Making Disciplies
Making Disciplies
Making Disciplies
Discipleship In Action
What is the goal of the
What is a Disciple?
19 Go therefore and
make disciples of all
the nations, baptizing
them in the name of
the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy
Matthew 28:19
20 teaching them to
observe all things that
I have commanded
you; and lo, I am with
you always, even to
the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20
What is the definition of a Disciple?
Disciple: The English word
disciple is a translati on of
the Greek Word mathetes.
It originated in Greece,
when a student would
att ach himself to a teacher
for the purpose of
acquiring practi cal and
theoreti cal knowledge.
It is used in the New
Testament to indicate
total attachment to
someone in discipleship.
To be a disciple, in the
New Testament usage of
the word, is to be living in
a relati onship with the
One who is discipling you.
In this relati onship,
one is to be constantly
learning more about
that person, while at
the same ti me living in
subjecti on to him.
What did Jesus
have to say about
1. A disciple is one who
is willing to endure
persecution and ridicule
for the sake of Christ.
Such a disciple
maintains the atti tude
of a learner, being
always teachable. Luke
25 Now great multi tudes
went with Him. And He
turned and said to them, 26
“If anyone comes to Me and
does not hate his father and
mother, wife and children,
brothers and sisters, yes,
and his own life also, he
cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:25,26
27 And whoever does not bear
his cross and come after Me
cannot be My disciple. 28 For
which of you, intending to build
a tower, does not sit down fi rst
and count the cost, whether he
has enough to fi nish it— 29 lest,
after he has laid the foundati on,
and is not able to fi nish, all who
see it begin to mock him,
Luke 14:27-29
30 saying, ‘This man began
to build and was not able to
fi nish’? 31 Or what king,
going to make war against
another king, does not sit
down fi rst and consider
whether he is able with ten
thousand to meet him who
comes against him with
twenty thousand?
Luke 14:30,31
32 Or else, while the
other is still a great way
off, he sends a
delegation and asks
conditions of peace. 33
So likewise, whoever of
you does not forsake all
that he has cannot be
My disciple.
Luke 14:32,33
2. A disciple is one
who lives in total
allegiance to the
Lordship of Christ,
being willing to forsake
all-property, family,
friends, etc.-for the
cause of Christ.
Matthew 10:24,25
24 “A disciple is not above his
teacher, nor a servant above
his master. 25 It is enough for
a disciple that he be like his
teacher, and a servant like his
master. If they have called
the master of the house
Beelzebub, how much more
will they call those of his
Matthew 10:24,25
3. A disciple is one
who understands and
keeps the basic
teachings of Jesus.
John 8:31,32
31 Then Jesus said to those
Jews who believed Him, “If
you abide in My word, you
are My disciples indeed.
32 And you shall know the
truth, and the truth shall
make you free.”
John 8:31,32
4. A disciple is one
who has given
evidence that agape
love has been found in
his life because of his
connection to Christ.
John 13:34,35
34 A new commandment
I give to you, that you
love one another; as I
have loved you, that you
also love one another. 35
By this all will know that
you are My disciples, if
you have love for one
John 13:34,35
5. A disciple is one
who is bearing fruit by
creating other disciples
for Jesus. John 15:8
8 By this My Father
is glorified, that you
bear much fruit; so
you will be My
John 15:8
How is the goal of
making disciples
What was Jesus'
master plan to reach
the world?
h in g
Te ac
How do we
implement the
Master’s Plan in
our churches?
Core Values
In an ever-changing world, core values
are constant. Core values are not
descripti ons of the work we do or the
strategies we employ to accomplish our
mission. The values underlie our work,
how we interact with each other, and
which strategies we employ to fulfi ll
our mission.
Core Values
The core values are the
basic elements of how we
go about our work. They
are the practi ces we use
(or should be using) every
day in everything we do.
Our core values are
revealed in how we spend
our money, ti me and
human resources.
Core Values
Core Desires:
Perceived core values
that is not practiced.
They are not
measurable, because
they are not lived
Core Desires
Our Vineyard:
Discipleship on a
public level.
Working with the
through united
church efforts.
Our Vineyard
Our Vineyard
Our Vineyard
Our Community
Our Vineyard Cycle
of Evangelism
My Vineyard:
Discipleship on a
personal level.
