Page No.
Objective 3
Principle 3
Kit Description 4
Materials Provided 8
Procedure 9
Ordering Information 11
To perform sandwich Dot ELISA test for antigen.
Dot-ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is
an extensively used immunological tool in research as well
as analytical/diagnostic laboratories. In sandwich Dot-ELISA,
the antigen is sandwiched directly between two antibodies
which react with two different epitopes on the same antigen.
Here one of the antibodies is immobilized onto a solid support
and the second antibody is linked to an enzyme. Antigen in
the test sample first reacts with the immobilized antibody
and then with the second enzyme-linked antibody. The amount
of enzyme linked antibody bound is assayed by incubating
the strip with an appropriate chromogenic substrate, which
is converted to a coloured, insoluble product. The latter
precipitates onto the strip in the area of enzyme activity,
hence the name Dot-ELISA. The enzyme activity is indicated
by intensity of the spot, which is directly proportional to the
antigen concentration.
These strips will be used to detect the antigen in the test Substrate.
serum samples supplied, by using a secondary antibody
conjugated to Horse radish perxoidase (HRP). HRP is then Substrate converted into its product.
detected using hydrogen peroxide as a substrate and
Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) as a chromogen. HRP acts on Blue spot developed on NC membrane.
hydrogen peroxide to release oxygen, which oxidizes the
TMB to TMB oxide. The TMB oxide is deposited wherever
enzyme is present and appears as a blue spot. The ELISA Strip
-ve Control zone
HRP Test zone
H2O2 H2O + [O]
+ve Control zone
The Reaction Sequence
If the test sample does not contain the antigen specific Negative Control Zone: In this zone immobilized antibody
to the antibody, there will be no enzyme reaction and no is not present and hence, there is no reaction when the
spot develops. reagents are added.
Positive control zone: In this zone antigen is bound to
immobilized antibody. The antigen binds to antibody enzyme
conjugate in step 2 and develops spot in step 3.
Test Zone: The explanations for the reaction sequence in
this zone is given on page 6.
© Bangalore Genei, 2007 4 © Bangalore Genei, 2007 5
Note: When sample does not contain specific antigen, Step-3: Add substrate (TMB/H2O2)
reaction follows sequence (a) and when sample contains
specific antigen, it follows sequence (b).
Reaction sequences for negative and positive control remains Incubate 20 minutes, wash
same in sequences (a) and (b). The substrate
(a) (b) binds to the
Step-1: Dot ELISA strip + 1X Assay Buffer +Serum Samples. No binding of
the substrate. antibody
Sequence (a) Sequence (b) Hence, no spot enzyme
develops. conjugate.
-ve Control zone The enzyme
Test zone oxidizes the
+ve Control zone substrate to give
a blue spot.
Incubate for 20 minutes, wash
Appearance of the strip:
(a) (b) Specific Ag
No binding as (a) (b)
present in the
specific Ag is sample binds to
absent in the the Ab
sample. immobilized on
the strip. -ve Control zone
Test zone
Step-2: Add enzyme-antibody conjugate (antibody-HRP). +ve Control zone
No blue spot. Blue Spot