English-Dutch Dictionary

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# English-Dutch translations created from the Universal dictionary at 2008-08-

# (c) Copyright 2008 by All free dictionaries project
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against tegen basic_meanings

albeit alhoewel basic_meanings
among ; amongst ; amid ; amidst tussen basic_meanings
and en basic_meanings
anybody iedereen basic_meanings
anyone iedereen basic_meanings
because omdat ; doordat basic_meanings
during tijdens basic_meanings
everything alles basic_meanings
for want basic_meanings
her haar basic_meanings
herself zich basic_meanings
him hem basic_meanings
himself zich basic_meanings
his zijn basic_meanings
if als ; indien basic_meanings
into binnen basic_meanings
it het basic_meanings
its zijn basic_meanings
me me ; mij basic_meanings
my mijn basic_meanings
myself mijzelf basic_meanings
nor noch basic_meanings
of van basic_meanings
oneself zich basic_meanings
or of basic_meanings
our ons ; onze basic_meanings
per per basic_meanings
she zij basic_meanings
since sinds basic_meanings
than dan basic_meanings
their hun basic_meanings
them hen basic_meanings
these deze basic_meanings
they zij ; ze basic_meanings
this dit ; deze basic_meanings
those die basic_meanings
thy jouw basic_meanings
to naar basic_meanings
until tot basic_meanings
upon op basic_meanings
us ons basic_meanings
via via basic_meanings
we we ; wij basic_meanings
what wat basic_meanings
whenever wanneer ook basic_meanings
whether of basic_meanings
which welke ; welk basic_meanings
who wie basic_meanings
whom wie basic_meanings
whose van wie basic_meanings
with met ; bij basic_meanings
that dat basic_meanings
the de basic_meanings
at naar basic_meanings
why waarom
despite ondanks basic_meanings
person ; individual ; someone ; somebody ; mortal ; soul persoon ; individueel
animal ; animate being ; beast ; brute ; creature ; fauna dier ; beest
plant ; flora ; plant life plant ecology
food ; nutrient voedsel basic_meanings
cognition ; knowledge ; noesis kennis ; weten ; wetenschap marketing
feeling gevoel basic_meanings
space ; infinite ruimte mathematics
event evenement ; gebeurtenis statistics
process ; physical process bewerking mechanical_engineering
act ; deed ; human action ; human activity daad basic_meanings
group ; grouping groep manufacturing
relation relatie ; verhouding marketing
discovery ; find ; uncovering ontdekking basic_meanings
record record basic_meanings
loss verlies manufacturing
mistake ; error ; fault fout ; vergissing statistics
spill ; tumble ; fall val basic_meanings
kick ; boot ; kicking schop basic_meanings
kiss ; buss ; osculation kus basic_meanings
comparison ; comparing vergelijking manufacturing
means ; agency ; way manier real_estate
measure ; step maatregel manufacturing
substitution ; exchange ; commutation vervanging marketing
destruction ; devastation vernietiging basic_meanings
bath badkamer house
flight ; flying vlucht ; vliegen basic_meanings
journey ; journeying verblijf transportation
skid ; slip ; sideslip slippen basic_meanings
motion ; movement ; move ; motility beweging mechanical_engineering
expansion ; enlargement uitbreiding basic_meanings
cut ; cutting snee mechanical_engineering
division ; partition ; partitioning ; segmentation ; sectionalization ;
sectionalisation deling marketing
operation operatie ; bewerking military
entertainment ; amusement amusement ; vertier ; ontspanning basic_meanings
work werk basic_meanings
care ; attention ; aid ; tending zorg manufacturing
trick kneep basic_meanings
crime ; offense ; criminal offense ; criminal offence ; offence ; law-breaking
misdaad basic_meanings
attempt ; effort ; endeavor ; endeavour ; try poging basic_meanings
sexual activity ; sexual practice ; sex ; sex activity seks ; geslachtsdaad ;
vrijen basic_meanings
tremble ; shiver ; shake beving mechanical_engineering
summation ; addition ; plus optelling ; sommering basic_meanings
observation ; observance ; watching observatie basic_meanings
education ; instruction ; teaching ; pedagogy ; didactics ; educational activity
onderricht ; leren basic_meanings
industry ; manufacture vlijt ; industrie manufacturing
design ; designing schets basic_meanings
use ; usage ; utilization ; utilisation ; employment ; exercise gebruik
attack ; onslaught ; onset ; onrush aanvallen military
measurement ; measuring ; measure ; mensuration meting marketing
rest ; ease ; repose ; relaxation rust basic_meanings
trade handel management
market ; marketplace ; market place market marketing
transportation ; shipping ; transport vervoer marketing
distribution distributie statistics
punishment ; penalty ; penalization ; penalisation straf law
fight ; fighting ; combat ; scrap gevecht military
blow slag mechanical_engineering
aid ; assist ; assistance ; help hulp ; help marketing
blessing ; approval ; approving instemming ; goedkeuring basic_meanings
support steun marketing
meeting ; coming together samenkomst, bijeenkomst basic_meanings
egg ei biology
bird vogel ornitology
snake ; serpent ; ophidian slang ; serpent zoology
domestic fowl ; fowl ; poultry gevogelte basic_meanings
feather ; plume ; plumage pluim ; veer ; veder zoology
worm worm ; pier ; made zoology
dog ; domestic dog ; Canis familiaris hond basic_meanings
cat ; true cat kat ; poes zoology
wing vleugel ; zwaard basic_meanings
tail schaduwen ; staart zoology
insect insekt ; insect ; nietsnut basic_meanings
fly vlieg basic_meanings
bee bij ; honingbij basic_meanings
ant ; emmet ; pismire mier basic_meanings
rat rat zoology
horse ; Equus caballus paard zoology
hog ; pig ; grunter ; squealer ; Sus scrofa zwijn ; varken zoology
cow ; moo-cow koe basic_meanings
sheep schaap ; schapen zoology
goat ; caprine animal geit zoology
homo ; man ; human being ; human mens ; homosapien insurance
monkey aap ; apin zoology
fish vissen zoology
addition ; add-on ; improver toevoeging basic_meanings
airplane ; aeroplane ; plane vliegtuig transportation
apartment ; flat flat construction
apparatus ; setup toestel ; apparaat technology
apparel ; wearing apparel ; dress ; clothes jurk ; kledingstuk
art ; fine art kunst basic_meanings
back achterkant basic_meanings
bag zak ; tas construction
ball bal basic_meanings
base ; base of operations baseren ; basis ; kazerne military
basket ; handbasket basket ; mand ; korf basic_meanings
bed bed house
bell klok ; bel device
bend ; curve bocht mechanical_engineering
bicycle ; bike ; wheel ; cycle fiets ; velo (only in Belgium)
blade lemmet basic_meanings
boat boot ; schip basic_meanings
book ; volume boek mechanical_engineering
boot laars ; hoge schoen basic_meanings
bottle fles basic_meanings
box doos transportation
brake rem transportation
brick baksteen real_estate
bridge ; span brug ; bridge construction
brush borstel technology
bucket ; pail emmer construction
building ; edifice gebouw ; constructie real_estate
camera ; photographic camera fotoapparaat ; fotocamera basic_meanings
can ; tin ; tin can blik basic_meanings
card kaart basic_meanings
carriage ; equipage ; rig wagon transportation
chain ketting ; keten mechanical_engineering
chalk krijt ; krijtje basic_meanings
chest kist transportation
church ; church building kerk basic_meanings
clock klok house
coat mantel ; jas ; overjas basic_meanings
collar ; neckband kraag ; boord ; halsboord basic_meanings
comb kam device
copy kopie marketing
cord koord basic_meanings
cork ; bottle cork kurk mechanical_engineering
cotton katoen basic_meanings
cup kop ; kopje basic_meanings
cup ; loving cup beker sports
curtain ; drape ; drapery ; mantle ; pall gordijn house
cushion kussen basic_meanings
decoration ; ornament ; ornamentation decoratie basic_meanings
door deur house
drain ; drainpipe ; waste pipe Afvoer basic_meanings
drawer la basic_meanings
elevator ; lift lift technology
engine motor mechanical_engineering
fabric ; cloth ; material ; textile laken ; stof ; weefsel
farm agrarisch ; boerderij basic_meanings
flag vlag ; vaandel basic_meanings
floor ; flooring vloer ; grond real_estate
floor ; level ; storey ; story verdieping real_estate
fork vork basic_meanings
frame lijst ; raam photography
garden tuin house
glass ; drinking glass glas basic_meanings
glove handschoen mechanical_engineering
gun geweer ; vuurwapen ; pistool basic_meanings
hammer hameren sports
handcart ; pushcart ; cart ; go-cart kar basic_meanings
handle ; grip ; handgrip ; hold greep ; oor mechanical_engineering
hat ; chapeau ; lid hoed basic_meanings
hook ; claw haak ; boog device
hospital ; infirmary ziekenhuis ; hospitaal ; gasthuis insurance
house huis house
instrument instrument ; muziekinstrument technology
internet ; net ; cyberspace internet mathematics
jewel ; gem ; precious stone juweel basic_meanings
kettle ; kettledrum ; tympanum ; tympani ; timpani pauk basic_meanings
key sleutel (de) device
knife mes basic_meanings
knot knopen ; knoop transportation
library bibliotheek basic_meanings
light bulb ; lightbulb ; bulb ; incandescent lamp ; electric light ; electric-
light bulb gloeilamp ; lichtpeertje ballon ; ballon ; lichtpeertje ballon
lock slot basic_meanings
machine machine mechanical_engineering
map kaart basic_meanings
match ; lucifer ; friction match lucifer military
mine mijn basic_meanings
nail nagel ; spijker basic_meanings
needle naald medicine
net ; network ; mesh ; meshing ; meshwork net sports
nut moer technology
office ; business office kantoor construction
oven oven basic_meanings
paint ; pigment verf ; schilderen mechanical_engineering
pen pen ; ballpoint mechanical_engineering
pencil potlood basic_meanings
picture ; image ; icon ; ikon beeld ; beeltenis ; plaatje ; afbeelding
pin speld ; broche basic_meanings
pipe ; pipage ; piping buis mechanical_engineering
pivot ; pin pen technology
plant ; works ; industrial plant fabriek basic_meanings
plate bord ; dienblad basic_meanings
plow ; plough ploeg basic_meanings
pot po basic_meanings
prison ; prison house gevangenis basic_meanings
pump pomp mechanical_engineering
push button ; push ; button knop ; badge ; drukknop ; knoop manufacturing
railing ; rail rail construction
ring ; band ring basic_meanings
road ; route weg ; baan ; straat transportation
rod roede mechanical_engineering
roof dak house
room ruimte ; kamer ; zaal basic_meanings
safe brandkast ; kluis basic_meanings
sail ; canvas ; canvass ; sheet zeil ; zeiltocht basic_meanings
school ; schoolhouse school basic_meanings
scissors ; pair of scissors schaar mechanical_engineering
screen ; cover ; covert ; concealment deksel technology
shelf schap basic_meanings
ship schip basic_meanings
shirt hemd basic_meanings
shoe schoen basic_meanings
shop ; store winkel manufacturing
silk zij ; zijde basic_meanings
skirt rok basic_meanings
soap zeep basic_meanings
sock sok basic_meanings
spade schop basic_meanings
spoon lepel basic_meanings
spring springveer ; knijper military
stage toneel basic_meanings
stamp muntstempel ; zegel ; postzegel basic_meanings
station station basic_meanings
steering wheel ; wheel rad ; stuurwiel mechanical_engineering
step ; stair trap manufacturing
stick kleven ; tak ; takje ; stok basic_meanings
stitch Steek medicine
stocking kous ; sok basic_meanings
street straat basic_meanings
structure ; construction structuur real_estate
table tafel mechanical_engineering
television camera ; tv camera ; camera camera basic_meanings
thing ding basic_meanings
thread ; yarn draad ; garen mechanical_engineering
track ; rail ; rails ; runway rail basic_meanings
train ; railroad train trein transportation
tray presenteerblad basic_meanings
umbrella paraplu basic_meanings
vessel ; watercraft vaartuig basic_meanings
vessel vat mechanical_engineering
wall muur basic_meanings
washbasin ; basin ; washbowl ; washstand ; lavatory bekken basic_meanings
watch ; ticker horloge basic_meanings
well bron ; bron ; put ; put ; plas real_estate
wheel wiel mechanical_engineering
whip geselen ; zweep basic_meanings
whistle fluitje ; fluittoon device
window venster ;raam ; ruit basic_meanings
wire draad mechanical_engineering
work ; piece of work werk basic_meanings
humor ; humour ; sense of humor ; sense of humour humor basic_meanings
form ; shape ; cast vorm manufacturing
expression ; look ; aspect ; facial expression ; face blik
attraction ; attractiveness aantrekkingskracht basic_meanings
quality kwaliteit marketing
good ; goodness goed ; goede basic_meanings
demeanor ; demeanour ; behavior ; behaviour ; conduct ; deportment gedrag ;
gedragingen basic_meanings
property eigendom law
structure structuur manufacturing
shade ; tint ; tincture ; tone schakering basic_meanings
gray ; grayness ; grey ; greyness grijs basic_meanings
olfactory property ; smell ; aroma ; odor ; odour ; scent geur ; reuk ;
stank basic_meanings
sound geluid ; klank ; toon mechanical_engineering
silence ; quiet stilte basic_meanings
coldness ; cold ; low temperature ; frigidity ; frigidness koude
hotness ; heat ; high temperature hitte medicine
mass mis mechanical_engineering
weight gewicht transportation
might ; mightiness ; power macht mechanical_engineering
force ; forcefulness ; strength doordrukken ; kracht mechanical_engineering
gradient ; slope helling mathematics
curvature ; curve kromming mechanical_engineering
distance afstand ; verwijderen transportation
degree ; grade ; level niveau ; graad mechanical_engineering
size maat ; grootte ; formaat transportation
bulk ; mass ; volume massa marketing
amount bedrag ; hoeveelheid ; saldo marketing
increase ; increment toename ; rijzen computers
limit ; bound ; boundary limiet transportation
scope ; range ; reach ; orbit ; compass ; ambit bereik statistics
value waarde transportation
function ; purpose ; role ; use het doen ; functie statistics
price ; cost ; toll prijs ; kosten transportation
power ; powerfulness macht ; kracht mechanical_engineering
control controle technology
authority ; authorization ; authorisation ; potency ; dominance ; say-so
autoriteit management
skin ; tegument ; cutis huid basic_meanings
hair ; pilus haar ; haren basic_meanings
hair haren basic_meanings
bone ; os bot ; been biology
tooth tand biology
muscle ; musculus spier biology
tongue ; lingua ; glossa ; clapper tong basic_meanings
mouth ; oral cavity ; oral fissure ; rima oris mond basic_meanings
lip lip basic_meanings
eye ; oculus ; optic oog basic_meanings
ear oor basic_meanings
heart ; pump ; ticker hart basic_meanings
stomach ; tummy ; tum ; breadbasket maag biology
blood bloed biology
nerve ; nervus zenuw biology
brain ; encephalon hersenen ; hersens ; brein biology
head ; caput hoofd mechanical_engineering
neck ; cervix hals ; klap technology
throat ; pharynx keel biology
torso ; trunk ; body corpus ; lichaam ; romp biology
thorax ; chest ; pectus borstkast basic_meanings
back ; dorsum rug basic_meanings
leg been basic_meanings
foot ; human foot ; pes voet basic_meanings
arm arm basic_meanings
hand ; manus ; mitt ; paw hand ; handje basic_meanings
finger vinger basic_meanings
thumb ; pollex duim mechanical_engineering
knee ; knee joint ; human knee ; articulatio genus ; genu knie
toe teen basic_meanings
nail nagel basic_meanings
nose ; olfactory organ neus basic_meanings
chin ; mentum kin basic_meanings
face ; human face het hoofd bieden ; gezicht ; aangezicht ; gelaat
mind ; head ; brain ; psyche ; nous verstand ; geest ; psyche ; denkvermogen
invention ; innovation ; excogitation ; conception ; design uitvinding
memory ; retention ; retentiveness ; retentivity geheugen ; herinnering
volition ; will wil mechanical_engineering
hearing ; audition ; auditory sense ; sense of hearing ; auditory modality
gehoor basic_meanings
taste ; gustation ; sense of taste ; gustatory modality smaak
interest ; involvement interesse marketing
trouble ; problem kwestie ; strubbeling ; zorg mechanical_engineering
doubt ; uncertainty ; incertitude ; dubiety ; doubtfulness ; dubiousness
twijfel ; onzekerheid law
attention ; attending attentie ; aandacht basic_meanings
sweet ; sweetness ; sugariness Zoetigheid basic_meanings
noise ; dissonance ; racket ruis mechanical_engineering
arrangement ; organization ; organisation ; system organisatie technology
mark ; grade ; score cijfer statistics
learning ; acquisition leren marketing
experience ervaring manufacturing
reading lezen basic_meanings
fact feit law
example ; illustration ; instance ; representative voorbeeld manufacturing
idea ; thought idee ; gedachte ; ingeving marketing
decision ; determination ; conclusion beslissing ; besluit marketing
kind ; sort ; form ; variety soort manufacturing
brand ; make merk marketing
rule ; regulation heerschappij ; voorschrift mathematics
part ; section ; division deling ; delen military
complex ; composite complex manufacturing
kernel ; substance ; core ; center ; centre ; essence ; gist ; heart ; heart and
soul ; inwardness ; marrow ; meat ; nub ; pith ; sum ; nitty-gritty kern
memory herinnering basic_meanings
opinion ; sentiment ; persuasion ; view ; thought gedachte ; mening ; opinie ;
visie ; zienswijze marketing
religion ; faith ; religious belief religie ; geloof basic_meanings
promise ; hope hoop ; verwachting basic_meanings
will wens real_estate
education onderwijs basic_meanings
theory theorie mechanical_engineering
discipline ; subject ; subject area ; subject field ; field ; field of study ;
study ; bailiwick tucht ; discipline basic_meanings
science ; scientific discipline wetenschap economics
page bladzijde ; pagina basic_meanings
newspaper ; paper krant ; nieuwsblad ; dagblad basic_meanings
language ; linguistic communication taal law
word woord basic_meanings
name naam basic_meanings
writing schrift ; schrijven basic_meanings
fiction verzinsel basic_meanings
prose proza basic_meanings
verse ; rhyme strofe ; vers basic_meanings
excerpt ; excerption ; extract ; selection uittreksel construction
guidebook ; guide gidsboek ; reisgids basic_meanings
form formulier manufacturing
list ; listing lijst real_estate
bill ; account ; invoice rekening ; factuur transportation
ticket ticket ; kaartje ; toegangsbewijs basic_meanings
receipt kwitantie ; bonnetje basic_meanings
law recht ; wet , recht statistics
will ; testament testament ; laatste wilsbeschikking basic_meanings
sense ; signified zin marketing
letter ; missive brief basic_meanings
news ; intelligence ; tidings ; word nieuws basic_meanings
argument ; statement argument mathematics
secret geheim basic_meanings
statement verklaring basic_meanings
reason reden basic_meanings
answer ; reply ; response antwoord statistics
note ; annotation ; notation aantekening finance
agreement ; understanding overeenstemming ; schikking transportation
postage ; postage stamp ; stamp port ; postzegel basic_meanings
line lijn statistics
sign teken statistics
letter ; letter of the alphabet ; alphabetic character Karakter , letter
scale ; musical scale toonladder mechanical_engineering
note ; musical note ; tone noot basic_meanings
smile ; smiling ; grin ; grinning glimlach basic_meanings
music muziek basic_meanings
song ; vocal lied ; liedje ; nummer music
rhythm ; beat ; musical rhythm ritme basic_meanings
voice ; vocalization ; vocalisation ; vocalism ; phonation ; vox stem
cry ; outcry ; call ; yell ; shout ; vociferation roep ; schreeuw
discussion ; give-and-take ; word discussie ; bespreking basic_meanings
suggestion ; proposition ; proffer voorstel basic_meanings
order order ; manufacturing
controversy ; contention ; contestation ; disputation ; disceptation ; tilt ;
argument ; arguing ruzie mathematics
offer ; offering aanbod real_estate
request ; asking verzoek basic_meanings
question ; inquiry ; enquiry ; query ; interrogation kwestie ; vraag
examination ; exam ; test examen statistics
yes ja basic_meanings
no nee ; neen basic_meanings
protest ; protestation protest sports
ad ; advertisement ; advertizement ; advertising ; advertizing ; advert
bericht ; advertentie ; commercial marketing
marker ; marking ; mark markering ; aanduiding ; teken statistics
experience ervaring manufacturing
wages ; reward ; payoff beloning ; belonen real_estate
fire brand basic_meanings
movement ; motion beweging ; deel mechanical_engineering
birth ; nativity ; nascency ; nascence geboorte basic_meanings
cause teweegbrengen ; reden ; aanleiding ; oorzaak logistics
jolt ; jar ; jounce ; shock ruk ; schok transportation
wave ; moving ridge golf basic_meanings
leap ; jump ; saltation sprong basic_meanings
stop ; halt stoppen basic_meanings
adjustment ; accommodation ; fitting aanpassing manufacturing
thunder donder basic_meanings
current ; stream actueel basic_meanings
touch ; touching aanraking basic_meanings
damage ; harm ; impairment schade transportation
outburst ; burst ; flare-up uitbarsting ecology
contest ; competition strijd ; wedstrijd ; competitie marketing
match spel ; wedstrijd sports
desire begeerte ; verlangen basic_meanings
pleasure ; pleasance plezier ; genoegen basic_meanings
disgust afschuw mechanical_engineering
surprise verrassing basic_meanings
daze ; shock ; stupor schok basic_meanings
fear ; fearfulness ; fright vrees ; angst ; schrik ; bibber basic_meanings
sorrow ; regret ; rue ; ruefulness leedwezen basic_meanings
love liefde basic_meanings
hate ; hatred haat basic_meanings
meal ; repast maaltijd basic_meanings
soup soep basic_meanings
cake cake technology
gelatin ; jelly gelei cooking
meat vlees basic_meanings
bread ; breadstuff ; staff of life brood basic_meanings
potato ; white potato ; Irish potato ; murphy ; spud ; tater aardappel ;
pieper ; patat botany
apple appel basic_meanings
berry bes basic_meanings
orange sinaasappel basic_meanings
rice rijst cooking
salt ; table salt ; common salt zouten chemistry
milk melk basic_meanings
butter boter basic_meanings
cheese kaas basic_meanings
beverage ; drink ; drinkable ; potable drankje basic_meanings
wine ; vino wijn basic_meanings
milkshake ; milk shake ; shake milkshake basic_meanings
dead dode basic_meanings
society gemeenschap ; maatschappij marketing
family ; family unit Familie basic_meanings
sex sekse biology
package ; bundle ; packet ; parcel pak ; bundel transportation
organization ; organisation organisatie marketing
government ; authorities ; regime regering meteorology
company firma mechanical_engineering
religion ; faith ; organized religion religie basic_meanings
family geslacht biology
order ; monastic order orde biology
nation ; land ; country natie ; staat ; land economics
populace ; public ; world bevolking basic_meanings
army ; regular army ; ground forces leger basic_meanings
military ; armed forces ; armed services ; military machine ; war machine
krijgsmacht basic_meanings
dance band ; band ; dance orchestra kapel basic_meanings
table ; tabular array tabel ; tafel statistics
committee ; commission comit� ; commissie real_estate
system ; scheme systeem mechanical_engineering
stream ; flow ; current stroom manufacturing
center ; centre ; middle ; heart ; eye centrum medicine
country ; state ; land land economics
edge ; border kant ; rand mechanical_engineering
end ; terminal einde basic_meanings
field veld (for crops) ; wei (for animals) ; akker basic_meanings
front ; front end ; forepart front construction
position ; place betrekking marketing
seaport ; haven ; harbor ; harbour haven transportation
seat ; place plaats basic_meanings
side zijde basic_meanings
topographic point ; place ; spot plaats marketing
town stad ; gemeente ; nederzetting basic_meanings
tendency ; trend neiging marketing
urge ; impulse behoefte, impuls basic_meanings
bit ; chip ; flake ; fleck ; scrap Stuk basic_meanings
cloud wolk meteorology
crack ; cleft ; crevice ; fissure ; scissure barst ; spleet technology
Earth ; earth ; world ; globe Aarde basic_meanings
grain graan basic_meanings
hole holte ; put ; kuil ; gat ; opening construction
island eiland ; eilanden basic_meanings
land ; dry land ; earth ; ground ; solid ground ; terra firma land ; terrein
Moon ; moon maan basic_meanings
mountain ; mount berg basic_meanings
plain ; field ; champaign vlakte mechanical_engineering
river stroom ; rivier ecology
rock ; stone steen ; steentje ; kei ; rots basic_meanings
scale ; scurf ; exfoliation schub basic_meanings
sea zee ecology
sky hemel basic_meanings
spring ; fountain ; outflow ; outpouring ; natural spring bron
star ster basic_meanings
stretch rak basic_meanings
sun ; Sun zon ; zonneschijn ecology
expert vakman ; expert law
female ; female person vrouw basic_meanings
male ; male person man zoology
baby ; babe ; infant baby basic_meanings
beloved ; dear ; dearest ; honey ; love lief basic_meanings
brother ; blood brother broer ; broeder basic_meanings
cook kok ; kokkin basic_meanings
daughter ; girl dochter basic_meanings
director ; manager ; managing director directeur telecommunications
doorkeeper ; doorman ; door guard ; hall porter ; porter ; gatekeeper ; ostiary
portier basic_meanings
father ; male parent ; begetter vader zoology
friend vriendin ; maatje or ; maatje or basic_meanings
general ; full general generaal basic_meanings
girl ; miss ; missy ; young lady ; young woman ; fille meisje ; juffrouw
head ; chief ; top dog chef basic_meanings
judge ; justice ; jurist rechter law
lookout ; lookout man ; sentinel ; sentry ; watch ; spotter ; scout ; picket
wacht military
male child ; boy jongen basic_meanings
man ; adult male man ; volwassen man basic_meanings
mother ; female parent moeder basic_meanings
owner ; possessor bezitter ; eigenaar real_estate
representative plaatsvervanger basic_meanings
secretary ; secretarial assistant secretaresse basic_meanings
servant ; retainer meid basic_meanings
sister ; sis zuster basic_meanings
son ; boy zoon basic_meanings
usher ; guide plaatsaanwijzer basic_meanings
woman ; adult female vrouw basic_meanings
consequence ; effect ; outcome ; result ; event ; issue ; upshot gevolg ;
consequentie ; effect statistics
reaction reactie basic_meanings
beam ; beam of light ; light beam ; ray ; ray of light ; shaft ; shaft of light ;
irradiation straal ; spaak mathematics
current ; electric current elektrische stroom basic_meanings
death dood biology
light ; visible light ; visible radiation licht ; lampje physics
mist nevel basic_meanings
rain ; rainfall regen ecology
smoke ; fume damp chemistry
snow ; snowfall sneeuwen basic_meanings
weather ; weather condition ; conditions ; atmospheric condition weer
wind ; air current ; current of air wind ecology
flower bloem basic_meanings
grass gras basic_meanings
tree boom house
root wortel botany
stalk ; stem stengel botany
fruit vrucht biology
seed zaad basic_meanings
nut noot basic_meanings
leaf ; leafage ; foliage blad botany
branch tak computers
property ; belongings ; holding eigendom ; bezit real_estate
net income ; net ; net profit ; lucre ; profit ; profits ; earnings profijt ;
winst ; voordeel real_estate
present aanwezig ; cadeau basic_meanings
payment betaling transportation
tax ; taxation ; revenue enhancement belasting economy
interest rente real_estate
rate ; charge per unit tarief ; koers basic_meanings
right recht basic_meanings
insurance verzekering transportation
credit krediet real_estate
money kleingeld transportation
change wisselgeld basic_meanings
bill ; note ; government note ; bank bill ; banker's bill ; bank note ; banknote
; Federal Reserve note ; greenback bankbiljet real_estate
debt schuld real_estate
boiling Koken basic_meanings
development ; evolution evolutie marketing
digestion spijsvertering ; vertering basic_meanings
fire ; flame ; flaming vuur ; vlam basic_meanings
increase ; increment ; growth groei biology
operation ; functioning ; performance werking mathematics
number getal statistics
unit of measurement ; unit eenheid statistics
bit bit basic_meanings
degree graad mechanical_engineering
square ; second power vierkant statistics
root wortel mathematics
footstep ; pace ; step ; stride treden ; stap manufacturing
drop ; drib ; driblet druppel basic_meanings
connection ; connexion ; connectedness verbinding technology
part ; portion ; component part ; component ; constituent deel ; onderdeel
detail ; particular ; item bijzonderheid logistics
remainder ; balance ; residual ; residue ; residuum ; rest rest ; wisselgeld
; uitschot statistics
scale schaal mechanical_engineering
direction richting mathematics
north ; due north ; northward ; N noorden logistics
east ; due east ; eastward ; E oosten ; Oost logistics
south ; due south ; southward ; S zuidelijk ; zuiden logistics
west ; due west ; westward ; W westen logistics
competition concurrentie real_estate
reverse ; contrary ; opposite tegendeel finance
curve ; curved shape curve ; bocht manufacturing
circle cirkel mechanical_engineering
coil ; whorl ; roll ; curl ; curlicue ; ringlet ; gyre ; scroll tros
square ; foursquare vierkant statistics
arch boog real_estate
angle hoek mechanical_engineering
fold ; crease ; plication ; flexure ; crimp ; bend bocht
point ; dot punt ; punt mechanical_engineering
condition ; status status ; voorwaarde mechanical_engineering
account ; business relationship rekening ; bon economy
company ; companionship ; fellowship ; society gezelschap marketing
acme ; height ; elevation ; peak ; pinnacle ; summit ; superlative ; meridian ;
tiptop ; top toppunt economics
being ; beingness ; existence bestaan biology
order volgorde mathematics
harmony ; concord ; concordance harmonie basic_meanings
peace vrede basic_meanings
war ; state of war oorlog basic_meanings
balance evenwicht ; balans real_estate
sleep ; slumber slaap basic_meanings
estrus ; oestrus ; heat ; rut bronst zoology
disease ziekte biology
cold ; common cold koud ; verkoudheid disease
bite Hap basic_meanings
wound ; lesion aanschieten ; wond ; wonde ; verwonding ; kwetsuur
sneeze ; sneezing ; sternutation niezen basic_meanings
pain ; hurting pijn basic_meanings
cough ; coughing hoest basic_meanings
shame ; disgrace ; ignominy schande basic_meanings
dominion ; rule dominion basic_meanings
comfort ; comfortableness gerief ; comfort basic_meanings
need ; demand nodig hebben economics
opportunity ; chance kans ; mogelijkheid ; gelegenheid marketing
low ; depression Lage druk gebied meteorology
moisture ; wet vochtigheid ; vocht ecology
danger gevaar mechanical_engineering
material ; stuff materieel mechanical_engineering
sponge spons basic_meanings
acid zuur mechanical_engineering
metallic element ; metal metaal mechanical_engineering
copper ; Cu ; atomic number 29 koper mechanical_engineering
gold ; Au ; atomic number 79 goud chemistry
iron ; Fe ; atomic number 26 ijzeren mechanical_engineering
lead ; Pb ; atomic number 82 lood mechanical_engineering
silver ; Ag ; atomic number 47 zilveren chemistry
tin ; Sn ; atomic number 50 tin mechanical_engineering
paste pasta mechanical_engineering
brass messing ; koper mechanical_engineering
leather leder ; leer basic_meanings
carbohydrate ; saccharide ; sugar koolhydraat chemistry
steel staal mechanical_engineering
