Man As Vicegerent of ALLAH
Man As Vicegerent of ALLAH
Man As Vicegerent of ALLAH
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Ideology Importance of Ideology
It is not only a thought but it is also a feeling which
awakens humans to progress
To move forward & to fullmints of desires
Initially, we face difficulties, hurdles & problems
At the end everlasting happiness
It sets the mutual duties & rights of the humans
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Ideology of Pakistan
Human Ideology
Solutions of Human problems are called Human ideology
Like Communism, Socialism & Nationalism
Thoughts are limited, can’t give a proper solution to all human
The reason, human ideologies fail at last
Example of communism can be quoted
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Ideology of Pakistan
Metaphysical ideologies
• Metaphysical ideologies are those which are given by God to mankind
in the shape of system of life instead of man made ideologies
• They are as per nature of man that’s why they are more beneficial
than any other theory
• Judaism, Christianity and Islam are metaphysical ideologies
• Islam is in the pure form
Ideology of Pakistan
Ideology of Pakistan
• Basis of Ideology of Pakistan are the Holy Quran & teachings of the Holy
prophet (PBUH)
• Covers the political, social, economical and religious aspects of human life
• This is such kind of reality which can not be denied
• A balance of homogeneity can be produced between human’s material needs
and spiritual needs with the help of ever lasting Islamic principles
• In the end, Ideology of Islam is the ideology of Pakistan
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Ideology of Pakistan
Islam is complete code of life
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Ideology of Pakistan
Difference between Islam & Hinduism
Quaid point of view:
“Islam & Hinduism are not only two religions but they are
also two different social systems. These two nations are
related to two different civilizations that base on such
thoughts which are cons to each other. These ideologies
are different to each other. Hindus and Muslims cannot
create a common nationhood. So Muslims are in need of a
separate homeland where they can spend their lives
socially, economically and politically according to their
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