Air Intelligence Report, V1N6

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VOL I 110.' IIAHIL I....



I'lAIlfl 011 IAlIOH -,
e J~ IIW va.



XX I B 0 M B ERe 0 M MAN D

12 April 1945


Three Aircraft Plants Bombed Same Night 3
73rd Attacks Nakajima Plant 4
Kyushu Hit on Command's 50th Strike 5
March -- Bad Month fcrr Japs 6
Gibson Girl Leads to·Rescue of 20 8
Japs Now Transport New Planes on Barges 9
Photo Coverage of the Week 12
Jap Day vs Night Tactics 13
Direction and Level of Approach of E/A 14
Tojo Packs 40 mm Punch 16
British Plane Markings 16
Evidence of Jap Air Crew Shortage 16
Jap Night Fighters Tricky 16
Evesion of Flak 17
High Altitude Ship Recognition 2;1.
Warning Gunners -- Watch for This GUy 24
Can't See 'Em __ (tfust Be Sunk) 24


------- .

~~ Xt'(/#]omCc1II. OPERATIONS

It 1s 1ntended that thls Weekly re_

port be a source or il1forlllat'1on tor co:n_
bat1tcre"s and starr orfic81'S who have a
leg 1lllate interest in the OP81'ations of
the ;0;:1 BOIlIber COllmland. "'!thln thou
lilllits 1t should receive the "ldest pos_
provls1ons or An ~80-5.
slble circUlntlon perlllisslble under the

In order that a IlIB.Xi/tlJ1lI ot Intelll_

gence cay be inclUded, the report Is
liven an OVerall clasSiflcatiofi of Sec_
ret. ihen the nature ot the materlal
warrants, indivldual artlcles have re_
ceiVed a lower securlty claSSiricat1on.
Olll o The report Is So assembled thet the
C p nent sections lIlay be r8lll0ved lHKt
Circulated or tlled sep8retely. It por_
tions are reproduced, security regula_
tions IIIUst be Observed and the source

CorresPOndence regarding this PUb_

lication ShOUld be address lid to the Com_
APO 234. c/o POst"~ster,
General, XXI DOlDber COllr:land,
San FranCisco,
California, Attention: AC Of S. A-2.