chemical ; chemical substance chemicaliën ; chemicali�n chemistry
coal kool ; steenkool ecology
cork kurk basic_meanings
dust stof construction
air lucht mechanical_engineering
breath adem basic_meanings
earth ; ground aarde ecology
water ; H2O water chemistry
waste ; waste material ; waste matter ; waste product afval
fat vet mechanical_engineering
cotton ; cotton fiber ; cotton wool katoen ; katoenplant basic_meanings
glass glas construction
ice ; water ice ijs cooking
ink inkt basic_meanings
liquid vloeistof mechanical_engineering
oil olie ; aardolie transportation
paper papier ; document ; werk ; eindwerk ecology
petroleum ; crude oil ; crude ; rock oil ; fossil oil ; oil aardolie
coloring material ; colouring material ; color ; colour Kleur
polish poets ; poetsmiddel mechanical_engineering
powder ; pulverization ; pulverisation buskruit ; stof construction
sand zand ; zavel basic_meanings
poison ; toxicant ; poisonous substance vergif chemistry
steam wasem ; stoom mechanical_engineering
wax was chemistry
wood hout ; houtsoort ; woud mechanical_engineering
wool wol basic_meanings
present ; nowadays Tegenwoordig logistics
past ; past times ; yesteryear verleden ; vorig basic_meanings
history geschiedenis basic_meanings
future ; hereafter ; futurity ; time to come toekomst ; onvoltooid toekomende
tijd marketing
fourth dimension ; time tijd transportation
week ; calendar week week transportation
day ; twenty-four hours ; twenty-four hour period ; 24-hour interval ; solar day
; mean solar day dag manufacturing
tomorrow morgen basic_meanings
yesterday gisteren basic_meanings
morning ; morn ; morning time ; forenoon ochtend ; morgen time
night ; nighttime ; dark nacht time
year ; twelvemonth ; yr jaar transportation
calendar month ; month maand transportation
hour ; hr ; 60 minutes uur transportation
minute ; min minuut transportation
second ; sec ; s seconde transportation
fall ; autumn herfst basic_meanings
spring ; springtime voorjaar ; lente basic_meanings
summer ; summertime zomer basic_meanings
winter ; wintertime winter basic_meanings
while ; piece ; spell ; patch poos transportation
beginning ; commencement ; first ; outset ; get-go ; start ; kickoff ; starting
time ; showtime ; offset begin ; aanvang basic_meanings
phase ; stage fase time
sneeze niezen basic_meanings
cough hoesten basic_meanings
smile glimlachen basic_meanings
laugh ; express joy ; express mirth lachen basic_meanings
soap ; lather inzepen basic_meanings
cry ; weep huilen basic_meanings
injure ; wound verwonden ; kwetsen basic_meanings
change ; alter ; modify veranderen ; aanpassen real_estate
round off ; round down ; round out ; round afronden mathematics
become ; go ; get worden basic_meanings
increase stijgen ; verhogen basic_meanings
wet natmaken basic_meanings
dry ; dry out drogen ; afdrogen basic_meanings
dry ; dry out afdrogen basic_meanings
restrict ; restrain ; trammel ; limit ; bound ; confine ; throttle beperken
damage beschadigen basic_meanings
crush verpletteren basic_meanings
get down ; begin ; get ; start out ; start ; set about ; set out ; commence
beginnen basic_meanings
warm warmen basic_meanings
burn ; fire ; burn down afbranden basic_meanings
fix ; prepare ; set up ; ready ; gear up ; set voorbereiden
complete ; finish afwerken ; beëindigen ; voltooien ; be�indigen
let liet ; laten ; toelaten basic_meanings
process ; treat verwerken mechanical_engineering
train ; develop ; prepare ; educate trainen ; opleiden manufacturing
reason redeneren basic_meanings
measure ; mensurate ; measure out meten mechanical_engineering
classify ; class ; sort ; assort ; sort out ; separate classificeren
rate ; rank ; range ; order ; grade ; place schatten statistics
estimate ; gauge ; approximate ; guess ; judge veronderstellen ; gissen
doubt twijfelen ; betwijfelen basic_meanings
surprise verrassen basic_meanings
order ; tell ; enjoin ; say ordenen ; bevelen manufacturing
request ; bespeak ; call for ; quest verlangen basic_meanings
induce ; stimulate ; cause ; have ; get ; make teweegbrengen logistics
argue ; reason betogen basic_meanings
call ; telephone ; call up ; phone ; ring roepen ; schreeuwen ; opbellen ;
bezoeken ; noemen ; telefoneren finance
confront ; face up ; face trotseren basic_meanings
answer ; reply ; respond antwoorden technology
introduce ; present ; acquaint voorstellen logistics
protest protesteren basic_meanings
shout ; shout out ; cry ; call ; yell ; scream ; holler ; hollo ; squall
schreeuwen ; gil basic_meanings
talk ; speak ; utter ; mouth ; verbalize ; verbalise praten ; spreken
number nummeren ; tellen statistics
record ; tape opnemen ; registreren basic_meanings
state ; say ; tell vertellen ; zeggen ; praten ; spreken basic_meanings
name ; call noemen basic_meanings
mail ; post ; send op de post doen basic_meanings
play spelen basic_meanings
contend ; fight ; struggle vechten basic_meanings
beat ; beat out ; crush ; shell ; trounce ; vanquish overwinnen
assail ; assault ; set on ; attack tackelen military
open fire ; fire vuren ; afvuren ; schieten basic_meanings
use ; utilize ; utilise ; apply ; employ gebruiken manufacturing
drink ; imbibe drinken basic_meanings
smoke roken basic_meanings
take ; get hold of pakken ; oppakken basic_meanings
polish ; smooth ; smoothen ; shine polijsten ; oppoetsen
skin ; peel ; pare schillen basic_meanings
join ; bring together verbinden basic_meanings
flush ; level ; even out ; even gelijkmaken mechanical_engineering
sew ; run up ; sew together ; stitch naaien basic_meanings
glue ; paste aanplakken basic_meanings
close ; shut sluiten ; dichtklappen ; afsluiten basic_meanings
open ; open up openen basic_meanings
lock sluiten ; afsluiten basic_meanings
screw schroeven basic_meanings
kick trappen basic_meanings
smash ; nail ; boom ; blast slaan basic_meanings
snog ; kiss ; buss ; osculate kussen ; zoenen basic_meanings
bite ; seize with teeth bijten basic_meanings
pull ; draw ; force trekken mechanical_engineering
put ; set ; place ; pose ; position ; lay zetten ; leggen marketing
wind ; wrap ; roll ; twine oprollen ; rollen basic_meanings
function ; work ; operate ; go ; run werken statistics
clean ; make clean schoonmaken ; reinigen basic_meanings
wash ; launder wassen basic_meanings
cut snijden ; afsnijden ; knippen mechanical_engineering
cushion ; buffer ; soften buffer logistics
shroud ; enshroud ; hide ; cover verhullen ; verbergen basic_meanings
squash ; crush ; squelch ; mash ; squeeze knijpen ; verpletteren
comb kammen basic_meanings
make ; create scheppen ; maken basic_meanings
produce ; make ; create produceren basic_meanings
design ; plan ontwerpen manufacturing
cook koken basic_meanings
copy ; re-create kopiëren ; kopi�ren marketing
plow ; plough ; turn ploegen basic_meanings
imitate ; copy ; simulate nabootsen marketing
print ; impress afdrukken basic_meanings
feel ; experience gevoelen manufacturing
hate ; detest haten basic_meanings
love houden van basic_meanings
like houden van ; graag hebben ; lusten ; graag lusten basic_meanings
fear vrezen basic_meanings
repent ; regret ; rue betreuren basic_meanings
shock ; offend ; scandalize ; scandalise ; appal ; appall ; outrage ergernis
geven basic_meanings
hope hopen basic_meanings
comfort ; soothe ; console ; solace troosten basic_meanings
desire ; want willen basic_meanings
travel ; go ; move ; locomote lopen ; gaan basic_meanings
come ; come up komen basic_meanings
move ; displace verroeren basic_meanings
pump pompen basic_meanings
stop ; halt stoppen finance
brake remmen transportation
push ; force duwen manufacturing
walk lopen ; wandelen basic_meanings
turn draaien basic_meanings
run rennen ; lopen sports
fly ; wing vliegen basic_meanings
transport ; send ; ship overbrengen ; voeren ; vervoeren ; transporteren
swim zwemmen basic_meanings
jump ; leap ; bound ; spring springen sports
fall vallen basic_meanings
raise ; lift ; elevate ; get up ; bring up optrekken ; optillen
land ; set down aan land gaan ; landen basic_meanings
lead ; take ; direct ; conduct ; guide leiden ; voeren real_estate
feel ; sense tasten basic_meanings
smell ruiken ; geuren ; stinken basic_meanings
smell stinken basic_meanings
smell ruiken basic_meanings
see zien ; aanschouwen basic_meanings
look kijken basic_meanings
look ; appear ; seem er uitzien basic_meanings
watch ; view ; see ; catch ; take in kijken basic_meanings
taste ; savor ; savour smaken ; proeven basic_meanings
sugar ; saccharify zoeten basic_meanings
salt zouten cooking
give geven ; overhandigen basic_meanings
have ; have got ; hold hebben basic_meanings
own ; have ; possess bezitten basic_meanings
get ; acquire verkrijgen basic_meanings
trade ; merchandise handel basic_meanings
profit ; turn a profit verdienen ; winst maken ; profiteren
offer aanbieden real_estate
price prijzen marketing
act ; move handelen logistics
displace ; fire ; give notice ; can ; dismiss ; give the axe ; send away ; sack ;
force out ; give the sack ; terminate ontslaan basic_meanings
free ; liberate ; release ; unloose ; unloosen ; loose verlossen ; bevrijden
control ; command beheersen ; beheren manufacturing
respect ; honor ; honour ; abide by ; observe eerbiedigen basic_meanings
divide ; split ; split up ; separate ; dissever ; carve up verdelen
try ; seek ; attempt ; essay ; assay pogen ; proberen basic_meanings
test ; prove ; try ; try out ; examine ; essay proberen statistics
dishonor ; disgrace ; dishonour ; attaint ; shame onteren basic_meanings
help ; assist ; aid helpen medicine
support ; back up steunen real_estate
make ; do doen basic_meanings
heed ; mind ; listen aandacht basic_meanings
flim-flam ; play a joke on ; play tricks ; trick ; fob ; fox ; pull a fast one on
; play a trick on beetnemen finance
poison vergiftigen basic_meanings
govern ; rule regeren basic_meanings
be wezen ; zijn basic_meanings
end ; stop ; finish ; terminate ; cease eindigen ; voltooien finance
necessitate ; ask ; postulate ; need ; require ; take ; involve ; call for ;
demand hebben real_estate
embrace ; encompass ; comprehend ; cover bevatten mathematics
match ; fit ; correspond ; check ; jibe ; gibe ; tally ; agree corresponderen
exceed ; transcend ; overstep ; pass ; go past ; top overtreffen
keep ; maintain ; hold houden basic_meanings
rain ; rain down regenen basic_meanings
snow sneeuwen basic_meanings
fume ; smoke roken basic_meanings
able capabel basic_meanings
acid zuur chemistry
gluey ; glutinous ; gummy ; mucilaginous ; pasty ; sticky ; viscid ; viscous
kleverig basic_meanings
dead dood ; dode ; overleden ; gestorven basic_meanings
angry boos basic_meanings
automatic automatisch manufacturing
awake wakker basic_meanings
front voorste basic_meanings
beautiful mooi ; schoon basic_meanings
broken gebroken basic_meanings
certain ; sure zeker basic_meanings
aureate ; gilded ; gilt ; gold ; golden goudkleurig ; gouden basic_meanings
blue ; bluish ; blueish blauw basic_meanings
brown ; brownish ; chocolate-brown ; dark-brown bruin basic_meanings
green ; greenish ; light-green ; dark-green groen basic_meanings
orange ; orangish oranje basic_meanings
red ; reddish ; ruddy ; blood-red ; carmine ; cerise ; cherry ; cherry-red ;
crimson ; ruby ; ruby-red ; scarlet rood basic_meanings
yellow ; yellowish ; xanthous geel basic_meanings
grey ; gray ; greyish ; grayish grij ; grijs basic_meanings
black zwart basic_meanings
white wit basic_meanings
color ; colour kleur basic_meanings
bright ; brilliant ; vivid helder mechanical_engineering
dark donker ; duister mechanical_engineering
clean schoon basic_meanings
dirty ; soiled ; unclean onrein ; vuil ; vies basic_meanings
clear duidelijk ; helder basic_meanings
astute ; sharp ; shrewd scherpzinnig basic_meanings
far ver ; ver basic_meanings
near ; close ; nigh dichtbij basic_meanings
common gewoon basic_meanings
especial ; exceptional ; particular ; special bijzonder ; speciaal
full ; total totaal logistics
sparse ; thin dun basic_meanings
correct ; right correct ; juist basic_meanings
incorrect ; wrong onjuist basic_meanings
false ; mistaken onjuist basic_meanings
brusque ; brusk ; curt ; short bruusk basic_meanings
current tegenwoordig basic_meanings
delicate fijn ; delicaat basic_meanings
delicate ; fragile ; frail broos ; breekbaar ; kwetsbaar basic_meanings
dependent afhankelijk basic_meanings
fixed vast manufacturing
difficult ; hard moeilijk ; hard ; lastig mechanical_engineering
elementary ; simple ; uncomplicated ; unproblematic eenvoudig ; eenduidig
early vroeg ; vroegtijdig basic_meanings
late laat basic_meanings
east oostelijk basic_meanings
west westelijk basic_meanings
elastic elastisch basic_meanings
equal gelijke basic_meanings
even ; fifty-fifty vlak basic_meanings
flat ; level ; plane vlak ; plat manufacturing
even even basic_meanings
costly ; dear ; high-priced ; pricey ; pricy kostbaar ; duur basic_meanings
cheap ; inexpensive goedkoop ; goedkope ; voordelig manufacturing
strange ; unusual raar basic_meanings
common ; usual gewoon basic_meanings
slow langzaam ; traag basic_meanings
fat vet ; vette ; dik ; dikke ; gezet ; gezette ; corpulent basic_meanings
thin ; lean schraal basic_meanings
fatty ; fat vettig basic_meanings
light ; lite ; low-cal ; calorie-free dieet basic_meanings
fertile vruchtbaar basic_meanings
inaugural ; initiative ; initiatory ; first ; maiden eerste
first eerst basic_meanings
last laatste basic_meanings
rigid ; stiff onbuigzaam basic_meanings
foreign ; strange buitenlands ; vreemd transportation
hapless ; miserable ; misfortunate ; pathetic ; piteous ; pitiable ; pitiful ;
poor ; wretched arm basic_meanings
free vrij basic_meanings
frequent frequent ; frequente basic_meanings
prolific ; fertile vruchtbaar basic_meanings
full vol basic_meanings
general algemeen basic_meanings
good goed basic_meanings
bang-up ; bully ; corking ; cracking ; dandy ; great ; groovy ; keen ; neat ;
nifty ; not bad ; peachy ; slap-up ; swell ; smashing mieters
bad slecht basic_meanings
sudden plotseling ; plotselinge basic_meanings
abrupt ; precipitous ; sharp steil basic_meanings
happy gelukkig ; blij ; opgewekt basic_meanings
firm ; solid stevig ; vast ; sterk basic_meanings
soft zacht basic_meanings
healthy gezond ; gezonde basic_meanings
good ; sound gezond basic_meanings
light licht ; lichte mechanical_engineering
high hoog basic_meanings
low laag basic_meanings
nether ; under onder basic_meanings
truthful ; true waar basic_meanings
cold koud meteorology
barbarous ; brutal ; cruel ; fell ; roughshod ; savage ; vicious barbaars
important ; of import belangrijk basic_meanings
cardinal ; central ; fundamental ; key ; primal fundamenteel ;
fiddling ; footling ; lilliputian ; little ; niggling ; piddling ; piffling ;
petty ; picayune ; trivial gering basic_meanings
conscious ; witting welbewust basic_meanings
sad bedroefd ; droevig ; treurig basic_meanings
kind lief basic_meanings
great groot basic_meanings
small ; little klein ; een beetje basic_meanings
infinitesimal ; minute nietig manufacturing
like ; similar vergelijkbaar basic_meanings
unlike ; dissimilar ; different anders basic_meanings
probable ; likely waarschijnlijk basic_meanings
minor ; modest ; small ; small-scale ; pocket-size ; pocket-sized gering
long lang ; lange finance
short kort ; korte ; dicht ; dichte finance
tight dicht basic_meanings
loud luid ; luide ; hard ; harde basic_meanings
beloved ; darling ; dear beste ; geachte ; lieveling basic_meanings
male mannelijk ; mannetje basic_meanings
female vrouwelijk basic_meanings
married getrouwd basic_meanings
male ; manful ; manlike ; manly ; virile mannelijk zoology
fierce ; tearing ; vehement ; violent ; trigger-happy gewelddadig
military militair basic_meanings
metallic ; metal metalen basic_meanings
silver zilverkleurig ; zilverkleurige basic_meanings
much veel basic_meanings
natural natuurlijk ecology
fake ; false ; faux ; imitation ; simulated vals basic_meanings
necessary nodig basic_meanings
normal normaal statistics
north noord ; noordelijk basic_meanings
south zuid ; zuidelijk basic_meanings
old oud basic_meanings
young ; immature jong ; jeugdig basic_meanings
on tot electronics
off van basic_meanings
open ; unfastened open ; geopend basic_meanings
shut ; unopen ; closed gesloten basic_meanings
clandestine ; cloak-and-dagger ; hole-and-corner ; hugger-mugger ; hush-hush ;
secret ; surreptitious ; undercover ; underground geheim basic_meanings
complimentary ; costless ; free ; gratis ; gratuitous gratis ; kosteloos
parallel parallel ; evenwijdig mathematics
past voorbij basic_meanings
present tegenwoordig logistics
future toekomstig basic_meanings
complete ; consummate volledig ; compleet ; allesomvattend manufacturing
private besloten basic_meanings
physical lichamelijk ; fysisch basic_meanings
acuate ; acute ; sharp ; needlelike scherp basic_meanings
political politiek basic_meanings
possible mogelijk ; mogelijke ; haalbaar ; haalbare (attainable)
potent ; strong ; stiff krachtig chemistry
dirty ; dingy ; muddied ; muddy smerig ; vuil basic_meanings
quiet stil ; zwijgzaam ; rustig basic_meanings
silent ; soundless ; still stil ; zwijgzaam technology
ready klaar basic_meanings
regular regelmatig ; regelmatige manufacturing
responsible verantwoordelijk ; verantwoordelijke basic_meanings
right rechts ; rechtse basic_meanings
left links basic_meanings
round ; circular rondschrijven ; ronde mathematics
square vierkant statistics
safe veilig basic_meanings
same hetzelfde basic_meanings
other ander ; anderen basic_meanings
different anders basic_meanings
new nieuw basic_meanings
opposite tegenovergesteld basic_meanings
open ; opened open ; geopend basic_meanings
separate afzonderlijk basic_meanings
serious ernstig ; degelijk ; serieus basic_meanings
common ; mutual gemeen ; overeenkomst ; algemeen basic_meanings
complex complex manufacturing
second ; 2nd ; 2d tweede basic_meanings
adept ; expert ; good ; practiced ; proficient ; skillful ; skilful deskundig
crude ; rough grof basic_meanings
smooth glad basic_meanings
rough ; unsmooth onbehouwen basic_meanings
solid solide basic_meanings
liquid vloeistof ; vloeibaar ; vloeibare basic_meanings
hollow hol ; leeg basic_meanings
any ; whatever ; whatsoever een basic_meanings
no geen basic_meanings
all al ; alle ; alles basic_meanings
every ieder ; elk ; elke basic_meanings
straight recht ; rechte basic_meanings
strong sterk basic_meanings
faint ; feeble zwak basic_meanings
subject ; dependent ondergeschikte basic_meanings
sweet zoet basic_meanings
tall (thing) hoog ; (person) lang basic_meanings
bitter bitter basic_meanings
thick dik basic_meanings
thin dun ; mager basic_meanings
thick dicht basic_meanings
tired moe ; vermoeid basic_meanings
true waar ; echt ; echte basic_meanings
false vals basic_meanings
down onder ; beneden basic_meanings
violent gewelddadig basic_meanings
warm hartelijk basic_meanings
ill ; sick ziek ; zieke basic_meanings
wet nat ; natte ; vochtig ; vochtige basic_meanings
dry droog chemistry
healthy ; salubrious ; good for you gezond basic_meanings
wide ; broad wijd ; breed basic_meanings
narrow nauw basic_meanings
wise wijs ; verstandig basic_meanings
foolish stom basic_meanings
material materieel ; materiaal manufacturing
chemical ; chemic chemisch basic_meanings
medical geneeskundig ; medisch basic_meanings
physical natuurkundig basic_meanings
electric ; electrical elektrisch basic_meanings
merely ; simply ; just ; only ; but slechts ; alleen maar ; enkel
approximately ; about ; close to ; just about ; some ; roughly ; more or less ;
around ; or so ongeveer basic_meanings
entirely ; exclusively ; solely ; alone ; only alleen basic_meanings
well ; good goed ; uitstekend basic_meanings
even zelfs basic_meanings
equally ; as ; every bit als basic_meanings
not ; non niet basic_meanings
however ; nevertheless ; withal ; still ; yet ; all the same ; even so ;
nonetheless ; notwithstanding echter basic_meanings
still nog basic_meanings
very ; really ; real ; rattling heel ; zeer ; erg economics
again ; once again ; once more ; over again opnieuw ; nogmaals ; weer ;
wederom basic_meanings
immediately ; instantly ; straightaway ; straight off ; directly ; now ; right
away ; at once ; forthwith ; like a shot onmiddellijk basic_meanings
now ; at present nu ; momenteel ; thans basic_meanings
directly ; straight ; direct direct ; recht manufacturing
earlier ; before voor basic_meanings
about ; almost ; most ; nearly ; near ; nigh ; virtually ; well-nigh bijna ;
haast basic_meanings
forward ; forwards ; frontward ; frontwards ; forrad ; forrard vooruit
up ; upwards ; upward ; upwardly opwaarts basic_meanings
little beetje ; weinig basic_meanings
late ; belatedly ; tardily laat basic_meanings
early on ; early vroeg basic_meanings
first ; firstly ; foremost ; first of all ; first off eerste
right gelijk basic_meanings
here hier basic_meanings
here ; hither hier basic_meanings
there ; at that place ; in that location daar ; daarheen ; aldaar
together samen basic_meanings
then ; so ; and so ; and then toen ; dan basic_meanings
though hoewel basic_meanings
enough ; plenty genoeg basic_meanings
so zozeer basic_meanings
such zodanig basic_meanings
slowly ; slow ; easy ; tardily traag ; traagjes ; langzaamaan
right precies basic_meanings
by ; past langs basic_meanings
tomorrow morgen basic_meanings
in ; inwards ; inward binnen basic_meanings
yesterday gisteren basic_meanings
chemistry ; chemical science apotheek ; scheikunde ; chemie chemistry
Germany ; Federal Republic of Germany ; Deutschland ; FRG Duitsland state
France ; French Republic Frankrijk state
India ; Republic of India ; Bharat Republiek India state
astronomy ; uranology astronomie ; sterrenkunde
December ; Dec december
October ; Oct oktober
November ; Nov november
politics politiek
September ; Sep ; Sept september
Africa Afrika
April ; Apr april
mathematics ; math ; maths wiskunde mathematics
physics ; natural philosophy natuurkunde ; fysica
June juni
July juli
Argentina ; Argentine Republic Argentinië state
chess ; chess game schaken ; schaakspel
January ; Jan januari
geography ; geographics geografie
hydrogen ; H ; atomic number 1 waterstof logistics
May mei
Soviet Union ; Russia ; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ; USSR Unie van
Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken ; Sovjet unie ; Rusland ; Sovjetunie
Canada Canada
Italy ; Italian Republic ; Italia Italië state
Greece ; Hellenic Republic ; Ellas Griekenland state
February ; Feb februari
Switzerland ; Swiss Confederation ; Suisse ; Schweiz ; Svizzera Zwitserland
Spain ; Kingdom of Spain ; Espana Spanje
Bible ; Christian Bible ; Book ; Good Book ; Holy Scripture ; Holy Writ ;
Scripture ; Word of God ; Word bijbel
atom atoom physics
Sweden ; Kingdom of Sweden ; Sverige Zweden
lion ; king of beasts ; Panthera leo leeuw zoology
beer bier
Japan ; Nippon ; Nihon Japan
literature literatuur
Portugal ; Portuguese Republic Portugal state
Poland ; Republic of Poland ; Polska Polen state
Chile ; Republic of Chile Chili state
Europe Europa
Asia Azië
Christianity ; Christian religion Christendom
sugar ; refined sugar suiker chemistry
ocean oceaan ecology
Mexico ; United Mexican States Mexico state
Afghanistan ; Islamic State of Afghanistan Afghanistan
pope ; Catholic Pope ; Roman Catholic Pope ; pontiff ; Holy Father ; Vicar of
Christ ; Bishop of Rome paus
continent continent
Lithuania ; Republic of Lithuania ; Lietuva Litouwen state
United States ; United States of America ; America ; the States ; US ; U.S. ; USA
; U.S.A. Verenigde Staten van America ; USA state
England Engeland
Iran ; Islamic Republic of Iran ; Persia Islamitische Republiek Iran state
Brazil ; Federative Republic of Brazil ; Brasil Brazilië
Pakistan ; Islamic Republic of Pakistan ; West Pakistan Pakistan state
sport ; athletics sport
Albania ; Republic of Albania Albanië state
Iraq ; Republic of Iraq ; Al-Iraq ; Irak Irak state
Buddhism Boeddhisme
Latin Latijn language
farming ; agriculture ; husbandry landbouw
Austria ; Republic of Austria ; Oesterreich Republiek Oostenrijk
Kenya ; Republic of Kenya Republiek Kenia state
Monday ; Mon maandag
biology ; biological science biologie biology
oxygen ; O ; atomic number 8 zuurstof mechanical_engineering
Norway ; Kingdom of Norway ; Norge ; Noreg Noorwegen
Athens ; Athinai ; capital of Greece ; Greek capital Athene city
psychology ; psychological science psychologie marketing
geology geologie
Bangladesh ; People's Republic of Bangladesh ; Bangla Desh ; East Pakistan
Volksrepubliek Bangladesh state
archeology ; archaeology archeologie
Romania ; Roumania ; Rumania Roemenië state
tiger ; Panthera tigris tijger zoology
encyclopedia ; cyclopedia ; encyclopaedia ; cyclopaedia encyclopedie
history geschiedenis
Bulgaria ; Republic of Bulgaria Bulgarije state
Iceland ; Republic of Iceland IJsland state
Algeria ; Algerie ; Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Algerie state
dictionary ; lexicon woordenboek linguistics
Friday ; Fri vrijdag
desert woestijn ecology
Armenia ; Republic of Armenia ; Hayastan Armenië state
honey honing
Thailand ; Kingdom of Thailand ; Siam Thailand
Finland ; Republic of Finland ; Suomi Republiek Finland
Thursday ; Th donderdag
Azerbaijan ; Azerbaijani Republic ; Azerbajdzhan ; Azerbajdzhan Republic
Azerbeidzjan state
Burundi ; Republic of Burundi Republiek Burundi state
dance dans
coffee ; java koffie
Tuesday ; Tues dinsdag
planet planeet ecology
liver lever cooking
Peru ; Republic of Peru Peru state
alphabet alfabet mathematics
Wednesday ; Midweek ; Wed woensdag
Hungary ; Republic of Hungary ; Magyarorszag Hongarije state
carbon ; C ; atomic number 6 koolstof logistics
Islam ; Islamism ; Mohammedanism ; Muhammadanism ; Muslimism mohammedanisme
United Kingdom ; UK ; U.K. ; Britain ; United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland ; Great Britain Brittannië
Netherlands ; The Netherlands ; Kingdom of The Netherlands ; Nederland ; Holland
Nederland ; Holland
anthropology antropologie
Slovenia ; Republic of Slovenia ; Slovenija Slovenië state
Bolivia ; Republic of Bolivia Bolivia state
Angola ; Republic of Angola Angola state
Belgium ; Kingdom of Belgium ; Belgique Koninkrijk België
Bahrain ; State of Bahrain ; Bahrein Bahrein
Colombia ; Republic of Colombia Colombia state
Niger ; Republic of Niger Niger state
Belarus ; Republic of Belarus ; Byelarus ; Byelorussia ; Belorussia ; White
Russia Belarus state
comet staartster ; komeet
Denmark ; Kingdom of Denmark ; Danmark Denemarken
nitrogen ; N ; atomic number 7 stikstof logistics
Cuba ; Republic of Cuba Cuba state
Nigeria ; Federal Republic of Nigeria Nigeria state
philosophy wijsbegeerte
United Nations ; UN Verenigde Naties ecology
Senegal ; Republic of Senegal Senegal state
Estonia ; Esthonia ; Republic of Estonia Estland state
aluminum ; aluminium ; Al ; atomic number 13 aluminium mechanical_engineering
war ; warfare oorlog
Latvia ; Republic of Latvia Republiek Letland state
Philippines ; Republic of the Philippines Filipijnen state
Cambodia ; Kingdom of Cambodia ; Kampuchea Koninkrijk Cambodja
camel kameel zoology
Sudan ; Republic of the Sudan ; Soudan Soedan state
violin ; fiddle viool
earthquake ; quake ; temblor ; seism aardbeving ; aardschok
euro euro money
Ethiopia ; Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia ; Yaltopya ; Abyssinia
Ethiopië state
European Union ; EU ; European Community ; EC ; European Economic Community ; EEC
; Common Market ; Europe Europese Unie
March ; Mar maart
Mars ; Red Planet Mars
Jupiter Jupiter
Jesus ; Jesus of Nazareth ; the Nazarene ; Jesus Christ ; Christ ; Savior ;
Saviour ; Good Shepherd ; Redeemer ; Deliverer Christus ; Jezus
Ukraine ; Ukrayina Oekraïne state
Lebanon ; Lebanese Republic Libanon state
Antarctica ; Antarctic continent Antarctica
Sunday ; Lord's Day ; Dominicus ; Sun zondag
August ; Aug augustus
vent ; volcano vulkaan ecology
Venezuela ; Republic of Venezuela Venezuela state
Indonesia ; Republic of Indonesia ; Dutch East Indies Republiek Indonesië
Atlantic ; Atlantic Ocean Atlantische Oceaan
World War II ; World War 2 ; Second World War Tweede Wereldoorlog
tea thee
Ghana ; Republic of Ghana ; Gold Coast Republiek Ghana state
energy ; free energy energie physics
Croatia ; Republic of Croatia ; Hrvatska Kroatië state
Monaco ; Principality of Monaco Monaco
democracy ; republic ; commonwealth republiek ; democratie
Yemen ; Republic of Yemen Jemen state
Vietnam ; Socialist Republic of Vietnam ; Viet Nam ; Annam Vietnam state
Kazakhstan ; Republic of Kazakhstan ; Kazakstan ; Kazakh ; Kazak Republiek
Kazachstan state
Ecuador ; Republic of Ecuador Republiek Ecuador state
Australia Australië
Zimbabwe ; Republic of Zimbabwe ; Rhodesia ; Southern Rhodesia Zimbabwe state
Tunisia ; Republic of Tunisia Tunesië state
butterfly vlinder zoology
Czech Republic Tsjechische Republiek ; Tsjechië
Tanzania ; United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania state
lake meer ecology
economics ; economic science ; political economy economie mathematics
chocolate Chocola ; chocolade
Somalia Somalië state
South Korea ; Republic of Korea Republiek Korea
eagle ; bird of Jove adelaar zoology
geometry geometrie ; meetkunde mathematics
Myanmar ; Union of Burma ; Burma Myanmar state
9/11 ; 9-11 ; September 11 ; Sept. 11 ; Sep 11 11 september
Paraguay ; Republic of Paraguay Paraguay ; Paraguay state
Malta ; Republic of Malta Republiek Malta state
universe ; existence ; creation ; world ; cosmos ; macrocosm universum ;
heelal ; spectrum ; scala
diamond diamant mechanical_engineering
Uruguay Uruguay state
linguistics linguïstiek ; taalwetenschap
Gambia ; The Gambia ; Republic of The Gambia Republiek Gambia state
Andorra ; Principality of Andorra Andorra state
North America Noord-Amerika
Jordan ; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Hasjemitisch Koninkrijk Jordanië
South America Zuid-Amerika
German ; High German ; German language Duits
Saudi Arabia ; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi-Arabië
Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Bosna i Hercegovina
; Bosnia-Herzegovina ; Bosnia Bosnië en Herzegovina state
Slovakia ; Slovak Republic Slowakije state
anatomy ; general anatomy ontleedkunde ; anatomie biology
elephant olifant animal
mouse muis zoology
Alaska ; Last Frontier ; AK Alaska
Cameroon ; Republic of Cameroon ; Cameroun Kameroen state
Liberia ; Republic of Liberia Liberia state
car ; auto ; automobile ; machine ; motorcar auto ; wagen ; automobiel
Nepal ; Kingdom of Nepal Nepal
Benin ; Republic of Benin ; Dahomey Benin
sociology sociologie
Zambia ; Republic of Zambia ; Northern Rhodesia Zambia state
Paris ; City of Light ; French capital ; capital of France Parijs city
Fiji ; Republic of Fiji Fiji state
zoology ; zoological science dierkunde ; zoölogie biology
Panama ; Republic of Panama Republiek Panama state
Mongolia ; Mongolian People's Republic ; Outer Mongolia Mongolië state
Botswana ; Republic of Botswana Botswana state
democracy democratie
