Motion For in Camera Inspection
Motion For in Camera Inspection
Motion For in Camera Inspection
Community Bank (“Coastal”) to deliver under seal to the Court no later than September
24, 2010, records pertaining to their legal bills, expenses and dates of payment in similar
litigation to the litigation here for an in camera review by the Court. Grounds for this
incurred and is obligated to pay its attorney, Frank A. Baker, Esq. as recovery of
promissory note.
plainly entitles them an attorney’s fee amounting to ten percent of the remaining
mortgage principal. Coastal assumes that this trial court lacks discretion to reject the
contractual provision.
3. Carroll argues that Coastal uses this contractual provision in a matter that
is against Florida Statute and Case Law by using it as a negotiation tactic and profit
Baker, Esq.’s fees are far less than the amount that they seek to collect in foreclosure
actions, and that they only seek 10% of the principal amount because Florida Statute
5. Coastal has been awarded the enhanced attorney’s fees provision twice in
Walton County Circuit Court in as many years. The first case, Coastal v. Shakespeare,
was settled by Summary Judgement, with a very modest case docket, in which Coastal
was awarded $30,000.00 in Attorney’s fees. The second case, Coastal v. Money, was
settled by Default Final Judgement with a case docket absent any substantial filings, and
Coastal was again awarded $30,000.00 in Attorney’s fees. It is elementary that a Default
Judgement and a Summary Judgement are very different and would cause at least some
Edwards during the same time period, with a similar principal amount claimed due and
7. On November 17, 2009 the 1st DCA struck down Baker and Coastal’s
theory that they are automatically entitled to profit from a Defendant’s loss, stating,
for indemnity.” Sarasota Publ’g Co. v. E.C. Palmer, 135 So. 521, 521
the holder of a note and mortgage, for money spent to protect its interest.
See Brett v. First at’l Bank of Marianna, 120 So. 554 (Fla. 1929). Such
a provision is not designed to allow the “mortgagee [to] recover from the
mortgagor for solicitor’s fees a sum in excess of the amount which the
records by the Court may be decisive in the Court’s resolution of this case and critical to
Carroll’s Appellate review. See, e.g., Times Publishing Co. v. City of St. Petersburg, 558
So. 2d 487 (Fla. 2d DCA 2002) (failure to make records inspected in camera by the trial
court part of the record on appeal prevented review of the trial court’s findings that the
request, as they have in the past, pursuant some theory of attorney client privilege and
therefore, “an in camera inspection of asserted exempt records is generally the only way
for a trial court to determine whether or not a claim of exemption applies.” Garrison v.
10. During the hearing held January 8, 2010 at 10:15 a.m. on Carroll’s Motion
to Compel production, Mr. Baker and Coastal retreated from their position that they are
entitled to the attorney’s fees sought. On record Mr. Baker informed Judge Green that he
and Coastal will not be seeking the attorneys fees referenced in their complaint. Despite
this record admission, Mr. Baker and his clients have moved for Summary Judgment
11. At trial, Counter-Plaintiff Carroll will show that Coastal and Baker have
engaged in an unlawful coven whereby Baker seeks from Carroll, and has obtained
against others, judgment for attorneys fees which are improper. Accordingly, on
Carroll’s behalf, the Court should direct Coastal to deliver to the Court, under seal, all
attorneys billing records and records of payments received in the following cases in
which Coastal sought and was awarded attorney’s fees of 10% of the outstanding
principal balance, to verify that Coastal actually paid Frank A. Baker, Esq. the amount
Wherefore, Carroll respectfully requests that this Court grant this Motion and
direct Baker and Coastal to deliver all of the records referenced herein, under seal, to the
Court no later than September 24, 2010 so the Court may inspect, analyze and review the
records in camera to verify Carroll’s claims and enter the Court’s findings as evidence.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing was forwarded to Frank A. Baker,
Esq., 4431 Lafayette Street, Marianna, FL. 32446, counsel for Centennial, and to Paul
Alan Sprowls, Asst. U.S. Attorney, 111 North Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301,
counsel for the IRS by regular mail this 10th day of September, 2010.
John Carroll
Box 613524
WaterSound, FL 32461
Phone (850) 231-5616
Fax (850) 622-5618