Assesing Legislation e
Assesing Legislation e
Assesing Legislation e
- a manual for legislators
Ann Seidman
Robert Seidman
Nalin Abeysekere
with drawings and layout by Judy Seidman
Assessing Legislation - A manual for legislators written by Ann Seidman, Robert
Seidman, and Nalin Abeysekere with drawings and layout by Judy Seidman
February, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts
Copyright 2003 by Ann Seidman, Robert B. Seideman and Nalin Abeysekere
INTRODUCTION: The Plan of this Manual §
PART I: Your task in facilitating social, political economic transformation
This Manual aims to equip legislators to assess and, when necessary, to initiate
legislation to foster democratic social change in their own countries. It reflects what we
have learned over several decades about the use of law to facilitate the kinds of
institutional transformation that constitute both development and transition.
This Manual rests on the legislative theory and methodology set out in Legislative
Drafting for Democratic Social Change: A Manual for Drafters (London: Kluwer Law
International, 2001). It carries forward the work of Boston University School of Law's
Program on Legislative Drafting for Democratic Social Change (visit
In every country that we have visited in the developing and transitional worlds, the
members of their national legislatures have impressed us _ their idealism, their
intelligence, their genuine desire to advance development and transition. Despite those
excellent qualities, the way most of those deputies have used their legislative power has
ended, not in improving the quality of their peoples' lives, but a bare miserable existence
for most of the world's peoples. This book arose out of the conviction that that sad
outcome resulted, not — as much of the popular press supposes _ from the legislators'
cynicism and corruption, but from their lack of capacity to utilize the legislative power.
Developing and transitional world legislators win elections for all sorts of reasons, most
of them related to merit. They do not, however, win because they know how to assess a
law in terms of its likelihood to induce beneficent social change.
We would like to express our appreciation to all those who have and are helping us to
write and distribute this Manual, especially those who have participated in the Program
described in website cited above; the officials of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) who suggested that, to ensure its widest possible availability, their
country offices would download and distribute the Manual free of charge; and all the
other donor agencies who have agreed to make it available through their web-sites. We
particularly want to acknowledge the moral support given by Associate Dean Stephen
Marks of Boston University School of Law; Professor Cynthia Barr, a rock in connection
with the entire Program; and colleagues on the BU faculty, who gave much-valued
critiques and advice about the entire Program on the several occasions that we presented
the material. This Manual elaborates a paper we gave at a World Bank seminar in 2001;
we thank Professor William J. Chambliss for inviting us to that seminar. During the
writing of this Manual, Stephanie Rosander and Wei Chen served as our research
assistants and as the administrators for the entire program, which gave us more time to
write it. Finally, we owe a great debt of gratitude to Sue Morrison, an able, devoted and
an altogether wonderful office helpmate, who makes things happen. Obviously, none of
these fine people have any responsibility for mistakes. As to that, any mistake was the
other guy's fault.
More than forty years ago, when they began teaching in the University of Ghana, Ann
and Bob Seidman first began to develop an interest in law and development. They taught
for twelve years in six African countries, and one in China. Increasingly, Bob centered
his attention on the use of law to facilitate development. An economist, Ann realized that,
unless developing and transitional country governments changed dysfunctional inherited
institutions, research directed to improving resource use could do little to end developing
countries' poverty. Working together, they focused more and more on drafting legislation
to foster social transformation.
After 1966, in the University of Wisconsin, Ann and Bob co-taught seminars for third
world students concerned with law and development. Then, for the next quarter of a
century, at Boston University, Bob taught a clinical legislative drafting course in which
students drafted bills for the state legislature. He developed teaching materials that, in
part, they used in teaching drafting for African and other students abroad. In 1980, in
Zimbabwe, Bob and Ann first jointly taught a seminar in legislative drafting for southern
African lawyers. Over the next two decades, in China, Lao PDR, Sri Lanka , Bhutan,
Nepal, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guyana, and
elsewhere, they steadily improved the `learning-by-doing' process to help drafters, by
engaging in drafting real bills, to learn legislative drafting theory, methodology and
techniques. In Mozambique, after the civil war ended, they conducted two workshops for
that country's newly-elected national legislators. They came to understand the need for a
Manual, not only for drafters, but for legislators who must assess the drafters' work, and
for concerned citizens who must work together with the deputies to ensure enactment of
laws that foster democratic social change. That experience planted the seeds from which
this Manual grew.
Called to the English Bar from Lincoln's Inn in 1964, Nalin Abeyesekera joined the Legal
Draftsman's Department in Sri Lanka in 1971. He studied further in the Indian Law
Institute (1975), and as a Fellow of the Australian Institute of legal Drafting in 1980.
After serving briefly as the Legal Draftsman of the Seychelles, he became the Legal
Draftsman for Sri Lanka in 1984, a post that he held until he retired in 2000. He added to
his duties those of President's Counsel (1990), and member of the Law Commission of
Sri Lanka. A founder member of the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel,
he served as a member of its Council (1986-96 and again from 1999 to the present).
In 1998, at Nalin's request, the UNDP asked the Seidmans to come to Sri Lanka as
consultants, in the context of efforts to devolve power to the provinces, to help formulate
and implement a program to strengthen provincial drafting capacity. Working together,
the three of them introduced a UNDP-funded learning process that enabled its Sri Lankan
participants to multiply its impact. Nalin agreed to join Ann and Bob to write "Legislative
Drafting for Democratic Social Change _ a Manual for Drafters" (Kluwer, 2000). That
Drafters' Manual, designed to serve academics as well as drafters, documented in detail
the sources from which the authors culled the ingredients for this Manual's underlying
legislative theory, methodology and techniques.
Judy Seidman, an artist who works in South Africa, provided the layout and pictures.
These make the Manual accessible to the elected legislators and concerned citizens. In the
course of doing that, she creatively edited the entire Manual, adding to it many new ideas
and formulations.
February, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts
Copyright 2003 by Ann Seidman, Robert B. Seideman and Nalin Abeysekere
As an elected legislator working with
your colleagues, this manual aims to help
you to use your constitutionally-granted
power to enact laws
in the public interest.
After you have read this manual and completed the exercises it contains you will have
increased your capacity to exercise the legislative power, that is —
• to ask questions to get the facts you need to debate whether those bills’ detailed
provisions will serve the public interest;
• to oversee the administration of the laws in order to ensure that the laws as
enforced advance the public interest; and
The discourse about legislation rests on many considerations. Many books discuss how
legislation arises out of the competing claims of interest groups, of Party, of constituency,
speaking in the voice of power. This manual, by contrast, focuses on the claims in title of
the public interest, speaking in the voice of reason and experience.
In short, this manual aims to empower you, as one of a small handful of people,
constitutionally-entrusted with your nation’s legislative power, to carry out the law-jobs
essential for transforming the existing institutions. Appropriately exercising that power
constitutes the secret key to conquering poverty, vulnerability and poor governance.
Knowledge and skill in using state power and law to bring about beneficent institutional
change thus constitutes the key for winning the fatal race.
Part I addresses your task in facilitating social, political and economic transformation.
Chapter 1 suggests that law constitutes a government’s instrument of choice for
implementing policy. Chapters 2 through 4 provide a general framework for assessing
a bill. Chapter 2 introduces a legislative theory as a guide for assessing whether a
proposed law has a high probability of bringing about transformatory institutional change
in the public interest. Chapter 3 briefly outlines the scope of another preliminary
question: how should you, as an elected legislator, participate in deciding the order of
priority for drafting and enacting essential transformatory legislation? Finally, Chapter
4 discusses the most basic skill of all: how to read a bill.
Part III focuses on assessing a bill’s technical sufficiency. Chapter 8 gives you the
tools you need to assess whether the form and the techniques used in drafting the bill
likely ensure that those who will use it fully understand the bill’s prescriptions for behavior
– the first and essential step to effective implementation. Finally, Chapter 9 discusses
how to assess a bill’s potential to reduce the dangers of arbitrary governmental
decision-making, and especially corruption.
Parliament of
South Africa
This chapter poses some of the key issues underlying the task of elected representatives
in voting for legislation: the basic interaction of the state and the law, on the one hand, and
social and economic development most countries and people aspire to meet. The chapter
A. An introduction to the role of state and the law in the struggle for prosperity,
economic and social development;
B. How society's governance and institutions shape its relative poverty and wealth;
C. The conflict between aims and capabilities of newly independent governments, and
their inherited structures - the fatal race.
A half century later, as the new millennium dawned, both in the former colonial countries
and the former Soviet Union, populist forces ruled. In effect, the people had seized the
political kingdom.
Prosperity and good governance, however, still eluded almost all the new nations. Some
80% of the world’s population received less than 20% of the world’s output of goods and
services. In the poor countries, a wealthy few waxed rich and powerful. The vast majority
– especially women, children, old folk, the disabled, and ethnic minorities – lived on survival’s
edge. For many, the quality of life – even life expectancy – actually declined from its level
at Independence. Diseases (especially HIV/AIDS), ethnic conflicts, and civil wars engulfed
much of the developing and transitional worlds.
What do you consider the most important social
problems that confront people in your country?
To compare ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ countries, economists cite statistics. Those statistics reflect,
not the potential of a country’s underlying resource base, but the nature and pattern of the
country's use of resources.
Definitions of ‘institution’ differ. Some emphasize the’rules that govern the behaviors of
the people who constitute the institution, some the participants’ mental orientation towards
those rules. All include the concept of repetitive patterns of social behaviors. In this
manual’s definition of ‘institution,’ that constitutes the entire definition:"Institution” means
a set or interrelated sets of repetitive patterns of social behaviors.
Through their society’s repetitive patterns of behavior – their institutions – people shape
the uses of their country’s resources. Banks, schools, courts, family structures, prisons,
farms, social clubs, legislatures, industries, welfare systems: these and a myriad of other
institutions make up your country’s political, social and economic system.
Consider the railroad maps of the United States and Africa. The United States map shows
a spider web of lines reaching almost every part of the country. The African map shows a
number of relatively short lines starting at a place in the interior and making directly to the
nearest seaport. Few interconnections exist.
Deliberate government action shaped the institutions that built these railroads. In the United
States, they responded to 19th century demands for a link between the West’s gold mines,
forests and rich black earth and the already-settled East. Congress by law offered enormous
tracts of land to companies to build transcontinental railroads.3 The US government used
law to induce immigrant workers (mainly from China and Ireland) to build its railroads.
Those railroads played a vital function in creating an internal market for the country’s
agricultural and manufactured goods.
Colonial governments built railways primarily, not for the people’s benefit, but forthat of
their own investors. In Africa, running from Africa’s mines, forests, and commercial farm
areas to the nearest port, those railways enabled investors to export Africa’s minerals,
timber and agricultural products for processing in their home-country factories. The colonial
rulers imposed tax laws to coerce Africans to work for colonial firms and settlers – and to
build railroads — for wages roughly a quarter of those paid to workers in the more
industrialized world. They did not build internal railroad linkages. Not surprisingly, even to
this day, African countries have not developed much of an internal market.
The two railroad maps reflect not merely a system of tracks and different resource uses.
They also reflect the way governments used law to shape the institutions that built them.
A 1896 map of railroads criss-crossing New
England; note the land area covers less than
Cape Town to Port Elizabeth on the opposite map.
A country’s institutions shape, not only its resource allocations, but the quality of that country’s
governance. The institutions of governance define a government’s capacity to manage
social and economic resources to facilitate development or transition. Poor governance
consists of ineffective, arbitrary government decision-making processes – that is, ineffective
decision-making by non-transparent, non-accountable, non-participatory (and frequently
corrupt) processes.
“. . . ‘good order’, not in the sense of maintaining the status quo by the force of
the state (law and order) but in the sense of having a system, based on abstract
rules which are actually applied and on functioning institutions which ensure
the rules’ application. Reflected in the concept of ‘the rule of law,’ this system of
rules and institutions appears in different legal systems and finds expression in
the familiar phrase, ‘government of laws and not of men.’”
These characteristics reduce to two: effective government and decisions that emerge
from a non-arbitrary decision-making process. Four elements characterize those
• Transparency: Officials conduct government business openly so that the public and
particularly the press can learn about and debate its details; and
Together, these characteristics tend towards maintaining the rule of law, and ensuring
representativeness and predictability in state action.
Using the definition that this manual assigns to ‘institution,’ describe your country’s legislature
as an institution. By what criteria did you choose the characteristics included in your
After independence, many newly-elected populist law-makers did enact laws aimed at
development. In many countries, new laws-in-the-books purported to extend benefits to
the poor, providing education, health, transport, water, investor protection, social security.
In practice, many – perhaps most – of the new laws-in-the-books proved ineffective. For
the poor, the laws-in-action – how the laws-in-the-books worked out in practice – neither
produced services, nor fostered the reinvestment of nationally-generated surpluses to create
new, more productive jobs and higher incomes.
Populist governors and law-makers held the reins of formal power. Their countries, however,
remained basically defined by the old, colonial or command-economy institutions. That
provided the setting for a fatal race.
The new, populist governors might try to use state power to change existing institutions to
achieve national development to satisfy their peoples’ basic needs. Where they lagged,
the existing institutions held out lures that too often seduced the governors into perpetuating
the status quo – and their initiatives died in birth.
Almost everywhere, the new, populist governors lost the first lap of the fatal race. Few new
governments enacted laws to foster institutional transformation to increase productive
employment. Few new institutions augmented domestic incomes that could finance
expanded social services. They did little to restructure the public service, land tenure
systems, or the large firms, banks and financial institutions that chained their nations’
productive sectors to foreign inputs and markets. Instead, at most, they spent government’s
scarce revenues and borrowed abroad to expand consumption in the form of social services
such as schools, hospitals, roads.
Despite worsening conditions in the broader community, the new governors often found
that they enjoyed the benefits afforded those at the top of the old institutions. In time, many
dropped their populist rhetoric. Cynicism and eventually corruption corroded their behaviors.
Almost everywhere, the old institutions seemed to win. Instead of populist governments
transforming retrograde institutions, too often the institutions seemed to have transformed
the governors. Populism seemed to lose the fatal race — not with a bang, but a whimper.
At the end of the '80s, a new lap in the race seemed about to begin. The international aid
agencies discovered that even markets need rules, and that kleptocrat governments make
poor investment climates.1 ‘Good governance’ emerged as a leading theme. That required
non-arbitrary government decisions that reflected, not whim, but the rule of law.
Law and the legal order assumed priority on the development agenda. Aid agencies sent
armies of lawyers to help third world and transitional governments strengthen the courts
and draft new legislation on the development agenda. To ensure market efficiency, foreign
donor agencies imposed their own ‘model laws’ as a condition for their aid. They urged
new ‘business legislation'. This included new contract and companies law, secured
transactions law, intellectual property law, check law and banking law. The neo-liberals
promised that as new business tides lifted everyone’s boats, the benefits would trickle
down to the poor.
This manual argues that, to win thet fatal race, you and your colleagues must devise ways
to change the institutions that fasten poverty, vulnerability, and poor governance onto your
fellow-citizens. The kinds of laws that you and your colleagues enact can play a principal
role in ensuring good governance that facilitates transition and development.
As legislators, however, you cannot effectively command food crops to feed hungry people,
dollars to stop chasing goods, savings to increase themselves, pollutants to stop invading
the water supply, or forests to replant themselves.
• through indirect measures – for example, laws providing training for cooperative
officers, changes in land tenure rules, or financing research in new products and
• through the creation of a framework of rules within which individual actors supply the
moving force — for example, contract laws.
What degree of intervention the law should adopt in a particular circumstance depends not
on ideology but the specific facts of the particular social problem the law attempts to solve.
1. A society’s relative wealth and poverty and its quality of governance reflect its
institutions — that is, its repetitive patterns of behavior.
2. Its institutions define a country’s relative poverty and vulnerability, and also the
quality of its governance.
4. By and large, in that race the inherited institutions have – so far – come out ahead.
They did not change substantially. Many governors, on the other hand, did change.
They abandoned their earlier populism.
5. You and your colleagues can help to win the fatal race by enacting laws likely to
transform the institutions – the repetitive patterns of behavior — that keep your
country’s people relatively poor and vulnerable.
1. This chapter has identified three overriding problems in practically every developing
and transitional country: poverty, vulnerability, and poor governance. Consider your
country’s most pressing social, political or economic difficulties: Do they fall under the
general reach of one of those three overarching problems?
2. Every country, of course, has additional pressing but more specific problems; for
3. In connection with development and transition, how effective have your country’s
laws proven? Identify at least one law in your country of which one might say "It is a
good law, but badly implemented.”
4. What do you understand by the phrase 'the fatal race'? Has your country undergone
a 'fatal race'? How has that 'race' manifested itself?
B. That task requires you to perform three law-making jobs: enacting legislation,
overseeing its implementation, and communicating with constituents. Whether you
contribute to all three tasks depends on your capacity to assess a bill in the public
C. To assess a bill in the public interest requires that you as a ‘trustee for the public
interest’ assess it on the basis of reason informed by experience.
D. To do that – and thus to exercise the legislative power effectively – you must answer
a central question: Why do people behave as they do in the face of a rule of
In this manual:
(1) ‘A law’ means a rule promulgated by the state and implemented by state
officials. A law may take many forms: statutes, local ordinances, subsidiary
legislation, ministerial rules, administrative regulations, a military junta’s
(2) ‘The legal order’ means the entire normative system in which the state has a
finger. It includes, not only the laws themselves, but also the institutions that
make the laws (legislatures, independent agencies, ministries, and courts) and
that implement the laws (courts, ministries, the police) (others sometimes call
this ‘the legal system’).
Legitimacy: In most countries, citizens and officials do not feel morally obliged to comply
with a mere policy statement. They do feel more obliged to comply with a law. When you
and your fellow deputies enact a rule as law, you give it legitimacy. The more legitimate a
rule, the more citizens will obey it, and officials enforce it. They do so because they feel
obligated to do so. Without a considerable degree of legitimacy, governments cannot
govern; the State fails.
Max Weber early suggested that, to win legitimacy, government could invoke either the
charisma of a leader (a George Washington or a Lenin), traditional or sacred authority (the
British monarchy, or the Ayatollahs of Iran), or what he called legal-rational means (now-a-
days we call it ‘good governance’). A government seeking legitimacy cannot easily create
charisma or a sacred tradition. It can only act to build legal-rational legitimacy. To do
that, law-makers have but one option: to strengthen legitimacy, government must
strengthen the institutions that make and implement good governance.
Ultra vires. The ultra vires rule holds that, without authorization by a law, in an official
capacity a government official may do nothing. In effect, that rule tells officials that they
need not obey a mere policy statement; they need obey only laws.
To change institutions and thus have a hope of winning the fatal Can you use law for
race you and your colleagues must enact your policies in the democratic social
form of laws. ‘Must’ implies’‘can’, or the word has no meaning. change?
For most of the world’s history, those with power and privilege
used law in their own interests. Their own interests usually favored
preserving the institutions that underpinned their power and
privilege. Law served to prevent social change, not to encourage
The contrarians overstate the case. Law works sometimes (income tax,
election law); it does not work other times. The problem becomes to
understand the factors that produce in one case effective law, and in
another, merely symbolic law. Before doing that, we take a brief side
excursion to discuss your tasks as a law-maker.A MANUAL FOR LEGISLATORS • 21
1. Why do you need to assess a bill?
• Building and maintaining two-way communication channels with the members of civil
society – the ‘stakeholders’.
To accomplish any of these tasks you must know how to assess a bill.
a. Debating and voting on, and (sometimes) initiating bills. The central legislative
task imposed on the holders of the legislative power – yourself and your fellow law-
makers – consists in enacting (or refusing to enact) a bill.
To legislate wisely you must assess the evidence about how earlier legislation
works. You have two channels for acquiring that information.
Make a list of the various tasks you have done in the last week in connection
with your various roles as a member of the legislature. Which ones involve exercise
of your constitutionally-delegated legislative power in the public interest?
The arguments a law-maker makes for or against a bill reflects the law-maker’s
understanding of how to assess a bill. Those arguments everywhere consist of a mix of
arguments relating to power, and arguments resting on reason informed by experience (or
‘facts and logic’).
Which of these predominate depends upon what role the law-maker plays in representing
constituents. In doing their law-jobs, sometimes legislators play the role of agent for a
constituency, a party, or interest group. At other times, they play the role of trustee for the
public interest. Most deputies juggle the two roles. Each role, however, has its own mode
of argument and therefore its own mode of assessing a bill.
In nearly every country (particularly in the developing and transitional worlds) newly elected
legislators exercise only limited independence. Long ago, Gilbert and Sullivan made great
sport of the English MP who “...always voted at his Party’s call, and never thought of thinking
for himself at all.”
To exercise independence does not mean that you should divorce yourself from your party.
Of course, you will listen to your party’s position on a bill, discuss it, ponder it, and debate
it within the party and if necessary elsewhere. How you vote in the end, however, should
depend, not on your party’s, but on your own understanding of the logic and facts of
each set of particular circumstances.
To behave as agent you need only appeal to your own supporters. That requires only
arguments of power. To justify your role as a trustee for the public interest, you must appeal
not only to your own supporters but to the public at large. That requires arguments based
on reason informed by experience – logic and facts.
To enact a bill that you support, you must win the votes of fellow legislators. To do that,
legislators make three kinds of arguments, based on consensus, interest contestation,
and reason informed by experience.
a. Consensus: arguments based on ‘core values'. Assuming that all the citizens of a
political unit agree on their core values, a representative should support legislation based
on that core value-consensus. Values, however, vary widely. In Nigeria, a Fulani nomad
on the Sahara’s edge lives in a completely different world from that of an Oxford-trained
civil servant in Lagos. Both may speak Hausa and worship in mosques, but their webs of
life – and with them, their ‘domain assumptions,’ their core values – fundamentally differ.