Burkina Faso ; Upper Volta Burkina Faso
algebra algebra mathematics
Vatican City ; Citta del Vaticano Vaticaanstad
Eritrea ; State of Eritrea Staat Eritrea
statistics statistiek statistics
Saturn Saturnus
South Africa ; Republic of South Africa Zuid-Afrika
Malawi ; Republic of Malawi ; Nyasaland Malawi state
Mali ; Republic of Mali ; French Sudan Mali state
lemon citroen
Mauritius ; Republic of Mauritius Republiek Mauritius state
Chad ; Republic of Chad ; Tchad Republiek Tsjaad state
meter ; metre ; m meter mechanical_engineering
Syria ; Syrian Arab Republic Syrië state
Malaysia ; Malaya Maleisië
theater ; theatre ; house schouwburg
Maldives ; Republic of Maldives Maldiven state
Haiti ; Republic of Haiti Haïti state
doctor ; doc ; physician ; MD ; Dr. ; medico doctor ; dokter ; arts
Uganda ; Republic of Uganda Oeganda state
Namibia ; Republic of Namibia ; South West Africa Namibië state
Uzbekistan ; Republic of Uzbekistan ; Uzbek Oezbekistan state
Leonardo ; Leonardo da Vinci ; da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci person
North Korea ; Democratic People's Republic of Korea ; D.P.R.K. ; DPRK
Democratische Volksrepubliek Korea
Hitler ; Adolf Hitler ; Der Fuhrer Adolf Hitler person
Libya ; Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libië
Newton ; Isaac Newton ; Sir Isaac Newton Isaac Newton person
architecture architectuur construction
Honduras ; Republic of Honduras Republiek Honduras state
sulfur ; S ; sulphur ; atomic number 16 zwavel chemistry
Turkey ; Republic of Turkey Turkije
Luxembourg ; Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ; Luxemburg Groothertogdom Luxemburg
Oceania ; Oceanica Oceanië
rabbit ; coney ; cony konijn zoology
Mediterranean ; Mediterranean Sea Middellandse Zee
blue ; blueness blauw
Warszawa ; Warsaw ; capital of Poland Warschau city
Indian Ocean Indische Oceaan
Cyprus ; Republic of Cyprus Cyprus
Mozart ; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart person
Djibouti ; Republic of Djibouti ; Afars and Issas Djibouti
California ; Golden State ; CA ; Calif. Californië
Egypt ; Arab Republic of Egypt ; United Arab Republic Arabische Republiek
Egypte state
Mozambique ; Republic of Mozambique ; Mocambique Republiek Mozambique state
Scotland Schotland
Pacific ; Pacific Ocean Grote Oceaan
culture ; civilization ; civilisation cultuur marketing
tennis ; lawn tennis tennis
Morocco ; Kingdom of Morocco ; Maroc ; Marruecos ; Al-Magrib Koninkrijk
Marx ; Karl Marx Karl Marx person
noun substantief linguistics
United Arab Emirates Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
Linux Linux
New Zealand Nieuw-Zeeland
temperature temperatuur transportation
Montenegro ; Crna Gora Montenegro
Nicaragua ; Republic of Nicaragua Nicaragua state
London ; Greater London ; British capital ; capital of the United Kingdom
Londen city
Seychelles ; Republic of Seychelles Seychellen state
telephone ; phone ; telephone set telefoon ; telefoon (de)
Kuwait ; State of Kuwait ; Koweit Koeweit
Berlin ; German capital Berlijn
Costa Rica ; Republic of Costa Rica Republiek Costa Rica
Swaziland ; Kingdom of Swaziland Koninkrijk Swaziland
phosphorus ; P ; atomic number 15 fosfor chemistry
Rwanda ; Rwandese Republic ; Ruanda Rwanda state
city ; metropolis ; urban center stad logistics
Dominican Republic Dominicaanse Republiek
red ; redness rood
gas ; gaseous state gas mechanical_engineering
Arabic ; Arabic language Arabisch language
Bhutan ; Kingdom of Bhutan Bhutan
Einstein ; Albert Einstein Albert Einstein person
lung long biology
wolf wolf zoology
zebra zebra zoology
three ; 3 ; iii drie
biochemistry biochemie chemistry
El Salvador ; Republic of El Salvador ; Salvador El Salvador state
solar system zonnestelsel
North Atlantic Treaty Organization ; NATO NAVO
revolution revolutie
Moldova ; Republic of Moldova ; Moldavia Republiek Moldavië state
television ; telecasting ; TV ; video televisie
dream ; dreaming droom
Bahamas ; Commonwealth of the Bahamas ; Bahama Islands Bahama's
Sanskrit ; Sanskritic language Sanskriet language
giraffe ; camelopard ; Giraffa camelopardalis giraffe zoology
Neptune neptunus
chlorine ; Cl ; atomic number 17 chloor chemistry
ecology ; bionomics ; environmental science ecologie ecology
depository financial institution ; bank ; banking concern ; banking company
bank transportation
Pluto pluto
calcium ; Ca ; atomic number 20 calcium chemistry
Hawaii ; Hawai'i ; Aloha State ; HI Hawaï
Florida ; Sunshine State ; Everglade State ; FL Florida
Jerusalem ; capital of Israel Jeruzalem city
frog ; toad ; toad frog ; anuran ; batrachian ; salientian kikker ; kikvors
; pad zoology
Moscow ; capital of the Russian Federation ; Russian capital Moskou city
New York ; New York City ; Greater New York New York City
Rome ; Roma ; Eternal City ; Italian capital ; capital of Italy Rome
Arctic Ocean Noordelijke IJszee
grammar grammatica ; spraakkunst
periodic table periodiek systeem chemistry
crocodile krokodillen zoology
Mauritania ; Islamic Republic of Mauritania ; Mauritanie ; Muritaniya
Islamitische Republiek Mauretanië
Madrid ; capital of Spain ; Spanish capital Madrid city
Amsterdam ; Dutch capital ; capital of The Netherlands Amsterdam
Suriname ; Republic of Suriname ; Surinam ; Dutch Guiana ; Netherlands Guiana
Suriname state
poetry ; poesy ; verse poëzie
deer ; cervid hert zoology
Tajikistan ; Republic of Tajikistan ; Tadzhikistan ; Tadzhik ; Tadjik ; Tajik
Tadzjikistan state
piano ; pianoforte ; forte-piano piano
triangle ; trigon ; trilateral driehoek mechanical_engineering
genetics ; genetic science genetica genetics
Turkmenistan ; Turkomen ; Turkmen ; Turkmenia Turkmenistan state
electron ; negatron elektron chemistry
botany ; phytology plantkunde biology
nature natuur basic_meanings
Frankfurt on the Main ; Frankfurt ; Frankfort Frankfurt am Main
flower ; bloom ; blossom bloem biology
Guatemala ; Republic of Guatemala Guatemala state
Laos ; Lao People's Democratic Republic laos state
electronics elektronica
eight ; 8 ; viii acht
Madagascar Madagaskar
logic logica
Columbus ; Christopher Columbus ; Cristoforo Colombo ; Cristobal Colon
Christoffel Columbus person
World War I ; World War 1 ; Great War ; First World War ; War to End War
Eerste Wereldoorlog
Nile ; Nile River Nijl
ethics ; moral philosophy ethiek law
Liechtenstein ; Principality of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Beijing ; Peking ; Peiping ; capital of Red China Peking capital_city
Castro ; Fidel Castro ; Fidel Castro Ruz Fidel Castro
ten ; 10 ; x tien
actor ; histrion ; player ; thespian ; role player acteur basic_meanings
Togo ; Togolese Republic Togo state
Guinea ; Republic of Guinea ; French Guinea Guinee state
thousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; M ; K ; chiliad ; G ; grand ; thou ; yard
duizend real_estate
basketball ; basketball game ; hoops basketbal sports
helium ; He ; atomic number 2 helium chemistry
patriotism ; nationalism patriottisme ; nationalisme
Shakespeare ; William Shakespeare ; Shakspere ; William Shakspere ; Bard of Avon
William Shakespeare person
Congo ; Democratic Republic of the Congo ; Zaire ; Belgian Congo
Democratische Republiek Congo state
speed ; velocity snelheid transportation
Guinea-Bissau ; Republic of Guinea-Bissau ; Guine-Bissau ; Portuguese Guinea
Republiek Guinee-Bissau state
Kyrgyzstan ; Kyrgyz Republic ; Kirghizia ; Kirgizia ; Kirghiz ; Kirgiz ;
Kirghizstan ; Kirgizstan Kirgizië
Cape Verde ; Republic of Cape Verde Republiek Kaapverdië
Chicago ; Windy City Chicago city
Nobel prize Nobelprijs
mythology mythologie
Hong Kong Hongkong
cemetery ; graveyard ; burial site ; burial ground ; burying ground ; memorial
park ; necropolis kerkhof ; begraafplaats
Texas ; Lone-Star State ; TX Texas
Greenland ; Gronland ; Kalaallit Nunaat Groenland
Esperanto Esperanto language
game spel mathematics
Brunei ; Negara Brunei Darussalam Brunei
Alabama ; Heart of Dixie ; Camellia State ; AL Alabama
Judaism Judaism
Cairo ; Al Qahira ; El Qahira ; Egyptian capital ; capital of Egypt Kairo
storm ; violent storm storm meteorology
fox vos zoology
Christmas ; Christmas Day ; Xmas ; Dec 25 Kerstmis
Sierra Leone ; Republic of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Bangkok ; capital of Thailand ; Krung Thep Bangkok city
Gandhi ; Mahatma Gandhi ; Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi
embassy ambassade
engineering ; engineering science ; applied science ; technology technische
wetenschappen marketing
Caesar ; Julius Caesar ; Gaius Julius Caesar Julius Caesar
Uranus Uranus astronomy
Scandinavia Scandinavië
Gregorian calendar ; New Style calendar Gregoriaanse kalender
AIDS ; acquired immune deficiency syndrome Aids
kidney nier biology
Jamaica Jamaica
Israel ; State of Israel ; Yisrael ; Zion ; Sion Israël state
Lesotho ; Kingdom of Lesotho ; Basutoland Koninkrijk Lesotho
proton proton chemistry
deoxyribonucleic acid ; desoxyribonucleic acid ; DNA desoxyribonucleïnezuur
; DNA genetics
angel engel
Lenin ; Vladimir Lenin ; Nikolai Lenin ; Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ; Vladimir Ilich
Lenin ; Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov ; Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov Vladimir Lenin
large ; big groot basic_meanings
Belize ; British Honduras Belize
Lisbon ; Lisboa ; capital of Portugal Lissabon city
Los Angeles ; City of the Angels Los Angeles
meteorology meteorologie
Plato Plato
French Revolution Franse Revolutie
zinc ; Zn ; atomic number 30 zink mechanical_engineering
Guyana ; Co-operative Republic of Guyana ; British Guiana Guyana state
carrot ; cultivated carrot ; Daucus carota sativa peen ; wortel plant
Stockholm ; capital of Sweden Stockholm city
mineral mineraal
Hinduism ; Hindooism Hindoeïsme
Louisiana ; Pelican State ; LA Louisiana
Vienna ; Austrian capital ; capital of Austria Wenen city
Mussolini ; Benito Mussolini ; Il Duce Benito Mussolini person
Buenos Aires ; capital of Argentina Buenos Aires capital_city
Oslo ; Christiania ; capital of Norway Oslo city
Baghdad ; Bagdad ; capital of Iraq Bagdad city
twelve ; 12 ; xii ; dozen twaalf ; dozijn mathematics
mercury ; quicksilver ; hydrargyrum ; Hg ; atomic number 80 kwik ; kwikzilver
cobalt ; Co ; atomic number 27 kobalt chemistry
Pennsylvania ; Keystone State ; PA Pennsylvania
medicine ; medical specialty geneeskunde
Central African Republic ; Central Africa Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek
Oman ; Sultanate of Oman ; Muscat and Oman Oman
kilogram ; kg ; kilo kilogram transportation
arithmetic rekenkunde mathematics
Homer Homerus
spider spin zoology
Beethoven ; van Beethoven ; Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven
Colorado ; Centennial State ; CO Colorado
Taiwan ; China ; Nationalist China ; Republic of China Taiwan
bus ; autobus ; coach ; charabanc ; double-decker ; jitney ; motorbus ;
motorcoach ; omnibus ; passenger vehicle autobus transportation
Sri Lanka ; Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka ; Ceylon
Democratische Socialistische Republiek Sri Lanka
Alexander ; Alexander the Great Alexander de Grote
Blair ; Tony Blair ; Anthony Charles Lynton Blair Tony Blair
flea vlo animal
devil ; fiend ; demon ; daemon ; daimon duivel ; demon
guitar gitaar
airport ; airdrome ; aerodrome ; drome luchthaven ; vliegveld
Galileo ; Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei person
Venice ; Venezia Venetië
Prague ; Praha ; Prag ; Czech capital Praag city
Guevara ; Ernesto Guevara ; Che Guevara Che Guevara person
electricity ; electrical energy elektriciteit mechanical_engineering
Istanbul ; Stambul ; Stamboul ; Constantinople Istanbul city
duck eend animal
potassium ; K ; atomic number 19 kalium ; potas chemistry
Bush ; George Bush ; George W. Bush ; George Walker Bush ; President Bush ;
President George W. Bush ; Dubyuh ; Dubya George Bush
beach strand
Congo ; Republic of the Congo ; French Congo Republiek Congo
climate ; clime klimaat management
Munich ; Muenchen Munchen city
iodine ; iodin ; I ; atomic number 53 jodium chemistry
Barcelona Barcelona city
atheism ; godlessness atheïsme
lithium ; Li ; atomic number 3 lithium chemistry
Katowice Katowice
Washington ; George Washington ; President Washington George Washington
castle kasteel ; fort ; burcht ;
Kiribati ; Republic of Kiribati Republiek Kiribati state
color ; colour ; coloring ; colouring kleur mechanical_engineering
theology ; divinity theologie
Nauru ; Republic of Nauru Republiek Nauru state
Papua New Guinea ; Independent State of Papua New Guinea Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea
novel opkomend ; roman
Pythagoras Pythagoras mathematics
boron ; B ; atomic number 5 boor ; borium chemistry
chromium ; Cr ; atomic number 24 chroom mechanical_engineering
Ireland ; Republic of Ireland ; Irish Republic ; Eire Ierland state
Serbia and Montenegro ; Union of Serbia and Montenegro ; Yugoslavia ; Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia ; Jugoslavija Servië state
Picasso ; Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso person
Wisconsin ; Badger State ; WI Wisconsin
San Marino ; capital of San Marino San Marino capital_city
Polo ; Marco Polo Marco Polo person
weapon ; arm ; weapon system wapen ; vuurwapen
pigeon duif zoology
wheat tarwe
nickel ; Ni ; atomic number 28 nikkel mechanical_engineering
cricket cricket
liter ; litre ; l ; cubic decimeter ; cubic decimetre liter
Barbados Barbados
Toronto Toronto city
protein proteine genetics
rodent ; gnawer knaagdier zoology
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ; UNESCO
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ecology
Baltic ; Baltic Sea Oostzee
forest ; wood ; woods hout ; woud ; bos
Firenze ; Florence Florence
university universiteit basic_meanings
Magellan ; Ferdinand Magellan ; Fernao Magalhaes Ferdinand Magellaan
dinosaur dinosaurus animal
six ; 6 ; vi ; half dozen ; half-dozen zes
Ohio ; Buckeye State ; OH Ohio
software ; software program ; computer software ; software system ; software
package ; package software IT
Jeddah ; Jed'dah ; Jiddah ; Jidda djedda
influenza ; flu ; grippe influenza ; griep disease
Russia Rusland
Arizona ; Grand Canyon State ; AZ Arizona
Aristotle Aristoteles mathematics
Freud ; Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud person
Mandela ; Nelson Mandela ; Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Nelson Mandela
bear beer ; berin zoology
Hindi Hindi language
Easter Pasen
Sydney Sydney
Stalin ; Joseph Stalin ; Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Jozef Stalin
technology ; engineering technologie marketing
Vanuatu ; Republic of Vanuatu ; New Hebrides Vanuatu state
Wales ; Cymru ; Cambria Wales
Nobel ; Alfred Nobel ; Alfred Bernhard Nobel Alfred Bernhard Nobel person
operating system ; OS besturingssysteem IT
Comoros ; Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros Comoren
Curie ; Marie Curie ; Madame Curie ; Marya Sklodowska Marie Curie
Viking Vikingen
algorithm ; algorithmic rule ; algorithmic program algoritme logistics
valley ; vale vallei ; dal
web log ; blog blog
leap year ; intercalary year ; 366 days ; bissextile year schrikkeljaar
soul ; psyche ziel
East Timor Oost-Timor
garlic ; ail knoflook
Arkansas ; Land of Opportunity ; AR Arkansas
microscope microscoop
nine ; 9 ; ix negen
Putin ; Vladimir Putin ; Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Vladimir Poetin
Dublin ; Irish capital ; capital of Ireland Dublin capital_city
neon ; Ne ; atomic number 10 neon chemistry
molecule molecuul ; molecule physics
Equatorial Guinea ; Republic of Equatorial Guinea ; Spanish Guinea
swan zwaan zoology
waterfall ; falls waterval
Czechoslovakia Tsjechoslowakije state
Kant ; Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant person
Helsinki ; Helsingfors ; capital of Finland ; Finnish capital Helsinki city
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua en Barbuda
Tuvalu Tuvalu state
hay hooi
chicken ; Gallus gallus kip ; hen animal
lava lava
vein ; vena ; venous blood vessel ader
shoulder schouder
bishop bisschop
Nebraska ; Cornhusker State ; NE Nebraska
rainbow regenboog
capitalism ; capitalist economy kapitalisme economics
Lincoln ; Abraham Lincoln ; President Lincoln ; President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln person
organic chemistry organische chemie chemistry
beak ; bill ; neb ; nib ; pecker bek ; snavel zoology
Bruxelles ; Brussels ; Belgian capital ; capital of Belgium Brussel city
Singapore ; Republic of Singapore Singapore
tourism ; touristry toerisme
President of the United States ; United States President ; President ; Chief
Executive President van de Verenigde Staten
Indiana ; Hoosier State ; IN Indiana
virus virus medicine
Turing ; Alan Turing ; Alan Mathison Turing Alan Turing person
Bavaria Beieren
fascism fascisme
tortoise schildpad animal
Oregon ; Beaver State ; OR Oregon
Saturday ; Sabbatum ; Sat zaterdag
Illinois ; Prairie State ; Land of Lincoln ; IL Illinois
North Carolina ; Old North State ; Tar Heel State ; NC North Carolina
verb werkwoord linguistics
Hemingway ; Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway person
Buddha ; Siddhartha ; Gautama ; Gautama Siddhartha ; Gautama Buddha Boeddha
Trinidad and Tobago ; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad en Tobago
whale walvis zoology
Greek alphabet Grieks alfabet
flour bloem ; meel
Luther ; Martin Luther Maarten Luther person
Gates ; Bill Gates ; William Henry Gates Bill Gates
Afrikaans ; Taal ; South African Dutch Afrikaans language
silicon ; Si ; atomic number 14 silicium chemistry
Roman Catholic ; Western Church ; Roman Catholic Church ; Church of Rome ; Roman
Church Rooms-katholieke Kerk
hypertext markup language ; hypertext mark-up language ; HTML HTML
corn ; maize ; Indian corn ; Zea mays mais ; maïs
alcohol alcohol chemistry
Budapest ; Hungarian capital ; capital of Hungary Boedapest city
plum pruim
tsunami vloedgolf
Olympic Games ; Olympics ; Olympiad Olympische Spelen
parrot papegaai ornitology
galaxy ; extragalactic nebula melkweg astronomy
Sicily ; Sicilia Sicilië
Catalonia Catalonië
century eeuw time
argon ; Ar ; atomic number 18 argon mechanical_engineering
van Gogh ; Vincent van Gogh ; Gogh vincent van gogh person
socialism ; socialist economy socialisme
Cyrillic alphabet ; Cyrillic Cyrillisch alfabet
Archimedes Archimedes mathematics
Black Sea ; Euxine Sea Zwarte Zee
domestic ass ; donkey ; Equus asinus ezel ; domme ezel animal
Churchill ; Winston Churchill ; Winston S. Churchill ; Sir Winston Leonard
Spenser Churchill Winston Churchill person
penis ; phallus ; member penis biology
mirror spiegel
Rousseau ; Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau person
illness ; unwellness ; malady ; sickness ziekte ; ziekte (de) ; aandoening
alloy ; metal alliage ; legering mechanical_engineering
God ; Supreme Being God
Vermont ; Green Mountain State ; VT Vermont
monarchy monarchie
vitamin vitamine biology
Wyoming ; Equality State ; WY Wyoming
drum ; membranophone ; tympan trom ; trommel
Chinese Wall ; Great Wall ; Great Wall of China Chinese Muur
astrology ; star divination astrologie
Sahara ; Sahara Desert Sahara
Grenada Grenada state
photosynthesis fotosynthese ecology
beryllium ; Be ; glucinium ; atomic number 4 beryllium chemistry
Everest ; Mount Everest ; Mt. Everest Mount Everest
onion ; onion plant ; Allium cepa ui plant
Mohammed ; Mohammad ; Muhammad ; Mahomet ; Mahound Mohammed
humanistic discipline ; humanities ; liberal arts ; arts kunst
Danube ; Danube River ; Danau Donau
magnesium ; Mg ; atomic number 12 magnesium mechanical_engineering
Alps ; the Alps Alpen
chemical element ; element element mechanical_engineering
neutron neutron
Himalayas ; Himalaya Mountains ; Himalaya Himalaya
Hussein ; Husain ; Husayn ; Saddam Hussein ; Saddam ; Saddam bin Hussein at-
Takriti Saddam Hoessein
ion ion chemistry
peninsula schiereiland
asteroid asteroïde ; planetoïde
archipelago archipel
Nevada ; Silver State ; Battle Born State ; Sagebrush State ; NV Nevada
police ; police force ; constabulary ; law politie law
louse ; sucking louse luis animal
astronaut ; spaceman ; cosmonaut kosmonaut
inflation ; rising prices inflatie real_estate
turkey ; Meleagris gallopavo kalkoen zoology
dragon ; firedrake draak
dollar dollar money
Edison ; Thomas Edison ; Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Edison person
Systeme International d'Unites ; Systeme International ; SI system ; SI ; SI unit
; International System of Units ; International System Système International
cadmium ; Cd ; atomic number 48 cadmium chemistry
Canary Islands ; Canaries Canarische Eilanden
sodium ; Na ; atomic number 11 natrium chemistry
Google Google
methane methaan chemistry
owl ; bird of Minerva ; bird of night ; hooter uil zoology
browser ; web browser browser logistics
execution ; executing ; capital punishment ; death penalty executie
Eiffel Tower Eiffeltoren
Copenhagen ; Kobenhavn ; Danish capital Kopenhagen city
aircraft vliegtuig transportation
Kansas ; Sunflower State ; KS Kansas
Milan ; Milano Milaan
Michigan ; Wolverine State ; Great Lakes State ; MI Michigan
cattle ; cows ; kine ; oxen ; Bos taurus runderen animal
volt ; V volt mechanical_engineering
Greek mythology Griekse mythologie
surname ; family name ; cognomen ; last name achternaam ; familienaam
tool werktuig ; gereedschap ; instrument ; hulpmiddel
Rio de Janeiro ; Rio Rio de Janeiro city
equator evenaar
natural number natuurlijk getal mathematics
vampire ; lamia vampier
electronic mail ; e-mail ; email elektronische post logistics
fundamental law ; organic law ; constitution oprichting
breast ; bosom ; knocker ; boob ; tit ; titty borst ; borststuk
China ; People's Republic of China ; mainland China ; Communist China ; Red China
; PRC ; Cathay China
nightingale ; Luscinia megarhynchos nachtegaal zoology
New Mexico ; Land of Enchantment ; NM New Mexico
Utah ; Beehive State ; Mormon State ; UT Utah state
violence ; force geweld
health ; wellness gezondheid ; welzijn ; gezondheidstoestand
arsenic ; As ; atomic number 33 arsenicum chemistry
flood ; inundation ; deluge ; alluvion overstroming ; vloed (de)
mosque moskee architecture
black hole zwart gat
chair stoel ; zetel
New Jersey ; Jersey ; Garden State ; NJ New Jersey
unemployment werkloosheid economics
Idaho ; Gem State ; ID Idaho
Oklahoma ; Sooner State ; OK Oklahoma
cancer ; malignant neoplastic disease kanker medicine
kangaroo kangoeroe zoology
calendar kalender manufacturing
Minnesota ; Gopher State ; North Star State ; MN Minnesota
Chomsky ; Noam Chomsky ; A. Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky
cave grot ; hol
light year ; light-year lichtjaar astronomy
Tallinn ; Tallin ; capital of Estonia Tallinn capital_city
life leven biology
Hippocrates Hippocrates van Kos
Northern Ireland Noord-Ierland
tornado ; twister tornado
Mumbai ; Bombay Bombay city
Taj Mahal Taj Mahal
Montana ; Treasure State ; MT Montana
San Francisco San Francisco
Connecticut ; Nutmeg State ; Constitution State ; CT Connecticut
teacher ; instructor leraar ; docent ; lerares ; onderwijzer basic_meanings
Arafat ; Yasser Arafat Yasser Arafat person
Maryland ; Old Line State ; Free State ; MD Maryland
Cold War Koude Oorlog
thermodynamics thermodynamica
Zeus Zeus mythology
Amazon ; Amazon River Amazone
trigonometry ; trig driehoeksmeting mathematics
Athena ; Athene ; Pallas ; Pallas Athena ; Pallas Athene Pallas Athena
Gibraltar ; Rock of Gibraltar ; Calpe Gibraltar
million ; 1000000 ; one thousand thousand ; meg miljoen
optics optica
Tonga ; Kingdom of Tonga ; Friendly Islands Tonga
constellation sterrenbeeld ; constellatie
sparrow ; true sparrow mus ; huismus zoology
World Wide Web ; WWW ; web Web logistics
New Hampshire ; Granite State ; NH New Hampshire
Camus ; Albert Camus Albert Camus person
diary ; journal dagboek ; krant accounting
ellipse ; oval ellips ; ellips mechanical_engineering
gasoline ; gasolene ; gas ; petrol benzine mechanical_engineering
Dante ; Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri person
Orwell ; George Orwell ; Eric Blair ; Eric Arthur Blair George Orwell
Renaissance ; Renascence Renaissance
shadow schaduwen
Socrates Socrates
matter materie mechanical_engineering
microbiology microbiologie biology
goose gans animal
Serbia ; Srbija Servië
compass kompas
equation vergelijking statistics
Jakarta ; Djakarta ; capital of Indonesia Jakarta city
Turin ; Torino Turijn city
cucumber ; cuke komkommer botany
parliament parlement
ax ; axe bijl ; hakbijl
Delaware ; Diamond State ; First State ; DE Delaware
bean ; edible bean boon plant
Gutenberg ; Johann Gutenberg ; Johannes Gutenberg Johannes Gutenberg
mosquito muskiet ; mug animal
Virginia ; Old Dominion ; Old Dominion State ; VA Virginia
king ; male monarch ; Rex koning ; heer basic_meanings
selenium ; Se ; atomic number 34 seleen ; selenium chemistry
hyena ; hyaena hyena zoology
family ; household ; house ; home ; menage familie ; gezin house
isotope isotoop chemistry
capital hoofdstad real_estate
population bevolking statistics
bromine ; Br ; atomic number 35 broom chemistry
Aruba Aruba
computer science ; computing informatica
Hamburg Hamburg city
evening ; eve ; even ; eventide avond basic_meanings
alga ; algae wier
Puerto Rico ; Porto Rico ; Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ; PR Gemenebest Porto
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; NASA National Aeronautics
and Space Administration
Aphrodite ; Cytherea Aphrodite
Presley ; Elvis Presley ; Elvis Aron Presley Elvis Presley person
Manila ; capital of the Philippines Manilla capital_city
Balkan Peninsula ; Balkans Balkan
fashion mode
rope touw ; koord transportation
Samoa ; Independent State of Samoa ; Western Samoa ; Samoa i Sisifo Samoa
currency muntsoort ; munteenheid transportation
lamb lamsvlees ; lammetje
uranium ; U ; atomic number 92 uranium ; uraan chemistry
East Germany ; German Democratic Republic Duitse Democratische Republiek
Leipzig Leipzig city
radium ; Ra ; atomic number 88 radium chemistry
Bratislava ; capital of Slovakia ; Pressburg ; Pozsony Bratislava city
Stuttgart Stuttgart city
Edinburgh Edinburgh
Euler ; Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler person
eat eten basic_meanings
Western Sahara ; Spanish Sahara Westelijke Sahara
Faroe Islands ; Faeroe Islands ; Faroes ; Faeroes Faeröer
Shanghai Sjanghai city
adjective adjectief linguistics
Marseille ; Marseilles Marseille city
The Hague ; 's Gravenhage ; Den Haag den haag
Bismarck ; von Bismarck ; Otto von Bismarck ; Prince Otto von Bismarck ; Prince
Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck ; Iron Chancellor Otto von Bismarck
leopard ; Panthera pardus luipaard zoology
Eurasia Eurazië
opera ; opera house opera
density ; denseness dichtheid statistics
Caribbean ; Caribbean Sea Caraïben
Gorbachev ; Mikhail Gorbachev ; Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Michail
gene ; cistron ; factor gen genetics
barley ; barleycorn gerst
Reagan ; Ronald Reagan ; Ronald Wilson Reagan ; President Reagan Ronald
Reagan person
Caspian ; Caspian Sea Kaspische Zee
Pascal ; Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal person
age ouderdom ; verouderen ; leeftijd basic_meanings
titanium ; Ti ; atomic number 22 titanium ; titaan chemistry
Teheran ; Tehran ; capital of Iran ; Iranian capital Teheran city
fog ; fogginess ; murk ; murkiness mist ; nevel
lizard hagedis zoology
Wagner ; Richard Wagner ; Wilhelm Richard Wagner Richard Wagner person
Mao ; Mao Zedong ; Mao Tsetung Mao Zedong person
ivory ; tusk ivoor
independence ; independency onafhankelijkheid finance
tent ; collapsible shelter tent
security zekerheid transportation
dictatorship ; absolutism ; authoritarianism ; Caesarism ; despotism ; monocracy
; one-man rule ; shogunate ; Stalinism ; totalitarianism ; tyranny dictatuur
database database ; databank marketing
stork ooievaar zoology
biography ; life ; life story ; life history biografie real_estate
tuberculosis ; TB ; T.B. tuberculose medicine
St. Petersburg ; Leningrad ; Peterburg ; Petrograd ; Saint Petersburg Sint-
Petersburg city
telescope ; scope telescoop
astrophysics astrofysica
Vilnius ; Vilna ; Vilno ; Wilno ; capital of Lithuania Vilnius city
strawberry aardbei
South Dakota ; Coyote State ; Mount Rushmore State ; SD South Dakota
oak ; oak tree eik ; eikenboom tree
Andes Andes
Genghis Khan ; Jinghis Khan ; Jenghiz Khan ; Temujin Dzjengis Khan
globalization ; globalisation globalisatie marketing
Iowa ; Hawkeye State ; IA Iowa
Joyce ; James Joyce ; James Augustine Aloysius Joyce James Joyce
ammonia ammoniak chemistry
enzyme enzym genetics
computer ; computing machine ; computing device ; data processor ; electronic
computer ; information processing system computer basic_meanings
shark haai animal
Bucharest ; Bucharesti ; Bucuresti ; capital of Romania Boekarest city
museum museum
vegetable groente ; gewas herb
bin Laden ; Osama bin Laden ; Usama bin Laden Osama bin Laden
Middle Ages ; Dark Ages Middeleeuwen
rose ; rosebush roos ; rozenstruik shrub
cheetah ; chetah ; Acinonyx jubatus jachtluipaard zoology
five ; 5 ; v vijf
Michelangelo ; Michelangelo Buonarroti Michelangelo Buonarroti person
eclipse ; occultation verduistering ; eclips astronomy
phonetics fonetiek
Dresden Dresden city
Sofia ; Serdica ; Bulgarian capital Sofia city
Cook ; James Cook ; Captain Cook ; Captain James Cook James Cook
International Monetary Fund ; IMF Internationaal Monetair Fonds economics
sunflower ; helianthus zonnebloem plant
Linnaeus ; Carolus Linnaeus ; Carl von Linne ; Karl Linne Carolus Linnaeus
Palau ; Republic of Palau ; TT Palau state
battle ; conflict ; fight ; engagement slag ; gevecht ; strijd military
beaver bever zoology
Kabul ; capital of Afghanistan Kabul city
beard ; face fungus ; whiskers baard
tobacco ; baccy tabak ; tabaksplant
anchor ; ground tackle anker technology
bamboo bamboe
Seoul ; capital of South Korea Seoel capital_city
juice sap
Ido Ido language
body ; organic structure ; physical structure carrosserie ; lichaam biology
skyscraper wolkenkrabber
Korea ; Korean Peninsula ; Dae-Han-Min-Gook ; Han-Gook Korea
hotel hotel basic_meanings
Melbourne Melbourne
Smith ; Adam Smith Adam Smith person
conflict ; struggle ; battle conflict ; gevecht ; inspanning
dune ; sand dune duin
moss mos
Clinton ; Bill Clinton ; William Jefferson Clinton ; President Clinton Bill
Rhode Island ; Little Rhody ; Ocean State ; RI Rhode Island
South Carolina ; Palmetto State ; SC South Carolina
Guam ; GU Guam
hare haas zoology
Kepler ; Johannes Kepler ; Johan Kepler Johannes Kepler person
sorcerer ; magician ; wizard ; necromancer ; thaumaturge ; thaumaturgist
West Virginia ; Mountain State ; WV West Virginia
month maand transportation
palace ; castle paleis
cathedral kathedraal ; dom
sarcasm ; irony ; satire ; caustic remark ironie
party ; political party partij
dialect ; idiom ; accent accent
Aquinas ; Thomas Aquinas ; Saint Thomas ; St. Thomas ; Saint Thomas Aquinas ; St.
