Air Intelligence Report, V1N6
Air Intelligence Report, V1N6
Air Intelligence Report, V1N6
I'lAIlfl 011 IAlIOH -,
e J~ IIW va.
XX I B 0 M B ERe 0 M MAN D
12 April 1945
------- .
~~ Xt'(/#]omCc1II. OPERATIONS
ot 3-4 Ap1'll was the Shlzuoka Alr- 313th Wlng. They dropped 1,(1' !IOM on t~t Cl Y 0 March,,1 th damaged.
cratt Engine Works. '!'his plant 1. 550-pound OPs and 202 flares. r. & tllo-w1ng er-t • argets for
bel1evecS to be owned by the Ul tsu_ target was completely clouCl eOft!ll Strike Attack No. All buildings 1n the plant area
b18hls and Is one of the newer otles and radar was used. Eomb1ll& llt-I In by the 73rCl anCl 3l4th \'lings ,,,ere ot Target 1870 rece1veCl at least
In the business. Still In the pra- tude: 6,000 to 8,000 teet. Crtr the Techiera1 !!achine Works and the. one ~irect hit anCl were reporteCl on
cess or eonstructl~n. present out- est1.nJated results as good, CIl OIIUra A1rtield on the Jap home is- fire, with the exception of one
put would constitute only a re18_ observed. land ot Kyushu. smoke_covereCl bUild1~. Sixteen
tlvelJt small percentage of total bull~lngs in a barracks area recei_
Jap combat aircraft enslneJ!l. How_ The last of 149 aircraft sched- ved damage and two were gutted. One
Elghteen additlonal a1rcran,t' hangar type building was 60 percent
ever, with engines an indicated the 78 airborne, bombed the n uled for the attack were airborne
critical item in Jap aircrat't pro- area or Tokyo with 520 5SGopa by 04l~ hours. destroyed,three others were gutted,
duction and in view or production one had minor root dSllI8ge. Add1~
general purpose bombs, by I'd ttonal damage to other bullCl1ngs
potellUals or this modern plant, lt from 9,000 to 10,000 teet. YW:I The Tach1arai ~achine Works (TeI'--
has been cOnl1dered a target worthy let 1870) is located in north_ was seen in the str1ke phOtos.
aircraft faUed to bOlllb.
ot' attack. ust K)'ushu and i8 a part of tl)e
fach1arei ArJ:lY Air Arsenal. It is 3l4TH WING
Thirty one enemy aircraft III
Forty &1ght ot 49 alrcraft drop- seen over Koizum1 and 26 over fiIII l devoted to production of aircraft
ped their bClllbs through a to 2/10 Ill(ines aDd sOllie aircrart assembly. The 314th Wing mounteCl 34 air·
bu.t only one ToDY and one UDi~' In addition, it serves as a repair craft, two or wb.ich d1Cl not bomb.
clouds visually and by radar. Al_ tied plane ventured to attaet. )1
titude tor bClllbina was 7,000 to unit tor the Tachiaral Army Air- The others bombed omura Airfield
aircratt were lost. Flak was bllll!· Held, 1Ih1ch it adjoins. visually thr ough a to ../10 cloud
9.000 teet. Tonnage dropped inclu- meager to moderate and inae e:",
ded 705 S50_pound OPs and 2p 480_ trom 15,700 to 17,500 teet,dropping
Some :,ocket flares were reper The c.ura Naval Alr Station. 2eo 550_pound OPs.
pound IBa. ResultJ!l were estimated (Secret) ('rarlet 849) is part or the vast
1JInr, A1..rcrert complex {pr04uction., The aircrart at this WiD! raD il>
to 30 enemy aircratt, but recei'fed
IUllibly 'of enginea airtrames'
::it1eation and repair eenter.ete~ only ineftectt.e oppodtiOD rN_
I&i 11 prilltarily important as the them. They claimed two as Clestroy-
btl n t operational lan~ an~ seaplane ea,one probable ard two 4Pale4. 80
.: .. ~ . 5,900 to 7,900 feet. 'the1 :~ 1 or the Sasebo area. !_2w were lost.. F.Lak ft!I I118qer
MiSSion No. 5l,flown b~ the 73rd 464 550-pound general purpOs .... to tntense and Inaccurate to acCur-
"lng on the night of 1-2 April was 11"- 73RD WING ate.
