Government of Pakistan-Esta Code-Chapter-8a

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The document discusses revisions made to pension application forms and introduces new Form CSR-25. It also covers rules related to war injury pensions and family pension if a civil servant goes missing.

A revised pension application Form CSR-25 was introduced to account for additional benefits allowed to retiring government servants. Ministries were requested to use the new form for pension cases.

The Central Civil Services (War Injuries Pension) Rules, 1965 govern war injury pensions for civil servants. Awards are to be made as if the injury was received due to risk of office or special risk of office, depending on the circumstances.


Sl. No. 24

Introduction of revised pension Application form CSR-25 and

Forms S.156-A, S.156-B (Revised) (communication of Civil Pensions)
and Forms S.156-C (Revised) Medical Examination.- Since the issue
of Finance Division's O.M. No. F.12(11)/R.6/81, dated the 10-6-
1982, some additional benefits have been allowed to the retiring
government servants. As such it has been decided, in consultation
with the Auditor General of Pakistan, to introduce a revised pension
application Form CSR-25, a copy of which is enclosed.
Ministries/Divisions/Departments/ Offices are requested to use the
new Form invariably while dealing with the pension cases of retiring
government servants.

2. The Department of Stationery and Forms is being

requested to standardize the above Form so as to enable the
Ministries/ Divisions/Departments/Offices to obtain future supply
thereof from that Department.

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M. No.28(18)-Reg.(6)/86, dated 30-7-1987]

C.S.R. 25



Mr./Mrs./Miss. ...............................................................
Postal address .................................................................

N.B.- Please read carefully the instructions contained in the Guide

for Retiring Government servants and the Manual of Pension

In the case of family pension for death while in service, page

2 will not be filled in and page 3 will be applicable.




(To be filled in and signed by the applicant himself/herself)


The ..........................




have retired
I have the honour to say that I have been permitted to retire from service
am due to retire
on (Dated)...................................................................
I, therefore, request that the pension/ gratuity admissible under the
rules may kindly be sanctioned to me.

2. I declare that I have neither applied for nor received any

pension or gratuity for any portion of this service, nor shall I submit
any application hereafter without quoting a reference to this
application and to the orders which may be passed thereon.

3. Should the amount of the pension and/or gratuity granted

to me be afterwards found to be in excess of that to which I am
entitled under the rules, I hereby undertake to refund any such excess.

4. I wish to commute my pension to the extent of Rs.........


5. I wish to draw my pension from the District Accounts

Office/Treasury/Sub treasury/National Bank of Pakistan Branch.

6. The following documents, duly, 10 attested, are enclosed:

(a) Three specimen signatures of mine/two sets of my

thumb and finger impressions on the prescribed form.
(b) Three photographs of mine.
(c) List of family members.

Your obedient servant,

Post held on the date
of retirement :________________

Dated :__________________________
*Delete inapplicable alternative.


(To be filled in and signed by the applicant himself/herself)


The ----------------------

Dear Sir,

I have the honour to say that my husband/wife/* ............... has

expired on (date) ................I, therefore, request that the family
pension admissible under the rules may kindly be sanctioned to me.

* Indicate relationship with the deceased Government servant.

2. I declare that I have neither applied for nor received any

family pension.

3. Should the amount of the family pension granted to me be

afterwards found to be in excess of that to which I am entitled under
the rules, I hereby undertake to refund any such excess.

District Accounts Office

4. I wish to draw my pension from the Government Treasury/Sub-Try.
National Bank of Pakistan Br.
at (place) .......................

5. The following documents, duly attested, are enclosed:-

(i) Three specimen signatures of mine duly attested/two

sets of my thumb and finger impressions on the
prescribed from.

(ii) Three photographs of mine.*

(iii) List and particulars of family members.

(iv) Descriptive Roll.

(v) Death Certificate.

(vi) Non-remarriage and non-separation certificates.

Yours faithfully

Signature ...................................

member of the family ............................

Postal address ......................................


Dated ..........
* Not applicable in the case
purdah observing lady.


(To be completed by the Office/Department receiving the application for pension).

SECTION (1).-Particulars of Applicant.

*1. Name of civil servant ...........................................

*2. Father's Name ...................................................
*3. Nationality .......................................................
*4. Postal address .....................................................
5. Post held on the date of retirement/ death .....................
6. BPS ........... Date of Birth ....................................

Commencement of service...............
7. Date of Retirement/death .........................
Application for pension .................

8. Length of service: Y M D
From to
From to
From to


9. Date of commencement and ending of each spell of military

service, if any:

From to
From to


* Entries 1, 2, 3, 4 and 17
should be made in Capital Letters.

10. Government under which service has been rendered, in

chronological order;

Government of ......from to i.e. ........................

Government of ......from to i.e. ........................
Government of ......from to i.e. ........................


11. Class of pension or Gratuity applied for.........................

12. Average emoluments/Last pay drawn of the post held on
regular basis. ........................................................

13. Proposed gross pension/Gratuity .................................

14. Proposed family pension ...........................................

15. Proposed value of commutation ..................................

16. Proposed net pension................................................

District Account Office

*17. Place of Treasury/Sub Treasury .........................................

National Bank of Pakistan...............Br.....................

18. Date from which pension is to commence........

Official seal Signature of Head of .....................

Office/Department .......................

Name .......................................

Designation .............

SECTION (2).- Calculation of qualifying Service

Total length of service as

per Col. 10 of Section 1 Y M D

(1) Non-qualifying
service from, to


(i) Extraordinary leave .........

(ii) Unauthorized absence ........

(iii) Spell of service not

qualifying for pension under
Article 420,C.S.R.

Total (i)(ii) & (iii):

Net qualifying service ......................

Add From to


(i) Periods, if any, of Military service or

war service allowed to count for

(ii) Benefit of condonation of deficiency

in total qualifying service.


Total qualifying service .....

Section (3).- Calculation of "Average Emoluments"* under

para 3(a)/(b) of LPR 1977.

Statement of Emoluments During the Last 36/12 months

Period Duration Monthly rate Account Drawn

Months & Days of Emoluments

From To M D Rs. Ps. Rs. Ps.

The total
emoluments for 36/12 months are;
Therefore"Average Emoluments".work out to Rs. ÷ 36/12 = Rs. PM

SECTION (4).- Calculation of Pension

Length of total qualifying

service Rs...........Years
Emoluments/Average Emoluments/

Last Pay drawn of the post

held on regular basis Rs. ..........
Amount of gratuity (in case
where qualifying service is
5 years or more but less
than 10 years). Rs......
Amount of gratuity on discharge
from temporary service where
qualifying service is 10 years
or more but less than 25
years. Rs.......
* see relevant
rules/orders before filling in this section.

Gross pension calculated up

to 30 years qualifying
service. Rs..........

Benefit to the extent of

2% of Gross Pension for each
extra year of service beyond
30 years subject to a maximum
of 10% of the Gross Pension. Rs..........

Total Rs..........
Commutation Rs..........

Net Pension Rs..........

SECTION (5).-Commuted Value of Pension

i) Amount of pension
to be commuted. Rs..........
ii) Age next birthday
or 60 in case of
Superannuation. ............years.
iii) Rate of commuted
value for every
one rupee. Rs............

iv) Commuted value

of pension. Rs............

SECTION (6).-Orders of the Sanctioning Authority

1. The undersigned is satisfied that the service of

..........................has been satisfactory. The grant of full pension and/or
gratuity which the Audit Officer may find to be admissible under the
rules is hereby sanctioned.


The undersigned is satisfied that the service of.............. has

not been satisfactory and it has been decided that the full pension
and/or gratuity found by the Audit Officer to be admissible under the
rules should be reduced by the specific amounts or percentage given
below :-

Amount or percentage
of reduction in pension

Amount or percentage
of reduction in gratuity
Sanction is hereby accorded to the grant of pension and/or
gratuity as reduced.

2. The payment of pension and/or gratuity may commence from

.........Before issuing the pension payment order, the Audit Officer
may kindly ascertain whether the Last Pay and No Demand
Certificates have been received by him. In case the Last Pay
Certificate and/or No Demand Certificate has/have not been received
with the pension papers, the Audit Officer should issue P.P.O. subject
to the production of the last pay certificate and/or an undertaking, at
the time of first payment of pension/gratuity, by the pensioner or his
family (in case of his death) to the effect that any demand coming to
the notice within a period of one year after the issue of P.P.O. would
be recovered from him/her.


Official Seal


I. The calculations contained in the

preceding pages have been checked.
II. Length of qualifying service accepted in
Audit ..............Yrs
III. Reasons for difference, if any, between
this and the length of qualifying service
worked out by the Department.
IV. Amount of pension Rs.............
V. Reasons for discrepancy, if any,
between this amount and that calculated
by the Department.
VI. Amount of family pension. Rs.........
VII. Reasons for discrepancy, if any,
between this amount and that calculated
by the Department.
VIII. Amount of commutation for the pension
commuted. Rs.............
IX. Reasons for discrepancy, if any,
between this amount and that calculated
by the Department.
X. Amount of net pension payable. Rs...........
XI. The pension will commence from ...............
XII. Allocation of the
pension and gratuity

Pension Gratuity
Government of..............
Government of..............
Government of..............
Defence Estimates...........


XIII. Anticipatory pension of Rs.........(Rupees..................) per

month, granted with effect from......vide P.P.O. No...... Under be adjusted in the final P.P.O.
XIV. Amount of original pension commuted Rs...........
XV. Checked with the L.P.C. and "No Demand Certificate".
XVI. P.P.O. issued vide No.......dated......

Assistant Accountant General

Assistant Accounts Officer





I...........................................desire to commute Rs.....................of my

pension of Rs......... Ps....... a month. I certify that I have correctly
furnished the following particulars as required:-

Place................. Signature......................
Date.................. Designation....................

1. Date of birth.
2. Date of retirement.
3. Amount of pension to be commuted.
4. (a) portion of pension already commuted.
(b) particulars of any application for commutation of
pension ever been rejected, or ever accepted/ declined
to accept commutation of pension on the basis of an
addition of years to the actual age recommended by

the medical authority.

5. District Accounts Office/Treasury/Sub-Treasury/Branch of
the National Bank of Pakistan from where commutation
money is to be drawn.
6. If drawing pension abroad, which Accounts Officer issued the
authority for payment of pension.
7. If already drawing pension, quote the number and date of the
pension Payment Order and the name of District Accounts
Office/Treasury/Sub-Treasury/Branch of the National Bank at
where drawn.

8. Without prejudice to the direction of the sanctioning

authority, from what date approximately this commutation
shall have effect? (See Rule 6 of the Civil Pension
Commutation Rules).
9. Station at which medical examination is preferred.

Place........................... Signature..............


The (here enter the designation

and Address of the Accounts


FORWARDED TO..........................................................
(here enter the designation and address of
the sanctioning authority).

2. Subject to the medical authority's recommending


commutation, the lump-sum payable will be as stated below :-

Sum payable, if the commutation On the basis of normal
becomes absolute before the i.e Years, Rs.
applicant's next birthday, Do. Do. Plus
which falls on ________ 1 year, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
2 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Do. Plus
3 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
4 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
5 years, i.e years. Rs.
Note 1.*To be filled only
if commutation is applied for after one year of the date of retirement.
2. If the commutation is applied within one year of the date of retirement, the accounts
Officer will authorize the commutation admissible and the form will not be
forwarded to the authority competent to sanction pension.

Sum payable, if the commutation On the basis of normal age,

becomes absolute after the i.e Years, Rs.
applicant's next birthday Do. Do. Plus
but before his next birthday 1 year, i.e years. Rs.
but one. Do. Do. Plus
2 years,i.e., years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
3 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
4 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
5 years, i.e years. Rs.

3. The sum payable will be a charge on:-

Federal revenues............... Rs.....................

the Government of............... (Provincial Govt.)



Dated ...........................................

Signature and designation of

Accounts Officer.

S. 156-B. (REVISED)

FORM " B "


Subject to the medical authority's recommending

commutation and the conditions prescribed in Section II of this Form,
the lump-sum payable will be as stated below :-

Sum payable, if the commutation On the basis of normal age,

becomes absolute before the i.e Years, Rs.
applicant's next birthday Do. Do. Plus
which falls on 1 year, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
2 years, i.e., years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
3 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
4 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
5 years, i.e years. Rs.

Sum payable, if the commutation On the basis of normal age,

becomes absolute after the i.e. Years, Rs.
applicant's next birthday but Do. Do. Plus
before his next birthday but one. 1 year, i.e years Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
2 years,i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
3 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
4 years, i.e years. Rs.
Do. Do. Plus
5 years, i.e years. Rs.