Thomas Aquinas Thomas van Aquino person
gift geschenk ; gift ; cadeau ; schenking ; presentje ; gave
Maine ; Pine Tree State ; ME Maine
Jefferson ; Thomas Jefferson ; President Jefferson Thomas Jefferson
Kentucky ; Bluegrass State ; KY Kentucky
Geneva ; Geneve ; Genf Genève
Dostoyevsky ; Dostoevski ; Dostoevsky ; Feodor Dostoyevsky ; Fyodor Dostoyevsky ;
Feodor Dostoevski ; Fyodor Dostoevski ; Feodor Dostoevsky ; Fyodor Dostoevsky ;
Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky ; Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky ; Feodor
Mikhailovich Dost Fjodor Dostojevski person
Kyyiv ; Kiev ; capital of the Ukraine Kiev city
time zone tijdzone
UNIX ; UNIX system ; UNIX operating system UNIX
peach perzik ; perzikboom
pearl parel
beacon ; lighthouse ; beacon light ; pharos baken
cholera ; Asiatic cholera ; Indian cholera ; epidemic cholera cholera ; Cholera

one ; 1 ; i ; ane een

coin munt ; muntstuk ; geldstuk
hero heros ; held ; heldin
Lennon ; John Lennon John Lennon person
rectangle rechthoek mechanical_engineering
Gandhi ; Indira Gandhi ; Indira Nehru Gandhi ; Mrs. Gandhi Indira Gandhi
United States dollar Amerikaanse dollar
Siberia Siberië
malaria malaria medicine
Carter ; Jimmy Carter ; James Earl Carter ; James Earl Carter Jr. ; President
Carter Jimmy Carter
Roman Empire Romeinse Rijk
port haven transportation
Adriatic ; Adriatic Sea Adriatische Zee
concrete beton ; betonijzer real_estate
real number ; real reëel getal mathematics
integer ; whole number geheel getal mathematics
student ; pupil ; educatee student ; studente ; leerling basic_meanings
wool ; woolen ; woollen wollen
submarine ; pigboat ; sub ; U-boat duikboot
accident ongeluk ; ongeval transportation
racism ; racialism ; racial discrimination racisme
English ; English language Engels
clarinet klarinet
British pound ; pound ; British pound sterling ; pound sterling ; quid pond
cornet ; horn ; trumpet ; trump trompet ; kornet zoology
bat ; chiropteran vleermuis mammal
hard disc ; hard disk ; fixed disk vaste schijf computers
Cologne ; Koln Keulen
kelvin ; K kelvin
writer ; author schrijver ; schrijfster ; auteur
Zagreb Zagreb
wage ; pay ; earnings ; remuneration ; salary salaris management
Ford ; Gerald Ford ; Gerald R. Ford ; Gerald Rudolph Ford ; President Ford
Gerald Ford
communication ; communicating communicatie transportation
calamity ; catastrophe ; disaster ; tragedy ; cataclysm ramp ; tragedie
strontium ; Sr ; atomic number 38 strontium chemistry
streetcar ; tram ; tramcar ; trolley ; trolley car tram
fluorine ; F ; atomic number 9 fluor chemistry
alcohol ; alcoholic drink ; alcoholic beverage ; intoxicant ; inebriant
alcohol mechanical_engineering
Dominica ; Commonwealth of Dominica Gemenebest Dominica
corridor gang ; hall ; luchtweg ; corridor
Fermi ; Enrico Fermi Enrico Fermi person
cinnamon ; cinnamon bark kaneel
knight paard ; ridder
Asimov ; Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov person
cigarette ; cigaret ; coffin nail ; butt ; fag sigaret ; sigaret ,
Ljubljana Ljubljana
Saint Kitts and Nevis ; Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis ; Saint Christopher-
Nevis ; St. Christopher-Nevis ; St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts en Nevis
spectacles ; specs ; eyeglasses ; glasses bril
banana banaan
bronze brons mechanical_engineering
rug ; carpet ; carpeting tapijt house
soldier soldaat
grandma ; grandmother ; granny ; grannie ; gran ; nan ; nanna grootmoeder ; oma
; bomma ; bonbonneke
Sartre ; Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre person
Conan Doyle ; A. Conan Doyle ; Arthur Conan Doyle ; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle person
Hugo ; Victor Hugo ; Victor-Marie Hugo Victor Hugo person
musician ; instrumentalist ; player muzikant ; musicus
volleyball ; volleyball game volleyball
Java Java
motorcycle ; bike motor ; motorfiets
snow sneeuw
French ; French people Frans persoon
pepper ; common pepper ; black pepper ; white pepper ; Madagascar pepper ; Piper
nigrum peperen
Belgrade ; Beograd ; capital of Serbia and Montenegro Belgrado
cadaver ; corpse ; stiff ; clay ; remains lijk
de Gaulle ; General de Gaulle ; Charles de Gaulle ; General Charles de Gaulle ;
Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle charles de gaulle person
Chaplin ; Charlie Chaplin ; Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Charlie Chaplin
plastic plastic
candle ; taper ; wax light kaars
Wilde ; Oscar Wilde ; Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde oscar wilde
Locke ; John Locke John Locke person
xenon ; Xe ; atomic number 54 xenon chemistry
Yugoslavia Joegoslavië
wild boar ; boar ; Sus scrofa wild zwijn ; everzwijn ; beer animal
cellular telephone ; cellular phone ; cellphone ; cell ; mobile phone
Mobiel ; Mobiel logistics
Bayrut ; Beirut ; capital of Lebanon Beiroet city
Eisenhower ; Dwight Eisenhower ; Dwight D. Eisenhower ; Dwight David Eisenhower ;
Ike ; President Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower person
fist ; clenched fist vuist
monotheism monotheïsme
World Health Organization ; WHO Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie
Tennessee ; Volunteer State ; TN Tennessee
atomic number atoomnummer
tune ; melody ; air ; strain ; melodic line ; line ; melodic phrase melodie
harp harp
skull schedel anatomy
koala ; koala bear ; kangaroo bear ; native bear ; Phascolarctos cinereus koala
; koalabeer ; koalabeertje animal
Ottoman Empire ; Turkish Empire Ottomaanse Rijk
beetle kever animal
Minsk ; capital of Belarus Minsk capital_city
Charlemagne ; Carolus ; Charles ; Charles I ; Charles the Great Karel de
Jeanne d'Arc ; Joan of Arc ; Saint Joan jeanne d'arc
Byzantine Empire ; Byzantium ; Eastern Roman Empire Byzantijnse Rijk
Ottawa ; Canadian capital ; capital of Canada Ottawa capital_city
Boston ; Hub of the Universe ; Bean Town ; Beantown ; capital of Massachusetts
Boston capital_city
parachute ; chute parachute ; valscherm
gravity ; gravitation ; gravitational attraction ; gravitational force
aantrekkingskracht physics
dragonfly ; darning needle ; devil's darning needle ; sewing needle ; snake
feeder ; snake doctor ; mosquito hawk ; skeeter hawk juffertje ; libelle
squirrel eekhoorn zoology
laser ; optical maser laser
baseball ; baseball game honkbal sports
Monroe ; Marilyn Monroe ; Norma Jean Baker Marilyn Monroe person
pi pi mathematics
big bang oerknal
hydrocarbon koolwaterstof mechanical_engineering
adverb bijwoord linguistics
capacitor ; capacitance ; condenser ; electrical condenser condensator
cock ; rooster haan technology
hail hagel
programming language ; programing language programmeertaal IT
Disney ; Walt Disney ; Walter Elias Disney Walt Disney person
terrorism ; act of terrorism ; terrorist act terrorisme
blanket ; cover dek ; deken
Bohr ; Niels Bohr ; Niels Henrik David Bohr Niels Bohr person
amber barnsteen ; amber mineralogy
Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
Havana ; capital of Cuba ; Cuban capital Havana city
elbow ; elbow joint ; human elbow ; cubitus ; cubital joint ; articulatio cubiti
elleboog anatomy
people mensen ; lui ; volk ; personen basic_meanings
Man ; Isle of Man Isle of Man
scorpion schorpioen animal
swimming ; swim zwemmen
national anthem volkslied
nobility ; aristocracy edelen
politics ; political science ; government politicologie
macroeconomics Macro-economie economics
ash as ; as ; asse ; asse technology
cheek wang anatomy
seashore ; coast ; seacoast ; sea-coast kust
claw klauw
Naples ; Napoli Napels
artery ; arteria ; arterial blood vessel arterie ; slagader anatomy
Genoa ; Genova Genua
beginning ; origin ; root ; rootage ; source oorsprong ; bron
Mesopotamia Mesopotamië
husband ; hubby ; married man echtgenoot basic_meanings
engineer ; applied scientist ; technologist ingenieur manufacturing
Strasbourg ; Strassburg Straatsburg
hunt ; hunting jacht
Thuringia Thüringen
artificial intelligence ; AI kunstmatige intelligentie logistics
etymology etymologie linguistics
tradition traditie
A ; a A
Copernicus ; Nicolaus Copernicus ; Mikolaj Kopernik Nicolaas Copernicus
priest priester ; pastoor
Valletta ; Valetta ; capital of Malta Valletta capital_city
avalanche lawine ecology
lamp lamp house
Red Sea Rode Zee
alkali metal ; alkaline metal alkalimetaal chemistry
treasure ; hoarded wealth schat
legend ; fable legende
wife ; married woman echtgenote ; vrouw basic_meanings
Trotsky ; Leon Trotsky ; Lev Davidovich Bronstein Leon Trotski person
hypertext transfer protocol ; HTTP HTTP
subject ; topic ; theme onderwerp ; thema basic_meanings
kilometer ; kilometre ; km ; klick kilometer
oar riem ; roeispaan
eyebrow ; brow ; supercilium wenkbrauw ; wenkbrauw or
bile ; gall gal
Apollo ; Phoebus ; Phoebus Apollo Apollon mythology
British Columbia Brits-Columbia
taxonomy taxonomie biology
hazard ; jeopardy ; peril ; risk ; endangerment risico ;
verantwoordelijkheid transportation
New Orleans New Orleans
Osaka Osaka
Las Vegas Las Vegas
vinegar ; acetum edik ; azijn
sex ; gender ; sexuality geslacht ; sekse ; sexe biology
Hitchcock ; Alfred Hitchcock ; Sir Alfred Hitchcock ; Alfred Joseph Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock person
feminist movement ; feminism ; women's liberation movement ; women's lib
besides ; too ; also ; likewise ; as well ook ; eveneens basic_meanings
abdomen ; venter ; stomach ; belly buik ; abdomen anatomy
cerium ; Ce ; atomic number 58 cerium chemistry
larceny ; theft ; thievery ; thieving ; stealing diefstal
set stelletje mechanical_engineering
almond amandel
Wilson ; Woodrow Wilson ; Thomas Woodrow Wilson ; President Wilson Woodrow
Wilson person
Rhine ; Rhine River ; Rhein Rijn
chordate chordadieren
samurai samoerai
pea ; pea plant erwt plant
saliva ; spit ; spittle zever
science fiction sciencefiction
videodisk ; videodisc ; DVD DVD
land ; ground ; soil grond real_estate
nest nest zoology
North Sea Noordzee
Kosovo Kosovo
ginger ; powdered ginger gember
polygon ; polygonal shape veelhoek mechanical_engineering
transformer transformator ; adapter electronics
forest ; woodland ; timberland ; timber woud ; bos
arthropod geleedpotigen zoology
flute ; transverse flute fluit
glacier gletsjer ecology
Vivaldi ; Antonio Vivaldi ; Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi person
methane series ; alkane series ; alkane ; paraffin series ; paraffin alkaan
perfume ; essence parfum
Caracas ; capital of Venezuela Caracas city
midwife ; accoucheuse vroedvrouw
cockroach ; roach kakkerlak zoology
supernova supernova astronomy
raspberry framboos
Ontario Ontario
potato ; white potato ; white potato vine ; Solanum tuberosum aardappel
ribonucleic acid ; RNA rna genetics
Amundsen ; Roald Amundsen Roald Amundsen person
speed of light ; light speed ; c lichtsnelheid
emerald smaragd
mapmaking ; cartography cartografie
factory ; mill ; manufacturing plant ; manufactory fabriek real_estate
smoke ; smoking rook ; rook ; walm chemistry
experiment ; experimentation experimenteren statistics
cement cement mechanical_engineering
Atlanta ; capital of Georgia Atlanta capital_city
marble pilletje ; marmer
Andersen ; Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen person
village ; small town ; settlement dorp basic_meanings
Cervantes ; Miguel de Cervantes ; Cervantes Saavedra ; Miguel de Cervantes
Saavedra Miguel de Cervantes person
Thales ; Thales of Miletus Thales van Milete
architect ; designer architect ; bouwmeester real_estate
cabbage ; chou kool plant
Nixon ; Richard Nixon ; Richard M. Nixon ; Richard Milhous Nixon ; President
Nixon Richard Nixon person
bomb bombarderen military
story verhaal
salmon zalm zoology
Russell ; Bertrand Russell ; Bertrand Arthur William Russell ; Earl Russell
Bertrand Russell person
accordion ; piano accordion ; squeeze box accordeon
mushroom paddenstoel ; zwam ; champignon biology
linguistics ; philology filologie
ballet ; concert dance ballet
paleontology ; palaeontology ; fossilology paleontologie biology
ball ; globe ; orb bal mechanical_engineering
Mecca Mekka
Solomon Islands Salomonseilanden
Singapore ; capital of Singapore Singapore capital_city
New Testament Nieuwe Testament
Roman alphabet ; Latin alphabet Latijns alfabet
Lord's Prayer onzevader
metaphysics metafysica
cable ; line ; transmission line kabel transportation
antimony ; Sb ; atomic number 51 antimonium ; antimoon chemistry
Warhol ; Andy Warhol Andy Warhol person
Lima ; capital of Peru Lima city
woodpecker ; peckerwood ; pecker specht ; groene specht ornitology
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ; St. Vincent and the Grenadines Saint
Vincent en de Grenadines
consul consul
bull stier finance
surgery heelkunde ; chirurgie
Dickens ; Charles Dickens ; Charles John Huffam Dickens Charles Dickens
Bonn Bonn city
statue standbeeld
manganese ; Mn ; atomic number 25 mangaan chemistry
Lower Saxony Nedersaksen
Aachen ; Aken ; Aix-la-Chapelle Aken city
jazz jazz music
coordinated universal time ; UTC UTC
Marxism Marxisme
epidemic epidemie medicine
foam ; froth schuim chemistry
birthday verjaardag
Engels ; Friedrich Engels Friedrich Engels person
guilt ; guiltiness schuld law
quantum mechanics kwantumfysica
victory ; triumph overwinning
queen ; queen regnant ; female monarch koningin
ghost ; shade ; spook ; wraith ; specter ; spectre geest
Verne ; Jules Verne Jules Verne person
United Nations Children's Fund ; United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund ; UNICEF UNICEF
primate primaten zoology
leech ; bloodsucker ; hirudinean bloedzuiger animal
acceleration ; quickening ; speedup versnelling ; acceleratie
shrub ; bush struik ; heester ecology
stove ; kitchen stove ; range ; kitchen range ; cooking stove oven ; kachel ;
magnet magneet physics
radon ; Rn ; atomic number 86 radon real_estate
platinum ; Pt ; atomic number 78 platina chemistry
Carthage Carthago city
Sevilla ; Seville Sevilla city
dynamite dynamiet
Confucius ; Kongfuze ; K'ung Futzu ; Kong the Master Confucius
timber wolf ; grey wolf ; gray wolf ; Canis lupus wolf zoology
Baku ; capital of Azerbaijan Bakoe city
Protestantism Protestantisme
nothing ; nil ; nix ; nada ; null ; aught ; cipher ; cypher ; goose egg ; naught
; zero ; zilch ; zip ; zippo niets sports
charge ; electric charge lading mechanical_engineering
barium ; Ba ; atomic number 56 barium chemistry
Panama Canal Panamakanaal person
Voltaire ; Arouet ; Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire person
program ; programme ; computer program ; computer programme programma IT
election verkiezing mathematics
hippopotamus ; hippo ; river horse ; Hippopotamus amphibius nijlpaard
address adresseren ; handigheid marketing
Andalusia ; Andalucia Andalusië
spear ; lance ; shaft spiets ; lans
World Trade Organization ; WTO Wereldhandelsorganisatie economics
physiology fysiologie biology
geophysics ; geophysical science geofysica
announcement ; proclamation ; annunciation ; declaration verkondiging
polonium ; Po ; atomic number 84 polonium chemistry
Dubai Dubai city
earthworm ; angleworm ; fishworm ; fishing worm ; wiggler ; nightwalker ;
nightcrawler ; crawler ; dew worm ; red worm aardworm ; regenworm animal
rich rijk logistics
axiom axioma mathematics
bathtub ; bathing tub ; bath ; tub badkuip ; badkuip or house
caterpillar rups zoology
rational number ; rational rationaal getal mathematics
fast vasten ; snel ; vlug ; rap ; kwiek ; gezwind logistics
ostrich ; Struthio camelus struisvogel zoology
oceanography ; oceanology oceanografie
Eden ; paradise ; nirvana ; heaven ; promised land ; Shangri-la hemel ;
prime number priemgetal mechanical_engineering
transistor ; junction transistor ; electronic transistor transistor
Sarajevo Sarajevo
Holy Roman Empire Heilige Roomse Rijk
Bourgogne ; Burgundy Bourgondië
Hirohito ; Michinomiya Hirohito Hirohito person
nervous system ; systema nervosum zenuwstelsel
Ankara ; Turkish capital ; capital of Turkey ; Angora Ankara
semantics semantiek linguistics
Gaza Strip ; Gaza Gazastrook
syllable syllabe ; lettergreep computers
smallpox ; variola ; variola major pokken medicine
Bern ; Berne ; capital of Switzerland Bern capital_city
Tuscany ; Toscana Toscane
slang ; cant ; jargon ; lingo ; argot ; patois ; vernacular jargon ; vaktaal
; Bargoens
Alexandria ; El Iskandriyah Alexandrië
gallium ; Ga ; atomic number 31 gallium chemistry
Feynman ; Richard Feynman ; Richard Phillips Feynman Richard Feynman
file transfer protocol ; FTP FTP
molybdenum ; Mo ; atomic number 42 molybdeen chemistry
fireplace ; hearth ; open fireplace stookplaats ; open haard real_estate
suicide ; self-destruction ; self-annihilation zelfmoord ; zelfdoding
expensive waard ; duur manufacturing
vagina vagina ; schede zoology
newton ; N newton
monastery mannenklooster
Clemens ; Samuel Langhorne Clemens ; Mark Twain Mark Twain person
Pyramid ; Great Pyramid ; Pyramids of Egypt piramide
Astronomical Unit ; AU Astronomische eenheid
francium ; Fr ; atomic number 87 francium chemistry
monopoly monopolie marketing
broom veger ; bezem device
Mendeleyev ; Mendeleev ; Dmitri Mendeleyev ; Dmitri Mendeleev ; Dmitri Ivanovich
Mendeleyev ; Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev Dmitri Mendelejev person
esophagus ; oesophagus ; gorge ; gullet slokdarm biology
commerce ; commercialism ; mercantilism handel management
tractor tractor computers
climatology klimatologie meteorology
North Dakota ; Peace Garden State ; ND North Dakota
pronoun voornaamwoord linguistics
cubism kubisme
grandfather ; gramps ; granddad ; grandad ; granddaddy ; grandpa grootvader
; opa ; opoe ; bompa
eel aal ; paling ; aal (before it can spawn) zoology
sausage worst ; worst
skeletal system ; skeleton ; frame ; systema skeletale skelet ; skelet
spinal column ; vertebral column ; spine ; backbone ; back ; rachis ruggengraat
yellow ; yellowness geel
limestone kalksteen
judo judo sports
waiter ; server kelner ; ober ; onderdaan
Spielberg ; Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg
occupation ; business ; job ; line of work ; line werk manufacturing
vanadium ; V ; atomic number 23 vanadium chemistry
Marshall Islands ; Republic of the Marshall Islands Marshalleilanden
Tirana ; Albanian capital Tirana city
lightning bliksem
weak zwak
Qatar ; State of Qatar ; Katar ; State of Katar Qatar
doctrine ; philosophy ; philosophical system ; school of thought ; ism
volume inhoud mechanical_engineering
moth mot zoology
rye ; Secale cereale rogge
advice raad ; advies basic_meanings
octopus ; devilfish octopus zoology
Augustine ; Saint Augustine ; St. Augustine ; Augustine of Hippo Augustinus
van Hippo
Riga ; capital of Latvia Riga capital_city
Herodotus Herodotus
homosexuality ; homosexualism ; homoeroticism ; queerness ; gayness
apricot abrikoos
uterus ; womb baarmoeder biology
lunch ; luncheon ; tiffin ; dejeuner lunch ; middageten
rifle roer ; geweer ; karabijn
Saint Lucia ; St. Lucia Saint Lucia
pill ; lozenge ; tablet ; tab pil
Polynesia Polynesië
benzene ; benzine ; benzol benzeen mechanical_engineering
Shaw ; G. B. Shaw ; George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw person
tunnel tunnel construction
King ; Martin Luther King ; Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King
ox os zoology
arrow pijl
Stonehenge Stonehenge
Virgil ; Vergil ; Publius Vergilius Maro Vergilius
Bretagne ; Brittany ; Breiz Bretagne
Verdi ; Giuseppe Verdi ; Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi Giuseppe Verdi
plaything ; toy speelgoed
tower toren
fossil fossiel
management ; direction administratiekantoor real_estate
movie ; film ; picture ; moving picture ; moving-picture show ; motion picture ;
motion-picture show ; picture show ; pic ; flick film basic_meanings
Euclid Euclides van Alexandrië mathematics
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia
Palestine ; Canaan ; Holy Land ; Promised Land Palestina
snail slak zoology
granite granieten
hunger ; hungriness honger
coffin ; casket kist ; doodskist
emperor keizer
American Standard Code for Information Interchange ; ASCII ASCII IT
thirty ; 30 ; xxx dertig
antibiotic ; antibiotic drug antibioticum
modem modem computers
orchestra orkest
dove tamme duif
hardware ; computer hardware hardware IT
Alberta Alberta
Tolstoy ; Leo Tolstoy ; Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy Leo Tolstoj
hectare hectare real_estate
lobster kreeft ; zeekreeft (de) zoology
eighties ; 1980s 1980-1989
vehicle voertuig
Cartier ; Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier person
Poe ; Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe person
diplomacy ; diplomatic negotiations diplomatie
guest ; invitee gast ; bezoeker
proverb ; adage ; saw ; byword spreekwoord ; gezegde
citizen burger ; staatsburger
Vietnam War ; Vietnam Vietnamoorlog
Dakar ; capital of Senegal Dakar city
Rutherford ; Ernest Rutherford ; First Baron Rutherford ; First Baron Rutherford
of Nelson Ernest Rutherford person
noon ; twelve noon ; high noon ; midday ; noonday ; noontide middag
widow ; widow woman weduwe
Old Testament Oude Testament
tone ; tone of voice toon ; noot mechanical_engineering
ambassador ; embassador ambassadeur
Hera ; Here Hera
inhabitant ; habitant ; dweller ; denizen ; indweller bewoner ; inwoner
pancreas alvleesklier biology
habit ; use gewoonte marketing
Norse mythology Noordse mythologie
sentence zin mechanical_engineering
coral koraal ecology
ruby robijn
concert concert
scandium ; Sc ; atomic number 21 scandium chemistry
Gagarin ; Yuri Gagarin ; Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin Joeri Gagarin person
hypothesis ; possibility ; theory hypothese statistics
cellulose cellulose chemistry
date ; day of the month datum management
shore kust ; oever
spirit geest
promethium ; Pm ; atomic number 61 promethium chemistry
Falkland Islands Falklandeilanden
Brahms ; Johannes Brahms Johannes Brahms person
karate karate
mail ; mail service ; postal service ; post post transportation
Central Intelligence Agency ; CIA Central Intelligence Agency
vowel klinker
Martinique Martinique
Bordeaux Bordeaux city
Canberra ; Australian capital ; capital of Australia Canberra
sculpture beeldhouwkunst
landscape landschap real_estate
epilepsy epilepsie medicine
Macao ; Macau Macau
American Samoa ; Eastern Samoa ; AS Amerikaans-Samoa
tank ; army tank ; armored combat vehicle ; armoured combat vehicle tank
Augustus ; Gaius Octavianus ; Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus ; Octavian
Imperator Caesar Augustus
translation ; interlingual rendition ; rendering ; version vertaling
emotion emotie
document ; written document ; papers stuk ; bescheid ; document
semen ; seed ; seminal fluid ; ejaculate ; cum ; come zaad
Skopje ; Skoplje ; Uskub Skopje
pear peer
Haydn ; Joseph Haydn ; Franz Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn person
asthma ; asthma attack ; bronchial asthma aamborstigheid ; astma
formula ; chemical formula formule mechanical_engineering
Hegel ; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Drake ; Francis Drake ; Sir Francis Drake Francis Drake person
Bermuda ; Bermudas Bermuda
Odyssey Odyssee
Poseidon Poseidon mythology
mechanics mechanica
eighteen ; 18 ; xviii achttien
thirteen ; 13 ; xiii dertien
Nuremberg ; Nurnberg Neurenberg city
forty ; 40 ; xl ; twoscore veertig
deity ; divinity ; god ; immortal god ; heer ; godheid
Brandenburg Brandenburg
Lombardy ; Lombardia Lombardije
anarchism anarchisme
eleven ; 11 ; xi elf
bismuth ; Bi ; atomic number 83 bismut chemistry
Micronesia ; Federated States of Micronesia ; TT Micronesia
abacus abacus
crop ; harvest oogst
tulip tulp plant
amino acid ; aminoalkanoic acid aminozuur genetics
sixty ; 60 ; lx ; threescore zestig
acoustics akoestiek
Palermo Palermo
frequency ; relative frequency frequentie statistics
Tasmania Tasmanië
Maxwell ; J. C. Maxwell ; James Clerk Maxwell James Maxwell person
Glasgow Glasgow
cesium ; caesium ; Cs ; atomic number 55 cesium chemistry
brainsick ; crazy ; demented ; disturbed ; mad ; sick ; unbalanced ; unhinged
gek ; krankzinnig
mattress matras
Louvre ; Louvre Museum Louvre
yogurt ; yoghurt ; yoghourt yoghurt
aim ; object ; objective ; target aanleggen ; doel statistics
holmium ; Ho ; atomic number 67 holmium chemistry
Hannover ; Hanover Hannover
season seizoen time
Graz Graz city
canary ; canary bird kanarie ornitology
Parks ; Rosa Parks Rosa Parks
Latium ; Lazio Lazio
wild wild
ozone ozon ecology
Thatcher ; Margaret Thatcher ; Margaret Hilda Thatcher ; Baroness Thatcher of
Kesteven ; Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher
Hilbert ; David Hilbert David Hilbert person
Abraham ; Ibrahim Abraham
towel handdoek
metallurgy metallurgie
rebellion ; insurrection ; revolt ; rising ; uprising opstand
bed ; bottom bedding ; bodem
rock 'n' roll ; rock'n'roll ; rock-and-roll ; rock and roll ; rock ; rock music
rock music
lawyer ; attorney advocaat ; advocate ; raadsman accounting
slave slaaf ; slavin
barometer barometer device
Great Lakes Grote Meren
zero ; 0 ; nought ; cipher ; cypher nul mathematics
sword ; blade ; brand ; steel zwaard
cigar sigaar
insulin insuline chemistry
lichen korstmos plant
carbon dioxide ; CO2 ; carbonic acid gas koolstofdioxide ecology
Decalogue ; Ten Commandments Tien geboden
state staat basic_meanings
dew dauw
mask maskeren
Industrial Revolution ; technological revolution Industriële revolutie
quick ; speedy snel ; vlug ; rap ; gezwind ; gauw ; haastig
whiskey ; whisky whisky
Monet ; Claude Monet Claude Monet person
telegram ; wire telegram
Volga ; Volga River Wolga
automaton ; robot ; golem robot telecommunications
pollen stuifmeel botany
pizza ; pizza pie pizza
minister ; government minister minister basic_meanings
custom ; usage ; usance gebruik ; gewoonte marketing
British Commonwealth ; Commonwealth of Nations Gemenebest van Naties
Hizballah ; Hezbollah ; Hizbollah ; Hizbullah ; Lebanese Hizballah ; Party of God
; Islamic Jihad ; Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine ; Revolutionary
Justice Organization ; Organization of the Oppressed on Earth Hezbollah
pillow hoofdkussen
Mercury Mercurius astronomy
pheasant fazant zoology
plan ; program ; programme plan manufacturing
sect ; religious sect ; religious order sekte
Persian Gulf ; Arabian Gulf Perzische Golf
Roosevelt ; Theodore Roosevelt ; President Roosevelt ; President Theodore
Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt person
random-access memory ; random access memory ; random memory ; RAM ; read/write
memory RAM
Kafka ; Franz Kafka Franz Kafka person
home ; place thuis marketing
imperialism imperialisme
Antoninus ; Aurelius ; Marcus Aurelius ; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ; Marcus
Annius Verus Marcus Aurelius
injury ; hurt ; harm ; trauma blessure transportation
Tibet ; Thibet ; Xizang ; Sitsang Tibet
cab ; hack ; taxi ; taxicab taxi
gem ; gemstone ; stone edelsteen
Latin America Latijns-Amerika
freedom vrijheid
poverty ; poorness ; impoverishment armoede
Armstrong ; Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong
radar ; microwave radar ; radio detection and ranging ; radiolocation radar
symbol ; symbolization ; symbolisation ; symbolic representation symbool
intestine ; bowel ; gut darm ; ingewanden biology
Elbe ; Elbe River Elbe
write schrijven ; schrijven (naar) basic_meanings
watt ; W watt mechanical_engineering
Tagore ; Rabindranath Tagore ; Sir Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore
thermometer thermometer mechanical_engineering
Rembrandt ; Rembrandt van Rijn ; Rembrandt van Ryn ; Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
Rembrandt van Rijn person
poppy papaver ; klaproos plant
hurricane orkaan
Goebbels ; Joseph Goebbels ; Paul Joseph Goebbels Joseph Goebbels person
professor ; prof professor
oboe ; hautboy ; hautbois hobo
Kurosawa ; Akira Kurosawa Akira Kurosawa person
olive olijf botany
Hume ; David Hume David Hume person
Austen ; Jane Austen Jane Austen person
sculpture ; carving beeldhouwkunst
refrigerator ; icebox koelcel ; koelkast ; ijskast ; frigo
sin ; sinning zonde
gardening ; horticulture tuinbouw
metaphor metafoor
quadrilateral ; quadrangle ; tetragon vierhoek geometry
always ; ever ; e'er altijd basic_meanings
gravel ; crushed rock gravel ; grint
Addis Ababa ; New Flower ; capital of Ethiopia Addis Abeba
necktie ; tie stropdas
green ; greenness ; viridity groen
Nero ; Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus ; Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
personal computer ; PC ; microcomputer microcomputer computers
Bell ; Alexander Bell ; Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell person
spinach ; spinach plant ; prickly-seeded spinach ; Spinacia oleracea spinazie
rubidium ; Rb ; atomic number 37 rubidium chemistry
synagogue ; temple ; tabernacle synagoge
Montevideo ; capital of Uruguay Montevideo city
truck ; motortruck vrachtauto ; vrachtwagen construction
Madison ; James Madison ; President Madison James Madison person
Yerevan ; Jerevan ; Erivan ; capital of Armenia Jerevan capital_city
Hanging Gardens of Babylon Hangende tuinen van Babylon
four ; 4 ; iv vier
agent vertegenwoordiger ; agent real_estate
Brahe ; Tycho Brahe Tycho Brahe person
latitude breedtegraad real_estate
Faraday ; Michael Faraday Michael Faraday person
radio receiver ; receiving set ; radio set ; radio ; tuner ; wireless radio

ass ezel animal

memorial ; monument gedenkteken real_estate
gland ; secretory organ ; secretor ; secreter klier biology
canal wijk ; kanaal anatomy
calf kalf
treaty ; pact ; accord verdrag transportation
cannabis ; hemp hennep shrub
Kolkata ; Calcutta Calcutta city
South Pole Zuidpool
information ; info informatie statistics
fifties ; 1950s 1950-1959
hafnium ; Hf ; atomic number 72 hafnium chemistry
strike ; work stoppage staking
nerve cell ; neuron zenuwcel anatomy
speech ; speech communication ; spoken communication ; spoken language ; language
; voice communication ; oral communication taal law
Ford ; Henry Ford Henry Ford person
Hammurabi ; Hammurapi Hammurabi
Niagara ; Niagara Falls Niagarawatervallen
gram ; gramme ; gm ; g gram transportation
crow raaf ; kraai zoology
North Pole Noordpool
West Bank Westelijke Jordaanoever
worker werker ; arbeider manufacturing
ampere ; amp ; A ampère mechanical_engineering
byte byte computers
Liverpool Liverpool city
Middle East ; Mideast ; Near East Midden-Oosten
compact disk ; compact disc ; CD cd
English Channel Het Kanaal
condom ; rubber ; safety ; safe ; prophylactic condoom ; capotje ;
holy heilig
aspirin ; acetylsalicylic acid ; Bayer ; Empirin ; St. Joseph aspirine
chlorophyll ; chlorophyl bladgroen ecology
think ; believe ; consider ; conceive vinden ; geloven ; denken
diabetes mellitus ; DM diabetes mellitus
invention ; innovation uitvinding manufacturing
lawrencium ; Lr ; atomic number 103 lawrencium chemistry
superstition ; superstitious notion bijgeloof
pregnancy ; gestation ; maternity zwangerschap
virgin maagd
Netherlands Antilles Nederlandse Antillen
mustard ; table mustard mosterd
court ; tribunal ; judicature gerechtshof law
heat ; warmth warmte ecology
eighty ; 80 ; lxxx ; fourscore tachtig
gorilla ; Gorilla gorilla gorilla zoology
microorganism ; micro-organism micro-organisme botany
ask vragen finance
Ulan Bator ; Ulaanbaatar ; Urga ; Kulun ; capital of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
badger das mammal
read lezen basic_meanings
brow ; forehead voorhoofd anatomy
semiconductor ; semiconducting material halfgeleider
existentialism ; existential philosophy ; existentialist philosophy
otter otter zoology
Philadelphia ; City of Brotherly Love Philadelphia city
ceiling plafond real_estate
Mexico City ; Ciudad de Mexico ; Mexican capital ; capital of Mexico Mexico-stad
Dallas Dallas
Marconi ; Guglielmo Marconi Guglielmo Marconi person
American Civil War ; United States Civil War ; War between the States
Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog
feudalism ; feudal system feodalisme
Aragon Aragón
trout forel zoology
hertz ; Hz ; cycle per second ; cycles/second ; cps ; cycle hertz
referendum referendum
Nairobi ; capital of Kenya Nairobi city
gross domestic product ; GDP bruto binnenlands product economy
customer ; client klant transportation
today vandaag basic_meanings
relativity ; theory of relativity ; relativity theory ; Einstein's theory of
relativity relativiteitstheorie
hen hen ; kip ; leghen ; legkip ornitology
compound ; chemical compound samenstelling chemistry
zenith zenit mathematics
wish ; wishing ; want wens ; zin economics
case ; instance ; example casus mechanical_engineering
germanium ; Ge ; atomic number 32 germanium chemistry
Allen ; Woody Allen ; Allen Stewart Konigsberg Woody Allen
actinium ; Ac ; atomic number 89 actinium chemistry
Dead Sea Dode Zee
Hermes Hermes mythology
millennium ; millenary millennium time
Alsace ; Alsatia ; Elsass Elzas
Manitoba Manitoba
hydrology hydrologie
interview interviewen management
envelope envelop ; enveloppe ; briefomslag
glucose glucose chemistry
mineralogy mineralogie
garage garage
forties ; 1940s 1940-1949
willow ; willow tree wilg tree
parsley ; Petroselinum crispum peterselie plant
Australia ; Commonwealth of Australia Australië
Christie ; Agatha Christie ; Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie Agatha
Christie person
birch ; birch tree berkeboom tree
logarithm ; log logaritme
tomato ; love apple ; tomato plant ; Lycopersicon esculentum tomaat plant
obedience gehoorzaamheid
agnosticism agnosticisme
atmosphere ; air atmosfeer ; lucht mechanical_engineering
starch ; amylum zetmeel ecology
cosmology ; cosmogony ; cosmogeny kosmologie
Hesse ; Hermann Hesse Hermann Hesse person
ethyl alcohol ; ethanol ; fermentation alcohol ; grain alcohol ethanol
Achilles Achilles
pollution pollutie ecology
white ; whiteness wit
oyster oester zoology
sailor ; crewman zeeman ; matroos
Strait of Gibraltar Straat van Gibraltar
indium ; In ; atomic number 49 indium chemistry
farmer ; husbandman ; granger ; sodbuster boer ; boerin ; landbouwer ;
surrealism surealisme
hill aanaarden ; heuvel
row roeien ; rij statistics
Ares Ares mythology
fourteen ; 14 ; xiv veertien
Benelux Benelux
cell cel electronics
Anaximander Anaximander
pharmacist ; druggist ; chemist ; apothecary ; pill pusher ; pill roller
sperm ; sperm cell ; spermatozoon ; spermatozoan sperma genetics
orgy ; debauch ; debauchery ; saturnalia ; riot ; bacchanal ; bacchanalia ;
drunken revelry orgie
League of Nations Volkenbond
neodymium ; Nd ; atomic number 60 neodymium chemistry
badminton badminton
Bolzano Bozen
aesthetics ; esthetics esthetica
syntax ; sentence structure ; phrase structure syntaxis linguistics
Winter Olympic Games ; Winter Olympics Olympische Winterspelen
Franco ; Francisco Franco ; El Caudillo ; General Franco Francisco Franco
Sardinia ; Sardegna Sardinië
astatine ; At ; atomic number 85 astatium chemistry
shield ; buckler schild
Crete ; Kriti Kreta
Prussia ; Preussen Pruisen
Veneto ; Venezia-Euganea ; Venetia Veneto
soon ; shortly ; presently ; before long binnenkort basic_meanings
ask ; inquire ; enquire vragen finance
iridium ; Ir ; atomic number 77 iridium chemistry
pomegranate granaatappel (de)
hypertext hypertext
marriage ; matrimony ; union ; spousal relationship ; wedlock huwelijk
nicotine nicotine
alligator ; gator alligator zoology
Reformation ; Protestant Reformation Reformatie
oath ; swearing eed
dam ; dike ; dyke dam
protocol ; communications protocol proces-verbaal ; protocol logistics
rhinoceros ; rhino rinoceros ; neushoorn animal
prehistory ; prehistoric culture prehistorie time
suburb ; suburbia ; suburban area voorstad
generation generatie
Zionism ; Zionist movement Zionisme
Pinter ; Harold Pinter Harold Pinter
virus ; computer virus computervirus
Le Corbusier ; Charles Edouard Jeanneret Le Corbusier person
clay klei
Treaty of Versailles Vrede van Versailles
symphony orchestra ; symphony ; philharmonic symfonie
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries ; OPEC Organisatie van Olie
Exporterende Landen economics
Tiberius ; Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar Augustus Tiberius Claudius Nero
Rotterdam Rotterdam city
Kipling ; Rudyard Kipling ; Joseph Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling person
decoration ; laurel wreath ; medal ; medallion ; palm ; ribbon medaille
Aegean ; Aegean Sea Egeïsche Zee
ecosystem ecosysteem ecology
academy academie
buttocks ; nates ; arse ; butt ; backside ; bum ; buns ; can ; fundament ;
hindquarters ; hind end ; keister ; posterior ; prat ; rear ; rear end ; rump ;
stern ; seat ; tail ; tail end ; tooshie ; tush ; bottom ; behind ; derriere ;
fanny ; ass achterwerk
half life ; half-life halfwaardetijd ; halveringstijd time
search engine zoekprogramma
Taipei ; Taipeh ; capital of Taiwan Taipei capital_city
aquarium ; fish tank ; marine museum aquarium
civilization ; civilisation beschaving
Teresa ; Mother Teresa ; Theresa ; Mother Theresa ; Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu
Moeder Teresa person
Hawking ; Stephen Hawking ; Stephen William Hawking Stephen Hawking
research onderzoek ; speurwerk marketing
Handel ; George Frideric Handel ; George Frederick Handel ; Georg Friedrich
Handel Georg Friedrich Händel person
Bologna Bologna
afternoon middag ; namiddag
Bohemia Bohemen
Roman mythology Romeinse godsdienst
genitive ; genitive case ; possessive ; possessive case genitief ; gen. ;
tweede naamval
porcupine ; hedgehog stekelvarken zoology
Marmara ; Sea of Marmara ; Marmara Denizi ; Marmora ; Sea of Marmora Zee van
method methode technology
Hillary ; Edmund Hillary ; Sir Edmund Hillary ; Sir Edmund Percival Hillary
Edmund Hillary
resistor ; resistance weerstand mechanical_engineering
contract contract transportation
hayfield ; meadow weiland
shade ; shadiness ; shadowiness schaduw
horizon ; apparent horizon ; visible horizon ; sensible horizon ; skyline
Asia Minor ; Anatolia Anatolië
tungsten ; wolfram ; W ; atomic number 74 wolfraam chemistry
Zoroastrianism ; Mazdaism Zoroastrisme
dome koepel
Detroit ; Motor City ; Motown Detroit city
Dimash ; Damascus ; capital of Syria Damascus city
index inhoudsopgave real_estate
tellurium ; Te ; atomic number 52 telluur chemistry
crab krab animal
Trinity ; Holy Trinity ; Blessed Trinity ; Sacred Trinity Drie-eenheid
possibly ; perchance ; perhaps ; maybe ; mayhap ; peradventure misschien ;
wellicht ; mogelijkerwijs basic_meanings
radius ; r straal ; spaakbeen mechanical_engineering
fleshiness ; obesity ; corpulency corpulentie medicine
cauliflower ; Brassica oleracea botrytis bloemkool plant
Islamic calendar ; Muhammadan calendar ; Mohammedan calendar ; Moslem calendar ;
Muslim calendar Islamitische kalender
Hiroshima Hiroshima
manner ; mode ; style ; way ; fashion wijze ; manier ; stijl statistics
prostitution ; harlotry ; whoredom prostitutie law
Piedmont ; Piemonte Piemonte
Odin Odin mythology
Antananarivo ; capital of Madagascar Antananarivo city
thigh dij anatomy
brook ; creek beek ecology
percentage ; percent ; per centum ; pct procent basic_meanings
fern varen
Amman ; capital of Jordan Amman city
tear ; teardrop traan
Pyongyang ; capital of North Korea Pyongyang capital_city
brave ; courageous stout
sing zingen
saw zagen ; zaag
methanol ; methyl alcohol ; wood alcohol ; wood spirit methanol chemistry
Proust ; Marcel Proust Marcel Proust person
eyelid ; lid ; palpebra ooglid anatomy
horn hoorn zoology
motto ; slogan ; catchword ; shibboleth motto
passenger ; rider passagier
journalist journalist
sale verkoop manufacturing
Peter ; Simon Peter ; Saint Peter ; St. Peter ; Saint Peter the Apostle ; St.
