Efficient Compressed Air Systems

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Compressed air is clean, readily available, and simple-to- There are many different types of compressors on the market, each using different technology to
use, however, as with most forms of energy it is expensive. produce air. A description of compressors commonly used in industry follows and their characteristics
Therefore, the first task in any plant is to consider if are summarised in Table 1.
compressed air is the most cost-effective form of power for
the job. For example, it might be more beneficial to use: RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS
● Air conditioning or fans for cooling instead of Reciprocating compressors work through the action of a piston in a cylinder. Pressure can be developed
compressed air on one or both sides of the piston. For large volumes of compressed air, they are usually the most
● Blowers instead of compressed air to provide cooling, expensive to buy and install, and require greater maintenance, however, they may be lower cost at
aspirating, agitating, mixing, or to inflate packaging small capacities. Due to their size and the vibrations caused they require large foundations and may
not be suitable where noise emissions are an issue. Nevertheless, they are the most energy efficient,
● Brushes, blowers, or vacuum systems instead of both at full and part loads.
compressed air to clean parts or remove debris
● Lower pressure compressed air for blow guns, air VANE COMPRESSORS
lances, and agitation Vane compressors have a rotor with metallic sliding vanes inside an eccentric housing. The vanes form
pockets of air that are compressed as the rotor turns until an exhaust port is exposed. This working
When using compressed air for any application, attempts principle is also widely used in air motors.
should be made to minimise the quantity and pressure
of air used, as well as ensuring running times are of the SCREW COMPRESSORS (OIL INJECTED)
shortest possible duration. The need to use compressed
air should be constantly monitored and re-evaluated, for Screw (or rotary) compressors use two meshing helical screws, rotating in opposite directions to
example, it is not uncommon to find airflow still being compress air. These compressors are usually the lowest cost to install, for large volumes of compressed
supplied to unused equipment when plants reconfigure air. To ensure maximum efficiency of screw compressors, it is important to correctly size the compressor
their processes. and apply internal and external control systems for part load conditions. Variable output and variable
speed drives are usually available from most suppliers.
Carry the same benefits as oil injected screw compressors but compress in two stages and have no
There can be many efficiency gains made by making lubricant in contact with the air during its passage through the compressor. Water injected screw
well informed choices when selecting and installing new compressors are also available where oil free air is required.
plant or altering and adjusting existing systems. When
designing a compressed air system there are a number of CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS
issues that need to be considered including: Centrifugal compressors use high speed rotating impellors to accelerate air. To reach operating
● Type of Compressor pressures, several impellor stages are required. They have low installation costs, but are expensive to
● Size of Compressor buy because they are precision machines. They are fairly efficient down to about 60% of their design
● Required Pressure
● Variable or Steady Load
These compressors are suitable for oil free air compression at smaller air capacities.
Each of these is discussed in some detail in this guideline.
These compressors have the same characteristics as oil free screw compressors but are more efficient at
small air capacities.
Table 1. Main Features of air compressor types SIZING
Compressor Type Characteristics When designing an air compressor system, users should seek to minimise
the demand. It is very important to correctly size the system, as oversized
• Low energy • Oscillating forces air compressors are extremely inefficient. This is because most systems
consumption • High end use more energy per unit volume of air produced when operating at part-
• Suitable for high temperatures load. Hence, while air compressor efficiency generally increases with
pressures • High maintenance
• Noisy
size, due to lower part-load efficiency it is usually more efficient to run a
• Easily adjustable
• Compact and portable • Relatively expensive smaller compressor at full load rather than a large one at low load.
for small loads for larger outputs In new installations, compressor plant is generally sized by adding
all the likely individual loads allowing for simultaneous use, constant
• Simple construction • Limited capacity demand requirements and using diversity factors for intermittent air
Vane • Quiet range users. Ideally, the total capacity would be based on exact knowledge
• Compact • Oil residues in the air of the equipment or process requirements. If this is underestimated, the
• Quiet and simple • Oil residues in the air compressor plant will be too small and unable to maintain the required
operation pressure in the system. Conversely, if the total air consumption is greatly
• Lower end over-estimated there may be excessive capital investment and reduced
Screw (oil injected) temperatures efficiency.
• Simple to use for heat
recovery In existing installations, it may be possible to monitor current demand
• Compact and use this to size replacement plant. As modern compressors have high
• Quiet and simple • Oil free reliability, standby plant requirements should be carefully considered
operation • Reduced air and not guessed. It is good practice to include a standby compressor
• Lower end treatment equal in size to the largest duty machine. However, it is possible to
Screw (oil free) temperatures reduce capital costs by opting for smaller standby plant. This depends
• Simple to use for heat on the down-time that can be accommodated and/or any mobile units
• Compact
that could be hired.