Signature and designation

of Accounts Officer.



The commutation for a lump sum payment of the pension

of....... ....................................... is administratively sanctioned on the
basis of the report of the Accounts Officer contained in Section 1
above. The table of present values, on the basis of which the
calculation in the Accounts Officer's report have been made, is
subject to alteration at any time without notice, and consequently
they are liable to revision before payment is made. The sum payable
will be the sum appropriate to the applicant's age on his birthday next
after the date on which the commutation becomes absolute or, if the
medical authority directs that years, shall be added to that age, to the
consequent assumed age.

2. The. ......................................................
(here enter the designation and address of the Chief
Administrative Medical Officer).
has been requested to arrange for the medical examination and inform
Mr................................ direct where and when he should appear for
the examination. He should bring with him the enclosed Form C
with the particulars required in Section `I' completed except for the

Station.................................... Signature................
Dated...................................... Designation..............
(the name and
address of the


Administrative sanction of.............................. is accorded to

the above commutation. A certified copy of paragraph 2 of Section II
of the form has been forwarded to the applicant in From B.

Place.................................... Signature...................


Forwarded to .............................................
(here enter the designation and address of

the Chief Administrative Medical Officer). original on ................. with the request that he will

arrange for the medical examination of the applicant by the proper
medical authority as early as possible within three months from the
.................... (here enter the date of retirement) and inform the
applicant direct in sufficient time where and when he should appear
for the examination.

(Signature and designation of the sanctioning authority)

With one copy of Form C and an extra copy of Section III of
that Form.

Annexure V
S. 156-C (REVISED)


MEDICAL EXAMINATION BY THE..................................

(here enter the medical authority)


Statement by the applicant for commutation of a portion of

his pension. The applicants must complete his statement prior to his

examination by the..............................................
(here enter the medical authority)
and must sign the declaration appended thereto in the presence of the

A. Form to be filled in by applicant.

1. State your name in full.

(in BLOCK letters).
2. State place of birth.
3. State your age and date of birth.
4. Furnish the following particular concerning your

Father's age if Father's age at death Number of brothers Number of brother

living, and state and cause of death living, their ages and their ages at and
of health. state of health of death.

Mother's age if Mother's age at Number of sisters Number of sisters dead,

living and state death and cause living, their ages and their ages at and
of health of death state of health of death.

5. Have any of your near relations suffered from tuberculosis

(consumption, scrofula), cancer, asthma, fits, epilepsy, insanity or any
other nervous disease ?

6. Have you ever been abroad. Where and for what period and
how long since ?

7. Have you ever served in the Navy, Army, Air Force, or in any
Government Department ?

8. Have you ever been examined :-


(a) for life Insurance, or/and

(b) by any Government Medical Officer or Medical
Board, Civil or Military? If so, state details and with
what result?

9. Have you ever :-

(a) had small-pox, intermittent or any other fever,

enlargement or suppuration of glands, spitting of
blood asthma, inflammation of lungs, pleurisy, heart
disease, fainting attacks rheumatism, appendicitis,
epilepsy, insanity, or other nervous disease, discharge
from or other disease of the ear, syphilis, gonorrhoea,
(b) Had any other disease or injury which required
confinement to bed or medical or surgical treatment,
(c) Undergone any surgical operation.

10. Have you rupture ?

11. Have you varicocele, varicose veins or piles ?

12. Is your vision in each eye good ?

13. Is your hearing in each ear good ?

14. Have you any congenital or acquired malformation, defect or


15. When were you last vaccinated ?

16. Is there any further matter concerning your health not covered
by the above questions which should be communicated to the
medical authority.

declaration by applicant

(To be signed in presence of the medical authority)

I declare all the above answers to be, to the best of my belief, true and

I will fully reveal to the medical authority all circumstances

within my knowledge that concern my health and fitness.

I am fully aware that by wilfully making a false statement or

concealing a relevant fact I shall incur the risk of losing the
commutation I have applied for and of having my pension with-held
or withdrawn under Article 351 of Civil Service Regulations.

Signed in presence of ..................................

Applicant's signature

Signature and designation of

medical authority.


(To be filled in by the examining medical authority)

1. Apparent age.
2. Height.
3. Weight.
4. Girth of abdomen at level of umbilicus.
5. Pulse rate :-
(a) Sitting.
(b) Standing.
What is character of pulse ?
6. What is condition of arteries ?
7. Blood pressure
8. (a) Systolic.
(b) Diastolic.
9. Is there any evidence of disease of the main organs ?

(a) Heart.
(b) Lungs.
(c) Liver.
(d) Spleen.
(e) ..................................

10. Does chemical examination of urine show :

(i) Albumen, (ii) Sugar ? State specific gravity.

11. Has the applicant a rupture ? If so, state the kind and if

12. Describe any scars or identifying marks.

13. Any additional information.


I/We have carefully examined...........and am/are of opinion that

is has the prospect of an average
He in good bodily health and
is not duration of life.
is is not a fit subject for commutation
suffering from and

his age for the purpose of commutation, i.e., his age next birthday
should be taken to be years more than his actual age.


(Signature and designation of

examining medical authority).



WHEREAS the Government of Pakistan has consented

provisionally, to advance to me the sum of Rs.................... (Rupees
.......................) a month, in anticipation of the completion of the
enquiries necessary to enable the Government, to fix the amount of
my pension/gratuity, I, .................... son of...................... Ministry of
Finance, Islamabad/Rawalpindi/ Karachi do hereby acknowledge that
in accepting this advance, I fully understand that my pension is
subject to revision on the completion of the necessary formal
enquiries, and I promise to base no objection to such revision on the
ground that the provisional pension now to be paid to me exceeds the
pension to which I may be eventually found entitled. I further
promise to repay any amount advanced to me in excess of the pension
to which I may be eventually found entitled.


Dated :-

Witness :


In case the amount of pension/gratuity sanctioned to me is

found to be in excess of that to which I am entitled to, under the rules
I undertake to refund such excess, when called upon to refund such





I hereby declare that I have neither applied for nor received any
pension or gratuity in respect of any portion of the service included in
this application and in respect of which gratuity is claimed herein nor
shall I submit application hereafter without quoting a reference to this
application and to the order which may be passed thereon.




(No.F. 1(7)R.I/64, DATED THE 1-3-1965).

I............................. son of ..................... Finance Division,

Islamabad/Karachi give an undertaking that I will not take part in
politics during the first two years after my retirement on.............

Dated .................... Designation......................


WHEREAS, I................s/o ............ going to retire/have retired

on............... from the post of................ Finance Division and enquiries
has not yet been completed regarding Government dues, if any
outstanding against me I hereby undertake and give my consent to the

recovery of any Government dues found outstanding against me

within one year from the date of issue of Pension Payment Order to
me from the Gratuity/Pension admissible to me under the rules.

1 ........................................
2 .........................................



Specimen signature of......................................

...................................... Finance Division, Islamabad.

Sl. No. 25

(i) Counting of Extraordinary Leave and Suspension.- As in

the existing rules, the period of extraordinary leave shall not be
treated as qualifying service for pension but only as a bridge between
the two periods of qualifying service. Interruption in service due to
other reasons may be condoned provided such interruption is not due
to any fault or wilful act of the government servant, like unauthorized
absence, resignation or removal from service. Interruption due to
removal on account of reduction and retirement of the post shall
however be deemed to have been condoned. The periods of such
interruptions shall not, however, count as qualifying service for
pension. The action in respect of break in service should be
completed by the head of the administrative Division or Department
before forwarding the papers to the Audit Office.

(ii) All periods of suspension followed by reinstatement

should qualify for pension regardless of the fact whether the
government servant was or was not allowed full pay and allowances
for the period of suspension. In other words, the mere act of
reinstatement should be deemed to have rendered the period of
suspension as qualifying for pension.

[Authority.-Paras 1(i) and (j) of Finance Division O.M.No.F.5(I)-Reg.(6)/77,

dated 24-2-1977].

Sl. No. 26

Simplification of pensions sanctioning Procedures.-

Reference Finance Division's Office Memorandum No. F. 5(l) Reg.
(6)/77, dated the 24th February, 1977, notwithstanding the various
measures taken and the orders/instructions issued from time to time
for simplifying pension sanctioning procedures, it has been observed
that the expected improvement has not taken place to the extent
desired and settlement of pension cases continues to be delayed. The
question of carrying out further improvements in the existing
procedure for prompt sanctioning of pension has been considered, in
compliance with the directive of the President, and the following
decisions have been taken:-

(a) Reckonable emoluments .- The following shall be

treated as emoluments reckoning for pension under
Article 486, Civil Service Regulations :

(i) Pay as defined in FR 9(21) (a) (i).

(ii) Senior Post Allowance.
(iii) Special Pay of all types and nature.
(iv) Personal Pay.
(v) Technical Pay.
(vi) Dearness Allowance.
(vii) Increments accrued during Leave Preparatory
to Retirement.
(viii) Any other emoluments which may be
specially classed as pay.

(b) Rules Regarding Qualifying Service.-In partial

modification of the existing rules, it has been decided
as under:-

(i) Any interruption in the service of an officer

entails forfeiture of his past service. The
authorized leave of absence, suspension
immediately followed by reinstatement and
time occupied in transit from one appointment
to another are not treated as interruption for
the purpose of qualifying service.

(ii) The authority who sanctions the pension may

commute retrospectively periods of absence
without leave into extraordinary leave.

(c) Verification of Service and Computerization of


(i) In order to deal with the existing outstanding

pension cases in which the entries relating to
previous fixation of pay or verification of
service are missing, it shall be incumbent
upon the last Audit and Account Officer
dealing with a pension case to verify the same
himself on the basis of the available record
without referring the case to any other audit
and account office.

(ii) The verification of qualifying service of all

government servants should be completed by
the administrative and audit authorities
concerned within 12 months of the issue of
these orders, in accordance with the rules
regarding qualifying service.

(iii) The salary accounts of the government

servants, if not computerized so far, should be

computerized immediately and completed

within 12 months of the issue of these orders.

(iv) The computer slip should be modified to

indicate upto-date qualifying service and the
status of government servants, i.e.,
`temporary', `permanent' or `substantive', as
well as the name of the nominee for the
purpose of gratuity. These entries will be
considered as duly audited.

(v) In case any of the salary accounts remains

uncomputerised after 12 months of the issue
of these orders, the audit and account
authorities should issue an up-to-date
qualifying service certificate to each
government servant and, thereafter, such a
certificate be issued every year till the audited
qualifying service is reflected in the computer
pay slip. The audit and accounts authorities
should also give a certificate that valid
nomination papers regarding gratuity are held
by them.

(d) Recovery of Leave Salary and Pension

Contributions.- (i) In the case of government servants
on deputation to foreign service within Pakistan or
abroad, the leave salary and pension contributions
shall be paid by the foreign employers. In case of
non-payment of these contributions by the foreign
employers in time, the matter will be taken up by the
administrative authorities with the foreign employer
concerned, but the finalization of pension cases shall
not be held up nor shall the qualifying service of the
government servants concerned be reduced on that
[(ii) In those cases of the government servants, already on
deputation to foreign service, where the leave salary

and pension contributions are payable by the

government servants themselves, in accordance with
their terms of deputation, and they fail to do so, the
period of deputation will be considered as
non-qualifying and a break in their service].

Note.- In terms of the Finance Division No.F.5(5)-Reg.

7/79-1407 dated 15th December, 1981 no leave salary
contributions are payable by or recoverable from
Government servants while on deputation on foreign

(e) Anticipatory Pension.- Administrative as well as audit

and account authorities must exercise the power to
sanction anticipatory pension, whenever required, to
avoid any delay in the payment of pension.

(f) No Demand Certificate.-The finalization of pension

cases should not be held up for want of `No Demand
Certificate' from the Estate Office. However, the
Head of Department or office should alert the Estate
Office at least six months before the retirement of the
government servant to bring the rent accounts
up-to-date and to notify the outstanding dues in
respect of the last accommodation occupied by the
government servant within 15 days of the date of his
retirement. If any government dues are found to be
outstanding against a pensioner within one year from
the date of issue of the PPO, the matter shall be
referred to

*Added vide Finance Division O.M. No.F.6(4)Reg.(6)/79, dated 22-4-1981 .

the Head of Department for orders, before any

recoveries are actually effected from the pensioner.

(g) Last Pay Certificate.-It shall be mandatory for the

Drawing and Disbursing Officers and audit and
accounts authorities to issue Last Pay Certificate

within 15 days of the date of retirement of a

government servant.