Peter the Apostle Petrus
baroque ; baroqueness barokstijl
princess prinses
bark schors ; bast
World Trade Center ; WTC ; twin towers World Trade Center
Oxford Oxford city
gate draaihek house
marketing marketing marketing
beauty schoonheid
Planck ; Max Planck ; Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Max Planck person
nomad nomade
wart ; verruca wrat
funnel trechter chemistry
raven ; Corvus corax raaf animal
British Virgin Islands Britse Maagdeneilanden
drugstore ; apothecary's shop ; chemist's ; chemist's shop ; pharmacy
apotheek ; apotheker
rice rijst cooking
avocation ; by-line ; hobby ; pursuit ; sideline ; spare-time activity hobby
; vrijetijdsbesteding
abbot ; archimandrite abt
Irish ; Irish people Iers persoon
electrolysis elektrolyse chemistry
bare ; au naturel ; naked ; nude onopgesmukt ; naakt ; bloot
dark ; darkness donker ; duisternis
fever ; febrility ; febricity ; pyrexia ; feverishness koorts ; verhoging
thief ; stealer dief ; dievegge
monk ; monastic monnik
anarchy ; lawlessness anarchie
appetite ; appetency ; appetence trek ; eetlust ; honger
tide getijde
ice hockey ; hockey ; hockey game hockey
anti-Semitism ; antisemitism antisemitisme
Sumatra Sumatra
vodka wodka
defeat ; licking nederlaag
Keynes ; John Maynard Keynes John Maynard Keynes person
B ; b B
New Delhi ; Indian capital ; capital of India New Delhi capital_city
autism autisme
rabies ; hydrophobia ; lyssa ; madness hondsdolheid
microeconomics micro-economie economics
unidentified flying object ; UFO ; flying saucer unidentified flying object
oxide oxide chemistry
halogen halogeen chemistry
marriage ; wedding ; marriage ceremony huwelijk
sauce sop
sixteen ; 16 ; xvi zestien
Democritus Democritus
Brisbane Brisbane city
actinoid ; actinide ; actinon actinide
seventy ; 70 ; lxx zeventig
jail ; jailhouse ; gaol ; clink ; slammer ; poky ; pokey gevangenis
noble gas ; inert gas ; argonon edelgas
Prince Edward Island Prins Edwardeiland
al-Qaeda ; Qaeda ; al-Qa'ida ; al-Qaida ; Base al qaida
Belfast ; capital of Northern Ireland Belfast capital_city
vacuum ; vacuity vacuüm
Cicero ; Marcus Tullius Cicero ; Tully Marcus Tullius Cicero
Borneo ; Kalimantan Borneo
Chekhov ; Chekov ; Anton Chekhov ; Anton Chekov ; Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ; Anton
Pavlovich Chekov Anton Tsjechov person
peacock pauw zoology
Kubrick ; Stanley Kubrick Stanley Kubrick
Salzburg Salzburg
Hollywood Hollywood
temple slaap ; tempel
Balearic Islands Balearen
subspecies ; race ras biology
hamster hamster animal
magnetism ; magnetic attraction ; magnetic force magnetisme
lark leeuwerik zoology
salad salade cooking
price ; terms ; damage prijs transportation
fig vijg
melon meloen
histology histologie medicine
Manhattan Manhattan
rock ; stone rots
physiology fysiologie biology
friendship ; friendly relationship vriendschap
thirties ; 1930s 1930-1939
analysis ; analytic thinking analyse ; analyse statistics
component ; constituent ; element ; factor ; ingredient element statistics
French Polynesia ; French Oceania Frans-Polynesië
Vaduz ; capital of Liechtenstein Vaduz city
Mann ; Thomas Mann Thomas Mann person
style stijl basic_meanings
Spanish Civil War Spaanse Burgeroorlog
Riyadh ; capital of Saudi Arabia Riyad city
education opvoeding
threshold ; limen dorpel ; drempel construction
bay ; embayment baai
viper adder animal
sixties ; 1960s 1960-1969
seventies ; 1970s 1970-1979
shower douche construction
twenties ; 1920s 1920-1929
bud knop ; knop (de) botany
jaguar ; panther ; Panthera onca ; Felis onca jaguar zoology
resin ; rosin hars biology
administration ; disposal bestuur logistics
metabolism ; metabolic process stofwisseling biology
windmill ; aerogenerator ; wind generator windmolen
centimeter ; centimetre ; cm centimeter
dwelling ; home ; domicile ; abode ; habitation ; dwelling house woning ;
huis ; woonplaats real_estate
dandelion ; blowball leeuwetand ; paardenbloem plant
doll ; dolly pop
joule ; J ; watt second joule mechanical_engineering
Colosseum ; Amphitheatrum Flavium Colosseum
table tennis ; Ping-Pong tafeltennis
herring ; Clupea harangus haring zoology
Mollusca ; phylum Mollusca Weekdieren
Kuiper belt ; Edgeworth-Kuiper belt Kuipergordel
one-fourth ; fourth ; one-quarter ; quarter ; fourth part ; twenty-five percent ;
quartern kwart mathematics
Astana ; Akmola ; capital of Kazakhstan Astana city
fountain fontein
carpenter timmerman
Tbilisi ; Tiflis ; capital of Georgia Tbilisi city
throw werpen ; gooien ; smijten ; afwerpen ; omgooien ; basic_meanings
Global Positioning System ; GPS Global Positioning System
gain winst management
reed riet plant
swastika ; Hakenkreuz swastika ; hakenkruis
Lagos Lagos
programming ; programing ; computer programming ; computer programing
sit ; sit down zitten ; zetten basic_meanings
fine ; mulct ; amercement boete basic_meanings
ruthenium ; Ru ; atomic number 44 ruthenium chemistry
tantalum ; Ta ; atomic number 73 tantalum chemistry
boiling point ; boil kookpunt
Weber ; Max Weber Max Weber person
osmium ; Os ; atomic number 76 osmium chemistry
repair ; mend ; fix ; bushel ; doctor ; furbish up ; restore ; touch on
repareren mechanical_engineering
Iberian Peninsula ; Iberia Iberisch Schiereiland
earwig oorworm zoology
cobra cobra zoology
mayor ; city manager burgemeester
moment ; mo ; minute ; second ; bit moment mechanical_engineering
bullet ; slug kogel
anemia ; anaemia bloedarmoede medicine
baptism doopsel
sphere sfeer ; bol mechanical_engineering
partridge patrijs zoology
twilight ; dusk ; gloaming ; gloam ; nightfall ; evenfall ; fall ; crepuscule ;
crepuscle schemerdonker ; schemering
pronunciation uitspraak
altitude ; height hoogte mechanical_engineering
atom ; molecule ; particle ; corpuscle ; mote ; speck deeltje linguistics
cocoa cacao ; cacaopoeder
kitchen keuken room
cyclone cycloon
helicopter ; chopper ; whirlybird ; eggbeater helikopter
procedure ; process werkwijze ; ontwikkelingsgang ; proces ; verloop ; methode
chromosome chromosoom genetics
quail kwartel ; kwakkel animal
Bosporus Bosporus
palladium ; Pd ; atomic number 46 palladium chemistry
Hanoi ; capital of Vietnam Hanoi city
rum rum
Fuji ; Mount Fuji ; Fujiyama ; Fujinoyama ; Fuji-san Fuji
Kilimanjaro ; Mount Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro
mummy mummie
grave ; tomb graf
Seattle Seattle
mustache ; moustache snor
Euphrates ; Euphrates River Eufraat
admiral ; full admiral admiraal
impression ; feeling ; belief ; notion ; opinion impressie ; indruk
buy ; purchase verwerven manufacturing
check ; bank check ; cheque cheque finance
Liszt ; Franz Liszt Franz Liszt person
Toulouse Toulouse city
project ; projection project basic_meanings
permission toestemming ; toelating
Corse ; Corsica Corsica
prayer ; supplication gebed
Khartoum ; capital of Sudan Khartoem capital_city
classical music ; classical ; serious music klassieke muziek music
mutation ; genetic mutation ; chromosomal mutation mutatie genetics
Volgograd ; Stalingrad ; Tsaritsyn Wolgograd city
Nagasaki Nagasaki city
orgasm ; climax ; sexual climax ; coming Orgamse medicine
patience ; forbearance ; longanimity geduld mechanical_engineering
journalism journalistiek
savage ; barbarian barbaar
labor ; labour ; toil arbeid manufacturing
difference verschil statistics
pitch ; tar teer
interpreter ; translator interpreter ; vertaler ; vertaalster ; tolk
witness ; witnesser ; informant getuige
archbishop aartsbisschop
prince prins
throne troon
comedy komedie
huge ; immense ; vast ; Brobdingnagian enorm
typewriter schrijfmachine
text ; textual matter tekst
Hephaestus ; Hephaistos Hephaistos mythology
freezing point ; melting point smeltpunt
boxing ; pugilism ; fisticuffs bokssport
Thor Thor mythology
troposphere troposfeer meteorology
region regio ecology
slavery ; slaveholding slavernij
monster mormel ; monster
artillery ; artillery unit artillerie
client client ; klant real_estate
copyright ; right of first publication auteursrecht marketing
Christian christen
Bond ; James Bond James Bond
composer componist
pH ; pH scale ph ecology
larva larve
Khrushchev ; Nikita Khrushchev ; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev Nikita
Chroesjtsjov person
income inkomsten ; inkomen marketing
cupboard ; closet kast ; wandkast house
altar ; communion table ; Lord's table altaar
oasis oase
prohibition ; ban ; proscription verbod
americium ; Am ; atomic number 95 americium chemistry
signal ; signaling ; sign signaal statistics
recommendation ; testimonial ; good word recommandatie
ice bear ; polar bear ; Ursus Maritimus ; Thalarctos maritimus ijsbeer
ceremony ; ceremonial ; ceremonial occasion ; observance ceremonie
quartz kwartz mining
elk ; European elk ; moose ; Alces alces eland zoology
success succes basic_meanings
destiny ; fate lot
pineapple ; ananas ananas botany
abbey abdij
caffeine ; caffein cafeïne
cherry kers ; kriek
dessert ; sweet ; afters toetje
breakfast ontbijt
consonant medeklinker
morphology ; geomorphology geomorfologie
seismology seismologie
Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna
complex number ; complex quantity ; imaginary number ; imaginary complex
getal mathematics
Pangaea ; Pangea Pangea
Kathmandu ; Katmandu ; capital of Nepal Kathmandu city
prototype ; paradigm ; epitome ; image prototype mathematics
ninety ; 90 ; xc negentig
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan
natural science natuurwetenschap
Cayman Islands Caymaneilanden
battery ; electric battery batterij military
Brno ; Brunn Brno
Ibsen ; Henrik Ibsen ; Henrik Johan Ibsen Henrik Ibsen person
passport paspoort
Algiers ; Algerian capital Algiers city
Quito ; capital of Ecuador Quito capital_city
political orientation ; ideology ; political theory ideologie
Troy ; Ilion ; Ilium Troje city
bias ; prejudice ; preconception vooroordeel statistics
Campania Campania
liberalism liberalisme
Liguria Ligurië
De Niro ; Robert De Niro Robert De Niro
sofa ; couch ; lounge stoel ; bank in Holland ; zetel ; sofa
Himmler ; Heinrich Himmler Heinrich Himmler person
tae kwon do ; taekwondo taekwondo
hormone ; endocrine ; internal secretion hormoon chemistry
testis ; testicle ; orchis ; ball ; ballock ; bollock ; nut ; egg teelbal ;
testikel biology
Monroe ; James Monroe ; President Monroe James Monroe person
cocaine ; cocain cocaïne
masturbation ; onanism zelfbevrediging ; masturbatie
refuge ; sanctuary ; asylum toevlucht ; toevluchtsoord
Huygens ; Christiaan Huygens ; Christian Huygens Christiaan Huygens
satellite ; artificial satellite ; orbiter satelliet astronomy
Caligula ; Gaius ; Gaius Caesar Caligula
patent ; patent of invention patent ; octrooi real_estate
Hobbes ; Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes person
beggar ; mendicant bedelaar
fresh fris
Dumas ; Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas person
origami origami
Ovid ; Publius Ovidius Naso Ovidius
lipid ; lipide ; lipoid lipide mechanical_engineering
allergy ; allergic reaction allergie
lanthanum ; La ; atomic number 57 lanthanium chemistry
cannon vuurmond ; kanon
Genesis ; Book of Genesis Genesis
Trojan War Trojaanse Oorlog mythology
Zanzibar Zanzibar
atomic mass ; atomic weight ; relative atomic mass atoommassa chemistry
Grant ; Ulysses Grant ; Ulysses S. Grant ; Ulysses Simpson Grant ; Hiram Ulysses
Grant ; President Grant Ulysses S. Grant person
stupid dom ; domme ; onverstandig ; onverstandige ; stom ; stomme
myth mythe
association associatie statistics
kite vlieger
moment ; minute ; second ; instant ogenblik mechanical_engineering
North Africa Noord-Afrika
ankle ; ankle joint ; mortise joint ; articulatio talocruralis enkel
neurology ; clinical neurology neurologie medicine
quality ; character ; lineament karakter manufacturing
Trajan ; Marcus Ulpius Traianus Trajanus
Cape Town Kaapstad
Heidegger ; Martin Heidegger Martin Heidegger person
choice ; selection ; option ; pick keuze mechanical_engineering
Sparta Sparta city
Mogadishu ; Mogadiscio ; capital of Somalia Mogadishu city
already al ; reeds basic_meanings
Schubert ; Franz Schubert ; Franz Peter Schubert ; Franz Seraph Peter Schubert
Franz Schubert person
Tesla ; Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla person
seven ; 7 ; vii zeven
carp karper zoology
teach ; learn ; instruct aanleren ; leren ; onderwijzen ; instrueren
heraldry heraldiek
artist ; creative person artiest
Karachi Karachi city
Abkhaz ; Abkhazia Abchazië
Abidjan Abidjan city
bondage ; slavery ; thrall ; thralldom ; thraldom slavernij
Luanda ; Angolan capital Luanda city
maze ; labyrinth doolhof anatomy
accept ; take ; have aanvaarden basic_meanings
protection bescherming transportation
department ; section departement ; afdeling manufacturing
biosphere biosfeer ecology
poster ; posting ; placard ; notice ; bill ; card plakkaat
solid ; strong ; substantial massief
stallion ; entire hengst
furniture ; piece of furniture ; article of furniture meubilair
one-half ; half half ; helft basic_meanings
divorce ; divorcement scheiding law
test ; trial ; run proef statistics
advantage ; vantage voordeel logistics
Lake Victoria ; Victoria Nyanza Victoriameer
philately ; stamp collecting ; stamp collection filatelie
black ; blackness ; inkiness zwart
cinema ; movie theater ; movie theatre ; movie house ; picture palace
bioscoop ; cinema
Cromwell ; Oliver Cromwell ; Ironsides Oliver Cromwell person
Great Barrier Reef Groot Barrièrerif
centaur centaur mythology
spark sprank ; vonk
navigation ; pilotage ; piloting navigatie
vandalism ; hooliganism ; malicious mischief vandalisme
Thames ; River Thames ; Thames River Theems
Munch ; Edvard Munch Edvard Munch person
George ; Saint George ; St. George Jos ; Joris ; Joren ; Sjors ; Jorre ;
channel kanaal technology
conscience ; scruples ; moral sense ; sense of right and wrong geweten
demography ; human ecology demografie marketing
sax ; saxophone saxofoon
iceberg ; berg ijsberg ecology
central processing unit ; CPU ; C.P.U. ; central processor ; processor ;
mainframe processor IT
ovary eierstok biology
gynecology ; gynaecology gynaecologie
Faulkner ; William Faulkner ; William Cuthbert Faulkner ; Falkner ; William
Falkner William Faulkner person
aikido aikido
Gulf of Finland Finse Golf
ice ijs cooking
locomotive ; engine ; locomotive engine ; railway locomotive locomotief
spice kruiden ; specerij
Arabian Sea Arabische Zee
fluid mechanics ; hydraulics waterbouwkunde mechanical_engineering
Colossus of Rhodes Kolossus van Rodos
calcium hydroxide ; lime ; slaked lime ; hydrated lime ; calcium hydrate ;
caustic lime ; lime hydrate kalk construction
walrus ; seahorse ; sea horse walrus zoology
Commonwealth of Independent States ; CIS Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke
vulture aasgier animal
manuscript ; holograph manuscript
thorium ; Th ; atomic number 90 thorium chemistry
weasel wezel zoology
Languedoc-Roussillon Languedoc-Roussillon
theorem stelling mechanical_engineering
fur ; pelt aanzetten
guillotine guillotine
Montserrat Montserrat
McCartney ; Paul McCartney ; Sir James Paul McCartney Paul McCartney
Jackson ; Andrew Jackson ; Old Hickory Andrew Jackson person
niobium ; Nb ; atomic number 41 niobium chemistry
numeral ; number cijfer statistics
Nicosia ; capital of Cyprus Nicosia city
Dortmund Dortmund
cross kruis mechanical_engineering
ferocious ; fierce ; furious ; savage wild
orthography ; writing system spelling
Avogadro's number ; Avogadro number constante van avogadro
swallow zwaluw zoology
calm ; unagitated ; serene ; tranquil kalm
pseudoscience pseudowetenschap
Fleming ; Alexander Fleming ; Sir Alexander Fleming Alexander Fleming
mole mol zoology
mitochondrion ; chondriosome mitochondrion biology
pleasant heerlijk ; vermakelijk
Maxwell's equations wetten van maxwell
necklace halsketting ; halssnoer
asbestos asbest
international law ; law of nations internationaal recht
policy beleid real_estate
disguise ; camouflage camouflage ; maskeren ; verhulling military
Beckett ; Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett person
peat turf ; veen
rapid ; speedy spoedig
Lavoisier ; Antoine Lavoisier ; Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Antoine Lavoisier
park ; commons ; common ; green park
Schopenhauer ; Arthur Schopenhauer Arthur Schopenhauer person
boundary line ; border ; borderline ; delimitation ; mete grens
agency ; federal agency ; government agency ; bureau ; office ; authority
bureau real_estate
Wiesbaden Wiesbaden city
yttrium ; Y ; atomic number 39 yttrium chemistry
motor motor mechanical_engineering
Confucianism Confucianisme
Lucas ; George Lucas George Lucas
rust roest mechanical_engineering
peak ; crown ; crest ; top ; tip ; summit top economics
Jehovah's Witnesses jehova's getuigen
Urdu Urdu language
New Caledonia Nieuw-Caledonië
inorganic chemistry anorganische chemie
comma komma mathematics
pharmacology ; pharmacological medicine ; materia medica farmacologie
molecular biology moleculaire biologie biology
leukemia ; leukaemia ; leucaemia ; cancer of the blood leukemie medicine
basalt basalt mineralogy
basement ; cellar kelder ; ondergrond
camp ; encampment ; cantonment ; bivouac kamperen military
object ; physical object voorwerp ; object mathematics
Lille Rijsel city
band band mechanical_engineering
affluent ; flush ; loaded ; moneyed ; wealthy vermogend ; rijk
width ; breadth breedte transportation
Ho Chi Minh ; Nguyen Tat Thanh Ho Chi Minh person
nutriment ; nourishment ; nutrition ; sustenance ; aliment ; alimentation ;
victuals voedsel ; voeding biology
Basilicata ; Lucania Basilicata
Guernsey ; island of Guernsey Guernsey
dolphinfish ; dolphin ; mahimahi dolfijn zoology
Romanticism ; Romantic Movement Romantiek
H ; h H
yacht ; racing yacht jacht
Horace Horatius
slope ; incline ; side helling
D ; d D
heroin ; diacetylmorphine heroine
magic ; thaumaturgy magie ; toverkunst ; goochelkunst
particle physics ; high-energy physics ; high energy physics deeltjesfysica
aeromechanics ; aerodynamics aërodynamica
Y ; y ; wye Y
fifteen ; 15 ; xv vijftien
mud ; clay modder
double ; dual ; duple dubbel
Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland en Labrador
watermelon watermeloen
acetylene ; ethyne ; alkyne acetyleen mechanical_engineering
sidewalk ; pavement voetpad ; stoep ; trottoir construction
lantern lantaarn construction
census ; nose count ; nosecount volkstelling
vase vaas
tourist ; tourer ; holidaymaker toerist
rocket ; projectile raket
aviator ; aeronaut ; airman ; flier ; flyer vlieger ; vliegenier
Armenian ; Armenian language Armeens language
Rabat ; capital of Morocco Rabat capital_city
information ; selective information ; entropy entropie statistics
mariner ; seaman ; tar ; Jack-tar ; Jack ; old salt ; seafarer ; gob ; sea dog
matroos ; zeeman
Neruda ; Pablo Neruda ; Reyes ; Neftali Ricardo Reyes Pablo Neruda
yoga yoga
pressure ; pressure level ; force per unit area druk transportation
billiards biljart
angiosperm ; flowering plant bedektzadigen
widower ; widowman weduwnaar
freeze ; frost vorst
crafty ; cunning ; dodgy ; foxy ; guileful ; knavish ; slick ; sly ; tricksy ;
tricky ; wily slim ; listig ; gewiekst
uncle oom
giant panda ; panda ; panda bear ; coon bear ; Ailuropoda melanoleuca panda
; pandabeer zoology
Pyrenees Pyreneeën
hostage ; surety gijzelaar
Goya ; Goya y Lucientes ; Francisco Goya ; Francisco de Goya ; Francisco Jose de
Goya ; Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes Francisco Goya person
count graaf
heavy zwaar ; zware mechanical_engineering
bowl vont ; schaal
handicraft ; handcraft ; handiwork ; handwork werk
backgammon backgammon
accurate ; exact ; precise accuraat ; exact ; correct ; precies ; goed ;
nauwgezet mechanical_engineering
deaf doof ; dove
fungus paddestoel plant
change ; alteration ; modification verandering ; aanpassing technology
Boccaccio ; Giovanni Boccaccio Giovanni Boccaccio person
heron reiger ornitology
catalysis ; contact action katalysator chemistry
dentist ; tooth doctor ; dental practitioner tandarts
helmet helm military
Hendrix ; Jimi Hendrix ; James Marshall Hendrix Jimi Hendrix person
career ; calling ; vocation roeping
bride bruid
Andrew ; Saint Andrew ; St. Andrew ; Saint Andrew the Apostle André ; André ;
Andries religion
temper ; mood ; humor ; humour humeur ; stemming
echo ; reverberation ; sound reflection ; replication echo
data ; information gegevens statistics
tailor ; seamster ; sartor kleren maken ; kleermaker ; kleermaakster kleermaker

angstrom ; angstrom unit ; A ångström

Dionysus Dionysus mythology
wrinkle ; furrow ; crease ; crinkle ; seam ; line rimpelen ; voor
painter schilder ; huisschilder construction
Calvin ; John Calvin ; Jean Cauvin ; Jean Caulvin ; Jean Chauvin Johannes
Calvijn person
midnight middernacht
coulomb ; C ; ampere-second coulomb mechanical_engineering
Pasteur ; Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur person
chemical reaction ; reaction reactie chemistry
cryptic ; cryptical ; deep ; inscrutable ; mysterious ; mystifying mysterieus
Diocletian ; Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian Diocletianus
faineant ; indolent ; lazy ; otiose ; slothful ; work-shy lui ; luie
nun non ; zuster
adventure ; escapade ; risky venture ; dangerous undertaking avontuur
Julian calendar ; Old Style calendar Juliaanse kalender
state ; province staat basic_meanings
archangel aartsengel
Mendel ; Gregor Mendel ; Johann Mendel Gregor Mendel person
friction ; rubbing wrijving transportation
fisherman ; fisher visser
torture ; torturing foltering
Mont Blanc ; Monte Bianco Mont Blanc
uniform eenvormig ; uniform
ohm ohm
lab ; laboratory ; research lab ; research laboratory ; science lab ; science
laboratory laboratorium chemistry
diskette ; floppy ; floppy disk diskette
appearance ; visual aspect verschijning
electric resistance ; electrical resistance ; impedance ; resistance ;
resistivity ; ohmic resistance impedantie mechanical_engineering
chaos ; pandemonium ; bedlam ; topsy-turvydom ; topsy-turvyness chaos
Diderot ; Denis Diderot Denis Diderot person
schizophrenia ; schizophrenic disorder ; schizophrenic psychosis ; dementia
praecox schizofrenie
Impressionism Impressionisme
Attila ; Attila the Hun ; Scourge of God ; Scourge of the Gods Attila de Hun
merchant ; merchandiser zakenman
fine droog basic_meanings
Sophocles Sophokles
crown ; diadem kroon
Heraclitus Heraclitus
Shostakovich ; Dmitri Shostakovich ; Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich Dmitri
Sjostakovitsj person
X ray ; X-ray ; X-radiation ; roentgen ray Röntgenstraling
Wittgenstein ; Ludwig Wittgenstein ; Ludwig Josef Johan Wittgenstein Ludwig
Wittgenstein person
Adams ; John Quincy Adams ; President Adams ; President John Quincy Adams John
Quincy Adams person
gull ; seagull ; sea gull meeuw zoology
pornography ; porno ; porn ; erotica ; smut pornografie
Steinbeck ; John Steinbeck ; John Ernst Steinbeck John Steinbeck person
Baudelaire ; Charles Baudelaire ; Charles Pierre Baudelaire Charles
Baudelaire person
jam jam
diode ; semiconductor diode ; junction rectifier ; crystal rectifier diode
neutrino neutrino
lack ; deficiency ; want gemis management
Southeast Asia Zuidoost-Azië
blues blues music
mackerel makreel zoology
pause ; intermission ; break ; interruption ; suspension pauze
visit ; see bezoeken ; opzoeken basic_meanings
electric potential ; potential ; potential difference ; potential drop ; voltage
voltage mechanical_engineering
Umbria Umbrië
poet dichter
asterisk ; star asterisk ; sterretje
Armstrong ; Louis Armstrong ; Satchmo Louis Armstrong person
P ; p P
product ; production product transportation
bench bank ; zitbank law
patient patiënt basic_meanings
saffron ; saffron crocus ; Crocus sativus saffraan plant
Austria-Hungary Oostenrijk-Hongarije
Silk Road Zijderoute
Association of Southeast Asian Nations ; ASEAN ASEAN
Keller ; Helen Keller ; Helen Adams Keller Helen Keller person
Northern Marianas ; Northern Mariana Islands Noordelijke Marianen
adultery ; criminal conversation ; fornication overspel
chord akkoord
Paleolithic Age ; Paleolithic ; Palaeolithic Paleolithicum
psychiatry ; psychopathology ; psychological medicine psychiatrie
orphan wees
entomology ; bugology entomologie
vineyard ; vinery wijngaard ; wijngaard (de) ; wijnberg
dialogue ; dialog ; duologue dialoog
Thirty Years' War dertigjarige oorlog
crystallography kristallografie
victim slachtoffer
above ; higher up ; in a higher place ; to a higher place boven
G ; g G
oligarchy oligarchie
ace aas military
tectonics ; plate tectonics ; plate tectonic theory tektoniek
thousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; m ; k duizend
platypus ; duckbill ; duckbilled platypus ; duck-billed platypus ;
Ornithorhynchus anatinus vogelbekdier zoology
globe globe
parsec ; secpar parsec
glue ; gum ; mucilage lijm mechanical_engineering
wonder ; marvel wonder basic_meanings
Saladin ; Salah-ad-Din Yusuf ibn-Ayyub Saladin person
choir koor
electrical engineering ; EE elektrotechniek mathematics
fifty ; 50 ; l vijftig
meeting ; encounter vergadering
calculator ; calculating machine rekenmachine
Oort cloud Oortwolk
caviar ; caviare kaviaar
Rosetta Stone Steen van Rosetta
Kaaba ; Caaba Ka'aba
haiku haiku
Iliad Ilias
E ; e E
criminology criminologie
nominative ; nominative case ; subject case eerste naamval ; nominatief
absurd ; cockeyed ; derisory ; idiotic ; laughable ; ludicrous ; nonsensical ;
preposterous ; ridiculous absurd
Vespasian ; Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus Vespasianus
breathe ; take a breath ; respire ; suspire ademen
Pasternak ; Boris Pasternak ; Boris Leonidovich Pasternak Boris Pasternak
accusative ; accusative case ; objective case accusatief ; vierde naamval ;
lijdend voorwerp
Mafia ; Maffia ; Cosa Nostra Maffia
Aesop Aisopos
International Atomic Energy Agency ; IAEA Internationaal Atoomenergie
bibliography bibliografie
Nancy Nancy city
jellyfish kwal animal
1790s 1790-1799
pilot ; airplane pilot piloot transportation
Melanesia Melanesië
zirconium ; Zr ; atomic number 40 zirkonium chemistry
pine den ; pijnboom ; dennenboom botany
ytterbium ; Yb ; atomic number 70 ytterbium chemistry
torch fakkel
Bouvet Island Bouveteiland
fireman ; firefighter ; fire fighter ; fire-eater vuurbestrijder ;
vuurbestrijdster ; brandweerman ; mannelijke brandbestrijder
anus anus ; poepgat anatomy
swine zwijn ; varken zoology
einsteinium ; Es ; E ; atomic number 99 einsteinium chemistry
Parmenides Parmenides
erbium ; Er ; atomic number 68 erbium chemistry
Hoover ; Herbert Hoover ; Herbert Clark Hoover ; President Hoover Herbert
Hoover person
compiler ; compiling program compiler IT
europium ; Eu ; atomic number 63 europium chemistry
vaccine ; vaccinum vaccin medicine
Marche ; Marches Marche
aloe aloë plant
J ; j J
ethnology etnologie
Calabria Calabrië
literature ; lit literatuur
standard ; criterion ; measure ; touchstone criterium mechanical_engineering
Bergen Bergen city
class ; form ; grade ; course klas biology
surgeon ; operating surgeon ; sawbones chirurg
acacia acacia tree
clover ; trefoil klaver plant
czar ; tsar ; tzar tsaar
United States Virgin Islands ; American Virgin Islands ; VI Amerikaanse
massage massage
electromagnetic radiation ; electromagnetic wave ; nonparticulate radiation
spy ; undercover agent spion ; spionne
poisonous ; toxicant vergiftig ecology
Essen Essen city
lutetium ; lutecium ; Lu ; atomic number 71 lutetium chemistry
Sikhism Sikhisme
chestnut kastanje
Gestapo Gestapo
genocide ; race murder ; racial extermination genocide
Friedman ; Milton Friedman Milton Friedman
chimney schoorsteen (de) construction
Dutch ; Dutch people Nederlands persoon
virtue ; virtuousness ; moral excellence deugd
X ; x ; ex X
margin ; border ; perimeter marge statistics
riddle ; conundrum ; enigma ; brain-teaser raadsel
vitriol ; oil of vitriol ; sulfuric acid ; sulphuric acid zwavelzuur
aunt ; auntie ; aunty tante
chisel beitelen
dawn ; dawning ; morning ; aurora ; first light ; daybreak ; break of day ; break
of the day ; dayspring ; sunrise ; sunup ; cockcrow aurora ; dageraad
frequently ; often ; oftentimes ; oft ; ofttimes vaak ; dikwijls
Vesuvius ; Mount Vesuvius ; Mt. Vesuvius Vesuvius
pistol ; handgun ; side arm ; shooting iron pistool
natural gas ; gas gas mechanical_engineering
fencing schermen
wealth ; riches rijkdom ; vermogen ; weelde marketing
instinct ; inherent aptitude instinct
Gaul ; Gallia Gallië
cousin ; first cousin ; cousin-german ; full cousin neef
clitoris ; clit ; button clitoris anatomy
Bronze Age Bronstijd
wrist ; carpus ; wrist joint ; radiocarpal joint ; articulatio radiocarpea pols
Lausanne Lausanne city
butane butaan mechanical_engineering
board ; plank plank mechanical_engineering
wave ; undulation golf physics
Nantes Nantes city
Milky Way ; Milky Way Galaxy ; Milky Way System Melkweg
heel hiel ; op de hielen zitten
straw stro
Korean War Koreaanse Oorlog
propose ; suggest ; advise voorstellen basic_meanings
colonel kolonel
Ra ; Re Ra
termite ; white ant termiet ; termieten animal
torpedo torpedo
nuclear physics ; atomic physics ; nucleonics atoomfysica
Aeneas Aeneas
Allah Allah
rigorous ; strict streng
Weimar Weimar city
Ionian Sea Ionische Zee
pond ; pool waterplas
palate ; roof of the mouth gehemelte ; verhemelte anatomy
propaganda propaganda
integrated circuit ; microcircuit geïntegreerde schakeling
William II ; William Rufus Wilhelm II van Duitsland person
phonology ; phonemics fonologie
Holy Ghost ; Holy Spirit ; Paraclete Heilige Geest
Artemis ; Cynthia Artemis mythology
irrational number ; irrational irrationaal getal mathematics
decade ; decennary ; decennium decennium time
Empedocles Empedocles
