DR 200709
DR 200709
DR 200709
I shop therefore
I am
”In the future luxury goods
will be methods that bring
us back the power of our
own attention: the power
to choose ourselves what
we want to notice or not.
And there lies the true
luxury of the future, to be
able to resist shopping
and still be happy.”
Sante Poromaa
Our keynote
Foreword To clear out and throw things away can create new, posi-
tive energy. Sean Penn’s new film “Into the wild” is about
Today more and more people question the current con- a person who goes away into the wilderness as a protest
sumption hysteria. It is clear that everything is getting against materialism and social hypocrisy and as a way
cheaper - seen to production. At the same time we can to find insight and an existential truth. Perhaps it is not
see consumption in future super powers such as Brazil, necessary to go that far, but maybe it’s time to divide our
India and China veritably exploding. The consumption of consumption into good and bad consumption?
the growing middle class. And what is so strange about
that? Nothing at all, it is perfectly normal as those deve- It would be simplistic to think that we can discard con-
loping countries today has access to the same, interna- sumption completely. But we do have the opportunity to,
tional view of the world as everyone else - a world full of through our consumption and our choices, create a better
products and services. world (one mustn’t forget that the power of the consumer
is enormous). It is all about WHAT we buy and WHAT we
Everything in our society is based upon the idea that con- choose to invest in, the world we live in will be the result
sumption should be as easy as possible. ...”money makes of those choices. There is a difference between shopping
the world go round...”. We take instantaneous loans via our and shopping. There’s both cool and uncool consumption.
cellphones and not many minutes of our lives passes by
without some kind of commercial message. The mes- One can also put an ethical value in consumption. Is it
sage is that we become happy buy buying, buying, buying. right to consume as a hobby when 800 million people go
Often we even consume just for the sake of consuming. to bed hungry? As you see in this issue of David Report
As leisure and a way to pass time. Unfortunately our con- we want to highlight consumption from different point of
sumption participates in filling our refuse dumps as well views; both ethical, social, political, economical and huma-
as polluting and using up resources. Things, stuff, gad- nistic. Consumption is not black or white even though it’s
gets, widgets, devices; our homes and our lives are more often debated is if it is. Each and every person of course
than full. Up until now it has not been an exaggeration to has the right to satisfy his or her basal needs such as nu-
say “the one who has the most things when he dies wins”. tritious food and a roof over their head. That is fundamen-
tal justice and equality for everyone on planet earth. But
But the power of consumption is being questioned and then what? Are there moral aspects as well that needs to
there’s a change in attitude and way of life. A suitable ex- be taken into consideration? Follow us!
pression for the future could be “the one with most insight
when he dies wins”. Many are realizing that the power of
consumption is stopping us from finding true and sincere
happiness; and that shopping often works as a substitute
for something that we’re missing in life.
Behind consumption there is production. Who runs and “I have always believed that one of the tools of indi-
who is run? Are companies speeding up development vidual empowerment given each and everyone of us
towards creating a global sustainable society populated upon birth or immigration into an economically liberal
by happy people, or do they just want us to exchange our democratic society is the power of the political vote, but
belongings in a faster rate so they’ll make more money? equally important is the power of the ‘economic vote’.
Consumption is needed to keep companies alive. Con- Each and every dollar (or euro or whatever) we spend
sumption is also needed to keep our earth alive. To be- on a product or service is a vote for (or against) the
lieve anything else is naive. The pattern of our consump- process, quality, belief system or form of what we buy.
tion is however changing. Many people think twice before Every dollar we spend is a vote - you use what you buy
accepting the companies invites. The carefully made up to empower what you believe in!”
aura that each company wants to surround themselves This free will comes with a responsibility and an obli-
with is slowly fading. We, the consumers, don’t believe in gation, that goes for both consumers and producers.
the messages anymore, we are questioning their dream In an ideal world the teamwork between the two goes
worlds and we’re turning anti-brand and anti-logo. We’re smoothly. Today however we must unfortunately say that
looking for something more, something authentic and companies often lack knowledge of the market, the sur-
real. We want transparency. We want relations with aware rounding world and of the future. More of them must put
producers. energy into this. In many cases they also lack knowledge
of strategical and tactic design decisions. This is not
Herein lies a new chance for companies to win market
good as companies to a large degree affect our choices
shares. Perhaps through a new form of social responsibi-
and our consumption. Many are unfortunately also blasé
lity, by being more sustainable and socially conscious than
and choose simple, short term profitable ways. They are
what companies in general have been before? Qualities
simply not able go all the way. Because smart design and
that slowly are growing into hygiene factors. The chal-
innovation doesn’t come easily. It takes time. It takes a big
lenge is for companies to keep up if they’re to survive in
the future. But we’re not talking about idealism. The com- and serious effort to develop products that actually can
panies are offered a chance to capitalize from peoples change our world. But mass produce crap products could
wishes to do the right thing and conceptualize sustaina- any deadpan do....
bility and social responsibility and use it as ”competitive
weapons”. It is first when companies see the opportunity
to make money that real change will be made - that’s the
name of the game.