(h) Rule of Proportion.-The `Rule of Proportion' and the

other associated rules and accounting instructions
shall continue to be operative and the apportionment
of pensionary liability between the various
Departments and Federal/Provincial Governments, as
the case may be, shall be made by the Audit and
Accounts Officer issuing the Pension Payment Order.
Finalization of pension cases shall not be held up on
this account. If there is any dispute with regard to the
apportionment of pensionary liability, the matter
should be sorted out by the Audit and Accounts
Officers involved.

2. The existing rules shall be deemed to have been modified

to the extent indicated above.

3. These orders shall take effect from 1st March, 1981.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No. F 6(4)-Reg. (6)/79, dated 22-3-1981].

Sl. No. 27

Steps to be taken by the Authorities concerned and the

Retiring government Servant for timely sanction of Pension.- Inspite
of instructions issued from time to time in connection with
expeditious settlement of pension cases, complaints are still being
received by the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat. The Wafaqi Mohtasib
has been pleased to order that Finance Division should issue suitable
instructions to all concerned to eradicate inordinate delay in the
payment of pension etc. indicating suitable measures including
disciplinary action which may be invoked against the defaulter in
case of inordinate delay.

2. Under CSR-906 all authorities dealing with the application

for pension, should bear in mind that delay in the payment of pension

involves peculiar hardships, it is essential to ensure that the retired

employee should be able to receive his pension on the date on which
it becomes due. In terms of CSR-907 every employee shall submit a
formal application for pension in Part-I of CSR-25. The employee
should, in his own interest, submit his formal application for pension
to the departmental authority concerned six months in advance of the
date of his actual or anticipated retirement:-

Provided -

(i) in cases in which the date of retirement cannot be

foreseen six months in advance the application shall
be submitted immediately after the date of retirement
is settled; and
(ii) an officer proceeding on leave preparatory to
retirement in excess of six months, shall submit the
application at the time of proceeding on such leave.

Further action is to be taken by department and the audit office


3. For expeditious disposal of the pension cases instructions

were issued to all Ministries/Divisions/Departments vide Finance
Division O.M.No.F.6(4)/R.6/79,dated 22-03-1981. The authorities
concerned are required to forward the pension case of the retired
Government servant to the audit office concerned complete in all
respects and with the documents mentioned in (Annex).

4. As regards commutation of pension, it is admissible subject

to medical examination if commutation is applied by an employee
retired on invalid pension and also by a retired employee who applies
for commutation after one year of retirement.He is required to apply
for commutation on the prescribed Form S-156(A), 156(B) and
156(C). The medical authorities should examine the retired
Government servant and then pass on their recommendations to audit
office concerned for necessary action.

5. Ministries/Divisions/Departments/Audit Offices are

requested to bring to the notice of all concerned including

Government servants the above instructions and ensure expeditious

settlement of pension cases of the retired Government
Servants/families of deceased Government Servants. In case of
inordinate delay strict disciplinary action may be initiated against the
defaulter as ordered by the Wafaqi Mohtasib.

[Authority .- Finance Division O.M. No. F.13(4)/R.6/89, dated 24-1-1991].

Office of the __________________________

To _________________________

SUBJECT: Grant of pension/gratuity to

I am directed to forward herewith the pension papers in
respect of Mr/Mrs/Miss __________________________ as detailed
1. Service Book (where necessary).

2. The Last Pay Certificate showing him paid


3. No Demand Certificate of the Department.

4. No Demand Certificate of the Estate Office.

5. An undertaking from the retiring/retired Government

servant/entitled member of his family for refund of
government dues from pension. (If certificates at
serial Nos. 3 & 4 are not available).

6. A certificate that leave salary/pension contribution for

the period from ____________ to ____________ was
duly recovered and credited to the Government.

7. Form C.S.R. 25 (in duplicate).

( 8. Death Certificate in Original.

In (
case ( 9. List of Family Members.
of (
family ( 10. A certificate to the effect that the widow was not
pension ( judicially separated during life time of her husband
( and that she has not re-married. (
( 11. Descriptive roll of the widow/Family members.
( 12. Specimen signature/thumb impression of the widow
duly attested.

( 13. In the absence of nomination for gratuity, necessary

sanction authorizing somebody to receive the share of
minor child/children, if any, may be issued in terms of
Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F.12(2)-R I(1)/57
dated 28.02.1957 and of even number dated

*In case 14. Invalid certificate in

of invalid original.*
15. Three photographs duly attested.

16. Office Order/Notification regarding retirement.

Your obedient servant,



Sl. No. 28

Speedy finalization of Pension cases.- As you are aware, the


Government attaches great importance to speedy finalization of

pension cases, and measures have been taken to achieve the same, by
simplifying the present procedure. Improvements, however, have
been minimal. It is, therefore, necessary that all out efforts may be
made to process pension cases.

2. The relevant instructions stipulate that pension payment

order be issued a month before retirement in normal cases and within
three months of the event in cases where pre-mature, compulsory or
voluntary retirement is involved and the sanctioning authority should
send pension papers complete in all respects to the Audit Office, six
months before the retirement date. This practice, however, is not
being adhered to hence causing excessive delay's in issuance of PPO.

3. It will be appreciated if the pension cases are sent within

the prescribed time schedule complete in all respects. In the
instances, where delays are un-avoidable, anticipatory pension cases
may be sent to Audit Office, keeping in view the provisions of Article
922 of CSR read with CSR 926. For this purpose necessary
instructions may kindly be issued in your Ministry/
Division/Attached department/Sub-ordinate offices, under your

[Authority:- AGPR letter No.PN.II/General-Orders/95-96/2379, dated 20-5-1996].

Grant of full pension to

Government Servants retired
after completion of 25 years

Sl. No. 29

In pursuance of the President's directive on simplicity,

austerity and economy it was decided that the cases of government
servants who had completed, or would complete 25 years service
qualifying for pension and other retirement benefits on 31st
December, 1979, should be reviewed and those who had outlived
their usefulness for retention in service for one reason or the other
should be retired in terms of section 13 of the Civil Servants Act,

1973. In view of this, the President has been pleased to decide that
the government servants who have been, or may be, retired as a result
of above review of their service career shall be granted full pension
admissible after completion of 30 years of qualifying service, even if
the length of qualifying service in any such case falls short of 30
years, provided that this concession will not be allowed to persons
retired on grounds of reputation of corruption or living beyond means
or involvement in financial irregularities or persistent indifferent

2. The above concession will not be admissible in the case of

government servants retired compulsorily after 31st December, 1980.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No. F. 12(4)-Reg.6/80-2013, dated 28-12-1980].

Sl. No. 30

In continuation of the Finance Division O.M. No. F. 12

(4)-Reg.(6)/80-2013 dated the 28th December, 1980, it is clarified
that the concession would also be admissible to all such government
servants who were retired under section 13 of the Civil Servants Act,
1973, and who had proceeded on L.P.R. on or before 31st December,
1980, but have actually retired from government service after 31st
December, 1980, on the expiry of their L.P.R.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No. F. 12 (4)-Reg.(6)/80, dated 24-3-1981].

Incentives to Civil Servants to

Proceed on Leave Preparatory to
Retirement after Completion of
25 years service

Sl. No. 31

The matter of allowing retirement benefits to superannuating

government servants and provision of additional incentives to civil
officers in BPS-21 and 22 who volunteer to retire on completion of
25 years qualifying service or more has been under active
consideration of the Government.

2. On the recommendation of the Committee set up by the

Government for the purpose the President has been pleased to
approve the following retirement benefits to superannuating
government servants with effect from 1st February, 1991:-

(A) Retirement benefits to Superannuating Government


(i) retention of government accommodation

allotted to government servant after his
retirement upto the date of his superannuation
plus 6 months. In case the retired government
servant dies during this period, this facility
may also be extended to the family of the
deceased for the corresponding period;

(ii) A retiring government officer may be

permitted to undertake private job (except a
job under foreign government) or to carry on
private business in partnership with other
party during LPR and thereafter. Such
permission be given by the Government

(iii) A retiring government officer in BPS-20, 21

and 22 would be allowed a special additional
pension equal to the admissible pre-retirement
orderly allowance for these grades.

(B) Additional incentives for BPS 21-22 officers to retire

on completion of 25 years of service.

The incentives at (A) above will be available to all

such officers. In addition the following additional
incentives will be available to all civil officers in BPS
21 and 22 who opt to retire on completion of 25 years
of service or more :-

(i) Maximum limit of one year LPR will be

relaxed in their cases. Leave at full pay will be
calculated at four days per month of service,
less leave on full pay availed during the
service. The balance would be allowed as
LPR on full pay;

(ii) On retirement after LPR, they should be

entitled to pension calculated on their services
on the date of proceeding LPR, plus LPR
availed plus a grace period of two years.

(iii) For purpose of commutation, the factor

relevant to actual age on conclusion of LPR
will be applied.

Necessary amendment/modification in the existing leave/pension will

be issued separately.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F.1(8)-R.4/89, dated 21-2-1991].

Sl. No. 32

On the recommendations of the Committee set up by the

Government for the purpose, the President has been pleased to
approve that all civil officers in BPS 21 and 22 who opt to retire on
completion of 25 years service or more, shall be allowed the
following benefits with effect from 19.2.1991:-

(i) Maximum limit of one year LPR will be relaxed in

their case. Leave at full pay will be calculated at 4
days per month of service, less leave on full pay
availed during the service. The balance would be
allowed as LPR on full pay;

(ii) On retirement after LPR, they should be entitled to

pension based on their service as on the date of
proceeding on LPR plus LPR availed plus a grace

period of 2 years; provided the above period does not

exceed the age of superannuation prescribed in
section 13 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973;

(iii) For purpose of commutation, the factor relevant to

actual age on conclusion of LPR will be applied as
under existing rules/orders.

2. On retirement, a Government Officer in BPS-20, 21 and 22

would be allowed a special additional pension equal to the admissible
pre-retirement orderly allowance.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.1(2)/Reg(6)/91, dated 29-9-1991].

Grant of increase
in pension

Sl. No. 33

Grant of increase in pension to Civil Servants.- In

supersession of Finance Division (Regs Wing-II) O.M. No.
F.6(3)/R.6/91 dated 22nd August, 1991 regarding grant of ad hoc
increase in pension to the pensioners of the Government of Pakistan,
the President has been pleased to grant the benefits as follows.

2. Pensioners who retired prior to 1st May, 1977 be allowed

an increase in pension w.e.f. 1.6.1991 at 20% on existing pension
(inclusive of ad hoc increases). All pensioners be allowed increase in
their pension at the rate of 12% w.e.f. 1.6.1991. For pensioners who
retired before 1.5.1977, this increase will be over and above the
increase of 20% mentioned above.

(i) The above increase will not be admissible to those

retired on or after 1.6.1991.

(ii) For the purpose of admissibility of the ad hoc increase

sanctioned in this O.M. the term "Pension" means
pension before commutation and/or surrender of 1/4th
for gratuity plus dearness/ad hoc increases/

Indexation/Ad hoc Relief in pension sanctioned from

time to time.

(iii) The ad hoc increase will also be admissible on family

pension granted under the Pension-cum-Gratuity
Scheme, 1954 Liberalized Pension Rules, 1977, on
pension sanctioned under the Central Civil
Services(Extraordinary Pension) Rules as well as on
the Compassionate Allowance under CSR-353.

(iv) If the gross pension sanctioned by the Federal

Government is shared with any other government in
accordance with the rules laid down in Part-IV of
Appendix III to the Accounts Code, Volume I, the
amount of the ad hoc increase will be apportioned
between the Federal Government and the other
Government concerned on proportionate basis.

(v) Commutation/Gratuity of any part of ad hoc increase

will not be permissible.

(vi) In the case of re-employee pensioners, the ad hoc

increase sanctioned in this Office Memorandum shall
not be admissible to them during the period of their

(vii) The benefit of ad hoc increase sanctioned in this O.M.

will also be admissible to those Civil Pensioners of
the Federal Government who are residing abroad
(other than those residing in India and Bangladesh)
who retired on or after 15.8.1974 and are not entitled
to, or are not in receipt of pension increase under the
British Government's Pension(Increases) Act. The
payment will be made at the existing official rate of

3. Government servants who have retired on or after 1.7.1990

till the introduction of revised pay scales i.e. 1.6.1991, be allowed
pension/ commutation on the basis of pay that would have been

admissible to them had the pay revision been effected on the date of
their retirement, discounted by 12%.

4. Pension shall be calculated for all pensioners for time to

time in accordance with the latest rules.