fission ; nuclear fission atoomsplitsing
clothing ; article of clothing ; vesture ; wear ; wearable ; habiliment
kledingstuk basic_meanings
photon foton
biotechnology ; biotech biotechnologie genetics
Innsbruck Innsbruck
Xinjiang ; Sinkiang ; Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Sinkiang
cylinder rol ; cilinder ; cylinder mechanical_engineering
severe ; spartan streng
Abuja ; capital of Nigeria ; Nigerian capital Abuja capital_city
boson boson
admire ; look up to bewonderen
rib ; costa rib
Sherlock Holmes ; Holmes Sherlock Holmes
computer keyboard ; keypad standaardtoetsenbord device
expression ; verbal expression ; verbalism gezegde ; uitdrukking mathematics
crystal ; crystallization kristal mineralogy
Constance ; Lake Constance ; Bodensee Bodenmeer
fermion fermion
seal zeehond zoology
idiot ; imbecile ; cretin ; moron ; changeling ; half-wit ; retard idioot
laughter gelach ; lachen
Freemasonry ; Masonry Vrijmetselarij
era ; epoch tijdsgewricht ; tijdperk ; periode ; era ; tijdrekening time
Hagia Sophia ; Hagia Sofia ; Santa Sophia ; Santa Sofia Hagia Sophia
menagerie ; zoo ; zoological garden dierentuin
microphone ; mike microfoon
belt gordel ; ceintuur ; riem mechanical_engineering
twin tweeling mining
pilchard ; sardine ; Sardina pilchardus sardine zoology
Gabon ; Gabonese Republic ; Gabun Gabon state
Orthodox Church ; Orthodox Catholic Church ; Eastern Orthodox Church ; Eastern
Church ; Eastern Orthodox Orthodoxe Kerk
polymer polymeer ecology
Tarabulus ; Tripoli ; Tarabulus Ash-Sham ; Trablous Tripoli
pneumonia longontsteking medicine
mollusk ; mollusc ; shellfish weekdier ; mollusk animal
precisely ; exactly ; just precies basic_meanings
purchase aankoop real_estate
saddle zadel ; zadel %
Aquitaine ; Aquitania Aquitanië
goalkeeper ; goalie ; goaltender ; netkeeper ; netminder keeper ; doelwachter ;
doelwachtster ; doelman
immunology immunologie
turtle schildpad animal
Bali Bali
nephew neef
Bering Strait Beringstraat
esteem ; regard ; respect ontzag management
Tour de France Ronde van Frankrijk
nature natuur marketing
humanitarianism ; humanism humanisme
Sapporo Sapporo city
ache ; aching pijn
global warming opwarming van de aarde ecology
week ; hebdomad week time
cougar ; puma ; catamount ; mountain lion ; painter ; panther ; Felis concolor
poema zoology
driver bestuurder ; chauffeur transportation
mystery ; enigma ; secret ; closed book raadsel
joy ; joyousness ; joyfulness blijdschap ; vreugde
ethernet ethernet
job ; task ; chore werk basic_meanings
rag ; shred ; tag ; tag end ; tatter vodje
Chechnya ; Chechenia ; Chechen Republic Tsjetsjenië
ointment ; unction ; unguent ; balm ; salve smeersel medicine
Meir ; Golda Meir Golda Meïr person
Johnson ; Andrew Johnson ; President Johnson ; President Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson person
Halloween ; Hallowe'en ; Allhallows Eve Halloween
mortgage hypotheek real_estate
Ohm's law wet van ohm
yard ; grounds ; curtilage ra ; erf
Hamas ; Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas
technique techniek manufacturing
Averroes ; ibn-Roshd ; Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd
Averroes person
dictator ; potentate dictator
Azores ; Acores Azoren
Lewis ; C. S. Lewis ; Clive Staples Lewis C.S. Lewis person
earth science aardwetenschappen
rhodium ; Rh ; atomic number 45 rhodium chemistry
nobelium ; No ; atomic number 102 nobelium chemistry
rutherfordium ; Rf ; unnilquadium ; Unq ; element 104 ; atomic number 104
rutherfordium chemistry
pray bidden
Southern Cross ; Crux ; Crux Australis Zuiderkruis constellation
Islamabad ; capital of Pakistan Islamabad capital_city
Bamako Bamako
carburetor ; carburettor carburator
ethology ethologie biology
Hundred Years' War honderdjarige oorlog
expressway ; freeway ; motorway ; pike ; state highway ; superhighway ;
throughway ; thruway snelweg transportation
contribution ; donation schenking
pile ; heap ; mound ; agglomerate ; cumulation ; cumulus hoop
thallium ; Tl ; atomic number 81 thallium chemistry
panic ; terror ; affright verschrikking ; angst
Tel Aviv ; Tel Aviv-Yalo ; Tel Aviv-Jaffa Tel Aviv
arrival aanvoer transportation
porcelain porselein
Bergman ; Ingmar Bergman Ingmar Bergman
tribe ; folk volksstam biology
1830s 1830-1839
1840s 1840-1849
braille braille
jackal ; Canis aureus jakhals zoology
magma magma
boredom ; ennui ; tedium verveling
beam straal ; balk construction
marathon marathon
Parthenon Parthenon
inside ; within binnenin basic_meanings
dough deegwaren
eggplant ; aubergine ; mad apple aubergine ; aubergine ; eierplant ; eiervrucht

Nefertiti Nefertiti
visit bezoek ; visite basic_meanings
wisent ; aurochs ; Bison bonasus wisent zoology
liqueur ; cordial likeur
hymn ; anthem hymne
folklore folklore
brigade brigade military
C ; c C
explosion ; detonation ; blowup explosie military
I ; i I
asphalt asfalt
International Court of Justice ; World Court Internationaal Gerechtshof
carbon black ; lampblack ; soot ; smut ; crock roet
amphibian amfibie ; kikvorsachtige zoology
rubbish ; trash ; scrap vuilnis
Weimar Republic Weimarrepubliek
happening ; occurrence ; occurrent ; natural event gebeurtenis
sell verkopen basic_meanings
L ; l L
therapy therapie ; behandeling medicine
urine ; piss ; pee ; piddle ; weewee ; water urine biology
Arab League Arabische Liga
millimeter ; millimetre ; mm millimeter
sickle ; reaping hook ; reap hook sikkel
stratosphere stratosfeer
ammunition ; ammo ammunitie
wavelength golflengte
America Amerika
crane hijskraan ; kraan zoology
court ; courtyard binnenplaats
valve klep mechanical_engineering
Planck's constant ; h Constante van Planck
spouse ; partner ; married person ; mate ; better half partner real_estate
Zoroaster ; Zarathustra Zarathustra
1860s 1860-1869
colleague ; co-worker ; fellow worker ; workfellow collega
heir ; inheritor ; heritor legataris real_estate
ditch kuil ; greppel
infection infectie
Casablanca Casablanca city
Swiss ; Swiss people Zwitser
Antony ; Anthony ; Mark Antony ; Mark Anthony ; Antonius ; Marcus Antonius
Marcus Antonius
leukocyte ; leucocyte ; white blood cell ; white cell ; white blood corpuscle ;
white corpuscle ; WBC witte bloedcel
baboon baviaan zoology
mast mast
bank oever basic_meanings
von Neumann ; Neumann ; John von Neumann john von neumann person
jointly ; collectively ; conjointly ; together with samen ; tezamen ; bijeen ;
Thessaloniki ; Salonika ; Salonica ; Thessalonica Thessaloniki city
emphasis ; accent accent
circulatory system ; cardiovascular system hart- en vaatstelsel
affair ; affaire ; intimacy ; liaison ; involvement ; amour zaak
digit ; figure cijfer mathematics
Great Bear ; Ursa Major Grote Beer constellation
celery ; cultivated celery ; Apium graveolens dulce selderij ; selderie plant
Rockies ; Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains
deficit ; shortage ; shortfall deficit ; verlies management
load ; loading ; burden last transportation
Etna ; Mount Etna ; Mt Etna Etna
perspiration ; sweat ; sudor zweet ; transpiratievocht
understand verstaan ; begrijpen ; snappen basic_meanings
Dnieper ; Dnieper River Dnjepr
Centaurus ; Centaur Centaur constellation
Brecht ; Bertolt Brecht Bertolt Brecht person
viola viool ; altviool
toilet ; lavatory ; lav ; can ; john ; privy ; bathroom toilet room
Woolf ; Virginia Woolf ; Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf Virginia Woolf
Brandt ; Willy Brandt Willy Brandt person
wig pruik
fence ; fencing omheining logistics
harpsichord ; cembalo klavecimbel
acupuncture ; stylostixis acupunctuur
Harrison ; Benjamin Harrison ; President Harrison ; President Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison person
Becquerel ; Henri Becquerel ; Antoine Henri Becquerel Antoine Henri
Becquerel person
Beauvoir ; Simone de Beauvoir Simone de Beauvoir person
Doppler effect ; Doppler shift Dopplereffect
string ; twine draad
armistice ; cease-fire ; truce wapenstilstand ; staakt-het-vuren
Arendt ; Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt person
Adenauer ; Konrad Adenauer Konrad Adenauer person
greenhouse effect ; greenhouse warming broeikaseffect
Temple of Artemis Tempel van Artemis in Efeze
beef ; boeuf rundvlees
ambition ; aspiration ; dream ambitie ; aanzuiging
Nostradamus ; Michel de Notredame Nostradamus person
hunter ; huntsman jager
foreman ; chief ; gaffer ; honcho ; boss baas manufacturing
glider ; sailplane zweefvliegtuig
budget budget marketing
Curie ; Pierre Curie Pierre Curie person
Tyler ; John Tyler ; President Tyler John Tyler person
Pluto ; Hades ; Aides ; Aidoneus Hades mythology
pasture ; pastureland ; grazing land ; lea ; ley weiland
Kinshasa ; Leopoldville Kinshasa
fractal fractal mathematics
rare earth ; rare-earth element ; lanthanoid ; lanthanide ; lanthanon
lanthanide chemistry
furnace oven technology
messenger ; courier afgezant ; boodschapper logistics
stubborn ; obstinate ; unregenerate koppig ; hardnekkig
chemical bond ; bond chemische binding real_estate
Claudius ; Claudius I ; Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus Claudius I
cod ; codfish kabeljauw zoology
echinoderm stekelhuidigen zoology
californium ; Cf ; atomic number 98 californium chemistry
epistemology epistemologie
Jenner ; Edward Jenner Edward Jenner person
Eliot ; T. S. Eliot ; Thomas Stearns Eliot T.S. Eliot person
charge ; complaint aanklacht manufacturing
Catholicism ; Catholicity Katholicisme
Zen ; Zen Buddhism Zen
Svalbard Spitsbergen
Herschel ; William Herschel ; Sir William Herschel ; Sir Frederick William
Herschel William Herschel person
classical mechanics ; Newtonian mechanics klassieke mechanica
cybernetics cybernetica biology
Hadrian ; Publius Aelius Hadrianus ; Adrian Hadrianus
Harvard University ; Harvard Harvard-universiteit
general relativity ; general theory of relativity ; general relativity theory ;
Einstein's general theory of relativity algemene relativiteitstheorie
Puglia ; Apulia Apulië
ontology ontologie
revolver ; six-gun ; six-shooter revolver
telecommunication telecommunicatie
Antwerpen ; Antwerp ; Anvers Antwerpen
MS-DOS ; Microsoft disk operating system MS-DOS
alkene ; olefine ; olefin alkeen chemistry
Koch ; Robert Koch Robert Koch person
region ; part streek manufacturing
Arabic alphabet Arabisch alfabet
ordering ; order ; ordination orde marketing
transmission control protocol ; TCP TCP
mule muil ; muildier zoology
blouse bloes
recipe ; formula recept cooking
ballad ; lay ballade
gypsum gips construction
decay ; radioactive decay ; disintegration radioactief verval chemistry
morphine ; morphia morfine chemistry
technetium ; Tc ; atomic number 43 technetium chemistry
mosaic mozaïek construction
proof ; cogent evidence drukproef mathematics
Tianjin ; Tientsin ; T'ien-ching tianjin city
signature handtekening real_estate
Yangon ; Rangoon Rangoon city
Hamsun ; Knut Hamsun ; Knut Pedersen Knut Hamsun person
scheme ; strategy strategie mathematics
aroma ; fragrance ; perfume ; scent parfum , aroma
Sea of Azov ; Sea of Azof ; Sea of Azoff Zee van Azov
brooch ; broach ; breastpin borstspeld
Hanks ; Tom Hanks ; Thomas J. Hanks Tom Hanks
British Empire Britse Rijk
bookshop ; bookstore ; bookstall boekwinkel
eyelash ; lash ; cilium wimper
Picardie ; Picardy Picardië
fjord ; fiord fjord
child ; kid kind basic_meanings
drunkenness ; inebriation ; inebriety ; intoxication ; tipsiness ; insobriety
opium opium
larynx ; voice box strottehoofd ; strottenhoofd anatomy
breast ; chest borst
obstacle ; obstruction obstakel
Hell ; perdition ; Inferno ; infernal region ; nether region ; pit ondergang
Magna Carta ; Magna Charta ; The Great Charter Magna Carta
Abu Dhabi ; United Arab Emirates's capital Abu Dhabi
mycology mycologie biology
New Guinea Nieuw-Guinea
fame ; celebrity ; renown roem
Tacitus ; Publius Cornelius Tacitus ; Gaius Cornelius Tacitus Publius Cornelius
pathology pathologie
biophysics biofysica biology
safety zekerheid transportation
pharmacy ; pharmaceutics farmacie
aqueduct aquaduct
Flanders Vlaanderen
1770s 1770-1779
Kyoto Kioto city
materialism ; physicalism materialisme
Nice Nice
penguin pinguïn zoology
bassoon fagot
roller rol technology
genealogy genealogie
Babylon Babylon
diarrhea ; diarrhoea ; looseness of the bowels ; looseness diarree
bakery ; bakeshop ; bakehouse bakkerij
insanity krankzinnigheid disease
emulsion emulsie mechanical_engineering
reason ; ground reden basic_meanings
soccer ; association football voetbal
cooking ; cookery ; preparation kookkunst
head covering ; veil sluier
construct ; build ; make bouwen real_estate
bootless ; fruitless ; futile ; sleeveless ; vain ijdel
proud trots
diversion ; recreation afleiding
Iron Age IJzertijd
easy makkelijk ; eenvoudig mechanical_engineering
Manama ; capital of Bahrain Manamah capital_city
honor ; honour eer
solstice zonnestilstand
lynx ; catamount lynx zoology
nanotechnology nanotechnologie
refugee vluchteling ; refugié
consumption ; using up ; expenditure tuberculose ; verbruik
Bangalore Bangalore
worth waarde transportation
nineteen ; 19 ; xix negentien
K ; k K
Aristophanes Aristophanes
service bediening sports
Puccini ; Giacomo Puccini Giacomo Puccini person
spectroscopy ; spectrometry ; spectroscopic analysis ; spectrum analysis ;
spectrographic analysis spectroscopie chemistry
sour zuur
blind ; unsighted blind
amethyst amethist mining
loudspeaker ; speaker ; speaker unit ; loudspeaker system ; speaker system
luidspreker electronics
Pollock ; Jackson Pollock Jackson Pollock person
forestry bosbouw
corner hoek
reptile ; reptilian reptiel zoology
flesh vlees
disappear ; vanish ; go away verdwijnen
Russian Revolution ; October Revolution Oktoberrevolutie
club ; social club ; society ; guild ; gild ; lodge ; order club ; vereniging
nuclear reactor ; reactor reactor physics
active actief military
Bari Bari city
Ramadan Ramadan
blackbird ; merl ; merle ; ouzel ; ousel ; European blackbird ; Turdus merula
merel zoology
pulley ; pulley-block ; pulley block ; block katrol technology
special relativity ; special theory of relativity ; special relativity theory ;
Einstein's special theory of relativity speciale relativiteitstheorie
falcon valk zoology
expect ; look ; await ; wait verwachten ; afwachten basic_meanings
embryo ; conceptus ; fertilized egg embryo
eukaryote ; eucaryote eukaryoten genetics
web page ; webpage webpagina
awaken ; wake ; waken ; rouse ; wake up ; arouse ontwaken ; wekken
Accra ; capital of Ghana Accra city
commodity ; trade good ; good bezittingen transportation
curious curieus ; nieuwsgierig
1760s 1760-1769
Molise Molise
powder poeder medicament
trap ; snare vallen ; kuilen
lesson les
Dalton ; John Dalton John Dalton person
shame schande ; schaamte
irrigation irrigatie
meteorite meteoriet
infantry ; foot infanterie military
gulf afgrond ; golf
invite ; ask over ; ask round uitnodigen
training ; preparation ; grooming training manufacturing
never ; ne'er nooit
historic period ; age tijdperk basic_meanings
actually ; really echt basic_meanings
Philip II ; Philip II of Spain Filips II van Spanje person
1780s 1780-1789
1870s 1870-1879
ape aap animal
cream vla ; room
dais ; podium ; pulpit ; rostrum ; ambo ; stump ; soapbox podium
palm ; palm tree palm ; palmboom tree
Kampala ; capital of Uganda Kampala city
Van Buren ; Martin Van Buren ; President Van Buren Martin Van Buren
postmodernism postmodernisme
eighties ; 1880s 1880-1889
aardvark ; ant bear ; anteater ; Orycteropus afer aardvarken mammal
piece stuk manufacturing
refuse ; reject ; pass up ; turn down ; decline weigeren ; afslaan
pipe ; tobacco pipe pijp
foreigner ; alien ; noncitizen ; outlander buitenlander ; buitenlandse ;
vreemdeling ; vreemdelinge
Joule ; James Prescott Joule James Prescott Joule person
charcoal ; wood coal houtskool
command ; bid ; bidding ; dictation order ; bevel real_estate
Jung ; Carl Jung ; Carl Gustav Jung Carl Gustav Jung person
grapefruit pompelmoes
Klimt ; Gustav Klimt Gustav Klimt person
Vespucci ; Amerigo Vespucci ; Americus Vespucius Amerigo Vespucci
Justinian ; Justinian I ; Justinian the Great Justinianus I
fennel venkel plant
principle of relativity relativiteitstheorie physics
Split Split
napkin ; table napkin ; serviette servet
crisis crisis
Sappho Sappho
recycling hergebruik economics
Rimbaud ; Arthur Rimbaud ; Jean Nicholas Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud
barrier barrière finance
More ; Thomas More ; Sir Thomas More Thomas More
steak biefstuk cooking
photograph ; photo ; exposure ; picture ; pic foto
swamp ; swampland moeras
neptunium ; Np ; atomic number 93 neptunium chemistry
bacon spek ; bacon
Pavlov ; Ivan Pavlov ; Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Ivan Pavlov person
fermium ; Fm ; atomic number 100 fermium chemistry
show ; demo ; exhibit ; present ; demonstrate tonen ; laten zien ; demonstreren
; weergeven logistics
Bacon ; Francis Bacon ; Sir Francis Bacon ; Baron Verulam ; 1st Baron Verulam ;
Viscount St. Albans Francis Bacon person
Statue of Liberty Vrijheidsbeeld
Neandertal man ; Neanderthal man ; Neandertal ; Neanderthal ; Homo sapiens
neanderthalensis Neanderthaler
vest ; waistcoat hemd
Anaxagoras Anaxagoras
ministry ministerie
avarice ; greed ; covetousness ; rapacity ; avaritia gierigheid
stadium ; bowl ; arena ; sports stadium stadion
Blake ; William Blake William Blake person
Botticelli ; Sandro Botticelli ; Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi Sandro
Botticelli person
Carroll ; Lewis Carroll ; Dodgson ; Reverend Dodgson ; Charles Dodgson ; Charles
Lutwidge Dodgson Lewis Carroll person
prisoner ; captive gevangene
wallet ; billfold ; notecase ; pocketbook portefeuille
Salinger ; J. D. Salinger ; Jerome David Salinger J. D. Salinger
Oedipus ; King Oedipus ; Oedipus Rex Oedipus mythology
TNT ; trinitrotoluene 2,4,6-trinitrotolueen
tube ; tubing buis mechanical_engineering
trombone schuiftrompet ; trombone
unicorn eenhoorn
screwdriver schroevendraaier ; schroevedraaier
Grieg ; Edvard Grieg ; Edvard Hagerup Grieg Edvard Grieg person
Harrison ; William Henry Harrison ; President Harrison ; President William Henry
Harrison William Henry Harrison person
Schutzstaffel ; SS Schutzstaffel
Garfield ; James Garfield ; James A. Garfield ; James Abraham Garfield ;
President Garfield Garfield person
respiration ; internal respiration ; cellular respiration ademhaling
Hesiod Hesiodus
Hubble ; Edwin Hubble ; Edwin Powell Hubble Edwin Hubble person
sandal sandaal
wait ; hold off ; hold back wachten ; afwachten transportation
sack ; poke ; paper bag ; carrier bag zak construction
Coolidge ; Calvin Coolidge ; President Coolidge Calvin Coolidge person
absolute absoluut
life ; lifetime ; life-time ; lifespan leven time
hypnosis hypnose
Cleveland ; Grover Cleveland ; Stephen Grover Cleveland ; President Cleveland
Grover Cleveland person
agony ; torment ; torture agonie
rhyme ; rime rijm
syrup ; sirup siroop
slipper ; carpet slipper pantoffel
reggae reggae music
Mill ; John Mill ; John Stuart Mill John Stuart Mill person
compare vergelijken basic_meanings
happen ; hap ; go on ; pass off ; occur ; pass ; fall out ; come about ; take
place gebeuren basic_meanings
abscess abces medicine
tritium tritium chemistry
isomer isomeer chemistry
colony ; settlement kolonie zoology
barn schuur
bandage ; patch verband
cargo ; lading ; freight ; load ; loading ; payload ; shipment ; consignment
lading transportation
Mississippi ; Mississippi River Mississippi
diphtheria difterie medicine
flatter ; blandish flatteren
championship ; title kampioenschap sports
dispute ; difference ; difference of opinion ; conflict twisten statistics
antibody antistof medicine
dream dromen
thirst ; thirstiness dorst
exile ; deportation ; expatriation ; transportation ballingschap
scanner ; digital scanner ; image scanner scanner device
praseodymium ; Pr ; atomic number 59 praseodymium chemistry
frost ; hoar ; hoarfrost ; rime rijp
curium ; Cm ; atomic number 96 curium chemistry
gadolinium ; Gd ; atomic number 64 gadolinium chemistry
Goteborg ; Goeteborg ; Gothenburg Göteborg city
phoneme foneem linguistics
rhenium ; Re ; atomic number 75 renium chemistry
Arabian camel ; dromedary ; Camelus dromedarius dromedaris ; kameel
Lake Tanganyika ; Tanganyika Tanganyika
menace ; threat bedreiging insurance
anecdote anekdote
jug kan
team ; squad ploeg ; team sports
Odysseus Odysseus mythology
pulse ; pulsation ; heartbeat ; beat pols medicine
anchovy ansjovis animal
lavender lavendel shrub
ore erts
rape ; violation ; assault ; ravishment verkrachting
Valentine Day ; Valentine's Day ; Saint Valentine's Day ; St Valentine's Day ;
February 14 Valentijnsdag
Aeschylus Aischylos
prokaryote ; procaryote prokaryoten genetics
quarrel ; wrangle ; row ; words ; run-in ; dustup geschil ; ruzie
ivy ; common ivy ; English ivy ; Hedera helix klimop plant
poplar ; poplar tree peppel ; populier tree
corset ; girdle ; stays korset
alms aalmoes
lily lelie plant
leek ; scallion ; Allium porrum prei plant
bumblebee ; humblebee hommel ; aardhommel animal
lid deksel technology
gamma radiation ; gamma ray gammastraling
Watt ; James Watt James Watt person
Wells ; H. G. Wells ; Herbert George Wells Herbert George Wells person
light-emitting diode ; LED LED
tempest storm
typhoon tyfoon
luck ; fortune ; chance ; hazard geluk
spectrum spectrum statistics
ladder ladder house
retaliation ; revenge wraak
golf ; golf game golf
ultrasound ultrageluid
bark blaffen
cello ; violoncello cello
type soort manufacturing
protactinium ; protoactinium ; Pa ; atomic number 91 protactinium
species soort genetics
reciprocal ; mutual wederzijds mathematics
grape ; grapevine ; grape vine druif plant
thulium ; Tm ; atomic number 69 thulium chemistry
cliff ; drop ; drop-off klip ; rots
supper avondmaal ; avondeten
inheritance ; heritage erfenis genetics
dagger ; sticker dolk
candle ; candela ; cd ; standard candle candela mechanical_engineering
mendelevium ; Md ; Mv ; atomic number 101 mendelevium chemistry
abattoir ; butchery ; shambles ; slaughterhouse slachterij ; slachthuis
Rodin ; Auguste Rodin ; Francois Auguste Rene Rodin Auguste Rodin person
contact contact hebben met mechanical_engineering
paradox paradox
set theory verzamelingenleer mathematics
council raadgevend lichaam basic_meanings
Banjul ; capital of Gambia Banjul city
Kaunas ; Kovna ; Kovno Kaunas city
character ; role ; theatrical role ; part ; persona rol
institute instituut ; instelling
communism communisme
remark ; comment ; input opmerking manufacturing
hematology ; haematology hematologie
dangerous ; unsafe gevaarlijk ; gevaarlijke
Arabian Peninsula ; Arabia Arabisch Schiereiland
apparent ; evident ; manifest ; patent ; plain ; unmistakable duidelijk
alarm ; alert ; warning signal ; alarum alarm telecommunications
barely ; hardly ; just ; scarcely ; scarce nauwelijks
Johannesburg Johannesburg
Brooklyn Brooklyn
dubnium ; Db ; hahnium ; element 105 ; atomic number 105 dubnium chemistry
New England New England
column ; pillar kolom real_estate
euthanasia ; mercy killing euthanasie
cookie ; cooky ; biscuit koekje ; biscuit
lie ; prevarication leugen basic_meanings
grandson kleinzoon
point punt mechanical_engineering
Hanseatic League Hanze
sample specimen ; monster ; staal statistics
ideal ideaal ; perfect mathematics
caricature ; imitation ; impersonation karikatuur
Nasser ; Gamal Abdel Nasser Gamal Abdel Nasser person
Nunavut Nunavut
ageless ; aeonian ; eonian ; eternal ; everlasting ; perpetual ; unending ;
unceasing eeuwig
singer ; vocalist ; vocalizer ; vocaliser zangeres
Western Australia West-Australië
decree ; edict ; fiat ; order ; rescript verordenen ; decreet marketing
matter ; affair ; thing ding basic_meanings
fatherland ; homeland ; motherland ; mother country ; country of origin ; native
land vaderland
Pisa Pisa city
Moravia Moravië
American football ; American football game American football
hell ; hell on earth ; hellhole ; snake pit ; the pits ; inferno hel
Talmud Talmoed
village ; hamlet dorp basic_meanings
Mahabharata ; Mahabharatam ; Mahabharatum Mahabharata
title titel finance
Porto ; Oporto Porto city
right ascension ; RA ; celestial longitude rechte klimming astronomy
longitude lengte transportation
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Friuli-Venezia Giulia
game theory ; theory of games speltheorie mathematics
Northwest Territories Northwest Territories
Sitting Bull Sitting Bull person
report ; news report ; story ; account ; write up reportage ; rekenschap
amusing ; comic ; comical ; funny ; laughable ; mirthful ; risible grappig ;
komisch ; leuk
Mannheim Mannheim city
banquet ; feast banket
everywhere ; everyplace ; all over overal
magazine ; mag tijdschrift ; magazine ; blad
Domitian ; Titus Flavius Domitianus Titus Flavius Domitianus
gambling ; gaming ; play beweging
exhibition ; exposition ; expo expositie ; tentoonstelling
Asmara ; Asmera Asmara
kinetic energy ; K.E. kinetische energie
network ; web netwerk logistics
captain kapitein military
Society of Jesus ; Jesuit order Jezuïeten
consumer verbruiker marketing
semiotics ; semiology semiotiek
Congress ; United States Congress ; U.S. Congress ; US Congress Amerikaans
microbe ; bug ; germ microbe ecology
espionage spionage
wasp wesp zoology
courage ; courageousness ; bravery ; braveness durf management
defect ; fault ; flaw gebrek mechanical_engineering
correct ; rectify ; right verbeteren ; corrigeren mechanical_engineering
gnome ; dwarf gnoom ; dwerg ; kabouter
quarantine quarantaine
skiing skisport
crowd menigte
Gabriel Gabriël
hardness hardheid mechanical_engineering
adult ; grownup volwassene
Satan ; Old Nick ; Devil ; Lucifer ; Beelzebub ; the Tempter ; Prince of Darkness
equitable ; just eerlijk
colonialism kolonialisme
illustration illustratie
cephalopod ; cephalopod mollusk inktvissen zoology
generator ; source ; author auteur marketing
referee ; ref scheidsrechter sports
taboo ; tabu taboe
Pharaoh ; Pharaoh of Egypt Farao
policeman ; police officer ; officer politieagent basic_meanings
Matisse ; Henri Matisse ; Henri Emile Benoit Matisse Henri Matisse
tumor ; tumour ; neoplasm tumor medicine
miner ; mineworker mijnwerker
Canis Major ; Great Dog Grote Hond constellation
Dalai Lama ; Grand Lama Dalai Lama
Miller ; Arthur Miller Arthur Miller person
ornithology vogelkunde
curate ; minister of religion ; minister ; parson ; pastor ; rector
cactus cactus plant
disciple ; adherent discipel
expressionism expressionisme
duke hertog
adversary ; antagonist ; opponent ; opposer ; resister tegenstander
organ orgaan biology
duty ; responsibility ; obligation verplichting real_estate
study studeren ; instuderen basic_meanings
aorta aorta medicine
Capricornus ; Capricorn Steenbok constellation
W ; w ; double-u W
legislature ; legislative assembly ; legislative body ; general assembly ; law-
makers wetgevende macht
booklet ; brochure ; folder ; leaflet ; pamphlet brochure
loan lening real_estate
Ganges ; Ganges River Ganges
boring ; deadening ; dull ; ho-hum ; irksome ; slow ; tedious ; tiresome ;
wearisome vervelend ; saai
Harare ; Salisbury ; capital of Zimbabwe Harare city
Habsburg ; Hapsburg Habsburg
Austin ; capital of Texas Austin capital_city
palindrome palindroom
Barents Sea Barentszzee
red blood cell ; RBC ; erythrocyte rode bloedcel
ribosome ribosoom genetics
reef rif
greasy ; oily ; sebaceous ; oleaginous vettig
pit ; cavity kuil ; put
sometimes soms ; op een keer basic_meanings
quasar ; quasi-stellar radio source quasar astronomy
San Diego San Diego
chronology chronologie
Scorpius ; Scorpio schorpioen constellation
Sea of Japan ; East Sea Japanse Zee
Tigris ; Tigris River Tigris
Xenophanes Xenophanes
Little Bear ; Ursa Minor Kleine Beer constellation
nucleus kern ; atoomkern genetics
sunset ; sundown zonsondergang
mechanical engineering werktuigbouwkunde
bend ; flex buigen mechanical_engineering
dysprosium ; Dy ; atomic number 66 dysprosium chemistry
marsh ; marshland ; fen ; fenland moeras
explosion ; burst barst construction
hemoglobin ; haemoglobin ; Hb hemoglobine
nineties ; 1890s 1890-1899
cycle ; rhythm ; round wielrijden ; cyclus mathematics
slaughter ; massacre ; mass murder ; carnage ; butchery verwoesting
rosary ; prayer beads rozenkrans
subtraction ; minus minteken mathematics
eternity ; infinity eeuwigheid
sandstone zandsteen
hawk havik ornitology
crystal kristal mineralogy
1750s 1750-1759
rubber ; natural rubber ; India rubber ; gum elastic ; caoutchouc rubber
mare ; female horse merrie
ZIP code ; ZIP ; postcode ; postal code postcode
1850s 1850-1859
incense wierook
affable ; amiable ; cordial ; genial vriendelijk
mallard ; Anas platyrhynchos wilde eend zoology
greenhouse ; nursery ; glasshouse broeikas house
Compositae ; family Compositae ; Asteraceae ; family Asteraceae ; aster family
desk schrijftafel
Yeats ; William Butler Yeats ; W. B. Yeats William Butler Yeats person
marimba ; xylophone xylofoon
bring ; get ; convey ; fetch brengen ; meenemen ; aanbrengen ; halen
wrath ; anger ; ire ; ira woede
manure mest
revolve ; go around ; rotate draaien
lipstick ; lip rouge lippenstift
numismatics ; numismatology ; coin collecting ; coin collection numismatiek

corner ; nook opkopen

lysergic acid diethylamide ; LSD lyserginezuurdiëthylamide
thyme tijm
K2 ; Godwin Austen ; Mount Godwin Austen ; Dapsang K2
1820s 1820-1829
Wright ; Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright person
Ostrava Ostrava
horn toeter ; claxon
cholesterol ; cholesterin cholesterol medicine
lettuce kropsla plant
exit ; issue ; outlet ; way out uitgang
sugarcane ; sugar cane ; Saccharum officinarum suikerriet
Caucasus ; Caucasus Mountains Kaukasus
fundamentalism fundamentalisme
