Presidential Decree No.442, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Labor Code of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No.442, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Labor Code of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No.442, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Labor Code of The Philippines
d) Should the cash deposit or surety bond be insufficient, or in case the surety
bond cannot be proceeded against for any reason, the Sheriff shall, within five
(5) days from demand, execute the monetary Judgment by levying on the
property, personal and real, of the losing party not exempt from execution,
sufficient to cover the judgment award, which may be disposed of for value at
the public auction to the highest bidder. chan robles virtual law library
x x x”
d) Should the cash deposit or surety bond be insufficient or in case the surety
bond cannot be proceeded against for any reason, the Sheriff shall within five
(5) days from demand, execute the monetary judgment by levying on the
property, personal and real, of the losing party not exempt from execution,
sufficient to cover the judgment award, which may be disposed of for value at
the public auction to the highest bidder. The losing party shall have the option
to choose which or his sufficient properties should be levied first to satisfy the
monetary obligations. chan robles virtual law library
x x x”
WHEREAS, Rule XI, Section 11, of the 2005 Revised Rules of Procedure of the
National Labor Relations Commission provides that: chan robles virtual law
“RESOLUTION OF MOTION TO QUASH – The mere filing of a motion to quash
shall not stay execution proceedings. A motion to quash shall be resolved by
the Labor Arbiter within ten (10) working days from submission of said motion
for resolution”; and chan robles virtual law library