If we as consumers demand better products (and aware
producers) we will get it, sooner or later. In our market
ruled world changes are made fast if they concern con-
sumption patterns. No matter if it’s a pro-social entrepre-
neurship or strictly a business initiative we have only seen
the beginning of this development.
Conscious consumption
When the outside world feels unsafe our home becomes We on David Report grew up in the seventies, a very po-
the safe haven we all seek, miss and need. To decorate litical decade. The influence of fashion was debated and
our home therefor becomes more and more important strongly questioned. In an exhibition called “The fashion
to a growing group of people. It is no longer just a small carousel” from 1976, this comparison was made between
crowd of people who put time and money into their ho- fashion and interior design; “imagine if...we threw out all
mes, today “everyone” is interested in interior design. We of our furniture and bought new each year just because
discuss sofas, curtains and cushions in staff rooms and the old ones were out of fashion”. This was a dystopia
at dinner parties. We paint, change lighting and put zesty thirty years ago but now we’ve reached that point! In the
design objects on our windowsills. seventies the consumption hysteria had not yet come into
our homes.
On David Report we’re getting tired and bored of inte-
rior magazines and their reportage’s on identical homes. Is this constant change of colours and furnishings a new
How much styling can a home take? How many times middle class phenomena or could it even be a new phe-
should one exchange the furniture, the colour of the walls nomena of the working class?
and wallpaper before one is satisfied and at peace? It is That is perhaps a provocative statement but we would like
an enormous restlessness that is exposed here. A race to state that we see the contours of a new class system
where the mass medial hunt for the latest new product where the privileged and well off buy environmentally
(just for the sake of being new) drives consumers to buy friendly, durable and regionally produced goods while your
new. Is it when it comes down to it a meaningless hunt average Joe is busy with lavish and irresponsible spen-
for the newest thing, a race that in the long run has no ding on goods “made in China”.
winner? Do we really need another chair? One thing is High prices and inaccessibility are probably partly the
certain, we’re living in a true makeover culture. reasons to this.
It is a true challenge for producers to to make sustainable
Unfortunately this new interest for interior design isn’t
design, furnishings, food and fashion inclusive as opposed
always very responsible. Our homes are filled with things
to exclusive, as it is today.
that we do not really need. We are restless and buy more
We should all do our best and be a part in the process
and more cheap products of bad quality. Things with a
of turning this negative spiral of todays wear and tear
short life span, both in design and material.
society around.
At the same time we throw away functioning things.
Whatever happened to container finds and thrift stores?
Products that could be given a new life and in that way
save resources. The designer Satyendra Pakhale nails
the problem when he says; “we can’t afford to buy cheap
An international movement about Downshifting (in the US “How long it took you to catch them?” The American
also known as Voluntary Simplicity) is growing rapidly. It asked.
is about taking control over one’s life and not following
the stream. Freedom. Decrease consumption, work less “Only a little while.” The Mexican replied.
and have more leisure time - about not detouring through
money to live a happy life. Inner peace and fulfilment over “Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?”
wealth, status and power. The trend expert Faith Popcorn The American then asked.
describes this trend like this; “It’s not about coping out,
or dropping out or selling out. It’s cashing in the career “I have enough to support my family’s immediate needs.”
chips you’ve stacked up all these years and going so- The Mexican said.
mewhere else to work at something you want to do, the
way you want to do it”. “But,” The American then asked, “What do you do with
the rest of your time?”
The five core values of Downshifting are: economical
awareness, material simplicity, self sufficiency, small- The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little,
scaliness and personal development. In other words they play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria,
are quite similar to the values of the Slow Food and Slow stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and
City movements. On David Report we try as far as pos- play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life,
sible to choose the smart life. To be able to stroll down to senor.”
the ocean and dip our toes in the water when we feel like
it. Or to cut the roses in the garden. Spend time with our The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could
children every day instead of keeping them in kindergar- help you. You should spend more time fishing and with
ten. Dare to move away from the current norm. Dare to go the proceeds you buy a bigger boat, and with the pro-
our own way, based on our own philosophies. Life is far ceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats,
too short to be wasted. It is really just a question of taking eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats.”
control over our situation. To be aware of how we live.
