Ravenshaw University Master in Computer Application First Semester MC - 1.1 Computer Organization and Architecture Unit 1
Ravenshaw University Master in Computer Application First Semester MC - 1.1 Computer Organization and Architecture Unit 1
Ravenshaw University Master in Computer Application First Semester MC - 1.1 Computer Organization and Architecture Unit 1
Unit I
Introduction to Data structure : Abstract Data Type (ADT), array as an ADT,
implementing arrays, String manipulation using arrays, Stack, Representation of Stacks,
Infix and Postfix expression and conversion of one to other. The Queue and its sequential
Unit II
Linked lists : Lists in C, Simulation using linked list, Circular Lists, Stack and Queue as
circular lists, Doubly linked lists, Representing lists as Binary trees, General lists.
Unit III
Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, Trees and their application. Sorting : Efficiency
of sorting, Quick sort, Selection sort, Heap sort, Simple insertion sort and merge sort.
Unit IV
Basic search Techniques : Tree searching, Multiway search trees, B-trees. Hashing : Hash
table, Hash table recording, Binary tree Hashing, Coalesced hashing, Hashing in external
storage, Dynamic Hashing.
Unit V
Graphs flow problem, Depth first and breadth first traversal, Garbage collection,
Dynamic memory managements (first fit, best fit and word fit, Boundary tag method)
Text Books:
Y Langsam, M. J. Augensyein, A.M. Tanenbaum, “Data Structures using C and C++” 2 nd
Edition, Prentice Hall of India (1997)
Chapters 1 (1.1, 1.2), 2, 4 (excluding 4.6), 5(excluding 5.3 & 5.6), 6, 7, 8 (8.1, 8.2, 8.4), 9
References Books::
R. L. Bruse, B.P. Leuns, C. L. Tondon, “Data structure and Program Design in C”, PHI
M.A. Weiss, “Data structure and algorithm Analysis in C : Addision Wesely Longmans
MC 2.4 Accounting for Management and Control
Unit I
Basics : Meaning, Objectives, Need and branches of Accounting Merits and Limitations
of financial Accounting, Basic accounting terms, Accounting concepts and conventions,
Journal and ledger, Sub-division of journal.
Unit II
Trial Balance, Error and Suspense Account (Without rectification of error), Capital and
Revenue (Income and expenditure), Depreciation Accounting Meaning, Causes and
Types of depreciation (Simple problems from Straight line method and fixed percentage
on Diminishing Balance Method only).
Unit III
Final Account (Simple), Final Account (With adjustment), (Simple problems only)
Unit IV
Meaning, Objects, Functions and Elements of cost, Cost sheet or statement of cost
(Simple problems without tender and quotations), Classification of costs, Budget and
Budgetary control, Meaning of Budget and Budgetary control, Objectives, Merits and
Limitations of Budgetary control, Classification and types of Budgets (Simple problems
only from flexible budgets and Receipt and payment method of cash budgets),
Responsibility Accounting and Reporting, Nature and Requirements of Responsibility
Accounting, Cost control through Responsibility Accounting (Without problems).
Unit V
Standard Costing, Meaning and steps involved in standard costing, Standard costing Vs.
Budgetary Control, Types of Standards, Merits and limitations of standard costing,
Analysis of variances, Meaning and types of variances, Direct material Variance, Direct
Labour variance, Overhead Variance and Sales Variance. (Simple or no problem),
Marginal Costing, Meaning, Characteristics and assumptions of margical costing,
Marginal Costing Vs. Absorption Costing, Contribution and P/V Ratio, Cost-Volume-
Profit Analysis. Ascertainment of BEP and Margin of safety, (Simple problems),
Managerial Decisions, Pricing, Profit Planning, Make or Buy. Key of Liniting factors,
Suitable sale Mix, Alternative methods of production, Optimum Level of Activity and
Evaluation of Performance. (Simple Problems).
Book Prescribed
Study material developed by the MCA dept. of Ravenshaw College.
