,,",", .. , .. ,i • •• "" ".· .. "" '."." ... , .. , .... , .. , •• ",." •• ,~"", .. , ",","," .... ",".".,,., 99

Ot"t'asmr'!' of ~'he J IGldla)~ •.•.•. ' , " " " •. , .•..••• , .. ,.,; •.•.• ; , .. ,", .. _" _; _ ;, __ ,_"'_ '" " •.• , """''',"',,"',', 99

LE5S,ON$ DII: DUCIEE:t ,' ' .• ' .• """ ,, " " "',, .. '" ..•. " .•..•• , •• " ,. ".". ,,_. ,,',_, .'",," "_'"_'"' "., .' .• , 99-

('~'1 Le5\Sa~'I'5; ". 0" .,.,.,., •• " _. _ •••• _ _; _, ;,' ;,_,_,,; _. i." ." •. , "" ... _. _ , .•• ' •• ' ...... ' •••••••••• " •••• 0' 0,' ., ••• """,,",n,,, ,99

.J\trlrsfic l,eSSiJI']:!;,:; •• ,. 0,' 0,'" 0,' ., •••• , •• , ". "., , , .. __ ._ ... ,. , •• ,' _"" __ •• _ "., _ ••• "" .' •••• " .'.""." '" '. ", " " J{){)

h~dli"d.lil Les:rari!S: ."." .,,'.,,' •.. ,,, •• "'.,,.,, , .• , .• , .• , .. " " •. " .. , •• '''' ' ', .... , ., '.', ... i' i ••••• "" ' •• '" ••• i "' ., •.••• ,.. j (){}

,p.J;j!('j~()l(lg;caj' Les5'O'llS;. '""." "" ,,, ' •.•. ,."''' .', " •.. '., ,"" " " "", , •• , ,,".""" i'", _. ,. i" .',. i' •• i •• ",i" .'." .• ". IO!

MediCiJiI' LE'$5U.~: ".,,'.,,'.,.' •..•.• "."." ' •. " .• " •• ", "'." ,."' ,,. •••••• ,.""." •. , "", _ ";'._ '" " •. '." •• "i '" ,"',,,', .' •• '. 102

lilS50NS IFOO DA"'WAHI (TI'~ll: CAUL 'TO' ISL,;\i\1) , .. ,., " ;, ,. ".,.,',; ., _., _,. __ _ ", .. "".,,'.' ' .• "" ..... "'..... 1,03

1~IAliJltl-!! IN PAAC1IIC~ , .• " "." ••. ,.,' " .. ,., •. , ,. ,. "., •• " .,_ ,,_,' _,' _. _. ' ••• ., ' ' .•.•.• '. " .•.•.• ".. 'I [)is

H A,11),ll'H Sf'V IE NTIEEN .. "."''''''".",,. ",'",'"",,'" .. "". "' .. ""."""." .. ,,,.,, "''''''''''"""",,,,,.,,,",,,,",,,,,".,",,,, .. ',. .. ~.".~ ... :~I ill~,

A.I)t,litj~: ~r-~e J\!i!\f'i!7!ll'Qt:, "- "" .' •..•. ' •. ' •. '"""' " "" , , .. "., .•. , " _ .. , ..• ; _,' _, '" _'" "'" _, _"" .• " .' .•• , l0.6

ILESSON':5 D'ED!L!!(ED ,"",."" _, __ ._, .. '"" i" "," .'., '. '" " •••••••••• "., _.0 ; _ .. __ 'IO\()

:::."~a-1;)'1 Les,:;'hr]'$: .T. i'.'.' ••••• ' "." "." "' ,, .. "., •• "., ',0" .,', •••.• ,., ".;. ,,' .. _ •.• ,;_;. '" .• _ ••• ,., •••• i"" .'..... ,106

JI~~ri5tJC L@£Sf:hfl!':i .,',.,', •• ',.,., _,; .. __ • __ "_.'_"' _." ,_' •• ",," ,',',,_ •• ', .. '"' " ••.•••.•. " •• "' ••• ,,,."' ,"" " •• ,' .,. "., }' 06

MijlJ(i1 J'.eS:i0!15; '"',."'."' ''" .. "." ".,"" .•. " •••••• ,", .• ,.,.",_ '_"'"""'", _, _."'.' •• ,_ •••• '''" .. ,."' '.,,"' I IO'

Ir~ll~W;::.'t1 L!!'.RSDIflS:: .,_.,. ;,_;., _" _ •• , ,_'",, " ".,. "" "" " , ".: •••••• :'~; •• , .•. , , .,,' ••• _,_. _ .. _, ;,.,. ,,_, _ .,_;, .I i I

lodl6(I~~ I Lea.~olQ!;'; " •.•.•.•.•.• , "' ••. , •. , •. " _ __ ,_,' _. ". ,, "'_; . _, _", _ •• "'.', •. ' ~ .,.~ <} 'f1!~

LESSONS ~OR Di~;\""'Al'l (lH~ CA.ll, TO !SlAiM) .• ,' _. _ .. , ••.. ,., .,' _ ,,_" __ ,,_""' •••••• "' .. "' ,',','''",',',','", " •.•.•.•.• " ... , I i '2

H ArDITH. IN IPMCTICE"" .•.•.•. "" " , '" ••. ,. ,,'; .".,,,. .. ,._,' ;,., .,' ." ." • ;" ;' ,., "" .' .. ' .. ' ""' ' " •.• " •.. " I 12

H,A D'~'TH, EI G IH1:EIE N .' ..... '.; '.;' .. ' ".' .. ~."' •. ""'""" .. """ "" "",,,,,, .. ,.,,,,,,,,"',,,,,,, "',",",;, .. ,';~,,, .. , .. ,;;.,,,,,, .. ~ •• ~.~.~ :114

AlJi:nil" ~h~ N.;!1'f.;;i~:~ .; _ ,_; _; _, _. _. _. __ "_ ,_ •••• , '"' ' •.•.• " , .•.•. , •••• _ ,_. ", _ "_,',_,, .,'._~_"'_ 1'1'4

O'CC'i!!',fan of' tiN~ f'-i,.ild~~'j,: ••••.•.•.•.••••.•. - .'., _; ". _.,;,_"., .,'"' ." ,.,' .,' .,., .• , ".,., .. ,.,., ,., , •• ,.,., .. , , '" Jill'

Le$~ONS DEDUCED ., " •. ' •. ' •. ' •. '.~.' ••. '.' .••• ,.; ••• -;-, .,.,."'.' .,-,. ,,"',., ••••• ". ". "., , •••• ,."., •. , ,.", ,',.,.,., , , •. ,. 1 ]14

C~ir:edal le;rsolfl:l': .,. ""', ".,, ••••. ' ••• , •. " .•••••• , •• '.; ,';, "",.' ,."., .. , ••. ,., .. ,. ,.,.,. " , ;" a, •• , .!.t /I

!.le~iliilIi:rJi!liF'.;J',1 Lt';'_i'.saJ1'S;.", n'.", "'"'''' ',,'," '"''" '.'.'." .', •••• i'" ', ••• '.' .,', •• ,.' ,", ••• "., ".". , •• , , , ,115

lurfsOc l.~SQJj~; ".,,"" ., •• ,.' ••• ,., .' •• '.'.,,' •• ' '" .. ,. ,n .', i'" .' " •• ,;., , •• ,." .. " n , .. ,.,',',. " , ,...... 116

Sada~ ~'i:!cS50~J:!,: " .. ""." •• ' •• '. "., ••• ', ••• ~ .. , ••• ''' '.,.,; ;, ••• ,' " ••••• ,.,., " ••• ,., •• " •• '. ". " "., •• " , .. "" •• '" .,,' "..... J J 7

Mot;;lJ lef''SDI'iIS';' , , ' ' •• ' ••••• " ". ;" " ;"," ."." __ .,' ", •••• ,." .. , "." •••• ' ". ,,, ".'n •• '.' •••• '. l! 11

PE~"Cholblf;Yc.mJI ~'~CI\!l'.~~ , • ., •••••• " ••••• ,,, ,., ,' •.•.•• , " " " " " •••• , •• '.' •• ' ' ' .. ' '" .'., J.l9

Pofjl'i'Ca~' !lessOJls: ' •. ' • ., .. " '"._ ",' __ ' __ ' ' .',;" a , " •••• ,."" " " ,,' •• , .' •• ' ' .. ' ' .. '.".. J:20

i!:m.n'OJ'FII~Ca~' [e5S0I'it~: ., ' •. ,;.; •. '_ •• ,.' •• ;, •• _."".,,,,, •• ,,.,,,,,, ,,,, ,, "' •.•.•. ,, '". ""'..... J 2;

LES::i>Qj...J~ IfO~ D,IIi; 'W~H if'r1H ' C) .. LI. TO li5L1\~ ,.,,. ••• " .... , ..... " " " ,,, •. ,, ""," .. ' .• ' .•. ,. " ".'" '.'. "... 122

I~I AlDITIH 1:<.11 PRJ\CTICIE, .'.' •••• ' ••• " .,' .'. _, _"'_ .,.,." , ,"' .,., .•.•. ,., .• " ••. " ' •• "." '.' •.•. ' " "' , ' .. ' .• '. 'i 24

H A D'll'lH 'N I N ElEEN ,.~ .. , .. , .. ,.~ '."n."." ' " ,." .. , .. , .. +.i, .. , ~i~i, .. • .. ,", .. ;.~ +i~.~ aa. ' 12,6

AtJ~]~lit ~'fj@ NIlii'Ji'.l!i!o,r; .,,, ," .' .• " •• " .•••• '" " ..... , ,',".; ." •• ' ;""""""., ,,',',.,',"'"' •. ; _,;,; _, .• ,,_ ,; .,.,; ;,.,., ••••• 1.2'6

LES:;ON5 DIi:IIJIILIC11J " " .• '.' •. ' •.. " ". " •• _ .. ,,- i'-' _,.,_.,_, _ •. ,.,',. ".,' "."' ; .. ; " ,,,. "., •• "' ",., •.•.• " ., .. "." .. "' ,1,.2, j

C~l l5S0m; , .. " '" __ ._ '-'0'0"" .', .. __ ; ••• " •.•..•• ,. •• , " , , •.•. ' ". " ,. " .. ~ ,. i.:; i

Moraf teS5'OllIS; "' .," .'.,,, ,., ••• ' •• ' ••• '., ••• ' e e "'", , ;. ;'.' •• , ••• ' •• ,','"",".',., ,~ •••• , •• ,. ,. ,. ","".," ;." ••• ',,,., • .J 29·

,~tica',[il')ilall.('s.s[!lJ'll5; ,.,.,', , ",. " , , ."'. '" , '-"'.; ••• - .. -" -T_ ••• < .,' ."." ••••• ' •• ,. •••• " 129

,P:~!fCl10IQ~fjcmJ lc..."SClIfI:!i ••• ,., '." .', e-u .' •• " •• ' "".,;,,.;,;_.' __ .' ." _,',',;,'" _, ., •• ,' ,,' ,,""'" ."~., ."._.,.' .1 n

ftI;liu.[a~ .Les£a~OI'S~ , .. , ' , ."'" , .. , _._ , .. "., __ ,,_'" _,' ",,; ", "' ..•.•. , " , .• ,,, , .•.•.•.• ". '" ,,, .•.• """... j jJ

M'ilitlifY Lessor'!iS;. "'''"' •• " ••••• ', ••• ,' _; _,.,;, ,., ,.,.., ,., .• " ,."' , .•.. ,," .,,, ,, " •• , '" .,." ,.,,' j JJ

l:oonilJ'J1'ric LesroJu; .' _, _, __ "._ •• " _''';'"' •• , •• ,,"',"' " , " "',"' ,,, •. " "" ,,. """,", 116

usso-s FOR DA,\VAH (THE CA.LL 1',0 I'S,lJ\MJ' .. " •. , , "" , , ,.,,,.,, ,,,.,,.,.'.'.'." na u ••••• '" .. '." •• 13:8

HI!.Dm-lllN 'PRACTICE , .. " " .• ".,," e u ". ""'", .' "," ". '" .' •• ', '. , ••• '. e •• '"' ' •• '.'." , .. ,.; •• , :~:39

HADil'JHI TW ENTl' "'''''',i''''''''''''''''''''''''~'~'~'''''''''''''''''~''.''''''''''''''~''''''''' , .. ~._ ~ ' •. ;.~ .. , ' .. ' •. ,.",," .. ' 'I.i!ll

l~5SON!S DEDUCTIJ ,,, .. _. _ ... ' .. " .. ,"_,;,_,' _ ,_, _, _ .... , •• , •.• ".,',., ,.,., "." •.•. ,.,.,.,., .. , ." " ,,, ,, ., .• ", .. ,' .. , .. " .•••.. , , '~·4,:1

CFe~all.e.$:5"cI1S; " " .• ; •.•••. '. " •.• ,', •.•.•. ' •. " •• " , " ' ,,' ",',""" , .. , J,4 J

Sr:Jc~:iii ,r_IilS~or~s, ., .• ,.,,"''' •.. , " •. " .•.• ''', •.•.• " •. " " ' '" " " .. , .'"., •. ' •..•••.. , .. """""," ." ." ' ".,.,. 1'43

PolitlG.=:ll L£s~{1I{js; , •. ' •. , •• " ' ,""" .' •. ' •. ' '" ~ " "i. i, , •• _ •• .,.;, " " ",.;" ",," ••. 'J 44

UlSSONIS IFOO DA"W,Il!,I-V r[lrIHE o.l.L TO 1!l;Il.AIM) ,; .,',. ,",., .,,..,., "",.""""" ., •.•..• '.',,",''''. , •. ,',." .,.,., "'." .. "", .. " •.• ,.,. l ,4,4-

t-RADif¥iH 1-t-4 PiRAC!ICIE" ', .. ', .' •. " '; ,,' ".,; .• ,,-, .', ; .•• ' ,' -. -. -. - •• ,' .,' -, -, -' •• ;,. --.',. ".'.' •• '''; ' -,' "',"-. " "., .". '~, 45

HAID'11H 'l\!'V~ N TV~Ol!~ 1E ,." .. '." .. ,,"", " " " , .. ,," .. ' .. ' .. ' " .. , .. "~,, ,i",",'",'~,,,,,",'.,·.,, ,. '11411

Abo-til !'he NoIiIr1.:::1luI; ••• "."' .. """"" ,,"' " ,,' .. '" ,." ' ' ' "." .. ' .. '.,,'.,,' '."'.,, " ••••• ,,,.. J 47

(lecasian of ~11!~ H'.!I',d~tf1;; .' ', " '.~ ', .. .,., ' ' - ••••• -- .. ,"'" •.•• 'n •• ' •••• ''" ••• ;.... 14/'

t~$SOIN:S O!l;(;iuceo,.,- _' __ '_"'_"""'_ "_,, , ,,' , .. , _'.' __ ... _ .. _ ,,_,,' ;'. ;,.,",'" _~ .. , __ •• _ ,_"~_""""",,,,,+,,,-,,,,,,,,,,, '141

(~~.J iL~'fS(jn,lii; '., '"" "' .. ,. .,.,., •. , .•. , .,' .,. , •• , .. ,', .• ,,,,,"',. , .• , .• ,. ". "., .• " •• , .• ,. " " ,'.' """", •• " ,.,." I4.,

1il1o~llesson,\t ,_,' .. ; .,.,;.,. _, .. "'.,., .. ,,' _, ;.," .,' _ •• ' .. ,'"" "." .. "" "., .• , .,,., .. ,,, ", "., .. ~""" ",, l48


j'nt~Iem~1.r t I;!;5~DIl5~ -,. ,'." .. ;_ ', •• - •• ' -- i' i" .i"-'- ;-,; .'; '., -."' ;,;., .. , ,,' ,,;,' - •• ''' ," --;- .. ; •.. '; , .',..... l 'f'7

Poiilir;;al l&Sso'j:i'$.~ _ ... ; _, ",','" .,' .';" ,;" ",,, """,,; .. ,., ;,';, "" __ ,.,_,,_,;,.,,,; ',',,".', __ •..• ;,;, ;"., _",", .. ;'.'._~",--,-,.;., _ ,', F5r')

LESSONS, fOil!: D#!.'WJ-\H tTHE, L,\LL T'O If.S.lJiMJ ." " , •.• , , •• , , .• , ,.,., •. , , ; .• '1.50

~-II;\IiJ:ri!l-!! IN PiAACTIC~" ", .•. '.' .• ' .• " ", ",.', '" ••. " '" '."'. ". ". "" •••• ",. "., ••• '." .',., .. " ,,,..... 1 SO

Abi:!lt.l'i d~", Nj]!I1'1'iinr; •.•. ' , •. '" "' "" .'." '"' ',. ""'," '" ,"" ". "" ,., .'.' ••• ,"" "., •. '."' '" ,"',""" ".'.... 153

()CC.1!Si'O!I1 .(;If Ihe H.iild'itl!; ' " , '.'. ", ' .. '., ,,' "'" -." ." ,""" .. ' .. '. ". ". ,,_ .. ' .. ' ' ,.... 15j'

LeSSOiNlSl n)~iD!)OEID ...... , _". ". ". "., _,. , •• '.' ., ". ,,_,. ",".' ,,';.;., _ •• , _ __ ., ,.,. ;'." _,' ." ••• " ..... ,' .' ." _. _,' .,;.,., _ I. 53

,~t~rns!lC l,(!! .... ~Ol:l5: '";, ,,' ,,',_, .. "' •••.. "",,, "',"'"' _" ;,,",.,., .. _,.';. ;,.;,; •. , •. ,. ". " •. " .. ,.,' ',",," ., .•. ,';, '" ." ••• "."" .. "' .. ,. .! 53

CI!'eE!d'al Le£solfr.s; ,.,' ",. ., .... , .•.•.•.• , .... " " ,,,.,,, .•.• ,, ... ,, .... , •.• , .• , .. ,,, ' ,,,.,,.,, ""."""'.,., •.••• "' ... ,, •.•• '""... .154

,B~i!II'JI'i!llr8j U1l5.SllJifl:l:· ""',,,, •• , •• , •••••••• ,., " "., ••• ". ,,' •• ," " •••••• , ". " ... "" ••• " ••• ,' " ..... ,.,,. •• ,"""., ... ,,,.,,,... .154

l!i;!.g,;lji lj,i,~s:ons~ ., •• ".". '" ". ". " •• ,.,i";"" ". "~"',""" •• '.,. ,-,i,",,. ..... ,' .. "- _." •• ,,' ,,'" .,', .•• ,,.,,,,,, ua "',",," •• ,,. 0.,",', '. '.".. 154

I:.J~S:S:QNS, fOR DA iWAlf-S '(lHE V,LIL TO lisl..AMJl.~".",." •••••• " •••••• ". "., ••••••• " ••• "." ••• " ". ". ".'".' "... '1155

HIfi!.lDI1'I"i lIN IPItA,CnCE;";,.,,, ~o, •• ". ,,' ,,' " ,. ",,"' "., ." "." •• ". ". ".', ••••••• "." .',." .", ". " '"' •••• ,. ". ". ". '~55

HA!DI'T~I 1'WIEN11{~:fH 11::1: i;,i',i""~i+'i"'''''''i'''''''''+'''''''''~'~!~''''''!'''''''''',~!".~,~,~,~,~,.,., •.• "".".",''''!~! 151' A 0011 f' idle NilfJ'IiIwr:. '" ",., •••• ., .. "'", "","" "',",_ ,""" ". i'-' ;", •• _.""'. ,. ",._._ •• "_ , •• _"' 0_ """",~.,, 0,. 0' ',',0,,,",'" e- •• " •• ,_. .1.57

Li~S50NS lilE bluCEO ".,'.'.' .. '""."""" .""",, ", •••• , •• , ••• ". "., ."." "" " •••• ,"" ". ". "."'""'"'"." .. "." .. '".' •• " •• ,, ." .. " •• " .',. ,.""' .. ". "" ". ,~,:57 C~lIll Lessons;. """',"" ". "''''", """',""""'" ""i" ",",'" "".'0" ","',". "." ...... '." , ••• ,,,.,, .,' """,",,",,"'" "."' ,,' '", •• , •• ," 151'

[I:~Jl~\I.ra,ral l.11!S:i"OJlJS; .',. ••• ,.". ".,,'.,,' " ... ". ,.',." •• n','.',," i,.i ••• , •••• i,.;,,;,,",;., "" ..... ;"""'''''''''-''.-,;" ,-.; '",... 158

lun~t~c ~e£~OJl$.: ._._"' ,~ .. ,.,',.,' .,' ."." , ~,"., .",. "."." ".,." ".,,'.,,""', •• , , ••• ' •••••••• '.,,' •• ,' •• "'. i" " ',.',.' • .159

Mtl!~a! ~~wr1.S: ,', .. , ,.,,.,,,,,,, .,,,.,' ",." ."'.,, ". ".,.,.,." .. i ." •• "",., •• ,. ". "",,""""';';"';'.""'" i"""'''''' i,e i, ; ,. ,.. 160

fQt1(:,,;t:rubl.1.:J!1 L(;!SfOffl'; •• ,," "',.,., ."'.,, .. ".,.,.,.,., •• "." ... ".,., .... " e e-e ""i" ".; ,",;.; o;'.;,;", .... ._ ;,-"'._ -.,;".- .. ,- __ '. l60 ?s;ycho{.(ii8r{'i!1~ ~'e:S;sO!l'!\'ii~, •••• ,. ". ""i"'""i"-" ,,_ ;,_",., ."., •• ,'_ ,," 0,. ,_ ,. """",,, ".,' .,' 0,' .,' .,',.,' .". '" ". ". ", ... ,' .".,.,.,."." .,',.," 161

Cil{i1izilluon~~' tes;~fir1!l: __ " , •• , •• __ ;,",, __ a a ua "., .. "',',", •• "' "" •• ,. .. n ••• ,,,.,,.,., .,,,.,,,. ". ". ". ,,;,..: ". " •• "'.,,. ". " ,.'.,". 163'

A5".[~{lilgomic:a'J Lessot.t~~ ,,' ".,',_ ,,_ ".",," ,. '" ".,.,"' """",,", ;,. ".",. "",",,,"" .". ". ".,.,. ". u " ••• " '". 161

l'ESS0 1'.11S, if 01( D\o\ 'WAH [THE 'CALL T'Oo ISl};~ ••• " .. " •• ". "." •••••• "'"'".",,. ". '" " •• " ... " """'.".,.,. ,"","',"',,' " ... ". ",',""",,, '16a

HIA.Drlt~ irN! iPRI\CT!O!;;.",.,,,,,. .. e e .'. i"" ,,' sa s ... _" ,. ,"",,, " ". ".,,. " ... ". ". ''''"." "".,., ." ... ,. ". "."' ••••••• " ••• "" •• " ••• ". [70

HI,A [)ITHi lW:ENTI-FiO U R ." .... w."."", '"."' ..... ~ ........ ,".i.i.i .. a ... ,"""" ",.,.","."' ••• ~.+..~,~.~""''''', ..... ,'', .... 172

lE:5S0~, [)EDUCfl(]." .,' .',. ".,,,. ".,.,.,.,.,. '"' ".""" ... , ... ,',: .... ".; ii.; _. ",_""_,, .',., _ •• " e= ,,", __ ><.,. __ • __ •• "",+.~." .,',.' •• ,., ] 72

~I ,lie1~I?J~~' ., ,' 0,' .",.,.,. " ,,, ".,." •• '" .. ""',.,.,., ••• u ;; •• e e ;.,.~ •• '" i""'i""" - __ "" J 72

IB~r~'l"iOf:i!!j i!;e,~;!iOIflS:: ,,. " ••• ". ". ". " "." •• '" .. ,."." .. ".',." •• ". ". "."." •• ,,, , , •• ,.~ ••• ,'.',' • ._ .".' •• ,,, ,. ,. J 71l

NJ'~[Ii!i: l.i2':!illDll:5"; ,"" , ,,',.' •••••• ".~ .. ' .. e e ,,'" '" •• ,"'i'",', ",'i""; ,.,;"'; •• _._._._._"' '" _ .,o, __ .. ". " , " .,' 179

M'Of.aJ [~SSOJlS:" ." ',., '''''," '"'"'"' ""","" __ " _ .. • "". _. '" '" __ .,' ;,_;" .. __ ""," '" "" ,. ~ ••• ". ,'"," .. , ,' .,' 1.8'}

S'[lIcrat te5S:0Ii5'; ",._,._ ,'" •• "~""., •• ,.,,,", "",",,,""""'" ." ,',." .... ". ,'.,,. ....... ,,.,,.,,.,, .,,'. " ". ". " •• "." •• ". u •• "., lS,}

f'syc1!oiQgJ'cal tie5~i!lS~' •• ""","",,, " ••• ,,,.,,. t , •• , .. , ...... ".,.,." "., '" .. ".,. ". ,'",'",',,,',,,',',, ","""''' •• '.''''.'' "i. i." "i •• ' •• "i "i. i } 92'

P!if~1iC-1J ,~e-.5'SOiU:~ .,',''''',',' ;,. ,,,,,,,~ •• ,,.,.,,,.,,,"'''''''' .",. "., ." •• ". ". " •••• ". ". ". " •• ' ••• " ",'"'' "."."' ..... ,, .... '" .',."."." •••••• ,.i ." IN4-

,~rn.rl'~fll;C' LeSS(HlS: ~ '._ '0; .","" •• ,""",,, .,'"'"'., "." .. ".,' ." ",.' ' ", .. " " ••• " .,". " •• "., '" '" .. "." 1.84'

It.m.QNS FOR: DA'\"v'J!;,H (iH~ CAu.. TO IcSLAM}." ".,'." ".,"' ,"", •• , •• i , ,"', •• , •• ; 0; .+.;><.' -." _ •• - ...... , .. ' '185

H~DITH LN PR/i;cnCI:, .",." .. ",. "." .",.",.",. "." .. " •• ". ".,."." ". ".,." .. i" i ". ""i" i'" "'i .. ,.;,.,"~.,' ,' .. '._ .. '.,. ,,' ,,' ,,',' " ... '.'"",,'.,,'. 'I S6

HAID 111H 'TWE,Nn-J1FI V1E 1I!!1!l.1I!.!Il.!p.illlililirili!i!i!i!i!p.iii'liiliiilli~'lii~iii~i~i~'!f.i"fji~i'iiIi~II~·1i~·.t-i!~.~I~!I~.+!I'~!I'!!~!!~!!~°I!!I,!~II!!~!!~!+!'I'!!~!!t'!!~!!~ 187

,Oct'(i!:5'r!J!'1 (i'f ~liiii! H'ndiirh: .,.".,., .,' ."." ".,,,.,,,.,,' .... " •• '"" ...... ,,'"' •••• "'.' •. ,,'.,, .• "i.' "i ... ;.;. " ..... "' ", •• , •••• ,'- ,~,~,-, .i 87

L~;)~ON$, DEDUCED .. ,. '" ",." .",n ""." "' ". ".,." " ••• ""' .. ". ". " .. '"''"''''''", ",',"'," " ..... """i' ••• '. i, • ._ .. " ,"" .. ,.,.,_~", __ ",.,,,,, 187

P.5ycllo.fogJ'Cli'1 ,~e5(,~cnilS: .. ,,",', ."., ,' "." ".,' ." ,",.' •••• '" " ......•• " 1"". ".,. " ". " '," "''"'"'''',"''''' .~.~. 187

,SucJ'.iilI' L~s.salt~: '0 •• ,' .~ ,. ,,',.,., "." ".,,' •• ' .. '""' •• "' ". "., .',. i. i" i'""" •• '.,'. ,.", ,,"'- -. ,. ,-""., .! 90

~ic!onill!lT1i,1c /..e;SO!]l,: 'i"''_' __ '''''' ,,_ •• , ••• ,,"',"'"' .. ,., •••• ".",. ,." ", •••• '" '",.,. ". " ' •• '.,,'. ". ,' •• '.' •• ' •• ,. •• ''" •• ," ,""" J 9 J

lES-SONlS, FOR Di\ 'WAh! (TIHIE 'CA.L~ 11"'0 ISI!.JiM~ ,'".",.", .... ".,,,.,, ."" .. "."." .. ,,"" ." .',., ,'"",."",'" ... " •••• ' '"''''"''''i ",'..... ] 92

IHlADnt~ 1~IIPR}'\Cli'1iC[." .',. """"'"""'i "i .',.; .', ""."",.",'_"""''"'; ",.'. ",.,"' """",""",, ,,' .". ". "." .. " .. " •••• " " .. " "."." .,,'. [93

HA [)IIH ffl E,N'TV -Si. X .... " •. , ..... , .. , i .. i ... , .. ,".i.ii·"·",.ii,",", .. ~.~,+.''''' .... , ••• ,,,,,,,.,.,,,, .. , ,, •. "'"''''",',"',",''' '19.!1i,

'LIE~ON~ D~IDUCEIJ'. " ••• '" , ••• "'," ". i" i" i" "'~'" '" •••• _>.<. __ .',,"' '. "', ... ,_ , , .. ,.,' .,',.,',. "." .. ,""". ", , ."'." ." .. "." ... " ... '[ 94-

iCi\~fI~ l!.i?!liQiIiI","~.".". ". ". ".,,""'."'."'. "",'," "'"'""'''',",_ i"'i _ ••• ',_.''"._.' ,,;, "'" __ ;,_ ,,_ ,. ,,,'._,.,. ••• ,,,. '" ",," .,' ." .. ,.,.,. ."., .,' .194

li9uhalvi!lJraI' [1'2..'\SClIlS~ • ". " ~. "."'. "."''"'.,, .... "".''"' •••• i"; ,. ';',"'i"-"'- ._'._ ... ".,"",.",. ;" ..... ,. "",0 ", .. '''"'' .". "",",,,",, 0" ". ". J 911

~'!~:Ili~it'.(' L~~s'Ons;: ". " '"." ".' .. " ." ." " ••• " •• "'. i'" .',.; _.' ' _ "',.",. , •• ",,.,,, "' ••• ,: "".",." .,','". ". ". ""","" ,," ./95'

Sod'lI~ l~~s.sC!'Il'.s~ "" ••• ' .. '"' •.• " "' ". " •.•••• , •• ',. .. i'-'i .', •• ".";"_"_ , ••• "',"' .. " .".,' •• ,.'''.'''.'''.'.'' ." "." ".,. ". "., ,I96

,rnfomliCitiorilitl L~OjiS: "'.'" .. ,""'" ",""_ ""',, ,',;, _ •• ,~,., .. , .. ,", '",.,"'" , " .,' ,.'.,".".".".,."." ,2D.!

A5trof1t1rni;C"~1 L~()li$:: ._ .. ,.,."""""".,"",",," ;,_, __ ,',',' '" .. ,"' .. "' ,,', .. '" '"' .,' .,' .,' ". " " ••• ,,'.,. "",.,. " " ".,' 202

,!\o:fil)!dlc,"iIl tii;'.I:;~{jfrll.i' ,.",,,,,,,",", '" ".,' .,' .".,." •••• ". ".,." .. ".,." "., .', •••• "., ."'."." .', •••••••••• "'" ." .', ... ' ••• _ ,,_ ... ' ,,' ", "'"'. 2(J2'

iC~vII12a~liJl]~tl' le~S!l]'lliS; ". ".,., .,' .,' .,' .. " ...... ". "., •• ,.,." .... , ".'". ".,."." ." ." ."'.,,. '" ,' ••• ,. ""i "i .,' "._._ .',"'._"' .. ,10J

.lJilSs,oNS 'F-Oll, O~,~Wi\H l1rHE 'C/Ul 1"'0 ISLillVII~ ,'"", " ... ".,', ,""",""""""."." '" .",.".".,. " •• " ." " •••••• ',.,."." •• ' •• '."'. 20)

ti:AOlliH ! N F'ftAJ';'TICE., __ ,,0 ". "",, .,',." •• ". '",., .,' "."'",, .. ". ".,." •• " "'"'''." •• "'." """,'",' ,' , """""'"";'",""''''''''''''_ 204,

'IrtAJ~)I1":1HI 'fWE:Nnrv .. ,SEVEN " ... , .... ,.""~,.,., •.•. " .. , ..•.•.•.. - .. - ..•. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , . ., .. , .•.•.• .,.,.,.,~,-"- .. "'."".,., .... Z,llIiS

Aoo-t!'il the N~i!ta~Qfs,: ." .. ,- " t a ,,-, •••••• , ••••• , •• ~ ",","" .,' •• , ,,"' ''''',", , ,' .,', " ,.,', ,"'+,-,- 2{J6

O'('lC(!l5',fon oJ dt,(! r-hlClUrfK. ". ,. ".,. ".,,,.,'"' ''''"'"' ,.,,'"' .. "",,,,,'''''' "',"', •••••• ,."."' .,' .,' .,". , ' .. ' ••• ,' ."., .. "".". ,,, ,,,. 206

lE~j.~QiNS Ol;lDlUiQBD •••• ,,,"' .. ,.,',. ".,',.,', .. "",,."' ,."' "."".,"'"' • .,,, •• , "'''" .... ". '"'''' ""." , •••••• " "",,,.,,,. ". "."' '" "., •• ".,,,.,,,"'"'. 207

Creedal LeS'$ons~. ". ".".,'" ••• , .',._ •••. "', ....... ' ..... ",,,,.~ •• - •• ,, ""', •• , .. ',.,'--.+.' ,. ", .• ,', .. " ...... ~"., ... -' •. ,'- .' .• ',.', JOt

J{1;did'~} l~5i[ll,FU.!i;' , ,,', •••••••• ".,. "" "." •• " .. '.,,' .. ' •• "."'."'.,, " ". ". ". " ••••••• ,,',"',"" ". ". ""',,',"' ,208

SOciifi' L:es.50~ts.: •••• " .. " .' •••• , •• " •• ~ .. ''' ••• ' • ._' •• ' "._ •• ' •• '", - .. " '"'."., " , •• _. " "', "'., ~ , e e -. ZJJIJ

Psyrmfo,pJnCi:l1 Lmsolfls,:". " •.• ".,., ", .. , ••• " •. ,., .. ,. "., ••• ".,"", ., " , .. ~., ,' .,' ." .. ,,"'"' .•.• , " •••• "~.,', .•. _,, ,2 J{)

Mrr{aile$s:oru; ••• ,'"'"' .,'"'., ",." ... " .... ". ".,' ." .... " ...... "., .,." "' " "' ,."., ... ,". ". " ,,, ".,,,. "." .. "'. 21'0

~fS.sOUS F·OR DAtW,A.i"d ('irildJE CALL 'TO ISlt~l\Ai~ .,'.',.' •• , .. ,'."."'." ' ,.' •• ' •• " •• ,,, " •• ", 212

HIi;lDlil1lN i?R.\crro~ .. , ..... " ... ,,",",", ........ ". " .. " .. """"", .,,'.'.' ... ' .. ''" , ri ' •• , .'.'., .... '" '" '" .. ',. '"., .. '"' ".',. 21 J.

OCCiIiJi~'Oi'l, of l~!ffi' H",arith~" •. '. "."'.,., .', •• _, '" .'.' i e ' ••• ","'" .' •••• ' ••• "."'.'.' .... , •••• ,., •• ~ •• , ... , , ."'." .,,'.' •• ,., .. ".,,'. "." '" '"'' :1 J4

usso-s DEO'I)C!D, ,. -, , .• ,., "." , , " ••• , •.. ".," •• , , , .. _,' .. ' '.,." •••• ' '.,'.". 2: 'I :5,

C:~(il' t.e~i':~-om; ""',"',,,', '" ". ". " "." '"." '" ".,., '"'"' .. ,." .,,'"' .... " '" .. '" "." .,,'.,,' , , .. ,,, .... ,,' .. "" ". ". 21'S

Bemvi.or-.al ~Sal'1l!i';'" , .. " " ". "." ... , ", .. "., .," .. ".,., .,"" .. ". "., ,",,, ".,"'"'"'., .. " ",",,''','' '" ,. "',',. " .. , ,. 2J 6

}[J~,rj[it: l~n-s~ ., .. """.,,' "' .. , .. , ". "."."., ,,, .. "'" ." .. "' ".,. ''', , ,,'' .,".,,,.,''''"' '" ".,' .,', ". 22.1

Pa{~)i'Ca' .teSJom~ ."'.' .,.,.,.,., .. ., .. ~."., .',., " "."'., ,.,. ". "n " " " ".".,"" ',." .. ". ". "., ,224'

t~t~jI'.ary [£!.)':S(I'JIi$: .,' ••• '",,. ...... "' .... , •• _"""" , ,,' .,"<' .. '., "",, ,., ••• , •• ,'_ e e ... , """"'", " ". 22:5

LE5'i.-ON!) fOR, Dh 'WAf-! (ti'l E CA.ILL ToO ~:5li\M) "." .. "'.',., "',"' ". , ••• , .. , ••••• ," "','>,., "',",'",,,., H '"' >; .'; .. 226

HA:D~l!1HI !NI PRAiCTICE.,,, ",', " ••• "., ,""" ••• ', ".".< , ,,' "' ",.""" .. '", .. ' ••••••• ' •• ' ;, .. , •• ~. " ••• " .. '" 226

Adlo.!.lt '~Ilil!!' Jtilln;awr: ,,.,. •• , .. ".,,, " , ••• ;" .• ,' •• ,"' '._ ' •• '.,' _ •• '" •• ,.'.'.' ,,' ' •••• , .. ","',"'" ,,'., ,21(}

O~....a~joo of ~'l~.r!' "I,fiidill'~: •• "," ,. ,,'" '.,"'''. ". ,," ",,.,, ,,','"'' ,. ",'," ,,' ,_",,,,,,,,, ,~., ,,' ."." .. ' "'"',.,, , .. 21.1

L~5S0N) DEI!J LJC~O ",,""'''''' ",,,,'," '" ... ,,"' '"~ ... ,." .. '"",. "." .. ".,',. ",. ,",,, " ," .,',' •• ,.,., , .. , .. ~ ••• ; •• ",'," 23,2

B,e-h;l:!,!'j'or.:J',~ ~~roillS'~' .. " •• ".,"",._,_',,",,_ ,." ,,'" .' •• ,_ •• ,. ••• _, ".'.'." .~."., ". '" .. ' •• '" ." .... ""."',, .. ,,' .. "' ".,'" .. 112

,~~, t.e.';$(i;i'l;~~' ".,.,. " ••• " -.'.-,",;;,-. --.-,. .,-"' •• _,.- ".,., .. ".,., '." " ". " •• ,,'"""" ••• ," '"' ".,"" 231

§UrlsH'c Le,r-.sons: .,"",."., .... , .. , •• ," '.,., ... ,., .... "., .', •••••• .,"'" ..... '.' ••• ".'."'."'.,, " •• '" ' ...... "., "., ' ., 234

Sacral !.f'S500-_~: '" "', ... "."' .. "''',. """""" ".,' .,' "",' ,.,.,,,,, , •• _ ,,",' ." .• ",.,' _"",'_;, .' •• , ."." •• ,,,.,, .".",,,.r .. '",, 2'39

l!~ss.o.NlS fOR DA!WAH 'IHE CALL 1r0 ~SLAMl' "., ........ , ,." ..... _"_, .... _'"", •• ; •• ;, ........ "" •• " •• l~O

~·:rAIDITH liN PRAtTiICE" ••• ,'" .... ".", ... -- .. ",,.,.< •• -" - ,"" "".,' .. , .', .. "'"' "" .. "' ",',,,',,', ;' •• " ",'"'''''''' .""""',, .. "",~""" lAO,

AOOut the NarJ'a!tt:ir:: """,.,, ... ~."" .... , ••• " " '","_"""''' ,_m_, _ •••• , ",," ". ", ...... ' ...... ".,. "'"'''''",',"''''' '" ... 242'

lI;SSONls, ID~DIJIOEI[), .' •• '; , •• " " ••• " "" ,,", ,,,.,.,.,,.,, .. "' .,' .,' "' ••• ',. "., •• , .,' '.'.',., ,,, ,"', " .. 242.

C:"eediJi ,I.E':'IS!JIIIII~; ". " "' ,' .,' .,,,.,, ,'"' " ,,"" ,. __ .,_,_,_ ••••• ;. ". " •• , •• _ ••• ",," ". ".,., ". '''~''''''," .. ," 2'42

"u~;s[ic l.~roI'15; • ". " ,' ." ,. "",,' __ """"",,, " __ "' '" .' •• ".'''" ,'"",, .. , "'"' .. ".~ •• ,"'"' .. " ,24]

~ES:S-O:NS. rOf;: OJ!; !WAH {iJfi'i'~ CALL TO IS,[,Ji.M). ". "",,,,,,, •• ,,', ••• ,." ,' .', •• "' ••• "., ' "'.,., """"." ,",,,'''' 24t5

HA[J~'!r!i"l iN PIRA.Cililr~." .,' .,' .,',. ". ". ". " ".,,., ,. "" , ••• "' •• ; ',." ,. ". ". ". "" "., .,,,.,,,.,, .. " ,,. 2416

HADI,TH 1H IIR'JY-OIN IE .,.,.,.,.,.' ,,· ,.,,- ,.- ' •• ,.i,ii.i."' •• - •••• i ••• "."'."'." •• , •••••••••• ".''I'''I'''''~ 148,

AOOat' !'lfEi.' NI[!u'lI"iJli:Or;'. ".,,'. ". ". "., .,,"""'"' .. ,. ".,'"' ".,,, l!, , .. ,.,., .,' ""''';' ". _" "'."'.,.".,, ".,"."." 248

liES~QNS Dt:,Dl)CIH)!"", ,,'",., .. ,," ><,,.;. "', •• "";;'", .. "'.' ".,." .. "'"'.,.,." '" ". ". ".".,," .,",. " ..... , ... " •• _ ••• ' •• 2A B

t,~ons iOn A~Cll!!j'cis.rl11;, '.' ••• ".'., "'"''" .. '" " ... "'n' ",',"'", ". ","""""",,, ,,' ." ~. , ... " ,," __ ., ..... ,~",_." ." ,~ .. '." '""' ,248

CroorJaJ tf!.;lSOik;f~ ,,- ""--,",,. -. _. _. _ '",.,. """." , .... ,' .. ". '" .. " ..... ,' ." "." .. " .". ".,. .,.,. ,, ,. ,,_ ". ". "." .'. 249

j,lNmj{; Les'SOJ!Js; ., .,' " .......... " "' ". ". "., ",,. __ ••• __ ". ;'. '" '_,,"',"', ". "., ',"""""'"'''' "."'"" ..... ".,.,.,.,. ".,., ."., ,25.()

P:.sycJtolp\!r~E'a' ~,es.~or},s:~ ••••.•. " .', " ... ".',." .... "' .. ," " .. "",,"'" """,,",,",,,,' ,,' .,' .,', .•• •.•. "' ••• ,.;_ .• "',"'," '" " •• 25 J

Sooal tLes.roJ1S; ,", .,'" ....... ,' ,,' .,' ", ,' __ ,,_ ,, __ "'._ •• " ••• ".,,'., ,"'''''''''''' "."''''',, •• , .,' .,' ." ,' .", •. "...,. , ••••• ,. ". " •• 252'

lrnSSON$ r'OR D\i'!. ~i\1"-I {nilE CALL TO ISl~AMl " ' ' .. ''" .. "" ". ". " ". ". ". ". " ".,., .. " •• " ,., 253

AOOi!!!~' tlJe Narr.a~1)1t' , .• <";,,. ,,;. ". ".', •• ". ""1." """'""""'",'" .' •. ' ''" ; ••.• " , , .• m" ., ,.,., •• ". " ••• , ••• '.' 254

I_~$QIN~. DEDlQO+,+,~,+,+,,,,,,,,,,-,I,,,,,, .;' •• '.-,',.,',.,' .'., ,; ,.',.' ..... ' ,. , ' .• " " .. " •••.•••. ,"",", ,.,.,.,.,., •••• ",'~.,!, 2:5,5

l(N"i1tl~C teswru:. .' ' '."' .' ' , .. , , ""","", .. , , .. , .. , ...•... !"'"'''''!''''''!'''!''''' .. ' .. ,"' "',"' '.' •• '"' 2:55

,H:AI!)!I!I'H IN f~RA,CTIC!l: ' .• '.' ' .. ' ' , "" •••• , ••.••••• , •• , ••• , ..• "., .• ".".~.",+.+"".,._, •• " •••• ,.~.~ 2:58

HIADI~lH 'TH,li,R'TV' - TH' R:,IEE;.~.~.~, " .. ",.~" ",,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, ",,",,,,,,,,,,.,, " , aa , •• " ~".", ,; " •• '" 26 J

'L~~O.N$ De,Di.Jc~o,. , n'," .,' ",'," .' •• ', ••• " .''"''" '.' ,"'eo ' " , ',',0 ., •••• "",""" •• , .. ", , 26 ~

SociaJ ,te-S:5<[!I!'iI~'; e e " •• '. ". " •• ' " ' '." .. , .. " .. ' " , •• , •• , •• ,.,.,. ",""",,,,, •••• ~.~".; ,." •••• '. 261

,~oo.rN}jiil.ie ilG's.<:o;i'jS"~" ",., e-e '"',"'" '"'"' ••••• " .'"""' •• "' "".' ".,,"' '" , "' .. , •• ,., •••••• , ,., •• , __ , ,_'" 202

~J ,~e;t~()I~li~: ";,;,, ", ", ", ;","',""; .""' ''"'"'"' .'.'.''" ''"' .. "' "' ••.• "'."' "'., ,.,.,.,.,., .. ,.~ • .,., .. , ••• ' 1"""'_"_" 2:ri2

ilE!iS.ONS iFOR DA'\:VAIH (Til-I E CAlLl '1''0 ISIJi.M~ ,. ,-.,. __ .. ~- , ' " '" ,., ••••• , .• , .• ,.,.,.,"" 2,62

HAOllmH IN ~i\cr.lC!;. ,,' I" !,," '-"""""""""1'., •• ,.,"""", ,""" "'",~,"" .' •.•.•.• ' .• ' n "' •• ,',.,',., .. ".,.,,, •• _ ••• ,!,'._ •• ,.'.' 263

:I:-I,A,DII JH T,H I R:,TV,~fO U R ., .. , .. ~ _"''' ''''''''' .. " .. ''" .. ''' ",' "' .. ,.~.+.+..~.~.~.'" ; .. m ••••••••• ;.; •• ",.~ '2;65

lES50~ OED UC81J! .... , •.•.•.• "","'""",,,, """, '",.,"',." ;,., .• ,.".,., ... ;,_,. _'. _",.,,,,'.' •• ' , """",'" ' .• ' "''''",'''''''''' ., .• , .• " :265

JilJJ'i~f:ic ije~.~OfjS: .,.,.,.,. ;, •. , •. ,' .",.--,.--,.,.,.--,.--, ---,--.--,--, ••• ',' '" ,"'''''''''," .'.,',.'.'.' .• '. '" ' ' •. '."'"' ' '" .... "',"''', ... , .,'" ,2'6:$

Sodall~5..soo$.; " " , .. , .. , , ,"',."'"' "_,, """" _, .. ,. '" _, a , " " • ._ •••• '"' .. "',"',"'" ,,, •• '.'.' •• ' •••••• ' ••• ".,. 26~,

ll;S$OINiS ii'OF,t IJ'A "'·'J!,'1i;.H ITHe iCALI. 10 I$!l.r,\"'~ '".~'" .. "' " u " " , ••••• ,.,. ',',',",," ,_ _, • ., , •• '" '" 26.3

HhDnH IN PRACTIOE. ... , •• ," -, ... __ -- __ " •• , -", -,.- "", ,"'","'"," ,"','" ;" " •. '. " •. '"'"' .. ,""" .' .•• '""~ ,. .. __ .. ",",," ,_,' l7(l

HAD Illllill IH I RlV~lflV E,..~.~." ••. """." .. ~,~.~ .... "'''.'''''., .. ''' .. '''.'''''''''''''' ...... ,,, , , .. , .. , ••••• ; .•• ;."." .. "';,,~.~. 272

Lr'-5S0N::1i iDE"DuaO , •.• " •.•. ' .. , .. ".,," ., •.•. "''' ., .. , ..• , .••. ,., .. ,. "! _ .•• ,' !,' ,_ ,_, _, _, ,"'",',', ". " '.'.'." .. '"'.'.''" "' .". " ... ,. 272

L~ron.:il on A~(lel!·.fd]!1j:' "", """ e e e e e , eq eu .. "'","'" .' •• '.'. '" '"''""." ....... '.,,' .. ' •• ".'., •••• , •• , •• ,'",." , , •• , '.' e-! e-! 2.'72

C~d[~1 L@s.sQlt~.:, .. ;,.,.,,,.,. """".,,", _, _, _,,' __ . __ . __ ",. __ , .,' . __ ,., , __ •• ", •••• ".' .•• ""","'" ."'.,, ".'" ,"" .•.• , .• , " •• ,2'15'

Jvr-i5~ic r.~SSM5; .. " ....... , .... "' , ., .• , .• , ,., ,' .,.,. __ .... __ ,,,.' !,. ". "" _, _, ,."~""' •• '." .' •• '. ",'" ., ~ ••• " "'"' •• ,2'75

P.s:v[hQI{II,!;ic~'1 ,l'~Ji!&: .•.• , ••• "' , •• , ,., ,.,.,.,.,." .. " , •• , "," .' .. '",'.'.'.'",'. ".' •. ' , .• " ' ,:2'711.'

iVIar.!ilf ,le5:!i"OrM;; ."' .. , , .. "'." " "' ., •••• " "' .," "".,.,!".,,,,,,,, .. ,;,., '","' •• , '".'" .•. ' •. ' •• " "' " .• , .•. ,2'86:

If~!Jei1ed:U!lilJ' i.e.5\J.iOnj; '"' ' "' , .•• ''',',",,'' ",,",,,, "',., .. , .. ,,"' .. , , __ " '" ,. __ "' .. __ , __ " " .• ' .•. '.'.'."' .•.•.•.• 286

His [C1 Ilea: j' Les'S'Q.!'IiS; "' , ,. "',., •• ,.,., •• " "" .. ,.".~" ", __ ",~ __ ,"", ." .. "" ; ",'", .' •. ' •.• 287

,Eroftortlk Le!5g\l'j'S~ ",'","", .'. '"' ' '" "'" •• ,"'",' " ,,,,,,,,,,,'", .. , .. "' ,","', .,. "'" ',,' !" '.,._ , __ ._"' ,289

P{'JfJ!:ic.iI'l ,~.,e:tS(J~l~.,.",,,,,,, .' •. '."' .' ' " •.•.. " "', .•.•.• ",,. "'., .'! ". ,,! ., •• ,'_". ",,,,,,, ","",. .. ,""" 2!J(),

LESSON:) fOR IDA "WAH (Tl-IIE CAu. T'O ISLAM) ." "'. '" .. "" .. , .......... " .• ,,",.,.,.,.," " " .,' .,! .'! """"1" -1"" " •• ,' •• '.'. ". 296

HIAIJiITI-li IN P,RACnCIE ,""" .,., •.• , .• , .• , .• "." ••.• "'!"" "',.,'",,. ,"".,+,. __ ,._ ••• _ ",,,, ,~.~.,' '." .. "' " '" ,,, ••• 298

HAD IllH 'fHIIIit.lY ",:~::nI:X ,· .. ,",",", .. ,",' .. , .... ·';,I ..... ~.;,.;,.; •• ;·.;.·."'.;,'" ; ..... ~ ... """."" •• " , .. ,., , •• ,,, "." .. " ••••• ,. 299

LESSONS DEDIJ,lCE[}, " .• ,. ".,"".,.,.,", <" ... ,. __ • _',' __ ,',", _,'._ , __ "._ ••• __ ., .. _.'.'.' ... '"" "' .. ","""" ',"'",'", .'."'"'." "' .. "." ••• " '",'" ••• ,.,. 299

CI!'(:!~J ,'.i~Oll~~ --.-- .',.--,;, •• , --, --"." -, --. --"'"' .', .• ,'"' .. ~ .. "' .. ,'",'", ''''".'". '"''" .. "'"' '",. '"" ..... , .• "," """,,, ., •. ,_ ;,,~,,",., ... _ 299

~~O.F.iS' On A;.'lcet!lc::ism: ,. ". ,-- ,-- "., .' .... ' •. ',. " .• '. "''''.,,' .... ,.'.,.' ...... ' •• "'." """' ... "',,.,. .. "' ... , .• ,., ., .• , •• ,""" ,,!,',.," __ "'~., .. 304

j,[JIr,rsHc L.~5$(.Im: .• '.'" .•. ' •.. "' , .• , .. " " •. ,.,. """,,, .,.,,."'"'"'. "., ""',',1,' __ ., ,. , .. !,; .; __ .'.' •• ' •• ' ••••••• ""'" j'()6

P:i:'I""=moIosjc:jiJ/l.€.sfQ.rj~: •. ' •. , " .. ,,''" '. "", """, " "' , .•.•.• ,,, .. " , .• ,." .. __ !,' " •• ',.' __ ",_. 322

So('iil!ll.e.'l~DJ115; .,."'"'"' ., .• , .. ,' .,' ., •. , •.•. "'" .•. , •. __ . "". __ , __ ,",.,.,.,_,.,.",!,.,, __ , _, _, _', •. , .'." __ .'.,. .' ' .• '. "","',"" .' •.•. ' •. '" .• ~ •. ' •.• 3'2.'4

,Cnllvra)1 i.essa~l5"! •• "- --, •.• ' .•• "' .' •.•.•. ' •• "' ' •. ' •• ' ••. ''" " .' , .'."' ",,", ., •• ,.,.,.,' .. , •• __ ',,_,. __ ' .. _ "" _, _, __ ,, __ .' 3'18

EdUt'oill~kN'!'iil,~e5roI]'S: • ., .' .. ' •. ' •.•.•.•. '" "' '" ,."' , .• ,."' , .•. ". _ ." , .• ,. _! __ • , """""""'," , __ " JJ.I

Legiif,f tes~ons~ ' .. ' .. ' .. ' .. '" .' '.,."' " , .. , , .. ,."' "."'"' ., ,',.,. !" •• _"., _. ".",_".",! __ ,,. _. __ ,. '" lJ6

fOOr.illJm Ie L.e.'i:fQll!l~ ... , ... " ;". __ ,.,',!",!;,._. ,' __ ,' _, ",., __ ",",' " __ .'." '" ;'.'.'.,' __ _ •• '."' ' ••• ".'".'., " •• " .. "' ... ' ..... "" ....... J'J,/Y

l!lSSO~ FO~ DA "\lYAII1 {Tti!:; CA~L 1'0 I~l. '" .. "" "."." " ,.,.,.,.,.,"', .. ,.,., _ .. ~., .. , __ ".,.,_, _,.'., _. J41

IHiADHlI-IlNl PAA,C1Fllce .,_. __ . __ !,.,.," "_" __ , __ ,,,, ,_~_."."',. " •• ",''''",'", "," .'."' ",'", .' " .•.•. '" '" •.•. , " •••••• 34-4,

tIIA,DII TH 1H ~ R'TY mS,EV EN ., .. , .. ,." ~ ""."",,,, ,,.,,~,,,, "'"''''I''~'''''''"''' .. , ; ~" ; ". '""."." 349

Ab[]~~!: ll~r!J Naii1l:,jJiW~; •. ,. '" ., •. , •••••• _ ., •. ," _, " ! __ '. ,,' _; , __ ,! _" .. '._." .. ;., "i .',.;"' .' •• ' •• '."' .", "' •••• ,, .' ",'", ., •• ,."'" .. J49