If no ‘core values’ exist, arguments appealing to them cannot reliably persuade a bill’s
opponents. Argument addressed to non-existent 'core’ values rank with the other
arguments of power. They do not appeal to the rational sceptic; they do not invoke facts
and logic.
Interest contestation theorists come in two varieties: pluralist and public choice. Pluralist
theorists hold that, as interest group representatives, legislators enact into laws the
bargains they make with each other. Public choice theorists assert that, bent on re-
election, like so many pirhanas snapping at money and votes, elected officials ‘auction’
off laws to the highest bidders. Especially where parties nominate ’lists’ of candidates,
legislators typically vote as agents for their parties. Both sets of theorists argue that a
law-maker has no choice but to act as an interest-group agent. For that, law-makers
make arguments resting, not on facts and logic, but power. You reach agreement not by
persuading the other side, but by compromising with them. You assess a bill only in
terms of what it will do for your preferred constituency.
To assess how a bill will likely ‘work’ in your country’s unique circumstances, you should
demand evidence relating to two sets of questions: will the bill’s details induce the behaviors
prescribed? Will those behaviors likely ameliorate the identified social problem, at not too
great socio-economic costs?
Unless you can estimate a law’s potential real-world outcomes, you cannot use law to
induce deliberate social, political and economic change. Without more or less reliable
prediction of outcomes, purpose becomes impossible. (Because we can predict the
consequences, we plant seeds, not stones) To estimate a new law’s probable outcomes,
you must investigate the law’s potential impact on society.
‘Out there,’ in the real world, lie uncountable ‘facts.’ To assess a new law’s probable social
impact, which should you examine? Save with respect of the simplest bills, without a guide
about what facts to investigate – that is, what detailed questions to ask – you cannot
know where to begin.
Legislative theory holds that, confronted by a law, social actors behave within time – and
place-specific constraints and resources of the environment within which they live and
work. Among these, the law (and its threats of punishment and promises of rewards)
constitute only one.
That is the necessary predicate for using law as an instrument of social change. Learning
to use legislative theory and methodology becomes a condition for using the legislative
power wisely in the public interest – and thus for winning the fatal race.
1. The duty to exercise the legislative power imposes three tasks upon a legislator: To
debate and vote on bills, to oversee government functions, and to communicate with
constituents. To do any of these, you must know how to assess a bill.
2. How you argue for or against a bill reflects your understanding of how to assess it.
3. Arguments of power appeal to narrow interests of party or ethnicity, not facts and
reasoned judgment. Arguments in the public interest appeal to reason informed by
experience – facts and logic.
4. To win the fatal race, you and your colleagues must assess whether laws will likely
effectively help to resolve your country’s urgent social problems. You must make a
shrewd estimate — an assessment — of a bill’s social, political and economic
5. To make that assessment, you need a guide. Our model of the legal system
suggests a first step in answering the question, Why do people behave as they do
in the face of a rule of law?
Before we examine the answer to that crucial question in further detail, we must examine,
first, issues of prioritization and, second, how to read a bill.
1. Does your government invariably promulgate policies that it makes public, and
seriously intends, as rules of law (in the broad meaning of the term used throughout
the manual)?
2. Many people assert that, for a variety of reasons, no matter how well or expertly
used, law inherently does not have the capability of changing society. Do you agree
or disagree? Why? Give an example of a law that in your country has changed
some particular aspect of society. Give an example of a law that attempted a degree
of social change, but failed to accomplish its objective.
3. In connection with your constitutional duty to exercise the legislative power, you have
two additional tasks: to oversee the implementation of the laws; and to maintain two-
way communication channels with your constituents. In what way does skill in
assessing a bill become relevant to these two tasks?
Every day, you hear demands for new laws.
Government never seems to have enough resources
for drafting, enacting and implementing them all.
To avoid wasting time and money on relatively
unimportant bills, you as law-makers, the
executive and the legislature, working together
must determine the order in which to draft, debate
and enact transformatory legislation – that is, you
must prioritize them..
The workshop organizers had requested the participants from government ministries to
bring with them their ministries’ priority drafting projects. Senior officials from the Ministry
of Trade and Industry — presumably responsible for planning transformation — brought
three projects: to license highway tow trucks; to permit corporations to buy in their own
shares; and to repeal the usury law (which prohibited charging interest of more than 29%
per year). Surely no one could claim these as central social problems!
A. How prioritization works in most countries, and your role as a legislator in the
B. General criteria as guides to prioritization of alternative legislative proposals; and
C. Prioritizing proposed laws likely to affect the people's job opportunities and quality
of life.
In most countries, most bills originate in the executive branch, mainly in the ministries, as
government bills. While implementing existing laws, ministry officials frequently identify
new problems that call for new legislation. Occasionally, parliamentary committees or staff
members or a legislator prepare a bill's initial draft.
Ministries usually submit their proposed legislative projects to some body that prioritizes all
the country's drafting proposals. In some countries, ministries submit their projects to a
Cabinet Committee on Legislation, composed of senior ministers, which determines priorities.
In others, ministries simply forward them to the central drafting office, which allocates its
scarce resources to bills its staff considers important. In effect, then, the office determines
the bill's priority.
How to improve the prioritizing institutions? Law-makers must answer that question in
light of their country's special circumstances. By setting the law-making agenda, prioritization
decisions shape the direction of government’s exercise of state power. As an important
task, make sure your country's prioritization institutions give you and your colleagues an
opportunity to assess and approve the government's legislative program. Here, we suggest
a few factors that you might consider.
Prioritization requires comparing the claims of the many bills that clamor for legislative
attention. The principal legislative opportunity to do that occurs where government presents
its annual legislative program to the legislature for approval. (Not all governments do that,
but they should.) In most (if not all) Commonwealth countries, for example, the Head of
State reads out the annual legislative program at the opening of the first session of Parliament
for the year.
In ranking proposed bills, the prioritization body performs a planning function. Like all
plans, its initial prioritization decisions should remain flexible. If, in the course of a year, a
new social problem emerges that seems to require new legislation, the law-makers may
decide – in light of the available facts and reasons, and clearly pre-defined, well-publicized
criteria – to alter the priority list.
Describe the steps by which, in your country, the relevant
authorities decide how to prioritize legislative proposals for
For prioritizing proposed legislation in a given country at a specific time, no one can
provide a blue print. In 1994, as its first task immediately after its first democratic elections,
South Africa's new government appropriately abolished state-enforced apartheid. In many
countries, land reform held first place. In Afghanistan after the Taliban's ouster, laws to
establish the new government, to ensure security and protect women's rights, demanded
immediate attention. No one size fits all.
Reason and experience, however, do suggest guidelines for questions you should ask
ministers as to which bills to rank for legislative action first; that is, what criteria to use in
assigning legislative priority. In prioritizing as in all law-making processes, the discourse
of power inevitably also presses for your attention. As throughout this manual we here
focus only on considerations of the public interest as determined by logic and facts.
At the prioritizing stage, you likely have relatively little information. Working with whatever
information you have, give high rank to those proposals with the greatest potential net
economic and social benefits (see Ch. 5 ). Even at an early stage, ask for and weigh the
facts as to a law's probable socio-economic costs and benefits.
In weighing those facts, remember: existing national and global institutions, perpetuating
dependence on crude and labor-intensive manufactured exports, have tended to aggravate
unemployment and deepening poverty. The rest of this chapter focuses on the questions
you should ask to decide the relative priority of legislation designed to restructure those
List the criteria which, in your country, seem appropriate for prioritizing the
drafting of legislative proposals.
Development does not concern 'merely' economic growth; social welfare and good
governance, too, must remain high on the agenda. Without an adequate economic
foundation, however, government cannot finance projects likely to enhance social welfare.
Laws looking to strengthen the economy too often fail to win priority. To help you understand
the obstacles to developing and transitional countries' economic development in today's
globalization era, this section presents, first, a model of the institutions that define the
relationship between the industrialized and the other countries; second, the economists'
debates over development strategy as they bear on prioritization choices; and, finally, more
detailed criteria for assessing the priority of legislation relating to agriculture, industry
(including the informal sector), trade, finance and foreign investment.
To improve the quality of life of a country's population requires both increasing the total
national pie – the sum total of available goods and services (what economists call 'the
Gross National Product' or 'National Income') – and distributing it more equitably.
Between nations, enormous disparities of wealth persist. The United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) estimated in 1998 that
"a fifth of the world’s population, living in industrialized nations, consumes more
than four fifths of the world’s resources. That means that four our of five of the
world's peoples, mainly in the third world and transitional nations, must struggle
to survive on a bare fifth of the world's goods and services."
Within most developing countries, narrow ‘modern’ enclaves have emerged, dominated by
local elites who, closely associated with transnational corporate enterprise, reap half to
three fourths of the national income. Foreign- and domestically-owned enterprises employ
low-cost labor – frequently, migrants seeking to escape from neglected rural hinterlands –
to produce and export the countries' rich mineral and agricultural materials, mainly in
crude form at low prices, to first world markets. In the new millennium, a few factories
employ unskilled workers (at wages a fourth or less than those of first world factory workers).
Mainly, they assemble and process imported parts and materials to make cheap consumer
goods – shoes, TV sets, even computer parts – for sale in first world markets.
The institutional basis. No nation's raw materials produce and sell themselves to foreign
countries. Historically-shaped institutions – repetitive patterns of behaviors – perpetuate
these externally-dependent development patterns. Often rooted in the colonial era, inherited
institutions still channel local labor to work on the plantations, the mines, and, increasingly,
factories to produce crude materials and cheap consumer goods for export. Big wholesale
trading firms purchase small farmers’ crops at low prices. Large industrial corporations
employ unskilled workers for long hours at minimal wages to manufacture cheap consumer
exports. Property and contract laws make it possible for transnational corporations and
wealthy nationals to reap the profits of third world production and marketing facilities.
(1) provide social and economic infrastructure to enable inhabitants to obtain jobs
and earn higher incomes in the context of more balanced integrated national
specialization and trade;
(2) systematically spur introduction of appropriate new technologies to increase
productive employment and productivity; and
(3) create institutional frameworks that empower the nation’s citizens to work together
increasingly effectively to increase their output and incomes as the essential foundation
for improving their quality of life.
Those debates often generate disagreements as to whether, on the one hand, to enact
legislation to encourage investment and support business, or, on the other, laws to meet
people's socio-economic needs. Too often, proponents on both sides seem to ignore the
facts of country-specific characteristics which logically should undergird a government's
development strategy.
a. Plan or Market? You cannot afford to think about state planning and markets as an
either/or dichotomy. Today, every country's economy exhibits some planning. Even in an
archetypical free market state like the United States, considerable planning takes place.
How else could firms – public or private – run an electrical supply system, a telephone
system, or any other ‘natural monopoly’? On the other hand, given scarcities of funds and
of skilled personnel, market-driven solutions sometimes trump plan solutions. In your own
country’s unique circumstances, you must study the facts to determine the mix of plan and
market each sector of the economy demands. Especially in small countries, where one or
two large firms often dominate entire sectors – like railroads, an iron and steel industry,
chemicals and oil production, or finance – you should study the merits of alternative
regulatory regimes for each sector. Whether a particular sector lends itself better to planning
or market solutions depends on the facts, not abstract theory. For markets, as for every
other aspect of life, no particular legal framework proves universally applicable.
b. Shaping a market’s legal framework. Most economists agree that, to function well,
a market must operate within an appropriate legal framework;3 laws to improve that
framework deserve a high priority. To determine what constitutes an appropriate legal
framework in your country's historically-shaped conditions, you may wish to ask two further
sets of questions:
As to the first question, citing Max Weber, some theorists claim that in every market
economy, to ensure the predictability for investments that capitalists seek, law-makers
should prioritize business laws, which an earlier generation called ‘private law.’44 These
theorists call for legislation to privatize state-owned property; property laws generally; and
contract and corporation laws in all their elaborate variations – principally enforced by
private litigation in law courts.
Each country’s transition to a market economy does tend to resemble that transition in
other, relatively similar countries. (That explains why one country's law-makers can learn
something about that transition from other countries’ experiences.) Significant differences
also inevitably exist. To make a mature judgment as to whether a particular country should
As to the second question, some authorities insist that business laws exhaust the list of
priority legislation a market economy requires. An alternative view holds that markets work
not merely because of business laws, but also because of the existence of an appropriate
legal and institutional (as well as physical) infrastructure. That includes laws to regulate
the money supply and credit; to ensure government’s fiscal responsibility for budget formation
and budget discipline; to shape the educational system to provide an educated work force;
to provide publicly-financed old age and disability pensions; to foster a mobile work force
and social stability; to establish an agricultural extension service to stimulate a progressive
agricultural sector; to establish effective environmental protection agencies to protect the
environment against the ravages of private greed – a long list.
This view suggests that, to prioritize laws in developing and transitional polities, you should
weigh the claims not only for business laws, but also for the full range of legislation required
to bolster the market’s institutional infrastructure.
Notwithstanding neo-liberal economists' advice, you should never blindly copy laws in a
rush to privatize state-owned facilities. Typically, taxpayer funds originally financed those
assets. To sell them to the wealthy few who happen to have capital, or to foreign investors,
does not ensure their future development in the public interest. To maximize short term
profits (and executive salaries), the buyers often lay off workers and strip production to the
most profitable lines, aggravating unemployment and leaving unfilled essential economic
functions, like building roads to remote rural areas; giving the poor access to water, housing,
electricity and public transport; and establishing industrial plants to produce parts, equipment
and materials to facilitate growth of small scale enterprises.
In short, nobody has a silver bullet that in one shot can vanquish the devils that plague the
world's disinherited: poverty, vulnerability, poor governance. No easy short-cuts exist. You
must assess your own country's realities to determine which laws require early drafting
and enactment, and which to defer.
In every case, you need to consider whether a proposed law seems likely to help shape
the markets’ essential institutional infrastructure, and facilitate production of the goods
needed to improve productive employment and all people's quality of life.
Legislative theory argues that an appropriate legal framework can lead to significantly
increased productivity, providing the basis for meeting the entire population's basic needs.
This requires transforming legislation in each of the major areas of economic activity:
agriculture; industry; wholesale trade; finance; and foreign private investment.
This section asks what information you need to decide what legislation will likely help to
strengthen the ‘key links’ to foster development in each economic sector.
1. Agriculture. Over the past century, many countries in the developing world have seen a shift
from subsistance and small scale agriculture to cash crop production. Often this involves the
formation of large-scale agri-industry. Large mechanized farms — whether owned by foreign firms,
wealthy private farmers, state farms or cooperatives — use large areas, often the best land, and
employ more capital equipment and machinery than small farms. As they invest in more advanced
efficient technologies, they employ less labor per unit of output. At the same time, they often push
off the land small farmers who cannot compete, forcing them to take low-paid jobs as hired farm
labor or migrate to the cities.
Given access to appropriate technologies, small farmers, typically families with limited capital, can
significantly improve on-farm productivity. To enable them to acquire new skills, inputs, credit, and
markets, laws may establish agricultural extension programs, and facilitate their efforts to work
together through cooperatives.
Women subsistence farmers who wish to engage in cash crop
production rarely have access to credit, to enable them to buy necessary
fertiliser or seed; financial institutions' regulations often require a (male)
head of household to provide surety for credit. UN assessments of
agricultural assistance programs in Africa point out that although women
comprise 80 per cent of the targeted farmers, three quarters of the
credit provided goes to men. That makes it far less likely that women
farmers can adjust to new economic conditions.
Over time, increased agricultural productivity tends to reduce the demand for agricultural labor
per unit of crops produced. As a legislator, you should ask for facts concerning each law's
likely impact, not only on productivity, but also on agricultural employment and equity.
2. Industry. Most economists perceive industry as a mighty engine of development. By
creating new jobs and manufacturing an expanding array of low-cost goods, it holds the
potential for improving the material conditions of life throughout the population, as well as
expanding exports.
Unable to obtain wage employment, many working people struggle to earn whatever they can in
the growing so-called ‘informal’ sector — micro-enterprises that operate on a catch-as-catch basis
outside of the formal legislated framework. With little or no access to capital, credit, technology,
and markets, informal sector entrepreneurs use low-cost, locally-available technologies — often
only hand tools — to produce consumer goods for the nation’s poor majority. Although they pay
employees very little, they do provide jobs for the otherwise unemployed.
An alternative strategy might foster investment in more advanced industrial technologies to reduce
the cost and increase the supply of nationally-manufactured machinery, equipment and consumer
goods to raise national living standards. In countries as different as Japan, South Africa, South
Korea, the former so-called socialist countries and Brazil, law-makers have enacted laws to give
government a direct role in building basic industries, like iron and steel, petrochemicals, electricity.
telecommunications and transportation.
Appropriately drafted laws can strengthen your country's nationally (or regionally) oriented industrial
growth, creating more productive rural and urban employment opportunities, more equitable income
distribution, and expanding internal markets. To assess a particular law's impact on industrial
development, you should ask two sets of questions:
First, how will it contribute to the provision of five factors essential for sustainable industrial growth:
Second, how will the resulting industry likely affect jobs and incomes in the rest of the economy,
including the informal sector? For that, you should ask for evidence relating to that industry's
potential contribution to:
(2) the foreign-exchange earnings needed to import new machinery and equipment to
spur all sectors' productivity; and
(3) the forward and backward linkages between manufacturing and the rest of the
economy, including the informal sector; that is, will the resulting industry –
(a) process agricultural or mineral raw materials for domestic use as well as for export,
contributing to increased domestic, including rural, incomes;
(b) manufacture essential machinery and equipment to spur domestic productivity in
agriculture or industry; or
(c) produce low-cost consumer necessities to improve the majority’s quality of life?
industrial and agricultural growth requires new laws that
facilitate the expansion of domestic and international trade.
3. Trade. Developing countries have often inherited trading institutions that have
perpetuated dependence on the export of crude and labor-intensive manufactured
goods; import of machinery, equipment and parts for export-enclave industries,
and consumer luxuries for the few who can afford them. Post-colonial experience,
however, has demonstrated that overcrowded global markets cannot absorb
developing countries' competitively expanding exports.
Many wholesale firms enjoy long-established links with overseas buyers and sellers
with whom they share lucrative external trade profits. Investing capital to build
warehouses, godowns, and transportation capacity, big wholesalers dominate
internal trading channels. They charge high prices that squeeze, not only retailers,
but also domestic farmers’ and local industries’ profit margins. These smaller
enterprises must pay whatever prices the wholesalers charge for consumer goods,
tools and equipment.
Some transnational firms manipulate
global markets and prices with little regard
for their impact on third world peoples.
To illustrate: by the 20th Century's end, in
many developing countries, HIV/AIDS
had reached crisis proportions.
Transnational pharmaceutical firms priced
drugs that could protect against the
disease at four to five times developing-
country workers' average yearly income.
When developing countries sought to
import or manufacture generic drugs at
more affordable prices, the
pharmaceutical companies brought suit in
those countries' domestic courts, and
pressured their home governments to
block those countries' most favored nation
March to end to international patent laws covering HIV drugs, Pretoria, A MANUAL FOR LEGISLATORS • 43
South Africa, 2000.
Legislation to help your country's retailers and manufacturers
overcome these kinds of obstacles deserves a high priority. You should ask
the relevant ministries to provide the factual information you need to
propose and prioritize laws likely to help restructure your country's trading
institutions. These restructured institutions should foster more balanced,
integrated national, and where possible, regional trade directed to boosting
national productivity and incomes and fulfilling people's needs.
4. In finance. Everywhere in the developing and transitional world people experience great
difficulty in accumulating and reinvesting capital to finance production and trade geared to their
needs. Existing financial institutions — banks, insurance companies, and stock exchanges —
tend to finance patterns of production and trade that perpetuate externally dependent development.
Both foreign and domestically-owned banks collect and hold whatever savings the poor, as well
as the wealthy few, may accumulate. These savings could become a major source to spur
economic growth. For the most part, however, large financial organisations limit their loans to
large-scale farmers, formal sector manufacturers, and to wholesale trading firms, primarily those
engaged in foreign trade. Banks and financial institutions seldom lend money to small farmers to
grow food crops. They rarely lend funds to domestic basic industries focused on increasing
developing countries' national productivity and employment; even less often do they make loans
to informal sector micro-enterprises and traders from the low income majority. Taking advantage
of relaxed foreign currency rules, they often ship significant amounts of locally-generated surpluses
for investment in more secure markets in industrialised countries.
Over the years, insurance companies and pension funds (both foreign and domestically-owned,
often associated with banks), have accumulated a significant share of many developing countries'
savings. Seeking protection against risks of accidents and old age, increasing numbers of
individuals pay premiums that swell these institutions’ funds. Insurance company managers
may reinvest these in government bonds, and sometimes through the stock market, in large-
scale business enterprises. Some governments permit insurance firms to ship the accumulated
funds overseas for ‘safe’ investment in foreign industrialized economies — a further drain of
national investable surpluses.
To prioritize legislation that can improve national financial institutions’ stability and safety, request
evidence as to the likelihood that proposed laws will facilitate the accumulation and reinvestment
of national savings to:
If one assumes that the existing institutional structure will remain fixed, immutable, and unchanging,
that advice might make some sense. In contrast, this manual holds that through the wise use of the
legislative power you can change institutions. That opens up a wide range of options, of which attracting
foreign capital constitutes only one possibility.
One counter approach would be to ensure that legislation specifies criteria to make it likely that foreign
investments will in fact bring their heralded benefits. Legislation can make tax relief and other benefits
to foreign investors dependent upon their contribution to building basic industries, and tie them to the
number of jobs and the amount of foreign exchange they generate. It can condition new foreign
investments upon the introduction of new technologies and training local personnel, not merely to
service or assemble an imported ‘black box’, but to design new versions to improve national productivity.
Say 'no' to prioritization of legislation that simply conforms to theoretically-determined Market or Plan
priorities. Ask for the facts you need to assess how a proposed law to stimulate foreign investment in
agricultural, industrial, trade, and financial sectors will affect your country's inhabitants.
