Presidential Decree No. 66
Presidential Decree No. 66
Presidential Decree No. 66
WHEREAS, pending before Congress prior to the promulgation of
Proclamation No. 1081, dated September 21, 1972, was House No. 4317,
entitled "An Act to Revise the Charter of the Foreign Trade Zone Authority
Created Under Republic Act Numbered Five Thousand Four Hundred and
Ninety and For Other Purposes", which I have certified as one of the urgent
measures necessitating immediate enactment;
WHEREAS, it is imperative that this measure be immediately made part of
the law of the land in order to assure the accelerated development and
efficient operations of the export processing zone in Mariveles, Bataan, and
such other zones as may be established in the country, and thereby
hastening the realization of the objectives of the Government to create a
new social and economic order for the national benefit;
Sec. 3. Principal Office. — The Authority shall maintain its principal office in
the Greater Manila area but it may establish branches and agencies within
the Philippines as may be necessary for the proper conduct of its business.
Sec. 4. Purposes and Specific Powers. — The purposes and specific powers of
the Authority are as follows:
(c) To acquire and hold agricultural lands in excess of the areas permitted to
private corporations or associations by the Constitution;
(e) To grant the use or to rent, lease or let, for a consideration and under
such terms, arrangements and conditions it may deem reasonable and
proper, any and all port facilities, including stevedoring and port terminal
services, or any concession properly incident thereto or in connection with
the receipt, delivery, shipment and transfer in transit, weighing, marking,
tagging fumigating, refrigerating, icing, storing, and handling of goods,
wares and merchandise: Provided, however, That where the port terminal
facilities are owned and operated by private persons, the fees and charges to
be levied shall not exceed that being collected by the Government for similar
(g) To fix, assess and collect storage charges and fees, including rentals for
the lease, use or occupancy of lands, buildings, structure, warehouses,
facilities and other properties owned and administered by the Authority; and
to fix and collect the fees and charges for the issuance of permits, licenses
and the rendering of services not enumerated herein, the provisions of law to
the contrary notwithstanding;
(h) For the due and effective exercise of the powers conferred by law and to
the extend requisite therefor, to exercise exclusive jurisdiction and sole
police authority over all areas owned or administered by the Authority. For
this purpose, the Authority shall have supervision and control over the
bringing in or taking out of the Zone, including the movement therein, of all
cargoes, wares, articles, machineries, equipment, supplies or merchandise of
every type and description;
(k) To adopt, alter and use a corporate seal which shall be judicially noticed;
make contracts, lease, own or otherwise dispose of personal and real
property; sue and be sued; and otherwise do and perform any and all things
that may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of the Authority.
Sec. 5.Capitalization. — The capital of the Authority shall consist of (1) its
existing assets and such other properties as may be contributed to the
Authority by the Government to form part of capital, (2) all capitalized
surplus, and (3) cash contribution by the Government in the amount of two
hundred million pesos, which is hereby appropriated out of any fund in the
National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, be they collection from any or
all taxes accruing to the general fund or proceeds from loans the issue of
bonds, treasury bills or notes, or derived from any other sources of income,
by or of the National Government, which amount shall be programmed and
released by the Budget Commission in accordance with the schedule of
development and expenditures to be prepared and submitted by the
Authority: Provided, however, That any budgetary outlay allocated and
released in favor of the Export Processing Zone Authority and/or Foreign
Trade Zone Authority shall be correspondingly credited to the authorized
capitalization herein provided.
Sec. 6. Board of Commissioners. — The corporate powers of the Authority
shall be vested in and exercised by the Board of Commissioners, hereinafter
referred to as the Board, to be composed of seven members to wit: the
Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines, the vice-Chairman of
the Board of Investments, the Undersecretary of Finance and the
Undersecretary of the Department of Trade and Tourism, who shall be ex-
officio members, and the remaining members shall be appointed by the
President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments. The
President shall designate from among the members of the Board its
Chairman, who shall at the same time be the Administrator of the Authority.
Sec. 8. Tenure of Office. — Except for the ex-officio members, the tenure of
office of the other members shall be six years; Provided, That the term of
office of the first appointees shall be fixed as follows: the Chairman shall be
for six years; one member shall be for four years, and the last member shall
be for two years: Provided, finally, That no vacancy shall be filled except for
the unexpired portion of any term.
The Chairman and the members of the Board may be suspended or removed
for cause by the President of the Philippines.
Sec. 9. Meetings and Quorum. — The Board shall meet regularly once a
month and as often as the exigencies of the service demand. The presence
of at least four members shall constitute a quorum, and the vote of four
members shall be necessary for the adoption of any rule, resolution or
decision or any other act of the Board.