One ot the B_29S1 W8~:lDI'
a heartbreaker. S1:x aircfatt ta11.
e~ to return and no new ~amage was lost to enemy tighter S :otf'I rr It ~:.7~rd Wing round ao cloud 0'1.. Prel1JliDl1'1 esti_ttoD ot tbI
toun~ on the target -- the Nakajima 35 attacks which the bOll . . " lilt 'Il'or:;rset, the rachiarai llach_ bcablD1 aceura01 of thlJ Ws. 111-
A1l"cratt Engine Plant at Tokyo, (Tal'oo ce1ve~. ene enemy tighter07'" eratt &1:-' ark! 106 or the 1115 alr_ dieatea that it • • uceuent. ntft.e
get ~57). stroyed, two probably deJ!ltr 11'.. bOIl It. ~Ol'Qt bOlllbe~ it viauallJ t U l l t . . hit b1 thre. conce ",,",
~~!*d '1 S83 to 17,500 Tbey tlon.s or about olD' bUrSta eacbo
, obi"""'" aDd 1n th.t l,U\
rLthe 121 aircraft a1J'borne. One aircraft llrobabl1 ~ :::--1'011 b' 550-pOUM geaval
of t;be .trin ~OI the tarae . .
115 bombed vhually an~ by ra~ar
thro~h the haze which wes over the
to flak, of
type. med1Ul1l and'heav1••
th:-,.r' l%ltt ,.bl -- 4.&3 tOni. line
iCl hot bOlllb. ,.11:8 eOftJ"e4. (8eCJ',t)
• targdt. Altt tude tor bombing was moderate. (5e;ret) •
.. P' ,_......::..
l elTe lltr.lke mUsions by the
X I BOllber COlImIsnd against the Jap_
8MS. during !!arch con-
tributed toward lDak1ng it an unhap..
o.ustry tor
sqt:are feet.
(to Target 193) to ~
month was 1'13.
blred tarSe'tS and mallY unidentified
ttles • The Alcnl Aircraft
torkS, E1tokU plant, Target 1729,
The other two mlssiona cl7llplet_
ina the larch series are cl.8.ssit1ed
as Top Secret and cannot be report_
P1ID.ooth tor the Nips. attacks against deSignate" 1:" ed here •
.., daaaged 4Uring the first Nagoya
ary targets 1n the e1Hel! ot
Three ot the attacks"Em!! again s t Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe. ~ attack. The charts which tollow SU:tmar_
tha enemy" &1reratt industry, mak.. suIting from these sttack! L! 1ze all the da1ll8ge to aireraft
In& a total ot 18 such missions at In two mission! to Kyu!hU,units
sesed at :31.81 square mUes.. ot till Bomber command bombed Oi ta. plants aD.d urban areas trom the be_
th, end of !larch. The additional cludecl 1n this Is damage to 61 ginning ot our operations to the
taclliar&1 and OmUra air fields and
till taehiarai l!ach1ne Works w1tn end of March.
lcod to exeellent results. (ContidentiaI'
'n ~.c.
A""~ ~A"A::C
~OrAL '0. ~
~,n •...., lIq ...n aq _II . . """I~r:J
Ht"blillt U ....nh
f;tln. :r........ Il!f • e. 709--;OCX 3,111,000 1,2'2,750
lG.U !fa:'
C1t1 ..... : 9 "J
aU ..
ll'lC.ncl".1 Z_ 1 .... : 5,9 Iq -.t.
16-11 .... .,000,000 ...... or ~on. 01 doHP01td: J.4 Iq d
_ 11Jo.,..n
\!Il••• hl.... Pant
"11,4U 270,500
341,996 I
I ,
• ..."",
4 rill
149 5!ot 000
.....,., •
.l's.~ rr .. 5 '. '45 apt"n
T",,~ Il~
~I"'" .I...... rt _.lI07,ooo
16.11 ... 2,11 In... netl • .,. toM 11: 3,M Iq :01.
Co, • Ta.hl ..... 10,600,000 t,e"IO,OOO 140,000 I
, 1)5,4S8.OOO , .... or Zo,," U dutrQ1Id'
l..!lO Iq .1,
41r..nrt Co,
.,,, Da_.. U rMult or "U1 bllne
... Ot.