Il.~sso~, Dr:.DUC~D, .•.•.•.•.•.•. '" •.• , .• " •.. , •. ,.,."'"' •• "',.,.,., •• ,.,,"'" _'!" ... ! ., •• ".,.,!,.,' .'. _,I _"'! •• ",', , __ •• '.', ••• , ,'.'.' •• "' .• ' .• " •.• :349

l~ejltii!'I!'ror.m' L~ro,l'l\s: •. '. ,,, •. "' .. "' .' •. ' •. '" '" "' "',."'"' .•.•.• , .• ,.,," ., •. , " •. ,' !,. !,., __ '.' " __ ",,, •• _:,,~_ .'. __ '",. '" ".'." 349

C'iewa1 ~el'S{!!!r.m:. ".". ,. ""'" ,. ,. ,.," , .• """ ,'",,, '" "."'.,, '"''''' ." ,,,., " •• ,,"""' ",'",,',.'" ,., '" '" '''"' .," , .• ,.,." •. , •. , 0' ' 352'

J!HL~U'C 1.~5(1n5': , .. " ... '" ". '" .. " ... '''"' ". ".". ,.,.," "',,, ,,, ... ,., .. ", " .. "., .".,'" .,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,, .... , ,,",.,,,,.,,,",, ,,, lSJ

CtJJ~M\r.ii.j l.~~Qns,: -e e a e r e a e , -e e-e e- ; ,,',," ",',"""" ." ,,' ",',"''''' '" '" "',. ,'n',,, '" , •• ,,' n. '" •• ,. '" n' .... "'"'"' a , .. " ,,' "",,, .. ,., ,)58

P5y;cj~D'IliJIglc:i!l1.t!~:Ij':.ofll.s:, .... , "., ", ...... ,"",,,.,"'"' ... , .... ". '""",,, ,,',' ,,' .,' .,',_"_,,_,,.,' ••• '_. _ •• ' '."""","'" ,,' ,,' '"'' '" ,. ".,." .. JJ60

'l.!laS'SiONS fOil:, O\,I;/WAH (rHE Ul.!i. TO ISiJlMj! '" ,"',,, """.,' ••• " ....... , .. "' """'.".,., ,.,',.",., •• ,,,., ,'" "","". 362

HAOi!TH IliN PIRAiCi!C~,.,_.,.;, •••• _ ._' •• ,',_ .;' •• ,',_.'_ •• ,' _."' ".,',.,"'; ... ~"' .. n'",'", ,. ", '" ." ."'."'."' •• " ',.,'"'"',., " .... ,,'"'. 364

HAO'IIIIH THI!li ITY -IEIIC Hit ~.".".~."., .• ,.";,.~.,." .• ,,"~.~",.,., a- ",' •••• !"'~i~'+"·"·'~'~'"'~','','',';,'','''';'';''''''''';'';'"''' ,366

I!,JES';tONS OI!:II::U"IiCEIJ;.! -,!-.-.-.' •• " .',!" ••• ' .-,!,-,! - •••• - '"",', •• ; -"".-"'i.; ,; "',." " .. ,., .,'",'n'.','.', .',. , •••••• ,.,.,.,."., ",." .... 366 ~;e"h;ri.t;(J\F!llil LC;~Oi'M:: "", e- e '" .. '"" "'"'"' ",',' "."'." '" ". "'.,'.,,' .. "' •• '","." ... ,."." ..... ". ". ". ".,,. ",,'.".' •• ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,."!".".' J66 c~t iL~'SDfJ:I;,", ',',O,!'.' _,.,.,., •• " .. __ , .• !",; _,! .".'._ " •••• , .•••• _ ... ,',." .; .... ' .. ' •• '. ". '" , .• " ...... ,.,., ... '" "'"., .,,,.,,., .... ,.:.171 }r..u'istic lLe9SDiI'l:i'" ,'0,. ,,' ,,',' """, !,' "'! "., "".' !,_,',., ... _ ••• '. __ e s .', ••• ,,'" ".,.;., ""."";"""''',"',"" '" ", .. "':.:,"" .,' .,' •. , .... '" ',0 374 SQ(j,:lJ! t!CNSOilit~, •. , .. "''',' ",.".,,',' ""., , .• ". ", ,,',,' ,,_,' _, "" "_,,,",,,_,, .. __ .;"'."', •• """" .',.". ". ".,. ". '"' ..... , .... ,"' ." .. "' •. , "",,"'"' ° 3'78

Poli~~r;al t;e~S;Qi1!'i'; ".,., ....... "' ,,,.,.,, .. """," •. , ." .... ".,'"., """.""",.,! O,! ,,' ,.,"". !'. "."' .,' ""',""" "" .' •• '""'""''''." .... '"". 383

ILi:!2IS.oM!J. FOR IO/!.,'WAH (THE CAlLI, TQ I~i)j!.~ -"., ." .. """' " '"., "."' .. "'"' ..... " """,',."".",, ••• ,' '" , .• ,,'"' ._, __ ,, __ , 3:SG

HAOliTHi IN PAACTI;CE, ..... , .".,.",.,. "." •. ,., •• , •••• ".",.",,. "',""',_,',',."' ,.,_' .... "' """"'",""'" ."'",' .. 'n'.,.,.,.,.".,.".,, ".,. 3:8:8

HAD:~TH TIH!~ I,TY ~N liN E ~'~",",i~'~" ,,,.,.;, .. , .. ~ ,"' , ,,"''''' ••.. ";";,~,;"."."."." .• ~"",.".,,.,,,"''''''',i 390

~e5LS{)N!S DeOiJCIl;D. ". '" '" .',.,. , .• ,.,.,., ".",. ".,.,." •• "., •••• , •• '" ••• , , .. O,! O,!,',',.'><,.,"' .,' ." .,' .,',."' •. , .. "' .. "' ",'",',,' 390

Cfeed.al ,~E'5'Wn~; .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,' ". ". ".,,,.,""''''"' ..... ,,' _,! _,,"," ,,',' ",., "'_"",""" "."' ••• ''""' ,,,',,',',"',,,.,.,., •• , ", •••• , •• , ... JM

}t.lrrstic l~n.5'; ".,.,.,. "',.,',., .,."''',.,., "",.",,. ,,',',' ", .. ""_,' .'! _', .,' _ •• ' ••• _ ,,'. ". '" , '" " , 0"""' "'.,. J'92

Mr:dilt:all.R~s{}n5:: "'."'. " ,.,., '" " •. "., •. ,"' .. ,. ,,",n.'.' " "',",, .. ,,; 0,' .. '. """, ,,',.,' .,' .'.,.'."'. ". '" .. '" " ,.,., ,,' ,J92

j'ijdic;iilf WltOfr5: .,.,',. ". ".,.,." ...... , "",' •. ,"' •• ,',", .• ,' .".' ,,_ ".,' .,' ,,,' _"_.""",'",""","'," e u e '" ,','",".,,'" "., 0" ".,'"' .. ",'.' 39:3'

ILE~$ON~ f~, IDA '\'\IAt'~ fi~~ 0.u.. "VO I'SiU,}!.MJ! .,',." , ,',' .,' ,,' '. ""., .. ".' __ ••• "'_"'."' ,.,." , ," '"' ],95

IIrl!;"Q!TH !N fJ.l:_A,<:Ti.c~.",,, ."'.,,'.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,., .... , .• ,',." ".,',.,',." .. ' •• _ .'; .,'_ .... ,',.',., .','." "" .. ' .. '." "'." "." "., ••. , ,., 396

HA,[)'ITH F'O R,T'V' ,'.;,.·"·,.·"· .. ·",."'.·"·.".,.,,.,~,~,;· •• ,'i,.', , .... ;,."'".;,."'.'" .... ~.~.~. ,." ',!,',!,'~""H''''''''N'''''''''';,i'''';;';,i;, ,391

~£s.so.'!S DEoucrD. ".,., " .,' .,' 0,' .,',.,',., ,'. "" •• , _.,.",-,!' .. ",''';'-' '" .,' .', '"" ,,'.,,'.,," " ,',. ".,' .,' _' •• "._ ,,_,! "',. 397

.Le;.;:1jl(i'1I~ I).I'!I As:celirisrr,J; '" ". '" "',. ". ".,. ""' '" "',""' .. """".""",,, _.' .," _" _ •• '._"_ •• ,,' ".' .. ' .. ' .. ' '"."'. ". "."., .. "' .. ,."' 3'97

Jtut~[Jc .i!,..e:;SQIls.; • """'" ". '" .. '" '"" ,., .. ". ".,., ",. """",",,, ,,' •• ,""", .... ,,! "'; .... ". ". ".;; '"'''''' ". ".,."' .. "' "',,,.,"', , ,' 4{)2

S(J(rai le5~ftru; ." ,,,.,,.,. ".,.,.,. "."' "'.,,"'.,"' ,,,,,., .,' .. , ",',' ",!'.'! .'! '",_.'_.'.;. .. '."'."'.'."" .. ".".,.,. ".,.,.,., ." ,., 40.2

P.:;yci~of(Jogicalle~;ll!)r~:t;. , .• '" '" .... ,',., .,,, , .,,. "", •• "','.' ".! ,,' .,', •• '.,'" '"'.''""' .... ",., ","" •. ,'.'. , .• "., .". """""'''.' 40;5'

1U:s.:iOi\!!) fO~ IDA "WAH fTHr: CAll. TO I'$UAM) ."." " •. , ,,,' ' •• """ •• ,"".,,., _; " " ,." .",',.",.,. 408.

IF1I.I".il]lr~i liN ~";i!CTICE", "'", ",,0; •• , .', •• ",',"" ,., ". ". "."., .', .. ,., ."."." '" ,., ,,' •• , ..... , ",,! .,! ,,!,O,; .'" .. "' ." 'P",","'" "., "." .• ,. 408

No. l ef ~ eo' Ill: 'If Exam p!t'

-- _ .. -

~ ~ A ~lcl "
1 ~1
2:. ~ B, Badr ~
]; ~I T iIl,[!bCl k ~~
~. ~I lll~ l'd-Haith~lm ~
,5" e. J~biir ~6.,
, .
Iii, t HI Alii H;w~ ~- ~ ,~~t
J.~ ~U_-~;(J, (II
7, t K~~l '1\ h (j,diian ,b~,
~ ... ,-
s, ,,;;:, D l[)'ill'ill~lJr j~
91 ~ [)h IDlh'i"iI~Q(Jld a~i11 '~::l~ ,j
~ (t r).1 IR Alr~IR"b ., ~,)ll
"'" ,J~,H
~l 1 j l. Z' b 7,45:aj,
n , ~1'!1aJ~'
~1.2:" lJiI S. S!1r{lh 'J"....
1 ']" ,~ Sh ,t\slil",Sh afJ ~y 'w
~ ~ '~
, ,~
~'4L ~I S. AI~AI!l!J;Sr j~~~
1 .5" ~ II) Dr}i~} ~~
1 6. ..b 1 ,At~law~l'ff u~
_I •• ~
1 7. ~ ,Z]h Al::h~,Zh ihar J~i
1 a t ~A~ ~111' !U !A,ly!, AI-'lllm~ !'Um!i!I,r ~ ~~i l~
1 91• t . .ol~ AI·MI!J,gMw,~lh ii'~
10. u f A~-f,~;tiiha h WWI
,2:1 J Q Banru Qa.y1l111l1t~~· t"'~ ,.:fI':1
'_ 11r.'"
1'2;", ~ K UmFi!i1!1 KuHh Oml _;us. ~
, e-
21., J L Alb L~nab ~ ,
, "I~JI P
2,4. r' 1M IJ mtIJi man ~
zs, w N AIfilI~N;ai$i~',~lh l~it,,,:.l-I
,26. ~ H Hirsdl I~
27', W AII-'Waq i'~ aJll ~;!
.J ", .:':".1 ~:
,281. y Y,: nOb ""
tfo tilt, 11'1_, "-;;-i,J'I;l 'l '\j' II 'D~ Ini' ".~ I il<J, iL