MC 2.5 Probability Combinatories
Unit I
Basic Concepts & Descrete Random Variables : Motivation, Probability models, Sample
space, Events, Algebra of events, Graphical method of representating events, Bayes rule,
Bermoulli trial, Random variable and their event space, The probability mass function,
Distribution function, Special discrete distribution, The probability generating function,
Discrete random vectors, Independent random variables.
Unit II
Continuous Random variables : Introduction to random variables. The exponential
distribution, The reliability, Failure density and hazard, Some important distribution,
Function of a random variable, Jointly distributed random variable, Order statistics,
Distribution of sums, Functions of normal random variables.
Unit III
Expectation : Moments, Expectation of functions of more than one random variable,
transform methods, Moments and transforms of some important distribution,
Computation to mean time to failure, inequalities and limit theorem, Mixture distribution,
Conditional expectation, Imperfect fault coverage & Reliability, Random sums.
Unit IV
Elementary Combinatory: Basic of counting, Combination and permutation with
repetition, binomial coefficient, The Binomial and multinomial theorem. The principle of
inclusion and exclusion.
Unit V
Recurrence Relation: Generating functions of sequences, calculating coefficients of
generating functions, recurrence relation, solving recurrence relation by substitution and
generating functions. The method of characteristic roots, solution of inhomogeneous
recurrence relations.
Text Books
1. Probability and statistics with Reliability, queuing & Computer science
application By Kishore Trivedi, PHI(1992) Ch 1,2(excluding 2.6), 3, 4, 5
2. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists & Mathematicians- J. L. Mott, A.
Kandel, T. P. Baker,PHI(1992) Ch 2 & 3.
Third Semester
Unit 1
Database and data users. Database system concept .Data abstraction instance, Schemas
Data independence .DDL,DXA, DBMS architecture Data modeling using the entity
relationship model .enhanced entity relationship model. Overview of Network and
Hierarchical models.
Unit II
The relational data model, Relational constraints .Relational algebra .ER and ERR to
relational mapping ,Relational calculus. The domain relational calculus.
Unit III
SQL: Basic queries .Complex queries ,Insert delete and update statement in SQL, Views,
Constraints and assertion .
ORACLE: Basic structure of a oracle system. Database structure and its manipulation .
Storage organization ,Oracle tools, QBE.
Unit IV
Functional dependencies and normalization for relational databases. Relational database
design algorithms. Multivalued join and inclusion dependencies.
Practical database design and tuning.
Unit V
Query processing and Optimization : Basic algorithms for Query operations, Using
heuristics ,selectivity & cost estimates in query optimization ,semantic query
optimization .
Text Book
R.Elmarsari and S.B.Navate “Fundamental of Database systems” Addision Wesely
Unit I
Introduction : A Data Communication ,Network Protocols and standards, point to point
and multi point line configuration ,Network topologies ;Mess, star, Tree ,Bus, Ring
Transmission Models : Simplex ,Half Duplex, Networks :LAN , MAN ,WAN.The OSI
Models : Function of layers .TCP IP protocol suit
Signals: Analog and digital signals, Periodic and Aperiodic signal ,
Encoding And Modulating : Digital to digital conversion .Unipolar .Polar Bipolar
,Analog to Digital conversion AM,FM,PM
Unit II
Transmission of Digital data : Parallel and serial transmission .DTEDCE interface
.Modems, Guided and unguided transmission media. Transmission impairment
Multiplexing : Frequency division .Wave division and time division multiplexing ,the
telephone system ,digital subscribe line(DSL) .Error detection and correction :Type of
errors, redundancy Cheeks ( VRC,LRC,CRC ) ,Error Correction .
Unit –III
Data Link Control : Line discipline ,flow Control ,Error control .
Data link protocol : Asynchronous and synchronous , protocols ,Character ans bit
oriented protocols.