1. A country's law-making institutions shape the prioritization process. You and your
colleagues should critically review and, if necessary, restructure your country's law-making
processes to ensure prioritization of legislation in the public interest.
2. In general, give precedence to legislation likely to strengthen the institutions required to
ensure good governance, as well as the socio-economic institutions that shape the
population's employment opportunities and quality of life. Be sure that the available
facts demonstrate that the expected benefits of proposed institutional changes will
likely outweigh their probable costs.
3. When assessing the relative priority of legislation likely to affect your country's economic
institutions in the fields of agriculture, industry, the informal sector, trade and finance,
• Base your decisions, not on abstract models or theories, but on the facts of your
own country's specific circumstances; and
• Think carefully about the questions you should ask to assess their likely social
impact, not only on the growth in the 'national pie', but on the people's productive
employment opportunities and quality of life.
1. In practice, how does your country prioritize bills for drafting? In practice, what
proposition best explains what bills get drafted first? What suggestions might you
make to improve the prioritization process?
2. The text recommends prioritizing legislation that seems likely to strengthen the
institutions of governance and to expand balanced, integrated domestic output to
increase job opportunities and a better quality of life. What alternative criteria might a
contrarian suggest? How might a contrarian justify those alternative criteria?
3. Pretend that you sit as a member of a committee of the Parliament charged with the
duty to report on the government’s annual plan for legislation. The Secretary to Cabinet
sits before you, ready to answer questions. State at least three different categories of
questions that you might ask the Secretary about how the proposed annual legislation
plan relates to issues of economic development.
This chapter aims to assist you in taking the first step: reading and understanding a bill.
The next chapters suggest questions you should ask to determine whether a bill will likely
serve the public interest.
A bill’s printed pages look different from those of novels, magazines, or history and science
texts. Most sentences begin with a number or letter. Some sentences seem to stop in the
middle, followed by a new numbered subparagraph. They seem written in a strange
language, with many almost unrecognizable words. Some appear so tangled that you can
only try to puzzle them out.
1. For historical reasons, people used to believe that judges constituted the law’s
only important readers. Today, especially for development, transformatory law
must change behaviors. Drafters must draft so that the people whose behaviors
the law aims to change can read and understand what the bill says. If you do not
understand a bill, neither will its addressees; the drafter has drafted it badly.
2. Do not listen to the drafter who says that, for ‘legal’ reasons, a bill requires hard-
to-comprehend words or sentences. If drafters cannot explain a section in simple
terms, they themselves probably do not know its meaning. Nothing in the law
defies explanation in simple terms. If a bill’s addresses could not readily
understand it, send it back for redrafting.
3. Remember: Your constituency elected you – not the drafters. Government
drafters should provide the information you need to exercise your legislative
power wisely.
You might think of a bill as an onion. To get at its core meaning, you must peel back layer
after layer. To help you peel back those layers, this chapter explains
A. Why drafters number practically every sentence, and formally organize a bill into
Sections, Chapters, and Parts:
B. Why most lawyers (including drafters) frequently use a strange dialect
C. The meaning of a bill’s ‘technical’ sections; that the individual, numbered sections
-- each composed of a single narrow command, prohibition or permission —
constitute the bill’s basic building blocks; and
D. In the context of the existing legal system, the bill’s prescriptions of behaviors
comprise the bill’s substantive thrust: its legislative content.
Part I
1. "Sections" (some jurisdictions call them Articles) constitute a bill’s basic building
blocks. A section should contain no more than one ‘legislative’ concept, that is, a
single rule (see Section C below).
Complex legal words fall into two categories. Some reflect the
requirements of law’s specialized subject-matter. Others merely
obscure plain meanings.
“The minority or nonage of any person duly admitted as a member of any registered society
shall not debar a person from executing any instrument or giving any acquittance necessary
to be executed or given under this Ordinance or the rules made thereunder, and shall not
be ground for invalidating or avoiding any contract entered into by any such person, whether
as principal or as surety, [and that contract] shall be enforceable at law against such person
notwithstanding his minority or nonage.”
50 • A MANUALhistorical
In England, circumstances encouraged drafters to use legalese.
established a central drafting office in 1869, ministers hired conveyancers to draft bills.
Conveyancers (long paid by the word to write deeds and wills for landed interests) used
the same language to draft bills. Central drafting office drafters adopted the same form
and style. They taught it to drafters in the colonies, where obscure vocabulary and
convoluted legalese gave colonial officials and judges broad discretion to rule pretty much
as they wished. Unfortunately, not a few post-colonial and transitional government drafters
still grant broad discretion by using hard-to-understand legalese.
If you recognize a bill's underlying pattern, however, you can understand it even when
written in the densest legalese. To discover a bill’s pattern, try to decode the words the
drafter used to write it.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the authors of the United States’ Declaration of Independence
and the United States’ second President, wrote that those authors decided:
“to reform the style of the later British statutes and of our Acts of Assembly, which by
their verbosity, their endless tautologies, their involutions of case within case and
parenthesis within parenthesis, and their multiplied efforts at certainty, by saids and
aforesaids, by ors and ands, to make them more plain, do really render them more
perplexed and incomprehensible, not only to common readers, but to the lawyers
In many legalese phrases – ‘to have and to hold', ‘null and void', ‘give, devise, bequeath,
grant and bequest,’ ‘building or structure’, ‘lot, tract or parcel of land’ – two words mean the
same thing. The drafter could easily delete one.
If you do not understand a word in a bill, ask what it means. If, like ‘surety’ it constitutes a
technical term, insist that the bill define it in lay terms. If a word like ‘said’ or ‘hereinbefore’
seems meaningless, insist that the drafter use plain English. If a bill includes redundant
words or phrases, insist that the drafter use one or the other, not both.
(a) sells television sets by retail;
(b) lets such sets on hire or by hire purchase;
(c) arranges for such sets to be sold or let as aforesaid by another television dealer;
(d) holds himself out as willing to engage in any of the foregoing activities;
"2. ‘animal’ includes whales and other mammals living in the sea.
"3. ‘vehicle’ does not include a wheelchair.”
Suppose Section 2 of a bill defines ‘television dealer’ as defined in the above example.
Section 5(1) of the same bill reads as follows:
“1. Upon request by the television dealer, the Department of Taxation shall supply to the
television dealer a form that indicates the date of a sale or contract to sell a television set
that the television dealer has entered upon, and the name and address of the purchaser.”
The reader should substitute the definition set forth in example No. 1 on p. 52
wherever“‘television dealer’ appears. In Section 5, above, that would require repeating
that lengthy definition in three places. By using the word as defined in the bill’s definition
section, the drafter avoids lengthy repetitions throughout the bill.
Bills include definitions for either of two reasons. First (as shown in the previous box) in
some statutes, drafters must use many, sometimes even a long list, of words to describe a
complex concept. Using the word(s) as defined in the bill’s definitions section throughout
the statute avoids tedious repetition and increases the bill’s readability .
Second, a definition helps to avoid the vagueness inherent in every word (proper names
excepted). Consider the word ‘vehicle’ in a municipal ordinance that states “A person may
not drive a motor vehicle in a city park.” Plainly, the ordinance prohibits a person from
driving an automobile in a city park. Yet reasonable speakers of English could disagree as
to whether the bill prohibited motor-driven wheelchairs. To avoid disagreement, a drafter
could expressly define the word ‘vehicles’ to exclude ‘wheelchairs.’
Occasionally, a drafter may intend a bill’s reader to construe a word to include in its meaning
items that, in ordinary language, that word might exclude. To avoid misunderstanding, the
drafter should define the word in the bill, for example, by defining ‘animals’ to include
whales and other sea mammals.
To answer the question, ‘Who?’ look for the person whose behavior the section
prescribes. A language expert would tell you to identify the sentence’s subject.
(Mistakenly using a passive voice, a drafter may fail to specify the rule’s subject.
Take a legislative sentence that states, “The accounts of the Small Claims Court shall
be audited at least twice a year.” Does it state Who will audit the accounts?) If you
cannot discover the subject of a sentence, insist that the drafter redraft it.
The question, ‘What?’ tells you to look at how the sentence commands the person (the
‘subject’) to behave. A language expert would tell you to look at the sentence’s verb.
Does the section’s prescription command, prohibit, or permit a subject to ‘behave’ as
the verb indicates? For that, language experts would tell you to look at the section’s
auxiliary verb: by convention in English, drafters use ‘shall’ (in some jurisdictions,‘must’)
for a command;‘may not’ (or ‘shall not'), for a prohibition; and ‘may’ for a permission. If
a bill’s section does not limit the prescription, it applies at all times and under all conditions.
Most sections do specify where and when the command, prohibition or permission
goes into effect. A section may limit the behavior prescribed – the When? and Where?
— by stating a case, a condition, or an exception.
(2). Amount of reward. Without taking into consideration an award which some other
law may allow to the person providing the information, the Commissioner may pay
the reward mentioned in (1) in an amount that the Commissioner determines.
(3). Payment made in a foreign country.
(a) If paid to a person in a foreign country, the Commissioner shall pay the reward
mentioned in (1) through a United States consul or vice consul stationed in that
(b) The Commissioner shall accompany the Commissioner’s report of a payment
made pursuant to 3(a) with a certificate by the consul or vice consul that the
consul or vice consul made that payment in the amount, to the person, and at
the place and time stated in the report.
(4) Source of funds. The Commissioner shall pay an award pursuant to section 1 out
of funds appropriated for the enforcement of the narcotic laws of the United States.”
Note: the bill makes no provision for accounting for rewards paid to informers in the
United States — an omission that only becomes clear when one breaks the bill down into
more manageable sections.
After you have pealed back the layers of legalisms in which drafters couch their bill’s
commands, after you understand its various prescriptions and its ‘technical’ provisions,
you should find it easier to assess the bill as an an integrated whole. Its prescriptions may
aim either to change an existing institutional structure, or, more rarely, to create a whole
new institutional structure.
The bill’s text gives you no direct information to enable you to determine whether or how
the new law, once enacted, will function. To make an estimate of the bill’s probable social
consequences, you must understand the bill’s substantive core, the central purpose and
thrust of all its commands.
If, in the context of existing law, the relevant actors behave as the new law ‘s rules prescribe,
they will create or change eight different kinds of interrelated institutional sub-systems
– an entire legislative system – embodied in the existing legal order.
A simple bill, like one prohibiting spitting on the sidewalk, may expressly address only one
aspect of one sub-system (see example on page 58). When enacted, however, the new
law will exist in the context of other laws that provide for the on-going operation of the other
seven sub-systems. Assuming the other seven sub-systems function reasonably well,
you can assess a simple bill on its face.
A large and complex bill (for example, a bill creating a new University or a new Agricultural
Bank) may incorporate rules affecting all sub-systems.
Consider a simple bill forbidding spitting on the sidewalk in urban areas. It contains only a
few short sections.
1. The implementing agency. The police, whom an existing Police Act usually
commands to arrest a person they have reasonable ground to believe committeed an
offence (here, spitting on the sidewalk).
2. The sanctioning agency.The prosecutors and the judges for whom the existing Court
Act and Criminal Procedures Act prescribe procedures for bringing an accused person
to trial and deciding its outcome.
3. The dispute-settlement agency. Frequently (as here), the courts serve simultaneously
as both the sanctioning agency and the dispute-settlement agency. Existing
procedural laws prescribe how courts should hold criminal trials and settle disputes
over guilt or innocence.
4. Funding agencies which, under existing budget and finance laws, provide funds for the
police and the courts.
5. Monitoring and evaluating agencies. Existing law usually requires the elected
legislature to oversee government’s implementation of laws. The Chief of Police’s
annual report on the incidence of crime may list the number of people arrested for
spitting on the sidewalk, an indication of whether the police enforce the new law.
6. The rule-making agencies. In many laws (particularly those that aim to transform an
institution), some agency must make and promulgate detailed regulations. In complex
legislative schemes, without detailed rules, the scheme will not work. Either in the bill
proposing complex legislation, or elsewhere in the body of the law, authorization to
make detailed rules must exist together with criteria and procedures for doing so (see
Chapter 6).
7. The people who keep the corpus of the law in order. The bill’s section 1 constitutes a
command to those concerned with the law.
1. Outline the bill, following its numbering system for Sections, Chapters, and
Parts. Fill in the Chapter and Part headings from the bill.
2. Read each section carefully. Make sure that you understand the words it uses.
Don’t let legalese upset you. Insist that the bill’s sponsors and drafters explain
each word with which you have difficulty.
3. Analyze each section by asking, Who does What? Under what limits or
circumstances? When?
4. Disentangle the ‘technical’ sections by interpreting them as commands,
especially to government officials about how to fit the bill into the existing body
of law.
5. Complete the outline you started in step 1 by putting each of the commands
related to one of the subsystems into a separate group. Where, as frequently
happens, the bill says nothing about a whole subsystem, ask whether another
law will work to provide for that function. (For example, in the absence of a
specific dispute settlement system, ask, will your country’s court system
adequately settle disputes arising under this bill?)
Having completed those five steps, you should understand the bill well enough to decide
whether it merits your support – that is, you are at last in position to assess the bill.
This manual’s first chapters built a theoretical basis to enable you to understand a bill and
the criteria for assessing it. This chapter has emphasized that you should ask more detailed
questions about who the bill commands, prohibits or permits to do what; and the nature
and consequences of the limits it imposes on those prescriptions. The remaining chapters
provide a methodology for assessing whether, in the public interest, the bill’s
substantive prescriptions will likely facilitate democratic social change.
2. You ask a drafter what a phrase in the bill means. He replies, “Don’t worry about it.
That’s only technical language necessary to ensure the bill’s legality. You have to be
a lawyer to understand that phrase.” How would you reply to the drafter?
5. “Whether contained in the bill before you or in other, existing legislation, a complete
legislative scheme contains prescriptions addressed to eight sets of addressees.”
Who constitute those eight sets of addressees? How might you use that information
to help you to assess a bill?
Part I described the difficulties that, the world around, legislators like yourself encounter in
trying to carry out their constitutionally-designated law-jobs to facilitate development in
ways consonant with good governance. In developing and transitional countries, poor
governance tends to thwart development efforts. Few legislators know how to assess a bill
(rarely do they introduce legislation). Without knowing that, they cannot inform their
constituents about a law’s likely social impact; they cannot monitor and evaluate the causes
of its negative impact; they cannot even know what questions to ask the proponents of a
bill to determine whether its detailed provisions rest logically on the country’s unique
This chapter shows how to use institutionalist legislative theory and methodology as a
guide to discovering the facts and logic relevant to assessing, not only a bill’s general
desirability, but also the likelihood that its detailed provisions will ensure its effective
implementation. It explains:
A. The general uses of legislative theory and the four steps of its problem-solving
B. The range of possible causes of the problematic behaviors that comprise a
dysfunctional institution;
C. The importance of weighing the social and economic costs and benefits of the
logically alternative legislative measures;
D. Why you and your colleagues should require the bill’s sponsors to accompany
an important bill with a research report that in terms of legislative theory justifies
the bill and demonstrates its likely social impact;
E. Why a bill’s sponsors should narrow its scope;
F. What you may learn from history and other countries’ experiences in using law to
help resolve similar problems; and
G. A checklist of questions to ask to obtain the information you need to assess a bill.
As discussed in Chapter 2, your role as a trustee for the public interest requires that, in
making arguments for or against a bill, you appeal not only to your own party’s adherents,
but to the public at large. For that, you cannot rely on subjective values (whether you like
its ‘taste’), opinion polls, party commands, interest group demands, or some authority’s
Diktat. As trustee for the public interest, you need to know how to answer two questions:
(a) whether the bill will effectively solve the social problem at which it aims, and
(b) at what economic and social cost.
Your assessment must rest on facts specific to your own country’s realities. Social problems
come embedded in the complicated, intertwined facts of the real world. To predict a proposed
law’s probable social impact, you need a guide to distinguish the relevant facts from the
irrelevant. Legislative theory can guide you in asking relevant questions, and in logically
structuring the facts you capture.
Take, for example, a bill to transform an agricultural extension agency from one that services
large commercial farmers to one with the primary mission of improving small peasants’
agricultural methods and productivity. To assess that bill, what facts do you need? Faced
by problematic behaviors and limited research resources, you must decide in advance
which areas merit detailed examination – that is, what categories of facts will likely prove
For that, you need an explicit, carefully reasoned theory — an intellectual map. That kind
of map guides your search for relevant facts by suggesting hypotheses – educated guesses.
To determine whether those hypotheses prove consistent with the available facts, you
must test them by examining the relevant facts.
An hypothesis helps to limit the area of facts which researchers must try to discover.
Someone whose hypothesis reflects a personal ‘vision’ will likely limit their search to facts
that conform the hypothesis, and thus coincide with that person’s subjective values. To
overcome the universal tendency to find only confirming facts, conscientiously search for
facts to contradict your hypothesis. A law has a better chance of helping to resolve a
social problem — that is, to work — if it rests on hypotheses grounded, not on how you
would like the world to be, but on how it actually is.
This manual does not offer a treasure chest, but a tool box. Its
legislative theory (including the model explaining why people behave
as they do in the face of a rule of law, and the problem-solving
methodology described in subsection 2, below) offers you a guide
for analyzing how a law will likely affect relevant social actors’
That theory rests on the fact that all social problems reflect repetitive patterns of behavior;
that is, by definition, institutions. Only by re-channeling dysfunctional behaviors can law
help resolve those problems. The model on p. 27 purports to explain why, given existing
laws and conditions, people behave as they do. That constitutes an essential tool for
finding and evaluating the evidence necessary to assess whether a bil will likely induce
new behaviors to resolve a specified social problem.
Social scientists offer various large-scale theories – what some call ‘Grand Theory’ – to
explain, usually in very general terms, large bodies of data covering relatively broad sectors
of human existence. Does the bill aim to help resolve a problem related to economic
development? political power? family relationships? criminal behavior? agricultural
productivity?1 For each of these subjects, Grand Theories exist. Frequently, on significant
issues, their authors disagree with each other.
In contrast, historical materialist theorists view social class formation, exploitation, and state
structures as the main causes of poverty and oppression. They explain that these cause
the unequal patterns of national and international accumulation and re-investment of capital,
rapid technology expansion along with growing unemployment, and widening wealth-poverty
Some theorists view Grand Theory, not as a guide for discovering relevant evidence, but
as a metaphor for the real world: After identifying a real-world problem, they move to their
Grand Theory’s ideal world. They analyze how their Grand Theory would solve that problem
in that ideal world. Then they simply apply that solution to the real world — without even
trying to discover whether the real world’s conditions match those their Grand Theory
An American jurist proposed that, to assess existing law on the adoption of babies, one
should use the neoclassical economists’ market model. Given the right market conditions,
unrestricted competition produces the best allocation of resources. That model, the jurist
asserted, justifies removing all constraints imposed by law on private bargains between
birth-mothers and adopting parents. Would-be adoptive parents, competing for the small
number of adoptable babies, would accomplish the ‘best possible’ allocation of babies.
The jurist felt no need to investigate how that proposal would likely work in the real world, or
what consequences it might have for birth mothers, adopted children and adopting parents.
With tongue in cheek, Dr. Makgetla wrote that using Grand Theory to solve real-world
problems in that way resembled the case of the lover who compared his love to a red, red
rose – the model (or ‘metaphor’). Forgetting about the reality of his true love, the foolish
lover consulted his metaphor, and, in a romatic spot, with a background of violins, a lake,
snow-capped mountains, fed her what red, red roses like best – dew and well-rotted fertilizer.
Human behaviors differ in different times and places. Without empirical investigation, no
one can assume that any model will safely predict a law’s impact. To assess a proposed
law requires empirical investigation about the country-specific social circumstances that
influence relevant social actors’ behaviors. At most, Grand Theory can suggest more detailed
explanatory hypotheses which, in turn, guide the search for facts to determine whether
those hypotheses prove consistent with the available evidence. Unless an explanatory
hypothesis derived from a Grand Theory proves consistent with available country-
specific realities, you cannot safely assume that it provides a sound basis for
designing the essential details required for effective legislation.
Effective law must build, not on dreams and visions, but on concrete,
real circumstances. To assess whether a bill’s detailed provisions
rest on real-world foundations, institutionalist legislative theory
offers a methodology that, at every step, guides the search for the
necessary time and place specific facts.
The ends-means methodology takes as given the policy-maker’s stated goals or objectives.2
Its users then invent alternative legislative solutions for reaching those objectives, and
choose the one that, to them, seems to promise the most socially cost-effective outcome.
Implicitly, ends-means adopts the positivist separation of facts and values. It denies the
relevance of research about facts for determining a law’s substantive goals, leaving that
critical decision to the policy-maker’s ‘values’. (In ends-means, policy-makers use facts
primarily to weigh the costs and benefits of alternative means of attaining pre-determined
goals.) In effect, by assuming that no one can use facts and logic to query a decision about
goals, ends-means inevitably leaves the law’s objectives to those who hold power. Ends-
means inevitably assumes an authoritarian cast.
Incrementalism teaches that, given real life’s complexity, no one can confidently predict a
new policy’s or law’s consequences. Given the unknown dangers of wide-sweeping
change, incrementalists recommend as the wisest course that law-makers nibble at social
problems by making the smallest changes possible. At best, progress takes place only in
small incremental changes. ‘Muddling through’ becomes not the result of deliberate policy,
but bumbling. Incrementalism has its uses, especially when insufficient research makes
major changes risky. As a general strategy, however, it proves ineffective for making the
significant institutional changes development requires.
To determine whether in your country’s unique circumstances a bill’s provisions will likely
overcome the causes of a particular social problem, legislative theory’s problem-solving
methodology recommends that, at each of four logically-connected steps, you ask specific
questions :
Step I: Identifying the social problem. To understand the nature and scope of the
social problem the bill proposes to address, you must ask two questions. First, you
need country-specific information about its surface appearance: What facts can the
bill’s supporters provide to support their descriptions of its nature and scope?