r '.
' .•.. •
. ....
~ t
• •
~ '
C010l:lel, G.a.c.
Ae or a, 04.-2
XXI 80abIr c~,.s
Jap ~aln on the nlcbt. or
AprU b, sendlQ& each or
.nt.l, oplratlns _In.. aaainst
croned tu.rDM ear17 &ad 61 l1ropped ... 1n&l•
l.r and by ra.dar Oft the ~aobUa_
A.1.rc.Jo&.rl. Coapalq (TUpt ,..) .lob
is DII&1" the TaebU.... AlrrteU. i.
H: C.G.XXI B.C. Initials(4& tr.nat a.1rc:ran plant. in Japaft. aU_ . . t or 10'70. TbU plant. U
DATI~ 6""11 1"" ~ tbe.r baa doge4 r.connala-
attellPU since the at.rlll:el,
credited wtth t!M uar.tb1.7 or about.
au percent. or t.~e c " ' t pla_
ruwu are Judaed to be eual_ produced la Japu:. Ibe Olme.~blp
in aOM cas... of the plant bu not bua _ub-
1laM4 but. i t u bel1 .....4 to be
73RD KITS T4CHIJl'.A~4 .SHab i Ina tM Azw:I r1«hla' OUU'
aDd poulb1.7 Mat r~ur rat aDd
"'Inc aounted 113 a1r-
__ ..
t.he recoa:alssanee tJ'P'U Clare aDd
the alaalon. P-'" ...-
.- .. .
;",: •. ;:""t;~'
.. "
. :ftt 1Ib.ieh attacked tbl. a. poor to ucelhllt
tar••t drOpr4 1,931 15M_pound oPal enem;y f'1ghters 1Nlre Ob;ery'::-'
ase 7D-poun bcencUarles and 6~ attacks were lIade. Plair '" tltt' The ~'ing encountered 24 fillhte
tlares with utlobsal""u4 rasul t s, and heavy, lDeager and 1_ ~ and saw 31 more wh1ch CllCl not ai~
""oa 5,700 to 7,200 ,t••t. No B.. 29s were lost. ~ .::> tack. Forty five attaCY..s were maCle
on the bombers, one of Which sus-
Port,. ellht ot tbe "1118" air-
vart bCllDbed r.a• ..,ak1 IndusQ'lal
3l3TB HITS KOIZ01Q: .:z: tained da1llllge.
&I"_,L_ dropping 1,502 15150_poun4
and :l5!: 7o-pow:1C5 IBa by radar.
The [obuml Plant ot tbe
j 1ma Aircrart COIIlpany (Taraet ~
en Continuously pointed rlak heavy
meager to mo~erate and in8~cur8t;
was encountered. There was SOlDe
hit wget ot opportnnl ty. is located Just SOtltb ot til 0..0:
Itolzuml Airfield about 60 .u~~
.:::> barrage tire. Two trawlers opened
fire on sOllle of the air.craft, daQ8.~
ODe a1rcratt was lost to unkncnrn ot TokTo. It is one at the ,).. gina one flYing at 600 feet anCl
caus... About 215 righters were
seen and three attacks sustained,
Plak was 118cUum to heavy, meager to
Japanese aircraft incmstry.
duces Navy Cotllbnt types ar.d b
pal alr.frame-assembly PlantsP"~h(.
possibly causing another to Clttch
1n the vicinity. Ten surv1vors of
this a1J'crart were picked up by a
lIoderate and inaceurate. tlmated to account r~)" 25 ~
.'" (. l1tegue.r~ sub. This was the only
plane lost on the mission.
fj~e XXI)Bo~er (rounde~
of total Jap combat a1J'cran. '
1f1r~t sg
The plant was hit on the 1#1 Cotmp8.nd. One enellO' aircraft was claimed
The 314th l , target tor the night of 3-4 AprU by 48 aircraft or III O'Jt its a ChunM'ed mis_ a8 probably ClestroyeCl anCl four as

ot 3-4 Ap1'll was the Shlzuoka Alr- 313th Wlng. They dropped 1,(1' !IOM on t~t Cl Y 0 March,,1 th damaged.
cratt Engine Works. '!'his plant 1. 550-pound OPs and 202 flares. r. & tllo-w1ng er-t • argets for
bel1evecS to be owned by the Ul tsu_ target was completely clouCl eOft!ll Strike Attack No. All buildings 1n the plant area
b18hls and Is one of the newer otles and radar was used. Eomb1ll& llt-I In by the 73rCl anCl 3l4th \'lings ,,,ere ot Target 1870 rece1veCl at least
In the business. Still In the pra- tude: 6,000 to 8,000 teet. Crtr the Techiera1 !!achine Works and the. one ~irect hit anCl were reporteCl on
cess or eonstructl~n. present out- est1.nJated results as good, CIl OIIUra A1rtield on the Jap home is- fire, with the exception of one
put would constitute only a re18_ observed. land ot Kyushu. smoke_covereCl bUild1~. Sixteen
tlvelJt small percentage of total bull~lngs in a barracks area recei_
Jap combat aircraft enslneJ!l. How_ The last of 149 aircraft sched- ved damage and two were gutted. One
Elghteen additlonal a1rcran,t' hangar type building was 60 percent
ever, with engines an indicated the 78 airborne, bombed the n uled for the attack were airborne
critical item in Jap aircrat't pro- area or Tokyo with 520 5SGopa by 04l~ hours. destroyed,three others were gutted,
duction and in view or production one had minor root dSllI8ge. Add1~
general purpose bombs, by I'd ttonal damage to other bullCl1ngs
potellUals or this modern plant, lt from 9,000 to 10,000 teet. YW:I The Tach1arai ~achine Works (TeI'--
has been cOnl1dered a target worthy let 1870) is located in north_ was seen in the str1ke phOtos.
aircraft faUed to bOlllb.
ot' attack. ust K)'ushu and i8 a part of tl)e
fach1arei ArJ:lY Air Arsenal. It is 3l4TH WING
Thirty one enemy aircraft III
Forty &1ght ot 49 alrcraft drop- seen over Koizum1 and 26 over fiIII l devoted to production of aircraft
ped their bClllbs through a to 2/10 Ill(ines aDd sOllie aircrart assembly. The 314th Wing mounteCl 34 air·
bu.t only one ToDY and one UDi~' In addition, it serves as a repair craft, two or wb.ich d1Cl not bomb.
clouds visually and by radar. Al_ tied plane ventured to attaet. )1
titude tor bClllbina was 7,000 to unit tor the Tachiaral Army Air- The others bombed omura Airfield
aircratt were lost. Flak was bllll!· Held, 1Ih1ch it adjoins. visually thr ough a to ../10 cloud
9.000 teet. Tonnage dropped inclu- meager to moderate and inae e:",
ded 705 S50_pound OPs and 2p 480_ trom 15,700 to 17,500 teet,dropping
Some :,ocket flares were reper The c.ura Naval Alr Station. 2eo 550_pound OPs.
pound IBa. ResultJ!l were estimated (Secret) ('rarlet 849) is part or the vast
1JInr, A1..rcrert complex {pr04uction., The aircrart at this WiD! raD il>
to 30 enemy aircratt, but recei'fed

