Stator Fault
Stator Fault
Stator Fault
• Complete stator earth-fault protection for unearthed or high impedance earthed generators
• Cost-effective and simple to apply; does not require additional high voltage equipment
• Designed in COMBIFLEX® modular system and equipped with COMBITEST® test switch
• RAGEK 95%
- earth-fault protection covering 95% of the stator winding
- two stage measuring of filtered fundamental frequency neutral point voltage
- each stage has delayed output with three make contacts and red indicating flag
- dimension: 4U 24C
• RAGEK 100%
- earth-fault protection covering 100% of the stator winding
- measures filtered fundamental frequency neutral point voltage to protect 95% of the stator winding
- measures filtered third harmonic neutral point voltage to protect 95-100% of the stator winding
- as little as 1% generator third harmonic voltage enables full protection
- delayed outputs with three make contacts and red indicating flag
- the 95-100% function is supervised by generator voltage or current
- dimension: 4U 42C
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generators. August 1997
List of contents
1 Application.................................................................................. 3
2 Measurement principles ............................................................ 4
2.1 Example 1: Generator with neutral point resistor ........................ 5
2.2 Example 2: Generator without neutral point resistor ................... 7
3 Design .......................................................................................... 8
3.1 RAEGK 95 % stator earth-fault protection.................................. 8
3.2 RAEGK 100 % stator earth-fault protection with voltage
supervision ................................................................................... 8
3.3 RAEGK 100 % stator earth-fault protection with current
supervision ................................................................................... 9
4 Setting........................................................................................ 10
4.1 95 % relay .................................................................................. 10
4.2 100 % relay ................................................................................ 10
4.3 Voltage supervision relay........................................................... 10
4.4 Current supervision relay ........................................................... 10
5 Technical data .......................................................................... 11
6 Receiving, Handling and Storage ........................................... 13
6.1 Receiving and Handling............................................................. 13
6.2 Storage ....................................................................................... 13
7 Installation, Testing and Commissioning............................... 14
7.1 Installation.................................................................................. 14
7.2 Testing........................................................................................ 14
7.3 Commissioning .......................................................................... 14
8 Maintenance ............................................................................. 14
9 Terminal and Circuit diagrams .............................................. 15
9.1 RAGEK 95% stator E/F protection............................................ 16
9.2 RAGEK 100% stator E/F protection with voltage supervision . 18
9.3 RAGEK 100% stator E/F protection with current supervision.. 20
Appendix A: Calculation of generator neutral point
voltage in case of an earth-fault in the HV network 22
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1 Application
Common practice in most countries is to earth the generator neutral
through a resistor. The current through the neutral point resistor will nor-
mally be 5 - 10 A when subjected to the rated phase to earth voltage. For
generators with step-up transformer, a neutral point voltage relay with
typical setting 5 % of generator phase voltage will provide earth-fault pro-
tection for 95 % of the stator winding. It also covers the generator bus,
the low-voltage winding of the step-up transformer and other ancillaries
galvanically interconnected with the stator winding.
An earth-fault close to the neutral point of the generator will not give suf-
ficient neutral point voltage to activate the neutral point voltage (95 %)
relay. Generators which produce about 1 % or more third harmonic volt-
age under all service conditions, can have the entire stator winding,
including the neutral point, protected using a scheme which combines the
neutral point voltage function (95 % relay) and a third harmonic under-
voltage function. Under normal service, typically 40 - 60 % of the gener-
ated third harmonic phase voltage will appear across the neutral point
resistor and will activate the third harmonic voltage relay. If an earth-fault
occurs close to the neutral point, the third harmonic voltage drops to a low
value and the undervoltage relay operates. The relay must have a filter
which prevents the fundamental frequency neutral point voltage from
affecting the third harmonic voltage function.
The 100 % stator earth-fault protection can also be used for generators
with unearthed neutral. The third harmonic voltage between the neutral
point and earth will increase compared to generators with earthing resistor
and the third harmonic undervoltage (100 %) function can cover a larger
part of the stator winding. However, in case of an earth-fault in the high
voltage (HV) network, the zero-sequence voltage transferred to the stator
circuit via the capacitance between the HV and LV windings of the step-
up transformer increases compared to generators with neutral point resis-
tor. The voltage setting or the time delay of the generator neutral point
voltage (95 %) relay must then be increased to get selectivity against
earth-fault relays on the HV side.
