Verbul: Diateza Activa

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The document discusses active, passive, and reflexive voices in verbs as well as different verb tenses such as simple past, past continuous, past perfect, future, future perfect, and conditional tenses.

In the active voice, the subject performs the action, while in the passive voice the action is performed on the subject. The agent is mentioned in the passive voice using 'by'.

In the reflexive voice, the subject both performs and receives the action. Reflexive verbs include verbs like 'wash', 'shave', 'dress' where the subject and object are the same. These verbs are used with a reflexive pronoun like 'himself'.


Diateza activa
Cum se identifica
Subiectul gramatical face actiunea exprimata de verb.
Actiunea se rasfrange asupra altui lucru.
I have seen a tree.
Subiectul (cel care face actiunea) = eu ("I")
Actiunea "se rasfrange" asupra copacului ("tree").
Yesterday, he broke his bicycle.
Subiectul (cel care face actiunea) = el ("he")
Actiunea "se rasfrange" asupra bicicletei sale ("his bicycle")

Diateza pasiva
Cum se identifica
Actiune este realizata de subiectul logic ( complementul de agent ).
I have seen a tree.   (diateza activa).
The tree has been seen by me.   (diateza pasiva).
Yesterday, he broke his bicycle.   (diateza activa).
Yesterday, his bicycle was broken by him.   (diateza pasiva).
I will buy a car.   (diateza activa).
The car will be bought by me.   (diateza pasiva).

Diateza reflexiva
Cum se identifica
La diateza reflexivă acţiunea este realizată şi suportată de subiect. Diateza reflexiva
se foloseste cu verbe reflexive.
Mary washes herself.
Maria s-a spalat.
Jen and Greg kiss each other.
Jen si Greg se saruta.
He shaved himself.
El s-a barbierit.
Verbe care au forma reflexiva: to shower, to wash, to shave, to hurry, to rest, to sit
down, kiss.


Trecutul Simplu
(The Simple Past Tense)

Cum se formeaza
       Acest timp desemneaza o actiune care a avut loc in trecut, dar care este amintita in
momentul prezent.
a) VERB+ed   --> pentru verbele regulate.
b) forma a 2-a  a verbelor neregulate  --> pentru verbele neregulate.  
Link catre  Lista/ tabelul verbelor neregulate
                     1)  consoana finala a formei de infinitive se dubleaza cand vocala care o
precede este scurta si accentuate:
                           stop     -> stopped
                           prefer ->  preferred
                     2)  verbele terminate in –y precedat de consoana il schimba in –i:
                           study  ->  studied
                     3)  verbele terminate in –e adauga doar –d:
                           move  ->  moved
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. actiunea e in trecut; timpul e definit cu exactitate (last week, last month, last
year, that day, that week, that year, in 1990, on Thursday, 10 years ago)
I visited London 10 years ago.
2. pentru o actiune care era o obistuinta in trecut (acum nu mai e)
We went to the Black See every year.  
(acum nu mai mergem in fiecare an la Marea Neagra)
3. in fraze ce implica utilizarea lui "Present Conditional (Unreal)"
Where would you stay if you went to Bucharest? 
Tom would help me with my homework if he had time.
4. in fraze ce implica utilizarea lui "Future-in-the-Past"  (cand actiunile viitoare
fata de actiunea trecuta sunt simultane)
He promised me that we would go to Italy when he had time.   (when arata

Trecutul (Simplu) Continuu

(The Past Tense Continuous)
Cum se formeaza
was/were + present participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. pentru a exprima o actiune in progres la un anumit moment din trecut
I remember that yesterday at 5 Pm I was watching TV.
2. pentru a arata ca o actiune trecuta a fost intrerupta de o alta
I was playing a computer game when she called.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
3. folosind "Past Continuous Tense" pentru actiuni trecute sublinieaza ideea de
paralelism, simultaneitate (se cunoaste timpul)
Last night at 5 Pm, I was studying while he was making dinner.
4. pentru a exprima iritarea vis-a-vis de actiuni care se repetau in trecut
He was constantly/ always coming late to the English class.
5. pentru a exprima conditionalul prezent ireal continuu
What would you say if the boy were studying now ?  (Discutie intre parinti
cand se pregatesc sa intre in camera copiilor. Ei nu se asteapta ca baiatul lor sa
invete acum.)