Sec. 11. Powers and Duties of the Board. — The Board shall have the
following powers and duties:
(c) To approve the annual budget and such supplemental budgets which may
be submitted to it by the Chairman;
(h) To render annual reports to the President and such special reports as
may be requested; and
(i) Generally, to exercise all the powers necessary or incidental to attain the
purposes of this Decree.
Sec. 12. Administrator and Deputy Administrators; Powers and Duties. — The
Chairman, who is also the Administrator of the Authority, shall be assisted by
two Deputy Administrators to be chosen and may be removed by the Board
upon recommendation of the Chairman. The Administrator and the Deputy
Administrators shall be required to work full time in the Authority. Such
deputies shall perform the duties, functions and responsibilities as may be
assigned to them by the Administrator. The annual salary of each deputy
shall be thirty thousand pesos with a monthly commutable allowance of five
hundred pesos.
The Chairman-Administrator shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To direct and manage the affairs of the Authority in accordance with the
policies of the Board;
(b) To assist registered Zone enterprises and prospective investors to have
their papers processed with dispatch by all Government offices, agencies,
instrumentalities and financial and banking institutions;
(c) To prepare the agenda for the meeting of the Board and submit for its
consideration and approval the policies and measures which he deems
necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this Decree;
(d) To submit within thirty (30) days after the close of each fiscal year an
annual report to the Board and such other reports as may be required;
(g) To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board.
Sec. 13. Non-applicability of the Civil Service Law, and the Regulation of the
Wage and Position Classification Office. — All officials and employees of the
Authority shall be selected and appointed on the basis of merit and fitness
based on a comprehensive and progressive merit system to be established
by the Authority immediately upon its organization and consistent with Civil
Service rules and regulations. The recruitment, transfer, promotion, and
dismissal of all personnel of the Authority, including temporary workers, shall
be governed by such merit system.
Likewise, all personnel of the Authority shall be exempt from the regulations
of the Wage and Position Classification Office.
Sec. 14. Appointment by Board. — Department heads and similar rank shall
be appointed by the Board, upon the recommendation of the Administrator.
(3) Domestic merchandise sent from the zone to the customs territory shall,
whether or not combined with or made part of other articles likewise the
growth, product or manufacture of the Philippines while in the zone, be
subject to internal revenue laws of the Philippines as domestic goods sold,
transferred or disposed of for local consumption.
(4) Merchandise sent from the zone to the customs territory shall, whether or
not combined with or made part of other articles while in the zone, be
subject to laws and regulations governing imported merchandise. The duties
and taxes shall be assessed on the value of imported materials (except when
the final product is exempt) and the internal revenue taxes on the value
(5) Domestic merchandise on which all internal revenue taxes have been
paid, if subject thereto, and foreign merchandise previously imported on
which duty or tax has been paid, or which have been admitted free of duty
and tax, may be taken into the zone from the customs territory of the
Philippines and be brought back thereto free of quotas, duty or tax.
(8) Unless the contrary is shown, merchandise taken out of the zone shall be
considered for tax purposes to have been sent to customs territory.
(c) Exemption from Export Tax. — The provisions of law to the contrary
notwithstanding, foreign merchandise transhipped through the zone or any
article which has been processed, manufactured or manipulated in said zone
and exported therefrom, shall be exempt from any export tax, imposts or
fee, including the stabilization tax imposed by Republic Act Numbered Sixty-
one hundred twenty-five.
Sec. 19. Power to Issue Bonds or Incur Indebtedness. — Whenever the Board
may deem it advisable and necessary for the Authority to contract loans,
credits and other indebtedness, or to issue bonds, notes debentures,
securities and other instruments of indebtedness for the development and/or
operation of the Zone, it shall by resolution so manifest and declare stating
the purpose for which the indebtedness is to be applied and citing the
project study devised for the purpose. In order for such resolution to be valid,
it shall be passed by the affirmative vote of at least four members of such
Board and approved by the President of the Philippines upon the
recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, after consultation with the
National Economic Development Authority and the Monetary Board of the
Central Bank.
The total principal domestic indebtedness of the Authority payable in the
Philippine currency shall not at any one time exceed three hundred million
pesos, while the total principal indebtedness of the Authority payable in
foreign currency shall not at any one time exceed one hundred million United
States dollars or the equivalent thereof in other foreign currencies qualified
to form part of the international reserves of the Central Bank: Provided, That
such foreign indebtedness may be contracted from foreign governments or
any public or private international banking and financial institution or fund
sources. The bonds and other instruments of indebtedness which the
authority is authorized to issue under this section and any income derived
therefrom shall, except those contracted with private international banking
and financial institution, be exempt from the payment of all taxes of
whatever kind and nature including withholding taxes imposed by the
Republic of the Philippines, its agencies, instrumentalities or political
subdivisions, which fact may be expressed on the face thereof, and shall be
eligible as collateral in any transaction with the national or any local
government, its agencies and instrumentalities, including government-owned
or controlled corporations and government banking and financial institutions,
in which collateral is required. Any or all loans or instruments of
indebtedness which the Authority is authorized to contract or issue under
this section shall be unconditionally guaranteed both as to principal and
interest by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines whenever the
President of the Philippines, by himself or through his duly authorized
representative, may deem such guarantee by the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines to be advisable and necessary, in which case, the
President of the Philippines or his duly authorized representative is hereby
authorized to execute and deliver said guarantee of the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines.