The 100 % stator earth-fault protection can even be used for generators
with neutral point tuned reactor. The third harmonic voltage between the
neutral point and earth will increase, compared to generators with earth-
ing resistor. The zero-sequence voltage transferred to the stator circuit in
case of an earth-fault in the HV network will generally be so high that
selectivity of the 95 % relay can not be obtained by a reasonable increase
of the voltage setting.
The generator should be the only third harmonic voltage source galvani-
cally interconnected with the stator circuits. An exception is contra-rotat-
ing (twin) generators which always have the same loading and hence
produce the same amount of third harmonic voltage.
2 Measurement principles
In case of an earth-fault on the stator winding and no additional fault
resistance, the fundamental frequency neutral point voltage is increasing
in proportion to the distance of the fault from the neutral point. Hence a
voltage relay set to 5 % of the stator phase voltage will protect 95 % of the
stator winding.
The third harmonic voltage induced in the stator windings has basically
the same phase angle and same magnitude in all three phases. A closed
loop for third harmonic currents is made up by the phase-to-earth capaci-
tance and the earthing impedance in the generator neutral. A good repre-
sentation of the distributed stator winding capacitance to earth is obtained
by placing one half of the total winding capacitance on the neutral point
side and one half on the terminal side, see Figure 1. The capacitance CL
comprises the phase-to-earth capacitance on the terminal side, including
generator bus, the low voltage winding of the step-up transformer and
surge voltage capacitors that may be installed.
1 1
--- CW --- CW CL
2 2
1 1
--- CW --- CW CL
2 2
Ze E3
1 1
--- CW --- CW CL
2 2
C 3
Un Ze 3x W --- CW+3CL
2 2
Zn i3 (X80112-2)
Zn=1266 Ω i3
that is, under normal service conditions, 63 % of the induced third har-
monic voltage per phase will appear across the neutral point resistor.
Hence, when the generator is producing minimum third harmonic voltage,
E3= 1% of Uph, the third harmonic voltage U3n will be 0,63 % of Uph.
On the relay side of the voltage transformer, the minimum third harmonic
voltage will be:
0 ,63
100V ⋅ ---------- = 0 ,63V
A typical relay setting would be 75 % of the minimum voltage = 0,47 V.
With the standard setting 5 % of generator phase voltage for the neutral
point voltage (95 %) relay, the third harmonic undervoltage relay should
operate for faults up to say 1,5 x 5 = 7,5 % off the neutral to get overlap-
ping of the 100 % and 95 % functions. When the generator is producing
maximum third harmonic voltage, U3 = 4%, an earth-fault 7,5 % off the
neutral point will give a third harmonic voltage of:
7, 5
U 3n = 4% ⋅ --------- = 0 ,3% of Uph
across the neutral point resistor. On the relay side of the VT, the third har-
monic voltage will be:
0, 3
100V ⋅ --------- = 0 ,30 V
An earth fault 7,5 % off the neutral also gives a 50 Hz voltage equal to:
7 ,5
100 V ⋅ --------- = 7 ,5 V on the relay side.
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From Fig. 5 it is seen, that with third harmonic relay operate value 0,40 V
(U2=0,2V), the relay would operate when the combination of 0,30 V third
harmonic and 7,5 V fundamental frequency voltage is fed to the relay.
Hence, with the higher setting of 0,47 V, there is an overlapping from 5 %
up to more than 7,5 % off the neutral.
2.2 Example 2: Generator The same capacitance as in Example 1, but the generator has no earthing
without neutral point resistor. The simplified circuit is shown in Figure 4.
Un -j2358 Ω -j1010 Ω
i3 (X80112-4)
Hence third harmonic voltage between the neutral point and earth:
U 3n = E 3 ⋅ ------------------------------ = 0 ,7 ⋅ E 3
2358 + 1010
It is obvious that the third harmonic voltage between the neutral point and
earth under normal service conditions increases with increasing neutral
point impedance.
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3 Design
3.1 RAEGK 95 % stator The RAEGK 95 % stator earth-fault protection according to enclosed cir-
earth-fault protection cuit diagram 1MRK 001 054-AB comprises a test device RTXP 18, a DC/
DC converter RXTUG 22, a voltage relay RXEDK 2H with filter for
measuring of the fundamental frequency voltage (50 or 60 Hz) and a sig-
nal relay RXSF 1. The modules of the 95 % protection are also a part of
the 100 % protection which is described below.
3.2 RAEGK 100 % stator The RAEGK 100 % stator earth-fault protection acc. to enclosed circuit
earth-fault protection diagram 1MRK 054-BB comprises a test device RTXP 18, a DC/DC-con-
with voltage verter RXTUG 22H, three voltage measuring relays RXEDK 2H, a volt-
supervision age limiting unit RXTDA 1, one auxiliary relay RXMB 1 and one signal
relay RXSF 1.
