Combinations For Fame

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Combinations for Fame:

By yenbeeyes

Written on 23.03.2008

Published in the All India Federation of Astrological Societies – Research Journal – July-Sep. 2008
issue. The 3rd chart of Aishwarya Rai was omitted in the printed article.

Being known to each and every common man is what makes a person fame. Fame comes in
different spheres of life. A child born to an already famous person is known to many due to media
and publicity. His/Her photographs are published everywhere. Then comes the Child prodigy-as a
child some exemplary action lifts the child from an ordinary being to a famous personality. Fame
also comes from some actions. Deeds – good or bad (or is it worst). Some are famous in a small
circle, and some others in their own community or field. Some gain fame after death. Some others
are famous even after death. Is there any yardstick by which we can measure the fame? Are there
any criteria which determines that the one will be famous or will attain name and fame at a
particular time and will be known to every human being for a specific time or for ever? What does
Jytoisha reveals us on these points?

When the above questions came to my mind I started scanning the various Vedic scriptures,
hoping to find some definite results. Alas ! I ended up with hundreds and hundreds of
combinations for ‘getting fame.’ If I were to list out all those findings, that alone will occupy half of
this magazine pages. Then I shifted my focus on to studying some of the horoscopes of notable
personalities. I went through all the horoscopes given by Dr. B.V.Raman in his beautiful book
‘Notable Horoscopes.’ Of course the collection of horoscopes by Dr. B.V.Raman is not of those
persons who are famous in the sense that their names are known to each and every individual-
probably famous only in a particular section or field - at least some of them. They are no doubt
horoscopes having noteworthy combinations but not necessarily of famous personalities.

Since the yardstick for fame is not fixed, or the yardstick too lengthy to measure having numerous
permutations and combinations, how an Astrologer can predict that given a horoscope, whether
the native will be famous or not ? If so in what area or what field or in what manner ? When he
will come to be known to one and all ? How long will his fame last ? and so on…

After careful study and analysis of various charts I came to the following conclusions:

1. The best indicator of fame is Moon. To determine the odds for fame, popularity and public
appeal, an analysis of the Lunar aspects are extremely revealing. As the second most
important feature in the horoscope, the Moon reveals our basic personality traits. The
amount of popularity we enjoy and the general response others have to us is shown in the
condition of the natal Moon, therefore it is an ideal indicator of potential fame. If the Moon
in your natal chart is in a prominent position – in a Kendra or trikona – exalted or own
house or by several aspects to other planets, you could be on your way. These show a
natural potential for appealing to the masses.
2. Not everyone with a prominent Moon becomes famous, but it definitely is a major factor in
that direction. Some are famous without a prominent Moon, but they usually have some
very heavy emphasis in a particular area of their chart, such as a stellium of planets in an
3. Without a prominent Moon, and without such a stellium, you can still achieve fame, but it
involves lot more work to accomplish this. With Mars conjunct Jupiter, though, you
definitely have the potential energy to work hard to achieve fame, if that is what you
4. The tenth house, the 9th house as well as the 5th house also represents fame. The nature of
the sign, lord of the sign, planets posited therein as also the aspects the sign is receiving
are all important factors before deciding on whether the native will attain fame or not. It is
noteworthy to mention that an afflicted 12th house or 4th house may make one shy away
from fame.
5. Above all we should not forget the 1st house as it represents fame also. Hence Lagna and
placement of Lagna lord are also to be considered.
6. Ashtakavarga System also throws some light on attaining fame through the bindus or dots
gained by a planet due to his placement.

Maharishi Parasara has the following to say in regard to combinations for fame: One will be
endowed with fame, if Moon is in 10th House, while 10th Lord is in a trine from 10th House and
Lagna Lord is in Lagnas angle. Similar effects will come to pass, if 11th Lord is in 10th House,
while 10th Lord is strong and gives Aspect to Jupiter. Fame will come to the native, if 10th Lord is
in 9th House, as Lagna Lord is in 10th House and Moon is in 5th House.