'i:.. '>, owe~s ;b.: ulaClI'lid~a ,liYlaii'iK5

-- -----~ ---- - I

N{'~, Letter 8)1 IE xam 11 le

-- --- ---

t, ,d, ?; ''i4ij I A F-atlhd ~
2. ~\i~ JioJI , AI,-ls,ll'tiirld J.l...;~'N
3", ~_,,-;....'I U ,Al-:Ju mlUl ja~ ~,
,4. J~;~ ~ -~'I AI-HlUdllld JJ.::.:..:U
5,. ~~ I Ash~Shrrk d.~ .....
,Cl', , ~ .' ~
6. p1fl4 ~ i I bin Str1n
, I ,~~ rJ.iI'
7, • A AI·Alu;ib yl fo)! 1
~~~ U'JII
I _,.'1 _
8. ,~ ~~ bJ:i11 IJ UI- 'h ... Iii
~~ ... ~'c,. ' sarnan ~W
9. . ~ AI~lh$:iJw
'~~ ~.,lt.U j~l~
110. ... ~~ ~i ~ Sa'd, As-Sa1y ~ ,~
, -INTR· O"D"UC'I"IIO"N' '10' A· ·N· I N A.·W·· 'A·W-· "'IS' 11::'0'- 'n-'T""'" H··ii·D-II·-i·U

. f". ' . '.' :' I '. '. . . I I~'" " ,I (. _ ,_. '. :",' ~' .. ".' iii' ~ ".": .• ;i. r ~:.: . _,' . - [IJ~':_ i I~· . ._." ",', 1 'I:' _. ~...:_' _ I' ;1

AI~ pralses i'iUld to(II!'ilks be to Alllla,h, ·the Lord of the worlds trI'IJ~ 'Si.IIsla~FJ.er and Protector 0f th~ ~,e:avet~$ and the eanh, me Alrn;l!l'ilg:er ,or e:verythiil1\K {Jotrliceiilni~-lg all the u,etl~ed ~€:rW\lgs- Hesent 'l~"Ile Ml~IS$elilge:r$ (~eac-e. be UflQfJl them) to mankind ifll order '[0 lwide them and explaiin 1h.e ru~ings ·of 1hhe r~~i'gijol1 w~th C0Il1ChJ5~Ve e-viid'~'ll00 and clear proofs,. I pr~.i~4!! H irn for a III H is, 6,~,e~~ ogs, aad ask H ij ill! 'tor Inn Fe of H'I'$- fa!ifor a ii d Gr,ace. II bear witness th at there is no goo b Uf~ A! lah I the One, the Ilrre~,ist'iblei' til L:!: Most Cien~iI'OU5 and th,~ Oft~Fowgi vi ng, and I b~~J w ltness th~.t Mulilarnrrlild is H is S~rvaf!l'~, His Mie$:sernger i and 1:"li $, Dear and Closest' One. He ~s the b es~ ereated beIllig 'M1O' was hun onBti ·w·ith th@ ,Gil OI~i 0 us' Q ur ,. ~In~ wlr. kn is a contin U ~ng rni racle l'hroU'\~hoil,Jt the passage of time. H'e was also honored wilh th,e enlig~"It,e~ed hadi'~1\ wh kh iilli'e F11 HI rked by bel ng '~'_e shortest expresslons baa I;i I1Ig th,~ widest rneanl Iilg5/ and ,ill sc rei ugTou$ tolerance, Peace b e upon hi! rn and ilJlll til e Prophets and M~rtflgel11~ til,ei if fami ~ ies, ~ rid ~i I of '~,.e: ttn~hti'~(nJ$ ones ..

The fed I,owi ng had ~th was reported to -U~ on the dJllil~hority of ~ A~y bii ill Ab II fa,1 i h, "AbdIUIM,h bin M:H1slodl Mtlll:adh bin jabal, Ahud-Dards', lbn j'Umaf/ Ibn f.Abb~s~~Ai"lI(ll,~ b ln Mf~1 ikJ. Abu H u ra~ rahl ,AbO S-a·fld AI·KIt! udry (!fIl~lY AI iah be pleased w i:tll 'tnem) from severa I 50lJKBS Iby d i f~e rent chai ns af na rrations, They ·111 III narrated d1a~ the' M@ss!~mger (jiff' AHah I(p~ac~ bf!'i' upon lri;im) said, !"!"Whoo!tlve~'1 among. my n~rtrfon memorizes fortv had h~i con cern i ng re~ igi'(H.lIs $LJb_~ec~1 Ai lahwi ~ II resurrect him (or i-UElr) 0111 tl1 e DillV of Resu rrecrlon among the gro u po o'f ,( ~siam if:) i u ii~$'~ ,(ili!lid $C h©~tIJrs ... In another narration he (pettce· be upon nim} sald, 'i!'AH:ah wiilll 11'~5L1neLtt him as .~ [uristlc scholar, .... I'n '~i:e tJ'i~ilrr;Jd(}.n of Abi.J,d·[)alrdiU~ !h€ (p~a.c€! be UPDIiI hinlll) said, i\l~ wi III be a 11 1Il1F.eir·ffiS.:Sor and a whnl(!SS for hlm on ~he Day of R .. esurrectlon. ~ In th e narn~lj~~on of :Iblll Mas'erG ~M~ '(Ipeace be upon him) said, "lt vl/'r!1 be' said t-o ~i1inf1IIIEnl1?r Pal'CllcliiS'e from anv door YOl!! wl.s.h. I I'!' In '~Ile narration of'l~nl 'Um~r he !~?sac@ b.r.:!' upon h htd said, ~ He w~ II be' wriU~n ~'5 one of the ,gmup of seholers, a nd res urrected a F1f'Long me gro up of martyrs, I< B lit til e hadith ruernorl zers a,gr-ee' that th is :i 5 a weak had i'~h I despite its maiW so lIJ rces.

Scholar~ (may AHah be pleased w~th~hem) have aliso wlliitil:el1l rna ny comp~ lafio ns 011"1 this subject. I! have asked Aillah~ the Exalted, '~or ~ighf gUiidanoe ~n a.1II o~ the forty hadith, fol'ow~rI,g the example o~ '~l,e great irnll~ms (le~deliS) end defenders [Jf lslam,

The schol a rs agree that ~'r is permiss i bte 'to act .acCQord' ng to a we2JJk h,adBh :i I'iI vi rrueus deeds, 19 ut. i ifIi spi I,e of t1"1 rs, I do n,C'J'!: depend 01' th is h~.d ith, b ut rillth~'I' on what the Pf\Op~'nell (pea,ce' he ~jPt}li'l him) $;'3.i(11 Tn~ite authentlc hadith, whkh is that he (p!;;ace be UPO'U1! h lrn) said, Jilt is ~nc umbsnt on those, who aJ(\E!: present to i nform '~'l;o£e who ~iie a bsent, iJ and a I So his sayi ng, N M ay Aid an b r~gh'~e\n ~ man who hears a ,sartiirng; '~r'o:m me, grasps it' correctly I- and passes. it on to others ] ust as hie ~as 'he~.rrd it"'"

There a'l'·e scholars who gatho(~i'~~j~ony hadlth on the prlnciples of the 1"'e~i:~iionJ others (oi~ect,~ th~~n on dm(iJr~n'~' branches ofJ the reiigion such as: _nh,3d I(fighting Tr~ the Ca use of AJ I ah), mora ls, speeches, and a II! of ttl ese a~-,e righteous goa !s~ mRJY

All ah be pleased wiJlh 1!!hei r seekers. Yeti I h~v~ $oughr to gathef fa Ity h(l)di~h wh leh cover a wider.vt!ld€ty of '~pics ~11,;]ll1th@s@ SChO!ClJfcS gatherEtd!. Thus, these 'fo~ty haditb

include ~~! of these ml0'iJ 1:' as, ea""'"Ilr, ;i"j,'f them Is '';j'p imiViill't'''iI'i'~'Ii'iI'';if',-'nl:--:f ~'1- .1",.,· .. - ..

_"'_,"_'- _ I!;I!_ _ _ _ _ ... __ I?'_ , !,..~!I ... \, _ __ _ _iii ;;;!!_~ _ ...... _ .,al'ut !I"-~ 11'ICIt-" 0 (ilil [llle fie:u!gl(UlI •.

The scholars (l1ilay AIIII'ah be, pleased wrth [hem)1 have described each ,o'l them a~ a cornerstone of rs13Jm or as one hal f of i't Or one dl i rei of ilt:, ,@tc. In comp:il! i ng these 'rowly ihadith" ~ have been carr-eJUJII to incl ude authentic one$'t most of which aw~ in the TWD Au(,n.entJc CoUecli'o.ns of Hadith of AI~·aulkh~ry and Muslim ()lin!)}, Allah be m erclful to ~hem).

All tihoSG! who seek the IH ~r'~l'~r' 'should RI1G'W these hadith, for they 'inc! udJe th Ell m05'~: ~'m~Qltal'ilt dLdies.~ good deeds. and acts of obedience.

My rel la noo Is on '~h!e Generous OIiU~j a nd '~(Ji Hiiim I I eave i'lIlY ~.ff'ai rs andtrust. T G, Him mhe praises alild tha Ilks ait'ie d llJe and jit ls hy Him thaJ[ we are gra m,ed success and Pc mtection .. ,

IB~~sk ~ni~O rmatlom H ~s Ii rneage} birth place, ,the' beginning of hi'S pfofessi:olll3.1 I if'e, and his inter!est in knt(l,wl!edle.

1m3 m Ajn-Nawaw'Y~$ fUll I rI~me ls MI!Jlh,i yudJ,.DTn Ab~ Zakariyy.a "~tahy,~ bln SI!1,i!1,raf bl nl MUlml AI~Hiiz;i!llf1I1Y AI~Ha'w~ rl by A..sh..shafi1y ~ He had t'he 'fide of Sila ikh Ai~rs~ilJm (the,

G o"-!iI ... ,,1 'S,' _ i.. 11 ~i'" iI";,' ~'~II:~ -m\ ~ I~"J ~,~ ~i'~r""'~'\i!i; if"IU'i;"i!"i'~""" U'; -"~ii!!i!f .. ~ Ci"" ..... pl latl n"'uj!' .. i"j,.."I :,'':A ,II • .,."

I !:I,lliLI c! i ia~ "-",I' II~,![IL, _ J ~L !I'!. 'I .... n', 'VII'" I", I: I, If"'! IVY.:! u"Z",,!U; !.!I ~ V,I ~!, I a V! 'I'" ,[.! I ~U wvrl'i.OI'.

AIlI"Nawawy w~s born In Milll.t!,i;lJII'~m! 63~ A,H. in the Nawa suburb of Darnsscus, aad ~ n 649 A. H. he moved to the ~t1w,ali lfYah dl MV'ict W seek Iklr1;o¥illedge, ~ n Ar~ I!taw~] iy¥ah1, An-Nawawy led an ascetlc :1 i~e and reairrlJE~d dii'!Terefill 'b ranches OI~ lslsrruc knowll~dFi~- He' ~talrN~.dle~m,inlg Isl~mi'c iI,HUsprudei~!ce aooorCling to the Sn:liti'~ry Seheol as taken from 11\.\1'0 major ref;~~ellee books, IU- Tanbin (Th~ W~fnil'1gJf which h~ learred by 'he(iJr~ ln four-;lncl~-hallf rnonths, and Al"MrJha.dhdha~b (The R,~fined)j !l larger book of which hfe could Q{J1ly flnish a quarter 'i'l1 eiJ11ltn"'mQrtths. He studiedthe latter boot{ under ~l ls tsaeher A~-Kllm,a I bln Ab_ mad. lL~r~e:rJ An-NCLwawy '5'~t, out to perform H~,jJj with hls 'f;a~h@f.1 '~o~ lowl ng wh lch he sta,yt::d irlll Med ~1i.a for one ~ nd h a ~f months!

She:iikh Abul-Hasan hln AI~JA;ttt~,r reported thiIJllman'l An-Naw;fJjwv said to hIm about him self! ~'~ used to attend t:\¥elv'e, sessio ns ~ daY,1 'MOi 'I essen sail A '~Was:5'f~ one ~~ ,AJ-Muhadhdhab (r.lm R @UH~Hj)l one OiF!1 [be TIN'Q :2:ahifb:s a,e.! The' ,A~rd~en!i'C

C"""it/~"""'~""9i:" :nrf i~J ~,4i~.l1.i"'I f': ,'~,I~Bil kh~r~to!l;ri,.J ,~JII~"!!'irl-) , One .0 n 5~ "h' ".~ ,~.~"" ~ ':'" r. one on ';IJ, ,r_,

.... ,""' ... "" ... u- !',," V ~ ~!.,L!;,1! r ..... , n,_ _,.... fi;lL I' ;;;1. ~ ~ !!O', fOIl .. , _, ,1 , _;_ ![.Ii.:._I!_! twU5I'Hl1, ",A ~

,Lu.ma:~ (A. Guide i'n lhe f~.mda:met:u:;a,is of,lu.rj5prud~nce) by ibn J~'nn¥,on~ 0111 '~isMhu' M,::Ulli'q fA. Lexicon on Lo.i1kl ene 'OVl A~ b it con] ugadon'l one 0111 the, Prl nci pi e;;of

JI u Ilil:s;'I!I'" u;..J:C'{n,rf!i' ofrle onthe J NaJm~!!i, of M£ifij,j 'L~_, ,th~' h '!ii:-id,ti.'.. ,lfii"'rr"'~ " \'1" . ..:i ,f' "l'~ III," ,

f'" 1;..1"", '''i!1 ,_... ,~:.... , '"'_ ~, 'ir, , \' 'I .. , ,'!i' .. ,o[_!!id, Ii! I: ~"IL ,(!t'vr:5/,r a Ilu ~ 1111 HI Y 0 1lIE:

on ~he P ri ncl pi es of Rei igicm.

H~ silJidJ "-:1 used 'to CO mrnent Or! all that was related '00 tll ese books, s ~~rdh as e,~plaillfliinB wh~NtV@\f W~I~ tlJmibi,gucms, cfa,rii'fy~{1Ig expressicns, and co nredinlg: rheir languEi;ge. AI ~(l:h j the EXnl'~ed" blessed myti me, "~I nd ~t ncc.~rred W [Fine to' study moo id ile" so ~ begal!1 to ~audry The Ca,l'1on of Med,klr'Mil' ~Jy Avicen nat wh [,dil wearied my heel rt. ~ slayed ~Oli SiO:lne~ifniE' unable t\o carry on my wo,rkr and ~ became worri:ed ab-ouit my5ei~fl iSO I ignored nre Cano!ft ,of M!~diclue. and '~1y heart retorned H) its fljOm1{!j~ stai~€,'"

Hits, dilligel1Cle, memorlzatlon, an d asc@tiic'i'sm:

Ibn A~-' A1t~t '~1 student of Mi"'N aJw~wy} sald, ~ Our 5h~'ii~kh i(j\I!l- N,awawyl '~ni1.y Allah, thie Exalted! be mere ihd to' h i 1~llcl inkl me 'that h e di d '!1{JI wastE:: Ii me, nelther d ur~ nlg the day nor during; 'H1,1i: night not ;W€!!I~ Ifn uh~ ~u:~eet Hie said '~Iliat' he' remained stll!ldyin~ for slx vears, iThnd th~Jl he started writing, teacnin~~, advi':s'irn~! and adhe!ij'~"g to sp@€lking '~11~' t1n.JI1hi'~' ln ,i!ldclli'~iOI1l to eX,e.rlinig much effOr~. praClic~i1i!J strict piety, gftayi,ng conscjous of A~lah,r re.'fi'l,ing himseU from illiri1'p'uriti'esir and cte!'!,llIiing: hnmse~f of lbad illl'tejTJt~i(]illlSi he was a 1150 a griE'Rt msm orizer of the hadlth" ,"~$ branches, it£ IUIJr'i!at:ors~ and its degrees or a I.lti~eMic ily. H~ was one of lh~, most !e1ffii,d,ent schoOll an :of th~ Sh,~fr~ iy Schoo' of lslamlc JilJriispru~l:eru:,e:,

Sheikh Ar-Ra~Md bin A~-,Mu~illll:im said, -!rl eensured '~le Sheikh, M~,!!iyud-ntn for not ellteri ngthe bathhlOluse' (which was a ~ 1 ace o'f I U~lJlry a:! 'Ih~t ~lr(i!e) ~nd h is rollow~ng l'e~uiiiL[~OrlS in terms, of food, clothlng, and other requlrements, IIHI,~s.o eensured him for his fear c,l' being, sick th~t hindered h~'M from wor~. U~or'! that Iile, s.cl~d~"'Velri~y~, so ~nd so' 'fasted and VI/OTsh i 11 pE! 1:11 All ah ullflti I hls ski n became :gieel1l. He used to ~Ib$t~~ir; ~rolM eatlng fruit and ve@:,eMb~es l1lay'iirn~~, II fear thalt my body mTgnt betOime hyd rated I wh kill wij II send me to si!:!!ep,/ ....

Shelkh AIlI~N.a.wawy used to take one mea I ai~ n i gIFlir~, and tD ,d r'i n k once b~fQ[1e dawn. Ibn AII-~A!!~r Ultl'ed to eonvlnce him. to eat fruit, but Ihe replied, l.ID8JrnClH:icU5, is fuH of endowments 1I1ld prnpe I'ty 1Ji1nde r guatd i~i~sh ~ p a nd tJi sposa I'! Th eN a re not al k~w'€d to be used 'by a nyone except the~ r owners, or fo [' sha 11iB'C I'Op pi Il1Ig~ and '~hefe, are controversies ccnceming thr~e, So hOfW ~WI1 II allow fr!yse~f ro ear '~rrom them?"

AI~; A!!;&r w ro:r,e hi ls blogra.phv i n slx notebooks,

H@ used nor to accept a:n~r~h~ng from hls ~tudent5~ and rare~y frorn other people'. A poor m(1fi! once offer,ed h:i m_ a kettle, and he accepted It, Shelkh Burb a 11 ud-Dln AliI sk~,ncl~y~.ny once i nsisted 'llihat he should corn eand nave brr@aHast at his h ouss. But he rep~fed! ttBrflilgruhe food h,e(,e alil~ Wl! wiml h~we bretikUast toge~her.;:; Hie, ~te from thatff6od, wh ~ch was ACU.I!~IIIY' rwo kiinds o~ fooo,{t!nd some of 'th e 'time he had two d iffere'lll t side, d ishes ttha~ he ate with oreRd"

H ls stancewith the IfILl len: on 'col11lmal11d i n,g; the ri,ghrt:

He: used' '~9 confro nt kings and tyrants, 'w'rth repudlatio ns that llJe wrote 'to them and frig,ht1ened them 'wubh [~l e Pun i:sh ment on AI Li~!h I 111 ~ Exa I ted, He once wrote,

NIFrom dlJi19 servant of Aillahl Ya~ya Alil-Nawaw-y. A.II ants, Pea.rCe~ Mercy and 'B Ires:5n rng be uoon the lb.erh~~i.c;eM' g li,~lrd~a i' i the ki ~g of prl ness, rn ay AI.l an continue blessing him, make him perrworm gOQ(1 deeds, and attain alii hls hopes, amen,

I i nforrn yo LI th at the plBOp I e of Sh~m (the 'I\egiion cU\I\eri n g Syrul3J! P'CIJI estl ne, leb~ non and }orcla fl) are it! distress and in .~ b~d situation, d ue to 'the 1 ~(:k, of rlli'in,ri'

l:helll he me~tiQ.ned 50 malnlV 'ma'lt,ers, and also enclosed a peper for ~Ii'~g A~h~, Znahir" However, '~'Ie king,ls rrespor'n$€ was strong and severer wlh~'ch allil,gerecl ,t\he pSQp~e.

He had also written other leuers oCOifliunalncli !nlg whalf w~s righ'f 'to Kii In:g; Azh-Zh&h ij r. Sh,eikh 1 bn F~r,~h w.as 'o'tJlc'e commenting on a hadlth of She,[ld"l An-Ndlwctw-y and sa ld I ~ S hel kh lvfu.b_i y~d-Dtf1 has reached renks of excellence ~ n three a reas, Each $i'li!g,l~ 1l"(!t~lkl i'~ found i~ anvoneelse, would cause peopl'e 'to bear gl'ea~ hardshlps tlrCl!vel.i~lg; to Irn~~'irl (ill order to henBTiJ from hjm), They are kFlowl'edg'@'~, ~150@:Ndsl1ll~ alild cormma'ndiri,g; the r'ig~'r and 'fforb'idd~ng the' w~lOng.1I

t11i's deaths

The Sheikh ~r,~\ieled ito visit jerusalem and 'F~~ljmerj Ito NiJjwliii, after wh ich ile: became ~n rill his ffath'~r'"5 house ~lid died onthe 14th tJ,f R~"i,~b, 676 ,A.H.


Alii ~:r:a ises ~i~d t~anks be to AUt!Jh. Wf}; praise H ~~1\ ask H ~n1 for ,11 e I Pi ask fur FI ~'5 Forg~vene5<sl and seek 'Fef~ge in IH ~ m from our evi i ccnduct a nell sln S" To. $U1cl1 as A'llalh guides ~here can be no rn'jsll'eading and to such as Allah rejie!cts from His G U I dance, th ere can be no gu udarlce.

I bear wlltfl'ess 'Ihail there is no god but' A 111,ah ale ne, He, has no pertner, and I hea r witness '~h~,~ Muhamril,ad ls His Servant and MeSS€,[lg~r'I' His l~tTmal'e ~nd Hi:$ best Friend, f'ei'lce' be upon him, upon hils, ~Ii"niiy, and upon alii of his. Companlons .. ,

lndsed, Allah~ the l.ord of '~h~ worlds, is the One vVho preserves this l'eHg,101l11" H~ hasassigned si ncere protecto rs and great 5iC~O~ aW5 of mernori zaticrt to the had ith t ~rid illilJrrnt,o"rs who spent years. collecting and commenting 'Q!I,I 'them- Their' blessed effcrts rres ulted in h urn a red iii of boo K5, i t:l rna flY vol umesOH I~e' ~1i,adJrh and the b ranches, off 'its sCI ence,

As, th~ h ~dl th 1$\11 e i fi'terpreta:t~(m of the G Ilori ous Qu r .' im~ ttl er~ffow,e 'Ih ~ effort IQf ;[hOS!3' men who iinrt-i3:rpre:~ '~h@ hadl th is ,con;;;idered ,0 ne ofthe noblest means at bel ng dose 'to ,NII,atl ,a~d 1.$ the best am 0 I11g a III good deeds,

lndeed, Ai~ah ~lEliS fflv'ored me by mCIJidng it possible for lIl~e to imitate those who h ~ve kr!:l:J.,\\d edge and U nderstandi ngl hoping to aeh I evs success and '~('I.lv~~tl 0 Ill:

Im~ta'rle.. :if YOLlfl'e riot like them fOI'~ inl~t~T~ing nobles, Is salivation

~ til rs'~ tnek nori O@ of ~h il]. book An-NawCI\N)/s For~y H~,dil'h as lit gave me, comfort ii n ~h,~ kMi,eni["!~S of my emigrafitH]. I:n fact, m,y r-e'laliiofi] wiim it goes back to' my ,early ~ rte~ as I loved ~.~ passion atJelly and I II ovad a I ~ the hadlth fin it

I started co III m~:I1U ng 01111 U hy ,tin€! end of 1 98,5. Yet, 'rh€' responsl bti i'iiti es of the Calli to Allah" ,~poc:li!I,I~~llil F'r(!ji1lce~ and a large ·~mO'~iT~' of tr,avlf;llilt1!g dela¥,~d i~s c:ornpll,e~io!~ until th~' end ,(]:f T 9'92. So II pratse AH~hand tha["Ilk Him for I'hils gre~l '~~vor.

Now, why chose .An~N,awawy"'s r.onv HaidirJl' in iitsel'fT all~hough he (A1!1-Nawawy) ~5. nei ther the :fli rst nor the I ast (perso n~ who has com p i.l ed ,"'th IE: Forties ~ (a type or hadiith compilation 111u:t gathers fDrt,y comprr,eh@nshJl~ n,[J,dTtn ci:ea,Hng Wit.l1 tile (~iffereliit' tcplcs tha~ a M~s'lim needs to krH'w}? M(ilI!1Y Vl/lrit€'f$ have praceded hifiJ'i1 in thi 5 fij,elld .. Nevelr~hell ess, A,n-N~:v.ta INY~S Forty l~adi.~h stands alone due [0 a n 11 .. I'Mbf::1w of chfln~ct,erils;~iC9'i the m 0'5, lrnportant ·oiff '!r'Vn i ch are:

11. II: ~'ndiid,f!$. most of wh(,l.'~ a believer needs to know fer his 'plre$e.liil~ 11i':fe' ~nd the h@:maif~·~r~ 5UC:1rl as the pr'i nci'pl€!S of :beUef~ j udgrnents, transactions, and morals.

2. ~'I conta ~ ns a selection of ,~u~ shortest expresslcns that b-e-ar ~'he 'w[d,e~f mea rli~ ngs .tIill1d precl ous wisdoms, wh leh till;@- noblest of men M uh arnmad (peace be upoln hi nn) WHIS favored with, It ls recorded in Al,e u'kh~ ~y a rid:

Musl itr~ 'that Abu H u ra i ~~h (may A I hl~~ be p I ~as~d Vi.dth him) narr((f~~d that the pfiQphet tpeace be iJPOfil h iim) saiidr ;1'1 h ave been sent whh th e she Fiest

expressions ~~.tt bea r title \i~ii}dest mean in~s. II AI1-·Nawawy (may A~ ~,ah be m~·'Cifu II to hi im:) sa~ d, ~ilAcct:JM'inB to 1.Mndfl came to ou r ears Olhe ~lrmr1:e$t @l{p~ssio~'s th;ut bear the wi'd@S:t ffi@aruings) means 1D1illRt Alh:lJht. the Exalted, gath ered fer him (th e ProDhet peace be upon h ~ lTd mtJJllY maIDtHf'5; that used 'to he prescribed ~ n the. PI'HVioU5 hooks i fI OfJ)e ali" t"ioVO $.~ rlgle ord~jf$." ell'

),. Its, hadlth .~rtI~ cornprehensive, as they are considered asthe cornerstones (ilf ~s.l~flI,\ or one ha I.f 'Oi~ ii t or one. th 1 rd, ow OrI~ fonlhi •.

4. ~t gai ~~ecl a 1!,0iI 'of fame as many people mem.o[1i2:~d it and Allah made 'ut 1JJ5e,Tui for them. due to '~he blessed and (I\i'"; .... d :'·- .. 'tQ;,o;i"'··~.i"ii of" .~~ .... ": 'I,

_ . /. . . _ .............. .. _!U bVV. IIII~~I'L!I!LI'III . 1~5 CDmljJl eli,.

Scho I ars made so mBiny 00(11111 mellltl'l ries, (::t:;rurifi:ca1iolils,/. and comp l,aThi ons on .it IU n·et I ~t: was sahjl, that d'~y had cou Fl/t~ fli fty-one commentarl es Oil ~t; some of thern 'wem' hll ~i~i nted '(,Drmi some were 'Mi!in U5-Cli'lp~i snd o1h ers iBlf'ie nowh ere to be feu ndi.

~ Ililallled thls book, wlhfch IS in your hands: ,r(Jahul-Ma~a.ny AllR'tla.fiyyah fn,,:Arba~,in An--Naw;1I wlyya.h (Clari.(iC,:Ui'Ofl of dje H.fdde~ ~ lVt~anii1gs of An .. NawB'wy'., Forry Hadi~hJ. ~ n h. III followed a new me.tI1Jod~ wh lch ~ s cl~ fferenl: from 'pr,ev:iiol.l!s ,oom ITu~~"t;a rii es 'i n ml~uly w,a.~~S" I s;~r~d with the biogra~hy of 111Utm A,'flI'"Nawawy'

(m~,1;j AIIIII~h ~e: marir'u~l.ii~t,\!"I, h im' ,'!!i'ij'iid' I"Ir\\:i;i."<:!i;·'iI~J '1j:L.;g ··'iiti!'n.i~·. :::I'!:"'" ~f hls I,,:. "~!' .. the '.1

""'r ~. I.! - '"' '11,,-... I!I ........ J rnl!~ I,>' ....... '""I!II~ ~ll ... III .IIUUUC Ion u. .IS IJOOK., ~ ern

foll awed the followi Iilg me1hod ~

I handled the hadiith in their oml'gin,a~ order w!l:h !~O '~~rth€r c~tegQwiz'atfon or d~5s~firica.~ron, ~ p u~' a brief biogrtiJpJI1fY of the narrator ClJm:i $tal1ed ~h e cccaslo n for the· eccurrence of ·I~e. had i~h whenever ~t was possl ble, After that, tgave a ~ rnguist,i'c explanation of ita wowd ~nB:S ~ n order to arrive ,[it' the I esse 11$· dl~ uced '~·romil I also w~ln,oocl 'to das'Sf'fy[hem r n accordance wijth d iiff:Brnnf s:ubl',ocils an d nurne reus pol nts tha.t 't'fIJ:Riy be '~oq]ottelnl by mal1lY Sl~_IIl)~'n'ls~ tOir hicMeiFil' from 'rhe mind of 'rhOSt;i' opposing this relflgh;m. ~ then presented t!hJem~lowTIl!:Bles&Qn5,: lessons in belief jurisprudence, behavior .• 50delyj. ~lI~iO~BII~'j i[nteUect, IPo,!itics/ ,eoonomk,$~civUi:zati'ofill j tldIU'il~ ent, 1he un del'Sfand ~ ng of the; Calli illllg to AI tlall, etc. 'I then ,C'Qnd uded the book by tr:,oIi ng to apply tlh~ had iIDh to 'the actual I if~ ·gf the M U5.~ ~11I1 Niatiorl today! by looking at our situation through the' had.~~h~ and wha~ w'e have ga~f!,ed from deviaU ng from! tln~. melJhod of our Propihet (p~a~ be upon h im)J, The E );;i!!,lted 5i3JYS!

wnn',on meal1ls~ N And let til OS €!; who oppose 'the Mess.engel":S· (M~ihamrn "d) commiIJ!~dmetn' (i-~. bls SlJfi~u'ilh~ 11~~!il \lIrarys.j orders, acts of w'O'rrshlp~$t~1tewments~ etc .. )

'~m .. ' iii'il!l:!'· t1iJ1i!!ii i!!;i!!I",I\..,I, beware I est some F itlil.""1iI I . ...!I n'+"~1 l.Df '~r'I"~I'~' ·,ffl i'"'~'i;('j,n'~. o!1!'-'i,;r'!h{!j. ~I~~~

\!'I . !11i;' _. ~ "";"''''''''1 l,;I'!;; ~ '"'/ ..... "'."""" ..... 'I '!;I! \Ii.!::!' \o!!"'" 0;;'1 ~. {'! .... f ('t _ .. 1.,:~.1 'V . "'I' ou;l!;IIl 11. . "'IIU(!!'i.""' ... ~

ki ~ I i 1Il~! overpQweriln,~ by .rI. ty rant, etc.l hefalll them Or a pa i nful torme nt he i lilA tcted Ci i1 ·lheH~. ~ (An-rN10r, 2.4: 6J)

,I asp lred te c I a ~i'ly and be as clear as II cou lid i 11 til is book for the sake· ot tku~· respected reader. !I'f I iIIm graJllI~ed 5~CU'!SS.~ then, it is. due 'Ie the Ai d of Alltlh,! but if ~. was i1~gli~emf then n~y cOfll$@,h)l;(iQfI! ts In the $,ayirlg: !O\~ ,llbfl Raj~b A,I.·II-laW1lb~~v", He .say t. i 11 ihlli.s book ,A.j\··Qawa IJd m-fiqh (Princirples of ] ~'r~s{plrude'llioe} J i! AI ~ah refuses 10

gJ!'al[1lt i nf2IJ~ II iibi II i tytol alny other book I~,cep~' H lis, EklOk. The j ust o:ne· ts ~h.~ person who fu~~w$ I::iitl~e mistake 'Oi' I3JIM~tlM~1" ~~ho has many ;gQod poi nts."

i fisk A 111,aJhl~. ~he E:~;tJllrUn'll to .acc-ept th i:s workj. make ~t a. saved p rovlslon, and f~;Hgi\i'-e II'lllry parents, Shei kJhsf fe~ l:o\,iV5~ r-eia'Uves·l, b€,irwedi ones, and a:Fliym~e who ~as. hellpoo with some effort un Hpreading~1Ii.s commii;I'iI'WlrYI ln readlng, IPos~hi!&. ~rIld um::I@rs'tancl'ii~;g it. Arnen, .May Alllhldl b$IDW bless i ng and peace upon eur M uhamtnlad and h is f~Jrr)'i hI. Our ia/5t i nvocatien i s that all pmi:ses. arnd thanks be to Allla.1h i '~-1,e Lord of ~h e worlds,

M uhamtm'ad 1 atay

Toulcuse ._ IFranoe



Alii pir~i5e$ loe to Ai I."h ~ 'Who c[mffe rred upon U~ lhe bono r to b~· ,at the service of Hls R.e I lglon, B Ilessi rigs and peaea be upo 11 the Prophet. MI~'h~mima{l, wI"! o was sent wi,tll the ~uidalit!£l fo~ a,11 IP@iopl e, regard ~,eS6 of their race, [com p I exlo n, ,or eli I III r al or e:ivi I~ii zat i'otJ1a! orig~ n,

An·Nawtl.wyl'$ Forty" H,8!dii't:lfll a re a collectton o'~ some o,f th~ most baste ,an(;l ,cr~l)d~1 concepts of bOi~lh the e reed and the law of lslasn, They hf.IJveth elieTOl'e been '~~ focus of m.:iny a M,usl im sdholla.. th roui@llhout 1'1i1;e, ,~g.e$1 who h ave fol Ilowe~:J: cli'~~ef1e III meth odolcgl e5 wh,en emhsrki ng upo n the @:~ ph'! natlO~'i '~hl~s small, yel essentl al, collectlo Il O'~ nadith .of '~h e Proph et '~eace be 1.1 pen hi m). hi til i s p~~'~lt wo,i'k!, t~e, ,~U~hOI' attempted 'k'O hii g'h I i glilt ~he mlJJl1y covert j'eS5GH'US, tha.~ (.3)[-] be d Bel ueed on d i(ferent ~eve I s from ! If'IIl;[UYI A.ii'nN,a';iiIJa,wy":s co11ection of ha.i[~llhl p~;[IJd illS a great el"ll'lp bas ls on 'CQntel"lllp-Olriuy ~'5S U®'5, That is 'i.rvhy I, us· work has the ;aPfJear;()nc:e of ghd illS d'~~Slsnfied lessons from eve·ry sl ri'l(g~e had ir~n.

DUllFi!llg the tlr,!:i!,fi'lI$I:a;liQn, we comm ilt[ed <0 urselves to coord i nate closely w~~h til e a n.Jm or of the original oAr,abie book, Mr. Mi.!ihl~mm~~ l~'~ VI to d~iiify JJjrnbrgll,,'Qul$ '1)('!$S~ges; '!IO mo:di'fy or rewrite certala parts of the translation '('01' it 'to sult an En!i;lis~]sp~aki I!lig a udience, and fOoii other related I,S$.Ue:S. Th ~ 5 coord i: n ~l.'~~on~ '~C1gell1er with r~e lnslght o.f th,e editor, helped us pmdw:,~~h~'5 '~riIJn5Iartion~ which we hope be useful to a I ~ Muslims worldw ide.

The '~i'a.flsl~~'imlS) of the Glorious QllIr '~i"I were p~!aptecl from The Noble Om' ',~~, by Dr, Muh,ammad "Tftlqr~!;I(~Drn AI~HI~IJI!~ and Dr, ,MlIIhamm,acl MlJn'51n 1K1n,~Il; KIng lFahd Complex for the PII'i nti 11 g of the t-iloiy Qur: ,anI Mad lnah I K. S.A.

AltholLi)3h the hadi'~h w~'re translared w:itklo~t the'li;r h.i~! chains of ttan$rmi55j'olll~ attribuHon has been made to thei r origi nal recor-d i n gin the di ffe~~~-"~ had I th compllarions. whlch iWfldude S~hih AI·61lld~,iilry~ SaMrh Musliim~ Sunan Abu Da\'\fIOd. etc

We wo u I d li ~.e' to express our th~nks to eV@'lryo n ~ who took pad 'Or contributed to 'file 'PII"Oci'Li.-Ct1:0i'il O'r th is '~I'anil$latio'l\ I~u-ti cui a liy 'tID Mr. M t]lf,lam mad Tatay I author of the Arab lc book for h i:s understandl n g and flI,~ i bl Hiy;~le edi'ID'r of' th e IE ng~ i'~h tra n511~~~o~1 for her efforts H no i fJ1S,~ght; the' 'mra fI$·lla:to~s 'For til e~ r eno rrno LLS ,e1ffort' to ~:radu;(:€' th'!s \\lork; snd the lslarnlc researcher whc provided ~II the· advf(~'! expla na~il(,u't~i references req iJl red! for ~he tralns'l a,flion process,

FiIT'!~~II,y,~ ~~' 'fj1ray thatthlstranslation w'ill provlde !Useful illfa'li'l11atiion and afl.';Jke m al ~ its maders!- ~e;gfIJJI'd Iless of 111 eirr background, and that they m HlY 8J111 be.nefi'~ 'from it We' also hop-e th at ~ II our- efforts on this book wi II be co unted among () Uf good d:~:ed:$ with A~'I;a~\, ,th~ A~rllliigh ty. Amefh.

111~' 'T ranslator


The Em~r of ~he b~iiev€r$~ .. Abu IHaf~ JUITH~rr bin A.1~Kha!!tib (may Allah be pleased wijt~ ~iiml!l1)t ~~.;l!rratedi 01"1 heerd the Messenge:r of Allah {Ipe~.'oo be upon 'Irrdm} :5ay~l1Ig. 'Th e r1lBWHI rd of deeds depends upon the trnoolnr~iQn5 and leverybody vi/i IIII be rewarded a,CC'Q rd i: 1"1 g to what he :h~15 in tend ed. So Wh03'\f@lF' '®!"!~i8r~lt~d for (tn€ a use 00 AI ~~h and Hi's M€$s€:~lger .. h~'s etrli~gi"'atiol"l \'\185· for AI~,alh and His Messelllger~ and whoever emd.gra·~ecl f()iI" woddly benefits Or to marry a WO,f1Ii·(I n, 11 i'$ ern iglfaJtio n was fo'r 'Ihat whlch Iii€; ~tJr"ilgrllted.!!O (IRecorded by AI-:8 IJJkn~ry and Mus'l ~ rnl

Albgu~' the .NaJr,31I:(J:If::

The narrator is j U I1U~IF bi n A.I-Kh,at!~.b.,. He was bam th Ii rt~~!!l y€~lJrs· after ·tI,e Ye~ If of ~1!'~' E 1'€P~l ~.~)t (Uhe y'€<ar 'when Mec'CaJ '~\las a'U;iicked by peopl e rid i:n(!l QW'lJ elephents a~~cll ~ I so 'ijh!e "i,eall' i~] will kh the Propnet· {p®aGe be upo n h i 1m) was homl). Ailiah glJidsd "Umar ~[), embrace 'Islanil 'iln the sixth vea.r of the Prop:hef.$ mission, after ~~'iiry other m en and eleven worn en h ad a.keadly em braced 1.s!tMrJn,. The :sl~)ry bell i nd his acc€pl~t!;Ii!~'e' of II,sll~m 1'$ '~'hal his s.IJ$·tter fa,~i:m~h and her t1usba'flld Sa/I'd bln Yt:u:id (he was on e of '~~Ie lien who were '1 ~.te,l' prom ised w~ In ,ente rij 1lI~ IP@Ilfadi.5eo) Ihad! em braced ls'la.r:ml. When 'Umar heard al!tH.lt· thls and went lO ceH~li:~a.te· her, she rectted the Q urI ~n to h fIIn and AI.I ah bestowed ~ slam upon him. He- €:rnbriIJc,~dI Isl.all'lf1 and werrlt to' see the Prof]h et {peace be upon Ihi m) i~ a. house: at .A,~§~f~. and decla red his acospta 11 OlE' .of 151 am. The M usl ims [.[i~ter@drh:@ T,Llkbjr ~.s~yfng ~ AIIH hu akb8Jr (Alllah is the C rre~te$t;.;;), as 'they were S!Q happry wilti! the' news. Then he wen'tt to' a g~theri n~, of the Qu,ra,ish and declared iil them '100" lh@: Pr,oph,@t. ClliN!lOO be upon him) CEll led h~ m .Abl!.li H:af~ (1=1 a~~! ~ s one of the n a It1I!es~'Q~' ~he 1 k~II"II) becau se of h is Mric~~)e$5· eoneern ~ ng tha Truth. !Hie a I so cal I~d ill 1m A:I-F ari]ql ~tlh~ S~paramr) beca use· he' had ~elP~.liated beiween rig~llt an c~ Wroi~g by acc~i.Jtl ng ~sl~n\ between til ~ pm~:151 amic era and Islam .. and between '!he light and darkrress, 'Umar was also one of '~'Ie ten people prom ised with enter! n'g Parao is'~ and he was ona of th e Ri ghtl y""G lUided C~iii'ph$'. He h~d a re!.~.tk)nshir; '~~'rou,gh mr~rr[Jag~with the Pil'fJ~!het (peace he' UPO{fl hii'm) (,as '~h e Pimp her (pe'ClJoe Ile upon him) marrl ed hlis daugh ter H;"jJf~al~}. IH ~ \I;.~~lS Q rl,e (lif th~ gr~al,~t sch clars ,~HflriOng ~he Co~np.a~i'O!l s, l!ila~it:it~irlg five h undred ana '~hi ~ynine hadlth, It hi ~110u~h tlr.at tAJbdul~alh hin Mi,liS~ll'd sald about hinf'll~ ~~!Um r's ~mlblracing Isl~rr! was a 't.[fli!JmpnJ hV$; em'fgrMi,ol''l was ,d vk,h]:ry~ and hliE po!silicm as ·~h.e IEm tr was a rn ercy to '~"Ie Mi.Ji511 i'n~$. ~I

Occaslan oi thJl~ H adi.tllru::

Ibn Ma:s;j Qd (may Allah b~ pleased with h in:ll). sa rd~ t'Wh CH!:V'er emi grated fOll"bhe need of so rnerh i f'I:I1 Ii L~ lennl~s~atkfi n \~I~t5 for ,~~.~ 'w1hidh be ern ~gtcl,'t,®d. Once d rna n emigrated to mm'ry a we rrian called U rnm Qa.i:s. So he was k nowlil as tJ rnrn Q~i s' i rnm r gril!f1t;~ Tlh~s· $'~~1t'e1J'tril;@:}1~ was reconled .~.I$.O by A~-T a b~ra Illy i n di1f;fe~1ent word i ng~ as f(.d~ I O'W$'I "There was ~:. rn Hill arno llig U5 who had proposed to ill woma i:l cal led LiH-"ii. Q?.i('1 but she refused ro m~rFy hiim ti:ntil he ,emi'gli'.!iI.'~d., $.'0 he dlid 'tnatl aad then mafd~d her. SO WI~ used 10 call hum Umm Q~isj lrnmlgrant."

'When AJh]h intends goad tow someoae, He opens his mi nd ,and: h elps h ill'n to understaod, stucl'y~ and learn '~h.e ihhlden rneanlngs in this hadlth, wlthout '~1iil~ he will ~ be, UililaJble t.oO ~rasp a WI the 'Warni Ii1g~1 lessons, exho t1a.'I'iiQf'lISI.' laws, a. ild rules to wh~ en the, h,~di t~l hi, .11 reed 'i/ QT' i nd i:reody reffenll1g.,

May AIII~lh bless I m~m A$h~Shiifi 'v who reall'i,z~d a b~g, pmt~ol1 of the corn p rehens ive know~edge' from thls Baying of thB Plr:OlPllet (pea-ce he Iupon him], He s.a~d that "This had hll can be cat,eg'~')rbed under S'ev'!1nlty dl ffer~'nrt b ranches of j u u'i~5prudence .:"

Some' of the schola rs sa~d '~l~JiI this had ith ~e'llrres~nl:s one-third of lslarn, so 1hey ~ lked to o:p~n th~i r e'[l,mpi la'nmls with if~, as ~ rnam Ab'u ,r Abd u~'I~ h AI~B ukha~y did witih h ls Sahih.

So ,EHlytll ~ Ilig we wlfHe when H stllll1g (the virtues) '0 r ex,p'IIClJi l1'~n~ - as Allah i Iilspilres usth ~ ,(I.iirn s ofth is liI,ad:~th, we' wi III never be ~b~e te reach i'~ essence alnm:~ wi 'III ,i'j ~wtlys J list be on 'Jlrut!, su rface. Th is had.WI 'of the Prophet {'peRce' [be upml hi m} contal ns leSSQn5, explanations, and clartficaticns fr 0 1111'11 a Me$~e;lilger 'Who was sent ~m all h uman be;i:Wl(g5~, f,e,~rr,dleS:5 of '~heir different sclentlflc, ~lional,t and clvl II lzatlo 11· related abi I meso Amongthese 'lessons and waminlil$, are:

(Ireeo:.1I' lessons:

Th is he notable hadnth expla ~ns that ,th~ a,c-c:ept;tnc@ of goa-d deeds basically dep@!nds on sl m::erityoo AlllaJht fli1e Exah,ed and f"li€ir ,Maj1e-3lic", A~ lah saY~1

~' :,:.I ~ ~ ~"

(.~ ~jl~ ~~:~ ZJM y\~ Ilj !J~'I Cj)

",N" 'tr

wh lch mea ns, N And th~y were commanded not burt '1l11 ill 11h@y should worsh i,p AJllah, a!~d worsh iip none but IHli m Ii lone {absfai rdng '~!l)m a$cril~:ing pafitmers 'to H ~m}. IT (AIBal'fy'ina,l1, 9'6:; .5.)-

And IHH says,

wh rch means, IIS0 WCM1i~I~;P Alldih (~Iorr:e:) by dol ng rel'igi'olls deeds si ncerelly for AHah~'S :5 ii.1< e' ol1lly~ (and not to snow-omf~, and not ,tto set up dVilil'$. with Hiim in worship}. Surelv, '~l,e l\ei'ii~iol1 (i.e. '~he worship and obedience) is for AII~ah onlv." ''Az~Ztlmarl 39: 2<3,)

The had~'~h wams IlJS, ~~ lnst some dange reus evils t'lriBlt are Jo.Ulnd w~ln un OIUf hea rts. Theyare:

a. Van ity: The Prophet (peace be upon him) sought. refuge w'uth Ai ~ClJh rna re th,~n once from va,i11tYt because ~t could be t2ii cause of' deeds being performed i ril v,a'in"

b. Ostetrltatilom A ihYPQcri te Im,ay seek 011111 If to please people' or 'to p ~ea~e both people and Allah; i n both I(~$~ his d\eeds a rn v~jn aocold~ng 'to wn('Jjt 'the

Prophet (peace be u porn Ihiim) narrated from me lord of Hon"Q,'j" ,and Powerr'~ He nanamd that H @ said" R'I am the One W~O dlO€'5 n ot st~ll1d ln need of a partner, I'ff' aJl'lI'YfDne does ,iiI,rilyln'~ng i n whi~tl!l he associ ales, ~Ui¥'OWi!I~ ,~I'$€ with Met I aln'l mee from this deedl"l¥AUH~',! the ~'x:al~d and ,Eve~:..Ma,~e!itic.~ does not need a faither" a son, a par~n~rl Or ~f'll a deed t'h~t' ij;s not ,d1one solely for Hls S;djkei.,

S ~nceray is ~he core of the' mHgion t as, AU,~1rl 'says"

whlch means,r "'Say ,0 M,uha,mmad) ~ABgJh Alone ! w'O:l"$lhiip by doing rel igioMS deeds s t ncer€!~y '~or H ls Sake '(]lr1I'~Y and not to showaOlt, and not to set up rivals wl th H'iml i Ii1 WO{r5~' i p, I '" (;\z-LIiJOOall"l ], 9~ 14)

,A'itah condemns the, pert'ormer off pray,eri who is seeki! ng other' peopiJe'! s pleasure, as, HI@, says,

.. -: ~ •• ,~'. ,., .. ,..,. r ,_ II! " ... ~ ~ , _.

(~)lI~~;»r~1_; ~~\,~j~'J~~1J ~~J1 ~~ ~~,~)

P' ~' I' .'!l ~

which means, ~erily, '~he ~]ypocri;(ie$ seek ~o deceive AUalh~ but it 15 He Who deceives rhem, And when ttl ~y sta Illd IUp fa r As-Sal ~l {lh,e pr~.yer)i th{jY stand wii:th laz In ess a m:11 to be seen of rne:tl!:/ iiltH' 'they = do not Ir~member ,A~ la1h bl!l'~ nt~le:.rr {A.fl .. Ni:s~1i/~ 4:, ~ 42:~

And He condemnsthe Ollie gijving charltv SJeekiifl@; people's p [eaSt!lre" as HI e savs,

", ~' ~/, .' .. ,~ /", , .... ', . . ~;/ ':0 _ _.o ,.1' ~'; :,' =. ~ I' } ~ ~ , ,,,"7 ~ .;_ .... " _ ... );,

.d!b ~_ji :i" ~1l\ ~b) :d,~ ~..u;, iSJltl d~"'l~ ,JJ~' ,._-'~U,~, ~J ~ ~~ W',J11. ~1 t"

,I, ,~ r. ~ - II 1 Ii Ir.' iii

~ .,.... _.;. .J. .... _.. .-" ,r' ~ _

I" I~ ~ ;Ii - ... ~ -..i ~.. ~ f' O'l j'l' r'l ~

~ ,.~ ~ J_,~~~ (Jl(:"'" ~~, JjJ ~l:a\~ ~It) ~ J~ %:!~'~ ;>~\ ~j1r,

r" ~ L!' " ...... r" ~ ~ L!'

". lI! .... iii .-..:i {!'

~~)'tiJ! r~\ ~~'~ ~~I ~

,.~ .,..

whlch means, "O you 'Who be~ie¥e! Do not render your SadJaqah (charity) in vaIn by remln(hil:fs, of your generos,uty O;F by iruj Llry~ Il'iike:=hijm who. sp@lflds his weidLl~h to be seen of men, and he dO~5 rM)1 believe! in ,AII~8Jlr~'1 or :in 'rhe' l.ast Oii1:Y" Hils ! i keness ~;s '~'ie II,ij ken ess of a smooth reck on wh lch 1'$ a I:ijttle d us,t;: on it fa r I s hecavy ,~aii 111 wn lch leaves 'iJ~ ba re, 'They al~ [iJO~ able to do

a!1yd~ i.ng. w rth wnatlhey have earn ed. Aln d A Ila:h does not guide the disbel i·evIJIr1g penple;"i! (AI~~Ba~arahi 2: 264)

I iiememh~r 11'1 re:llar1i:~olri to this. subject a good quesnon that Wi!li5 asked off the dllid· 'of the scholars, Al-rlzz bin i Abdlu5-S~I~m.. He was asked aboor ~he Qrt~ who ni~fers a p ray,e WI. pl'Olorn~ll"lg i·~ seekhlg th~ plleasulF,e 'of people, He $fliid~ "l hQIP~ that hls d1.:!eds are not i!il va lin, ~!

Juwifis,tiic Less(J!,ns:

j ~ rlsts say that im [lentil on is th~ ~ nll~rence betweelll acts of worsh i p and h~1Jbhs~ as, wei ~ as, between the cliff'fl'I'®nt acts of worsl~ i p, FO'!r ,examp btl ba~h ~ Ii'Ig Co tdd be done to cool down} 'C'~eCl!I1I of:lese~fl ~erm i nate' a state ,of mit1jtOr ritua II i mpu !'tty j foillow the l'"eHgiiollJs[radi'~io~ ,o:f Ibet'~hii~g on Fridta)l'I' etc, The r,0050n cam~, riot be d~t~rmined except th rough the ~ nie'ntkprIJ.

1: • I ntention is the biJJS i~ 'Clr al Ii acts, 0'6' wo rsh ip i ril lslarn, whii,cn is, wh y tihe schola rs agree 'Ei1;'3Jt' no. act o,r ~MO,r,d1Jip peW"forrr!.~d fo.r its, own. virtue, like oHe'I':iri'l:g, the ptaV1['ii.f~ ohssrvi lag a fast, ii!l.lll[1l perfo rml ~]~ H aj], is coo mplete W'ii~i'iI,o'l!Jt the pres€! 11 G@ or the lntentlcn, but 'r,hey dHlere~ 1r.E;:;gardhlg, other acts of worship like puriflcatlon, for examp~€!~, i'ff someone is in .u 'stHrFe- of maj,(jlr' ritua 1 i mplijr'!lty ~ b U'~ forgets about' lit and 1t:aJk,e-:s a ba'~"1 ,·~o dl eanse hl MS€ I ( what ~5 the j ud~Jllr!H~nt Qrli '[h'il$ act? ,Malli'ki A$J·~·Shi.Wy~ and A'hmad sald in this g,i1'nJa:Uof'! '~h~I;~ "The intemlion is OJ condltion for' ~llrifving oneself from every s,1krIte of impurii'ty.,fI Abu Hanifah said, "I he i rrlitelltioll'l is n (J[ a precond it1 O~l fo r pUlJ'ifk;trtio n with water i unlike Al-layamm IlJIrn '(flily ab I tJ~hDn). 1'1

.2" Intention '~5 i r1I the heart. Scholars ,::t!l,~~e!i;d l~!31t Ii f the '0 ne o:tlferl ng ~rayei' or '~)~$eNi ng a '~.fl~t mad~ hIs i ntsnticn i fl' Ii is heart, withe lift uUeri n g an h'lll:-ent'lon wiulh n is tongue, th is sulTIfii ees,

1. The shr.tement oftle PII'Opnet (p~\8Joe be IJPOIJ'n ~~im)i' "and eV~'I'ybodl')f wlll be rewarded according to wh ~L'~ h ~ has i I1lended/' SlflOW,S that perfon1fii~lg acrs of w,oF$hijp bry IPWo{Yli.y is nor permlssible r"'Ii911 ls depuulzing '~WlJ 'lne same intem:iorli, with :the exceptio n ,of Z~lka I~ {ob~ igal© ry chari Iy) aJnd slau_gl1ter~ ng a saerif clal animal. ln IbOf~h of ID11e r!3l,jjfer cases i:t· ls lawfuII to d'epuihT2!e somecne lr~ the i rt re,tlEio nil fo~ '~he sla ugh'ref and the dij:$nib~!Uo r11 'eve:j1 [of d·H~;re i! 5 the capab~ ~ ~ty, Ln ru!e one making the irutenrri,Dn. Whiiie ln the case of Haj] 1t is 'Ulnl(twfuI to perform CJ.clffi by proxV fo,t" .~omeLl!ifie wno is ,a,~ bJle", '\<\+~€th'E'f' h e has. '~hil! i!!bi I ity to IP1!errto rm it '(]if not, 21 rid wh~~hel' it ilS, an obi i ~[lwry H a] j or a. vo II unta ry one. It is II.~wf'u i '~O IIJ,er(u rm IHajj by proxy tor someone 'W h Q is a;t;i1d who w1~,~,edfo'r ll1 but 1 ~ i 5 uadestrable. i't is also und€!s~r,abl~ w perform Hajj by proxy for someone who meotloned ifr in i,is \li/lIl~t WM['~ delayin~ one's OW~i ob~igCIJtory Haj],

4", :If a wo:rshiper gives up h~s inte~uiorJr dUiilirrrg: his ablution, praryer!, or 'fast", his act is, invalid,,' but this does 11I0t apply to H:::ajj' " There is nothing wrong ~'I' guvl,!i1g up 'Ihe 'i~~tei1tiofill during Haj], I'f semeone :gives up ihij'$ inte!l'tior~ aift,er tN:~lfor:ming an act of worsh'ilPt p!rny€'I', albiUJtloll~ 01" fas~t there ~~ nOl' harm ira ltHrt,

5. Asrof' oaths, the intellltiion is irnpoffilJfIlIt ln many issues such as:

21.. U n i!n~e ntional false oaths for which tfll[~m ~'5 no '~XIPII ano n, lbn ,~ Abb~s idf!nlt~~h;:d 1h~s as, I~ II: ls when a marl says durT rig l1'u$ speecb ar~d wM le ina, hunlt! 'No, by AII,iilil/ :f.1l1d 'Yes, by Alhahl!' without meaning it or h~v~ng '~h@ i !nen:~j'on 'to swear."

A~-MiUn)zy sa,udj 'The uri i ntentn,o na I fai$e oath that' the 5CI1l,O lars a8lffi~d upon ZL$. he:ill1g~a~se' ij 5 when a man savs, 'No, by Allah! land 'Yes, by AI ~.[Ijh~ 1 dLDdln,g hi's speech without thinkililg of it asan oath or "wanting, h to be such. ~

n W[ilIS narra~~d that IAlislfitih l(m!aJy AH,ah be pleased with 'her)! t~e wifeo'ff the Prophet (peace be upon Ih~mJ, said, "The lIil'iirrtemiionali 'false oaths alt'ir~! tl1 G1S<E!: sa i d i III p~CI!yful d)@!batesj on jest, and i,1n speech that is not i 111 eamest, /l

b Similar to the i.!11,irlterU'ionaifall$e oath in which l~ere '~5 neither Hi violation in tlh e oath nor In eoessitv "for €!::q~ii~,Uioll!l is when d utJ'i ng sweari ng therr,eo is an €lxC€ptionl made by uUerj'IIl:~ the phrase, "lf AUah wills;" this is [only if he iIlit[end5, an exC'~ptiOfil wit~ the pl'H'g$e ~'Ihe WH'I of AII~,ah/ and is not JIU~t rnentl on iing ~he rna III e of A'11,ah 'ror bl~i Ihg$.

FOil' example, if it 1,V,t)$ S~ id tiJI scmeene, "Swear b,Y' Allah '~h 2I.t you willi come '~O vi~;it US (]Iri! friday'" and he says) 'ICly Altar. I wm come, en frkJlay if AU~hl the' ExaJted~ wl lis. II

i 11 this case, w'€:' exarni ne h is ~ n't~ril'tToi'l wh tll'e sayi ng ,r I f Ailiah wills, f. Did he ~i'iIt'ei]d it to absolve him from his oath or was 1'lI@ jU$t m~nr~j(mililg ,th€! name ()V A:11~,a[n for bll essi n~Sl with no i ntanf on?

c. The i nrentlon ls tlh~ filFSt' 'pio!111oifl .of an ~b$ol ute ,o.a'rh .~ nd she. u ld be considered whenjudg1.ng an oafh talk,er. F 0.11' e~a:mp'lel' if someone swears th ~r he wi I ~ never eaJt meat again, wah the i ntell"llt.ion to f~O SO, b Lit if he says th~t ~'H;~ m~mlt birds~ meat onlly~ he is to be beliiev@di both 1111 the 11€l@!all oplnions a n ell j udgments,

If someone SWMr5 to his wife that lf he marries another woman, '(be 'Itell;,!' woma nthet he rnarries wM ~ be di \,/,0 rcecll I 'l~1 en he d lvoreed that wif~ and marrl eo another one i31,lI1d nil!!' s(!j~d that tlfle i Ii"l!hH!lrir~io n of hi 5 aafJh was, fOil a $P€(+~ued t'i1iiil1e, i .€'. as 10 ng as ~e was. stll I ma rried to th e fii rst w'Qma n, as she is not hls w~'~e aiilymow,e he is not oblTg>edl by the oath>

6" II r1Itent'iiolil 1 n dIvorce has. :S:e\I'E! 1'21 ~ aspects:

,:;t ..1 n'~-e:1f'lftio'l1 or what expresses it (i Il1Jt,entio l"lIallll() i Bmhe second cond UUOIIii among the (oi'lrdH:io'!ii$, of dlverce, Whoever' I,Jtb~rs the words tfa,~:r exp~'s divorce di re!ctly or "~nd ifect~y! ib ut rl,eWr I rl1leJilded to divont,e because he dl d not' kl'ilowthe m~an i rig. of the wo rd's as in the' case <of a fom i gner ~l~:r.n~ciI,lilllsfhe5e wYi'r(i!$ afme r someone e~$eJ' or i'~ he was m e~'~Qj!1 iy retal"'dedi, ,or Tf he W~$ d~1 vri[L)<~s. th~~l th ere Is, no div,lorce.

Ib" B ut ,iif he hCIJs, th e i nterlf~~On of d ivorc i 1I1:g! 'linen he w'i i I d jvoa"oo I~ is wilt:e by any word that he, utters wil'~h 'th~' il:r~'rendO!i!.r even ~f ~t i:$ i rreleva nt to '~"e iiS:$lu'e' such as ,I gl'!,l\B me wafer' or Igjv~ me food. J

'c. 11 aliso Elchiev~d by ~ mpl icit expressions,

dI- i r he sees a WOma11lJ who i 5 i!IJ 5~rarlger to l!l:iim land d lvoreed h er th iinl~d ng that. she W,a5 h~s wi'~e" by doi ng: so' he has divorced h is wlr~e beca use he had the il1rent.iion to divor-c-e his. wife .. Ahmad stalled '1Ih~:s eplnlon.

e. ,J ust, havitlg ~he ljiiile;ntion of divorce wHnolllll any resol uti 0" Q r IUluer~nce of

13Jny words that express ~t does nO'£ account as a divorce,


The use ,(rf 1~,eve~ybody!l" il~ the :statemelilt of the Prophet '(peace be upon hiro)t "and everybody win be r-ewarded according 1i.o what' he, has li,.tendl~dl'l if<s very specific. It' covers both melil a 1110 wome.:1111 ,alnd ~Iti!diiic~t'~ de~lrlly' the impGItli1t1lililt pos'ilt~,o 1"11 off 'Women .1!ld ~tH~ comp~,em cafe 1ihey ellljoy ~11I lslam, AHah sa,vs,

'wh~dh mea ns, I} And whoever does ri~~UBoU6 good deeds, rna Ie Or ferna le. and is a true betlever in ~,~ Oneness of Allah 1(i3J ,M~sHm}l s.ud~ w~111 ef'!i~ P~radi:$.:e and not the ll!east lnlustice, even te ,th~' s;iz~ ,of a INaqlrrLl (a speck 0111 fhe back of a dtalte s1ol1e)~ willi be done 'lOI ~hem. II' (An-lNli~a.'i 4: 1124)

AI~d 111,e savs aeour the '~m portant social I[ule til at they 5h a re witl"ll men,

wh:rch means, iIIlh,e believers, men and wor;nen~ are AwliYitF (help~fSt S!Jippo~,er$J friends, :pro,'OO.e~Grs) of one another, they ~nji!'JIirlil 1(0111 the pe<ople) Ai-M~jrYf (i.e, Islamic M,QnO'the~sm and ~ll ~ tha't Islam orders one to doL and fowbid (peopi,e) ITClm A~~,IJrI kalr' (i .e, polvmh eism ~u1d disbel ief of~,11 ki nds1 and 211111 til at 'ls,llam has "forbidlde11r])1. ~ (At-fawlbHn, 9: 7'1)

The 'G Iloruous 'Q~.n'~ lin stated also tfn~d r right of ~nd ~vid ual ownel'shii p, A~ I,ZL~I says,

,~ ~ '~ .~_; ~r.,'llj, i;Sr ~,~:~,~ J~j

r''' r' r" .I'l ~.'

which means, Io! ror men ~her-e' ~s reward ~-or wha:~' they have e~rlfled I {.a,llldi i i k.ewisej, for worn,en the.re is reward fr]lr' wh at they h ave esrned." (An~N.isA~~. 4: J 2)

Thls i 5 'i n contrast m the two peri Od5 'OT lgno ranee, Conce rn i fiig th e '~i r$t period, tne prE!;-llslliIJmh: era, the nature ,C)'f' this b~ii[ilg: (w{~ru~m) W~ explored. if ~t 'NaSa hUim~!ili' did she, have a S-1lHLIi? Or is she was liIothij'liIg mOire than some cn.attel that man pO!$sessecl?

in lndlan ILEI.w we sse tJn,~,t epidemics, de!Bfln!, hell, P;O,i$Q:11! $i~!ake${a,I!d tire are seen as better thaJ) wom en,