The Central Bank of the Philippines or any of its authorized agent banks shall
extend to the Authority priority in the allocation of foreign exchange and in
the availment of the assistance and resources of the Central Bank in a
manner that shall facilitate the contracting or issuance by the Authority of
the loans or instruments of indebtedness which the Authority is authorized to
contract or issue under this section or the repayment thereof. In any case,
where the Authority is required to surrender or sell to the Central Bank
foreign currencies qualified to form part of its international reserves, the
Authority is hereby given the right to repurchase any or all of said foreign
currencies as is necessary to meet all items of debt service arising out of any
and all loans and instruments of indebtedness payable in foreign currency
contracted or issued by it pursuant to this section at the same rate or rates
at which said foreign currencies were respectively sold to the latter, subject
to the payment of foreign exchange premium or fees as the Central Bank
may deem reasonable.
In the negotiation, contracting and issuance of any loan, credit and evidence
of indebtedness under this section, the President of the Philippines may, if
deemed by him upon recommendation of the Authority, to be necessary or
justified and when made a condition by the foreign creditor to the issuance
of such loans, credits, or instruments or indebtedness, agree to waive the
application of any law granting preference or imposing restrictions on
international competitive bidding, such as, but not limited to, Act Numbered
Forty-two hundred thirty-nine, Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred
thirty-eight, Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred forty-one, Republic
Act Numbered Nine hundred twelve, Republic Act Numbered Fifty-one
hundred eighty-three: Provided, however, That in every case where
competitive bidding is agreed upon in the purchase of machineries,
equipment, materials and supplies financed out of proceeds of such loans,
credits and instruments of indebtedness, preference may be granted in favor
of such machineries, equipment, materials and supplies produced, processed
or manufactured in the Philippines at such rate and in such manner as may
be agreed upon from time to time with the entity or institution providing
financing for the project.
Sec. 20. Sinking Fund. — The Authority is hereby authorized to pay out of its
appropriations, operating income, proceeds from its borrowings or issuance
of bonds and other instruments of indebtedness, and from all other sources
of funds, the amounts necessary to meet its maturing obligations on the
loans, credits or indebtedness contracted by the Authority or on the bonds,
notes, or other instruments of indebtedness issued by it. For this purpose, a
sinking fund may be established out of said sources of funds of the Authority
in the Central Bank of the Philippines in such manner that the total thereof at
each due date of the bonds and other instruments of indebtedness and the
loans, credits or indebtedness contracted by the Authority shall be equal to
the aggregate maturing obligations or amortization as of that date. Said fund
shall be under the custody of the Central Bank of the Philippines under a
special account, which shall invest the same in such manner as the Monetary
Board may approve, charging all expenses of such investments to said
sinking fund and crediting the same with interest on investments and other
income belonging to it. A standing appropriation is hereby made out of any
general fund in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, of such
sum as may be necessary to meet all obligations of the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines under all guarantees which may be executed by it
pursuant to this Decree, in case such sinking fund shall be insufficient to fully
pay the indebtedness of the Authority guaranteed by the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines or the Authority to fully pay the same by some
other means.
Sec. 21. Non-profit Character of the Authority; Exemption from Taxes. — The
Authority shall be non-profit and shall devote and use all its returns from its
capital investment, as well as excess revenues from its operations, for the
development, improvement and maintenance and other related expenditures
of the Authority to pay its indebtedness and obligations and in furtherance
and effective implementation of the policy enunciated in Section 1 of this
Decree. In consonance therewith, the Authority is hereby declared exempt:
(a) From the payment of all taxes, duties, fees, imports, charges, costs and
service fees in any court or administrative proceedings in which it may be a
party, to the Republic of the Philippines, its provinces, cities, municipalities
and other government agencies and instrumentalities;
(b) From all income taxes, franchise taxes, realty taxes and all other kinds of
taxes and licenses to be paid to the National Government, its provinces,
cities, municipalities and other government agencies and instrumentalities;
(c) From all tariff and customs duties, and advance sales tax, on import of
capital goods required for its operations.
