Sports I Was in Foot Ball 5 Grade Through Sophomore Year
Sports I Was in Foot Ball 5 Grade Through Sophomore Year
Sports I Was in Foot Ball 5 Grade Through Sophomore Year
I did cross country and was in it for 2 years junior through senior
My main hobby is growing house plants, I have many different kind of orchids and plants. First
I get them to flower then I sell them for more on eBay. I now almost everything there is to no
regarding landscaping and indoor , outdoor plants. I also built a 6 foot buy 4 foot green house in
my room and had it there for 5 years. I snowboard during the winter for fun and go to many ski
hills. I am also a very green person, I care a lot about the environment. My favorite subject is
biology and I'm currently in Ap bio. I am also pretty good at math and average A,s I also enjoy it
to. I also go camping and hiking and lot during the summer to.
I had two jobs in my high school career. I worked at Cousin subs and I worked there for about 4
months, I ended that job because of swimming. Now, I work at steins gardens and gifts and have
been working there for over 9 months. Last summer, I volunteered at the botanical gardens in
Whitnall park. I pulled a lot of weeds and watered for 3 days. I also worked for the East Troy
school system for the summer. I worked 8 hour shifts everyday besides the weekends and Friday.
High School
I made the honor roll for all 3 years straight and hopping to keep it that way. My strong points in
high school are math and science. My GPA overall averages out to be around a 3.0 to a 3.2 I
enjoyed high school overall and to me it's just been a fun experience. I think I have been a pretty
good student through high school. I have only gotten on 15 minute detention for being late to
school because my bike broke. I was also in stage crew for a play and I helped build the stage. I
earned my W (varsity letter) freshman year in swim and many metals after that.
I'm planning on going to UW Oshkosh or UWM for environmental science for my first year and
planning on changing my major depending on the job demand.