Construction of Video
Construction of Video
Construction of Video
By Mohit Jhanji
Information of software used...
• To construct our video promo we used the Apple
• On the Apple iMac we used the software called
iMovie to construct it.
• We found this the easiest to use as we had used this
particular software the year before for AS media
studies. All members of the group knew how to use
it and how to edit.
More information...
• iMovies function was to help create, edit and add
effects to movies. This was something we used for
our construction part of the product as this is
where we created our music video promo and
made alteration to our firs cut and then ended up
with our final cut. iMovie allowed us to edit our
pieces of recording we had taken. We put all of the
clips together and then did precise measurements
of what to take off and what transition to add in.