DR Tennant Patient Get Well Workbook 01.02.07
DR Tennant Patient Get Well Workbook 01.02.07
DR Tennant Patient Get Well Workbook 01.02.07
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Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine
5601 N. MacArthur Blvd.
Suite 200
Irving, TX 75038
© Copyright 2005
All Rights Reserved
This book is written for those with chronic disease and those wishing to avoid chronic
disease. There are those who just want instructions on what to do to get well and don’t
really care why or how it works. This first section is written for those.
Others want to know all the details about what they are doing and why. The second part
of the book is written for those. If you don’t want/need to know the why and how, you
can skip the second part of the book.
Another use for the second part of the book is information for those who think you are
crazy for doing something other than “traditional medicine”. That includes friends,
spouses, relatives, and some of your doctors.
The things that we recommend are primary from freshman medical school physiology.
For the benefit of your doctors, we have included a bibliography at the back of this
booklet with the medical references about the things we are recommending.
When we doctors go to medical school, we are taught basic physiology the first year.
That teaches us how the body normally works. The second year we are taught what goes
wrong with the body. The third and fourth years, we are taught to forget most of the first
two years and memorize symptom complexes as “diseases”. We are then taught which
drugs cover up the symptoms of those diseases. When that doesn’t work, we are taught
to attempt to remove the offending part.
After we get into practice, control of the patient is taken from the doctor by the insurance
companies. When a doctor makes a diagnosis, he/she must select a code number for
whatever diagnosis is made. That code number activates what are called “standards of
practice”. That means that a computer programmed by an insurance company is now in
control of your medical care. It tells the doctor what drugs must be prescribed and
whether you can have surgery. It tells the doctor when you can be hospitalized and how
many days you can stay there. Unless your doctor can justify another diagnosis code,
you are controlled by the first one.
Most HMO’s and PPO’s also set standards for doctors as far as when you can see a
specialist and how many patients must be seen by the doctor daily. I know a family
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practice doctor that is required to see 60 patients/day or lose his job. Under such
circumstances, there is little time to talk to patients about the basics of diet and other
things needed to stay well. There is no time to do anything but quickly write you another
prescription and get you out the door.
We do not accept any insurance. With that policy, the insurance companies cannot
dictate the length of time we spend figuring out what is wrong with you. Neither do they
dictate what we can do to attempt to make you well.
Our clinic and doctor(s) do not replace your personal physician(s). We are simply
consultants in Integrative Medicine doing things that your doctor may not have time to
do. We are not your primary physician, and you must look to your primary physician
as your basic and final advisor for medical care. You must consult with your primary
physician for emergencies. We do not treat emergencies.
The Basics
The key to making chronic disease better is making a single cell work. If you give the
body the things a single cell needs to work, the body often has the power to heal all of the
cells of the body. That means you get well!
A cell is made up of a cell membrane and the inside called the cytoplasm. The cell
membrane is made of fats. It controls the cell and is consider the “brain” of the cell.
That means you must have the proper fats to make those membranes. About 20% of your
body is this fat, so if you weigh 200 pounds, you need 40 pounds of perfect fat to be
healthy. Since cells replace themselves on an average of about 8 weeks, you would need
to absorb about five pounds of fat per week to stay healthy!
The cytoplasm of the cell is made up of proteins. There are eight proteins that the body
can’t make (ten in children). Thus they are called essential proteins. You must eat
enough protein to fill this need.
To be used, proteins and fats need vitamins and minerals. To date, I have never seen a
patient with a chronic disease that is not mineral deficient, and most are vitamin deficient
as well.
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3. Proteins to make the cytoplasm (the “machinery”) inside cells.
4. Vitamins to allow the body to make the fats and proteins work.
5. Minerals to make the fats and proteins work and as On-Off switches and keep
your pH in the operating range.
6. Oxygen
7. Sunshine
8. Voltage is the same as pH. The body must have voltage to function (the same as
saying you must have an alkaline pH). The body normally runs at pH of 7.2
which is the same as -22 mV.
The next important thing to recognize is the importance of your liver/gallbladder. The
gallbladder is a storage tank for the bile made by the liver. It often becomes filled with
sludge and doesn’t function normally. This sludge becomes a breeding ground for all
sorts of infections. They produce poisons called “neurotoxins” that make you sick.
However, you need your gallbladder because the liver can’t make bile fast enough to
allow you to absorb the fat you need to keep healthy. The key is to clean it---not to
remove it. (If you have already had it removed, you will need to take bile supplements
the rest of your life).
1. Processing your digested food so that it can be used by the body to make new
cells and to keep things working.
2. Getting the toxic things out of your body.
3. Controlling the immune system so you can keep infections under control.
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http://www.abdn.ac.uk/emunit/emunit/temcells/images/liver.jpg http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/lgmodules/wep/hvac/t
When the liver gets clogged up with debris because the membranes are made of plastic, it
tries to wash itself with cholesterol. A high cholesterol means your liver is trying to
clean itself---much like you would try to clean the filter from your air conditioner. If you
interfere with that process with drugs and continue to give your body only plastic fats to
repair itself, you are doomed to chronic diseases of all types.
Once the liver cleans itself and repairs itself, the rest of the body can begin to heal. The
liver will begin to supply the nutrients needed, begin to remove toxic chemicals
(pesticides, pharmaceuticals, etc.) and turn on the immune system to get rid of infections.
Thus our initial efforts will be to clean up and repair your liver/gall bladder. It normally
takes eight to sixteen weeks for the liver to replace itself with all new cells.
Remember that the leading cause of death in the U.S. is reactions to pharmaceuticals.
Just listen to the drug advertisements on TV and you will realize that all drugs have side
effects. You should have the goal of getting off your drugs. However, do not do that
without guidance. Stopping drugs suddenly often causes the body to have a bad reaction.
The primary exception is anti-cholesterol drugs. You should stop them immediately.
They are all liver toxic and prevent the liver from cleaning itself. Your cholesterol level
will go to normal as we clean the liver and give it the fat it needs to repair itself.
To be healthy, you must stop eating anything that says, “Partially hydrogenated” or
Canola Oil. You will have to stop eating fried foods and cheese in restaurants because
these almost always are made of partially hydrogenated oils. In addition, you must stop
using all forms of artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, Splenda, saccharine, xylitol
and others ending in “–ol”. All of these are severe neurotoxins that the body doesn’t
know how to get rid of. Stop MSG as it is also a neurotoxin. Stop smoking. Stop eating
soy. Stop drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol.
Eat lots of raw milk, butter and eggs. If they make you nauseated, that means your liver
isn’t making enough bile to absorb them. You will need to take ox bile and digestive
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enzymes with each meal until your liver can make bile on its own. You will be able to
eat fats without trouble when we get your liver working again.
Eat things that don’t have the toxins listed above. Try to vary your diet, with 1/3 protein,
1/3 fat, and 1/3 carbohydrates with the carbs from fruits and vegetables.
So you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. This workbook will be your guide to
getting well.
Let’s assume that you have bought an old house that hasn’t been lived in for several
years. However, you love that old house and want to return it to its former glory. You
dream of living in that wonderful house and all the fun you will have in it.
Now we have to start the process of returning it to normal. It won’t happen overnight,
and there are no miracle pills to make it normal. In fact, medications are simply paint. If
you paint over a board eaten by termites, you may not see the holes in the board for
awhile, but they are still there and the rotting goes on. Medications cover up the
symptoms, but the degeneration in your body continues. If you have arthritis and you
take medication, the degeneration in your joints continues. You just don’t feel the pain
while the joints continue to rot.
So now you own the old house. What must be done before you can move in? First you
will want to restore the utilities. You will need water, sewage, and electricity.
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The body is about 70-80% water. Thus it is the basis of who you
are and how healthy you are. Unfortunately, you have probably
been lead to believe that drinking things containing water is the
same as drinking water-----not so. When things are put into water
to make them into some other drink, it changes how the water reacts
in the body. If you take good water from a well or an
uncontaminated stream, it will be alkaline (finding good water
anywhere in the world is getting harder because of chemical
contaminations). That means it contains electrons available for
your body to use in its metabolism. However, if you put chlorine
and/or fluoride in it, it becomes acidic. Anything that is acidic is an
electron stealer. Anything that is alkaline is an electron donor. Drinking acidic water
steals electrons from your cells and damages them. Drinking water that has been made
into carbonated beverages is drinking acid that is so concentrated, you can use it to clean
the grease off your engine or clean out your toilet! Can that possibly be good for you?
Your cells are composed of water, but it is also what your body uses to wash the inside of
your body to clean away the garbage that gets into the body. Would you wash your car
with coffee? Then consider washing the inside of your body with coffee or tea or sodas.
In addition, zinc is one of the most important elements in the body. Without zinc, you
can’t make stomach acid. Without stomach acid, you can’t digest your food. Without
nutrition, the body can’t repair itself. In addition, without zinc, you can’t make
neurochemicals like serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.
Zinc is blocked by alcohol, coffee, and tea. (Alcohol also blocks selenium.) Trying to
get your fluids by drinking these substances will almost guarantee that you will become
depressed. Is it any wonder so much of our population is depressed?
Many think it is healthy to drink distilled water; it is not. Distilled water pulls minerals
out of your cells and into the water. You can kill yourself drinking distilled water. For
example, if you put one drop of distilled water inside an eye, the cornea immediately
becomes opaque and the cells inside the eye are killed as the minerals are pulled out of
1 7
Another problem is bottled water. Bottled water is almost always city water that has been
put through a filter. It is perhaps cleaner than city water, but it is still acidic and contains
many other chemicals. Many cities have tap water that has toxic levels of copper.
Copper is also a zinc antagonist.
If you look on the bottom of bottled water you buy most places, you will see a triangle
that contains the number one. That number relates to the kind of plastic used to
manufacture the bottle. A number one usually relates to a clear plastic that is not totally
polymerized. If you leave such a bottle in the sun, the polymers from the bottle will enter
the water and poison it. You probably have noticed that bottled water left in the sun
tastes like plastic. What most of us didn’t realize is that that plastic acts like estrogen in
our bodies causing hormonal imbalances and blocking zinc.
You should drink your water from a bottle made of glass or from a plastic bottle with at
least a number two in the triangle. Most sports water bottles have a number seven in the
Perhaps the best water system is the one invented by Viktor Schauberger in Switzerland.
It attaches to the main entering your home and provides good water for the entire house.
It costs about $2,000 plus installation. Ask us for detail if you want to get one of these
For those who can’t afford the Shauberger
system, I recommend the system developed
by Nikken. Their explanation of how the
system works may not be totally accurate,
but I have personally tested the pH, Redox
potential, rH2, and conductivity of tap water
before and after it has gone through the
Nikken system. The water coming out of
the system is much better than that going in.
The cost of the system is about $300-$400
and you can make gallons and gallons of
water before having to replace the filters. It
is much cheaper than buying bottled water.
Put it in your sports bottle (number two or
greater in the triangle on the bottom) if you
need to be away from home.
When people are sick, they often have decreased minerals in their body. Drinking water
dilutes the minerals even more reduction in the voltage feel worse. The answer is
to restore the minerals and voltage and that allows you to drink the necessary amount of
Sometimes I see doctors tell their patients to drink less water because some lab test
shows they have too little of something in their blood such as sodium. If you dehydrate
the patient, the lab test will come back to normal but the patient feels worse. Let’s
assume you have two glasses of tea each containing eight ounces. One is very dark and
the other is very light. If I put the light colored one out in the sun and let some of the
water evaporate, soon both glasses of tea will be the same color. If I ran a lab test on
both glasses, the test might show a “normal” amount of tea in each. However, there
might not be enough volume left in the dehydrated glass to do much with. If we do that
to patients, we cause their blood pressure to be too low or the inside of the cells to
become too thick to function. We must correct lab results by looking at total body
water, intracellular water, and extracellular water. Then we know if the patient has too
much or too little water or too much or too little “stuff” in the water. One can tell that
using a device called the Biological Impedance
Analysis device.
So in our old house analogy, you will begin by washing out the debris inside and outside
your house.
Minerals play an important role in the body. If you think about the battery in your car,
you know that if you put distilled water in it, it won’t hold a charge. So it is with your
body. In addition, mineral acts as On-Off switches in the body. This is particularly true
of calcium and magnesium. For example, to contract a muscle, calcium is necessary. To
relax the muscle, magnesium is necessary. Calcium turns things on and magnesium turns
things off. If you run out of one of them, you get stuck in either on or off.
Minerals and vitamins are also important in manufacturing of things you need. An
example is neurochemicals. To make serotonin from the protein L-tryptophan, you must
1. Folate
2. Calcium
3. Iron
4. Vitamin B3
5. Zinc
6. Vitamin B6
7. Magnesium
8. Vitamin C
To make dopamine and norepinephrine from the amino acid L-phenylalanine, one
needs the following:
1. Folate
2. Iron
3. Zinc
4. Magnesium
5. Copper
6. Vitamin B3
7. Vitamin B6
8. Vitamin C
If you don’t have calcium, magnesium zinc, iron, copper, and the necessary vitamins, you
can’t make serotonin. If you don’t have serotonin, you will become depressed.
The other problem is that the minerals need to be balanced. If you simply take a lot of
the above minerals, you may be so out of balance that things don’t work correctly.
Recheck your mineral level at least once every 3-4 months. Because our soils are so
depleted of minerals, you will need to replace them periodically.
Some of the most commonly consumed water substitutes are coffee, tea, and alcohol. All
three block zinc and alcohol blocks selenium. Look at the symptoms caused by a
deficiency of these minerals:
Alcohol intolerance Zinc (30)
Asthma Zinc (30)
Belching Zinc (30)
Bloating Zinc (30)
Boils Zinc (30)
Brittle nails Zinc (30)
Bronchitis Zinc (30)
Colds Zinc (30)
Conjunctivitis Zinc (30)
Delayed healing Zinc (30)
Depression Zinc (30)
Dermatitis Zinc (30)
Disrupted sleep Zinc (30)
Dry skin Zinc (30)
Ear infections Zinc (30)
Early graying hair Zinc (30)
Eczema Zinc (30)
Fidgeting Zinc (30)
Frequent sore throats Zinc (30)
Gastric-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) Zinc (30)
Gastroenteritis Zinc (30)
Hair Loss Zinc (30)
Hay fever Zinc (30)
Hyperactivity Zinc (30)
Increased cholesterol Zinc (30)
Infertility Zinc (30)
Itchy skin Zinc (30)
Joint pain Zinc (30)
Joint stiffness Zinc (30)
Loss of libido Zinc (30)
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemic) Zinc (30)
Low white blood cell count Zinc (30)
Lung infections Zinc (30)
Missed periods Zinc (30)
Moodiness Zinc (30)
Pimples Zinc (30)
Pneumonia Zinc (30)
Poor coping with stress Zinc (30)
Poor memory Zinc (30)
Pre-dinner tantrums Zinc (30)
Prolonged infections Zinc (30)
Psoriasis Zinc (30)
Runny nose Zinc (30)
Sinusitis Zinc (30)
Stomach ulcers Zinc (30)
Stretch marks Zinc (30)
Temper outbursts Zinc (30)
Thrush (mouth fungus) Zinc (30)
Tinea (athlete's foot) Zinc (30)
Warts Zinc (30)
Arthritis Selenium (34)
Asthma Selenium (34)
Autoimmune diseases Selenium (34)
Cancer Selenium (34)
Cardiomyopathy Selenium (34)
Depression Selenium (34)
Diabetes Selenium (34)
Heart disease Selenium (34)
Hypothyroid Selenium (34)
Increased cholesterol Selenium (34)
Increased infections Selenium (34)
Drinking coffee, tea, and/or alcohol make you susceptible to the misery of all of
these things = everything from athlete’s foot to cancer! Now doesn’t drinking water
make more sense?
