A Report On Energy, Its Production and Consumption in World and Pakistan
A Report On Energy, Its Production and Consumption in World and Pakistan
A Report On Energy, Its Production and Consumption in World and Pakistan
In the world 38.3% energy is obtained by burning of coal , wood and vegetation ,19%
through hydro power , 17.5% by nuclear , 14.9% by gas , 9.9% by oil , 0.4% by wind ,
solar etc.
In USA 11753 kwh is the consumption per capita ,In JAPAN 6176 kwh , In
SINGAPORE 889 kwh ,In MALYSIA 1146 kwh , In IRAN 724 kwh , THILAND 636
kwh , In CHINA 448 kwh , In PAKISTAN 340 , In INDIA 292 kwh.
There are 2.5 billion people in the world without access of electricity.
We have seen that as we move to the developed countries the electricity
consumption is increasing per capita.
The china has low consumption per capita due to its abundant population it does
not mean that china is not developed. This is the same case for some other countries like
Five Years of Energy Consumption by sector
The total energy consumption in the country during 2002-3 was 52655 GWH(Gega Watt
Hour). Where as the total energy consumption during the year 2007-8 was 73400 GWH.
The energy consume by the major sectors during the year 2002-3 and 2007-8 is tabled
Sector 2002-3(%) 2007-8(%) Status(%)
Commercial 6.1% 7.5% 1.4% (INC.)
Industrial 30.7% 28.2% 2.5% (DEC.)
Agricultural 11.4% 11.5% 0.1% (INC.)
Domestic 44.9% 45.9% 1% (INC.)
Bulk supplies 6.3% 5.9% 0.4% (DEC.)
Others 0.6% 0.8% 0.2% (INC.).
This table shows that we consume the major portion of energy for house hold purposes
which is about 45%. Moreover it is increasing day by day.
The others row shows energy consumed for street lights and for traction etc. which have
been increased by 0.2% (from 0.6% to 0.8%).A number of roads and streets have been
enlightened in this time interval.
Agricultural which is participating abundantly in the GDPA of the country is consuming
only 11.5% with a increase of 0.1% only.
Our industry is consuming energy up to 28.2% with a decrease of 2.5%. The decrease
in consumption of energy in industrial unit is due to wrong policies which our
government has made. The new industrial units are not establishing due to these wrong
Five years of Coal Consumption by sector
Coal is very important mineral source of energy. In Pakistan it is generally not of good
quality. So it was firstly used in brick kilns for making bricks, but in recent it is
frequently used in cement industry also. Infect more then 50% coal is used in cement
industry. Detail consumption of coal in 2002-3 to 2007-8 is tabled below.
Total coal consumption in 2002-3=4.89 million tone
Total coal consumption in 2007-8=10.11 million tone