IUllibly 'of enginea airtrames'
::it1eation and repair eenter.ete~ only ineftectt.e oppodtiOD rN_
I&i 11 prilltarily important as the them. They claimed two as Clestroy-
btl n t operational lan~ an~ seaplane ea,one probable ard two 4Pale4. 80
.: .. ~ . 5,900 to 7,900 feet. 'the1 :~ 1 or the Sasebo area. !_2w were lost.. F.Lak ft!I I118qer
MiSSion No. 5l,flown b~ the 73rd 464 550-pound general purpOs .... to tntense and Inaccurate to acCur-
"lng on the night of 1-2 April was 11"- 73RD WING ate.
One ot the B_29S1 W8~:lDI'
a heartbreaker. S1:x aircfatt ta11.
e~ to return and no new ~amage was lost to enemy tighter S :otf'I rr It ~:.7~rd Wing round ao cloud 0'1.. Prel1JliDl1'1 esti_ttoD ot tbI
toun~ on the target -- the Nakajima 35 attacks which the bOll . . " lilt 'Il'or:;rset, the rachiarai llach_ bcablD1 aceura01 of thlJ Ws. 111-
A1l"cratt Engine Plant at Tokyo, (Tal'oo ce1ve~. ene enemy tighter07'" eratt &1:-' ark! 106 or the 1115 alr_ dieatea that it • • uceuent. ntft.e
get ~57). stroyed, two probably deJ!ltr 11'.. bOIl It. ~Ol'Qt bOlllbe~ it viauallJ t U l l t . . hit b1 thre. conce ",,",
~~!*d '1 S83 to 17,500 Tbey tlon.s or about olD' bUrSta eacbo
, obi"""'" aDd 1n th.t l,U\
rLthe 121 aircraft a1J'borne. One aircraft llrobabl1 ~ :::--1'011 b' 550-pOUM geaval
of t;be .trin ~OI the tarae . .
115 bombed vhually an~ by ra~ar
thro~h the haze which wes over the
to flak, of
type. med1Ul1l and'heav1••
th:-,.r' l%ltt ,.bl -- 4.&3 tOni. line
iCl hot bOlllb. ,.11:8 eOftJ"e4. (8eCJ',t)
• targdt. Altt tude tor bombing was moderate. (5e;ret) •
.. P' ,_......::..
l elTe lltr.lke mUsions by the
X I BOllber COlImIsnd against the Jap_
8MS. during !!arch con-
tributed toward lDak1ng it an unhap..
o.ustry tor
sqt:are feet.