Other dii:;;torted re:I'Igio'!Us 5!C~ij'~t"S pO'iflray her by fhe m:ostawhJ~ descr~ pt.iOIil'5 a nd make her bear all tnilt!! guilt of mi'lnkino and the evils, of the' UI1I'hJ'e1IfS€!' .. , for example, ln

'the B ~b~e~ specifucally i ~1 fine Old Testement ~EQdesi astes, 7,:,.:t5-2B)1 ~ere cu'e sorne inde:sc:ri'baMy d istorted saVin gs about h~r:

510 ~ turned my mInd to Uf1)der5t~mdlW lnvestigste, and to search out wisdom aill!cl the S(:t~ii=:lf1i1e ,oi' th~ ngs and 'to un de!rst,a n ~ th€ $,~tJ.pidit)l ,O'f ViI lcked ness a ~~

.d.., '.", d "I', ',', ,'.~' s: III, 'I t: nd b.:1"'I:~~lr ,+- "!;Ii"il ,dli!!i~,th the worn 'Zii~]1 who ls '!!il !;! n .... i'.Cil

IJ:I,e Ina lIlIesS 01 10 ~y. II, UP!LJLI!.;~""', ~.'I !~~I g ""liU, _ ,_. U'Y, _!A! " Y .,} Y 0;0, !.I! ...... l

whose h ea rt i'5 a rtilJP,/ and. whoS"e hands are cnaJi ns, The man who pleases God will escape her, but ths slnner she w'i~1I ersnare, ~llo,ok/' $~¥S ~;be T each sri' N"~h J s h'), wh,~t I ~~a'V'e d i scoveredi Addi n~: one, th i ng tn BJrtufher 1,0 a ns,cover the' scheme of til i ngs ~ wlr! i Ie' II was ,sti llsearch i rig but not Hf1ld~l1g = I found one IIp[i'Tgh'~ m,aiif1 a'll10fillg OJ thousand, but not GIIl!e upright woman Rmong them cull .

As for lhe second ,plII,;rhJdi, w h lchw:8!s supposed to do favors for women by :l5Iralltij ng: them m~erty and ,eqLi~,!~tVI it Is. ~raTs~d without offeringa.t1IY~~'~I'1g. ~n Birl'r?liJ!-l~ we notlced d uri IlG ttl ~ .r~igl1 'of Ki,I'rJ,g ~1enry VI ~ ~h at he ~ave orders ~~l it was forbldde n 'fun" ,any W\Qilf1J:i:m to read the Holly BOQk. While,~rr '[he, French Clvl I law! dause PI umber 2 '1 7 states th ail:

,t\!ny married woman, e¥er'i1 H' hell" m~lifri,~g:e IS b~sedl on a com~,iete :sep:m:r<iUoii1 between her property' a nd the property Oi~ h~1I' hllsb~'ndi can not dO~lar~e{ -tral'iis'fe,r', pawn} or possess weal th, w!hether i~ is taken (JJS c'iDmpensador! or not 815 compefifSaJtio!ll, uoless her 1~I!,Ji$ba,i:ld talk;e-$ pad' ill the CO!lnlUaGt Qrr presents h is, apPfQlV:G!1 'in wrlf ng,

pomitffical l--ess~lls:

1 e Th e srnrement'l HSO WhOev€if elm lgrated for (tine, Cause 'Of) ,A~ I ah a nd 1:-1 is M~sS€nger ... 'j' s:ho:ws us '~11~1~ patrictlsrn '15, not ,ilN stmrlll!g bond '~ha.t holds! us back fIno In taki ng posil1rv.e ~cti Ort i ~ the Islamic field. A h omeland is not necessarllv one's birthplarn, A M~s~rm~s, kUJlllileiancl ~.5 ,~,ny' $,~lt~bl'~ $tra~~~c ,pi ace wh er-e he ca.n ca.I!! to A~ lah, AFilY I and, even ~ f it is Mecc,a itrse I f I ls rrlJot a M usl lm r s homeland as ~ong as it is arid and is not (!J sul tetb,~e pi ace: len 1 mplan:Ung, tn e iCt1:~ I to ~:51 am, As I,cmg as, ~t embraced Alb u ] ahl (the head i~)'F :infildle,~s 'OiT Mecca, iin the eaily M'Usilim e~) ,and tJlli$ followers and w:as Inc~p~bllE! of embraclng MuhmmrWlad (pstlce be ~POIl him) and hii\ii Companlons, 1 t, wasa btunen lcund. lbn 1 g.Y1miyy,[lh spoke at g~ea'[ ~ ength ~ iii

@xplaq'liling tn is hadlth $a~4ng::' '

Any' ~and that is th@ home of d!~1ien sm, 'f~itn~ ,or d@bflu;cnery 'til is 15 not a. pl~evai;'l ~ rig de$iI~Ji ptio!!l~ but it is j ust a.~~n,(,[dentl~ dl85.cri ptli,Ofl ,de:'p~ndf!mt UP;OTI: 1tS dw~lll:~r:s. Any land i nhab i too bV p:i OUtS bel tevers is t~e home of tbe patrons QW Alla'h art ~21t S'IJeeJflc ~ime'I' and 8i11!Y' land ililh~,blted by 11o.n·beH~ver"£ is, the home of arthe~ srn aJt -that time, '8 ut 'When i~ is i rI habi'ted by oth er 'ttl an those tha:tt we have (1111 (leady mentioned, '~h~'lli itt wij II ibe, thelr horne,

The ,sam~ ~pp ~~'es to a m05~ ue, Iw a mooq ue is turned i 111'0 a Ui"'\i'I~rrnl a place for deba~cheny or lnlustce, or a dllluwch \vnere others are tlelirlig aSSiQCi:artoo . wrrth A~ lah if'! w!(]'fSh i Pi then it is ,~.c.oQ!rd ing to its occupants, ~f: a place for

\Ii./ i 1!'1 e, debauchery j Off i.t;H~!! I uk~ ls turned i ill'O ,;!L mosque where A.II ah th eo E)lalted alll~ E\le,r' M~,i'e5.lic iis heirig worshiped, it is asai~i dependa'li't upon i'lS cccuoants. lhi:s, can ~,I5.0 be' applied ii'1Il 'bh~ case of tIJ plous m~rl tlImi~g NJ hea di$$o~ Ui~Bi ,~ non-bel i,ever becom ~Ing a M us I:j m, O~ a. bel iever becom iing atF'll ~l:on-be&iiev~r, Alii til i~ is dependant Orll th fa charllge 'iin el rcumstanoes, A~ lah r 11M~ IEx~lted 'sa'ySt

~' t: ~,. _, _., - ~I _ r" ! Ii" ., ~,. ~ r r ~ 011 .-" ~

'(,ill' ~'~ ,~~. ~c ,I' J. ,;~) lPJ..!, ~-,; 1~":~b~ t.ol ,~,( ~~ ~ ~l ~~J)

I II ' 101 ~-

" ... or tI r r ~ - r ...

w hi ch meafi$, Ii And Allah puts forward 111 e example off HI t'Oyvnsh 'j p (MocctI} ~ that dwe~t 'SeCUI"'S ~,~d 'weill ro.'tent~ ~'ts pro\' tSiOril com ~ I~g to it i n abu i"ldance from ,~ve{(y place, but it (its, pMpl:e) denled jhe favors of Allah hl'il~th lL-llngrateinLIJI ness). i'1 (An-Na,~i, 16:: 11 2).

In is V'e'F5~ was meaning Mocc~ \;vh~n 'j t was a home for th,e non-bel levers. Mec,ca Itself ~~ s:r:Ii'lllffavnred and prefferr-ed by Allah, hurt He WdJ5 m.feniing to i ts residents, ,~5 i t w~~ n,a r1i',~te:di by At" T tnft~thy that 'm1le Prop'he~: (peace he upon n iim) whlle stil,ndii og at AI·:lrlazwaraln s,::.Td., addressing Mec~l, ~ By All:ah you a~,e the nT]IOS'~ fiIl,vored ~!LI,nd tiD Allii!l h and H 1'5 ~-1eS5€lnS'e~'.,JJ

Thus ~ is st~YI,as well as ~h~t ,of the Ibel levers, ii!~ Medi ~'~~ V\;'ii!$, better 'mh~l n ~1e~ r s~a'Y in Mecau ~e(;[lIL!lse it was the place to wh ich llhey had em iigfH,teci. That is why gualrd'~lf)g a c()~nltry':s borders 'is better '~h~ rl 5tayl.!lS Trll Msc:c~, 3,fIlcl Mediiwna. It 'was stated 'iin a hadii[h that the' Prophet (peaoe be upon him) saii 0.1 N K~IJi 11I~, watch fur a day and ,f) 'nigh I in the Cause of .A~ la:h 1'5 h~~ter (in. reward] lill an Gb5@I'V~ ngffiuMli n~ 'ror a 'whoh~~ month ~,m:11 Q'fferi ng ($!.i!p~fi~n~cl'gatory) pr,ayer ev€:ry I~ igh'~ ~f a ~ers,>o'li1 dies (wh ~ !.E~1 jj~ srform i Ultg th 1 5 dulY)t 'hiis. ~mefimrious) a,ctivity will continue and he will, receive 11.15 rew~~ld

fo,rr' iit perpetuallv ,;a,llld w'ii~ I be saved from ~he liO·rtlJl'e: of the grave." i ~i! another Ina rratl on, I U ~:h.n"l'~ n bl I-b ~ Aff~J-l (may Ai II~h he pl!e~sed with h 11m) narrated thiLl,~IDhe IPmphB~ .(peacll~ be upon hlml said" "To 'guard '11n.e couomes' rr'Oii'Utiers for the 'Cause 01 Al'lah is bettertntiJn a thousand or davs

(spent). ln ,other ph;iC'-t.S.1I2

Abu 1=1 ura irrah (n"fl,iIiY All !,ah be' pleased wi'~'i h lllirl() :s~,icli' "For rne '~'O k.'~p watch lor one 11J'Ij~ ~nt un the Cause of Allain 'ts Ib~~~r Ih~n ~o' ,off@w plr~,ymr for t11El 'whole N~'g~l'r of the DIvine Decree (a nigh,t during IRafrn:a,d~n w'lllen, pi"ai~cf'er$ are particular I 'if rew,ara.e,d) nea r the a I ack S'lo ns (part of til;- Kf.i/ bah) ." That ~s why 'the, best place 011 earth fa r ,an"/Ufl'e 1 s th e p:1 ace in which he wi M be a,b~e to be· mor~ o~ed ien~ '~'O AII~h and H i s Mes:!].'0.lI1,ger -"peace be' upon ~~ i m).

1 Remrdl~t b~~ AI~E!ilu!kll:lIY I' i!(i":[.~D A[.)'jh~\d' ~l!look of fJ~~Hng in' trt,. caySt' of A~~tI'Jl)" rn. 7.3-,;. Musl'im, Kj;ljb A}·Jm.a!'al~ Wook ,or Goyetnme!iilU~ I,adhh ne, l631 -1:lll'idl also 'b~ i\d.[),1rimy r KM,1b .A!-l,lh~d (I~()oA ,(If fislning ~111 ff1e C.ItASe of Allaj'iJ; c'n u ,3~ •

,] Record.r.d by ,Ai-TInri'iI.'lw, ,I{~~',:lb' FarW;1 Ai-Jil~~d (8001\ trfm!? £~ueJrem~e at Frg/li!.r,n~ jn [j'lil:' C.:JIH,!':f! m AJ.lai~J.', ~h, ,26, lhi1!d'i!h Fiuc '1667, and whn sard, "This is ,21 good" aUlhf!ntit-:., but IJjnn~rmiH.~r ttOOirth.'"

It d iiffers aceo rdi ~g to d ittUlr11stalrl:ces'I and Ii t ~s 'h ard te name a sl)edfi c land to 5!'.a1y ~ III tlh at wii II ~ be tr-etter than i}lli)Y ,g'~h er place.

The best "fOI!' lH'!iyicNfie ls dej:,e'rm~:ned aecordlug to p'~ety ~ obed V€!rl ca, ~~,nd subm ~S:5.~y.e:r1Ies!ii, Abu Ad~D;mrdla i wrcre 'to Sa I m,a~l, "Come to' 'the, sacred land." Sal m:!i':I answered hi nil) 111h e Iland doe not sa nctlfv a nyoll:lJ~~ but the servan~ of Allah is !h,e (Hi,e 'whio $'~ncti'ffiies hlis deeds." The P mphet ~:pea!ce he !.IIIPOil11 hi irli-l) later establlshed bm~lru~rlly ti 8$ betwoo~) St' ~m~ nand Abu Aci", Bard:J(j as .s~llmiui had more knowledge I:narl Abu ,Ad-nard.~J ~\e,gar-dTn~ m~MW' subleos, inc'lucl'ing thij:5 one. AIII~J~1. 'li:l€l' Ex~l~oo sald '~O M~s~ 'M:o$~s, peace be upon h ~m) I

, "l~ o'~._

.;: ~ ,. i"_i,I' l~ rs;' - ._. l;;. ''( "roL-'W~ • ~~, ,,6..1;11"

~;> --.;!- , .....

.... .

which m1Ba115\r ;..~ shall $,how' you '~he bome 'Cif AII~fil$iq[ln ('lne, rebellious, di"$obed~,ent. to Allah).;r (All,A. 'llftt :7: 11'~ 5:)

It was th e horn e of '~h e Amalekltes ~~a nomad lc peo pie whose i i ne of ::qnoestuy \'II as traced hack to N (lb.) ~ then H: Ilat:@r became the h 0 me of the bsllevers. It is, ,(,i sacred I~nd !t"le!wTo!"!,ed ~i'l tl'l,e Qur;~I~. it 'was, ~he la~,d 'o:f EgY1pt lh~,[ A.~~ ah bBqn.I,Mt~ect to the C h,i ~d ren of' 15 rael, The condltions of (OtlntlfTes ell (l ~Ige i15 th,~ conditions (J,f people do" A rna n can be a M usl i.n~1 at one, '!ime a non-bellever at another, ,(I be~ie¥er' or a. hypocrite., QIi' a pious or

wicked person.'

2. A true Mus Hlin is th e ene who keeps awtli)f '~Irom Soifl$< ~-ndl rn isdeeds, ,and (me ,of de] e ways ,~~ avoid iir!l~ comillli'~t'i ng si ns is 'to k€ep away -f'fCJiRi si nners, He sh O'~I.I d seek t,'O ch afllW;' Whaif ii$, ir]side' h lmsel f wi'rlil ali'I his powe;1' and capsbilltles Hind through cClliing to !ls'I:;",I1i1! working d:21Y and Ini~;g'htt seclne!~ly and publk,IIYi' ,to gLI;ide' tile di$beli,evers snd advice tllitlnft, How~v~I'~ iftlrle :r,~b~ls 'show noth i !fig, b tift Ii nslsten ce (iin kaepl rig to 'Iheii r w:{l!y$~ a.nd arrogance, so' he ShCHj~ d obey Ihevi@:r$~ in Wlfl flen Allah j~h~ E Xii! lited 5ciilYS,.,

... ·it,.. r [~, r .'!'.I'.. III ,_,. J .- ".i: ... n .... yo!.-~ I

,', "':_' , ~ ~~ '~' " 'w- 1- 1' .... ' ," ilf"- ~~:' ,. - ~1.1. • ~~ ,!~! J - t: IU ts:J' '-'~ ,. ~(ll.'.: - -, '- J- ~" ~,"'.' ~

~' I" ~ ,='"" "I""'==:i~ -' - 'oIIilIl"- ''1,1 r-'-" ",~ "II". " _ ~ " , , r "'~~

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'. - iii' -.

which means, It And it has a ~ read y been ffive~ r,ed ro you i' n 'the Bock ~lh~ Qur'an) that when y·ou hear the verses '!;if ,AII~ih be~!lJg denied and mocked, then do nor s ~t WHlh ,mh em U IIlti I they en,gage 1 ill a ta Ilk other than 'that; (but' if you stay wiith t!he rn l oertal n i If in '~nat case yo ~I WO U ld be I i:kM:!' 1111 ern. Su rell Y r

~ MUIJi:ed frml1l a paptlr ~pl~i'l'1lin~ the h:!idiilh, "The reward of dlr!~"iIs. i:Jf!p~r'ilds !l!lporl the i!i'i~ef'iti~Jn:s,'" by Ibifi Tairn i~"ah" p, 4-3=-4,5·,

Allahwl I'~ OJ rl@ct the hypm:rit:es and dii sbel ~e\j\er; al I tnge!:hel!' i!fl He!l. {) (AIflNisJ'i 4: 1!4m

He ,should distance h imselt from tlilems [beVel" a:idingt supporting, orr cooperatl ng with them, He m ust no~ he I p ,them ill an,,)! maners, ,May Alii an ha'\fie mercy (,),j1J t~10$J€' who ke~p aw~y from Satan and h~ 5 fa I ~ ewers who have fa,ls€' glo 1'1 and U Iilj ust ~nfi ueD1oe. I bn AI.Q~$.i rn said th ~:I: he hea rd Miilll'k ~Yiil"il:~t Ji'~~ IS forbldden for anyone to :5tfBY in any ~and hl which tihe p lous oredecesso rs dJN~: iII1SU ~Ired. D So wh at is the ,$~luaNon l10wadays w [till 5Cl'n1:e of our 5.'Ch a,llall's who stay in 'I a nels where In at IOn I y a re the pi GUS P redecessors 'iilll s uHedl but also the 5UOCC::S'SQI"S are i m lJ,r~.sOi'led; AII~~h Is. decree us attacked, th e status ofrhe Prop h et '(~)eace b@ IJ!pO n him) is disp,a r aged, and where the: rlij I e of ~:;Iam is descrl bed by '~he most offensive ,rJ:@SCII'"i':pUOnlS, as b['g:ing S~\lerej inCCI!pillblel insufficient, co nl:radi,etoryl OIU~' o( dl~tei and Qu:tt of touch v,/il:h lr,ealiry.. I'~\ wo.uld be ,easier if tiler just, kept silent, but i nstead I:hey sueporled, encou rage, h,[iJII1 pra ise and ~h]ri 'Y th e op pressors,

!By AJ 11Ih, we wi ~ II certal 11111 y dl e, 0 brothers, .~ List as we go to' sleep 'eve.!ry ~I iighr ;a ~d we wl I ~ be resurrected ~ jlus~ as w@ get I!]F~ I!veryday, Verid 'Y; w'e wi II be q uestion eel about o ur siaakne~<s and negl lgence An d '$0 te'~ I me by f\lllal\ !low Wi! I yo UI Or I ~(iswer our Lord the Omni poten~ and IttME~ AIII,Mighty?

AH-h "

.<l. Sdy:51

-I~~ 1i 11 .. , .!I"I~JJ '11.- .l.- r,""," II ; .. ~

~i G!U ~ J~l ~i ~~.;"., ~.l( !Jt!I;:£ ~ 1)t; ~t ~'~ ')t.ll ~,~y ~~~ Ji)

.. ... r r.;oI .. ~." r·

which means" IfVel'~ly~ As 'for '~ho~~e '~vhom the ~mge,l,s take fin 'de~tn) whilie they an~ wlroill:~~ng themselves (as '~"HE'Y stayed C1imolng the d.i sbel ievers eV,e~l thou~h emigitatkm was obllr!¥I~!Ory fC'F :lh~m),lh~,"ty' !I~l~ ailii5e~S) say (to thsmt 'ln what (condition) We'N~ ycm~~ They replv, '!\tV-,e were weill\;; and OID,pW'~5Bd on earth. I Thev {a ngels) sa~lt IW1ilS not the e'iilili'tn of Allah s~ulcli 0 us €lnO ugh ro,r 'Y'OI1J lo em'~Grate 'mhere,in?! Such f'I'H~flJ will 'Hl!l~ their abede in H~iI ~ What an €!vl~ d~s:ttiin:tlitp.on!"" I(An-N i5:e~ 4: 97)

Bec("l u $~ thew~' iiS, no exc u se for a ni¥'Q!"Ie who did not ern igrnt.e, except for ~he 'Wea k .aJIIiKI opp rassed 011:951 as, 11-0 ng as rhere are .aillier n atives, AI I,~h s,;ry~"

wh~ c.h means, ~ H e who ,el1li~I',81:teS (frown his 1'1) Dme) '~n ~1,e Ca use, 'CJ.f AI lali! p willi ,find (H'ii e~rth m~ny dw:eVI'ns: ~,I'~Jc~5 and p~~Jrlity to 11,~'Vle by .. ~ (.A..n-Nils;b't 4: 'I (0)

.1, Har!!i ng sincere i ni:,enti 0 rJl means i ~t,endi Ilg to em igJrn;te r;o;~ '~1 e Ca use of Allah and Hls Mess:~ng€r and not to associate w~t~l vt anv other reasons related to desires, Satan, or an oppreSSDIl'.

There !I~' no wh~r omer d'HI!:) AI i,ah. The one who is des'potic a nd hau~nly ~ \iVlho enacts h urn a n laws th at please h ~ m a Ild oppose those of A~ lalh the Exahed and Ev~r~M,a,~~stic, 1.8 not a wier; There are no laws beslde those stated in th e Qu (.~ n noll' are there any ~ladi[h besides dle' ones off ~he IPIlODh~t (Pk~lCe be upon hi i:m)~ nor is. there anyon,~ or a nyth i ng !b@~;'i ck'l tha Prophet (peace be upon h !irr~) ,~mouig the Sheiks 'o'~ th,e S uifi 6~Ct5/ wWh theilr graves an d sh Iii 115 U Illi whlch peopl e siCl!l:Ighte:r ani m HI lis. roll' t:l1 em a nd not fior AI~,~lh,

4., the Skh~m,en~1 ~ So wh oever em~gra~l:ed fO'i" {'~hle C~.use of) AI ~ah :a nd 11-1 is Me5S~I1.~~NI {p®tlC'1ill bi0' upon hi mV" showsth at an emi:gllaJl1I~ does Iflol: nll igra~:iE' TO'i" 'IIu~ sake of the Messenger {peace be upon Mn~~l but' 'for the .sa,b~~ or Allah and accord iing to thilt!! Ru I as of AI ~ah", Thus, a MUSil i m I' U Iler wh i I e j' udgi ng does r! ()'~ r~pres~iM :hij,$ own d1 art,iClt€[' ~ desl res, al ms, fo II owers, or 'Inl~ 5 parry;' he' is a call'i pn of A~ lail QI1 'ih~ s le«]uh V!iI110 a ppl les '~he Orrder~ lOr AU~~l" Every be,lile¥elr who believes ln Aillah~, Hls Lord,~ ,~nd [n M,uhamrnad th@ Me~ng,~u' (~e;ace be IUI~O!i Iii i rn) T Ill! 1JJ15't 0 bay th ls ruler because ne iis an €'X8cutor of ;~h e Laws of A~ lah, n~e :~i ~~ ,ca~ i ~h~ All u ~,tN~kr hin,~y AI lsh be plh~a5(:!cl w~'l~ il i rn) ~ poi nt®d '111 is out i iIlJ h is first speech ~S' ca I illPlh ~ Stuyillg1 IiOtley me as ~(li1g,~:; I obey Allan.·

Ecm-m.mli,( l.essenss

lslam ,@'5~illbl r shed it comprehen siive' lslam iic econom ~c svstem based on Irlillordiis that gl!.,dd@: the m.anlU:[achJlllier~ farm~r~ andtrader, This mothf(lit,es, them to, do th@:~r best to ii mprove d~e q ual iW 'i}f 'rh eir work an d m aster ~t lhe,j r iirl:l'l:mt.iicm for wOil'ld ng i:$ not fOol' mere p.rO'ffflt'1 P lIb~ ici tY,1 or fa!mei b~t to pll,eiJJsG' tn@i r Lord and 'ex)®clIfl:e' IH is a rde rs ccncerning the hMmm~nt o'ff the. coiled~ve duty 'tQ meet '~he needs 0" tIM!~ Islamic:

ComMlI,lIility, S.!Jid~ needs am, the l1Ii1tlsd ro'l!" er:ligil1i8euiingT mechanical, p~ll~lrmaC'elJJltica.l1

agricliIh..llf'aI services, ;31111(li $0 (H:1J. -

J udidal ILe$som;$<j

Alldmugh tbe val idiil'y and acc:erji~~I~(;e off deeds depends 0111 the ,iii~itelJ)[iIOfll1 this is related to ~he' both the world of the' UI nseen and the seen, As "flu a Mus I 'i m j udge, he does II"Iot j l!Id;~e: people a ccore i ng 'to, thel If iin'ffHliiiolflls or presecete til ern ,m:::,cord;i riig '~O wha.ti.$ hidden ill their hearts, ~'a~herr' he jJl.ll(j:ges tn,em according '[10 physical e-V'~dence ~1Ii]d faetors 6 ueh as wi'~~e$s,~s and OlCitli!:s. Um 11:"11 581 ~.tIJmah ~m~y Allah be 'I:] I eased wii rill

her} narrnuedl '~ha!t d1 e fire !DlhI,~~ (pMC~' he upon h ilm) s,~·1 dl -

Verii!IYt II 21,m only ~, human b~~ng and you people brr~ng your disputes to me. Ma,yibe someon C1! amon85t you c_a~"1 present h~':$ case iln a ~1"iiOfte 'eIQCj'IUirtlill and CCl'l1Vi ndn~ rn anner than the other, and i give 11I1IY j udgrnent in his (;,avo I' accord i I1g to what I hea r. Bewf!,re~ If i®Ver !I give som ebgdy (by errorl

S'Oimeln i I!!lg of his, bmth er's right then he sh ould ,not take ii t, as i IhaVB onlv given h I'm .a piece of F i'lre. 41

for example, iif a, main cla ~nl ed to btl it esrta i,n woman 's h usban d, but he was I yi IfIg~ and he brolugiht '!V\to 'witni;!s,$es ('~O .aU~~t to it); and the 'WO'Il'lB ff!j den i ed! the clal m bu!: she was unable to n!!fUl'~ Ih€ ev i de nee, or the j udlge was Iilot~ co nr\~i need by In@ refutatlon and gav~ his jtlagrnel'llt in '~"e m~Il'iI~'$ favor according to the evldences th~t h~d been presented, Ai~hougtn this dedg;i:oill would he 'based Oil the' evidence, it wo~ ~d be i Illegal a Ild i'~ wtH-I1 d be forbidden ~or the man 'to have 5~X'Ula! I i a'rIten,:-ow'SE!' wij~~) ~ne worn a n, because I! e kl-~QWS that she ls not h is wife; arId the WOH'! a n is not ailowed"[;o let' the, man touch her, unless she 'was forced ,to do 5;0,

What: ~'B said foia'gilWdi ri:fJ henor a 100 app!1 il('$ MI WE!illl'lhl; AJIi-Naw2!wy said, USay~ Ilg' 'lnal: ~n '~~,e ,judguTillent of a I['U I er the, observable' and '~lle UI1S16e'l1J al~e ~d mei ssl b I e stan cis opposition to '~~S authentic hadith, to the melill~Dned consensus, andto a rule that W;i:15 apPliuVled by al I scho I a.1"S. and agr-eed upon by the' above sayin gt dM~ rul e ls that one has to be mere ea utious i III m~fl:eirs g~a:rd i1i'i!g cn;;IJ$ti'ly than i ifi matters (iff m oru~l( _ fI

MJo(jl'a!~ ILess@ns~

'ririe MHssenger of All alf'l (p~~ce b~ UiPOII'i1 h ~m} '~s teil;dh.~ ng us vi mJ:OllS rna1n,nerS,t :good morals and a great wisdom, which is 10 respect other's feelings and ne~,el" harm the MUl$~ ims. Although th,e Pmpnf!t ~''P-eace b~ ~POi~ hhn) was aware ,~:rf U nii:n Qa ~$/ i mm iW,a_.nt and off h ls 5 ituatlo n, he did not InTention his name di reedy ~Ini 111 e had iith i lnstead he mentioned him by his 'impi'h::atiof\ i.e, "and whoever 61l1igra:t,ed for worl ~ Iy benefhsor W !t'f!Ia rry a woman .... "·

kessons fOif' D·(I"-w,ah (the Call ,~,() Islam}

_ '1.. Th I'S kltU:Hth i ~'~ilJsnat~s a special method in cal I ~ rig to II slam for '~lh e SH~l!' of Allah. Thlrolligh its gul!dZi'n,c~~ alllY caller shollJlld aim at introducing the' ~ mpCHil;ant. ma~t,e.~$, be:f~lr~ advisi nB, poopl@ concern 1 11'1 g thel r baa rei's an d dQd'n ing:. H e has to wa:rk e n (h,anlg~ ng wh~t ls wro~&r $larti tlg 'with a III of lrH~ -forbiidd~1Ii matters, th ~ IIlflIQ'St impo~taill/l and dangero us' among '!h em bei ng clear polythels tml and hs hiddllen types ,and dlle'ir manWestatit!!litS," HE!' has to do :~1 is bf!rorn preach ing '~O people cOl:lJoem i ng j ud,gmen'f$ related to smokt os. the tu~ballll' and US! ng, vln eg;tr or cologne,

2,. A cmLl'l:efJ in Orner to adlieve !his religious aims" :~ho~ld ~dop~ div!lfHil' methods ,and it'!,©!r to I,ik~i!,-V ll ~!~g~1 cnes, rITU~ en(hil i iii 1151 am t rtell,le'r i list; fy means unlike the use in some human phm,osop'hies. AI~ho,!j,gh th~F~ cm~~ some lgnorant people who nWie folliowed '~lii s pri filcli:pl,e a nd ca Il ed fiiJ'ji the acceptance of usurious ili1Jt'eres.1 and spendi'l1Ig ~t '~n diiiTfer,ent charitable areas, Thelr excuse irs '~l~,t if they ~eft t'ne' intere3t with the owners o'f the western banks, fhey wl I1I1 'be em::ouragifli,gancl sup~orl:il!1g the lewlsh ~m'Ups thar dom i nate m,e ,adm i'lilnstii;.!;lioiil of these ~ n~;ernatiGna II usurlo IJS banks, Ilfley

fa r~e"lt! or w~rn' iig!~or,a,lnt [l:f th,e 'ffalct., that pa,rticilpati ng or €.'V'efI ~ liSt' ~iv.n\~ in ilia II 'iLonse'iflit '~O such agreements 'i til proh ibired.

3 ,A p~r$pTc~cTol,IJs caller plans, I!oo!ks a'l matters, from ~II 5J'd~,t and estirnates the diiS<fadrvtllilt~tge:s as ,," .. ~ell' a\\j ttie' ;:11I[hiantas€s, 10 :I:J11e¥ent :tIiny fu rt~>tBiI' 511 eddl ng of M'U8~~m MQod~h~;t he m~y be: 'F,es~of'l$iblle for .. If he is sure ~,~'rr there ~5 no other w~v but toemis~atie:!!! he slniolu'l.d mii'.gr(][te in 'uh:e C~i.Ji'5® of All1'iti., Im' doil1g this, he is foHo'wijlilg:th~ e~R~p~e' o~ I br,ah 001 '(Abra.ham~ peace be tJpon h ~M)., The Qu,rt a,n narrated 11 is story as fa III ows,

whii:dn Irmi'!;sa.ns~ II'And he sald (~fr,er 1'111$, rescue from fhe fii['1et fiVew~Iy.1 I, CIJIFIilI gjoTIn~ to mY' Lord .. He wilil guide me!!.!!' (A!-~f1tA.'t J 7: '99)

AI so '~h e rnl gr~tion of MlClsa, (Mo®~,1 peace b~ tJP{_)'ITl hi m)1 is mentiened as follows,

w'h~'ch 'ffiea.li1S~ "So he escaped fmm th!l:l'N~l:" lookl I1Ig abo IJJt in ,HI, lIl,fflile' oif '~e.3ir. il (AI~Qa$3$~ ,2:8: 2: 11 )

We can not forget '~~Ie W'e[)t leader Kh ~ II id bl n AI-,W'a~ltd (may A.llah be pl~ase~' WE'lh ~~ ilm~':) w~~en du ill ng '~h e Il3atde of MU i~~h he ~,e~fflated 'w~~h hls troops lIIntU hie IlMdu:!di the vi Ilia;~e of' Mlu/tah. He stayed the'I"e 'n~htiing tih e @~'l@nl~r ror 5e'!J\e~ dtrys i:llt,et wh lien 1he 'fighili ng, ce:~$ed~ bFBlC~U~~ '~le ,enemy '~Iroops thou:~hlt ~121~ the MU5~ lim ,~umy was rs[€ Tv! ng ICO nlft ri'I uous suppl les, Thus, K~al,id'l wI'[h his miIitary 'exlperfJei1iCel, 'had avoided the expected crushing de~~t of '~he M~$liim an1i!ry. When t~ev returned to M€dina/ the, people reprima nded them for retreiifl.tiilll gl Ibll,l~ th e Pmphel (peae,e: be upon hi in) said, ~"he¥ were '~l,e ~uacke:rs, !=i

4. A ca~ ler and teach eli In ust avoid $,I,andieri,!l)g 'I'he 501 nn@r5~ ShOWIlIlg thei r defec~~ t:il,lkil1i~ about their faults, and describing 'I'lrierrn itJll front of others as many ,C'a~ lers do. 111 ey a re reckless, not enthusij.asUc~ a no the'y :§~,k h lgher ranks at the expense, {)iff others' 'honor and d i:gn~ ty. N ow.;)d~y$ ii t 1 s leasy '10 ga'iir':! 'fame by' :assaulting, ,ah!j:siIflS~ and j udgtng people as unbeltevers. Such C~ 1 'I ellS have ~'ilul,e edluc~tio,' andthev (If€: ,rhe' ones 'who, have bfiOUlgh~ the 'b~ ggest cli'S~$'ror:s to ls I ~rm(.!,l1Id reduced thol.:!' :1:U.lII:'Illbers -orf '~he- well eclUL;a'~ed ~,mo'lI1g, the MIU1S~ 'I m ,ca~ lers. II know mii:IJl1IY' of ~1I ls type wh o achl eved ill lot *()~ the tIl$.,p~'rants 110 this fl@lligion,j but they have offended '~h~$, Ireiigro~'iJ instead of

doijng it' good, Alla.h $~W, -

. .

;;:.; ~~I.~"J,~~~,~,~,hl~ ~ 103, ~w.\,J?~~~f:i~,j).

"r" oJ r" • ~


(t~;!~" .~ .. ,~" ... ~ -;'~ !:'

... ~rt'~

wh lch means, NSay (0 M uharn mHd~'1 ISh :3111 W'e tel I YOUI the gm~j~6St !{}-S'~fS, :~rI! respect of (lhei r) deedsr those whose ,efforts h ave been was,'~ed in lil'lfs I ~ f~ wh i ~!!l' '~h~y tho!ught that they W~f1e acq u lrl Il&) gOQrJ by thei F' deeds.! I ft (1\1- Kahf~ l' 8: 103·,1' 04),

The Muslim nation has paid a high piik.e for 'meir sins and ·stlJpidiily.

Hadirfh in PracUce

1 , Wh€l!fl you ask someone who has q llJIi'l!ited drinki ng; wi IM~:: after ;~111 add i cti on ~D iI~t about the reasons behind Ms, ~ui'~ll'l1g th~nk~n.g that he was gtlided~ he ma y 5 urpru se you by s~yj!i1g 1fl [It he d i:500'veFJ'£Ki t~e: grea:~ ~H~illll:h dangers that are caused by It wh leh were co ITn rmed to hi I"Jf1r by tile special lsts, He may say that ill' 'cause!] cancer, heart problems, and il€!F'!IOIlJS, d iSOftllers. Others stolP cornmlttlng a(hilt'~ry because they are afrald of scandals er thro!lJ!gh feo(ljr thar '~~!~i r 'Wives rna y fl ~d out about thel r m IIstreSS€5. 501 ~11e abs[entikHl of dles>e peop'~e is j~.ilst ~ike the eli!ii'grat~on of Umm Q~i5~ immigrant,

2.! Some Of our studenes (may AI ~ah gniroeU$ a n) uavel seek i:ng ktlowledg;,e~ and bealr grea'r clTfilk i,J:ll'~e$ '1-0 ga!ln moth illS buta few certlflcates and p~pers 'th,at q~]HI.Hfy them for differen~ p05itiOFlS ~.Ild sodal status, wlthour having ilJny ,5 i ncerlty to' AI:I ah in WHat" they are doing. Till is is. the reason beh i nd th'e: i!l'll(:r~ a si!1g number off ignorant p@o\pI~' among the academlcs, as '~~ number of til ose among 1itl em who ,el'rI,igrBffi i ru;:rease$. They beJi ~ve '~i~:~ th rm~gh em l,gratl on th ey w~ I i itch ~!~v@ ~he~'r grr,®.:lt alms and tIH='Y let t~e 1 sll.am~ c countdes go' w ~e,11 ,. Th is is Ihe $ay~ ~g ,amorlIg many curnong our scholars and th i nkers, Do i ng th:i:s paves the, 'wa,v for the evi! ones So T ru Ily! To- A~'I21h 'W~ belong and truly, '10 H lm we sh;,.Iil ~~1turn>


! U mar (rna,y' Ailiah be p] eased wii lh h~ m) narrated i HOne d~y we were 5;~tti ng 'i (1) the com pany cff the M€!sscr!l1Ig,er of AI tian (peace be upon h i m~ when '~:helfe appea red before us a main df'le'5sed in pu re wh~ ~e, clothes, and h:~ s na~ r wasextraordl nitlill 1'1 black. There were no signs of Uhe f~tl gue i))jf) travel on h hn and none among us recogn ized Ill! ~!11, At !;!lS't he sat with '~h~ Proph et ~pe'CIJoo be U POIll hi mt lean i ill~, his knees aga i nst his {th,@ Propllett"s1, krJIees and placl ng hls hands on ~ ~~ th:i gins, and said, to Muhamm~d~' Tell me ~hour ~$~am?<i The M,@ss®H1g,f!:F o'~ Allah (pBEaCe he' upon In i m) said, ~ is~am means '~O te$:~ ~f·y 'that '~here, ij s no g(Jd but A~ I an a Iild that Mu hal!lilmad is 'tih~ M~~eng.er of AJ11an. to establish prayerl p~Y' ZakfLk~ fobl1gatory dmrilty)~ observe the fast of RamCIJ_g,~fl;1 aile! petforrn Haj] if you can afford me ,ei'\p~rlS'e.s (for yOUI' convevance, provlsicn, aF'lld residencel.' H€1' {th~ il1ql!.~ijrnlF) sdl.id~jyou havetold the truth.' 2 tHe (~U'mar b~~'1 A~~Knan,:ib) sa 10f oil lt amazed us that ~,e. wo u ~ I dI putt the questicn arnel then he would himself \'\err'i'fy 'Ihe tn..l~:h, He (the lnquirerl sald, 'Tall me about AI-rm~11 (i .19'. fii!l,i'~l)?'t He (flh e Prophel) re plied! 'f I t Ik~ to am rm you r 'f,Hi1Jlh ~n AlliUhl, H1.!ii AtJlgel~~ His B,ooks'J His Me~se:nglP.tSi '~h,e Last DCl,'fp and Uini the ~)ivi'fiIe' Decree o'f goodand evil,' He (the Inquirerl said, IYDU have tok~ lhe 'lmrh/ He (lh€ Inquirerl a~in 5av.dl JTe~11 111e sbout AJ~Yhsan '(perfeeJi'on of (tlimh).," He' (tne, Prophet) said, 'That you worship AlI:ah as if you are s8e,ilng Him, for, verily,. if 'YO~ 'cali !10~ see Hlrn, H'e sees you.' He I(~:h'e ,e:nqllii'rer) ag.airn saidi ~@~~ m€l 2LbOIU~ the Hour ('i .e., time (i;f Res I.i'~reeti,o nJ- I H e (tlil~ PnJplf1et) sald, 'The one who i 5 bei ~g: asked a bout ii~ k~,ow$ IIlO more thCl:IIl the one who ls inquTril1.s.t Hie Wile inqtllil',er) s2!rdl !lhen~ tell: rn~ some of irs portents.' He (the P'mphel) said, 'The slave gid will gtve bvrth to her mistress ,and master, and 'you will find barefoot, d®stitult;e, goatherds. vyi'rqg wi'd-n one: another in tl~,e GO nstrucnon of rnagn i flee IT~ btl i ltl iilngs,/'" ~I,e (the nanar~orl ; U mar bit!"!, A 1- I;{ha!~b) said, "Then ine (~11 e i nq IL]O rer) wen~' 011 his W;;IY t but I stayed wi'tll h ~ 111 (the Pmphet) for a long while, He then said to me, 'Umar, do. you know who '~he i n:q o~ rrer was ~; I repHe~t ~ AHah and H~5 MJ~~ngeD" know best' He W1G P rdpi:l@O said, ~ He was J ibr111 ,(Gab!l"ie~~ peace be UPOIil h lm), He came KI yo u totea(:1n, vou yOIU'1i feli:gion,~1J" (Recorded t~y ,Mll.!islvlin)

!()c(alsi:on 0" 'Iihle Hadit~l:

Th- 1( L. · "'" • ·,I'j,-- - ':,,,n.,, I. ..... ·~v AU"'"!I'" II:"",,, lI"Ii·~~'$.o:;.J w~~~ '~hi6m' w:"!"r'" verv anxious l..,.-.. kl'Ow

. !Ill: ,...,m i"'"tiI r!!lv I '" ~'! III ~ . 'I!!. I 1:,)1.... iI"'. "-",,,~ ..... LJ . ~ t..... 1 ....,._.,_" 1 iI;J!. "'" _.,;J I.V. .

t1M;!'i1f rellglon, and that prompted them sometimes 1:0 De' insistent In thalr questioning of the Messenger h)~l;ce be upon hlml Lilll~~li thls sayi~ilg of l~H~: EXdh~ed was ~vea~ eod!

wll'idn means, !'"Q 'you who bellilev'i!!'! \-\lhe!fl! you (want to.) .consult '~1he M,es.'sengelr (Mu ha rn mad}, ~ n 'Plfivate,; spend someth ilfll]; in chariity before yo U'II" p rivate co 115 tlltation. i (A'I~MUljtidi ~ah i 5,80: 12}

This verse was lfevea I ed :!!IS a divi lilIe IElllllC'i pi i ne foil' them, a FIla for !Ihi,€' purpose of df~,wi ng 'lh€! 1 r ,ilIltiOOnfi on '[0 seek 1JI1® most sui'tab~e 'linn es to vi sut and ask the P1I',rg,pilet (~je~ce, 'be ~IPO~ him) questions. Afrer 'rna:! '~hey began 1\0 'avoid qU@5tuoning: nTm. 111 en, J ubl1l' fGa,brie~} came down to eo ueateand 'leacn them the E'I!,.! ll ngs, ('if dll~i r rell ~g~OI~, as we~ I as ~o shew them ,the correct w~t,o ask questions,. There were a r 6;0 so nile p€!opl!!!, who aspl red '00 krn:ow about the 11=10 Lilli" and ~ts; exact t~ me, so J i bnill came to ,dnspel any such hopes,

C·-· ....... ·.;!I,;;,II, .... O!:i!:"o"i·_i!:,

. - ... ~~_ ~!:I~'-'fl~;

l , The fact that the Exalted and Ever-Majes,tk predestined alill matters b~fofie the creeno n: cftbe heavens and 'nhe earth stands as a dear cha 1.1 enge to 'Ihe oppressoes, ,atheists, and polythe,j'~ts, who claim 'Ihat they ,a:F{l powe rfu ~ ,enough '00, do ililyth i og end th at lh,ey can conTIr'o,~ ,deaM~ ~ h(IJPP i ness, an d mi~liY. AII,an dird nDt. g:i'Men anyone '~he chance 'to sav, loll planned til is marnen" wi~h AII,aJh.!!" {)!It 11'1 didsuch and such wWrI Hi m,"

2,. A sincere belh:w€iF' who possesses a strong belief in prede$ti~~tkm w;i'rh its good, its evll, its sweetness, and its bitterness Ii'S one, who truly t.rus't$ and deoends Of'! AIIII a ~. So he wi i I never be i nd'ign ~~Uilt~, h 1"t h 15 . cheeks, or tear hls garments (01" do any such dleed~ thaJ! show r:nd~gna.ti'm} w~!~n he I,S affil~cted wTth (1, calamily by Ailiah. hi ~ would not do as some lgnoran t ones do a,lid comp'iaJi fI1 to Allah, sa.yi ngl for i nstance, ~O my' lLorof Whaf h ave, I done to deserve such ~WiI d such a (;~~ am ity? Wlhat have:! I done for such and 5 tu:1hi a 1"1 aft! k,~i Dill to befal ~ 11I~e~"" I ask Allah, the, Mosl-Ghorufi,ed to '~o,F@live UlS,.,

.SL, We. fi:n,d i ~ til iis hadith what ca~'iI be understood as. a, cha 111'eng~ tothose who d al rn know I ~dg;e of the unseen and of every til in~1 6 uch ,filS some i mposiers, s;oothsa'¥e,rS'i and magldarl$1 do. H'ere are the destiniesl nerG:lis the Hour" and can anyone reVBHlI'1J r1y~hd ng about 'ir!t5 truth 011' its, tiime?

B~h~arvi(Jram lLesso~s,~

ra'i~1ni ls not about wea.1riilfrlg rough clothes, exhau$ting 01 neself wii~h devotions, or adh~hri ng 10 specla I types, of food! as some peop I e do. I twas, .salid '(hat A~-:Jja$(ljn pulled at Farqad and hold~flS Ol'irto n'fJs robe he, 5BJid to him, "0 'Fa,rqadll Pi'el1f Is not w~@fing, tl1 is :g!i!il~melltl but' rather hold iing thee ilntEmlt1ion :i n the h ea 11' and the app licetion o.f it i n one's actlons."

'Whoever cleanses h.i 5 heart, purifies h ~$, $1). ui~ ,1]:[1,0 becomes dijst~ rtgu i sh.ed by ihe na.l!ls\p~u"ewH;;.y of nis spir'i't willi be more sincere in wOr$hlip~ more si,ibmissivet and more obedl erilt.. The metter is not as some misle'ad i ng psrtles d.[IJi m, a no wlhlOse ideas, are be:~n~ promoted nowadays by the, ,ath eists, Such pe01P,~e in t,e~prejt tli e speech of AIII.8Ji]~ the Ex~hed and IE\N~'r~.M~j ~~ici accord r;~g 'h)whM satisfies th~~ r i nd inati O~$I ai M5i, and fa'nCies,. Su, the:y i liil'erp ret the follow! (:]g verse,

(~I ~~~ ~ ~~ ~,~,

,.. ,

which means; ~And worship 'yolulr tord until jhsre comes unto you tn,et ,certali:nty ,(L,a. dealth).'1i' '(AI~-Hij~J' 15: 9'9) and claim '~h~l.'~ the word ~c~rt[l~nty' here does no't r~Jefro (death) bWit tc a ~oftie'r degJl',ee ,of faith. Ae(:,r,;HDliiflg t-o thls ,aHe~artlioifl .. a believer is ordered to I,i\-!ors'n'iip Allah until he re~chesfhii5, d~gli@,@~, and th@n h@ becemes 'ff~,~~ 'from all ~ b lJlrd~{nIS, and d unes. ih is iis why 'Iney ca'l~:g,ori,~'e th e rernem brance 0111 AI lah and those willa, reclte 'I ts ph rases snd arr~l1ge 'mhem i r! degrees and lev-e:ls:

l' . The first degm;€: is reciti ng '~he wbole sentence of Ii La i lah a i III~ AIUJIl (There is no god but Allah)," '1Dh en the reel ter w~ ~ I gD '~O 'the n~xt degree,

2., Here he ebbrevlates th is phrase to j List sayi ng, ,if A.I ~ ah. ,Ali I ah" contenr~ wah just dl,e narns of AillRIl until he reaches the hvshef degree.

J. lhen he, (an j ust uuerthe II)rQnO'~~l .. H uw~, . _. H uvva., - .Ah ... , _AllQ' w~ 111 some' ~tagg.e:I':illg and sw.ayiing aocompan'ie.d by (!I, special rhvl~'!Jm fJliO-nill~lrn:!: sounds of rum bnu Ifi nes and cla ppl ng hi ands. AI lah .says~

,IJ. ~ LI ~ ... CI J' ) , ~ I 1'. ~ !II .'1. ~

(~~: r=£ ~~ ~i,~1 ~ jJlt i!:I'.~~~, ~~, )1,~ ~\ ~~' ~~;j \(~:,

~id1 means, "Their S~~,at {prayer) at the House {of ,AVlan,1 l.e, 'fuhe Kii~bl8Jh ln Mecca) was noth i ~g ibut wh lstl itng and daiPpij ng of ha ~1d5. lh@refom' tast€!, 'mhe D'~ rIIi sh meer because YOW! used to disbel leve N V\~,-Anlf~t 8:: 35)

By now ~e has reached ,the degree of certalnw that e I evaies h hr. to the degrees of ril,e masters an d I eaders, because by reachl IlIg certal fJ1ty one supposedly becomes fr,oo from doing ~ny elf the deeds or requisltes of IS!~IF!n., Th ~s degree is not '~O' b:~ reached ~x:cept by the most d ~s'~ull1gLII~slhtecll 'e~ii~e. ThQ.5e who claim that whern they touch wine ~t turns into i)'lJ.ilr,e hon~y o r '~re$h waterl H:ow? M~y th o~e who fl oodtl1e nation with such nensen slcal concepts ii nbhe tiline of en I iglrwt:en ment perl soh!

S@dall ~so:ns:

'(ThM lJ'I~$~,~,V\@' gIrl w:~.1~ gijVH"~' birth '~D her mis'~rnss and master; it this sentence deady SIiHlwS a det~r~oratllon il['~ sccl a.1 sta nd~ rds and i ndij cams a dangero us rlInWe' dn,ar 'wi I,~ happen i 11 the fll~u re of fhe so-called II $'~~miic socletes. U shows that ririe I m>.V~y people wl III lead and the most des!pl cable people wi Iii be Ipawerlu~ I without any de~'e'me:nt!ji prevemlon, Oil" lies-lira ~lnil. 1~1 elie' wi I! be Ino place, for callers, sdho!Clir5~ p iO!Ul$ rnelfil, or '~iO$~ 'Wut1l ~}{pelnli2:l1iiQe and wisdom _ Tlr! is is a change from w~ ~chthe Islam ic [i1:{r~l'ofi '~s sufferl ng, In:ow~d.ay$,

Some ~sl.[U"rnk nations I11m~gi nal lze the role of t~e' most p io us a mongthe i r citizens, send them to prison, banish them, torlbl.~re' them, Of DI!J~" them under house !aHES.t:; wnille fi"lle same tlme, the lowliest of '~'ei'r ,)eoDII@, ,a~ ~~~joy!'ng 1jh~i:r oll and s.tealil1g 'bh,ei~' 'W~iaJ~'~l.,

'HtI!dhi!Jlf~h (rrHIY Alli~'hl be pleased with him). rtIiirr,aill&J, Ih~lt the Mes:\i~~mijer of Allah (pearce be upon ~im) sald, "The Hour 'wiH ~lO't be es,tab~iish~a untll the h,::!I~Jpies:t (me

Pol itical tessons

~ • N Desfi tua:e ;Fjoalhe rds vyi ng W~~l (!Ill€' anomer __ , Hit ~s iI1 €l!ith@r normal f. nor logica:1 that unq ual lfied P eopl e should be given power over ,~ny nm~.1 rer con llleiL[ed 10 th hi: nstio n. ~ r is as ~f the .Mes:si!!nger (peaC'i~ be tl pen h ~m) was g~Vii~g, ~dv~ce to tI1H!: wl~ol,€: 'WQrk~1 itlnd speclflcally to th'e lslamlc n€lti:on~. ~ff' any socletv ls good and wants '[0 sustain '~his g"QOdn!?5!1:1. rlse to (he hig"H"!~~ levels o·f civiJlliz~l'~'Ii(.m a:nd values, IITvl~ a I!iif~ O'f d~gnil)l and honor where i;t ~,~ leases :i ts to rd, :it silo uld ,gi\.Je tile 11,~~dersh liP '10 ,(i divi n(tl y g~ lded lead @lift

t\C(i:)i"d'ii"l;g '~'O this cri:teil"Tof'\ ~nly (:i!iUmryF g;r(HJP~ or foundation that wants ~he same thing should nominate the most qualified peeson (OJ· UH;~' job accord i ng to hli s i n~'el ~ i:gel1ae' and wisdom after cOIl"Iis'iider2l!tllfH'l o.f his J:tl it1h aod ~~'ir(Hit1JI$~ his .ad her,enc,~ NJi lhe course of the Q ur' alflj and whether or not he wi II be su i ta bll·e for the position. If th is i s not done, l~H~ HOIi,i III' desnuetlon, an~ e~i'lI~re ~h!'li:Jk~ h~ e:~lpe.cted., The Me$:S~flIgm' of .Adlah (p>eilce be upon ~ im)' said, .A'Wh en POWEI' or a ushori [y comes, ~ I1~O r.he h a tlii;;ils of UU'-lri't

people! then wait for the HOIlIliI" (i.a., ~e!!lillIJ11BCUOtnl), ." 6

2:.. ~ III add i tij 0 n, wh en i11lul~h.o.r~ly comes i Fll:o, the hands of Il~' e bii N~tooted ~ nd desf lute >0 neg ~hm ugh .~, ei r money" tlh ls is e~d~'eli" don e Iby fa rOE:: 0 r d~~.I)l~(j·j;'jI~ because ncne ·~mo,ng ~h~ 'wirse would accept such evil. This was a statement given by the Proph et (pe·.a:ce be upon hl mj ooncemi Fig f,',H,Jllr present ti 1:n€S~ whe re we 'fi nd IililICiny rn i Ilila ry coups and fabrlcated el eC~'~oIi1S whose results are never less '~h,dJin 99-'5119%. This is a di~i':ur example of such d€~I)lln!r'~ ..

IEc!Il)nor!1 lc Lessu!'il,s:

II And you w iii ~ fi lid b()rnfoo:!ed, de$lt~ tYN~ ... « The s.y'Stem of frn~ errterpris,e has, GIJ used 'rhe gap tc Increase b.e1'wee,n th e rm~jo'ir11 W o~ peOD lie i n wesrern ~)~;,ti{) ns ~IJ'ild thosa who. possess I'll e caplta I. lt also granted the i ncliviid lUOJ~ riGh'~ that the sod ety had deprlved hi m of. lhll"l SI an !11le] PiJid I.!I~ I: " n ill. <:a~d tall lst secietv is given com I~II S~€l respect and h~ ls val ued a't:lCordi!flg. to thol:!' amount o~ his wealth, There is no other vt/iJ'/!{ for h lrn 1:0 keep hi s POg i tl on exoep'~ th rough wealth. Till i 5; hills liulu:!:e hi nl1 seek i,JI$'U ry I embezzlement, extortion of others propertv, and chealill1~ 1m performing hli5 duties,

As, ~or thecommunlst economic svstern (or the ®D'l5'teH1! r.r;[b5UI"di·~'·~Jri it on!v remained fi iiil1l for ,@J short pe dod of tJl1fl1€'1 afr.€! I' rom III ini illig th e .saJme m~Ma.ke: 'I'llair Dtht':r$ had biil.f-Offi il, The respect h~re was l'IiU)Vled fmnfl the " !ld~vid U'~ I to t~,~, $0(; i ~!y ~ a flid Ih ls ca used rhe rich to grow rih::::her and richer a r ·mh·e expense of the other d 2ISSe-.;, ..

I ~(->(:nr'diJ:'!d by AI-Tirmidhi)"_

~ Rf'Corci!!:'!d by A,1-ilhJ~JhJry nil' '['I\e it ~II honily of ft,blJl H~ll1IircLlh_

Cons;eQlue:!!tly, '~he concepts O~ linlegif'.a~non and solldaritv '~re no IOl1ger applled, andthis led the nouveau rlche to '~r-aIlSgJN\lSS alill ~i'mtts.

PsycholoGical, w.,~son!S:.

Be,1 levi !~g i'n d i\i~ne decree is a. major so urce of psych oloGJc2I1 rel i,ef that 'i nsrl 11'5 tranqulllty and peace of m'~'Il!d into '~1e spirit O'~ the one who is re\d,llly a b€~iever, So if he und errakes any endeavor bel lef i iii predestl nafion is his FnOt.iV'E!1 and ~f ne cannot raal lze what he waliJ'~1 ~ie viii II atr!"i b~te '~h ts to' f~le and de 5 I:ll ny" but wl rhour dependence. Th US,t he wi I i neve r b€l d~spera'~~J' hQP€1 ess, or Word{i!(J.

I ntellectual lL)e~~oins:

;< And you wi ~ I fi nd btIJrefoot€d~ desntute g~l~th~t'ds vyi iilg with O!!H~ a n other in the C{)f]SfitU)C:I~on of nllagrfl iJh:ent bu i lid i ngs." Th ls partl C:1lJ~ ar sentence lndlcares 'the I Eve I of l ntel le:ctua~ de~H ri oratlc n o'f til osa leaden; and fl~~Hrs. i nstead olth in kii ng, about s UJ:ilab~~ means to devel 0 p th e Ils~,~m it rtat11(l.j:) aod be:! ng PileOCC u pi red wi'~h d lscoverl ng the C_aUiS9S, for its al II 111 Hilts and determ i I!li~ r1Ig" su ltable CJLlIF,8:S, we: fti nd these rulers, who f5embl e shepherds, camped ng i iii the ownersh i po of castles and fa I"lcy ho U5~ in western countries. Some even bw, recrestion centers and flQij'!l.'~ii n g bars ~1 i nki ng mat thel r money w i ~ I se rve tnem morethan the possess 10111 Q;F lntellecr a If'Iid dvmzartk~li, as, !thei!'" monev wW be, aJble to lL'Ii.iry them readh{~mach~ equipment ~!lJd provided them with the products of the modem industrial di'Vil~zati(!lItlL

By doi IilIg,lh ls, they have comm i tted a, corn pound crime ,~.gaii nst t~] is nation, a 5. they lnlBlve ehai ned minds, abandoned the fielld~t wasted jJOW1eIfJ, an d have made m.llr flJlwre ~ iable to the exper~i5;e ,and actions of tlu~ W€st 'fh@y h ave devoted thernsel ves com pller;elly to BdJ'tisfyi ngthe lr des ires.

Ed'U(;:;ii,'tii~uilal Lessolltilis';

a, Educatlonallsts stress tbH i.8lct that the, comrnunlcarlve method ot' leami~lg is, f~ I~ mo r.~ ,effecUv,e ~h an dM':1 old method of d ictatlon. Til 'i 5 had i th :i 5 i n the form of questions from j ibrii ('GaJ)rieJ I- peace be U pen hi Iii) and an 5\overs. from t11 e teacher of human fity 'pe.aoe be U PQn him), hom it we ded uce the i iii eonanee o~ 1:11 is me~ho(l: and 'Eh~ preced!€~,c~ of til @ M~5~ng:ffi r of A I ~Hh {peace be u pen hIm) mel' pedlago,gy 'fmc! :psycho'l agy by several centuries.

b. WO[1Jderillg about the eMact time of me: H,QUf! whi,ch is one of th~ rn!fltt~i"S of the unseen, ts .cO!!l~! dered t(;i' be aWCI!5.te of tl me' "that €:'Xh austs the m ind uselessly, That is why 'the Prophet tpeace be upon him) used to direct [~-U~ aue:n~kii'l of '~ho$e wh,p ql,.lle~tt1i'o'ned ihijm (!!bout 'tn.13 Hour to 'thBl which was more lmportastt, Antis (may A~lah be pleased with hi'ln) rmrrated, sr A Mao asked 'rhe MJE;$$enge'f of AII,I,~ih '[peace be tilljO Ii1 hi rfi]1) abo ut '~he Ho ur (i "e. the Day of J\~SUI'T~ctTon) ,sayill!gl "Vvlhelll will the Hour !be?1 The Prophet (p<eiliC€ be I,J!IPO~ Ir'iim} sald, ,IWhat have 'yitlU prepared for it?;'1 The man. said, IN othlng, except that ~ ~ove Al lah and H ~s MeSSe[ll~e:r, ~ The Pro:phe~ ((1€'a!1CJe

be 'upon him} sald, ~Y.ou willi 00 wlirh mose whom YOLI love.nt! lin spite u~

such simple educaij"ol!1~1 :no,ti'ces from the PIF'Opnet {p€'ilJC>e be UPO,jiU hlml, we f,iind great dii'fferer1lce5 and a lot 0'6' d iSPUi~ bet\iV@,en sorne of tJh e earl y CQrlIlnM~rl'w.mJ'$ <ibOH.d some '~rivr~,1 malers, wi'~h whii ch ~hey. di stracted themselves, such as the oo~o r of me: dog of '~h e C~V@I 11 e hoopoe of Su~~d m~!1 ~Soil(imOln~ peaee he, upon Ii i rm)'~ the camel of S~I i h ~'p€laQIl: be IJPOIll l1f1m) t the c I'm.u:i.ffi with wh ucn A.llah had clesuoyed the poop~e of i ~~d! aiJ'1d so on.

Il-essailS for lDa~wah (~he Can to ~:stam)

1 • A caller should adh,ere to the style' of d ~s,iing of '~h,e sch 0 lars, and In at tt"~lb,'j!: i'~ I'ighdyj ss it is v~lFy i!Fl~~u®ntial" In that it gives, him a respectable, serious ,a ppear,a nee. Ilb~ IAbduYSa~~m $~:id~ .... lhe're is, 110 hC'JJnn in the scholars wea rlng $lPec.~'lJl ga rments in order to be ~"rn;(i<wll! and for '~hem to be asked questions. Once I was assumktg the~ state of 11l!lr-A.lniII (the' startle un whkl"!, one starts Hajji or ~Umli-an and dutri:ng wnich c~~n~irl-aC1!h"ns are prohibi,ted) lu~d I, adman lshed some peopleJ who ,did not kin ow me to b.e it scholar, who 'wer'e also ,a~!utm~f!lg the stare of Ihrill:nn 'for $Ol'~e mistakes h~ thelr 111!!,r:JJm. So they did not accept my advice. Wh~1i ~ put on the doth i Jig, of the scholars a ~d acllmonisnecli them again, til e:y heard and obeyed. ~ Th IUSj if a sch oJ 13J we~rs the special ,dlothi'ng, for such a reason, he w'm gain ihe reward roll it, because by dbin,g so he' is obeying the Orders, of AIII,aJ,h :and avoidi'ng H~!; Proh ibiUons.,