Second, because laws can only address behaviors (see p. 27), ask questions to
discover who constitute the relevant social actors, including the implementing agents,
and what they do that creates or exacerbates that social problem. Unless you know
exactly whose and what behaviors constitute that social problem, you cannot
meaningfully assess the bill’s likely effect.
Step III: Proposing a solution. Once convinced that the facts justify the explanations
of the existing problematic behaviors, you can assess whether logically the bill’s
prescriptions — especially the implementation provisions — seem likely to alter or
eliminate those causes, and induce more desirable behaviors.4
Always ask the bill’s proponents to describe the alternative solutions they have
considered, and the costs and benefits of those alternatives as well as of the bill
before you. Especially, ask them to describe the bill’s probable impact on groups
and interests typically poorly represented in the halls of power: women, children, the
poor, minorities, human rights concerns, environmental protection matters (see
section C below).
Step IV: Monitoring and evaluating the new law’s implementation. Finally, ask
questions about the monitoring and evaluation mechanism that the bill prescribes.
No law ever works exactly as anticipated. Prior to enactment, pressures to pass
legislation quickly often preclude adequate research. Constantly changing
circumstances inevitably accompany transformation. After a law’s passage and
implementation, you and your colleagues can only carry out your oversight tasks if
you have adequate information to determine whether people and organizations
(including implementing agencies) do in fact behave as the bill prescribes, with the
expected consequences.
Asking ministry officials or other proponents to give you the evidence that justifies their
bills’ detailed measures does not prove as formidable a task as it may appear at first blush.
Social problems usually lead to drafting legislation only after they have persisted for a long
time. Ministry officials, academics, and activists can usually provide the relevant facts (see
Chapter 7 below.)
Problem-solving’s second step, explaining the causes of the behaviors that comprise the
problem, proves crucial. If a bill’s design does not logically alter or eliminate the causes of
problematic behaviors, it will not likely induce the new behaviors needed to help resolve
the problem. Legislative theory suggests a set of categories to help identify all the plausible
explanations for the problematic behaviors the bill addresses.
Institutionalist legislative theory builds on the premise that no single factor causes behavior.
It suggests seven broad categories to help generate all the likely hypotheses as to the
causes of a relevant set of social actors’ behaviors: Rule, Opportunity, Capacity,
Communication, Interest, Process and Ideology. ( The first initials of these categories make
the acronym, ROCCIPI . The order of the categories has no significance. The acronym
aims to help you remember the categories.)
Together, these categories serve to focus your questions on the facts you need to
validate the likely causes of each set of problematic behaviors the proposed bill’s
details aim to alter. Unless the bill’s detailed measures logically seem likely to
overcome the existing problematic behaviors’ causes revealed by those facts, you
probably should call for alternative legislative solutions more likely to succeed.
Suppose that, despite a law forbidding it, people pollute the rivers. On its face, the law's
provisions may suggest several explanations for that behavior. First, the existing law’s
provisions may not forbid the dumping, or may not require an agency to act to prevent it.
Second, the rule’s wording may grant the polluters or the implementing officials broad
discretion to decide how to behave, leaving them scope to respond to inappropriate
motivations. Third, the law’s provisions may permit or even authorize the implementing
officials to use non-transparent, unaccountable decision-making processes that make it
easier for them to permit polluting behaviors (think corruption). Fourth, ambiguous or
confusing language may leave polluters unclear as to the law’s requirements. Fifth, other
rules may exist that in effect make compliance impossible. For instance, a rule may require
companies to get rid of waste without providing an alternative place for waste disposal.
Ask four kinds of questions about the precise wording used in existing laws to discover
how they may help to explain problematic behaviors. Do the existing laws’ detailed
provisions -
The answers to these four questions may help you to decide whether the existing law itself,
on its face, helps to explain the problematic behaviors at issue.
In addition to examining the existing cage of rules, the remaining ROCCIPI categories
suggest that you should ask questions about non-legal causes embedded in your country’s
unique realities. Since the bill should alter or elminate the causes of the behaviors that
constitute the social prohlem the bill addresses, the answers may suggest possible additional
detailed provisions in the bill.
Capacity: Do the relevant actors possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and
resources they need to behave differently than they do now? For example, to explain
low farm productivity, ask: Do farmers have access to necessary new technology and the
skills to operate it? To explain non-accountable decision-making: do officials have the skill
and resources to publish written explanations for their decisions?
Communication: Do the actors know and understand the existing rules? A person
cannot consciously obey a law without knowing that it exists, and understanding the
behaviors it prescribes. A country’s channels for communicating information about laws
often reflect, and in some cases foster a skewed social structure. In most jurisdictions,
laws only appear in a government Gazette (or its equivalent) that appears in very few
copies to which few people have access. This may seriously erode the rule of law.
Local media may publish reports on the most important laws, and ministries usually inform
their officials about new laws, espcially those responsible for enforcing them. Urban elites,
especially formal-sector businessmen, usually learn from their lawyers or business
associations about laws likely to affect their affairs. In contrast, unless the responsible
ministries make special efforts to inform them, the poor – especially the rural poor – seldom
learn about new laws, even those supposedly designed to help them better their own lives.
Ask: Do a bill’s provisions ensure that the poor and vulnerable will learn about the law,
especially if it will likely to affect their lives? Do poor peasants, for example, know about
More generally, you might consider legislative provisions for wider communication of all
laws enacted, in newspapers, radio and television programs, as well as for direct
announcements to affected communities.
Interest: What incentives exist to induce relevant actors to behave as they do?
The category, ‘Interest’ (or incentives) refers to the actors’ own perceptions as to how the
existing law’s costs and benefits affect them and people close to them. These may include
material benefits, like increased cash or fringe benefits. They may also include non-material
incentives, like power or their family members’, friends’ and associates’ esteem.
In reality, few actors take into account a law’s paper penalty. Drivers on major highways,
for example, may worry less about the speed limit than whether a radar-equipped police
car hides around the next bend in the road. That suggests the need, not for greater penalties,
for more police patrols.
Some theorists expand the ‘Interest’category to subsume all the other categories of
explanation. In that view, for example, farmers fail to increase production only because
they do not receive sufficient profits from the venture — never mind that no road leads from
their farms to market; or officials do not obey a law to write an explanation for their decisions
because they receive no punishment for their failure — never mind that they remain illiterate.
Process: How do the actors decide to behave as they do? Especially
with respect of complex organizations (and that includes all implementing
agencies), focus your attention on the process, the criteria and procedures
by which the relevant actors decide whether or not to obey the law.
Usually, if the relevant actors comprise individuals, the ‘Process’ category
yields few useful explanatory hypotheses; individuals usually decide on
• 73
their own whether or not to obey the rules. In contrast, ‘Process’ may constitute ROCCIPI’s
most fruitful category for inspiring hypotheses to explain the problematic behaviors of
actors who work in complex organizations: corporations, non-government organizations
(NGOs), schools, trade unions, cooperatives, and especially implementing agencies —
police, courts, ministries, agencies, departments, local government, bureaus (for more
details, see Chapter 6).
‘Ideology’ (values and attitudes): What goes on in an actor’s head that helps explain
behavior? Many social scientists turn to ‘Ideology’ to explain problematic behaviors.
’‘Ideology’ here refers to matters of belief, encompassing values, attitudes, tastes, myths
about the world, religious beliefs, more or less well-defined political, social and economic
Some people try to subsume most other explanations under ‘Ideology,’ leading, as does a
similar expansion of’‘Interest,’ to the neglect of solutions aimed at other causes. For
example, in a particular country, to blame coal mine accidents solely on the managers’
culture of profits over workers’ safety may ignore the managers’ lack of technology to prevent
accidents, or even the absence of a law seeking to ensure mine safety.
We reiterate: Given the pressure of legislative work, you do not have much time in which
to ask questions of Ministers or other officials. To make the best use of your limited time,
you need a guide to formulate hypotheses as a basis of questions about relevant facts
likely to help identify the causes of problematic behaviors. Broadly construed, legislative
theory’s seven categories, captured as "ROCCIPI", may help you to make useful ‘educated
guesses’ about each set of problematic behaviors’ causes
For example, to explain an official’s arbitrary decision-making, the category 'Rule' might
‘spark off’ an hypothesis that the law grants that official unlimited discretion; the category,
'Capacity'; might suggest another hypothesis; the category, 'Process', a third. No matter
which category inspires useful hypotheses, the ROCCIPI agenda served its function if it
inspired you to consider all the likely possible causes.’
The ROCCIPI categories help you to ensure that — given the facts available as to your
country’s circumstances – a bill’s drafters have identified all the probable causes of the
relevant actors’ problematic behaviors. (That includes the behaviors of implementing
agency officials). That lays the essential foundation for assessing whether the bill’s detailed
provisions logically seem likely to overcome the causes of the specified problematic
behaviors, and thus to induce those actors to behave more appropriately.
2. ‘Reverse ROCCIPI.’
Ask the proponents to demonstrate that their preferred solution addresses the earlier-
identified causes of the problematic behaviors that constitute the social problem addressed.
Unless it does, the new solution may not succeed in changing those behaviors and thus fail
to ameliorate the social problem. When considering explanations, you used the ROCCIPI
categories to generate hypotheses to explain existing behaviors. Now use it to predict
what behaviors a bill will induce. If the bill before you proposes to create a new agricultural
finance bank to supply credit to small farmers, ask, for example: Will the new bank have
the Capacity to make the many small loans required of such a bank? will it have Opportunity
to do so? will the responsible bank officers have sufficient incentives (‘Interest’) to make
the loans? do the bank’s Processes tend to ensure accountability, transparency, and
participation by stakeholders in bank decision-making?
No matter how effective a bill, unless its anticipated social and economic benefits exceed
the anticipated costs, you should vote it down. To make that decision, ask for the facts
about its probable impact, as well as its estimated benefits and costs compared to those of
the leading potential alternatives — including the current law.
(1) On various social strata. No law impacts all society’s diverse social groups
equally. Even a seemingly simple new law that requires drivers to change from
driving on the right instead of the left side of the road imposes massive costs on the
owners of existing automobiles, whose right-hand-drive cars suddenly lose much of
their value. In the United States, where an income tax law requires that the rich pay
a somewhat higher percentage of their income as tax than the poor, a recent
seemingly equitable 10 per cent across-the-board tax cut in reality gave 62 per cent
of the proposed tax saving to the wealthiest 10 per cent of taxpayers. A regulation
requiring that the police commissioner appoint as policemen only people six feet tall
or taller discriminates against women.
Those with power and privilege always have channels to communicate their
objections to political movers and shakers. As an elected representative, ask for the
necessary facts to assess how a bill’s detailed provisions will likely impact on the
poor, women, children, the elderly and disabled, and, in many
countries, minority ethnic groups – all typically under-
represented in the halls of power.
i. economic costs. By ‘economic costs and benefits’ we mean the costs a hard-
nosed accountant would include. The costs include government’s out-of-pocket
direct expenditures for personnel, buildings, equipment and services required to
implement a law. Government usually pays these out of current revenues, or,
over time, in the form of the principal and interest on loans. Unanticipated
factors like inflation or shortages may make estimates of these direct economic
costs problematic.
Governments also pay harder-to-estimate indirect costs. If, for example, a
proposed product liability law relies on individual litigation as its principal
implementation measure, government revenues must cover additional
expenditures to enable courts to deal with the resulting law suits.
The private sector may also bear economic costs due to a law’s effect on
existing enterprises’ employment, wages, or present or future profits. Those
Social costs and benefits generally prove even more difficult to compare and assess than
economic costs and benefits. They affect intangible items like the quality of life (jobs and
incomes, housing, recreational facilities), human rights, and environmental conditions.
Good governance calls for greater participation in the development process by the poorest,
most historically disadvantaged segments of the population. How to measure the social
costs and benefits of their participation? This makes it especially important for government
to hear from the poor about the law’s impact upon them.
Frequently, the intangibles comprise a law’s most important development impacts. You
should ask the relevant ministries to provide the best estimates they can — including an
explanation of how they reached those estimates. Then do your best to evaluate the bill.
1. Draw up two columns side by side, one for all the economic costs you can think of
which the proposed bill seems likely to entail; and one for all the economic benefits.
Note those items in both columns for which you can easily obtain relevant
information as the basis of estimates, and those for which it will be harder, or about
which so much uncertainty remains that you can only make an informed
‘guesstimate.’ Design a strategy for estimating those economic costs and benefits.
2. Draw up two more columns, this time for the proposed bill’s probable social costs
and benefits. Again, note those items for which you can obtain information, and
which will undoubtedly prove more difficulty. Design a strategy for arriving at some
kind of defensible estimates.
The difficulties involved in estimating a proposed law’s probable social costs and benefits
— only one of the many places where, no matter how hard the law-makers try, legislation
necessarily proceeds with less than exact information — underscores the importance of
incorporating in important bills an adequate monitoring and evaluation mechanism. This,
problem-solving’s fourth step, should provide information to determine whether the law
actually does induce the behaviors it prescribes, and their anticipated impact. (If it does
not, you may decide to amend or even repeal the law.) You should ascertain whether the
bill contains provisions making it easy for the legislature to learn how well the new law has
succeeded in reducing the original perceived social problenm, and at what actual economic
and social cost.
Over the years, various countries’ law-makers have devised potentially useful
specific monitoring devices:
* A sunset clause (i.e., the new law stipulates its own limited life, so that it will only
continue if people become convinced that it should continue. That may stimulate
those for or against the bill to investigate its performance in some detail).
* A provision for a referendum at some fixed future time on whether to continue the
new law.
(On monitoring devices to reduce the dangers of corruption, see Chapter 9).
Just as a court must justify its judicial decisions by stating the reasons that underpin
them, so you might consider a rule to require sponsors of an important bill to provide a
written justification for its detailed provisions. To ensure the adequacy of that justification,
you could require a bill’s sponsors to structure their justification by organizing the available
facts logically:
(1) Describe the social problem, and whose and what behaviors comprise it (including
those of the responsible implementing agency);
(3) show –
(b) that the bill’s detailed provisions seem likely to overcome the identified causes;
(c) that the bill’s economic and social benefits will likely outweigh its costs; and
(4) ensure that a responsible agency will monitor and evaluate the billís implementation
and social consequences.
A Chinese bill for reforming the banking structure, as originally proposed, not only provided
for the creation of central, commercial, development and agricultural banks, but also for
the establishment and operation of stock exchanges and insurance companies. The bill’s
broad scope multiplied the number of issues on which law-makers had to agree. Supporters
of one provision often objected to other provisions. Attempts to win consensus for the
entire bill proved an unending task. Debates dragged on for years, delaying action, not
only on that bill, but other priority legislation, too.
Eventually, the Chinese found it useful to conceptualize an overall legislative program relating
to banking. Within that larger program, they first enacted a separate bill for the central
bank, and then, separately, additional bills for other banks, stock exchanges and insurance
Instead of stuffing many subjects into one bill, wise law-makers design an overall legislative
program, and narrow the scope of each bill within that program. When you receive a bill
prescribing significant institutional change, first consider: does the bill focus its measures
on a defined set of behaviors? It also helps to ask how many different implementing agencies
the bill requires. As originally proposed, the Chinese banking bill required four distinct
implementing agencies, with quite different missions: a central agency (to implement the
Central Bank Law concerning money supply), a Banking Commission, a Securities and
Exchange Commission and an Insurance Commission. That alone signalled that the bill
seemed ‘stuffed.’
Conversely, to assess a bill with a seemingly narrow scope, ask about the general context
within which the bill will fit. For example, if you receive a bill addressing only the problems
of the central bank, ask how it fits into the legal regime for commercial and other banks,
stock exchanges and insurance companies – that is, the larger financial sector. The bill of
course would merit the characterization ‘stuffed’ if it tried to address all those problems.
You should, however, make sure that it dovetails neatly with the laws that govern those
other sectors.
(1) Consider the social problem a proposed bill aims to overcome. Does it comprise one
or several more or less discrete problems? Should you enact one bill to resolve the
entire social problem, or separate bills for each problem?
(2) In determining the appropriate scope of the proposed bill, what factors ought you
take into account?
(3) What constitutes the larger social problem within which the bill before you fits? Will
the new law fit appropriately into that larger context?
To deepen your understanding of the difficulty a bill addresses, research reports may
describe how that problem arose historically in your own country, and the consequences of
other countries’ attempts to use law to resolve similar difficulties.
1. History
By the time someone proposes a bill, the social problem it addresses usually has a long
history. Some law attempting to deal with the subject probably exists. Some agency
probably already has responsibility for implementing that law. Ask questions about that
history; it might prove useful at any one of problem-solving’s four steps: to fit the specific
problem in its larger context; to understand how its causes changed over time; or to learn
about previous efforts to use law to resolve it.
No government can safely copy another country’s law. That does not mean that you
cannot learn from other countries’ experiences in using law to resolve similar problems.
Other countries’ experiences may urge a general caution against tackling too many
difficulties at once. They may reveal an aspect of the difficulty that appeared elsewhere
against which (even if it has not yet appeared in your country) your law might guard. It
may offer new insights into the nature and causes of the behaviors that comprise the
difficulty. Most frequently, other countries’ experiences offer ideas about alternative legislative
solutions and their likely consequences. A research report could provide evidence of other
countries’ laws and experiences.
This checklist aims to remind a wise legislator of the factors to consider when assessing a
bill. No matter the bill’s subject-matter — the adoption of children, labor safety in coal
mines, court procedures, or anti-competitive behaviors – it suggests the questions to ask
to assess it.
To achieve that broad purpose, this checklist remains very general. Essentially, it tracks
the four steps of legislative theory’s problem-solving methodology. Absent a research
report, it should help you decide what questions to ask to determine whether the available
facts logically demonstrate that the bill’s detailed provisions will likely to lead to the changed
behaviors necessary to resolve the specific problem.
This checklist will not prove very helpful for two kinds of bills.
(a). A few bills aim to solve problems that do not arise from problematic behaviors.
Suppose an existing law empowers the Minister of Transportation to collect a toll of
five kwacha, and details how ministry officials should collect it. Now, the Ministry of
Transportation wants to amend the law to increase the toll to seven kwacha per
vehicle. That amendment does not require any changes in the behaviors required
to collect the toll. (For help in assessing the amendment’s costs and benefits, you
might ask economists or transportation engineers for facts.)
NOTE: For each question, ask a further one: On what evidence do you base your answer?
2. How would you summarize the bill’s proposals to overcome the social problem
3. Where and how does the bill fit into the government's larger legislative program?
4. What might you learn from the history of efforts to deal with the problem in your own
or other countries that helps to understand the reasons for introducing this bill at this
time and in this form?
1. Describe the surface appearance of the social problem at which the bill aims.
2. Whose and what behaviors contribute to the difficulty the bill aims to help resolve (in
as much detail as possible)?
NOTE: In many ways this constitutes a preliminary, key question. Unless you know
what behaviors constitute the social problem, you do not know where to begin to
decide whether a bill’s details will likely help to resolve that problem by inducing new
3. Does either the history of the difficulty or foreign law and experience provide insights
into the nature and scope of the difficulty, or whose and what behaviors comprise it?
1. This also constitutes a key section. Unless you can understand the causes of the
problematic behaviors that comprise a social problem, you cannot determine
whether the bill addresses the problem’s underlying causes, not merely its
2. In the case of almost every set of role occupants, you may not find an explanatory
hypothesis for every ROCCIPI category. For example, for government officials,
the category, ‘Communications,’ often appears as an empty box; usually, the
relevant authorities do inform officials about the rules they should follow. If you
decide nothing subsumed by that category helps explain that particular behavior,
you need ask no further questions about it.
3. Ask for explanations for each behavior of each set of role occupants (including the
implementing agency) separately. Although they together constitute the social
problem addressed, they may and probably do have different explanations.
For each set of actors whose problematic behaviors contributed to the social problem, ask:
3. Capacity: Do these actors have the capacity — the skills, knowledge, and
resources — to obey the law? Contrariwise, do they have special capacity to disobey
the law?
4. Interest: How and to what extent do these role-occupants' incentives (including the
effect of potential sanctions) seem to influence their behaviors?
5. Communication: Do these actors know and understand the provisions of the law?
6. Process: What criteria and procedures determine the process by which this set of
actors (especially those who comprise implementing agency officials) make
decisions as to how to behave? Do they appear transparent? Accountable?
7. Ideology: How and to what extent do these role occupans' values and attitudes
('domain assumptions') seem to affect their behaviors?
[Ask the same kinds of question in turn for each behavior of each set of role
occupants and for the relevant implementing agency.]
IV. Proposals for solution– Do the bill’s detailed provisions logically seem likely
to overcome the causes of each set of role occupants’ problematic behaviors?
2. Does a review of your country's history of efforts to use law, or other countries'
laws and experience, provide insights into possible solutions, other than the one
proposed in the bill?
3. What alternative solutions did the proponents of the bill consider? Can you think
of any others?
b. induce those officials to behave in ways necessary to assist the primary role
occupants to change their behaviors?
c. ensure they employ transparent, accountable, and participatory decision-making
6. Do the bill’s estimated long term social and economic benefits seem likely to
outweigh its estimated long-term social and economic costs?
8. Does the bill or other relevant law provide adequate funding to ensure
implementation of its entire program (see Chapter 8)?
9. Does the bill contain appropriate instructions to judges and others who must
ensure it fits into the existing corpus of the law (see Chapter 8)?
a. Does the bill contain a General `principles (or ‘Objectives’) clause sufficiently
narrowly drawn to guide the relevant official in drafting regulations under the new
b. Does it contain sufficient definitional clauses?
a. Why did the bill’s proponents select the monitoring and evaluation system it
proposes? Do their reasons seem sufficient?
b. What alternative possible monitoring and evaluations devices might the bill
contain, either in addition to or in place of those it proposes?