Local Area Networks : IEEE 802 standards, Ethernet Token bus, token Ring ,FDDl
Switching : Circuit Switching ,Packet Switching ,Message Switching .
Unit IV
Integrated services Digital Network (ISDN), services, History , Subscribers access to
ISDN ,the ISDN layers ,Broadband ISDN.
X.25 : X.25 Layers ,Protocols releted to x.25
Frame Relay : Introduction, Frame Relay operation . Frame Relay layers, Congestion
control , leaky bucket algorithm . Traffic Control .
Unit V
Networking and Internetworking devices: Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateways.
Routing Algorithms.
TCP IP Protocol Suite: Overview ,Network Layer ,Addressing subneting, Transport layer
.Application layer : Client server model ,BOOTP ,DHCP, DNS ,Telnet ,FTP ,SMTP
Text Book
Black U “ Computer Network Protocols, Standards and interface “Prentice Hall
Salling W “Computer Communication Networks “ Prentice Hall
Tannenbaum A.S “ Computer Networks” PHI
Bartee T.C “data Communication ,Network and systems” BPB
Schweber W>L”Data Communication “Mc Graw Hill
Steven W.R: TCP/IP Illustrated ,Vol 1 ,The protocols” Addition Wesley
MC 3.3 Object Oriented Programming Using C++
Unit I
Introduction t object oriented Programming , Features of OOPS . Getting started with c++
syntax –Data type , variables , operators , strings, Functions & recursion ,exception and
namespace ,Flow of control .Array of objects, structures . Function overloading ,Default
Unit II
Unit III
Operator overloading – Overloading of unary & binary operators, overloading using
operators function & friend function Overloading of insertion and exertion operator
.Pointer to object , this pointer , copying object.
Type Conversion – Class t basic conversion , Basic to Class conversion .
Unit IV
Unit V
Exception Handling : Exception and derived classes, try cutch throw statements ,catching
all exception ,unexpected exception, rethrowing an exception
Templates and standard Template Library : Function template , Templates and standard
template Library : Function template, Templates function , class template template class,
Introduction to STL –Algorithm ,Coutainer ,Iterator
MC 3.4 Written and Oral Technical Communication
Written Communication
1.1 Developing a topic, Sentence into a paragraph of about 100 words. Identifying the
topic sentence. Identifying paragraph division when three or more paragraphs are
given as one paragraph. Arranging three or more paragraphs in right order. Arranging
five sentences into a paragraph with suitable sentence linkers. Writing a transition
paragraph when preceding and succeeding paragraphs are given.
1.2 Technical Report writing
1.3 Essay writing
1.4 Writing an official / Business letter, Preparation of Bio-Data
1.5 Note-making, Summarizing form a given passage
1.6 Communicative Grammar
a) Time, Tense and Aspect
b) Verbs of states and events
c) Statements, Questions, Responses
d) Mood, Emotions, Attitude
Oral Communication
2.1 Listening to spoken utterances with reasonable comprehension and speaking with
clarity, fluency and accuracy in common everyday situation and formal occasions.
The basic sounds of English shall be introduced I bare outlines.
Vowels Long and short vowels : el / X / N, Consonants : /f, v. o, x, s, z 3/
Stress including weak forms and intonation (failing and rising)
a) To introduce self and others.
b) To ask for information, help, permission, etc.
c) To instruct, command, request, invite, refuse, prohibit, suggest, persuade and
promise, etc.
d) To describe objects, processes.
e) To define, compare, classify, example life and emphasis.
f) To face an interview
g) Some polite formulate expression (Official invitations etc) along with their
appropriate responses shall be taught.
2.2 Seminar Presentation
2.3 Group Discussion
Reference Books
1. Oxford guide to writing & speaking English – John Sealy
2. On your own – J.Carrol Brekdear
3. A millennium guide to writing & speaking Englist – Chand & B.C.Das
4. A communicative grammar of English – Geoffrey Leach & Jan Sartvik
5. Better English Pronunciation – J.D.O.Conner
6. The essence of effective communication – Ludlow, Ron, Panton
MC 3.5 Numerical & Statistical Computing
Unit 1
Solution of linear system of equations : Gaussian Elimination and Pivoting, Matrix
Inversion, Triangular Factorization, Iterative methods for linear systems.
