The Canterbury Tales: Group A Prologue
The Canterbury Tales: Group A Prologue
The Canterbury Tales: Group A Prologue
Part 2
Part 3
Heere folwen the wordes bitwene the Hoost and the Millere
(One John, a rich and credulous carpenter of Oxford, is beguiled by his wife Alison, through Nicholas, a poor scholar
boarding with them. Absolon, the parish clerk, is slighted by Alison; but wreaks vengeance on Nicholas.)
Part 4
(Simkin, a rich thieving miller of Trumpington Mill, near Cambridge, is well served by two Cambridge clerks of the north
country, who beguile his wife and daughter, recover the stolen meal which he had hid, and leave him well beaten.)
Part 5
(Perkin, a London apprentice, being dismissed by his master, seeks his companions in dice, revel and disport.)
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Here endith the man of lawe his tale. And next folwith
the Shipman his prolog.
(Daun John, a monk of Paris, beguiles the wife of a merchant of St. Denis by money borrowed from her husband. She
saves herself, on the point of discovery, by a ready answer.)
Part 9
Part 10
(A young man called Melibeus, whose wife Prudence and daughter Sophie (Wisdom) are maltreated by his foes in his
absence, is counseled with many wise sayings uttered by his wife tending toward peace and forgiveness, instead of
Part 12
The myghty trone, the precious tresor
The golrious ceptre and roial magestee
That hadde the kyng Nabugodonosor,
With tonge unnethe may discryved bee.
He twyes wan Jerusalem the citee;
The vessel of the temple he with hym ladde.
At Babiloigne was his sovereyn see,
In which his glorie and his delit he hadde.
Cenobia, of Palymerie queene,
As writen Persiens of hir noblesse,
So worthy was in armes, and so keene,
That no wight passed hir in hardynesse,
Ne in lynage, ne in oother gentillesse.
Of kynges blood of Perce is she descended.
I seye nat that she hadde moost fairnesse,
But of hire shap she myghte nat been amended.
De Barnabo de Lumbardia
De Alexandro
De Julio Cesare
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
By vertu of my constellacioun;
That made me I koude noght withdrawe
My chambre of Venus from a good felawe.
Yet have I Martes mark upon my face,
And also in another privee place.
Part 20
Part 21
(How a Summoner, meeting a devil dressed as a yeoman, agrees to share gifts with him as a friend; and is himself
consigned to the devil by a poor old woman. Then follow the Summoner's Prologue and Tale of an insult put by a
goodman upon a greedy friar.)
Part 22
Part 23
(Pars sexta.)
Lenvoy de Chaucer.
(This stanza, perhaps made up by a scribe from other lines in Chaucer, is inserted in Ellesmere MS. and elsewhere as a
link between the Clerk's Tale and the Envoy, ascribed to Chaucer. The Envoy, however, belongs to the Clerk, and the
stanza seems both spurious and unnecessary.)
Part 24
(January, a rich old dotard, who has married May, in spite of his friends' objections to the inequality of their ages, is
deceived by her and his young squire Damian, although Pluto in pity restores his lost sight.)
Part 25
Naturelly by composiciouns
Of anglis and of slye reflexiouns;"
And seyden, that in Rome was swich oon.
They speken of Alocen and Vitulon,
And Aristotle, that writen in hir lyves
Part 26
And that she levere had lost that day hir lyf,
And that hir trouthe she swoor, thurgh innocence,
She nevere erst hadde herd speke of apparence.
"That made me han of hir so greet pitee;
And right as frely as he sente hir me,
Part 27
Invocacio ad Mariam.
Here bigynneth the Seconde Nonnes tale of the lyf of Seinte Cecile.
Part 28
(After a lengthy account of the practice of alchemy by his master, the yeoman tells how a priest is beguiled of
his money by a certain canon through trickery of a hollow rod.)
Part 29
And with this speche the Cook wax wrooth and wraw,
And on the Manciple he gan nodde faste,
For lakke of speche, and doun the hors hym caste,
Where as he lay til that men up hym took;
This was a fair chyvachee of a Cook!
Part 30
(Then follows the Persones Tale, concerning penitence, vices and virtues, and holy living. At the end appears the
retractation, so-called, of Chaucer.)
Heere taketh the makere of this book his leve. Now preye I to hem alle that herkne thai litel tretys or rede, that if ther be
any thyng in it that liketh hem, that therof they thanken oure Lord Jesu Crist, of whom procedeth al wit and al goodnesse.
And if ther be any thyng that displese hem, I preye hem also that they arrette it to the defaute of myn unkonnynge, and nat
to my wyl, that wolde ful fayn have seyd bettre, if I hadde had konnynge. For oure Boke seith, `al that is writen, is writen
for oure doctrine,' and that is myn entente. Wherfore, I biseke yow mekely for the mercy of God, that ye preye for me that
Crist have mercy on me, and foryeve me my giltes; and namely, of my translaciouns and enditynges of worldly vanitees,
the whiche I revoke in my retracciouns;
As is the book of Troilus, the book also of Fame, the book of the .XXV. Ladies, the book of the Duchesse, the book of
Seint Valentynes day of the Parlement of Briddes, the tales of Caunterbury (thilke that sownen into synne), the book of the
Leoun, and many another book, if they were in my remembrance; and many a song and many a leccherous lay, that Crist
for his grete mercy foryeve me the synne. But of the translacioun of Boece de Consolacione, and othere bookes of
Legendes of Seintes and omelies, and moralitee, and devocioun; that thanke I oure Lord Jesu Crist, and his blisful mooder,
and alle the seintes of hevene; bisekynge hem that they from hennesforth unto my lyves ende sende me grace to biwayle
my giltes, and to studie to the salvacioun of my soule; and graunte me grtace of verray penitence, confessioun, and
satisfaccioun to doon in this present lyf, thurgh the benigne grace of Hym, that is kyng of kynges, and preest over alle
preestes, that boghte us with the precious blood of his herte, so that I may been oon of hem at the day of doome that shulle
be saved. Qui cum patre, &cetera. Heere is ended the book of the tales of Caunterbury compiled by Geffrey Chaucer of
whos soule Jesu Crist have mercy. Amen.