:2. The Wt'iry J ibrilll (G.~~wie:l i peace be u ~o n h inn} set and ~he w~y ij i:! whklh he ta liked to the Proph@t {pe:diCe be U pon ill urn} as i In 'whSJ1I he CBi il.ed hl m lun;~ by hls I'Ila!JiJlln,e '0 Mulf'lliEimmm:W 1'5 a lesson for callers to '~lkei and 'tl,ey should beh ave h UJmb~y wiith q uestioners, lavern if '~hey do not show due respect and gratefuI1n€SS"

.3. A. true scholar ls O'rV~ wh© respects hii:"J1sellf and hls krnowled!ge. He is also one who gJves ilifllSW€i rs ;tI;cCO rd~ng, to fh ell ~ irn itatiolll5 of ih~ s kfilOW~@dg@; and never gives answers, on matters ab out wh ich he does not have enough knowledge, He ls one who is never embarrassed about sa yi Ilg1 .v I do not klllOW11I because this phrase does, not atFec~ hlm negatively- 'We, find some of those who ~;.L\I!e appol ntsd themselives as ] urists fRbrli earl n~ I~e! ig\ous opinlolfl~ arbn'traril'yw~tholilt 21,IIIIY Ir,es:tll"BLint or fear"

4, The success, of a caller in his GlH ls indeed BlUJojlec1. to his tmdl1f~Jllne5S and ~salr of Ih~s L,ord. But this al:Qlifle 16 no.t ,eruJiugh;: h~s StICc::eS5 is subject also to the d egJreB of h ls knowledge and I.mders,tiJlllcli ng, of what he is cal ling to. There a~, rna illy who cal ~ t'O th in,g:;; '~"l~'r tlfgey do, not i/ rop.;'rly enderstand tn~ms~!v!i!!l" Some ,of them Collll for~h~ ap\pl lcatlon of~h IJ! IS!l]m tc 5Iys~~m~, as they are' completely convinced of its effectiwrl€S5 tlJnd ~biHty to achieve social [ustioe, prospel'it.y,~ and glory. Tnt's, us' 'wonderful!' But Ihow can lslam ach leve tn r s? Some of '~h.eSie: callers do 110'~ even have a. general idea alb" ut th@ fu ndamenta.is, of the lslarnlc sod~j' ib gOfVe-cf~rneriltl the, methods of 'i Is fQrl1f'!.atkD!nl 'rifle arrangement of~he p!riQrities or its 'fQundi'ng. il$, economv, 'its cui tu Ife! etc. How can such callers expect to he anil e to ;~jve a. proper

understandl ng ,o .. f b,lam and its practices i n our da i ~y :1 ~'~e w~th the! r eioq u ent lawagLJCI,ge and preach ~ J1Ig :&tyl ~S? ! n$t'e~d th e.y. m a~e the n a[~o~ aspi I"e '[0 ~hl~ ngs '~I"Ila.'t h ~Inder hs movement all d cnallg,~" As fur those who paISS~$ -r,he COflf'ect means ,of ,eal I i fig 'to Isla rn b ur[ aIN~~ in capa b I e of dern 0 n strati ng 1 t propedy 0 r presenf ng iit w€!,II, ~:be¥ are not ~es~ d~~,~ero~C$ [h,~n the former grou p, They are li ke a merchant 'Who cannot exh iibi't h is goods ij n a sound w,aYI because he knows i1oth:in~: ,about marketing: and advertislng, lh~r am a 150, II ike a TOO'~ ish person who ~5 defendi !fig, a fan r hearing, ~1'~1 cmgltl he knows Inloft11ng about legal CDIl~id@;r;L'tions or the ways of. defense. Jibril's vislt, as 'Wei ~ as iii is; m:~i!1lnei' or s i tli Illig! h',ad a g~~t i Il1fij ue nice: Gill the CmnpalidicUls ln attracting thelr attentlon.

Had ith iJlfI PiI',acUce

t , lhe highest rlllnk ,o:ff '~ahh 1'$, called A'I~lh5an (penfectt~oWR 'of fai'~I')'1 bill'~ there are 5DmB contemporary people who claim ~t, Is $ometh~na else, They helij,e¥e in i nlu1'milltian, w~ lch mea ns th.at Allah becomes a h U~I"hiHIl form i ns,i~d e the'i r garments, souls and bodies, One of them nn:ary say, "Ihere is nothing ~n my CIIO~l ing except Allah, 'I am Allah." Such peop~e also daiiim 1ha:~ th'~~f souls h~",e ,approadhed the, Diviilf1I€' Sellf afid united wlth H,irrll to 'ronYll one ,e~tilrv, lnearnatlen is ol,'iginalliy an atheistic iidea rhat ~nfihrjrlJted the Christian be'lilef, by whi,ch a Christian may believe in: the ~ncama~lon of Ai~ah in the: !body of C~ri~t Simi'ilaii 'ro this ls r.~~e lncarnation of Cluri;s'~ Ilnl t~iH~: communion (the b~®ad) tha\"th~'Y offer. Th U$ coniloop'l has reached lUIS th rough fhe ,e.:d~m i st SlIfi sects who, (]J~',e ~gnorll.fllt of th~ rea,Hty of th e Isla mic creed,

2. A~ though there a rn many 'v€ rS~5 that declare ftJ.a.'t A~ lah iis the Ot1~y One 'Wll'i'o :k~(r!~vs the a p;poi Med 'time of tile Doily tJiff' iR.€!sU ~r~N 0111 '~he q uestion of the angel to ~he Messenger orr AIUah (pe~ce be U POI'ri1 him} W~$ posed to put an en dto III B hopes off those who wanted to know abour i'~t '~fJd' a I $0[.0 tum thei r aH:e:rltlcHl ~way from [I lscusslng useless 111 atte rs, I n sp~'~e, .of .a:~ I fh~lll nowada.ys we fi nd some peO'p~,e who tell i les abo ut 'Ilh~ age of jhe un h',(2:l'sie ,{!jF.i_I~~ deduce 'f~ll$e c~llc\.!lations and hellow theories. Allah savs,

i ~, .. ,r pi' ~ .... -i

E~';l' 'r;: J~';)j~ ~ 1! 1 ~ ~~ ~~ J' ~ ~:~\ ~ 1 0 ~ w~~ Jj}

." r" .. ~ r' .z'

wlhk:h means, ~'Curs:ocI be ljh~ liers, Who are under a cover of heedlessness (think fillOiT: about' the gravily of ttH?; I-Ie.reaft:er)! They a$k" ,1t1\Nhe'~ wTlI be the .Dilly nf R@c()!1iperi'lSoe?~' (Adh-Dh~rry~tj 511: 1 (}.12')

]" A.cc.IO~'d i~llr5i to wht!Jt ij s na,hlrall t. lowly peopl e she IIj Id I~'~~" bethe I eaders, ccnrrol the destinies Ol~ nations In ,~~ly waJYJ or be ln chal~ge of I~eilr treasurles, except ilnl tll"lie case of the absence .of t11 QSe who ~ re meritorlo !..15t. ,~U5-'r~ righteous, and pious. However, this i$;!9~~ready' h,alPP@:lni:ng nowadays, Wheli8: we see the sche I ars ~~ld cii.illliers. in on e of these three positio t"Jis.:

a, One gil"o~p is fou nd iiin cas:~lle~. Whey preter '~O' fa Ilow th e ~'U ler-s me r:e th an tl, e Qu rt a~'1i a nd to please th!~, I'IU ~ers at 'rl~e e)tp-e,n~.e of I $.1 ~ rn, So tlli,ey give false evidence thi;IJt lslam ls a capltalist doctrine in fron~ ofthe

C.]Ipi'lWiilistsl, ,~nd ~h!!it it is .[Ij iCOMm!llniist one itl front of '~,h~ cemmunlsts. llhey alse ;}~I(iliW usurers 'I!O ;prac:ti'o~ [LJi5UI'y'~ IPU;lfl'nl'l~'Yira.rn$. ~,Ci shed the btOl0d' of Innocent' people and vrol~~e 'th'~ilr sa~c~utyl and '50 on. OlThe wOl!.llld not be sUilprtsed if s ueh D~O!ph~~ d i1!I im. that 1:511,811"11 is a. Christian 'o'v J'rLild~ioC Ir,elig'ion" This 'I''IP-~ of person is IIT10re dGlif'lgerous to ~sl.arifl than the ru ler$~

b. ,I\. second ~roup lock themselves ln ~hieii'r ho lISeS, praryi tlg\t rednrlg th~' Q~~!F~'.lln j and prayi n~ ,a~aiini$t op,pressi(u';! ~_,~d the '~i~~jn~~ors.

e. .A 'fl~'~rd g iY.HJ1f,) rs· found 1 n ,the prlsons, SUiC.lh plaees ~18'Ve 'beoome ~he 1110 rmal p laces for thlE! si noare callers who declare 'Cof)JUir,ilIgElOus;ly ~ N NQ to the rabble, FlO to tile cle:s~;i"'''lb~~ ilrlld 1110 'ro' the cunning," whose, slogan is ;llway~~ "The best Hh~d (ngh[ing {"Orr 'mhe Cause ()f Ali'a,M ~s (to $,peii'lk) ,[I word o:f ] lIs-t.kerD ,ail"! opp~e$Sive rU IeI!'. O!'


Abu 'Abd I,!ir·R.dhm~m ,( Abd uil ~,21,h bii il ~'Ulrfl'i~~r bl n AI-Khatl.ab (Il1i@JY A~ 1 ~h be plle."s-ed wi~h 'him) IMll;ted(- ~I heard the' Messenger off AIII~lh (IJeac.e be UpOIl him) saylngl ~ lslam is based on :Bh,ft~ (r:~ii II(!Jrs): test1'fyii fig that th ere 15 IrH) god b Lit 1'\:1 ~,E.h a n,d th{~t M uham mad ~ s H ~:5 MegS18nger~ of~e:ri ng the praryeiJ"j' iI~yi filg Zak~,h (oM i gato~ (';ha,~11'~~i pB,rformi:ng HaH~, and oi;$-eNit'l(g '(Jh,e~agt {dul'in~, the mOWJ1Jh) at l~tarrna,~:~n_~rT (R.ocordecl by A.I~B ukh£iJwy and M UJE;'I ~ ml

About file !NliU'irator::

lA;bdullah bln ~UmaiJ" (mr~,y AUah be pleased with them balM was horn one vear before H~e Prophet's mission. If-I~ converted to Isllam ilill Mecca W~Uil his ril!!:her 'Umar or hit~~e before him and he was a true Musl lm. As a YOUllig, man, he migrated with the II mm lgrarrts.

Cr~d~~ lessens,

1 _ lslam is 'Wo unded 0111' 'Ih ese prln c iples r con seq uentiy' there is 1110 val ue in embradll@: !slam whife d~!wTrng any or StHi!i,e ,oJ ,them- These principles derive' t~1 ei r ex i:sl:enc:e a nd ~€ep 'rhei r 185:5-'13,11 IDe' lromthe :5trellig~h (]if '~h IE: fi 1'5.1' prlncip~e; lrI~wnel,y the Testfficatlon of Faith! ,firtcl lhey are ccnsldererl to IJ~ rh e cornerstones (liff al ~ the other pr~ ncl p:1 es, IF l'Oi[1''I here, ilrve carll (11~diUCe th~1 it ~s a M,llIsHm!s duty to' adhere to al II of~el11 and, hold them in hi'S heart, He has to keep 'til ern safe and p ure ~'rom ~III traces of po 1 vtheisrn {an d we seek IBiE!fl~ge with Allah from those). The nature of Blny building's exlstence ls ~':;Sl!~H.MJ by not just building it on any land, ~irst D'ff all tine so~iidi:lri~' of [Is base has to be ter~'(lJil'" u must be strong and firm {rom all' directions, in order n:o'~ ~o sh(llk~a,nd ,colll,~~ps~ ,0 III (Hie 5i de arid befQr~' b~~ !~g used it: h as to be cleaned and polished" It' ~'5 useless for someone to ,o,~feti' tbe praver whil@ h~V'i ng, a \'If,ace of po'lylheiSln or i~i'f~(J..eHly TI!l! his he'art Til is ls why .ED I ~ the good deeds a I1d acts of mi,ijlflteo usness that H re Clone by the non-bel i @:VI~fS (I D them no good!. ~ioll' t~'~ey (~re 11~1$~~ on thin 100. Allah, the' Exalted and IEv.er Majestic saYSt

• :: I I

(~~ ,~~, ~\;l~~'i, J&' J~' ~~ ~'J} ~~,~j,

. ... .. ..

whlch me'B!I1ISj Ii' A.I1d \A/e sha ~ I tum 'to whatever deeds, '~hey (d i sbellevers, p'!JIly~ne:Tstsl S,~li1inE'r$., 'e'tc,.) dud! and W,- shail make such deeds as :SL;l'~nered f10i3i'~~!lg particles of dust. If (AI-.fllll'q~~l,t 25:; 23,)1

And' Ai lahi 1:llle' Exa !:ted Sw.1YS,

_" ... .. _ . t .. ~'. ~ I I! .. .,' ~ _ ~ .. ,:

.1. ~ u-:;' ~ , \~~, ,~'~' .~ .~~ ~!:,:. ~I -e ~ :. r~ ~.~ ~'1_\.~ ., I'~~ . t~, .t ~ ~ _:"I ' . .;J1)

, .T'I ~' •• ~ 'ir' ~ .E.-- ~:;r-~ ~ b! ~ ~ '~.:.l~ 'U

,. • rI' .... "

~ _,Ill ,. '::l I' Ie ...

(~~i £~~ ;$,;.f~ 'J ~G ,r·~::,: _)t J - ~ ~ ~

"or if' ~ - .' ....

which means, '!'Is the ,o~et who ~{)'id the mUlfilda:tion of hi's, bullding on piety tn Allah and His Goed Pleasu re beUer or the' one whQ il~id t~e' fitH.!iI!ldat1(~ 11: of his buil'diijng em an ~Inde:~n"!!'ili~eei briilnl~ .of a p-mcilpijoo readv to crumble down, so that 'frJt crumbled to pieces wIth him lrrto [he Fi re 'of FI ell I. Anld AJ la h g~j ides not til e poop,~~ who ttrn thl~ ZhIl11 i M (1111 (-cnJet vlo 1 ent, p roud, poly[~,eiS't and wrQll1lg"doer). ~ (AI· r~wb~ hi 9; ] 09)

2:" Alii 'the: j urlsts agi~ee' thar [he one W~U) den i es th e obi igati,ol!1 of performi ng flh,e 1~11'.tl'yers is a disbeliever, but" 'th'ey diier concerning :~l-e j ud~'lnefilt IJJeftaii~]ilil~, to the one who I~aves them :ifll'terr~iicmaiIIYI- t~le one who refuses to perform them our lDifJ ~.aLi ness arml negHg,elfu::e' (as. nfla,ifiY eeopte dC;]-) not g'ut of disb~lief iiwli i:ts obll~~'~ron. Im~!m A,~ili~d bin Hanbel, I$,b.,~ql and ibn AiM ubaJBJk Sea,! d that he is ill. d iistH~·llii ever, whe reas the: m~JQoifi"ty (lif M,usJi m schola rs. both '~le B2Idy and oontem pIG 1"21.1"'1 ones, i:nd uclm I1Ig ~rr"'Lam MAl lk, AsIll-ShaJi'YI and Abu Hsnlfah with lids disciples, s.ay he is dlsobedlent aad not a disbe I 'i e\'\e~,.

Those $lLIpportiing the' fi ~$t opl ~~ 0 n ;pre5>e'i"lt [ne "foil ~OWI iiig ~l~di'~h i 11 ,evidence:. {ill, ]~.bii'r tmay Alll.tIih be pleased wij'fh him) n~rU'i1llB{t "The Me$t$eng,er Qf AM.~,11 (I' e'ac~ be' 'UlpOii! ih ~ nlill)1 saii cit ~(\Nh at fls) 'be~weell''1 ,aI man and dlsbell ~J ls a bandon ~ n@: (the performant€ of) th,~ pU(Jjyers.;~"" {i i} 'AbdiJl~ah bin Shaqtq A~~1Uqa,lily reportedi "The Companlons -of ~Inle Messe·ngelr of' Allah (peace be Ii.Ip[]l~l him) consldered nothing to be: ~;H$beJi ef except aban don i"n:~ ~the performan Cie' of} the p~~,yers,. (Ii i) '.Abc! tJlllah b~ n ~ Al1lIf hi n AI,-I As narrateri that t~e· Pmphe~ (peace be upon h 1 m) once mentioned lhffi pr.tIPf1e 1'. andsaid, ;Io1WhDSOe-V(~:r- guards it s'lirk:tliy I i ~ wijll be Ii! is, gu i d i n:g i ight (in tltt,~ grav.e)" and hi:; ,evliclence ~ulld his salvation on the Day (.'!it iResurn~djil[)n" And whosoever d oes nrol guard ill it will not be ,~ g!i.!ivdiing Hght, ev'id~n,cel [j,1l' salvation lo~r him, On the DI(lJY ofJ Resurrrec:r.iioni he w'illl be (~a.the~ecl un the ~le~mreJ VldUl Qa r·ulli! (IK;oIr.~'h) I Fii~'~'awn {Ph,(llr,~oh}1 If-I am~ IIlI ,(1 n d Ub~~y hi n 'Khaki'f",g,

As for m e !'liilj o ri ty of Sid; ol';f,!.If~',r they teok the wOlid ~ di:d~][~I! i ef" as mean iing ~seve:ll'~ Iy a,~d r'@;prD'I.Iingl!y. I This mea ns that the acts of the' OiJI€ who a ~1 ndo I' $ (l~e perlorrnance of) '~he prave r$ a I'E sirn i ~FIiII' 1·0 those cd the d us.bel iev-efS,1 and ift is ned: true d~ sbel ie~. lh i:s opi n ion is ~~!1ielr~'IIIi'V $'IiJPPQr~-e(j by the ~OIll{~Wii1g~ (i) IUlI,acl~h b~'mi A~~~~n~'I' narrated, "The ,lvh~S'5@l1lg@r of A llah (p8at.ce bti!! ~J~Or1l' hi'm) ~1iict IWhoever' '~~'ri'f1es that 'therre 1'$ no glld but AU~h, thai' IHe has 1110 partner, tJhar~ Mu-i1amn1!ad 'is His S@!V,a'!1Jt and M€§!S@ngIi3F1 that 'is?\ Q~ll~$;! peace be upon him} is. Hls S-e:rv'.fllnrr and WonJ CBe'!~ - and he was) ",tih lch He bestowed on M(ilrV,~~1iI (Man{} ~ n d ~ ~,p,i Iri I' (R[JI]!) Cfe(fl'e.d by IH ~ rn, a~i d thart Pali1l,dii se a!id Hel ~ fi re a ~'e rea II A~ IlaJli wi IIII (!Jdm!'1 hi rm to iPafadise,t whatever deeds he mi'gnt be doing." un Anas bin M3ilik

nca:rr~ted that ~il,~I'V10$S~nger of ,I-\lllah (peace' be upon h i:m} 5BLid willi le hav'~ll'1Ig 50m~OIllI@ (M II ad h bl n j alba! II) slttl nft behind h i m on h ls mount, ~O M,ur~dh~'''' He replied, 01'0 Me$seii'I~e;r' ,oif Aillah! He,re I arn ~iirll,cerely at YOLll r service, "a nd he said it th rice. In'~Vl he (peace be lupon :11 im) sa i d, .... There is n 10 n e wh 0; '~$,'ti fles sl n(ie~'9ly that nOInlE!! hasthe Ifflght' t,Ci' be worsh ~'pped b ut All ah and 'dl~t M uh~ nn:ma.d ~s hi 5 Messenge r i except A~~~h wil~ save him from the Hellfire. .... He said, "O M!IE!sse~We-r of AI:! aht Sh ~ III' I' 'i nformthe P~OP~€ so tlley have the gllad t~di ngs{d' He sald, N11Ile~~ 'Wh~V w'ill depend (on i't},"" Mll~dh informed O'~hers about it after hi s (11]ea,ce be upon hli rn) de'¢ll:h fOir flea r ,cl'f bei ng a$,~I' ner (i, e. ~ow conceal i Il!j; knowled gl~.,"

j'lJ.llrl:snii::' IIL!~s$O:ifil$;

"Perfo rna i ng 'It! e prayer".!' 1111 ~s p hras€ does not i mp!y j ust {)'~reri I1g the prayers, but it means guaJding duem. stridlyl.. comrnlttlng oneself to. them '~otal~Yl and gUilrding 1t11e s u pererogatorv 13 Facti C€S IIi a.dd it~OiJl to ~he m aln obi ~ga.'~ion$" Ai II th ese ill n:["J\g$ lead to ();Aferj'r1I~, t'h em pewf~cl!y with pu rity~ '$~ !'i!c~rity of ii !it€llth) n, seren i1tyI' and tranq uii I ity, lhis wa.y orlie saves himself from being 2I111f!Iong those whom Alil3lh threatens, 'saying ..

which means, "So wee unto tjnoo~ performers crf ~- r Iat (p~aYle!T"S} {hY1P~}Gll'teS.}I' Who de~ay t~~€'if S~lat ~pra.ye'r)i from thelr stated "frixed times, 01' (AI~M~eOnli l 07: 4=5)

Educa,ti.(l~:Hljl Lessons:

;ljllslam is based.,;" When a schotsr OJ'' speake-r wants '~O oo.nrvey his message, he: has to talk@! ioto (lC(ount '~l1t dlf~(iil!'f~nCie:s between and th~' V~I!,~i~ty' ~nlong his audlenee. People have d ifl7erenl W~y5 of th i nkl ng and understandi n g. If he uses ,21,1l orator' s W,(!Y 'Of :sp,eak~'!1lgro it~M~M~, he may leed 'the com mor~ D~ople to m lsu nderstand .5Q1[1I1'l:! words and the reby have some do ubts regBr-clii I1Jg 'Ihei r rel ~gi'cm and creed. L€'t him l.r~e II ~ u $trili~U(m$ a ad ex~m pies, when deal~ ~ng Wi~i abstract idees to make them easier for ,the a~,dien ce to understand, This way 'everyone wl I il be able to C{lllflllpre~M~nd ,tin @ ideas, It is ha I'd to 00 neE i \Ie of '~hese 'concepts iLl u iiCk I Y i and un Ile5:5 one is, €d 0"1 I;,!,fll'ilt enough he will not 5UC-ceSa ln conveying his ideas.

IPolHmcal LeS50flS::

L [slam r~rd$ the ~rayerJ' which is a bocJilyform 'o~ worship, as one pillar artld Z¢!lk~!11 (ob~Tg~tory ch~dty)~ which 'is, a finanC'iicl~ form off worship, as another p1i l'I ar. Ttl i! Haii t wh ich is a ,oomiPO unci form off hotlh of them, is C!Jrlother ipilla'l' ~mong: the Ilofty p~II~JH of Islam. This con!"51deratiQ,FiI d~rlly indicates '~halt ~h~$ fe:lliigiolnl ca~~i)~)t 00 €s.tabHshed comp'I'!iJudy ,e!XiCepr~thlmLligh keeping aU lts pillars to,ge:ther in unity", Thus, i'f someone claims lhfl:tt Ii€! performs the pray@1I' and t-hat tni;s, compensates for the other pillars of lslarn, he is (h%troyijrll~, the rellglon, ruining its pillll,ar5,; aIFH;i is a negligent cheater. 1-1 is prayer does not com pensate for hi m oot fasti n~ or not IPtiJyi ng, Za kah if he possessesthe Im~ nlm l,.II~iriI am Oi'Uln~ of pro,perty li'i ;ab~e for 1'15 payment, or for no~' peiffo;rm ing lHi~jj ~f h,€ meets the condltlons for it. IF rom th ls we' carlll

conclude that' ~'he law of I SJiiI rn ls '~'Q be taken as a who I 18; as >0 U if rei ~gki n i s fnte.SfClit;!E!d! fit ca.II:II1iO'~ be dI;iv~d!l;l[l. i-=or this reason, 'rhe Ql!,;jr~an crit.h[il~S those wh 0, bel f eve ln some 1D~!,lrt$ oW ~r and II!li:til've other parts i 11 the' fo I, I O'I~I'~n\jg verse:

.J' ~. _ I' J' J .- u ... ~ I' Lr iI-~

1'-'.1 . J J • , .. I, :C .. o ·".I§' ~~.' , "~. 1.1" - '!".' !,,~... .......:, •• - ~ .. _,"It.

~~, d.[r :t,.' r J..1;!u~, v~~' '~~ ~ ~ 2i:;;W _; ~1.:N1 ~ 0r...-~'~F

~ r" - .} , J ~ r r.-... d' ..

II _. ,.,..;; .. ~ .. _r ':' i:.

(~ ~ ~~ :ill~ l:'j..,J~ ~I J.:1i J.! ,;;_J;I :,~,Q,' ;;~ '~~\

'_-' _'. •• ....:.II1 .. e,.. ~.rr.I~ ~

J pi .. .. ~ ~ _..,

wh lch means, .... Th en do yO'~ be lleve i n ~ ~~wt of the, Scrl ptu r~ a nd rej ect til e :F-@st? Th €!!rl what :I s the r€!t:nmp~:n S~ of th O:5e' who do 50 am 0 ng YOII.JI/ EKceplt d f1sgrao8'i n ttl e I ~'~'8' ofth ls world, and on th e Day of Re$ ijr~:ecri on Ilfley sh alii he cmlsigried to '~1 e rrost g~e\!'oll!s, torment. And Alii an :I s not UJflaW3.1"i2: 0-[ what you do," (AI-lB(]J(FlJrah/ J: as,)

Thls is ~x~~ctlly what some lslarnic sects and Muslflms'- 'leaders do nowadays" They ad-o pt 510 me aspects of ~:ldilm that wi III not remove the rn f!fOm~he!:i f positions of superioritv: H~i.:l! for example the system of personal law, and pe rfO·'11111 i n g F rklay Pray,ers a nd 'l~~l e FeE!:S~: Pra'!t€,rs. lh~ 5 c1 iverts attention from and JUI$ti'~~es them taking, the '\'Vesl as a model wilh its. caplrallsrn or cornrmmlsm, as well as its Ilaws, and prlnclples jhat coraradlct our Wl,hJI€S,r mor~ II~", and f~,ith. Thus, whell the (I:eniel'$ ~e,gi n to 'I!~.~y '~hii s an d th e VO i C{l5 'Of dn,e advisers are raised, '~,efr rI10u'~lS ,2H'e limmedi .. ~teiy closed wid'~ iron fetters, Th IE!;fIlI" til e hypo crites praise 'the piety of I H 'i 5 MEl Je~tyf or !H i5 E i<c~11 len cv' b eca use he is kee n (1 [11 p-errblf't1'1li rn@i th-rt !f"iih.ltll s of F ti day Prayer ii rill front of til e bri:ght lights and ca rneras, As for '~le Zakairll, th is iis, iefl to [)E: rsona I ii i~~'~i~tiY'e5, a ~d i n,rJ ~vid 1j'{IJ I bef e'fs~ a Itho t!gll)t~.t '~h€ same f me the taxes are co! lected regu I iHrrl~y and m'eticuil,QHSd y. We no IOllilger w;~nes,g th e zeal and power of the first M~51Tm GLHpn ~!l;JblJ l3akrr, may Allah he pleased with hi 1111) 'who tackled ~h:i s I'S$ U'~' $;I y~ rl ~ ~8y Allahl ] wo ",rid Wght figtlii ns't iN hoever di-ne:reDiti ales belwe.€ne~tab II i s'h i lrug the:Q b I i g.:;litlj)~y !1)n~ye,I' a nl~1 paying ihe obligatory Z::r.kah; vel""illy~ by IllV LOI'C11 lt is a Jjn:I,\leapn~Fasy. p IBtu~ alas, Abu Balk F' ~s no longer here!

2. The, ~slan1k. call 15 clear, :11:5 aims .rIire ;p~aiinJ al1d the' B~~ the foundations of It~'!e' Iisiam lc $~i"uCI'ur€' are ava llable to '[he wh ole, world; known by rhei r protecmrs and thel r €ne rn ies., I ( a nl{ syS"h~!1il1l 0 rgi31,Fl] zatl O!1!~ or gro up declares i (Sen' han es[ly a nd clarlf as Us strClJi:.egy as Isiam dO~51 lt ls bacau sa there is no obscurity ln lt, and th ere l 5 noth i ng to he h i dden, 0 ur cal ~ is as, clear as th e rlsl ng s un whose, rays gill i r~ e on the whole' worlid~e-x.cep'~ .0 1"1, Iho§e whfl thrust lhei r ti !lg,e~$, in th'@!:Ir ears, At th is '~i me, ,there a re some h um ~ nJ~ad(m chadl~blle organlzations beililg established and dl;ey are givf'1g thBI'l1_\];e,Iv.e5 a 11 :i fillllOCiElinrn a ppeara nee, wh i le i n ~i3Id' they am' .tii ke ,a! g:arle.1 nside they af~IP;ea~' Bke, ;I m.ercy whHe, outside th'f:!,r,e is a '!JOirrmeil'~,r but '~bh,ey have nOI: declared th e~ r rea ~ a~ ms and ~hey do not i"@v'ea:i thei r natu [ral '~a ligs un~i I ,th~y steal a persons' will and ,EI, netions' flree.dolil'. They follow a plan 'Oi~ keep1~~g sl lent unti I th,e-y have taken arl'l that they WClili1t Wll,H ~s said about them is also b~i!l:g saiJda'l)iOd!,!lt some Ilsl.aJIYiiC SE:!C.t$ and -m,~'\le.neMS tlr"l~l hold devi:;i!nl op i:n ion s and do not n~veil ~ '~leaT!~ eX)cep~ to those IOY2l1 to t11H~m" II f 'they dI id,

they. would shock. peep I e with thei r cornradictlons ro the M usl i m l1f1tiiorn1 s ideas: In thls way~ r~lu~y do not reveal for '~xal!'mple their (I~Dctl:jne$ CCi1lllc,erli'lli 1fIg. i: ncarn anon, thel I~ am~ud~s pertai n:i ~"Ig to 'fightil1g i iii 'the Cause of A.1112I,hj or their judging, tile dlsobediern ones as. atheists, unfill~ihey are e,~,rwi need of '~o ur loyallty,

ILe'Sso!il 'for ILhlt\\1'ah ~tJh~ Call: to ~ s~am)

t , There ~~$ a reference in the hadlth to jhe fact that the lslarnic p~i'ndple5 Me static, spedfriBcL and dl'::l.(~ll'f $0 caners do not consider belief in '~leii[" movemeors' i;J rii 1IIIi( i ples ~llilfJ folillow'i 111~, til el r m!~~lHod5 C1iS· separate from the lslam Ie priinci ples, ThBI[1~ h tlV~ ~)€l€!1I some reformers who sl ~'~~)ecl 11'fi~O st~ch an erro r and bel in I ed '~~1Ie fa Hi1 o'f anyone who did not dK~iIJrl~ ~'~ i 5 loya I ty to their ideas and jud.8~J h,im as a ~,o~'y'l'hei$~ 01" ~~~v'iITg p~e-I;$,~ami'c b~;~di,ef5, A~'~hough I: pay ill ~ my respect to these lin€! 11 ~ ~ do 1110'[ agree: w~'[h them gGi~ ng th ls (arl, but there '[ s ';0 do ubt th at ~h~ e !'w'! rO~ rnellt SiI.J rrlJ'(l<ulnd l:rlg them motivated them to' gJvlE' such a strong reaction.

2,. A. good caller ~ s rhe one w1h 0 con siders his cal ~ c~r,e~ll.a II y and b ILlI! ~d$. lit 011 fOlJJll,d3~nol1s, taken from the Book of AII~E1'h1 'Ihe Surmah of His; Messengerl .a nd the exp arl enee of other fa! itld~i ca llers,

J Those who be-a r 'Ih~ d iHk:ulti:es. of th is D.~twah are sepposedto u nderstand the lesson of pli'iori ties, Each one ofth em shou ld a~ mat esta b:1 ish iing tI~le bases 'for the lslarnlc ~tat@ in P@OP~€~S h€l~1Jr~ and to help the people become accustomed to them, Th ~s wii I i h~sten i ts estali)ll ish IWZ I"IJI; i n 1~II,e rea ~ \~'O rid •

.4. ViJ.e tQt~lIy refuse the abdication of Or i!!.I1IY barga] r! i Illg COIllOlE:1in i rig .any ~511 a III lc prl nci p~e' by .tIirrl'y m€H~~:5; or for whatever j !Us;~i'ffi'ca.tiol"l' 'li"l,e traitor or the weak. '0 ne may' give. They arethose who accept wnatevew the' ~II1J !,JIS'~ rulers bestow upon them, 110 m~l'ltell' how Ihl~le h" lSI and (11,[jItter and praise their performance of some religious requII'emel1l:s" for ,e:Karn~l:e,· when !i1 ruler orders a copy ot jh ~ I-I oly Qur'~,~l1 t;o be prepared at ill is expen se or b~d lds ~ rnosq 1..1 e ro B I oriify his narn e, we fI nd dll'f3' vo i oe:s of the eu IlogistTs and '~he scholars accredltlng h lrn WIi'tl1 (Jhe ~~1rliL:IiIJi'~e$. of the cal~ph.a~@; -emimt,er :'I['i;~ 'ffdJli'lth" AI F.hoyg;h when h e spe 11 ds ~avislh liy in hii 5 i m iI udence ~ nd wastes rni II ions dUie 10 h ii S beutlshn ess, 0 ur sch 0 Lars ~1 Ii"'@' bLIISY 'II,vi'l;h llUdgrrill;:i1't'S. feJ~r~~d to using the tooth-stick, applying cologne, growing beards, Jxa.yi'ng beh i nd a bea r'd!ed I mam I and tha I ~ke!!

\Nhy do not such ,peiO'pi le ~~ K@ an !2:w:am ple fro I'll the unarmed m~u1i whu confromed '~he 'nyi'aJlt Pha~-aoh? He was M,Gsa (M,QSe5J, peace be Upt)~i 'hiln)., O~pH~ th€! bet that P~a'raoh h ad raised him, in h ls ~J'w!i htH.;!S<iBJ he did 1lI(iJ~: ."

neglect' his l'€sporl$:ib~lltv~ f\'II.~h S~')"$J r

(Jj- ' I': L .' ; ~ - J ~ J&-~ '. ~':;''; ~ . _~I:"·· ~

I ........ 1 . ...!Jo.bJ~ ."~1 .' .,.- ~,~ •.

~ ",~ r ~ .OJ - J

-:.I ~ •

~ ~ - .- !

wh ich Ine;:l:I15,~ N And '~hii'5 is the- past favor wl [~ wh i ch you reproach me, that you have, ens I aved l:he '(]1 i 1'(1 ren of ISfr;t,ell.!'1' (A;5lfl.:Sh I.la r~tj .2 Q':2.2)

And did not '~hey ILJjnd!~FSITl,nd what Allah says,

wlfifldl means, "'00 you consider the providing o~' drinking water tD the pllgrims and the malntenance oJ AI.Masji:c! AI-:I:'"la,~Am {in M ec.c a) as equal lei' rille Wio~d~ ofthose whlo b@lJieve i'n Allah and 1th~ l~st Day), and strive ha rd, and ~i,gnt if I til e Cause of AI !ah? They are not equal befolfe' A.II a h, At'! d Alii ,~t~ guldes not those people who are thi€ Zh~HmlJiI1 ~poly!h~~St5 and \-\rmllg-' doe rs), Ii ,(At= Tawbah, '9: 1 9)

H adii~h in Practice

i hold thel s~~mij,c n~ lien as ~1J whole, responsible ~olr d"! ~ assaults of ttH3 w9st€m crusaders upon us. and 'Ihei r contempt. of all 1h at is sacred, It was the' lslam lc f:1Iiltfi on itse I f 'that cr-erulilHd ,[I!l11I abu ndanos o~ reasons. for d ~s.gra,ce a nd Iileg~ecied the reasons of ,g~ofrfi("atlkm. II aliso, hold lt responsible for the, d€dim~ of th~ 1!~lamilc caliphate", The enem i es d! d not sta:i1'II.' 'the destrucfion fl;f the l!s,I:a.mii'c structu reof society an d clijd flOit' brlng the' cal'iph21'~~ down, Mluslims dld that by them,$@h,l'@5"T1h@y d€S,froy@d the reJigJous prl1nc'lpl~est iT! 0 ni!)'rh eisl!iJl pr~y,erSj' co'rnrnaIliji~lg t~e Iright~ ft:Hbidd~i"~g the WI~i;\'t1g. Zak~h" and m~r'y other prl nciples, Allah says,

d f~~ -; 11 'I.'O~t ~ ,;~~:..r. _, ~~ "u: ~ 1:. ,. ~ '.T ~-- - - if - "",",,:, if _ - ~"

• .1' ...

whl i chi mea !lSI "Then, til ere has 5 uceesded them a posterl ty wh 0 h aV€l gJVBI"l up AsSaliM (tlH:~ pH!lyer) (T ,!B. made theij r Sa l~iI~ (pra,y~r, to, be 'Iost't ,~ither by ~bOt ~;fferii rlg ~h em Or by n ~'t offen-'j;ng them perfectly or by 11I0t. efferi n:g, them in thei I' proper fj xed ~i mes,

t -) It (M ,}" , 9" ,E9j'

erc.i, __ al)am"" :;.1i,


Ab u ,~ Abd IJlr:.R¢'Ihm~1il ~ Abd u Ilah b~n .Mars~ Cd (may All ah be p~ea5ed Vi.! lth h ~m) !larra;redi! "The M,e-sseWllger of AI ~dn (pe~te be l~PO n hi ilj'i!~) t the true ~n! d ~rl)j~y i tl$(pi red, sald, '(The maner off :the creation of) a human IbC3i~r1Ig is put mg@'~her in the wOf!nb of 11 i 5 moth er i n1 'f.CJ'f'ly daVSr and l~leUli he becomes a d Q~ of m lck blood fa r a sim i I ar period, and then a p leos of fl esh for a Silill r lar period. Then A~ ~,ah sends an angel to bw,@<ath€'l his soul into. hlm and then He orcl,ers him {'the an~e~i to w~lt;e four decrees, He is ordered to wr'~oo dow!I1 hts (i.e, the: 'i"!'f)W beh"lg's.) iliveHhood; ~~s (date 00 deam, hl~, deeds, and. whether he wi ~ I be b I ~55~d or wretdi]~d (i If] rel igJorl), B:y All ah wIth W,I'i'om there ~s' n c ether god.! AlI"~ycln.e amang~t' yOlll may do ~, e '(good) deeds of the people of Pa rad iS€: lj'llti I there 1,5, .only a cubH between him ~ no Parad lse and what h~$ been wr'iUen for him decides his behavior and he starts doing the (~'iln deeds of ~n~ ptmpl€ of' the F~te uif)tiji he eoters [t, Verily" (l~~YOi!e alT1!Qrugst vou may do the (ev I n deeds. of th~, fJ!:iOp~~ of t~~, f ~r-e unf I t~'e\Fl~ is only HI C ubit Oe:DNBen h ~ rn and ~h e iFi re and wh a:n has been wru'rntelll 'for h ~m decides h~s behavior and IM~ starts dol ngthe deeds of t11 e people of P,~rtLd lse ~nti ~ h~ erners ~t/!!' (Reoo.('(IIoo by AI~ Bukhiuy and Musji.nrll)

Ah!Ol!l~: "IIl@ NilllI"rarr>Olr:

He us' ~AbdIJU~h bln M.a~~~cl (may Allah be p~e~sed with him) who W;:!lS, also. called Abu j Abd IJJr-Rah man. He WiES d-n'l=: sixth person to e mb 1'l30i; Iislam., He w.as, fa MUIfliJte: to' witness alii of the eilrliy ~en:ts w~th the M@$S@llg€lF of Allah (pea.ce be' u pan III iim} rndueJiing the PJBdg,'e' of Ar:.Rli4wfln and ('~he 8artl'e o~ Badr. li-'Ie had ,~ lo,'t ()if. outstanding 1ira~'rs, which W~ will mention ra.ter', iif AII~h wi:!II:$,.,

lLessoni5; Deduced

I~ A~ lah sends ... He orders hi m to .. m The two verbs ju,e attrilb uted to Allah t the 0 i1~ who org~Jll zes the universe ,and creates 1001 brvos i 11 wombs, an d not 00, '~' e wi ~ Ii (u1d pc}welf of the angel, Ai lah :S;3/i/St

wh ~dl meaos, »He it ~ 5 Wh 0 shapes Y0i,..i i n 'l~h e wombs as He P!,6aJseS. Lit i 1::Il1a ill H H uwa {flO ne has '(be ri~h ttc be wa i's'h i pped b UJ~ H,e} s til@! .A!I i~Mij ghty I the AII...:Wi'~e,.;or

~AI!-,1·mr.EIHn~ 3:: ,6) '-

Ilf this ls the sttuation wlthan angel, wha!t wm it be with hbiill;an~? We have hsen a'ffll cred with people wh 0 have neith er 31 m und 11 or re I 'I glen aile! th ev d,D'I.~m that the

:5C1-C~ lted Asll3b Ad,~D'i W~IIli.u. (Pooplle of A.umholi"l ly) have '~h@ power to change destinles, and advance aod d€l;uy tlil@ predestinaticn th,~t Alrah decreed from the beg~ 11:n i rag O'~ tj me. T ~ uly!~ T 0 Ailiah we 'belong a n cI trul Y I to 1-11 iim we sh 21111 return

B,~~!arviorall 1I..eSl50IiS;,

u . A bel lever's d>e!@ds .rIire n at co LlII1t"ed ,a,crord ing I!~ 'Some 'fe~gned moves or artificial nlDani~g, \;Vhat counts li's what' fS hidden ir~i the heart, as the IP'lf'opilet O'J~ a ce be lnpOI1l h~!1fl1 :s~ys/ '!!,,,he starts doing the (j,~ds, of l:~le, peQpl€ O'f P'iIImdi:se. I~

2" A ff!lith'ful believer should IH~.Ver 'feel safe from mhe PI,ann~!1!g, ot Allah~ 110 matter how :gH~at his good d!Eeds 21.1:e" he should always fear a dlre~dflui end. S~h"fun A(h·TIl'l,lDWr)l' \- .. -as inclined to (;Iyingand worrylng, i'~ was said to hlm, "0 Abu • Abd ull~~h! YO!LI 5h 0 uld hop e' for th e fa r~hlene3S {ll~ Allah. The' forgiv,Itl'rt~ss of i\II'lah isgreater thriliii yfJI.!lf sins." H~' '5ot1iidl !~(DO' you think) II am weeping for my Sins! I'ff only I. could be certain that I would diie bil:!'lih:riling in monotheism, i would not tam for my sins, IIE!:V~1l if thev .tI1f":1.:!' 21'5 IFIi uge ,ThS a m CH.Jn ta in." .!J.;lbt~ A~~' Ajamy used 'to 'say; 'I·Wtn.oe'llelr ~V$~ 'Til erE' is no god bun Allah' befure il::Jyin,g will enter paradise." Then Ihe Cl'i~d and said, !"\lVho car; assure tTMll 'Ih~t ~ wi~1 S;t]i that hefol"€ dyijngT' 5'Ufy,~n was veii'V W(j I' i'~ eel at! o ut Hl€ (I' eeds prlor to lil il$, d~afl'h and 'the concfudl i'lg ones. He used to crv ana gay, "l am afraid that I am written amongthe people of H,~II in '~he' Book of Docroos,'!' He would wsep and saYJ' '!III a~icdJid (r~ b0ing deprived of 'ffiJJ~ ~h at Ihe rl me of death. oi M~,I ~ k hi n Din ~ r used '1'0 wa ke up durtng tn'@ I~igiht h'olding his, be~rd ,an~1 sayi".g! no Ald,ah! YOI~ know' ~h€ dwellers of Paradise snd '~he denizen. 0]- IHellifUre" in which one Q'~ ll"em wilill Mailik b~?~ lrnam Ahmad recorded that IUlllm Salarnah (Irnay Allah be pleased wit~ her) narrated that 'the PnJ~)nel' rpeace be Up~:Jiri !lim') used In invcke Aaah miUdl $!~yiilg, 110 Turner of hearts {Anah}J Fiirm I'tW he~r~ on Vr~ur ReHg~ofL~1 She sair], 1·5.0 ~I said, '0 Messenger O'~ Aillan! Do hearts 'rum?' Hie said, 'Yes, there is 1110 one whorn Allah hes createdamcng Banu Adam (frorn h uma rl:;:.~ ~ il,iil' ~l [50 he~Uill: 'I $ between lWO f~ nglers of rh e' ~-: 1 f'I@i.?'r$, o'f AHah, the IEXii! ltecl and E lIeHMajestk, II f Allah wishes} H~ wI'll !nfldJke ~l fi rrn a rnl ~f He wishes He' wi i I ler It deviate: \¥r=_, ask AI II ahl net to ~e~ ou r ht':lr.lrt~ ~D wrong filft)E.'1I" He has guided 11.:15. and \!~' ask Him to gi;ve us His MercYt for H"!!, I~ 1Jj'lo'e CiY'eI',: 5h.e 5miiidl! '0 M!35s@ng@r 'of A.~II:ah~ \l\fiH YO'!J! teach me an i nvocatlon S:C1 that I may i nvoke Alliah for my $~l,e?; H,e sa ~d" ''Ye£" say. '"'0 ,AIli.UM God of Muhammad, the Prophet (peac@ be' upon hlm) 'rnr,give my s:i n, stl III 'Ihe inl,d igll~ l:ion <of IIiiTI/ hea rt, and protect me from '~hi!il! m isl'I!ZIJd ~ng tem ~tiltho~~s ,~S 1.0 ng as. yG!~j keep 1"11 e al ive" ,;! ..

There are now those who c I aim th i ng5't a:l:tl'li buta some powers ~o th @i [' Sheikhs, and assert the Iact of thementering ("Ii: I!'"ad:~se" They even decide

[I ~As_Mb MI-!1iw~1fI (P~op1@ Q~ AlI1hori~y): A. sun 'Iie~m ,dli"flln~ ins thE!'ilf 1:H'~liE'1Ih;u !he' dl:spo>il iOI1l oj" Ihe 8nall'S or thrs universe is entrusted to 011 ~liD!Jp of people who, ~I i II work under ihe C U!r,dal!H.i~~ or AIII;:lh, Jl,U'rIt}r in~n bli!'illi(~ di~po~d oK by l:hl2: Will of Allah dii('!CI~¥,J

WllQ, wli i I el:lltlju Paradl se wi I:h tlijl[~:i r bless ln g~ and ! rwocatlons, ace red ~[j ng. thisto themselves ;;'$ welll~ which is in 111 21 nl f·e:st error,

Jll!.!lri,~U~ L~S$ii)nl:::~

F;~rsHy~ The Mes$e~lIge'r o:r AI: I an ~pefl;ce' b~ upon hi i m) -eJaIFi'fyv ngti1!@, phases of ore.tliUon Qf~i e embrvo gave us m~i"I'Yi mpo rta ni~ j lJri:s:t~i c. ~ udgments such £115:


If an embryo dles in its, mother's womb due '~O t~'E accidental Of' dBlib~rate ahuse of its mother i ev€',1il if 5ihe does no1 cl le, Gh l!I rrah (b I ocd-monev for Jd~ I ~ n:g a fetus i n its mothers, wQm~)) mi,Ji:$~' be pald whether i'~ was a stlllblrth or lt died inside the, motner _ a nd whether it 'was, rna le or f€ma I e. ~ U i~ \IV',t~$ born al uve~he n died. then full

I' . ." """ - " "- ~.. "

bIO(Jd-r~'oney will be: du'iE'. In this !G:lse' i'f it was a male, one hundred camels should be paid and if I'tt was ;[1J Female, 'fl:fly camels should tie pald, The slgns of bei,ng alive would be sneezing, br€i~;tl~'ill:ilg, cryirlg,. shouting, moving, or the liike,. AshShitirF:i'vig precondi tlon ~ n the case that the f@lus d led i Inlside ~~lif~: mother is that ut ~V1 ust be known if it was l created' qIJ nd 'i f' '~"Ile so u:1 Ir'I,ad been breath ed 'i ntc iit He e'x~Jlaii ned ·nh is by sayi ng, 1/ It h as .~ ill uman sh ape, ,~f'! d dlM is 'CO say m:t3'[ it has hands, and fi n@elr5.:U Wh'ile' M,~llk did not P~fl such a condition, he said, i.l\Nhatev,er the mother ~JeJrv,ers,~ be lt a tlrtle IIUl11fJ or flesh OIF a dot fa piece of thick oo~,gu~(ljt€d b~o()d), H' deserves Gihtllrr;uh_,rr Tbe opinion O'~ Ash-ShMi'y denotes rhat the basic 1"U!I,e is qlJliittEmc.e and thus no Glfilulrran is dli"i,i;:- U '~he $t.!!I.ge of development was not known, no'~hiif'llg i's obl Ijjllatory to be pald,

rl~le OImOU(iI,t of GhU!rf!1h ~

According 1:.0 A:s~-Sh,~,lby and 'rhe _FiI,anafysl' the ~1110lmr of Ghurrah is five huwadred Di'd~B1ms, or one 11 IU ndrerl sh B~PJ' as was rnent i 0 !!led i 111 the hacli'd'u narrated by Abu Buraidah and! recorded by Abu D~wCid and AIl-NiiI5~ly. Others say It is five camels. Abu Huraireh (may AII~h be P 11!!l.tl sed with him) narratsd that '~e M@!s:senger of Allah ~ peace he L!pOn h iil'i!'i.) g.1!i\,fe hli s verdi.c'1 11M t bloc d money d ue for a dead I@TllblFYO (i'r! (me wOlnnh ifJiff its Inioi~1Ier) ls Gn1JJ11'IiCilill whether iit is male 011" 'f,ell1a~e:. M.~~iik recorded that ~blfl Sh~ h~b n;:~poned~l~I' S;.{id bl flI AI-Mlus~yySl h (may .AHtlh [be pllta sed with Ih i mJI n a rrated 'tl jtl:k the M,esslBng'ef of All ah '(~l[ilB' he upo 11 hi m) gave 'h ~ 5 verd fJc~ reglllirdl ~'g the k III 'I i ng of iliYl embryo In i IS mother's worn b diS,~ "'C h U i;:Ft] h for a boy Ole a gi,d".o The man who. was 'filn.ed said, 0.10 Mes5en!Jel' of Allalhi Shall i be l~ne~1 for ,['I belng that has neither druak nOI' eaten, I1~Bh~1" spoken nor cried? A case like rl121'1 should be thrown OILlt[iT On that the Prophet {pei1li(l~' be, upon hilm) $~idl~ "This is OHR of' the b!fO~hi2rs of soothsavers." This is i,n~h!!l!! C,E!iS~ of iii MUlsl'im mother~as fora Oh unin ilf'Ili (m, ~'O n-Mlii5! i!!!'ii I ivi ~:g 'i ill ;;]!IId lU1d€r th~ protection of a M usl im state) t ~ll1e ~'l~d1!Or of B'ida:ya,t, Ai-Muj.[:ahld ((ile beg,iil1nel'~£ ref8r:erlce book II') NM.lik.y ,iLtdspi'uderJ1Le) saicl, ~;M~~i!k., Ash.SIFll:\tiiy~ ,anal Abu lH~i'ii~,ah sald, 'The blo'od mOrJEl'Y due for i'f i's om: t®!lrth of lts mother's.' WhHe according to Abu Hanrf;?lh~!1. School, ~:he blood tn"HJlFlJe'y of a Dhiiflt)m~ is. ~he same as '~h~t of a M,I,J$lli!li'l" AccordiiJ1!g. to AshSh~Wy School, the blood mon~ ()if a Dhrmrlllii is Ollie, third ol that of 1:1. MUi~ii,i1n and according to the M£iHky School, the blood i"'In(l'~'U:!y ola Dh~milinli i$ ~~,i1Ilf t~ltflt of a M.usll 1m. ;;

Who s.1fn1m.dldI plIiy th;e. blood ~ oifiiey~

M!i,IH(1 h i s fo~ II 0 wers I and AlHasan A I-B.a~ry sa idJ I~ I t is Db I i,gcrrory from the money o'~ ~he gUD I ty. ii A.1f..H:;m£lfy Ash~S h ~lff~'~!. and A~-IKClny Schools Welr,e of 'to€: op IinhJlnJ that H

is obi iig:tl.tory on AII,- I Aq i I all (f:h e dose relatives) i because H is i3Url ace i dI,e'ni~ I; sl n;9 Mbi If (m ay AI ~I;I h be' p I eased w~ ~h h l rm) narrated that the Proph et (peace he u pen h'i m) ordered G h urrah to be paid fo r '~h e' embryt) by th e AI_,r Aq~ lah I s'~,alrti I!:g . wIth the h usban d and then the son, M ~ U k and A l-Hasan (:011$ i dered i tOO be s i m ll ar '~O (he blood n"HJi"I,ey paid i~1 irl~:ein'~io'n~~ cases ijf the beating was done deliberately; and 'r:~e first oplnlon ~5 sounder.

For 'wilnum :ShOiUII d if. 'b~' ~lmdl1'

A.1-M~,Hky and Ash~ShM~'y Schools f.lrlI(1 (],th~rs adopted t~"be' view that th,e brood mo ney of ~ 111 em brvo should bill Pi] id to its iii herltors, divided aecord ing to lhe iaws of' i nherT~~ nee, n has the S.~~TiH~: J udgment as rhat of b lood me n~y~ as b~rng i nheri ted" I,t was, ':.1/1 so said that ;i f iJs for th e rnothe r as the embryo is pa1rt of her a ~d 50 the

payment she u I d he hers a lone, .

The obllgadon for atonement:

51:: h ol(l!rs ~grreed on 'lli1e ob ~'i gation .of both the ,t)tnnemerr~ a rtd '~he blood .IlH)rlley if ItIM~' embryo was born alive then died, liS '~lJ@ expiation oblig,~L'tnfY ~n addiUolfl to the blood money if it '~s bern dead or i'lO'~? A,sh-Sh~Wy and others said, lilt is obll~garo!'Y~ <! because accordlng 00 them i[ ls obli'~~t'O:ry 'in hothaecldenral and in~etlti-onaJ~ cases. Abu Hanlfah said, "lt 15 not obligatory," because it takes the j~dgm€!l1it of an i ntention a I case and atonement is 'I1Qt obl i gatr;,rry ~ n th ~$, case acco rei i 1"Jlg 'to h r m. M~lik favored this vlew because he' was, ILInOeHr,Bi.~n wheth~I' it should be classed as

ace 1 ~IE!'IJl.ta I or in~l@llitio 11 a 1.'10

Se!:o;rntd!ly; Cart a dlvorced pregnant woman cons lder herself free from her ~Iddalra (thepIF,escdlbed w~liling perlod i!Jf~eli' divorce or deajJ, of a husband} iif she gives bi rth m iIJ MUle I ~111J1 po of flesh, for eX(ljlnplle~ I'~ is 0 bvious that her ~ tdda h ends wh,en she Siv~s birth, as AH~h$~y:S~

wh ich means, "And for those who alJ"€' IJ)lneglJi,I'III'ir~ (whetli:er tnE':Y are divcrced '0 r thei II husbands are dead), their 'Iddah (pri~:5Iaribed period) is tmt~l, th!:lY deliver' {tnl!!iir b'Llrclen~} . .1I' (A~- T.a l:aQl" 65: 4)

A. woman's 'lddah ls unlil: she delivers, whether this was fai!owing clivoroe OF the death of hie r h usband, 511 ~ikh Knallil (may A~ I iii h be me:rcy ,0 n hi 1111) sal din his M[J'!~II'iJ'l~f~ "The 'lddah (]:f a pre.r;Ii1Ii3.11t WOIfli1I~)[l both in '~lnle case of di'\fiome. or death of

2 'nhe death oJ '~Ih~ ernbry<:! i s n~ [h:,lllE"! wilh :illb~(]~I.II,e- ilii.;!IiIi'i:on, biJi 'wii:lii I'hf,!: illl'tJ!!..n.I:rol'il ~if hamn i I'li.r, i!!; rnether and oiJo:;;iden~'i!lny :halUil,~ Iliim_

] S:.awid Sabiq! f.fqfJ' A~·SujfmiJir,;, vol" 2, ~p- 56;5- )-1J7_

her h I!.!lShafH.i ends by de,li'i very~, even ~f it: ls to just a !I m~e II ~ mp of fI esh, II '1 h e j uri 5tS, 5ay that the 'I itde II u mp of fil ~sn is (onlsid~f@d as a pregnancy if it does not disso lve ""ih en hot w.!1i~1I' is poured 0 n, it, The M~I i k}~s, h,a.ve not defl ned an exact period for the Iliit~:lle formedlump .of flesh, whllethe Sh,aii,lyS arid Ahmad bin Hanbal ~a\-I\~ said

- ~th~t ~n 'II dd!'lJh does rtl~"~: end e){c,epl~ by' ~he dh-;d~al~ge' of tl11e I itt]1 e f:!) rmed lump of fII,tash" 111 t!' m i n i m um period fo r its fo~mHtion and creation is e'i gh"ty-onie. d avs,

lldrdl'y~ Know! ng m,~ rn ~ n ~m urn and ma>d !1'1umn per'iiiOds. O'~ pregnancv hel ps i Ii! many ~lIlEIfl1,e:r5 t'\iJ~' example i'n attributinga child to his father, ending: the ,'tddallJ. and many (lith er matters, Allah :$ay~~

wh leh means, N Allah knows wh,at everv female bears, a ild b,y' how m u d11 the wombs ~.Cl!111 sh ort ~,of til ei r tiillll€' or n Lllu'berr} or exceed. Eve I'ymhi I1Ig w urn H urn is in (due'), 'I~ropolrtiiolli .'"' (A.r-R.ii/d,r 1 3-': 8) Th,e verse proves thal~ it~ pregnant WO'[i:"I~Jl !fT!~Y giv€: hi rth ~rn I!@ss man n in@ months or i1I{~@\r mOF'@ '~ha 11 th~,t

Scholars deft filed '~he m flni m urn peri cd fi~w ~.r'~l{i n,cy according to the verse,

1, __ • 'i

.. ~ ~~ ~Uj ~~j)'


which means, "And '~he bearing of him, and '~"le weaning of hiim is th~fUV months," (AI--A.hCl~lf~ 46; l ~n

And 'flrGi'r! t~~,e verse,

- _.. • - Ii!

'VX( ;;;. ,~~'lJi ~~·~A~G~'

• ,- _.I ~

wh k::n m'eansr"The .m others sha I' I nu rse thei r ch i Idren for I.VI!O who I e yea 1'5" ~ (A .. IB,aqall'ahl- 2: 2:33)

The lilliIi Ill! m l!lm period fDr a. prnglrllanc.y is six months and the scholars have ~ll~reed to [hat. ,M,u_ham mad b ~n I s_!JJhq reported that Mu' arnmar bi n ~ AJbdul i~hAI'~J uha !1y sa ud t YIIOi1liIJe a (nan a.n1iong_ us married ;;11, W(j!"flan from JiJ.iihahl,ahl and sJhe ~.ilive bill'llh a-fte'l' 'l;1'Xac~y six month'S. The husband hurried to 'Utl1m~ln (may' A'I~aJi'l be pleased wid~ h:i lin) and mentlonedtaar til) hi m, SO ~H! sefl'~ '~IJIF her. WinI!@n sh e stalled - t,o d ress, hell' sister cried so she SdJ~ d tn he~' I- IVVlhy a re )I'm.! cf'yill'1(~? By AII~h I dijd IFHJt hav€, 5~~ UHl ~ iuder:ool~IiS€' ~XC~P[ with my h usband, So let }\~llan., the EXil~te;ril and EV\er·Maj~s,bl(;~ do what He wilts..'1 When she was brought to. jUthm,~nli he ordered her t:o be: '5~oned. vV hen 'A.liy was i nfoimrH~d or it he came and said to ~ Uth man t ''''Vhal are' yQoU dl[J'~y,;g?' He said, !$he' gave bi !ith~Jmr sii i'!: months, can ~t b~,?~ '~Aly repl led, r Do yo u net r~C'iite th~ Qlu1arl?' H~ saiid~ Yes, I! do.' IA.ly said, "Did not you hear Allah sdJyijng~

whkh meil!['1ISi ¥ And '111e bearing, o~ h'iml and '~h® wlE:;ill,ninfl oF. 'him i:!1; ~:hirty months.,"" (A1-Ab_q,M! -46: ~ 50}

which meEltl'lls, JJ .. JoJ:' 'two whole yea~g .. ~ (Ai-!laqara.n, 2: 233) :500 the result is g~X months. ~Ulhm~n said, ~By Allah~ I drd !:llot t1l1ld'E!![sGind iirmhial way. IBdng me ~h€! woman.' He found that she had died." Mllammar said. "By A~liah! The !!Jabry looks like h is fatl~H:~1i more tban the b(lby (row rssem hl es ,tt e crow and the egg resemb les an ~gg" ~I Whe:1:l 'h'l s father saw h ~ n1 ~ he sa id I Ii 8y AlllaJi! He is my son I have no dOt~bt!· Then AHah inlfiict@Q the fi:ltlrler with an ulcer on hls face which kept covering a bigger area 01'1 his fiu;)~ Ulii'[iil he died. This ij·s all about the mIJnim!.Jm period fa I' (1. !JIle\gnancy,

As, for thE'; maximum period 'for it pregnancv, there are many dlscrepancles and dHferenc'l':!s ~ r1J '~he poi nts of v i e~Ii.i" Revli·ewi ng, fhe Vit@W5 set out hy Nl IE'! M usl i m j urists and other authorities, WI.:! ftnd jhat the maximum period for the' duration of a pregnancv ranges from hl'i/l!) fulll vears. lh~()lJg;h Ihree years'l foul!" ye(!Jr$~ 'i:o seven 'y.e.aj':5, len ye~.rs and ,eve 11 to no sped fi c :1 i 111 it, :~ ach vi ew poi In has ii ts I'effe,rence and i lIstff~,cat:i 0 ns as suppo rted bv ac t lila I' a no r,eid ~l f:e ev·ents ..