• Low energy user for • Sensitive to dirt in air

To ensure energy efficiency, designers should avoid adding excessive
large capacities • Relatively high cost or arbitrary ‘future changes’ or ‘standby’ margins to the output of
Centrifugal the selected compressors. However, when installing new plant, future
• Quiet • Energy efficient
• Controllable capacity expansion should always be taken into account by making an allowance
Scroll • Oil free • Energy efficient
for the purchase of an additional compressor at a later date. Increasing
compressor capacity presents no problem, provided that the rest of the
• Oil free • Energy efficient at installation has been planned accordingly.
Rotary tooth
smaller capacities

REQUIRED PRESSURE Table 2. Annual energy savings resulting from reduction in air pressure1

When designing and operating a system it is important to correctly evaluate the Reduction in air
amount of pressure required. Air must be delivered to the point of use at the 200
pressure at the 50 kPa 100 kPa 150 kPa
desired pressure and in the right condition. Too low a pressure will impair tool compressor
efficiencies and affect process time. Too high a pressure may damage equipment, Comparative
and will promote leaks and increase operating costs. Average Load Energy Saving (kWh/y)
Many industrial plants run at unnecessarily high pressure, which wastes energy
and increases running costs. For example, some systems operate at an elevated 4 320 640 960 1 280
pressure of 700kPa at full load when the machinery and tools can operate 7.5 600 1 200 1 800 2 400
efficiently at a lower air pressure of 500–600kPa. The extra 100-200kPa would
be responsible for approximately 8% -16% of the plant’s energy costs. Many 11 875 1 750 2 625 3 500
system designs include the extra pressure as a contingency factor to compensate 15 1 195 2 390 3 583 4 780
for possible leaks and pressure drops, however, this is unnecessary for a well
22 1 755 3 510 5 265 7 020
maintained system (see Efficient Compressed Air Systems 2. Compressed Air –
Efficient Utilisation). Installing pressure regulators that keep the supply pressure 30 2 390 4 780 7 170 9 560
to the minimum required will also reduce running costs (see Efficient Compressed
37 2 945 5 890 8 835 11 780
Air Systems 3. Compressed Air Treatment).
55 4 380 8 760 13 140 17 520
Different air pressures are required when operating different tools and processes.
Supplying an air main at high pressure just to satisfy the pressure requirements 75 5 975 11 950 17 925 23 900
of one or two pieces of equipment should be avoided. Small, high-pressure 110 8 760 17 520 26 280 35 040
compressors or local boosters may be more cost effective for local high pressure
needs. Alternatively, the system may be able to be divided in two, with a high 160 12 750 25 500 38 250 51 000
pressure network and a low pressure section. Table 2, below shows the level of
energy savings that can be achieved through a reduction in operating pressure. Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria, Energy Smart Compressed Air Systems, 2001

The quality of the compressed air produced by a system can range Table 3. Types of Air Quality
from plant air to high quality breathing air. Different end-uses
require different levels of air quality (see Table 3). Dryness and Air Quality Applications
contaminant level are the two key factors used to distinguish low Hospital air systems, Refill diving tanks, Respirators
from high quality air. The higher the quality, the more the air Breathing Air
for cleaning and/or grit blasting and spray painting
costs to produce. Higher quality air usually requires additional
equipment, which not only increases initial capital investment, Process Air Food and pharmaceutical process air, Electronics
but also makes the overall system more expensive to operate Laboratories, Paint spraying, Powder coating, Climate
in terms of energy consumption and maintenance costs. It is, Instrument Air
therefore, important when designing the system to assess the level
of air quality required. Plant Air Air tools, general plant air