(to Target 193) to ~


month was 1'13.

blred tarSe'tS and mallY unidentified
ttles • The Alcnl Aircraft
torkS, E1tokU plant, Target 1729,
The other two mlssiona cl7llplet_
ina the larch series are cl.8.ssit1ed
as Top Secret and cannot be report_
P1ID.ooth tor the Nips. attacks against deSignate" 1:" ed here •
.., daaaged 4Uring the first Nagoya
ary targets 1n the e1Hel! ot
Three ot the attacks"Em!! again s t Nagoya, Osaka and Kobe. ~ attack. The charts which tollow SU:tmar_
tha enemy" &1reratt industry, mak.. suIting from these sttack! L! 1ze all the da1ll8ge to aireraft
In& a total ot 18 such missions at In two mission! to Kyu!hU,units
sesed at :31.81 square mUes.. ot till Bomber command bombed Oi ta. plants aD.d urban areas trom the be_
th, end of !larch. The additional cludecl 1n this Is damage to 61 ginning ot our operations to the
taclliar&1 and OmUra air fields and
till taehiarai l!ach1ne Works w1tn end of March.
lcod to exeellent results. (ContidentiaI'

tp~ Tt:Vtr Fi J)~S /Uri I MAIL

~ PIMIAf.l gummahf fU of I APR IL.15

(11111." 'u In tOl.&lt or sq~u. r~_tl

..... RE'Wl1:S

'n ~.c.
A""~ ~A"A::C
~OrAL '0. ~
~,n •...., lIq ...n aq _II . . """I~r:J

Ht"blillt U ....nh
f;tln. :r........ Il!f • e. 709--;OCX 3,111,000 1,2'2,750
lG.U !fa:'
C1t1 ..... : 9 "J
aU ..
ll'lC.ncl".1 Z_ 1 .... : 5,9 Iq -.t.

16-11 .... .,000,000 ...... or ~on. 01 doHP01td: J.4 Iq d

_ 11Jo.,..n

\!Il••• hl.... Pant



"11,4U 270,500

341,996 I
I ,
• ..."",

4 rill
149 5!ot 000
.....,., •
.l's.~ rr .. 5 '. '45 apt"n
T",,~ Il~

CIt)' ..... ' 14 Iq .t•

~I"'" .I...... rt _.lI07,ooo
16.11 ... 2,11 In... netl • .,. toM 11: 3,M Iq :01.
Co, • Ta.hl ..... 10,600,000 t,e"IO,OOO 140,000 I
, 1)5,4S8.OOO , .... or Zo,," U dutrQ1Id'
l..!lO Iq .1,
41r..nrt Co,
.,,, Da_.. U rMult or "U1 bllne
... Ot.

4,950,000 t,400,OOO 7~~.000
I 755.000
W'lYSV l' hll 2,OOlI,000 t"',lt or IIp",on,,,,lt1 or Iaot re-
41 ..... rt Co,
r.oh"l Phnt 5,300,000 3,700,000
529,000 1 I
, ~.,

t,ooo,OOO .m.
I ... t OIl ,Utlonl, lIo_\1I'l>Ollltrllll
Pun ."IOIt 1Io. . .U<I
Ur •• 'rt Co.
0.0 IS Ptb
'-10 'tar If 000,000
U6,146,OOO lS.8
Clt1 U'. . : UJ "J ai,
J'lc.n~I'" Z_ 1 ...0: 10" a!.
2,725,000 I
1,032,ooc. I 1,032,000 ,"", 4i''' or Zo,," II ~ .. tr01Il1:

.... 6U,146,000 16.14 • 8,t Iq aI,

WI 'orb
IltolN PI'nt 4,644,000 2,Alt,ooo 394.MO 394,560 It-U IIv Clt1 .r.. : 'ot 1m""It.'
imthl AI,..t.. rt CrlBI",
Co, • taohUe... 4,000,000 1,140,000
150,000 150,000 I
, ,"",
tll6,010,OOO ,
J'lo.nlIt ... y ZOlIt '1' Iq 'I,
Ar. . of Z... Ii 5.. uOl'Id'
7.16 Iq at •
GRUIl tor.l':h
65 l.ta 000 U ~ 000 4,6::3,675
l,tMI1l,5oo 5,713,175 I
" 1132,141,000 ~,636

., . •'i~·· .•... " .:••..•. :','
't '."\,1 .' " • ' • •'
It ... /'lU~,I".

