HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited Corporate Governance Policy
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited Corporate Governance Policy
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited Corporate Governance Policy
Appointment of Director
A Nomination committee comprising promoter representation, will recommend the induction
of Board Members. The invitation to join the Board is extended on behalf of the Board by the
Chairman of the Board. The new director shall be apprised of the working of the Company
and various Codes of Conduct adopted by the Company in its functioning. The Director will
execute Deed of Covenant post his appointment. This Deed of Covenant shall be subject to
review annually.
In case of appointment of a new director or reappointment of a director/additional director
during the year, the shareholders shall be provided with the following information:
(i) A brief resume of the director;
(ii) Nature of his expertise in specific functional areas; and
(iii) Names of companies in which the person also holds directorship and the membership of
committees of the board, when such appointment/re-appointment comes up for approval at a
general meeting of the shareholders.
As a matter of prudence, not more than one member of a family, or a close relative as
defined in the Companies Act or an associate (partner, director, etc.,) should be on the
Board of the Company as Independent Director.
The tenure of Executive Directors shall not exceed a period of 5 years on each occasion.
Non-Executive/ Independent Directors shall be eligible for retirement by rotation as well as
Compensation/ Sitting fees:
Executive Directors:
Executive Directors shall be paid remuneration within the limits as approved by the Board,
the shareholders of the Company as well as the IRDA. As a company policy, no sitting fees
are payable to Executive Directors.
Non-Executive/ Independent Directors:
Non-Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the Board
and Committee Meetings. The sitting fees to be paid shall be within the prescribed limits of
Companies Act, 1956 and the Rules made thereunder as also other applicable regulations
issued by the IRDA from time to time.
Currently all compensation paid to Non-Executive/ Independent Directors shall be fixed by
the Board of Directors and shall be approved by shareholders in general meeting. All the
details relating to the compensation (inclusive of Employee Stock Options, if any) so paid
shall also be disclosed in the Annual Report of the Company.
Board Meetings
The Board Meetings of the Company shall be held at least four times a year, once every
quarter and not more than four months shall elapse between two successive meetings. The
quorum shall be either two members or one third of the members of the Committee
whichever is greater, presence of an Independent Director should be necessary to form a
quorum The meetings of the Board will be held at the Company’s registered office unless
otherwise decided by the Board of Directors. 6
Information to be placed before the Board of Directors
The information to be placed before the Board of Directors shall include but not be limited to
the following:
(i) Annual business plans and budgets and updates on the same every quarter.
(ii) Capital budgets and any updates and periodic reviews of performance of the Insurance
(iii) Annual financial results for the company and its operating divisions or business
(iv) Minutes of meetings of Audit & Risk Committee and other committees of the Board.
(v) The information on recruitment and remuneration of senior management personnel i.e.
officers just below the Board level, including appointment or removal of Chief Financial
Officer and the Company Secretary / Compliance Officer, Head – Audit & Risk.
(vi) Show cause, demand, prosecution notices and penalty notices which are materially
(vii)Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences affecting business continuity.
(viii)Any material default in financial obligations to and by the Company.
(ix) Any issue, which involves possible public or product liability claims of substantial nature,
including any judgment or order which, may have passed strictures on the conduct of the
Company or taken an adverse view regarding another enterprise that can have negative
implications on the Company.
(x) Details of any joint venture or collaboration agreement.
(xi) Transactions that involve substantial payment towards goodwill, brand equity or
intellectual property.
(xii)Significant labour problems and their proposed solutions. Any significant development in
Human Resources front like change in compensation structure, implementation of Voluntary
Retirement Scheme etc.
(xiii)Sale of a material nature; e.g. investments, subsidiaries, assets, which is not in normal
course of business.
(xiv)Non-compliance of any regulatory, statutory nature or listing requirements and
shareholders service such as non-payment of dividend etc.
(xv)organisational structure of the Insurance Company and delegation of authority,
(xvi) corporate and management controls and systems including procedures;
(xvii) economic features and marketing environment,
(xviii) information and updates as appropriate on Insurance Company’s products;
(xix) information and updates on major expenditure;
(xx) report periodically about implementation of strategic initiatives and plans;
(xxi)all relevant information for taking informed decisions in respect of matters brought
before the Board;
External Audit
(i) Recommending the appointment and removal of external auditor, fixation of audit fee and
also approval for payment for any other services.
(ii) Ensuring the compliance of the conditions for appointment and eligibility of Statutory
Auditors of the Company as stipulated by the Regulatory Authority from time to time.
(iii) Discussion with external auditors before the audit commences about nature and scope of
(iv) Post-audit, discussion with external auditors to ascertain any area of concern.
(v) Review of performance of the external auditors.