Internationally, guidelines are available that allow the quality

of air to be specified, such as ISO Standard 8573, which defines
Table 4. ISO 8573 Air Quality Classifications
different classes, as shown in Table 4.
When selecting a compressor consideration needs to be given to Class Oil carry over Dust carry-over Moisture carry-over
the level of air quality required. If lubricant-free air is required, (mg/m3) µg mg/m3 PDP* mg/m3
this can be achieved with either lubricant-free compressors,
or with lubricant-injected compressors that have additional 1 0.01 0.1 0.1 -70 0.003
separation and filtration equipment. Lubricant-free compressors 2 0.1 1 1 -40 0.12
usually cost more to install and have higher maintenance costs. 3 1 5 5 -20 0.88
Lubricant-injected compressors while cheaper to purchase
4 5 15 8 +3 6
have the additional capital, energy and maintenance costs of
separation and filtration equipment. Careful consideration should 5 25 40 10 +7 7.8
be given to the specific end-use for the lubricant-free air, including 6 -- -- -- +10 9.4
the risk and cost associated with product contamination, before 7 -- -- -- Not specified
selecting a lubricant-free or lubricant-injected compressor. Table
*PDP – pressure dew point
5 lists some of the characteristics of the two compressor types.
In addition to understanding your air quality requirements and
compressor types, efficient methods to reduce contaminants Table 5. Characteristics of Lubricated and Non-lubricated Compressors
need to be investigated. Prior to the compression cycle an air
compressor inhales water vapour, dirt, and atmospheric pollution. Non-Lubricated Compressor Lubricated Compressor
During the process the volume of air reduces, causing the level of
contamination to increase. Additionally, further contaminants • May require fewer filters and oil • Considerably lower capital
such as oil vapour or wear particles can be introduced by changes cost
certain types of compressors during the compression process. • Longer operational life • Simple plant
This concentration of contaminants means that the compressed • Often preferred when • Oil provides an important
air can rarely be used without some form of treatment. A wide manufacturing sensitive products cooling effect
range of filtration and drying equipment is available to improve such as food or pharmaceuticals
• Lower speeds/temperatures
air quality. However, it needs to be remembered that careful • Higher capital costs
• Filter maintenance and oil
selection, installation and maintenance of treatment equipment • Routine service costs usually changes are required more
is required to reduce the energy costs of treating air. These costs high often
can be quite high and include direct energy costs for running • To reach high pressure need • Due to pressure drop
equipment, the extra generation cost needed to overcome multi-stage compression air treatment capital and
additional pressure drops, or the cost of purging air. This topic running costs are higher
• More complex compressor
is covered comprehensively in Efficient Compressed Air Systems 3.
Compressed Air Treatment.


Demand patterns for compressed air can be relatively constant, stepped or widely compressor selection. If the load is constant for all periods then clearly a single,
fluctuating and will vary considerably from factory to factory. When designing correctly sized compressor will efficiently do the job. However, with stepped or
the system it is important to understand not just how much air is required but fluctuating loads it is often more efficient to use a combination of compressors
when it is needed. The first task is to determine if any processes can be altered and controls (including variable output and variable speed technology) rather
to flatten the load. If a simple change in the timing of an activity can occur it than one large compressor running at part load. This is because air compressors
may be able to reduce peak demand thereby reducing costs. Load will also affect are most efficient when operating at or near full load. Figure 1 presents some
Figure 1. Meeting Demand Patterns Efficiently with Combinations of Compressors

examples of demand patterns and

how they can be met efficiently
with combinations of multiple
compressors. In addition, demand
peaks can be smoothed and peak
loads reduced by using storage
receivers. A storage receiver can
typically store 5% to 10% of the
compressor capacity avoiding
excessive cycling and part-load
operation. This improves energy
efficiency and reduces wear on
the compressor. During periods
of sudden high demand, an extra
receiver near the point of take-off
may avoid the need to provide
extra capacity.

Source: UK Department of Environment Transport and Regions 1998 Good practice Guide 241


Compressed Air Uses SUMMARY

Does the job really need compressed air or will a blower suffice? Whether installing a new system or altering an existing plant
Continually monitor compressed air requirements there are many opportunities to make long term dollar savings.
It is important to have a thorough understanding of your exact
Compressor Types requirements for compressed air – how, when and where it will be
Different compressors suit different applications used. Additional guides are available that provide more detailed
information on efficient utilisation (see Efficient Compressed Air
Choose the compressor which best meets your needs
Systems 2. Compressed Air – Efficient Utilisation) and treatment of
Sizing compressed air (see Efficient Compressed Air Systems 3. Compressed
Can demand be reduced?
Air Treatment). Additionally, there are many professional companies
that can assist you in designing a system that will efficiently meet
For retrofit systems measure actual demand your needs, see the AMEI web site for details (www.amei.com.au).
Design system to cope with expansion or altered processes
Required Pressure
Evaluate the pressure required by different tools If you would like more information contact:
Consider using multiple compressors if pressure requirement Air and Mine Equipment Institute of Australia
varies widely www.amei.com.au
email: info@amei.com.au
Air Quality
Assess quality of air required For up-to-date telephone details please check the AMEI
Consider affect compressor type has on efficiently meeting air
Scrutinise efficient filtration and drying treatments
Can load be flattened? AMEI acknowledges the support of
Is load constant or variable?
the Australian Greenhouse Office

Determine most efficient air compressor combination to meet

Investigate the potential of storage receivers

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