Working with family,
friends and work
My Vineyard
Our Vineyard/My Vineyard
Our Vineyard
My Vineyard
The Discipleship Journey
– Mentoring Disciples in
the 21st Century
Discipleship Journey
Coming to Jesus
Becoming a Disciple
Discipleship Journey
Becoming a Disciple
Completed a series of
Bible studies or an
evangelistic series
Discipleship Journey
Becoming a Disciple
Discipleship Journey
Becoming a Disciple
Called to Discipleship
• Studies the Biblical definition of
• Makes commitment to be a
disciple of Christ by signing a
Discipleship Commitment Card
Discipleship Journey
Becoming a Disciple
Baptismal Preparation
Discipleship Journey
Walking With Jesus
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Orientation
Introduction to My Vineyard
• Help person identify those
in their vineyard God is
calling them to reach
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Orientation
Introduction to My Vineyard
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Orientation
• Greeters
• Community Services
• Music Ministry
• Health Ministry
• Prayer Ministry
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Orientation
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Orientation
Connected with ministry
leaders and insure disciple
has exposure to and/or
experiences at least 3-5
church and outreach
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Personal Spiritual
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Devotional Life
Given a Bible Reading Plan
Shown methods for
personal Bible study
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Devotional Life
Taught how to use Biblical
study tools (concordance,
lexicons, Bible software,
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Devotional Life
Introduced to Spirit of
Prophecy Reading Plan
Have read Steps to Christ
by Ellen G. White
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Prayer Life
Taught simple prayer
Connected with a prayer
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Adventist Family
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Sabbath Observance
Experienced Sabbath with
two families
• Study Biblical Sabbath-
keeping principles
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Sabbath Observance
• Learn ideas for Sabbath
preparation and traditions
• Discuss Sabbath-keeping challenges
• Introduce Sabbath-keeping
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Singleness & Marriage
• Given access to marriage-
preparation and Christian
marriage resources for
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Family Worship
• Observed family worship
in an Adventist home and
received a list of ideas and
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Family Witness
• Read chapter “The Home
a Missionary Training
Center” in Christian Service
by Ellen G. White
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
• Given book Adventist Home
by Ellen G. White
• Discussed holiday observance
as an Adventist family,
particularly with non-Adventist
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
• Visited with an Adventist
family to learn practical ways
of involving the entire family
in ministry and witnessing
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
• Given access to Christian
parenting resources
• Given book Child Guidance
by Ellen G. White
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
• Introduced to Adventist
• Encouraged to send their
children to conference
summer camp
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Welcomed into an
appropriate Sabbath School
class and given study
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Christian Lifestyle
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Healthful Living
• Taught the Eight Laws of
Health and discuss practical
ways for implementing
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Healthful Living
• Attended a Vegetarian
Cooking School
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Recreation / Entertainment
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Taught systematic giving
• Tithe
• Church Budget
• Other Offerings
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Given resources related to
financial stewardship (tithe
envelope, Journey of the Holy
Tithe DVD, NAD giving plan,
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Adventist Church
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
World church structure (local
church, conference, union, division,
General Conference) explained
using book Welcome! Your Church
Family Album
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Experienced Sabbath lunch with
five families
Accompanied to 3 church social
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Watched video(s) on Adventist
history (Keepers of the Flame,
Midnight Cry, 3 Angels DVD, etc.)
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Ordinances /
Services of the
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Anointing of the Sick
Discussed this Biblical
teaching and how one
would prepare for an
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Child Dedications
Discussed the Biblical
teaching and meaning of
a child dedication.
Discipleship Journey
New Disciple Mentorship
Weddings / Funerals
Discussed how
Adventists conduct
these services.
Discipleship Journey
Serving With Jesus
My Vineyard
Discipleship Journey
My Vineyard
Personal Ministry
Discipleship Journey
My Vineyard
Attended Personal
Witnessing Boot Camp to
learn Cycle of Evangelism
as it relates to “My
Discipleship Journey
My Vineyard
• Preparing the Soil (friendship
• Sowing Seed (literature
distribution, personal
testimony, giving a Bible study,
Discipleship Journey
My Vineyard
• Cultivating (reading
conviction, gaining decisions)
• Reaping the Harvest
(preparing an interest for
Discipleship Journey
My Vineyard
• Discipling New Members
(Discipleship Journey )
Discipleship Journey
My Vineyard
• Attended a conference soul-
winning rally
• Given access to resources to
assist in My Vineyard ministry
• Personal Ministry Training
Labs (monthly)
• Giving Bible Studies
Discipleship Journey
Our Vineyard
Discipleship Leadership
Discipleship Journey
Our Vineyard
• Spiritual Gifts Identified
• Involved in at least one
ministry within the church.
• Introduced to Job
Descriptions of church
Discipleship Journey
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