To strengthen your country’s law-making processes, you and your colleagues need to assess
whether the available facts and logic justify the detailed provisions of important
transformatory bills. Using institutionalist legislative theory, including its problem-solving
methodology, this chapter suggests the kinds of questions you should ask to make that
assessment. It recommends that your legislature should consider promulgating a rule to
require that the proponents of an important bill accompany it by a research report. Adopting
a problem-solving methodology, that report should present the kinds of evidence you need
to determine whether that bill rests on reason informed by experience. To assess the
likelihood that, given the country’s unique circumstances, the bill’s prescriptions will likely
induce the desired changed behaviors, you should insist that the proponents of an important
bill give you the evidence and rationale on which it rests.
The checklist at the end of this chapter, structured in accord with problem-solving's four
steps, summarizes the main questions for which you should insist on receiving adequate
answers. In particular, you must satisfy yourself that the bill designates an appropriate
implementing agency which, operating according to carefully designed criteria and
procedures, will likely effectively induce the kinds of behaviors required to achieve the bills’
objectives. The next chapter discusses in greater depth the critical issue of implementation.
“A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.” Perhaps more than for any other
cause, drafting projects go a-stray because of a failure of the law-makers to
understand correctly the social problem addressed. Consider the first two sets of
questions in the ‘Checklist of Questions to Ask about a Bill,’ p. 86. Do these seem
sufficient to guide you to ask the apecific questions you should ask accurately to define
the social problem the bill addresses?
4. Does the ROCCIPI agenda provide a useful framework for asking questions about the
possible causes of the problematic behaviors at which a bill aims? What additional
categories might you consider adding to ROCCIPI’s seven categories?
5. What questions should you ask to assess whether a bill’s detailed provisions seem
likely to alter or eliminate the causes of a role occupant’s existing problematic
6. What categories of questions should you ask to determine whether a bill’s social and
economic benefits seem likely to outweigh the social and economic costs of
implementing its detailed provisions?
Everywhere, people complain, "we have good laws but they don’t get implemented". That
complaint contradicts itself. How can we call a law ‘good’ when it does not work? The
‘legislative power’ that the Constitution assigns to you and your colleagues requires you to
oversee the executive branch’s implementation of the laws. To assess whether a bill will
work, you must determine whether it, or other existing law, adequately provides for its own
Legislative theory suggests that you should not focus only on the bill’s broad ‘policy,’ or on
its prescriptions to primary role occupants. You should also give special attention to whether
either the bill or existing law provides processes likely to ensure effective implementation.
A law ‘works’ only when it induces the behavior it prescribes. Whatever its proponents’
good intentions, if a law fails to improve existing problematic behaviors, how can one call it
This chapter aims to guide you in asking questions to obtain the information you
need —
A. To describe the existing implementation agency officials and their behaviors, and to
explain their failure to perform their jobs effectively;
B. To assess whether the bill’s detailed provisions for implementation (including the
agency and its design, and conformity-inducing measures) will likely overcome
those causes; and
C. To decide whether or not a transitive or an intransitive bill will more likely resolve a
particular social problem.
Nowadays, in most countries, usually some law already addresses the same social problem
as does the bill before you. Usually, some agency already has the duty to enforce that law.
Too often, it fails to implement that law effectively.
As directed by the problem-solving methodology, we begin, not with the ‘end’ – here,
effective implementation of the laws – but with the social problem. In the case of an existing
problematic implementation agency, whose and what behaviors contribute to the weak or
non-existent implementation of existing law? To help you in asking questions about a
particular bill’s proposed implementation mechanisms, we then propose some general
explanations for laws’ too-common ineffective implementation.
Most new laws address old problems unresolved by previous laws. More often than not,
at least in part a social problem reflects the failure of officials in an existing agency effectively
to implement the law. In those cases, the solution — the new bill — must include detailed
prescriptions that change those behaviors.
People often say that "an organization is larger than the sum of its parts." An organization
can do more than its members can do as individuals. Some authors, however, imply that
an organization has a mind that somehow exceeds the sum of its parts. They err. No such
thing as a ‘group mind’ exists. A group never ‘behaves’ as a ‘single rational actor.’ In
contrast, the organization’s individual members can and do think. Those individual members
do have consciousness. At most, an organization’s leaders expect its members to follow
rules that prescribe agreed-upon behaviors, and seek to induce behavioral conformity.
To answer the question – Why does the implementing agency fail to effectively implement
the law? — you must ‘unpack’ the particular agency into the sets of officials who comprise
it. Ask:
(1) What officials in the agency behave in ways that hinder or prevent effective
(2) Why do those officials behave in those problematic ways?
An implementing agency always has rules that prescribe its officials’ behavior. To explain
those officials’ problematic behaviors, ask the same questions you would about other role
First, few laws specify either direct or roundabout measures to make it likely that officials
conform to the law’s prescriptions. The higher the officials’ rank, the more vague and
ambiguous become the monitoring and enforcement provisions that address their behaviors.
Very few systems regularly monitor senior officials. To sanction perceived unacceptable
performance, most have in place only default mechanisms.
Second, role conflict often helps explain problematic official behaviors. In their formal role,
officials should only behave as the law prescribes. Like everyone else, however, officials
play many roles beyond their official capacities: as wives, mothers, husbands, fathers,
children, students, teachers, consumers, home owners, renters – a long list. Occasionally,
an official will use public power to play out another, private role — one that conflicts with
the public interest. Called by sociologists ‘role conflicts,’ these may help to explain official
The lack of effective supervision of the implementing officials, and those officials’ own role
conflicts, constitute two pervasive structural explanations for officials’ problematic
implementing behaviors. Where existing implementing agency misbehavior constitutes
part of that social problem a bill aims to help resolve (as usually happens), ask questions
to determine whether structural causes influence the officials’ behaviors. Then ask about
the other possible causes for officials’ problematic behaviors that the ROCCIPI categories
suggest — especially, the Process category.
The Process Model teaches that, in a complex organization, the range of decisions — the
outputs — depends on three subsystems. The input and feedback processes determine
which personnel, and whose and what issues, facts, theories, opinions, claims, and
information about the consequences of the organization’s earlier decisions, enter the
conversion processes. The conversion processes combine those inputs and feedbacks
to produce outputs — the organization’s decisions.
This model explains an organization’s ‘decisions.’ It calls attention to the rules controlling
the admission of issues into the system, and the behaviors that take place in the face of
those rules. Those rules and behaviors may also help explain non-decisions, that is, those
issues and claims which the officials exclude from the process.
Each of these processes consists of a set of officials acting in repetitive patterns in the face
of laws or regulations that prescribe their functions. To assess a bill concerning problematic
implementing agency behaviors, you must ask about each set of these officials the (by now
familiar) underlying question: Why do these role occupants behave as they do in the
face of a rule of law? In relation to each set of role occupants’ problematic behaviors,
consider the hypotheses inspired by a review of the ROCCIPI agenda (see Chapter 5).
1. Describe in detail whose and what behaviors constitute the input and feedback
processes of the agency involved.
a. From whom do the agency officials regularly receive inputs (i.e. issues, facts,
opinions, claims) and feedbacks (i.e., information about the consequences
of previous decisions)?
b. What sorts of inputs and feedbacks do they consider?
c. What criteria and procedures do they use to decide what inputs and
feedbacks to transmit to officials in the conversion process?
d. Do inputs or feedbacks from a group of people seem systematically excluded
from, or included in, these processes?
2. Describe in detail whose and what behaviors constitute the conversion processes
of the agency.
a. Which officials decide what to do with the inputs and feedbacks they receive?
b. By what criteria and procedures do officials combine inputs and feedbacks
into the problematic decisions that constitute the defined social problem?
c. Who carries out decisions made by the officials in the conversion processes?
Do they do so regularly? Do agency officials regularly ensure the enforcement
of their decisions? How?
The decision of officials in the conversion process becomes the input to a new
set of decisions about carrying out the decision. If these behaviors seem
problematic, you should describe these behaviors also, and explain them in the
explanations section.
II. Explanations for problematic official behaviors
A. Ask about relevant officials in the input and feedback processes, and each of
their problematic behaviors:
a. What inputs, from whom, do the rules require or permit relevant agency officials
to admit into the input and feedback processes? Especially, do they permit or
require inputs or feedbacks from the poor, women, ethnic minorities, children, or
from advocates for the environment, human rights, and the Rule of Law?
Since decisions reflect inputs and feedbacks, an agency’s decisions tend to favor
the interests of those who contributed the inputs and feedbacks upon which the
agency bases its decisions. The elite always have formal or informal channels of
communication to officials. Do the rules set up channels by which the
disinherited or those concerned with often-ignored issues may also participate in
input and feedback processes?
b. What do the rules prescribe that these officials do to induce conforming role-
occupant behavior?
Where a rule prescribes that an agency perform a particular task (for example, to
create and operate an agricultural extension agency, or to decide appeals from a
mining inspector’s decisions about coal mine safety) it sets an agenda for the
decisions that the agency must make. (In the cases of the two examples given,
that agenda involves making decisions about creating and operating an
agricultural extension agency, and decisions about the correctness of mining
inspectors’ decisions about coal mine safety). That rule necessarily implies an
agenda not only for officials in the conversion processes, but also for officials in
the input and feedback processes.
c. What scope for discretion do the rules (explicitly or implicitly) permit the
officials in deciding whose and what inputs and feedbacks to pass on to the
officials in the conversion processes? What criteria and procedures do the rules
provide that limit the exercise of that discretion?
d. What (if anything) do the rules prescribe for measures to induce conforming
behaviors on the part of these officials? Which agency (if any) do they directly
or by implication command to implement the measures directed at the
implementing agency officials?
e. What do the rules prescribe for monitoring and evaluating these officials’
behaviors? Whom do the rules require to undertake that task? How?
a. Do the officials have sufficient human and material resources (including skills) to
capture the relevant inputs and feedbacks?
Officials have different capacities and opportunities to make contact with, and to
develop inputs and feedbacks from, different segments of the population. That
may help to explain a seeming bias in the inputs and feedbacks the officials
capture and transmit to conversion process officials.
b. Who appoints these officials? How? According to what qualifications?
c. How do infractions of the laws come to the notice of the relevant input process
officials? Do those procedures make it likely that those infractions will come to
the attention of relevant officials?
A reactive agency frequently has small opportunity or capacity to ensure that it
learns about all violations of the law. Its officials usually must depend upon the
initiative of aggrieved persons – who may or may not come forward, in part
because they may have neither the capacity nor opportunity to do so.
3. Communication: Have the authorities informed the agency officials of the rules
that prescribe their behavior?
Usually, officials do know what law applies to their positions. Especially in rural
areas, however, officials may not know the details of laws and regulations.
B. Conversion processes:
1. Rule:
a. If more than one decision-maker, how many? Do the rules prescribe individual or
joint decision by the decision-makers?
b. Do the rules ensure that stakeholders will learn in good time that an official plans
to decide an issue, and when the official will make the decision? Do they have
opportunity to submit inputs, either about a proposed decision, or about agency
c. Do the rules require the official to respond to stakeholder inputs or stakeholder
complaints? to state reasons for a decision? in writing? to publish their
d. Do the rules permit or require other forms of stakeholder participation in the
conversion process?
a. In practice, do the officials in the conversion processes give notice that they
contemplate making a decision? Before decision, do stakeholders have
opportunity to make inputs to the decision?
b. Do they make their decision in writing? Do they state the reasons for decision?
Do they make their decision public?
c. What body, if any, monitors and evaluates the officials’ decisions? By what
criteria and procedures does the appeals body in practice assess agency
d. Must an official report to anyone that she or he has made a decision?
To say ‘we have good laws but they remain poorly implemented’ constitutes a contradiction
in terms. A law that does not provide for its own effective implementation reflects poor
drafting. Drafting effective implementation provisions constitutes a critical aspect of drafting
bills for social change. Legislative theory suggests that analysis of officials’ behavior, and
the repetitive processes ingrained within the responsible agencies, highlights major
obstacles that block effective implementation.
As an important aspect of your task, you must assess a bill’s detailed prescriptions for an
implementing agency. To do that, in general you should follow the steps suggested in the
last chapter for assessing the bill as a whole, now thinking specifically about the implementing
agency. For the bill as a whole you must ascertain whether it will likely induce the behaviors
it prescribes for agency officials to implement measures likely to ensure that the primary
role occupants conform to the new law. (What role does the implementing agency play in
the social problem at which the bill 's provisions aim? What agency officials and their
behaviors contribute to that social problem? What causes those problematic behaviors?
Do the new bill’s provisions logically appear likely to overcome those causes? What
constitute the social as well as the economic costs and benefits of the bill’s provisions for
changing the implementing agency?)
In assessing an implementing agency’s design, you should consider first whether it directs
agency officials to use appropriate conformity-inducing measures.
In the older legal literature, and still in popular conception, ‘law’ implies a sanction, and
‘sanction’ means punishment. As the famous 18th Century author (and first Professor of
Law in an English university) William Blackstone, declared, ‘No sanction, no law.’ The
preferred means of inducing conforming behaviors used punishment to stop non-conforming
behavior. Punishment needed no other justification. Today, in most countries, for most
people, ‘law’ implies’‘punishment.
At least for the purposes of institutional transformation, this manual rejects that popular
misconception. Of the seven ROCCIPI categories of possible causes for problematic
behaviors, punishment directly addresses only one: Interest. Its proponents claim
punishment offsets the advantages the miscreant perceives in engaging in the forbidden
behavior. In principle, a reward for conforming behavior would serve equally well.
Logically, however, neither punishments nor rewards directly address the six other possible
causes of behavior. Legislative theory suggests that, as legislators, you and your colleagues
should ask for evidence that a bill’s proposed conformity-inducing measures actually do
address the multiple causes of problematic behaviors. To eliminate the causes other than
Interest may require roundabout measures.
‘Roundabout’ measures comprise all the activities an implementing agency may use to:
(1) alter or eliminate the country-specific non-legal circumstances (Interest causes excepted)
that cause social actors — either primary role occupants, or implementing agency officials
— to behave in counterproductive ways; and (2) to then induce more appropriate behavior.
Implicitly, depending upon the causes of the problematic behaviors, the ROCCIPI agenda
suggests some alternative measures likely to change an addressee’s behavior in a way
likely to help resolve the social problem. Ask questions about measures to –
Once upon a time a huge lorry with two trailers behind it came to a steep
hill covered with ice. It came to a halt halfway up the hill; it did not have
the power nor the traction to go further. The two large truck drivers went
to the house that stood by the road and asked a little old lady who lived
there if they could borrow her little poodle dog.
“We want to hitch the poodle in front of the truck so the poodle can pull the truck up the hill,”
they answered.
“Don’t be silly,” she said. “A little poodle like that cannot pull that great big truck up that hill.”
“That’s what you think, lady,” the men said. “We have whips!”
Avoid over-
criminalization of
the law.
If a bill prescribes only criminal sanctions for behaviors caused by factors other than Interest,
call for provisions in the bill to address those factors.
In the same way, bills that offer rewards for desired behaviors aim to meet the actor’s
(assumed) Interest. Usually, it proves more effective to design conformity-inducing
measures to facilitate behaviors that benefit that actor. To increase farm production, do
not threaten a farmer with six months in jail if the farmer does not increase production.
Better by far to provide farm-to-market roads, inexpensive credit, instruction in improved
farming techniques, better seeds and tools.
While conceptually both punishments and rewards address causes related to Interest, in a
particular case pragmatic reasons may suggest one rather than another. Punishments
seem useful when most of the population already has internalized the undesirability of the
behaviors prohibited. For example, in the case of murder, the costs of rewarding everyone
who does not commit murder seems prohibitive. Conversely, rewards seem more
appropriate when the law prescribes behavior that existing, internalized norms forbid. In
that case, the cost of policing to catch everyone who violates the law seems prohibitive.
Rewards also seem more appropriate when the authorities see a need to provide incentives
to achieve maximum effort. The law can tailor rewards to match effort and achievement.
The common results of tax subsidies – tax concessions for behaving in desired ways –
illustrate the dangers of rewarding anticipated behaviors.
Frequently, proponents seek to grant tax concessions as a device to reward an actor for
conforming to a new law. For example, to induce manufacturers to introduce labor-intensive
machinery as a method of increasing employment, a government might offer a flat subsidy
of $5000 per job created. Alternatively, it might offer a $5000 credit against tax. The
economic consequences of either course seem all but identical.
Because the money does not pass through government coffers, however, a $5000 credit
against tax does not appear in the annual estimates. Politicians can — and do — claim
that the tax subsidy comes costless. It does not. Income foregone is income paid out. A
$5000 credit against tax has the same consequences as collecting the $5000, and then
paying it out as a cash subsidy. Under these circumstances, it clarifies thinking to speak
It usually proves difficult to ensure that the taxpayer has earned the tax subsidy. No
government pays a cash subsidy without evidence of performance. With a tax subsidy,
however, the taxpayer takes the deduction, and maybe sometime later a tax audit will
reveal whether or not the taxpayer actually earned the tax subsidy. It proves difficult to
account for tax subsidies.
All in all, avoid tax subsidies. A cash subsidy costs no more, it proves easier to keep
account of, and you have better assurance that government will receive value in exchange
for the subsidy.
You must determine the range You should ask the same
of outputs desired. Then you questions about the bill’s
must ask whether the designated implementing
designated agency’s input, agency, whether it
feedback and conversion constitutes an existing
processes will likely produce agency, with or without
those outputs. changes, or a new one.
The Process Model underscores the proposition that a decision-making structure has a
defined range of potential outputs. To ensure that its implementing agency produces
sound decisions, the bill must prescribe input, feedback, and conversion processes
appropriate to the kinds of issues it will confront. No one-size-fits-all implementing agency
structure does or can exist.
Agencies generally confront five sets of issues. To assess a bill’s prescribed implementing
agency’s structure and process, you must first determine the specific shape of the agency’s
tasks. These usually include some or all of the following:
Some bills contain a mix of these four forms. A law establishing a public corporation, for
example, may assign a Ministry to set it up and monitor its performance, and, for disputes,
an intra-Ministry proceeding with an appeal to the courts.
To most people, dispute settlement and the implementation of the laws appear indissolubly
linked. Courts — the paradigmatic dispute-settlement agency — also seem the paradigmatic
implementing agency. For many laws, in the course of settling disputes, courts (or other
dispute settlement agencies, for example, a Workmen’s Compensation Commissioner, or
an arbitrator under a contract of sale of goods) do serve as a principal implementing agency.
That reflects both a long history, and society’s requirements for a dispute-resolution system.
First, history: Centuries before the welfare state and its gaggle of programs to round off
the sharp corners of the market economy, long before development appeared on any
country’s program, dispute-settlement agencies (usually courts) enforced the law as an
incident to settling a dispute. In England, at first they enforced the criminal law, bringing
‘the King’s peace’ to a violent and lawless countryside.
Operating mainly through the criminal law, in 17th and 18th Century England, the Justices of
the Peace – almost invariably, the local landowner — became the administrative arm of the
Crown. They depended almost entirely upon criminal sanctions. As well as minor, traditional
criminal laws (petty theft, minor assaults, etc.), they enforced laws that had functions not
different from what today we call ‘administrative regulations’: laws against ‘sturdy beggars’
or witchcraft, and the laws of markets and toll bridges. In the later 18th and 19th Centuries,
other courts enforced the property, tort and contract laws on which the economy depended.
Secondly, to avoid blood feud and private warfare, every society does need a peaceable
dispute-resolution system. With respect to a particular law, in default of another system,
courts serve that indispensable function. In popular perception, courts came to constitute
the very capital of Law’s empire.
As the default mode of dispute resolution, a court has an open door. In all government,
only a court must open its doors when a citizen has a complaint about the enforcement of
a law — even if an official becomes the defendant. (That open-door characteristic makes
courts the default dispute-settlement system).
To assess a bill’s proposal (often implicit) that courts serve as its main implementation
mechanism, ask questions about the following issues:
2. How will the court learn the facts related to the implementation problem?
Dispute settlement requires decisions based on evidence. Unless both sides to a
dispute have had a chance to bring forward evidence and argument, the arbiter – in a
court, the judge – may decide on the basis of incomplete facts. A fair hearing lies at
the heart of rational dispute-settlement.
If you complain of a violation of a law but cannot frame the complaint as a lawsuit
between two parties, however, you will have difficulty in persuading a court to hear
your case. In particular, courts have no funds to finance a remedy for a social
problem. Without the ‘power of the purse,’ a court frequently lacks the means to
induce changed behavior. (If a community needs a new school, a court faces almost
insurmountable difficulty in getting it built.)
3. The same applies to rules for financial accountability. That may free the corporation
from a lot of red tape that binds ministries.
1. Precisely because of their freedom from oversight and its accompanying rules, public
1. Private enterprises may bring their own resources — personnel, financial or physical
— to the implementation task.
2. Some people claim that private enterprises, presumably as a result of some form of
competition, operate more efficiently than government enterprise.
3. Like public corporations, private enterprises may permit greater creativity and
entrepreneurship than does bureaucracy.
1. Private enterprise seeks to maximize profits. For government activities that require
redistribution of resources, or improved services for the poor, the profit motive may
conflict with the agency’s mission (for example, welfare agencies; old-age homes;
prisons; hospitals.)
2. A few times a winter, Maine, one of 50 states in the US, experiences heavy
snowstorms. To clear snow off the roads quickly after a blizzard requires many trucks
or tractors equipped with snowplow blades. Maine communities could either (a)
purchase many trucks and tractors, most of which would stand useless save for the
few times a year when snow falls heavily; or (b) hire privately owned trucks fitted with a
snowplow to remove most of the snow, especially in the many roads away from major
highways. Maine communities have found option (b) more efficient.
Whatever its form, you must assess the bill’s designation and design of an implementing
agency, and whether its prescriptions for the behavior of its officials have a high likelihood
of inducing the prescribed behaviors. In that sense, you are responsible for the bill’s
successful implementation.
1. What responsibilities will the agency have? If the agency performs those duties, will
it contribute to altering or eliminating the causes of the primary role occupants’
present dysfunctional behaviors?
2. What conformity-inducing measures will the agency officials use to carry out their
responsibilities? Do these measures address the causes of the problematic
behaviors that the bill aims to help resolve?
3. Will the agency have the authority to impose punishments? What kinds of
punishments? How useful do these seem to help resolve the identified problematic
1. Whom will agency officials consult about how to implement the law’s details? Do
these include all the stakeholders? Especially, does the bill require them to consult
advocates for the poor, women, children, minorities, the environment, human rights
and the Rule of Law?
2. How and from whom will agency officials gather facts to help them decide how to
implement the law’s detailed provisions?
3. How will the agency recruit and train personnel?
V. Feedback functions:
1. How will the agency learn about whether the law’s addressees obey its
2. Will the agency wait until people come forward with complaints?
3. Almost every implementation agency permits complaints; will the agency also
have an obligation to search out violations? (That is, does the bill prescribe a
reactive or proactive agency?)
4. Who has standing to make complaints?
5. By what procedures may those with standing make their complaints?
6. Will the agency obtain facts about whether the law’s addressees obey the law by
investigations by agency employees? public hearings? by soliciting responses from
those affected — especially from the vulnerable, historically disadvantaged?
Helping the people subject to the law to meet and develop their own assessment of
implementation, and to take steps to improve it? Commissioning a research agency
to investigate and report back? Hearings on charges made in writing? (especially
appropriate where an individual is charged with wrongdoing that may lead to
punishment, demotion, loss of job, etc.) Other?
1. If that body has more than one member, what proportion of its members must vote in
favor of a proposition? Must they meet and discuss the issue, or do they each write
their own opinion?
2. Must decision-makers accompany their decisions with statements of reasons?
VII. Appeals:
You must ask these kinds of detailed questions to assess whether the bill’s
provisions will likely ensure its effective implementation. Sometimes,
however, under the changing circumstances of development and transition, a
bill may empower an administrative agency – a Minister, or some other official
– to formulate and promulgate rules to fill in the essential details left out by
the bill’s more general provisions. The literature calls that ‘intransitive law.’
In that case, you must ask further questions to ensure that the agency
officials use their delegated rule-making power in conformance with the
requirements of good governance.
At the end of the day, to induce changed behavior and thus bring about desired social
change — and this we cannot repeat often enough — a law must prescribe the desired
behaviors in detail.
Who should draft and promulgate those detailed rules? You and your colleagues, the
elected representatives of the people, in whom the Constitution vests the legislative power
– or some administrator or executive usually appointed, not elected? Remember, policy
resides in the details. To empower an administrative official or an agency to decide on a
bill’s details delegates much of the legislative power.
Ideally, you should never delegate that supreme constitutional power. Sometimes – in
conditions of development, often –– you have small choice but to delegate a portion of that
power to executive officials. That poses the central question concerning intransitive laws:
How can you surrender to the executive the power to make detailed rules without
surrendering the legislative power itself?
Almost all laws (at least, laws concerned with institutional transformation and development)
require some administrative rule-making With respect to their generality, bills stretch in a
continuum between a wholly transitive and a wholly intransitive bill. A transitive law contains
in its text the detailed prescriptions for the role occupants and implementing agency behavior.
An intransitive law delegates to some authority — government agency, state corporation,
or private entity — the power to make and implement detailed rules (regulations, subsidiary
legislation) that prescribe the desired behaviors.
In the industrialized world, increasingly bills have tended towards the intransitive end of the
continuum. Going back to Napoleonic times, European legislative traditions have given
the legislature power to enact laws in general terms. These laws only go into effect after a
minister or other executive officer promulgates an Implementing Decree that fills in the
details. That tradition, however, seems to contradict the notion of representative
Everywhere, history and democratic theory alike argue that the legislature ought to enact
the detailed rules that law-induced social change requires. From capitalism’s early years,
private investors demanded laws free of official and administrative discretion. They
experienced enough trouble trying to out-guess fickle and changing markets. If their capital
risked not only market fluctuations, but also changing official whims, they feared to invest.
They demanded detailed, certain and ascertainable laws which they could take into account
in their business planning.
In democratic principle, law-makers operationalize Dicey’s dictum by the rule of ultra vires
(see Chapter 2). That rule goes to the heart of the Rule of Law (see Chapter 9). It says that
government officials, no matter how high and important, remain subject to the law. If the
law contains no details, in what sense does the law control their behavior? A statute that
proclaims that ‘a person must obey the whim of the Prince’ does not merit the title of ‘law.’
Developing countries face a similar paradox. At least nominally, today most adhere to a
democratic ideology. At the same time, most hold development as a principal policy objective.
For development, good governance constitutes a necessary if not sufficient foundation.
The history of government everywhere — and no more so than in the developing world —
teaches the evils of granting officials unlimited discretion. It breeds arbitrary decision-
making in the interest, not of the public, but of private greed. Both democratic theory and
the demands of development hold that, not an unelected official, but the people’s
representatives must enact the details of a law — especially of transformatory law.
In the developing countries, a variety of forces tended to make that difficult. History furnished
a powerful influence. During the years of colonial domination, the pattern of governance
remained highly authoritarian. Laws endowed executive officers with practically unlimited
power. Today in most former colonial countries traditions of unlimited executive discretion
remain deeply embedded in the drafters’ and the general political culture. Sometimes
embedded in constitutional provisions, former French, Dutch and Portuguese colonies still
labor under traditions that mandate that all legislation consist of general, highly intransitive
laws implemented by presidential or ministerial decrees that specify their details.
It seemed that developing countries might permit officials no discretion, and have the Rule
of Law – and little or no development. Or, these countries might opt for development and
transition – but that requires a high degree of official discretion, and thus defies the Rule of
Law. Some called that the ‘deadlock’ of development administration.
Three general strategies emerged. Two of them merely asserted one or the other side of
the paradox embodied in the deadlock of development administration. In the name
of’‘development’ and ‘transition,’ some called for an ‘entrepreneurial’ administration. Others,
rejecting the notion that government should facilitate transformation, called for a return to a
‘night watchman’ state that merely collected taxes and kept law and order.
As a third strategy, some law-makers rejected the entire concept of the deadlock in
development administration. Under the whip of necessity, they argued, a grant of a specified
portion of legislative power need not diminish the constitutional grant of legislative power.
In some circumstances, it made the exercise of legislative power possible.
The answer lies in general principles of agency law. In reality, neither ‘government’ nor ‘the
state,’ alone, powers the development effort. Neither constitutes a ‘single rational actor.’
As earlier discussed, frequently people talk about ‘the government’ or ‘the state’ acting:
“The state has taken over the oil wells", or “The state operates the schools.” That again
constitutes ‘single rational actor’ talk. In fact, some identifiable government officials do
what you as legislators enact law to command them to do. (If a state official takes over an
oil mine without the authority of the law, the act constitutes merely theft of property, not
state action.) The officials act as agents of ‘the state’, as directed by rules made by the
people’s representatives.
That strategy does not pose a whole new set of legal concepts. Agency law has always
held that, with exceptions, what one can do oneself, one can do through an agent. Where
the choice lies between development or stagnation, development must win. The problem
lies, not in a supposed ‘deadlock’ of development administration, but in drafting the law:
How to draft a law that delegates enough discretion for the administrator to write the
necessary detailed rules, while imposing sufficient limits to prevent the administrator
from using the delegated power against the public interest, or for some purpose
outside the scope delegated?
Unbounded discretion wars with good governance. How to grant officials scope for initiative,
experiment, entrepreneurship, and still guard against the misuse of public power for private
reasons? How to ensure that rules made by a non-representative officials still represent
the public interest?
Only necessity justifies an intransitive bill. Before granting When is this kind
of law really
legislative power to unelected officials, ask whether any one of four
conditions exist. If none of these exists, insist that the bill’s proponents
include in the bill itself the essential details. necessary?
Unless the law empowering an agency to make rules imposes criteria to limit
officials’ rule-making discretion, its rule-making procedures may prove
(1). How do ‘transitive’ differ from ‘intransitive’ bills?
(2) Can drafters ever write a purely ‘transitive’ bill about a matter more complicated than
prohibiting spitting on the sidewalk?
(4) From your country’s laws, identify an example of an intransitive law. Do you think the
law specifies sufficiently precise criteria and procedures to limit the agency’s
discretion in the formulation and implementation of rules?
(5) Does your country have an administrative procedures act? Does the act (or, if you do
not have an act, the existing procedures for drafting regulations or subsidary
legislation) adequately control implementing agencies' discretion?
Chapter 5 offered a checklist of questions that you might ask to assess a transitive bill. An
intransitive bill differs from a transitive one in three significantly different ways. A properly
drafted intransitive bill’s provisions have these characteristics:
(1) On their face, they do not prescribe behaviors designed to solve the social problem
addressed. Instead, they empower an institution to make rules prescribing
behaviors likely to help solve that problem.
(2) They require the appointed authority, in making detailed rules to solve the social
problem, to use transparent, accountable, and, insofar as possible,
participatory procedures.
(3) must specify appropriate substantive criteria to constrain the agency’s discretion
in making rules.
Always ask:
First, what essential evidence and logic do the bill’s sponsors claim justifies
an intransitive rather than an intransitive bill? If some agency already exists
that should have but has not made adequate detailed rules, ask for
explanations for its problematic rule-making behaviors.
Second, what facts and logic justify the bill’s intransitive solutions? Why
did its sponsors choose this agency to make and promulgate the new rules?
Why did it prescribe these procedures? Why did it specify these criteria?
Note: Here we mention only questions specially relevant to an intransitive bill. You should
consider this list together with the questions earlier suggested concerning an agency to
implement a transitive bill – i.e., a bill that does include the necessary details.
I. Why does this problem require a relatively intransitive bill? Does it:
1. involve little understood issues which require on-going study together with some
power to experiment with different solutions?
2. involve many different role occupants’ behaviors and differing explanations for
those behaviors?
3. reflect different behaviors (and the causes of behaviors) of role occupants in
different parts of the country, which may require different solutions?
4. occur in circumstances of rapid change?
II. If some agency presently has power to make detailed rules concerning this
1. Which agency? Which of its officers, and what behaviors constitute its decision-
making processes with respect to rule-making?
2. Using the ROCCIPI agenda, what explanations do the sponsors offer for existing
problematic rule-making behaviors?
1. What alternative modes of generating a detailed set of rules for the substantive
problem addressed did the sponsors consider?
2. What constitute the bill’s prescribed criteria and procedures for each of the
agency’s decision-making processes relating to substantive issues – in detail?
3. If some agency already has the power to make rules of the sort required by the
bill, does the bill’s solution adequately address the causes of that agency
officials’ problematic rule-making behaviors?
4. What criteria and procedures help to limit the agency officials’ discretion in
making the relevant rules? Will those procedures and criteria lead to
transparency, accountability, participation by relevant stakeholders? Will those
procedures and criteria likely lead to reasoned, non-arbitrary rule-making?
5. At this time, does a social cost-benefit analysis demonstrate that enacting the bill
into law will produce greater social benefits than any possible alternative solution
(including doing nothing)?
The world around, effective implementation of the law proves the key to the attainment of
good governance, transition and development. To serve the public interest as an elected
representative, be sure to vote only for those laws promising democratic social change
which provide for their own effective implementation.
A bill that comes before you raises three major sets of questions. To determine whether
that bill will prove effectively implemented you need answers to these questions:
First, Does an implementing agency already have responsibility for helping to resolve the
problem the bill addresses? If so —
1. What conformity-inducing measures does that agency now use to induce the
new behaviors necessary to resolve the problem, and in what ways do they
seem insufficient? Evidence?
2. Do the agency’s decision-making processes seem non-transparent, non-
accountable, or non-participatory? Evidence?
3. Why do the responsible officials behave in these problematic ways? Evidence?
Second, given the kinds of decisions the agency officials must make, you must ask questions
about the wisdom of the bill’s assignment of the implementation task either to an existing
agency, or to a new agency:
1. Given the country-specific circumstances, did the bill’s proponents make a wise
choice between implementation by dispute settlement, bureaucratic agency,
government corporation, or private sector implementation?
2. Do the bill’s implementation provisions logically seem likely to alter or eliminate
the causes of existing problematic behaviors by officials?
3. Will the new law prove socially, as well as economically, cost-effective?
Finally, you should pay careful attention to any grant of rule-making (that is, legislative)
power to an administrative agency official:
1. If an intransitive bill, do conditions require transferring to the agency this degree
of legislative power?
2. Do the bill’s procedures make arbitrary or idiosyncratic rule-making difficult? Or
do they ensure participation, accountability and transparency?
3. What criteria does this bill impose on agency rule-making discretion? Do they
seem sufficient?
1. Recall the four principal kinds of implementing agencies. In general, what sorts of
questions should you ask to determine whether a bill’s drafters have assigned its
implementation to the appropriate kind of agency?
2. Explain why ‘Process’ constitutes the category that most frequently yields useful
explanations for the behavior of an implementing agency. What categories of facts
would you ask about to discover how an agency’s Process influences its decisions?
3. What kinds of questions would you ask to determine whether a bill’s detailed
provisions sufficiently limit the implementing agency officials’ discretion?
4. What questions would you ask to assess whether the circumstances in which the
social problem arises justify enactment of an intransitive law?
5. In assessing a bill for an intransitive law, why should you ask questions about the
bill’s provisions stating criteria and prescribing procedures for the agency to make
regulations (subordinate legislation, decrees, administrative rules)?
This chapter focuses on how to assess whether, in the public interest, a bill’s details appear
grounded on available facts. Viewing the legal order mainly as a a set of rules to guide
judges in deciding lawsuits, most lawyers study only the laws-in-the-books. That makes
sense when a lawyer seeks to solve a problem arising within an existing legal system
Legislative theory, in contrast, requires studying the law-in-action; that is, analyzing
why people behave as they do in the face of existing laws. Studying behavior in the
face of a rule makes sense when you must decide what the law ought to be. In courts, the
discourse concerns the interpretation of the law, the application of existing rules to a set of
facts; for law-making, in contrast, the discourse centers on changing the behaviors that
comprise social problems.
This chapter
If drafters base a bill’s substantive provisions on assumptions that do NOT prove consistent
with the available evidence, either:
That a bill’s detailed provisions should rest on logic and facts argues that drafters should
accompany an important bill with a research report that states its underlying hypotheses
and the essential facts, all tied together in a clearly articulated logical structure.
Without hypotheses, which facts count as relevant? You have limited research resources.
The facts stretch endlessly. Which ones should you try to capture? Your hypotheses guide
you to the information which describes relevant behavior and their causes. Without
hypotheses, you have no way of knowing where to start looking. Then ask: Do the
available facts falsify the drafters’ hypotheses?
1. You learn much more by trying to falsify an hypothesis than from evidence
that seems to warrant it. Make sure the drafters have considered all the
facts that might prove their hypotheses false.
2. Problem-solving’s fourth step, monitoring and evaluating the law’s social input
reflects the importance of always treating knowledge tentatively,
experimentally, always open to the possibility of new evidence that may
prove its underlying hypotheses false.
In the past, ruling through secretive, authoritarian law-making and implementing processes,
political elites too often enacted laws that reflected, not the facts, but their own views. In
the two leading legal systems – that of the English Commonwealth and the Napoleonic
codes – they justified their laws by claiming that their provisions only stated as law ‘the
custom of the realm.’ Since everyone knew those customs, they argued, who needed
Today’s law-makers consciously enact laws looking towards development and transition.
But for a country seeking to leap from a recently post-colonial society – perhaps retaining
elements of hoe-agriculture, kin-organized society, depending on exporting raw materials
and low - technology manufacturing – into a society with high standards of productivity,
education, health, housing, recreation and good governance, laws that do not rest on facts
By the late 20th Century, community activists and growing numbers of professional evaluators
recommended engaging the stakeholders – those affected by the law, especially the poor
and vulnerable – in drawing on their own experiences to make suggestions for improving
legislative programs. As an elected legislator, you can help the stakeholders among your
constituents to use the problem-solving methodology to gather and analyze the relevant
facts as the basis of new rules. In the process, they may also figure out ways to improve
their own uses of their own resources to better their lives.
• Encourage your constituents to provide facts about the nature and scope of
problems that affect their lives; their own ideas as to the causes of the behaviors that
contribute to them; and their suggestions as to how specific new legislative
measures might induce new, more appropriate behaviors.
• Arrange hearings in your district to enable your constituents to talk directly with you
and your colleagues about specific problems, their causes, and possible legislative
Can you think of other ways to involve your constituents in providing facts to help ensure
that proposed transformatory laws will meet their needs?
Social scientists have developed a variety of techniques for gathering facts. You need to
know enough about their methods to assess the implications of the facts they provide.
Social scientists have developed quantitative and qualitative research techniques which
prove useful for different purposes. Quantitative methods facilitate measurement and
comparison of phenomena in terms of discreet units: Age in terms of years; height in terms
of meters; economic inputs and outputs in terms of monetary units; education in terms of
years of schooling. As societies became increasingly complex and monetized, gathering
quantitative statistics served both to plan and administer resource use and to measure
progress in achieving stated targets.
To help assess whether to vote for a proposed land reform bill, you should ask for detailed
quantitative evidence to answer two kinds of questions:
(1) Do the existing land-holding patterns block the poor majority of farmers from
increasing their productivity and improving their quality of life?
The hard-nosed quantitative researchers’ maxim, ‘if you can’t count it, it doesn’t count,’
limits the choice of research questions to those for which quantitative answers will suffice:
so many tons of output, so many dollars (rands, yen) of goods sold, so many individuals
trained. Only sometimes, and with great difficulty, can a researcher get guantitative answers,
for instance about the quality of goods produced or sold, or the kinds and effects of ‘training’
on the individuals’ behaviors.
To assess a bill, you need all the facts relevant to describing and explaining problematic
behaviors, and to devising socially-desirable programs to change them. You must often
ask questions about social actors’ behaviors that researchers can only answer in terms of
unmeasurable qualities.
2. The kinds of facts you need to assess a bill A MANUAL FOR LEGISLATORS • 133
To describe a social problem, qualitative evidence often seems sufficient. Whether the
murder rate in a particular country totals 14 or 100 per 100,000 population per year, you
would undoubtedly vote for a statute prohibiting murder. A surprising number of bills originate
in a single anecdote: a person on parole for a sex crime conviction, by committing another
sex crime, sparks new and repressive sex offender registration laws. A single coal mine
collapse spurs enactment of new safety measures.
If a bill’s sponsors provided more detailed information, however, you could more easily
decide whether the relevant facts and logic demonstrate that the bill’s social benefits
exceed its social costs. For that, you need as much quantitative evidence as possible:
the number and composition of the people the problem affects; their percentage of the total
population; and the problem’s present and probable future impact on their lives’ quality.
You need facts to assess a bill’s drafters’ (often implicit) hypotheses as to whose and what
behaviors constitute the social problem. Qualitative evidence may prove sufficient. That
some industrial managers countenance the disposal of chemical wastes that pollute the
underground water system focuses attention on their behaviors’ causes and the likelihood
that the proposed legislative solutions would change them. A survey showing the numbers
of industries that discharge chemicals into the water, and the percentage of the water
supply affected (i.e. quantitative evidence), however, might more effectively persuade you
and your colleagues to vote for a proposed anti-pollution bill.
For generating information concerning the causes of problematic behaviors, ‘focus groups'
– small groups of stakeholders conversing together – quickly arranged and relatively
inexpensive, may provide useful insights backed by anecdotal evidence. For example, a
farmers’ group may point out that many farmers cannot increase their crops’ low yields
because they do not have sufficient inputs to grow high-yielding varieties. Even without
data on the precise number of farmers whose low productivity results from that cause, you
might justifiably vote for a bill to help farmers obtain the essential inputs. To demand
quantitative evidence to prove that hypothesis at a higher level of probability might
unnecessarily delay legislative action.
The group’s conclusions’ validity, of course, would remain restricted to their own experience.
Their analysis might however reveal that some plants lack the technology to dispose of
particular toxic wastes in less polluting ways. That might suggest that, in addition to prohibiting
the dumping of wastes into the underground water, the bill’s provisions should assign a
government agency to assist plant managers to acquire available non-polluting disposal
technologies. Alternatively, the group might provide information about the possibility of
prohibiting the manufacture of products using the toxic components, and requiring
substitution of another, already-available non-toxic component. If these legislative provisions
seemed likely to have no more than affordable costs, you might reasonably adopt them,
even without further research.
On the other hand, if the participants provided facts to show that prohibiting the use of the
toxic chemicals threatens large social or out-of-pocket costs (like lost jobs, lost essential
products, or high enforcement costs), you might consider a law to commission an agency
or research institute to explore the possibility of using alternative manufacturing techniques.
To obtain evidence as to the generalizability of the focus group’s analysis, the agency
might undertake a quantitative survey of industries using the toxic chemical. The group
might provide facts to help weigh the costs of making that survey — in terms of time,
human and financial resources – against the likelihood that the proposed measure would
reduce the pollution hazard. The group might suggest ways in which stakeholders might
help to monitor and evaluate the proposed law’s implementation and its social impact.
Quantifiable data proves valuable for weighing social and economic cost and benefits
(see Chapter 4). If half of all farmers, rather than only 3 per cent of them, reaped low crop
yields because of poor seed quality, you and your colleagues would more likely vote for a
law to require the agricultural extension agency to give them access to modern seed strains.
Still, many social factors which you must assess in making a cost-benefit analysis defy
quantitative measurement. Given time and resource constraints, you may have to rely on
qualitative information. Remember to reduce the dangers of bias by ensuring that
researchers who provide qualitative information use high level multi-disciplinary skills and
employ carefully designed procedures and criteria. If a proposed law appears likely to
Social scientists have designed techniques to minimize the danger of bias in selecting
samples. Researchers decide which technique to use by comparing costs in terms of
time, finances, and human effort. Always check: Did the researchers select a sample
that adequately represented the groups and strata in the relevant population?
Since social actors’ behaviors reflect unique country-specific realities, simply reading another
country’s legal text proves of little value. Factual studies about a foreign law’s social
impact (although not easy to find), on the other hand, may provide real insights into the
possibilities and difficulties of introducing similar legislative measures in your own country.
Keep a lookout for the four practices that might limit the usefulness of evidence about other
peoples’ experiences with laws that, on their face, seem similar to the bill at hand:
You may learn a great deal by examining studies of specific laws’ social
impact in other countries. But to do so, you not only need an adequate
legislative theory, but also sufficient knowledge about social science
research methods to determine whether other countries’ researchers’
evidence really proves comparable to facts about your own country’s
realities. Only if it does can you justifiably rely on their findings to
assess a similar law’s likely impact in your own country.
First, did the drafting process follow criteria and procedures that facilitated inputs and feedback
from the relevant stakeholders, especially those usually excluded from the halls of power: women,
old folk, the poor, disabled, and ethnic minorities?
Second, participatory research may produce enough qualitative information about problematic
behaviors’ causes to contribute to the design of effectively implementable bills. To weigh alternative
possible legislative measures’ socio-economic costs and benefits, however, may require more
quantitative evidence.
As legislators, you need to know enough about both qualitative and quantitative techniques to
assess the implications of the facts – however gathered – which the bill’s drafters claim as
justifying their bills’ details. Ask: Did the researchers use sufficiently representative samples to
avoid one-sided conclusions? Did they avoid culturally biased responses? How did they define
the particular indicators they used? Did language differences affect the answers’ implications?
To assess the implications of another country’s experience, ask all these questions and more.
In short, you need to understand enough about research techniques to assess the available
evidence. Sound legislation must rest on sound facts. To assess what someone reports about
the facts, assess the methodology used to capture those facts
1. Why should you ask questions designed to discover the quality of the facts (that is, the
evidence) on which a bill’s sponsors relied in justifying the bill’s detailed provisions? By
what criteria should you assess that evidence?
3. Why should you enquire about the extent to which the bill’s sponsors and drafters have
engaged the stakeholders – those affected by the bill, especially the poor and the
vulnerable – in providing evidence: about the nature of the social problem and whose and
what behaviors it involved? the explanations for those behaviors? the range of possible
solutions? and the socio-economic costs and benefits of the bill’s solution (including its
possible adverse consequences) compared with the leading alternative solution?
3. What do you understand as the differences between quantitative as compared to
qualitative evidence? For purposes of a research report justifying a bill, what constitute
the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Chapter 4 pointed out that, when you vote for a bill, you vote only for the words that, as
lawyers put it, appear within the bill’s ‘four corners.’ This chapter emphasizes that, once
you understand a bill’s substantive design, you can assess whether its form seems likely
to ensure effective implementation. Conversely, content and form make up two sides of
the same coin: fully to assess a bill’s substance, you must also assess its form.
A. The three criteria legislative theory suggests for assessing a bill’s form: its
completeness, accessibility, and usability;
B. A bill’s structure (its outline);
C. The way the bill chains words together; and
D. A bill as an amendment to existing law
Just as assessing a bill’s substance requires wrestling with issues of form, so assessing a
bill’s form, especially its structure, requires wrestling with issues of substance. This section
1. Structuring a bill
To ensure effective implementation, a transformatory bill’s outline should clarify the logic
that underpins its prescriptions. A badly structured bill may hinder effective implementation
in three ways. First, it may prevent readers from understanding how the bill’s substantive
provisions relate to each other, violating the criterion of accessibility. A bill’s outline should
communicate its underlying logic so that its users will likely behave and, as necessary,
interact with eachother as the bill prescribes.
To engage creatively in implementing a new law’s detailed provisions, both the primary role
occupants and the implementing agency officials need a deep understanding of how, by
behaving as the new law stipulates, they can help to overcome the social problem, and
improve citizens’ lives. Only then will they likely play their prescribed new roles creatively,
with ingenuity, with entrepreneurship, and with spirit.
Second, a bill’s structure should ensure its usability by positioning the prescriptions as to
the users' behaviors so they can find them with as little page-turning as possible. It should
not contain cross-references.
To avoid repeating a definition of a word already defined in another law, a drafter might
write, “In this statute, a ‘steam engine’ has the meaning it has in Statutes 1998, Chapter 17,
section 3(1).” To understand the new law, a reader must scramble to find the old one.
Instead, to make the new law more usable, you should make sure that, instead, the drafter
copies the old definition in the new text.
Finally, an appropriately-
structured bill should
prove substantively
You can determine whether a bill seems complete by examining its outline.
Recall that legislative theory emphasizes that a bill’s provisions, together with the existing
legal order, comprises a legislative system comprised of eight subsystems (see Chapter 4,
pp. 58): The primary system composed of prescriptions directed to changing the
primary role occupants’ behaviors, plus seven other subsystems to ensure the
primary role occupants behave as prescribed.
That implies that either the bill itself or existing laws, decrees, and regulations prescribe the
essential behaviors of the eight sets of actors.
Seldom do all the relevant prescriptions appear in a single bill. Usually several, sometimes
most of the essential rules appear elsewhere in the country’s body of existing law. Since
a bill’s outline often lists only some of the prescribed subsystems, be sure to ask the bill’s
sponsors where the existing body of law provides for the other necessary subsystems.
Ask them, too, to provide the facts and logic necessary to demonstrate that, as established
by existing laws, those subsystems will ensure this particular bill’s effective
For example: If a primary role occupant disobeys the law, will an injured person have a
cause of action – the right to sue in court – for damages (a question of sanctions)? Who
will determine disputes under the new law? By what procedures and criteria? Who will
monitor and evaluate the implementation of the law’s provisions, and their social impact?
Unless the bill’s proponents can satisfactorily explain where to find the missing subsystems,
either in the bill or other existing law, insist that they redraft the law to complete the entire
legislative scheme.
The grouping and ordering of a bill’s provisions help determine its accessibility and
usability. Grouping reflects the drafters’ decisions as to what prescriptions belong
together in each section, Chapter, or Part. Ordering comprises the order of prescriptions
within each group. The principles used for grouping and ordering determine the bill’s outline.
Think about the principles according to which different people might sort out piles of used
clothing. A used-clothes salesman might sort them for the different markets in which he
hopes to sell them (warm clothes to markets in cold climates, for example); the director of
a home for the homeless, according the sizes of the garments and whether for men, women,
or children; a paper manufacturer, according to the clothing’s utility for grinding into pulp to
make rag-type papers; a laundry operator, according to their colors and the likelihood of
their discoloring other clothing in the washing machine load. In the same way, drafters
should group and order their bills’ provisions to facilitate their users’ convenience.
To assess an outline’s accessibility and usability, see if you can discover by what principle
the drafter grouped and ordered the bill’s provisions. If you cannot, ask the bill’s supporters.
If they cannot articulate a meaningful principle, return the bill for redrafting.
Drafters usually group and order a bill’s Sections, Chapters and Parts in one of the three
ways. Which seems most likely ensure the bill’s effective implementation?
(a) A ‘golden thread.’ Some drafters look for a ‘golden thread’ that runs through a bill’s
various sections. For example, in hospitals, many people have contact with patients
— not only doctors and nurses, but secretaries, telephone operators, emergency
room orderlies, clerks, bill collectors, pharmacists, cleaning staff. As the ‘golden
thread’ that ties them together, one drafter might group the bill’s provisions around
‘contact with patients.’ Another might group provisions concerning the duties of
various hospital personnel working on the same hospital floor: Sections concerning
people working on the first floor would appear in Chapter I, on the second floor, in
Chapter 2, and so forth. Why one ‘golden thread’ rather than another? In reality, the
drafters’ unexplicated biases seem to shape their particular ‘golden thread’ — hardly
a decision-making process grounded on reason informed by experience.
(b) Abstract ‘logic.’ Other drafters group and order a bill’s provisions in terms of a
preconceived principle or abstract logic. In one country where we worked, a bill
empowering an Arts and Culture Council to grant funds to support the arts ‘logically’
included the definitional sections first, then the provisions for appointing people to
the Council, then provisions for the duties of persons on the Council, then provisions
for removing persons from the board, then provisions for the Council’s procedures.
Only after all that did the reader discover that the bill really concerned the Council’s
powers and duties in making grants to artists. No more than the ‘golden thread’`
does abstract logic seem likely to serve readers who must use a bill.
(c) Accessability and usability to the bill’s prospective users. Finally, this Manual
recommends that drafters consciously classify a bill’s prescriptions in a way likely to
ensure that the bill’s structure contributes to the bill’s accessability and usability.
To understand a bill’s logic, try to outline the grouping and ordering of its main elements.
The ‘usability’ criterion implies that bill should prove useful to all the relevant stakeholders.
A bill to provide loans to small producers may contain one set of provisions directed to
informal-sector urban borrowers; one to small farmers; and one to the banks which make
the loans. The usability criterion suggests grouping in separate chapters the prescriptions
for each of these three sets of role occupants.
Frequently, in grouping and ordering a bill’s provisions, you must make a judgment call.
Consider the grouping of the bill establishing an Arts and Culture Council ((see [b] Abstract
logic, above). To help the Council’s administrators understand their responsibilities for
selecting grant recipients, the bill might include a single chapter devoted exclusively to
their tasks. The artist’s responsibilities for preparing grant applications, and their duties
In general, ‘accessibility’ and’‘usability’ criteria focus attention on the ease with which a
user can find a relevant section, and understand the relationship between the behaviors
that that section commands, prohibits or permits, and other prescribed behaviors.
Over the years, in most countries, professional drafters have developed extensive detailed
rules for writing legislative sentences. Unfortunately, some employ a strange language
(see Chapter 4). If you receive a bill masked by sentences in a form that you cannot
understand, insist that the drafter rewrite them in language that you can understand. If
you do not understand a bill’s sentences, you should vote against the bill.
A bill should use a vocabulary easily accessible to its readers. A bill to strengthen peasant
cooperatives should use words easily understood by those likely to use the bill daily:
Department of Cooperatives officials, and cooperative officers and members who do not
have lawyers at beck and call. A bill about banks, in contrast, may primarily aim to help
judges and lawyers resolve disputes about and among banks (who usually have legal
A bill’s subject matter may touch on that of an older law which used archaic or complex
language. Rather than rewrite the old existing law to ensure consistency, the drafter may
use the old law’s language in the new bill. You must decide whether that new bill seems
sufficiently accessible and usable, or whether the drafter should rewrite both the old law
and the new bill in plain language. Remember, however: officials and others using the old
bill probably have become used to its language, however archaic it may appear to you.
Unless good reasons persuade you otherwise, adhere to the legislative vocabulary of related,
existing laws.
2. Say clearly
2. Specify who does the action. WHAT.
i. A bill should specify the person who must behave as it prescribes. A corollary:
A bill should never – repeat, never – use the passive voice; for example, do not
use “The application shall be filed with the Registrar.” Instead, use the active voice:
“The mining company shall file the application with the Registrar.”
NOTE: A bill should never contain statements of 'rights' and 'duties'. A bill’s
statement that a person has a ‘right’ leaves vague who does what to implement the
detailed measures required to realize the right. As a form of disguised passive (see
ii, below), it grants a judge discretion to decide what agency – if any – should
assume responsibility for acting – if at all – to protect or advance the stated right.
ii. A bill’s sentence should never – repeat NEVER - use a passive voice.
Most languages have two ‘voices’: The active and the passive.
In the’passive voice, the sentence’s subject appears as its object: ‘A farm in an agent’s
district shall be visited not less than twice in one year.’ The passive voice (much
beloved by bureaucrats) too easily omits the actor. Even if, writing in the passive voice,
a drafter indicates the actor:(‘A farm in an agent’s district shall be visited by the agent
not less than twice in one year’), the sentence leaves unclear whom it commands to
act. ( The complex verb ‘shall be visited’ apparently aims its command at ‘the farm.’)
2. Consider further a proposed municipal by-law to keep dogs out of the park.
The first draft read: "No dog may wander in a city park without a leash,
subject to a fine of $10." On consideration, the municipal councillors
realised that a dog would not have the capacity to observe the prohibition.
Instead, the sentence should direct the command to the person in charge of
the dog at the time..
3. How would you assess a bill’s sentence that reads: “While in an automobile
in motion, a baby shall remain seated and strapped into a car seat”? The
baby has no capacity to obey. The bill should address the command to the
person responsible for strapping the baby into the car seat (presumably, the
How would you assess the form of the following four sentences:
To assess a bill’s form’s adequacy, you should ask, does the bill clearly state
what the law requires the specified actor to do? (See p. 54) That raises two
subordinate questions:
Especially for purposes of transition and development, a bill must introduce carefully defined
criteria and procedures to limit the the officials’ discretion as to what to do (or not to do).
Otherwise, officials too easily use their discretion to behave in corrupt and oppressive
ways (see Chapter 6). If a bill fails to provide carefully-designed criteria and process to
curb officials’ discretion, insist that the drafters redraft it to provide them.
Sometimes, in conditions of rapid change or circumstances that vary widely from place to
place, the bill cannot include detailed instructions to all the relevant actors. Instead, an
intransitive bill may grant an agency power to supply the missing details by promulgating
subordinate legislation, an Implementing Decree or regulations (see Chapter 6,9). In that
case, ask: does the bill provide detailed criteria and procedures for both formulating
and implementing those rules? Will these ensure that the agency acts in transparent,
accountable, and participatory ways consistent with good governance?
The detailed commands, prohibitions and permissions of your bill and its associated
regulations and implementing decrees define the the bill’s policy. So far as possible, in the
exercise of the legislative power, you and your colleagues should ensure the drafters specify
those details in the bill. Only delegate rule-making power to a minister for sound reasons,
andand stipulate criteria and procedures that limit the minister’s exercise of those powers
(see Chapter 6).
a. Long sentences? Long sentences make any writing difficult to understand. Only
occasionally must a bill express a complicated idea that requires a long sentence. To
achieve clarity in those cases, drafters should use tabulations (like the numbered
questions about bill’s sentences that we use here) or lists (like the lettered list of
possible definitions for “a United States vessel” in the next section, b).
d. Redundant words? In the British tradition (see p. 51), drafters sometimes use
redundant words like ‘null and void,’ or ‘building or structure.’ Whenever you discover
that you may strike out a word without changing a sentence’s meaning, ask the drafter
to justify using that word, or leave it out.
e. Same word for the same concept, different words for different concepts? In
drafting, an absolute rule holds: Same word, same meaning; different words, different
meanings. If a bill uses different words to mean the same thing, make sure the drafter
changes it.
Four rules and their corollaries help to ensure that a bill’s language tends towards
easy accessibility by its readers.
(1) Does the bill come before you and your colleagues drafted in plain language?
(3) Does each of the bill’s sections (with a very few exceptions) adequately state a
command, prohibition, or permission?
(4) Does the bill place sufficiently precise limits on its commands, prohibitions and
(5) Does the bill include any the following five ‘no-noes’ ?
A bill that amends (changes the text of) an existing law introduces two
new issues: the use of ‘tops’ and the appropriate form of an amendment.
Suppose the Central Bank Act, 1999, section 77, reads as follows:
“In determining whether to increase or to decrease the money supply, the Board
of Directors shall take into account the effect of the proposed change for the
money supply for consumers, the availability of capital for investment purposes,
and the stability of the banking system.”
Government proposes a bill to amend section 77 by adding a new consideration that when
determining whether to increase or decrease the money supply the Board of Directors
should take into account: ‘the demands of development.’ How as a matter of form might a
bill state that amendment?
Many of these forms should have the same ‘top’, something like this:’“This Act amends the
Central Bank Act, 1999, section 77, as follows:....” What form ought the substance of the
amendment take?
The amendment should NOT take the form of any of the following:
1. A Blind amendment: This specifies the words to be changed without including the
present wording of the section at issue. Example:
“Amend the Central Bank Act, 1999, section 77, so that in determining money
supply, the Board of Directors consider also the demands of development.”
1. Repeal and re-enactment as amended: Repeal the old section and re-enact the
new section as amended. Example:
“This Act repeals the Central Bank Act, section 77, and in its place enacts the
“In determining whether to increase or to decrease the money supply, the Board
of Directors shall take into account the effect of the proposed change in the
money supply for consumers, for the availability of capital for investment
purposes, the stability of the banking system, and the demands of development.”
Disadvantages: Repeal and re-enactment as amended has two weaknesses:
a. It does not on the face of the bill reveal the old wording of the Act amended.
b. In some legislatures, as a matter of procedure, an amendment opens up for
debate everything mentioned in the bill. This form of amendment opens for
debate the entire section, not merely the issues raised by the amendment itself.
2. Strikeouts and additions: (Probably the best method.) Print in the bill the entire
section as existing, and with the amendments appearing as strikeouts and additions.
“In determining whether to increase or to decrease the money supply, the Board
of Directors shall take into account the effect of the proposed change for the
money supply for consumers, the availability of capital for investment purposes,
the stability of the banking system, AND THE DEMANDS OF DEVELOPMENT.”
When you vote for a bill, you vote approval of its inextricably linked substantive content
and its form. The bill’s substantive clauses must effectively alter or eliminate the causes
of the problematic behaviors that comprise a social problem; otherwise, it will only by chance
induce the new required new behaviors. The bill's form must ensure its users understand
its content; otherwise, they likely will not behave as the new law prescribes.
To effectively exercise your legislative power, you must do more than assess a bill’s
substantive content; you must ensure that its form facilitates users’ efforts to behave in
ways likely to contribute to good governance, transition and development.
1. This Manual asserts that just as substance determines form, so form determines
substance; the two have inextricable linkages. Do you agree? Why or why not?
2. The Manual further asserts that the unity of form and substance implies that you
should assess a bill’s form, not only in terms of the rules relating to the use of
language, but with sensitivity to the implications of the use of language for the bill’s
substance. Again: do you agree? Why or why not?
3. In the developed world, where the law has as its principal purpose to guide a judge
in deciding lawsuits, most persons who have considered the matter use a bill’s
clarity as the principal for assessing its form. In contrast, expressly focusing
attention on the use of law as an instrument of social change, this Manual asserts
that, in assessing a bill’s form, a legislator should use the criteria of completeness,
accessability and usability. Does the difference between using the law as a
guide to deciding lawsuits, rather than using it as an instrument of social change,
justify these different criteria?
1. The bill commands the subject — 'a person more than sixty-five years of age' – to –
'receive”'a pension. To receive something does not constitute action. The action
here consists of giving of the pension. The sentence should state, for example, “The
Commissioner of the Pension Fund shall pay a pension to a person more than sixty-
five years of age.”
3. The sentence does not state who does the action. Presumably, the bill’s drafter
assumed that, in a properly brought lawsuit, a court would order the director to pay
damages to a person injured by the director’s mismanagement. The bill should say
4. The sentence does not command, prohibit or permit. Instead, it declares that a
woman has a ‘right.’ Elementary jurisprudence teaches that a ‘right’ always has a
correlative ‘duty’. Here, the employer apparently lies under a duty to accord a
woman ’equal treatment’ – but that duty seems stated indirectly, and very vaguely.
To improve the bill, the drafter could write the sentence as a direct command to the
employer to act as necessary to accord women equal treatment with men in the
employment relationship – for example, commanding the employer to pay equal
wages for work of equal worth, to promote women by the same criteria as the
employer promotes men, etc. .
In some countries, people complain that a veritable culture of official corruption undermines
development efforts. That poses a major challenge to legislators: How to ensure that a
bill’s provisions reduce the ever-present danger of officials’ arbitrary decision-making and
corrupt behaviors? No law can entirely eliminate corruption. The laws you enact, however,
can make it more difficult for officials to behave corruptly. This chapter gives you the tools
to assess whether a bill’s detailed provisions will likely reduce corrupt behaviors.
(a) receive the relevant inputs and feedbacks from the entire population of
stakeholders (and exclude irrelevant or prejudicial matter);
(b) take into account specific criteria that they must consider;
(c) employ a methodology that ensures they ground their decisions on facts and
logic; and
(d) reach their decisions using transparent, accountable procedures.
Corrupt practices always involve officials’ exercise of public power for their private
purposes. Five types of corrupt behavior seem most common:
(1) Bribery: An official receives value for exercising discretion in the payer’s favor.
(2) Embezzlement: An official takes money from entrusted funds for personal use.
(3) Speculation: An official uses knowledge from his or her work to make an unfair
(4) Patronage and nepotism: An official uses official power to provide jobs to family
members and friends, regardless of merit.
All constitute examples of arbitrary decision-making; they all undermine good governance.
Have you seen any evidence of these kinds of corrupt practices in your country?
Into which category of those listed above do you think it fits?
In different times and places, different factors cause different kinds of corruption. Not only
does bribery differ from embezzlement or nepotism; the nature and causes of bribery differ
in different times and places. A number of distinct and separate role-occupants, behaviors,
and explanations lie behind different incidents of corruption that may appear similar.
Consider, for example, these different kinds of bribe-taking: by education ministry officials
to favor particular textbook publishers in Zimbabwe in the 1980s; by judges in Nepal to
decide in a party’s favor; a Nigeriann clerk-of-the-works to accept concrete containing
more sand and less cement that required; an Indonesian customs officer to classify an
importer’s goods in a lower-taxed category than the regulations stipulate. Explanations for
corruption also vary with official rank: why a highly-paid minister demands a bribe of millions
to award a warship contract to a particular firm does not explain why a poorly paid hospital
nurse demands a shilling to provide a patient with clean sheets.