5. The above benefits will also be admissible on family


[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F.6(4)/Reg(6)/91, dated 3-10-1991].

Sl. No. 34

Grant of Increase in Pension to Civil Pensioners of the

Federal Government as well as Retired Armed forces Personnel.-The
President has been pleased to sanction with effect from 1.7.1995
increase in pension to all civil pensioners of Federal Government
including those paid from Defence Services Estimates as well as
retired armed forces personnel at the rates as follows:-

Increase in pension

i) Pensioners retired 15%

upto 30.4.1977

ii) Pensioners retired between 10%

1.5.1977 to 31.5.1991

iii) Pensioners retired between 5%

1.6.1991 to 31.5.1993

2. For the purpose of admissibility of the increase in pension

sanctioned in this O.M. the terms `Pension' means pension before
commutation and or surrender of 1/4 for gratuity plus dearness/ad
hoc increase/indexation/ad hoc relief, in pension sanctioned from
time to time. Gross pension of retired Government employees would
not be less than Rs.300/- per month and in the case of family pension
not less than Rs.150/- per month for the purpose of calculation of the
above increase.

3. The increase in pension will also be admissible on family

pension granted under the Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme, 1954
Liberalized Pension Rules, 1977, on pension sanctioned under the
Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules as well as on
the Compassionate Allowance under CSR-353.

4. If the gross pension sanctioned by the Federal Government

is shared with any other Government in accordance with the rules
laid down in Part-IV of Appendix-III to the Accounts Code, Volume-
I, the amount of the increase in pension will be apportioned between
the Federal Government and the other Government concerned on
proportionate basis.

5. Commutation/Gratuity of any part of increase in pension

will not be permissible.

6. In the case of re-employed pensioners, the increase in

pension sanctioned in this office memorandum shall not be
admissible to them during the period their re-employment.

7. The benefit of increase in pension sanctioned in this O.M.

will also be admissible to those Civil Pensioners of the Federal
Government who are residing abroad (other than those residing in
India and Bangladesh) who retired on or after 15.8.1947 and are not
entitled to, or are not in receipt of pension increase under the British
Government's Pension (increases). The payment will be made at the
existing official rate of exchange.

[Authority:-Finance Division O.M.No.4(5)-Reg.6/95, dated 29-6-1995].

Sl. No. 35

Grant of increase in Pension to civil pensioners of the

Federal Government as well as Armed Forces Personnel retired in
BPS 1 to 16.- The President has been pleased to sanction with effect
from 1.3.1997 an increase @ 10% in pension to civil pensioners of
Federal Government including those paid from Defence Services
Estimates as well as Armed Forces personnel retired in BPS 1-16.

[Authority:- Para 1 of Finance Division O.M. No.F.4(3)-Reg.6/97, dated 11-3-1997].

Sl. No. 36

It is hereby clarified that:-

(i) The benefit of 10% increase in pension is also

admissible to those pensioners who were in BPS-17
by virtue of moveover but not to those who were in
BPS-17 by virtue of selection grade.

(ii) The benefit of an increase in pension is admissible to

those Government servants who were retired prior to
1st March, 1997.

[Authority:- Para 2 of Finance Division O.M.No.F.4(3)-Reg.6/97, dated 29-3-1997].

Sl. No. 37

Grant of increase in Pension to civil pensioners of the

Federal Government including civilians paid from Defence
Estimates.-The President has been pleased to allow increase in
pension with effect from 1st July, 1999 to civil pensioners of the
Federal Government including civilians paid from Defence Estimates
at the following rates:
Increase in Pension

(i) Pensioners in 25%

BPS 1 to 16

(ii) Pensioners in 20%

BPS 17 & above.

2. For the purpose of admissibility of the increase in pension

sanctioned in this O.M. the term "Pension" means pension before
commutation and/or surrender of 1/4 for gratuity plus dearness/ad
hoc increases/indexation/ad hoc relief in pension sanctioned from
time to time. Gross pension of retired Government employees would
not be less than Rs.300/- per month and in the case of family pension

not less than Rs.150/- per month for the purpose of calculation of the
above increase.

3. The increase in pension will also be admissible on family

pension granted under the Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme, 1954,
Liberalized Pension Rules, 1977, on pension sanctioned under the
Central Civil Service (Extraordinary Pension) Rules as well as on the
Compassionate Allowance under CSR-353.

4. The increase in pension will also be admissible to those

Government servants who would retire between the period
commencing from 1st July, 1999 and introductions of revised pay

5. If the gross pension sanctioned by the Federal Government

is shared with any other Government in accordance with the rules
laid down in part IV of Appendix III to the Accounts Code, Volume-
I, the amount of the increase in pension will be apportioned between
the Federal Government and the other Government concerned on
proportionate basis.

6. Commutation/Gratuity of any part of increase in pension

will not be permissible.

7. In the case of re-employed pensioners, the increase in

pension sanctioned in this Office Memorandum shall not be
admissible to them during the period of their re-employment.

8. The benefit of increase in pension sanctioned in this O.M.

will also be admissible to those Civil Pensioners of the Federal
Government who are residing abroad (other than those residing in
India and Bangladesh) who retired on after 15th June, 1947 and are
not entitled to, or are not in receipt of pension increase under the
British Government's pension (increases) Acts. The payment will be
made at the existing official rate of exchange.

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M.No.F.4(1)-R.6/99, dated 23-7-1999].


Issue of Pension
Payment Orders

Sl. No. 38

(a) The pension payment order should as a rule be


(1) in the case of normal retirement, one month

before retirement and

(2) in the case of premature, voluntary or

compulsory retirement or death, within three
months from the date of the event.

(b) If for any reason it is apprehended that the pension

payment order cannot be issued within the prescribed
time, a provisional order authorizing payment of 80
per cent of the admissible pension should be issued by
the competent authority without referring the case to
the Audit Officer within one month of the expiry of
the prescribed time i.e., in the case of normal
retirement the provisional orders must be issued
within two months from the date of retirement and in
the case of compulsory retirement or death within
four months from the date of the event.

[Authority.-Para 1 (h) of Finance Division O.M.No.F.5(l)-Reg.(6)/77, dated 24-2-


Payment of Pension

Sl. No. 39

Payment of Pension through National Bank of Pakistan.-With

a view to further facilitating the drawal of their monthly pensions by
retired Government servants, it has been decided that the payment of

pensions will also be allowed at all branches of the National Bank of

Pakistan. This arrangement will take effect from the 1st September,
1977 and the pensioners at their option can choose either to continue
to draw their pension from the Treasury Officer or District Accounts
Officer, as the case may be, as hitherto or to draw it from a branch of
the National Bank of Pakistan of their choice.

[Authority.-Finance Division letter No. F. 3(9)-IF,IX/77-660, dated 13-8-1977].

Sl. No. 40

Remittance of small pensions through Postal Money Orders

at Government expense.-The position at present is that small pensions
upto *Rs.500.00 per mensem can be drawn by pensioners at their
option and expense through Postal Money Orders. In order to
provide greater facility to small scale pensioners, the President has
been pleased to decide that, with immediate effect, Central pensioners
drawing pensions upto Rs. 30.00 per mensem will be allowed to draw
their pensions at the expense of the Central Government. Necessary
amendment to the relevant rules is being made separately.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M.No.F.4(3)-RI/64, dated 11-2-1965].

Sl. No. 41

The expenditure incurred by Government in connection with

the remittance of small pensions through Postal Money Orders,
including the expenditure on money order commission, will be
charged to subhead "A - Superannuation and Retired Allowances"
under the Major Head "55 - Superannuation Allowances and

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No. 879-R-I/65, dated 13-5-1965].

*Revised vide Finance Division O.M. No. F. 4(8)-RS/68, dated 10-5-1969.

Sl. No. 42

Payment of pensions through Pakistan Missions Abroad -

Drawal of Pension and Provident Fund in Sterling.- Reference the
Pension and Provident Funds (Payment in Rupees) Order, 1959,
published in the Gazette of Pakistan Extraordinary dated the 24th
August, 1959 (Annexure), it is stated that under the provisions
thereof payment of pensions due on or after 24th August, 1959 shall
be made in rupees only. This will also apply to the arrears of pension
not paid upto 24th August, 1959.

2. In accordance with the proviso to section 3 of the above

order a person will be entitled to receive his pension in Sterling for
the period of his residence outside Pakistan. The term "residence"
will also include temporary visits abroad.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No. F. 8(5)RI/(I)/59, dated 15-9-1959.]

DATED 24-8-1959



In pursuance of the Proclamation of the seventh day of

October, 1958, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in that
behalf, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the following

1. Short title and commencement.-This Order may be called

the Pensions and Provident Funds (Payment in Rupees) Order, 1959.

(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Application of the Order.-This order applies to persons

domiciled in Pakistan who are entitled to pension or to provident
fund dues from the Central Government or a Provincial Government
as having held the office of Governor-General, President, Governor,

Judge of the Federal Court or of the Supreme Court or of a High

Court, Comptroller and Auditor General, Attorney-General or
Advocate-General or as having been in the service of Pakistan within
the meaning of Article 218 of the Constitution of the twenty-third day
of March, 1956 or otherwise and any reference hereinafter made to a
person to whom this Order applies shall be construed accordingly.

3. Payment of pension or provident fund dues to be in

rupees.- Notwithstanding any provision of the said Constitution or
anything contained in any rule, order, contract of service or other
instrument governing the terms and conditions of service of a person
to whom this Order applies the amount due and payable to such
person on account of pension or provident fund dues by the Central
Government or by a Provincial Government shall be payable only in
Pakistan rupees :

Provided that if such person resides outside Pakistan, he shall

for the period of such residence be entitled to draw his pension in

4. Rate of conversion of rupees into Sterling and

vice-versa.- If the pension of a person to whom this Order applies is
stated in sterling but is, by reason of the preceding Article, payable in
rupees or if the pension is stated in rupees but is, by reason as
aforesaid, payable in sterling, it shall be converted into rupees or
sterling as the case may be at the rate of one shilling and six pence to
the rupee :

Provided that if by the terms and conditions of his service

such person is entitled to have his pension converted at a different
rate of exchange then his pension shall be converted at the rate:
[Provided further that, if such person has opted, or opts, for
the pension rules and rates which were introduced from the first day
of July, 1966, or which may be introduced subsequently, he shall be
entitled to have his pension converted into rupees or sterling, as the
case may be at the rate of exchange for the time being authorized by
the State Bank of Pakistan :

Provided also that, if such person has opted for the pension
rules and rates which were introduced from the first day of July,
1966, he shall not be liable to reimburse any amount drawn before
the twelfth day of May, 1972 at the rate of one shilling and six pence
to the rupee].

Sl. No. 43

Payment of Pensions through Pakistan Mission in Canada,

Reference:-Note below Appendix 15 to C.S.R.

The President has been pleased to decide that the pensions to

pensioners residing in Canada may be paid through the Embassy of
Pakistan in Canada.

2. The Pakistan Embassy in Canada in respect of its function as

the pension disbursing agency would act as a Central Treasury and
the procedure for payment of pensions from the Imprest Account
will mutatis mutandis be the same as for payment of pensions
payable at a Treasury in Pakistan as contained in Chapter VI of the
Compilation of Treasury Rules (Vol. I).

3. The amount of Imprest if required to be increased would be

determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in consultation with
the Chief Accounts Officer, Foreign Affairs, Islamabad. The Mission
will prepare schedules of payment in respect of pensions debitable to
Defence Services Estimates, the Provincial Governments, the
Railways and the Post Office and Telephone and

Added vide Ordinance No.III of 1981, dated 24-1-1981.


Telegraph Departments and send the same to the Chief Accounts

Officer, Foreign Affairs with their monthly accounts. The latter
would raise debits in respect of pensions against the C.M.P., Lahore,
and other Accounts Officers concerned who will make necessary
adjustment in the usual manner.

4. Any pension sanctioned and authorized for payment in


Canada after the issue of these orders will be authorized by the

Accounts Officer concerned to be paid according to the above
procedure. A copy of the authority will also be endorsed to the Chief
Accounts Officer.

5. The existing arrangements for payment of pensions to

pensioners residing in Canada by the Pakistan Embassy in United
Kingdom will be discontinued with effect from the 1st October, 1967
after which payment of pensions in Canada shall be arranged by the
Pakistan Embassy in that country. The Pakistan Mission in Canada
may obtain the requisite documents through diplomatic channels and
arrange payment on the basis of the existing authorities. These
authorities will be confirmed by the Accounts Officer concerned as
and when the Mission inform him of their having taken over the
pension payment.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M.No.F.4(2)-R.VI/67, dated 29-8-1967].