(i) Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial
information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible.
(ii) Reviewing with management, the annual financial statements before submission to the
Board, focusing primarily on:
In addition to the above, the Audit Committee will undertake such other duties as the Board
of Directors delegates to it, and will report, at least annually, to the Board regarding the
Committee's examinations and recommendations.
Review and Reporting
Review of information by Audit Committee
The following shall be subject to review by the Audit Committee.
(i) Financial statements and draft audit report, including quarterly / half-yearly financial
(ii) Management discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations to
be presented annually.
(iii) Reports relating to compliance with laws and to risk management.
(iv) Management letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by statutory / internal
(v) Records of related party transactions.
(vi) The appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the Internal auditor
The Audit Committee shall report to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee shall
prepare a report each year for inclusion in the Company’s annual report.13
The Remuneration Committee shall be under the chairmanship of a Non Executive Director.
The primary function of the Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board in exercising the
responsibilities and duties set forth in the paragraph “Powers and authorities” below,
including but not limited to determining and making recommendations with respect to all
forms of compensation to be granted to Directors and senior management employees of the
The Remuneration Committee shall consist of two or more Non Executive Directors. The
Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to this Committee.
The Chairman shall call the Committee meeting as and when required. One meeting shall be
called before the Board meeting in which the annual financial results of the Company would
be approved, to recommend the commission payable to the Non Executive Directors.
Minutes of every meeting shall be maintained. The quorum of the meetings shall be one third
of the total strength or two Directors whichever is more. The meetings can also be
conducted vide teleconference/video conference, where permitted by applicable regulations.
Powers and authorities
(i) To formulate one or more scheme(s) for granting of Stock Options to Employees and
Directors of the Company as well as its subsidiaries, from time to time, subject to the
approval of the Shareholders of the Company and within the provisions of the Companies
Act, 1956 and other statutes as may be applicable from time to time.
(ii) To formulate such policies as may be required, from time to time, for extending benefits,
both monetary and otherwise to all or any class of employees.
(iii) To decide and finalise the appointment, re-appointment, termination of appointment or
remuneration and other terms and conditions of appointment or termination of whole time
directors / Directors within the limits as may be laid down by the Shareholders of the
Company, either by way of a provision
in the Articles of Association or vide any resolution passed by them, subject to the statutory
and regulatory approvals and the limits as may be laid down from time to time.
(iv) To authorise the Chairman of the Committee to enter into agreement for appointment,
termination of appointment or variation thereof between the Company and the whole time
(v) To alter and vary the terms and conditions of the said re-appointment and/or agreement
(including authority, from time to time, to determine the amount of salary and commission as
also the type and amount of perquisites and other benefits payable to the whole time
directors in such manner as may be agreed to between the Company and the whole time
directors, if any; Provided however that the remuneration payable to the whole time
directors, if any shall not exceed the limits specified by the Members of the Company and
approved by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority or any other applicable
statutory authority.
The Remuneration Committee shall its report to the Board. The Remuneration Committee
shall prepare a report each year for inclusion in the Company’s annual report. 15
The Company shall set-up a Share Transfer and Allotment Committee. The primary function
of the Share Transfer and Allotment Committee is to approve the allotment of shares of the
Company and transfer of shares between the shareholders and to ensure compliance with
applicable provisions.
The Share Transfer and Allotment Committee shall consist of two or more Directors. The
Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to this Committee.
The Chairman shall call the Committee meeting as and when required. Minutes of every
meeting will be maintained. The quorum of the meetings shall be one third of the total
strength or two Directors whichever is more. The meetings can also be conducted vide
teleconference/video conference.
Powers and authorities
The Share Transfer and Allotment Committee shall have following powers
(i) To appoint/remove Registrars and Share Transfer Agents, Depositories
(ii) To approve/ratify allotment of shares
(iii) To approve request lodged with the Company for transfer, transmission, de-
materialisation, re-materialisation of shares
(iv) To approve/ratify the issuance of duplicate, replaced, split, consolidated share
certificates duly verified, confirmed and recommended by the Company Secretary, from time
to time
The Share Transfer and Allotment Committee shall report to the Board. It shall prepare a
report each year for inclusion in the Company’s annual report.
As and when the standard Listing Agreement becomes applicable to the Company, the
Share Transfer and Allotment Committee shall also function as the Grievance Redressal
Committee for addressing grievances of shareholders and investors. 16
Risk Management Committee shall be under the chairmanship of a Non Executive Director.
The primary function of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in exercising the
responsibilities and duties set forth in the paragraph on “Powers and authorities”
The Risk Management Committee shall consist of two or more Non Executive Directors. The
Company Secretary sha3ll act as Secretary to this Committee.