Simple to say, more difficult to live by... “Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would
sell directly to the consumers, eventually opening your
The Downshifting-movement does not tell us we should own can factory. You would control the product, proces-
stop consuming all together, that would be like stop eating sing and distribution. You would need to leave this small
while on a diet, you couldn’t survive. But perhaps it’s pos- coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA
sible to share the car and the lawn mower with the neigh- and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding
bour. Or perhaps even borrow things from each other and enterprise.”
at the same time gain a social contact. We mustn’t forget
that besides from costing money consumption also steals The Mexican fisherman asked, “But senor, how long will
time. The average American spends six hours per week this all take?”
shopping. On top of this material managing is another
side effect of our consumption. To which the American replied, “15-20 years.”
In Sweden parents that live together has increased their “But what then, senor?”
income with approximately thirty percent over the last
thirteen years, inflation disregarded. Hence we could, if The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part.
we went back to the standard of life we had in 1995, have When the time is right you would announce an IPO (Ini-
thirty percent more leisure time, in principle. tial Public Offering) and sell your company stock to the
public and become very rich, you would make millions.”
The Downshifting-movement is sometimes criticised for
being elitist as many of its followers are well educated “Millions, senor? Then what?”
middle class people. You have probably read articles
about people quitting top jobs in the business world The American said slowly, “Then you would retire. Move
because they feel they’ve lost control of their lives. But it to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep
can also be as simple as choosing to work from home ins- late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with
tead of from nine to five in an office. Life is about making your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you
choices, aware economy or shop til you drop? could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos…”
Future consumption
The goal is not the most important thing, it’s the me- Perhaps we shall also buy fewer but better products, aim
ans to get to it. We shall not quit consuming, but begin for quality (both in material and design)? True sustai-
to consume in a new, more aware fashion. To take nability is achieved first when we keep the things that
responsibility through shopping is the way to do it. we buy. It could because we’ve become emotionally
Regardless if we base our decisions on intellectual or connected to them, because they’re special and has a
sentimental values how we consume will clearly state special meaning to us or because we saved up to be
which social class we belong to. Today we can detect able to buy them, or perhaps even that they were difficult
a similar change in our consumption patterns as we’ve to get by. If we still want to get rid of them it is important
earlier seen with smoking (remember the glamour that that the products can be given away or put back on the
surrounded smoking just a few decades ago) or over- market, preferably unaltered to save material and energy.
weight (half a century ago it was a sign of success to be Defenders of consumption are however not the least
fat - the picture of an overweight director). worried about the social and environmental problems
caused by our consumption. Their motivation being that
In the future consumption will be more about experienc- innovation and new technical solutions will save us.
es and services than things. What do you think?
There is always a stop somewhere, the strong gene-
ration of the forties, with a big purchasing power, who As thinking individuals we also have a responsibility to
had nothing as children and grew up in a constantly make sure the people who produce the goods we buy
ascending conjuncture and hence could buy everything! are paid properly, and that they live in an environment not
They are decreasing. This generation and earlier are/ destroyed by the production. Today people love price
were very possessive and materialistic. Today the world hunting. But we nee to think twice before buying a three
looks very different. The importance of owning is slowly euro t-shirt in a low price store. A product that cheap
turning into the importance of experiencing. It may be cannot be produced in a way that is okay. And what
looked upon as an escape from a turbulent world (pos- does the notion cheap mean? The thing that at the mo-
sessions can be lost but memories are for ever) as well ment can be obtained for a small amount of money may
as the natural order. There is always a reaction to an very well turn out to be very expensive, in the long run.
action. And the action of that generation was buying, Both because of it’s effect on the environment and your
owning, buying, owning… wallet, as you will have to buy it again and again. That is
the reason to why it’s often better to aspire to buy pro-
Traditional luxury consumption, as we define it now, ducts that are priceworthy, instead of just cheap ones.
will not provide the same status in the future as it does Yvonne McArthur describes her thoughts about this in
today. If one seeks attention money is better spent (if you her blog; “The more I knew about the consequences of
necessarily need to spend them) on something useful. our rampant consumerism and global economic expan-
Something that will benefit many people. Perhaps in the sion, the more it made me feel totally insignificant and
future giving will be more important than having. Are the completely overwhelmed. How could I, as an individual,
companies, who survive on our consumption, prepared make a difference?”
for this transition?
“Life is what happens
while making other
plans”John Lennon
Our strategist friend says:
David Carlson