Sl. No. 44

Reference .- Appendix 15 to C.S.R.

The President has been pleased to decide that the pensions to

pensioners residing in New Zealand may be paid through the
Embassy of Pakistan in Australia.

2. The Pakistan Embassy in Australia in respect of its

function as the pension disbursing agency would act as a Central
Treasury and the procedure for payment of pensions from the Imprest
Accounts will mutatis mutandis be the same as for payment of
pensions payable at a Treasury in Pakistan as contained in Chapter VI
of the Compilation of Treasury Rules (Vol. I).

3. The amount of Imprest if required to be increased would

be determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in consultation with
the Chief Accounts Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad.
The Mission will prepare schedules of payment in respect of pensions
debitable to Defence Services Estimates, the Provincial

Governments, the Railways and the Post Office and Telephone and
Telegraph departments and send the same to the C.A.O. with their
monthly accounts. The latter would raise debit in respect of pensions
against the C.M.P., Lahore, and other Accounts Officers concerned
who will make necessary adjustment in the usual manner.

4. Any pension sanctioned and authorized for payment in

New Zealand after the issue of these orders will be authorized by the
Accounts Officer concerned to be paid according to the above
procedure. A copy of the authority will also be endorsed to the Chief
Accounts Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad.

5. The existing arrangements for payment of pensions to

pensioners residing in New Zealand by the Pakistan Embassy in
United Kingdom will be discontinued with effect from the 1st
October, 1967, after which payment of pensions in New Zealand
shall be arranged by the Pakistan Embassy in Australia. The Pakistan
Mission in Australia may obtain the requisite documents through
diplomatic channels and arrange payment on the basis of the existing
authorities. These authorities will be confirmed by the Accounts
Officer concerned as and when the Mission inform him of their
having taken over the pension payment.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No.F.4(5)-R.VI/67, dated 29-8-1967].

Sl. No. 45

In terms of para 3 of the Presidential Order No. 14 of 24th

August, 1959 a pensioner who takes up residence abroad is entitled to
draw pension in foreign exchange during the period of such
residence. All such payments are, however, made through normal
banking channel in accordance with the decision contained in this
Ministry's O.M. No. F. 1(1) EF (B.II)/72, dated the 23rd June, 1972.

2. Since payments in foreign exchange through Embassies of

Pakistan abroad are not allowed to be made without prior approval of
this Ministry, problem has arisen in cases where pensioners want
payments of their pensions being made in foreign through Pakistan

Missions abroad. The matter has been considered at length and it has
been decided that the following procedure shall be adopted for drawal
of pensions by the Pakistani pensioners through Pakistan Missions

Such pensioners can be placed in the following three


(i) Federal Government Pensioners. (Civil)

(ii) Federal Government Pensioners. (Defence)
(iii) Provincial Government Pensioners.

A Pakistani pensioner belonging to any of these three categories

desiring to draw pension through a Mission abroad, should approach
his Audit Officer for this purpose and the Audit Officer will provide
the requisite funds in the Assignment Account of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs together with necessary foreign exchange

3. The Chief Accounts Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

on receipt of requisite funds in the Assignment Account and the
Payment Authority from Account Office concerned will arrange
payment to the pensioner through the missions concerned. The
provision for pension payments in the account circle of the respective
Accounts Office shall continue to be made as at present in respect of
all the three categories of pensioners mentioned above.

4. The mechanism in the Accounts Offices concerned shall

be that the Accounts Officer concerned shall forward both halves of
the existing P.P.O. of the pensioner to the Chief Accounts Officer,
Foreign Affairs with a sealed letter of authority for arranging
payment through the mission concerned. The Chief Accounts
Officer, Foreign Affairs will record on the P.P.O. an endorsement
showing name of the mission where pension is to be paid and then
forward both the halves of the P.P.O. to the mission concerned. The
pensioner will be advised to contact the mission and receive his own
copy of the P.P.O. for getting monthly payments.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.1(10)-EF(B-II)/79-2340, dated 17-11-1980].



Copy of Finance Division's O. M. No. F.1(1)-EF(B.II)/72,

dated 23rd June, 1972.

Foreign Exchange Budget

Certain Public and Semi-public Agencies do not follow the

instructions laid down in this Ministry's letter No. 4(1-A)/EF (B)/66,
dated 7th June, 1967 and continue asking Pakistani Missions abroad
for making payments on their behalf. The Pakistan Missions are
sometimes placed in a very embarrassing situation and have no
alternative except to make the payment in contravention of this
Ministry's orders referred to above. It has therefore, been decided to
bring these orders to the notice of Divisions/ Departments that all
payments be arranged through normal banking channels after
obtaining foreign exchange cover from the Ministry of Finance,
External Finance Wing wherever necessary. The Pakistani Missions
are being directed not to entertain any requests from Divisions/
Departments and Officials proceeding abroad on duty or on leave for
payment of any amount in foreign exchange unless prior approval of
Ministry of Finance, External Finance Wing has been obtained and
communicated to the Mission concerned.

Sl. No. 46

According to the proviso to Section 3 of the President's Order

No. 14 of 1959, a person is entitled to receive his pension in sterling
for the period of his residence outside Pakistan. The term "residence"
includes temporary visits abroad. A question has been raised whether
the term "residence" also includes the time spent in transit from the
point of exit from Pakistan to the point of entry in Pakistan. The
matter has been considered in this Ministry and it has been decided to
follow the analogy of leave salary ex-Pakistan as given in the
Government decision No.(1)below F.R.91.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M.No.F.4(9)-R-6/67, dated 18-3-1968].


Sl. No. 47

Payment of Pension in foreign countries where Sterling,

Pound is not the currency.- Under the proviso below para 3 of the
Pension and Provident Funds (Payment in Rupees) Order, 1959 a
pensioner is entitled to draw his pension in sterling during the period
he resides outside Pakistan. A question has been raised whether a
pensioner, who resides abroad in a country in which sterling is not
the currency, can be paid his pension in the currency of that country.
The President is pleased to decide as follows :

(i) If a pensioner, who has opted for the New Pension

Rules and Rates as contained in this Ministry's Office
Memorandum No. OB-2/12/63-IMP (I)/66, dated the
18th August, 1966 and whose pension when payable
in sterling is to be converted into sterling at the
official rate of exchange for the time being in force,
resides abroad in a country where currency is other
than the sterling and has not demanded payment in
sterling, payment of pension shall be made to him for
the period of his residence in that country in the
currency of that country at the rate of exchange
prevalent on the date of payment without first
converting rupees into sterling. However, if the
pensioner demands payment in sterling in such a
country he would be entitled to draw his pension in

(ii) If a pensioner, who continues to be governed by his

old pension rules and whose pension when payable in
sterling for the period of his residence abroad, resides
in a country where the currency is not sterling,
payment of his pension shall be made to him by first
converting it into sterling at the rate of exchange as
prescribed in para 4 of the order referred to above or
in the proviso to that para, as the case may be and
thereafter, it should be converted into the currency of
that country at the official rate of exchange between
the sterling and the currency of that country prevalent

at the time of payment.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M.No.F.4(9)-RI/67, dated 8-3-1969].

Sl. No. 48

Payment of Pension in Foreign Exchange.- Reference

Finance Division's Office Memorandum No. OB 2/12/63-Imp (I),
dated 18th August, 1966, introducing the Revised Pension Rules and
Rates. According to para 12 thereof all pensions sanctioned
thereunder when payable in sterling are required to be converted into
sterling at the rate of exchange for the time being in force. Enquiries
have been received in this Ministry as to whether and if so, how, the
payment in foreign exchange of the pensions of Pakistan pensioners
residing abroad would be effected as a result of recent devaluation of
Pak. rupee. It is clarified for general information that consequent on
the devaluation of Pakistan rupee the pensions determined under
1966 - Pension Rules will now be converted into sterling at the new
official rate of exchange prescribed as a result of devaluation of Pak.
rupee. This will apply to all payments made on or after the date of
devaluation of Pakistan rupee irrespective of the period to which they

2. The payment of pension in sterling in the case of the

pensions who do not fall within the purview of Revised Pension
Rules, 1966, or who have elected to retain the pre-1966 pensionary
benefits would continue to be governed by the provisions of Article
934 CSR, or Article 983 CSR, as the case may be, read with paras 3
and 4 of the pensions and Provident Funds (Payment in Rupees)
Order, 1959 (President's Order XIV of 1959).

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(22)-Reg.(6)/72, dated 8-9-1972].

Sl. No. 49

Reference para 2 of Finance Division Office Memorandum of

even number dated 8th September, 1972. A doubt has been raised as
to whether the payment of pension in sterling in the case of those
governed by the provisions of Article 934 or 983 CSR, as the case

may be, read with paras 3 and 4 of the President Order XIV of 1959
would remain intact or be varied with the fluctuations of the rate of
exchange. It is clarified that in all cases governed by the aforesaid
provision in the Civil Service Regulations, the amount of pensionary
entitlement in pound sterling is to be determined at the rate of Is. 9d
or Is bd to a rupee, as the case may be. The amount of sterling
pension so sanctioned has to be remitted at the current rate of
exchange. In other words, while the amount of sterling pension to be
remitted will remain unaltered, the rupee equivalent will fluctuate
according to the rate of exchange.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(22)-Reg.(6)/72, dated 22-11-1978].

Rate of Commutation

Sl. No. 50

Mode of determination of commutation.- Under the existing

rules a civil pensioner is eligible to commute at his option 50% of his
gross pension. He has also the option to draw 1/4th amount of gross
pension as gratuity and 1/4th amount thereof as commutation. The
President has been pleased to decide that w.e.f. 1-7-1986 gratuity
shall be abolished altogether. Commutation upto 50% of gross
pension shall, however, continue to be admissible at the option of a

2. It has further been decided to replace the existing

Commutation Table by the new Commutation Table as annexed to
this Office Memorandum.

3. Under the existing rules, if a civil servant dies while in

service, gratuity in lieu of one-fourth of the gross pension is allowed.
In such cases, the rate of gratuity as from 1-7-1986 will be
determined on the basis of age next birthday of the deceased civil
servant in accordance with the new Commutation Table referred to

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M.No.F-10(3)-Reg.(6)/86(II), dated 1-7-1986].



REG.(6)/86, DATED THE IST JULY, 1986.


Age next Number

of years' Age next Number of years'
birthday purchase birthday purchase
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
20 50.6304
50 22.8911
21 49.6676 51 22.0658
22 48.7066 52 21.2563
23 47.7467 53 20.4638
24 46.7884 54 19.6896
25 45.8314 55 18.9348
26 44.8758 56 18.2002
27 43.9215 57 17.4860
28 42.9688 58 16.7925
29 42.0179 59 16.1191
30 41.0089 60 15.4649
31 40.1218 61 14.8290
32 39.1767 62 14.2105
33 38.2336 63 13.6090
34 37.2929 64 13.0239
35 36.3551 65 12.4549
36 35.4203 66 11.9017
37 34.4885 67 11.3643
38 33.5603 68 10-8428
39 32.6361 69 10.3371
40 31.7160 70 9.8472
41 30.8007 71 9.3729
42 29.8907 72 8.9142
43 28.9800 73 8.4708
44 28.0891 74 8.0427
45 27.1990 75 7.6299
46 26.3172 76 7.2322
47 25.4444 77 6.8496
48 24.5816 78 6.4818
49 23.7301 79 6.1287
80 5.7901

Sl. No. 51

Rate of commutation on retirement of a Civil Servant on 60

years of age.- Under the existing rules a civil servant can apply for
commutation before the age of sixty years but he is allowed the
commuted value at the rate prescribed for 61 years of age under the
Commutation Table. The President has been pleased to decide that a
civil servant retiring on or after 1-7-1986 after attaining the age of 60
years shall be allowed commuted value of pension as applicable at
the age of 60 years instead of at the age of 61 years if he applies for
commutation while in service.

2. In all other cases the commuted value of pension shall

continue to be admissible under the formula of "age next birthday" as

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.10(3)-Reg.(6)/86(1), dated 1-7-1986].

Sl. No. 52

Medical Examination not required if commutation applied for

within one year, of the date of retirement.-It should not be necessary
to submit to medical examination if commutation is asked for within
one year of the date of retirement. The pensioner should apply to the
Accounts Officer who would authorize payment, and a copy of the
letter of authority issued to the D.A.O., T.O./Branch of National
Bank will be endorsed to the administrative authority concerned.