IF.ourl:h I'y: A gro up of the Co nn pill III ions, Fa llowers, a nd jurists have a II O\I\,Ief~ col hIS lntenuptus. M~l.I~k and AshgS.h~~HiJ~y prec(ln(;ll~lkHl@d !:h~s wlth takingthe permlsslon of ~1 free w©nfiiHlr because complete pleasure is· achieved in '~hle discharge, as 'l~~e Prophet (Pe!'ilC'@ he upon h~!ll) Si'lic~~ "TI'!B::!n~' i!1. IlO h~Hm i'~ y>ou do I!'HJt practice it, for 'it (I'he birth o:f the ('hiili[I~) is SQIlI"HB1hi!1g ordained I(by AUah). ~ lbn 'Ab'ba.s (miUY A~~a,h he pleased \.·\ .... i th hi rill) wasasked abo til: COI'1;UiS lin rerruprus. So h.1?,: recited,

~ ~ ,


wlhi·dl I!!! eans, I' An(l; II"1deed 'W,e_ tCiI'>e<at:ed Hilag';! (Adam) out of an e>.:tracl: or day {waleit' and €i1nh). Thereafter W@ made Ii irn (th€l' o:ffis,plfi Ifl§ o .. F Adam) as .;11 N utfa'h (ITI r xed drops ofthe male ~Ind fell'n~le se):u~'1 rlisdl!'!.rge} '(~Iilld ~(ldg,ed i'U) bl['ll a. Si]r~e locl'gii1g Ohe WOI1fl'b of 'tl'le wornanl .. Then W@ made the Nlu'lf~h into ,~ do'r (a piece orr thick coagulated bliood)1' d,e,n We made '~he clot inmo a ii'Ittl'e lump of flesh, then We made our of that ITl1i:~e ~ u mp of fJe$h bones, ,tIM ~n 'VW~ (;1 o:~hed the be nes wij l~l flesh r iIJ!~d lh~i'iI.We brought ~t fQ~tnas an other creation, 'So blessed be ,All lah, dille' B·es-r of creators .. If. (AII-,Mtlm i n(~fII!, .2 3 ~ 1 2'·]4)

Then he said, ~Is ~I!lnlynne consldered 'CO be alive without hc'l'vi'lillg been cr-eillmect accordlng to thls ver.iie? Rif~lah bin R~W said, IIUmtu-1, ! AIYl Az'-Zub(iir, Sa'd, ~,nd (.! g~Clt!Up of 'IDhe Cornpanlons S2rF. with me and they mentioned coitus lruorruptus. H@ said, 'There is no harm in doing it.' Orti€ man Solid" !Th.ey ·r;lla;rnl i~ 'is like .r. Minor b uria I o:f i nf;nllill'S. I ~ AJy said, ,r Il i 5 I'lQ:~ 50 untl II 1'1: h 31:~ passed through ti"HB; S@\l'@n phases

mennoned iii) tiH~ above verse.' 'Umar '~~Jd~ Iyou ~1Y 1i"l,e tnl~h., May AIII.an bestow long I i'fe !!.IpD n vou.:"

Fi'ftl~Jy: Concsrnlng abortion, w~ich ~,~ the' removal of what ~$ i'lriiside the womb (Jf ,~ pif'ie,gn:EurJ [ wornan aift,@r the embryo h as lJee~lI fo rmed and g~ '!,i\e~l a soui. Thi 5 :i s f'Qr'bk.kl.e[]1~, wldl(J1ut any dlsagreemem Qil it ~'~ was mentioned in ~he commen IS of Sn€l~ k'h I bi' B:idis (n-"lJ~,y AI ~a!h have mer-cy em him) concern i ng tnl@' vers~J

I II .. r »J .. _.

(J:J~l ~~ f~~)'~ ~ jj)

A •

which means, "And kill Hot your chil,~lreu'rj fo,r' 'i,e~r of pOiV'I;rly-"" (AI-I~r~'i n 7': 31)

He said, i~11 lis forbidden bv [he' C0115e111'5l15 of the scholars, to kill elther .afb~lI· giving oi rth 01" by BI bortl n ~ a pregnatn cy after the ernbrvo nas been formed." i ~ The H a i1b'<!ll~'YS decla red '[halt if the ernbrvo lilil.e1 become a clot o'F til lck blood ~ the WOIlfllEl n has PliO Irig~'l't to !!l:bo:rt itl because lit" has ,'!I!'lreEldy been ,erealedi' unlike tiTle N'tII!rah {mixed drops of iTIa.i@ and female sexual discharge) whlch has not ye~ boon created, and a.~S-Q m~!I:hit not be created,

S,i;dlM'y: I'f someone dies, and .;)lmO!ilg his in.nelritors ~'5 a pregnant woman r the dis:twibut:'i on of i nherirtance rnust 'stop IU nti II lit is known wne1t11 erthe felus is HI I'II ve On" dead, er .a. bayou a girl!., The' scholars oii:s:agf'eed over [he evidence that p;nollJes il '~Q b€ (:1:1 !Ive. 15 i~ j !UlS,~ by cryi ng or breath i !fIISr sneez U ~ligt a iild so on al so? Abu H lIuai I'BI hi (may AJ I a h be p ~ea sed w~'th Ii i,m) li1f.u"r ated '~1 at the P:roph e~ ~fJef!Jce' be IUPQ~~ h !nil) said, ""When :m infant has ralsed his. voice {and then d~e~)1 he lnherlts (l.e. he wi~i be treated as ,ali' he!li'J. if A~:,-Trll'rrf!ithy reportedl "There wm be no funeral prayer offered fOol" Bin inlial1lt he wl ~ I not i nharlt OJ!" be' i rnlh'lE'l:'il ted from U!n~:~ I he i"~II$e$, h ~:; ''i/O lee. iji'

Sod.tl~ L~s:oon~n

11 • Tlhe descri ption oJ tn~ several phaS!ll!S 'Ihilft th€l ern b ryo passesthrough whi le in lts mothers womb shows the ~,':Lrdsh ~ ps and great" troubles 'fac,~{I' by a pregnantwomen, ,Alllf;ih descrlbes them tlloqlul€:nt!y when He :531,YSt

I, ..... ~ • II.. Ioi i'!~:''' 'Ii: J

(;,~,~It ~W;~; G.}~~Jj ';j~),~ ~~l.~:~'~ ~L.!~~ -~~:"i;~

•• " .I' ~ ~

whk~ I'fie,,>:u~$. N AI1d We h,~v~ {J'IflI,i{:.:!ii!il~d on [nailll to be dut'iiful and kind '1:0 niis parents, H ~ S rnothe I' baa FS him 'ViI i tn hardsh i p arn,t] she hri ng:s hi nril forth '!.IiI ith hardship;, and '[he he-Jlirir.lg (jof him, and the W€i!ilullg of. him is tnh'ty months." (AI-A!.:!. q~it46; 1 50)

Alnd H e $ays!

<4 Sliei,k~ Ibri 1B.~drs.J!'I4~:tW.~ AI~T.tld'M/r rn if.! KaLjlf~l! AI>!iil1~rjfl AJ-t:1~bf'r (,iI:!e.rrl irider,~ frrGim ~hE' S1JlB~1~ of 11i~ AtI-W:i:re" A1J-Co,WJrz',;"mU.

which means, :. And We' nalVH H~]O~ ned on man (00 loe d utu"h.! I and gDod) to hil's, ,p~re:illl~. H ~$ mother bOH2: hi rn ij n w.ookrmss, Blind har-dsh~ p LI[pon w,eaki1!~ CIIlnd hardship, and his weanling ls ln '1\1\10 years."'" (lUiqmt1,r1l1 31 ~.14)

lh ~S/ ch u lid ren have to b@ glfifitefu'l ~ and mar1lY h adlth em phaslze thi s poi nr, A sodely l ri wh it~ 'the d~ i ldren are' y~gl7l'~e~UlI to 1lhei r pa.rel1'!::$ is sn Ll'rr1grH,lrewlllI!~ IUIntha;l1ikfull,f. and dlsassem b I ed $odety.

2' , The phrase, !~Ve r !I'y I any(me i]liiongst YUUI/' crJntfi rmed by the word 'Veri Iy puts 'fOflW'dW,o '~' ~ p ri ncl pie of ,~qlUal ity that lslam calls fo I'. The '0 rl gi ill of a III manki fIId ~s sern 'B 11 , and no one is 'flavored over another in creetion as Ai lah $~N:S,

wh ~ch means, "So ret man see from what he is crested ~ :He ls created from iJI wat~r gi.r$hi!'~g, 'fo!'tlil,''' (A!-lilrlqr 8€i: 5~6}

An d 'l~h e Pro p!h e'tt ([)e~c,e: be ~llOon h im) s~~d~ !IV O,y a re a H from (the' sons of) Adl~ 111 and Adalrn ls (,came) ~rol11 d ust, II There is no. E uch 1hi ng as nob I e and m~n blood r h ig~1 <:1 ass and slaves, ,0 r ho,m;o,rable' and ign:ob ~e,., Th is ~eH ~ion carne to set the 51 ~,\I1~5 free a n dto apply '~h e prlncl p le of eq ual ity over al II :rig;h ts ,~rlld d uties, vVhere 6lN~ th e cl \If ll zed w(%'~~m soc! eties that p ractiee Ifacij a I dlij:scrirni nation and dassi'ffy the \wor~1 d i iilltOI th~fi rst wor~ d and the ~hird?

P'Sy'Chological Le-~ons:

The statement, ·!wha;~ has beeil'li written "or Mm' decldes h'is b€havior~~ll gives a, M,usJI:imtne' Weeli~g of 'total security concerning his POW€Nf', time' of death, and 'future. It glves hi m COi'iiIP~ ete, ps,yciitlo I og'i cal reHef so ~h(ljl he will not be deseerate ,or sad by what he missed ~ n ~ ikl S uch as money 01' dhi id~'en" A II of these mruitJ)(:!ws am·le .dBtermd ned by AII.ah. We, fHi,ed to th i r]k ea're'f l.iii l.y abo U!r th e verse,

~ :' 'i-' • ~; j'. -''' • " ~ '".

, ~~, J~ J,;i' .j~ ~ t( ~ ~~ fGzl J' i~J ~)\ J (.~ ~, ~ ~~I ~}

r r':'- : II r I r .,. j.I , r e • • '1''' ..

which m~~~51 «No cal~mi~y befalls oml the earth or in yourselves bur 'is, inscribed ~n the' IBook of Decrees V\1-L~lwh A~-ME!~filzn)1 before We' bring il lnto exlstence." (A,IIKacl~,d ~ 5,7: 22}

C~II~IiiJ!i~al lLesS+Qi'iIt!~::

lh is had i,tn a~ 501 ml~'~ us, i mpl ieidy I to verify th e iin'format] O~ ~}ven by a ~~'ac'hej:' who Is responslble for ,edUltatin.g 'OUl!! children 2IJIIJd~ZlJch:i'ngthem. W'e have itOI v{lludate '~he iflfol:'lInatTori that a speeker in the mosque 'te:H~ us and that wniich is w ritten i n alllY book Of rn agaz i nth III is is dan€! hy US,! ng re I' i able scurces, II ~ ke IJ1€ ones wh kh quote references and ilum@nti,("Ht€ and verlfv them.

:PI,an.niing, LeSSOfl;S:'

We, C~I~ learn: from rhls progresslon in creation having one phase af~;f' fhe Oi~her andth e vm,portHl!l~ of hel ng carefu I when rnak 1 ng any move or serious decisions, as Ijli'llreasona.b'le rashness $(polls alii pi,ans" Thus, the rise or lslamlc 'calnphate and the iimpro\l€menJ~ oOf det,erior.lI:tY ng situations wi ~:I nor be ad'li'e'V100 j Ulst rh rough some rnottoes, btlill: thrn1ugh !['E!reflll~ p~dinn'j,filg, based on wood IRBi)soni'ng and wisdom,

Med~caji l,es:s~,ns;

All a h is Mefcifu~ to pr'BgJll a I1t women r !i n that IH e made till€! ern b:ryo g'G th rough phases, Imagine if ALlah had created it alii at once, in its ,tulll size and shape wlth i;ts ffl'esh iUil d bones, wvthout a grad ual developmen~~\fvou.ld 1:11 @ moth er nave baen able to bear it? N1o, she would dispose OiW i'~' (md never keep h. ~hli'~\I" Allah, the Mercifu.l Bind A~ I-A WEBJI'et. w ldened the nEB rrow worn b fo r lt and 1]1 aced ~'~ ina place Oi~ rest firmly' fixed. He has P,ower and .ap-pYill~ts e\,l\erythlng"

Lessmu~or Da"\-val1 (th e Cal;l~ to II s~am)

n" A ca III ~rl"ll12ly swear by AI lah, i'f that is necessary. As it:

iii" Rem oves any doubt ln till!:! hearts Ciif h ls i lsteners. lb. Draws ;atte,11,I:iOII'"

c. Re11l1'01Ve5, ,any traces 'Of po I yth elsm when he swea rs by AJ~,~ h Wh 0 has no other partner, as IDhe Pmjpllet I[peace be upon h i,ml used to dn"

.2, A ca 11'~f ~.H1S to study '~h e cheracter of the people whom he is call i ilg a lid ~o~, carefullv [nto ~hei:rf,~oes, becaese this, is the 'tr~le mirror of their ili'iIIler

, -

feel i ril~5. That ls whv the Prophet ,[p-ei:l<c:e be upo n h i.m) swore' by Alii all: ~ n

order to l"e;rnO\f€!' any do ubt and he also used ~"WQ. other ways, of assurance, 'Velli ~Y'i" a nd • Do. '

Hadit h hi PracUce

AJilhough Allah, the E:xalted and Ever·Majestic, is the One rssponslble for prov'iidilflg for the em'iJryo Inside its mother's womb, we still ~ncl some: peopte adoptlng foreign ~cr.eils,~, ~ lke the idea of birth control, Wie bnow '~h at Allah h 315 U Ili mate k nowledge of a person's happii'ne55 and rniserv, but ti·U~;N;~ al~e some amOi"!g 'the Musilims who bel leve i n~he f-orrurl el€'~ I ers ,a nd 'I mpost€HS who 'IE!~ I II les to the weal m lnded l:leopll~ and explclt them severel y ,

The Mothm' -of dlJM! B,@I[e!¥~~[ ~A~shElh (m.av Allah be pleased wlth 'her)~ narrated, "The MeSlse.riger of Ailiah (peace be' upon hi'r(l) said, l'lff somebody innovates something that ls not in halTlflollliY with [ne principles 0'[ OLJIi religion, tilla! 'tthifig is rejected." '(R.eeQrd~d bV AI.n~khary and MU$lijm~

In another narration recorded by M u sl i Il~ r he h'Je~,,:e be upon him) sa j,d lITHe 'IN ho ill!lOV~t€!$, matters ilf) our aFfai'~':5 for whii,ch there is no v2I,llrd (. reel so 1:l1)' (collllmHs, S~II'lI)i and these (i.e. the matters he has un,nO\l~M:ed) are to be rejiec~edl.1'

About the Narrator::

She ~5 the, lady ~ 1\151121h bunt Abu IBa'kr A5;s"Sidld~q (m~v Allah be- pleased 'w~th he !l") " The PmrJinet {pe-ace be upon him)' rnarrled her inl Mecca when s~e was, six yea!fS old" thlr,OO y~lr$ before d,@ Hijrah, and '~h@' miirri~@ was consemrnated I'll Medin~, when she was 1'~I~e ve~lr$ old. She was his favorite wife ,aJft~f Kh,fjd~j~h tm:ay AUah be pleased Wi'~1 her'), and he called her Umm ~AbdIi.ILI~:I1, jill compliance wil11. ner wish to be ca lled by the n arne of her neph ~~ i the Sr()i!1! ,of MmJ(t because she ~ol,lif.:ld ,hj;m vent much" VVne n the ,Messenger o~ Alii a h (pet)c,e be upon hi rn) di,e:ei; siI'u;~ WBJ5 e~gh~en y~firs ~)~d~ and she died forty yea rs ~ifll:oer h is death. Arou n dI CHi ~ thnusa nd t '~WO hundred and ten hadlth are reported on hie'!' authorltv. Arnollg: her several oU1tst?inciing traits 'il$, that she was one of tnt If'!n!'Js:r generous people, Umm 'D'll'IIar reported that Ibn Az-ZUOO.i:1F sent a sum of 1I11Or!ii:!-y to I Ai'5h.ah! which U.mm Ohar thought was ,C:m@ ortwo Ihundn~d tho usand. (- A'~'sh~lh divided it 'b@tw'@€m 'tl1lil~ people a no then 5 he $P~ III h er I~ rglu aft,er a f'a~~ wi thout h~v1i flJg ,~ 5ii ngle D~ ~h a m I eft from that rnonev. M~y AI~~h be pl,ea$Jed vii~h her ~J'M;i make her be please~l-

Le-ssolos ~)ed uced

,IUfl;!!;ti.(." Le!!l!!i!f)MS:

~" Consldering an innovated nril~,~r as r€Jec~d ln its€df is €l type of exa~lra~Ton. That: is to 5,,1,1)1;, the' act IS invalid and its ~JI1,Il0VarlD:r will gain I1IQ rewanlfoll" it HB is on~y exhal~sf11ng hTmsellf pllirysiciJillly and 'Was,ting his time. Such deeds are !Iike !Jowijl1'lg to slpen,d the n.ilgh~ in worship or (lVoidT~,g tbe shl!Jd:e wh i II ~ (a's;~i j;llg; these deeds, ,(I re i,i1f\!{i! lid and t1"1l,J1s the one w he pe i'form$, '~hem should nOI expect ~I"iy reward '~or !thi::::, type o,'e d!~~d,

1. J'~ nn ovation rn rel lglcn' is a phrase used to d escrlbe wh atever is ~ n epposi t~o~r~ to th e Stali"l nah (the trad i tion of the Pro ph et (peiiC€' be upon hi:nTIJ)), This is explained !1Il a hadlth recorded by Acl~D:J.dmy lin his 5u,n~,I'I-' .iill wh lch AI~'llrb~4 bii 11 S~ r;i yah ~may A~ lah be' p I eased with n [nu} narrated 1 IJ'One day the Me$$eil,gew of Alii a'lih (peace be 1,Ji1Pr.:J;fl h 111":1'1) led ILlS i ~l prayer, and th en ffaced us aad gave us a 1'~llg~lY :5p~e(h ;at wh 'i ch I@;'y~s shed tears and hearts were i;~fr.~~d. A. i'l'lian said, "0 MesseI1g€'r of Allahl lit seemed as 'if that W:!!IS .HI far~~:11 speech, so \ivih~t :tldvic€ do )IOU give lJs?~ He 'the'li $ai(;111 ~~ enjoin you to fe~r AJlah~ and to hear and obey (YOUII' l'illlle'r) even if he Is an Abyss tn ian slave, (Of those 'of you who w 11 ~ I iV€! after me wi II 'see greill:

d lssgreernents, Y iLuJI musr ~~"J en foi I O"!.!V my Su nnah and! 'that of '~he Ri ~hdy Gulded caliphs. Hold onto it 'fillst~ avoid new matters, fOil €V'€J)I o@w matter

is 21,1:1 i nnovati 0 1'1 in rei, i ~i'D:!" H.~,il 'Wh en '~he scholars d,e~i: n,e the Ine(! ni ng of th,e illilovalii'oril in reiigijol1 they define it: according [00 the following aspects: w'h,~~h~r iit is $ocll"lb~i' ,0'1' r'L?,1 lgious; obllig::tllul'Y or gljpei'€H'ogatolr~/; good or 'bacll; alttr~buted to action or inaction (L~. doing or IrH~,gl(;l("ti!11lg}; ~ril believing, savlng, 01" dOi!''!Ig; total or j:ljllj;ill1aI; cr simple or oom.piicared. 'E:tiJc;h of 11he51e

c riile ria is ap p 1 led in its ilp[lJropri illt'@ 'silllJ~rtiion. I!

IFuncl;unental l.essonsr

The phrase, "'wn lch ls not i III harmony with the pri nci pies of our re I ~g:iiol1!, ~ means that. ij'~ is something '!~Cil decreed lr;ay A~lah" Th~$' is evidence that f1(]il'b~dr;Hf'lIg new manen th at resemble plf,e-viiously forrbidd@n matters th~iO'ugh '~Iil:a!logy is not co nsidersd as an ii I~ F'IIO'!l~HhtIlCl i n rel iigki n, An exam pie of '~"ld s ls '111e case or forhiiddi iflig wine, \'vhk:n was not orlginallv forbidden ill the QIJj:(,~n Or th€l Sunnah, but It is i'Qrb~dd~'n by ~n~llngy viil:h alcohol lc beverages, as both of th'eIT'lfiI cause druakenness. So th ls srarement is {lvii dance th Elt such new j udgrn ents are neither adventltious in lslam nor innovated without reas-on. Ibn Hajar AI:-'Asqa.l.~ny said, "Innovation is origTna~lv what 15 ~~~v~'nt~d without a previous example." I,iblll Rajab AI-Hanh;Lll,y d@frm~d H: silIying~, Hllnno,va;tion illl re~'igiol1 iis whatever irs invented that has no orlgin 111 th,i:. ru I iiing$ of ~,$I ~ III '~O \refi IY h, bur whrilteye~ has aifi oriig~ ~-~ ~ f'! Ih,e ru I i Illg$ ,o·'f 1.51il fill is not an i II novation accord ii Il~ to ,tthe law of lslam, H

S<oc'iai Lessons!

Wesrem chi~H:l,:ni'otli ,8111 ways compl lments ilt$e~ ~ on gi Vii iiig women their 1'1 ghts of ff 1·@,€:d:Oif~l 81,!f!I~1 learn ~ n 13 but at ,t.h@ sam€! ti r1f1@ it i' nsu lits 'Db ~:5 II'@~ i:giioll and accuses it Ol~ enslaving, dis(;L~~l1Iir]g. and keeping Vi,~omeil igno,mrrl'~. !But ha$ "ne western ! i!bit!F8I1 i i'iltli,o n of woman accornpl ils:h I3d anylh j rl§l; other than ~ i beratl ng her from her honorand Il'ilaki rag her 2Ii commo n prop'€ i'ty fO!f rnen? H!!'P!l€ th€5;@: ,v',[)m@11I i nnovators IfnI~nF.i~ecl to. reach th e high r a nk of the Mo'rh ers (~,f th e St\1 ieve rs? ,l-l~V€ '~hl®~l I~e~ched the same positlon as Asm:JitJ Nafrsahl Saklnah, or Khawl.:uh? i:s,I!a:m ralsed the pcsitlon o,l women 50, high '~nat o~~le of ihern will'S. the trustee of ha ~f of the revelaiio n a nd a teacher '~or a~ Im2111k:i nd, AII'I ah says,

~~'.' ; -'~. .. ~.~)

... " -.'. • - . ~,. ... .. ". '".:. r .

_- .. '1;~' ~~~ ..... J<~J.l d ~ L 0 .• · ~,~ ,

.. • . . "!J~, _ .•. ', _' " ..

which me[}II1I'r..j~ And remember (0 you the members Qf the Prophet's. ffarn,ilYI t~l!I~ GI'.BI:ces of ')/'0 ur l.ord), thar wh icl'1 is recited t n 'y'OlI..J r he UI!i~S of til€!: Verses o'ff AlliiJ~ ~M"Hj }-\I.'HI,i!kit'l~ih (i"e" Pir(l;~het"s Sunnah, legal ways,. ,(3!tc.,). [f (J\I-Ab_z~b,t 13;.34)

1 Recorded by Ad.[)91F1my, 5tliill;;trl Ad~LM'.rim¥ m·w N.acl;~IIIfJ..f Acl-mlrimy)., \fIfJ!1!. 1, p. ~'4il 45.,. ,~, Daf l.by~' AS,SLI n n~I"'I,

2. Slld:i'i as these buoks: Professo:r 'tRlt • A'l'iYfJIh, A /..1310' ,t,L: lrli'ld~diill~ !N.l-I"'t~1.i'f.1'Ji f\.f--J.llJ'~~'!1 M'n~~~ nni'i!]v.it:tfm~; ~clM'ldico:1\aOjl ~~jd !.ma~Q' ,~1' Ij~'a.rr1'it: 7i~ol..i!/1i if, AID-5h:i!i'b"y, AJ'-Ji,ti~~m fHfJldr .. ",.E: fa:;t), ,~!i'ld others,

b:~ss;ons for O,a,~wah nhe Call.! to ~slam)

Concerning this liJadith, ~ caller should make known the cliffeiN~rIICe5 between the Q ur' iiJn as a divine book and otheli"l ear~~ Iy laws, COi'll$!\lT~Ii,ll'~iofil~i and j:1l.!dgrn ents, Among: several d ffferenc€s between the two is comprehenslveness, The EX.Ql11 ted says!

which means, "This da.Yr Ih,ose who disbeHeved have gh{~n' Il,Jp ,~,ili hope' of your :re~l~klJ\ so '~lr them r"iiO't.r but (@tar Me. This day, i have p-erfecred your ~,elrg'ilHl, for YOLii completed My Favo:1' upon yout and have chosen fory,oll] Islam as your rel lglon, tt {A.I-M~,lidah~ 5:3)

Tlt .. ~ Qu(~,11! i:s comprehensive, lt does exclude .aln'Y~l:irng ~1Ia:1 benefits, ,a~d guides l'Ulm(QrJii'ty in time 'Ewo worlds, be it m,~j'or or minor, wi~iJ()ut $tlfffii,d'~I1t explanation. Thus, it does not lIl!3iBd allTyone,lo complete, add, 'Or delet"e ,!'jri.~fth:'i!i.g flfOm it, even w i th~ll~ gPl':!a!~ d I ff~mnc@s r III fim~ and p lace, Th i s Is 1 iii contrast wi'in e.a:1I'i:hII 'if laws I:lhat a re cha nged every now .81 no then in order 1'0 suit the' d iI:ff'ere'nit .~~ mes.

H,adii'-U~ ;in 'Ira,Ct.~(1e'

We' flnd a IOit of slrnilerrtles beMe~n the two '~lperTod8- of lgnorance' {d1e fiif$'tt and the second) ~:~,e: !~lIr'e--115Iam lie era a 11 d the era Q:f ~ne 'I:wellir~i:etn century. N O'w-adaJys innovations are r'€:g;$i.rded most of the time as beinf$ one of the signs of pie:tYI and t+ld s has permeated i n the most i In porta nt c reed ;!!II, aspects UI rLt~ I 'they h ave r€pl~coo many Sun an (acts 5~ Inlc~~olied by the Prophet '(pStlQe he tu?on n irn)). B ut AII'I all has, wi r I ed 'l~hat H iis re:1 lglon sho'ulld be ren~ed and (hat the trad rl1i'(]!i of H f s Pr'opn@t sho lild be. revived, IH,e enabled some of '~he 51 ncere and riigh,l'eQ us' people to 'w i:pe away 11he~r,8)tie5 of the dafil~eroU:!j; ,aij I m ents and remove 1!ihe d ust fro rn t,he ,sn in~ fIIg, face of th e Sunnah I '$0 th at [h 1:5 rein g~OIil Willy I d appea r to lhe who~'e world j list as i,t was explaiin,ed by 'lh~ honest Messen'l,ger (p~ce: be upon him).; pw't&t,ed by hls ri g_h[,e'O LJ'$ Com p~f'1 ion SI and dele nded by fighters a~ I O\l'€'r the earth. Of those d e-fend~[·5 th-i<!!t"e are memorizers, knowledgseble j urlsts, -0 mlo I'SI speakers, ed uratnrs, and refiomll€ 1'5" M~,y AI !I-ah be merclfulte a ~ I of 1~l em and mary He' rn ake us be!' e~i~ from the:i r kal1owledg'e and gu lde 1l1$ to ~o 1.1 ow the most correct o:r' thel r reformatlve courses. Revival is spreading iln mailP!" areas among the youm of the !!:;'I.~llfI,ic wodd. tni(l:nl<5 to AllliI!l-~1 'this is wh,M weall wanted. My extreme eagerness, as a believer, prevents nile from l,eavl ng 'Ihi s sliib,j&t bl:."!ro,re i"'iIiU;en'lio'l1,ij rag two ij mportanr notes i Iil 111 is, respect:

Firstl',!', it' ls import(ltlt to know the Islamic lega~ j!Jdgme~1.~51 'the varlous ~ypes; of in novatlon Ii 1111 reI lglon and t~e i r d,::JIIlIg,ers.I ~.Iilld know the :!U£ umerrts to re~I!J~'iE!' lhelilill ilJnd th ~ necess itv of fixi ng '[h ese a,rgum,enrts Ii'! th~ m 1,[')(.1$ (Jif the C~ llers, especial ~y th 05.e' who fOlrbicl the wrong. An 1 mportaat element con I1@Ct€di Wi'~l klfllOW1 ng the I,si'amiie I ega II judgments :is to know the priorlties while denryun~ the innovations,

Sac,orndWy, ~iJ"! order toO get rid Oi~ such If'lrlova,\'i'oil$;" II; is necessary to bearmed wlth wisdom (I nd tiD be adorned with gfvi rag good advl ce in ap proprlare si tuatlorts.

Abu 'Abdullah, An~rN;Llim~n biin Basil[r (may AIII~.h he pleased w'ittJ him) nal'rat[edJ 1.'1 heard 'bh e Jv1e$$~l1!ger of A~ I ah (p eace be upon hi mJ :5~.yi Ilg1 ~ 80·fib. the I,eg(ll a'f'i d i [11@ga I th i n,gs are evlde 11'[; but in betwesn them ·th~M awe do ub:tfu!1 th i ngs of wh i ch most people have no knowled.g€'- So whoeMer S~\le5 himself from ttU:~5e aOlLlhtffUJII things saves his w,e~ig~orn and hls honor, and whoever ·vtndulg@s. in these doubthd ~~ing$ is Uk€' a shepherd who gl',;fiI;zes (hi~ animals) near the Hfm~ {prh/,:;;;te pasture) of sorneon e ~1$~Ia!ld t\'~ any moment he ls ~ lable to go i n it. [(0 poop~,en He,w21 rn! Every kin!g has a Him~. and the Hil1l31. of Aila.h Oil the earth ·i!s· Hi's, tllegsl (foi'biidden) Matters- Bew-;r,e! There is a rJiece of nesh 1 n '~]e body ~f it becomes good (f€lfrmn@d) Ihe whole body becomes gr.I't)(j, but if ~'~ Is spollt the whole body is spoill't;. and that ~5 ·tll e heart W I( R~cord@d by A~~B'l!! kh 5,l ry ~lnd MU$·~ im)

About til e Na[rraliO'f'i

He 'j s An1,-N u'm a n bl n B·ashir~ the' fl 1"$'1 ch i: I cto be born to ~he Anjaw (5 upportersl after !he PU10phetis migl'a~i,cm tc M.Bdi'na. Ait'i2'1' his biilr'th~ ~Ma' was, brollg)ht to the MeS5'8ngelf of A~ ~iln (peace be upon hi m)who r u bbsd his FX'11 tlte 'Vilit~ date;s., H If! V\f.~ S a Companliorn and the SO 11 of 2! Companion (may AlliIlh be pleased with them bo·mh).

ILes;~H)iriS Ded uced

Creeelal Lesson;s:

I.' Bo~h tega[1 and illegal th i ngs a re evident; N so whoeve r den ies an ~talb~ ished ma'l"terr i 1'1 the rei I g;~on has apo5til!li,z~d' from lslam, fOil exam p I e, anvone who reg21 rds wi ne or aduherv as, lawff!Jj~ or who f'Dmids BJilIything that has been declared lawful I~y the co nsens us. of th~ schol iii rs Of perrni tied I:Jh rough the i [F consensus,

Beltn;a.~i:i)r,a:1 IIL~on$::

~. "So whoever saves hlmsell from 'nhese doulotffl;,il IhtF!lgs. __ fI FaHh continues to elevate (1 believer, t[}king hlm up to Iionty d€giN~€S~ Ulilr~i~ he avoids doing .SOMe of the Iliuw~iJJl deeds ~n order not to slip into. commi'Uil1g the illegal 0119'5. Al-Hasan AI-Bloa~rry said, i!\iVe have seen ~@oplli:1 who wera avoldtng it I most sev·~~'ity lawful matters IDhwugh thei If fear of comm itt~ ng that ~v1h,kh i:~ !II ega~ / The p IOIUe:) veraci 0 us Ab LI Bak r '(may All ~ah be pleased W i'~h h i rti} >0 n ce vom itled food of whi.l ch he was not certal n t1Jbout its liI.':!g:a:1 By ..

2. Th e co rrsctness of deeds a nd sa yi rlig£; de~err d !.JPOI'i the correctness <of til e body, whlch depends UPOI'! the correctness of the heart, lf this is spoiled, fh e whole body becornesspoi led, Th iis, g:I)O~'1 i rig begi ns w~lh the, sma llest of sins, l!br~him ll)h!l Adh~ml said] "The heart off a belleverls as pure as (l mi rro I'; w~eli1 Saran wih ispers to hlm concern i rtg a nvth i I1lgi he C~ 11 see iit AIii~ when IhH~ CQi1J1lm[ts one sin, A.11~lh puts a black spot in his heart .. If AII.ah 'Fo~!l\1es him, f-re will er~tO;;f!J thi's spot, but if he returns In the: sin .llild does rlOir ~epetli~" the flUlrnb€!! of black :5!J10it5 wii ~ I be i n creased Uiliflti ~ h u~. J.'i ~dl rt

becomes completely black, At '~h at ti:i"l',e,ri:a advice wi i ~ be uSt@~lliffo r such he~trtsr as AH.~h 521'fS,t

wh r d'ii mea ns, II N apt!' B lnl on 'l;h'eiilr heans is the Rain (co\le,ru ng o~ 5~ ns an d evi I dlOOds} that 'mhey used to earn." (AII--MutBlftllTfitnt 8,): "14)

- '

How s~n:1 i lar hea 1'['5 are!iIo the .I a nd r -rhart is wlhy ttH2~ Me$$~ n g,er of AI ~.ah {peace be upon ~~ im} mentions the hea rt ~,nd Its, cond i'tlo ns after t~h e pastures, in order [0 give U~ a clear ii ni~,@ of a good h e,alr~, I"vh jich is I: i k~ good 'feni I eland. A,lllah $~'ySt

whkll means, "The vege~~tioo of a g,o:od land cernes 'tanh (,e.gISil.y) Iby tn'@; Perm i sslon of Ii ts La rd, and that whidli is bad br'j:r],gs forth nod1 ~ rig but a i it[lh.:· wi'[h dHlfkuliy.;; (AI~A'~lrM, r. 58)

J U ristic Lessonse

llll€' IP~H~b~e gi\i'ell by the MC1$.S~ nger of Aliil.h (peace be' upon ~~ i 1'l1~ '~ i II ustrate ~h,~' one' who 'falls i rrtD S uspic i ous 1111 a:t!tHt'S Ii,s, ~ I i kea s.he~heid who grazes (hi s an rma I 5) ne~ rthe II-111m a (pl"i \I~fe plIJ$tur€) of someone else . .II' 111 is rem ~nds us of the ,i udgment. that .Atliah revealed to SUlarl11l1:in ,($cd'omotnl pe-ace be upon him}, as the b:HlII'ted say,s!

wh iell III B[l1l5~ ,(! And (mm~ III ber) D,~wi]d (Dav i d~ a ilJd Sul.!IJ i man I.SoloTlH:J i"JJj peace be upon both of lhem)~ when ~hey ~Llve a ~udSllillent Till '~1e case off tine' field iin which the she€ip of 'G€ rttl i n people had pastu mel at Ifllght and V!/tflJ WE re witness to thel ~ h.idgme,n L Alnd We made Sull,fjl i m2IJfiI 10 ijnd!errs~al!1d "b1l~ cas.et a nd to ea,cih of them We gave HI ukrnan (ri §h'~ j lqd;gmen~: o'f the ~Jfa,~ rs and Prephethcod) a:nd knowlf.!dge; Ii ~AI-Af!I b:i y,a} ~ 2 'II: 78-79)

MiL5r~q said, "The land in which the sheephad pastured was, a vineyard snd I'hley .T.I'~i!! everything, not lesvlng 'wel[1! !ill le3lf or a bundh of g,l'31peg,. \Nhen thil?' owners came '~O com p I al n 'to Daw~dj he] ILId ged thai the, sheep shou lid b~, given ro 'r~ e owners of '~he vvrH~yai1cL e,~t Sull,~ill1:i!~ '$~i'dl 'No, the shsep arf,® 'to be g~van to tlh€l owners Oirr the yin evardw h 0 may b i:!nef~ t. from [hem t will ill e th,e owners O'f th e sheep are N; ta ke rh e 'V ~ney;'iJwd,arlj"J;d restoreand rep~~ r Jt I!Jn61 if r'ellJfliil$ ~t) the cor~d i tiOfl lt was in OIl'! 'tIi'e llliight ibef:o!"'® the '~heeD ate in lt. lhent the sheep owners are' ~D be g:i VENn back 111 ei r sheep and th,~ vill'illeY:lul::! owners aI'€' to he give n back th ei il" v i neva rd. ~ Th ls narration is .si m~ law (,0 so!meth itng 'Uh~t w~~ reco rded l:ry AhmirJo {H'! d otl1@('St which was '~"(,i'~ Harflm bi!~ MU~ali!~.h Ir,~pOllrt,oo{ "The GtlJm@11 of .AI-Bar,at bun ~Azib entered ill garden and spoiled it tree. ate ,everyth~lfllg 'in i'rl. So the Messenger o:f

_. _ • ..-......;;;. _ .L _ _ or.

AJil ilIh (peace be ~PQn h irln) j udged thatthe owners of garde ns s~oull d gU(!jrd them ,by d!ay~ and wnatew:r the livestock spoil duriJrlg the n~gh't:tifrr:H~ was to be 'Ihe responsjbl i itty of ~hlt!u I' O'WI11~rs; 1'1'

Leg;~d Prh:~dlpme5' le5S~rJJ5::

11 • '-' Both the legal an d th e u 1.1 [l:ija II m.alt€!r:s a r~ evl dellit N T1Ii@ ~ch olsrs (mary AI:II,81:11 have mercy ,0 !"II '~hem) have disagreed .0 n 'Ihe deri filIii'lion of the :I ega I' and 'the lllegal. Abu Hanlffail said, NTh€ I,egil~ is wnM' is ~awful by evidence." Ash" Sh~l'f!J\! said, "The lllegal is what is unlawful byev~denre.'i'!' I, prefer 1~le laUel' view beca !),J${~: 'r,h,e schola rs gave a rul e that the basls of ,ev,eryth i ng us ~:hat iit is legal, 'w~ll:~e tJh,e i llegal ls the f!'x(j~,ption. IP'0rha.ps'r this is evlderced iin the

h ad~mh W!H~'i th ~ M€S,5~~lg€!r of Al l.aJil (p€fac'€l' be upon hii ml m0~I~~omBd th,~ H

~ ~..g,lll 11"I~:(.!'t~eir5, fi rst,

2,. "'Bll~ 'iln hstiNeelfil them tlhe'l'8 arce doubtful 'nhings. Ii Dis'~'illn\gl1l'i$,t'liifllg between the lega I and tb,e n III ega II is co nsidered ,(1 IfundameMa~ aspect wh€ll!l '~~king the responsi b r 1 ity of Co !wey~ n g and eXllJla i n i:l'~g~he Qu:~,a,r1I1 wh ich was the m i' sslo 11 'Of th,e, Prophet (peace, be' u POIilI 11 im). The ~.x)a.l.rted $a'':f$~

il'J' ;;;; .. .." In . .- J _.

, ~:;:;. 0, t~.:! ~t$J'~ ~ 8,~_',,)

~ ~ ,r. I ~ .. J.~.

.. _. r .- ..

wll i ch mea ns, Ii And Vile h~e Sle!,,~ dow r) Il~ you th~ Book (the Q u F~,IlI)(ljS an €!Xpos],tion off ev,erythilrlg" M (An~N~bli '~6: 89)

MUljll'iid sai'd] il'JIEve~ythitngl means eV€IY matter that '~hey W~Ir~ either oml~md to do orr W'eilie fol'tJiiddefil frorn doiw;Jg_.,J;I A.11\iL1fiJ also said to the, Prophet,

whi,ch. means, "',AJ!1dWe, bava also sent dO'wl11 unto you (0. MiJhilJIfUiliad} the rem under and the advice (the Qori ~ff1~~ th (it yo LI Iinay explal n ctearl V to men

\Mh~t i s seor down to 'ihem. Of (An~NabJ I '16: 44) .

And ] ust before th~ death of the IProphe~ (peace be upon h 'I r-n) .AI II~h r'e\l~l:1 ed,

whi,oo means, '~rlll r s d ay~ I have perfected yo un re~ lgion tQ:r' yo IJ1 CDl1flp~eted My Favor upon YOU; ,atlilnd have chosen for you lslam as< your re'ligioll]-. '" 'AI. M~~Jd;j!3hi 5: 3)

Th us, I ega ~ rn att~'FS ar~ clear Cliru:ll oibvio LIlS a nd i I II ®g,iIJ I matteI'S are !lot :arn; lessdea:r. Slmllarttles or cCH'ltradic~iions- do 11011 appear ir!l '~he text~ but maybe some, of II~e rul ~ ngs alF~ !!iii m~ lar I bUll (hey a Fe not renowned anTlong, the scho I ar~ ,of I $il ~r]l1 i claw,

So-dijJf lLe~sol1ls~

W@ harve previiously mentioned 'lha& the' honor off' man is wha~ ~5, (Uffeded bry' praise or criticism, Th is may be iin wh~t rs related to h imSiellf'/ his, predecessors, Or his family" lin this hadlth, h~villl,g a pure hono~ is connecree with hlUvlf1g a pure re~j'gjonf wh ich shows 'the great position j'j~ man's honor in I'g~am ,ail1idl the ~mportiilillce off IP reserv iing it from ilThel f1g ~ mpa'i red i 11 amly w.ay., Islt1m savss it from backbiters, talebearers, standerers, or ~~os~ who callone "mother' by hatefill'l names, In lslarn, 'it is forbndd en to put oneself ~ nl as ~h,Jla~tOfIJ oif do ~bt and .s uspicl ~)Iil ttnrn m i ~ht arouse p€OfJ,~eS 11'lduIIIgence ~'n idl,E!: talk, g055TpI anti to speak HI abO~,Jtt him, SCHlie ()~ the' pious predecessors said, Jt\Nhoe\l~r €xpo$es himself to EU5ph::::i'-IDIl/ is not 10 blame ttlOw who !lIUlIY be susplelous of hlrn." 2afiyyah (may Allah be: pleased w~'~h her) went [0 visit: the IProphe~ (peace be ~-POfli him) ln '~le mosque wlhHe lite was obs@rvi~g, Plik~:f {sfjdusion in the Fl'lOSqt!!1! for worship) dlHin~, the ~as~' ten day~ off 'Ranli3i~~ n. She ta I ked wi til h ilm ffiu a wh i lie, ~hen she: got !LIp to, :~etu:rn ~(jme and the Propillet (pea,ce be UPOIl h~'m) accompanjed her", VVhen they reached the gate of the mosque, two men from the, A n~,~ r (5 LI pportersi passed '~h em by. He sa ~d 'k) 'them, "Do n~)~ run away! She j:$, ('my wH:e) ~~fiyyah bini H~yay.1I' Both 011 the 111111 SH~d, "''5 ubh~n Allah! roG lor"i fled be' Allah!}! 0 ,Me~:nge,r ,olf, A.II a1h! ~Ve can not '~Iil i Ii k (Jlff y() U in a ny way except that wh ich ls good,,,N The IP rophet (pe~CE:! be ~pon h 11m) saJ'od ('to 'the:m)! "Satan reaches everywhere Ti-n 'nhe human body as the b~ood does ru~., @v'ellf""'.l:h ere i riI one's body} ,. I was ,lirfrak~ th M 5~.mlil m~gln t inS~if~ an evl I tho Iwght in yo ur rn ii n d s. I ~ 0 nee .A~l as we:nt to perform Friday p rayer, but he discovered th.at the ~€OP~@ h ad ~~ In i shoo th e pr~lve'i" ~Ind returned, So' he f~lt a~named of hi rnsel f and disappeared iW1ltO a place w~,e re ~hey would not be 8Me to see him. Then he' sa id, io!'WhoeliJe I' uS In at shy in front ,of people iis, not sny ii n front of Ali lah, lr IF urth elTll ore, some' scholars saud, "lf allY scholar knows th~~ someth ing is l'awf'tJJt but this is IIJIl known to ot"h ers, he wi I ~ be putti ng himself ina bad position If he does ~~i as he wirl be: ri~kiUls~hait others willlh~lfIk ill about hi rnll , So he must not do this Ilawf!J1 matter, 1Jj1l1~s he, has e;tpllairv~d i'ts lawhj~n,ess to, them, in ,o,rder' to help them Il!Indo~IT$~~lf'! d d'll~! he h as on ~y done 'th i s deE!1 because 'he wanted to dari'fy [0 them that "tile deed was la,wfu I ,,11

p$ych~)llllgic~1 lLessoli'llls~

The n !!.1m.:;!! n soul is by natu IrB iii com positl 0 11 of 5!@'V'ia!f;i]~ confll ictl rig l'Jisycnologkilllr f(lc u:lties't as the' E xa I't:ed saysl'

whtch means, HAnd II SWL'::f1lr' by rll~' seli~n~proil.d~l!1g N~llfs nh~ soul, psvche, spir:in.r ~$SenliL'~) (i .e" a bBHew r) ." (AI~Qiytilmahl' 7 S: 1)

He also S;~lYSI

wh i ch '!iif)e~ f)S'J' i! (I t wi! ~ be said to '~In e P~OUg.) J "O '(ya,u} N afs ii n (com p,ll~te} ~5t ,and

. .

saf §faction!D {AI-F~j fj 89:27)1.

'whidl II1H;~nSI HVelillYI the (hlllman)1 Ntll~ ls Inclined W eli;l~I." (¥ij$,Uif~ ] ,2:: S:::U

Thus lfa believer adheres tc that which is T~whjl, on~y~ ~I:~ hls f,;u~llUhiies, wlll beCiL1111 and tJranq~iI~ but if he comrnlts m,~1 deeds he wT111 never feel psa,e€! ~rI: his soul, ,except i n 1 ts baser Ileveli. lin 111151 hls consclence wl II be PW! ckilng h ilffi~, wl1ldi'l Is rna i: IlIV til e p 1.1 nl sh IIinl~rr~ (If the good '~'h at cannot he CO'l:lltiellt with the unlawful. filii act ual f.ael',r keeping alway from th~ aOl.ilbtfli.iiI i'll'IIaU'ers is. the I1l0St p~y.c'hoklJ:giciidl!¥ r-eHeving f,[}c~or, as it re 1 leves the' self from b.ed ng n~pw'oadi,i~d bY' ~l~ conscle 11iC€:. 'I; 'WQI1:deu' if the 0 ne who, w'Olr'I<$, hard spends his. n i~h~ ~ n the same manner as, a cheating 'ljhij '''f, Does ,!r! m!.m)en~~i~Q[" €')\~,mple, sleep like ~ pious person who '~ear!!i .A1I2I.IM' Do M~HS ~ee~ ~'H:! 5.3 me tranq LI i r iity as. 'ttrui~hful P!30'1P:i €?

rol ltl cal l'@S5(l:!l1IS~

, . Prohi bihng (9 11(;1! perm IUiI ng Z1JC~5 illre frrom ernongthe m iss:i ons that .aIN:~ do 11 ii:!: excl !Js'ilv,ely b~ '['inJe Lcmt 'the E.xa.l,ted and EV€!I"=Majestic, Wn,(] Is, ti~e 0 rilly One 'Wiho us' AI il··Aw,mJlr,~' of the i'1la!.IlIfe of h uman sO'!JJI" whaJl! bene~its, it, and what n,(l rms ijt However .ri,(jw~d~.}f$ we find some w~lo gij've '~1'iIeiil~l$elve$ the rl ght to ~e~,i s.ilcut,e" fOlrbid~ dJna!'Yz~~ (!I111d! mf@n cJi2I~:t~ some: 'of '~;'jj~ lslarnic I ~g:i:ll n.lII~!I~~I' d~M~)i"t 'rhem.r 011' give false ~llnerpr'etatio:ns to them, By doiilJg so, t~ley ave appo ii Ilti IlIg, themselves as gods, \;Vi~l out 1[11~ddJd Illg so of OIJUiISi2. Ttl r::y ma.y fo~bi e~ wh ~;rever Is, :uIIfiSI!,.l~'f;'ruble '~O 'the:i:r a ims and in!~reS:l'S, a nd ~,II oW wh atever pleases th(;~d r I usts a nd ~ I easures, T hese descendants are "follow i ng Il1e sayi ng '~If ~:~~e i r p,~eClet;es$orl' the 'I''fr~nl Phall',aoh.

Th is mea IliS'1 -"I snow you oniy that which I see {cil)n~ctJ.,ani[l, II guide '~""DIi,Jl ~)nly to th~' p(lJtn of ri'gh~ lPol'i:~y!''''' (GM\fiJ:", 40:29)

As. a res u I t of th e :h 18[}VY oppressiveness of pol ~ tical tyraln ny and i'l"IteJi'ifi.llionall pr"i,;de~ the, so o"Jd!,ed lslamic !'rIati'Ci,nl$ f~lr 1he POVi.f@1" oJ 'their n,11 ers, ~11:'!! lrs, and leillde'l'5 111101F'iB than thoi.:!Y '~illr 'Via I'a.'~i Iil@ '[he I i,mli Is set by Allah and Hils, Sanctlrles. 'Ihls fear has made J\ttuslims, '~orge~ '~hG digri:Hy thai: made Bi lal, J'Amm~rl and others not 1JJit1)iE'r anyt.hing other 'th.n~n the Worrli$ of monotheism while being whipped.

2. lh~ tnl'Elilition:ing: of the' heart and 115 lmportance ,sifl;er' t~~,e mentioning of tht~ ki illS i mpl ie.s, 'Iilh 8,[ ttME ~,ood ness i irn a sadety is accord i ng to the ~()odness of its, r u ler ~ ,~!Ildltl"'M~ ~ood ness ~ n th~ body is accord i mig to~he gO-CPI;:Ines'~ of rh e heart and vice versa.

Medka,1 tessonsr

The correctness Of~ll~ wnole body both ph)t-sUc.i.l.II,y and inel'lllal:ly depends UpOUl tha~; of the heart, from the' biiologicRiI poi~~: of viiewr as !OW1g <1ls, '~he heart beats regul,arlly

[ .

and does not stop PUlilnIpll1.iB: bloodto ~.~I fihie oons of the body" th·e whole bod,!!, wlll be in g-ood health. B,ut i'~ the re is a sudden .$wp!'@Ige· i n '~',e hea lit Of a [lli.somer ii n its bealiS.1 th'e ~ lfe O'ff" the Ih uman can be th l:'f3aI~eni~:cl~ (lJijd '~'Ie dO;OIDrs. know 'me great dangers of heart disease a ~d '~he necessltv o·ff" its treatment.

Lessons 'foir l),aJw,alh (the Ca~1 to Is~am)i

1 . The h urnan soul 11(11,'~~ra I ~ If !M:koQwll,edges wha:~ irs .giJod and w~at i s bad, By d@p€nding on his. IlltlltU'ral dlsposltlon, a ca.ll~er h::BS to reveal 'l~he harms 'Oi:f the m~gad matters to alienate souls from dolng th·em by using effe·divE mel'hodsl and '[0 ,ex ril a hi! tine ~dVa!itag@s of the· h~gcl~ matters in ordes to attract So ull~~Q' folliow his ea II.

2.. The ad III I leiter; th ieif~. and [he· d i $obed i ent on e:s ar'e Yk;~irn$ of the i r I usts and tH~ lnslnuations of Satan, who twiists th,e frBJc~ and endears tile ~J~,e:~11 ml m a I"IIld nd, in iLI$., it Is. 0,~~r d LOV,y' to he! p such people ill fig'ht Satan and not" the other wtlfy around,

3. The C81.~ I ers are fh ose who nalV€ a w~ de 'knowledge of 11he re~ iglon ~ n~ who .(l re well:l-v'G!:rsed i n '~hte ru I i ~~gs of Islami c II,BlW. They are I[1H]t II lke the ordi nary p:oop~,e who are n ot aW21J8 of til e doi lib tfu II IIllH tie rs, Ilf cal lers are ignorant or such maUe rs '51"1 ey "IN til ~ nor be' secu re from i nd lJIIgil1rlig ij I' them, and if lhey do them ope.n'ly th ~'5. wi I r be regarded as a ratlflcatkm o·t their perm issi b ll i'ry from those who followed 'IJ1iem~ ·~n:rj '~hey wIll be cr~th:it:~d mil' them by those who are Ob6€1IV~ n.g them.

Hadiith in IPractiice

, . Now.adtlIy51 there ar,e some t'I.lIlflon_g '~h,OSi~: who (~.I! themselves Musl nms who be:I'i eve that what is lega ~ is thin wh i:ch ~ower !,e.g_;t I izes, and "the lU,ega~ " s rha:t which power prohibits" So thll!¥ collect rneney from all '~he differenf. ·type!] 'o;~ R.i b~ (usu 1"'1)' ~ i ke the u$IJIiii"Q!lJ$ i li:~er,-es;ls from the ban K$.; e)<.cll~,an~i ng em'liene¥ us tn,1E: excess us lIIry' (i .e, not excha ngi ng the same q uanti ty of two ltsms ofth~· same typ~) with a deba.y 'in payment andghiing ioans with i ~terest S uch peep I e (I D not recegn ize a.il"Iy :I i ml ts 'for Hi e i·awfli,i I. alid the un I awfu I. I s@~k I'~fug~ wi~h .AI ~~,h from such people,

2:.. Some 'o,f th e ~oph:i sts have f1oth:i mfl, to- do, except a.rgui rlig 0'Ve"' '~Il e deu btfu'~ rnatters wi1hol~t P0556S5i ng th ~ Ir,equ r red k n owl,edge, About those people A! l.ah :saYSI

.; .4.'" .. ~ ~ ,.I ~.I' ~ ~,_r or ,Ijl .1 r ~ ~ _

J ~J!l '~~ ~ ~ I ~. ~. pS, '-1~" ,;', ;; s ~~ S~1 ;;.;:.. ~ 15,j, ~ S;t ~~t)'

.:.. ~ ,I - ~ ... ...

r' ' .- r' . "r' ,

~ " _. ~ .'t':r''' ~"...;:l _, ~ ... :; .I' .: .. »

,J ~f); ,~I ~~ ~,~ ~ [.j ~Jt ~~ It ~1 ~ ~\ ~. ~"~ ~'~H' f2 ~fl

,... ... .. .. ~.I'.I' "F> 011 ~ _. _.,. J.r

~ :J .. I~, r ~~ ~ )1 ..-~' J' ... ~ ~

.~ ~~~ '61;~ ~,~ r~ t:11 ~j ~:; ~§ ~: ~~ ~~ rU1'

.- .I' ... ,".. _ ... , _.. .,.


which means, Nit ~.5 He Who has sent down ro you (Ml!JharnM~d) the' 800k tthls QLJ~'!~n). In ut are Vf!I'Si5 what are e~'it~lfe~y clear, dl€Y are the ·fiDq"ind',a1·!C'flS o~ the B(jo~ 1~ll!d these Me the verses (}'f AI....Ahk~m

kommallldmerrtsl @~C.}~ AI~F~u~~{id (Ob~Dg;J1tOIfY dUlt~'@5). and AI-·Fludud (~eg8iI'

- . - ~

~aws 'for '~he' i' LuFl ish menl: 'Of ttl ieve5. aduherer$~ e:~:c.,}]; a nd others r1(H' ~uU.ir~'y

clear, So as '~o:r thos@ Villi whose hearts there is H deviait'Jolill (from llh-e I:lfimh) [Ifiey ff{)I'lrn~ that whic:h is not enlire~Y' d:eilflrr'i seek~rlg A~~Fi'~nl~h (polyfh~ism. iliiidl:riJ!;"I!:I!1!l, ere.), arid seekl nig for ii'S 11 idcl1en meil!~! i iffigS, lbut !ilJO!ile knows lts h iddsfll mea ~lTr;g$ save All ah. And 'tthos~ wI'! 0' are firm ~Y' gllioundea in knowledge say, 'II'W'@ bell i€!ve i In ~~.; the WllH'),lle au it (ilhe clear and u~1dear Ve~'$e~J aile' (mom our Lord." And none receive adrnoninon exoept men of ~md®rstandil1lg (lint'l!l'IT)r@t[Jjt~on from Ta(sil' A;(· T1iuhary). ~ ,[AI-·1Iml1UrI, 3: 7)

. -- -

:3 .,. There 'ill'@! many pea pie WlrliG ilire supposed Iy .M u-s 'I i ms, but. they cornm it sl F'Ii$ art d ~ n(,j !.Ji.l!~e ill! prOli i Ib~t~d acts in 'piU b I ie, They areeven pro LId of VitO~Hli n ~ '~he ~ i III its or A II ah such HS :by abando n.i fI1~. the Jlra:y-v;'r'l drl ruk~ ng ~;nt'~'xi cants, ~.~ uln.g d ru gs , nOf -f~$,1'i:n .. g d UI'~ n:g Ii'?JtlmtL!iill!\ ·~!I1d S!iJ o 11, AllIoth er g:r:ou:p do not ~~'ki~ people te mention what A III ?I.h proh i b rl'ed am:l willa! He perull I'fJterj arid. 'become furious if this happerts, SiJjc:h group even, C{iOP~Iilb~'~ wlth tlhle enemies '(j'f :lsll(l.m to SL!I)P~S~ iLlW volces, and disrnlss and imprison Cl!nyone who is eo u rageo U$ eno ugh to' d i$(1gree wij ~Iil~h~m. A~r that, thl~y ~o to pffi rform IF IrTday fit'ayers iIi~' the end [If ev,ery week" G IQ'n! f~ied be A I J,~lh WlilOI'n there is l1ieuthtei' might' nor ~)O'l;r\li@~ ,CI!l(c!O!!ptwith Him!

L __


Abu Rl!Jq'ayyall Tamlm bh"ll Aws Ad~D~ry (!1r]J~y AH~h he pleased with Ihlim) 1IlI8Inl~:ed t~Htl uTlile Prophet (~CUO!:!' be upon him} said, I Re~ r gion ls si mtcerity 'i n ,advice" ~ Up© n this, we; 'said! "For whom'~ He replied, 'Por Allah, His, IBoo.k~ His ,Mes$enger~ and for the 1€J\d1~:!'s. a !ld '~h e Musl ims ~ n geoer~ I.·N (R€corrl ed by Musl Ullin)

Ab out 'mhe Narr,ator~

Tamtm bln Aws; Ad-Da,rry was, ~'j~herillamed «filer one n~ his, ancestors, or MDa~ry aft:er a. priiory where he IiJised to go to woirShilil before he 'lEdllhrra,ced ~sl,a!i'iIiI,. 1=I'j-~ 1K'UI'IIii~h (~:he name by wlniich he was known ~$ the' f-a;rhe:r off' ~d's eldest child" usually the eldest rna I e chi Id} 'w~5 alfrew III is on 1 y d;:l'ughter R'uQ~tyy~j·~,. He em b raced rs I am ,a,long, with h~ s b rother N u'al min the [1J i: nth yeiLr. He was known as th e mon k of h is age Hind the worshiper 'cJ>f Pa,lesti:ne. After he, hecaMe ,~, M'Ul$~im he used to spend many nli'ghts performing Oi)~iol1l1r ~I'aye~ and he W.f~S [he ~rst orne- 1'0' put iigh'i'S in the III 05. q ue trn av' Allah be, p~~:tIs~d w~tlh h irn).

lessons Ded uced

C:rMdl1l LeSSiOIlil!~n

Th e fi r$'~ rule gl Vie:i' by th'e QlUr' ~ n ls In glveadvice for th e Sa ke of Alii ah, and '~' e m~Jority ofverses ~!'"t~ cencemed 'with ~hrs rule, 11~e MesSeil'ilgc'r of AII~,~h {",!face be upon hilm) continued to im,;J~.EI'I1't this i'n people's hearts for th'ii~1J:een years. AI'I2Ih SfLY~r

wlh ich rnea ns, .Ii ArlIclllniey were commended not b ut that 'they should WGH'sh ~p A~ II~ h and worship none but H,1'in Alone (abS:l!aJilllili]g from asc:ribi:l"Ilg partners to Hlim).J) (AI~ B a,yyii nah, 98: 5)

Allilr,).ng ~rne· wavs of giving advice for 'Ihe Sake of Allah is to advise uf the Oneness of A! lah ~ the E xal ted and EV€lW'·Majes,hc ~ n H vs, f sse nee and His Pe rlecr Attrib.Jltes_ The one gb/i Il1Ig ad~ke she WI ~d nei lher assoctere anythl flIg, as, a f:j;;i,rbn er wii th .A~ lah ~ fiOr '~)!\;JJmple: :Sto:nles/ ~iiees, or clods of; mud, ner seek guidance but from Allah, He s'bou1d Iil[li~ seek a cu !'B !8xce~t from All i~h !'J111i1l:1's;hOII,J id 0 n I Y!i~~k ~fug,e wi'~~ .A~ bh. H,I";j\$nOIU'~d not asso c i'are: others wi [hi All ah ~n worshi P. whe!rrh er ii Dl 21. d i relct~y overt way OIF i'r! an lnconsplcuous w.~YI $l!Jc'h as the QSI!en,!:at~ous, people and ~ho~e who 'seek fame,. AII~h says,

~ ~ -;. i- ~ Ii!;;' -_

~bJ1 ~J11 ~ ~i ~€ 2 ~) ~:u\ ~, l~ ~I ~l~

" - -_ ~ ,"'

wli ich mea 115,.. "So w1[).'rsh ip A~ IJiIl (Alone) by (I o i rIg rel lglo us cle~ds si n cerely for A!lilhis; sake oll'IYj' (and do not show-of], nor set IUp rivals wit'hHi!Tll 111 worshfp1- Surely, the relii:l~n,O!"l (i"eo 'rile worship and the obedience) ils for AU;lh onlv." (Az.-, Zumar, 39: 2:-3)

SG('~al l.esscnsr

t\dv i s i Illig MILJl~~ i rns g!li:!'ilet(,l,llly i 'W ithout ex,c-eptiOrl t 1 s by ,~dvisTii,g them {J'f what GUl he useful fo I' them 'i fil ~~{J'i r worl diy' I, i f'ea,n d 'Ihe a:fted:i ~e. 11: is also ,~,ohi,~d~h rough helping th~nJ'i! by :ntllll'~il,1 ing their needs, concealing 'lheirr' defects, dJe~'end~ng thei:lf honor, removing harm from th,erml b:riogi!llg a;oout' benefits, commanding '~-u~m 110 do riight, and fo rbidd I ng. t'h em 'from dol n~w rang. All lof tJh is 'i:s· the d i"irly of .;Ii wise G'L~'I er, an eloquent speaker, an educating leadM;lfi a dOC.1i:OII', a worker wurlUIlI1j wiith his engines, a tradesman ~tJlI his, indusbry and with n'iis inventions, a '~:attner with his. fi,),nnIHYI a husband w'j'!:iii his wife·, .[II merchant in :11.1'5 store, a falrmer {till tl~$ f;arlifl,,;:l student In hls S:~[Jd~I@S, school and con~:e/ a ruler with his respcnslbilltles, ~lid ~ m.~'!"Il~ger with 'h i 5. adrnl n iislra'lio 11.

1\>1nll"ali LeSIlIOIlS~

I n genera I, paop I'e should ~@Si~€et the scholars, h 0 I,d th em in '[he Ih i:gl1l~tt r-eg~rrl t and nul vU(lI!at,e the orders of Allah m~!ltk~lll~d in the Qm .. J'~n and :$'U!nlliah- Th~y shou'd not qualnel with th~m or ,ool~~r~cH·c~' them, as some peQP~e' like to do. 11l1ti:;!'Y 21.~e '~he $pr.ri~~I~1 leaders and as 'such ,they ClJr-e' enm:lledJ to n~IM~ l~lnowl~d~,e from ,th~ M~i5elf1j~,~r 'of AII(lh (Il~ce be 1,Ij11~H;ln ~ltm) based on their understendlng. A!l'ah 5aJYS.,

whkh means, I.'~t ~5 only fhose wbo have kncwledgeamoog I-Hs. slaves [h~:~ fe(,lr A.ll~h_" u~,~rir, 15-: 2:8),

And says,

lA~h lch means, N A.re those who know ,eqIlICli,1 '[0 those who know flIot""" (A2:~Zu FlflllJI r, )'9: 9}

The MesS!~nger o(Jf A I ~ eh n,eac:e be tipOf:! hUm}~, il!) order to expla i~1 Ito us what was mOiia.ll:v Fl.eJCe~gJi~y ~ f'I respect of them, saiicl. nand for the ~eaderrs, and 'the' ,Musl lins hili gil:l;ner,~.II~!' end dld not say, "and ([l,r the Mu~lim~ in gelller,tlii/i because th~ Musllilm5 are '~}e followers of thel ii lead ers, No nation can succeed wh i ~e' the people areii n slu,ltll~g1 disd~ i,nld iIIg~ and igJn"~l'ifr n g thei r leaders, IN 0 One' can e'velJ' i illsu:lt someone revered by A~ I ah th rough His l~IiW5,.

Oi;i~t;i!!III',al LecSS(]I;ns:

lh'e advi ce for the Boo k Ireq ui res, the fo,II~,owi Ilg;

a. Believing in the clear verses l(',e~ated '11'.0 legal wrings, as wre:111 a.'S the unclear, b; Adhe'lrillg to ils ,i~d~me~ll!; and laws,

e, DHffe;r"ldir:il~ ltagainst the dlstortions of thLlis.€' who try to ff,l,il.si'fy it. Th,l.s wiiU i1eve'r be ach i,eved wll i lie we: do, ~O~ r~ II If deperild em '(he Q ur' iiJll r w®~CJjk.~ vt as a. cl~co!fz~ti'O'!1l for Our rooms ,arid boats.aod s~elk !~fu.g;i3 in 'it i ~l thE!' furm of ~nC!ii,nm.l~Qn:J,. BiU!~ if we '!itudy lts seiences Hind understand its knowledge an d

arts, 'thii s w r II be fI. ~ uaran tee for o ill I" devel oDIfli1~n~ and w@ ViI i I ~ be {.bl e 'to absorb the essence of our Isl"ul1Trc d\!'m~a,'ri.on" H we do this, our vlrtue will never be destroved and the cllHTer~nt fi.rI:lroe cu r~~ r!Th1 and Tnfo,rrnatio n al attacks w'ill 11101 CDl1t~i I1I1J.1i@! to be leveled ,~ga i 111$1 us.

"Q!lii,tkal~ IL,es,sol"ls:

1 . The advlce rega rdi fig the leaders of the M 1JJ511Tm~ :[ s ach ieved [hr()iJg~ obeyll~ll 1l1B rulers ~n what :is r'jght, as I'orflg as they obey Allah and 'Hili M@s~p.:tlg~r (peaoe he upo 11 hi ml '. All ah says,

wh 1 eh 11'11 E!HIn 5~ .... '0 )i'llll,,! wI'; c bel i,e:ve~ Obey Allah and obev the Me.'5s~lilger (MlUlharrnmad)~, and those of yuul (M~sHms.) who are iiln ~:u.ifhoriily.j;i ~~~~N'i,s~(r ~: 59)

AI-H ulkh,a:ry recorded that I bn 'Abb~s, (may Allah b@ p ~e~_;5€d ~.;'!,;'i'~h h i'rr~) narrated, "Th is verse was reve~ ie@ ooiilcem~ ~g ,j Abcltlll~h bin ~ udhfif,[)h b~ rn Qais bin ~A(IiY"" The M~~~I1IBi@;r o'~ ABaiit (1)r£iQe ~e: upen !hl'm} sent hirn wi.tll ,an ..1rmy U["IJ'i't (on a carnpalgn) and appointed dl malli ,"Irom the AIl!~.f cs ijDPO r~er$} as iits commander j and he o·I"CI,ewgd th €lM (the sold le rs) to a,bey blrn, Dming tlhe campaign, Ih@! (the leaden became angry with '~hefn ,::IIII"H:! sald, ~Did n.Oi~ d~,e Messenge~' of AHah order 'YOU to olb~y rner' Thev said, "Y@S.~ HI@ sald, ~'! ardell you to collect \i\ltHJ(L~ lhen lnie' called for iii fire' '[0 be kindled and said, II order you to. '~lruw youIFsehllBS into It.' A man arnOlnl.1$ them said, ~~Ve' fol I owed the M,essetJ1(ger of Allah ~peace be .. I pon him) 00 escape the, H,ei ~fii re. On ii101 be hasty. W'iJI 11 untl II vse m eetthe MeS$en ger of AlllClh (pG1C€' he up 0 n h irn) and i'f he orders yo U to til rOW' yo urselves (i Ilt'l;) th e ~i lie) then t'h r'QW yourselves into '1'1:. J' They returned to the Mes:$ei~,ge.r ,of Allab (p~~.U!t be upon III im} and told hi m what had happened, He sa i d to them, 'U yo i.i had entered 1 t (the fl re) ~ you w01jJ'1 ell llI!E!v~r have come 0 IJl of i:tj for obedience is required onlly in wh,i!II~ is good.' .... ' l'Abdullah ibln IUmall' (nim.y Alllah be pl eased Wi'~1 him) rt!arr~.t@d dhilft the Me3senge;I' ,of Ai II:3Jtn tpeace be upDn hilnf'l} said, IT A Musl.ilm hH8, to li'sten tp· and ,obey (the orders of hls fUlI,eli) wh ether he llikes irr or rIIOI:, ,~S· :10 ng as the orders do nO'u. i nvolve hi m uri, dioobecHenC€: (ro AII'ah), but if an ad Qlf disobedience ~to AHe1h) is, ilmIJ05e.d~

he sha'!lJI~ d I1.Qit 'I ij sten to it or obey i1t. H i 'I

.2. The H1d)'IoIke fOil' d, ~ I eaders o'~ th e M usl i iii s is ~~! 50 ach ~~\led~f1 mugh gu idij ng 'th em to '~oIlloQw~he laws o;~ AI ~ah~ dio,i:ng 'th,a;~ s.iilluC;€'reIV,1 and gu ildu ng, '~1'en' n ~l ey ,s1ray frc(lim the (1llvii ne !ruies. tJ~ was said thai when Hilrli! n Ar-Rash M ('~"I!I'fI'i!e' 't.o, power that he g~'l~~le:l"ed '~l'e people ~ n an open assembly,,, A mad I'n~ n cal I ed Bah! u I came to h ill1!l 21 no said i ;''0 '.E rn i r of til e belUevei!'$! Bewar-e of bad 00 I~' pfJ!1'i io('ij~ and choose a g'Ciod (:QIMpoan ion 'Wlllo wi I ~ rem ind yOIjj] ,O'~ your respoflsiblllitfes H you forget 'them and to 'oorllsiidler them i'f yo,i!,I do not

p~y anention In them, Th Is is for YDU r own good and the good of the p~OIP lie, ~ noreiiSie YOUI' rewa rds by dol ng more good de-eds ~'i Ike obse rvl F1i~ the Iast, offering prayers, red-tUng (Qulrlall)~ and pellrformii'ng ,,","ajj.

,1\ man Ui~~:r,ed ~ word i n '~' e presence of a il'!j I e.il' who 'fa 11:1 owed! it and ij I lied earth with corrupticn, 'The Prop:h,et l(pl3a~' be upon h~nnJ)1 sHludi, I'A miIJlll may urter a word Wi~1)OUt '~hi nki rig abo u:~ ~'t. and it may (a use' Ih i m to filii ~ vnr~o the' l-lellflre for (the distance covered in) seventy vears,' 0 Em,ir of '~he. be:ll~evers! Do D10t be ~ike the OBIl:! about whom Allah SHlYSl

(;'~'~ ~.:,~ ~ ~:~. ~ ~1~, {r'1 ~it ~~ 31 ~ J; ~~1J)

1"'1.1 .... ,..I oJ ~;!II _.

which means, .... And ~Nhe!i it is said to him, 'Fear AUah~'1 he: IS, led by arrogance to (:nl0Ire} crime, So enough fur hirn is H'eil ... and worst inde,e~j is that pi ace to restl I! (AI-B,aq a rah, 2::. 206)-1"

So H~ran said to him, ~Te~11 me more, iii !He s~idl ~O Emir ,of the hl:dievers! A.111,ahi the Exalted and ever Maj€stk: bestowed upon you ohedient people who wl III obey y>O!Jf cnmm a nds, WD~ds.i and orders sa, you C;\Hi! help [hem ~iJ follow the Orders oJ Allah and absta~n from HIs, Prohibitions! and grrvie from th is wealth to 'mhre widower ~ 'the orphal\ due' old man, and the 'wiliyffiIJrer. 0 EmilI!' of 'mhe believerst So. and so' 'tolld me that so' and so narrated that 'the Mess€! nger of Allah (p'B8Jce be, upon h,i rn) s~idl 1Q:Ji! the Day of R(:!s urrecti 0 n, when A II~hl gathers th~ PF0ViOIUS ~ndl the later ~'elflel'ar~iilJlln:~ iril one place, ~Ile w !JIIII br! ng til e ki ngs and other rLde~s and $t!Jy W, '[hem, N Did II nat give you the auth oritty over My Co untries and provide' you w~m, 'the obedlenee of My Servants, not to coned money and ga'!h€1" rnen, but to gad-IllEr them in abed ie nee W Me and to carlry out My Orders and Proh ibii tion 5 and to s upport My IF 01 ~owle rs and hum i Hate My Enem~,esl and to sopport the oppressed Qne$ ~g,QUlis't' the Op~t,esS(H_?!j1 0< H~n)n! Think about yo~'r answer w h @rr! yf:) II arr,~ asked about the, people in nn,a~' si'~i!..Ial:io !~I when you stand with your hands tied to' yow' li]edk with the Hellflre before yOUI and di€ a ngil::! lis of pu nish ment surrou nd in.g 'jIiO'iUI waitin g for the Orders of ,Aillatn. tI 50 H~rlan wept much. Some oj1~h~1 people present 5~'lcl to ,Blthlltllt "You have made dU;~1 !:m ii,i' of '~h,e Ibel ie'IJe!TS, upset inn ls assem b lV, J) li-I Ar~::U11 XI i d te th ennl~ ~ May All ah des,tmy yo ul The u nfo rtueate '(lon~ 'I s tlhi@ one wh om you dec~ive dJndi 'lJhe mrtu n~te One 1'5 the' one whom yo~ ~'~aV@" ii' Ih ~f11 B,a h I 'ull went cut,

Lessons 'j'Otr Da:iw,ah ~the Ca~111 to II is lam)

1 '" G ivii~,g advice is d r.ffictJ~t and 'few people accept :i't. So ~ cal ~e r sho,tlld be' wi$e when presentl 11~ advi De' and sho u ld cal i poop I@ 00 'the Way of AII;El.~1 with 'fart preaCh~iil& as Allah saYSI

V!ih ich means, "l 11\1 i lie (manlki no, 0 ,M~.d'ilamrnad i to '~"J e W'ary of you r lord {v.e. Islarn} wi'~h wisdom (L.e. with the [)~vh,:e 11!'i.spirntion and the' Qurtarn) and iiIJh- p'reachrlng'i.JJ• (A1li-N1ahl~ 116: ~ 25:)

A caller must. not talke h~s, dec1$ions hastily or face his opponents roughly or rudelV.tas .A~ I':tdh .says to "the Prophet ~peace be upon ~ inn)..

_ i . 4~ _. ~ ~...... .:~ .. ' , ~ or ~-

.£ ''!i;[~ _ j,. ~.; 1.j.~ .:.t ~r ~ _~ '~~:t: '~''-''': '. '~.,,:,:,~;"'I !·"I~ \. L.~ ~ '~ ,/'.r-'"

~.)"' .. ~ ~ 2J.' ~ re' _,' !j' r~"'''_'''''- ~r' d :;;r~'J [~ .~ : . ~ yjl~r

_. r.-,..'....I' ...,.."'.

wh lch mea ns, It And had yOU' been severe ~nd h~rr5h ~efJjr~dl '~hey wa LJ~d have IbIFOk€!:n away from about you; :5;0 pass OVll:l'ff (their' f;~u .. dt£)i and ssk (Allah·'·s.} f'orgjiveness for them; and consult ~he.m ln ~he ~Jf~irs/ ,tA~-~IITI.-anl .3: 159)

2. The nile who gives adlv'iice ~s not Ui~l.IiaHy p~)~ul,~r~ becaose he is ag,ainst. base 1 us:t's a ad desi ees and: because: he s~leak_s, wii f:h the l,angoagl@; of logic understood ornhi y by rationa I ~eo1Ple', Th is is 'whe way that reveal s a, '~ roe cal I er who calls on Iy for 1~l'e S,HJke of Ai lah, but the hypocr~te wants noth i n:g but to gam,er as, many' :supPoirters ·~.nd foll:m~ers as he can, as ha.vii In:@; til e5e people s u.pp~)rilil ng hi m helps h ~m 'lo ach ieve hls pol itk:ail ·a nd matedal a flnso Many 'linll 12:5 we ha!IJIE! hea rd abeut fh ese P~<otS'1 woven aga i 115,1 tlh e C.R~ I foil" lslam, but wlil'id, ~i'lll at clr~$'~:r,oyh1!g it. Af~er the hypocrite reaches his aim, his :5IL1ip\porte 1'5 are the f rst til i ng that he sacrifices,

3" Aca'lll[er should choose the riight p~,[JJC;iE!! time, and sltuaticn to Guv,e' hils, advice and speech ~S; He has al so ·~o -ch nose h ls stv I e and 'the correct e'x~ resslons, Once 'i t \iY'aJ$ s.a i 0" "Advice wlb en ~rv,en ~n front of people t~ a scandal. I~

I " N owClid!~ys'l a 1I'lllillBir is i ~11 di re need for 'SCHTIOO[llle to ad\d.ilJe h~ m nOrl<®s'IIy a nd sililcere·IIYt .but ~nsttffiid ihe finds around h~m th~ n(ltt,~relrs who mt!.k~ lt aHul'l~g '~'Or him to do illegal deeds (lJnd 'to dies Ire wine and women, Some of '~'I~m mlly even use him 'to [achieve their ,awn goals CH·~Q revenge their ,etlemi'es,. I n this way, the alleged caller Is in reality 'the 'One in '~"J,e driving. seat steerl ng accord i Wilg; to 11 is 01\.1\/111 cles,jJ res,

1 .. , The reason behind ali that isthat the rulers Ihave: banished '1[1119 j'uriist5 and scho I ars and secl uded '11'1 em I se that their .adcvice wi i ~ not reach 'rhei r ears.

1L . . .:.' 1","'\(,;:;, "1- tmem in the prl ;:;""""ti!' "',"'d - ""0 1..-

!~€!y Mil,,! 111:1'.'" PUt .. "'.!' _ " .. H,..,.....,!,;.;o U!I! . J~~ ......

J. IN owad.:uys WOHJS !flre\l'~.i r ever deeds, There is no m ight ,ii rid p:MJ.' power, ti'xctipt ~ n AII(lh, The ,c(JJlle·rs ithemserv;~s are i Vl t1,eed of adviee more th~.n the' others. Wf~.nnCl some callers who st::m d ill1 front of the pea-pile mak i n g Matters l(ljwffl!.l~ and 1I.i!!l1~~w~ulr pr~?lch]:I1!:I~L advlslng, gi\l~ng glad tidillgSI and wafll:i ng u nf I pea p:lle start to welBp ~ nd untll til ~i r hearts are fi ~ lied with SU bill i~si\le n ess,

~l!.IIt once tholB'}i leave the' gaifhel"irng'i '~hey ~ea.ve' their principles and \,-\t,ords and start cornmlttl !1,g U! n lawful deeds and si ns, Wf}. seek refuge i n Al'l ah. As A~lah S~VS;

which means, ~~f'IJolll yolU AI~~nifll (piety and rlghteeusness and 'ooch and every act o~ obedience to All ~hl' em 'tJ·~ pear' I e and you ~orgerr. It to practice iil~ yo urselves, whii le yOlll1 n~dte the Scr'i p1ruwe [tih.e T awrrai' (,1' oriJl~-1})!1 H ~ve yQ~ then no serl1se~!! (A1-,Baqara,h'l' 2; 44;


~ b 11 ~ UiITl!ar (mety A I'I ah he pleased with them both} narrated th at the Messenger of Allah (peate€ be upon hum) said, 1.'11 have [boon ordered (bv Allah) to fight ag;ailfls,lI the people (pollyth~ii'st5) u nf i they testify' '~hat none has the I'i§ht to be veo rsh i p:ped but AI"I ah and th,;!J,~ Mu ham mad is th e ,Mes.:s.enge:r of );J I til h, and 1hey .anew the pravers pertect I If and gijve the Z.alk~J~. So I'f tlM~Y pe rfOf.l"!i'l1 that, ,th ~~, !the! r ll ves and property are protected from me, except ln ,a_coordi{mc€ with tslamic law and their reckoning wi i ~ be, by Ai ~~h,t th e E:~a I'~ed, ii (Reco r(~€d by AJI·8,likh ~ ry fijflti' M !.Isl i Ilr])

AbD1~t: the N~n.ator~

H € is the Com p~n lot) ! Abdu ~ I a h b:i [1! I U !'i(I~r bi n AI'"\Kha(t~b ~.~lcJ Ih ij'$ fath er was a Co mpiJni 0111 also, Vile disc LJ5S1ed ~ ~m earl ierrl' but we can me ntl 0 n sorn e of h is tm~ I:~ here. Ilbn IUrn!3lY (m.c1Jy A'II.~lh be pi'~i5(jid with h~m) narrated, Il'lf a rnan saw a dfSrtlll d uri tlig dH:~ II ife[i me of the lPi'Op~le[' (peace be u pon hi! m), he \1\10 UI~ d narraje it 1:,0, th e Prophet {p eaee he upon 11i~ ml, i w'j shed to see £1 d. r€:~1Il1 and narrate it to th e Prophet tpeace be ~iPO!"[1 hifi1). ,At the time ~ was ,~ yOLi~g umnarnled man who 1!.i5lCMJ '~O sleep ~ n the Mosq ue, I d rearot '~hat two angels took me and went towards, H el lfire wh ich w~s bu i It a.11 ;lIJGU nd like! a b ui ~t we,ll II and 'i't ill aid fiNo pi i i,aII'S III I~e 'Ihose oJ ,a \\f,el l, There I 5aW some' people whom ! klle\-V" I started 5r1yillg/_ 'I seek Refuge' w~th A~lah "from the Hel~f:ire'~ I ~k. Reftlge w:itlfl Allah from the HeUffire!' Then another angel met '~h~ other twoandsaid to Mit, i IDCi not be a'~:r,aJd ~ i I na rrared my dil!'"'i&lm" to Hafli~H1h who ~i1~i:1'aj're('11 i'~' to the !Prophet (IP~<lce be upon hilin). He said, I\Nhatt ail e~Je.el:le!flt JTI:an ,! Ahdu lIi~h ~ s if only he wou ~d observe the nif{h,t prayer.' iI' (S~ IlfmlJ' the' scbnarrate I' sa ld, JJAbd iLIa§! h used not 'to sleep aJ Ill" ~h:t! burl VlBry Htkle' hence forward JJ) (Recorded by AII-Bukhary ,~nd Musl:im)

lessons Ded uced

'Cr'eGdaJI Lesson S~

1, i.I And thelr reckoll~ing willi be .by AH~,h",1I Allah ~s the only One who knows what ~ s hij elden ;1 r! the so iJ~'$1 who 'knows the secrets, a nd rna nages '~h e desf nies of H 'i s Creatu res. !'ff 1-1 e wishes He: ~un lisbie-s~hen' ,a rid if He '\iii lshes He forg:i'!J·es them,

:2. N U :rfl'rii I, ~l1iey testi fy. J!' The T esti many of Faith sho uld be based on co nvicUo n and stmng, belief. ~'~ ~s. n(}'~ enough '~O lustimltate ~~H~' creedal Iri!,~tters wlthout knowi'n:g t~€, general evidences about what ~lIe Rights of Aliah~ the thlngs forb i dden on H lis Beha If, and the laMLd til ~ 1185", ~ b n i .A,I',Hlff.tIJh pol I"lltced out th !1iP.iE! VU'iE;\l\I'S concemi illS ~ne i IilliIQ'UutO"r:

a, H-e is a i:H=dl'~@r and not [I sinner, fi'V@n if he did not' seek th@ evidence,

b H ~ is, a b eel i ever, bin $,in ner i'f he hlad tbe. ,~bii II i'uY to le~n.. '~t1 e €"iJ1 dences and d ld not (I Q. 50.

c. He is a d isbell iever,

Then he Xli d, ""The rn~jodty of scholar's and researchers iII~reed thiillt inf'lli'lCi!t~ol1 ls not enough in creedal m~tt~l·s.,"'"

3. Mil na\"~ been ordered ,(lYy AIII,~h) to ~.s:ht agalnst the- people tpol,ythei,sts} unti i., •• a n d lih ray offer the .. , .and gJi'v·e Za~Jlh - __ ~ Does this me a It'IJ that we have 'to ~gJht W I'~h one who aba ndons the I}.ray,~-r an d t'hat he ~s a d i s'beHev,®1' and 5ha~1 dwell f1Qr.t~'V'ef in th~ H€I~fir'~:?' This 'is the view of AI~~lta:iUah who cons i [I er thatfha one who comm it$, any (j,:f th,e, g rievous s:i IlS, as. a disbell ever" but Iby sayi I1g so fh~y oppose the s.~l!in is; whol be:1 ievethat i'f '~'WOrl!le' aMong 'fhe: be~1 e\lerr',s dles wn iil,e he ~5. a 5,unn~~!, without Ifepent'1ng.. 11115 MilfU€l I"' is "for A.li I ah to ~ IUdge, Wf1; should t)©i~ ,~udg,e hdm to be i~1 Ihe Hellfire or in Paradise, bur that he is, mu:l'er the 'Wi~1 oil Allah, If Allah '!,;V~I!'5 He willill forgive hhn W~~i His, Grace and i1'f Hie wills He wi III punish him v,li-eh HIs lusuce. Wh,a:~ver his 1[JILlIl~,Snn10dl1l is ~!Itl, wlll not 'clwe'lII forever ill 'the Hem.i.re because he died as a bellever, but his eternal abode wH!1 be Paradise ilffh~r having been purHi;ed from hls sins, H~ 'is! nor to be Judged fJ.S 01 dlsbellever for tn,aving comi"r'!li~ted ~!ny 'Clf [he gr'i'ev,a,us slns,

~!lJlfisbic Lessons:

We deduce some of the mostimportaru judgments from this hadith among !~'V~ich

l. A. hypocrite who, alfhough he is a diisbelliiflver,t claims to be :ti MU5!i111lll in order to protect himself timo hls mOI~~y~ hi's, aC~--oi;jI'ltvng W.i'~l AIII,an wm be hard. AII~:h savs,

which meaITsJ"'Wnerli the hypoc.ru~es come to you (0 Muhmillmadl. they SiiY~ 'vVe be~~' \.'I!"itness tI~at you ate undeecl the Messertlg,er of AI~ah,!I AIII'ah knows til at YOLI .i!l!re i ndeed His Me~senRel' ,[lind All! if!! h belB!n; wi mess thk1Jt the InY~H)C['iteg, are I i aI'S i~ ndeed, i!' (AI~ LI nMiiq a n, 63; ~)I

The good treatment by the Prophet (pf;iLC'e be IUIPOIf1 h i 111) Q"f I Abd ul ~,ah b i ~~ Ub,ay' in tr'i!!.ating him ~;5 a Muslim, not as ill disbellever Of:' an aposta'ltJe. eveWiI ~'ilough he was a, hypocri h~~ shows th~t a, hypo-cl"'t,~ is h) be ~f:'eated by MlIs~ lms ~n th is ! ife as a M 1J.5~ irn and 111101 as a disbel ~ev~r. 111 is i'$ taken from whitlt AI-IBukn,~fY ,eumaeci, 1Umrl'l' (ril1ay AU~h be pleased with him) n.~l'r~ted tha;t tbe Prophet (PC)~'c@ be upon him) said, "Now we iuclge you by w[;.i;\l 'we see 'Of yo UI!" deeds ."

''Abd u III ~ h bi n 'Ady bl n Ai· Kh iy:u· reoerted th~ ~ a rna il '[rom '~h8 Am;e r (5 upporters' to ~d . him '[hal hie, went to th,e' P1rop:h et {pe~ce be, upon himl a~d ,~sl',~d h is perm ~$.5ion to Iki 1111 HI man from amO[1J:~ 'the- hypoc:ri'tf;".5_ So rhe IPl'op!het (peace be upon hi i'll'i) 5~kt tf Does he, tes.t:1fy th at there 'i 5 []O god but A.U~hi?'" H~ sald, o¥y,~~ but he dces not truly believe in tt, iI lhe P~oph,er sald, .J!I'OQes he !lJ!l3lffDrm the p n~yers?;'; He said" "Y es, but he does not tr u Iy bel iev~

• n pray. ng,/~ So he ~Q1idJ I "Those a.re the ones that A.I II,a hi has fo rbidd(:!11fJ' us from ~i Iii ng,""Q 'I '!.

2., NI have been ordered {by AIII.~I1) W fi,gh'~ ag~i'm~t the people (polyrheists) until 1nl1 ray testify., .and they ofie;r the. .. N W'e w~ U 111€rlli;ion here the j udgmelTlit Dn fJ.ghtii I1g illnl¥OJ1G who abandons ,offel'll nlg the, pray'er 01' ~f'Iy oth er obi ig~;wry act of the re~l u i:remelll'['S of 'I,sll,~m~ whether i:r ls ,~n ~ ndivld ual or it group of people:

IFir,st:; VV'hoever abandons o:ffer'ing '~h~ Plr.ay@['~ whHe beUiE!'I!'h"iJg ln its obllgatlon, 0 UIt D'ff la~i ness ~s asked to perform H and wiU be g:i \len pllenty o,t Ii me to do so. IF! e she uld be ask-eel, repeatedl y i1! nd he thr,r,t~t~n@d w lin be.;)1Ji ng, If he reruses, the ruler should 11&1'\IJi.:! him For some 'iti me, enc:mgh '~'O' perforrn one Rak!~h (unit o'~ p:r,ayer) with two prosnatlons, ~r~~er that he will be Ik.id led eecordlng to ,t.ln e p rescrlbed pelllah~. The fu neral prayer wi i I be prayed for IhlMI II~d by ~JI ordinary man, and he ls to be- burled in a Muslim ,grav:eyail'd.

5«ond: Whoever withholds the payill1g o'f lak~.n (obligat,oiry cilaJri-rY)j wni'le bel i,evi ng ill i 1:S ob I i gatlo nil ~t will be 'take n fro ill h il!"~ by force and h€ is to be d r sclpl i ned for 11Dt pay:i ng it.

Th~rd;: Anv group '~lat agrees on. ceasl Ulig to (l'l1er t~e p rift yet 0 r p.~ry Zalah rn U$Jt be fotl:ght. lit was, proven th;.;n when 'the P'n)ph~t. (pedce be upon him) wan lied to '~~ght any nation he used to wa it lmd II 1h~ rnorni rig, if he ml~a fcl 'the SQL,md of the Adn~~ (caH tOI pr(l!yer')r this, was evidence that 'they had embraced II s I a rn, othe'rwiis€ he w01,JI1 d ~igh~ them, AI ~a h says,

_ l ,~.. - j _ ;.~ j - ,

~~ \,WI i~~ ~f~ ~~,1 ~\j1j ~'~P';

, ,

whl ell mea ns, 011 B'~,H if '~h,ey repent (I Ul d perfcrm A§:"§_aliit {ttnie PF~yel") Ian d give Zaka~\ then leave their w~;y free.;r (At·T,awbah" ~}: 5)

Jludkiill~ Lessons:

.... Their Jives and property are protected from rne, except In sccordance with Islamic l'a'W,'~ JS~(irn saved '~he I~v,es of those fl1i!;mtro~0C1 above, I~ also saved their property fr(lm being t~kerilr except 'if 'l~1ere was an i$~i3Jmi,c r'ight. Ex:amp~,e'S of these rights e1ire~ !i~t{l!1il!ili{)n fo,!~ liVes, and ~~jliredl body parts, stonlng or la~hil'l,gl ,CiJ,ilting, off- the h~!,c] CIi~ 8 [hile( tEllking money mr things that have b~en broken 01' to be used ELS blood'IYL(H\eyl etc. B,ut ls '~~ our rigJil '~'O prove the need ffQr thls peilal,ty by using force] torture, or tiu rrea~~ lt was mentioned in .Af-Mudaww.alna.h that Sa hi nl'O Jil reported from MiiiJ~k {rnay Allah bE mert~tfu:1 to him), III :5a~cIJ 1~~ anyone confesses lo bei,ng gl~illty[of :I, crtmel that requires a ~'~1il pumshment afl)~ belng 'rhr,~~ened1 'tij'itid UW>r beaten, Or imprisoned, ils it I"iig[at to eXeC!l.ll~e the prescril; .. ed peillr!ll'ty on him ?,I JM~d'ik said/ i.Afiy!)uU~ wbo confesse5 h is g~i ha'fI:e:I' bel rig hel d under such H'B reats wi I ~ net be pun ~5~1 ed. Til! oo~i!e.ni ng, tyi rig, up, wa rn lng, 'i mpf1lsonlli!g~ and be~t~:n.g ~ re l!.11 Methods

O'~ lnthnldatlon to me •.• r Th'€:1"~ Sahi!On, said, 1~'fJ he 'was beaten and thr€~w~ned and he' confessed, an d th ~I~ 'th€ co rpse 0 r the, sto h:m object was fou In d / isthe D F&Crj b@Q ip®:na I ty necessarv kl,jJ" what he had confessed to and was 'fou nd]" 14 e r~m I j,ed, "i \¥OLl 1£1 not execute ttl @ prescrlbed pen~~lty on hi Inn U 11tH he confessed bry h lmsel f,

• ..Ji,.,_ .., b _. ;j]I -f -.." - ... 11 ,., ~I' .., -"~j ,I,.. rilli"",l~ il·1 I [i.

WI:[nOu~emlt;:i R r~I~Y en ~,!h:f' ,I''';;~~.

Lessons '~(lr o,a.'{'wah (the Calli to l:sl,arm)1

1. _ A caller to lslam should fit]!ht for th~ Sak~ 'of Allah, dlG E)l;,~lted and Ever,M!~ie_stl(;~ and never for himself or to rev1eng,e to himself, He' is to '~vght 'if any 'of ~he Sacred Rights of Allah am v~ollatedl and d1eil he wiH not be afraid o,~ the reproadtas (_]i~ any ace users.

2,. The c~11 to Islam is, nor a ,~y.s~em a:imin~, to observe people's moves, seeking to, know ti1.eir secrets, and calling them to account, lh~a!cc'ourl'rs wulll be don e by AIIi!Jh. Allia~ says"

whiclh' mea:iilSI "S!OI remjnd them to M!J~;ammad '(peHice be Il.iI~J0I1 nim)L you are on 1'1 a one who rem i nds, Y OIlJ ,ar'e not a d i(talo r over '~h,w. "" '(AI· C h:~$~ iyahl 88: .2: ·1-2,2)

],_ iI'£xce~t ~ec-ord~ mtg to- lslam k I a~w .,~ Nowad,ay$'~ fa lseaccusafions agaost lnnecent MUS'liIlillS, prevail I and :8:5 do the use of Ile~S1,1 oplnlons HIS- a way tn kill SI{HYle M,u$~urr"!1 groups and take their lives and mon .. ey. Such f.a~:$e accusatlons, like a.pos~;:t$Yr a~~'ne'T5rn]i and deserting the MUl5~~m COltllmUl1i~Yt ~r-e: done these days ,B!$ a means to shed blood and ~d II i ~~'!I]cerl!t people. Sornetimes there a:J'E' personal imlO'tTv~t~'O'i"lS!, such as 'ro brjn~ 'V'fCr.Ory to oneself, ,8]rJ oplnlon, ,21 way; a I!lIlDitinl1! 01' a movement'. \1iJle are :faced -with tho:ti€l wh 0' observe grn~ft men and se~,mch fur tJhei J' wlFi'lt;e:n or spoken 31 lps 10

uwe -rhe,m against them to n -rn i"IIo ole ~'ilt"~.-.: from tbem. 'n" _- - "" -.- . '.'.-.- ~.'-'"

_ ~ _. .. "" ~~ __ ~ u 1,- . I ,,., I,JI ,I"''-' It-'" ~~. ~y . __ '!<P __ ~~lIr ull:C1I5ti1dOnS

even reach 'to the gr'!2at martyr.s of tn is, F aith, to wh om we Owe ~lll !f12\!"€ renee and respect, It W~~ recorded In AI:~Bukha.r)f and MusMm that Abu Sa'td AIIKh u.d,ry (m ay Alii an be p I eased with him) narrated t~,a'~' :Kh~~ ld bi 11 AI-W,~ 1'1.0 asked til e IJerm iS$ii on of the Prophet (p@iJJC€' be UlIPon him) tID IU III R man, The if'1'ophet (Ileace be LiiJOln ~~ ~Iil!') sa r dI~ I< N o, hem ~gh t be amen g 'those who observe the prayer, I; KI~a ll dsa rd I ;! H ow gJ@'.M is ~he IlIU rnher of '~1 ese who observe the prayer and profess with thei r wllilIgLres wh ~[~ is nOft. i Ifl the lr hearts!" Upon this the ,Mes8el'll~er of A~I,ah (peace be upon ~ii!I,) $~id~ '~II 'iAMS not ordered 'to pierce through the hearts 01[; ceople, nOr to ~p~it their bellies (fll$iidl@s).ii II~H:!viiiQe ~1~1 faithful callers to save th@ nation ftom $Iiip~ing i~~:o th is den gerous ~ [tt i nto wn! ch many g r(N!.~p$ have f~,III~ n beea use' they did not IUr nd ersta 11 d or v8Illue the wordlls af the M.essenge'r of A~ I ~Lh ~lge8c-e be upon him) ln dille. ,tollowlng badtth. Ibn 'Umar ~nrlay AII~lh be pleased with

him) nalrral'oo '~"a't 'mhe M€SS~illg,@r of .A~!aJh (peBtO~ be upon him) said, "Ha man says to I~ i S brother "0 dlsb ed ij,eveiir i Then $,l;.llre:i y one o'f them draws i~ on hilT1S@I'~. Ilf H is as he, said (then the disbelief of the man iis, confirmed, hut if i'n 'is not true) then it wii!1 return to hin"!l '~t(ll Ilhe man w~o labeled hls

M1JJ5ii:m brother).!!'II~ Abu Qil.lhfIJh (n1~Y Alleh be pleased wlth hTrrii) reported that lh~b~t bin AcJrP~al'!_l!ak (may Allah be pleased with hi'IIH) 1"Qlld him tlit!t he gZl!v'€ t~'~e Messe!1ger ,of AJ~,ah (~eac~ be upon hi nil) til e p~'Bdge of a~ leg:i ance UJ nder t1h~' tree {rnt A.I'-H IUda,ibiyah). 111 e Messe!'1g'@r of A I I a h (p:@.llce be ~~)O,i) him) saidl t!Who@vo(~)1' sw@~rS, by HI. r,~iugloFil other than tslarn (l.e, if somebody swears by say~ng that he is ~ no~~·Mu$llm, ,(tog"~, a ,I~w or ,[L Chl'istian" ere), ,'ff' he is, tening, ~ lie hiE' lis fMHy S.Q~, if his oiIJtn is, false. \rV~oever corn mits suicide with th e a id o'ff someth i ng~ he wi 1'1 be tortu red with i t O~ the Day of. R,esm'r-ectkm. A person i~ not be und to fu I~fi ,II a vow itlbo,~!t a~h i rlJ~: that h~ does n at p0.55e~51 and ii somebody 01.1 rses a bell lever, U~leru bis sin will be as if 'he murdered him. WhO~veT accuses a bel lever of di:sbE!,l'ie~r H is as, iff ne kiilled him. vVlhoever kil~ls, himself w'i[h something, he,

wi ~ I be tortured with tniilit 'till ~ng ()in: ~h e D~y of Res,u rrectlo n .~' LU

"I. Many itlii"lOCEmt people die nowadays because O'f the ~i~ri,J$~~'oe: ,al'i:(ji tyra~'IIlI'iy that is D!~'lfailii~g, in Our time. The o~ly b~Ir'Hefkli,ar'ie5 ,(]f these thiings are the enemies of .I5131.'m and 11"1'12' MiUsliim5,. They aim at we.alkenifllg the' Mus.l'i'ms. destroylng thai r pUW-ef~ wlnllillg vktory for tne pclythelsrs, revivi ng theirr eOOlillOllilY t and cresti ng a. good demand for thelr WeBipO n stocks. 1 a!<e as al\1i exampir.:! '~h@_ b lood y w~l!'$ '~iI.i1Iit took plaos and eentl IillJle to do so between brothers and neighbors, as happened in l~~e' Sou~h of Yemen ~nl 19U6 whelil twellve ~housa nd Musil i ms were killed. \I\f,fl!, rs these rivers of blood s pl It to save .AlaA[~ii Mos:q IlJ~ frcm the Zion lsts Of were they 'SP! lit to ~ iberate one hand S'P~Hil ~],f. the usurped 'lajj(~S~ lit was fOf lle:id>H~lr ,off ~~e$-e tll'!ni'lgSI ~r!'ld 'l1H:: examples a I'C~: 1111LlillerOUS and dangerous, On the other h ilndlt we fa rely Ii nd (Ii married nman being stoned to, death for having liorrnica:eTon nor do we ftilliitJ: a k~ I ~er who 'i 5, put '~n death! except H i'~ i 8 for P LI hll cfty or splte ..

2" Ab u B,ai<r Jnd '~U rna r bmw A~ I ab be pleased w i ~h them both) argued regaro,1ng, fight'in;g the withholder of Z~ktiJlh and regarding their u nd!e~tall1d i 11,g ot' 'ljh is hadith, ... ~ I,l ave been ordered (by All airJJ} to tn ght ~tt}tiin$t the people (iJoiyth€!'i'SI$')-" IBo-rh ,of theil1i1 statedJ th~iu opioions w~~h lheiir ,e-v'idleru::,e UlI1U! Abu Bakr convlnced 'Umar \-viitn hls viie,w, to VI.~lich A I II,a~i! had guided hjm, The story is !ie(orde.d by A I" B ukhii;r¥ !!IJlid Mu~~ r m, I~ ;i!:l also men tloned in [he d i,ffe~ienitt bii ograph les with n 00 rn errlti on of fore i ng, th~'eflte'!lu~g~ or imlJ.ri$on.~nlg" Ab~i Hurairah (ma'Y ,AII~h be, pleased wi'll1~ him~ narrated, IIIWh@n the Mess@ng,@f of A I lah (peace-be 1II11l01:l him) d i~d ~ no Ab u

J ilil:L'Kflrdi2!!i by M<1.lik, AI-EhiJdill~ry, MlJjillim, Abu Dlwnd, and hl~Tinni~lh¥.

~ Fl:f.!Qlim::ledl by AI-I]ukb.fl.r'!f, Muslim, Abu [mw{id. M-li,tfi'ili1:lv'f', r\Jll-Ni:l~ty, Ibi'i rvI:i!i;;;l~, .1If11diA!!mad.

!laklr was elected to be ,th€ (:a~i'Ph after hi!m~ some oftthe Arabs r~erted to disbellTef. 'fUmal' said liD AbU] Bakrl 'How dar-e you fight the people 'When til e MlesselllgE,r' o'f All an {pea,ce be upo n h iim} sal d, ,i!I't have been erdered '['0 fight the people ur'!ti I d'H;Y $':JJYj INol1e has the right '~Q be worsJh,nppoo but AII,an/ And whoever says! ~INone' Ihas th~ dgh~ tID be wcrshlpped hut AI~ahl saves h 'I!J property and n ls I ife' from me, unl ess he deserves a legpl punishment and bis aceount wll] be' by AIII'a.ht~1 Abu B,akr' s('lJid, ~8:y Allah! I will fight him who discriminates between Zak~h andthe pmyer~ tor Zak~h i 5 the com p LJ I SOl)' rl glll'~ 'ro be taken '~ro!"!! prope.rty by A~ lah, If t~e¥ ;I',r;;hj$e ro give me even a l'lfi n~ ro pe jhat th~y use lo gl~' to th e MftS~(jl'iig~11 of A~ I 0'1 h (petlre be U~Oii hlrn), I wl I~ fignt them fQII withholding lt,' 'Urnar :s~idl "By All.ah!: It was 11 alibi ng, except til [It I saw tt! at A I i ah had ,gu I(] ®d Abu i3akr to th e. figh tt an d 'I f:ilime '1;00 know fer cerrai n that it wa S the truth. ~ I~ Th i s ri"! cldent amazes th e woo rld that brags iii bout fr'@@:dorf1 a !'leI ~ni@ systems cal 111 ng, for demccracv, t1iocoroingro its own rules, lhe hi$rodca~ stance 'taken by '~"be fU rst a I i phi Abu Bakr As-Sndd~q agal nst th e apostates and the

-- '

w'i'lhhollders 'of Zak~h dearlly showed the traits of 'the' great leadlng

" " 'I·'tv, til t 1·'1 '", e-!I'-'W(,: .. II wlth H'::__·,,..~ .... --. ,-,f ,1oII-::__ 'I'" ",~' ","~ rt

P€!lFSOr,]IBI. I" ,a ' ~ 1 i3 was @nuo. e\..I! .. It ,. . ~ Wa._ viii€: 0, til ~ mos~ I mpo IlIiarl

figures i n 15h~ m from whom leaders s!houll d take 'i rrspi ration for nrm ness. Where are '~he Mus! i 1111 Iletiders rod iiily ?' Those w~o come from rh e IKnalrtQum conference and go to the coil1lrer,erllliJe5 that seek the l lon lsts' :pI easure: May s udh a 'I eader perishl


Abu Huraireh I,Abdur-RElhmitn biin Sskhr (may Allah be pleased 'l,Ill~~h him) D1(,~:ITat,-l3'[t. ~II heard U~,e Messe'~g~r o'f Alh~h hiae:e be i;J1!J01i h:i:m) ~.yT!ig. 'Avoid 'tl:at which, I f,o I~b~d yo~~o do and do that wh r ch II com m~ ll:ayu,1l.I1 to clio to. the best of your cap\8dry" VeJ'iIYI the people before you ~)e~Tshl€d1 because of their e,xcoes.siVf!' q usstion i ng and d iSilgwerii:ng with thel r proph als. I'll (Recorded by AlrB,ulk~,~ ry ~1u,d Muslim)

About the N:alf'r,atot;:

H'e is 'l\lbdm-R3.hnl~1"IJ bln 2_akhr. The Mes.senger o~' Allla,lr] (p~'(LW h® upon him) called him Abu HUlFtlk~.h {FathelF of the Kuttenl} when ne saw him ca.rrying a Q~ un h i:s $,lleeve,. tHe em b raced ~slaM 0 n 'tJ,e; cf.tiy ,af ("~he Il,~.HlleGt) KhaTba F' and he pa r~id pared i n lt, alo n;g with the Mes:seillge r off A~ I ah (peace he 1iI1Ponl h r ml, lhen he siayed wit'h Ih~ m G[itlrl$tiIJlilt~Y' crav r rig for k.norWlllI:!dg~1 and th 1'5 was why Ihe mem 0 rlzed SoP 111'N'-B,ny of the had ith. 'Hie' dl ed i [1 rh e Y1e~!r 5, 7' A.I~, (,~'fler ~h€ Hi j ralh {,erni:~ration ~ 'W Medina) at '(he ag,€! .of sev,en~T@:ht..

Occas-ion of ttu~ Had lth:

Some narrations g'ive tne, occasion 01 this h.adiuh as narrated by Abu HU~jiii~ah (t!fllay A.~ I ~lln! be p~'~s€dw~th In! iim} as fUll I OW5:: "The MffiS,sfl:rrll~er of AJ I ah (peace be upon lhiM)1 gave 'llrS a speech $,ElJyingi '0 you peop~e~ Hi;I.jj has beenenloined ~poln yOU', so pentfomn Haj]!' Thereupon, a man said, 10 Messenge~ of A~ I a11! Eve ry ye\3Jr?' The, M~$$'~nger (i1r Ailiah (rJe~Coe be UPQi' nfm) k~~t· silent until 'the man F~pe~ted his question rhree t.i mes, '[hem the Messellll:g.er of AI j,ah I(peace be UpOII'll h il(11) saidl i,1 f I' say~ '~Ye5/!' it wi 1:1 be obligatory and you willnot be able ~o conform to it' Then he sa ildl ,rl'~ave me (do Il()t a'sk m~ (,0'11 C'€lm~ n~) 'Will at ~ nd!¥0 II @~'tyo LIl I(b ave not SClJJd). V~rilly~ tne!' people before YOUI perished because Of th~ir excessive q~est11Qon1irlg and [.H5i1\~ffieiIi1S wlth their prophets", Wh€!H I ccmmand you MJ do somethlng, VO~I "I'll III1 de i'~'~ +-1::' h,_ .. ,~ .. '~ " -,I r .--,'~ ,.' id wl:',·", ~ f 'I.,.II~:' I """ 'f" " d ,~ '"

S. ,Oil.! I[ ,0. ~ to !J.! I@! ~~, 01 you, cap:m:I ILYr ;:]111" ,,1~0n ~ IIiDliiU'K you rom Olln~,

Siome![llii:l~j ~hern you should le~\le it'"' lin ,g1J'iorhei" n,alrr~UOF'lii 'Ihe follQwhlg Q"'Ir".f']1I~it verse WEtS rev@~i I:@clt

}. ... I... ,.. • 1:::..... .:1 ~ ~

(fJ''-'''~~~'''''' ~.I ~.'.",~"J, '!}~"""~' ~ 1"7'['. )l"i ~·ll;)

-.: ~. _ ..... - -:~ j;l'~M I,' ~', 'j-=- -, .. ~ • . 'I

-JF- - - ~ Q.': 'Cr Jf" --, '!J-' ;Y-,-'

e r.' II""!

I •

'which means, era 'V-all. who bellevel Ask not about things which, ii made plain to yO~1 may C~IlJ~€' you trouble." (A~·M~"~dtl;h/ 5;: '1 O~)

Lessons Deduced

J uns,1:i,(' Le.ssons:

M~lk~ ng 't% i figs· 'ell!5,y' ~11,d 'fJlci'l i 1~li rtg ,then,: are timOIt~g the most im";lO(~allf eha racterlsties of '~he Shart'ah (lslamlc law), Allah, the E:xaltecl says!

) , ,


Jo .. I .. r

which means, NAnd has not laid upon yOU! il!1l rreligl:[Hr'i ,tiny h,a.roship;"· (f\~'·H.a.ij~ 2.2.; 7.8}

The SI1~.ri~',6r h, '~ller~for,~~ is compatible w~ti:i hu rn iii nahii I ity and e ndu ranee and OOE:!S not bUim:en or ·flfUs·1Jra.re iIJ1Y'OIfil~. That 'is so because as .A1I,ah $aY$1

whlch means, # Allah burdens not aJ person beyond his scope." (A11-IBaqar,alh, .J: 286) The. comma ndl ments and dutl es progress fr-om someth i n:g ,easy to sum ~t.h i liS even easier ~ n accord a nee with e.ve-i-Y i no IV iid ua ~! s capabi ~ iity. ror i 11s't~lrH)~\r pl"iiwHTcat11,orJ is t'he: basis of the rellglon, U a person wants to prrly but t~ey cannot perform ablution d~~e to o~ lack of water or a prohi!bitiolii from li$ing iit, the person is able '~O take a !~ghter jluclgmenl~ wnliich is At-Tavarnmurn (dry ablution), i .e, purlficatlon wrth dust,

Th e m Itig~lions are even clea rer i n pir~yer and other acts of worsh ~ p as wel [I ~ n d yo u can sea rch i fi d'n,e references fOIf th is lnforrnatlo 11.

Social lL~som$:

II'Avoid that which I 'forbid vou to dOI • .!1· Aveidance here dloes li!rot(J.nlly mean to Jilft'ffraiin, f'ii()'rrI doling whi;u: ls fOIi:b~dd en! but r,o ~vol d everyth i FIg tha.t leads ~:o lit as we:!!'l. As for Hxamp~e wHn ad ult1ery, H ls forbldde n 'to come close to it, i ,,9.. by touc~di ngl wh i.s?e~i n~ ~eij og ~I'()newith a person wh cHlfll ~t i·s Ittiwf~ I to marry I g~.alnci Il~1 etc" Alla h SHlYS,

wh r ch means, Ii And co m e not ne~r 'to IU n:l,aw~i!J I s@x~al j rrrli~rc-otllirse. Veri I Y f iit is. 2! 1F.~hi.5nah {i.e" anyrJlling t:hat transgresses ~.f;S limit'S {,a great sirfrJ))I' and an (W'ii way [~lat 1~li!ds one m HI ~II un !es!5 AI leh 'forgives III ~m}. J.! (AI-Israr! 1 7: 32l

A.vl)~ding u ili,tiwhil~hi n~ and the way$ that ~elmld to them cuts off th e roO~5 o·~ crl me i n ~he M u$il i flJll s;ocieltyj andl t1, is is what :1 s.l.a m tiried to ll.Iproo·~ befo re its gJr'o\-vth". Th i$, wCllywe secure the splrltual, social, and moral sl:ahmry. 'Wftwi~l[ then insure our honors, al@;~f.!i'st backbitlng, talebearlng, and cJ.efi:lmat~OlnJ and cur w'e~lth ~ga.inIM· th~f~

Hli'sto:dcal Less.on:s~

"'VerU y ~I~e· people. be~oro you perished, II 111 ls state ment poi nts to f,h e i IIr1i portance of s:tudyi og the h is-lory cf i ndivldual 5J na:~fJonsJ a nd COli ntries in order to 21vokl ill, downfal I a nd to be able ~'o,ffoillow tJ ~r r route toward elvl Ii zatl on. AI ~aJh sa ys;

I for RilOf1e' ir]f-orma;lionr see .• M~dM Khi?lsir.rd 'AJam B·.rMllni!~'~ A.r-Ak~~M,qy {WJia~ H!1!l! Worfd hir5 t05l by ~~'le Dec~int' in Moral_v.

wh lch mea 111:5 I N, nd eed 'i n til elr stories, there is a I essen 'for 1116111 of u nderstaad in,g. ;,.' tY~sU'fi' l2:: 11 11)

Therefore, w"€' should! condn~IJJI~y look to the history 011 the preceding rilatkltlJS'J' and sbJ!cl'y tll€' CBI.UseS of thei r d r;.d i ne and '~'le ex~~T ncno n of '~11~i r eivi ~~zat.r ons, despite a II 'd1 e ~ regress tlfll.~Y II tid ach ~~'i,I100 and (he developme nts t~e)~ had aeeomp I ~$hed ii n the' economlc, m~liil:a,rYI and corstructicnal flelds, The 'G~or~ou:s Q'url-~n urges us 'to do th is i n many verses. Alii a h Sili¥St

whi ch means, cJi 00 '~~y not travel ii 11 '~h@ land, and see wbat. WfIIS d~i~ end 0:[ th 05e bdnre U"I em~' They were su perlor to then' ~In sf,rength~ ,aHllla thev 'fid ~ eo the e'(]lr~l and populated lt In greater numbars jhan these (pagans) have done, and ,th,ere came to them tl11 ei r MBs,Slells;er5 w~lh c I ear pr-Gofs. Su ~e~YI' Allah wronged them not, but th ey used to wrong themselves, tr (Ar~ Rum, 30: '9)

A IlL!! - .:

!'WL 'I I!!B savs,

whT en m eans, .t! 0 ld you (0 Muha!lflilJmad) not see {in ~ nk abo ut) how yo ur Lord dealt with th e ~peopl\l:!' of) I A~? Who Wfllpe v@ry ttl ~!I like I ofuy p~ I lars, the l~'ke 'o'i wh ~dl were not C reated iin the 'I and~ And (w itbl). th~ '(pfB(}P I ~ of) lham Ods WI11 0 cut Ch ewed) out rocks ln the va:ll,ey (to mtIJk@ dw~illi:ngsH AJ'td {with) Firiawffl 'iP~ar(l_;[llh)/- wno had pegs (that he used to to rtu re illeil by bl no i ~g them to ~h em) 1 \!Vho d ~d bansg~ b€'Y'(Hld bO~lrJds in tl~~, lands On the dlsobedlence of Allah}. And made therein much ~lni§ldh~ef. So ya'~H Lord [poured on them diiUeJrent k~ll:a1s of severe torment." ~A~-FaJrj 89': 6-1J)

which means "And Hr'awn ~,Pl1aJr~oh)1 and those belor~ him, amd th~' titi'es, overthrown [the 'tOWiIlS of the people of' [lOt (Lam cornmltted sin, AnJdi thl~ d isobeyednhei r La rd's Meswil ger, 50 He p un hi h ed theml with ,a $'~~rong r~HJlIiI ishll'fH:fi't. "" {A~~IH~qqah I '9: l 0)'

And 1-118, i3.R Y~I

-= J.' I" ~"". iI,t. • ~ ~ ... II' ~ ~ ,,~ i: J J ~ j. ~ • rI ~ ~ - ~

dtt ~I ~\~ij,;J],l ~'~ ~fo,~~ f Lf ~~j \f!.:u ~:~~,~~tf9,)I::,~, ~~j)

.... .- .1'.1' oJ _.... .. '". ~

.I oil. ... ,., •

(~. ~'('I~~ ~~I~, ~~

wh id~ means, 11 And ,Aj lah puts fmwtlJrd the @xi!lm!p!t~ of a '~,ownshTp Uvtoc:ca)~ 'that dwelt secure ;~,;uld wei ~ con-eenl; l ts prr'Qivi's i'cl'ifll com i'ng to H ~1i11 ab undance 'from e\fery place, but' it (its peoplel den f1~d the Favors of A~ lah (Wi~l: 'Ulngr~,t@ftJ!1 ness), So AI !ah !f!fi~de it ta'sle '~he extreme 'of hunger ('famim:~) and fear, because of Vh;;lrt (evil/ l.e, denyi n~ Prophet M unam mad} whr.c~~hey (i'tts peopi,e) used to d 00 I!' (AI!!t'"I\i~a!!r~ 16 ~ 11,2')

Am tl'lilg the reasons whY' AIIII,a h de$'tr'Oyiec~ '~~Ie: Ch lld ren (llf tsrae I are 'l11 at rhey used Ito a! rgue w it~ thel r p roph ets and s~I''U.p;:g11 e wi tih th ei: r scho I ars, As they sa i d to M Ct5~ (MO_i1oe$, peace' be UpG n hi m) I

which means, &lShow ILli:5 ,An~h in public. ~ (A~-Nisi}~, 4~ '153) They also sa id,

(.~ ~ i'~~. ci'~,)

" ~

whlch 1T1HanSf NO M(]15~1 (MOS65)! Make "for us CIJIIiI ~I~han (a god) HIS they have AI~hl~l (g,ods). i( (Ai.iV r~I~;, 1': 1 J.B}

Th IE' sto I'y of' tl1 e Cow serves as a 11 exam ~ I e of 'm e~ r s;~llJbbo rn n ess and alrgum@Illt1'tiven~ss, A~ I an sa.ySr

~ ~I ,'": ~ • :' ...... 'f; ... i' I' _.. ",.; r ~ .. ~' ~ I... •. - or ,11

• m· I_"· ',' :0' I.!' ~ •• •• r-. l!ro' "......... _., 'II, ,I' '=\,-:' I ... .r _ ,::I... .. I','"

(~'~l ~ ' ... 1 ~I ~~ ;)y-~ Jij ~~ ~~~-~~ YIj; t,f' tp...~ ~~ '~r~ ,~\ ~""'~I ~r JI; ~&)

I 'II ,I I'~",

.... ~ - ~ ... ... ..

which means, IJ. Am:11 (remember) when MOs~ (J¥to5€S) said to II is, p@opll@~ ~V@'F1IV 1 A.1'llah commandsthat vo IJ slaughter a row. 1 Til ey s~ i d i 'Do '¥'Oti m a ~€ fun of lIiS?J' He: sa] d, 'l ta~a~' A ~ 121 h: s R~fL~~~ From b~iin g among. AI~Jah i ~ Onl (the bJ!lCH~lJlt or ttMI! ffj)oJ iS~I). Ii V\I-l3a~anl h I' 2 ~ 6'7}

~duc~1ft'iQnali LeSSfII1!'l:

The nil.'ture of questions dlffers according '1'0 t1111~ psy'Ch'ok~lg'll thoughts, aims, and CUllh.ii,€ ef the irllqlJ,iire'r. Some ,of I'he alrn off question 111ay beto.

'1, Learn nrlry to gain knowledge about the judgMelus I~~·di'!l.g nets oiF wolt"Ship and religicuJ$ duties, such as performi'll;g ahl ution, prayer, 5€IJ~,e, IIJiUlOCha5e, marrlege, 'CH' d~v'o·r'Oe. Th,~ Inquirer u5ua~lly is someone 'WhO' does i1)O~ know thes@ things 01' who Is not' S!lU1; about du:~J:r judgments. Here

as1kii n£ i 5 ob ll G~.'rory a~ AJ lah says,. -

.. I" I

'';,,\ihkn 'rrlla;;:HlS "Soask '[h"'- ·f'ii.50'i'\I~. ~f .0&.::.. [\1,-,' -," ·d-·::_ I(C' .-- •.. ~ I' __ ~L... ... , 1- .' .. q,~

. ... __ ._",, __ . _, __ "' 0;;; 't' ... ~.! ... ~!l:l 0_ ~III@! ,,,,Igmm. ~r.,}.Cnp~l!IIe5 lUI€! .;J.wr.::l.~

cr or.ah)~ the hn.HI (Gosi,e I)') ff yo~! do n ot k~ow, Ji (A~-A.Il biylBJ~~ 21: i}

2. li1cre~~e one's krJ.owl'e.<lige: in the religlon, mot orli~Y eoncerning the acts IOlf wnrsh ip and deail i ng5, but ,~1150 a bout the J udgments and J€gall cpl n ij ons, Some other reasons oa.1ili:! to, refl!lt~· oppo n el1ts~ to dii sprove 51 anders, to reduce suspicions to, nothing Lr'l order to 1iE1~ Ihe '~nJith nh,ifl"!'DI\. to reduce 'f(JJ15~hol!Jd to rt (1m i ng, a !Il~lto c I a liii fy the [lsi a mlc law - Th is is a ,colll,~Gi:ive d uty ~ i.e. if the ml igious; st~~llents do it, the rest of~~,@ nation 'wi III not be q uesrioned ~ hout ~t. Allah sa.vs~

~ ... ill .. ~ ~ r ... '1.1 r .I ill J ,"" t- rr"'~. ~ .!" I

\~J~.J' ~~,4 tJ:;~~~i ~:L)iilb~ ~}:f rY ;,~~ ~(\,~,~~j:J~~(\;J

" .." .. .. _. ~,., _.J" or... " "" ~

