Mobile No: +91-78333378974118
Mobile No: +91-78333378974118
Mobile No: +91-78333378974118
Mobile No: +91-783378974118
I would like to pursue my career in a work environment that will utilize and reinforce my technical skills
and abilities and also to apply and gain new cutting edge skills and experience in a rapidly changing field.
Academic Credentials
Degree Year College/University Percentage
B.E. (Electronics and
2010 Netaji Subhash Institute of 63.05
Technology, Dwarka
Summer Intern, LML India Limited, Kanpur June '09 – July '09
As an intern in Industrial Electronics division, I researched about use of CDI and Voltage
Regulators for LML range of vehicles.
Researched about use of microprocessor based digital ignition systems for forthcoming model of
AI Challenge – Developer/Organizer :
AI Challenge is a coding event organized in Innovision, the technical fest in NSIT.
One of the most reputed coding events across the colleges in India, teams from more than 20
colleges from all over the country participated last year.
Published Code :
Sudoku Solver – Developer/Term Project :
The software has been developed in ‘C’ language to solve the perplexing game Sudoku. The user can simply
pass the puzzle to computer. The computer will solve the game and returns the solution of the game.
Positions of Responsibility
As Security Head, in Moksha '09, the annual cultural fest of NSIT. Led a team of 15 students for the
smooth flow of events during the fest. Assured that the code of conduct is maintained during the events
and the fest.
As Event Management Head in Innovision '10, the annual technical fest of NSIT. Led a team of 15
students for the smooth flow of events during the fest.
Held the post of Head Boy in school in class 12th.
Football Team Captain in school, represented my team in many state level tournaments.
Qualified C.E.E (Common Entrance Exam) with rank 323.
Attended a 2-day workshop on robotics organized by TRI society of IIT Bombay and participated in the
nexus event organized by the same.