Polynomial approximation : Newton Polynomials, Chebyshev Polynomial.
Unit 2
Curve Fitting : Least-Square line, Curve fitting, Interpolation by Spline Functions.
Integration : Composite Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rule, Adaptive Quadrature, Gauss-
Legendre Integration.
Unit 3
Statistical Inference : Parameter Estimation. The method moments, Maximum likelihood
estimation, Confidence intervals, Sampling for normal, Exponential and poisson
distribution, Estimation with dependent samples, Hypothesis testing, Test on population
mean and two means.
Unit 4
Regression, Correlation : Introduction, Least squares curve fitting, The coefficient of
determination, Confidence intervals in linear regression. Correlation analysis, Simple
nonlinear regression, Higher dimensional least square fit.
Unit 5
Small sampling theory : X2 test-hypothesis concerning variance, Goodness of fit, Test of
independence of attributes, F-test-test of variance of two populations, Analysis of
variance (One way & two way classified data).
Text Books
1. Numerical Methods doe Mathematics, Science & Engineering – J.H.Mathews,
Fourth Semester
Unit I
Introduction to design and analysis of algorithms. Growth of functions, Recurrences.
Application to analysis of heap soil: Priority queues & Rabin. - Karp string matching
Unit II
Algorithm design & Analysis techniques (I) : Divide and conquer & randomization.
(Examples : Quick sort. Miller - Rabin Primality test. Lower bound for soiling,
Unit III
Algorithm design & Analysis techniques (II) : Dynamic Programming (Examples :
Matrix chain multiplication. Travelling salesman problem). Greedy Method (Examples :
Activity - Selection problem. Job sequencing with deadlines). Backtracking (Examples :
8-Quecns problem and Subset sum problem).
Unit IV
Graph Algoritluns : Data structure for disjoint sets. Minimum spanning tree (Algorithm
of Kruskal & Prim), Single source shortest paths (Dijkstra's Algorithm), All pairs shortest
paths (Floyd - Warshall algorithm).
Unit V
NP-Completeness & Approximation Algorithms : Polynomial time Polynomial lime
verification, NP-Completeness & redudbiliry. NP-completeness proofs XP-Completeness
problems, (Hamiltonian-Cycle problem & Travelling-salesman problem). Approximation
algorithms for travelling-sales man problem.
Text Books
1. Introduction to Algorithms [.H.Coreman. C.E.Leiserson. R.I.Rivest(PHI 2000)
Ch 1,2,4 (excludmg4,l). 7, 8, 9(9.1), 16(16.1,16.2). 17(17.1,17.2), 22(22.1 -22.3),
24 25(25.1. 25.2). 26(26.2), 34(34.2), 36, 37(37.2)
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - E.Horowitz, S.Sahni, S.Rajasekharn
Ch 4(4.4^5(5.9), 7(7.1 - 7.3)
Reference Books
1. The Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms -- Alio, Hopero.fi, Ullman,
Addison Wesley Longmans, 1998
2. Fundamentals of Algorithms - G.Brassard. P.Bratley, Pearson Education-1998
MC 4.2 Software Engineering
Unit I
Software engineering uses.
Software life cycle models : Water fall. Prototyping. Spiral and comparison of different
Soil ware project management : Project planning, project size estimation matrices, project
estimation techniques. COCOMO, Analytical technique, Staffing, Risk management,
Unit II
Requirement Analysis and Specification : Requirement analysis, Software requirement
specification (SRS), Characteristics. Organization of SRS document. Prototype outline
for SRS.
Unit III
Software Design : Various software design concepts, Cohesion and coupling,
Structured design methodology(SDM).