In the case of issue of provisional pension, the commutation

may be provisionally paid on the basis thereof, but when the pension
is finally sanctioned the final payment order shall be substituted for
the provisional payment order for the purpose of commutation as also
for all other purposes. In the case of premature retirement on medical
grounds the requirement of medical examination shall not be waived.
This decision shall take effect from 1st February, 1977
notwithstanding the date given in para 3 of the Finance Division
O.M. No. F. 5(l)-Reg. (6)/77, dated 24-2-1977.

[Authority.- Para 1(k) of Finance Division O.M. No.F.5(1)-Reg.(6)/77, dated 24-2-

1977 as substituted by their O.M. No. F.5(1)-Reg (6)/77, dated 20-5-1978 as amended
vide their addendum No. F.5(I)-Reg.(6)/77, dated 3-6-1978].

Sl. No. 53

Under rule 6(2) of the Civil Pension (Commutation) Rules,

commutation becomes absolute, that is, the title to receive the
commuted portion of the pension ceases and the title to receive the
commuted value accrues, on the date on which the Medical Board
signs the medical certificate. A question has now been raised as to
the date on which commutation should be considered as having
become absolute where, as provided in para 5(c) of this Division
Office Memorandum No. F. 6(1)Rev. 1/75, dated the 7th January,
1977 the commutation is not subject to medical certification if it is
asked for within one year of the date of retirement. The matter has
been carefully considered and it has been decided that in such cases
the date of application by the retired civil servant shall be the date of
the commutation becoming absolute.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No F.6(1)/75, dated 29-3-1977].

Sl. No. 54

Option for Commutation of pension.- It was clarified in the

Finance Division O.M. No. F. 6(1)-Rev. I/75, dated the 14th January,
1979 that in case a pensioner who does not opt to draw gratuity equal
to 25% of his gross pension, he can commute up to 50% of the gross
pension. The matter has since been further reviewed. It has been
decided that the aforesaid orders of 14th January, 1979 will be treated
to be effective from the 1st February, 1977, the date from which the
financial benefits under the Liberalized Pension Rules were allowed.
It has further been decided that those retired civil servants who had
drawn gratuity for 25% of gross pension on or after 1st February,
1977 but before the issue of this Division's O.M. dated 14th January,
1979, will be allowed to change their option for 50% commutation,
and the difference, if any may be paid to them.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.15(2)Reg.(6)/81, dated 4-1-1982].


Sl. No. 55

Grant of commutation to the widow of Government servant

retired on Superannuation but expired before signing his
Pension/Commutation claims .- Reference Finance Division's
O.M.No.10(3)-Reg.6/86(II) dated 1.7.1986, commutation upto 50%
of gross pension is admissible to a civil pensioner at his option.
Under the existing procedure, the entitlement of commuted value
upto 50% of gross pension becomes valid as and when a Government
servant, while in service or on retirement, exercise his option for
commuted value of pension on prescribed Form (CSR-25 Revised).
Few references have been received in this Division wherein
Government servants, while having retired on superannuation, could
not sign their pension papers due to their death. Consequently the
bereaved families of deceased pensioners were not given benefit of
the commuted value of pension under the existing rules and orders.

2. The case has been considered and it has been decided that
the family of a deceased Government servant, who after having
retirement on superannuation could not sign his pension papers due to
death, will also be entitled for the commuted value of pension w.e.f.

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M.No.13(1)-Reg.6/94, dated 6-7-1999.

Liberalized Pension Rules

for Civil Servants

Sl. No. 56

The question of liberalizing the existing pensionary benefits

has been under the consideration of Government for some time past.
It has now been decided that pensions and retirement benefits of
those civil servants who have retired or died on or after the 1st
March, 1972, shall be determined in accordance with the following


2. While pensions of civil servants will be fixed in

accordance with these provisions with effect from the date of their
retirement financial benefits will be paid with effect from 1st
February, 1977.


3. (a) Pension shall be calculated at the rate of 70% of

average emoluments on completion of 30 years qualifying service.
Where qualifying service is less than 30 years but not less than 10
years, proportionate reduction in percentage shall be made. Any
amount of pension in excess of *Rs. 2,000 shall be reduced by 50%.
A revised Pension Table regulating all the four pensions,
namely, compensation Pension, Superannuation Pension, Invalid
Pension and Retiring Pension is enclosed as Annexure I.

(b) If, for a pensioner with qualifying service of 30 years or

more, the amount of a pension calculated under sub-para (a) above
falls short of the amount of pension (inclusive of dearness increases)
that would have been admissible under the existing rules, or exceeds
it by less than Rs. 45, the amount under the liberalized formula shall
be so increased as to make such difference one of Rs.45. Where
qualifying service is less than 30 years but not less than 10 years,
proportionate reduction at the rate of Rs. 1.50 for each year short of
30 years shall be made while working out the amount of minimum
increase mentioned above.

(c) The term "emoluments", i.e., pensionable pay, shall also

include dearness allowances sanctioned from time to time.

(d) On the pensions sanctioned under these orders such

dearness increases in pensions shall not be admissible as were
sanctioned before 1st February, 1977.

(e) Special Additional Pension shall be abolished.


Subs vide Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(3)-Reg.(6)/79, dated 28-6-1980.




4. (a) The existing rate shall continue. If, however,

retirement is due to invalidation, or if a civil servant dies in service,
the rate shall be 1-1/2 months' of pay for each completed year of

(b) The maximum limit of Rs. 12,500 shall be removed.



5. (a) Subject to sub-paras (b) and (c) below, a pensioner shall

be allowed to draw full gross pension, i.e., one-fourth of the pension
under Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme, 1954, need not compulsorily
be paid in the form of gratuity.

(b) But if a pensioner so wishes, he may, at any time before

the expiry of one month from the date of his retirement, ask for
gratuity upto 25% of his gross pension together with the remaining
net amount of pension; the gratuity shall be paid at the existing rates.

(c) The existing provision for commutation of a further 25%

of the gross pension under Civil Pensions (Commutation) Rules shall
continue to be in force; the commutation shall be at the existing rates.
Commutation shall, however, not be subject to medical certification
if it is asked for within one year of the date of retirement.


6. (a) In the case of death of a civil servant while in service,

gratuity in lieu of one-fourth of the gross pension will be allowed at
existing rates. In addition, family pension shall be admissible for a
period of 10 years at 50% of the gross pension.

(b) In the case of death within 10 years of retirement, family


pension for the unexpired portion of 10 years at 50% of the pension

(net, or gross, as the case may be) shall be admissible.



7. The classification of disabilities and the criteria for

determining their attributability to service under the Central Civil
Services (Extraordinary pension) Rules shall be as detailed in
Annexure II. The rate and scale of disability/death pension
and gratuity shall be as follows:-


Children's pension
Class of Pension Gratuity
Injury Child without Child with own
own mother mother living
A 20% of pay
6 months 5% of pay, 2-1/2% of pay subject to
a pay. subject to subject to a
maximum of a maximum maximum of
Rs.600 and a of Rs. 100 Rs.50 and a
minimum of and minimum minimum of
Rs. 100 p.m. of Rs. 50 Rs.25 per
(Note: After per child. child.
death it will
devolve on the

Children's pension
Class of Pension Gratuity Injury
Child without Child with
own mother mother living
B 15% of pay
Nil 4% of pay 2% of pay
subject to a subject to subject to a
maximum of a maximum of maximum of
Rs. 450 and a Rs.80 and Rs.40 and
minimum of minimum of minimum of
Rs. 75 p.m. Rs. 40 per Rs. 20 per
child. child.

C Do Nil Nil Nil


20% of pay 6 months 5% of pay,2-1/2% of pay

subject to a Pay subject to a subject to
maximum of maximum of a maximum of
Rs. 600 and Rs.100 and Rs.50 and
a minimum a minimum of minimum of
of Rs.100 Rs. 50 per Rs. 25 per
p.m. child. child.

[Note.- As at present, the pensions/gratuities mentioned in this para will be in addition to the pensions
and/or gratuities mentioned in paras 3 to 6 above]


8. Such pensioners shall be entitled to have their retirement

pensions recalculated in accordance with one of the following
alternatives whichever is more favourable to them:-

(i) The amount of their pensions shall be

recalculated on the basis mentioned in
para 3 (a) above, on their average
emoluments, without dearness
increases sanctioned before 1st
February, 1977 ; or

(ii) an increase of 5% (in the case of an

employee who retired between 1st
July, 1963 and 29th February, 1972)
or 12-1/4% (in the case of an
employee who retired upto 30th June,
1963) over his existing gross pension,
plus dearness increases admissible

[Note.- For the purpose of these computations, the average emoluments

will remain as calculated at the time of his retirement. Gratuity
will not be revised or recalculated. Commutation will be allowed
on the basis of the original gross pension.]

9. If the demise of an existing pensioner occurs or occurred

on or after 1st March, 1972, within ten years of his retirement, family
pension will be admissible for the unexpired portion of ten years.


[10. If a family pension in existence on 1st March,1972,
related to a civil servant who had died while in service, the total
period of the admissibility of family pension will be ten years instead
of five years. If a family pension in existence on 1st
March, 1972, related to a civil servant who had died within five years
of his retirement, the total period of admissibility of the family
pension in such a case shall be the unexpired portion of ten years
instead of five years. The amounts of family pensions in either case
shall remain the same as on 1st March, 1972.]


11. The existing rules and general orders on the subject

shall be deemed to have been modified to the extent indicated in the
preceding paragraphs.

12. Necessary amendments to the rules shall be notified in

due course.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No. F.6(l) Rev.I/75, dated 7-1-1977].

Subs. vide Finance Division O.M. No. F. 6(1) Rev.I/75 dated 15-3-1977.




Scale of pension
Completed years of expressed as
qualifying service fractions of average

10 ...................... 70/300
11 ...................... 77/300
12 ...................... 84/300
13 ...................... 91/300
14 ...................... 98/300
15 ...................... 105/300
16 ...................... 112/300
17 ...................... 119/300
18 ...................... 126/300
19 ...................... 133/300
20 ...................... 140/300
21 ...................... 147/300
22 ...................... 154/300
23 ...................... 161/300
24 ...................... 168/300
25 ...................... 175/300
26 ...................... 182/300
27 ...................... 189/300
28 ...................... 196/300
29 ...................... 203/300
30 and above .............. 210/300

Note.- Any amount in excess of *Rs. 2,000 p.m. calculated in accordance with the scale
shown in column (2) of this Table shall be reduced by 50%.




Class `A '

1. Loss of a hand and a foot or loss of use of two or

more limbs.

2. Total loss of eye-sight.

3. Total loss of speech.

4. Total deafness both ears.

5. Paraplegia or hemiplegia.

6. Lunacy.

7. Very severe facial disfigurement.

8. Advanced cases of incurable disease.

9. Wounds, injuries or diseases resulting in a disability

due to which a person becomes incapacitated.

10. Emasculation.

Note.- Wounds, injuries or disease of limb resulting in damage

of nerves, joints, or muscles making the whole of limb
useless would mean loss of that limb. Cases in which a
partial function is retained will not be included in this
class. However if the partial retention of function does
not help in walking in case of leg or does not help in
holding an object even with partial efficiency, it should be
considered as total loss of function. Those cases will also
be included in this class where the earning capacity of the
civil servant has been totally impaired due to the
invaliding disability.

Subs vide O.M. No. F. 6(3)-Reg. (6)/79, dated 28-6-1980.


Class `B'
1. Loss of a thumb or at least three fingers of hand.

2. Partial loss of one or both feet at or beyond

tarsometatarsal point.

3. Loss of vision of one eye.

4. Loss of all toes of one or both feet.

Class `C'

1. Limited restriction of movement of joint due to


2. Disease of a limb restricting performance of duties.

General Note.-When the wound, injury or illness causing the

disability is not entered in the above schedule, the disability
shall be assessed by the medical board at the classification
most closely corresponding to those given above.




(A) Casualties due to wound or injury

(1) It should be established in such cases that the cause of the

casualty was the result of duty in service.

(2) Where the injury resulted from the risk inherent in service
attributability will be conceded.

(3) An individual is on duty for 24 hours of the day except

when on leave other than casual leave.

(4) An individual will be deemed to be in the performance of

duty when-

(i) he is physically present in his headquarters;

(ii) he is travelling on leave at Government

expense ;

(iii) when travelling to or from duty (e.g., from

residence to place of duty and back but not
whilst he is in his residence);

(iv) whilst travelling on duty i.e., where it is

established that but for the duty he would not
have been travelling at all.

(5) Disability resulting from purely personal acts such as

shaving or similar private pursuits would not normally be treated as
attributable to service.