(»S~rii~~ iP.J

wh lch means, !!,Ai,d i:t :i s not (piNJD€or) for Wi e be I ~ eversm go out to 'f~gl1'~ n i h~d) all together... O~ ev-ery troop of them, a pa.nty 0 n Ily sh ol;ill d g(] fCdhJ that ~hey (W:hll1)' are lieh behlind) may ge~ instructions i~l (th~ lslamic) rrEd lglon I so that they may warn ·theilF people when ·they re't1UJlffll to tlhem~ Bil1rd that r,hey may bewars ('Of evl II) .. H (A~-l i1lwbahl 9; '.2 2~

3,.. [)@bdJlt~ng and ~rgullilg with~h·e inl€i1lnOn of ~mbarfiil'5s.ins the· scholars .. Ailiah saYS'1

wh leh means, J! 0 you who bBI ij,eve! ;-\'5k 110'~ about th i IilIgs whi ch, if mad e piai';i', to yeHJI/. may cause Y'Ollj' trouble," (M(V~dah~ 5: '[1011)

Th ~I!'. it:' ..,.~,r"""Ii'"u f lig. 'I,.... 'i<h.,"" f.nlli ...... wi iliJi ·w.r;,-· s,~

_ ~"" _OJ' "'~ ........ ·v_ U_. _ IV ~. __ Ii:r _,~ _v - _. -0' __ !ilI.y _

a Supposl ng a. stRte o .. ~ i nabl I i~y ~nd a nit icl patil ng whalt does not o··fl'En happen, A rm an asked I bn ~ U rna r ,(may A~ Ilail be pl eased with him} about th e touch i ng of the' FJ lac k Stone. mol'll i U mi8lu said, "l .58.'W t~e Mes.seng,er [iif Allah (p~itlce be upon hirn) touching and kissing ~r.'.;II' the man ~ri d, ~'Hl~t If there were a '~l:(\O'Og and the peop'!e ovepowered me {what $.'hould I dOI.'?)N He' replied angril''Yi iTSt:1Y ln Yemen (as that rna n WHl~ from Yemeni - [I .5~ 'iN the Me$~e!1g~f of

A~ leh (peace be upon him) to uch i n.~ an d ~d 55! ng ~t.l!'2 [}

SOI!ir1l!oorH:: tokJ i1f'!ie· ~hal h e ~ll\e n ded a I essen a bout p urlflcatlon. One of the: attendees asked the Sheikh a hypothelic~11 ques,tiicm~ and it was. as lf h@ had been preparl ngt!!€!: Q uestl 011 ~.II ~h,fgugh thH~:

I~S[JIIIiI" n was, ~What iis lhe judgment for a perscn who wants, to p!uI['Hy him~ellf' with wa.rerf but he has iIl(ii~ ~rl1y water except- ln a

J lReoomed bv At.Tirmidlhly.

we II with ill srn a.111 open i rtg that is O(~ Ily big enough for his imp lne nand?' ....

b. 1 he 'q uesrlon Irnay be about sornath ii ng that h ~;5 not h a pp~n~dand their,~ is no i ntenti CHili to do [L Once: the GOIIl'1~ha.l1iiol1lis asked the· Me5~enger of A! Ilan {If.ma.ce be ~IPO!~ hi m) :sii~yi ngl· ~We: are gpi rig to moot the enemy tomor:l'nw~ bUlt, we do nOi~ have' km~ knives w~tn ij$j what. should we ·5~iI)lJJghle:w them ·w~tllljher:)l canesi ....

The q uestlcn GO uld just be 0 ut of i1d'l e c jjriO$~t:(. Tlh 1 S \i'!l,lS wll~ y many of tth e Cornpen ~OIllS. HI nd Foil lowers h a~d to ask a bout i Iliddi£'lnt~ Ml at h aid net happened and WJGI !JII d n ot answer Wh'E:!!1 asked about them, ·1 bn 'Urner (m~y A~ lah b€l pleased wi·~h hij m) sa idl .... lOr) Inert ask a bout what has not: happened, for I heard 'U ma r c ursl ng the q uestioner of wlriat has Ji()l~ h~plPet~~d ~ , J1 ·VVnen Z~·i d bl n TI1 ~hit was asked about 50me~1,i ng, he used to say 1 /I H as. ilt happen ed ?'" 21.nd if~h ~y 5~ i(~~ J)"iNo~ ~ he WOI!J lid s~y~ ~ teave it u nlt~ I i;t happell's/" M.~$r~lq said, ~I asked lIbay bln ~a;b a~OIJr. something an d h,~ said, 'Has rt happened Y€lt.?1 I S(]Jij d, ~ N 01 ~ he then said I tLeav,e us ii n PE".aJC!12' unti I iit happens amid wil1Je n Ii t d oes, v,;e wi I! d:;) OI!J r bestto give yo U ou r (llpi nii 01111 ~ ~ ff As h·S.h~ltby 5.;) i d, iU Amllufi I' was asked about a q uestlon and he said, 'Has ·~hii!t happened yretfi T!hey said, 'No,' ·Thel~ he' said, iL,oove us umi II i't ~·1 apipe!~Sf. and wn@1i it: does, we. wi i I do au r bestfor yo~ "Iii

c. The '(i uesnon ffi.;llY he ·~tJ;[}U,f the meanl ~g of '~h.e Ql.H-r ~,n it verses ~~,at are not entlrelv clear, A.lllah sa}/-5 about those people,

wh lch means, "'It is He \Mho If]al; sent clown '1:0 you (M uh~mmatd) the Book (!this Qu(Ehd. lin it are verses that BJre entirely clear; they are ttl@: fO~.lfld~ltiorl!i of the [look ,(and those arr,e the VerSles of All. Ah kam (C!!H'ilm£li'r1d'!liH~:nbl etc.;), AI -Fara' td (obl rga:to ry d ut~les.) snd AI· H lid ('to (I~gill I B!W5j for ·th e pun is'hm ern of ~1, i (~Ve$'1 ad ~ I ~e rsrs, etc.));' and others IlOIt entiilr,el,y clear, So as for those in whose hearts. ~, ere i:!1i .3 devf~~:~~on (ffn~.Hi1 th~ tll"l.ufh) ·th~y fol low th ~t whlch ls nat enti re;1 If d ea r '~h:ereo,F,. seeki ng A.i·FilJ.iirila Ii {~]o~ytneTsm and trl a Ils~ ,~h--) ·iIIr,·c"1 <;;-~~I;j;;;,iCjl '-"- .. its hidden 1 .... ,,;;";1 p '11" jp'" U ,. ~'I-II"'1,rF;.'ll· ':II" 7·}

'!rm..,. I!L . .."'-. __ . "'il:! ~V, . t .. I ~ ~ _'V """":L." 'Q'" .;", " d II .J.. .

That is why a .group of the ,earlr~~J' scholars 11 a·ted ~.dd ng, .i3 bout the meanlng o:f slmilar Qur!~oit verses, Imam MiiliTIk (rnav AHah be rnerciful to him) was asked once ~b-o~t the following verse,

. ~.


wh lcb means, "The Most' Bellleficelllt (All ah~ ~sl'aw.~ (rose ~vei:} 'l~h e VvHghry} Throne Un a ITIilJnncer t~lLt suits Hls Majes,ty}:10 (la-HiLI 20,:


He said, "WIP.' know what is meant by He ,1'I'~".Q~e over," but the way till is ~ s dOIil@1 w« do not know. H owe~r" we a rn req LJI red at tJrn,e same H~11e. 110 beHeve ill Hi' and lnqulrlng about it 1'$, a (grcrijlndk;$5) inl'r1o'iJ~'~iolll i Ii1 '~I:lI@ 1I'€:i1 g~OIl" and ~ "fv IflId that yOIlJ ,til m an liB:\! rima n, Driive h im QU~ of h~N~ (!;l.flld'F'E~~5s~ Ilg his, studentsl."

MGd~cal LG5S101~:S:

It A void that wh id, 1 fa rbld you to do, .. If 'Doctors stress th at pf\e\i€ min n ts better ttl a 11 cure: ,il ri,d w,~ str,oifilgl y be:11 leve lh~t 'E:velty u'!ll (lwrlJ,li I till n i!'!Jg 'th~r~ Out Lord 'k.J.lFb.tlJde has g!I',eat ham, ,:!BfKI subsequent dangers, Sometimes ~l)den~iI5ts, le\8i1'1i1 about these dangers an d :50meU Illes '~hey do, not, Sorneti m es the II eboratorles dl SCOW:I"' them an d at other tl mes the (:jqiY ipmet.t El rid d"e: ~!i!~ icrosc..up'es fail I to fi nd '~h em, Til UiS~, 0 U r ahsta i Ji in@; rrrom drinking alcohol, committing adultery, homosexualltv, 2UIICI, lesbianism: eatlng pork" ch:!ilid ani mal, Q I' bl!ood;~~ki M'g drugs,; etc." 1.$ aform olff prevention 'fmm ln~ da ngers of syph r;1 is and A~ [)S and allthe deEid ~y d is;e:a~s,~hal these forb ldden d'e8(lls cause,

L!sson:s for Oa;w'ah (tlhi@ Call 'h) I~slam)

1i. A. caller 'UG Ils~dJm should h@ "'Hifll in '~'eHm$ of ~eeping hlmself 2l'Way from dH~ fo~bidd~fI 'th i ngs and Ii n observing the, ~ i rnits set by ,Ajll~lh't and he shou rd get a ~ilgry wh e~] '[hev are violated. He sho uld 11 at ove~1 ook those who neg;l,eot r.he:ln 0 I" do not take ttM~11i11 seriously, 1110 Iniltt,e:!J" wh at dll'8~11"' status or class may be, Unfo!~u!l~!.'I€IYt W'~' '~liWid (s.o m €) gre~Jf ~d'io,~~n~ arid !ne~ of ~eg"~~ QP~I1i~or'l being hard and strict Olnl those who s[elitl ,ope Illy. !However, these who steal wh e~lrlO one ls ~v~tdl i j;j,,g and those who WJ,I Uinder rh e wea.l'~t of tile narlonare nor lre~l.'rrJell;:l acC!olrdlngih/, Elther those scholars are amollg U~le' ones who pray for them to remal n in POWBIf a 1101 be blessed, or they are flJmo.ng those who invoke AUan sayi!n\~ "O Allah! Malk~ our leader a. good ~)eiS!l) n and o ur citizens good OrlE!S. ~'

I remernber \'Vi'~h bitterness what I read about the kmr'll;g of the rnartvr Sayyid Qul:b {rna y Ailiah be mere lful to him)" The protoeo I or the execurl on req ui !i'eci that on eo of t:h e Shei khs S~OL! ld come to' ln struct h;1 m -tIll!!:! TeMiHca'~'i:m~ of Failh before the judgment was carried out T~H~ honorable scholar cam e: withou~ 'fear 'D~' shame 10 Ite~ I the 'rrI,1",mylf'; il S,iliY r "fhere is, no god b uri' A~ lah and M uhamrnad is th e IMesselligeil' of .A~ iEi h" III Sa yyicl turned to him and IOO~@id at hill'il1 In ~1 pmfLlr w;Pfl and then he $~~d to him, ,i;lE\N::f,'! you were b r'Ough'~ here to 'Condl ude the acts of nH:, piay~ There .i s no gOod but A~lah"".We ,awe bein~ executed for its cause, 1/ Mtliy AU~11 be 1'in(:1'1"ci'fu! to him.

2. f\ $,i)jcce$~;ff!JJ! caller is fh,e one whoconslders POO:IJ'IBls ablllties. HB does not make th ii ngs d iftkuh for 1Jh ern or drive '~h ern away from tnei r reli gion by his

strictness by ;1 eav~ ng out tille, CQ ncesslons of A.I 'I a hi ZUIi1 d rr~~yu ng Qr; du"! determ il1iEr~~on 5,

Had lth in Plr;a"ct'ke

1 • Melltiot) o:~ avo'~~H ng~lile !,lIn ~,aWrUl~ th i i1gs is pr,ec:eded by iil1en.tior; c,f perlb~mi'l'~~ th~ Ir'~~igToIJJ5, dutij'~5. Wirloover clatms to he among '~h,ose who observe d~e' praYi!r a nd ~srl' as is, f;i"l,e case nowadavs whh some ,Mu~I~lli!'O~~ and the n when th-ey are 2111011113' thiB'Y transgress the :prohi bited til ilni~:S and make rn isch i e:f everyw here, such person is SIiJ relv nor fo 11 o,w~ ifig, the example of '~hlePIf"t)pl"lle~ ~jeac,e be upon h ~ m) in anytlii Ii ~'Ig,

2:, The !IlJUmtHEMrs of th osa who are talkatl 1Ji~:1 hn PI udent, and (once lted have in creased i III ow r ~1 me, Tihey mernorl Z€ ':;CHTl e coetroversiel iS5 u es to a rgue, seek r~me" and enj'OY being [liiiumpha.r:u and not in 'l11.P- cause of dlari'fy.i,I'i,g the truth, ,Mu:'iiwiy,ah ~mav Allah be ph~~~d wi'~hl himl narrated tlrmtmhe

explained lhI$; as rfH~alnh)g about [he C~Viltroy,eii$.rall issues, .A1~Hili5~1l1 said, liTh€! most levi ~ people are those wh 0 'search for evi ~ i 5SU/e$ i 11 order to confuse peop I E:., '" AlaA~IV,Z,[1 'y said, '~v erl ly I W h en A II ~;Ih wants to. dep 1f11ve a person from the blessl ng of knowledge, he makes him spe a 1'< ca ptiuusly ~ and II find that th,ey erethe least leerned people. II' 'lshuQI bln li~iI s~'JJijd~ l/~fIl~m M~i.lI'iik used to 5aJ¥! 'Dispute ,and healed argll.ml1lEl:!"l't over klnow~ecllge ~lke-s aW~fy its II ight: from the heart of a IlifHI'IlI. I;' \"1 an b said, ,11'1 h eard hnr'il:am Mj'lik. ,!laying,; 'Dispute oveli ktli(i!Yi~~,edge hl~rdeii$ the: heart and brlngs about gfiL.ld~es, .~

3" U is \!'Y2ry regrf.:lt:llL.~ ~ th at dm5€! who are related to. lslarn disagree so rmluch '~hillt a d.i fferei"lC'~ i iii! opi n i on bas boca ITH,~ ,~j d is,aJg:r®!Bl!1Q,ent, [Ii ffJel'"ences. i111'l1 opi f·] ilCH11 have been adopted formhe sake 0''( multipl iCity and not ~OJ· vaf~ety" Theretore, '~e 5tillloi.'3:ment of our P\r'qph~t (peace: be upon h l m) about mose who were before us has prrotllef'tto be true about IUIS,~ .ll'Ve;ri Iy tlh.e people befme you perished because Qif their excessive que:sHo,ni'ng ;~

l~ "". _J~_I: L I· >,;1..- d

'l\I;.OOI'VIi:'!J, '-II( imam !"'LI..!llla· .•

_' -.---------


Abu :Huj'aj'~ah (m~y A~lah be ple1!Jsed Wi'~l him) narra~€!(11 £lh€l Messenger .of A.111,ah (p£'(lOB be upon h i m) sa id, ""el-'i ~y~ AI lah }5 Goo d and He therefore accepts O!1J ~y that wh ich is good" And All.! ah comma nds '~lnie bell i: eve rs ,~;5 Hie commands 'the Me.5S"=lngeT5 by :5<21yr n gl

_"' ::- IUI.r~.,II;,

(~w ~G,~~~~ ~~j~ ~1 ~l

... r r ..

whkllJ means, 10 fY'ou) ,Mes5eng,er5,! Eat of the Iayyilb~,t [aH ~Jf1d$ Ol[ Hal;.il (Ieg,a~) foods wh 'i ch Alii ah has m ade ~egal (rri.€l!Jt of sla ughl:et,ed eatable an i rnals, rn i 1 k prod U CtS'lff:ats(- '\I€g,~t21 bles, fruits, etc.l, and do righteous cI eeds, I (AI .. M !lim f 111 C~~!' ,2 3 ~ S1)

And He say.5~

wll id~ mea ns, ~O VO'~i who bell eve (1 r~ th e 0 n eness of A llah _, Islam Ie MOlrlothe~:5m)! ~at of the ~awf"tlll things th,~t WOe h.av,e: provided vou W~'~UC1. Ii (A~·BilJqa.fahl 2: 17'2)

I-Ie ,(d,I'I=' IProp'he'~i peace' 'be upon himl then made mention ·of I~ person who l!f"iIIvels wide I Y I hi's h a iris d ~shevel€d and hie, is covered wi ~h ell ust, H,~ (til is p arson) I ~ft5 ~ is hand toward heaven talnd thus n~,~,d{e'5 the $Ui~II}!ic~l'it)Fil!}I' 10 Lord, 0 lord/ whereas his diet is; unlawful, hi's, drink is, unl.aMulll, hls cllroi~he$ are unl,(iwhiL, imdhis. nOLI r'i shrnent is unlawfu]. How then can Illii S su ppl kaHQII1i ever be answered~"" {Recorded by M~!$ll i m}

Abou:t the' N,a,rfil:~:or::

VVe ha'iJle mer!l~io~'H~d a brief a ceo u M of h un ead iier I but 'there i~ rio lilarm ln men non i Illg scm e of his 0 LlISI:Blnd i ng tra its here. Hi 5: name ln the pre-Is~ a rnl c. era was /Abd-S~am:s Of !'Aba-I AmI". He !lia~fa~,e:cl a b:r~<lil of fuve thousand, three h undred and fa rly·si x hadi th 0 h was reported that AbU! HllIrrai rah 1 rrnay Ai !al'rJ be pl eased w~'~h hi! m) once said, "People S<tiy ~h,at' Ai) M H ura i fail has ll~alls.rn,~uecl '50 rna ny l1a.d!i'th from fh e M@ss.en@~i" of A III a h (p@~c@ u P U pon n r m);. (b@@ ri rig, i in m und} Allah is the' G mat 'R'ocikoner. Thle.~~ also say, '''''Why do the Muih~jl'rOn (IEmi:l;;)r,li!I.nts} and D1'H:~ An5~Lr (Si,JPPOII'~r:S) not na,rr';.1Jeas ifBf.lny hadlth ~$ he dces] ~ w~11 '~elill YO!,.i w:hy, My brot'lfler~ Al-Ansar 'woere bllJ!sy locking after their properties, whUe the Emigrants were busy [r~d i n,g i'i~ rh~~ imari<e~5., :501 I used '~O I~e present [w~'tJ, 'I~' e iPl!'ophe~ (~eac.e Ii) "" upon l'"llim)] wMlle they (l.e, the Ernlgrants and the Am'~I')' we're absent, and I used to remember wh i lie ~hey forg.ot th~dij thl- One d(~y '~'H~ M,esseng€lF' of ,'\,li,l,ah (peace, he upon h~'i1f'lIl said, N\Nhoe\l'·eii spreads hls sheet until I finish this statement of mine and threl~ gathers l~ 'to his Ches~'l ~-vi II never 'forge~ iiJW~h il!lg 'Of rrw statements." So i spread my gown which was '~he only garment II had, unrl I the Pl'opl~€I~ finlshed hls statement .i3I nd then I &'(7Ilhellie-d it to rny chest Sl nee: 'IDilJelll I have not fo rgotten (.fiIlllry o.r' h~s hadith) uliltll ~his day" I'

Lessons Deduced

I( I'\~edal LessOl!'iiI$::

"'Veri~y! ,Allah is CODa and He fhen~fore' accepts o !lIlly 'tha~ whic.h is good."

a. AI'lan~ the Exalted, is far above all blemishes. Glol"in8d and High be O!lU Lord from non ex,is;~:elllOi~l destruction, iIIlxlincttitl!\ need resemblance to H i~, crest u res, partnersh i p with a!ilYOlile~ d is<1bi! ItYJ aversion, Tgtn;(Jlila~(:et. dea'~~J dealness, m uteness. ,imd bHI!,d ness. 1', ~ s lm poosibll'e for ~H'i'y of these (:hTlilg5, 10 occur to A.I:I'ah, as, ai~ the atl:ifibutes of p~rf'i.!!cUon itlm· Inherent 'in Him.

b. A! lah OIIl~Y acce pts good dEl~ds, For ~~I @ S<lySI

whh:h means, ~ T 00 H.ii m ascend (all) the g~}()d Iy wQrd:;l and '~he righ leo LvS deeds exa it ;'~, Ii {:F5li r, J 50:' ] (~),_.

A I ri ghteous dHSd1 is that ~ n wh iidil t'iMO elements sh(llU:1 d exist:

Fi!fst~,y,: It should be, 'un accordance wiJtl1the laws of lslarn and not comradlct any of irs fund arnenta 1'5 ..

S~cond~Yi: It should be done wlth the sincere ~ntentiolll of seeking rhe Countensnce of Alitlh~ the IEx~llt~ct lhus, ihe h,(N1Wl of the one doing the dee~J sbou ~d 110~ bea Ii' (if I Y traces (i'F hY~H}Crr$'Y nor $hOlj lei he, be sookij IliIg (tliY re pure, ofherw i S€, he wl i I be i nt.'el'u;;i i ng O'rI~er t~a n seekl ngthe Ce urrt€(na'n,(~ of AI~ahs 'fhe Exalted and Ever-Majestic This bei:n\g the case '~l:e deed wiU not b e re,gar.Qled as ~1 ri ght@ous one.

lehi'n4ora ~l.e&sons:

II ~. ... f 1.1 r ~ ~

~::U ~ ~~' ~ IJ{ ~~ ~.~I ~i ~)

wh ich means! «0 YOIll who beT i eve n n the, Oi!e.j"l,e~~ of AIIi!Jh • ~slamj c MDnO:fhe~ sm} I' Eat of '~he lawful things th2[,~ We have provided 'V0ill' with." V\1'~Ba:q~rahl i~ 171)

a. Th us. \~lll[l'!E\li~·r wants to atral rIi psvchcloglcal sere,n.~'ty a nd an el evation of nus 50uII should srart from the begimnilng of his life~ l.e. from n'is (l~u1ly dfl i 'I dhoed, eatiing that' wh ien is. I,aW~1I.I111 so Ihit~ his org.rl:n 8 l1lay grewand h,i!!. body may be If1IO'U fished wlth om iy I awfu II food. Th~ s will ~ save til is I'~H~~lr~f1f'!).n1, @,\J'!8'f becorn ln g ha rdened, i nsread hd s !S'Q·jJ.i'1 wi iI ~e' pu r1 fi eda rid hi 5 organs wHI be motivated to perform whatevEHr is good. It is narrated in a h~diil:h '~h at M~al~~ii {Moses" peace be tI pon h 111111:) passed by a l[n~ III who s;~oir)d beseech t nlg an d i In P ~odng (Allah) fa r a long time, wh ii ~,~ I OiO ki ng at M(j5~ .. So MO$~ said, 110 lordr May You answ'iE!'!f' Your servalf1t?.ti Wlhelreul'JODi Aillillh~ the ExaJlted,1 inspired hlm s,ayhlg; "O MIO.\;~H If he Wa5 to Clr~f until hls body Hi I ed or- ralse hi s hands unti ,I he reach eel heaven, I '';!I,I'Q u I d llliOi~ answer him. Ii

He (MICIISa) ~liid~ !!O Lordi Why il$ '~'~J:?'!o He said, .!!'B@cat!s~ what i:s ~n hi's be,III'y I Olll ill i s back, end in 11 i B house are lJIfliawh.lII.;;;

b. The <CHi e who has ~lllta~ nu;el th e lofly r~ nk ~Jir car~'fiulily gU;il,rdi lig, hi mself give:; up world Iy p:1 easu res and many off their !awflLl~ ma!tl'ers,~, not In mention dTJ,@i r tmlawfLI'1 maU~r$ Also, This is ln an endeavor to em~ty hls beily~ ~5 Ihe' $ay~n.g !3~f. «Gluttony take;; ,~:W~ly ~n~eIRg,@IlC€L» By ~.dlheril1~ to this, h,e, would be fol I ow in g the IPmphe'~j'c had ith i ri whi,ch '~lfIe P~Qphet (Pe4C.~ be ~:pOfi'l! h~m) savdl tivV~ ~r,@: I}oopl~ who do neteat @%Ol!llpt wf1!:!n we aJliF~ lumgry,~ and when we ,e,at'f. we never eat to Uif fill."

,il!Jll'ri:sUc LeSSiiD1irNS:'

NV(:ll'ijl'y! AI,I~jh is Good aJnd H~ therefore accepts only tha~ which is good,"

a. A believer can not ,get closer to hi's lord through a sinful' act or '~lll'O'llJgh LI~! i,:;!!wf~il mOlley g~! ned from theft or U_<5ti,ry (i nr!®res'O. ]\.~o reover, i:t is tJlndesil':rJ,1b I e to gilve poor q us H~~' food iif1 cha.rily [-or a rI'Y~~ illlg whose I,eg;)~ ~ly ls dot! bted, as Allahth e EX8II,too :!ii~y5;

s ~'. :~ .: .'}.'~ ·~,:'l;··; .~ ~i'.l., 'l\1,)~ ~~ ,~'Ii.Jt)'

wh ich means, "And do I1Q'rr, a~ rn aj' 'that v!ilhi,ch ;j s bad to spend from ~t,. n (A I· Baqarah, 2~ 276)

liFh is is i ml add ition 1'0 '~he fact 'rr.ha'~ givii ng, ch ~,rily 'fr,om money ~h~t is ,cI~earlY' i'ili'~lgalli:5 unacceptable . Ibn IUmar (may Allah be pleased with h,im) narrated 1n1lilt til e Prop\h,~t ~Ilei]()~ be upon him} said! '" N~ither does A llah 310Jr2'pt a pi'aye:r wi'~h:o~t p ijlrtfiC~M~OFl I'Inr does He accept cha rify' h-cun i i l-gotten

g~,in$.i'!'2~' A~·,lmfun Ab.ln~dr- may Allah be merciful to hjm, recorded in Ms, Musna:d a hadij~h in Wihk:h' ~ bn Ma~/~QJd (rna y A~ lali be .10 I eased 'iN i th Ihni m) narrated that the PmplFlet (pe[}c,e b€ upon him) sald, ~IJ a ~r'IJ21Jl~: {of fdtl,~lrd earns, IlU ifilll awful money (Und 5peFild5 froM i t, it willi! never' be blessed, and if he gi'V~ charhy frorn itl, if wi~! never beaccepted, am~ if he leaves it bf<lh~nd (when he d:i e5.}~ ~'t wi II 'be h ls victuals in the H ell II !fire. fdll ah, does 'nQ'~ erase a bad rd~oo) with (]I bad {d€@d}~ b Utt H~ ~f,aSIBS· tIJ bad (deed) wrlll a good (onej. V€i'Hy~wi,clkedn~$ does not erase wlckedness." Ilbn ~Ab!bas (irnay Allah h~ pleased with hiij rnl was asked about one who used to perform work i 11 whidli he oppressed o~hers and took n'loney l!Il1la.wflllliy~ and then hB repented and IU$OO his un.I,a!wffl!,ill rno'il,ey to pe:rkrl1t'i1 H~M .. fr,ee: slaves, and give in charltv, He :5a~df. io!Vefily~. wkk~dnes.s d(J-es 111,01 expiate w~okedl'illes5.~ (ii .e, good deeds. carried out usl ng un ~lJimu:~ money are not accepted bV AII!ah}.

!Bur how C2IJiI '~lnie repentanGe of ,iJ usurper, H. usurer, or their l'iike be a;ccep,ted~' Shou ~dI I:hey repem by eI i$po~i ng of r:lJ~ I rhel r money c r j i,.IS~ t~·~,e amount of unlawful money thM th@y took?

j. Jl ~corr1~cl by Muslim.


1~1 1af$fr Ai"Qu.r!uby (AJ-Qur~LI'by's lnterp,lreta.tiof:i of rile Glo,rjous QU'i!"~iii~~,. O'l!Irr' ~ch(i1,llal·.s sald, ;;jA5 to th,~ ani:! who POSS€!SS,@6 unlawful 11I1oney and wants to repent, if h e took it i:~ th e 'fo~m. of 'US!Jwy Ci ~i1'Ee:!'eM' I he h~$ to r~~i,Jm it lit) the person froilil whom he took ~t. ,and he has tn l-ook for th ls pe~'5.ml lf he is not present, If he resigns, himself tc he~l'ig unlable 'Nb) fi:fUj hlm, he: should give 'the money in chs r'i l\'. lf h e tnok rhe money un] ustl 'if t nIB' has to do the sa me for the, one' whom he VIim nged. if he, can 111 at d is'rr~ nguish 'l~e I awh.1 I trorn 'the' IU III I awful r 11 his property I he shou bel be as caref.i.lI~ as he can about the (.] !1'H:t1 ~int wh ~dn he she uld retu rn, I n order ito m ake s UIf!i3 that .... vh at 15 left 15 enti fi®~Y h.i 5!, he should return tn,e m.cm,ey rl',r;);III, the actua I me Fliey '111 at he t:ook to the ('[I ne wh ern Iflle thi iI1 ks he wl'ong,ed o r from whom he rook me' us uri OU$, interest, I ( he is 11.:11121 bll,efuiJ, n I1d the person, ilJl'llilGu:gh he has, tried, he should gJve the mOIil!~Y j iii d'ndill"i'ty - Ii he has taken so much money u.llljilucst~y 'Ihf.!t he carmor g'i've, n~ ;i111 back, his repentance iis, '~1a~ he should gii\l'e up 81,1' I tha:t he possesses 1'0 'th,€' poe r Oil" i I' wn~tever way serves the M:Ui~ 11 rns, but he sho u I dl keep the a 111 0 unt that wi III1 j 'LI5~ 5 Limes him to he properly d ressed fo r prayer ,all'i:d to meet his, ,evej'ydiil:Y needs, as ~'hi s 1'5 the,

,~llrHJi,li,n't wh lch he shou lid take: from o~"er5 .i f he does not have it ;la,

b. The Messif::'n.g,er O'~ Alliah h)~0!Ce be upon hi Ir]rd mentlo Flied a person wh 0' travels w~(h'E!~'Y a nd his ha ii:r was dishevel eel and he was cove red wij~h d LJ st. F rom am 0 n g ~:II~e long IOIUw n,eys, for Via rsh i p 1 S the j ou rn ey ro r H~j] - C~H' HJ!Jjj be valid if made with unlawful m,oney? The 5cho,~ar5 of the rellgion di:5itlgr,ee aho iJt one wlilo ~:rn"leJ$ f'O r Haj] and $1 Il'ii i 1!.?IJlf'ly .aJJt1!'UIt one who performs prill'Y'~r wh i lie wl~riln:g i1J stolen g~ Iilne I1It Ca 11 these obi ig~UDry acts of worshi p he accepted from 'them 01' not?

Most of the sch 0 ~ar.s $(l:¥ [hal (he Hajj wi III s u:tficel but the person i~ si nfu I '" Shelkh Kh ~ liTIII says ~ n th ~~, concern, 111"1 e has do nea good deed wfr[h ti.fil,M whidl is unlawful i b I:.It he' has [I lsobeved A.I 'I ah, II

Ibn Ai-,I Araby says, ;l"WhoelJ\e:[' fli,~hts ln 'mil e Ca use, lOr Allah on ,a stolen horse shall ha'IJIlB the reward of hii 5 mCl!rtyn:~Gm aad the sl n of his m ~S(h?:ed . .a-

c, The phrase, '"'He ([hi,s person) IlfFS hls !hand towa.rd hee!vel'l,., ,N is an iii d'itati on (Jr '~I1~ P Fa lsed t.ype o'f supp I:i cati 0 n wh iiclnl comprl ses 'the' FO I low. ng:; seeki rig, ~he II~wft.lill! 11I€lY'@:F ~slk i 11 g for 'ruh~ un lawfu 1/ 11,21,\/ i ng a pud'fi ed so ul a~d h ea rt, being 5 urs th~~ AI ~ali willi answer i begi nn i ng the suppl i,eatiolll \v~'rh 'IP raisl ng AIII,~ h ~n,11 extc III i lliS H 1 m, a no send i ng peace ariid blessi ng~, to the PmiptH~t (!J~iLC~ he IIJII]JUJn hJ m),


iFVef1i 1'1'1. AI ~ahi 5 Good and He th erefore, accepts Qflll y ihat W~1 idl is good. ~

Thus, a true M"~.s,I!i'm has, to he good iin his work and irtl dealu:ng wijtn his fBHow M!l.151:im$,~o ~M;: s.hould not LUrei'" ,anythii!li! excep'~ that which is good, for ~,e iklr'!lows the power of words and WhC1f~ :i t' rest! ItB frofJlfl til em, All ah, the E)«(II l'I,~t, SiIlYS,

wh lch mea ns, JJSee you not how All a h sets 'fO((~l ~ para b I@? - A good toy wo I'd as a. gooeJ Iy tree, who$!~ root ~$ fl rirn Iy r~x'~~1 and its bra n ches ~re8l,ch) to the s!kV (,j; .e, very' hi gil). G lv i 11 g Hs fru it at al i ti m HSt by the leave of iilS l.ord and Allah sets forl~'b ~(lr~.b:le$ 'ffor nnaflki'f!d i'n, order '~h{it '~hey' m~,y rern~nnber. Allel '~lle parable of an evil: word ls til ar[ ofaa evi I 'ti['ee. uprooted froM '~h e surface ,of ea rth hdJv~ ng: no srabi I j tv, N {llbwiihimt ~ 4; 24-16}

Til us! he 8$ 1101: to accompa ny or assoc] me with Pool"I'12:1 (t~C€P,t: '~l,ose' who ar'E good ill nd r:i ghteoll!sl fow the ,MlJl!s5@n:ger of AII;a:h (peace be lIIpon hi rn) sa idl ~ A. person f'() II ows the tel ngj on o'f hi is com Pili' ior\, ~O ~v~ry one of 'yto LI shou I d be careT ull i.lJI)OUi~ wh om 'he associ ares wi th. J'i And there i s ~hm th e 01 d $~yi ngt N a'i rdsof a feilflh>ll! I' flock together ~

A good righteous be I I ever should i'1Ieli'~h:er choose, ,[IJ Pr::ethl woman of infeil"~o~' descen ~ (1$ a w i ~e ncr should he choose a very' rich woman Wl 0 has 1110 JIll 0 rals, for' ih i 5 choke re~lec~:s his rea I 'i Iy and d i recrs the, d'@sti n ati 0<1[1 of fa vs (hi ld Fell" All a h, the E xa I ted, 'says/

; .• ':, : '_ ~"~>!'.' .• :·It ,._,/ ,. ~'. .: ':, -~ I" _,~ _ ~; .... J~~. ~ ~"~. :h ','.~ • .', ''\:_

f'W ~_.,~ L ~ft" 0IJ". '~~~~I~Wlt~!,:, w~ ~~, ~w~'I;5'

- .. " ...... .....,' ,I • F fl' • r"" ..

.- ... ,.


wh ich mea ns, ~ Ba{11 sla~iel11el'rl'~5, ,are for bad people (or bad women for bad meru and had people iior bad statemeo rs (nr bad men fa r bad womern, Good statern ~rlIts are ~OI" good !I1eOiIJ~,e (or good wernsn for good n;'B;ll) and good people for :g:ooo statements {Ol" good men '~Ol' good womel1l)1 such ~g'CUJ;d people) ~1im il1lflOCem of ~ffic'h and ever)!) bad s'~at,emel1lt which 'they say, for them is, f-.or:gh/€nesst and Riz!LJIUIl iKaritn (g\~n€ro'UlS ~,rovisio~1 ~ .e., P~~a(Ji~eJ.," (Ai~. Nair t 24-: 26)

"file E )ol:\~:r~,ed a 1$0' says,

~ ;. ~.. ;.... I _ ,-:: • !II!

( \~ "l~'~ ~ :'~:\;;, y)l1j1i.J;; ~~.~ ,(;~~, ~ ~bll ~\j.)

.. . .. ........... - _.

whlch means, .... 111,12' vege~atiolli Oi~ a good land comes fcrth (eliI6~I,y) 'by thif: Perm'~ss.ion of its l.ord, and that wh lch IS ba,dit bri ngs fa rth nOi~11 i I1g b uta I ittl e wi th ~JI fficu Ity , ... (AI-1Vlr,~t~ 7'~ 5-8)

P'oliillical' l~eS501I)5::

a,. II And AUah com mantis, til e b 8111 evers as He commands tii!,e Messenge.rs; ~ 111 is is $'0 with mgc1rd ill th ~ prophets, and messengers, SG wh at abo u~ the flUlers? IEh)m, wlh~['t, aod subjects l;Ife eqna'l as. regard15 lawfiull and 1U;l1lt,~f,~~! maHers,F thus, subjects can nat be, omered to do someth,i'riIg frorn which their ruler was, exempted, A n~h~:i" 15 no more pdvMeged '~hl(l.l'l hissebjecrs, unllke m11ie way some 'o~ tile rulerstblnk nowadays who take their subjects HS, servants '~riId the~r wealtih as spoils, They are lawmakers whoseslogan 1'$ ,ailways lIyo"U are oblliiged ,t~)i do such and $Lu:h~ arid not that '~WH aJrl~l obliged to do such and such," and 011111:5 ·15" OI~:(1; flot yOtlfS~ we have all the. rlghts and ''lOti have alii the oblljg.atl(H'!'~".y Thus, in most cases the rulers do, not feeJli wh at. 1N11!ii r peop I e are s uff.er~lIl,g because tnle.y 'IlE!¥@r descend from 'Iheir h'igh ~'yorY' 'towers, t-o s'ha,re in their interests and ft.~'lihJ'lgs, It was, $~'id '~'hat the wU:r;: of ,the k1ng of Franes, Louis X~V[- look,ed downl at 1ihe demo nstrati ng mHS!5~5 from the Pa lace (}T Versa i II es and asked about the reason :ltu~h 'i n d th ei r 00 m i!1g 'D:H!Jt. She \'v,as 1D!d that i'l was beca useof til ~i~' hunger [due to a lack of bread], She said! .!IFeed~hem cake!"

b. If the ruler or cne of hi~ de;pui~i'e$ rook from the MrUg~ims; treasury what he' had I'HJ!, lfii ght to take, and then h @gaV"e: from ~t. ~!~ ch~lir"il:Y I Qt· bu i' I t a mosq ue, or did i]lfilY thlit1!g € I se f~ r the' benefit of M.mdl iims~ Ibn ,I U rn ar ri2!J5andecl such Ipersr:Hfi ars an ,e'X.tort[onis~; e¥e!lnl ~f he g,a\fe alii thai he had taken filii (:narity. Such a judgment was given on j' Ahdullah bin '~mirl ttiJI~ ruler I()~ Basra" When the people gHl.~her~d ,ElII'ound Ill'iim whv'l:e ltie W,~5 dying, pr(]~:s~flIg hlm, ,~ru] m~l1tiorni'ng his ~i,~h-reo~$;~le~$' aod ~Tety~ Ibn tUmar was silent. !He W~S' asked to say som e'th,i ng, so he rel ated the hadith that says! <i Allah does not accept ch arity (II ut of iii l-gotten gal ns." Then IlbllI ~ Ui1lll2lJ' said to hli m, uy Oil!.l

W€114emhe governo r of Bas ra, "" .

III was a Ilw ilan1Eloo lha~ wh ~Iii, I bill ,I Am i r ·~$ked I bill 'U mer a bout frM i fl,g, slaves 'wiftl, money taker, ~ II e,gi1t' mate I'll from the M!Ulsn ms' treas ury', he sa id1 l.iYou wi III be] ust I 'i ke a man wh 0 stea I:s some of"mhe camels reserved for Han and uses them ~,ghting :i'il t'he Cause ~If AUah. 100 YOl! thi"r)k thar th~sl HC:t Wli ~ I be accepted ?'" Some oif; the s'trri,ct scholars (l,f the rre!'ugnor! I ii ~e' I.awus and 'W,aJhlb bin AI~W,a,rd u5I&11 to avoid l]tTii:Z'~Wlg whml:l such rulers built As (lor A.I,-~Im~m .A~mad (rlfl'a.y A.~llah be merdfull ;1:0 him)1 he- permitted 1ih@, U~E!: of 1he publlc utilities tJffiit they blla~ Ilike the mosques, bridges, ,a[lI;d mills, fur 'tne:'3le were bu i I't wiidil t~e money fa.ken rolf' the 111'iI:nd t~~~sa nd '~Q,I,'I!;, B m wi:lel1 it was kil9Wrh k~1f cerra iin tha:! 'tthe rolers 'had I~ ui It such 'utili itles from un~,HI,Mul funds, I ike that of uflliaw1iLli~ tr;':I:~::es! extorted mOI!leYl ~nd ,the I~kel' fuhe ~S!e of such l~tt~li~~€!s should be avoIded. Perhaps lbn ;Umar di sapp1r,Qve.d of the~!" tak i ng ~h~ il10~]~y for themselves, d ai min g '~1Ial wh~t ~hle-y d r d wj1Lh~[ after ~l at was to g)i\i€ ~n charity" Therefore, thl S 'ls exactly lin ke extort] on, and sPtriJ1iHa!'lry 'i'~ explai ns why SQme scho I ars d ii\approv~d o~

itihe rulers b u~ Id~ Ii g mLl;!!!ii\1 ues ~ 1 .

,. I... II ,I! .~

j('~" '~" . I~ . L' 't L$)" ... ~

.... ' i'~ ~ 'l,.o ,,,,,,~ ..... ~, .:,'

~: ~~ 'LJI .

.' .

'Wihk.h means, NIEait of the l.;IIwff~,lII 'lhings U~~t W,fj; have provided you with." lAI~, B aq a rah I' 2: '1 ,72) an d i;lnIdictl!I'iB!5 '~lla1t one snould eat rnoderatelv from the j1a'M,t,d tnirngs without excessiveness or mlserl i ness, Such excess i veness il~ that wlh ich we' 1II0W ~ee d iJring~he, rnealf mes ~ 111 IRamad~ri'I} especial ~ y at the tables of the' el lte and ,th ILl.··· if' . lass, wi'nei' '~~!d Im,1JI Iii, n tL., ,:~.- '''~''.' .'.··c '-, c· I - ,-" .. - '" '( ,1-1 ,11._ .. ··t ": f ,.' 'I·'.' 'f· ~ e _ ppe. C ~:S5, '._ spe.' ' .. C. 0.. Vie r 'U!sCOr(hl(m anc !!lppOIIf1L 1I1el lIJe5 [I 01,)12::S

~D prepare, d ilffeienilfood. .AI ~ of d~es.e extrrava,galt1ioes, ~ re wasted, A~ '[he same tl me, surro una ing '~lle spelled m~,e~s,mh ere Hre oppressed ~taJ\ding people, and nOrH~ amen g the linlfl uentla I or rel igflous scholars dare to r~mi nd the rulers o~ "he' verses ,of the All-knower and the A~ 11"A.wa;Fl~, specTfii cailly 'the verses,

I.' ;,! ~»

~ ~~ )t~, lir[. ~)


which means, "and ealt and drunlk but W3S:tte not by extravagance," (AII-A,!rM~ 7: 31); and

.. _.II ~ •• ili ~ ll. ~ J',r -s. ,r "

(1.!,~,~~;,~~ ~~~j ~~l'~ ~~ ~~J~~G)'

0'1' .I.i ~

wn'iicn means, lI',Alnld those, who; when they' spend ;@IIF'~ neither" i!E!;X~lr,avagar1'~ nor mlserlv, bu] take iIJ middle (way) between thCil$@ (@'~tremes}.";-r (AI~fUlrq~,ri1Il 2.5: 67);.'



• I,.. _ •

(~t;:~J' ~rp.~ ~'(Jt,)~~ ~

,ll ""r"rI.

wh:rdl means, '~V~riIYl squanderers .ar,e brolih~rs of d~l~ Sh~Y.~~Ttl (diIDfiis), i'! (AII~I:~r,~r," ] 7: 17)

Such people' ah1'!,!a~~.5' use 'the f'Ol ~m1Vi,nlg verse :l3:5 an Ie>(C1LI5e;

f(, r.l»

'~.f$1':'~"~,., t,~ L'k . '.~ .... I ~

~- ,r#..:J." .011 'U' ,~/'

'. . ~ '.

,I r. r!'

~·'·h·'I'·-'" m"" ... I11'" Io!IC ,,~, '"'f' the ~- 'INn I 'l~lli '-!El1!'" th .. ,t' ·W·.··.l:!, h ~.~ ir\ r0vid~..J1 'V" i"",,i i. w.;. til. '. _ . .!l l A.' .. [;

... ~ . I 'un . i . 0::::;"", ii,1 li..oi"L.... i IOu . (II .. IIU n ... ni!;;!'" .. ' !G~ .. '"' ~. ~ .. "'... f"" v·.·. "i.1!) 1""''' \

IBa.q,arah{ 2: 1 :;r2:)

The enOrm()~$, econom ic catastrophes from wh ich W'e sufter ,(llr'€ all part of o~r enemles' plan.!' which is ,executed by our ~ead)ers and whlch alms at holdlng ,th~'$ M,us,llim naf.ion ~hoMlIge for Its da~ly bread.


~ . ._.,

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Th ~$, means, M E~t of 'the ! aiyyilb:tt I[al ~ Id ads of lH.a I:al 1(.1 eg:;l.i} moods 'whlidl AII.ah has JiTiltlir.le legal {me~u of sla.ugiht,ered edible anTmalsj rn'illk products, fats, v~g~kIJb~e5'J 'h~1 ~t:S'r 'etc.] (AII"",M~II-:m~ nO tJli. 2],: 5'1)

a, \Nha:l: is :i mpol1;:;I'I;'lit in eari !]g is flot 'the ~ I,daln~ty I as ~nalf'ify peo'f')..!le lh ~rr,k\l' but ratn~r the qIJJtliiitty.. H'~ildlY food~l·.~~,t contains proteins and vitsmins is enough to prorvi'de the body with i'rs strertgth and vigor, Ea~ii~'i,g 'exc~s$h/e:ly ,cau~es mafl;Y dang<erCII.Hl diseases, winh obesity being the rnaln rnedlcal problem of our modern 2Ige.. 111 e starch as and faits. th i3l do not 00 ruvel'il: into ,caillO'~li es are stored and ~ fe' ~ulFlied ~ nto tens of ki IOI~r.rIJms of fElit. An obese person is 'Uni:illb~,~ to work '[l,~ even move. aod his heart becomes, $~r(}ined, Medica,1 and heallt1, research has failed 'W solve 'this :great problem, wMc~ has !I ow berol'll1€! an obsess i en, especlallv for many :Bi 1["115. But if they would all ClrI:lll y seek medica r adv lee fmm th is honorsbl e verse,

• _ ... 1'1:1t. _

~·'·I.": ~ I~ j''I, ....... i!;.

_,~".j , \.,0 ,~,~ .: ... ',~.i-

J..J .1,011 IiJ _.

- . ,

which means, .... Eat of the lawful thilligs tha-rr W'e have provided you wlth." (A~-Biliq,a:r,alh~ 2': li'2} and a~ so ii n th e PNJ:p.he·~k trad i t1 ons 1'e,lated W th is su b.~,e,d~ they WOU lid be $.'SCU re 'Wrot'l1 the d~ng;er$. tlli,a~ they ha ve ~fI;d ~;I,g)ed Ln ,and from wha~ Ihey are afrald at

Ai-Miqdallll hi'rl M,a~dy I<adb (ImtJy AIICln he pleas~d w'~m hrm) narrated, 10'1 Irte!il.rd -the, MessengG·r (]If A I ~.~Ih {peace be 'U pon hIm) sayi It'iIg~. I) Nlo hu ma n bei rig has ever fi;~ I eo a ,oont:fr.·:H~'r m ore ,evi 11~11an1 h iis bel I y ~ h ls enough for '~l e 50n of Adam (i .e. amy h Ulman bel n~) to' have few morsels '1'0 keep h ~f11 strong, if ~'M:;!! can ~'ot do but {eil;[ more: '!han) thls, he slho·~~.O: make a third (of hi is stomach) fClrIi fund; a 'mhi rd fa r d ri n k~ and a th i nj ftor breaih i ri,g. I- ,,'I, Abu .juha~fah (m'21:y Allan be pleased with ~ilm) narrated. <ill once ate Thi~Jrid made of bread and mea['! tile n II '!.Iilt=nt 1'0 the P1roph et (p€ii!L·e be upon him) an d II kept belthij III g. \,Vhereupml he (the Prophet, peace be UpOrli hi m) s~.~ICI! 1.0 V'Ou~ Sp;alr,'e U:S yOIU'F beil.chlng~. f()w v~rilYI 1lh@ most satiated people ani this ~He Hi re th e h ungriest of ri1 em on lihe lD.~y Qi~ ~eslu rrection. ~ i¥S ~t was na~'T~I:'~ed th!il.~ ~A~Tshal1 (m.21:Y AHa.h be pleased with t1!'F;,r), saiid. "'The tlrst alfflnctiof:! 'that baepened tc '[Ii ls natlon ;ufl,@r ·~t5· Proplrmt (i .e. alier h:is deaf1h), Wf3$ satiety;fQU" \!'eri~y when people 'fined theh' stomachs, tlleir bodies became' fa;~, t~err hearts Wl'E!a.k,eli€l~t andthel II' wh i rns we;nrf to extremes, jIjI~.

b, ,I; And h is nourish IIfU~fI r i'!1. un lawh,j L ~

The un~ awful ~ 5 of tW!Q' kiin ds~the ij nh.euently lIl1ill.a.wff!!Jf and the i ncidenta!' y ul1f~.wfu II the latter bel fIlg wh at' is u I ~eg;iJ Iy taken as in theft", usurped p..mp€1rty I brl b~ty ~ andthe like" tn other words! 'it ls what'e:ver leads to ~n i nhe~tii~ly u n 1 awfu I i:lfi~ner. \N'e ratu rn to the :i iii Iru~renlly un!1 aw~~iI and say

~ Rl!ty.l'i"til~'flliJ'Y A!'- T:i rtnlidll1y" ·w\!tJ;;j ~t~gard~t11 vI' .~15 a &~ hrid Uti.

~ Rieoorded by AIr·H~M;;;im, who sa id that it has Olin alilh@ntic: chi:lin of' ttaifl:;.rtili$::;iOllI •.

Iio lRef:orded by .AI.Bukh.~f'Y, KiMib AQ.-Du',lfrf' fB'oo~ of [i~p. 'W(~k~ (~[ild by ~bl1l Abu Ad·DilJn'ij~, ,f(j~~b A1-jii:l' .(flock DI H!Jl1'gty}

fih!l'~ the pl~ rpli~e behi nd its proh i bitlon by the j u,riIS;~ ii5, its i nh~mnrt h~J1111l'; llke tor .e:X:(lmp,1 e eating oe~d all r m~I~'1 d rl nlkling alcohol, and many other matters thai are related to preserv i ngrrh B five necessities, l.e, 'llih~ body! the ~il1;e<age,! the' property" the int~Hectt, ~mdbhe re~~g'i'(Hll.. M05tOi~ 'the ~ .. wlJl,awh..L~ foods" if not ~II of ~I'it@m~ contaln toxins or dal1lgE!I;D!JS, microbes that cause a di:5tllrhanCie in the: body or d!i!ilnag~ t'O one of its sys,remsi and they al'so ca ILIse many Iletha·r dlseases \1\.!'h lch haffle' the p~i'Y5 i clans, Howevl!E!l"/ ~ do n ot s.ee' th is as 1:11 su irable place for d~'&cu~S i'~g th is ln d~t~ i I.

lessons f,or Oalwat. (the (aU to 'Is~am)

]i , A true cal ler to lslam, wh enaver h e orders people to do anylh i rugj begi iiS lby do lng ~'r ~~ um5ell~; because ~J~~o ugh worejls ilMy be more eloq Ue!Yl1t,1 deeds 21 re m uch rno re >®11fed~ve. Th2L'~ is whyJ(l{ffaf' As.-S:ftd i(I' -(fhe G ood Pl'eas iJir€ (Jif Allah be upon ~li~n) used '00 $~Yl !!'Be $~'~ent callers to 'I$·~am"n Tha "fifth rugnt~y g~~d~d CtIJ~iph~ It .. i' IAtl'u~-Alirz:~ used not to ask people to do something u 1fI~ I h s went to his '~am iii y ~ III d €i,xnorted them to do it before ~ rlly,r,me of ~.~ is subjects, Alliln~ tha EXClJII'~,ecll condemns, theacts err the' callers whQ do not perform what 'tney ci)'III)eopi€! to do m11mu,~h sayiillig~

wh ic h mean s, O!'E njoi 11 'YO til A~-B:i rr {ph~1ry and r~~h[OOIUl5n ass and e..ad'"n and every' act .Qlff cbed iet'!:ce to' A II~h} on ~he peep le and yOY forget (~o p ractlce iU' yourselves, while )!'>CHJ recitethe SC!'ijpnu'€ tthe Tawrah fro~',ah})l Hav'e you ·th.en no, senser' (A!I~B,aqaralhlr. 2~, ,4A)

Iml eur h aJd~lth~ the 'chosen Messe1h,gers (peace be ILlp:O n them a I!:I) were al II commanded 'With flile same orders tlliat \Nfl we're ccmrnanded with i d~,ey e'!lHn had o:tli1e!I" add ltlonal spsclflc obl ~gati ens .

.2" A ca III er S!H)UJ I d present h ~~ ,call prop.elrly; he III ust know wh 21~ i:5 to be give 11 fi'rst {l,nd what 1i$ 'to come I,ast" He ,aI1w,ays ~~as to, derive his ideas aod prl Ii1Id p ~es,t'mm the QliIl'"',~ n, and to provide PI,m a lis, of h is truthfu I ness from its hone rablle verses, Th i s Ir'~li~h-,es hii I1i m be a marnorlzer of the G 10 rio us Qu(an~ elf" at leasr 'tto learn by heart the verses '~'ltr~ concern '~ifY subieet th~'t he deals wnrh,_ 'The publk o:Are~ disre~~1ect an. el~cluen'u OralN.:w who confuses 'l~e, Q!Jr!~il~ic verses or who can not r-ead t~em pmperlYJcllilCI' under these d rCIU I11S,taJfiCe:S he millry be S II b j set 1D crlticisrn or objecri on. This hapP<€l ned O!1C~ WllJl8i'1 ,!f!In i nstrueror ~er:Jt,ecl a Vel'se, 'Ih~t he h ad n,(:):t memorized, 0I1e, of those who had been pll·,a:yflng stood up to correct his errer all d see I d eel h~ 1fIii" The i tilstrucror was shocked a~~d IOOti Id 1i101t bur admit that he had memorized olllily one section of the QUI F ~n. At '~ha~ moment! the audience lOSE 'their respect for hhn, and one of them said! "lf Irle has [1101 rnemortzed '~le [look of A'l~ahl was he teaching us his own book ,aH th'~s ~i,nlll~?1o!

L NVeri~v! Allah is 'Good and Hether-eifme accepts emily that which 'is good." .As for what some ij gnorant and m isled people: p raence of ~eresies and s LrfJ€!~r$tll~io n s wh kh li'I~ve 1I'lIij) ;i!!l"l'dilorHy from Alill ah, th,ey can not he ca I il&~ acts of good ness. AlfllY word of desd d'lat corvtrad tcrs ~h,€; ho norable trad it! on of th e I? mphe~ tpeaee be upon h illlfO can, not be called ;!U1I act of good lilieS 5 ,

2. ~f! spire of the loftY5ffit[JJs. of 1ih,e prophets and the rnesse~sers a IflId tihe dl ijn ifu eel pcsitl on tntJJt th~ occ~~,y in the Sight A~ lah, ~hey· "-!/ere 0 rdered '~O 'fa llow the: SClJrlf'ji8' commands as thel r ~[)lllowe!S. The M~:;s€JI1,g.@r of AIII~ljh (peace be upon :I)~m} used to perform the five obllgarory p:rHlye:JfS j ust as we do Bind fast the, m 0 Mill of Rfll!T!adan j L~tH as we do. So how IC(i!f! some of the Sufi sh ei khs nowad:!iYs be prlvi IIeg100 O\i\elr Of her people and eve n over ·rnlnie ch o~e~ rigbreous rneS$eng,e·r$, (peace be upon them a nl}~

3,; ·W'e are ifffl kted r 11 'mh e p'r~:5el1t~i'me with d, e sp read ~f usury fi nteresti in 'I1IlIJIm~I'Ours ways. PO'ii' exarnple, tn~I'·e: is the' us.urr]o~s~nt1E'resl: g~VliE'n by banks in d1,e Arab and Islamic countries, 'which not rn~ny MIUi~dlhn$ fee:1 ,i)lny harm ·~n a():·ept.~r~.g; Some of th em rnav ph f I 0$0 ph ize a ncl spend ~t Or'! blJUcli f~g mosques! schoo 1'$" .a!nd d ~frerent cha:rit;;lb~e prolects. \Ve, :5~~l te such people, ·~eri liyl AII~lh is Good and i-I etherefo re, accepts on ~y dlat ·w~Tch is good .. f! ArlO'Dlher aspect of US'llify l1I!Qwadays ~s thH l~o2l:ns, given to fa 1rn)1,'elfS, workers, . and craftsmen th Ht~ ,1j re to b~ fepaid by m.anyttiirne.5i them r wo'ftll. lh'ese· are also of the LlII,lawfUlI: mQi'illey for wi'itcn U~e wepea.1'ecl ~e:rfori'ifl~\i.ii!Ce ()if 'Hajj Or '~I!JCC€!5siVi@! R;tJ.ik.1ahs (~.€!. units of f]lr,ay@v) can Il~'iJlI,~!lr ato'll@:.!


IUn~ M uhsrn mad AI-:H asan bij r!l! ~ A I If bi n Abu I~i i b, the .~r:nl;d$(Hl of 'th ~ ,MesS€:llig:e·j'" of AUilh rpeace be UPOi"!1 h~m) ~nd his beloved (m,ay A~lah be pleased with them) sai'd, "l mernorizad 'from ti1,e Me515,e;n~i@lI' Oi~ Allllah {pel1N()~ be IU pon him) hi s 5ayli ng, if orsake wha:~ver raises yOlll if dou bts U .e:" as to whether 01' 11I0l ·~he· matter ils 1,;jJ~!!.I~} forthat

.Ii.. . ;j. .. ~.' II ' .. -. "-.' -'r~' 'Iii ~'1/ {IO'.. .....l .... .JI tr.,' A~ Tir' idt..· .' "jJ A'I"'N·-~~' }~"l

alUi[,iII!h 'WllIllOli you HIF~ C€!_'i&lL;.II ... ·~CQq'jpY! J"{ .. 'L- L m··~!y aiiliu .... __ asa 'I, 0-

T~rmk~hy regarded it as a good a uthentic had lth.l

About th·€! Narrator:.

He' ~'5 Al-Hasan bin lmam 'A.lly (m~y Allah be ~il~l$ed wIrth flv~mJ-. He Was called AbU! M!Jjhamrnacl and was bam durin~ R2I:mad~'n in the thil!d yeall:' ~flllB'lI" tI'MB Hijlr'~lh" He was murdered by ,poiso~'~ fng ln M@~H n a i Il t~e ¥~r 5,0 A. H. when 'he was unltySieVer! years old ,.

O[iil(!i' of h is '©,utstafldii'!'~:g traits was demonstrated ~ n the' had ith 1111 'wh 'i ch Abu Babal'i (may AII!ah b::, pleased with him) narrtllted~ HOlilicti! the Prophet ~pea·c~· be tlJPDn hnm) hw!ou~h't Al-Hasan eM...i1I: and took him up the pulpit .al!oi'1lg wvli~ him. He ~ooked to the' P€Op lif! and then looked at hi m repea~edly .sayi ~gi' 'Th its SOil C!~ m lne is {jj Sayy'icl (i .€L ch io®f) aad ~ hope that A~ lah wi 1.1 hel P' hij m tel br~ng about a reconci I i"'li~ln between

two M usl ~m' gro !UPS. i NN Ai~Ba~'!l1 (rnullY Allah be p!1 eased wirth ill irll1) n E'I rrated I ~'I saw the Prophet (pearn be UPOIl1 him) C{lnyi~g A~-~-I,as.af'l on hts shoulder sayijl~g. "0 AI ~(lJh I I Ill)Vie him I sn pl ease IO\f~ h~ m. ~ Nl~ I Vqbah hi n AI-H~llr~fh (maIl' Allah he p leased with h ~ m) na rrated i ~ II saw Albu Bah {may .AI ~ ah be pleased with h ~ n1) cany in g Al-Hasan on ~ is. shoul dews and sayflllll:1J.r i lLe~ mY' par-e nts be saul fi osd fOIf Yol!llr sa ke t (y'[lu) resern b le the PUiophet (peilG€! he upon III i m) ,E) I1d not I Aly/ and I A~y

w21~ sm i Iii'ng . .!l"Th

So.cii3!1 Lessons::

1. 11l,~ aoov@ Ih@dlu~, demonstrates the- great poslrlon iiYf A.li-:H,as.alil (['nay AUah be pleased Wi'~l him,) in h 15 gra n CJf~l.'~h~irI 5 h~r~;, III ls gJreat II Dye on the part of the Pro IJ~H~:n (ip~a.ce be upo n h ~ rm) fljL! ~ I:i tied a pre-1 slam lc rule a nd a false custom 'th~t~ in £!Jod i'~kH'! to the rea rlly Arabs' comem pt fQir th el r d a IlIgl1te~f they a I $0 used to igfllore fhe:~ i" en i ld rail tD the ,extent tih at they WG uld nO'I: go near them,

:2. Th iis Irtarliith ii S considered as a bask rLII~e 'i 11 ;;my SiQC i a I dlea.i iili\g'S,. as we'l ~ as in ~Ilry eC'CH10ITlIk: transaetlons 1'0-0. For laX~l.mp~i@, ~f a nyon@: h,as doubts about a

1 Ri~~:I['d~d b-v AI-iIl:li.J!d~~ snd AI'·limriidhy·.

2 IRiocorded by AJ-UukMry, ~,thj:;lim amd At-Ti:r:rnidl-iy. J IR&OtJ'ded by AI-6ukhmry.

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