Trecutul Perfect
(The Past Perfect Tense)
Cum se formeaza
had + past participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. exprima o actiune anterioara altei actiuni din trecut sau anterioara unui
moment din trecut
The little boy said that he had seen a flying saucer in the garden.
The little spoke as if he had seen a flying saucer.
2. in constructiile care folosesc Conditional in Trecut (Ireal)
Tom would have helped me with my homework if he had had time.   
(situatie ipotetica in trecut)
Pentru a recapitula Conditional in Trecut (Ireal) dati click aici.
3. pot exprima o dorinta nerealizata
I wish/ wished I hadn't missed the buss.
4. exprima o actiune anterioara unei actiuni a carui timp e "Future-in-the-
Tom said that he would go to England after he had learned English a little

Trecutul Perfect Continuu

(The Past Perfect Continuous Tense)
Cum se formeaza
had been + present participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. exprima o actiune continua inainte unei actiuni situate in trecut
They had been talking for over two hours before Tom arrived.
Aceeasi situatie poate fi prezenta si in vorbirea indirecta:
John said that he had been watching TV at 9 o'clock.

Prezentul Simplu
(Simple Present Tense)

Cum se formeaza
VERB + s/es (pentru persoana a 3-a singular)
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. pentru a exprima adevaruri general valabile (nu poti sa le schimbi in viitor)
The sun rises in the East and sets in West.
The water boils at 100 degrees C.
2. pentru a exprima actiuni care se repeta in mod regulat (sau nu se repeta deloc
si devin general valabile)
I drink a tea every day.
I never drink tea.    (deoarece nu-mi place ceaiul)
In acest caz repetarea actiunii se "marcheaza" prin: every day/ month/ week/ year,
occasionally, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, twice a week.
3. in vorbirea directa pentru a marca ce a spus cineva
John says: "I speak French".
4. pentru a exprima actiuni planificate in viitor
The match starts at 2pm on Sunday.
5. in modul conditional (Conditional Prezent Real)
Tom helps me with my homework when he has time. 
6. cateodata cand se povesteste o intamplare (de regula se folosesc si expresii,
cuvinte care sa accentueze surprinderea, sau rapiditatea cu care se intampla o alta
actiune paralela sau imediat urmatoare actiunii de baza)
I went into the house and suddenly I see a misterious map.
I went into the house = actiunea de baza
(suddenly) I see a misterious map = actiune paralela sau imediat urmatoare actiunii
de baza care accentueaza surprinderea
a)  "-es" se adauga la persoana a 3-a singular pentru verbele care se termina in s, z,
sh, ch, consoana+y
b)  Din punct de vedere al formei, prezentul simplu este identic cu infinitivul, la
toate persoanele singular si plural, cu exceptia persoanei a III- a singular, care se
adauga – (e) s.

Prezentul (Simplu) Continuu

(Present Tense Continuous)

Cum se formeaza
am/is/are + present participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. pentru o actiune ce are loc in prezent si e in progres (are loc chiar acum)
I am just writing my exercise.
I am writing my exercise now.
In acest caz, de regula, in propozitie intalnim cuvinte (care sa intareasca aceasta
idee) precum: just, now.
2. pentru o actiune ce are loc in prezent si e in progres (dar care se va termina in
viitorul mai departat)
I am studying French.
Cand fac afirmatia poate ca nu studiez franceza (la acea ora), insa aceasta actiune/
activitate e inceputa in trecut si va continua si in viitor. In acest caz nu se folosesc
cuvinte de subliniere a prezentului precum just, now.
3. pentru a exprima planuri in viitorul apropiat (are nuanta subiectiva; Prezentul
Simplu in acest caz nu are nuanta subiectiva)
What are you doing tomorrow ?
In acest caz frecvent se folosesc verbe de miscare precum to come, to arrive, to go,
to leave: My friend is leaving tomorrow.
4. pentru o actiune care se repeta regulat, frecvent
I am constantly thanking God for the opportunities that He has given me in my life.
(nu exprima iritarea)
De regula exprima iritarea vis-a-vis de actiune:
He is continually making noise.
Repetarea se exprima folosind adverbe precum: always, constantly, continually,
Exista verbe care nu au forma continua.