It is also important to remember that taking antacids or drugs that block stomach acid
production causes you to be deficient in zinc. This makes you susceptible to all of the
above things noted with zinc deficiency.
pH and Calcium
pH stands for “Potential Hydrogen”. It is a way of talking about the amount of acid and
base in our bodies. It is also a way of talking about the amount of voltage in our body.
pH is measured on a log rhythmic scale where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most
alkaline. Seven (7) is considered neutral.
Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these
ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions
than OH- ions then the water is said to be "acid". If OH- ions outnumber the H+
ions then the water is said to be "alkaline". The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is
logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous. In other
words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acid than 5.5, 100 times more acid than 6.5
and 1,000 times more acid than 7.5.
Chronic disease and pain are almost always associated with an acidic pH which is the
same as saying that chronic disease and pain are almost always associated with a loss of
voltage. Health is associated with the presence of voltage which is the same as saying that
healthy people have an alkaline pH.
In the body, being able to hold a charge of voltage is associated with minerals in general
and calcium in particular.
When you begin your day, you “turn on the body machinery”. This creates a byproduct
of carbonic acid. This acid must be eliminated from the body or the body loses its charge
(becomes acidic). This is accomplished partly by having the carbonic acid dissociate into
carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide is breathed out through the lungs.
However, one cannot breathe fast enough to get rid of all the necessary carbon dioxide,
so some of it is removed by combining with ammonia from the liver and intestine to form
urea nitrogen. That is eliminated through the kidneys.
Daytime is a time of running the “machinery” and creating acids. Nighttime is a time of
replacing worn out cells and eliminating the acids you created through the day that you
didn’t get rid of through the day.
Measurement of the salivary pH gives you a good indication of how the cellular pH. You
can think of it as how much voltage is stored in your cellular batteries. It should never be
lower than 6.5.
Measurement of the urinary pH gives you an indication of how much acid is being
dumped out by the kidneys. It should also be about 6.5 after you get rid of your first
morning urine. (The first morning urine represents the acid you got rid of during the
night). However, if your daytime urine pH is less than 6.5, you are dumping more acid
because your tissue has become too acidic.
To be accurate, your salivary pH must be tested either the first thing when you wake up
before you drink any water or two hours after a meal. Test it with pH strips. Here is the
color code that tells you your pH:
Sometimes it is difficult to decide which color is the correct one on the strip. If you want
to have a more accurate way to measure pH, meters are available for about $100.
Coral calcium is about 1/5 calcium carbonate. For example, 565 mg of coral calcium
would contain about 110 mg of calcium carbonate.
A guide for the amount to take is:
Note that this recommendation has you taking some calcium even if your pH is above
6.5. This is advantageous if you are dealing with serious illness because microorganisms
can’t grow in an alkaline pH. Cancer cells have trouble growing with alkaline pH as
A salivary pH of 6.5 suggests a cellular pH of 7.2. Thus one has to adjust the cellular pH
numbers by about 0.7.
The normal human cell has a lot of molecular oxygen and a slightly alkaline pH. The
cancer cell has an acid pH and lack of oxygen. Cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen
rich environment. At a pH slightly above 7.4 (salivary pH 6.7) cancer cells become
dormant and at pH 8.5 (salivary pH 7.8) cancer cells will die while healthy cells will
live. Again, the higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is.
Cancer and all diseases hate oxygen / pH balance.
Thus it is sometimes advantageous to push the pH above 6.5 if you are trying to
overcome a chronic illness.
There are two basic theories of how to get people with chronic disease well and keep
them that way. One is that we must find a drug that will substitute for a broken “gear” in
the body or to repair the “gears” mechanically (surgery). The other is the give the body
the things it needs to manufacture new cells and let it heal itself.
There are very few
products that
For those wishing to support the latter theory, it has been provide all or even
difficult to determine what is actually needed to make new most of the raw
cells. People are always saying things like they have a new materials to make
new cells and
herb from Africa or a fruit from China that will magically heal
sustain the existing
everything. Such findings are often useful for some but not ones. The problem
predictable for most. My feeling has always been that is that we need ALL
Heavenly Father would not design a body that requires unusual of them at the same
potions from far-away places to make us healthy. time for things to
My practice is one of Integrative Medicine where we see
primarily people who have been sick for years and who “have tried it all”. I personally
suffered from viral encephalitis and a bleeding disorder that kept me incapacitated for
seven years. What I have come to appreciate is that one must provide the raw materials
for the body to make new cells. If one does that, even severely and chronically ill
patients can heal. So what are those raw materials?:
1. Water: The body is about 75% water. It needs to be clean water that is
alkaline (contains voltage).
2. Fat: Every cell membrane in the body is made of two layers of fats called
3. Proteins: Every cell in the body contains “machinery” made up of
proteins that do the work of the cell.
4. Carbohydrates: Needed primarily to provide vitamins and minerals.
A. Vitamins: To use the fats and proteins, cells need vitamins.
B. Minerals: To use the fats and proteins, cells need minerals.
Minerals are also used by the body as “On-Off” switches.
5 Voltage: Voltage is stored in the cell membrane of every cell to give cells
the energy to work.
There are very few products that provide all or even most of the raw materials to make new cells
and sustain the existing ones. The problem is that we need ALL of them
You may get a few of at the same time for things to work. For example, one needs a protein
the things you need to called tryptophan to make the brain chemical called serotonin. However,
be healthy from a it takes eight vitamins and minerals for this to work. If you are missing
product you are taking
one of them, e.g., zinc, you can’t make serotonin. You may get a few of
this month and a few
from the product you the things you need to be healthy from a product you are taking this
take next month but month and a few from the product you take next month but neither works
neither works because because you didn’t get them all at the same time!
you didn’t get them all
at the same time!
One of those rare products that contains almost everything you need for
life (and the rebuilding of a healthy life) is phytoplankton. It contains the ten amino acids that the
body cannot make and must be consumed in our diet (essential amino acids). The essential fatty
acids are also present (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Vitamins A (beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2
(riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), C, and D
(tocopherol) and major and trace minerals are all present in phytoplankton.
In short, it contains almost everything one needs to sustain life. Therefore, it contains almost
everything one needs to restore health by providing the raw materials to make new cells that
function normally. This is particularly true if one stops putting toxic materials such as artificial
sweeteners and Trans fats (partially hydrogenated fats) into our body. It is exciting to find
something that seems to contain most of the things necessary to get well and stay well. It is likely
that phytoplankton will change the way we think about health.
I have also found that one can replace neurochemicals with phytoplankton even when the liver is
too sick to allow the person to take products with just the amino acids and vitamins/minerals
necessary to make them.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is related to water. Any fluid system needs---fluids! Having a normal pressure
inside your vascular system is key to feeling well. The upper number of your blood pressure is
called “systolic”. It is a measure of the highest pressure in your system. It is the result of the heart
contracting and pushing blood into the vessels.
The second number is called “diastolic” pressure. It is a measure of the lowest pressure in the
system and is the pressure present when the heart is between beats and is refilling itself with blood
for the next pulse. It is the most important number because a persistently high pressure can
damage the vessels. It should be between 80-90.
It is often said that blood pressure cannot be too low unless you have symptoms. That is not true.
If the blood pressure is too low, you will not have enough pressure to get enough blood to your
brain and you will have symptoms of chronic fatigue. When the diastolic pressure is below 80,
you will often have symptoms.
Blood pressure is much like tire pressure for your car. “Cold” pressure is the pressure in your tires
when the car has not been moving. It is the minimum operating pressure to make your tires work
correctly. When the tire starts rolling, the heat created increases the pressure in the tires and is
called the “hot” pressure. It is the maximum pressure experienced by the tires. If that is too high,
it will damage the tire walls. Think of systolic blood pressure as “hot” pressure and diastolic blood
pressure as “cold” pressure. Your tires are designed to operate within these ranges. Too high or
too low means the tires will not function correctly. So it is with blood pressure.
A major recommendation from the National Institutes of Health was published in May, 2003. The
National High Blood Pressure Education Program is coordinated by the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health. Copies of the JNC 7 Report are
available on the NHLBI Web site at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov or from the NHLBI Health
Information Center, P.O. Box 30105, Bethesda, MD 20824-0105; Phone: 301-592-8573 or 240-
629-3255 (TTY); Fax: 301-592-8563.
Published Abstract: The purpose of the Seventh Report of the Joint Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) is to provide an evidence-based approach to the prevention and
management of hypertension. The key messages of this report are these:
In those older than age 50, systolic blood pressure (BP) of greater than 140 mm Hg is a
more important cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor than diastolic BP
Beginning at 115/75 mm Hg, CVD risk doubles for each increment of 20/10 mm Hg
Those who are normotensive at 55 years of age will have a 90% lifetime risk of developing
For uncomplicated hypertension, thiazide diuretic should be used in drug treatment for
most, either alone or combined with drugs from other classes.
This report delineates specific high-risk conditions that are compelling indications for the
use of other antihypertensive drug classes (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,
angiotensin-receptor blockers, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers.)
For patients whose BP is more than 20 mm Hg above the systolic BP goal or more than 10
mm Hg above the diastolic BP goal, initiation of therapy using two agents, one of which
usually will be a thiazide diuretic,
should be considered.
“Because of the new data on lifetime risk of hypertension and the impressive increase in the risk of
cardiovascular complications associated with levels of BP previously considered to be normal, the
JNC 7 report has introduced a new classification that includes the term “prehypertension” for
those with BPs ranging from 120–139 mmHg systolic and/or 80–89 mmHg diastolic. This new
designation is intended to identify those individuals in whom early intervention by adoption of
healthy lifestyles could reduce BP, decrease the rate of progression of BP to hypertensive levels
with age, or prevent hypertension entirely.
Cumulative incidence of cardiovascular events in women (panel A) and men (panel B) without
hypertension, according to blood pressure category at the base-line examination. Vertical bars
indicate 95 percent confidence intervals. Optimal BP is defined here as a systolic pressure of <120
mmHg and a diastolic pressure of <80 mmHg. Normal BP is a systolic pressure of 120–129
mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 80–84 mmHg. High-normal BP is a systolic pressure of 130–139
mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 85–89 mmHg. If the systolic and diastolic pressure readings for a
subject were in different
ies, the higher of the two categories was used.”
The recommendations from the Committee on Prevention and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Treat to a BP of <140/90 unless you have diabetes or chronic kidney disease. In that case,
treat to <130/80.
For those with BP from 120/80 to 140/90, start behavior modifications for dietary
choices, exercise, stop smoking, etc.
For those over 140/90 (or diabetics or kidney disease with >130/80), start with a diazide
diuretic as first choice medication.
Add additional medications as needed to reach goal BP.
Since most physicians have to see so many patients per day, it has been my experience that many
skip step one of behavior modification and often start drug therapy in all patients whose blood
pressure is >120/80. Also, they often choose drugs other than diuretics as the beginning
medication. It has been my experience that many people with diastolic pressures <80 will have
mental fog and/or dizziness because there isn’t enough pressure to get adequate blood to the brain.
Several of my family members have been treated this way. When they report the symptoms to
their physicians, they are told to keep taking the medications. This is the common practice of
physicians treating lab results and not the patient. If a patient can’t work because you have
lowered their blood pressure too low, you haven’t really served the patient.
I find that most patients will have a normal blood pressure in 4-6 months after starting the program
of restoring voltage and nutrition.
One of the principle causes of too low blood pressure is dehydration. If you don’t have enough
fluid in the system, you can’t create enough pressure. Another cause is mineral deficiency,
particularly sodium and magnesium. Low blood pressure can be a symptom of a deficiency of
Vitamin B5 = pantothenic acid. It can also be due to adrenal insufficiency. If your blood
pressure drops instead of increasing as you stand up, that is a sign that your adrenals are not
working correctly. Unstable blood pressure is often due to a lack of magnesium and/or Vitamin
B1 = thiamine.
As we clean up our old house now and in the future we will wash out the debris and need a
functional sewage system to get rid of the toxic and waste materials. One of the most important
systems in the body is the large intestine. We will start our cleanup by flushing out the large
intestine to remove the debris that has accumulated there. We will give you the instructions in the
For some reason, people seem to fear this simple process. Very few people find it uncomfortable
or distressing. It just means you need to be at home for a few hours.
The word “probiotic” refers to bacteria that normally live in our intestines and help with digestion.
They are an important part of the digestive process and need to be replaced if they are diminished
in numbers by the use of antibiotics.
Now that you have the water and sewage working in your old house, you need electricity. So it is
with our body. When two hydrogen atoms join with an oxygen atom to form water, the first thing
they do is exchange electrons. When electrons move from one place to another, that is called an
electric current. All of the chemical reactions in the body depend upon voltage (movement of
electrons). Every cell has its own battery pack---the cell membrane---that stores voltage and
provides it to the cell as needed to keep it working.
Take a voltmeter that reads in millivolts. Place one electrode on your right temple and one on your
left temple. It will read voltage.
In your house, there is a circuit breaker box that goes to the various circuits throughout the house.
Different appliances and switches are on each circuit. When one of those quits working, you can
measure the circuit to see what is happening with the voltage in that circuit.
Our bodies work much the same way. We have twelve paired circuits on which our organs are
attached. These circuits provide voltage to our organs and move the voltage from place to place.
These circuits are known as acupuncture meridians. By measuring the voltage or impedance
(resistance to flow of electrons) in each circuit, we can determine if each organ has enough voltage
to work correctly. We use a device called Meridian Energy Analysis Device (MEAD) to take
these measurements. If we find a circuit that isn’t working, we use various electronic devices to
place voltage into that circuit and recharge the cells.
Note: The FDA has not yet approved these devices for this purpose nor considered these
In this chart, we look at the total body voltage and then at the voltage in each circuit. Normal is
when all of the bars are between the top and bottom red lines.
One of the devices we use to restore voltage to the body is the Tennant
Biomodulator™. We may also use a variety of low-level lasers, infra-red, and
other devices that can carry voltage into the body.
This is one of the most important parts of getting well. If you don’t stop putting
Trans Fats (“Plastic Fats”) into your body, you will never get well! Please pay
particular attention to this section.