Function Oriented Software Design : Structured analysis, DFD, Structured design,
Flowchart Vrs. Structured chart. Transformation of DFD into a structured chart.
Object Oriented Design : Object oriented concepts. Comparison with function oriented
concepts. Graphical representation. Design methodology. OOD goodness criteria.
Unit IV
User Interface Design : Characteristics. User guidance, GUI Vrs. Text based u«cr
interface, .Menu based. Command language based windowing systems. Coding and
Testing : Coding, Software documentation, resting. Unit testing. Black box testing. White
box testing. Debugging, Integration and System testing.
Unit V
SAV Reliability and Quality Assurance ; Reliability metrices. Reliability growth
Software Quality : ISO-9000. ISO-9000 for S/W industry.
Computer Aided Software Engineering : CASE and its scope. Benefits. CASE support in
lifecycle. Other characteristics. Architecture of CASE environment. Future of CASE.
Software maintenance.
Text Books
1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering Rajib Mall. FED
2. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering - Pankaj Mote
Reference Books
1. Software Engineering Concept - R.S.Prassman
2. Software Engineering Concept - R.E.Fairely
3. Software Engineering - Ian Sommerville
MC 4.3 Microprocessor
Unit I
The Genesis of Java : Creation of Java, Importance of Java to the internet, Java’s magic :
The Byte Code, The Java Buzzwords.
An overview of Java : Object-Oriented Programming Principles, Compiling the first
simple Java Program.
Data Types, Variables and Arrays : Integers, Floating Point Types, Characters, Booleans,
Variables, Type Conversion and Casting, Arrays and Strings.
Operators : Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational, Boolean, Logical, Assignment, Conditional,
Operator Precedence.
Control Statement : Selection Statement, Iteration Statement, Jump Statement
Introduction to Classes : Class Fundamentals, Declaring object, Methods, Constructors,
The This Keyword, Garbage Collection, The finalize() Method.
Methods and Classes : Overloading Methods, Using object as parameters, Returning
objects, Recursion, Static Data member and Member functions, The final keyword,
Command line argument.
Unit II
Inheritance : Inheritance Basics, Use of super, Creating multilevel Hierarchy, Method
overloading, Abstract Class, Using final with Inheritance.
Packages and Interfaces : Packages, Access Protection, Importing Packages and
Exception Handling : Exception Handling fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught
Exception, Using try and catch block, Multiple catch clauses, Nested try statements,
Using throw, Throws, finally keyword.
Multithreaded Programming : The Java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a
Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Using isAlive() and Join(),Thread Priorities.
Unit III
String Handling : String Constructors, String Length, String Concatenation, Character
Extraction, String Comparison, Searching Strings, Modifying a String, Data Conversion.
Lang Package : Wrapper Classes, Process, Runtime, System, Object, Class, Class Loader,
Util Package : Collection Classes and Interfaces, Accessing Collection via an Iterator,
Legacy Classes and Interfaces.
Input/Output : I/O Basics, Reading Console Input, Writing Console Output, Reading and
Writing Files, File. Stream Classes, Byte Streams, Character Streams.
Unit IV
Applet Class : Applet Basics, Applet Architecture, Applet Skeleton, Simple Applet
Display Methods, Requesting Repainting, The HTML and APPLET tag, Passing
Parameters to Applet.
Event Handling : Event Handling Mechanism, The Delegation Event Model, Event
Classes, Event Listener Interfaces.
AWT Packages : The AWT Class, Windows Fundamentals, Working with Frame
Windows, Working with Graphics, Working with Colors, Working with Fonts.
Using AWT Control, layout Managers and Menus : Control Fundamentals, Labels,
Buttons, Check Boxes, Checkbox Group, Lists, Text Field, Text Area, Layout Manager.
Unit V
Swing : Japplet, Icons and Labels, Text Fields, Buttons, Combo Boxes, Tabbed Panes,
Scroll Panes.
Images : File Formats, Image Fundamentals.