Verbe care nu au forma continua in limba

 1. Verbele de perceptie
to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste
ex: I see a red car.
TOTUSI, daca actiunea e una voluntara, una constienta se poate folosi aspectul
What are you seeing ?   (se presupune ca persoana care vede ceva realizeaza o
actiune voluntara; de exemplu: se uita cu binoclu, s-a urcat pe ceva sa vada mai
departe, etc)
DEASEMENEA, daca sensul verbului nu mai este cel de baza, iar se poate folosi
forma continua:
I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.  (sensul nu mai e de a vedea ci de a fi
consultat, de a se duce la)
2. Verbele care exprima activitati mentale
to agree, to believe, to distrust, to imagine, to doubt, to remember, to
understand, to suppose, to recognize, to forget, to think, to mean
NOTA: Daca se foloseste forma continua apare o modificare de sens:
I am thinking. (nu se spune si ce gandesc.)
3. Verbe care exprima dorinta
to wish, to want, to intend, to desire
ex: I wish to go there.
4. Verbe care exprima sentimente, atitudini, trairi emotionale
to love, to like, to dislike, to detest, to prefer, to abhor, to adore, to hate
ex.: I like it.
5. verbele modale
can, may, must, ought to
ex.: I can do it.
6. Verbe care exprima posesia
to posses, to owe, to belong to, to own, to keep, to hold
ex.: I keep it for me.
7. Alte verbe care nu pot avea forma continua
to expect, to suffice, to differ, to appear, to contain, to deserve
ex.: This movie appears to be interesting.

Prezentul Perfect
(The Present Perfect Tense)
Cum se formeaza
has/have + past participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. pentru o actiune trecuta cand nu se precizeaza timpul exact (dar se stie ca e in
I have seen that movie 10 times.
Yes, I have seen that movie.
Uneori se pot folosi adverbe de frecventa sau de timp care nu precizeaza timpul cu
exactitate (ever, never, often, seldom, always, sometimes):
I have never seen him.
2. actiunea din trecut are repercursiuni in prezent
I have seen an interesting museum.  (In prezent imi amintesc bine acel muzeu)
A terrible accident has happened. (Inca sunt afectat de acel lucru)
3. actiunea e terminata in trecutul apropiat.
It has just rained.
In general, propozitiile contin adverbe precum just, recently, lately, latterly, till
now, up to now, so far, up to the present, last week.
4. cand actiunea e inceputa in trecut, continua in prezent si se folosesc FOR sau
I have been at home since 5Pm.
I have been at home for 2 hours.
SINCE: specifica de la ce data/ ora.
FOR: specifica perioada
In cazul in care actiunea/ activitatea e facuta fara intrerupere sau se doreste
accentuarea ei se va folosi The Present Perfect Continuous
5. in propozitiile care se folosesc adverbele YET (=INCA) si ALREADY
Have you learned Polish curses already ?
I have already learned the Polish curses.
I have not learned the Polish curses yet.
6. cand actiunea trecuta s-a desfasurat intr-o perioada care a inceput in trecut
dar care nu s-a terminat
I have eaten a good cake this morning. (este ora 9 am si  dimineata nu s-a
In acest caz se folosesc constructii ca: this week, this day, this year, this month,
all day, all night, today, etc.

Prezentul Perfect Continuu

(Present Perfect Continuous Tense)

Cum se formeaza
has/have + been + present participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. cand actiunea e inceputa in trecut, continua (FARA INTRERUPERE) in
prezent si se folosesc FOR sau SINCE
I have been working for 2 hours.
I have worked in this factory for two years. (inca mai lucrez, dar la modul
general; acum poate ca sunt acasa si ma uit la TV)
2. actiunea tocmai s-a terminat (si dorim sa subliniem asta)
I have been reading all afternoon. I’ve just finished the novel.
Atentie la verbele care nu au forma continua !

Viitorul Simplu
(Simple Future Tense)
Cum se formeaza
will + verb
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
Viitorul simplu se foloseste in propozitiile simple si in cele subordonate care incep
cu verbe ce exprima promisiunea, actiuni neplanificate, predictii. In aceste cazuri,
de regula, in propozitia principala avem verbe precum: think, assume, expect, hope,
doubt, belive, suppose, be sorry, wonder, be sure pentru a exprima opinii/ optiuni
personale despre o actiune viitoare.
I suppose I will be there.    (predictia)
I will be there at 7 o'clock.  (promisiunea) 
1) Pentru actiunile planificate in viitor nu se foloseste viitorul simplu ci
"TO BE GOING TO" sau Simple Present Continuous !
Daca actiunea e planificata in decursula a 1-7 zile sau e vorba de o activitate
repetitiva in viitor de regula se foloseste viitorul format cu "to be going to":
I am going to see that movie on Friday.
"am going to" are sensul de "planific sa"
Daca actiunea e planificata mult mai tarziu (in viitor) de regula se foloseste prezentul
simplu continuu:
Mike is moving to New York next month.
Nota: viitorul format cu "to be going to" are nuanta de viitor apropiat; cel format cu
prezentul simplu continuu nu are nici o nuanta de acest fel.
2) In propozitiile de timp nu se foloseste viitorul ! Astfel, in propozitiile
introduse cu after,while, when, before, as soon as, by the time, if nu vom avea
viitor !

