Group Members:: Mohsin Ali Marwat Shakil Ahmed Afridi Haider Ali Ansari Qasim Zia Shahid Naseer
Group Members:: Mohsin Ali Marwat Shakil Ahmed Afridi Haider Ali Ansari Qasim Zia Shahid Naseer
Group Members:: Mohsin Ali Marwat Shakil Ahmed Afridi Haider Ali Ansari Qasim Zia Shahid Naseer
I n s ti t u t e O f S p a c e T e c h n o l o g y
Mechanics of Material
Fatigue test of Aluminum Specimen
To know the life of material by using apparatus Fatigue Tester MT 3012 i.e. how
much time will it take to fracture or become useless.
To know how much stress a material can with stand without fracturing.
Material selection i.e. high strength of material are used to support high loads
and lower strength materials are used to support lesser loads
To categories the material on the basis of strength to number of rotations by
using their S-N graphs.
To know that from where actually the fracture started and where it ended.
A method for determining the behavior of materials under fluctuating loads. A specified
mean load (which may be zero) and an alternating load are applied to a specimen and
the number of cycles required to produce failure (fatigue life) is recorded. Generally, the
test is repeated with identical specimens and various fluctuating loads. Data from
fatigue testing often are presented in an S-N diagram which is a plot of the number of
cycles required to cause failure in a specimen against the amplitude of the cyclical
stress developed. The cyclical stress represented may be stress amplitude, maximum
stress or minimum stress. Each curve in the diagram represents a constant mean
Fatigue test gives us information about the selection of material. For example we will
use high elastic materials if we want to support high loads. Similarly for less loading
supports we will use lower elastic materials.
In this experiment we tested two specimens with different load application. We came to
know that greater the load on the specimen in fatigue tester, lesser will be the number
of cycles of specimen, larger will be the Static area of fracture piece and lower will be
the fatigue life of that material. Similarly if the force/load applied on the specimen is
smaller, greater will be the number of rotations, lesser will be the Static area and higher
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will be the fatigue life of that material. Thus we came to know that if load that is applied
on the bridges, motor cars and some beams etc is lesser than the endurance limit then
it will have greater fatigue life. Similarly if load applied to the system is larger than its
endurance limit then a permanent change in a material occurs that is the fatigue life of
that material becomes smaller.
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Ultimate tensile strength
Endurance limit
Fatigue life
S-N curves
Residual stresses
Testing of material is very important in material science and engineering. The day by
day growth of high strength materials is due to their study and testing. Fatigue test is
also one of the known tests that fulfill the needs of modern world. We can give the
approximate mathematical life of material. With the help of Fatigue Test we are able to
use proper material in suitable place. For example we used steel rods in the suspension
bridge to get high strength. If we would have used iron in place of it we would have
fatigue failure very soon because of the smaller magnitude of elasticity.
In fatigue test we apply high revolutions per second along with the application of force to
study the fatigue life of that material. The revolutions and force together make the
specimen to fracture. Once the fracture starts then it propagates like bacteria, a small
revolution and force application makes the specimen to break. If the edge length of a
fracture is sharp and narrow then it may be assumed that specimen will break soon but
if fracture edge length is not sharp then it will have some greater resistance towards
breaking. Formula written below gives the evidence for this conclusion
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Fig: Crack propagation in the grain boundaries
Edge length
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Stopping Cracks:
There are three stages of cracks i.e. starting, propagating and sudden crack. Once
fracture starts then it propagates to avoid this propagation we make two holes with the
help of a drill one near the point from where fracture starts and other near the point
where it finishes as shown in figure on next page. It is not recommended as the perfect
process for avoiding cracks as holes may result in the starting of new cracks. It is far
better to replace the cracked part entirely.
Fatigue Dependency:
There are some factors that affect fatigue life which are given below:
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Residual Stresses
Grain size (smaller grain size have greater fatigue life)
There is a limit for material below which no fatigue failure can occur but if that limit is
accessed then fatigue failure starts. This limit is known as fatigue limit or Endurance
The 1968 Los Angeles Airways Flight 417 lost one of it's main rotor blades due
to fatigue failure.
The 1985 Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashed after the aircraft lost its vertical
stabilizer due to faulty repairs on the rear bulkhead.
The 1988 Aloha Airlines Flight 243 suffered an explosive decompression due to
fatigue failure.
The 1989 United Airlines Flight 232 lost its tail engine due to fatigue failure.
S-N Graphs
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First of all we locked our specimen in the fatigue tester 3012-E machine.
Then we adjust the position of a specimen in the machine i.e. added up to the
limit desired.
After that we reset the load and stop watch to get accurate and precise readings.
After doing so we started machine which took some time to break (crack) the
The time that machine took to cut a specimen into two pieces was noted.
Machine was then stopped and cut specimen was taken off.
The cut region was seen under compound microscope.
The end readings are then noted out.
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= (3000rev/min) x (min)
Thus by multiplying the time of different specimens No of cycles are obtained as shown
in the table.
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Fig: S-N Graph for Specimen No-02
After seeing the cut region of specimen under the microscope we observed that greater
the force on the specimen greater will be the static area which in turn shows us that
specimen will fracture soon. Similarly if force applied is smaller, then the specimen
static area will also be smaller which shows that it will take greater time to fracture as
compared to the previous one.
There are two regions that appeared under microscope I.e. Static region and Fatigue
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Fig: Fractured Specimen due to Fatigue
From “Fatigue Test” we may conclude that “The one and Only Allah is the perfect”.
Everything in this world has certain limit after which it will become useless i.e. fracture
or damage. Moreover constantly applied forces make material to lose their life. In
addition to it we may also conclude that there is a limit of force as well. If material is
acted with cyclic loadings under the sustainability limit of a material it will have greater
fatigue life but if we apply greater cyclic loading than the sustainability limit of a material
then it will have smaller fatigue life.
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Sources of Errors
Due to rude loading and array of specimen there are chances of error.
Error is also possible due to real load that we supply to the specimen and the
load shown on the screen.
Error is also possible due to the time difference that we note and the time of
General precautions:
Safety Precautions:
Do not put the specimen immediately after it is broken because it may burn your
skin due to hotness.
Make sure that the electric connections given to the machine are operating
Make sure that safety cover is put on the specimen.
Stand at some distance from the machine after that when it is started
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Definitions Of Keywords
Fatigue is the progressive and localized structural damage that occurs when a material
is subjected to cyclic loading.
The average amount of force exerted per unit area. It is the internal resistance a
material offers to being deformed and is measured in terms of the applied load.
The maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled
before necking is called Ultimate tensile stress.
Endurance Limit:
The stress level below which a specimen withstand cyclic stress indefinitely without
exhibiting fatigue failure.
Static Area:
Black/dark central area of a specimen after it has been cut off due to cyclic loading.
Fatigue Area:
Outer affected area of specimen after it has been cut off due to cyclic loading.
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Fatigue life:
The number of cycles of stress that can be sustained prior to failure under a stated test
S-N curves:
Graph that shows relationship between stress and number of revolutions is called S-N
Residual stresses:
Text Book Mechanics of material, third edition, Beer Johnston and Dewolf.
HOD (Now a days he is a Dean of IST) Notes, Principles of Material Science And
Engineering, smaister-02.
Own Grey Memory.
Group 5