(6) Disability resulting from violence provoked by

performance of duty will be viewed as attributable to service unless
the circumstances of the case warrant a different conclusion.

(7) If circumstances are such that service played no part in the

causation of disability, attributability will not be conceded.

Illustration.-If a person driving a motor cycle etc., on duty,

collides with a truck, the injury received may be attributed to service
but if he is out for a walk and sustains injury from a passing truck, his
case will not qualify for the concession.

(B) Casualties due to disease

(a) The cause of disability resulting from a disease will be

regarded as attributable to service only when it is directly due to risks
which may be regarded as peculiar to the circumstances of duty in

service. In determining attributability in such cases due regard should

be paid to the question whether service in a particular region or of a
particular type, involved exposure to exceptional risk of contraction
of, or infection by a disease, as well as to the actual circumstances of
the case.

(b) Attributability will not be conceded if, though contracted

during the period of actual performance of duty, the disease, is, in the
opinion of the medical authorities concerned, due to risks which
cannot be regarded as peculiar to such duty in service.

(c) Where a disease or its aggravation resulted from the risk

of duty, attributability/aggravation will be conceded.

(d) All cases of tuberculosis and bronchial asthma will be

accepted as attributable to or aggravated by service where the
medical opinion is in favour of the acceptance.

(e) Attributability/aggravation in all cases of Cardiac disease

will be determined in accordance with the guidelines mentioned at
the end of this part.

(f) Where medical or other supporting documents are

incomplete, cases will be dealt with on merits with due regard to
medical opinion and other evidence.



1. There are many pre-disposing factors which may

precipitate an attack of coronary occlusion. No single factor can be
pin-pointed as being responsible for such an attack. It is, therefore,
not easy to lay any hard and fast rule for awarding
attributability/aggravation in such cases. For the guidance of medical
and administrative authorities some of the factors which may
precipitate the attack of heart disease are enumerated below:-

(a) Physical exertion.-Coronary occlusion is known to

have precipitated during or immediately following

physical exertion. Physical exertion may not

necessarily be of an unusual character i.e., lifting of a
heavy bundle, pushing a stalled vehicle or an up-hill
climbing have in many instances been followed by an
attack of Coronary occlusion. The effects of exertion
are worse if the individual is unduly fatigued, has lack
of sleep or is under emotional stress. Attributability
will be conceded if a person under going stress and
strain, pressure and counter pressure by virtue of the
nature of his duties, develops psychiatric problem.

(b) Emotional strain.-The occurrence of Coronary

disease in persons who had been under an unusually
severe and protracted emotional strain points to a
probable relationship between the two. Separation
from families, uncongenial atmosphere, frequent
moves, all add to mental strain and psychological

2. The question of attributability/ aggravation of heart

diseases on occurrence in otherwise a normal individual who is
subjected to the above mentioned factors will, therefore, have to be
considered and decided in the light of known history and merits of
each case.

3. While dealing with such cases due precaution will be

exercised by all concerned to carefully bring out detailed merits of
the case as award of attributability/aggravation depends on their
candid opinion.

Sl. No. 57

Clarifications have been sought by certain quarters of some of

the provisions contained in Finance Division Office Memorandum
No. F. 6(l)Rev. I/75, dated the 7th January, 1977. The points raised
are clarified in the succeeding paragraphs:-

i) Procedure for starting revision of calculation of


pensions.- The Accounts Officers concerned should

on the basis of the orders contained in the Office
Memorandum of 7th January, 1977, start making
revised calculations without waiting for applications.

ii) Gratuity.-Is the difference between the gratuity (i.e,

the amount payable in lieu of one-fourth of gross
pension to persons having service of ten years or
more) admissible on the basis of pension as calculated
in accordance with the new formula and the gratuity
calculated in accordance with the old formula payable
to persons who retired or died on or after 1st March,

According to the provisions contained in paras (i) and

(ii) of Finance Division Office Memorandum of 7th
January, 1977, pensions of civil servants who
retired/retire or died/die or on after 1st March, 1972
will be calculated from the date of their retirement, or
death, as the case may be, but the financial benefits
will be paid with effect from 1st February, 1977 only.
This means that no arrears of pension for any period
before 1st February, 1977 are payable. Otherwise the
new rules remain effective from 1st March, 1972 in
all respects; hence, any difference in gratuity that may
accrue as a result of revision of the gross pension is

iii) Commutation of Pensions.- Is the difference in

commuted value resulting from an increase in the
amount of gross pension as calculated under the new
rules payable?

To a civil servant who retired/retires on or after 1st

March, 1972, and has already had a certain
percentage (not exceeding 25) of his gross pension
commuted, the difference in commuted value is
payable without medical certification, on the same
percentage, and at the rate applicable in the case of

the original commutation(s). Commutation(s) higher

than that percentage (but not exceeding 25) will
require medical certification and will be calculated on
the basis of age next birthday.

iv) Gratuity for service of less than 10 years but not less
than 5 years.- Should it be revised on the basis of the
provisions contained in para 4 of this Division Office
Memorandum of 7th January, 1977, where payment
have already been made and difference paid ?

In the case of those who have retired or died on or

after 1st March, 1972, the gratuity is to be calculated
at the new scale, and difference (if any) paid.

v) Family pensions in existence on 1st March, 1972.-

Are the arrears payable to cover the period beyond 5
years ?

As the life of the family pension has been extended

from 5 to 10 years, it is evident that, in all cases where
the period of 5 years terminated on or after 1st March,
1972, the arrears will be payable to cover the
remaining period beyond five years. The amount of
pension would, of course, remain unchanged.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(1)-Rev.I/75, dated 25-1-1977].

Sl. No. 58

The term `dearness increases', wherever occurring in the

Finance Division Office Memorandum No. F.6(1)Rev.I/75, dated the
7th January, 1977 includes the following four increases granted as
relief to pensioners :-

1. Ad hoc increase sanctioned vide this Division's

Notification No. F. 9(4)-Reg. (6)/72, dated the 13th
June, 1973.

2. Dearness increase sanctioned under this Division's

Office Memorandum No. 1057-R4/73-F.II (I) R-1/73,
dated the 15th August, 1973.

3. Special dearness increase sanctioned under this

Division's Office Memorandum No. F. 9(l)-Reg
(6)/74, dated the 10th June,1974.

4. Additional dearness increase sanctioned vide this

Division's Office Memorandum No. F. 9(l)-Reg.
(6)/75, dated the 9th April, 1975.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(1)-Rev.I/75, dated 8-2-1977].

Sl. No. 59

A question has been raised as to how the average emoluments

should be calculated in respect of those Civil Servants who were
posted abroad during the period of three years (or a portion thereof)
preceding their retirement. The matter has been carefully considered
and it has now been decided that the dearness allowances which a
Civil servant would have drawn in Pakistan but for the posting
abroad may be taken into account and included in the term
'emoluments' on notional basis.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(1)-Rev.I/75, dated 11-3-1977].

Sl. No. 60

It has been brought to the notice of Finance Division that in

some cases the "take-home" pension under the liberalized rules (viz.
gross pension as calculated under para 3 thereof, minus one-fourth
surrendered for the purpose of gratuity) is less than the "take-home"
pension under the former rules (viz., gross pension as calculated
under those rules minus one-fourth surrendered for the purpose of
gratuity, plus the ad hoc increase and the dearness increases). The
matter has been considered, and it has been decided that, if a
pensioner wishes not to avail of the benefit of receiving a lump-sum
by way of difference in gratuity and wishes instead that his
"take-home" pension be not reduced, he will not be compulsorily

paid that lump-sum.

2. Pensioners who do not indicate, by 30th June, 1977, their

desire to forego such lump-sum payment will be presumed to have
opted for the lump-sum payment.

3. The same provisions as above will apply in the case of

commuted portions of gross pensions.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(1)-Rev.I/75, dated 12-3-1977].

Sl. No. 61

It has been decided that with effect from 1st July, 1980 the
amount of pension in excess of Rs. 2,000 (instead of Rs. 1,000) shall
be reduced by 50 per cent. Therefore, the figure of Rs. 1,000 shall be
substituted by the figure of Rs. 2,000 referred to in para 3(a) of the
Finance Division Office Memorandum No. F. 6(1)-Rev. I/75, dated
the 7th January, 1977, and in the Note below the Revised Pension
Table at Annexure I thereto.

2. It has also been decided that where the enhancement of the

cut off point to Rs. 2,000 as mentioned in para 1 above results in no
increase or an increase of less than Rs. 40 in the pension, it shall be
so determined that a minimum benefit of Rs. 40 p.m. is ensured.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No.F.6(3)-Reg.(6)/79, dated 28-6-1980].

Sl. No. 62

It has been decided that the families of those pensioners who

retired within 10 years preceding to 1st March, 1972 will also be
entitled to family pension for the unexpired portion of 10 years after
the death of the pensioner.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(1)-Rev.1/75, dated 3-2-1979].

Sl. No. 63

Calculation of pension on average emoluments last pay

drawn.- It has been decided that the "average emoluments" shall be
calculated for the purpose of pensionary benefits on the basis of the
last twelve months of service.

2. These orders shall be applicable to all Civil servants

retiring on or after the 1st February, 1979.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(9)-Reg.(6)/78, dated 15-2-1979].

Sl. No. 64

Reference Finance Division O.M. No. F. 6(9)-Reg. (6)/78,

dated the 15th February, 1979. The decision contained therein was
intended to be applicable in cases where the average calculated on
that basis was more favourable than under the rules previously in
force. It has accordingly been decided that in cases where the pay of
a Government servant has been reduced, otherwise then as a penalty,
under the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,
the average for the purpose of pension may, at the option of the
pensioner, be calculated on the basis of the emoluments drawn or
which would have been drawn, during the last three years of service.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No.F.6(9)-Reg.(6)/78, dated 16-6-1979].

Sl. No. 65

Under the existing rules, pension is calculated on the average

emoluments drawn during the last 36/12 months of service. The
President has been pleased to decide that w.e.f. 01-7-1986 the pension
of a civil servant who shall retire on or after this date shall be
calculated at the existing rate on last pay/emoluments drawn provided
the post has been held by him on a regular basis. Otherwise pension
shall be calculated on average emoluments as admissible prior to the
issue of this Office Memorandum.

2. The existing employees shall have the option to have their

pension calculated either on the basis of last pay/emoluments drawn

or on 12 months average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to

them. No option will, however, be available to persons entering
service on or after 01-7-1986 and in their case pension shall be
calculated at the prescribed rate on last pay/emoluments drawn.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.10(4)-Reg.(6)/86, dated 1-7-1986]

Sl. No. 66

Calculation of Pension without Applying any Reduction Due

to Cut Off Points.- According to the existing orders pension is
calculated at the rate of 70% of average emoluments on completion
of 30 years qualifying service. Where qualifying service is less than
30 years but not less than 10 years, the pension is calculated at the
percentage applicable according to length of service. Any amount of
pension in excess of Rs. 2500 is reduced by 50%. The President has
been pleased to decide that with effect from the 1st July 1985, the
reduction by 50% of the pension in excess of Rs. 2500 shall not be
applied in the case of those government servants who will retire on or
after 1-7-1985. In all such cases the pension shall be calculated at the
rate of 70% of average emoluments or other percentage rate
applicable according to length of qualifying service without applying
any reduction.

2. The President has also been pleased to decide that the

pension/family pension of those who retired/died between the period
1-7-1966 to 30-6-1985 and in whose case the reduction of pension in
excess of the cut off points of Rs. 600, 1000, 2000 and 2500 existing
at the time of their retirement/ death was applied, shall also be that as
calculated previously without applying any reduction subject to the
condition that the amount of re-calculated pension governed by the
Pension Rules, 1966 shall not exceed the maximum limit of pension
referred to in the pension table annexed to Finance Division Office
Memorandum No. OB 2/12/63-Imp (I), dated 18-8-1966. In such
cases gratuity or commutation will not be revised or re-calculated.
The pensioner concerned or his family will only be allowed the
benefit of enhanced pension with effect from 1-7-1985 without any

3. The benefit of gratuity or commutation will also not be

admissible on the revised enhanced pension in cases wherein the
pensioners concerned did not exercise their option to draw any
gratuity or commutation at the time of their retirement. In such cases
the benefit of gratuity or commutation will continue to be admissible
on the original amount of gross pension in accordance with the
prescribed rules.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.10(7)-Reg.(6)/85, dated 25-6-1985].

