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AT.THEINEW, ba A >DFAaSONi contents
by Campbell Pentney
by John P
Andrew Hou offers a masterwork look
FROM THE EDITOR at constructing constructs,
Erik talks about +344.
You like us, you really like us.
Previews, news, and gear for gamers
Fly, sery,and sail like an epic-level explorer
ir magic items something to do. Eight
new animated item:
Preview the upcoming Tome of Magic with two.
new vengeful vest
‘The Sage answers your rules questions.
‘Options and insights for your favorite classes
Tye always had a soft spot for those DUNGEONS « DRAGoNs
creatures that allow for limitless expansion and customniza-
tion. A harpy is just a harpy, and while you ca add class
levels to make one different from the other, its a difference
‘of degree rather than type. The players still know what
they're up against, more or less. Not so When the PCs he:
a farmer's rumors about a dragon winging over the distant
Village. The players’ eyes grow wide and they sit in silence
until one of them speaks up with a squeaky voice. "Did you
happen to note its color Depending upon the players!
familiarity with the Monster Manual, ven a hint atthe drag:
con's hue can change the game. Red, blue, w
black and the PCs start to get nervous. Gold, silver, bronze,
bbrass, or copper and they start thinking about making pow-
erful new friends. But one of my favorite tricks as a DM is
green, oF
to give them something they never expected. “I can't rightly
say,’ the farmer offers while wrinkling his forehead in con-
fission. “I could have sworn the beast was purple!
Golems work exactly the same way. Who can truly
remember which onesare immune to magic, which ones
have breath weapons, and which ones you absolutely don't
want to hit with a lightning bol? ‘The Monster Manual pres-
cents four classic golems (chy, flesh, stone. and iron), but
almost all of the official follow-up volumes include a new
golem or similar construct that mixes things up for jaded
players and DMs and keeps the heroes guessing all the
‘while. How many golems is too many? It stands to reason
that the question doesn't have a truc answer. Spellcasters
can animate a living creature out of just about any mate-
rial, so the possibilities are theoretically endless ‘This issue
presents six new golems. While they might not overtake the
‘Monster Manual classes, they're sure to raise a few eyebrows
around your gaming table as the players tealize they're not
up against a exeature whose weaknesses they memorized
two editions ago.
‘Constructs as a concept run far deeper than just golems,
40 this issue also presents a number of exciting options like
clockwork familiars and animated magic items."This month's
Ecology focuses on the inevitables, planar constructs whose
DRAGON 341 March 2006,
: 1
justice-oriented focus makes them excellent adversaries for
PCs who like to play outside the lines (I'm up to my ears in
this type of player, and suspect you are too). collection of
special components for warforged, FrrxRow’s living con=
struct PC race, provides new options for players who wish to
take on the role ofa mechanical being, Is beea a fan issue to
id, and I hope you Tike it
This June marks the goth anniversary of Deacon, and we
plan to celebrate the milestone in style with a special over-
sized issue packed with content that will be familiar to many
long-time readers of the magazine, 'm 50 excited about
thee such artiles that I can no longer contain myself, and
have to let you in on thema little early. Ed Greenwood, cre:
ator of the Forpotten Realms, will return once more with
ther installment of "The Wizards Three,’ a column that
last appeared in issue #246. Elminster, Mordenkainen, and a
special guest will once again make the trek to F's house to
swap stories and spells, and we'll be along for the ride. Bruce
Heardls “Voyage of the Princess Ark" will bring us back for a
brief visit to the world of Mysraxa, and Gary Gygax himself
will return with a new story featuring Gord the Rogue, who
last appeared in these pages way back in issue yoo. We'll
also include a large number of articles aimed at the trad-
tional June theme, dragons, To celebrate that theme and the
magazine's milestone, we've also worked with Wizards of the
Coast to offer a special limited edition D&D Miniatures fig-
ture that you're just going to love. I
this offer, and can assure you that i's going to be Huge
Frik Mana
extremely excited about__ EG
Tell us what you think of this Issue. Send an email to scalemail@ps
Please include your name, city, and state
Thave greatly enjoyed all ofthe
Demonomicon of lagwilv articles so
far, particularly the one on Pazzi. 1
‘would like to see more in the ftture.