Networking : Networking Basics, Java and the Net.
Java Database Connectivity.
Text Book
Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference JAVA, Tata Mcgraw-
Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
Reference Book
1. Balaguruswami, Programming with JAVA, TMH
2. Arnold Ken et al, The Java programming Language, Pearson Education
MC 4.4 Organisational Behaviour
Unit I
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour : Organisation and man, The concept of OB and
its nature and scope. Contributing disciplines to the field of OB, Challenges and
opportunities for OB, OB models.
Unit II
Foundations of Individual Behaviours : Concepts of personality, Perception, Learning
and attitudes (Preliminary concepts and theories), Values. Attitude and Job satisfaction.
Unit III
Motivation and Job satisfaction : Meaning, Concept and motivational process, Basic
theories of motivation (Megregar, Maslovv, Herzberg, Alderfer, McClelland, Vroom),
From concepts to application (MBO, Employee Recognition programmes, Employee
involvement, etc.)
Unit IV
Interpersonal and Group process : Group dynamics (Classifying groups, Stages of
development Sociometry, Work group behaviour, Group decision making, Team
organisational communication, Transactional analysis)
Unit V
Organisational Dynamics : Leadership process (Trait Behavioural and contingency
theories), Contemporary issues in leadership, Organisational change and development
(Force for change. Planned change, Change agents and resistance to change). Its
implications for managers. Organisational Development (OD) approach.
Text Book
1. Organisational Behaviour : Concept, Controversies and Application - Stephen P.
Robbins, PHI
Reference Books
1. Organisational Behaviour : K.Aswasthappa, Himalaya Pub. House, Murnbai
2. Organisational Behaviour : L.M.Parsad
3. Organisation Theories and Behaviour : V.S.P.Rao & Narayanan
4. Organisational Behaviour : Lutans. McGraw International
MC 4.5 Optimisation Techniques
Unit I
The Simplex Method : Computational procedure, .Artificial variable techniques, Two-
phase simplex method.
Duality in linear programming : Concept of duality. Formulation of primal dual pairs,
Duality and simplex method, Dual simplex method and algorithm, Computational
procedure of the revised simplex method.
Unit II
Transportation Problems : Mathematical formulation, Vogel's method with optimality test
- MODI method, Unbalanced transportation problem. Assignment problem -
Mathematical formulation, Hungarian assignment method, The travelling salesman's
Unit III
Sequencing problems : Problems with n jobs & 2 machines, n jobs and k machines, 2 jobs
and k machines.
Integer Programming : Gomory's methods, Branch & Bound method.
Network Scheduling : Basic terms, Critical path methods, PERT.
Unit IV
Queuing Theory : Characteristics of queuing systems, Poisson process and exponential
distribution, Steady state M/M/T, M/M/C (Models I, II, IV, V)
Unit V
Inventory Control : Inventory Costs, Economic order quantity, Deterministic inventory
problems, EOQ problems with no shortage, With shortage. Production problem with no
shortage, with shortage.
Replacement Problem : Replacement of items that deteriorate, Replacement of items that
fail - Group and individual replacement, Recruitment and promotion problems.
Text Book
1. Operation Research - Kanti Swaroop, Gupta & Manmohan, Sultan Chand Ch 3(3.3,
3.5), 4(4.1, 4.2, 4.5-4.7), 5(5.2), 6(6.2,6.5 restricted, 6.6,6.8,6.9)
7(7.2,7.3,7.5), 10(10.2-10.5), 11(11.2-11.4), 21(21.2-21.7), 17(17.3-17.8.2)
18(18.4-18.6), 19(19.2-19.4)
Reference Books
1. Mathematical Programming Techniques - N.S.Kambo. McGraw Hill
2. Operation Research - Hamdy A. Taha, McMillan Pub.
Fifth Semester
MC – 5.1 Artificial Intelligence
Unit – I
Introduction t AI, Application areas of AI, State-Space-Search: Production system
design, Production system characteristic.