The summary of this section is as follows: Food suppliers recognized that the major loss of profits
was from spoilage. In order to stop spoilage and increase their profits, they did two things.
1. They added chemicals to the food to keep it from spoiling. These chemicals not only
preserve food, they preserve the person who eats them.
2. They began to cook the fats in the food. Cooking fats at 350-380 degrees for 5-6 hours
changes the fats into something that is one carbon atom away from plastic. You can tell if
this is what you are eating if the label says, “Partially Hydrogenated-----“. These partially
hydrogenated fats are called “Trans Fats”.
When a cell in your body is worn out, it makes a new one. It looks around to see what building
materials you have provided to make a new cell. If all you have given your body is plastic fat, it
makes a new cell out of plastic. Remember that the cell membrane that surrounds every cell is
made of fat. If you make that out of plastic, the cell doesn’t work very well. It is like wrapping all
your cells in cellophane.
The cell sends a message to your brain that it’s hungry. Your body sends the cell some glucose
and insulin. However, the glucose can’t get through the “cellophane” and the cell keeps
complaining that it’s hungry. The body keeps sending more insulin and glucose. Much of it gets
put into fat cells. Your cells keep complaining that they are hungry. Your brain keeps you eating
to try to solve the hunger, but not much gets through the cellophane to the cells. Soon you are
obese and your pancreas is worn out from making so much insulin. With all that glucose in your
blood stream, you are diagnosed with Type II diabetes. Drugs lower the levels of sugar in your
blood, but your cells are still coping with being made of plastic. Soon they began to wear out and
you get symptoms of worn out cells = heart attacks, strokes, liver failure, kidney failure, blindness,
chronic fatigue, etc.
Most restaurants use plastic fats for frying food. If you eat out, you must stop eating fried food or
choose a restaurant that doesn’t use plastic fats. Most cheese is made from plastic fats. Thus
cheeseburgers and French fries are major sources of plastic fats. Fast food isn’t dangerous because
it’s fast---it is dangerous because it’s plastic.
The point you must understand is that if you insist on feeding your body plastic fats, you will never
get well! However, if you give your body good fat and the other things it needs, your body will
build a new you that is vibrant and healthy!
There is a lot of confusion about the type of fat to eat. Many people are becoming toxic from too
much Omega-3 fats (from fish oil, etc.). Your cell membranes are like your home. They need to
be strong enough to be substantial but have doorways and windows to let things in and out. If you
build your house out of concrete blocks with no windows or doors, it will be strong but won’t work
because you can’t get in or out. If you build it with mostly doors and windows, the next storm will
take it down.
In cells, saturated fats are strong and unsaturated fats are porous. You need saturated fat (animal
fat for example) to make strong cells and unsaturated fats (fish oils for example) for doors and
windows. The ratio needs to be 4/1 meaning that you need to eat four times as much saturated fat
as unsaturated fats = four times as many bricks as doors and windows.
Saturated fats have gotten a bad reputation because plastic fats are saturated. There is a difference
between plastic fats and normal saturated fats.
The following discussion is for those who don’t understand this problem and insist that eating fat
is harmful. Remember that your body should contain about 20% fat since all of your cell
membranes and most of your nervous system is fat. That means you need to give your body 24
pounds of good fat to replace the fat in your system if you weigh 120 pounds. If you weigh 200
pounds, you will need to give your body 40 pounds of good fat to get healthy!
There is no proven connection between cholesterol and heart disease. In fact, those dying
from heart attacks generally have the lowest cholesterol levels and often have low “bad
cholesterol (LDL) levels.
Eating good fat doesn’t affect your cholesterol or make you obese. The liver makes as
much or as little cholesterol as it wants.
Eating plastic fat (Trans fats) makes you obese and produces a liver and other cells that
cannot function.
The liver uses cholesterol to clean itself. A high cholesterol means your liver filtration
system is dirty and filled with toxic materials. (Why would you want to interfere with the
liver’s ability to clean itself by taking cholesterol-lowering drugs?)
A very low cholesterol means the liver is too sick to clean itself and you will suffer major
illness or death soon.
To get well, you will need to eat at least 20% of your body weight in good fat. If you
weigh 200 pounds, you will need to eat at least 40 pounds of good fat to get well! Seventy-
five percent of that needs to be saturated fat like animal fat and twenty-five percent needs
to be polyunsaturated fat like fish oil.
Eating lots of butter and eggs (a stick of butter and 6-12 eggs per day) will help you get
well much faster.
If eating fat makes you nauseated, it means your liver is too sick to use it. We will have to
treat your liver so it can restore itself before you can get well.
The following is reproduced with permission from Sally Fallon with Pat Connolly and Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. ProMotion
Publishing. 800-231-1776, and Sally Fallon. "Why butter is good for you (health aspects of dietary fat)." (Cover
Story), Consumers' Research magazine. 03-01- Vol.79 (1996) pp 10(6). COPYRIGHT 1996 Consumers' Research Inc.
Politically correct nutrition is based on the assumption that we should reduce our intake of fats,
particularly saturated fats from animal sources. Fats from animal sources contain cholesterol,
presented as the villain of the civilized diet.
Yet the textbooks tell us that fats from animal and vegetable sources provide a concentrated
source of energy in the diet; they also provide the building blocks for cell membranes, for
hormones, and for prostaglandins (substances that mediate important chemical processes in the
body). In addition, they act as carriers for the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Dietary fats are needed for conversion of carotene to vitamin A and for a host of other
The theory—and it is only a theory—that there is a direct relationship between the amount of
saturated fat in the diet and the incidence of coronary heart disease, as well as certain types of
cancer, was proposed by a researcher named Ancel Keys in the late 1950s. Numerous subsequent
studies have questioned his data and conclusions. Nevertheless, Keys' articles received far more
publicity than those contradicting him. The vegetable oil industry and food processing industries,
the main beneficiaries of the saturated fat/heart disease connection, began promoting and funding
further research designed to support Keys' theories.
The most well-known advocate of the low fat diet was Dr. Nathan Pritikin. Actually, Pritikin
advocated eliminating sugar, white flour, and all processed foods from the diet and recommended
the use of fresh raw foods, whole grains, and a strenuous exercise program; but it was the low fat
aspects of his regimen that received the most attention in the media. Adherents found that they lost
weight and that their blood cholesterol levels and blood pressures declined.
The success of the Pritikin diet was probably due to a number of factors having nothing to do with
a reduction in dietary fat—weight loss alone, for example, will precipitate a reduction in blood
cholesterol levels—but Pritikin soon found that the fat-free diet presented many problems, not the
least of which was the fact that people just could not stay on it. Those who possessed enough will
power to stay fat-free for any length of time developed a variety of health problems including low
energy, difficulty in concentration, depression, weight gain, and signs of mineral deficiencies.
After problems with the no-fat regimen became apparent, Pritikin introduced a small amount of fat
from vegetable sources into his diet—something like 10 percent of the total caloric intake. Today
the "diet dictocrats"—essentially the public health establishment, including primarily the large
health charities and the federal government—advise us to limit fats to 25-30 percent of the caloric
intake (12-15 percent of the diet by weight). A careful reckoning of daily fat intake, and avoidance
of animal fats, is presented as the key to perfect health.
The experts assure us the theory that animal fat consumption causes coronary heart disease is
backed by abundant evidence. Most people would be surprised to learn that there is, in fact, very
little evidence to support the contention that a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat actually
reduces death from heart disease or in any way increases one's life span. Consider the following:
Before 1920, coronary heart disease was rare in America, so rare that when a young internist
named Paul Dudley White introduced the German electrocardiograph to his colleagues at
Harvard University, they advised him to concentrate on a more profitable branch of medicine.
The new machine revealed the presence of arterial blockages, thus permitting early diagnosis of
coronary heart disease; but in those days clogged arteries were a medical rarity, and White had to
search for patients who could benefit from his new technology. During the next forty years,
however, the incidence of coronary heart disease rose dramatically, so much so that by the mid-
'50s, heart disease was the leading cause of death among Americans. Today, heart disease causes
40 percent of all U.S. deaths.
If, as we have been told, heart disease results from consumption of saturated fats, one would
expect to find a corresponding increase in animal fat in the American diet. Actually the reverse is
true. During the sixty-year period from 1910 to 1970, the proportion of traditional animal fat in the
American diet declined from 83 to 62 percent, and butter consumption plummeted from eighteen
pounds per person per year to four pounds. During the past eighty years, dietary cholesterol intake
has increased only one percent. During the same period the percentage of dietary vegetable fat in
the form of margarine, shortening, and refined oils increased about 400 percent, and the
consumption of sugar and processed foods increased about 60 percent.
The Framingham Heart Study is often cited as proof of the cholesterol/animal fat theory. This
study began in 1948 and involved about 6,000 people from the town of Framingham,
Massachusetts. Two groups were compared at five-year intervals— those who consumed little
cholesterol and saturated fat and those who consumed large amounts. Today, after 40 years, the
current director of this study admits: "In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the
more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol. . . .
[W]e found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, and ate the
most calories weighed the least and were the most physically active." The study did show that
those who weighed more and had higher blood cholesterol levels were more at risk for future
coronary heart disease; but weight gain and cholesterol levels had an inverse correlation with fat
and cholesterol intake in the diet.
The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (LRC-CPPT), which cost
150 million dollars, is the study most often cited by the experts to justify the low fat diet. Actually,
dietary cholesterol and saturated fat were not tested in this study as all subjects were already on a
low-cholesterol, low-saturated fat diet. Instead, the study tested the effects of a cholesterol
lowering drug. Statistical analysis of the results indicated a 24 percent reduction in the rate of
coronary heart disease in the group taking drugs compared with the placebo group; however, non-
heart disease deaths in the drug group increased—deaths from cancer, stroke, violence, and
suicide. Even the claim that a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol reduced heart disease is
suspect. Independent researchers who tabulated the results of this study found no significant
statistical difference in the coronary heart disease death rate between the two groups. However,
both the popular press and medical journals touted the LRC-CPPT survey as the long-sought proof
that animal fats are the cause of heart disease, America's number one killer.
Mother's milk contains a higher proportion of cholesterol than almost any other food. It also
contains over 50 percent of its calories as fat, much of it saturated fat. Both cholesterol and
saturated fat are essential for growth in babies and children, especially in development of the brain.
(Yet, the American Heart Association is now recommending a low-cholesterol, low fat diet for
children.) Most commercial formulas are low in saturated fats and some are almost completely
devoid of cholesterol. A recent study linked a low fat diet with failure to thrive in children.
As a final example, consider the French. The French diet is loaded with saturated fats in the form
of butter, eggs, cheese, cream, liver, meats, and rich pates. Yet the French have a lower rate of
coronary heart disease than many other western countries. In the United States, 315 of every
100,000 middle-aged men die of heart attacks each year; in France the rate is 145 per 100,000. In
the Gascony region, where goose and duck liver form a staple of the diet, this rate is a remarkably
low: 80 per 100,000. This phenomenon has recently gained international attention and has been
dubbed the paradox francais.
Clearly, something is wrong with the theories we read in the popular press (and used to bolster
sales of low fat concoctions and cholesterol-free foods). The notion that saturated fats per se
cause heart disease as well as cancer is not only not facile, it is just plain wrong. But it is true
that some fats are bad for us. In order to understand which ones, we must know something about
the chemistry of fats.
Fat Chemistry. Most fat in our bodies and in the food we eat is in the form of triglycerides, that
is, three fatty acid chains attached to a glycerol molecule. Elevated triglycerides in the blood have
been positively linked to proneness to heart disease but these triglycerides do not come directly
from dietary fats; they are made in the liver from any excess sugars that have not been completely
burned. The source of these excess sugars is any food containing carbohydrates, but particularly
refined sugar and processed carbohydrates.
In simple terms, fatty acids are chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen linkages. A fatty acid is
called saturated when all available carbon bonds are occupied by a hydrogen atom.
Monounsaturated fatty acids have one pair of carbon atoms double bonded to each other and
therefore lack two hydrogen atoms. The monounsaturated fatty acid most commonly found in our
food is oleic acid, the main component of olive oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more
pairs of carbon double bonds and therefore lack four or more hydrogen atoms. The two
polyunsaturated fatty acids found most frequently in our foods are double unsaturated linoleic acid
with two double carbon bonds (also called omega-6) and triple unsaturated linolenic acid with
three double bonds (also called omega-3).
All fats and oils, whether of vegetable or animal origin, are some combination of saturated fatty
acids, monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), and the polyunsaturates linoleic and linolenic acid.
In general, animal fats such as butter, lard, and tallow contain about 50 percent saturated fat and
are solid at room temperature. Vegetable fats from northern climates contain a preponderance of
polyunsaturated fatty acids and are liquid at room temperature. But vegetable oils from the tropics
are highly saturated. Coconut oil, for example, is 92 percent saturated. These fats are liquid in the
tropics, but hard as butter in northern climes. Highly saturated tropical oils such as coconut and
palm oil are not harmful, as the popular press would lead us to believe. These fats and oils have
nourished healthy populations, free of heart disease, for millennia. Vegetable oils are more
saturated in hot climates because the increased saturation helps maintain stiffness in plant leaves.
Olive oil with its preponderance of oleic acid is the product of a temperate climate. It is liquid at
warm temperatures but hardens when refrigerated.
Researchers classify fatty acids not only according to their degree of saturation but also by their
1. Short-chain fatty acids have four to six carbon atoms (butter and coconut)
Saturated fats vary in length from short to long. Butter and coconut oil contain a large portion of
short- and medium-chain fatty acids, while stearic acid, the main component of beef fat, is a long-
chain fatty acid with 18 carbons. Oleic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid also have 18 carbons.
Very-long-chain fatty acids, such as those found in fish oils and organ tissues, tend to be highly
unsaturated, with four, five, and even six double bonds.
1. Longer chain fatty acids are absorbed by the lymph system and must be acted on by bile
2. Short-chain fatty acids (butter and coconut) are absorbed directly through the portal vein to
the liver. As they do not need to be acted upon by the bile salts, these short-chain fatty
acids supply quick energy.
In general, the body uses the longer chain fatty acids, including the longer chain saturated fatty
acids, to construct membranes and vital hormone-like substances, to create electric potentials, and
to move electric currents.
It is the longer chain fatty acids that are stored in the adipose tissue, particularly oleic and linoleic
acid. Thus butter and coconut oil, which contain a significant portion of short- and medium-chain
fatty acids, do not contribute to weight gain as much as olive and vegetable oil. The short- and
medium-chain fatty acids also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties in the intestinal tract;
they have anti-tumor properties and help strengthen the immune system, while an excess of
polyunsaturated fatty acids stimulate tumor growth.