Now it is time to frame some rules to find out the answers to at least some of the questions raised
above. These are the ten commandments for getting fame.

1. Lagna lord and 10th lord strongly placed without malefic interventions.
2. Karaka for public is Moon – Hence Moon should be strong in the chart.
3. Jupiter or Venus should have some connection with Moon-conjunction, aspect or placement
in Kendra or trikona to Moon..
4. Fame is related to image. Hence Arudha Lagna and planets in Kendra/Kona to Arudha
Lagna are vital.
5. Connection between 5th and 10th house as also between 5th and 9th house.
6. Position of lord of 10th from Moon and his associations.
7. Since the 10th house plays a major role in establishing fame, let us call it as the HOUSE OF
FAME. If the lord of House Of Fame occupies a Kendra or Kona from the house of fame,
fame is likely to come. But he cannot determine fame, he can only support by his
placement. That is to say that the position of lord of House of Fame in a Kendra or Kona
definitely ensures support for the native in achieving fame.
8. The next person who assists in getting fame is the planets placed in Kendra or Kona to the
lord of House of Fame.
9. When Jupiter or Saturn conjoins or aspects the lord of house of fame or placed in an
angular position fame results.
10. For Diurnal births, it is observed that Jupiter plays an important role where as for nocturnal
births Saturn takes the place in determining the fame. Placement in a Kendra or Kona from
Lagna or Arudha Lagna or House of Fame is vital for this rule.

These are not the end of it, it is only the major influences which make a person famous.
Various innumerable combinations do bring popularity which should not be forgotten.
1. Let us first take up the chart of Father of Nation-Mahatma Gandhi.


Mahatma Gandhi Ra
DOB: 02/10/1869 Mo
TOB: 07:31 AL
69 E 49
Ke 21 N 37

Ma Me
Sa Ve Su

1. Lagna lord Venus and 10th lord Moon are in their swakshetra. Though Moon is afflicted by
Rahu and Venus by Mars, by virtue of their ownership of 5 th house(Co-lord of 5th) and 7th
house respectively, it can be said that both are fairly strong. 10 th lord in the 10th makes a
person highly successful in his profession and he commands respect and honour.
2. Karaka Moon is in own house.
3. Jupiter is in a Kendra from Moon forming a Gajakesari Yoga.
4. AL lagna is in Cancer and its Lord is in own house and Kendras from AL are occupied by
benefics. For Libra Lagna Saturn is a benefic as he owns 4th and 5th. He is placed in trikona
from AL.
5. From Moon 10th lord Mars is placed in a Kendra along with benefics Me and Ve.
6. House of Fame is in Cancer. Lord of House of Fame is Moon and is placed in his own house.
Mars, Mercury and Venus are in Ascendent and angular to the lord of fortune and Jupiter.
Jupiter and Moon are in mutual Kendra.
7. This is a diurnal birth. Hence fame determining planet Jupiter is placed in a Kendra from
Lagna, AL,House of Fame and Moon.

One noteworthy point in this chart is the number of yogas - as many as 24 - which were also
responsible in gaining fame.

2. The 2nd chart I will take up is that of Bill Clinton.

Mo Ra

Bill Clinton Sa
DOB: 19/08/1946 Asc
TOB: 03:44
93 W 36
Ke 33 N 44 Su
Ke Ve Ma

1. Lagna Lord Moon is placed in 10th house.

2. Moon and Jupiter are in opposition forming Gajakesari Yoga.
3. 10th Lord Ma is aspecting 10th house. (Ma also happens to be 5th lord as well as he is
stronger than Ke-co-lord of Scorpio). The presence of Ma in the 3rd house along with Venus
indicate that the fame will not be everlasting. 10 th Lord in the 3rd makes a native a speaker
or writer of celebrity.
4. AL is occupied by benefic Jupiter. Kendras from AL are occupied by benefics. (Sa becomes
benefic on account of AL being in Libra)
5. From Moon 5th lord Sun is placed in his own house and 10th lord Saturn is placed in a
Kendra .
6. House of Fame is in Aries. Placement of Moon – karaka for fame - there indicate fame.
Jupiter is in an angle from Moon and aspecting Moon. Hence his fame is explained.
7. This is a nocturnal birth. We have to examine the position of Saturn. Saturn is placed in the
Lagna aspecting the House of Fame. From Arudha Lagna he is placed in the 10th house.