SO,one GIbson Girl ...

ble tor the resC'Je of . .
@D 10 Karch, Lt. Col. Settle, 100 m1les apart. This .pi
tarlDflr17 ot the 9th Group. was tly_ out clear lr two thlnp:
hg • 8-29 Dabo elU'oute to Agrlgan
Island to start searching tor 44_ 1 - The Gibson Girl ..
V7&9 wo reported bimself u "near to work successfully. 1bSi
.,eunclon Island heading south" 15 sent out signals dlU' l tl&'
IIl1nnte. betore he lUteh.d. Upon two mInutes of each Ilhlll11'
arrlTlns at Agrlgan, Col. Settle
picked up an '50s on 500 Kos. He 2 - All crews must llln
began to \1011ow it on his radIo what the islands ot the
compus, Arter f'lylng tor 300 look 11ke so they WOl1'\
lilIas, he callle upon three rafts to_ their position near • •
gether With 11 sur,.!.,.ors. all in
gaod condition. After arriving on
tbe scene,he requested instructions
t'r0lll the ground statton. He was
told to statl4~ untll rel1eved by
a Dabo Which was dispatched to the
poalt1011. reported.

Upon 1'8118"10£ Col. BettIe, the

D1mbo lDllde contact _lth a minc_
heepU' and b1 late afternoon, the
entire erew or esVS27 ot the 314th
Wina was sately aboard the shIp. The first case ot alii
cr81l'S being rescued nth
During ~~e time this cr~ ~ of hIs corner reflector ...
8eodlD.« out cUstress calls on the out the other day, WheD all
Clbson GIrl, the Cook Inlet, a sea_ Reseue Dumbo pleked liP'
~lane tender, was also homIng on hIs radar screen. and h:2:
the sIgnal rrOlll her POsItIon 100 it. found the entire a-
D.Ues to the SOUthwest. An Alr-5es
~escue Dumbo WlS homtn~ In also. between Aseunelon aDd
lands. (Fr'om 3l3th "10&
About 1400, the Cumbo slgl1ted ttlne Rescue Bulletin) (cont1'
SU1"Thors on the bea"h at PaJaros
Island. Naturally both Dumbo anO
Shlp gthought these Survlvors were t ...n OIalra IlD4 Kobe (1:1 til. rbl of
::ndln out the distress call. They Row a Japanese aircraft tactory
Osaka Ba1. (S•• llbOto&l'apb &bonl
torerl~gre than a 11ttle Surprised \ullt to make seaplanes ...tII the
case nTh OU\
that Such WflS not the
the hne ~~ b appened to be alone.
trob1trD. at produCIIl& aDd dlstrlbu-
111lC laad.basfld planes Is . .11 11- Th. r.awanllbl C~." bII lOGI
~ors or 25V52~arlng !'rom the survl_ r:i~at&d In XXI B.C •• C.I.U. SPf.C- been Imen. .. Japu'l tare-Olt ...,.
er ot I"~' be1lll nth Va. 11-
the OOSltion f ~~O mUes north.and 'P°rt No. 14, 23 Marob IN5.
eb" AlrCl'&tt CClQUJ IVln~ a
leld 0 ..... Cook Inlet. On
~r;::1 tactQl'J • ..,. coaoern.. IlD4 ..-tu-~
1'erena rOUnd
aboardto these
be f"r surViVors • tbey In qu.atlon is F.a-
luch W .. tllUl'~1DI f111DI NlW
thll.)' Aireran COIIP&Il7'1 al aTiI u4.ur. !bUe ban ai-
..: 1'as supposed
om 44V159 which
.l.scunclon I ,~o be to the south or
S_nd, about 60 mIles

-1' Plant at PUkae (!VI.t
O!). about balt 1r&7 M .. ual17 MeG bailt at \be o1dIl' .....