Pos 101: RTXP 18, test switch according to Catalogue 1MRK 512 001-
When the test-plug handle RTXP 18 is inserted into the test switch, prepa-
rations for testing are automatically carried out in the proper sequence, i.e.
blocking of tripping circuits, opening of voltage circuits and making ter-
minals available for secondary injection testing.
Pos 113: RXEDK 2H, micro-processor based voltage relay acc. to Cata-
logue 1MRK 509 004-BEN for the voltage supervision function. The
relay is equipped with filter 50-60 Hz sharp for measuring of the funda-
mental frequency voltage (50 or 60 Hz) and is connected to measure volt-
age between phases. On delivery, the relay is connected for rated voltage
Ur = 200 V, which gives scale range 20 - 320 V for stage U1 and 10 -
480 V for U2. The relay is set for over-voltage function.
When the time delayed stage U2 of the voltage supervision relay operates,
the third harmonic under-voltage relay is released for function. The delay
is settable 0,03 - 10 s.
The time delayed voltage stage U1 can be used for generator overvoltage
function. The definite time delay is settable 0,05 - 16 s.
Pos 119: RXEDK 2H, micro-processor based voltage relay (set for meas-
uring overvoltage) for the fundamental frequency neutral point voltage
( 95%) function. The relay is equipped with filter 50-60 Hz sharp for
measuring of the fundamental frequency voltage (50 or 60 Hz). On deliv-
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ery, the relay is connected for rated voltage Ur = 50 V, which gives scale
range 5 - 80 V for stage U1. The definite time delay of the trip output from
stage U1 is settable 0,05 - 16 s.
Pos 125: RXEDK 2H, micro-processor based voltage relay for the third
harmonic undervoltage function. The relay is supplied with filter 150-180
Hz sharp for measuring of the third harmonic voltage (150 or 180 Hz).
On delivery, the relay is connected for rated voltage Ur = 2 V, which gives
scale range 0,1 -4,8 V for stage U2. Note that the voltage limiting unit
RXTDA 1 increases the operate value to twice the value set on
RXEDK 2H. The time delay of stage U2 is settable 0,03 - 10 s.
Pos 137: RXSF 1, signal relay with indicating flag according to Catalogue
1MRK 508 015-BEN. The unit contains two smaller relays, each with
three make contacts and a red indicating flag. The flag is reset manually
with an external knob.
Pos 131: RXMB 1, auxiliary relay acc. to Catalogue 1MRK 508 006-
BEN. Break contacts with short operate time disconnect the measuring
circuit and open the output circuit of the third harmonic voltage relay
when the instantaneous stage of the 95% relay operates. A make contact
indicates start of the 95 % relay.
Pos 331: RXTDA 1, voltage limiting unit with series capacitor and volt-
age regulator diodes.The unit increases the voltage withstand capability
of the third harmonic relay with U r = 2 V to 20 V continuously and 120 V
for 10 s.
3.3 RAEGK 100 % stator The RAEGK 100 % protection with current supervision function acc. to
earth-fault protection circuit diagram 1MRK 001 054-CB includes a micro-processor based cur-
with current rent relay type RXIDK 2H on pos. 113 instead of the voltage supervision
supervision relay. The current relay is connected to a stator phase current measuring
CT. Stage I1 is used for current supervision and I2 can be used for genera-
tor overcurrent function. Stage I2 is definite time delayed up to 1s. For
technical data, see catalogue 1MRK 509 002-BEN.
The remaining units are the same as those used in RAEGK with voltage
supervision function.
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4 Setting
Setting of the operating voltages and time delays for relay RXEDK 2H are
made as shown in Connection and Setting Guide 1MRK 509 022-WEN.
Observe that the operating voltage for the 3rd harmonic 100% relay is
about twice the setting for U2 due to the voltage drop in the voltage limit-
ing unit RXTDA 1.
4.1 95 % relay The operating value of the 95 % voltage relay must be set higher than
maximum neutral point voltage on the generator side in case of an earth-
fault on the HV side. When the necessary data are known, the voltage can
be calculated as shown in Appendix A.
4.2 100 % relay The third harmonic voltage will normally vary substantially with the load-
ing of the generator. In general, it is recommended to measure the 3rd har-
monic voltage to the relay under different loading conditions. The
minimum value will often be obtained when the generator is running
underexcited with a low active load.