4,950,000 t,400,OOO 7~~.000
I 755.000
W'lYSV l' hll 2,OOlI,000 t"',lt or IIp",on,,,,lt1 or Iaot re-
41 ..... rt Co,
r.oh"l Phnt 5,300,000 3,700,000
529,000 1 I
, ~.,
t,ooo,OOO .m.
I ... t OIl ,Utlonl, lIo_\1I'l>Ollltrllll
Pun ."IOIt 1Io. . .U<I
Ur •• 'rt Co.
0.0 IS Ptb
'-10 'tar If 000,000
U6,146,OOO lS.8
Clt1 U'. . : UJ "J ai,
J'lc.n~I'" Z_ 1 ...0: 10" a!.
2,725,000 I
1,032,ooc. I 1,032,000 ,"", 4i''' or Zo,," II ~ .. tr01Il1:
WI 'orb
IltolN PI'nt 4,644,000 2,Alt,ooo 394.MO 394,560 It-U IIv Clt1 .r.. : 'ot 1m""It.'
imthl AI,..t.. rt CrlBI",
Co, • taohUe... 4,000,000 1,140,000
150,000 150,000 I
, ,"",
tll6,010,OOO ,
J'lo.nlIt ... y ZOlIt '1' Iq 'I,
Ar. . of Z... Ii 5.. uOl'Id'
7.16 Iq at •
GRUIl tor.l':h
65 l.ta 000 U ~ 000 4,6::3,675
l,tMI1l,5oo 5,713,175 I
" 1132,141,000 ~,636
., . •'i~·· .•... " .:••..•. :','
't '."\,1 .' " • ' • •'
It ... /'lU~,I".
1aM factory at Naruo (Target 90..25 The IIl&j or p t ~
16), about five miles east of the tilled land i~iolo~ JUti ~lWtr:.,
Pume plAnt. large seaplane 1'&. h. 1-.~
nautical ch8ract:~1l 'llll.~tQt
It is alSO indicated that tb.
• mat hod - is used in trensport-
Uhi ia thought
to b. on. ot lta
It ~,.II I'.'
1 I\,prll through 7
3PR5Vllo ]31 Mar I He.mamatsu 6",24",40· Good
"'i~fJ::;""1J"""'"''p'"' ' ' ' "'\":-:"'''''~''';;;;~'''''''1ii"-''''''''
511111 131 Mar
'r(Urnme I Sasebo,
6" ,24." .4.0"
I Good
u. ,~~~.
.. w"''''~z..,......::.;''·''~;~~·''·'''''''''';··\··'·~
SMl.20 I 4 Apr Shizuoka, Tokyo 10/10 cloud No photol 'nie enemy's preference for f'ron~
alattacks on day missions is prob- On night miSsions the .Taps sbow
!5Ml.21 I 6 Apr RUrume, Shimono_ Poor _ gaol Ibl1 due to the difficulty experi- a preference for lenl attacks, me·
seki, TO!mya:1I8, enceel by the Jap in attempting to king S3 percent of the 231 attack!
Kure ~te.kll B.29s at high altitudes on the five night miSsions fr(XtJ. e
(et..OOO to 32,000 feet). Also, the level approach. Thirty one percent
5f(l.22 I 7 Apr I Shimonoseki, Ky_ t 10/10 ClOUdINo photOS Jll.p ~es h.imself a dirrlcul t tar- came trom high and 16 percent or
us hU, Kurume lit Ol:l !lose approeches because or the attacks came trom belCl'll'.
the bigh rate of closure.
510."" I 7 Apr I 't'akasakt, Nagano 6" ,24" ,40" Good
It is quite possible that be-
5!lP-24 7 Apr Minion aborted No pbotol
4u.e to:
enemy's preference tor tail
night miSSions may be
cause of the 4&rkneSS the Jap t1gb"
ws cannot be seen until the, are
close,so that UD1 Jap attaclll
originating t'l'ce high 01'" 1C111' ~1 ..
7 Apr Postponed tiona are reported 81 att&clll ~
I I ~ 'b.i~ ~~ Jap system or vectoring. lllT.l.
tall s or ,a..29a.
the fighters onto the
5)112. 7 Apr Tokyo 16" ,24",40" 1,..11' - baJ1
Th. two cbarts tollOlJ1n£ s~
~. ue Japane.. approach tactiCS 011
. .- &2i-......:~
Better Jap flBhter pertor-
• at lOtrer altitudes, enabl1ng our 4a1 and D1sht atssionl: