Pile Construction
Pile Construction
Pile Construction
FM 5-134 Preface
FM 5-134 Chapter 1
FM 5-134 Chapter 2
FM 5-134 Chapter 3
FM 5-134 Chapter 4
FM 5-134 Chapter 5
FM 5-134 Chapter 6
FM 5-134 Chapter 7
FM 5-134 Chapter 8
FM 5-134 Appendix
FM 5-134 Glossary
FM 5-134 References
FM 5-134 Index
FM 5-134 Authorization
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b. Nonmarine use.
(1) Type I. Type I piles are untreated.
(2) Type II. Type II piles are treated.
2-4. Characteristics.
A good timber pile has the following
Free of sharp bends, large or loose knots,
shakes, splits, and decay.
A straight core between the butt and tip
within the body of the pile.
Uniform taper from butt to tip.
2-5. Source.
Usually, timber piles are straight tree trunks
cut off above ground swell, with branches
closely trimmed and bark removed (figure
2-l). Occasionally, sawed timber may be used
as bearing piles.
2-6. Strength.
The allowable load on timber piles is based
on pile size, allowable working stress, soil and type of preservative treatment, the degree
conditions, and available driving equipment. of exposure, and other factors. Chapter 8
These factors are discussed in chapters 5 discusses maintenance and rehabilitation.
through 7. The customary allowable load on
timber piles is between 10 and 30 tons. Higher 2-8. Availability.
loads generally require verification by
pile load tests. For piles designed as columns, Timber suitable for piling is abundant in
working stresses (compression parallel to the many parts of the world (see appendix).
grain) for various types of timber are listed in Timber piling may be obtained from local
table 2-2. stocks or cut from standing timber. The
native stock may be used untreated, or a
2-7. Durability. preservative may be applied as discussed in
chapter 8.
A principal disadvantage of timber piles is
lack of durability under certain conditions. 2-9. Maintenance.
Piles are subject to fungi (decay), insects, and
marine borers. Design life depends on the Because of deterioration, considerable
species and condition of the wood, the amount treatment and maintenance is required on
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timber piles. Maintenance is discussed in The 14-inch H-pile section weighing 73 pounds
chapter 8. per linear foot and the 12-inch H-pile section
weighing 53 pounds per linear foot are used
2-10. Other properties. most frequently in military construction.
a. Length. Length maybe adjusted by simple a. H-piles. Steel H-piles are widely used
carpentry (sawing). Timber piles may be cut when conditions call for hard driving, great
off if they do not penetrate as far as esti- lengths, or high working loads per pile. They
mated. Piles driven into water substrata can penetrate into the ground more readily than
be adjusted by sawing off the pile tops above other types, partly because they displace
water level. They can also be sawed under- relatively little material. They are par-
water using a saw supported by a framework ticularly suitable, therefore, when the bearing
above the water level. Short piles may be stratum is at great depth. Steel piles are
easily spliced. adjustable in length by cutting, splicing, or
b. Flexibility. Timber piles are more flexibile
than steel or concrete piles which makes b. Pipe piles. Pipe piles are either welded or
them useful in fenders, dolphins, small piers, seamless steel pipes which may be driven
and similar structures. They will deflect open-ended or closed-ended.
considerably, offer lateral resistance, and
spring back into position absorbing the shock c. Railroad-rail piles. Railroad rails can be
of a docking ship or other impact. formed into piles as shown in figure 2-2. This
is useful when other sources of piles are not
c. Fire susceptibility. Timber piles ex- available.
tending above the water line, as in trestles or
waterfront structures, are susceptible to d. Other. Structured steel such as I-beams,
damage or destruction by fire. channels, and steel pipe are often available
from captured, salvaged, or local sources.
2-11. Shipping and handling. With resourceful design and installation, they
can be used as piles when other, more
Timber piles are easy to handle and ship conventional piles are not available.
because they are relatively light and strong.
Because they float, they can be transported 2-13.Characteristics
by rafting particularly for waterfront struc-
tures. They can be pulled, cleaned, and reused a. Resilience. A steel pile is not as resilient
for supplementary construction such as false- as a timber pile; nevertheless, it is strong and
work, trestles, and work platforms. elastic. Large lateral loads may cause
overstressing and permanent deformation of
Section III. STEEL PILES the steel, although the pile probably will not
break. A steel pile may be bent and even
2-12. Classification. kinked to some degree and still support a
large load.
Steel piles are usually rolled H-sections or
pipe piles; although wide-flange (WF) beams b. Penetration.
are sometimes used. In the H-pile, the flanges
and web are of equal thickness. The standard (1) H-piles. A steel H-pile will drive easily
WF shapes have a thinner web than flange. in clay soils. The static load generally will
FM 5-134
be greater than the driving resistance pile and be carried down with it. The core
indicates because the skin friction in- of soil trapped on each side of the web will
creases after rest. In stiffer clays, the pile cause the pile to act as a large displacement
may have the soil compacted between the pile.
flanges in driving. The clay may grip the
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piles can be lifted from their forms and period between placement and hardening.
transported to the pile driver with a minimum Cement and aggregates may be handled by
of handling (figure 2-4). The casting yard wheelbarrows or buggies. Additional storage
includes storage space for aggregates and space may be needed for the completed piles.
cement, mixing unit, forms, floor area for the
casting operations, and sufficient storage a. Forms. Forms for piles may be of wood
space for the completed piles. The casting (figure 2-5) or metal. They must be tight to
yard should have a well-drained surface that prevent leakage, firmly braced, and designed
is firm enough to prevent warping during the for assembly and disassembly so that they
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2-24. Shipping and handling. between the tiers must be in vertical lines so
that a pile in a lower tier will not be subject to
a. Handling. Piles should be handled in bending by the weight of the piles above. An
accordance with the procedure selected for example of improper stacking is shown in
design (figure 2-6). For placement, piles may figure 2-8. A forklift or specially equipped
be lifted by cables and hooks looped around front-end loader can be used to move piles
the pile at the desired point. To prevent wear from the storage area to the work area.
to the cable, use short lengths of wood or Whenever possible, locate the casting site as
other cushioning material, Piles designed for close as possible to the job site. Trans-
two-point support (figure 2-6, 3) and lifted by portation by barge is the best method, if
cables require the following arrangement. feasible.
A sheave is required at point A so that the
cable will be continuous from point B over Section V. CAST-IN-PLACE PILES
the sheave at A to point C. This cable is an
equalizer cable since the tension in AB 2-25. Classification.
must be the same as that of AC. Unless an
equalizer is used, care must be taken in Cast-in-place piles are either cased or
lifting the pile so that tension in the cables uncased. Both are made at the site by forming
is equal; otherwise, the entire load may a hole in the ground at the required location
rest on one end. and filling it with a properly designed con-
crete mix.
When the pile is raised to a vertical
position, another line, CD, is attached. a. Cased. The concrete of a cased pile is cast
When drawn up, the sheave at A shifts inside a metal casing or pipe left in the
toward C. ground. The casing is driven to the required
depth and cleaned before placement of
An additional line is needed with this concrete. If the casing is relatively thin, a
cable arrangement to prevent the pile from mandrel is used to drive the casing. Many
getting out of control when it is raised to a different kinds of shells and mandrels are
vertical position. available commercially, but not through
military supply channels. Those of foreign
b. Shipping and storage. If piles are to be manufacture may be available in a theater of
stacked for storage or shipment, the blocking operation.
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excavating the material inside to the desired available sizes and shapes are given in
depth, and filling the enclosed space with TM 5-312. The deep-arch web and Z-piles are
concrete. used to resist large bending movements
(figure 2-9). Sheet pile sections of foreign
f. Groins and sea walls. Sea walls are manufacture, either steel or concrete, should
parallel to the coastline to prevent direct be used when available. The sizes and
wave and erosion damage. Groins or jetties properties may differ appreciably from types
are perpendicular, or nearly so, to the coast- commonly available in the United States.
line to prevent damage from longshore
currents or tidal erosion of the shore when the b. Fabricated timber sheet piling. Timber
motion of the water is parallel, or at an angle, sheet piling may be fabricated for temporary
to the shoreline. structures when lateral loads are relatively
2-31. Materials. light. Timber used in permanent structures
above water level requires preservative
a. Steel sheet piling. Steel sheet piling treatment as described for timber piles
possesses several advantage over other (chapter 8). Various types of timber sheet
materials. It is resistant to high driving piling are shown in figure 2-10. The heads are
stresses, is relatively lightweight, can be normally chamfered and the foot is cut at a 60
shortened or lengthened readily, and maybe degree slope to force piles together during
reused. It has a long service life, either above driving.
or below water, with modest protection. Sheet
piling available through military supply (1) Wakefield sheet piling. Wake field piling
channels is listed in table 2-3. Commercially is used in water and where hard driving is
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c. Rail and plank sheet piling. Railroad d. Concrete sheet piling. Typical concrete
rails and planking can be used in expedient sheet piling (figure 2-12) may be advan-
sheet piling (figure 2-11). The planks should tageous in military construction when
be leveled along both edges to fit snugly materials for their construction are available.
against the adjacent rail. This piling is Due to their strength and durability, they
installed by alternately driving a rail, then a adapt well to bulkhead construction.
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C H A P T E R 3
Section I. STANDARD PILE-DRIVING adapters (figure 3-2) used to connect the leads
EQUIPMENT to the top of the crane boom leads and a
catwalk or lead braces used to connect the
3-1. Basic driving and installing foot of the leads to the base of the boom. The
methods. leads and catwalk assembly support drop
hammers weighing up to 3,000 pounds and
Piles are installed or driven into the ground diesel hammers weighing up to 13,000 pounds.
by a rig which supports the leads, raises the
pile, and operates the hammer. Rigs are 3-3. Steel-frame, skid-mounted pile
usually manufactured, but in the field they drivers.
may be expedient, that is, constructed with
available materials. Modern commercial rigs
use vibratory drivers while most older and A steel-frame, skid-mounted pile driver with
expedient rigs use impact hammers. The a gasoline-driven engine is a class IV item
intent is the same, that is to drive the pile into (figure 3-3). This pile driver may be used on
the ground (strata). the ground or on any permanent structure or
sturdy transport. It can drive vertical or
3-2. Rig mounting and attachments. batter piles. The reach from the base of the
boom to the front of the leads depends upon
Pile-driving rigs are mounted in different the weight of the hammer and power units.
ways, depending on their use. This includes Reach may be increased by ballasting the
railway, barge, skid, crawler, and truck- back of the skid frame, or by securing it to the
mounted drivers. Specialized machines are deck on which it rests to counterbalance the
available for driving piles. Most pile driving weight of the equipment. The skid-mounted
in the theater of operations is performed pile driver consists of the following
using a steel-frame, skid-mounted pile driver components.
or power cranes, crawlers, or truck-mounted
units, with standard pile-driving attachment a. Skid frame. The skid frame is two steel
(figure 3-1). The attachments available I-beams 40 feet long, crose-braced 8 feet apart
through military supply channels include at the front of the frame and 12 feet apart at
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the rear of the frame. A platform at the rear of c. Leads. Leads standard to the unit are one
the frame supports the winch. 8-foot top section, one 17-foot reversible
section, one 10-foot extension, one 15-foot
b. Boom. A 45-foot boom is anchored to the intermediate section, and one 15-foot bottom
skid frame 16 feet from the front end. section, totaling 65 feet. The length of the
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lead may be reduced to 55 or 47 feet by leaving handles the hammer and pile lines. The leads
out sections. The length of the lead is to the skid-mounted pile driver can be tilted
determined by the length of the pile to be transversely, longitudinally, or in a com-
driven. The boom is attached to the midpoint bination of these as well as fore and aft of the
of the top 20-foot section. A double-sheave vertical by adjusting the guides.
bracket, attached at the top of the leads.
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d. Guides. Two types of guides permit the frame to the leads. It fixes the position
versatile aligning of the leads. of the base of the leads and holds them
vertically or at a fore-batter in the plane of
(1) Fore-batter guide. The fore-batter guide the longitudinal axis of the equipment
(figure 3-3), referred to as a spotter, is a (figure 3-4, 2).
beam extending from the forward end of
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(2) Moon beam. The moon beam (figure 3-3) or 3,000-pound drop hammer; or an 8,000-
is a curved beam placed transversely at the foot-pound or 18,000-foot-pound diesel
forward end of the skid frame to regulate hammer may be used.
side batter.
3-4. Driving devices (hammer and
e. Drive unit. The drive unit (not provided vibratory driver).
as part of the pile-driver rig) is a 2-drum
winch driven by a gasoline, diesel, or steam There are three impact hammers used for
engine. The drive unit is mounted on the pile-driving: the drop hammer, the pneumatic
platform at the rear of the skid frame. or steam hammer, and the diesel hammer.
Drop hammers and diesel hammers are
f. Hammer. A 5,000-pound, double-acting standard engineering equipment. Table 3-1
steam or pneumatic hammer; a 1,800-pound provides data on selected types of
FM 5-134
commercially available hammers. Vibratory military supply channels: size one weighs
drivers/extractors are not classified as 1,800 pounds; size two weighs 3,000 pounds.
hammers and do not require pile caps for The maximum height of fall should be limited
protection against impact stresses. They are to six feet. For most efficient driving, the
clamped to the pile to vibrate as a unit. weight of a hammer twice that of the pile will
give the best results. As an expedient, a log
a. Drop hammers. The drop hammer (figure hammer (figure 3-6) may be fabricated and
3-5) is a simple pile-driving hammer used. Drop hammers should be used only in
consisting of a block of metal raised in the remote sites or for a small number of pilings.
leads by the drive unit, then permitted to
drop, striking the pile cap. Drop hammers are b. Air or steam hammers. The air or steam
cumbersome, and their driving action is slow hammers (figure 3-7) consist of stationary
compared to other hammers. Velocities at cylinders and moving rams which include a
impact are high and damage the top of a pile. piston and a striking head. The piston is
Two standard drop hammers are available in raised by compressed air or steam pressure. If
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the fall is gravity, the hammer is simple operations. Table 3-2 contains a list of diesel
acting. In double-acting hammers, the air or hammers available through military
steam pressure works on the upstroke and channels and the types and sizes of piles
downstroke. Because they provide a high rate which can be driven by each hammer. Sizes A
of blows (90 to 150 blows per minute), they and D are suitable for use with 10-ton and
keep the pile moving and prevent the building 20-ton drivers. Heavier hammers are more
of friction thus enabling faster driving. The suitable for use with 30-ton to 40-ton cranes.
differential-acting hammer uses higher Diesel hammers may be either open-ended or
pressures and lower volumes of air or steam. closed-ended as shown in figure 3-8.
After being raised, the ram is valved to be
used for the downstroke. Diesel hammers function as follows.
c. Diesel hammers. Diesel hammers are The ram is lifted by combustion of fuel
self-contained and need no air or steam lines. and compressed gas in a chamber between
Fuel tanks are a part of the rig. Diesel the bottom of the ram and an anvil block in
hammers are well suited for military the base of the housing.
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The crane-load line raises the ram for the During this fall, fuel is injected into the
initial stroke, and an automatic trip combustion chamber by a cam-actuated
mechanism allows the ram to drop. fuel pump.
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Continuing its fall, the ram blocks the magnitude and duration of the driving
exhaust ports located in the cylinder and force.
compresses the airlfuel mixture trapped
below it to ignition temperature. As the ram rises, the exhaust and intake
ports are uncovered, combustion gases
When the ram hits the anvil, it delivers escape, and air enters. In the closed-ended
its energy through the anvil to the pile. At type, the housing extends over the cylinder
the same time, combustion occurs which to form a bounce chamber in which air is
drives the ram upward. The pressure of the compressed by the rising ram. Air trapped
burning gases acts on the anvil for a and compressed above the piston helps
significant time, thus increasing the
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stop the ram piston on its upward stroke 3-5. Caps and cushions.
and accelerates it on its downward stroke.
Caps and cushions protect the top of the pile
The cycle is repeated. and reduce the damage caused by the impact
of the hammer. Although they serve the same
d. Vibratory drivers/extractors. purpose, they vary for different types of
Vibratory drivers are a recent development hammers.
in pile-driving equipment. They are used in
commercial pile construction, especially in a. Drop hammers. A standard driving cap
driving sheet piling. They are not part of the for timber piles used with a drop hammer is a
military inventory. Vibratory drivers usually cast block. Its lower face is recessed to fit over
require either an auxiliary hydraulic or the top of the pile, and its upper face is
electric power supply. They consist of the recessed to receive an expandable block of
vibrating unit which includes the rotating hardwood in end-grained position to act as a
eccentric weights, the suspension system that washer (figure 3-5). The cap is fitted with a
isolates the vibratory forces from the lifting wire rope sling so that the cap, as well as the
device, and the clamping system which hammer, may be raised to the top of the leads
connects the vibratory driver to the pile. when positioning a pile in the leads.
Vibratory drivers have short strokes, less
than two inches, and high impulse rates, up b. Air and steam hammers. The ram of a
to 2,000 pulses per minute. Their driving Vulcan hammer strikes a cap block positioned
ability derives from the vibrations and the in the base of the hammer. In other hammers,
weight of driver and pile. such as the MKT type, the rams strike directly
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on the base or anvil. The top of the pile is Common types of cushion materials are
protected by a driving cap suspended from sheets of Micarta with sheets of aluminum or
the base of the hammer and fitted to the large oak blocks in end-grained position.
dimensions of the pile. Driving caps for steel
H-piles are shown in figure 3-9. The tops of c. Diesel hammers. Military diesel
concrete piles are usually protected from hammers are supplied with cushion blocks
local overstress by a pile cushion inserted inserted between the anvil and the drive cap.
between the drive head and the pile. The cap The cushion blocks consist of laminated
block and cushion serve several purposes; plastic and aluminum or cast nylon. Ad-
however, their primary function is to limit ditional cushioning is required between
impact stresses in both the pile and hammer. concrete piles and the pile cushion.
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the spotter is moved for and aft for batter hammer. They are used when driving piling
piles, and side to side to plumb piles either below the water surface, especially with a
hydraulically or manually. Special bottom drop hammer (which operates with reduced
braces are available which permit this efficiency underwater) and with the diesel
operation (figure 3-11). hammer (which cannot operate underwater).
Followers are used under fixed or swinging
3-8. Followers. leads and in tight spaces where there is no
room for the leads and the hammer, as in a
Followers are fabricated pile extensions close pile grouping. When followers are used,
placed between the top of a pile and the the computation of the bearing value of the
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materials. The hammer, guide rod, blocks, are lashed with ½-inch line. The base frame
and line (rope) are the only equipment that must be ballasted while driving piles. A log
must be transported. This rig is particularly hammer (figure 3-6) can be used to drive the
well adapted for jungle operations where the piles. The rig is built of hardwood and has a
transportation of heavy equipment is dif- steel baseplate to protect the driving end. The
ficult. The rig will handle short lengths of guide-rod hole and the guide rod must be well
piling up to 8 inches in diameter. Figure 3-16 greased to prevent binding when the hammer
shows the design features of the pile driver. falls. The base of the guide rod is positioned
The spars are 8 to 10 inches in diameter and by drilling a ¾-inch hole 6 to 8 inches deep in
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the head of the pile. Guying the pile helps four-wheel-drive truck or the front wheels of
position the guide rod. any front-wheel-drive truck.
d. Welded-angle construction pile driver. 3-10. Power for expedient pile drivers.
A piledriving rig can be built using four
heavy steel angles as leads and a laminated To raise the pile into position and operate the
steel plate cap of welded and bolted hammer in driving the pile, power is required.
construction. The leads should be heavily When available, the power unit for a standard
braced and guyed (figure 3-17). The hammer skid-mounted pile driver should be used. In
can be operated by the rear wheels of any
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other cases a truck, truck motor, or manpower b. Truck motor. A truck motor can be
can be used. mounted on the base frame of the rig. A drum
is mounted on the drive shaft and controlled
a. Truck. The hammer line can be snubbed by the clutch. The hammer line is attached to
to a truck bumper and the truck backed away the drum.
until the hammer is raised. The line is then
freed allowing the hammer to fall (figure c. Manpower. Hammers weighing up to
3-13). The wheels of a truck can be jacked and 1,200 pounds can be operated by 15-person
used as hoist drums (figure 3-17). The truck crews if there is sufficient pulling distance at
winch should not be used except in emer- the site. Normally, a soldier hauling a line
gencies since heavy use will cause excessive can pull 50 to 80 pounds. When steel hammers
wear to the winch motor.
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are fabricated in laminated sections, they are b. Barges or rafts. Crane-shovel units or
easier to hand-carry over difficult terrain. skid-mounted pile drivers may be mounted on
barges or rafts for work afloat. Driving may
3-11. Floating pile drivers. be off the end or side of the raft, depending on
problems of current and maneuverability.
a. Floating cranes. Barge-mounted cranes Sandbags can counterbalance a raft to enable
can be adapted for pile-driving operating by the pile driver to be positioned close to the end
using boom-point adapters and pile-driving of the raft to extend its reach. A standard
attachments. If standard leads are not 4-foot x 7-foot barge assembly is adequate to
available, they should be improvised from support a pile driver adapted from a 12 ½-ton
dimensioned lumber faced with steel plate crane (figure 3-18). A pile driver adapted from
and adequately braced. For pile driving, a a skid-mounted pile driver can be mounted on
floating crane may be maneuvered with its a 5-foot x 12-foot barge assembly (figure 3-19).
own lead lines, and spuds put down before
driving begins.
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c. Pneumatic floats. Cranes or skid- rig is not furnished with spuds. The first pile
mounted pile drivers may be mounted on driven may be used as one of the anchors. It is
rafts assembled from pneumatic floats which possible to run the steadying lines from
serve as platforms. Driving off the end or side anchorages onshore. More control of the raft
of the float using counterbalances (such as can be obtained if the lines are run like spring
sandbags) applies to this type of rig. lines from a berthed ship, so that they cross
each other diagonally.
d. Anchoring of rafts. The raft must be
held securely to position the pile accurately Section III. OTHER PILE-DRIVING
and to hold the leads and hammer in line EQUIPMENT
with the pile during driving. For the first pile
of an isolated off-shore structure, such as a 3-12. Accessory equipment.
dolphin, two transverse lines on capstans at
bow and stern and one longitudinal line on a a. Support equipment. Equipment must be
deck capstan will hold the craft if the floating available for handling stockpiled piling and
FM 5-134
for straightening, cutting, splicing, capping, couplings. The pipes and fittings are made
and bracing piles. into a jetting assembly, and the water hoses
and couplings are used to connect the jetting
b. Jetting equipment. Jetting is a method assembly to a water pump (figure 3-20).
of forcing water around and under a pile to
loosen and displace the surrounding soils. (1) Jetting pipes. Jetting pipes are usually
Jetting operations are discussed in chapter 4, from 2½ to 3½ inches in diameter. The
section II. The equipment consists of steel pipes are reduced to about half their
pipes, pipe fittings, water hoses, and
FM 5-134
diameter to form nozzles at the point of a. Ground conditions. Stable soil con.
discharge. ditions permit the use of truck-mounted
cranes, while boggy areas require crawler-
(2) Jetting pump. The jetting pump must be mounted units.
capable of delivering 500 gallons per
minute (gpm) at a pressure of 150 to 200 b. Piles. The number, size, and length of
pounds per square inch (psi). Gasoline or piles affect the choice of equipment. Diesel,
diesel-powered centrifugal pumps having air, or steam hammers are used to drive
from two to four stages and developing batter piles. Long piles require a large rig
from 100 to 300 psi are normally used. For with long leads. It is better to drive a long pile
use in gravelly soils, water pressure should as a continuous section than to drive short
range from 100 to 150 psi. For sands, water sections since alignment is controlled.
pressure from 50 to 60 psi is generally
adequate. c. Hammers. Selection of the type and size of
hammer will depend on availability, the type
(3) Jetting sizes. Jet sizes are normally 2 ½ of pile, and the anticipated loadings.
inches for 250 gpm, 3 inches for 250 to 500
gpm, and 3 ½ inches for 500 to 750 gpm. For air and steam hammers (single
acting or double-acting) the ratio of ram
(4) Jetting with air. Air may be used for weight to pile weight should fall between
jetting either alone or with water. Air 1:1 and 1:2. For diesel hammers, the ratio
compressors are required. should fall between 1:1 and 1:4.
c. Sleeve. A sleeve is a 4-foot section of steel All types of air, steam, and diesel
pipe bolted to the jaws of the hammer to hold hammers can be used to drive timber piles
the pile in place for driving when leads provided they have energy ratings between
cannot be used. A three-point suspension 15,000 and 20,000 foot-pounds. Hammers
keeps the hammer fixed at the desired angle with a rated energy up to 26,000 foot-
when driving batter piles (figure 3-21, 1). pounds can be used for timber piles with
butt diameters of 15 inches or more. Specific
d. Pants. Pants consist of parallel plates guidance for selecting the size of diesel
bolted to the hammer body. These fit over the hammers is provided in table 3-1.
top of sheet piling that is being driven without
the use of leads and serve to guide the hammer Except for diesel hammers, the size of the
(figure 3-21, 2). hammer selected should be one in which
the desired energy is developed by heavy
rams striking at low velocity. A high
3-13. Equipment selection. velocity impact wastes a large amount of
the striking energy. It also deforms the pile
In military pile construction, little op- head leaving less energy available for the
portunity exists for selecting the equipment useful purpose of driving a pile.
used in a given operation. Reduction in
standard military equipment items available The energy of a diesel hammer is
from the table of organization and equipment developed by a combination of the falling
(TOE) and class IV equipment has simplified of the ram, compression of the air in the
this problem. When selection is possible, combustion chamber, and the firing of the
consider the following factors. diesel fuel. This combination eliminates
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FM 5-134
the need for a heavy ram at a low velocity For driving precast concrete piles, a
and depends only on sufficient energy to heavy ram with low impact velocity is
properly move the pile. recommended. When driving is easy,
hammer blows should be minimized until
With air or steam hammers, a double- resistance develops. This may avoid stress
acting or differential-acting hammer is waves that might cause cracking.
preferred when piles must be driven to
considerable depth where penetration per 3-14. Equipment assembly.
blow is small. The greater frequency of
blows give faster penetration. Skill and caution are required in the erection
of pile-driving equipment. Assembly in-
The simple-acting hammer can be used formation is not within the scope of this
where the soil above the bearing stratum manual. For comprehensive assembly in-
can be penetrated rapidly under easy structions, consult the operator’s manual for
driving conditions. the pile-driving equipment to be used.
FM 5-134
Section I. PREPARATION OF PILES b. Fitting. Proper fit between the butt of the
FOR DRIVING pile and the driving cap of the hammer is the
most important factor in protecting the pile
from damage during hard driving. The butt
4-1. Preparation of timber piles. of the pile must be square cut, shaped to fit
the contour of the driving cap, and a little
Timber piles selected for a structure should be larger than the dimensions of the cap so the
long enough so that the butts are 2 or 3 feet wood will be compressed into the driving cap.
higher than the finished elevation after the Under most driving conditions the tip of a
piles are driven to the desired penetration. timber pile should be left square without
(Methods of predetermining pile lengths are pointing. The following points should be kept
described in chapter 5.) Timber piles require in mind when fitting timber piles.
little preparation or special handling;
however, they are susceptible to damage Pointing timber piles does little to in-
during driving, particularly under hard crease the rate of penetration.
driving conditions. To protect the pile against
damage, the following precautions should be Piles with square tips are more easily
taken. kept in line during driving and provide
better end bearing.
a. Fresh heading. When hard driving is For very hard driving, steel shoes protect
expected, the pile should be fresh headed by the tips of piles (figure 4-1, 1). Steel plates
removing 2 to 6 inches of the butt. Removing nailed to blunt tips (figure 4-1, 2) offer
a short end section allows the hammer to excellent protection.
transmit energy more readily to the lower
sections of the piles. Butts of piles that have c. Wrapping. If a driving cap is not used, or
been fresh headed should be field treated if crushing or splitting of the pile occurs, the
with creosote and coal tar pitch (chapter 8), top end of the pile should be wrapped tightly
after the pile has been driven to the desired with 12-gage steel wire to forma 4-inch band.
penetration. The steel wire should be stapled firmly in
FM 5-134
place. This is a simple method of protecting decreasing pile spacing or increasing the
pile butte during hard driving. Steel strapping number of piles is preferable to splicing.
about 1¼ inches wide will also provide Except in very soft soils or in water, the
adequate protection. Strapping should en- diameter of the complete splice should not be
circle the pile twice, be tensioned as tightly as greater than the diameter of the pile (figure
possible, and be located approximately two 4-2). The ends of the piles must be squared,
feet from the butt. and the diameter trimmed to fit snugly in the
8-inch or 10-inch steel pipe. Steel splice plates
d. Splicing. Piles can be spliced if single are also used (figure 4-2).
sections of the required length are not
available or if long sections cannot be e. Lagging. Lagging a friction pile with steel
handled by available pile drivers. Generally, or timber plates, planks, or rope wrapping
FM 5-134
can be used to increase the pile’s load-carrying may twist or bend. In such cases H-piles
capabilities. (figure 4-3) and pipe piles (figure 4-4) should
be reinforced.
4-2. Preparation of steel piles.
b. Cleaning. Pipe piles driven open-ended,
a. Reinforcing. Point reinforcement is must be cleaned out before they are filled
seldom needed for H-piles; however, if driving with concrete. Ordinarily they are closed
is hard and the overburden contains ob- at the lower end, usually with a flat plate
structions, boulders, or coarse gravels, the (figure 4-4). In a few soils, such as stiff plastic
flanges are likely to be damaged and the piles clays, the overhang of the plate should be
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eliminated. Such pipe piles can be inspected the welding operation. Various types of plate
after driving. Damaged piles should be iden- and sleeve splices can be used (figure 4-6).
tified and rejected if not repairable. Splicing is often performed before the piles
are placed in the leads so pile-driving
c. Splicing. H-piles can be spliced and operations are not delayed.
designed to develop the full strength of the
pile both in bearing and bending. This is d. Lagging. Lagging is of questionable value
done most economically with butt-welded and if attached near the bottom of the pile,
splices (figure 4-5). This method requires that will actually reduce the capacity of the pile.
the pile be turned over several times during
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4-3. Preparation of concrete piles. b. Lashing. Generally, the pile line is lashed
about one third of the distance from the top of
Precast concrete piles should be straight and the pile, the pile is swung into the helmet, and
not cambered by uneven prestress or poor the tip is positioned into the leads (figure 4-7,
concrete placement during casting. 2). A member of the handling crew can climb
the leads and, using a tugline, help align the
a. Reinforcing. Reinforcing of precast pile in the leads.
concrete piles is done in the manufacturing.
The top of the pile must be square or c. Centering. The pile is centered under the
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pile cap, and the pile cap and hammer are
pile. The ends of prestressing or reinforcing lowered to the top of the pile. If a drop
steel should be cut flush with the end of the hammer is used, the cap is unhooked from the
pile head to prevent direct loading by the ram hammer (figure 4-7, 3).
stroke. Poured concrete piles may be re-
inforced with steel reinforcing rods. d. Driving. The hammer is raised and
dropped to drive the pile (figure4-7, 4). Driving
b. Splicing or cutting. Precast concrete should be started slowly, raising the hammer
piles are seldom, if ever, spliced. If the driving only a few inches until the pile is firmly set.
length has been underestimated, the pile can The height of fall is increased gradually to a
be extended only with considerable difficulty. maximum of 6 feet. Blows should be applied
The piles are expensive to cut if the length as rapidly as possible to keep the pile moving.
has been over estimated. Poured concrete Repeated long drops should be avoided since
piles should not require splicing as length is they tend to damage the top of the pile.
predetermined in the planning stages.
4-6. Driving requirements.
PROCEDURES Careful watch must be kept during driving to
avoid damage to the pile, pile hammer, or
4-4. Positioning piles. both. Precautions and danger signs include
the following
When piles are driven on land, for example a
building foundation, the position of each pile a. Support. The pile driver must be securely
must be carefully established, using available supported, guyed, or otherwise fastened to
surveying equipment. A simple template can prevent movement during driving.
be constructed to insure proper positioning of
the piles. Piles generally should not be driven b. Refusal. Refusal is reached when the
more than three inches from their design energy of the hammer blow no longer causes
location. Greater tolerances are allowed for penetration. At this point, the pile has reached
piles driven in water and for batter piles. rock or its required embedment in the bearing
stratum. It is not always necessary to drive
4-6. General driving procedures. piles to refusal. Friction piles frequently must
be driven only far enough to develop the
Piles are set and driven in four basic steps desired load bearing capacity. In certain
(figure 4-7). types of soils, such as a very soft organic soil
or deep marsh deposit, a considerable length
a. Positioning. The pile driver is brought of pile may be necessary to develop adequate
into position with the hammer and cap at the load capacity. Driving in such soils is
top of the leads (figure 4-7, 1). frequently easy as piles may penetrate several
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feet under a single hammer blow. It is for approximately 1 inch, it should be cut
important that driving be a continuous back to sound wood before driving is
procedure. An interruption of even several continued. There should be no more than
minutes can cause a condition of temporary three or four final blows per inch for timber
refusal in some types of soils, thus requiring piles driven with a diesel, steam, or air
many blows to get the pile moving again. hammer. Further driving may fracture the
pile or cause brooming.
c. Timber piles. Timber piles are frequently d. Steel piles. In driving steel piles, par-
overdriven when they are driven to end ticular care must be taken to see that the
bearing on rock (figure 4-3). If the pile hits a hammer strikes the top of the pile squarely,
firm stratum, depth may be checked by with the center of the hammer directly over
driving other piles nearby. If the piles stop at the center of the pile. Watch for the following.
the same elevation, indications are that a
firm stratum has been reached. Following (1) Slack lines. A hammer suspended from
are items to be watched for when driving a slack line may buckle the top section and
timber piles. require the pile be trimmed with a torch
before driving can proceed. Driving caps
(1) Breaking or splitting below ground. If (previously described) will prevent this
the driving suddenly becomes easier, or if type of damage to H-piles.
the pile suddenly changes direction, the
pile has probably broken or split. Further (2) Alignment. When a steel pile is driven
driving is useless as bearing capacity is with a flying hammer (free-swing hammer),
unreliable. Anew pile must be driven close the pile should be aligned with guys (figure
to the broken one, or the broken one pulled 4-9). Hooks, shackles, or cable slings can
and a new one driven in its place. be used to attach guy lines. A pile should be
considered driven to refusal when five
(2) Pile spring or hammer bounce. The pile blows of an adequate hammer are required
may spring or the hammer may bounce to produce a total penetration of ¼ inch or
when the hammer is too light. This usually less.
occurs when the butt of the pile has been
crushed or broomed, when the pile has met e. Concrete piles. Required driving re-
an obstruction, or when it has penetrated sistances for prestressed concrete piles are
to a solid footing. essentially the same as for steel piles. Driving
stresses should be reduced to prevent pile
(3) Double-acting hammer bounce. When a damage. The ram velocity or stroke should be
double-acting hammer is being used, too reduced during initial driving when soil
much steam or air pressure may cause resistance is low. Particular attention should
bouncing. When using a closed-ended diesel be paid to the following.
hammer, lifting of the hammer on the
upstroke of the ram piston can cause (1) Cap or helmet. The pile-driving cap or
bouncing. This is caused by too high a helmet should fit loosely around the pile
throttle setting or too small a hammer. top so the pile may rotate slightly without
Throttle controls should be backed off just binding within the driving head.
enough to avoid this lifting action.
(2) Cushioning. An adequate cushioning
(4) Crushed or broomed butt. If the butt of a material must be provided between the
timber pile has been crushed or broomed helmet or driving cap and the pile head.
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FM 5-134
c. Aligning with block and tackle. During H-piles, this procedure may induce un-
driving, a pile may be brought into proper desirable twisting and should be avoided if
alignment by using block and tackle (figure possible. Jetting either alone or with the
4-11). The impact of the hammer will tend to preceding method, may be used.
jar the pile back into line. In the case of steel
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b. Augers. Augers which remove all material a piece of tape or cable clip is fastened to the
from the hole can cause a quicksand action. rope at each pile bent position. Piles are then
Sand or soil may flow into the drilled hole driven at each tape or cable clip.
below the water table. Augers should be used
only above groundwater tables and in soils b. Using floating pile drivers. When a
where a drill hole will stand open without floating pile driver is used, a frame for
collapsing. positioning piles may be fastened to the hull.
A floating template is sometimes used to
4-10. Special placement techniques. position piles in each bent (figure 4-18).
Battens are spaced along the centerline
a. Spudding. Spuds can penetrate debris or desired for each pile. The battens are placed
hard strata so the pile can reach the bearing far enough apart so that, as the pile is driven,
stratum. Spuds consist of heavy pile sections, the larger-diameter butt end will not bind on
usually with special end reinforcement. When the template and carry it underwater. If the
heavy piles (such as steel or precast concrete piles are driven under tidal water, a chain or
piles) are driven, the pile may be raised and collar permits the template to rise and fall
dropped to break through a layer of hard with the tide. If the ends of the battens are
material or an obstruction. In a similar hinged and brought up vertically, the
operation, a pilot pile is withdrawn, and the template may be withdrawn from between
final pile is driven in the hole. the bents and floated into position for the
next bent provided the pile spacing is uniform.
b. Jacking. A pile may be jacked into
position. This method is usually used when it c. Using floating rigs. If a floating rig is
is necessary to underpin the foundation of a available, it can be used to drive the piles for
structure and headroom is limited or when an entire structure before the rest of the work.
vibration from conventional driving could In general, more piles can be driven per man-
damage an existing structure. The pile is hour with floating equipment because the
jacked in sections using a mechanical or driver is easily moved. As soon as the piles in
hydraulic screw jack reacting against the one bent have been driven, the rig may be
weight of the structure. The pile is selected for positioned to drive the next bent, while the
the specific situation, and it is built up in bent just driven is braced and capped.
short, convenient lengths. Floating pile. driver rigs are difficult to
position where currents are strong and
c. Vibrating. High-amplitude vibrators are adequate winches are unavailable. Otherwise,
used for driving piles in saturated sand and they can be positioned easily either end-on or
gravels, Vibratory hammers are particularly side-on to the pile bent which is being driven.
advantageous for driving sheet piling. Batter piles can be driven in any desired
direction by adjusting the spotter or catwalk,
4-11. Driving piles in water. without using a moon beam.
d. Driving from bridge or wharf. When
a. Positioning piles. When piles are driven pile driving uses mobile equipment operating
in water, different methods may mark the from a deck of a bridge wall structure, two
desired pile positions. When a number of procedures may be used in moving the pile
bents are to be constructed, a stake is placed driver forward.
at each abutment approximately 6 inches
from the pile centerline (figure 4-17). A wire (1) Walking stringer method. As each bent
rope is stretched between the two stakes, and is driven, the piles are aligned, braced, cut,
FM 5-134
and capped. The movable stringers are at all three operations. This is hazardous
made by placing spacer blocks between because the machinery is supported by
two or three ordinary stringers so the loose stringers and decking. Skill and
driving rig can advance into position to organization are required because several
drive the next bent. The movable stringers operations may be in progress at the same
are laid onto the bent which has just been time. Piles must move through the decking
completed. When the advance row or rows crews to reach the driving point, so
of piles have been braced, cut, or capped, planning is important.
the pile driver picks up the temporary
stringers behind and slings them into place (2) Finish-as-you-go method. Instead of
ahead. The installation of permanent using movable stringers, each bent or
stringers and decking follows behind the bench, including the permanent stringers
pile driver. Variations of this method are or decking, may be completed before the
possible when a skid-mounted piledriver is rig is moved forward. This method is safer
used. This method gives the pile driver less and requires less organization, since one
idle time than the method described in (2) operation follows another. The pile driver
following. Since the decking operations may be idle or set stringers. To complete
are completely separate, individual crews each panel, personnel rotate jobs.
can be developed to drive, cut, cap, and
deck. These crews become more proficient e. Driving from temporary earth
and are more rapid than crews that work causeways. An excellent method for driving
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
piles for a bridge or wall structure in shallow salvaged by pulling. Piles should be removed
water is to extend a temporary earth cause as soon as possible, since the resistance to
way from the shore. Piles may then be driven pulling may increase with time. Common
using a mobile rig operating on the causeway. methods for pulling piles are described below.
In the usual case, piles are driven through the
fill. This is the fastest method of building a. Direct lift. If a pile is located so that a
bridges and other structures, where height crane of substantial capacity can be moved
limitations permit and required penetrations directly over it, pulling by direct lift is
are not unusual. possible. A sling should be wrapped around
the pile and the pull steadily increased until
f. Driving from the 50-ton standard the pile begins to move or is extracted. Jetting
trestle. Used in depths up to eight feet, this can be used to help loosen a pile. The boom
trestle can drive two or three times as many should be snubbed to a stationary object to
piles as a bridgemounted trestle. This method keep it from whipping back if the pile
involves constructing the bays (support suddenly comes loose or the lifting tackle
structures) and using them as a platform. breaks.
After completing a pile bent, a pile driver
walks the standard trestle by striking the bay b. Hammer and extractor lift. Piles may
nearest the completed work, swinging it, and be pulled with air or steam-powered extractors
re-erecting it ahead. or with inverted acting hammers rigged for
this use. Vibratory hammers are effective.
g. Aligning. When all piles in a bent have Usually, a 25-ton lift on the extractor will be
been driven, they can be pulled into proper adequate, but multiplereeved blocks in a
position with block and tackle and an derrick may be needed. If piles are difficult to
aligning frame (figures 4-19, 4-20). Bracing pull, additional driving may break them loose.
and subsequent construction of pile bents are Use a safety line at the tip of the boom in case
described in TM 5-312. the connecting line or cable breaks.
4-12. Driving underwater. c. Tidal lift. Piles in tidewater maybe pulled
by attaching the slings to barges or pontoons
It is sometimes necessary to drive piles at low tide and allowing the rise of the tide to
underwater rather than use a pile follower. exert the lifting force. To keep barges from
Special pile hammers are designed for driving tipping, a barge should be placed on either
underwater. Recommendations by the side of the pile; and the lifting force should be
manufacturer should be followed in preparing transmitted by girders extending across the
and rigging the hammer for underwater full width of both barges.
driving. Diesel hammers cannot operate
underwater. 4-14. Pile driving in cold weather.
4-13. Pulling piles. It is possible to conduct pile-driving
operations in severe cold even though the
Piles split or broken during driving or driven ground is frozen. Frost up to two feet thick
in the wrong place ordinarily should be pulled. can be broken successfully by driving a heavy
In some cases, it may be necessary to pull pilot pile or a heavy casing. Ground can be
piles to clear an area. Sheet piles and, thawed to a shallow depth by spreading a
occasionally, bearing piles that have been layer of several inches of unflaked lime over
driven for a temporary structure may be the area, covering the layer with snow, then
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FM 5-134
shape of the hole thawed in sand-silt soil may be indefinitely delayed. Piles may not
after 1½ hours of stem jetting. develop adequate bearing capacity, or-host
heave may work them out of the ground
(1) Setting the pile. After the hole has been and damage supported structures. Steam
thawed properly, the pile is placed by the or water thawing should not be used in
usual methods. After three to four days of areas where the mean annual permafrost
thawing, a series of piles may be set (figure 0
temperature is greater than 20 F. This
4-22). Wooden piles have a tendency to method may be used in colder permafrost
float when placed in the thawed hole and only with exceptional precautions to
therefore must be weighted or held down control heat input into the ground if other
until the permafrost begins to refreeze. methods of installation are not possible.
(2) Disadvantages. Steam or water thawing b. Dry augering. Pile holes maybe drilled
has the disadvantage of introducing so in the permafrost using earth augers with
much heat into the ground that freeze back specially designed bits for frozen ground.
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Holes 2 feet in diameter can be advanced at favorable conditions heavy pipe and H-piles
rates of up to about 1 foot per minute in frozen can be driven into the ground at lower
silt or clay, depending on the type of bit, temperatures. Freeze back is complete within
ground temperature, and size of equipment. 15 to 30 minutes after driving. The H-pile
Holes up to 4 feet or more in diameter can be driven in frozen soil should not be smaller
drilled readily in such soil. Drilling with an than the HP 10 x 42, and the rated hammer
auger is the easiest method when the frozen energy should not be less than 25,000
ground surface permits ready mobility and foot-pounds.
steam and water do not have to be handled.
This method is not feasible in coarse, frozen 4-16. Cutting and capping of piles.
soils containing boulders.
a. Timber piles. The capping of timber-pile
(1) Hole drilling. The holes maybe drilled bents should bear evenly on every pile in the
undersized, and wood or pipe piles maybe bent. The piles should be cutoff accurately by
driven into the holes. However, the holes following sawing guides nailed across all
usually are drilled oversized; and a soil- piles in the bent (figure 4-23). After the piles
water slurry is placed in the annulus’ space are cut and treated with preservatives, the
around the pile and allowed to freeze back, cap is placed and fastened to the piles by drift
effectively transferring the imposed pile pins driven through holes bored from the top
loads to the surrounding frozen soil. of the cap into each pile. If a concrete cap is
used, the tops of timber piles should be cut
(2) Slurry. Silt from a borrow pit or from square, treated with preservative, and
the pile hole excavation can be used for embedded in the concrete at least 3 inches.
slurry as can gravelly sand, silty sand, or
plain sand. Clays are difficult to mix and b. Steel piles. Steel-pile bents are cut to the
blend, and when frozen they are not strong. proper elevation using a welding torch. A
Gravel, unsaturated soil, water, or concrete working platform and cutting guide fastened
should not be used for backfill in permfrost with C-clamps can be used for this purpose
areas. Organic matter must not be used in (figure 4-20). Capping of steel piles with steel
slurry. Details on dry augering are con- members follows the same procedure as
tained in TM 5-852-4. outlined for timber piles, but the members are
joined by welding or riveting, and steel plates
c. Boring. Holes for piles may be made by are used rather than timber splices or scabs.
rotary or churned drilling or by drive coring If the cap is reinforced concrete, the top of the
(under some conditions) using various bits pile should be embedded at least 3 inches in
and drive barrels. Frozen materials are the concrete. A well-designed reinforced
removed with air, water, or mechanical concrete pile cap does not require steel plates
systems. Procedures are the same as for dry- to transmit a compressive load to H-piles. If
augered holes. the piles are subject to uplift, cap plates or
additional embedment is required.
d. Driving. Conventional or modified pile
driving procedures, including diesel and c. Concrete piles. Cutting concrete piles
vibratory hammers, may be used to drive requires concrete saws, pneumatic hammers,
open-ended steel pipe and H-piles to depths and an acetylene cutting torch. A V-shaped
up to 50 feet or more in frozen ground channel is cut around the pile at the level of
composed of silty sand or finer-grained soils the desired cutoff. Reinforcing bars are
at ground temperature above 25°F. Under exposed and cut with the torch at the desired
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point above the cutoff. If possible, the from being trapped and forcing the
reinforcing bars should project into a concrete interlock open during driving.
cap for bonding. The head of the pile can be
broken off by wedging or pulling with a line b. Steel sheet piles. Interlocking steel sheet
from a crane. The cap is placed on top of the piles can be driven by one of two basic
piles by casting in place or drilling grout methods.
holes at the proper position in a precast cap.
Another suitable method is to drill holes and (1) Single pile or pair of piles. In this
to grout in bolts or reinforcing steel, method the driving leads must be kept
depending on the type of cap used. vertical and stable, with the hammer
centered over the neutral axis of the pile.
d. Anchorage. The uplift force on a structure This requires a firm, level foundation for
is transmitted to the pile by a bond between the driving equipment.
the pile surface and the concrete of the pile
cap, or by a mechanical anchorage. The (2) Preassembled sheet piles. The piling
ultimate bond between concrete and freshly- and wall are formed and driven along the
embedded timber piles may be 60 psi or more; line. The piling is set with both axes
however, long submergence may cause some vertical. Vibration in the hammer or the
deterioration of the outer layer of wood which pile will drive the piles out of alignment.
reduces the bond value. When the embedded Z-piles are driven in pairs. Single or pairs
portion of timber piles is submerged, a of short piles are driven to full depth in soft
working stress for a bond of not more than 15 ground to prevent creep. Long piles are
psi should be used without considering the driven into the ground as follows.
end surface of the pile. When the load in
tension is greater than the strength which Set waling along the line of sheeting.
can be developed by the bond, a mechanical
anchorage can be used. The resistance of a Drive a pair of sheet piles to part depth.
wood pile to extraction from concrete maybe
increased by notching the embedded portion Set a panel of a dozen single piles or pairs
of the pile and considering the longitudinal in the walings.
shearing strength of the timber.
Drive the last pile or pair in the panel part
Drive the piles between the first and last
4-17. Sheet piles. pile or pairs of piles to full depth.
a. Alignment. When sheet piles are driven Drive the first pile to full depth.
as permanent structures, such as bulkheads,
the first pile must be driven accurately, Drive the last pile two-thirds its full
maintaining alignment throughout. A penetration to act as a guide for the first
timber-aligning frame composed of double pile of the next panel.
rows of studs, to which one or two rows of
wales and diagonal bracing are spiked, may c. Concrete sheet piles. Concrete sheet
be required to maintain alignment, in soft piles are frequently placed by jetting. If a
soils. Normal practice is to drive the ball end watertight wall is required, the joints are
of interlocking steel sheet piles to prevent soil grouted after driving is completed. The soil at
FM 5-134
the bottom of the pile is slushed out by a has been drawn down, an additional length
water jet pipe of sufficient length to reach the is usually welded on rather than attempting
bottom of the pile. A tremie is used to place to jack up the pile.
grout underwater. Flexible fillers such as
bituminous material may be placed in joints 4-18. Drilled piles.
at intervals of 25 to 50 feet. If a cap is placed
on the sheet pile wall, the flexible joints Power-driven earth augers are used to drill
continue through the cap. In reinforcing holes to the size and depth required (figure
previously driven sheet piles, frictional drag 4-24). Commercial drilling rigs are available
may occur. To counteract this, the piles may in a wide variety of mountings and driving
be bolted or welded to a stiff waling. If a pile arrangements. If the holes remain open and
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performed. Record driving resistance of test under lateral loads is discussed later in this
piles and all piles installed. Compare the chapter. The behavior of relatively flexible
resistances of the test piles to insure against piles extending appreciably above ground
localized weak subsurface conditions. surfaces and subjected to lateral loads is
beyond the scope of this manual.
5-5. Column-stress formulas.
5-4. Structural capacity.
a. Slenderness ratio.
a. Allowable pile stresses. Overstress in
timber piles under design loads should not (1) Timber piles. The slenderness ratio
exceed the values given in table 2-2. The (lu/d) is the ratio of the effective un-
allowable stress in steel piles should not supported length (1u) to the average pile
exceed 12,000 psi. Estimate possible re- diameter (d). The average pile diameter is
ductions in steel cross section for corrosive measured at a point one-third the distance
location or provide protection from corrosion. from the butt of the pile. For the effective
The allowable stress in precast or cast-in- unsupported length of a single row of piles
place piles should not exceed 33 percent of the unbraced in the longitudinal direction, lu is
concrete cylinder strength at 28 days. 0.7 of the distance from the fixed point to
the top of the piles, as shown in figure 5-1.
b. Driving stresses. Do not damage the For a single row of piles adequately braced
piles by overdriving. Final driving resis- in the longitudinal direction, lu is one-half
tances for various pile types should be limited the distance from the fixed point to the
to the values indicated in chapter 4. lowest bracing. For piles arranged in two
or more rows and adequately braced
c. Buckling failures. There is no danger of between rows, the unbraced length is one.
buckling a fully-embedded, axially-loaded, half the fixed point to the lowest bracing as
point-bearing pile of conventional dimensions shown in figure 5-1. If the ratio (lu/d) is less
because of inadequate lateral support, than 11, then a buckling capacity need not
provided it is surrounded by even the softest be determined. If the ratio exceeds a value
soils. The ultimate load for buckling of slender of 11, the buckling capacity must be
steel piles in soft clay is discussed later in this determined. To avoid use of extremely
chapter. Buckling may be a problem when slender piles, the value of lu/d should not
piles project appreciably above ground exceed 40. When the slenderness ratio is
surfaces. In such cases, the unsupported less than 11, the allowable load is based on
lengths of the pile should be used in column- table 2-2. When the slenderness ratio
stress formulas to determine the safe load exceeds a value of 11, the allowable
capacity. The unsupported length, 1“, is concentric axial load is computed as the
computed assuming the pile is laterally lesser of the following.
supported at 10 feet below ground surface in
soft soils and 5 feet in sands and firm soils.
This laterally supported point is commonly
referred to as a fixed point (see figure 5-l).
d. Lateral loads. Lateral forces on embedded
piles may produce high bending stresses and
deflections. The behavior of short, rigid piles
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FM 5-134
Dynamic formulas are useful in correlating tration test. The latter method is generally
penetration resistance obtained from local more reliable for cohesionless soils. Typical
experience and in relating the results of load values of the undrained shear strength of
tests to the behavior of piles actually driven. cohesive soils are shown in table 5-1. The
ultimate capacity of piles in cohesionless
soils is influenced by the position of the
a. Saturated fine sands. In saturated fine groundwater table. Depending on the cer-
sands, the formula usually indicates the tainty with which subsoil conditions are
allowable load as being less than that which known, the ultimate bearing capacity should
may develop after driving. If time is available, be divided by a factor of safety from 1.5 to 2.0
a friction pile that has not developed its to obtain the allowable load. For a given
required load should be rested for at least 24 allowable load, the static formulas (figures
hours. The capacity may then be checked 5-3, 5-4) also determine the required length of
with at least 10 blows from a drop hammer or piles, the pullout capacities of piles, and the
30 blows with a steam, pneumatic, or diesel ultimate load buckle of slender steel piles in
hammer. If the average penetration is less soft clay.
than that required by the formula to give the
needed bearing capacity, piles do not require
splicing or deeper driving. If the required 5-11. Drilled piles.
capacity is not developed after the rest period,
the piles must be spliced or additional piles The allowable load on drilled piles is based on
driven, if the design of the foundation permits. soils shear strength data and from formulas
similar to those for driven piles. In clays, the
b. Jetting. The formulas do not apply to average undisturbed shear strength over the
piles driven by the aid of jetting unless the depth of the pile should be multiplied by an
pile is permitted to rest after jetting and then empirical earth pressure coefficient, Kc,
driven to final position without jetting. Data varying from 0.35 to 0.75 to account for
from the final driving may be used in the softening. If the hole is allowed to remain
dynamic formula after resting the pile. The open for more than a day or two or if a slurry
formulas do not apply to end-bearing piles is used during construction, the lower values
driven to rock or other firm strata. should be used. In sands, the coefficient of
earth pressure, Kc, should be taken as 1.0.
The allowable end-bearing capacity, Qd,, can
Section IV. STATIC FORMULAS also be computed using the standard
penetration test results in terms of N blows
5-10. Driven piles. per foot.
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FM 5-134
Section V. PILE LOAD TESTS Test loading should not be initiated less
than 24 hours after driving piles in
5-12. Equipment. cohesionless soils and not less than 7 days
in cohesive soils.
Load tests determine the allowable load, the
settlement under working load, or the The load is usually applied by a hydraulic
soundness of a pile. Load tests may be jack reacting against dead weights or
conducted in compression or tension. Lateral against a yoke fastened to a pair of anchor
load tests are seldom justified. The following piles (figure 5-5). Anchor piles should beat
considerations must be made. least 5 test pile diameters from the test pile.
The test piles should be of the same type The test load should be twice the proposed
and driven by the same equipment as for design load as estimated from the dynamic
construction. formula, static formula, or other means.
FM 5-134
Readings of settlement and rebounds in a 2 hour period. The total test load should
should be referred to a deep benchmark remain in place until settlement does not
and recorded to 0.001 feet. exceed 0.002 feet in 48 hours. The total load
should be removed in decrements not ex-
5-13. Procedures. ceeding one fourth of the total test load with
intervals of not less than one hour. The
The loading procedure may be carried out rebound should be recorded after each
either by the continuous load method or the decrement is removed. A curve may then be
constant rate of penetration (CRP) method. prepared showing the relationship between
the load and deflection (figure 5-6). This
a. Continuous load. The load is applied in procedure is most reliable where it is nec-
seven increments, equal to ½, ¾, 1, 1¼, 1 ½, essary to estimate the settlement of piles
1¾, and 2 times the allowable load assumed under the design load. The allowable load is
for design. The load is maintained constant taken as one half that which caused a net
at each increment until there is no settlement settlement of not more than ½ inch or gross
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
5-15. Limitations of pile load tests. deep enough to sustain vertical loads will
develop enough lateral resistance to prevent
Pile load tests do not take into account the the structure founded on a number of piles
effects of group action on bearing capacity from overturning. An exception to this could
unless a group of piles is loaded. The be a bridge foundation in an area subject to
settlement of a pile group is not generally scour during periods of high water. When
related to the settlement recorded during a piles are subjected to lateral loads in excess of
load test on a single pile. Settlement must be 1,000 pounds per pile, it is usually more
estimated as discussed in chapter 6 from economical and desirable to provide batter
consideration of soil compressibility within piles. Lateral loads apply to both rigid and
the zone of the influence (figure 5-6). flexible piles (figure 5-9).
5-16. Lateral loads resistance. b. Flexible and rigid piles. It is difficult to
estimate the resistance provided by a single
a. Lateral loads. Vertical piles supporting vertical pile (or group of piles) to lateral
structures are subjected to lateral forces. For forces. The best method is to conduct field
example, a pile bent supporting a highway loading tests. If time and facilities for this are
bridge may be subjected to the forces of wind, lacking, the embedment or lateral capacity
current, ice, and the impact of floating objects. may be estimated by the use of charts (figures
Similar forces may act on waterfront 5-10, 5-11) that apply to fixed-end and free-
structures, such as wharves and piers. head short, rigid piles. The effect of group
Properly designed bracing, supplemented by action is ignored in these charts. For the
batter piles and fenders, will usually provide fixed-head pile, failure occurs when the pile
the structure with sufficient stability to resist moves as a unit through the soil. For the free-
lateral loads. The piles must be driven deep head pile, failure occurs when the pile rotates
enough to prevent the structure from as a unit through the soil around a point
overturning. Normally, vertical piles driven located below the ground surface. Theoretical
FM 5-134
analysis has been developed and is available design lateral load to compute the ultimate
for laterally loaded piles in which the lateral resistance. Continuous lateral loads
flexibility of the pile is considered. should be resisted by batter piles.
(1) Rigid piles in clay. Figure 5-10 shows (2) Rigid piles in sand. Figure 5-11 shows
the relationship between the ultimate the relationship between the ultimate
lateral resistance and length of embedment lateral resistance and length of embedment
for fixed-end and free-head piles in clay for fixed-end and free-head piles in sands
soils in terms of the undrained shear in terms of coefficient of passive earth
strength (table 5-l). As the shear strength pressure, Kp, assumed equal to 3.0
of the soil near ground surface depends on regardless of the density of the sand. Safety
seasonal variations in water content, it is factors from 1.5 to 2.0 should be applied to
good practice to reduce laboratory values the design lateral load to compute the
by one-third to one-fourth. A safety factor ultimate lateral resistance.
from 1.5 to 2.0 should be applied to the
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FM 5-134
work across the group. In extreme cases, it Section II. GROUND CONDITIONS
may be necessary to predrill through a hard
upper stratum. If the group is confined by
sheet piling which has already been driven, it 6-4. Rock.
may be preferable to drive from the perimeter
inward to avoid displacemer of the sheet Site investigation should establish whether
piling. the underlying rock surface is level, inclined,
or irregular. It should also determine the
thickness of decomposed rock which the pile
b. Effects on adjacent structures. When should penetrate. If the surface is inclined,
piles are to be driven for a new foundation driven piles may have to be pointed. The
alongside an existing structure, care must be upper load limit of a pointed pile embedded in
taken to insure that the existing structure is sound rock may be the allowable compressive
not damaged by the operation. Settlement or stress of the material in the pile. If the
heave caused by pile driving may seriously overlying material is saturated plastic clay,
damage the foundations of nearby structures. displacement piles and consequent volume
For example, piles driven behind a retaining changes may heave piles already driven.
wall can increase the pressure on the wall.
This increase in pressure maybe caused by
densfication of a granular soil by vibration, 6-5. Cohesionless soils.
or a plastic soil may actually be forced against
the wall. To avoid or minimize the effects of a. Piles driven into dense sand. Piles are
vibration, the pile may be driven in a driven through the soft materials and into a
predrilled hole or jetted or jacked into place. dense, deep stratum of sand to develop
The jetting itself could have a detrimental adequate carrying capacity. If the sand is
effect upon the soil beneath an existing moderately loose, the required penetration
structure. may be deep. If the sand is dense, penetration
may be only a few feet. Skin friction of
compressible soil is not considered since it
6-3. Spacing. will disappear in a period of time. The entire
load will then be carried by the firm stratum
(figure 5-3).
Piles should be spaced in relationship to the
nature of the ground, their behavior in groups.
and the overall cost of the foundation. The (1) Point resistance. Point resistance can
spacing should be chosen with regard to the be found using calculations and laboratory
resulting heave or compaction. Spacing tests (chapter 5, section IV). It can also be
should be wide enough for all piles installed determined approximately by making a
to the correct penetration without damaging load test on two piles driven about 5 feet
adjacent construction or the piles themselves. apart. One pile is driven to refusal in the
For piles founded on rock, the minimum firm bearing stratum while the other is
center-to-center spacing is 2 times the average driven until its point is 3 feet above the
pile diameter, or 1.75 times the diagonal surface of the bearing stratum. If both
dimension of the pile cross section, but not piles are loaded at equal rates, the effect of
less than 24 inches. An optimum spacing of time on skin friction can be eliminated.
3 times the diameter of the pile is often used. The point resistance is equal to the
This allows both adequate room for driving difference between the ultimate bearing
and economical design of the pile cap. capacities of the two piles.
FM 5-134
(2) Depth estimate. The depth to which piers located near river channels must be
piles must extend into the sand can be established below the level to which the river
estimated on the basis of driving tests bottom is removed by scour during floods. In
combined with load tests or, in the case of many cases, the depth of the river increases
small projects, calculations using dynamic faster during floods than the crest rises. As
or static formulas. bridges are located where the channel is
narrow, the depth of scour is likely to be
b. Compaction piles. Compaction piles greater than average. Furthermore, the
densify the sand. The design load for construction of the bridge usually causes
compaction piles is conservative. The piles additional constriction of the channel and
are driven to equal penetration with each itself increases the depth of scour. Depths of
hammer stroke. The hammer strokes wil1 be scour can be as much as 4 feet for each 1 foot
progressively shorter as work continues of rise. For military construction, a reason-
because the sand becomes more compacted able design estimate is a depth of scour equal
by driving the preceding pile. Driving to 1 foot for each foot of rise of the water.
resistance increases as each pile is driven Scour can be minimized by surrounding the
because of the compaction of the soil. pile foundation with sheet piles or providing
riprap protection around the base of the pier
(1) Driving loads. On small jobs, loads of (refer to TM 5-312).
20 tons are usually assigned to compaction
piles of timber and 30 tons to precast d. Group behavior. The ultimate bearing
concrete. The piles should be driven to the capacity of pile groups in cohesionless soil is
capacities indicated by the Engineering equal to the number of piles times the ultimate
News formula (chapter 5, section III). On bearing capacity of an individual pile,
large jobs, a test group of several piles provided the pile spacing is not less than
should be driven. The center pile should be three pile diameters. A pile group in
driven first to a capacity indicated by the cohesionless soil settles more than an
Engineering News formula. When the individual pile under the same load (figure
entire group of piles has been driven, the 6-l). Ordinarily, driving to a resistance of
center pile should be redriven, and its 20 tons for timber piles or 30 tons for concrete
capacity determined by the formula. The piles as determined by the Engineering News
difference between the 2 computed formula will insure that settlements are
capacities reflects the effects of densi- within tolerable limits. Piles driven into a
fication. A load test on the center pile after thick bearing stratum of dense, cohesionless
redriving may be used to check the ac- materials should not settle provided correct
curacy of the computed capacity. safety and engineering analysis have been
(2) Length. The length of compaction piles
decreases markedly with increasing taper. e. Uplift resistance. The total uplift
Piles from 20-ton to 30-ton capacity having resistance of a pile group is the smaller of the
a taper of 1 inch to 2 ½ feet can seldom be following.
driven more than 25 feet in loose sands.
The uplift resistance of a single pile times
c. Piles for preventing scour. Scour, which the number of piles in the group.
results from currents, floods, or ship-propeller
action, will significantly reduce the func- The uplift capacity of the entire pile
tional resistance of a pile. The bases of bridge group as a block (figure 6-2), which is the
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
requirements may be found by analyzing the piles is generally small, and therefore
settlement of pile groups (figure 6-4). The alternate types of shallow foundations should
reduction in settlement provided by friction be considered in lieu of friction piles.
FM 5-134
Settlement of a group of friction piles will Hence, a volume of soil eaual to that of the
tend to increase as the number of piles in the pile usually will be displaced (figure 6-5). This
group increases. Efficiency factors can be will cause ground heave between and around
used to calculate how to reduce the allowable the piles.
load to compensate for settlement. For piles
spaced wider than three pile diameters, the Driving a pile alongside those previously
reduced group capacity can be found by driven frequently will cause those already
multiplying the sum of the individual in place to heave upward.
capacities times the ultimate bearing capacity
times an efficiency factor which varies from In the case of piles driven through a clay
0.7 for a spacing of three pile diameters to 1 stratum to firm bearing beneath, the heave
for eight pile diameters. Alternatively, the may be sufficient to destroy the contact
pile groups are proportioned on the basis of between the tip of the pile and the firm
computed settlements. stratum. This may be detected by taking
level readings on the tops of piles pre
c. Uplift resistance. The resistance to uplift viously placed. Raised piles should be
of pile groups in clay is governed by the same redriven to firm bearing.
considerations that apply to uplift resistance
of pile groups in sand. The displacement of soil by the pile may
cause sufficient lateral force to move
d. Driving. Clay soils are relatively in- previously driven piles out of line or
compressible under the action of pile driving. damage the shells of cast-in-place concrete
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FM 5-134
e. Allowable load and spacing. Both the normally loaded clay of low sensitivity is
dynamic and static formulas indicate that an as follows.
allowable load of 15 tons per pile is reason-
able. The number of piles required to support
the load is 180/15 = 12 piles. As the piles are
founded in sand, no reduction for group
action is necessary. The piles should be
spaced 3 feet (three times the pile diameter)
center-to-center and could be arranged in 3
rows of 4 piles each. Piles should be 17 feet
long, providing an additional 2 feet required
for embedment and for differences in driving
resistances. If a concrete cap is used,
allowance must be made for embedment of
piles into the cap.
6-10. Point-bearing piles in sands with
deep clay stratum.
a. Task. Design a pile structure for soft soils
over a thick stratum of sand. Determine the
number of 15-inch timber piles required to
support a load of 180 tons including the
weight of the pile cap.
b. Conditions. Foundation conditions are
similar to those in paragraph 6-9 except that
the sand stratum is of limited thickness and
underlain by clay. The soil profile and (2) Pressure calculations. .All pressure
available soils data are shown in figure 6-8. calculations will be referred to the center of
the clay layer (elevation 268).
c. Allowable load. The allowable load per
pile, based on either the dynamic or static
formula, is determined to be 15 tons, as noted
in paragraph 6-9.
d. Settlement. The clay layer underlying
the sand stratum could result in undesirable where:
settlement of the pile foundation. Settlement
caused by consolidation is a matter of concern PO = existing overburden pressure
if the structure is not temporary. Con-
solidation settlement can be estimated using For simplicity, it is assumed that the piles
the stress distribution based on figure 6-4 and are arranged in a square pattern of 4 x 4.
the approximate method of settlement The increase in pressure, is obtained
analysis explained in TM 5-545. by assuming that the load is spread at
angle of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal, starting
(1) Basic equation. The basic equation for at the lower third point of the pile embed-
settlement due to consolidation of a ment in sands.
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(3) Settlemet formula. Estimated set- (4) Settlement estimate. The settlement
tlement as follows. may now be estimated as follows.
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FM 5-134
The moment of inertia J can be computed as
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C H A P T E R 8
FM 5-134
termites. Termites are active through the d. Mechanical forces. Timber piles in
tropics and subtropics in both wet and and waterfront structures or bridges are damaged
regions. Some species occur in the warmer by abrasive action between the mud line and
parts of temperate countries—for example, in the water or, in some cases, even above the
southern France—but they are not found high waterline. Wear can be caused by
in the colder parts of these regions. Termite floating craft, drifting objects, ice, and wave
activity is very destructive. In the tropics, or current action which scour the pile surface
timber piles in contact with the ground may with pebbles or coarse sand.
be destroyed in a few weeks unless they are
from a species resistant to termites. e. Fire. Timber piles, especially if creosoted,
are extremely susceptible to destruction by
c. Marine borers. Marine borers rapidly fire.
destroy untreated wooden structures in salt
water (figure 8-2). In the tropics they can do 8-2. Preventive measures.
severe damage in a few months unless the
timber is one of the few resistant species such a. Basics. Protection against wood-
as greenheart or turpentine wood (see destroying organisms can be obtained by
appendix). In temperate climates, attack is selecting naturally resistant timber species
generally slower and sporadic. Except for (see appendix) or by applying preservative
certain resistant species, timber piles are treatments. Natural resistance applies only
likely to be destroyed in a few years. to the heartwood. Sapwood, even of very
FM 5-134
durable species, is rapidly attacked by wood- copper throughout With the activity zone
destroying organisms. It is better, par- (mud line to the high waterline).
ticularly in the tropics, to use preservative
treatment rather than to rely on natural d. Protection from mechanical forces.
resistance. Pile fenders and dolphins are widely used to
protect pile foundations against floating
b. Protection from decay and insects. objects. Pile sheathing may be used to protect
The most effective prevention against decay against damaging erosion.
is by applying creosote or other treatment to
poison the food supply of insects. Charring e. Protection from fire. The danger of fire
the surface of the timber when practicable may be reduced when designing large
may provide protection against termites. waterfront structures by dividing the facility
into unite with fire walls or bulkheads which
c. Protection from marine borers. extend from the underside of the deck to a
Leaving the bark intact on untreated piles level below the low waterline. On permanent
affords some protection. Bark adheres best to structures, foam extinguishers should be
timber which is cut in the fall or winter. installed.
Creosoting will afford protection for five to 8-3. Preservative treatment.
ten years against some species of marine
borers. With other species, it is necessary to The life of timber piles is greatly lengthened
encase the pile in concrete or sheath it in by treatment with preservatives. Creosote oil
FM 5-134
is the most satisfactory material for treating b. Handling. Care must be taken in handling
timber piles and is most likely to be available treated timber to minimize the disturbance of
in military situations. Various other the treated surface. The effectiveness of the
chemicals, such as copper sulfate and zinc treatment depends on keeping the creosoted
chloride, are poisonous to animal life. Since surface unbroken. Timber hooks, pile poles,
most of these chemicals are soluble in water, and the like are not used on treated timbers. If
they leach out, rapidly losing their protective the surface must be punctured or cut, as in
effect. notching to apply a brace, protection is partly
restored by mopping on two or more coats of
a. Application. Wherever possible, all piling, creosote oil at a temperature between 175° F
as well as other timber members, should be and 200°F. Methods of applying preser-
treated at a preservative plant, normally vatives are the brush and pressure methods.
located alongside a sawmill, before being
dispatched to the site on which they are to be (1) Brush method. The least satisfactory
used. Piles intended for preservative method of treatment is the brush method
treatment should have all of the outer bark (figure 8-3), in which the preservative is
and at least 80 percent of the inner bark liberally applied like paint. The preser-
removed. Remaining strips of inner bark vative penetration obtained by this method
should not be more than ¾-inch wide nor is slight. Some improvement over the brush
more than 8 inches long.
FM 5-134
method is obtained by dipping the pile into because it is impractical for military
hot creosote. operations. Pressure-treated piles should
be used for all marine construction and
The chief use of hand applications is in wherever possible in deliberate con-
treating cuts or borings made on treated struction.
members during fabrication of a structure.
Such cutting should be avoided as much as 8-4. Concrete encasement.
possible, since it is important that an
unbroken shell of preservative be Effective protection can be provided by
maintained for adequate protection. Any encasing timber piles in concrete, usually by
cuts that cannot be avoided should receive grouting the annular space between the pile
careful attention. and a section of pipe. Precast concrete jackets
have been designed and used for permanent
Particular attention should be given to installations. Concrete jackets have also been
the protection of butt ends of treated timber formed by shooting concrete (guniting) on
piles when they are cut off. If the butt is to timber piles, either before or after driving.
be exposed at the cutoff, as in fender piles, The protective coating is generally from 1½
the end of the pile may be protected. The to 2-inches thick and reinforced with wire
cutoff end should be brushed liberally with mesh. Protection provided to the pile is
two coats of hot creosote oil, followed by a excellent.
heavy coat of coal-tar pitch (figure 8-3).
Protection is increased by applying two or 8-5. Sheathing.
three layers of pitch-soaked canvas coated
with sealing compound. It is desirable to Metallic sheathing is effective only if it is free
renew the protective coating every year by from holes. The protection provided is not
two heavy applications of hot creosote. permanent. Metal casings are sometimes used
around piles. The pile is prepared and driven,
Treated piles that are to be capped stir and the metal casing is slipped down around
cutting should be protected by application the pile after the driver has been removed.
of hot creosote oil and tar pitch. It is The space between the pile and the casing is
desirable to place a sheet of heavy roofing then filled with concrete. For timber sheet
paper or a metallic cap over the butt of the piles, a layer of tar paper sealed with mop-
pile before placing a timber cap. coated bituminous material and protected by
a wood sheathing placed over the face of the
Where treated piles in a foundation are piling. A thick coating of bituminous material
cut off before receiving a footing, the cutoff is effective as long as the coating remains
should be given two heavy coats of hot intact. This protection may last for hasty
creosote oil, allowing sufficient time construction in water infested by marine
between applications for absorption. borers. A longer-lasting method is to wrap
the pile with burlap or tar paper over the
(2) Pressure method. The most satisfactory coating and add another coating.
and enduring treatments are those carried
out in plants with equipment for pressure 8-6. Periodic inspection.
processes. Specifications normally require
a 12-pound retention of creosote per cubic Periodic inspection of pile foundations after
foot of wood. Considerable equipment is installation is important. Damage detected
required. The method is not described early can be more easily and economically
FM 5-134
repaired than later. For temporary waterfront Steel piles are subject to corrosion only
structures, inspection of the piling down to when extending through fresh water
the low water level may be sufficient. For polluted by industrial wastes which
important, permanent structures, inspection contain large amounts of corrosive acids.
down to the mud line should be made by
divers or by pulling a pile. The effects of Deterioration of steel piles in seawater
marine borers should be watched carefully can be rapid when waves spray salt
since deterioration may proceed very rapidly deposits on the piles. The zone of most
once they have entered the pile. Deterioration active corrosion lies between the low-tide
due to other causes may be accelerated by and high-tide levels.
borer damage. With some types of borers,
damage can be detected only by cutting the Steel piles are subjected to rusting when
wood. In such cases, it is valuable to drive a exposed to the air at the ground line and
pile like that used in the structure a short for several feet beneath the ground surface.
distance below the mud line. It may be pulled
and inspected periodically. b. Abrasion. Corrosion is accelerated by
abrasion caused by waterborne sand or gravel
Section II. STEEL PILES which is agitated by tidal action. Abrasion
alone is not a serious problem, except that
8-7. Damage and deterioration. when it damages the protective covering of
the pile, corrosion proceeds more rapidly.
The life of steel piles is generally not a matter Timber cladding offers temporary protection.
of concern in temporary military structures.
When a structure of longer life is involved or
exposure conditions are severe, the load- 8-8. Preventive measures.
carrying capacity and useful life of a steel
pile may be reduced by corrosion or abrasion. a. Bitumastic surfacing. It is often
desirable to provide a protective coating over
a. Corrosion. Corrosion is caused by the a portion of a steel pile. Paints used on
tendency of metals to revert from their free structural steel generally do not provide
state to the combined form in which they sufficient protection under severe corrosive
normally occur as ores. It is caused by a conditions. Some special paints, when
difference in potential between two points on available, are used with greater success.
a conducting material in the presence of an Coal-tar pitch or a bitumastic paint (hot or
electrolyte. In the case of a steel pile, the cold) is applied to the active zone before the
anode is the corroding surface; and the pile is driven. The portions exposed to the air
interior portion of the metal is the cathode. are maintained like other steel structures.
Corrosion may also be caused by sulphate- The success of surface coating depends upon
reducing bacteria which are widely dis- keeping the protective surface intact. If any
tributed in soils and natural waters. The rate cracks or pinholes are left in the coating,
of corrosion vanes sharply with the soil, heavy corrosive attack may occur at such
depth of embedment, water content, or the points. The surface must be prepared, and the
nature of the water in which the pile may be material applied evenly and completely.
b. Concrete encasement. Positive pro-
Steel piles in contact with undisturbed tection against severe corrosion, particularly
soil below the groundwater level will not be where abrasion is a contributing factor, can
subject to significant corrosion. be provided by encasing a steel pile in concrete
FM 5-134
over the length under the greatest attack. other schemes have been used to form a
Poured concrete encasements are used most concrete jacket around steel piles on
often (figure 8-4). A metal form is placed permanent and important structures. Details
around the pile over the desired length of of these methods are beyond the scope of this
protection, and the form is filled with dense manual.
concrete. Protection is from 2 feet below mean
low water to 3 feet or more above mean high c. Other measures. For temporary
water. The metal form may be left in place, structures where severe corrosion is expected,
thus providing additional protection. Many an obvious solution is to increase the size of
FM 5-134
steel piles. If piles are designed as columns, caused by the rusting of the reinforcement
working stresses used in the design may be steel and consequent cracking and spalling
reduced in anticipation of future reductions of the concrete. Prestressed piles tend to be
in sections caused by corrosion, thus more durable, as tension cracking is
achieving a similar result. Cathodic pro- minimized.
tection, if used correctly, will solve many
corrosion problems; however, it is seldom 8-11. Preventive measures.
practical in military structures.
Deterioration and damage are most pro-
8-9. Inspection. nounced in piles of poor quality concrete.
Generally, difficulties do not arise if a dense,
Steel piles which form a part of a permanent impervious concrete mix is used and if the
structure should be inspected periodically, steel reinforcement is provided with an
particularly in waterfront structures. Careful adequate (2 to 3 inches) cover of concrete.
attention must be given to the zone where the Careful handling and placing of precast piles
most severe corrosion is likely to occur to will avert excessive stresses and subsequent
detect damage as early as possible and to cracking. When concrete piles are subjected
apply remedial measures. If a protective to abrasion, metal shielding or timber
coating or concrete encasement is used, its cladding is used in the area of greatest
condition should be checked periodically to exposure.
make sure that it continues to fulfill its
intended function. Inspection to low water 8-12. Periodic inspection.
may be adequate in many cases; in other
cases, inspection by divers should be earned As with other types of pile foundations, a
out to the mud line. As with timber piles, it careful watch should be kept for signs of
may be desirable to pull a pile for inspection. deterioration, particularly for spalling of the
concrete and deterioration of the reinforcing
Section III. CONCRETE PILES steel.
FM 5-134
Has the load-carrying capacity of the pile b. Adding bents above the waterline.
foundation been reduced so seriously that Timber piles damaged or deteriorated above
its satisfactory use is impractical? In such the high waterline can be cut off level and
a case, it may be possible to repair the capped with a trestle bent to attain the
existing piles or drive new piles. elevation of the old stringers.
c. Using concrete extension piles.
8-14. Evaluations. Another method of rehabilitating timber piles
damaged above the waterline is to cut off the
The objective of an evaluation is to obtain all damaged pile, shape the butt end (tenon), and
information possible to evaluate the load- add an upper concrete section.
carrying capacity of the foundation and to
determine the most efficient rehabilitation d. Using cutoff and splice. Upper portions
procedures. Attention should be given to the of damaged or deteriorated piles may be
number and type of piles; size and alignment repaired by cutting them off level and splicing
external damage, such as the twisting or them. When long, unsupported timber piles
breaking from explosive charges; deter- are spliced with timber, the bending strength
ioration which may have taken place in the at the splice usually is much less than that of
areas of critical exposure; and underlying the unspliced pile. A stronger splice can be
soil conditions. Examine the remaining obtained with a reinforced concrete en-
portions of the superstructure, classify it, and casement. To make this type of splice, four
calculate the loads for which the super- 6-inch straps are bolted across the splice joint
structure was originally designed. If the to hold together the two sections of timber
original design followed good engineering pile. The ends of ten to twelve 6-foot re-
practice for the materials, construction, and inforcing steel bars (¾ inch) are bent, and the
design load, the piles are assumed to be able bars are placed longitudinally across the
to carry loads for which they were designed, splice joint. The ends are driven several
less the effects of damage or deterioration. inches into the pile. A cage of No. 10 wire
Details for this process are contained in FM mesh (4 inches x 6 inches), the same length as
5-36 and TM 5-312 for bridges and in TM-360 the unbent portion of reinforcing bar, is
for port and harbor structures. This estimate fastened to the bars. Five or six turns of wire
is appropriate for buildings unless they are are fastened to the top and bottom of the cage
unusually heavy structures. and stapled to the pile. A sheetmetal form is
then placed around the reinforcement for 5
inches of concrete encasement around the
8-16. Replacement and repair. splice. Bituminous material is used to seal the
joint between the concrete encasement and
Five procedures are used in replacing and the pile after the form is removed (figure 8-5).
repairing foundation piles.
e. Reconstructing damaged concrete
a. Replacing damaged piles. If a wharf, piles. Damaged portions of concrete piles
pier, or span can support the weight of a pile may be cut off with the original reinforcing
driver, several floor planks are removed; and bars extending above the concrete cutoff
the new piles are placed and driven through level. Forms are placed, reinforcement is
the hole. When an entire bent is replaced, it is added, and the piles are extended to the
capped and wedged tightly against the necessary level as described in chapter 2,
existing stringers. section IV.
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
d. Oak has been used for various types of short piles. Oak is expensive in many areas. There are
many types of oak, varying in characteristics. Meet varieties are strong, durable, and quite
resistant to decay. They must be creosoted to prevent borer attack, and the difficulty of
treatment varies. Oak corrodes steel and iron.
e. Lurch, a softwood which has moderate to high strength, is tough and durable, even when
alternately wet and dry. It is difficult to treat with preservatives. Western larch, found in the
United States, compares favorably with European larch.
f. Redwood is a softwood of medium strength, not widely used for piles. It has little resistance to
borers and can be treated with only moderate difficulty.
g. Mangrove, palm, and palmetto have been used in the southern United States, principally
because they have shown some resistance to attack by borers. They are very soft and are
generally jetted into place, They are unable to withstand normal driving. Piles of this type have
low strength and are used to support very light loads. They are susceptible to decay above the
h. Other woods which have been used for piles are cedar, cottonwood, elm, various gums, and
A-3. Central and South American timber.
a. Angelique is wood of Surinam which has considerable resistance to borers in tropical waters.
It contains silica, which aids in borer resistance.
b. Black kakarali is a hard, dense wood used in Guyana for waterfront structures. It has good
resistance to borer attack.
c. Foengo is from Surinam and has good resistance to borers in structures located in the Canal
d. Greenheart from Guyana and Surinam is an excellent wood for piles for marine structures. It
is resistant to borers, particularly in temperate zones. This is probably due to the alkaloid it
contains. Greenheart is resistant to treatment since it is dense and close grained.
e. Mahogany is an excellent wood for piles since it has high strength and durability. It is found
in various parts of Central and South America.
f. Manbarklak comes from Surinam. It is hard and heavy. It has a high silica content and offers
good resistance to borer attack. It has good service records in both tropic and temperate waters.
g. Mangrove, palm, and palmetto are used in various areas of Central and South America.
h. Purpleheart is found in Trinidad, Guyana, French Guiana, and Surinam. It is resistant to
decay, but more susceptible to borers than greenheart.
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
d. Sal is found in India and is used in waterfront structures. It has high strength and durability.
e. Acle is found in India and has high strength and good resistance to borers. It is widely used in
marine structures.
f. Pyinkado is a Burmese hardwood having good strength and durability. It is extremely
resistant to the penetration of preservative materials.
g. Kolaka is found in the Celebes and is used for piles in Indonesia. It is high in silica content,
thus is generally resistant to borers.
h. Chir is Indian wood used for piles. It has medium strength.
i. Deodar is used in India and has medium strength and durability.
j. Peon is an Indian wood with medium strength and durability.
k. Jarul is used to some extend in India and has high strength.
l. White siris is an Indian wood of high strength and durability.
A-7. Australian timber.
a. Ironbark has medium strength and good durability.
b. Jarrah is dense, impermeable wood. It has medium strength and high durability.
c. Karri, for use in pile structures, has properties similar to those of jarrah.
d. Tallow wood is a very dense, impermeable species having good durability.
e. Turpentine wood is dense, impermeable, and durable. Resistance to borers lies in the
properties of the bark, which must not be removed or damaged.
f. White or red gum has medium strength and high durability.
g. Totara is a New Zealand wood with good resistance to borer attack.
h. Other woods are available in this area of the world. For example, Australia has many
varieties of eucalyptus that are more resistant to borers than oak or pine.
FM 5-134
Adapters. Devices used to attach leads to the point of a crane boom.
Allowable load. The load which maybe safely applied to a pile based on bearing capacity and
Anchor pile. A pile used to resist tension or uplift loads.
Anvil. The part of a power-operated hammer which receives the blow of the ram and transmits it
to the pile.
Batter pile. A pile driven at an angle to the vertical.
Bearing pile. A pile driven or formed in the ground for transmitting the weight of a structure to
the soil by the resistance developed at the pile point or base and by friction along its sides.
Bent. A structural member or framework used for strengthening a bridge or trestle transversely.
Bracing. A system of inclined or horizontal structure members fastened to the piles of a bent or a
row to increase stability.
Brooming. Separation of fibers (usually at butt or tip of a timber pile) caused by improper
Cast-in-place pile. A pile formed by excavating or drilling a hole and filling it with concrete.
Compaction pile. A pile driven to increase the density of very loose, cohesionless soil.
Composite pile. A pile formed of one material in the lower section and another in the upper.
FM 5-134
Drop hammer. A weight with grooves in the sides, that falls on the end of the pile when driving.