1aM factory at Naruo (Target 90..25 The IIl&j or p t ~
16), about five miles east of the tilled land i~iolo~ JUti ~lWtr:.,
Pume plAnt. large seaplane 1'&. h. 1-.~
nautical ch8ract:~1l 'llll.~tQt
It is alSO indicated that tb.
• mat hod - is used in trensport-
Uhi ia thought
to b. on. ot lta

The land area surr ot tbe ~1

'!:I completed aircratt trom that
...... lliUUbUhi A1rcra~ rectory on
The C.I.U. repon further de.-
pLANT FOUR YEARS OLD north 1s ..ell bUll~iSi~ t\~ leribe. tbe Xonan 63 as bavill& a
reS1denttal_1nduatttJ. lilto ,j h' ,,!It side or the Harbor to wing with n.arly atrai&ht leadirll;
The hee plant was bullt no fording no 1'0011I tar iSb~li~ ~he !lAlora Atrtteld on its west edle, tapved tl'ail1nl .dl', and
1Il0re than about four years ago and std.. Ylrbe the price tbe par round.d wins tips, a sinll. tin and
sOlIe Intelligence observers expect- point tor land..b8!84 re~ fQ~ ror thair stri't1n15 atter simplicity rudder. aftd as appearlll& to have
the nearest SUch ph ~
ed that it might have been deSigned and ,conOlll1 will prove too e:xpen. the comentlollSl type landt.llg leu.
to make navy planes other than the nomiya Airt1eld (t01'I!e1'~ 111'41 .1ya. Its lIlSln d1.lll.Mlons are li".o &3
tl~ing beets featured at Naruo. Naruo Airfield), tow- ~~ n!CIt«i NEW pLANB tollows:
Photographs revealed, however, that miles to the east (81 I Th' laM_based plaDe with which Span-6:5." teet lAqth-4.,f, teet
the plant was intended even more
spec1tically for the production of
lett) This tleld' alao \;tl'.:theY _t thiS problem at Kawanilhi'a tall ,~an-el.6 teet
tl7ing boat! than the older factory. ocean tront and Is eQ1l1 ' ruP' plAnt is an interesting new. Porth. stud.nt ot Jap aircraft
seaplane ramps un40ubteiSl/~ C(IlIl-:l known tentatt.vely lUI tbe Xoo- prodUCtiOD, dev.loplllnts SUch as
accommodate the flyill8 bOlts 1II.l1~' It is a twin_engine mid- the example cited abOft are inter.
at the older Narno plent sll dnl type plane resembling the estinl Found!l tOI' speculation. "h1
slightly to the Mat. ' PranceS. Possibly the all"cratt is do the Japll hay. to resort to these
I f the Kawanlshi Co:tlq In uperlmental model. perheps the methods" What do they IHI.n in terlllS
the need to manufacture larl4. PiJo!dto, which is a night version ot ot total aircrart output?
naval aircraft at the F\llcu the Frances. It is more apt to be
instead of setting up another the Tental. listed as a twin_engine
"anU.bomber righter", tor Kawan-
tory elSewhere, it couHJ tn~
the fint"hed planes by tnet
ra11 to Ni9hinomiya AirUe1d,
ever, for reasons best kDCIIIl"
Japanese mind, (but more probUlll
fleeting the tight posit!"
respect to land transportat~
they have solved the probJll'
merely loading the plane, onto
ges at the seaplane ramp at !JlI
me plant and transportlng til_
rectlr along the coastl1lll1l1l
rolled ashore at the au:
small tugs haul the loaded
loaded barges back and rortb.