Sl. No. 67

Benefit for extra years of service after completion

of 30 years.- Under the existing rules a civil servant is entitled to full
pension on completion of 30 years qualifying service. In order to
provide additional benefit to those civil servants who serve beyond
30 years of service, the President has been pleased to decide that a
civil servant who shall retire on or after 1-7-1986 shall be allowed
benefit to the extent of 2% of his gross pension for each extra years of
service put in by him beyond 30 years qualifying service subject to a
maximum of 10% of his gross pension.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F. 11(d)-Reg. (6)/86, dated 1-7-1986].

Sl. No. 68

Under the existing rules and orders Government servants

retired prior to 1.7.1986 are not entitled to any benefit of service
rendered after completion of 30 years qualifying service. It has been
decided that the Government servants retired prior to 1.7.1986 shall
also be allowed the benefit to the extent of 2% of gross pension for
each extra year of service put in by him beyond 30 years qualifying
service subject to a maximum of 10% of his gross pension from
1.7.1986. No arrears will be allowed prior to 1.7.1986.

2. Commutation/gratuity of any part of the additional amount

will not be admissible.

3. Indexation on pension and ad hoc relief allowed from


1.7.1986, (i.e. 41/2% of pension upto Rs.1500/- and 31/2% of pension

above Rs.1500/-) 1.7.1987, 1.7.1988 and 1.7.1990 respectively will
also be admissible on the above amount.

4. The above benefit will also be applicable/admissible to

family pensions.

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M.No.F.6(2)/Reg(6)/91 dated 13-6-1991].

Sl. No. 69

The benefit of extra year of service has normally been

allowed on completed year of service. Superior Courts in certain
cases, however, allowed the benefit for the fraction of a year by
counting more than six months service put in by a civil servant
beyond 30 years as one year.

2. The case has been re-considered in the light of the

Judgement of Supreme Court of Pakistan and existing regulations on
the subject. In terms of CSR-423(1) a deficiency of a period not
exceeding six months in qualifying service of an officer is deemed to
have been condoned automatically. Cases of pension under reference
should henceforth be dealt with in accordance with the above referred

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M.No.F.1(1)-R.6/99, dated 2-6-1999].

Sl. No. 70

Restoration of 1/4th amount of Gross Pension surrendered

compulsorily in lieu of Gratuity under the Pension-cum-Gratuity
Scheme 1954.- Under the existing rules a civil pensioner is eligible to
commute at his option 50% of his gross pension. He has also the
option to draw 1/4th amount of gross pension as gratuity and 1/4th
thereof as commutation. Under this Division Office Memorandum
No. F. 10(8) Reg. (6)/85, dated 25-6-1985, 1/4th amount of
commutation was restored to the pensioners out-living the period of
commutation. The President has now been pleased to decide that
civil pensioners including those paid from Defence Services

Estimates who availed the benefit of gratuity only and had not drawn
commutation shall also be restored the amount of gratuity (1/4th of
gross pension) only as and when they out-live the period for which
the gratuity was paid.

2. In restoring the amount of gratuity, the rate of gratuity

would be divided by 12 to arrive at the period of gratuity. For
instance if a pensioner had received the gratuity at the rate of Rs.160,
his period of gratuity would work out to 13.33.

3. While restoring the amount of gratuity, fraction of a year

which is less than 6 months will be ignored and that of 6 months and
more will count as one year.

4. No arrears on account of restoration of the amount of

gratuity will be payable in any case for the period prior to 1-7-1986
due to the completion of the period for which the gratuity was paid.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.10(5)-Reg.(6)/86, dated 1-7-1986].

Sl. No. 71

Revival of the Family Pensions ceased to be

payable before 1-7-1983.- Reference para 2 of Finance Division's
Office Memorandum No. F. 1(3)-Reg. (6)/83 dated the 23rd October,
1983, in which it was indicated that family pension of a widow which
had ceased to be payable before 1-7-1983 was not to be revived for
life from that date. The President has been pleased to decide that the
pensions of such widows which ceased to be payable before 1-7-1983
on account of expiry of prescribed period of 5/10 years will also be
revived for life with effect from the dates these ceased to be payable.
The amount of family pension that will be revived shall be equal to
the same amount of family pension as was drawn and payable
immediately before it ceased to be admissible. In cases in which the
gross pension is required to be re-calculated on account of
elimination of the reduction of pension due to cut off points referred
to in this Division Office Memorandum No. F. 10(7)-Reg. (6)/85
dated the 25th June, 1985, the amount of family pension may be
worked out on the basis of re-calculated amount of gross pension.

2. No arrears will, however, be payable for the period prior to


3. The other instructions on the subject will be the same as

applicable to family pensions which were in existence on 1-7-1983.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F. 5(2)-Reg.(6)/85, dated 25-6-1985].

Sl. No. 72

Grant of Family Pensions to those widows whose husbands

died after drawal of pension for 5/10 years before 1-7-1983.-
Reference Finance Division's Office Memorandum No.F. 5(2)R. 6/85
dated the 25th June, 1985 (Sl.No. 71) on the subject noted above and
it is stated that according to the instructions contained therein, the
pensions of such widows which ceased to be payable before 1-7-1983
on account of expiry of prescribed period of 5/10 years have been
revived for life with effect from 1-7-1985. There is yet another
category of widows of government servants whose husbands had
died before 1-7-1983 after drawal of pension for 5/10 years. The
President has been pleased to decide that such widows may also be
paid family pension for life at 50% of the pension (net or gross as the
case may be) w.e.f. 1-7-1985 without any arrears.

2. In cases where the gross pension is required to be

re-calculated on account of elimination of the reduction of pension
due to cut-off points referred to in this Division's Office
Memorandum No. F. 10(7)-R. 6/85 dated the 25th June, 1985, the
amount of family pension may be worked out on the basis of
re-calculated amount of gross pension.

The other instructions on the subject will be the same as

applicable to family pensions which were in existence on 1-7-1983.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.5(2)-Reg.(6)/85 dated 5-8-1985].

Sl. No. 73

Grant of Family Pension to the Widows of those Civil

Servants who had retired before 24-3-1954 or who did not opt for the
Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme of 1954.- Reference Finance
Division's Office Memorandum of even number dated the 25th June,
1985 and 5th August, 1985 regarding revival/grant of Family
pensions, it is stated that the orders contained therein do not cover the
categories of the widows of the following Government servants:-

(i) who had retired before 24-3-1954 i.e. before the

Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme was introduced by the
Government of Pakistan; and

(ii) who did not opt for the Pension-cum-Gratuity Scheme

and whose pension was sanctioned under the rules in
force prior to 24-3-1985.

2. The President has been pleased to decide that such widows

may also be paid family pension for life at 50% of the pension (net or
gross, as the case may be) w.e.f. 1-7-1985, without any arrear.

3. The other instructions on the subject will be the same as

applicable to family pensions which were in existence on 1-7-1983.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F. 5(2) Reg.(6)/85 dated 10-12-1985].

Sl. No. 74

Admissibility of Pension for Life to a Widower.- Under

existing rules/orders on the subject, family pension is admissible to
widower of a deceased female government servant for a period of 10
years or un-expired portion of 10 years and to a widow for life or
until re-marriage. It is also stated that w.e.f. 01.03.1992 the widower
of deceased female government servant will also be entitled to family
pension for life or until re-marriage.

2. The other instructions on the subject will continue.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.2(2)Reg.(6)/91, dated 12-3-1992].


Sl. No. 75

Grant of Family Pension to the widows of Civil Servants

who had died while in service prior to 24-3-1954.- Reference Finance
Division O.M. No. F. 5(2)/Reg. (6)/85 dated the 25th June, 1985, 5th
August, 1985 and 10th December, 1985 regarding grant of family
pension, it is stated that the orders contained/ therein do not cover the
widows of civil servants who had died while in service prior to
24-3-1954. The President has been pleased to decide that such
widows may also be paid family pension w.e.f. 1-7-1987 for life at
the rate of 50% of the gross pension admissible to the deceased civil
servant in each case.

2. No arrears for the period prior to 1-7-1987 would be


3. *[The family pension shall be admissible to the widow for

life or until remarriage.]

4. The other instructions on the subject will be the same as

applicable to family pensions which were in existence on 1-7-1983.

[Authority.-Finance Division O.M. No.F. 5(4)-Reg.(6)/87 dated 11-8-1987].

Sl. No. 76

Payment of family pension in the case of employees

who remain missing for 12 months.- Reference Finance Division's
O.M.No.5(1)-Reg.6/87, dated 4.3.1987 in which it was decided that if
an employee remains missing or unheard of for a period of 7 years to
the satisfaction of the department concerned, family pension may be
allowed to his heirs as admissible under the prescribed rules. The
President has been pleased to decide that, with effect from 24th
September, 1997, if an employee remains missing or unheard of for a
period of 12 months to the satisfaction
Subs vide Finance Division

O.M. No. F. 5 (4)-Reg. (6)/87 dated 23-8-1987.

of the Department concerned, family pension may be allowed to his
heirs as admissible under the prescribed rules provided that :-

(i) The spouse of the pension claiming to be entitled to

the pensionary benefits of the missing person shall,
before such benefits are paid, guarantee, through
affidavit or as the pensionary authority may require,
the repayment of pensionary benefits to the missing
person if subsequently he appears and makes any
claim thereto.

(ii) The pensionary authority shall not be responsible for

repayment of any pensionary benefits to the missing
person which have already been paid to his spouse or
family members who shall personally be responsible
for satisfaction thereof on appearance of the missing

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M. No.F.2(1)-Reg.6/97, dated 25-9-1997].

Sl. No. 77

In continuation of Finance Division's O.M. No. F.2(1)-

Reg.6/97 dated 25-9-1997 on the above cited subject, the undersigned
is directed to say that the concession admissible thereunder shall also
be admissible in cases a pensioner remains missing or unheard of for
a period of 12 months to the satisfaction of the Department
concerned, family pension may be allowed to his heirs as admissible
under the prescribed rules and subject to the condition mentioned in
O.M. dated 25-9-1997 referred to above.

[Authority:- Finance Division O.M. No.F.2(1)-Reg.6/99, dated 8-5-1999].

Central Civil Services (War

Injuries Pension) Rules, 1965

Sl. No. 78

In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph (a) of clause

(2) of Article 178 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to
make the following rules, namely :-

1. These rules may be called the Central Civil Services

(War Injuries Pension) Rules, 1965. They shall come
into force at once and shall be deemed to have taken
effect on the sixth day of September, 1965.

2. In these rules,-

"duty" has the meaning assigned to that expression in

rule 9(6) of the Fundamental Rules ; "war injury" has
the meaning assigned to that expression in section 2
of the War Injuries Ordinance, 1941 (VII of 1941).

3. Where a person, other than a Military Officer serving

under the operational Command of the Pakistan Army
to whom the Superior Civil Services (Extraordinary
Pension) Rules, 1936, apply sustains a war injury
while on duty, or dies of a war injury so sustained,
awards shall be made in accordance with the
provisions of those Rules as if the injury were
received as a result of risk of office:

Provided that if the authority making an

award is satisfied that the war injury has been
received as a result of "Special risk" as defined in rule
3 of the said Rules, the award shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of those Rules as if
the injury were received as a result of special risk of

4. Where a person to whom the Central Civil Services

(Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1937, apply sustains a
war injury so sustained, awards shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of those Rules as if
the injury were received as a result of risk of office:

Provided that if the authority making an

award is satisfied that the war injury has been
received as a result of "Special risk" as defined in rule
3 of the said Rules, the award shall be made in

accordance with the provisions of those Rules as if

the injury were received as a result of special risk of

5. Where a person to whom the rules in Chapter

XXXVIII of the Civil Service Regulations apply
sustains a war injury while on duty otherwise than on
service with a military force, or dies of a war injury so
sustained, awards shall be made in accordance with
the provisions of those rules as if the injury were
received in the performance of a duty which had the
effect of increasing his liability to injury or death
beyond the ordinary risk of the Civil appointment
held by him.

6. Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to authorize or

require the making, in respect of the same injury-

(a) of an award under rule 3 of these rules as well

as an award under the Superior Civil Services
(Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1936; or

(b) of an award under rule 4 of these rules as well

as an award under the Central Civil Services
(Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1937; or

(c) of an award under rule 5 of these rules as well

as an award under Chapter XXXVIII of the
Civil Service Regulations.

7. The Central Civil Services (War Injuries Pension)

Rules, 1942 are hereby repealed but such repeal shall
not affect the awards already made under those Rules,
or the making of awards in respect of war injuries
sustained before the commencement of these rules.

[Authority.- Finance Division S.R.O. No.172(K)/66, dated 11-2-1966].

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