The members of Investment Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter and not more
than four months shall elapse between two successive meetings. The quorum shall be either
two members or one third of the members of the Committee whichever is greater. Minutes of
every meeting shall be maintained. The quorum of the meetings shall be one third of the
total strength or two Directors whichever is more. The meetings can also be conducted vide
teleconference/video conference.
Terms of Reference –
(i) Reviewing and approving the risk management policy and associated framework,
processes and practices of the Company annually.
(ii) Ensuring the appropriateness of the company in taking measures to achieve prudent
balance between risk and reward in both ongoing and new business activities.
(iii) Evaluating significant risk exposure of the Company and assessing Management’s action
to mitigate the exposure in timely manner.
(iv) Coordinating activities with Audit Committee in instances where there is any overlap with
Audit activities
(v) Reporting to the Board on periodical basis.
(vi) Setting the risk/reward objectives and assess policyholder expectations.
(vii) Quantifying the level of risk exposure and assessing the expected rewards and costs
associated with the risk exposure.
(viii) Formulating and implementing optimal Asset Liability Management strategies and
meeting risk/reward objectives. The strategies must be laid down both at product level and
enterprise level.
(ix) Laying down the risk tolerance limits.
(x) Monitoring risk exposures at periodic intervals and revising ALM strategies where
(xi) Placing the ALM information before the Board at periodic intervals.
The Risk Management Committee shall report to the Board. It shall prepare a report each
year for inclusion in the Company’s Annual Report. 18
The Investment Committee shall be set-up in compliance with the provisions of the IRDA
(Investment) Regulations, 2000. The primary function of the Investment Committee is to
formulate the investment policy and strategies for the investment of the policyholder and
shareholder funds in accordance with the limits prescribed in the regulations.
The Investment Committee shall consist of a minimum of two non-executive directors, the
Principal Officer, Chiefs of Finance and Investment divisions, and the Appointed Actuary,
The Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to this Committee. Composition of
membership will be as per Investment Regulation from time to time.
The members of Investment Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter and not more
than four months shall elapse between two successive meetings. The quorum shall be either
two members or one third of the members of the Committee whichever is greater. The
decisions taken by the Investment Committee shall be properly recorded and be open to
inspection by the officers of the Authority. The quorum of the meetings shall be one third of
the total strength or two Directors whichever is more. The meetings can also be conducted
vide teleconference/video conference.
Powers and authorities
(i) To recommend any changes in the Company Investment and Lending Policy for approval
by the Board
(ii) To approve investment transactions of the Company
(iii) To approve investments in “Other Investments” category
(iv) To approve any investments in Infrastructure / Social Sector
(v) To ratify any investments in an Initial Public Offer
(vi) To approve Stop Loss limits
(vii)To review Asset Mix of Conventional Product Portfolios.
(viii)To review Portfolio Yield & Modified Duration in Conventional Portfolio & Unit-linked
(ix) To review Sectoral Allocation of Equities for Conventional & Unit-linked Portfolios.
(x) To review Fund Performance for Conventional & Unit Linked Funds.
(xi) To review Rating Exposure of Unit-Linked & Conventional Portfolios.
The investment committee shall assist the board in drawing up the Investment policy. In
framing such a policy, the Board will address
issues relating to liquidity, prudential norms, exposure limits, stop loss limits in
securities trading, management of all investment & market risks, management of assets
liabilities mismatch, investment audits and investment statistics, etc. and the provisions of
the Insurance Act, 1938 and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Investment)
Regulations, 2000.
Ensure adequate returns on Policyholders & Shareholders funds consistent with the
protection, safety and liquidity of such funds.
Ensure that the funds of the insurer shall be invested and continued to be invested in
instruments which enjoy a rating as prescribed from time to time by regulations, keeping in
mind the safety and liquidity of the policyholders’ funds are assured.
The Investment Committee will submit its report on investment performance to the Board on
periodical basis and each year for inclusion in the Company’s Annual report. 20
Policyholder Protection Committee shall be under the chairmanship of a Non Executive
Director. The primary function of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in
exercising the responsibilities and duties set forth in the paragraph on “Powers and
The Policyholder Protection Committee shall consist of two or more Non Executive Directors.
The Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to this Committee.
The members of Policyholder Protection Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter and
not more than four months shall elapse between two successive meetings. The quorum shall
be either two members or one third of the members of the Committee whichever is greater.
Minutes of every meeting shall be maintained. The quorum of the meetings shall be one third
of the total strength or two Directors whichever is more. The meetings can also be
conducted vide teleconference/video conference.
Responsibilities –
(i) Putting in place proper procedures and effective mechanism to address complaints and
grievances of policyholders.