_C I U XX, BOM COM. _ U ,

. .. ".". ..
. .~ ; ~
·~"":"""i'~~ ~
•• "
10 -----::::
•• ....
:...... ~.:".
:.:.:." .j.-1.;

It ~,.II I'.'
1 I\,prll through 7
3PR5Vllo ]31 Mar I He.mamatsu 6",24",40· Good
"'i~fJ::;""1J"""'"''p'"' ' ' ' "'\":-:"'''''~''';;;;~'''''''1ii"-''''''''
511111 131 Mar

5!oQ.12 131 JlAr

I Nagoya, Hamamatsu,

'r(Urnme I Sasebo,
6" ,24." .4.0"


I Good
u. ,~~~.
.. w"''''~z..,......::.;''·''~;~~·''·'''''''''';··\··'·~

them to overtake our B_299.

,rap rtghter attackS against B_29
d&1 IIU,ton8 usually come, rrOlB~ the
5MU3 I 2 Apr Tokyo. Vito 6" .24",40" Exeel1ellt noSe; at night they are more orten 3. Haphazard st:lbl1n~ won our
ap1D!t the ta11. This conclusion r ormations.
51l1H 1 2 Apr sasebo, KurUlD8, Abortive No photos ana others .hleh tollOW ,are based
Shlmonosekl 00. a study of: five night and 19 day
.1u10115 flown by untts of the XXI
Bomber Coclll81lc5 over Honshu !rom 24
5M1l5 I 2 Apr I "~alzuru. Osaka, 6" ,24" ,40" Excelll>l.' lloTe1ilber 19o14 to 16 March 1945.

511116 I 3 Apr Canceled

Sm.17 I 3 Apr Shimonoseki. Yat_ 6" ,24- ,40"1Poar-8/l0
SUShiro, Kyushu E.
on day missions the Jap attackS
Fprty sight percent 01.' Sap at- are equally distributed bet'IJeen
510.111 6 Apr Takasaki 6",24",40-1Poor - good taca on our day missions were made high, level and law approaches.
on the nose, whereas 90 percent or nttrty two percent of the 6,000 at_
the attacks at night were made at tackS on day missions were from a·
Sm.l9 S Apr Canceled tile tell. beve . 34 percent were rrom level
r percent were from belCllf.
and 34

SMl.20 I 4 Apr Shizuoka, Tokyo 10/10 cloud No photol 'nie enemy's preference for f'ron~
alattacks on day missions is prob- On night miSsions the .Taps sbow
!5Ml.21 I 6 Apr RUrume, Shimono_ Poor _ gaol Ibl1 due to the difficulty experi- a preference for lenl attacks, me·
seki, TO!mya:1I8, enceel by the Jap in attempting to king S3 percent of the 231 attack!
Kure ~te.kll B.29s at high altitudes on the five night miSsions fr(XtJ. e
(et..OOO to 32,000 feet). Also, the level approach. Thirty one percent
5f(l.22 I 7 Apr I Shimonoseki, Ky_ t 10/10 ClOUdINo photOS Jll.p ~es h.imself a dirrlcul t tar- came trom high and 16 percent or
us hU, Kurume lit Ol:l !lose approeches because or the attacks came trom belCl'll'.
the bigh rate of closure.
510."" I 7 Apr I 't'akasakt, Nagano 6" ,24" ,40" Good
It is quite possible that be-
5!lP-24 7 Apr Minion aborted No pbotol
4u.e to:
enemy's preference tor tail
night miSSions may be
cause of the 4&rkneSS the Jap t1gb"
ws cannot be seen until the, are
close,so that UD1 Jap attaclll
originating t'l'ce high 01'" 1C111' ~1 ..
7 Apr Postponed tiona are reported 81 att&clll ~
I I ~ 'b.i~ ~~ Jap system or vectoring. lllT.l.
tall s or ,a..29a.
the fighters onto the
5)112. 7 Apr Tokyo 16" ,24",40" 1,..11' - baJ1
Th. two cbarts tollOlJ1n£ s~­
~. ue Japane.. approach tactiCS 011

. .- &2i-......:~

Better Jap flBhter pertor-
• at lOtrer altitudes, enabl1ng our 4a1 and D1sht atssionl:

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