It represents the soul and body of the individual to whom the Horoscope pertains.
Lagna is the base house, from which all the other 11 houses in a horoscope are assessed. The Lord Graha of the Lagna is the Lagnathipathy.
If the Lagnathipathy is well positioned, strong enough and aspected by Subha Graha like Guru, Sukran, Budhan the individual will have a healthy long life. It will
also render a good social standing for the individual. The Lagna is the first house in a horoscope.
The 2nd house represents education, family, finances, eye sight, eloquence, verbal ability etc.
If the 2nd house is aspected by Sani (Saturn), generally the individual will be conversant in one of the other languages other than his mother tongue. But the
ability in public speaking will be generally limited.
If the Lord of the 2nd house is well positioned in Aakshi, Ucham, Thri-Konam or Kendram and is aspected by Guru, the individual will acquire high calibre
education with multi-lingual capabilities and hold a high esteem in his academics.
If on the other hand, if the Lord of the 2nd house is positioned in a house which is inimical to him or if he was traversing on a Nakshatra the Lord of which is not
favourable to the horoscope, the individual will strive hard but his chances of winning the situation will be subject to severe constraints.
The 3rd house means a lot in family and social relationships. This house will tell us how bold, courageous, self-confident the individual is and his mental strength.
In general this house will indicate the mental aptitude of the individual.
This house also indicates the physical virulance and might. The more virulent and mighty this house or the Lord of this house is, the lesser are the chances that
the individual will be able to better utilize opportunities and advance in life.
In this house, any Navagraha is in a partially hidden state. Generally, this is a most appropriate house for the Navagraha which are defined as Paabhis and the
Grahas which are not in a favourable disposition in the horoscope.
The 4th house is Suga Sthanam. This basically indicates whether and to what extent, the individual can enjoy the benefits of pleasures and happiness indicated
by other relative houses like Kalasthra Sthanam, Yoga Sthanam, Jeevana Sthanam and Labha Sthanam.
One may earn well, save well, accrue wealth - but will not be able to, for one reason or the other - enjoy the benefits of all these, if his Suga Sthanam is not in
Even if the person is blessed with a beautiful and affectionate spouse, he may become paranoid and may not have the relative happiness of a married life if his 4th
house is not in order.
The 4th house also represents mother, maternal relatives, comforts of life, luck of owning vehicles, land and buildings.
If this place is occupied by a favourable Graha or if this house or the Lord Graha of this house is aspected by Subha Graha, the individual will enjoy all comforts of
life with facilities of vehicles and own house.
This house is studied in relation to the 7th, 9th, 10th and 12th houses in order to arrive at a comprehensive conclusion as to the extent of living standards or life-
The status of this house and the Lord of this house will indicate the Poorva Punniyam the individual has inherited from the past births and/or from the forefathers.
In general practice, this place is taken into consideration for determining whether the individual will inherit any ancestral property. But this approach is very course
and may not represent a fair picture.
This place indicates the depth of good and bad deeds we have done in our past birth as also that of our forefathers. This aspect has to be studied with the status
of Sooriyan in the Horoscope, who is the Pithur Karakan.
The 5th house indicates the Puthra Bakyam. There is a school of thought that the 9th house should be considered as Puthra Sthanam in a Girl's Horoscope.
However, in drawing this conclusion, the status of Guru who is Puthra Karakan has also to be considered.
With all this, in modern days, with the advent of planned families, this study only fails to give a fair picture in the changing social order.
In most cases, the observation proves to be hypothetical rather than being probable..
The Science of Astrology was developed thousands of years back. It took into account the then being socio-economic conditions.
It is not strange that some part of it might have lost its relevance as civilization and socio-economic conditions advance over age.
Not that the whole of the science has lost relevance. It can never happen. Some part of it need not be applied in the modern scenario and drop into false
The 6th house represents the enmity, ill-health, hard luck, indebtedness and all this kind of ill effects on life. If the Lord of this house is strong enough, it is not
good for the individual.
If this house or the Lord of this house is aspected by Subha Graha like Guru, it is good. If the Lord of this house is in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th place, it is desireable.
This house is a delicate place to assess, since needs corroboration of relative studies which are likely to affect the Lagna and as well the 12th house.
The 7th house is Kalasthra Sthanam. This house represents the spouse. This house is studied as to the marital prospects.
From this house, the basic questions addressed are the probabilities of a timely, early or late marriage, the marital harmony etc. The 7th house is studied with
relevance to Sukran, the Kalasthra Karakan, meaning the causative force, responsible for marriage, romance etc.
The assessement with respect to the personality of the spouse and as well the direction from which the alliance may be settled down etc of the prospective spouse
are often questions raised by the individual.
