Lakambini R. Maputi, RN August 28, 2010
Lakambini R. Maputi, RN August 28, 2010
Lakambini R. Maputi, RN August 28, 2010
Maputi, RN
August 28, 2010
•POWER DISTANCE (PD) – society accepts unequal distribution of power in
organizations. High score: Mexico and Malaysia (AUTOCRATIC management). Low
score: Germany and Australia (PARTICIPATIVE management).
MBO does not begin with a vision. Vision clearly articulates the ideal state.
Can be repeated Wide distribution No publication Keep message Handy and
Personal touch.
without among deadlines. in front of accessible.
Best approach for
burdening the employees. No space employee and Good public
stirring response.
speaker. Good follow-up limitations. customers. relations
Can be played at and Single subject Effective public tool for
the convenience reinforcement relations customer.
of audience potential. strategy.
Not as Space limitation Only slightly When done Requires
Burden for
convincing as (one page per better than poorly, frequent
live article). newsletter. contribute to replacement
if presentation has
presentation. May get lost, and clutter. .
to be repeated.
No audience may not be read May be May be
interaction. by all. relegated to forgotten
Not all “sloganeering” among other
organization cards in
possesses the wallet and
equipment. purses.
these will become the primary considerations when making
decisions on how to implement Total Quality in the
Who: SCT
How: Discussion
Item and checklist. Weak-Strong Scale Comments
Customer focus-Internal 1 Concepts are not rooted in the
3.Afraid of change.
• Lack of Leadership
•Countervailing agendas
•Change-resistant culture
SCT must stay in close contact with the work of its team,
especially in early stages. Neglect will lead to failure.
all the steps will become more and more natural until, finally, they
become the way your organization operates.
“ Total Quality is a JOURNEY, not a destination. The goal is not
always be the highest performer at a particular time; the goal is to
constantly have the capacity, mindset, freedom, and the tools to
continuously re-create, improve, and change.”
Michelle Hunt, Director, Federal Quality Institute