Sec. 23. Eminent Domain. — For the acquisition of rights of way, or of any
property for the establishment of export processing zones, or of low-cost
housing projects for the employees working in such zones, or for the
protection of watershed areas, or for the construction of dams, reservoirs,
wharves, piers, docks, quays, warehouses and other terminal facilities,
structures and approaches thereto, the Authority shall have the right and
power to acquire the same by purchase, by negotiation, or by condemnation
proceedings. Should the authority elect to exercise the right of eminent
domain, condemnation proceedings shall be maintained by and in the name
of the Authority and if may proceed in the manner provided for by law.
Sec. 24. Title to Real Property. — The public lands fixed and delimited as the
site of the foreign trade zone under Proclamation No. 629, series of 1969,
Proclamation Nos. 899 and 939, both series of 1971, of the President of the
Philippines shall be surveyed by the Bureau of Lands and conveyed
thereafter in absolute ownership to the Authority by the President of the
Philippines for the nominal sum of one peso for each parcel of land being
conveyed under this section. Upon receipt of said deed of conveyance the
proper Register of Deeds shall register the same and issue the corresponding
original certificate of title to the Authority. Likewise, the public land fixed and
delimited as the site of a low cost housing project for workers in the Zone
under Proclamation No. 740, series of 1970, as amended by Proclamation
No. 900, series of 1971, of the President of the Philippines, shall be surveyed
by the Bureau of Lands and conveyed in absolute ownership by the President
of the Philippines to the Authority, the Government Service Insurance System
and/or Social Security System and in the manner hereinafter provided. Upon
receipt of the deed of conveyance, the proper Register of Deeds shall
forthwith register the same and issue the corresponding original certificate of
title thereof.
Sec. 26. Supplies and Services other than Personal. — All purchases of
supplies or contracts for services, except for personnel services, entered into
by the Authority, shall be done through competitive public bidding: Provided,
That bidding shall not be required when (1) an emergency, as certified by
the Chairman, requires immediate delivery of the supplies or performance of
the services, and (2) the aggregate amount involved in any one purchase of
supplies or procurement of services does not exceed ten thousand pesos, in
which case, such purchase or procurement may be made in the usual course
of business: Provided, further, That the Authority's emergency purchase of
supplies and services shall not exceed the amount of fifty thousand pesos for
any one month: Provided, finally, That in comparing bids and in making
awards, the Authority shall consider such factors as the cost and relative
quality and adaptability of supplies or services; the bidder's financial
responsibility, skill, experience, integrity, and ability to furnish repairs and
maintenance services; the time of delivery or performance offered; and the
bidder's compliance with the specifications desired.
Sec. 27. Auditing. — The Auditor General shall be ex officio in charge of the
auditing office of the Authority. He shall appoint a representative who shall
be the auditor thereof. The Auditor General shall, upon recommendation of
the Authority, appoint or remove personnel of said auditing office in
accordance with law. The operating expenses of this office and the salaries
and travelling expenses of the officials and employees thereof shall be fixed
by the Board and paid by the Authority. Such representative shall render a
semestral report on the financial condition and operations of the Authority to
the Auditor General and the Board. The Auditor General shall submit to the
President and the Congress an annual report covering the financial condition
and operations of the Authority.
Sec. 28. Penalties. — Any person violating any provision of this Decree or any
of the rules and regulations promulgated under Sections four and eleven
hereof, shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than five years
nor more than ten years and a fine of not less than five thousand pesos nor
more than ten thousand pesos and in addition, such violations shall ipso
facto constitute a valid ground for the revocation of all privileges, permits
and authorization granted to such person under this Decree: Provided,
however, That if the offender is a corporation, firm, partnership or
association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the guilty officer or officers,
as the case may be, of the corporation, firm or association, and if such guilty
officer or officers be an alien or aliens, in addition to the penalties herein
prescribed, he or they shall be deported without further proceedings on the
part of the Deportation Board.
Likewise, all personnel of the Foreign Trade Zone Authority who are
occupying permanent positions shall be absorbed by Export Processing Zone
Authority and shall remain in their respective positions without demotion in
rank or reduction in salary: Provided, That employee who shall be separated
from the service shall be given by the Authority at least one month gratuity
for every year of service but in no case more than twenty-four months
salary, in addition to all benefits to which they may be entitled under existing
laws and regulations.
Sec. 30. Repealing Clause. — The provisions of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-
four hundred ninety and all other acts, executive orders, proclamations,
administrative orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are
inconsistent with provisions of this Decree are either repealed or modified
Sec. 31. Separability Clause. — The provisions of this Decree are hereby
declared to be separable, and in the event any one or more of such
provisions are held unconstitutional, the validity of other provisions shall not
be affected.
Sec. 32. Effectivity. — This Decree shall take effect upon its approval.
Done in the City of Manila, this 20th day of November, in the year of Our
Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-two.