Dynamic pile formulas. Equations which provide empirical determination of the approximate
load-carrying capacity of a bearing pile, based upon the behavior of the pile during driving. The
formula of principal value to the military engineer is the Engineering News formula.
End-bearing pile. A pile that derives its support from an underlying firm stratum.
Fender pile. A pile driven in front of a structure to protect it from damage from floating objects or
to absorb shock from impact.
Floating pile drivers. Pile drivers mounted on barges, rafts, or pneumatic floats. A floating
crane may be used as a pile driver when fitted with pile-driving attachments.
Follower. A member between the hammer and the pile to transmit blows to the pile when the top
of the pile is below the reach of the hammer.
Fore-batter guide. A beam extending from the forward end of the frame of a steel-frame,
skid-mounted pile driver to the leads.
Friction pile. A pile which derives its support from skin friction between the surface of the pile
and the surrounding soil.
Guide pile. A pile which guides driving of other piles or supports wales for sheet piling.
Heaving. Uplifting of earth, between or near piles, caused by pile driving. Also, uplifting of
driven piles in such a mass of earth.
FM 5-134
Helmet. A temporary steel cap placed on top of a concrete pile to minimize damage to the head
during driving.
Jetting. A method of forcing water around and under a pile to loosen and displace the
surrounding soil.
Lagging. Plates, strips, or blocks fastened to a pile to increase its load-carrying capacity.
Lead braces. Structural members used to fasten the leads to the base of the crane boom.
Leads. A frame (upright or inclined) which supports sheaves at the top for hoisting the pile and
hammer. The leads are equipped with parallel members for guiding the pile and hammer. They
may be fixed, swinging, or hanging, depending on how they are attached to the pile driver.
Log hammer. An expedient pile-driving hammer made up of hardwood and a steel base plate.
Moon beam. A slightly curved beam placed transversely at the forward end of the pile driver to
regulate side batter.
Pile. Load-bearing member of timber, steel, concrete, or a combination forced into the ground to
support a structure.
Pile bent. Two or more piles driven in a row transverse to the long dimension of the structure and
fastened together by capping and bracing.
Pile cap. A masonry, timber, or concrete footing formed to transmit the load from the structure
to the pile group.
Pile driver. A machine with a drop, steam, diesel, or pneumatic hammer with hoisting
apparatus, leads, and frame for driving piles. The machine may be placed on skids, a float, a
railroad car, or other mountings.
Pile-driving cap. A device placed on top of a pile to protect the pile and facilitate driving. It is also
referred to as a pile-driving helmet.
Pile-driving hammer. See drop hammer and pneumatic or steam hammer.
Pile extractor. A device used to pull piles, usually an inverted steam or air hammer with yoke
equipped to transmit upward pulls to the piles.
Pile foundation. A group of piles ueed to support a column or pier, a row of piles under a wall, or a
number of piles distributed over a large area to support a mat foundation.
Pile group. Bearing piles driven close together to forma pile foundation.
Pile line. A line (rope or cable) to lift a pile and hold it in place during the early stages of driving.
FM 5-134
Pile load test. A field load test conducted on a pile to determine its load-carrying capacity.
Pile shoe. A metal protection for the foot of a pile used to prevent damage or to obtain greater
penetration when driving into or through hard stratum.
Pipe piles. Steel pipe sections used as bearing piles.
Pneumatic or steam hammer. A stationary cylinder and a moving part, (the ram) which
includes the piston and striking head. Both single-acting and double-acting hammers are used.
Precast concrete piles. A reinforced or precast concrete pile cast and thoroughly cured before
Rail piles. Steel railroad rails used as bearing or sheet piles in expedient situations.
Ram. The rising and falling part of the hammer which delivers the blow.
Refusal. The condition when a pile driven by a hammer has zero penetration (as when a point of
the pile reaches an impenetrable stratum such as rock) or when the effective energy of the
hammer blow is no longer sufficient to cause penetration (as when the hammer is too light or its
velocity at impact is not adequate). The pile may cease to penetrate before it has reached the
desired supporting power. “Refusal” may indicate the specified minimum penetration per blow.
Set. The net distance by which the pile penetrates into the ground at each blow of the hammer.
Set-load curve. A curve showing the relationship between set and load for a given set of
conditions and a given dynamic pile formula.
Soil profile. A graphic representation of a vertical cross section of the soil layers below ground
Spliced pile. A pile composed of two or more separate lengths secured together, end to end, to
form one pile.
Spotter. A horizontal member connecting the base of fixed leads to the base of the crane boom.
The spotter can be extended or retracted to permit driving piles on a batter and also to plumb the
leads over the location of a vertical pile.
FM 5-134
Spud. A short, strong member driven and then removed to make a hole (for inserting a pile that
is too long to place directly in the pile driver leads) or to break through a crust of hard material.
Also a movable vertical pipe or H-section placed through a strong frame on a floating pile driver
or dredge to hold the vessel in position.
Spudding. The operation of raising and dropping a heavy pile to break through a thin layer of
hard material or an obstruction.
Steam hammer. See pneumatic or steam hammer.
Steel bearing piles. Rolled or fabricated sections used as piles.
Steel-frame, skid-mounted pile driver. A pile driver mounted on skids and made up of steel
Steel sheet piles. Steel shapes, rolled or fabricated, which become interlocked as they are
successively driven, thereby forming a continuous wall or cell which is capable of sustaining
lateral loads and resisting forces tending to separate them.
Stringer. A member at right angles to, and resting on, pile caps or clamps and forming a support
for the superstructure.
Tension pile. See anchor pile.
Test pile. A pile driven to determine driving conditions and required lengths. Also a loading test
may be made to determine the load-settlement characteristics of the pile and surrounding soil.
Timber pile. A bearing pile of timber, usually straight tree trunks cut off above groundswell with
branches closely trimmed and bark removed.
Timber pile driver. An expedient pile driver made up of dimensioned lumber.
Treated timber pile. A timber pile impregnated with a preservative that retards or prevents
deterioration due to organisms.
Tripod pile driver. An expedient pile driver made up of local timber and usually hand operated.
Ultimate bearing capacity. The maximum load which a single pile will support. The load at
which the soil cannot be penetrated.
Wakefield sheet piling. Timber sheet piles of three planks bolted or spiked together. The middle
plank is offset, forming a tongue on one side and a groove on the other.
Wale. A member extending along a row of piles and fastened to them which serves as a spacer for
the piles or support for other members. In a fender it absorbs shock and protects a structure or
floating craft from floating objects. It is also called waler or ranger.
FM 5-134
Welded-angle pile driver. An expedient pile driver made up of steel angles welded or bolted
Wood-frame, skid-mounted pile driver. A pile driver mounted on skids and made up of timbers.
FM 5-134
h height
in inch
incl including
lb pound
L length
MA medium arch
max maximum
MHW mean high water
min minimum
MLW mean low water
n number
OC on center
od outside diameter
P perimeter
pcf pounds per cubic foot
psf pounds per square foot
psi pounds per square inch
R radius
s straight web
SA shallow arch
SPT Standard Penetration Test
sq square
TOE table of organization and equipment
w/ with
FM 5-134
WF wide flange
Z Zee section
A cross-sectional area of a pile in square inches
Ap cross-sectional area of a pile in square feet
As shaft area
a adfreezing strength
b diameter of pier in feet
cc compression index
c tons per square foot
cx distance from Y-Y axis to pile for which P, is being calculated
cy distance from X-X axis to pile for which P, is being calculated
D diameter (used in formula)
d average diameter in inches measured at one-third of the pile length from
the butt
E elasticity of wood species in psi
e driving energy in foot pounds
eO initial void ratio
ex distance from point of intersection of resultant with plane of base of structure to
Y-Y axis
eY distance from point of intersection of resultant with plane of base of structure to
X-X axis
FC allowable compression stress parallel to grain
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
s average net penetration or pile set, in inches, per blow for the last 6 inches
of driving
v resultant of all vertical loads on pile group
summation of all vertical loads
w weight of striking parts in pounds
WL liquid limit
x coefficient of horizontal batter
y coefficient of vertical batter
θ angle of the batter
δ angle of shaft resistance
FM 5-134
I. REQUIRED PUBLICATIONS. Required publications are sources that users must read in
order to understand or to comply with this publication.
Technical Manuals (TM).
TM 5-303 Army Facilities Components System Logistic Data and Bills
of Materials
TM 5-312 Military Fixed Bridges
TM 5-545 Geology
TM 5-852-4 Arctic and Subarctic Construction Foundations for Structures
II. RELATED PUBLICATIONS. Related publications are sources of additional information.
They are not required in order to understand this publication.
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
Concrete piles, precast:
Availability 2-10
Curing 2-10
Durability 2-10
Forms 2-9
Handling 2-12
Manufacture 2-8
Placement 2-10
Shipment 2-12
Storage 2-12
Strength 2-10
Types 2-7
Construction, pile:
Deliberate 1-5, 2-1
Hasty 1-5, 2-1
Corrosion of steel piles 8-6
Cutting and capping of piles:
Anchoring piles 4-32
Concrete piles 4-30
Steel piles 4-30
Timber piles 4-30
Decay, timber piles 8-1
Definitions 1-1
Deterioration of piles:
Concrete 8-8
Steel 8-6
Timber 8-1
Determination of resistance in bearing stratum 5-11
Diesel hammers, pile-diriving 3-7
Distribution of loads to piles in a group, foundation design 6-1
Dolphins, defined 1-3
Drilled piles 4-33
Driving (see also pile-driving operations):
Cold weather 4-25
Driving problems 6-5
Permafrost 4-26
Pile driving in groups 6-1
Sheet piles 4-32
Underwater 4-25
Driving requirements 4-8
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
Basic considerations 8-8
Evaluation of existing pile foundations 8-9
Replacement and repair 8-9
Selection of diesel hammers for various sizes of piling
(table 3-1) 3-6
Sheathing, timber piles 8-5
Sheet piles: 2-13
Availability 1-1
Definition 1-1
Description 4-8
Driving 2-16
Expedient 3-14
Followers 2-13
Skid-mounted pile driver
Slenderness ratio 5-2
Splicing: 4-5
Steel piles 4-2
Timber piles
Standard H-piles 2-5
Standard sheet piles
Steel-frame, skid-mounted pile drivers
Steel piles: 8-6
Abrasion 8-6
Bitumastic surfacing 3-12
Caps 4-3
Cleaning 2-7
Durability 8-6
Encasement (concrete) 3-15
Follower 2-5
H-piles 2-7
Handling 4-5
Lagging 2-5
Other physical properties 8-8
Periodic inspections 8-6
Preventive measures 4-3
Reinforcing 2-5
Sections, other 2-7
Shipment 2-7
FM 5-134
Strength or consistency of undisturbed clays (table 5-1) 5-16
Structural design of piles:
Allowable pile stresses 5-2
Buckling failure 5-2
Driving stresses 5-2
Lateral loads 5-2
Timber piles:
Alignment 4-12
Availability 2-3
Concrete encasements 8-5
Damage and deterioration causes 8-1
Decay 8-1
Description 2-1
Deterioration, causes 8-1
Durability 2-3
Fire susceptibility 2-5
Flexibility 2-5
Follower 3-14
Handling 2-5
Lagging 4-2
Maintenance 2-3
Marine borers 2-2
Periodic inspection 8-5
Preparation 4-1
Preservative treatment 8-3
Preventive measures 8-2
Sheathing 8-5
Tabular form for determining load acting on each pile
(table 7-1) 7-6
Termites 8-1
Shipment 2-5
Sources 2-3
Splicing 4-2
Strength 2-3
Treatment of field problems encountered during pile driving
(table 4-1) 4-13
Tripod pile driver 3-15
Vertical loads, distribution on vertical piles 7-1
Vibratory driver, pile-driving 3-11
Welded-angle pile driver 3-18
Wood-frame, skid-mounted pile drivers 3-15
Working stresses for timber (table 2-3) 2-4
Wrapping timber piles 4-1
FM 5-134
18 APRIL 1985
Brigadier General United States Army
The Adjutant General
Active Army, ARNG, and USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11 A, Require-
ments for Engineer Construction and Construction Support Units (Qty rqr block no. 33) and DA
Form 12-34B, Combat Support (Qty rqr block no. 90).
Additional copies may be requisitioned from the US Army Adjutant General Publications Center,
2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220-2896.
C H A P T E R 1
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
FM 5-134
1-7. Comparative costs. piling materials on the basis of cost per linear
foot is misleading since the costs of shipping
Comparative costs of piling materials are and handling, the job conditions affecting
computed on the dollar cost per ton of bearing driving techniques, and the relative load-
capacity for the entire foundation. Comparing bearing capacities all affect the overall cost.