Search Techniques
Blind search: Depth first search, Breadth first search.
Heuristic search Techniques: Hill Climbing, Best first search, Branch and bound,
Unit- II
Game playing: Min-Max Search, Alpha-Beta Cutoff.
Knowledge Logic: Skolemizing queries, Unification algorithm, Modes Ponens,
Unit- III
Structured knowledge representation,: Semantic nets, Frames, Conceptual dependencies,
Unit – IV
Expert System: Expert System need & Justification, Rule based architecture, Non
production system architecture, Case studies of expert system: MYCIN, R1. Learning:
Concept of learning, Types of learning, Genelic algorithm, Neural network.
Unit – V
Natural language prcessing: Intrduction syntactic processing, semantic analysis, discourse
and pragmatic processing.
Handling uncertainty: Probabilistic reasoning, Use of certainty factor.
Knowledge organization & management: Introduction, HAM.
Text Books
Rich & Knight
Chapters 1.1,2,3,5,9,10.1,10.2,12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 15.1-15.4, 17.1-17.6
Dan W. patterson
Chapters 4.1-4.4, 5.3, 11.1,11.4, 15.1-15.4
N.J. Nilson “Artificial Integence a new Synthesis”
Russel & Norvig “Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach”
MC- 5.2 Computer Graphics
Unit – 1
A survey of computer graphics: Computer Aided Design, Presentation graphics,
Computer Art, Enhancement, Education and training, Visualization, Image processing,
Graphical user interfaces.
Overview of graphics System: Video display devices, Raster scan and Random scan,
Input devices, Hard-copy devices, Graphics software.
GUI and interactive input methods: The user dialog, Input of graphical data, Input
functions, Initial values for Input device parameters, Interactive picture construction.
Output Primitives: Point and lines, Bresenhams line algorithm, Mid point circle
algorithm, Filled- area primitives.
Attributes of output primitives: Line curve, color, area fill and character Attributes,
Bundled attributes and anti aliasing.
Unit – 2
Two dimensional geometric Transformation: Basic Transformation(Translation, Rotation,
Scaling), Matrix representation and Homogenous coordination, Composite
transformation, Reflection shear, Transformation between coordinate system, Two
dimensional viewing: The viewing pipeline, Viewing coordinate reference, frame,
window to view point coordinate transformation, Line clipping: (Cohen-Sutherland &
Liang-Barsky algorithm) and polygon clipping-(Sutherland-Hodgeman Algorithm).
Unit – 3
Three dimensional object Representation: Polygon Surfaces, Quadratic surfaces, spline
representative, Beizer Curves, and surfaces, B-spline curves and surfaces,
Fractal geometry methods: Fractal generation Procedure, Classification of Fractal, Fractal
dimension, Geometric construction of Deterministic self similar Fractals, Self squaring
fractals, Mendelbort set and Julia set.
Unit – 4
Three dimensional geometry and modeling Transformation: Translation, Rotation,
scaling. Reflections shears, Composite Transformation, Modeling and coordinate
Three dimensional viewing: Viewing pipeline, Viewing coordinate, Projections (Parallel
and prospective) Clipping.
Unit – 5
Visible- Surface dictation methods: Backface Detection. Depth Buffer, A-Buffer, Scan-
line and depth sorting.
Illumination Models: Basic Models, Displaying Light Intensities, Halftone patterns and
Dithering techniques.
Surface tendering Methods: Polygon Rendering Methods, Gouraud & Phong Shading.
Quick introduction to Computer animation.
Text Book
D. Hearn & M.P.Baker: Computer Graphics, PHI 1999
Ch 1,2,3(3.1,3.2,3.5,3.11),4,5,6(6.1-6.8) , 8,9, 10(10.1,10.3,10.6,10.8)11,12,13(13.1-
J.D. Foley, A.Dam,S.K. Feiner, J.F.Hughes: Computer Graphics Principle and Practice
Addision Wisely.