3. Let us analyse the chart of Aishwarya Rai

Ma Ke

Aishwarya Rai
DOB: 01/11/1973
TOB: 04:05
74 E 53
Ju 12 N 52


Ve Mo Me Su Asc


1. Lagna Lord Mercury is placed in 3rd and aspected by Mars from his own house. However,
Ketu being lord of 3rd house scorpio as he is stronger has exchanged places with Mercury –
the 10th lord. In effect, Mercury will act as if he is in the 10th his own house.
2. Moon is placed in a Kendra along with Venus.
3. 10th lord Me due to parivarthana with Ketu gains strength. 10th Lord in the 3rd makes a
native a speaker or writer of celebrity. Me also suffers from Papakarthari yoga which may
bring in occasional disturbances.
4. 10th house has Saturn and Ketu of which Saturn is lord of 5th.
5. Ju is debilitated in 5th but getting neecha bhanga.
6. 5th Lord Saturn and 9th Lord Venus have mutual aspect and both are placed in Kendra
bringing her fame.
7. AL has Jupiter. And Mars in 4th and Sun in 10th from AL- All angular positions.
8. House of Fame is in Gemini. Its lord Mercury due to parivarthana gets strength. There are
no planets angular to Lord of House of Fame. Hence everlasting fame cannot be expected.
Only karaka for fame Moon along with Venus is aspecting the House of Fame.
9. This is a nocturnal birth. Saturn is already placed in the 10th aspected by Moon. .
4. The next chart is that of Albert Einstein.

Me Ve Asc
Su Sa

Ju Albert Einstein Ke
DOB: 14/03/1879
TOB: 11:30
10 E 00
Ma 48 N 24


1. Lagna Lord is placed in 10th house Pisces and is debilitated and getting neecha bhanga.
2. 10th lord Jupiter is in 9th and the 9th lord Saturn is in 10th. Saturn is the stronger lord of 10th
than Rahu as he is with more planets. 10th Lord in the 9th makes a person a stalwart and he
will be a beacon of light to many.
3. Moon is debilitated and is placed in 6th . 10th lord from Moon-Sun is placed in a trikona from
4. Saturn – 9th lord, Mercury-Lagna & 4th Lord , Venus – 5th lord have conjoined in 10th forming
a powerful Rajayoga. Note the connection between the 5th lord Venus and 9th lord Saturn.
5. House of Fame is Pisces. Lord Jupiter is placed in a kona from Ascendant. And Kendra from
6. Lord of Arudha Lagna is in a Kendra from AL.
7. This chart is a diurnal birth. Jupiter is in a Kendra from Moon and Kona from Lagna though
not well placed from AL.

7. Jayalalaitha – Ex-chief Minister of Tamil Nadu

Ve Ra Asc

Me Jayalalitha Sa
Su DOB: 24/02/1948
TOB: 14:36
80 E 18
13 N 05 Ma

Ju Ke

1. Lagna Lord Mercury is in 9th and aspected by Moon and Mars along with Sun. Hence fairly
2. Venus is in 10th – exalted. 10th lord is in a Kendra in Moolatrikona position. Very strong
position. 10th lord in the 7th makes the person known for his skill in talking and achieving
3. Moon is aspected by Jupiter.
4. AL lord Venus is exalted and AL has Rahu and Saturn in Kendra position-Saturn co-owns
the 9 th house and is strong.
5. Lord of 10th from Moon Venus is exalted though placement is in 8th.from Moon.
6. 10th Lord Jupiter is in a Kendra from 10th house.
7. This is a diurnal chart and Jupiter in his own house placed in a Kendra forming Hamsa
Mahapurusha Yoga.

