Human Occupations
Human Occupations
Human Occupations
| In order to fulfill different needs humans are engaged
in a variety of activities like Fishery, lumbering,
agriculture, animal husbandry, mining, bank
manager, transport services etc.
| Every activities are different from one another. These
activities are called human occupations.
?uman occupations are
classified on the basis of
these differences.let us try
to know more about
human occupations and
their types:
1. Primary occupations,
2. Secondary occupations
3. Tertiary occupations.
jirectly related with
nature. Man just collects
and uses the things are
available in nature. Such
occupation are called
For e.g. lumbering,
fishery, agriculture,
mining, animal
husbandry etc.
Following are the characteristics of primary
| These occupations totally depend on nature.