Trying an answer to these questions will almost be a futile exercise. In most occasions, the answers derived in the past studies, do not appear to apply in the
present immigration era.
When the social behaviour altogether changes because of economic activities, the probabilities arrived at in ancient times when people were settled down in one
place, do not altogether apply.
Any conclusion arrived on these questions, are bound to be more hypothetical than being probable. Better not ask such questions, is the best answer when asked
from which direction an alliance will be settled.
The 8th house is Ayul Sthanam for men and Ayul and Mangalya Sthanam for women. The expected life span and prospects of husband's longivity of life in
respect of a girl are decided with this place.
While the study of longivity of life can be made with the position of the Lord of the 8th house and Ayulkarakan Sani, these two are not exclusively empowered to
inflict death when the term of life ends. These are correlating factors to support a conclusion.
It is the Lords of the 2,3,7,8 & 12th houses, depending on their relative position in the horoscope who will inflict the termination of life.
More than any other aspect in a horoscope, this is a very complex study and had always been a task to arrive at a probability. Many or almost all Astrologers
including me, even if facts are found to be very obvious, will not reveal the truth as they feel it is, as a moral binding and professional ethics.
The strength of the 8th house, the Graha in the 8th house and the Lord of the 8th house, are considered very important in respect of a Girl's Horoscope, since it
represents the Mangalya Bakyam. Hindu philosophy believes that Mangalya Bakyam is as important for a Girl as her own life.
The 9th house is Bakya Sthanam. It is difficult to explain the term 'Bakyam' in English. Generally we can call it 'opportunity & luck' put together. In respect of a
Girl's Horoscope, this house represents the Puthra Bakyam, as a school of thought prevails.
Mangalya Bakyam and Puthra Bakyam are considered as a matter of paramount importance in a Girl's Horoscope.
This house in general will indicate the extent of Bakyam an individual is having by nature. Even if other aspects of the horoscope are found encouraging, if this
house and its Lord are not properly positioned, the individual may not be able to avail the benefits indicated by other Grahas or Houses in the horoscope.
The 10th house is Jeevana Sthanam. This term defines the career prospects of the individual. This is assessed in correlation with the status of the 9th and 11th
houses. This place is also known as Karma Sthanam.
The Lords of the 9th and 10th houses are called Dharma Karmathipathigal. If the Lords of 9th and 10th houses are in Parivarthana Status, (i.e, if Bakyathipathy is
in the house of the Jeevanathipathy and Jeevanathipathy is in the house of the Bakyathipathy in the horoscope, it is a good indication for a successful career.)
Normally the Dasa Periods of Bakyathipathy and Jeevanathipathy will be a prosperous period for a horoscope, of course, subject to the exact status of the Grahas
studied with other parameters.
The 11th house is Labha Sthanam. It represents the extent of profits / benefits the individual is likely to fetch in his / her profession or business. Any Graha in the
11th house is bound to give raise or slow down the economic growth of the house depending on the status of such a Graha.
But the Lord of this house is not generally a good Graha for any horoscope. In most cases, the Dasa Period of Labhathipathy is a painful period.
There is a school of thought that the Lord of the 7th house for Sara Lagna, the Lord of the 9th house for Sthira Lagna and the Lord of the 11th house for Upaya
Lagna are Badhagathipathies. That is they will harm the Horoscope during their Dasa Bukthi periods.
I have some reservations about this conclusion. Explaining my reservations will be rather lengthy. As such I leave it as it is.
The 12th house represents Moksham and Virayam. This indicates how much of losses and wastages in our contemporary life and also the type of our exit from
the worldly life. The house is known as Viraya Sthanam, Moksha Sthanam, Sayana Sthanam and so on.
This house indicates not only Virayam - which can be defined partially as an expenditure on non-productive areas, but as well it represents Moksha Sthanam and
Sayana Sthanam. The Moksha Sthanam defines where we are going to go after this birth period is over. This study will invole analysis of the Poorva Punniya
Sthanam and Bakya Sthanam.
This may - partially help us if we are worried about our Moksham, which can be defined as reaching and merging with the light of Almighty God.
Generally Kethu in this place, more particularly on his own Nakshatra or on the Nakshatra of the Bakyathipathy, is considered as an indicator that the horoscope is
not having rebirth.
Another study is Sayana Sthana Athipathyam. Unless the 12th house is conducive, whatever we have gained in life, may not give us the necessary peace of
mind, which is the ultimate objective of making a progressive life. Thus, the significance of this house as Sayana Sthanam is greater to ensure that we are able to
enjoy the benefits of the results of our efforts.