MC-5.3 Digital Image Processing
Unit I
Digital image representation, Digital image processing systems, Visual perception,
Sampling and quantization, Relationship between pixels, Fourier transforms, Discretes
Fourier transforms, Properties of 2-D Fourier transforms, Hadamard and Discrete conic
Unit II
Image Enhancement: Spatial and frequency domain methods, Enhancement by poin
processing, Spatial filtering, Enhancement in frequency domain, Generation of spatial
marks from frequency domain specification, Colour Image processing.
Unit III
Image restoration: Degradation model, Diagonalisation of circulant and Block circulant
matrices, Algebraic approach to restoration, inverse filtering, Least mean square filter,
constrained least square restoration, interactive restoration, Restoration in the spatial
Unit IV
Image Compression: Fundamentals, Image compression model, Element of information
theory, Error-free compression, Lossy compression standards.
Unit V
Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking and boundary dictation,
Thrsholding, Region- oriented segmentation, the use of motion in segmentation.
Text Book
R. C. Gonzalez & R.E. Wood- Digital Image Processing and Analysis, PHI
M.Sonka, V. Hlavac, R.Boyle= Image processing Analysis and Machine Vision Thomson
MC - 5.4 E Managerial Economics
Nature and scope of managerial economics, Objective of the firm. Managerial and
behavioural theories of the firm.
Product and cost analysis, Short run and Long run average cost curves.
Law of supply, Economies and diseconomies of scale, Law of variable proportions.
Profits. Nature and measurement policy .Break even analysis .Case study.
Unit -1
Classification of grammars, Context free grammars. Deterministic finite state automata
(DFA), Non -DFA
Unit -2
Scanners : Top down parsing , LL grammars, Bottom up parsing ,Polish expressions.
Operator precedence grammar , ER. grammars , Comparison methods Error handling.
Symbol table handling techniques. Organisation for non-block and block structured
Unit - 4
Run time storage administration , Static and Dynamic allocation . Intermediate forms of
source program, Polish N-tuple and syntax trees. Semantic analysis and code generation.
Code optimization folding. Redundant sub-expression evaluation ,Optimization with
interactive loops.
Tremblay " The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writings ". McGraw Hill.
Programming With JAVA
Unit I
The Genesis Of Java: Creation Of Java Importance Of Java To The Internet ,Java’s
Magic :The Bytes Code ,The Java Buzzwords .
An Overview Of Java : Object Oriented Programming Principles, Compiling The First
Simple Java Program .
Data Types, Variables And Arrays : Integers Floating –Point Types ,Characters Booleans
Variables Type Conversion And Casting Arrays And Strings .
Operators: Arithmetic ,Bitwise ,Relation, Boolean ,Logical ,Assignment, Conditional
,Operator Precedence.
Control Statement : Selection Statements, Iteration Statement ,Jump Statements,
Introduction To Classes :Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects Methods Constructers,
The Keywords Garbage Collection ,The Final() Method .
Methods And Classes :Overloading Methods, Using Object As Parameters, Returning
Objects, Recursion , Static Data Member And Member Functions , The Final Keyword,
Command Line Argument
Unit –II
Inheritance: Inheritance Basics Use Of Super Creating Multilevel Hierarchy Method
Overriding ,Abstract Classes Using Final With Inheritance .
Packages And Interfaces :Packages ,Access Protection ,Importing Packages And
Exception Handling :Exception Handling Fundamentals Exception Types ,Uncaught
Exception ,Using Try And Catch Block, Multiple Catch Clauses ,Nested Try
Statement ,Using Throw ,Throw Finally Keywords.
Multithreading Programming : The Java Thread Model, The Main Threads ,Creating A
Thread Creating Multiple Threads, Using Is Alive() And Join() ,Thread Priorities
Unit III
String handling : Exception handling fundamentals ,exception types uncaught exception,
using try and catch block ,Multiple catch clauses ,nested try statement ,using