Ashtakavarga System also gives some clue to gain fame

General - Any planet with 6 or more Bindus gives fame and financial gains

EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S A.V. 6 Bindus increase of valour and fame;

EFFECTS OF THE A.V. OF MARS 5 Bindus increase of fame

EFFECTS OF JUPITER'S A.V. 8 Bindus spotless fame, happiness and growth of wealth;

Let us tabulate the Ashtakavarga of all the 5 personalities taken for consideration:

Bhinna Ashtakavarga of …
Person Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
1. Mahatma Gandhi 4 7 7 2 5 5 3 0
2. Bill Clinton 5 4 4 5 7 7 4 3
3. Aishwarya Rai 6 4 2 3 3 6 4 4
4. Albert Einstein 6 3 5 7 4 4 3 3
5. Jayalalitha 4 4 4 3 3 7 3 2

The deciding planet of fame is marked bold which are all according to rules explained in
Ashtakavarga system for fame.

In the foregoing paragraphs I have tried to touch upon some of the combinations for gaining
fame. This is not the final answer. As I said earlier, there are many more combinations as
explained in the classical texts which bring name and fame to a native which all needs to be
analysed chart by chart.

On 21.04.2008

The Arudha Lagna, because it is the image of the person is very important. When we see a famous
person we see their image, we don’t see their more personal side, like what makes them feel good
(Venus) or their soul’s desire (AK). So aspects to the AL are especially important for this. It is said if
both Jupiter and the Moon are aspecting the AL it can make a person famous even after death—this
combination will show many famous people. The kendras to AL are important in supporting the
person’s image also, and second from AL is what sustains the image.
Sambandha and yogas are important too. if a person has Saturn in Aries and Sun in Libra (called a
Parivartana) these two planets will function as though they are exalted, broadly speaking (though a
better example might be Sun in Capricorn and Mars in Aries). And Raja Yogas can make a King, even
if there aren't any exalted planets.

In Saptarishis astrology Vol 3 issue on the article titled ‘ The uncrowned King C.S Patel’ the following
combinations are found for Fame:

This has to be seen from the 5th house from Lagna, LL, 5H Karaka Jupiter, AK (here it is again Ju)
& PK (Ve). All these factors need to be combined in a composite manner.

a) Asc: 5H is empty but gets aspected by 5L himself who is stationery and in turn
aspects Jupiter.
b) LL – 5H from Moon (powerful LL) has this same Ju whose lord is Sa.
c) Karaka & AK Jupiter – 5H from Jupiter is deposited by a retro Sa
d) PK Venus – It is combined with Ra who is exalted in D-9 and is in Pushkar Navamsa
(if we take true nodes) like the Asc making it doubly strong (Patel was the first one
to highlight the importance and usage of Pushkar navamsa). 5L from PK is Ve who
is again with Ra the immortal one.


1. In 1957 in Sa/Ra - he released his 1st book on Ashtakavarga with his friend/cowriter Mr.
Iyer. Observe Ra and Ve are together. Ra unearthed this rare secret of a topic and being in
sravana distributed it to world. Being truthful by nature one day he confided in me 2
mistakes that he made in his Arudha & Astakvarga books.
2. Two planets come to our limelight that is Jup & Saturn (refer marked planets), this
shows that during Jupiter‐Saturn Dasas and antardashas something significant can be
expected. In Jup/Saturn he meets 3 yogis of rare quality (Saturn in 12H), got some big
gains when he was so young & in Saturn/Jup he got more recognition for his work in Ashtakvarga
& started teaching jyotish. (Jupiter AD).

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