Summary: (JLT)
1. Short-chain fatty acids have four to six carbon atoms (butter and coconut)
Too Many Polyunsaturates. Unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are called essential
fatty acids, or EFAs, because the body cannot manufacture them, at least not in the form in which
they occur. Researchers vary in their estimates of the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids needed
in the diet, giving figures as low as 0.5 percent and as high as 15 percent, but recent scientific
evidence supports the lower range and has led knowledgeable researchers to recommend limiting
our intake of polyunsaturates to 4 percent of the caloric total, in approximate proportions of 1.5
percent omega-3 fatty acid and 2.5 percent omega-6. (More recently, Yehuda et al have proven
that the proper ratio is 4:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 of the lower order linoleic and linolenic acids.
JLT). What we find in the American diet is a high intake of polyunsaturates—something like 10 to
30 percent of the total caloric intake. Worse, most of these polyunsaturates are in the form of
omega-6 linoleic acid, with very little of vital omega-3 linolenic acid. Recent research has revealed
that too much omega-6 in the diet can interfere with the enzymes that produce longer chain, highly
saturated fatty acids, which are the precursors of important prostaglandins. These are localized
tissue hormones that direct many processes in the cells. When the production of prostaglandins is
compromised by excess omega-6 in the diet, coupled with too little omega-3, serious problems
result including inflammation, hypertension, irritation of the digestive tract, depressed immune
function, sterility, cell proliferation, cancer, and weight gain. Other studies indicate that excessive
unsaturated fatty acids in the diet of infants can interfere with brain development and with learning
and behavior.
In contrast, dietary saturated fats (e.g., coconut, palm, beef, butter, eggs) contribute to optimal
utilization of essential fatty acids. Thus, although not called essential, saturated fats are
absolutely necessary in the diet, not only for the role they play in enhancing EFA utilization, in
supplying quick energy, and in their immune system enhancing characteristics, but also because
of the important vitamins they carry.
A Serious Problem. A serious problem with the polyunsaturate family, and particularly omega-3
(fish, flax, hemp), is its instability. With their double carbon bonds, these fatty acids tend to
polymerize, that is, bond with each other and bond with other molecules. They are also more easily
rendered rancid when subjected to heat, oxygen, and moisture as in cooking and processing.
Rancid oils are characterized by free radicals in the double bond, that is, single atoms or clusters
with an unpaired electron in an outer orbit. These compounds are extremely reactive chemically.
They have been characterized as "marauders" in the body, for they attack cell walls and red blood
cells and cause damage in DNA/RNA strands, thus triggering mutations in tissue, blood vessels,
and skin. Free radical damage to the skin causes wrinkles and premature aging; free radical
damage to the tissues and organs sets the stage for tumors. Is it any wonder that tests and studies
have repeatedly shown a high correlation between cancer and the consumption of polyunsaturates?
New evidence links exposure to free radicals with premature aging, with autoimmune diseases
such as arthritis, and to Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's, and cataracts.
(Note that recent work shows that many sources of omega-3 like cod liver oil are severely
contaminated with chemical toxins in the ocean. It is critical to only buy and use molecularly-
distilled omega-3 oils that have removed these carcinogens. Most health food stores do not sell
these as it takes 100 pounds of cod livers to produce 10 pounds of toxin-free oil = more expensive.
Use only molecularly-distilled omega-3 supplements. JLT)
It is important to understand that of all substances ingested by the body, it is polyunsaturated oils
that are most easily rendered dangerous by food processing, especially unstable omega-3 linolenic
acid. Consider the following processes inflicted upon naturally occurring fats before they appear
on our tables:
Extraction. Oils naturally occurring in fruits, nuts, and seeds must first be extracted. In the old
days this extraction was achieved by a slow-moving stone press. But oils processed in large
factories are obtained by crushing the oil-bearing seeds and heating them to 230 degrees
Fahrenheit. The oil is then squeezed out at pressures from 10 to 20 tons per inch, thereby
generating more heat. During this process the oils are exposed to damaging light and oxygen.
High-temperature processing causes the weak carbon bonds of the unsaturated fatty acids,
especially triple unsaturated linolenic acid, to break apart, thereby creating dangerous free radicals.
In addition, antioxidants including fat soluble vitamin E, which protect the body from the ravages
of free radicals, are neutralized or destroyed by high temperatures and pressures. (There is a safe
modern technique for extraction that drills into the seeds and extracts the oil and its precious cargo
of antioxidants under low temperatures, with minimal exposure to light and oxygen. These
unrefined oils will remain fresh for a long time if stored in the refrigerator in dark bottles. Extra
virgin olive oil is produced by crushing olives between stone or steel rollers. This process is a
gentle one that preserves the integrity of the fatty acids and the numerous natural preservatives in
olive oil. If the olive oil is packaged in an opaque container, it will retain its freshness and precious
store of antioxidants many months.)
Hydrogenation. This is the process that turns polyunsaturates (margarine and shortening)
normally liquid at room temperature, into a fat that is solid at room temperature. To produce them,
manufacturers begin with the cheapest oil (soy, corn, or cottonseed) already rancid from the
extraction process. These oils are then mixed with tiny metal particles—usually nickel oxide.
Nickel oxide is very toxic when absorbed and is impossible to eliminate totally from margarine.
(Nickel is a severe neurotoxin. JLT) The oil with its nickel catalyst is then subjected to hydrogen
gas in a high-pressure, high-temperature reactor. Next, soap-like emulsifiers and starch are
squeezed into the mixture to give it a better consistency. The oil is yet again subjected to high
temperature when it is steam cleaned. This removes its horrible odor. Margarine's natural color, an
unappetizing grey, is removed by bleach. Coal tar dyes and strong flavors must then be added to
make it resemble butter. Finally the mixture is compressed and packaged in blocks or tubs, ready
to be spread on your toast. (and make “plastic cell membranes” JLT)
Forget Margarine. Margarine and other partially hydrogenated oils are even worse for you than
the highly refined vegetable oils from which they are made because of chemical changes that
occur during the hydrogenation process. Under high temperatures, the nickel catalyst causes the
hydrogen atoms to change position on the fatty acid chain. Before hydrogenation, two hydrogen
atoms occur together on the chain, causing the chain to bend slightly and creating an electron
cloud at the site of the double bond. This is called the "cis" formation, the configuration most
commonly found in nature. With hydrogenation, one hydrogen atom is moved to the other side so
that the molecule straightens. This is called the "trans" formation, rarely found in nature.
These man-made trans-fats are toxins to the body, but unfortunately your digestive system does
not recognize them as such. Instead of being eliminated, the trans-fats are incorporated into the
body's cell membranes as if they were cis-fats; your cells actually become hydrogenated. Once in
place, trans-fatty acids with their misplaced hydrogen atom wreak havoc in cell metabolism.
These altered fats actually block the utilization of essential fatty acids, causing many deleterious
effects ranging from sexual dysfunction, increased blood cholesterol, and paralysis of the immune
In the 1940s, researchers found a strong correlation between cancer and the consumption of
fat, but the fats used were hydrogenated fats, not naturally saturated fats. (Until recently,
the confusion between hydrogenated fats and naturally saturated fats has persisted not only
in the popular press, but in scientific data bases, resulting in much error in study results.)
Consumption of hydrogenated fats is associated with a host of other serious diseases, not only
cancer but also atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, immune system dysfunction, low birth
weight babies and birth defects, sterility, difficulty in lactation, and problems with bones and
tendons. Yet, hydrogenated fats continue to be promoted as health foods. Margarine's
popularity represents a triumph of advertising over common sense. Your best defense is to
avoid it like the plague.
Go Butter.
The media's constant attack on saturated fats is extremely suspect. Claims that butter causes
chronic high cholesterol values have not been substantiated by research, although some
studies show that butter consumption causes a small temporary rise. (Other studies have
shown that stearic acid, the main component of beef fat, actually lowers cholesterol.)
Margarine, on the other hand, provokes chronic high levels of protective cholesterol and has
been linked to both heart disease and cancer. Butter has received so much adverse
propaganda that we have lost sight of the fact that it has long been a valuable component of
many traditional diets containing the following vital nutrients:
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
These include vitamins A (retinol), D, and E, as well as all their naturally-occurring constituents
needed to obtain maximum effect. Butter is America's best source of these essential vitamins. In
fact, vitamin A from butter is more easily absorbed and utilized than from other sources. (These
fat-soluble vitamins are relatively stable and survive the pasteurization process.) These vitamins
act as catalysts to mineral absorption. Without them, we are not able to utilize properly the
minerals we ingest, no matter how abundant they may be in our diets.
The only good source of fat-soluble vitamins in the American diet, one sure to be eaten, is
butterfat. Butter added to vegetables and spread on bread, and cream added to soups and sauces
ensures proper assimilation of the minerals and water-soluble vitamins in vegetables, grains, and
Arachidonic Acid
This is a polyunsaturate containing four double carbon bonds and is found in small amounts in
animal fats, but not in vegetable fats. Arachidonic acid is a precursor to important prostaglandins
and other vital substances. (Arachidonic acid makes up 17% of cell membranes and there is no
vegetable source for it = total vegans cannot have normal cells. JLT)
Butter contains about 15 percent short-and medium-chain fatty acids. This type of saturated fat, as
mentioned, is absorbed directly from the small intestine to the liver, where it is converted to
energy. These fatty acids also have antimicrobial, anti-tumor, and immune system supportive
properties, especially 12-carbon lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid not found in other animal
fats. Highly protective lauric (coconut and palm oil) should be called a conditionally essential fatty
acid because it is one saturated fat that the body does not make itself. We must obtain it from one
of two dietary sources: butter or tropical oils. Propionic acid and butyric acid, very-short-chain
fatty acids, are all but unique to butter. These have antifungal properties as well as anti-tumor
These occur in butter in small but equal amounts. This balance between linoleic and linolenic
acid prevents the kind of problems associated with over-consumption associated with omega-6
(or omega-3 JLT) fatty acids.
Butterfat also contains a form of rearranged linoleic acid called CLA that has strong anticancer
Mother's milk is high in cholesterol because it is essential for growth and development.
Cholesterol is also needed to produce a variety of steroids that protect against cancer, heart
disease, and mental illness.
This special category of fat protects against gastrointestinal infections, especially in the very young
and the elderly. For this reason, children who drink skim milk have diarrhea at rates three to five
times greater than children who drink whole milk.
Trace Minerals
Many trace minerals are incorporated into the fat globule membrane of butterfat, including
manganese, zinc, chromium, and iodine. In mountainous areas far from the sea, iodine in butter
protects against goiter and other thyroid problems. Butter is extremely rich in selenium, a vital
antioxidant, containing more per gram than herring or wheat germ.
In summary, our choice of fats and oils is one of extreme importance. Most people, especially
infants and growing children, benefit from more fat in the diet rather than less. But the fats we eat
must be chosen with care. Avoid all processed foods containing partially hydrogenated fats and
polyunsaturated oils. Instead use extra virgin olive oil and unrefined flaxseed oil in salad dressings.
Acquaint yourself with the merits of coconut oil for baking. And finally, use good old-fashioned
butter, not margarine, with the happy assurance that it is a wholesome—indeed, an essential—
food for you and your whole family.
COPYRIGHT 1996 Consumers' Research Inc. "Why Butter Is Good For You (Health
Aspects of Dietary Fat)." (Reproduced here with permission of Ms. Fallon; JLT)
Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) are extremely vulnerable to damage from heat, so they are not
suitable for high-temperature cooking. These oils are best used in salad dressings, sauces, and dips.
To add flavor to grains and stir-fry dishes, sprinkle the cooked food with flaxseed oil just before
For high temperature cooking, use extra virgin olive oil or organic coconut butter.
In July 2002, the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, which advises the
government on health policy, made official what many researchers have argued for years: Trans fat
worsens blood-cholesterol levels and almost surely increases the risk of heart disease. The institute
concluded that people should consume as little Trans fat as possible.
That report has helped push the government and the food industry to start taking aggressive steps
to address this long-neglected threat to public health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
could be close to finalizing a rule that would require trans-fat labeling on packaged foods. Canada
instituted such a requirement early this year as part of its mandatory nutrition-labeling system.
Labeling not only will help consumers cut back on trans, it will also be "a profound disincentive
for manufacturers" to use partially hydrogenated oils, says Marion Nestle, Ph.D., professor and
chair of New York University’s department of nutrition and food studies, and author of "Food
Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health."
To figure the amount of Trans-Fatty Acid in packaged food by using the new U.S. labels
Find the amounts of "Saturated Fat", "Polyunsaturated Fat" and "Monosaturated Fat".
(These are found on the label, listed directly under "Total Fat" and slightly indented. If one
or the other is not listed, that particular food does not contain it.)
Add theses three together. If there are only two listed, add them together or use one
amount if only one is listed.
Frito-Lay has said that it would eliminate Trans fat from Cheetos, Doritos, and Tostitos chips.
Even the fast-food industry, which generally does not have to label its foods, is starting to cut
back: McDonald’s has said that in late spring of this year, its French fries would have 48 percent
less trans fat--a significant improvement, though the fries will apparently still have a fair amount
of trans and saturated fat.
Jason's Deli has eliminated partially hydrogenated oils from every food item at all of its 137
restaurants nationwide and all 1.6 million box lunches provided to schools annually.
Trans fats are one carbon atom away from being plastic. This “near-plastic” fat ends up in your
cell membranes. Thus when you eat Trans fats, you become mostly plastic! Is it any wonder why
your cells don’t work well and you don’t feel good when your cells are made of “near-plastic”?
Rapeseed is lubricating oil used by small industry. It has never been meant for human
It is derived from the mustard family and is considered a toxic and poisonous weed, which
when processed, becomes rancid very quickly.
It has been shown to cause lung cancer
It is very inexpensive to grow and harvest. Insects won't eat it.
Some typical and possible side effects include loss of vision, disruption of the central
nervous system, respiratory illness, anemia, constipation, increased incidence of heart
disease and cancer, low birth weights in infants and irritability.
Here is a review article about Canola Oil (rapeseed oil) and its toxic effects from a Swedish
Medical Journal:
Borg K
Rapeseed oil has a growth retarding effect in animals. Some investigators claim that the high
content of erucic acid in rapeseed oil alone causes this effect, while others consider the low ratio
saturated/monounsaturated fatty acids in rapeseed oil to be a contributory factor. Normally
erucic acid is not found or occurs in traces in body fat, but when the diet contains rapeseed oil
erucic acid is found in depot fat, organ fat and milk fat. Erucic acid is metabolized in vivo to oleic
acid. The effects of rapeseed oil on reproduction and adrenals, testes, ovaries, liver, spleen,
kidneys, blood, heart and skeletal muscles have been investigated. Fatty infiltration in the heart
muscle cells has been observed in the species investigated. In long-term experiments in rats erucic
acid produces fibrosis of the myocardium. Erucic acid lowers the respiratory capacity of the heart
mitochondria. The reduction of respiratory capacity is roughly proportional to the content of
erucic acid in the diet, and diminishes on continued administration of erucic acid. The lifespan of
rats is the same on corn oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, whale oil and rapeseed oil diet. Rats fed a
diet with erucic acid or other docosenoic acids showed a lowered tolerance to cold stress (+4
degrees C). In Sweden erucic acid constituted 3-4% of the average intake of calories up to 1970
compared with about 0.4% at present.