(ii) Ensure compliance with the statutory requirements as laid down in the regulatory
(iii) Review of the mechanism at periodic intervals.
(iv) Ensure adequacy of disclosure of “material information” to the policyholders. These
disclosures shall, for the present, comply with the requirements laid down by the Authority
both at the point of sale and at periodic intervals.
(v) Review the status of complaints at periodic intervals to the policyholders.
(vi) Provide the details of grievances at periodic intervals in such formats as may be
prescribed by the Authority.
(vii) Provide details of insurance ombudsmen to the policyholders 21
Powers and authorities
(i) The Policyholder Protection Committee may invite the external experts to attend the
meetings of the Committee, without the right to vote, whenever it deems necessary.
(ii) The purpose of the Policyholder Protection Committee is to ensure proper mechanism in
place for the redressal of Policyholder’s grievances and educating about insurance products
of the Company. To ensure compliance with the advertising and disclosure norms as
specified by the Statutory Authorities from time to time.
(iii) The Policyholder Protection Committee shall have the power to frame policies and
procedures to protect the interest of Policy holders and for ensuring compliance with the
advertisement and disclosure norms prescribed by the Regulatory Authorities and to review
the complaints received from Policyholders on periodical basis.
The Policyholder Protection Committee shall report to the Board and the minutes should be
placed at every Board meeting. It shall prepare a report each year for inclusion in the
Company’s Annual Report. 22
Nomination Committee shall comprise of Promoter’s representation and under the
chairmanship of a Non Executive Director. The primary function of the Nomination
Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in exercising the responsibilities and duties set
forth in the paragraph on “Powers and authorities”
The Nomination Committee shall consist of two or more Non Executive Directors. The
Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to this Committee.
(i) The Chairman shall call the Committee meeting periodically as it may deem fit, with at
least one meeting in a year.. Minutes of every meeting shall be maintained. The quorum of
the meetings shall be one third of the total strength or two Directors whichever is more. The
meetings can also be conducted vide teleconference/video conference.
Responsibilities –
(i) To review the Board structure, size and composition and make any recommendations to
the Board with regard to any changes deemed necessary;
(ii) To review the performance of, and recommend if appropriate, directors who are retiring
by rotation to be put forward for re-election at the Company’s annual general meeting
(iii) To ensure that the succession plan for Directors, Senior Management and key position
employees is adopted, implemented and reviewed from time to time.
(iv) To provide through the Company Secretary, an annual performance evaluation of the
members of the Board and the Senior Management Officials of the Company.
(v) To evaluate and review on periodical basis the “Fit & Proper criteria” for the Directors and
an appointed actuary as prescribed by the Regulatory Authority from time to time.
(vi) To put in place the procedures for appointment of appointed Actuary and ensure the
Compliance of conditions prescribed by the Regulatory Authority for the same.
The Nomination Committee shall report to the Board. It shall prepare a report each year for
inclusion in the Company’s Annual Report. 24
Ethics Committee shall be under the chairmanship of a Non Executive Director. The primary
function of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in exercising the responsibilities
and duties set forth in the paragraph on “Powers and authorities”
The Ethics Committee shall consist of two or more Non Executive Directors. The Company
Secretary shall act as Secretary to this Committee.
The Chairman shall call the Committee meeting as and when required. Minutes of every
meeting shall be maintained. The quorum of the meetings shall be one third of the total
strength or two Directors whichever is more. The meetings can also be conducted vide
teleconference/video conference.
Responsibilities –
(i) Adopting, implementing and reviewing the Code of Ethics and Standards for the
(ii) Setting up the system for recognising and rewarding the individuals adhering to the
ethical culture.
(iii) Reviewing, investigating the instances reported for unethical behavior of employees or
Senior Management Officials and taking suitable disciplinary action against such employees.
(iv) Reporting the Board on periodical basis the instances and the actions taken against such
1. The Appointed Actuary is responsible for a report on actuarial processes and results to
the Board of Directors and to Senior Management of the Company, to assist in
understanding principle base reserve results and significant and unusual issues and
1. An Appointed Actuary shall have access to all information or documents in possession, or
under control, of the Company for the proper and effective performance of the functions
and duties of the appointed actuary.
2. The Appointed Actuary may seek any information from any officer or employee of the
3. The Appointed Actuary shall attend all meetings of the management including the
directors of the Company as well as Shareholders, policyholders.
Duties and obligations.—
1. Rendering actuarial advice to the management, in particular in the areas of product
design and pricing, insurance contract wording, investments and reinsurance;
1. Complying with the duties prescribed by the Regulatory Authority from time to time.
1. Reporting to the Board in case of any irregularity, non compliance or adversity is noticed
for the corrective action.