4.3 Voltage supervision The operating value of stage U2 is normally set to 90 % of rated generator
relay voltage. The time delay of stage U2 is set to override possible time differ-
ence between the activation of stage U2 and the third harmonic relay dur-
ing generator running-up. A normal setting is 4 - 5 s.
4.4 Current supervision A normal setting of stage 1 of the RXIDK 2H current supervision relay is
relay 20% of rated generator current. The time delay is normally set on 4 - 5 s.
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5 Technical data
Detailed technical data for the components of RAEGK are given in the
Component Catalogue
RXEDK 2H 1MRK 509 004-BEN
RXIDK 2H 1MRK 509 002-BEN
RXMB 1 1MRK 508 006-BEN
RXSF 1 1MRK 508 015-BEN
RTXP 18 1MRK 512 001-BEN
RXTUG 22H 1MRK 513 001-BEN
6.1 Receiving and Remove the protection package from the transport case and make a visual
Handling inspection for transport damages. Check that all screws are firmly tight-
ened and all relay elements are securely fastened.
Check that all units are included in accordance with the apparatus list.
6.2 Storage If the protection package is to be stored before installation, this must be
done in a dry and dust-free place, preferably in the original transport case.
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7.1 Installation The RAGEK relay can be mounted on the support frame in a 19” equip-
ment frame or in a RHGX -type relay case.
The height and width of the relays are indicated in the enclosed circuit
diagrams with height (U) and width (C) modules, where U= 44.45 mm
and C= 7mm. The depth of the relays, including the connection wires, is
approximately 200 mm. Detailed information about the Combiflex con-
nection and installation components are given in the catalogue 1MRK 513
The external connections (which are indicated with dotted lines on the ter-
minal and circuit diagrams) are done with leads, equipped with 20A
Combiflex sockets, to the RTXP 18 test switch and with 10A sockets to
the relay terminal bases.
Information about the identification system for relays and relay terminals
is given in the catalogue 1MRK 514 005-BEN.
7.2 Testing Insert the RTXP 18 testplug-handle into the test switch, pos 101. When
RTXP 18 is fully inserted, the banana-plug sockets on the test handle are
connected to the relay circuits, for example, terminals 9 and 10 on the test
handle are connected to terminals 9B-10B for injection of test voltage to
relay RXEDK 2H, pos 113 in circuit diagram 1MRK 001 054-AB.
8 Maintenance
Under normal conditions, RAGEK requires no special maintenance. The
covers of the relay modules should always be installed in place. Mainte-
nance testing should be made at regular intervals, say every four years.
The testing is suitably carried out with injection apparatus that can gener-
ate both fundamental frequency and third harmonic frequency voltages.
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If sufficient data are available, the neutral point voltage transmitted to the
generator stator circuits in case of an earth fault in the HV network can be
calculated as shown below. If the HV side network is direct earthed and
the generator is provided with a neutral point resistor, the transmitted volt-
age is normally reduced to max. 2-3% of rated generator phase voltage
and a standard setting of UN=5% is used. For generators connected to
unearthed or high impedance earthed networks, the application of an earth
fault in the HV net an measurement of the generator neutral point voltage
can be a better alternative than to collect the necessary data for a calcula-
0,1 pu
20 Ω/phase
60 Ω/phase
f = 50 Hz
CT = 0,009 µF per phase
Cg = 0,3 µF per phase
XT 1 10 kohm
= ----------- = ---------------------------------- = 354
ωC T 2π ⋅ 50 ⋅ 0, 009
1 10
Xg = ----------
- = ---------------------------- = 10, 6 kohm
ωC g 2π ⋅ 50 ⋅ 0, 3
X0T = X 1T = 47 ohms
Draw the positive, negative and zero sequence networks, simplify and cal-
culate the zero sequence voltage U0 as shown in Fig. 16.
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E = --------- kV
110 26, 4
U 0 = --------- ⋅ ------------------------------------------------ = 27, 9 kV
3 16 , 7 + 17 , 1 + 26, 4
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Fig. 17
3, 6 ⋅ ( – j10, 6 )
Z g = ---------------------------------- = 3, 2 – j1, 1 = 3, 38 kΩ
3, 6 – j10, 6
k ⋅ U0
0, 5 ⋅ 27, 9
I 0 ≈ --------------- = ------------------------- A
X CT 354
0, 5 ⋅ 27, 9
U 0g ≈ ------------------------- ⋅ 3, 38 = 0, 134 kV
0, 134 ⋅ 100
≈ ---------------------------- = 2, 2 % of generator phase voltage
10, 5