Generally rapeseed has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years before symptoms begin
to manifest. It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism of foods and prohibits normal
enzyme function. Canola is a Trans Fatty Acid, which has shown to have a direct link to
cancer. These Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
Avoid all of them!
According to John Thomas' book, Young Again, 12 years ago in England and Europe, rape
seed was fed to cows, pigs and sheep that later went blind and began attacking people.
There were no further attacks after the rape seed was eliminated from their diet.
Source: David Dancu, N.D. http://www.karinya.com/canola.htm
One of the few total foods capable of supporting life is raw milk. However, when milk is heated to
pasteurize it, the proteins are destroyed. When it is homogenized, it is blown through nozzles to
break the long fat chains into short broken pieces of fat. Thus pasteurized, homogenized milk is no
longer milk but instead contains toxic proteins and fat particles.
Most people who think they are “lactose intolerant” are really just sensitive to the toxic brew we
call milk that is available in grocery stores.
The state of Maryland was considering prohibiting people who own cows from drinking their own
milk or from forming cooperatives so people who buy a portion of a cow could consume raw milk.
This rebuttal letter written by Sally Fallon puts it all into perspective. I reproduce it here with her
The following are comments and clarifications to a letter from Ted Elkins, Deputy Director, Office of Food
Protection and Consumer Health Services, sent to citizens who submitted comments to oppose the Notice
of Proposed Action to amend Regulation .06 under COMAR 10.15.06.Production, Processing,
Transportation, Storage and Distribution of Milk.
To summarize, Mr. Elkin has made a series of statements unsupported by references and scientific studies.
He has ignored many relevant findings concerning the safety and health benefits of raw milk and the
increasing evidence of disease caused by pasteurized milk. He has not reported on evidence of bias in
reports on alleged problems with raw milk and has withheld discussion of the numerous incidents of food-
borne illness in many commonly consumed foods, thus perpetuating the double standard that uninformed
health officials have applied to raw milk. The citizens of Maryland deserve accurate information, not
unsubstantiated boilerplate allegations.
“The State of Maryland and other federal and state health agencies have documented a long history of the
risks to human health associated with the consumption of raw milk. Clinical and epidemiological studies
from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state health agencies, and others have established a direct
causal link between gastrointestinal disease and the consumption of raw milk.”
While several incidents of food-borne illness in recent years have been attributed to the consumption of raw
milk, no positive correlation in these cases was established and government reports on these cases show
strong evidence of bias. For example, in 1983, a reported outbreak of Campylobacter in raw milk led to the
passage of anti-raw milk legislation in the state of Georgia. However, extensive testing failed to find
Campylobacter or any other pathogens in any milk products from the dairy. All safety measures had been
followed faithfully. In spite of this lack of evidence, the author of the official report concluded: “The only
means available to ensure the public’s health would be proper pasteurization before consumption.”
(American Journal of Epidemiology, 1983 Vol 114, No 4). Ironically, just 4 years later, a massive outbreak of
over 16,000 culture-confirmed cases of antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella typhimurium was traced to
pasteurized milk from one dairy in Georgia (JAMA 1987 Dec 11 ;258(22):3269-74). Yet health officials still
allow the sale of pasteurized milk in Georgia.
Another example concerns a November 2001 outbreak of Campylobacter in Wisconsin, which local health
officials and the Centers for Disease Control blamed on raw milk from a cow-share program in Sawyer
County. According to an official report, posted on the CDC website, 70-75 persons became ill from
Campylobacter infection during the 12 weeks following November 10, 2001. However, independent
investigators determined that the number of afflicted was over 800. Only 24 of 385 cow-share owners
became ill. Most had consumed hamburger at a local restaurant. There was no illness in the remaining 361
cow-share owners and most of those who became ill did not consume raw milk. Health workers at local
hospitals showed a clear evidence of bias by testing only those who said they had consumed raw milk;
others who reported in sick but had not drunk raw milk were sent home without investigation. Most
importantly, independent lab tests found no Campylobacter in the raw milk (www.realmilk.com). This
outbreak is one that health officials almost always emphasize when arguing against the consumption of raw
milk; yet the evidence of the case points to the fact that raw milk was not the cause of the outbreak.
“The microbial flora of raw milk may include human pathogens present on the cow's udder and teats.”
Standard sanitary procedures can completely eliminate the presence of human pathogens in human milk.
Organic Pastures Dairy in California produces raw milk for retail sales. The dairy and the state have
conducted routinely tests for several years and have never found a human pathogen in the raw milk they
produce (www.organicpastures.com).
The intrinsic safety of raw milk stands in sharp contrast to the dangers inherent in other foods. For example,
a 1978 survey found Salmonella in many “health food” products, including soy flour, soy protein powder and
soy milk powder. The authors of the report concluded that “The occurrence of this pathogen in three types
of soybean products should warrant further investigation of soybean derivatives as potentially significant
sources of Salmonella (Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Mar 1979, pp 559-566).
While raw milk often gets the blame for food-borne illnesses, Campylobacter is best known for
contaminating meats. For example, a study carried out during 1999-2000 found that 70.7 percent of
chicken and 14.5 percent of turkey samples from Washington, DC grocery stores was infected with
Campylobacter. (Zhao C, et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001:67(12):5431-5436).
Maryland law does not require pasteurization of chicken and turkey, which is highly likely to contain human
pathogens, yet has taken steps to deny access to raw milk, which seldom if ever contains human
If the goal of the state of Maryland is to eliminate our exposure to human pathogens, perhaps health
department officials should take steps to ban the use of coins and cookware. E. Coli has been shown to
survive on coins for 7-11 days at room temperature; Salmonella enteritidis can survive 1-9 days on pennies,
nickels, dimes and quarters; and Salmonella enteritidis can also survive on glass and Teflon for up to 17
days (Jiang and Doyle. Journal of Food Protection 1999;62(7):805-7).
The truth is that humans are exposed to pathogens on a daily basis—on surfaces, in our water and in the
food we eat. To single out raw milk as a source of pathogens shows extreme bias against the only food that
is intrinsically safe and that furthermore contains many components that support our immunity to
“Further, the intrinsic properties of milk, including its pH and nutrient content, make it an excellent medium for
the survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria.”
This statement reveals the complete ignorance of over 40 years of science indicating that raw milk does not
support the survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria. Milk contains numerous components that fight against
pathogens and strengthen the immune system. These include:
Lactoperoxidase, an enzyme that uses small amounts of H2O2 and free radicals to seek out and
destroy bad bacteria. It is found in all mammalian secretions, such breast milk, tears and saliva.
Lactoperoxidase levels are much higher in the milk of animals than humans. For example,
lactoperoxidase levels are 10 times higher in goat milk than in human breast milk. So effective is
lactoperoxidase in fighting pathogens that other countries are looking into using lactoperoxidase
instead of pasteurization to ensure safety of commercial milk (British Journal of Nutrition (2000), 84,
Suppl. 1. S19-S25; Indian Journal Exp Biology Vol. 36, August 1998, pp 808-810; 1991 J Dairy Sci
74:783-787; Life Sciences, Vol 66, No 23, pp 2433-2439, 2000)
Lactoferrin, an enzyme that steals iron away from pathogens and carries it through the gut wall
into the blood stream and also stimulates the immune system. Lactoferrin also ensures complete
assimilation of iron by the infant.
Polysaccharides, special sugars that encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut; protect
the gut wall
Medium-Chain Fatty Acids, special types of fats that disrupt cell walls of bad bacteria; levels are
so high in goat milk that the test for the presence of antibiotics had to be changed.
Antibodies that bind to foreign microbes and prevent them from migrating outside the gut; initiate
immune response (British Journal of Nutrition (2000) 84. Suppl. 1, S3-S10, S11-S17).
White blood cells that produce antibodies against specific bacteria, producing immunity for life in
the infant.
B-lymphocytes, compounds that kill foreign bacteria and call in other parts of the immune
Neutrophils, which kill infected cells; mobilize other parts of the immune system
T-lymphocytes, components that multiply if bad bacteria are present, while producing immune-
strengthening compounds.
Hormones & growth factors, which stimulate the maturation of gut cells thereby preventing
“leaky” gut.
Mucins, which adhere to bad bacteria and viruses, preventing those organisms from attaching to
the mucosa and causing disease.
Oligosaccharides, special types of sugars which protect other protective components from being
destroyed by stomach acids and enzymes; they bind to bacteria and prevent them from attaching to
the gut lining and have other functions just being discovered.
B12 binding protein, a component that reduces the levels of vitamin B12 in the colon, which
harmful bacteria need for growth. This compound also ensures complete assimilation of B12 by
the infant.
Bifidus factor is a complex of good bacteria which promotes growth of Lactobacillum bifidis, a
helpful bacteria in baby’s gut, which helps crowd out dangerous germs
Fibronectin, which increases antimicrobial activity of macrophages and helps to repair damaged
tissues (J Pediatr 1994 Feb; 124(2): 193-8; Curr Med Chem 1999 Feb;6(2): 117-27).
Most of these components are completely inactivated by pasteurization (Scientific American, December
1995; The Lancet, Nov 17, 1984), making pasteurized milk highly susceptible to contamination. Mr. Elkin’s
statement, that “the intrinsic properties of milk, including its pH and nutrient content, make it an excellent
medium for the survival and growth of pathogenic bacteria,” applies only to pasteurized milk, not to raw milk.
It is of interest to note that until recently, the medical profession claimed that breast milk was sterile.
Research conducted over the last 20 years indicates that breast milk contains pathogens, often at very
high levels. It is actually beneficial for breast milk to contain pathogens because the bioactive components
in milk program the baby to have immunity for life to any pathogens with which he comes in contact (J Appl
Microbiol. 2003;95(3):471 -8; Neonatal Netw. 2000 Oct; 19(7)21-5; J Hosp Infec. 2004 Oct;58(2): 146-50; J
Nutr. 2005 May; 135(5): 1286-8; Curr Med Chem. 1999 Feb;6(2): 117-27; Adv Exp Med Biol. 2004;554: 145-
54; Scientific American, December 1995; Lancet. 1984 Nov 1 7;2(841 2): 111-3; Lancet. 1984 Nov
17;2(8412):111-3; Cent Afr J Med. 2000 Sep;46(9):247-51; Eur J Pediatr. 2000 Nov; 159(11 ):793-7; J Dairy
Sci 1991 ;74:783-787).
Maryland health officials do not require breastfeeding mothers to pasteurize their milk before giving it to
their babies; yet these same officials discourage mothers who are unable to breastfeed from giving their
infants the most appropriate and immune-building substitute—raw milk from another mammal such as a
cow or goat.
A 1994 study found that premature infants fed raw human milk had lower rates of infection compared to
those fed pasteurized human milk (Lancet November 17, 1984). In fact, pasteurization of human milk for
babies carries considerable risk. A recent outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a neonatal intensive
care unit caused by a contaminated milk bank pasteurizer resulted in 31 cases of infection and 4 deaths
(Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2003 Sep;88(5):F434-5).
The intrinsic safety of raw milk has been proven in several published reports showing that raw milk passes
the “challenge test.” That is, when pathogenic bacteria are introduced to raw milk, their numbers rapidly
decline; subsequent testing reveals no pathogens even though they were introduced in large numbers. For
example, Lactoperoxidase in raw milk has been shown to kill added fungal and bacterial agents (Life
Science 2000 66(25):2433-9; Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 1998;36:808-1 1).
In a challenge test, raw goat milk killed Campylobacter jejuni (Hygiene (London) 1985 Feb;94(1):31-44).
When Campyloba cter was added to raw milk at 4 degrees C at levels of 13,000,000 per ml, levels were
less than 10 per ml nine days later (Doyle, et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1982;44(5):1
154-58). The anti-microbial properties of raw milk are even more active when milk is not refrigerated.
Researchers found that bovine strains of Campylobacter were decreased by 100 cells per ml and poultry
strains decreased by 10,000 cells per ml in 48 hours in raw milk at room temperature (37 degrees C) (Diker
KS. Mikrobiyol Bul 1987 Jul;21(3):200-5).
Most recently, the University of California conducted challenge tests on Organic Pastures raw milk in
California, finding that pathogens added to raw milk disappeared completely within 36 hours
“On August 10, 1987, FDA published 21 CFR Part 1240.61, a final regulation mandating the
pasteurization of all milk and milk products in final package form for direct human consumption. This
regulation addresses milk shipped in interstate commerce and became effective September 9, 1987. In
the Federal Register notification for the final rule to 21 CFR Part 1240.61, FDA made a number of findings
including the following: ‘Raw milk, no matter how carefully produced, may be unsafe.’ ”
This statement may be part of the official record but it contradicts other statements published by the US
government. A study carried out over 19 years and posted on the Centers for Disease Control website gives
the incidence of food-borne illness from raw milk at 1.9 cases per 100,000 people, 1973-1992 (American
Journal Public Health Aug 1998, Vol 88., No 8). This report cites many incidents reputed to be caused by
raw milk but not necessarily proven; the actual rate of illness caused by raw milk, on a per-consumer basis,
may in fact be much lower.
Based on the same CDC website, the incidence of food-borne illness from all foods including pasteurized
milk during the period 1993-1997 is 4.7 cases per 100,000 people (US Census Bureau 1997 population
estimate 267,783,607). Based on CDC website, the incidence of reported food-borne illness from other
foods (not including milk) is 6.4 cases per 100,000 people, per year from 1993-1997. Therefore, the
incidence of food-borne illness from consuming raw milk is at least 2.5 times lower than the incidence of
food-borne illness from consuming pasteurized milk; and at least 3.5 times lower than the incidence of
food-borne illness from consuming other foods.
Thus the statement published in the FDA register is false; raw milk is safer than any other food in the food
supply. If a food is to be taken out of the food supply because it “may be unsafe,” then we would have
nothing left to eat. Raw salads, fruits, vegetables, shellfish, eggs and meat, plus pasteurized milk, soy
products, baby formula and mayonnaise have all caused proven outbreaks of illness. Yet these foods
remain in the food supply, putting the citizens of Maryland at continued risk.
According to our government, food-borne diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000
hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths per year; the most common source of these infections is fruits,
vegetables and salads. For example, in 1997, there were 1104 reported cases of food-borne illness from
salads and 719 from fruits and vegetables while only 23 from milk, mostly pasteurized milk (MMWR Vol
45, No SS-5).
"It has not been shown to be feasible to perform routine bacteriological tests on the raw milk itself to
determine the presence or absence of all pathogens and thereby ensure that it is free of infectious
This statement would not hold up in a court of law. Today it is completely feasible to perform routine
bacteriological tests on raw milk; these can be performed at the farm and are very inexpensive. There is
even a test for E. coli O157:H7 that can be carried out on the farm and costs only $8 per test. It is
shameful that health officials of the state of Maryland are unfamiliar with these tests.