ice cream ; icecream roomijs ; ijs ; ijsje
kimono kimono
Exodus ; Book of Exodus Exodus
fir ; fir tree ; true fir spar ; pijnboom tree
jeep ; landrover jeep
dance ; trip the light fantastic ; trip the light fantastic toe dansen
clown ; buffoon ; goof ; goofball ; merry andrew De clown
Pericles Perikles
accept ; admit ; take ; take on inlaten
obedient gehoorzaam
antipathy ; aversion ; distaste antipathie mechanical_engineering
Rachmaninoff ; Sergei Rachmaninoff ; Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff ;
Rachmaninov ; Sergei Rachmaninov ; Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov Sergej
Rachmaninov person
sound klinken ; geluid maken ; toon voortbrengen
acquire ; win ; gain bereiken
lose verliezen basic_meanings
Nightingale ; Florence Nightingale ; Lady with the Lamp Florence Nightingale
parchment ; sheepskin ; lambskin perkament
Franklin ; Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin person
physical chemistry fysische chemie
pedal ; treadle ; foot pedal ; foot lever pedaal
Queensland Queensland
find ; regain vinden basic_meanings
bedbug ; bed bug ; chinch ; Cimex lectularius wandluis animal
neighbor ; neighbour nabuur ; buurman ; buurvrouw ; buren (plural)
Taft ; William Howard Taft ; President Taft William Howard Taft person
biodiversity biodiversiteit
Shelley ; Mary Shelley ; Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ; Mary Godwin Wollstonecraft
Shelley Mary Shelley person
antenna ; feeler antenne
rhetoric retorica
Solomon Salomo religion
lighter ; light ; igniter ; ignitor aansteker technology
Stoker ; Bram Stoker ; Abraham Stoker Bram Stoker person
Rubens ; Peter Paul Rubens ; Sir Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens
abbreviation afkorting linguistics
receive ; have ontvangen basic_meanings
Ho Chi Minh City ; Saigon Ho Chi Minhstad city
explain ; explicate uitleggen ; verklaren basic_meanings
musical instrument ; instrument instrument device
Scorsese ; Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese
Kigali ; capital of Rwanda Kigali capital_city
Garibaldi ; Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Garibaldi person
European Central Bank Europese Centrale Bank
funeral begrafenis
applause ; hand clapping ; clapping applaus
Occam's Razor ; Ockham's Razor ; principle of parsimony ; law of parsimony
Ockhams scheermes
cage ; coop kooi mechanical_engineering
Leaning Tower ; Leaning Tower of Pisa Toren van Pisa
polygamy polygamie
economy ; economic system economie manufacturing
bury ; entomb ; inhume ; inter ; lay to rest begraven
translate ; interpret ; render vertalen
life leven biology
regiment regiment military
sesame ; benne ; benni ; benny ; Sesamum indicum sesam plant
now nu
hemisphere halfrond ; hemisfeer geometry
sign ; mark teken statistics
frontier grens transportation
area ; country gebied sports
albedo ; reflective power weerkaatsingsvermogen
barrel ; cask vat mechanical_engineering
plankton plankton
Eratosthenes Eratosthenes
bayonet bajonet military
Hestia Hestia mythology
backpack ; back pack ; knapsack ; packsack ; rucksack ; haversack rugzak
paragon ; idol ; perfection ; beau ideal idool
basil basilicum ; bazielkruid ; koningskruid ; basiliekruid plant
landslide ; landslip aardverschuiving
The Star-Spangled Banner The Star-Spangled Banner
confess ; squeal ; fink bekennen
Brest Brest city
Nerva ; Marcus Cocceius Nerva Nerva
cabin hut
yeast ; barm gist
bedroom ; sleeping room ; sleeping accommodation ; chamber ; bedchamber
slaapkamer room
meeting ; group meeting vergadering
horoscope horoscoop
tetanus ; lockjaw tetanus medicine
Hispaniola ; Haiti ; Hayti Hispaniola
parasite parasiet ecology
almanac almanak
Colombo ; capital of Sri Lanka Colombo capital_city
Varna Varna
heroism ; gallantry ; valor ; valour ; valorousness ; valiance ; valiancy
heldhaftigheid ; dapperheid
autobiography autobiografie
connect ; link ; tie ; link up knopen ; vastknopen ; binden ; strikken ;
verbinden logistics
preparation ; readying voorbereiding manufacturing
decide ; make up one's mind ; determine beslissen basic_meanings
pseudonym ; anonym ; nom de guerre pseudoniem
politician ; politico ; pol ; political leader politicus
poem ; verse form gedicht
store ; stock ; fund voorraad transportation
gill ; branchia kieuw
Managua ; capital of Nicaragua ; Nicaraguan capital Managua city
human menselijk basic_meanings
episode episode ; aflevering
Inner Mongolia ; Nei Monggol Binnen-Mongolië
monotreme ; egg-laying mammal cloacadieren animal
double ; doubled ; twofold ; two-fold tweevoudig
Fischer ; Bobby Fischer ; Robert James Fischer Bobby Fischer
farad ; F farad mechanical_engineering
awful ; dire ; direful ; dread ; dreaded ; dreadful ; fearful ; fearsome ;
frightening ; horrendous ; horrific ; terrible vreselijk
meridian ; line of longitude meridiaan real_estate
describe ; depict ; draw beschrijven real_estate
three ; 3 ; III ; trio ; threesome ; tierce ; leash ; troika ; triad ; trine ;
trinity ; ternary ; ternion ; triplet ; tercet ; terzetto ; trey ; deuce-ace
drie mathematics
ecliptic ecliptica
license ; licence ; permit vergunning real_estate
subsidy ondersteuning marketing
Torrid Zone ; tropical zone ; tropics tropen
Honolulu ; capital of Hawaii ; Hawaiian capital Honolulu capital_city
menu ; bill of fare ; card ; carte du jour ; carte kaart cooking
gamma gamma mathematics
distillation ; distillment destillatie chemistry
barrister zaakbezorger
yard ; pace yard real_estate
aeronautics ; astronautics luchtvaart
diploma ; sheepskin diploma
portrayal ; portraiture ; portrait portret
Rameses II ; Ramesses II ; Ramses II ; Rameses the Great ; Ramesses the Great ;
Ramses the Great Ramses II
suck zuigen
diver ; frogman ; underwater diver duiker animal
ferry ; ferryboat pontveer
logical logisch
warrior strijder strijdster
Arab-Israeli War ; Yom Kippur War Jom Kipoeroorlog
margarine ; margarin ; oleo ; oleomargarine ; marge margarine
direct direct manufacturing
Pompeii Pompeii city
toxicology toxicologie
Chang Jiang ; Changjiang ; Chang ; Yangtze ; Yangtze River ; Yangtze Kiang
Blauwe Rivier
child ; kid ; youngster ; minor ; shaver ; nipper ; small fry ; tiddler ; tike ;
tyke ; fry ; nestling jongetje basic_meanings
morality ethiek
consultation consultatie
storehouse ; depot ; entrepot ; storage ; store opslagplaats
guilty schuldig
resident ; occupant ; occupier bewoner
criminal ; felon ; crook ; outlaw ; malefactor misdadiger
fiber ; fibre vezel mechanical_engineering
Alzheimer's disease ; Alzheimer's ; Alzheimers ziekte van alzheimer
Tunis ; capital of Tunisia Tunis capital_city
pedestrian ; walker ; footer voetganger
wisdom ; sapience wijsheid
electric field elektrisch veld
Basel ; Basle ; Bale Bazel city
international internationaal ; internationale basic_meanings
deuterium ; heavy hydrogen deuterium chemistry
programmer ; computer programmer ; coder ; software engineer programmeur
prophet profeet
property ; attribute ; dimension attribuut statistics
ardor ; ardour ; elan ; zeal ijver
Borges ; Jorge Borges ; Jorge Luis Borges Jorge Luis Borges person
Harrison ; George Harrison George Harrison person
lesbian ; tribade ; gay woman lesbienne
liar ; prevaricator leugenaar ; leugenaarster
layer ; bed aardlaag computers
Fibonacci number Rij van Fibonacci mathematics
argument ; argumentation ; debate debat ; bespreking mathematics
confession biecht
Lake Aral ; Aral Sea Aralmeer
absolute zero absoluut nulpunt
Urals ; Ural Mountains Oeral
white dwarf ; white dwarf star witte dwerg astronomy
candy ; confect zoetigheid
bitumen aardpek
Minotaur Minotaurus mythology
de Saussure ; Ferdinand de Saussure ; Saussure ferdinand de saussure
Stevenson ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson Robert
Louis Stevenson person
positron ; antielectron positron
Cetacea ; order Cetacea Walvissen
length lengte transportation
pancake ; battercake ; flannel cake ; flannel-cake ; flapcake ; flapjack ;
griddlecake ; hotcake ; hot cake pannekoek
Oder ; Oder River Oder
measles ; rubeola ; morbilli mazelen disease
tundra toendra ecology
pulsar pulsar
Ophiuchus Slangendrager constellation
advocate ; counsel ; counselor ; counsellor ; counselor-at-law ; pleader
advocaat accounting
dinner diner ; avondmaaltijd
intelligence intelligentie
Arab ; Arabian Arabier
British ; British people ; Brits Brits persoon
lumber ; timber hout ; timmerhout mechanical_engineering
vacation ; holiday vakantie
chemist scheikundige
Prime Minister ; PM ; premier premier
Undset ; Sigrid Undset Sigrid Undset person
hypocrisy schijnheiligheid
Loki Loki mythology
Coma Berenices Hoofdhaar constellation
Goldman ; Emma Goldman Emma Goldman person
McKinley ; William McKinley ; President McKinley William McKinley
ashtray asbak
curling curling
Jew ; Hebrew ; Israelite jood ; Jood ; Jodin
treachery ; betrayal ; treason ; perfidy verraad
incest incest
Congo ; Congo River ; Zaire River Congo
router router IT
lens ; lense ; lens system lens optics
arboretum ; botanical garden arboretum
exist ; be bestaan basic_meanings
rule ; ruler regel
achieve ; accomplish ; attain ; reach bereiken marketing
read-only memory ; ROM ; read-only storage ; fixed storage ROM IT
Bihar Bihar
Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur
abstract abstract
sketch ; study schets mechanical_engineering
shard ; sherd ; fragment fragment mechanical_engineering
Abel ; Niels Abel ; Niels Henrik Abel Niels Henrik Abel person
action actie mathematics
abundant uitbundig ; overvloedig
Yokohama Yokohama city
shovel opscheppen ; schop
wisdom wijsheid
Fillmore ; Millard Fillmore ; President Fillmore Millard Fillmore
Gent ; Gand ; Ghent Gent city
diabetes suikerziekte medicine
Linz ; Lentia Linz
epidemiology epidemiologie
bonsai bonsai tree
death ; dying ; demise dood real_estate
Chongqing ; Chungking Tsjoengking city
Goa Goa
pixel ; pel ; picture element pixel IT
warehouse ; storage warehouse magazijn transportation
piston ; plunger zuiger technology
champagne ; bubbly champagne
John the Baptist ; St. John the Baptist Johannes de Doper religion
puppet ; marionette marionet
dirt ; filth ; grime ; soil ; stain ; grease ; grunge vuil
capital ; working capital hoofdstad ; kapitaal real_estate
regulation ; ordinance verordening real_estate
pit ; quarry ; stone pit steengroeve
governor goeverneur
average ; norm gemiddelde mechanical_engineering
Cardiff Cardiff city
pesticide verdelgingsmiddel ecology
Sibelius ; Jean Sibelius ; Johan Julius Christian Sibelius Jean Sibelius
chew ; masticate ; manducate ; jaw kauwen
hoof hoef
visitor ; visitant bezoeker
magic trick ; conjuring trick ; trick ; magic ; legerdemain ; conjuration ;
thaumaturgy ; illusion ; deception illusie
valiant ; valorous moedig
Monteverdi ; Claudio Monteverdi Claudio Monteverdi person
Akhenaton ; Akhenaten ; Ikhanaton ; Amenhotep IV Achnaton
Turing machine Turingmachine mathematics
apprehension ; apprehensiveness ; dread vrees
ideal ; paragon ; nonpareil ; saint ; apotheosis ; nonesuch ; nonsuch
ideaal mathematics
reader lezer
scientific method wetenschappelijke methode
methodology methodologie management
varnish vernis construction
turbine turbine mechanical_engineering
smudge ; spot ; blot ; daub ; smear ; smirch ; slur vlek
sir mijnheer
Celsius ; Anders Celsius Anders Celsius person
Gibson ; Mel Gibson ; Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson Mel Gibson
Hamlet Hamlet
equality ; equivalence ; equation ; par pariteit ; gelijkheid statistics
Caravaggio ; Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Caravaggio person
Bauhaus Bauhaus
Amen ; Amon ; Amun Amen
Poitou-Charentes ; Poitou Poitou-Charentes
pure zuiver chemistry
petrology ; lithology petrologie
aweary ; weary vermoeid
grotto ; grot grot
airbus airbus
ethane ; C2H6 ethaan chemistry
nurse verpleegster
meditation meditatie
Auckland Auckland city
manufacture ; fabricate ; construct fabriceren manufacturing
Brezhnev ; Leonid Brezhnev ; Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Leonid Brezjnev person
dative ; dative case datief ; dat. ; derde naamval ; meewerkend voorwerp
world ; reality realiteit
pumpkin pompoen
terbium ; Tb ; atomic number 65 terbium chemistry
roentgenium ; Rg ; element 111 ; atomic number 111 roentgenium chemistry
Norfolk Island Norfolk
caribou ; reindeer ; Greenland caribou ; Rangifer tarandus rendier
agency agentschap real_estate
dentistry ; dental medicine ; odontology tandheelkunde
Berlioz ; Hector Berlioz ; Louis-Hector Berlioz Hector Berlioz person
forgiveness ; pardon begenadigen
institution ; establishment instelling basic_meanings
Jutland ; Jylland Jutland
peasant ; provincial ; bucolic landarbeider ; landbouwer ; boer
adhesive material ; adhesive agent ; adhesive sticker mechanical_engineering
samarium ; Sm ; atomic number 62 samarium chemistry
sedimentary rock sedimentair gesteente
article ; clause artikel ; clausule
meitnerium ; Mt ; element 109 ; atomic number 109 meitnerium chemistry
beehive ; hive bijenkorf
despair ; desperation wanhoop
Huxley ; Aldous Huxley ; Aldous Leonard Huxley Aldous Huxley person
starling spreeuw zoology
darmstadtium ; Ds ; element 110 ; atomic number 110 darmstadtium chemistry
kerosene ; kerosine ; lamp oil ; coal oil lampolie
deafness ; hearing loss doofheid
break breken transportation
berkelium ; Bk ; atomic number 97 berkelium chemistry
Federal Bureau of Investigation ; FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
titmouse ; tit mees ornitology
biogeography biogeografie
dynasty dynastie
bring around ; cure ; heal genezen ; helen
arena arena
ambulance ambulance
veterinarian ; veterinary ; veterinary surgeon ; vet dierenarts
antelope antilope zoology
locust treksprinkhaan animal
Kissinger ; Henry Kissinger ; Henry Alfred Kissinger Henry Kissinger
pace ; stride ; tread stap
amine ; aminoalkane amine chemistry
ceramic keramiek
sludge ; slime ; goo ; goop ; gook ; guck ; gunk ; muck ; ooze slijk
wide area network ; WAN Wide Area Network ; WAN
hope hoop
interesting interessant
Kublai Khan ; Kubla Khan ; Kublai Kaan Koeblai Khan person
senate senaat
Tegucigalpa ; Honduran capital Tegucigalpa city
rent huur real_estate
starfish ; sea star zeester zoology
anteroom ; antechamber ; entrance hall ; hall ; foyer ; lobby ; vestibule hal
vegetarianism vegetarisme
hassium ; Hs ; element 108 ; atomic number 108 hassium chemistry
sensitive ; sore ; raw ; tender gevoelig
Fornax Oven constellation
art nouveau jugendstil
protect beschermen ; beveiligen
trachea ; windpipe luchtpijp medicine
essay opstel
friendly vriendelijk
export ; exportation export transportation
nonmetal niet-metaal chemistry
celebrated ; famed ; far-famed ; famous ; illustrious ; notable ; noted ;
renowned beroemd
heading ; header ; head titel ; opschrift computers
Avicenna ; ibn-Sina ; Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina Avicenna
intranet intranet marketing
genius ; mastermind ; brain ; brainiac ; Einstein geest
indulgent ; lenient ; soft toegeeflijk
amphitheater ; amphitheatre ; coliseum amfitheater
olive ; European olive tree ; Olea europaea olijf tree
leprosy ; Hansen's disease lepra medicine
cap pet
gale storm
armchair fauteuil ; leunstoel
cytoplasm ; cytol cytoplasma genetics
entire ; full ; total geheel logistics
warn waarschuwen
Yom Kippur ; Day of Atonement Jom Kipoer
tyrant ; autocrat ; despot despoot
Pretoria ; capital of South Africa Pretoria capital_city
mucus ; mucous secretion slijm medicine
optimism optimisme
autonomy ; liberty autonomie
playground speelplaats
solvent ; dissolvent ; dissolver ; dissolving agent ; resolvent oplosmiddel
apostrophe apostrof ; afkappingsteken ; weglatingsteken
unite ; unify ; merge verenigen
Atlas Mountains Atlasgebergte
overlord ; master ; lord heer
Russian Russisch ; Russische
even-toed ungulate ; artiodactyl ; artiodactyl mammal evenhoevigen
cuckoo koekoek zoology
Dhaka ; Dacca ; capital of Bangladesh Dhaka city
suffix ; postfix suffix linguistics
Hebrew alphabet ; Hebraic alphabet ; Hebrew script Hebreeuws alfabet
seaborgium ; Sg ; element 106 ; atomic number 106 seaborgium chemistry
atrocious ; frightful ; horrifying ; horrible ; ugly eng
kindergarten kleuterschool
Alpha Centauri ; Rigil Kent ; Rigil Alpha Centauri
Lee ; Bruce Lee ; Lee Yuen Kam Bruce Lee person
outgo ; spending ; expenditure ; outlay uitgave manufacturing
ovum ; egg cell ei genetics
carbon monoxide ; carbon monoxide gas ; CO koolstofmonoxide
nationality nationaliteit ; staatsburgerschap
Duncan ; Isadora Duncan Isadora Duncan person
Aconcagua Aconcagua
trunk ; tree trunk ; bole stam ; boomstam botany
compartment compartiment room
resurrection opstanding
radiation uitstraling chemistry
Taylor ; Zachary Taylor ; President Taylor Zachary Taylor person
Astrakhan Astrachan
exception uitzondering real_estate
adorable ; endearing ; lovely mooi
Recife ; Pernambuco Pernambuco city
sodium chloride ; common salt natriumchloride chemistry
commanding officer ; commandant ; commander commandant
Carpathians ; Carpathian Mountains Karpaten
bikini ; two-piece bikini
Isis Isis
Champagne ; Champagne-Ardenne Champagne-Ardennen
pursuit ; chase ; pursual ; following vervolging
pioneer pionier
siege ; besieging ; beleaguering ; military blockade beleg ; belegering
sonnet sonnet
debris ; dust ; junk ; rubble ; detritus puin
progress ; progression ; advance vooruitgang military
photographer ; lensman fotograaf
veto veto
chapter hoofdstuk basic_meanings
DOS ; disk operating system DOS
clinic kliniek
Assyria Assyrische Rijk
Francis of Assisi ; Saint Francis of Assisi ; St. Francis of Assisi ; Saint
Francis ; St. Francis ; Giovanni di Bernardone Franciscus van Assisi person
venom gif ; venijn ; vergif chemistry
joint ; articulation ; articulatio gewricht technology
somewhere ; someplace ergens
Karnataka ; Mysore Karnataka
conversation gesprek management
Cnidaria ; phylum Cnidaria ; Coelenterata ; phylum Coelenterata Neteldieren

pious godvrezend
ancient antiek
grace ; good will ; goodwill sierlijkheid ; genade
antidote ; counterpoison tegengif medicine
buddy ; brother ; chum ; crony ; pal ; sidekick kameraad ; vriend ; maat
twenty ; 20 ; xx twintig
sieve ; screen zeef cooking
rogue ; knave ; rascal ; rapscallion ; scalawag ; scallywag ; varlet schurk ;
sociolinguistics sociolinguïstiek
Tashkent ; Taskent ; capital of Uzbek Tasjkent capital_city
Erasmus ; Desiderius Erasmus ; Gerhard Gerhards ; Geert Geerts Desiderius
Erasmus person
Epicurus Epicurus
bough aftakking tree
file vijl
collage ; montage collage
ethnography ; descriptive anthropology etnografie
Granada Granada
vocabulary ; lexicon ; mental lexicon woordenschat linguistics
shine ; beam schitteren
practice praktijk basic_meanings
foreword ; preface ; prolusion voorwoord
real ; existent echt economics
Chennai ; Madras Madras city
Adelaide Adelaide
trip tocht ; reis transportation
sight schouwspel
critic criticus
Euripides Euripides
Cannes Cannes city
sphinx sfinx
trunk koffer ; kofferbak automobiles
lone ; lonesome ; only ; sole ; solitary enig
rabbi rabbijn
percept ; perception ; perceptual experience gewaarwording marketing
evil kwaad ; boze ; slechte
Sikkim Sikkim
librarian ; bibliothec bibliothecaris
coconut ; coconut palm ; coco palm ; coco ; cocoa palm ; coconut tree ; Cocos
nucifera klapper tree
youth jeugd
garbage ; refuse ; food waste ; scraps afval ; vuil
Derrida ; Jacques Derrida Jacques Derrida person
Taiwan ; Formosa Formosa
avaricious ; covetous ; grabby ; grasping ; greedy ; prehensile miezerig
dowry ; dowery ; dower ; portion bruidsschat
norm norm mechanical_engineering
Stone Age Steentijd
maestro ; master meester ; grootmeester
Perm ; Molotov Perm city
parabola parabool mechanical_engineering
asparagus ; edible asparagus ; Asparagus officinales asperge plant
betray ; sell verraden
code ; computer code code mathematics
Husserl ; Edmund Husserl Edmund Husserl person
Conrad ; Joseph Conrad ; Teodor Josef Konrad Korzeniowski Joseph Conrad
host gastheer ecology
cone ; conoid ; cone shape kegel mechanical_engineering
brief kortstondig
resolution ; declaration ; resolve verklaring marketing
source code broncode
parallelogram parallellogram mechanical_engineering
Plovdiv ; Philippopolis Plovdiv city
Hokusai ; Katsushika Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai person
damp ; dampish ; moist vochtig
bathe ; bath baden
probationary ; provisional ; provisionary ; tentative provisorisch ;
apse ; apsis apsis astronomy
Hayes ; Rutherford B. Hayes ; Rutherford Birchard Hayes ; President Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes person
West Bengal West-Bengalen
middle class ; bourgeoisie burgerij
sled ; sledge ; sleigh slee
elegy ; lament elegie
ripe ; mature rijp
spectator ; witness ; viewer ; watcher ; looker toeschouwer
there daar ; ginder ; ginds
electric guitar elektrische gitaar
contempt ; disdain ; scorn ; despite verachting
Central Powers Centrale mogendheid
manufacturer ; producer producent manufacturing
simulation ; computer simulation computersimulatie statistics
Vladivostok Vladivostok
gallery ; art gallery ; picture gallery galerie room
acropolis akropolis
blemish ; defect ; mar vlek mechanical_engineering
clutch koppelingspedaal mechanical_engineering
Arctic ; Arctic Zone ; North Frigid Zone Arctis
production productie mechanical_engineering
stain ; discoloration ; discolouration vlek
felt vilt
glory ; glorification glorie
sweat ; sudate ; perspire zweten
symptom symptoom ; verschijnsel
Cyclops Cycloop mythology
accelerator ; particle accelerator ; atom smasher accelerator
javelin werpspies sports
bacteria ; bacterium bacterie ecology
Padua ; Padova ; Patavium Padua city
tattoo tatoeage
antenna ; aerial ; transmitting aerial antenne ; voelspriet technology
bald ; bald-headed ; bald-pated kaal
corpulent ; obese ; weighty ; rotund obees ; obese ; vetzuchtig ; vetzuchtige
; diklijvig ; diklijvige ; corpulent
Ku Klux Klan ; Klan ; KKK Ku Klux Klan
sample ; try ; try out ; taste uitproberen statistics
hydrolysis hydrolyse ecology
geodesy geodesie
set ; circle ; band ; lot band accounting
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; MIT Massachusetts Institute of
fair ; just eerlijk
Tyrrhenian Sea Tyrreense Zee
Bruno ; Giordano Bruno Giordano Bruno person
Anglicanism Anglicanisme
domestic sheep ; Ovis aries schaap
distant ; remote afgelegen
Bakunin ; Mikhail Bakunin ; Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin Michail Bakoenin
plaza ; place ; piazza plein
library bibliotheek
indicator indicator statistics
linear algebra lineaire algebra mathematics
start start
Gospel ; Gospels ; evangel Evangelie
Cretaceous ; Cretaceous period Krijt
blacksmith smid
Schumann ; Robert Schumann ; Robert Alexander Schumann Robert Schumann
mechanism mechaniek device
civil war burgeroorlog
bohrium ; Bh ; element 107 ; atomic number 107 bohrium chemistry
fair use fair use
armpit ; axilla ; axillary cavity ; axillary fossa oksel
Insectivora ; order Insectivora Insecteneter
handkerchief ; hankie ; hanky ; hankey zakdoek
world wereld basic_meanings
West Germany ; Federal Republic of Germany West-Duitsland
Pentecost ; Whitsunday Pinksteren
demand marktbehoefte ; aanvraag transportation
fleet ; swift snel
Osiris Osiris
crossword puzzle ; crossword kruiswoordraadsel ; kruiswoordpuzzel
lunar eclipse maansverduistering
neutron star neutronenster
ravine ravijn
follow volgen basic_meanings
Ob ; Ob River Ob
physicist natuurkundige
orator ; speechmaker ; rhetorician ; public speaker ; speechifier redenaar
square meter ; square metre ; centare vierkante meter
positive positief linguistics
productiveness ; productivity productiviteit marketing
eucalyptus ; eucalypt ; eucalyptus tree eucalyptus tree
quantity hoeveelheid mathematics
balcony balkon
liquid crystal display ; LCD LCD
water polo waterpolo
vanilla ; vanilla extract vanille botany
puberty ; pubescence puberteit
monsoon moesson meteorology
Hercules ; Heracles ; Herakles ; Alcides Herakles mythology
minority minderheid
zone zone real_estate
hacker hacker computers
Bermuda Triangle Bermudadriehoek
row roeien
Luke ; Gospel of Luke ; Gospel According to Luke Evangelie naar Lucas
axle spil transportation
Bergson ; Henri Bergson ; Henri Louis Bergson Henri Bergson person
original origineel basic_meanings
splinter ; sliver splinter mechanical_engineering
sacrifice aanbieden ; opoffering
empire ; imperium keizerrijk
tadpole ; polliwog ; pollywog dikkopje ; dikkop ; kikkervisje zoology
Seine ; Seine River Seine
lineage ; line ; line of descent ; descent ; bloodline ; blood line ; blood ;
pedigree ; ancestry ; origin ; parentage ; stemma ; stock van transportation
lover geliefde ; minnaar ; minnares
idiom ; idiomatic expression ; phrasal idiom ; set phrase ; phrase zegswijze
viaduct viaduct
device apparaat mechanical_engineering
Urban II ; Odo ; Odo of Lagery ; Otho ; Otho of Lagery Otho person
Nazareth Nazareth
syringe injectiespuit medicine
catalog ; catalogue catalogiseren ; catalogus business
orangutan ; orang ; orangutang ; Pongo pygmaeus orang-oetans animal
Windhoek Windhoek
antimatter antimaterie
pursue ; follow vervolgen
suit ; suit of clothes kostuum
stay ; remain ; rest blijven basic_meanings
bunch ; clump ; cluster ; clustering bos statistics
specimen specimen management
Pauli ; Wolfgang Pauli Wolfgang Pauli person
nitric acid ; aqua fortis salpeterzuur chemistry
grease ; lubricating oil invetten mechanical_engineering
grade ; level ; tier rang real_estate
warning waarschuwing
ecumenical council concilie
New South Wales Nieuw-Zuid-Wales
mixture mengelmoes marketing
painting ; picture schilderij ; afbeelding ; prent ; portret ; illustratie
Braille ; Louis Braille Louis Braille person
index ; index finger ; forefinger wijsvinger
praise loven
invitation uitnodiging
hot heet
hide ; conceal verbergen ; verstoppen ; wegstoppen
Chiang Kai-shek ; Chiang Chung-cheng Chiang Kai-shek person
absinth ; absinthe absint
multimedia ; multimedia system multimedia
Philip II ; Philip II of Macedon Philippus II van Macedonië
Berkeley ; Bishop Berkeley ; George Berkeley George Berkeley person
sapphire saffier mining
cool koel ; fris
limnology limnologie
music genre ; musical genre ; genre ; musical style genre music
caste kaste
Medina ; Al Madinah Medina
accountancy ; accounting accountancy ; boekhouding economy
kill doden basic_meanings
Quebec ; Quebec City Québec
conference conferentie telecommunications
perceiver ; percipient ; observer ; beholder waarnemer
hungry hongerig
cache ; memory cache cache IT
praise ; congratulations ; kudos ; extolment roemen
penicillin penicilline
post ; station post military
Wake Island ; Wake Wake-eiland
sum ; amount ; total som ; totaal mechanical_engineering
cricket kriek ; krekel zoology
butcher ; meatman slager
deservingness ; merit ; meritoriousness verdienste
alley ; alleyway ; back street steeg ; doorgang real_estate
harem ; hareem ; seraglio ; serail harem ; vrouwenverblijf
horseradish ; horseradish root mierikswortel ; boerenradijs
humility ; humbleness ootmoed ; nederigheid
arrive ; make it ; get in ; go far aankomen basic_meanings
probability theory ; theory of probability kansrekening
Thrace Thracië
Aalto ; Alvar Aalto ; Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto Alvar Aalto person
Palestine Liberation Organization ; PLO PLO
burial ; entombment ; inhumation ; interment ; sepulture teraardebestelling ;
pork ; porc varkensvlees
Mossad Mossad
Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh
camping ; encampment ; bivouacking ; tenting kamperen
hornet hoornaar zoology
buoy boei
Rushdie ; Salman Rushdie ; Ahmed Salman Rushdie Salman Rushdie
Stanford University ; Stanford Stanford-universiteit
Adonis Adonis mythology
Balder ; Baldr Baldr mythology
juncture ; occasion gelegenheid
Verona Verona city
booth ; cubicle ; stall ; kiosk hokje business
listen ; hear ; take heed beluisteren ; horen basic_meanings
pension pensioen accounting
Arthur ; Chester A. Arthur ; Chester Alan Arthur ; President Arthur Chester A.
Arthur person
Dorado Goudvis constellation
gymnosperm naaktzadigen
psychiatrist ; head-shrinker ; shrink psychiater
spot ; recognize ; recognise ; distinguish ; discern ; pick out ; make out ; tell
apart onderscheiden
Rommel ; Erwin Rommel ; Desert Fox Erwin Rommel person
axis as mechanical_engineering
elementary particle ; fundamental particle elementair deeltje physics
information technology ; IT it
voluntary vrijwillig ; vrijwilliger
honest ; honorable eerlijk
aircraft carrier ; carrier ; flattop ; attack aircraft carrier vliegdekschip
radish radijs
speaker ; talker ; utterer ; verbalizer ; verbaliser spreker
accountant ; comptroller ; controller boekhouder
horseman ; equestrian ; horseback rider ruiter
federation bond ; federatie
Apollinaire ; Guillaume Apollinaire ; Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki
Guillaume Apollinaire person
die ; dice dobbelsteen
tendon ; sinew pees (de) ; zenuw
scene scene computers
cartilage ; gristle kraakbeen biology
addendum ; supplement ; postscript voleinding ; toegift
yak ; Bos grunniens yak animal
Prometheus Prometheus mythology
agreeable genoeglijk ; aangenaam
never nooit basic_meanings
Capone ; Al Capone ; Alphonse Capone ; Scarface Al Capone person
Microscopium Microscoop constellation
attacker ; aggressor ; assailant ; assaulter aanvaller
Fermat ; Pierre de Fermat Pierre de Fermat person
ether ; ethoxyethane ; divinyl ether ; vinyl ether ; diethyl ether ; ethyl ether
Vishnu Vishnoe
Basse-Normandie ; Lower-Normandy Laag-Normandië
Defoe ; Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe person
synthesis ; synthetic thinking synthese
lactose ; milk sugar lactose chemistry

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