Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism 1 Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism
Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism 1 Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism
Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism 1 Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism
Nationalism 1
Aligarh Movement and Muslim Nationalism
Sarmad Lashari
SZABIST, Karachi.
Aligarh Movement and Muslim
Nationalism 2
This research paper is an analytical view of the Aligarh Movement, the new idea that changed
the paradigms of Muslim politics in the sub-continent. It is also interesting to see the double
dealing of our scholars, at one point they resisted to merge with the Indian ethos, principles and
culture which was their local identity and on the other hand, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wanted to
restore trust and confidence with British Government. He tried to implement the British style of
This paper will uncover how the Aligarh movement helped to construct the favorable atmosphere
for independence and how the original culture and way of living of Muslims was manipulated by
The Aligarh Movement was an attempt to rectify the political system of Muslims by enhancing
the British education and political field. This change in nature was obtained successfully under
According to Ashok Mehta “No only the Muslims were economically crushed,
educationally and socially also their position was deliberately depressed by the government. In
1870, the Mohammedan pleaders presented two memorials to the high court pointing out that
while closed holidays allowed to Christians were sixty two and to Hindus fifty two, only eleven
were granted to Mohammedans. This shows the injustice to Muslims and they were also hated by
the international world, the British government blamed the Muslims for waging the War of
Aligarh Movement resulted in Muslim nationalism in the country and brought social and
political awareness amongst Muslim youth. This movement proved to be the torch bearer of the
Ahmed Khan in the following words “Syed‟s services to his community may be summarized in
the following phrases: Preached and practiced loyalty to the British rule. From his speeches,
writings and letters it is not difficult to read his mind. First, the only way nipping off the stigma
of Muslim instigation of the mutiny was to make friends with the British and thus to make them
disabuse the idea that Muslims were their traditional enemies. He was sagacious enough to
realize that British control would not cease in any foreseeable future. It was ordinary common
Aligarh movement was the direct corollary of the catastrophe of the 1857 War of Independence,
in which the Muslims failed to dislodge the British from the Sub-Continent. Consequently, the
British rulers turned against the Muslims and they victimized them in political, economic, social
The most severe was the economic distress. According to W.W. Hunter “ All sorts of
employment, big and small were being gradually snatched away from the Mohammedans and
A survey conducted in 1871 showed that out of a total 2171 persons employed in the
Bengal government, only 92 were Muslims with 711 Hindus and 1338 Europeans”.
Aligarh Movement and Muslim
Nationalism 5
After the War of Independence, the British had become suspicious of the role of the
Muslim community. Sir Syed wanted to restore the prestige of the Muslims in their eyes.
The Aligarh Movement began with the publication of Sir Syed‟s pamphlet “Essay on the causes
of the Indian Revolt” in 1858. In this pamphlet, he attributed the mutiny to the British ignorance
of the Indian mind. Later on, he wrote „The loyal Mohammedans of India‟ in which he defended
Dr. Ishtiaq Qureshi writes “From 1858 up to about 1870 nearly all British politicians, authors
and administrators unresistingly blamed the Muslims for the mutiny, but in the 1870‟s a change
Muslim nationalism emerged and the two nation theory came into records. Sir Syed used the
word „Nation” for the Sub continent. Here exists a conflict, He saw a problem of Muslims living
in India and believed that Muslims had their distinct culture and a separate country shall be
labeled on the basis of religion. At the same time, He preached the people to get English
education and accept foreign dominancy. Muslims were going on a lower level of slavery
because of this. Muslims were resistant at that time and today, same is the case. Hardliner
Muslims are still struggling against the policies of the west. According to V.A. Smith “Sir Syed
was not concerned with material things only. His movement was inspired by one of general
reforms. It was inspired by the thought that Muslims of India were separate people and Nation
Sir Syed was a great educationist; educational institutions established under the influence
of Aligarh Movement educated the Muslim community. MAO College Aligarh alone produced
According to Chaudhry Rehmat Ali “The monumental work of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
was the founding of MAO College at Aligarh in 1877. He wanted to build a University which
was later fulfilled in 1920. The College was more than an educational institution. It was a symbol
of broad movement affecting every phase of Muslim life- religious, economic, social and
literary. To carry the message of Muslim reformation, Sir Syed organized the Muslim
educational Conference which used to hold public meetings in various parts of the country
advocating the need of education in the country for Muslims. The greatest service these meetings
did was to arouse a spirit of action and self help within the Muslims of the Sub Continent”.
In the views of V.A Smith “In 1920, the MAO College became the Aligarh Muslim
University. It both enabled the talented young Muslims to compete on terms with the Hindus for
government service and in a public life and gave him a dynamic which his community seemed to
have lost”
The Aligarh Movement not only inculcated the spirit of nationalism in the Muslims but
also educated them and brought prosperity and progress in their ranks. Knowledge of English
language and modern science enabled the Muslims to get important government jobs. Thus with
the passage of time the number of Muslim government servant grew at an amazing rate and thus
Also, the Aligarh movement did a great service to Muslims in preserving their cultural
values which included the Urdu language. The Hindi-Urdu controversy had convinced Sir Syed
that the Hindus were not sincere towards the Muslims. He issued a magazine entitled „Tehzib ul
ikhlaq‟ in Urdu language in order to promote Urdu. Eminent Urdu writers like Syed Ahmed,
Shibli Nomani, Mohsin Ul Mulk, Maulana Hali and Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad
contributed a number of articles for this magazine. These articles were written in simple
The movement not only educated the Muslims but also groomed their political leadership
skills. After the death of Sir Syed in 1898, his colleagues led the Muslim Nation successfully.
These leaders matched the wits and skills of their adversaries effectively and defended the
political and social rights of Muslims. After getting educated and becoming prosperous
economically, Muslims also acquired a respectable social status and position in the Hindu
dominated society. Muslims succeeded in occupying high governmental posts and started
wielding power.
The negative side of the Aligarh movement is that it separated the Muslims from the co-
existence with the Hindus in the Sub Continent. If both the communities were together today, we
would have been a super power in the world with greater economic power and cultural values of
The British system has many drawbacks. We have lost our originality and authenticity in
every field be it education, health or culture. We are still the ideological slaves of the British
Empire. If the Muslims had refused the Aligarh Movement, who knows that we might have been
Aligarh Movement and Muslim
Nationalism 8
the next Korea or China. Even today their exists a resistance of the so called enlightenment and
Ikram Rabbani, Introduction to Pakistan Studies, Caravan Book House, Lahore (2005)