Viitorul Continuu
(Future Continuous Tense)

Cum se formeaza
will be + present participle
am/is/are + going to be + present participle    (pentru "to be going to")
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. la un anumit timp in viitor actiunea e in desfasurare (incepuse inainte de acel
moment/ timp)
Tonight at 7 o'clock, Tom will be watching TV.  (Acum e1 Pm si Tom va
incepe sa se uite la TV la 6:30 Pm)
2. o actiune viitoare se va intinde pe toata durata viitoare
Ann will be writing letters all day long.
1) O varianta a cazului 1 de folosire a lui "Future Continuous Tense" este cand
se vrea sa se sublinieze faptul ca in viitor doua sau mai multe actiuni vor avea loc
Tonight, they will be watching TV, discussing their vacation plans, and
having a good time.
2) In propozitiile de timp nu se foloseste viitorul ! Astfel, in propozitiile
introduse cu after,while, when, before, as soon as, by the time, if nu vom avea
viitor !
I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.

Viitorul Perfect
(Future Perfect Tense)

Cum se formeaza
will have + past participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. Se foloseste pentru actiuni viitoare care se termina inaintea altei actiuni/ altui
eveniment viitor
Jerry will have worked for this company for 20 years when he retires.
1) In propozitiile de timp nu se foloseste viitorul ! Astfel, in propozitiile
introduse cu after,while, when, before, as soon as, by the time, if nu vom avea
viitor !
2) "Future Perfect Tense" e folosit in constructii de genul "By next January/
month/ week"
By next January, I will have received my reward.

Viitorul Perfect Continuu

(Future Perfect Continuous)

Cum se formeaza
will have been + present participle
Cand se foloseste & Exemple
1. Se foloseste pentru actiuni viitoare care incep si NU se termina inaintea altei
actiuni/ altui eveniment viitor
Jerry will have been working for this company for 20 years when she retires.
(Jerry va continua sa lucreze pentru acea companie)
1) In propozitiile de timp nu se foloseste viitorul ! Astfel, in propozitiile
introduse cu after,while, when, before, as soon as, by the time, if nu vom avea
viitor !
2) "Future Perfect Tense" e folosit in constructii de genul "By next January/
month/ week"
By next January, I will have been learning a lot of things related to this
( Insa voi continua sa studiez despre acel subiect )

"Viitorul in Trecut"
(The Future-in-the-Past)

Cum se formeaza
would + VERB
was/ were going to + VERB       (pentru actiuni planificate)
1. exprima o actiune viitoare unei actiuni trecute
He promised me that we would go to Italy when he had time.   (when arata
El mi-a promis ca noi vom merge in Italia cand el va avea timp.
Tom said that he would go to England after he had learned English a little bit.
(after arata anterioritatea)
Tom a spus ca el va merge in Anglia dupa ce el va invata engleza un pic.

Propozitiile (de timp) care incep cu before, when, while, after, as soon as, by the
time, if, unless nu au verbul la viitor.


Conditional in Prezent (Real)

(Present Real Conditional)

Cum se formeaza
If / When ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Present ...
When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach.    (situatie general
valabila: e valabila in prezent)
Tom helps me with my homework when he has time.            (situatie general
valabila: e valabila in prezent)
If the weather is nice, I walk to my office.   (situatie general valabila: e valabila in
Where do you stay if you go to Bucharest?     (situatie general valabila: e valabila
in prezent)
1)  "Present Real Conditional" se foloseste pentru a vorbi despre situatii care
apar in mod normal in viata de zi cu zi; sint situatii generale si care se repeta
frecvent sau sunt sigure (sunt reale si nu fictive);
2)  If        e folosit in cazul actiunilor mai putin frecvente;
      When e folosit in cazul actiunilor mai frecvente.

Conditional in Prezent (Ireal)

( Present Unreal Conditional )

Cum se formeaza
If ... Simple Past ..., ... would + verb ...
What would you do if you won the lottery?   
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul)
Where would you stay if you went to Bucharest? 
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul; calatoria la Bucuresti in acest caz
nu e reala)
If the weather were nice, I would walk to my office.
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul; vremea nu e frumoasa)
Tom would help me with my homework if he had time.
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul; Tom nu are timp deci nu ma ajuta,
dar daca ar avea timp m-ar ajuta)
1)  "Present Unreal Conditional" se foloseste pentru a vorbi despre situatii

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