Too often, law-makers assume (implicitly if not explicitly) that officials behave corruptly only
for subjective reasons – that they are greedy, or they have no moral integrity, or that they
value kinship over merit. Because they see no objective mechanisms to change these
corrupt official's minds, many law-makers resort to drastic criminal sanctions – including
the death penalty. They ignore the fact that, as a general deterrent, capital punishment
never works (not to mention that it violates human rights).
Corruption breeds where institutions permit it. A bill’s provisions may help to alter or eliminate
the institutional causes of corruption suggested by the ROCCIPI categories.
Opportunity and Capacity can also cause corruption. More than two millennia ago,
the Greek philosopher Aristotle articulated government’s great paradox: Law cannot avoid
granting officials power (that is discretion) to make crucial decisions. How to avoid the
exercise of power for selfish reasons? In the 20th Century, the American jurisprudent,
Roscoe Pound, observed that all jurisprudence concerns discretion and its control.
Without appropriate laws and institutions, however, the market’s ‘invisible hand’ everywhere
too often enables powerful oligopolistic interests to charge excessively high prices, limit
entry, restrict market information, produce shoddy and sometimes dangerous goods, use
insider information to benefit insiders – a litany of abuses which exhibit many of the same
features as government officials’ corrupt behaviors. Over the years, industrialized country
governments have come to use law to restrict market actors’ mis-behaviors. How can
legislators both protect against market abuse and reduce the danger of officials’
corrupt behaviors? That constitutes the issue you face.
Of course, the law should punish corruption – if the police can catch the culprits. Laws to
reduce the objective causes suggested by the ROCCIPI categories of Rule, Opportunity
and Capacity will likely prove more effective. Tthe next section emphasizes the necessity
of imposing limits on officials’ discretion to make decisions.
a. Limit the issues agency officials may decide. If a law permits agency officials to
decide only specified issues, the ultra vires rule forbids them from deciding other
issues. If a law says, “The Mining Environment Agency may issue rules concerning
the control of the environment in coal and in hard-rock mining locations,” that Agency
cannot legally issue a rule regulating the drilling of oil wells (‘hard-rock mining
locations’ does not subsume ‘oil wells’).
b. Specify who may supply inputs and feedbacks. Bent on making an arbitrary
decision, officials may limit facts and opinions they consider to those that support
their predetermined position (on a factory safety inspection, an industrial safety
inspector may have lunch with the employer, ignoring the union leadership).
Similarly, an official bent on corruption invariably holds secret meetings with the
corruptors, and ignores other stakeholders’ inputs. To prevent officials’ arbitrary or
corrupt behaviors, a law might require the officials to hold a public hearing; solicit
facts and ideas from vulnerable groups that the law would likely affect; and refrain
from contacting one affected party without the presence of other affected parties.
persons’ access to a public building, and requires that the ministry first consult
disabled groups’ representatives. A building inspector (taking a bribe from the
contractor, and without further consultation with groups representing disabled
persons) might permit the contractor not to provide wheelchair access to a public
building. If a disabled person complained, a court would likely insist that wheelchair
access be provided, on the grounds that the building inspector had no power under
the law to exempt the contractor.
A law may limit inputs by specifying who has standing (the right) to appear and
present evidence and argument. It may require that agency officials respond in
writing to a stakeholder who complains about a decision. If the officials fail to
respond to a proper complaint, a court could upset the decision.
c. Limiting substantive inputs to decision. A law may specify criteria that directly or
indirectly limit the inputs admitted into the decision-making process.
In either case, the ultra vires rule forbids a hearing officer from admitting or
considering the forbidden evidence (see Subsection 2(b), below).
• require agency officials to state in writing the facts and logic on which a decision rests;
Can you can think of other procedural limits on the
conversion process?
Most frequently, bills limit discretion by specifying the factors that decision-making officials
may or may not take into account.
For example, “In issuing or denying a mining permit pursuant to this section, the Agency
may take into account only the following factors: The potential of the proposed mining
activity for injuring the physical environment, cultural or architectural monuments, and
archeological treasures; the potential of the activity for polluting air, water, sound, or the
natural aesthetic qualities of the environment; and the potential of the activity for destroying
rare species of wild plants and animals.”
Suppose the agency admits evidence that the proposed mining activity “will unduly interfere
with agricultural pursuits,” and later, declines to grant the permit in part on the grounds of
the mine’s probable interference with farming in the locale. Because the agency took into
account a matter (interference with agricultural pursuits) which the applicable law by
implication excluded from the factors the agency might consider, a court probably would
not uphold its decision. If farmers object, they should seek a change in the law.
The law might require aircraft pilots to retire at age 60. The law might give the agency
discretion to retire a pilot ‘when the agency deems it desirable’. A whole range of alternatives
fall in between. To set a standard against which a court might later measure an official’s
exercise of discretion, the law might require the agency to retire a pilot ‘when the pilot
becomes physically unfit to fly’. Or the law might list factors for consideration, leaving the
factors’ relative weight to the officials who make the decision. (For example, the agency
may retire a pilot when no longer fit to fly, taking into account eyesight, reaction time,
hearing acuity, hand-eye coordination and cardiological health). The law might reduce
these factors into a series of bright line rules: A pilot may not retain a license to fly if the pilot
has less than 20-20 vision in each eye when corrected; blood pressure within specified
limits; ability to do thirty-five sit-ups without pause; and so forth.
The legislation may give the agency officials discretion to experiment with (and alter) criteria
by changing the factors they must take into account. At the same time it may require officials
always to keep a list of criteria in force, and to give reasons for changes made. To enhance
consistency and add relevant factors case-by-case, the law may require officials to follow
agency precedents .
Finally, the bill’s General Purposes Section in effect imposes criteria for decision. Whether
to specify criteria or to rely on a general purposes clause depends upon what seems required
to resolve the kinds of issues the official must decide, and whether sufficient reasons exist
for granting the officials discretion to decide them.
By definition, specifying criteria for highly complex decisions seems difficult if not well-nigh
impossible. The greater the number of factors likely to affect decisions, the more criteria
seem necessary; but how can a bill state all those likely to prove relevant? Even a vague
criterion, like ‘reasonable,’ may seem better than none. Yet vague criteria create two dangers:
(1) On appeal, a generalist court may substitute its relatively inexpert judgments for
those of a specialist agency (see Chapter 6);
(2) Where the law requires courts to defer to agency judgment, vague criteria may
hinder a judge from questioning a corrupt or arbitrary agency decision.
Remember: unless, in your country, a bill effectively structures its grants of discretion, it
too easily fertilizes the field for corruption. Ensure that, as far as possible, every bill contains
adequate criteria and procedures to limit implementing agency discretion.
A bill should
require decision-
accountable and
1. Institutions of accountability procedures.
To reduce the ever-present danger of corruption, a bill’s details must require officials to
provide reasons for all important decisions, especially those relating to finances.
• written, published reasons for decisions so legislators and the public can make
sure administrators have taken into account the relevant factors.
• regular evaluations of a law’s social consequences by requiring a ‘sunset
clause’ (which terminates the law on a set date unless renewed by the
legislature); annual reports laid before the legislature; a legislative oversight
2. Institutions of Transparency
From their former authoritarian rulers, some governments have inherited official secrecy
laws. In contrast, Sweden’s Constitution includes a public information section that, in
practically all matters, forbids government secrecy. A bill’s provisions may induce greater
transparency by requiring an agency to:
• advertise its meetings in advance, notifying the public of their right to attend;
• widen the rules of standing to permit interested persons to appear and speak
in agency proceedings that may affect them; and
• broaden the concept of ‘interest’ to permit, not only by those with a material but
also an ideological interest to intervene in a proceeding (for example, in a
proceeding to determine whether to sell a national park, permitting, not only
A bill can make corruption more difficult by increasing participation in the decision-making
process (and thus decreasing the likelihood that a briber can ‘buy’ a favorable decision or
rule). In addition to the points mentioned above, a bill might include these mechanisms:
Notice and comment: The agency must publish a proposed regulation in specified
media, inviting the public to submit written comments before a stated date. After receiving
the comments, the agency reconsiders and, if necessary, redrafts the regulation When it
promulgates the regulation, it must accompany it with a statement on each comment
received, and, with reasons, its disposition .
A draft bill concerning the allocation of water resources reads in part as follows:
(1) Where a river, stream, or irrigation channel has two or more users of its water
flow, the Minister shall by order determine what percentage of the water flow a
user may take from the river, stream or irrigation channel.
Critique the draft in terms of the likelihood that it will produce results in conformity
with the Rule of Law.
1. The following excerpts from a bill contain all of its substantive provisions for
creating a National Service Agency within the Ministry of Defense. How would you
assess whether these provisions make compliance with the Rule of Law probable?
What changes, if any, would you recommend?
After providing for appointments to the Agency, their terms of office, etc., the draft bill
“Section 23. Powers and duties. The Agency shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To create, operate and run a National Service system which will employ graduates
from the nation’s universities for one year after graduation on works of national
(2) The Agency may make regulations to carry out the power granted in subsection (1).
2. The draft bill that follows proposes that under certain conditions, an official or
agency may base subsidiary legislation on negotiations between stakeholders. For
example, the electrical appliance industry requires a high degree of standardization in
order to function. A consumer must have confidence that when the consumer purchases
an electrical plug, the plug will fit the outlet in the consumer’s home. That will only happen
if the industry has standardized the sizes and shapes of plugs and outlets. There seems
no strong objection to letting the various elements in the electrical appliance industry bargain
out the regulations to create those standards, and having the agency then promulgate
them as subsidiary legislation to regulate the sale of electrical plugs and outlets in the
Critique the following bill in terms of the likelihood that it will produce results in
conformity with the Rule of Law and good governance. Taking your critique into
account, how would you ask the drafter to rewrite the bill?
(ii) are willing to negotiate in good faith to reach consensus on the proposed rule;
d) there is a reasonable likelihood that the committee will reach a consensus on the
proposed rule within a fixed time period;
(e) the agency has adequate resources and is willing to commit such resources,
including technical assistance, to the negotiating committee; and
(f) in the event that the agency chooses to use the negotiation as a supplement to the
notice and comment procedure as contemplated in paragraph (1):
(i) the use of negotiation will not unduly delay the notice of the proposed rule
making and the issuance of the final rule; and
(ii) the agency will, to the maximum extent possible consistent with its legal
obligations, use the consensus of the committee as the basis for the rule
proposed by the agency for notice and comment.”
Critique the draft in terms of the likelihood that it will produce results in conformity
with the Rule of Law and good governance.
This section first proposes a general strategy and then reviews measures which
elsewhere have reduced corrupt behaviors in government procurement, conflicts
of interest, and civil service codes of conduct.
To assess whether a bill’s proposed safeguards and controls seem adequate to prevent
corrupt behaviors you might use this checklist:
A. Does the bill’s provisions for the implementing agency’s general control environment
permit corruption? Does the bill contain provisions that make it likely that –
1. the management will commit the agency to a strong system of internal control?
2. the agency’s units will have appropriate reporting relationships?
3. the agency will have a staff of people of competence and integrity?
4. the agency employees will undrstand and work well together to implement its
policies and procedures?
5. the agency will budget and report on its finances according to well-specified and
effectively implemented procedures?
6. the agency will have well-established and safeguarded financial and
management controls – including the use of comuters?
B. Does the bill properly delegate and limit the agency’s discretion?
C. To what extent will the agency’s activity carry the inherent risk of corruption?
1. Does the bill’s prescriptions for the agency program seem vague or complex?
Wil the agency likely become heavily involved with cash dealings, or in the
business of approving licenses, permits or certifications? (The more an agency
engages in these activities, the greater the risk of corruption.)
2. In light of the agency’s activities, does the amount required for funding the
Do bills provide devices to improve transparency, helping to make the criminal law
somewhat more instrumentally effective by incorporating ‘whistle blower’ statutes?
incentives for clients to report attempts to obtain bribes? better auditing and control
systems? more highly trained evaluators and evaluation systems? Has your
government established an Ombud or its equivalent, an office to which anyone can
bring complaints and which itself may proactively investigate corrupt behavior?
Review the detailed rules for an existing or proposed ombud office to ensure that its officials-
• may proactively investigate alleged corrupt practices;
• that they receive inputs and feedback from all stakeholders, especially the most
vulnerable ones;
• that they publish reasons for their decisions; and
• that they make annual reports to you, as legislators, on specific issues on which
they decide, and on remaining areas of potentially corrupt behaviors, if necessary
accompanied by drafts of new rules.
2. Three general kinds of laws to combat corruption
This section reviews the causes of corruption in three areas where, as national markets
have expanded in an increasingly complex global economy, corruption has appeared
especially pronounced: government procurement and sale of assets; senior officials’
conflicting interests; and the expanding public service.
and sales of assets suggests that an adequate procurement law should incorporate six
International agencies and some industrialized country governments have begun to introduce
measures to prohibit corporations from bribing other countries’ officials in return for favors.
By the last decades of the 20th Century, the rapidly growing international anti-corruption
movement mainly focused on corruption’s ‘supply side’. In 1978, the U.S. Congress enacted
a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act that made it a crime for U.S. firms to pay foreign bribes.
In 1997, representatives of 29 member governments of the Organization for Economic
Development and Cooperation (OECD) signed a Convention on Combating Bribery of
Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. Until governments formally
enact national laws to enforce the provisions, the convention will remain a ‘soft’ law. By
1998, several emerging market economies, including Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile
and Slovakia, had signed the OECD convention.
In 1998, an international NGO, Transparency International, then only five years old, had
established 70 chapters around the world. Liinked with other NGOs and international
agencies, Transparency International works to reduce corruption.
The spread of money laundering — in 1998 estimated by IMF Managing Director Camdessus
to equal in value some 2-5% of the global output of goods and services — persuaded
many governments to improve mechanisms to supervise banking institutions and detect
corrupt behaviors. The OECD Financial Action Task Force began to seek cooperation among
national authorities and financial institutions to pool intelligence, to strengthen regional
anti-money laundering agreements, and to provide greater transparency and regulation.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) initiated exploration of a possible multilateral
investment agreement, including provisions for dealing with corruption.
1. Private employment: In some countries many officials and political figures hold part-
time jobs or operate side-line businesses. These private concerns frequently conflict
with their public responsibilities. Government regulations may affect their private
business. As officials, they must deny privileged access to official information to
persons whose favor they need in their private affairs. The potential conflicts seem
2. Gifts, hospitality, and other personal benefits: Persons or organizations may offer
officials gifts, invitations to social affairs, holiday travel opportunities – supposedly
innocent symbols of friendship. Too often, these become transformed into no-
nonsense cash bribes.
3. Employment after leaving a public post: On retiring from public office, officials may
take private sector jobs from firms that do business with their former offices. As
private contractors or consultants, some do business with their former offices or help
unauthorized private sector actors gain access to privileged information and
5. Travel perks: Officials may make unnecessary trips within their country or abroad in
order to claim per diem payments, or to accrue airplane mileage benefits for
1. Make specific corrupt activities criminal: Giving and receiving bribes, preferential
treatment of family or friends, accepting gifts above a small minimum, accepting a job
with a former client of the official’s department within a stated period after leaving the
public service; taking kickbacks from suppliers; and others. To reduce officials’
interest in violating these provisions, many laws threaten heavy fines, and encourage
detection by giving whistle-blowers a major share of fines collected. As a cure for
corruption, however, these rules suffer the same disabilities as general criminal law.
2. Eliminate other potential causes of corrupt behavior, like low official salaries, secret
decision-making processes, and unaccountable decision-making procedures.
4. Provide for an implementing agency with the opportunity, capacity and incentives to
enforce these kinds of provisions (see Chapter 6).
5. Prohibit potentially compromising ties: No person running for public office may hold
dual citizenship or declare allegiance to another government; no person seeking to
become a legislator or minister may already hold another legislative or ministerial
1. Substantive: Most codes focus on helping ministers, legislators. and public servants
to avoid corruption-producing circumstances. Some governments combine these into one
well-publicized code applicable to all government personnel.
The more detailed a code (including its implementing measures) the more likely its effective
I. A code should begin with a clear statement of its purpose. A code for legislators might
emphasize that service in the legislature constitutes a public trust. In that context, it might
state as its aims:
2. guiding legislators in reconciling their private interests and public duties; and
II. The code then might stipulate rules prohibiting legislators from —
1. using for private purposes the influence or confidential information they obtain in
the course of their legislative responsibilities;
3. participating in official actions dealing with issues in which they have a personal
(financial or otherwise) interest;
I. A code for ministers and senior public officials might include any or all of the
following provisions.
1. Limit participation in business enterprises: Require ministers and senior public
officials to dispose of all interests on taking public office by transferring business
interests to a blind trust (see below); establishing an authority to decide when they
may retain business; or withdrawing from daily business operations.
2. Restrict vocational, professional and other private employment: Use devices similar
to those relating to participation in business enterprise.
3. Prohibition on holding directorships: Require withdrawal from all except perhaps
family companies (and in those cases, require withdrawal if conflict of interest seems
likely to arise).
4. Shareholdings: Require disposal of shares beyond a minimal threshold amount;
deposit of shareholdings in blind trust (see below); or declaration of shareholdings to
Registrar to detect danger of conflicts (difficult to monitor and enforce, this has
proven relativelly ineffective).
5. Gifts, hospitality, sponsored travel: Limit the value of any one of these that ministers
and senior officials may receive; require declaration of gifts above that amount, or
turn them over to state property (apply that ruling to close family members, too).
6. Prohibit use of government property or resources (including employees) for personal
purposes or for ministers’ political parties or constituencies.
7. Prohibit nepotism in government appointments: Establish standards for
8. Decide permissible limits on family ties: Define the extent to which ministers and
senior public officials must publicly disassociate themselves from activities of family
members, associates, and non-public organizations which might conflict with
government policy.
9. Blind trusts: require a public official to place assets in a trust in which trustees make
investment decisions concerning management of trust assets with no direction from
or control by the public official concerned, and may not give information to the official
other than required by law or relating to total value of trust assets. (A cautionary
note: Blind trusts have many advantages, but also pose significant problems —
including designing devices that effectively prevent the official from learning of the
trust’s holdings and activities. If you contemplate legislation to create blind trusts,
study these problems carefully.).
Some governments have found it useful to engage department officials in determining the
scope of declaration of interests relevant to that department’s particular concerns. Three
categories of interests seem important:
(a) Assets: The registrar should specify the value of assets required for disclosure.
These might include real property, shareholdings, business interests and
partnerships, directorships, other investments and assets, trusts, gifts, sponsored
travel and hospitality (and perhaps others specific to a particular country’s
circumstances; the United Kingdom’s House of Commons Register requires
legislator-barristers or solicitors to declare their clients’ names).
(b) Liabilities: Since creditors may exercise undue influence over large debtors, the
legislative provisions should require officials to declare liabilities. Country
circumstances will determine the size of the debts that require listing.
(c) Income: The law should require officials to declare the amounts and sources of
their income.
3. Ethics training. Combined with other measures, ethics training may help. As a
start, a law might require officials to participate in formulating a code’s details, both to
legitimize its provisions and deepen their awareness of their own responsibilities for
good governance.
1. For one of the three general types of anti-corruption laws discussed in this
chapter, outline the section of a research report that identifies the nature and
scope of the corruption problem, and whose and what behaviors seem to
comprise it.
2. Outline the primary factors that seem to cause the public officials’ problematic
3. For one of the three areas, outline for your own country the structure of a bill
incorporating appropriate measures (including those for its implementation) that
logically might help to overcome the causes of official’s corrupt behavior. If an
anti-corruption law already exists, assess the likelihood that its provisions seem
sufficient to overcome corrupt behaviors’ causes.
5. A checklist for corruption control: Given the qualitatively different conditions prevalent
in differing government departments, enactment of laws in the three most problematic
areas — government procurement, conflicts of interest, and public service regulations —
although necessary, may not prove sufficient. To combat a ‘culture of corruption,’ the
following checklist suggests the kinds of anti-corruption measures which every law you
enact should contain.
and ensuring they stay that way).
1. Publish evidence that corruption has taken place (red flags, statistical analyses,
random samples, inspections);
2. Strengthen ‘information agents’;
3. Beef up specialized staff (auditors, investigators, surveillance, internal security);
4. Create a climate where officials or stakeholders will report improper activities
(‘whistle blowers’);
5. Create new units (ombuds, special audit committees, agencies to register
officials’ non-official interests, anti-corruption agencies);
6. Use information provided by third parties (media and banks);
7. Use information provided by clients and the public;
These two commandments thrust on you, as member of your nation’s primary law-making
body, two critical responsibilities: you must ensure that every bill you enact specifies first
the criteria that limit officials’ discretion; and second procedures to ensure transparency,
accountability, and as much participation as possible, especially of the historically
disadvantaged and vulnerable, in the law making and implementing processes.
To reduce the ever-present danger of corrupt official behaviors, this chapter has
recommended a two-pronged strategy. First, enact three general anti-corruption laws (or
assess and revise existing ones) to limit discretion and ensure transparency and
accountability in the three areas in which corrupt officials most commonly seek to advantage
their private interests at the public’s expense: government procurement and sale of goods
and services; potential conflicts between senior officials own and the public’s interest;
and public servants’ opportunities, at all levels, to misuse government resources to advance
their personal welfare.
The second prong — briefly stated, but requiring eternal vigilance — proposes that you
always scrutinize every bill’s detailed form and substance with an eye to blocking officials’
opportunities and capacities to decide public issues for private reasons. Using the ROCCIPI
agenda, always ask yourself whether a proposed bill’s substance and the detailed articles,
indeed the specific words in each sentence, sufficiently close the door against the ever-
present corroding danger of officials’ corrupt behaviors.
The issue of corruption encapsulates this manual’s central theme: that the Rule of Law lies
at the heart of good governance and development. Good laws alone do not guarantee
development and good governance; poor laws, however, do constitute a major cause of
their defeat. At every stage in the law-making process, you and your colleagues must
explicitly assume primary ethical and professional responsibility for enacting bills that seem
likely to prove effectively implemented and facilitate good governance and development.