Pazumu happens to be the main villain
in a campaign Lam working on, and
would like to seean article about
Pazuum’s enemies, like Grazizt and
Lamashtu, Keep up the good work,
‘The Black Knij
We're also tiled with the series, and
look forward to each new instatlment.
This iceue' focus on Baphomet, Prince of
Beasts, marks the fourth appearance of de
series whch is curently slated fo appear
roughly ever four issues until you (or
we) get sick of them. Since series author
James Jacobs and I (with Ed Star) just
finshed writing Fiendish Codex
Hordes of the Abyss, a hardcover DBD
sourcebook fer Wizards ofthe Coat, tsa
safe bet tht we he continuing the series
fr sometime to come, Letters tothe editor
‘are overwhelmingly supportive ofthe series
Previous installments include: Pazuzu
Lord ofthe Lower Aerial Kingdoms (#220),
Fraz-UrbTuu, Prince of Deeption (4)
‘and Zugatmay, Queen of Fungi (230). As
for what’ coming in the future, not even the
‘rajtest demonolgist cam sy for sure!
Thave been a reader of Deacow for
about three years, but have just started
subseribing this past year. Issue #339
was the best one yet. The "Dragon
Kings” article by Chris Fipse & Jon
Sederquist was very well done and 1
like the remake of the Kings of Athas
PSD seni reas
as an epic prestige class I liked the
pELLJAMMER races and L think they
were very well done But are you goin
to print more about SPELLJAMMER
and rules for the current edition? The
“Dead Factions” article was great
(Lam a big Praescape fan) and
would like
see more planar info
in upcoming issues.'The Creature
Catalog IV was superb and 1am glad
you are still printing Mystars stuff.
Lalso like that The Order of the Stick is
now in Dzacon. | love the draconians
Krynn and was happy to sec that
they were the stars of this issue's “The
Ecology of the..." article. | am indeed
glad that you printed some hexblade
feats. Allin all it was a great issue to
start the new year!
Tueson, AZ
DUNGEON #o2's Sxtuyancnnn: Shad
of the Spider Moon Mir
the closest you're likely 0 come to a third
edition treatment of the quitky campaign
setting although that game
4 variant take on the beloved camfetign
rather than a canonical update of the
orthodax setting as published in the early
1996s Still the game (outhored by Andy
The Sage” Callins) does provide the basics
‘on spelliemmer navigation and combat,
pleased with the new Class Acts and am
“The Duergar Warrior was frst released as 2 eomrrion nin inthe
Archfiends set of O&O Miniatures. Whilea serviceable member
ofthat ace of Underdark dwarves it lacked on thing: sie! Since
duergar have the ability fo ust enlorge person on themselves
‘once per day, many encounters with the so-called dwarves
actually ce them towering over their foes.
Enter the Large Ouergar,n the newhreleased OO
‘Miniatures Wer Drums set. This ne rniniatre takes the Duet
gar Warnor and beefs him up. We made an effort to ensure
that the detalls were the same, su you enuid easily swap in a Large Duer-
‘garfor your Medium one when he gets bigs the blocky hammer,
the round shield, dark chainmail; but all 2 lot bigger.
Inthe D&O Miniatures Gane, the Large Duergar
benefits from Melee Reach and Conceal, and i even
better at beating down Medium and smaller enemies
thanks to his Overwheliriing Size ability, which gives
him another +2 attack and +5 damage when picking
‘on someone not his own size, His 15 points are defi-
titel worth including in mari diferent Lawful Evil
\warbands!—Stephen Schubert, Developer, RPG/Minis RD