“Opportunities for the introduction and persistence of Salmonella on dairy premises are numerous and
varied, and technology does not exist to eliminate Salmonella infection from dairy herds or to preclude re-
introduction of Salmonella organisms. Moreover recent studies show that cattle can carry and shed S.
dublin organisms for many years and demonstrated that S. dublin organisms cannot be routinely detected in
cows that are 'mammary gland' shedders.”
This statement applies only to large confinement herds. It has proven completely possible to eliminate
pathogens from dairy premises when cows are raised on pasture and reasonable sanitary protocols are
followed. Over several years of testing, not a single human pathogen has been found on the premises of
Organic Pastures dairy in California, not in the manure and not in the milk (www.organicpastures.com).
“During this rulemaking process, the American Academy of Pediatrics and numerous other organizations
submitted comments in support of the proposed regulation. In deciding upon mandatory pasteurization,
FDA determined that pasteurization was the only means to assure the destruction of pathogenic
microorganisms that might be present.”
This statement is completely false. Pasteurization does not ensure the destruction of pathogenic
microorganisms in milk. A study published in 2002 found evidence of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in
many samples of pasteurized cow’s milk (Appl Environ Microbiol 2002 May;68(5):2428-35). M.
paratuberculosis has been associated with Crohn’s disease.
Other studies indicate that B. Cereus spores, botulism spores and protozoan parasites survive
pasteurization (Elliott Ryser. Public Health Concerns. In: Marth E, Stelle J, eds. Applied Dairy
Microbiology, New York, Marcel Dekker, 2001).
Furthermore, the US government has documented numerous outbreaks of food-borne illness from
pasteurized milk. These include:
The fact that Mr. Elkins does not present the full story, by enumerating the many outbreaks of food-borne
illness in pasteurized milk, provides clear evidence of bias on the part of a Maryland health official.
“This decision was science-based, involving epidemiological evidence. FDA and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta have documented illnesses associated with the consumption of
raw milk, including ‘certified raw milk’ and have stated that the risks of consuming raw milk far outweigh any
It is obvious that this decision was not science-based and that it contradicts the epidemiological evidence
provided by our government agencies.
“Based on research, which has failed to demonstrate a significant difference between the nutritional value of
pasteurized and unpasteurized milk, the FDA and CDC reiterate that the health risks associated with raw
milk consumption far outweigh the benefits.”
Mr. Elkins seems to be unaware of numerous studies showing the benefits of raw milk over pasteurized. For
example, studies carried out during 1935-1940 at Randleigh Farm, a research facility in upstate New York,
found that rats fed raw milk had better growth and denser bones than those fed pasteurized milk. The rats
on pasteurized milk developed hairless patches due to vitamin B6 deficiency and on autopsy showed poor
integrity of internal organs (Annals of Randleigh Farm).
These studies confirm the findings of Francis Pottenger who noted that the organs of cats fed raw milk were
in excellent condition, with creamy yellow subcutaneous tissue of high vascularity. The heart size of raw-
milk fed cats was moderate, the liver in good condition, the intestines firm and the uterus well supported. By
contrast the internal organs of pasteurized-milk fed cats were inferior, with slight fatty atrophy of the liver,
inferior condition of the heart, lack of intestinal tone and moderate distention of the uterus. The skin of the
pasteurized-milk fed cats had a purplish discoloration due to congestion and the fur was of poor quality
(Pottenger’s Cats, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation).
During 1930-31, Dr. Ernest Scott and Professor Lowell Erf of Ohio State University carried out rat studies
that compared the effects of a diet of whole raw milk with one of whole pasteurized milk. Rats fed whole
raw milk had good growth, sleek coats and clear eyes. The rats had excellent dispositions and enjoyed
being petted. By contrast, rats fed whole pasteurized milk had rough coats, slow growth, anemic, and loss of
vitality and weight. They were very irritable, often showing a tendency to bite when handled (Jersey
Bulletin 1931 50:210-21 1;224-226, 237).
Studies of guinea pigs carried out by Dr. Rosalind Wulzen and Paul N. Harris, Department of Zoology,
Oregon State College are particularly revealing. Animals fed whole raw milk had excellent growth and no
abnormalities. By contrast, those fed pasteurized milk had poor growth, muscle stiffness, emaciation and
weakness and death within one year. Autopsy revealed atrophied muscles streaked with calcification and
calcium deposits under the skin, in the joints, the heart and other organs (American Journal of Pathology
Vol XX VI, Jul-Nov 1950 pp 595-615).
As for pasteurized milk, many recent studies document the association of pasteurized milk with diabetes
(Br J Nutr 2006 Mar;95(3):603-8;Diabetes 2000 Jun;49(6):91 2-7), frequent ear infections (J Pediatr Rio J
2006 mar-Apr;82(2):87-96; Rev Alerg Mex 2001 Sep-Oct;48(5):141-4; Acta Paediatr 2000 Oct;89(10):1
174-80; Acta Otolaryngol 1999;1 19(8):867-73) and asthma (Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002 Dec;89(6
Suppl 1):33-7; J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001 Nov; 108(5):720-5; West J Nurs Res 1996 Dec;18(6):643-54;
Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl 1995;1 1:59-60). Of interest is a 2002 study showing that “farm milk,” that is raw
milk, had a protective effect against this debilitating and even lift-threatening condition (Lancet 2002 Feb 1
The scientific literature contains many case histories of recovery from these conditions by eliminating
pasteurized milk from the diet. Meanwhile, reports of recovery from these and other conditions by
consuming raw milk are accumulating. The growing numbers of Maryland consumers—especially growing
children—who cannot tolerate pasteurized milk deserve to have a choice for raw milk.
“Numerous documented outbreaks of milk borne disease involving Salmonella and Campylobacter
infections have been directly linked to the consumption of raw milk in the past twenty years. Since the
early 1980's, cases of raw milk-associated campylobacteriosis have been reported in the states of
Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, and
Pennsylvania. An outbreak of salmonellosis, involving 50 cases was confirmed in Ohio in 2002. Recent
cases of E. coli O1 57:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica infections have also been
attributed to raw milk consumption.”
It would be helpful if Mr. Elkins would provide references so that they could be evaluated for legitimacy and
bias. Given the double standard applied to raw milk, it is likely that many of these cases were merely
reported, not proven. The 2002 Ohio outbreak that he cites was a case in which health officials
demonstrated clear evidence of bias. According to the CDC report, “The source for contamination was not
determined; however, the findings suggest that contamination of milk might have occurred during the
milking, bottling or capping process.” There were many possible of vectors of illness on the dairy besides
raw milk—besides providing raw milk, the dairy also operated a petting zoo. There have been several
incidences of illness contracted by children visiting a petting zoo, cases that have nothing to do with raw
milk. Based on this one incident, in which raw milk was not proven the culprit, the dairy, which had been in
business for decades without incident, caved in to health department pressure and stopped the sale of raw
“State health and agricultural agencies utilize the U.S. Public Health Service/FDA Pasteurized Milk
Ordinance (PMO) as the basis for the regulation of Grade ‘A’ milk production and processing. The PMO has
been sanctioned by the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) and provides a
national standard of uniform measures that is applied to Grade ‘A’ dairy farms and milk processing
facilities to assure safe milk and milk products. Section 9 of the PMO specifies that only Grade ‘A’
pasteurized milk be sold to the consumer.”
This issue is a red herring. The individual states do not need to follow the PMO. The PMO is a
choice, not an obligation. California, the top milk-producing state, does not follow the PMO but
created its own regulations. Furthermore, the state can accept the PMO but have exceptions in
certain areas, as does Colorado. In any event, PMO regulations do not prohibit consumers from
drinking raw milk. It must be stressed that neither the federal government nor the individual
states prohibit the consumption of raw milk. Such laws would be inherently unconstitutional,
depriving citizens the right to liberty and property without due process of law.
“In summary, since raw milk may contain infective doses of human pathogens, its consumption
increases the risk of a variety of illnesses. Even when milk is produced and handled under
sanitary conditions, the only proven, reliable method of reducing the level of human pathogens in
milk and milk products to safe levels is pasteurization. The FDA has strongly advised against the
consumption of raw milk. As the State agency responsible for health of the citizens of Maryland,
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene cannot, in good conscience, condone or
encourage the sale of raw milk.”
As we have demonstrated in this letter, raw milk does not contain “infective doses of human
pathogens” and its consumption does not “increase the risk of a variety of illnesses.”
Pasteurization does not guarantee a safe product and the risk of contracting food-borne illness
from raw milk is lower that the risk of contracting food-borne illness from pasteurized milk. The
statements made in writing by Mr. Elkins would not hold up in a court of law and are an insult to
Maryland consumers.
But in any event, Maryland consumers are not asking for legalization of the sale of raw milk, but
only confirmation of the right to drink the raw milk from their own cows, which is a public policy of
the state of Maryland. Maryland consumers are not asking the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene to condone or encourage the sale of raw milk, but merely insisting that the state of
Maryland support the rights of its citizens to enter into contractual agreements guaranteed by
Maryland law (title 16, Section 401), which recognizes the right of an owner of dairy livestock to
contract with another for the boarding and care of that livestock. MDHMH is interfering in areas
where it has no jurisdiction whatsoever and is overstepping the bounds of its regulatory authority.
Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid that is a major constituent of cell membranes.
Phosphatidylcholine is also known as 1, 2-diacyl-: ussn: ue-glycero-3-phosphocholine,
PtdCho and lecithin. It is represented by the following chemical
The term lecithin itself has different meanings when used in chemistry and biochemistry
than when used commercially. Chemically, lecithin is phosphatidylcholine.
Commercially, it refers to a natural mixture of neutral and polar lipids.
Phosphatidylcholine, which is a polar lipid, is present in commercial lecithin in
concentrations of 20 to 90%. Most of the commercial lecithin products contain about
20% phosphatidylcholine.
The fatty acid makeup of phosphatidylcholine from plant and animal sources differs.
Saturated fatty acids, such as palmitic and stearic, make up 19 to 24% of soya lecithin;
the monounsaturated oleic acid contributes 9 to 11%; linoleic acid provides 56 to 60%;
and alpha-linolenic acid makes up 6 to 9%. In egg yolk lecithin, the saturated fatty acids,
palmitic and stearic, make up 41 to 46% of egg lecithin, oleic acid 35 to 38%, linoleic
acid 15 to 18% and alpha-linolenic 0 to 1%. Soya lecithin is clearly richer in
polyunsaturated fatty acids than egg lecithin. Unsaturated fatty acids are mainly bound to
the second or middle carbon of glycerol.
Phosphatidylcholine is important for normal cellular membrane composition and repair.
Phosphatidylcholine is also the major delivery form of the essential nutrient choline.
Choline itself is a precursor in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, the
methyl donor betaine and phospholipids, including phosphatidylcholine and
sphingomyelin among others. Phosphatidylcholine is involved in the hepatic export of
very-low-density lipoproteins.
Phosphatidylcholine is absorbed into the mucosal cells of the small intestine, mainly in
the duodenum and upper jejunum, following some digestion by the pancreatic enzyme
phospholipase, producing lysophosphatidylcholine (lysolecithin). Reacylation of
lysolecithin takes place in the intestinal mucosal cells, reforming phosphatidylcholine,
which is then transported by the lymphatics in the form of chylomicrons to the blood.
Phosphatidylcholine is transported in the blood in various lipoprotein particles, including
very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density
lipoproteins (HDL); it is then distributed to the various tissues of the body. Some
phosphatidylcholine is incorporated into cell membranes.
Phosphatidylcholine is also metabolized to choline, fatty acids and glycerol. The fatty
acids and glycerol either get oxidized to produce energy or become involved in
lipogenesis. Choline is a precursor of acetylcholine. Serum choline levels peak between 2
to 6 hours after oral intake.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that choline is essential for normal liver function.
Phosphatidylcholine is a better delivery form and is also more tolerable than choline. But,
in addition, research has shown that phosphatidylcholine, independent of its choline
content, has striking hepatoprotective effects. In two animal studies using baboons fed
diets high in alcohol, some supplemented with a soy-derived polyunsaturated lecithin
(60% phosphatidylcholine) and some unsupplemented, both fibrosis and cirrhosis were
largely prevented in the phosphatidylcholine group. Most of the unsupplemented animals
in these studies, which continued for up to eight years, developed fibrosis or cirrhosis.
Because these researchers had previously found that choline, equal in amounts contained
in the phosphatidylcholine-rich lecithin they subsequently used, had no comparable
protective effects on the liver, they concluded that the polyunsaturated phospholipids
themselves may have been responsible for the benefits observed.
In vitro studies have shown that these phospholipids increase hepatic collagenase activity
and may thus help prevent fibrosis and cirrhosis by encouraging collagen breakdown.
Several other mechanisms under investigation may also contribute.
Others have reported similarly encouraging results in animal models. Clearly, human
trials are warranted.
Researchers in Great Britain treated chronic active hepatitis C patients with 3 grams daily
of phosphatidylcholine in double-blind fashion. The phosphatidylcholine patients had
significantly reduced symptoms, compared with controls. All histological evidence of the
disease disappeared in some cases. These researchers, like others, have hypothesized that
phosphatidylcholine's possible antiviral effects are related to the supplement's apparent
ability to increase cellular membrane fluidity and repair the membranes of liver cells.
There is some very preliminary evidence that phosphatidylcholine may help control
manic symptoms in some.
There has been hope, for some time, that phosphatidylcholine would demonstrate clear-
cut benefits in cognitive disorders, such as age-related memory loss and Alzheimer's
disease. There are a few reports that supplemental choline can improve short-term
memory skills and enhance the memories of those who are initial poor learners.
Those with Alzheimer's disease have a diminished ability to synthesize and/or utilize the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine, particularly in those areas of the brain related to memory,
thus the hope that supplemental choline/phosphatidylcholine might be of benefit. A few
studies have suggested some small benefit in memory restoration, but most have not.
Research continues.
Recently it has been suggested that phosphatidylcholine might eventually have some
therapeutic role in some cancers. There is no evidence of this to date, but animal studies
indicate that deficiencies in choline and phosphatidylcholine may disrupt cell membrane
signal transduction in ways that could lead to various cancers. There is ample evidence
that liver cancer is promoted in various animals by choline-deficient diets, and it has been
shown that excess choline can protect against liver cancer in a mouse model.
Phosphatidylcholine has been used to lower serum cholesterol levels, based on the
premise that lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity has an important role in
the removal of cholesterol from tissues. A few studies have shown reduction in serum
cholesterol with phosphatidylcholine intake. The results were quite modest, and most
studies have not shown any significant cholesterol-lowering activity.
There are no reported or known contraindications of phosphatidylcholine
Those with malabsorption problems may develop diarrhea or steatorrhea when using
phosphatidylcholine supplements. Those with the antiphospholipid-antibody syndrome
should exercise caution in the use of phosphatidylcholine supplements.
No major side effects have been reported. Mild side effects have been noted occasionally
such as nausea, diarrhea and increased salivation in some. This holds for all forms of
There are no known interactions.
There are no reports of overdosage.
Atoba MA, Ayoola EA, Ogunseyinde O. Effects of essential phospholipid choline on the
course of acute hepatitis-B infection. Trop Gastroenterol. 1985; 6:96-9.
Canty DJ, Zeisel SH. Lecithin and choline in human health and disease. Nutr Rev. 1994;
Cohen BM, Lipinski JF, Altesman RI. Lecithin in the treatment of mania: double-blind,
placebo-controlled trials. Am J Psychiatry. 1982; 139:1162-1164.
Gelenberg AJ, Dorer DJ, Wojcik JD, et al. A crossover study of lecithin treatment of
tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Psychiatry. 1990; 51:149-153.
Growdon JH, Gelenberg AJ, Doller J, et al. Lecithin can suppress tardive dyskinesia. N
Engl J Med. 1978; 298:1029-1030.
Hanin I, Ansell GB, eds. Lecithin. Technological, Biological and Therapeutic Aspects.
New York and London: Plenum Press; 1987.
Hirsch MJ, Growdon JH, Wurtman RJ. Relations between dietary choline or lecithin
intake, serum choline levels, and various metabolic indices. Metabolism. 1978; 27:953-
Jackson IV, Nuttall EA, Ibe IO, Perez-Cruet J. Treatment of tardive dyskinesia with
lecithin. Am J Psychiatry. 1979; 136:1458-1460.
Kosina F, Budka K, Kolouch Z, et al. Essential cholinephospholipids in the treatment of
virus hepatitis. Cas Lek Cesk. 1981; 120:957-960.
Lieber CS, Leo MA, Aleynik SI, et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1997; 21:375-379.
Lieber CS, De Carl LM, Mak KM, et al. Attenuation of alcohol-induced hepatic fibrosis
by polyunsaturated lecithin. Hepatol. 1990; 12:1390-1398.
Wurtman RJ, Hirsch MJ, Growdon JH. Lecithin consumption raises serum-free-choline
levels. Lancet. 1977; 2(8028):68-69.
Now that we have the utilities turned on, we are ready to start cleaning. Over time,
several undesirable things are likely to be present. There are likely to be bacteria, fungus,
roaches, spiders, ants, mice, termites, etc. present. These things must be removed for us
to live happily in our remodeled home.
We live in a toxic society. We have been in the process of poisoning ourselves to death
for years. We have been lead to believe that scientists know everything and that the
government agencies would not allow companies to do anything that will harm us. The
recent episodes of Vioxx, Bextra, NutraSweet and many others show us that isn’t true.
We used DDT as a pesticide for years until finally it killed most of our eagles by
poisoning the fish they eat. Now we have a new syndrome where harmless amoebae in
our lakes and rivers have turned into meat-eating pathogens that cause chronic fatigue
because the apple, orange, and tobacco farmers are using pesticides that kill the algae that
the amoebae used for a food supply. When aspartame (NutraSweet) was first tested, it
was given to seven monkeys. One died and five had seizures. When given to mice, over
40% developed brain tumors. Still the government now allows it to be put into most of
our food. MSG causes monkey to have holes in their brains. However, the government
allows it to be put into children’s vitamins, seasonings, crackers, potato chips, etc. You
cannot depend on the government to protect you from things that aren’t healthy.
One of the unsuspected problems with these various toxins is that the body becomes
ADDICTED to them. Food manufactures know this. That is why they put known
neurotoxins like aspartame and MSG in their products. You become addicted. That
makes you want to use more of their product and have trouble when you try to stop using
it. It is not likely that many of us would think about being addicted to Diet-sodas or corn
Because stopping addictions is difficult and uncomfortable, you will find giving up these
toxic things difficult. Therefore I recommend you eliminate these toxic things one at a
time. Check them off the list each time you can go for a couple of weeks without craving
each item or being tempted to eat them when others are doing so.
Here is the list. Think of these things as spiders, rodents, termites and other things you
don’t want in your house:
kidneys, heart, and nervous system. Use a deodorant instead of an antiperspirant.
An example is Roll.
11. Coffee. Even decaffeinated coffee blocks zinc depression.
12. Tea. Same as coffee.
13. Alcohol. Same as coffee.
Most people think that antiperspirants and deodorants are the same thing, but they aren’t.
Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores with powerful
astringents such as aluminum salts so that they can’t release sweat. (Note that aluminum
can accumulate in the brain.) Deodorants work by neutralizing the smell of the sweat and
by antiseptic action against bacteria. Deodorants are preferable because they don’t
interfere with sweating, a natural cooling and detoxifying process.
Baking soda works wonders because it neutralizes the odor of sweat. Just sprinkle a light
covering of baking soda onto a damp washcloth. Pat on. Don’t rinse. This tip—just using
baking soda—has saved me on many occasions, especially when traveling.
Place the ingredients in a glass jar. Shake to blend. Sprinkle a light covering of the
powder on a damp washcloth. Pat on. Don’t rinse.
1/4 cup each witch hazel extract, aloe vera gel, and mineral water
1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
a few drops antibacterial essential oils such as lavender (optional)
If you don’t want to make your own deodorant, use ROLL Natural Organic Quench
Scented Deodorant and ROCK by Forever Green.
As your liver gets sicker, the immune system becomes weaker. There are always over
1,000 types of pathogenic organisms in your body just waiting to eat you when you
immune system fails. These infectious organisms feed on carbohydrates and must have
an acidic medium (voltage deficient). Thus if your liver is so sick you get nauseated
when you eat fat, you will need to avoid feeding these infections by avoiding
carbohydrates until you can get your liver/immune system working again.
If you are so sick you are disabled, you will need to avoid other possible sources of
increased toxins that you body will not be able to manage. In addition you will need to
avoid carbohydrates (increase destruction of cells). The Intense Detoxification Diet
includes the following and must be followed for two months if you are disabled by your
illness. If you eat in restaurants, eat ½ the amount of these items you might otherwise
1. No grains
2. No pasta
3. No starchy vegetables (potato, carrot, parsnip, beet, radish, peas, corn)
4. No fruit or fruit juice
5. No beans
6. No corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, honey, sugar, maltodextrin.
7. No fast foods
8. No carbonated drinks
9. No artificial sweeteners.
10. No hydrogenated oils.
11. No MSG
12. No Canola oil or mayonnaise
13. No peanuts or peanut butter
14. No mustard. Mustard seeds contain goitrogens, naturally occurring substances in
certain foods that can interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Individuals with already existing and untreated thyroid problems may want to
avoid mustard seeds for this reason. Cooking may help to inactivate the
goitrogenic compounds found in food. However, it is not clear from the research
exactly what percent of goitrogenic compounds get inactivated by cooking, or
exactly how much risk is involved with the consumption of mustard seeds by
individuals with pre-existing and untreated thyroid problems.
15. No spinach. Spinach contains oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is corrosive to tissue.
When ingested, oxalic acid removes calcium from the blood. Kidney damage can
be expected as the calcium is removed from the blood in the form of calcium
oxalate. The calcium oxalate then obstructs the kidney tubules. Persons with pre-
existing skin disorders or eye problems, or impaired kidney or respiratory
function may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance.
16. No cashews. See corn.
17.Absolutely No Corn (Aflatoxicosis is poisoning that results from ingestion of
aflatoxins in contaminated food or feed. The aflatoxins are a group of structurally
related toxic compounds produced by certain strains of the fungi Aspergillus
flavus and A. parasiticus. Aflatoxins produce acute necrosis, cirrhosis, and
carcinoma of the liver in a number of animal species; no animal species is
resistant to the acute toxic effects of aflatoxins; hence it is logical to assume that
humans may be similarly affected. In the United States, aflatoxins have been
identified in corn and corn products, peanuts and peanut products, cottonseed,
milk, and tree nuts such as Brazil nuts, pecans, pistachio nuts, and walnuts. Other
grains and nuts are susceptible but less prone to contamination.
In our house analogy, it is likely that the rats have built a nest in our old home. There
will be spider webs, ants, mice, crickets, termites etc. These pests will damage our
home and steal our food if we don’t get rid of them. So it is with our body. Heavy
metals in our tissues and biotoxins (chemicals that damage our cells) will have
concentrated in our liver and gall bladder because those organs try to remove these
pests from our body---often unsuccessfully. Most of these toxic things are fat-
soluble (dissolved in the fat of our bodies). This is particularly true of our cell
membranes and our brain, endocrine glands and liver. Since they are fat-
soluble, they tend to get stored and concentrated in our liver and gall bladder.
Bacteria, viruses and fungi then tend to grow in our gall bladder and produce more
toxins. In this manner, our liver and gall bladder become a “rat’s nest” that must be
cleaned out for us to start feeling better.
There are many misconceptions about the gall bladder. Note the following facts:
2. The liver makes 1 ½ quarts of bile per day to digest fats. Since the liver
can’t make bile fast enough to digest a fatty meal, the gall bladder is
necessary to store bile. Without the gall bladder, you can’t do a good job
of digesting fats. Since every cell membrane in the body is made of fat, if
you can’t digest the fats, you can’t repair your cells (heal) without help.
4. The most likely people to make gallstones are Fair complexion, Female,
Fat, Fertile (previous pregnancies), and over Forty (the Five F’s).
5. Gall stones are more common in people who eat a low fat diet, obesity,
take oral contraceptives, take calcium, estrogen, antibiotics, and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
1. Taurine is an amino acid needed to make bile. You will need to take 1000
mg. /day. In studies, 100% of those taurine-deficient developed gallstones. In
those given taurine supplements, the formation of gallstones dropped to zero.
If you have had your gallbladder removed, you will need to take Bile Salts (Ox Bile) 500
mg. each time you eat. You can use Digestabs = contain bile and digestive enzymes.
You will be given an appointment for us to begin the process of cleaning your
gallbladder. Attempting to do it on your own using herbal remedies, lemonade, etc. will
often give you significant pain.
The liver, the largest solid organ, is the body’s detoxification center and a vast center for
metabolic activity including:
1.Lipid/carbohydrate/protein metabolism
2.Blood synthesis
3.Bilirubin metabolism
4.Urea cycle
5.Ammonia detoxification
6.Biliary processes
7.Bile and cholesterol synthesis
8.Oxidative energy metabolism
9.Hormone metabolism
10. Immune function (Kupffer cells)
11. Clearance of drugs (pharmaceuticals)
12. Processing of nutrients, toxins, and bile acids from the intestine.
The liver’s detoxification processes has three distinct phases. The purpose is to change
fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble products that can be excreted from the body.
Conversion of cholesterol into bile is a primary process in the elimination of wastes.
Thus a high cholesterol is a symptom of the liver attempting to clear toxins from the body
and should not be interrupted with anti-cholesterol drug therapy:
Phase II: toxins are made more water-soluble using oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis,
dehalogenation, methylation, sulfation, glucuronidation, peptide conjugation, acetylation,
and glutathione conjugation.
Phase III: toxins ported from cells for removal via gallbladder and kidneys.
When detoxification is occurring, nitrogen may be retained involving albumin, uric acid,
BUN or Creatinine. Ammonia levels rise due to impaired ability to convert ammonia
into urea. Oral butyrate therapy addresses both control of nitrogen in states of increased
blood ammonia and interruption of abnormal lipid metabolism. It also clears what are
called “renegade fats” from the liver.
With our old house, now that we have the water, sewage, electricity on (pure water,
large intestine, Biomodulator therapy) and have cleaned up the pests (gall bladder and
liver cleanse), we are ready to start rebuilding our old house. We start removing
rotten boards and replacing broken windows, lost shingles, etc.
The “brain” of every cell is the cell membrane. Cell membranes interact with the
environment, communicate with other cells, allow nutrients to enter the cell and waste
to exit the cell, store voltage for the needs of the cell, etc. Every cell membrane is
made primarily of fatty acids called phospholipids. Since most toxins in the body are
fat-soluble, they are stored in the cell membranes. These toxins interfere with the
function of the cell.
If you eat Trans Fats (nearly plastic), your cells function as if they were made of
plastic. You must stop eating them and then consume good fats so you can replace all
of your cells with membranes that work. Cells normally die and replace themselves.
Some cells replace themselves every 48 hours and some cells only replace themselves
every eight months. Thus it will take up to eight months to rebuild yourself.
Phosphatidylcholine (PC): This is the most abundant phospholipid (fat) of the cell
membrane and protects the liver’s 33,000 square meters of membrane. It protects the
liver against damage from alcohol, pharmaceuticals, pollutants, drugs and infections
due to viral, bacterial and fungal infections (Lieber). PC is most effective when given
intravenously but can also be given orally. If you are disabled, you may choose to
use both IV and oral until you are better and then continue with oral until you are well
or at least functional. Generally speaking, disabled people will require 5-40 IV
injections of PC. They are usually given daily for at least a week and until you can
tolerate oral fats. The liver cells are completely replaced every two months. The skin
is replaced every six weeks. Nerve cells take months to be replaced. The capsules are
taken for 6-12 months.
Heavy Metals
Many people have accumulated heavy metals like mercury (silver fillings, seafood),
lead (paint, gasoline), cadmium (auto exhaust, zinc-depleted soil), etc. These metals
also accumulate in cell membranes and short-out the systems. One molecule of
mercury can inhibit 2000 molecules of zinc! The way to determine if you have heavy
metal poisoning is with a hair test since only 1-5% remains in the blood and the rest is
in your tissue. If you have heavy metals in your system, we can give you a liquid that
contain both phosphatidylcholine and EDTA, a material that will slowly release the
metals from the cells. This is called DetoxMax Plus. We also use a light (Collins
Light) that provides missing electrons to help the metals release from the cells and an
infrared sauna to help release the metals from the cells.
An essential amino acid for an organism is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized by
the organism from other available resources, and therefore must be supplied as part of its
Eight amino acids are generally regarded as essential for humans: tryptophan, lysine,
methionine, phenylalanine (or tyrosine), threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine. Two
others, histidine and arginine are essential only in children. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_amino_acid
Two of the essential amino acids, lysine and tryptophan, are poorly represented in most
plant proteins. Thus strict vegetarians should ensure that their diet contains sufficient
amounts of these two amino acids. Without tryptophan, you will become severely
depressed. The symptoms of lysine deficiency include anemia, enzyme disorders, lack of
energy, hair loss, bloodshot eyes, weight loss and retarded growth as well as reproductive
problems, poor appetite and poor concentration.
Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious foods. One large egg contains only 70 calories
and an incredible amount of nutrition. An egg is one of the few foods that contain
everything necessary for life. The other is plankton.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are important for maintaining good vision. Studies have shown
that these antioxidants help prevent age-related macular degeneration-the leading cause
of blindness in people over 65, and help decrease the risk of cataracts. According to the
American Heart Association, lutein also protects against the progress of early heart
disease. A great source of these is Wolf Berries.
Recognized as an essential nutrient, choline has been shown to play a strong role in brain
development and function. One egg provides half your daily requirement of choline.
Protein is essential for building and repairing body tissue. Muscles, organs, skin, hair as
well as antibodies, enzymes, and hormones are all made from protein.
Protein is composed of 20 different amino acids. There are 8 essential amino acids that
the body cannot make, and so they must come from foods. Eggs are one of the few foods
considered to be a complete protein because they provide all eight essential amino acids.
You should eat 2-4 eggs per day.
Some worry about cholesterol. As noted above, the liver makes cholesterol when it is
trying to clean itself of toxins. Thus the relationship of heart disease to cholesterol is
simply the presence of toxins that cause inflammation. It is well known that
measurements of inflammation (like C-reactive Protein) is much more related to heart
attacks and strokes than cholesterol.
Ansel Keyes who first proposed that there might be a relationship between cholesterol
and heart disease has often said that there is no relationship between what you eat and
your blood cholesterol levels unless you are a rabbit or a rat. If you eat a diet that has no
cholesterol in it, your blood cholesterol won’t change 5%. If you eat buckets of
cholesterol, your blood cholesterol won’t change 5%. Thus the idea that you should
avoid eating eggs, whole raw milk, fatty meats, etc. is pure nonsense and was proposed
primarily to sell cholesterol-lowering drugs. Restricting these fat sources in children is
particularly harmful since their brain (mostly fat) is developing and needs enormous
amounts of fat to develop normally.
Seventeen percent (17%) of the normal cell membrane is a fat called Arachidonic acid.
The primary source of that is eggs. If you don’t eat eggs, it is hard to make good cell
membranes = you will be sick because you don’t have normal cells. There is no
vegetarian source of Arachidonic acid, so it is very difficult for total vegetarians to be
Remember that eating good fats doesn’t make you fat! It makes you healthy. Eating
Trans fats (almost plastic) makes you fat because “plastic” cell membranes won’t react
correctly to insulin. In an effort to get glucose into your plastic cells, the body makes
more and more insulin (we call that insulin-resistant). Insulin locks fat inside of fat cells
and it cannot be used as long as insulin is
present. Thus eating more and more Trans fats
makes us obese and diabetic because our cells
are “plastic”. Thus-----eat eggs along with
other fats to get the proteins and fats you need
to make neurochemicals and good cells.
Juicing for Those Who are Disabled
If you are disabled (for example, you get nauseated when you eat fat), you need to juice
vegetables. There are several reasons for this:
Juicing is not chopping. Juicing means that you squeeze the juice from the vegetables so
that the juice is collected and the fiber (pulp) is removed. You cannot do this with a
machine with a spinning blade. That chops the vegetables into little pieces that include
the fiber (pulp). Get a real juicer-squeezer if you don’t have one. The Omega is a highly
rated brand.
Another major issue is heating. Heat destroys many of the nutrients in your food. Blade-
based blenders heat up the food. It is okay to put your juice from the juicer into a blender
to mix in the items mentioned below like nuts, protein powder, etc, but run it at very low
speed so that heat is not a problem.
How much do I need? You will need one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body
weight per day. Thus if you are a 200 pound man, you will need to juice four pounds of
vegetables per day. You can consume this as a meal or divide it up throughout the day.
NOTE: If you are taking anticoagulants, the Vitamin K in the vegetables may
thicken your blood. Monitor your INR (coagulation test) weekly until you are sure
it is okay. You may need to alter your medication dose when you start juicing and
when you stop juicing.
Now that you're ready for the benefits of vegetable juice, you need to know what to juice.
I recommend starting out with these vegetables, as they are the easiest to digest:
Fennel (anise)
These aren't as beneficial as the more nutritionally intense dark green vegetables. Once
you get used to these, you can start adding the more nutritionally valuable, but less
palatable, vegetables into your juice.
Vegetables to avoid include carrots and beets. Most people who juice usually use
carrots. The reason they taste so good is that they are full of sugar. I would definitely
avoid all vegetables that grow underground to avoid an increase in your insulin levels.
If you are healthy, you can add about one pound of carrots or beets per week. I do believe
that the deep, intense colors of these foods provide additional benefits for many that are
just not available in the green vegetables listed above.
Step 2: When you've acclimatized yourself to juicing, you can start adding these
Chinese Cabbage
Bok Choy
An interesting side note: Cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer
repair as it is a huge source of vitamin U. (Vitamin U is not a vitamin. Vitamins are essential
nutrients that cannot be synthesized (either at all or in sufficient quantities) by a given organism and
therefore must be taken with food for the organism's continued good health. The term "vitamin U" was
coined because the compound is very effective in the medical treatment of gastric ulcers. It is found in raw
cabbage leaves and other green vegetables.)
Step 4: When you're ready, move on to adding herbs to your juicing. Herbs also make
wonderful combinations, and there are two that work exceptionally well:
You need to be cautious with cilantro, as many cannot tolerate it well. If you are new to
juicing, hold off. These are more challenging vegetables to consume, but they are highly
Step 5: The last step: Only use one or two of these leaves, as they are very bitter:
Collard Greens
Dandelion Greens
Mustard Greens (bitter)
When purchasing collard greens, find a store that sells the leaves still attached to the main
stalk. If they are cut off, the vegetable rapidly loses many of its valuable nutrients.
Balance your juice with protein and fat. Vegetable juice does not have much protein or
fat, so it's very important for you to include these fat and protein sources with your meal.
Use eggs. Eggs will add a significant amount of beneficial fats and protein to your
meal. An egg has about 8 grams of protein, so you can add two to four eggs per
meal. I suggest that you add the whole eggs, raw, into the vegetable pulp (not the
juicer). The reason I advocate this is because once you heat the eggs, many of
their nutrients become damaged. If you are concerned about salmonella, purchase
organic eggs; it's unlikely you'll have any problems. Additionally, if you are not
sensitive to milk, you can add some raw milk cheese, as it will improve the flavor.
There is a potential problem with using the entire raw egg if you are pregnant.
Biotin deficiency, a common concern in pregnancy, could be made worse by
consuming whole raw eggs.
Incorporate seeds. Raw seeds, freshly ground and alternated regularly, are
another great addition to the pulp. The simplest way to grind the seeds is to use an
inexpensive coffee grinder. The seeds are full of protein and essential fatty acids
that bring a juice into balance beautifully. I recommend pumpkin and flax seeds.
Use chlorella. Chlorella is an incredibly powerful nutrient from the sea and is a
form of algae. It can be helpful for mercury detoxification as it binds very
strongly to mercury to eliminate it from the body. The normal dose is one
teaspoon in the juice. However, about 30 percent of people cannot tolerate the
chlorella, so if it makes you nauseous you should definitely avoid it.
If you have high iron or vitamin D levels you will want to avoid chlorella though
as it is loaded with both of these nutrients.
Consider a protein powder. While protein powders are convenient, I believe
them to be far inferior to whole food choices like eggs or chlorella. Glutamine is
an amino acid and the majority of our skeletal muscle is made of it. You can
obtain glutamine powder and add one teaspoon into your drink for a very
effective healing addition. You can also use protein powders. Some people are
concerned about my milk avoidance suggestion and taking whey protein.
Although whey protein is from milk, most people tolerate it quite well as the
major protein in milk that causes an allergy is casein. I would strongly advise
against the use of soy protein powders. I recommend THUNDER from Forever
Green. (JLT)
Add some garlic. Don't worry; this won't give you "dragon breath." I like to add
one to two cloves of garlic in my juice, as it incorporates the incredible healing
potential of fresh garlic. I strongly advise you to do this regularly to balance out
your bowel flora. The ideal dose is just below the social threshold where people
start to notice that you have eaten garlic. One large clove, two medium cloves or
three small cloves is the recommended dose.
Add oil. You can add the BodyBio oil to your juice mixture if you prefer to take it
this way. (JLT)
If you would like to make your juice taste a bit more palatable, especially in the
beginning, you can add these elements:
Coconut: This is one of my favorites! You can purchase the whole coconut or use
shredded coconut. It adds a delightful flavor and is an excellent source of fat to
balance the meal. Coconut has medium chain triglycerides, which have many
health benefits.
Cranberries: You can also add some cranberries if you enjoy them. Researchers
have discovered that cranberries have five times the antioxidant content of
broccoli, which means they may protect against cancer, stroke and heart disease.
In addition, they are chock full of phytonutrients and help many women avoid
urinary tract infections. Limit the cranberries to about 4 ounces per pint of juice.
Lemons: You can also add half a lemon (leaving much of the white rind on). If
you are a protein metabolic type you will not want to use lemons as they will push
your pH in the wrong direction.
Fresh ginger: This is an excellent addition if you can tolerate it. It gives your
juice a little "kick"
24 carat Chocolate: Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than any other food
tested with perhaps the exception of Wolf Berries (Lycium barbarum). This
chocolate from Forever Green does not contain wax, fillers, caffeine, and other
items that give chocolate a bad reputation. You can add it to your drink. It is
already in THUNDER protein powder. (JLT)
Wolf berries: Wolfberry contains 19 types of amino acids and 21 trace
minerals. It has more beta-carotene than carrots and nearly as much Vitamin C as
oranges and protein as bee pollen.
Lesson 6: Drink your vegetable juice right away, or store it very carefully.
1. Put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should
be a minimum amount of air in the jar as the oxygen in air (air is about 20 percent
oxygen) will "oxidize" and damage the juice.
2. Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.
3. Store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking, as vegetable juice
should be consumed at room temperature.
Most people juice in the morning, but if that does not work out well for your schedule
please feel the freedom to choose whatever meal works out best for your lifestyle.
We all know that if a juicer takes longer than 10 minutes to clean, we'll find excuses not
to do it. I find that using an old toothbrush works well to clean any metal grater. For the
Omega 8003, the whole process takes about 5 minutes. Whatever you do, you need to
clean your juicer immediately after you juice to prevent any remnants from
contaminating the juicer with mold growth.
Warning: Don't follow the juicing recommendations that come with the juicer, as they
most often emphasize carrot and fruit combinations.
Vitamin B12
According to John V. Dommisse, MD, an expert in vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
deficiency and therapy, the psychiatric conditions most associated with vitamin B12
deficiency include toxic brain syndrome, paranoia, violence and depression. There is a
well documented association between B12 deficiency and dementia. In an article entitled
"Subtle Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Psychiatry: A Largely Unnoticed But Devastating
Relationship?" published in Medical Hypotheses, 2 Domisse expresses the opinion that
most cases of so-called "Alzheimer's dementia" ("idiopathic dementia") are actually cases
of B12 deficiency. According to Domisse, B12 deficiency can cause depression and even,
in certain cases, bipolar-1 disorder (manic-depressive illness) and, more commonly,
bipolar-2 disorder (cyclothymic personality).
Says Domisse: "The third most common psychiatric manifestation of this deficiency is
violent behavior, yet how often is this deficiency ever sought or treated in criminal cases
of violent behavior? I have witnessed numerous cases of rage attacks, temper outbursts,
domestic violence, etc., where the violence ceased after the patient's B12 deficiency was
diagnosed and properly treated."
The fourth and last major psychiatric effect of this deficiency is paranoid ideation and
even paranoid psychosis (but not schizophrenia).
Fatigue is another symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency but the medical community has
been slow to recognize the connection. "Even after major articles, like that of
Lindenbaum in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1988," says Domisse, "fatigue is
still not recognized as a prominent feature of B12 deficiency syndrome. Peripheral
neuropathy is another non-psychiatric condition that can result from this and other B
vitamin deficiencies. However, by the time the deficiency is recognized (serum level
below 200 pg/ml), just as in the case of the dementia, the neuropathy may well have
become irreversible. Then the treating physician will say, 'See, B12 treatment does not
reverse dementia (or neuropathy)!'"
A major point by this author is that the range used to establish serum vitamin B12
deficiency in conventional medicine (less than 200 to 400 pg/ml) is far too low. When
peripheral neuropathy occurs in this range, it is often permanent. The author suggests that
1,000 to 2,000 pg/ml may be the optimal range. The hydroxy- and methyl- forms of
vitamin B12 are generally recommended. Cyanocobalamin at high doses has never been
shown to be toxic. Oral doses of 1,000 to 5,000 ug daily have been used in cases of
pernicious anemia to maintain these patients' vitamin B12 levels. Oral doses of 1,000 to
2,500 ug after both breakfast and supper seem the best way to maintain very high levels
of serum vitamin B12 .
Any child with violent tendencies, especially when accompanied by fatigue and
neuropathy, should be tested for vitamin B12 deficiency. An acute condition can be
treated with oral supplements or vitamin B12 injections. In the long term, the best
protection is a diet rich in animal foods.
Anemia B12
Brown spots over joints B12
Bursitis B12
Dementia B12
Depression B12
Diarrhea B12
Dizziness B12
Irritability B12
Mood swings B12
Nausea B12
Negative thinking B12
Pale smooth tongue B12
Paranoia B12
Poor Memory B12
Psychosis B12
Restlessness B12
Schizophrenia B12
Sore tongue B12
Temper outbursts B12
Tingling B12
Violence B12
Weakness B12
We have to supply your body with good fats and good proteins so it can make good new
cells. If you keep doing what you are doing as far as nutrition is concerned, you will
keep making the same quality of cells you have been making. If you are sick, that
obviously isn’t very good. DOING MORE OF WHAT ISN’T WORKING DOESN’T
If your digestion is working well enough to absorb good fats and proteins, you will be
able to make good new cells. We have started by cleaning up your digestion organs and
providing the voltage to get things working again. Now we are going to give you the fats
you need to start making good cells. You will be given a list of things to provide your
body with the materials you need to start rebuilding.
One issue is whether your digestive system is working well enough to get the fats from
your mouth to your cells so they can make new ones. One can give them intravenously
so that we know the fats will get to the cells that are making new ones. In addition, we
can give glutathione, a material that helps the cells use antioxidants to clean up toxic
things called free radicals.
Experience shows that getting the digestive system working well enough to absorb fats is
difficult because it needs to make new cells so it can work. If the digestive system can’t
function well enough to supply the fats needed to rebuild itself, we will have to give the
fats intravenously until it can rebuild.
If the digestive system is working, we can give the necessary fats orally.
Remember that fats and proteins require vitamins and minerals to work, so replacing
them is also important.
We will help you decide if you need intravenous therapy for awhile or if oral will work.
In either case, you will need two months of intensive work to build you a new liver and
then several months to finish building the new you from top to bottom.
As you can see, there is no magic bullet to cure you in a flash. The only way for you to
be healthy is to build a new body with good materials. I can’t control what you put into
your mouth----thus the result you will experience is mostly determined by your choices.
Those of us in our clinic will guide you, but only you can heal yourself.
We look forward to watching for the new you as you rebuild yourself into renewed
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Copyright 2005
Jerry Tennant, MD